Diseases of the sebaceous glands: symptoms and treatment. Causes, symptoms and treatments for sebaceous glands

Scientists believe that clogging of the sebaceous gland may occur as a result of a violation of the metabolic functions of the body, which is accompanied by a change in the composition of the secretions. The development of this pathology can lead excessive sweating, which occurs mainly in the presence of hormonal disruptions occurring more often at a young age.

One of the main manifestations of this phenomenon is seborrhea. This disease is the formation of plugs formed by a fatty secretion with particles of dead skin cells. At the same time, glands with impaired functioning form bulges small size. In the case when the top of the cork has a white color - this is called milia, if the tops are black - comedones. In some cases, blockage of the sebaceous gland can cause suppuration, which is accompanied by painful sensations in the affected area, swelling and elevated temperature body. If damage to such a formation does not occur, then after a couple of weeks it will disappear on its own and will not leave any consequences. If the pus breaks out, then infection of nearby tissues will occur. As a result, the infection will begin to spread at a very high speed. After that, the papules coalesce and form formations of larger sizes. In addition, abscesses, abscesses and boils may occur, which can affect the deepest skin layer.

Most often, clogging of the sebaceous glands leads to the development of a more serious pathology - atheroma. It is a type benign tumor(cyst), which is popularly called a wen.

2 Causes and symptoms of atheroma

A clogged duct of the sebaceous gland can lead to atheroma if there is a violation of the outflow of fat in the body. Another reason that causes the appearance of this neoplasm is increased sweating, especially if there is a thickening of the upper skin and a large number of keratinized epidermal cells. In addition, blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands can occur as a result of hormonal failure (especially when elevated level testosterone) and disorders metabolic processes in the body. In this case, there is an increase in the viscosity of the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

The occurrence of atheroma can be caused not only by internal factors, but also by external ones, for example, poor ecology, violation of personal hygiene rules, excessive use of drugs that narrow the ducts of the sebaceous glands, and abuse of deodorizing agents.

Depending on the origin, clogging of the sebaceous glands in the form of atheromas is divided into 2 types:

  • primary (congenital) neoplasms;
  • secondary neoplasms.

Congenital atheroma can be characterized by the following features:

  • occurs most often in the scrotum or on the head;
  • has the appearance of several cysts about the size of a grain of lentils;
  • palpation does not cause pain;
  • the neoplasm is soft, mobile.

Secondary atheromas occur when the outflow of sebum is obstructed and the sebaceous glands expand. This type of disease is more susceptible to people who suffer from acne and seborrhea. With such atheroma, there is pain during the palpation of the formation. In addition, the cyst is more dense to the touch, and skin acquire a pale tint.

Depending on the structure of the tissue, atheroma is divided into 4 types:

  • trichodermal;
  • epidermal;
  • follicular;
  • steacystoma.

In some cases, when the formation matures, the atheroma spontaneously opens, and the sebaceous secret is released to the outside.

The clinical manifestation of the disease is characterized by the following features:

  • under the skin, the formation of a rounded or oval shape is felt;
  • education has clear outlines;
  • the tumor is mobile and does not cause pain at rest;
  • the surface of the tumor is smooth.
  • there is swelling in the center of the cyst;
  • the contents of the tumor are white and mushy.

3 Therapy and possible complications

Blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands can be treated both with pharmaceuticals and with the help of traditional medicine. Methods based on medical preparations:

  1. Wipe the skin of the face with a 1% solution 2 times a day. It is important to use exactly 1% salicylic acid, 2% will burn the skin.
  2. Zineryt drug. In the morning and evening, the ointment is applied to clean skin of the face. It is applied every other day.
  3. Accept medications, normalizing sebum formation: Erythromycin, Nystatin.
  4. Apply Vishnevsky's ointment to the affected area. After some time, with regular use, a small hole forms through which the liquid flows.

One of the main means of traditional medicine is mutton fat. To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to melt it, then cool it to normal temperature and rub into the affected area with massaging movements.

In addition, you can use a mixture of sunflower oil with crushed garlic (grind to a mushy state). Rub this product into the skin several times a day.

Well helps with clogging of the ducts of the sebaceous glands infusion of yarrow. To prepare it, you need 1 tsp. flowers pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. In this case, both fresh plants and dry ones can be used. It is necessary to apply the infusion in the morning. Before going to bed, you can make a lotion by dipping gauze in a tepid infusion, and then applying it to the problem area. This lotion has a cleansing effect and narrows the pores.

At home, you can prepare a lotion that cleanses the pores. To do this, mix 1 tsp. sugar with the same amount of baking soda, pour a glass hot water and mix. The resulting product is recommended to wipe the affected area in the morning and evening.

Very often, hardware methods are used to eliminate blockage of the sebaceous glands. These include:

  • ultrasonic cleaning;
  • microdermabrasion;
  • electrotherapy (exposure to the skin with current);
  • cryotherapy (treatment of problem areas of the face with liquid nitrogen);
  • laser peeling.

If the blockage of the sebaceous glands caused the appearance of atheroma, then treatment can only be with the help of surgical intervention. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the condition of the skin and eliminate all the shortcomings that have appeared in time.

Update: December 2018

The condition of the skin depends on the hormonal background, hygiene habits of a person, the level of immunity and heredity. Inflammation of the sebaceous glands is the most common disease of the dermis, which develops due to the negative impact of these factors. In the medical literature, this condition is referred to as "acne" or "acne", for most people the more familiar word is "pimples". However, regardless of the name, this disease affects the appearance of a person, can reduce his self-esteem and repel other people from him. Therefore, its elimination is a priority for most patients.

Detailed information about the causes of acne, prevention, methods of correct and effective treatment you can find out from this article.

Fundamentals of anatomy

Almost the entire surface of the body is covered with sebaceous glands. These are small formations that produce sebum, with short and branched excretory ducts. A particularly large number of them are located around the hair - on average, there are 7-9 glands around one hair follicle. Also, in most people, their accumulation can be found in the following areas of the body:

  • Face. Separately, it should be noted the skin around the lips, forehead and cheeks;
  • Back, especially in its upper half;
  • Neck and chest;
  • Armpits;
  • Member and labia minora;
  • Skin around the nipples.

Acne can occur anywhere on the body, but these areas are the most commonly problematic. A person has only two places where acne cannot form. These are the palms and feet. In these places, the skin has a special structure - it has a thickened epidermis, there are no sebaceous glands and hair follicles.

Why acne occurs

The causes of inflammation can be divided into 4 main groups: hormonal changes, increased dryness of the skin, excessive production of sebum and infection. In some cases, one person may have several causes of the disease. At the same time, it is important to eliminate each of them in order to obtain the optimal effect from the treatment.

It is also important to consider heredity as a factor in the development of acne. Scientists have proven that parents with severe acne in the present or past, children are more susceptible to this disease. Knowing this fact, it is possible to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner, correcting the condition of the dermis.

Restructuring of the hormonal background

The amount of sebum produced is most affected by the ratio of sex hormones in the blood of a person. Of fundamental importance are:

  1. Androgens(testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, DHEA-S). male hormones lead to increased work of not only sebaceous, but also sweat glands. Therefore, an increase in their concentration can lead to acne;
  2. Progesterone. This is the "hormone of pregnancy", which is intensively produced in women after the middle menstrual cycle and immediately after conception. Causes swelling of the excretory duct, which leads to stagnation of sebum;
  3. Estrogens(estrone, estriol, estradiol). These substances relieve swelling and restore the patency of the excretory ducts of the glands, somewhat reduce their secretion. A lack of estrogen can also cause acne.

There are moments in the lives of people of both sexes when hormonal changes are the norm. In this case, the formation of blackheads is a temporary effect and does not require special treatment except in cases of infection. However, when changing the amount of sex hormones against the background of the disease, it is necessary to carefully approach the issues of therapy. In this case, it may be necessary to consult not only a doctor general practice, but also a gynecologist, andrologist or endocrinologist.

To distinguish the disease from the norm, it is necessary to know the periods when hormonal changes occur. These include:

Period Time of occurrence of hormonal changes Changes in the ratio of sex hormones
In newborns From birth to 3-6 months.

In newborn girls, the formation of a "sexual crisis" is possible - a temporary increase in the level of progesterone in the blood, due to its transition from mother to fetus.

In this case, the following phenomena occur:

  • breast engorgement;
  • Uterine spotting bleeding;
  • acne;
  • Profuse greyish-white discharge from the vagina.
Puberty in men From 13 to 20 years old. There is a significant rise in the concentration of androgens, which can persist for 5-7 years.
The second phase of the menstrual cycle in women From the middle of the cycle (normally 13-15 days) until the onset of menstrual bleeding. In the second half of the cycle, normally there is an increase in the level of progesterone, which is a factor in the development of inflammation and blockage of the sebaceous gland.
Pregnancy From the middle of the cycle (normally 13-15 days) until the birth of the child. Against the background of a normal pregnancy, a high level of progesterone is constantly maintained, which is produced first in the ovaries, and then in the woman's placenta.
Pre- and post-menopause After 45 years.

Due to a decrease in estrogen levels, a woman may develop acne and a number of other adverse events associated with climacteric syndrome: emotional instability, periods of sweating, insomnia, etc.

Treatment of women during this period of life is possible with hormone therapy methods.

Above were listed the conditions in which the occurrence of acne is considered a variant of the norm. In all other cases, the appearance of acne should be considered a sign of the disease.

Increased dry skin

A fairly common cause of inflammation of the skin glands is their blockage with horny scales. With excessive dryness of the skin in a person, its surface layer begins to quickly exfoliate. These particles of the epidermis can close the sebaceous ducts and lead to the formation of acne.

Many factors influence the degree of moisture in the skin. The most important of them are:

  • Age over 40. Over the years, the body's ability to restore is inevitably depleted. It is more difficult for the cells of the dermis to retain the required amount of moisture and trace elements, so it must be additionally moistened with cosmetics;
  • Climate. This term means not only weather, but also the surrounding microclimate: indoor temperature, air humidity, the use of gadgets to control the temperature.
    • Negative influence renders dry and frosty air, low air humidity, the use of air conditioners, heat convectors, heat guns, etc.;
    • positive influence has warm and humid air (optimal is sea), air humidifiers for rooms. If it is necessary to use thermal elements or air conditioners, it is recommended to combine them with air humidifiers.
  • Hot bath or shower. The surface of the skin healthy person protected by a lipid layer that prevents it from drying out. water with high temperature destroys this natural defense, which can be a factor in the occurrence of acne;
  • Hygiene products. Using regular soap to wash your face or intimate areas may cause dryness. Since the protective layers of the dermis are more vulnerable in these areas, it is necessary to use special lines of hygiene products to care for them, for example: milk or foam for washing the face, micellar water, tonic lotion, soap for intimate hygiene and others.
  • Skin diseases, such as allergic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, etc.;
  • Endocrine diseases, for example: diabetes, hypothyroidism, Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome/disease.

In the treatment of inflammation of the sebaceous glands, the identification of harmful factors is of great importance. Therapy may not bring any effect for a long time if the cause of acne formation is not identified and eliminated.

Excess sebum production

On the this moment Only three reasons are reliably known that can enhance the work of the glands: an increased content of androgens (described above), certain foods and the disease "seborrhea". In the course of research by domestic doctors, it was determined that products with high content fatty acids. These include:

  • Chocolate and cocoa;
  • Nuts;
  • Some types of cheese: feta cheese, suluguni, pigtail cheese and other pickled cheeses;
  • Fatty meats (veal, beef, lamb, etc.) and products of their processing.

Carbonated and caffeinated drinks can also become a factor in the development of acne. Some scientists believe that the substances contained in them also increase the production of fat.

Next significant factor is a disease, the only sign of which is the presence of oily skin. Until now, scientists have not identified the causes of seborrhea. It is believed that this disorder is inherited and develops under the influence of adverse factors (described above).

Joining the infection

Microorganisms are the main cause of inflammation. When certain bacteria penetrate the skin, they are activated immune processes, pus is formed, and surrounding tissues are damaged. Against the background of an unfavorable course of the disease, bacteria can spread to neighboring areas and contribute to the formation of large conglomerates of acne.

At the moment, the role of only one type of microbe in the development of acne has been proven - Propionobacterium Acne (Latin name - Propionibacterium acne). That is why in the treatment of patients with this disease are necessarily used antimicrobials local or general action.

Appearance and symptoms

Basically, there are two groups of acne. The first includes acne that occurs only due to blockage of the excretory ducts. The second option develops with a combination of inflammation with the closure of the mouth of the gland. They must be distinguished from each other, since the tactics of treatment depend on this. Each of the species has its own characteristic features, such as appearance, soreness and density when palpated.

To determine your acne variant, it is enough to use the information from the table below:

Non-inflammatory (blockage only)

Appearance: Small white dots, no more than 1-2 mm. More often, blockage of the sebaceous gland is located on the eyelid, around the eyes or on the cheeks.
Soreness : No
Consistency : Soft

Closed (white) comedones

Appearance : small pimples white color more than 2 mm, rounded regular shape.
Soreness : No
Consistency: Soft

Open comedones ("blackheads")

Appearance: The shape is similar to white comedones, with one exception - at the top there is a small hole with black content. It contains a mixture of dust, horny scales and sebaceous fluid.
Soreness : No
Consistency: Dense

Inflammation + blockage of the sebaceous duct


Appearance: Pimples of red or bright pink color, rising above the skin. Size up to 1-2 cm.
Soreness : Pain when palpated
Consistency: Dense, similar to small knots


Appearance: Rounded formations with purulent contents inside (yellow or brown-green)
Soreness : Sharply painful
Consistency: Dense, when probing, an elastic cavity is felt.


Appearance: With this form, the focus should not be on the pimple itself, but on the skin around it. If it becomes red, inflamed, there may be a slight swelling - they talk about the indurative form of acne.
Soreness: Painful acne and skin around it
Consistency: Tight formation and surrounding skin.


Appearance: These are huge confluent blackheads that can be up to 10 cm in size. As a rule, they are located on the back. May be flesh-colored or reddish. They rise significantly above the skin.
Soreness: Pain may be felt when palpated
Consistency: Dense


Appearance: Large, purplish-bluish acne, penetrating deep into the dermis.
Soreness: There is a sharp soreness.
Consistency: Dense

After determining the type of acne, it is also necessary to find out the severity of the disease. Only then can the optimal treatment option be determined. It is strongly recommended to consult a dermatologist for this purpose, as self-treatment can lead to incomplete recovery from the disease and irreversible damage to the skin.

The severity of the disease

To find out how severe the disease is, it is enough to determine the nature of acne and count the number of these elements. Currently, there are the following criteria for pathology:

  • Light degree. A person has only non-inflammatory elements or the number of papules, pustules less than 10;
  • Flow moderate . The number of papules and pustules is from 10 to 40;
  • Severe illness. Papules and pustules in total more than 40 (all over the body) or the presence of indurative, conglobate acne is noted.

It should be noted that any severity of acne is treated at home. However, the more severe the pathology is, the higher the risk of irreversible skin damage.


Therapy of any form of the disease is recommended to be carried out under the supervision of a general practitioner or dermatovenereologist, who will determine the optimal tactics. The treatment regimen for blockage of the sebaceous glands is determined by the severity of the disease and the cause that caused the development of acne. In cases where it is not possible to find out the cause, the doctor is guided solely by the severity of the disease.

Definitions of treatment tactics

There are several areas of acne therapy - diet, cosmetic procedures(daily skin care), use local preparations and systemic treatment. Diet changes are indicated for all patients. For the rest of the nuances, there are the following recommendations for the selection of the volume of therapeutic measures:

Severity hygiene care Tactics

It is possible to use conventional moisturizing skin care products: foam or milk for washing, micellar water, tonic lotions.

For intimate hygiene, it is possible to use special soap from Carefree, Nivea, Dove. You can not use products containing lactic acid without the appointment of a gynecologist - this medical preparations that are not suitable for daily hygiene with inflammation of the sebaceous glands on the labia or in the groin.

It is enough to use only local medicines.
Medium Priority is given to local pharmaceuticals. In some cases, a short course of systemic therapy is recommended for a person.
heavy The use of specialized cosmetics is recommended. For this purpose, you can use the line of funds "Xemoz" from the company "Uriage", "Aisida" and others. Mandatory appointment of general therapy with the use of funds local treatment.


It has been proven that a small change in diet can significantly reduce the number of acne. The exclusion of certain products allows you to reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands and eliminate one of the risk factors for acne.

  • It is recommended to exclude: carbonated drinks, cocoa, nuts, pickled cheeses (brynza, suluguni, etc.);
  • Should be limited: chocolate, meat with a high content of fatty acids (veal, pork, lamb and others), coffee.

Cosmetic skin care

Elimination of acne must necessarily include this component of therapy. It is needed to increase the moisture of the skin and reduce flaking - this will help reduce the likelihood of blockage of the glands. For optimal results, the following hygiene guidelines must be followed:

  1. Problem areas of the skin should be washed 2 times a day. More frequent or less frequent care can negatively affect the condition of the skin;
  2. Water for procedures should be used at room temperature, as large temperature changes cause severe peeling of the epidermis;
  3. After washing, the skin should be blotted with a soft towel, and not rubbed with it;
  4. It is necessary to abandon the use of alcohol-containing lotions, sharply alkaline or acidic agents. Their pH (acidity) should be neutral or slightly deviate from this value (pH = 7±1.5);
  5. Scrubs should not be used, as mechanical irritation of the dermis can increase the production of sebum;
  6. For additional moisturizing of the skin, you can use Physiogel or Cetafil cream, 1-2 times a day. According to national guidelines, these products are optimally suited for the complex treatment of acne.

Fundraising daily care carried out with the help of a doctor. As already mentioned, for this purpose, both general cosmetic lines (Nivea, Dove, etc.) and specialized products (Aisida, Xemoz, and others) can be used.

Local therapy

This treatment method consists in applying drugs to problem areas of the skin. At the moment, there are several groups of drugs for local application. These are antiseptic and keratolytic (exfoliating) substances, preparations with vitamin A and combined means. The standard treatment regimen involves the use of one pharmacological drug from each group, or a drug with a combined effect.

Preparations with retinoic acid

This group has a complex effect on the dermis - they reduce the activity of the inflammatory process, prevent the excessive formation of horny scales and weaken the sebaceous glands. Currently, Adapalen (Differin) is considered the optimal pharmacological preparation. It is highly effective and easy to use, but it acts rather slowly - the first effects of its use develop after 4-6 weeks.

Adapalene is available in the form of a gel and cream, applied once a day, at bedtime, at the end of hygiene procedures. After that, the face is not wiped and not moisturized. The average course duration is 3 months.

Antimicrobial treatment

Medicines from this group should be prescribed in the presence of inflammation of the sebaceous glands, that is, when papules, pustules, conglobates and other elements occur. At the moment, dermatologists recommend using one of the following antibacterial agents:

Active substance Trade names (under which they are sold in a pharmacy) Exfoliating (keratolytic) effect How long does it take for the effect to develop?
Benzoyl peroxide
  • Proderm - cream;
  • Baziron AS - gel;
  • Eclaran - gel;
  • Desquam - gel, lotion.
There is an additional desquamating effect

At least 4 weeks later.

The optimal duration of treatment is 2-4 months.

Azelaic acid
  • Azelic - gel;
  • Skinoren - gel, cream;
  • Azix-Derm - cream;
  • Skinoclear - gel, cream.
  • Mirrorin - solution;
  • Dalacin - gel.

During the first week.

The maximum duration of therapy is 6 weeks.

It is necessary to apply any antibacterial drug 2 times / day after washing on clean, dry skin. He needs to give time to act for 20-30 minutes. During this time, do not wipe or wet the skin.

Combined drugs

This group was developed by pharmacologists for the convenience of patients. The presence in one "bottle" of several active ingredients allows you not to buy several drugs, but to limit yourself to one. Also, combined products are easier to use - one application of them allows you to have a complex effect on the dermis.

Here are the most common and effective combinations:

Name Combined Effects Substances to be combined special instructions
Isotrexin Antimicrobial + retinoic acid Isotretinoin + erythromycin Not used in severe illness. Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.
Klenzit S Adapalene + clindamycin At the beginning of therapy may increase the manifestations of the disease ( negative effects pass within a week). With continued irritation of the dermis, its use should be discontinued.
Zenerite Antibacterial + zinc (anti-inflammatory effect) Erythromycin + Zinc Acetate

Improvement occurs no earlier than after 2 weeks of regular use.

Comes complete with an applicator - convenient for use on any part of the body.

General treatment methods

This method of therapy is used only when severe stages diseases or individually with moderate severity (for example, with the ineffectiveness of local treatment). The main goals when using drugs with a systemic effect are the elimination of harmful microbes, the reduction of desquamation of the epidermis, or the elimination of the causes of the disease.

Antibiotic therapy

Acne pathogens show the least resistance to two groups of antibiotics - tetracyclines and macrolides. These groups include different drugs, from which it is necessary to choose one that is best suited for a particular patient. This task for the attending physician - it is strongly not recommended to prescribe treatment on your own.

At the moment, in order to eliminate purulent inflammation of the sebaceous glands, the following antibiotics are widely used:

During therapy, the following principles must be observed:

  1. The minimum course of therapy is 10 days. This duration prevents the formation of resistance in bacteria to the antibiotic, which will allow in the future to conduct a second course in case of recurrence of the disease;
  2. You should not interrupt the course of antibiotics, except in cases of intolerance;
  3. In the presence of comorbidities (diabetes, atrial fibrillation, thrombosis of arteries or veins, etc.) the dose and type of antimicrobial agent must be agreed with the doctor, since drugs can affect each other;
  4. Alcohol should be completely avoided while taking medications, as the combination can lead to severe liver damage.

Retinoic acid preparations

Current guidelines for the treatment severe forms acne, only one pharmacological preparation from this group is used - Isotretinoin (Acnecutane, Roaccutane). It reduces the work of the sebaceous glands throughout the body and reduces the peeling of the epidermis. Despite its high efficiency, retinoic acid has a large amount side effects. Of these, dyspeptic disorders (nausea, loose stools, abdominal pain), weakness, dizziness, and decreased performance are most often manifested in patients.

It is important to note that it is only used for severe acne resistant to other therapies. Isotretinoin absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy, at the time of its reception, a woman needs to take care of adequate contraception.

Hormonal correction

This procedure is carried out only as prescribed by a gynecologist. It is indicated for women who have laboratory methods confirmed the presence of any hormonal disorder. For this purpose, they can be used various drugs, depending on whether the woman is planning a pregnancy in the next 6 months or not.

If there are no plans to conceive, it is usually recommended hormonal contraceptives, in the form of tablets, applicators, vaginal rings, implants, etc. When planning pregnancy, it is possible to use "cyclic hormone therapy" - estrogen in the first phase of the cycle and progesterone after the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Elimination of acne during pregnancy

This is enough complex issue which has not been finally resolved to date. The fact is that before prescribing the drug to a pregnant woman, full-fledged clinical trials on this group of people. However, pharmacological companies and independent associations of doctors are wary of conducting these experiments, because of the likelihood of complications in the fetus or mother. Therefore, no topical preparation has been confirmed to be safe.

However, the accumulated experience of domestic doctors allows the following scheme to be used for the treatment of pregnant or breastfeeding women:

  1. Diet, with the exclusion of all products that increase the production of sebum (chocolate, nuts, fatty varieties meat, etc.);
  2. Daily hygiene care behind the affected skin, using moisturizing funds;
  3. It is possible to use azelaic acid preparations, but only with the permission of a dermatologist, gynecologist or therapist;
  4. In severe purulent acne, Josamycin may be prescribed after the 14th week of pregnancy.

Regardless of the gestational age, it is forbidden to use retinoic acid preparations (both local and systemic) and tetracycline antibiotics. These drugs have a pronounced side effect on fetal development.


Measures to prevent the development or reduce the intensity of acne are recommended to start from puberty (13-15 years). It is at this time that the period of activity of the sebaceous glands begins, which can lead to the formation of acne. Preventive actions quite simple, they include:

  • A diet aimed at reducing the production of sebaceous secretion;
  • Daily washing, using moisturizing cosmetic lines;
  • Prevention of excessive drying of the skin (from exposure to temperatures, dry air, chemicals, etc.).


How to suspect the presence of a hormonal disorder in a woman as the cause of acne?

First of all, you should pay attention to the regularity of the menstrual cycle. Also, a very abundant or scanty discharge, the presence of spotting between menstruation, hair growth along male type(along the midline of the abdomen, on the back, in the chin area, on the cheeks or under the nose).

Can you pop pimples on your own?

No, because this procedure leads to an increase in the inflammatory process. Also, the possibility of pus entering the bloodstream and the development of a severe infection (sepsis or meningitis) is not excluded.

Why is it impossible to dry the skin with inflammation of the sebaceous glands on the face?

At the same time, its peeling intensifies, and the horny scales close large quantity excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands. Accordingly, the number of comedones, milia and other acne elements increases in a person.

Can physical therapy be used to treat acne?

Indications for physiotherapy are quite limited - this is the presence of comedones or milia in a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. However, its effectiveness has not been proven in scientific research. Physiotherapy contraindicated with inflammatory acne (papules, pustules, conglobates, etc.), as it leads to increased blood supply to tissues and aggravates inflammation.

Are there any features of the treatment of blockage of the sebaceous glands in a child?

Acne in newborns, in the vast majority of cases, resolves on its own and does not require therapy. Most often, teenagers face this problem. The treatment regimen for children older than 8 years is carried out in the same way as for adults. If the child is younger, it is necessary to abandon retinoic acid preparations and the use of systemic antibiotics (except for Josamycin).

Diseases of the sebaceous glands such as oily seborrhea, spot and red acne, are not only a cosmetic defect, but also a serious problem. As a result of hyperactivity of the gland, shine appears on the skin, small droplets of fat accumulations appear, fatty ducts expand, blockage of pores, inflammation, and acne occur.

Increased sebum production by the sebaceous glands is a common problem that is encountered both during the transition period and throughout life. Experts associate the disease with external and internal factors.

The most common causes of acne are internal causes:

  1. Hormonal disbalance. In adolescence, this is associated with puberty. In adults, increased sebum secretion is associated with increased production of the male sex hormone - testosterone. The cause of the problem is polycystic or ovarian dysfunction. The hormone progesterone also affects skin problems.
  2. genetic predisposition. If there are skin problems in parents or in the family, children are also likely to increased activity sebaceous glands. Heredity is associated with congenital disorders in the functioning of the epithelium, deformation of the sebaceous glands, and excessive production of testosterone.
  3. Chronic diseases. Hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands indicates violations in the work internal organs. Common causes are malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, diseases of the adrenal glands, cholelithiasis, infectious inflammation in the body, disorders of the autonomic system.

To external reasons include harmful factors environment, as well as features of life and skin care:

  1. Cosmetic products. Incorrect choice basic funds for skin care, leads to deterioration of the skin condition. The excessive use of products containing alcohol, oils, glycerin, and frequent scrubbing negatively affect the epidermis.
  2. Violation of hygiene rules. Improper skin care: infrequent or excessive cleansing, frequent use of nutritious products and exfoliation lead to a decrease in natural protection and an imbalance in the acid-base balance.
  3. Wrong nutrition. An unbalanced diet, including foods containing fats, simple carbohydrates, iodine, leads to disruption of the digestive system, dysbacteriosis, changes in skin condition. Lack of vitamins also provokes the development of skin diseases.
  4. Environmental impact. The work of the sebaceous glands is affected external factors: frostbite, dry indoor air, frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays.

General principles of treatment

Violation of the sebaceous glands requires an integrated approach and an accurate determination of the cause that caused the development of the pathology.

Experts distinguish 3 degrees of severity of the problem:

  • mild - expressed in increased skin luster and local acne;
  • medium - expressed in blockage of pores, acne formation, inflammation of skin areas;
  • severe - the inflammatory process is clearly expressed, covers large areas of the skin.

Treatment depends on the severity of the problem. In most cases, it is enough to change the principles of skin care and competent selection of cosmetic products.

General therapy for disorders of the sebaceous glands is carried out in several areas:

  • Comprehensive examination and treatment of chronic diseases. The patient needs to undergo an examination and identify the existing violations in the work of internal organs. Drug therapy is aimed at eliminating foci of inflammation, normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and improving the body's metabolic processes.
  • Power correction. The patient is advised to follow proper diet nutrition. It completely excludes fried and fatty foods, alcohol, carbonated drinks, semi-finished products. Preference is given fresh vegetables, fruits, slow carbohydrates.

  • Vitamin therapy. Add to diet vitamin complexes. Special attention give vitamins A, E, B, C, D.
  • Skin care. To reduce the symptoms of inflammation, it is important to choose the right cosmetic products for basic care. It includes anti-inflammatory alcohol-free lotions, creams and gels with light textures. From decorative cosmetics, matte products are used.
  • Medical therapy. It involves the use of drugs with antiseptic, antimicrobial, keratolytic or antibacterial action.

How to get rid of sebaceous glands: drug treatment

Medical treatment is necessary in case of moderate or severe disease. The selection of drugs is made only by a specialist, depending on the underlying causes.

AT drug therapy includes the following:

  • the use of local preparations;
  • antibacterial treatment;
  • normalization of hormonal levels.

Features of local therapy

Experts identify several groups of drugs that have shown high efficiency when applied topically.

  1. Preparations with retinoic acid. Means help to reduce the inflammatory process, normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. Optimal drug considered to be adapalene. The tool is used once a day, has a cumulative effect. Requires long-term use.
  2. Antimicrobials. Antimicrobial treatment is prescribed when papules and pustules appear. As drugs for topical use, Proderm, Eclaran, Azelik, Skinoren, Zerkalin, Dalacin are used. The drugs are used 1-2 times a day.
  3. Preparations combined action. The main advantage of this product line is an integrated approach and extended action. The composition includes several active components that allow you to solve the problem. Of the most effective, Isotrexin, Klenzit, Zinerit are isolated.

Antibacterial therapy

In difficult cases, with violations of the sebaceous glands, a bacterial infection may join. In such situations, the use of antibiotic therapy is required.

According to studies, bacteria have the least resistance to tetracycline antibiotics and macrolides. When purulent inflammation, which provoke malfunctions in the sebaceous glands, prescribe Erythromycin, Josamycin, Dixycycline, Metacycline or Oxytetracycline.

To relieve the symptoms of hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands on the face, it is necessary to conduct a full course of treatment, it ranges from 5 to 10 days. Antibacterial treatment not allowed to be interrupted. The reason for stopping the drug may be individual intolerance active ingredient. Dosage and treatment regimen is prescribed only by a specialist.

hormone therapy

Treatment of the sebaceous glands hormone therapy possible only after passing laboratory tests and consulting a gynecologist.

For therapy, drugs are selected that allow you to adjust the hormonal background of a woman. In most cases, these are hormonal contraceptives. They are produced in the form of tablets, rings, applicators, implants. Correction with contraceptives is possible only if the woman does not intend to have children in the next six months.

In the case of pregnancy planning, cyclic hormone therapy is prescribed. It involves the use of estrogens at the beginning of the cycle and progesterone in its second half.

Salon methods for solving the problem

The increased separation of the sebaceous glands allows you to treat both cosmetic products and salon methods. They are prescribed if necessary, exposure to the deeper layers of the epidermis.

Salon procedures are prescribed after a comprehensive examination and are an effective supplement to medical treatment.

From effective procedures experts identify the following:

  • galvanization;
  • microdermabrasion;
  • laser resurfacing;
  • acid peeling;
  • disincrustation.

A pronounced effect is observed only after a full course of procedures and subject to preventive skin care measures.

The increased work of the sebaceous glands provokes excessive secretion, an unpleasant shine, increased fat content of the epidermis.

Dust, dirt, dead skin particles accumulate in enlarged pores, acne, redness, black dots appear.

What to do if the sebaceous glands on the face are inflamed? Treatment will be successful only with a combination of pharmaceutical preparations, home remedies, salon procedures.

Factors that provoke excessive production of sebum:

  • malnutrition with a predominance of carbohydrate and fatty foods, frequent inclusion in the menu of milk and white chocolate, smoked meats, sweets, products with dyes and flavors;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • hormonal disruptions during pregnancy, menopause, during puberty;
  • frequent drinking, smoking;
  • hereditary predisposition to hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands;
  • depression, chronic stress;
  • improper or inadequate skin care.

Often, the cosmetologist during the reception reveals several reasons that negatively affect the condition of the skin of the face. You need to listen to the advice of a specialist in order to prevent a severe form of inflammation of the epidermis.

It is impossible to return a pleasant color to the epidermis, healthy look, get rid of enlarged pores, blackheads, oily sheen and inflamed areas, while negative factors are in effect.

Salon treatments

With active secretion of sebum, acne, redness, irritation of the skin of the face, you need to visit a beautician.

Homemade masks and lotions moisturize well, cleanse problem areas, reduce inflammation, but they are not able to completely eliminate the production of glands.

Pharmacy cosmetics give a noticeable therapeutic effect, but with severe skin lesions, exposure to the deeper layers of the epidermis will be required. For this purpose, it is worth visiting a cosmetology clinic, taking a course of salon procedures.

After examination, identification of skin problems and the causes of the inflammatory process, the doctor selects the types of exposure on an individual basis. For maximum effect it is necessary to simultaneously treat the pathologies of internal organs, normalize the hormonal background, adjust the diet. It is important to choose the optimal series of skin care formulations, otherwise the result of the treatment will not be sufficiently pronounced and short-lived.

Problems with the sebaceous glands are manifested by external defects, this is especially noticeable on the face. - you will learn how to eliminate cosmetic defects from this publication.

Read about what microsomia is and how to recognize it.

About properties medicinal plant you can read the meadowsweet.


During the session, the cosmetologist uses special types of electric current of small strength.

The pulses are low voltage. During the treatment of the face with currents, the skin becomes looser, toxins and sebaceous secretion are more actively excreted.

The technique gives nice results at complex treatment excessive fat content of the epidermis, acne, skin aging.


Mechanical, delicate peeling of the face - a technique for removing dead skin particles that clog pores.

Important points:

  • safe, painless and highly effective procedure;
  • for crystalline microdermabrasion, small particles of aluminum are used to cleanse the surface of the epidermis;
  • in oxygen microdermabrasion, the skin of the face is affected not only by aluminum elements, but also by oxygen under high pressure;
  • With the diamond variety of dermabrasion, the cosmetologist uses special nozzles made of durable material that gently and actively remove the stratum corneum.

laser resurfacing

A popular method for dealing with scars, scars, spots remaining on the skin after eliminating inflammation and large abscesses. Pulsating concentrated beams of light act on uneven areas of the epidermis, delicately, in layers, remove damaged tissues.

Laser resurfacing of the face

Important points:

  • after laser peeling, the treated areas heal, recover, a new, elastic, smooth layer appears;
  • lightening of the upper layer of the skin occurs less frequently;
  • the carbon laser shows few side effects, the epidermis and healthy tissues next to the problem areas practically do not experience negative effects.


An effective method of treating inflammation and other problems of the epidermis by injecting medicinal solutions and meso-cocktails directly to the affected area.

Thanks to a special gun with the finest needle, the doctor treats the problem area. Preparations penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, accelerate regeneration processes, reduce the degree of inflammation.

Facial mesotherapy

Acid peeling

During the procedure active ingredients destroy horny particles, dead cells are easier to remove from the face. After using this method, the secretion of the sebaceous glands becomes easier to secrete, clogged pores open, the risk of blackheads and inflammation decreases. When healthy cells are damaged, the synthesis of valuable components is activated: elastin, hyaluronic acid, collagen.

Cosmetologists perform multi-acid and single-acid peeling. Distinguish between chemical and physical appearance effects for the application of acids.

Acid peel - before and after

Depending on the depth of penetration, doctors distinguish several types of acid peeling:

  • median with the use of trichloroacetic or retinoic acid;
  • superficial - fruit, salicylic or glycolic acid;
  • deep using phenol. good effect to remove scars after acne. The procedure is carried out in a hospital.


The hardware technique is used to remove the accumulation of products of the sebaceous glands, cleansing the face.

Galvanic cleaning suitable for problematic skin, with sensitive and delicate epidermis.

First, the beautician applies a special solution to the face for decontamination, then acts with galvanic currents.

In the process of iontophoresis, alkaline ions enter the deep layers of the epidermis, react with other substances - triglycerides, and new compounds - soaps - appear.

After the procedure, the pores open, keratinized particles are exfoliated, and the possibility of free outflow for the secretion of the sebaceous glands appears.


To care for oily skin with sebaceous gland hyperplasia, you can purchase formulations from well-known companies. The best option is to buy one series of several items. Means for the treatment of problem skin should be sought in pharmacies. Compositions based on phytoextracts and natural ingredients give a good effect.

To reduce the fat content of the epidermis, reduce inflammation, you need to use a tonic, milk, day and night cream, moisturizing emulsion, thermal water. At the appointment, the cosmetologist tells you what products you need to have at home, and what you can do without.

Good reviews from doctors and the fair sex received products for the care of oily, inflamed skin of well-known brands:

  1. noreva.
  2. bioderma.
  3. Vichy.
  4. Valmont.
  5. Avene.
  6. Uriage.
  7. Klorane.
  8. Garnier.
  9. KORFF.

Popular domestic brands:

  1. Clean line.
  2. Natura Siberica.
  3. clearasil.
  4. green mom.

radioactive iodine used to treat thyroid cancer. The pros and cons, as well as its effectiveness will be discussed in the article.

Some autoimmune pathologies can be identified by markers in the blood. Types of pathologies and types of analyzes are described.

Traditional medicine recipes

You can reduce the production of sebaceous secretion at home with the help of formulations with natural basis. Mixtures of vegetables, berries, honey, aloe juice, dairy products, yolk, herbal decoctions refresh, tighten pores, and reduce inflammation.

Proven remedies to combat excessive greasiness of the skin of the face:

  • cucumber lotion: for 200 ml of alcohol - 3 tbsp. l. juice from the pulp of a cucumber;
  • face paste made from cornstarch and boiled water. The mass should resemble thin sour cream;
  • yolk mask. Express remedy against enlarged pores and greasy shine. Apply the pounded product (1 yolk) on the face, rinse with cool water after a quarter of an hour;
  • a mixture of apple cider vinegar (2 parts) and water (10 parts). Wipe the face in the morning and evening;
  • herbal decoction with anti-inflammatory, astringent, soothing effect. Combine in a bowl 1 tbsp. l. chamomile, sage, calendula, pour boiling water - 500 ml, boil for 2 minutes over low heat. Strain the cooled herbal remedy, use for morning and evening cleansing of the face. At severe inflammation, additionally wipe the skin during the day;
  • a mask of aloe pulp (2 tablespoons) and thin honey (1 tablespoon). Keep on the face for a third of an hour;
  • almond oil mask. Combine ground grains (1 tablespoon) with the same amount of honey. Wash off the composition after 15 minutes;
  • a mixture of cucumber juice (5 parts) and lemon (1 part). Wipe problem areas with lotion three times a day.

It is important to choose natural compositions for cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing porous skin.

With the active spread of acne, redness, the appearance of abscesses, acute inflammation epidermis, the main emphasis should be placed on pharmaceutical preparations.

At severe defeat skin home remedies (herbal decoctions) to use as additional view effects on the problematic epidermis.

With excessive activity of the sebaceous glands on the face, you should not self-medicate: only an experienced cosmetologist will suggest a solution to the problem. The greatest effect can be obtained when carrying out salon procedures in combination with proper home care for oily skin.

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Sebaceous glands on the face- one of the most important organs external secretion, on which the condition, appearance of our skin, its youth depends. If these small secretory organs function normally, then we are not afraid of acne, inflammation, oily sheen and other “charms” of problem skin. However, if we have been struggling with the problems that are characteristic of oily or combination skin for most of our conscious life, then closer to the age of 40 years, we will be able to notice a number of enlarged sebaceous glands on the face and small whitish depressed “pimples” that appear in their place, which randomly appear on various parts of the face or even the body. It is extremely difficult not to get rid of this defect, but you should not give up!

Enlargement of the sebaceous glands on the face: hyperplasia

Hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands on the face is the "technical" scientific name for benign formations on the skin (in translation, hyperplasia means "excessive formation", "increased formation"). These specific skin growths form over time as a result of a chronic dysfunction of the sebaceous glands: this problem goes hand in hand with imperfections such as enlarged pores and oily skin. Hypersecretion of sebum leads to blockage of the sebaceous glands, and the secret accumulates in them over time, and the glands themselves increase in size. At the same time, the sebaceous glands and nearby pores become clogged in a very specific way, forming hard (rarely soft) white or yellowish elevations with a “crater” in the center on the skin. In fact, the depression in the center of these formations is the main diagnostic criterion, thanks to which it can be clearly stated that you are dealing with hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands, and not with something else like milia or acne. Sometimes enlarged sebaceous glands can change color (blush with inflammation) or sprout with vessels (at a more advanced age with rosacea). You should also be aware that some manifestations of inflammation or hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands on the face may superficially resemble a form of skin cancer known as basal cell carcinoma. To rule out an alarming diagnosis, a dermatologist may perform a biopsy - take a tiny scraping from the tumor and examine it for abnormal cells.

Although these formations are not as painful or inflamed as acne breakouts, they are quite stubborn: enlarged sebaceous glands on the lyceum in no way go away, regardless of the thoroughness of facial skin care and the adequacy of the choice of cosmetics. These pesky bumps are not just clogged pores or milia, most likely, we are talking about a more persistent problem, which in medicine is called "sebaceous gland hyperplasia." In this condition, additional damage can be caused by another factor - sunlight. The fact is that ultraviolet provokes not only damage to the skin, but also intensive production of sebum. As for dislocation, these neoplasms associated with an increase in the sebaceous glands are usually “scattered” throughout the face and are extremely rarely located close to each other, although this also happens. The hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands most often occurs on the forehead and in the central part of the face, but can also occur anywhere on the body, especially in areas where the most sebaceous glands are located.

Treatment of hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands on the face

Treatment of sebaceous hyperplasia should not be started on its own, this problem requires a visit to a dermatologist. Although, of course, there are products you can use at home to keep these unsightly growths under control and keep your skin as even as possible. However, doctors have more options and can offer you several options for the treatment of sebaceous hyperplasia on the face. Currently available the following types treatment of the sebaceous glands (singly or in combination).

  • Peels: as a rule, these are chemical mono- or combined peels, more often based on salicylic or trichloroacetic acid.
  • With an electric needle: this method, which works on the same principle as electrolysis, causes the blockage of the sebaceous gland to break down. After the procedure, a small scab forms at the site of the removed hyperplasia, which soon naturally exfoliates.
  • Photodynamic therapy is a technique based on the use of a laser beam to damage unwanted cells and formations. In this case, the skin is pre-treated with a special gel that reacts to light radiation. To completely get rid of sebaceous hyperplasia, several sessions of this procedure are often required.
  • Liquid nitrogen - in this case, the removal of enlarged sebaceous glands on the face seems to be quite a risky undertaking. The fact is that if the reagent penetrates the skin too deeply, you can end up with a scar or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, while it is very difficult to control the “behavior” of liquid nitrogen.
  • Prescription drugs based on topical retinoids or azelaic acid: this treatment for sebaceous glands on the face can reduce hyperplasia, but will not completely solve the problem.
  • Surgical excision (excision) can also lead to scarring and is therefore considered an option for last resort.
  • Hormonal medications(antiandrogens) reduce the level of the hormone testosterone, which can be a key factor in the development of the problem of sebaceous hyperplasia (testosterone affects the activity of the sebaceous glands and can stimulate the growth of hyperplasia). This method, like surgical excision, is the last resort, which is used only if more has not helped safe ways treatment.

Before considering and choosing any of these options, you should know that, like acne, sebaceous hyperplasia on the face cannot be completely cured - this pathology can only be brought under control. So, enlarged sebaceous glands on the face can be reduced or removed, but their hyperactivity will remain at the same level. This is likely to lead to the formation of new hyperplasia, especially in the absence of proper home care behind the skin. Thus, if you decide to remove hyperplasia with one of listed ways, get ready to carefully and regularly care for your skin with the appropriate cosmetics.

Skin care for diseases of the sebaceous glands

After treating sebaceous hyperplasia, choose a few key foods to prevent the formation of new "bumps" on the skin. Chief among them are the tools that perform two main tasks in our case.

  1. Normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands (seboregulation).
  2. Provide proper cleansing of dead skin particles (exfoliation).

To do this, you should choose products with sufficiently high concentrations of salicylic acid, as an option - fruit acids. Salicylic acid is considered to be more gentle, and in addition, it reduces inflammation in the sebaceous glands on the face. The next group of products worthy of our attention are products containing retinol: studies have shown that they can be effective in reducing the number of enlarged sebaceous glands on the face, as well as their diameter. Retinoids in cosmetics help control the growth of skin cells that can clog pores, have anti-inflammatory effects, and also regulate sebum production. Another ingredient that helps with diseases of the sebaceous glands is vitamin B3, also known as nicotinamide (niacinamide) or niacin. This component provides several benefits at once: a reduction in inflammation and a decrease in cell proliferation that accompanies the development of sebaceous gland hyperplasia. The trio of these ingredients in the composition various products(serums, cleansing gels, creams) helps to significantly reduce the risk of recurrence of enlarged sebaceous glands on the face.

These were the best means for skin care with hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands on the face. As for scrubs, gommages, you should not particularly rely on them: not a single mechanical exfoliant in the world, regardless of composition or price, can eliminate either inflammation of the sebaceous glands on the face or their hyperplasia. The fact is that inflammation in the sebaceous glands and their blockage are “rooted” deep enough that scrubs cannot reach the source of the problem. Moreover, if you try hard to "scrape off" these formations on the skin, you can get additional inflammation, dryness and irritation on the skin. However, regular and delicate exfoliation (1-2 times a week) of dead epidermal cells is extremely important - without this, care will be incomplete and ineffective. Remember: without a full cleansing, blockage of the sebaceous glands on the face is inevitable. It is also important to make sure that your skin is protected with sunscreen before going out, as UV exposure exacerbates the problem of hyperplasia.