The most famous “cursed” films
Modern man is somehow ashamed to be superstitious and believe in the curse of otherworldly forces, isn’t it? Most people believe in omens and spirits...
Eleutherococcus for children: instructions for use
Many plant substances can be used for therapeutic purposes. Based on these...
Number of cell divisions.  Theories of aging.  Further research into the phenomenon of aging
One day a frail old man with a cane came to see me. He complained of poor vision in both eyes. He was...
Rules for constructing a “goal tree”
All activities related to modeling, building and developing a work system begin with goal setting and...
The use of methylsulfonylmethane for pain and inflammation of the joints Msm for joints
Should you take methylsulfonylmethane? MSM may reduce muscle pain and speed up recovery after...
Application of the act of form KS 2 to landscaping
To formalize the acceptance of construction and installation work performed by contract, for various purposes...
One of the brightest and most intense was the women's handball semi-final at the Rio Olympics
The second Olympics in a row at the finish line gives Russian fans a victory that is fantastic in terms of drama and emotion...
The phenomenon of the appearance of the Virgin Mary (6 photos) Ariadna Efron to Anna Akhmatova
From the Gospel we know a little about Mary, the Mother of God: in addition to the story of the Annunciation, the birth of Jesus...
Hamstring stretching exercises
Reading time: 31 minutes Regular stretching improves coordination, flexibility and helps get rid of...
Cheesecakes from cottage cheese on proper nutrition Cheesecakes from cottage cheese for breakfast recipe
Low-fat cottage cheese is very beneficial for the body and is a good source of protein, just eat it in...