Separation of synechia in boys. Types of symptoms and treatment of synechia of the foreskin in boys

Synechiae of the foreskin are thin adhesions connecting its inner part to the glans penis. Synechia occurs in almost all boys and is considered completely normal before the age of 3 years. In most cases, adhesions of the foreskin resolve on their own and do not require any specific treatment.

It is necessary to distinguish between phimosis and synechia of the foreskin

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At the age of 3 years, synechia of the foreskin is not a diagnosis, but only a statement of fact. In almost all newborn boys, the inner part of the foreskin is tightly connected to the glans penis with special connective tissue strands - synechiae. Nature provides this mechanism to protect the preputial sac from injury and the ingress of pathogens. With age, adhesions gradually disappear, increasing the mobility of the head and the foreskin surrounding it.

Normally, the process of resorption of synechia occurs gradually and painlessly. By the age of 6 years, most boys are completely exposed to the glans penis. If this has not happened by the age of 6-7, you need to contact a pediatrician or pediatric urologist.

The reasons

In some cases, synechia of the foreskin persists after the age of 6 years. With a partially open glans penis in the pockets of the foreskin - a mixture of a specific secret of the sebaceous glands, moisture and desquamated epithelium. The accumulation of smegma leads to infection and the development of inflammation. The longer the inflammatory process persists, the more difficult it will be to get rid of synechia and separate the glans penis from the inner leaf of the foreskin.

Risk factors:

  • non-compliance;
  • allergic reactions;
  • urinary tract infections.

The doctor will be able to find out the exact cause of the appearance of synechia and choose the optimal therapy regimen after examining the child.


You can determine the presence of thin synechia without any problems at home. In the presence of adhesions, the head is completely or partially hidden under the foreskin. The skin of the genital organs is not changed, swelling and redness is not observed. Up to a certain age, unresolved adhesions do not cause any concern to the child and do not interfere with normal urination.

Warning symptoms to look out for:

  • swelling of the glans penis and foreskin;
  • hyperemia (redness) of the skin of the genital organs;
  • pain or any discomfort when urinating;
  • urinary retention;
  • purulent.

The appearance of such symptoms indicates development. If the condition worsens, be sure to show the child to the doctor. According to the indications, other studies are also prescribed to assess the severity and prevalence of the process. Based on the results of the examination and diagnostics, a treatment plan and further monitoring of the patient is drawn up.

Principles of treatment

Normally, resorption of synechia and exposure of the glans penis occurs by 3-6 years. If this does not happen, you need to contact a pediatrician or urologist. Further tactics will depend on the severity of the pathological process. With timely treatment, the chances of avoiding complications and doing without surgical intervention are very high.

Conservative treatment

The child should be washed daily with warm water, gently removing all impurities from the skin of the penis

Conservative therapy involves competent care for the external genital organs. The child should be washed daily with warm water, gently removing all impurities from the skin of the penis. During bathing, it is recommended to carefully open the head - gently, without effort and pressure. The procedure should not cause pain to the child. After bathing, the skin is wiped dry and lubricated with baby cream. Such simple manipulations help to gradually move the foreskin and eliminate thin synechia without harm to the child.

What is important for parents to know?

  1. Daily hygiene procedures give effect only after 1-3 months. No need to force events.
  2. All manipulations are carried out very carefully and carefully. Traumatization of the foreskin can lead to the development of inflammation and slow down recovery.
  3. For the treatment of the foreskin, you can use antiseptics (chamomile decoction, an aqueous solution of miramistin or chlorhexidine). It is not recommended to wash with preparations of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) - you can get tissue burns, followed by scarring and the formation of coarse adhesions.
  4. Before carrying out the procedures, you should consult with your doctor. In some situations, surgical treatment is indispensable.

Drug therapy is prescribed for the development of balanoposthitis. Antibacterial drugs will help to cope with the infection and remove the focus of inflammation. The choice of a specific antibiotic will depend on the causative agent of the disease and the severity of the child's condition. Until the inflammatory process subsides, no other interventions are carried out.


The operation to remove adhesions is performed at the age of 10-12 years. Before reaching this age, it is likely that the synechia will disappear on its own without surgical intervention. Early excision of adhesions can lead to the development of inflammation and rapid recurrence of the disease.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. During the procedure, the doctor excised the synechia and creates conditions for the free movement of the foreskin. After the operation, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for a course of 7-10 days. If you do not provide proper care for the postoperative area, you can provoke the development of inflammation with further scarring and recurrence of the disease.


How to prevent the appearance of synechia of the foreskin?

  1. Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
  2. Wash the external genitalia daily with warm water.
  3. Timely treat any diseases of the urogenital area.

Synechia of the foreskin is not a disaster. Thin adhesions usually disappear on their own between the ages of 3 and 6 years. If by the age of 7 the problem persists and causes some discomfort, it is necessary to show the child to a urologist and undergo an examination by a specialist.

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Synechia in boys is the adhesion of the head of the penis and excess flesh. Such an accretion is formed due to the appearance of thin adhesions, which do not allow the head to go out as a result. Only in some babies the head opens partially or completely, in most it is hidden. Each child has a different nature, causes and duration of splicing.

Synechia is a kind of natural defense mechanism that does not allow infection to penetrate into the genitals and prevents inflammatory reactions. The head is separated due to smegma (dense cheesy liquid), which makes the skin softer and more elastic. However, it does not have a negative impact on the boy's penis. In some cases, pathological formation of adhesions on the penis is possible. Then the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment.

When hearing about the diagnosis of "synechia" in a child, many parents begin to panic. If there is no redness and inflammation, then you should not worry and start treatment. Synechia, that is, thin adhesions, is a natural process. They are detected in all boys at a very early age, and there is nothing terrible here. Do not interfere with this process and carry out frequent hygiene procedures, then the synechia in boys will disappear on their own. Due to spontaneous sudden erection, special enzymes are released, and adhesions begin to gradually break down, and the head is separated from the foreskin. By the age of three, they disappear in almost half of the children. Sometimes the natural dilution of synechia on the head of the penis in boys is delayed. At the time of puberty, the symptoms of adhesions remain in 10% of boys, and only in isolated cases are they found in boys aged 15-17 years. Here it is already necessary to seek help from specialists.

Causes of pathological formation

The pathological process of accretion is associated with the following circumstances:

  • infection. Getting into the genitourinary system of the boy, pathogens cause an inflammatory process, which in turn leads to the appearance of synechia. Having found inflammation on the genitals, you should consult a pediatrician, take the appropriate tests and start treatment. Usually, the infection is detected in the penis as a result of contact with the clothes of parents or strangers, non-compliance with hygiene rules. To prevent this, you need to carefully monitor the baby's things and wash them separately from the rest;
  • allergy. It is often the cause of thin adhesions. A baby suffering from allergies should periodically check the condition of his penis and flesh in order to avoid an inflammatory process;
  • complications during pregnancy. A mother's pregnancy with complications can lead to active adhesion formation on the penis due to infection after the baby is born. The body itself is no longer able to cope with them, and in this case, the help of specialists is needed. Usually, expectant mothers, while carrying a baby, carefully monitor their health, do not self-treat even a simple cold, so synechia rarely occurs in boys;
  • infection during childbirth. Bacteria from the mother's body enter the urogenital system of the fetus when it passes through the birth canal;
  • accidental damage during careless handling;
  • frequent and prolonged stay in an overflowing diaper.

Prolonged stay in a crowded diaper leads to the development of synechia

Characteristic symptoms

In order to timely identify the fusion of the head of the penis and the flesh, it is necessary to periodically examine the penis of the newborn. Symptoms of pathology are as follows:

  • redness of the head;
  • the presence of scratches and small wounds;
  • pain during urination. The child is not able to say exactly where it hurts, so you need to constantly monitor his behavior. The baby is often naughty, cries during urination, eats poorly and constantly touches the penis;
  • swelling on the penis;
  • severe itching;
  • purulent discharge;
  • inability to open the head.

Having found these symptoms, you should consult a pediatrician, since late or inept treatment can cause balanoposthitis and the development of a urinary tract infection.

Diagnosis of fusion of the foreskin

The accretion is diagnosed by a pediatrician or a surgeon during a routine examination. This happens as follows: the doctor very carefully exposes the head, moving the flesh. It immediately becomes clear the presence or absence of pathological processes. During the examination, it is very important to take into account the age of the patient, since up to three years of adhesions in a boy are a normal natural process. Older patients with synechia and difficult exposure of the head of the penis should be treated surgically. After the operation, Contractubex ointment is recommended.

Treatment Methods

At an early age, treatment is not required. Dilution of adhesions is usually carried out as the child develops and continues until puberty. With the development of the body, hormones begin to be produced, the skin of the penis becomes more elastic, and the head has fewer obstacles for exposure. In this case, spontaneous penile erections also help.

Sometimes doctors recommend doing an independent separation of adhesions and thus treating synechia at home. After taking a bath, it is recommended to slowly move the flesh, without pressing or applying force. When doing this, it is important:

  • do not rush;
  • do not make sudden manipulations;
  • treat the skin with special preparations;
  • keep clean.

Careful execution of such manipulations is an effective method of treating pathology at home.

But self-treatment is allowed only after consultation with a specialist.

Surgical treatment of adhesions is necessary in cases where they have not disappeared naturally by the time of puberty. The operation is performed using local anesthesia and consists in freeing the head of the penis and the flesh from existing thin formations. Then, in the treatment of scars, it is recommended to use Contractubex. Separating adhesions on your own is highly discouraged. The procedure is painful and leads to various complications.

Lack of action

If the boy does not have pronounced problems in the penis area, there are no symptoms of pathology, it does not mean that everything is fine and rosy and you do not need to see a doctor for no reason. Synechia not diluted in time can cause balanitis (inflammation of the surface layer of the head) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the inner surface of the flesh). Inflammation usually occurs due to bacteria contained in the smegma accumulated under the protective cover of the penis. The process is also accompanied by purulent discharge from the preputial ring, which makes each urination painful. Eliminate balanoposthitis by removing accumulated smegma and purulent discharge, after which it is necessary to use antimicrobial and antiseptic drugs.

There are toilet and hygiene rules, observing them, it is not difficult to prevent the occurrence of pathology and solve the problem in a natural way:

  • daily washing of the flesh of the penis with clean water;
  • do not try to expose the head in case of any difficulties;
  • do not allow the child to stay in an overfilled diaper for a long time. Before changing it, you need to do air baths. They prevent irritation and inflammation. In hot weather, it is recommended not to use diapers, because sweat is released from overheating, creating a favorable environment for bacteria;
  • choose the right panties. They should be made of natural material (preferably cotton), comfortable, not squeezing or rubbing the penis.

The penis of a child, especially after birth, requires careful care and very careful handling. Synechia in boys at a very early age is a normal natural process, there is nothing to worry about in it. But if they are detected in children over three years old, it is already a reason to visit a doctor. In order to prevent the occurrence of pathology in a member, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene and monitor its condition.

Finding redness and inflammation, you should consult a doctor. Without consulting a specialist, it is not recommended to carry out any independent actions. Many of these phenomena in early adolescence are carefully hidden by some children, so parents should pay more attention.

The term synechia of the foreskin should not be afraid, but only if it concerns newborns. This phenomenon is natural and is a fusion of the glans penis and the inner side of the foreskin from the coronal sulcus to the urethra. Thus, our body performs a protective function and creates a barrier to infection at such an unprotected age. Gradually, the problem itself disappears, without causing any discomfort in the boys. However, if this did not happen or there are painful sensations, then you cannot do without going to the doctor.

The natural process of the disappearance of synechia

It is considered normal when by the age of three the head of the penis can be partially exposed, and by the age of 6-7 - completely. Adhesions are separated thanks to the sebaceous glands, which, under the influence of sex hormones, secrete a special one - smegma. Also, the skin at this moment becomes more tender and elastic. Note that this process is not instantaneous, it will take some time before the foreskin finally separates.

It happens that due to an infection that has entered the child's body, its defense mechanisms are activated, and the separation of synechia does not occur on time. It can be due to poor personal hygiene, passed from mother to boy during pregnancy, and sometimes due to an allergic reaction. However, the exact reasons for the preservation of adhesions at an older age, science cannot yet name.

What is the danger of synechia

The head of the boy's penis that does not open in time can lead to more serious problems and affect his future sexual life. So, synechia, which did not disappear in due time, provoke the occurrence of various inflammatory processes, since the hygiene of the head of the penis is difficult. In the absence of proper treatment, the infection can spread further to the pelvic organs, and the consequences will be more dire.

Also, very often smegma, which was supposed to dissolve adhesions, accumulates and provokes inflammation of the foreskin from the inside. In medicine, this phenomenon is called balanoposthitis, or balanitis.

This process can also affect the head of the penis and even become chronic. In this case, the child's penis swells and turns red, and urination becomes painful. Here you need not hesitate to contact a doctor who will prescribe a wash of the cavity between the head and the foreskin. The inflammation will quickly pass as soon as the excess enzyme breaks out. This process is usually performed by a specialist, sanitizing with an antiseptic jet, but after training, parents can also do the procedure at home.

In addition, synechia increases the likelihood of phimosis, in which the flesh becomes rough, wrinkled and forms scars. As a result, its narrowing complicates the exposure of the head of the penis. With this problem, surgery and excision of the foreskin will be required. Otherwise, this can lead to problems in intimate life, for example, male infantilism. This often happens when parents are concerned that the child's head is not exposed and they try to forcefully separate the synechiae. This method is strictly prohibited, because, in addition to severe pain, the boy's torn adhesions will grow together again after a while, only now they will not be tender.

Synechia treatment methods

As already mentioned, it is necessary to address this problem to or a child if your child has reached the age of six, and the head of the penis is not shown at all or only partially. However, you should not hesitate with this issue, because if you contact a specialist in a timely manner, you can avoid complications, as well as surgical intervention.

Most often, there are no symptoms, but you should pay special attention if your child has:

  • the penis is reddened;
  • there is swelling of the penis;
  • the boy is experiencing pain in the groin area;
  • unpleasant sensation when urinating;
  • there is purulent discharge.

If the child is under 12 years old, he will be prescribed conservative treatment for synechia. This method consists in a gentle effect on the boy's foreskin. Parents can do this while bathing in warm water, gently stretching the skin and pushing it back.

Please note that there should be no discomfort or pain in the child. Do not count on a quick result, it will take at least 3-5 months of regular procedures.

However, it is worth it, because it will avoid the painful procedure of separation of adhesions in the future. When the boy has already reached puberty, he will undergo surgery to eliminate synechia. Since this is an extremely sensitive area with many nerve endings, local anesthesia is selected for the patient.

Basically, the procedure is done only with the help of hands, without any tools, sometimes a probe is used. The most important here is the postoperative period. You should carefully follow all the doctor's instructions to avoid the recurrence of adhesions. Recovery may take up to 10 days. During this period, you should especially take care of personal hygiene, as well as use special anti-inflammatory ointments that your doctor will prescribe.

We also note that if the boy has an inflammatory process, then a course of treatment should be completed before the intervention of a doctor. Only after the disappearance of the infection will it be possible to proceed to the division of synechia.

There are no preventive measures to resolve adhesions in a timely manner and open the head of the penis. However, an important role is played by parents' awareness of this delicate issue, the observance of the child's personal hygiene and visiting a doctor if necessary. After all, the earlier the problem is diagnosed, the less complications there will be later.

Therefore, if after reading the information you have suspicions, make an appointment with a doctor. Usually, a specialist will only need a visual inspection to confirm or refute your concerns. If an inflammatory process is also detected, you will be sent for a blood and urine test, as well as a study of discharge from the urethra (if any) to determine the causative agent of the infection. And only in rare cases, when the doctor suspects an extensive spread of inflammation, it will be necessary to do an ultrasound of the genitourinary system.

Such a phenomenon as synechia is known not only to mothers of little girls. Fusion of adjacent organs is quite common in the opposite sex..

The synechiae of the foreskin formed in boys are adhesions that connect the head of the penis and the foreskin itself. However, if girls may not have this phenomenon, then almost all boys after birth have small and very thin adhesions, that is, congenital synechia, which will independently separate as the baby grows.

Self-breeding occurs with the help of enzymes that secrete the sebaceous glands of the prepuce. Spontaneous erections also contribute to this. By the age of 3, adhesions are absent in 70% of babies, and at 17 years old, only 3% of boys have them.

Sometimes there is a so-called physiological phimosis - scar tissue formed as a result of mechanical damage. This phenomenon is very common in newborn babies and in most cases does not require treatment, as it goes away on its own.

In girls, unlike boys, the presence of synechia of the labia minora and labia majora is always a pathology. Sometimes conservative treatment is possible, in other cases - surgical. But it may also be that the adhesions in both sexes will resolve on their own. But if this phenomenon causes inconvenience, then you should definitely show the child to the doctor.

Synechia symptoms

Pathology reveals itself by the following signs:

  • The inability to expose the head of the penis, it can be hidden completely or partially;
  • Inflammatory processes (redness, swelling);
  • Discomfort during urination (crying, moodiness, etc.).

If the presence of adhesions is not accompanied by the above symptoms, then parents may not worry. Usually the synechia of boys is very thin and does not cause pain.

Sometimes the head, if it is not fully open, becomes inflamed, so the child may experience soreness. The cause of inflammation is usually smegma (a natural cheesy lubricant), which collects in large quantities under the foreskin. Although the lubricant itself is sterile, infection can enter it, for example, during the separation of adhesions, and cause such a negative effect.

In this case, the baby's penis turns red and swells, urination is accompanied by soreness, sometimes there is a liquid discharge that looks like pus. This inflammation in medicine is called balanoposthitis and it requires mandatory elimination.

Diagnosis and treatment of synechia of the foreskin in boys

Any surgeon or urologist can identify synechia during a routine examination. In the vast majority of cases, this phenomenon resolves on its own without intervention from doctors and parents. But pronounced syncheia, in which the entire foreskin is connected to the head of the penis, require mandatory treatment. The same applies to the presence of balanoposthitis.

Dilution of synechia in boys is also necessary when adhesions interfere with the natural process of urination, with cicatricial phimosis, and if the head has not opened when the child reaches 12 years of age.

It is recommended to release the head from adhesions at the age of 6-7 years, since in older boys the hormonal background begins to change, therefore the risk of developing inflammatory processes increases. The operation is performed in a hospital under local anesthesia.

However, before eliminating adhesions, preoperative preparation is carried out. It includes activities such as physiotherapy, massage, ointment applications. Thanks to such procedures, the separation of adhesions is less traumatic and better.

The operation itself is a simultaneous separation of the synechia of the penis and foreskin. A special probe can be used or the specialist will work only with his hands. After surgery, it is necessary to observe the hygiene of the genital organs in order to prevent inflammation and recurrence of the disease.

For prevention purposes, to prevent the recurrence of adhesions, it is recommended to treat the separated areas with a special ointment for 10 days. This measure helps prevent neoplasms while there are damaged areas on the tissues.

The principles of treatment for both sexes are almost the same. The methods are also identical. Both the dilution of the labia minora and the foreskin depend on the degree of the disease, the reasons that provoked it, the severity of the symptoms and the age of the children.

Splicing Prevention

To avoid the development of inflammatory processes, it is necessary to wash the baby daily under running water. This must be done carefully, avoiding the ingress of water into the preputial sac. You should not expose the head yourself, especially if this causes difficulties. Since there are a large number of nerve endings on the foreskin, such manipulations can cause pain or pinch the head.

Parents need to change diapers regularly, a maximum of once every 6 hours, but preferably more often, arrange air baths for the child every half an hour or an hour. This procedure is an excellent measure for inflammatory processes and irritations on the genitals. In the hot season, it is better to refuse to use diapers in order to prevent overheating of the genitals.

The child's underwear must be completely natural. It is recommended that the baby wear cotton clothes. Be sure to make sure that the boy's genitals are not compressed and not overtightened by underwear.

Important hygienic care during infancy. It consists in daily bathing and washing after bowel movements. At least once a week, you should use baby soap or gel. Much attention should be paid to the choice of hygiene products, they should be free of fragrances, paints, deodorants, with neutral acidity.

Bactericidal agents (killing microbes) are not recommended for daily use, as with frequent use they disrupt the balance of the microbial environment on the skin. When washing the penis, retracting the foreskin is not necessary. If such a measure was recommended by a doctor, then they do it very carefully.

When to See a Doctor

At an early age, almost all boys have synechia, and they are a normal physiological state. Inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin is not always a reason to remove adhesions. With timely access to a doctor, irritation can be cured at home. At an early age, synechia of the foreskin is not removed.

Synechiae in boys are small adhesions between the foreskin and the glans penis. It is worth noting that this is a congenital phenomenon - almost all boys are born with similar adhesions, which diverge as they grow older. Only in some cases this problem requires medical attention.

Synechia in boys: should I be worried?

As already mentioned, synechia is an innate phenomenon. Statistics show that 96% of boys are born with adhesions between the head and foreskin, and this does not cause them any problems or discomfort. As the child grows, the synechia naturally dilates during spontaneous erections. This phenomenon is completely painless, and by the age of three, in 70% of boys, adhesions disappear, and the head can freely come out of the foreskin. And only occasionally (in about 3% of cases) are synechiae diagnosed in children over 17 years of age. In such cases, it is hardly possible to do without the help of a doctor.

Synechia in boys and possible complications

Sometimes synechia can lead to inflammation of the foreskin and head of the penis. The fact is that residual urine can accumulate under the foreskin, as well as natural secretions from the genitals. All this creates excellent conditions for the active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, there is swelling of the foreskin, redness of the external genital organs. The child has difficulty urinating, as the release of urine is accompanied by pain and discomfort. Sometimes there is a release of purulent masses. By the way, inflammation sometimes accelerates the dilution of adhesions. However, balanoposthitis must be treated, so the child must be shown to the doctor.

Synechia in boys: when is medical treatment needed?

In order to monitor the health of the child, you need to regularly undergo medical examinations and do not forget about visiting a urologist. If the child is already seven years old, and the foreskin is still not separated from the head, the doctor may prescribe a special procedure.

Synechia in boys: treatment

The procedure for artificial breeding of synechia, as a rule, takes only a few minutes. The doctor pulls back the foreskin and releases the head of the penis. It does not require any tools or special equipment - the specialist works exclusively with his hands. It is worth noting that such a procedure is extremely painful, therefore it is performed under local anesthesia. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe the use of special ointments and gradual, regular retraction of the foreskin - such procedures should be carried out daily by the parents. Some experts argue that pain during the dissection of adhesions can negatively affect the child's psyche and in the future become a source of complexes and fears in sexual life.

Synechia in boys: care after dissection of adhesions

It is worth noting that often, if the doctor's recommendations are not followed, adhesions can form again on damaged tissue areas. That is why in the first ten days after the procedure, the boy needs constant careful care. The doctor prescribes special ointments and solutions that need to be treated daily with the foreskin and head. Such drugs not only prevent the appearance of new adhesions, but also have antiseptic properties.