Why do some people sweat a lot? Heavy sweating: causes, treatment and prevention Why the whole body sweats a lot

Sweating is the body's natural reaction to overheating. Sweating when the ambient temperature increases, intense physical activity, nervous tension and excitement is the norm. In this way, the body is saved from overheating, since when sweat evaporates, the skin surface cools and the temperature decreases. In some cases, heavy sweating is a symptom serious illnesses that require adequate drug therapy.

Types of hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating is local (local or limited), when a person sweats only the face and head, or the lower and lower parts sweat. upper limbs– palms, feet, armpits.

The generalized form is represented by severe sweating of the entire body. Typically, this picture is observed in infectious and febrile pathologies. To establish the exact cause, an in-depth diagnosis is necessary.

Hyperhidrosis can be of a secondary or primary nature. In the second case, it is observed during puberty in adolescence, is diagnosed in approximately 1% of people; secondary hyperhidrosis is a symptom of many diseases of somatic, endocrine, and neurological origin.

Hyperhidrosis is classified according to severity:

  • Light type, when sweating causes practically no discomfort to a person, and sweat stains on clothes are no more than 10 centimeters;
  • The average appearance is characterized by large drops of sweat, there is Strong smell, and the size of the spots is up to 20 centimeters;
  • The severe appearance is accompanied by a “hail” of sweat, wet spots over 20 cm.

For your information, when sweating, each person experiences an odor of varying intensity. The severity of the “aroma” is influenced by toxic substances, from which the body is released through sweat glands, as well as bacteria that penetrate from the outside and contribute to the decomposition of the protein components of sweat.

Causes of local sweating

Practice shows that the local form of hyperhidrosis is family character. There are several types of severe sweating, which is limited to certain areas skin.

Gustatory hyperhidrosis – sweating associated with eating

This type of pathological condition occurs due to the consumption of certain foods. These include hot drinks - black tea, coffee, liquid chocolate; spicy dishes, seasonings, sauces, etc.

Sweating in this form is concentrated on the face, in particular, in most cases, sweat accumulates on upper lip and on the forehead. The etiology is due to severe viral, infectious and bacterial pathologies salivary glands or surgical intervention on them.

Idiopathic hyperhidrosis

Very strong sweating is associated with high tone pair sympathetic division central nervous system. In most cases, this form is diagnosed at the age of 15-30 years. Strong discharge sweat appears on the palms and soles. Sometimes the pathology resolves on its own without the use of medications.

It is noted that women are more susceptible to the disease, which is based on constant hormonal changes in the body - puberty, the time of bearing a child, labor activity, menopause

Worth knowing: men who exercise at least three times a week are recommended to take additional magnesium supplements. Research shows that increased sweating as a result of training, it reduces the concentration of magnesium in the blood to a critical level, which leads to a loss of strength and disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Causes of severe sweating of feet

Sweaty feet are quite common. The problem does not threaten health, but it causes a lot of discomfort to patients, as it is accompanied by an unpleasant odor that cannot be hidden from others.

Causes increased sweating legs:

  1. Too tight shoes, thick socks made of synthetic material, as a result of which the process of sweat evaporation is disrupted due to poor ventilation.
  2. Long walk.
  3. Some chronic diseases.

In the absence of treatment, due to lack of oxygen and increased sweating, bacterial infection, which leads to complications. Sores, cracks and blisters may appear.

Generalized increased sweating: causes and factors

Medical experts say that the causes of severe sweating throughout the body in 85% of cases are due to genetic predisposition. Pathologies that are familial in nature include diabetes, hypertension, thyrotoxicosis.

With increased sweating, somatic diseases, nervous and mental pathologies may be suspected. Often hyperhidrosis is a consequence of taking certain medications. After antibacterial therapy Intestinal dysbiosis may occur, which manifests itself copious discharge sweat.

Infectious diseases and poisoning

Almost all are sharp and chronic pathologies viral or bacterial type, poisoning (food or toxic) provoke an increase in body temperature, as a result, observed severe chills and sweating. Brucellosis, malaria and other diseases are accompanied by hyperhidrosis.

Endocrine disorders

Diseases such as diabetes mellitus of any type, thyrotoxicosis, hypoglycemic state, in addition to the main symptoms, appear profuse sweating. Women often suffer from hyperhidrosis during menopause and while pregnant. According to statistics, the generalized form is observed in 60% of patients with impaired pituitary gland functionality.

Other reasons

IN medical practice There are many reasons for increased sweating of the whole body and in most cases they are a symptom of some disease, sometimes they are the only sign that allows one to suspect a malfunction in the functioning of the whole body.

Pathological conditions leading to increased secretion sweat:

  • Sweating when oncological diseases often accompanied by weakness and general malaise. The appearance of lymphomas, the development of Hodgkin's disease is complemented by fever, fluctuations in body temperature, high degree fatigue. A person sweats profusely day and night;
  • If kidney function is disrupted, a disorder in the processes of formation and natural filtration of urine is detected, so the human body tries to get rid of excess liquid through the sweat glands;
  • CNS lesions. These include neurological disorders, Parkinson's disease, stroke, nerve root damage;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia is characterized by many clinical manifestations, one of which is generalized sweating;
  • Psychosomatic disorders develop as a result of chronic stress, nervous overload, depressive syndrome, aggression. All these conditions give rise to hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system, which leads to hyperhidrosis;
  • Severe pain leads to the release of cold sweat.

Some medications provoke profuse sweating - insulin, analgesics (Morphine), Aspirin, antiemetics– in case of overdose or during prolonged use.

Treatment for excessive sweating

To determine the causes of the pathological condition, you need to contact medical specialist. After the diagnosis, the attending physician will tell you what to do and how to treat the existing problem.

Fact: Heavy sweating can happen physiological feature a person that does not pose a threat to life, but causes significant psychological discomfort. There are no uniform assessment criteria, just as there are no devices that determine sweating in accordance with normality or pathology. Therefore, it is necessary to talk about hyperhidrosis as a disease in cases where sweating negatively affects a person’s quality of life.

If hyperhidrosis is a consequence of any pathology, then therapy is aimed at eradicating it; accordingly, by eliminating the original source, it is possible to get rid of its symptom.

When does hyperhidrosis appear? independent disease, then to mitigate its manifestations, the following methods of therapy are proposed:

  1. Use of antiperspirants. Good facilities– this (effectiveness up to 10 days), “Dry Dry” (the bottle lasts for 6 months).
  2. Conservative treatment. Medicines containing belladonna (Belloid) are used. Belladonna helps reduce sweat production and does not lead to addiction. For local therapy Formagel is used.
  3. Calming therapy helps normalize the emotional background, as a result of which sweating decreases. Tinctures based on valerian and motherwort are recommended; yoga classes, meditation.
  4. Physiotherapeutic manipulations. These include baths with the addition medicinal herbs, electrophoresis, electrosleep, etc.
  5. Laser helps cure increased sweating armpits. The procedure helps destroy up to 70% of the sweat glands.
  6. Botox injections help reduce sweat production through long-term blocking nerve endings sweat glands

Medical manipulations such as laser and Botox are extreme measures and are used only in cases where other methods have failed. positive result. These methods are actively advertised, but have many contraindications and can lead to long-term negative consequences.

Sweating is a natural process of cleansing the entire body, which helps eliminate toxic substances. Intervention in natural reactions may be unsafe, which will lead to various complications in the near future.

Severe sweating all over the body (hyperhidrosis) can be caused by various diseases. , or strange-smelling sweat are often signs of health problems. Even such serious ones as cancer, tuberculosis or hyperthyroidism.

Excessive sweating of the entire body is common symptom for many diseases. But this is only one of the symptoms of the disease; below are additional ones that may more accurately indicate a specific illness.

Diseases that are accompanied sweating

  • Feverintramural diseases- those that are accompanied strongly elevated temperature bodies and are caused by the entry into the body of so-called pyrogens (most often viruses). An increase in sweat production is the body’s response to heat - this is how it tries to cool down. The higher the temperature, the more we sweat. Most sweat is produced when body temperature drops.
  • Obesity. For overweight people, every movement requires effort. The body easily overheats and sweats.
  • Hyperfunction thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism). Sweating increases during the day. In addition, the disease is accompanied by loss of appetite and weight, weakness, irritability, palpitations, trembling hands, and sometimes bulging eyes.
  • Tumors lymphatic system . Leukemia and lymphoma begin with weakness and loss of appetite. The skin becomes pale and The lymph nodes increase. At night there is severe sweating throughout the body.
  • Tuberculosis. Night sweats, persistent cough, weight loss, weakness, slight increase temperature or its fluctuations.
  • . When blood sugar levels drop sharply (hypoglycemia), this is accompanied by heavy sweating. The patient turns pale, the heartbeat accelerates, and the muscles tremble. Dizziness, weakness and hunger appear.
  • Pancreas cancer. The same symptoms appear as with hypoglycemia: sweating, weakness, bouts of hunger, muscle tremors, nervousness.
  • Central nervous system disorders. Unbalanced sweating – one side of the body sweats more. Alopecia may occur - hair loss in some part of the body.
  • Parkinson's disease. Slowness of movement and heavy sweating with a noticeable odor. Progressive muscle rigidity and tremors - involuntary tension and trembling. A person with signs of seborrhea (pimples, oily skin, redness) and covered in sweat.
  • Acromegaly– a slowly developing disease in adults caused by dysfunction of the pituitary gland. Thickening of fingers, lengthening of legs, lower jaw, brow ridges and severe sweating.
  • Heart attack. Burning pain in the chest, sweating, anxiety, shortness of breath, and sometimes nausea.

What disease does the smell of sweat indicate?

Diseases that are accompanied by severe sweating often impair chemical processes in organism. As a result, the smell of sweat also changes, which makes it possible to diagnose the disease itself.

A large number of people are concerned about the question of why I sweat a lot and what to do if you want to get rid of this unpleasant symptom. It should be noted that similar problem is a common phenomenon that worries many people in our society. Severe sweating in most cases is a temporary phenomenon, but it can bother a person permanently if the reasons for its occurrence are not determined. We will try to understand why some people sweat and how to quickly get rid of this condition in this article.

There are many reasons why a person sweats, but it is necessary to focus on the fact that when normal functioning sweat glands and the absence of pathological processes associated with their work, sweat should be released normally.

The reasons that a person began to sweat a lot may be:

  1. Physical stress (heavy sweating can occur even when walking).
  2. The influence of stressful situations.
  3. Climate change, which is accompanied by an increase in ambient temperature.
  4. Synthetic materials from which clothing is made, because they do not allow oxygen to pass through well.
  5. Wearing clothes that are too warm.

If this is the cause of excessive sweating, then hyperhidrosis is usually short-lived and disappears after eliminating the contributing factors. However, the situation can also go the other way, when a person sweats a lot and after these actions this pathological symptom does not disappear. In this case, you need to suspect the presence of some kind of pathological process, which disrupts the normal activity of the sweat glands.

We will now look at the causes of excessive sweating in women, men and children and what to do if a person sweats often in more detail.

Causes of hypersweating in children

Parents very often wonder why their children sweat (the question, why am I sweating a lot, can also arise in children) and what it means. In children, intense sweat production is considered normal; they sweat during feeding, sleep and periods of activity. Quite often young children sweat occipital part head, this is explained by the fact that the child spends too much time in supine position, which causes overheating of this particular area of ​​the head. To eliminate this, it is necessary to turn the child's head to the sides from time to time.

Newborn babies and those under one year of age have a large number of folds on their body (especially if they are also chubby), so the body overheats and these areas sweat. For elimination this symptom It is recommended to use cream vegetable oil or baby powder.

Preschoolers and primary schoolchildren most often sweat a lot due to motor activity, the body thus tries to avoid overheating. Therefore, you need to take this into account and not put a lot of clothes on your child if he plays outdoor games, jumps or runs, because he will really sweat.

Heavy sweating can also occur during night sleep. This is explained by the fact that the child’s body reacts to the stress of a nervous nature that he experienced during the day.

A lot of sweat is produced most often in such areas of the body as:

  • back;
  • upper limbs;
  • head.

Hyperhidrosis appears quite often in adolescence, this is explained by the child’s puberty and the fact that the body rebuilds its work. Sweating in this case is local, that is, it manifests itself only in some areas of the body, most often it is:

  • armpits;
  • upper limbs;
  • Feet.

In order to somehow reduce the intensity of sweat secretion in a person, it is necessary to wash as often as possible the areas of the body that are distinguished by the secretion of excess amounts of sweat using soap. The best option It is considered to carry out baths prepared on the basis of decoctions of medicinal herbs. Many people who have put such recommendations into practice say that “I have improved my condition so much.”

Causes of excessive sweating in men

Most often, men sweat on the palms of their hands, armpits, back, legs and groin. It should be noted that the sweat has a very pungent odor. There are cases when hyperhidrosis worries representatives strong half humanity at night during sleep. They often ask questions, “why do I sweat a lot, and what exactly does the body react to in this way?”

Excessive sweat production in men occurs as a result of:

  • excessively intense physical activity;
  • abuse of spicy, salty and hot foods;
  • drinking excessive amounts of alcohol-containing drinks;
  • nervous overload.

If it appeared excessive sweating and it is not associated with the listed factors, then it is necessary to exclude the presence in the body of such pathological conditions and processes as:

  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cold;
  • diseases of infectious and fungal origin;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Factors that lead to excessive sweat production in women

First of all, it is necessary to emphasize that the causes of sweating in women are the same as in men, however, it is additionally necessary to highlight several more reasons that can lead to the appearance of this unpleasant symptom, namely:

  1. The period of puberty (observed between the ages of 10 and 18 years) is characterized by the restructuring of the girl’s reproductive organs into adults, ready to perform the function of procreation. Excessive sweating in this situation is observed during sleep.
  2. Period. Women are worried excessive secretion sweat in the area lower limbs, armpits, palmar surfaces of the hands, head and intimate organs. In this case, there should be no anxiety; to alleviate the condition, it is recommended to take a shower as often as possible.
  3. Menopause. There is excessive sweating in the armpits, face, feet and palms. To alleviate the condition, it is recommended to take medications that are prescribed in this period, as well as folk recipes.
  4. Violation metabolic processes. This pathological condition is accompanied not only by excess sweat production, but also by an increase or decrease in body weight.

Measures to combat hyperhidrosis

When diagnosing excessively intense sweating, use various methods combating this pathological condition, namely:

  1. Surgical methods of treatment. Considered an option in case of excessive sweating due to heredity or chronic diseases. Part of the sweat glands is removed or an effect is exerted on nerve impulses who are responsible for their functioning.
  2. Narrowing of the lumen of the tubules responsible for the secretion of sweat.
  3. Drug treatment. The purpose of its implementation is to eliminate the disease that caused the formation of hyperhidrosis.
  4. Treatment with recipes from folk sources. It allows you to eliminate the unpleasant odor of sweat and excess moisture in problem areas of the body.

Elimination of head sweating

In the vast majority of cases, the head of men and women sweats at night. It is not recommended to eliminate this unpleasant symptom by taking measures that reduce blood flow or lead to atrophy of nerve receptors, because these actions will leave Negative influence on the condition of the hair.

If a person sweats in this way, then the way out of this not entirely simple situation is to use masks or rinse with substances such as:

  • Basma;
  • clay;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • strong brew of tea.

The procedures should be carried out before going to bed, this is explained by the fact that it is during sleep that maximum absorption of medicinal substances will occur.

A positive effect is observed when sweating people use a decoction of chamomile and celandine for rinsing. For cooking you need 3 tbsp. l. pour 500 ml of boiling water over the herbs and leave for one hour.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis with recipes from folk sources

It should be noted that the problem of excessive sweating is not so difficult to solve. If you sweat a lot, then the type of prescription must be selected depending on the location of the area with excessive sweat production. A remarkable effect, if the whole body sweats, is observed during general medicinal baths, their duration should not be less than 30 minutes. In addition to eliminating excessive sweating, a sweaty person will experience cleansing of the skin and restoration of its elasticity. Such baths should be prepared from a decoction of oak bark or from an infusion of sage.

If a person sweats very much, it is recommended to wipe him down (at least twice a day) with chilled tea or milk. In this case, it is forbidden to wipe yourself; it is necessary to allow the liquid to dry on its own.

The best remedy for foot hyperhidrosis is potato starch, or its combination with talc. More best effect observed if you add to this mixture salicylic acid. Another remedy that is used to eliminate this pathological symptom, is oak bark powder. The selected ingredient must be poured into socks, changing every day.

If a person is concerned about excessive sweating in the facial area, then it is recommended to wash with a solution prepared as follows: 250 ml boiled water add 1 tsp. salt.

If frequent sweating has led to the appearance of diaper rash in a person, then marshmallow tincture will help well; it should be lubricated on the affected areas of the skin or made as lotions. To do this, you need to moisten gauze in the infusion and apply it to the desired area of ​​the body for 30 minutes, after which it is recommended to apply powder to the treated area.

Now you have information about why a person can sweat a lot. To summarize, it should be noted that sweating is not dangerous condition(which in some situations cannot be said about the reasons for its appearance), you can successfully get rid of it, if not folk recipes, then using medications. However, before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor.

Excessive sweating that occurs throughout the body or in a specific area is called hyperhidrosis. Sweat production - natural physiological process, which regulates body temperature during overheating, physical activity, and stress. Together with sweat, toxins come out, so the body is cleansed. Hypersweating can be a symptom of a serious illness.

There is local hyperhidrosis, in which a certain area of ​​the body sweats: limbs, armpits, face. With general hyperhidrosis, strong sweat formation is observed evenly throughout the body. Reason profuse sweating V the latter case Most often, infectious and inflammatory processes occur in the body. Even children can suffer from the problem of excessive sweating.

Generalized hyperhidrosis (general) occurs throughout the body and may not go away for several months. In areas where the sweat glands are most localized (armpits, groin area), sweat appears even more. Often a complication appears in the form of a fungal or bacterial infection.

Localized hyperhidrosis manifests itself in certain areas of the body; in most cases, sweat appears symmetrically: on both palms, feet, and armpits. Excessive sweating can be observed only on the forehead, nose, and chin.

Sweat glands produce an odorless liquid. An unpleasant odor occurs when there are toxins released from the body or from bacteria living on the skin.

If sweat appears not only during activities, but also during calm state, you need to identify the cause of the problem. For example, at night internal organs begin to function in a slow mode, there are no emotional stress. If you experience constant sweating, and you have to wake up during the night due to wet underwear and pajamas, then this is a reason to consult a specialist.

In almost any disease, sweating occurs in varying intensities. Hyperhidrosis can act as an independent phenomenon and does not require treatment. For example, in adolescence during puberty, during pregnancy or a change in climate zone.

Pathology is indicated by:

  • heavy sweating with a pungent odor;
  • sweat becomes sticky and changes color;
  • sweat increases even at rest or during night sleep;
  • sweat, as a symptom of disease, is characterized by the fact that other signs also appear: weakness, dizziness, nausea, joint pain.

Identification of the cause and treatment is prescribed only by a specialist. First of all, you need to contact a dermatologist and endocrinologist. Blood and urine tests, ECG, x-rays and other types of examination will be prescribed.

Based on the results, the issue of referral to other specialists is decided: urologist, cardiologist, gynecologist. You need to see a doctor when the body sweats increased with minor physical exercise

, a slight rise in ambient temperature, when walking, with slight excitement.

Provoking factors

  1. Why does severe sweating develop? The causes of excessive sweating may be related to external factors:
  2. Excessive sweating occurs in response to food intake: spicy, salty foods, hot drinks, chocolate. Sweat appears on the face around the mouth and forehead. Excessive sweating occurs during stress, anxiety negative emotions
  3. , fright.
  4. Almost everyone experiences excessive sweating during physical activity. During activities, muscles increase the production of thermal energy, the excess of which is released along with sweat. But if weakness and dizziness occur, you need to rule out health problems.
  5. Excessive sweating can be caused by hot, dry air.

Sweating can be caused by improperly selected clothing and shoes.

Pathological sweating occurs in response to changes in the functioning of internal organs: What causes sweating in women? Excessive sweating may occur due to during pregnancy, menstruation or menopause. During these periods, insufficient or excessive production of hormones occurs. The condition may be accompanied by weakness, irritability, and decreased activity.

Why do you worry about sweating all over your body at night? If Lately If you are concerned about increased sweating at night, then this is a reason to consult a doctor. Causes excessive sweating in this case, most often associated with the onset of ARVI or influenza, diseases respiratory organs(pneumonia, tuberculosis), thyroid gland, oncology, fungal infection, hepatitis and other infections.

Therapeutic actions

Treatment of excessive sweating begins with examination and identification of the cause of excessive sweating. The following remedies may be prescribed to combat the problem causing sweating:

  1. Antiperspirants or deodorants based on natural ingredients help against hypersweating.
  2. Eliminate unpleasant symptoms Medicines based on belladonna alkaloids will help: Bellaspon, Belloid.
  3. Ointments and creams based on zinc are well absorbed and distributed over the surface. For example, Calamine cream, which eliminates irritation and inflammation, and, among other things, prevents the addition of bacterial and fungal infections.
  4. It is allowed to accompany the treatment soothing decoctions based on motherwort, chamomile, string. They can be taken orally or added to the bath. Can be registered medications: Persen, Novo-Passit, Glycine, Valerian.
  5. If an infection occurs, an antibacterial or antifungal agent helps cure sweating.
  6. How to defeat sweat and get rid of its smell? Physiotherapeutic procedures are considered effective: iontophoresis, pine baths, electrophoresis.
  7. Hyperhidrosis can be eliminated with laser therapy. During the procedure, the sweat glands are destroyed by laser.
  8. Treatment of hyperhidrosis may be accompanied by subcutaneous injection Botox, which temporarily blocks the sweat glands.
  9. IN severe cases a decision may be made to undergo surgery.

How to treat excessive sweating at home? In parallel, treatment with folk remedies can be carried out:

  1. If there are no contraindications, then it is useful to visit baths and saunas in case of increased sweating.
  2. During treatment increased sweating It's good to drink herbal teas sedative effect: motherwort, lemon balm, mint, birch buds. The healing composition will help not only to establish nervous system, but also cleanse the body of toxins.
  3. The area of ​​excessive sweating can be treated with fruit or herb juice with a pleasant smell.
  4. Compresses help eliminate excessive sweating. For this procedure, it is enough to make a decoction of medicinal herbs such as chamomile, string, and yarrow. Gauze bandage need to be soaked in the composition and applied to the problem area. Compresses help normalize the functioning of the sweat glands, relieve irritation and swelling.
  5. A couple of times a week, to combat excessive sweating, you can add pine needle extract or sea salt to your bathtub.
  6. From excessive sweating A solution of Chlorophyllipt or salicylic acid helps.
  7. It is helpful to apply baby powder to dry, clean skin. The included components can reduce sweat production, eliminate odor and relieve irritation.

Other groups of medications may also be prescribed, such as antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators, vitamins and minerals.

Sweating is a physiologically correct process. Intense sweating is considered normal during sports, heavy or prolonged exercise. Through sweat, natural thermoregulation occurs in the body, which warms itself from the inside. Cases of increased sweating during low physical exertion, walking, and climbing stairs require attention and careful diagnosis. In this case, the development of a serious pathology requiring treatment is possible. Only a doctor can answer why a person sweats when moving and the slightest exertion.

If, under minimal loads, it throws heavy sweat– this is a signal of the presence of a serious pathology.


There are many factors that provoke excessive sweating. Before suspecting a particular pathology, you should:

  • pay attention to areas of profuse sweating;
  • determine the type physical activity causing discomfort.

Finding out the reasons, answering the question “why and when do I sweat” will make it easier to make a diagnosis. The most common causes of severe sweating are:

provoke heavy sweating at light loads are capable of a number of external factors, overweight, heredity.
  • Excess body weight. The problem is one of the most common reasons, and occurs in men, women, and children. A large amount of adipose tissue in obesity puts intense stress on the body: the spine holds excess weight, the heart works hard to supply blood to large organs in a large body. Therefore, even the slightest stress causes the body to strain a lot, spend more energy, which provokes an increase in internal temperature and and women.
  • Pregnancy. When a woman conceives a child, hormonal changes begin. This process is expressed by intense sweating even when walking. By the third trimester, sweating may subside, but with the birth of the baby the problem returns, as a new restructuring of the young mother’s body for breastfeeding occurs.
  • Abuse of alcohol, drugs, tobacco and others harmful substances. Intoxication with the chemical components of the listed products leads to serious changes in the body pathological nature. This process negatively affects all organs and systems, resulting in: decreased muscle tone; shortness of breath;
    lethargy; dizziness; sweating on the face, back, legs with low tension and minimal physical activity.
  • Previously transferred serious illnesses. A weakened body has not yet recovered from a severe injury, so mild strains can cause discomfort and increased sweating.
  • Colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza and other diseases on initial stages. If the body has been infected, general deterioration may not occur immediately. As a rule, excessive sweating occurs during light exercise due to the gradual infection of the body with an increase in internal temperature. In this case, the whole body, face and limbs sweat.

  • Long course of some antibiotics. Any medications are removed from the body naturally, including sweat. For this reason, increased sweating may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  • Causes of heredity. A child may develop hyperhidrosis syndrome if one of his relatives has this problem. In children, pathology can manifest itself in different ways and has a constant, chronic course. For some, severe sweating will appear after eating, for others - after intense exercise, for others - during long walking, excitement, etc.
  • Diabetes. The changes caused by this disease lead to hormonal imbalance, obesity and impaired heat exchange function. Therefore, excessive sweating will accompany a diabetic in ordinary life and during active pastime.
  • Tumor process. Usually cancer or benign formations do not show themselves at all early stages. But oncologists around the world claim that it is precisely by high sweating that pathology can be detected in a timely manner.

Doctor's examination, diagnostics

If a person begins to sweat heavily after minimal exertion, when walking or due to minor efforts, urgent consultation with a specialist is necessary. The first doctor visited is the general practitioner. For a productive conversation, the patient is required to:

  • remember the moment when discomfort appeared;
  • pinpoint areas with increased sweating;
  • talk about previous illnesses and the presence of chronic pathologies.

Based on the collected medical history, the doctor will prescribe a general range of tests, including:

  1. blood and urine tests;
  2. CT or CRT of the head;
  3. quantitative analysis of sweat for the content of pathogenic inclusions.

Based on the results of the tests, the doctor makes a decision on treatment. If no pathology is detected, then the sweat glands are treated. If there is a suspicion of a specific disease, the therapist refers the patient to a specialist depending on its nature and type. This could be an endocrinologist, neurologist, urologist, psychiatrist and other specialists.

Treatment methods

There are several ways drug treatment increased sweating, such as:

  • Botox injections;
  • iontophoresis;
  • special medications;
  • liposuction;
  • curettage;
  • surgery.