Roasted peppers with garlic - preservation of your favorite summer dish. Fried bell peppers with garlic for the winter

Today we will talk about how to quickly and easily prepare a wonderful snack from the simplest products in various ways. Namely, how to fry peppers in a pan so that it turns out delicious both hot and cold, to serve both as a side dish and as a salad. We have selected several proven recipes that housewives in different cities and even countries love the most!

But before we start cooking, stock up on a deep frying pan or brazier. It is very important that the walls are high, completely covering the peppers. Also, it should have a lid - this will avoid splashes when frying.

Such utensils are needed to be able to fry the whole bell pepper in a pan. If there is no deep frying pan, nothing, we will use the one that is, but then we will cut the vegetable into halves or quarters.

How to fry a whole bell pepper in a pan

This recipe doesn't even need to de-stem the peppers, which makes cooking especially quick and easy.

It makes no sense to write the exact amount of ingredients, since you will need enough vegetables to completely fill the bottom of the broiler. Oils need from 1 to 3 tablespoons, and fresh garlic from 1 to 3 cloves. Salt pepper to taste.

How to fry peppers in a frying pan

  1. Wash the pepper, wipe it or let it dry so that water does not get on the hot surface.
  2. We do not remove the stalks, heat the oil in a pan and put the vegetables on it. Immediately cover with a lid and keep on medium heat for 3 minutes.
  3. Then we move it to a cold surface, wait until the oil stops hissing, remove the lid, turn the peppers over to the other side and cover again.

You can only turn vegetables over with a spoon so as not to inadvertently pierce them with forks or a spatula. Remember - the fewer cracks in the pulp, the less juice will go into the pan.

How long to fry peppers in a pan? You need to fry the pepper in a pan enough to brown it on two or three sides.

After the vegetables are cooked, transfer them to a deep bowl and cover with a plate or lid. This will ensure condensation inside and allow for easy peeling.

Keep the vegetables under the lid until cool, then remove the top film with your fingers, making it so that all the juice is preserved - we prepare a fragrant sauce from it! With proper preparation, it will cover our peppers almost entirely.

How to make bell pepper sauce

  • We set aside the peeled vegetables, and squeeze 2-3 cloves of garlic into the juice, add a little oil, black pepper or balsamic vinegar to taste. We do everything by eye, so we first add each ingredient drop by drop so as not to overdo it.
  • Now put the peppers in a glass or ceramic dish, pour over the sauce, salt and let stand in the refrigerator for about an hour. During this time, the vegetables will soak and become much tastier.

Serve both cold and hot. You can flavor such a pepper with sour cream, it will become even juicier!

But not everyone likes to eat bell peppers fried in a pan with a stalk, so we suggest you try another cooking recipe in which we clean the vegetables.

How to fry peppers in a pan with garlic


  • - 500 g + -
  • - 2 tbsp. + -
  • 2 pinches or to taste + -
  • - pinch + -
  • - 3 teeth + -

How to fry bell peppers deliciously

  1. Thoroughly wash the peppers and peel them from the stalks, making a round cut in the middle. Never cut vegetables in half.
  2. Then we turn them upside down and place them on a paper or cloth towel so that all the water flows out completely. This will take at least half an hour.
  3. Pour the oil into the pan and, while it warms up, salt the peppers. To do this, dip your finger in salt and rub the vegetables with it from the inside.
  4. We clean all the cloves of garlic, pass them through a press and rub the peppers from the inside with the resulting mass.
  5. Now put them on the pan on the barrel. Cover with a lid and hold for 4-5 minutes. Then, as in the previous recipe, remove the brazier from the heat, wait until the oil subsides and only then remove the lid. Such a precaution will save not only the eyes and hands from burns, but also the kitchen from greasy stains.
  6. Turn the vegetables over, cover again and hold on the other side for another 5 minutes. Ready to remove from heat, clean if desired, pour over the resulting sauce and serve!

Due to the fact that the peppers are fried with salt and garlic, the sauce does not need additional preparation. These peppers are great to eat hot, pouring sour cream.

Well, for those who prefer an already chopped vegetable on their plate, we recommend that you refer to our latest recipe.

How to fry chopped peppers in a pan

If desired, this appetizer can be made very spicy if you use chili peppers, and ordinary if you do without this spice. We will give the full recipe, and whether or not to add a spicy ingredient, decide for yourself, without it, the snack will not become less tasty!

How to cook hot bell pepper

  1. 5-6 pcs. mine red and yellow bell pepper, cut first into halves, then remove the stalk and cut again to make large quarters. We set aside.
  2. 1 chili pepper (large) or 3 small mine. In a large one, putting on gloves, remove the stalks and cut the pulp into thin strips, leave the small ones like that.
  3. We heat the oil in a pan, and lay out the quarters of the bell pepper along with the hot one. Fire is not added yet.
  4. Peel 2 cloves of garlic and pass through a press, send to vegetables.
  5. Cover with a lid and keep on medium heat for at least 4-5 minutes. Then gently stir, trying to turn the vegetables over to the other side in one movement, and again cover with a lid.

Fry the pepper in a pan for another 5 minutes and turn it off. We serve the appetizer cold, so the spiciness will not be felt immediately, but gradually, which will give the dish a special piquancy.

Now you know how to fry peppers in a pan and how long it takes to do this. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the recipe, everything is not simple, but very simple! The ingredients are elementary, because if there is no olive oil in the kitchen, you can easily use refined sunflower oil. Try an unusual appetizer and surprise your guests!

Roasted peppers for the winter are a delicious and fragrant preparation. Prepare peppers with garlic and spices. Peppers can be fried both in a pan and on a grill, in a slow cooker and even on coals (if you have such opportunities).

We offer an original recipe for harvesting fried bell peppers for the winter. Marinating in this recipe occurs without sterilization, this method is very convenient. It saves time, and the peppers in the jar stay fresh and fragrant. In winter, you just need to warm them up a little and the universal side dish for a meat, fish or chicken hot dish is ready! Simple and convenient, right?

But, this recipe has one condition:

  • To prepare the blank, take fruits of the same variety and type.

If you take pieces of Bulgarian sweet pepper, hot and chili at the same time on one jar, the roasting process and pickling itself will not be even.

Pickled bell peppers for the winter can also be harvested using a mixture of herbs (dry or fresh):

Parsley or cilantro; dill; rosemary; thyme.

The taste of such a blank will turn out to be sour-sweet with aroma and a characteristic spicy aftertaste. But, nevertheless, you should not get carried away with spices, a teaspoon of a mixture of herbs is enough for a jar of half a liter.

Prepare this pickled fried pepper yourself and see how appetizing and delicious it is!

Taste Info Vegetables and herbs

Ingredients for two cans of half a liter:

  • Bulgarian pepper - 14 pcs.;
  • Sugar sand - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Table vinegar 9% - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Salt without additives - 1 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil - 80 ml.

How to cook fried bell peppers for the winter without sterilization

Bulgarian pepper (optionally you can take bitter, hot or sweet pepper) washed in cool water. Then we spread the fruits on a paper towel and clean them one by one. To do this, cut each into two halves and pull out the stem. Shake out all the seeds. Now we cut each such half into 2-3 slices. Now you should start sterilizing jars and lids in any way you like.

Next, take a saucepan or a regular frying pan and pour vegetable oil into it. In no case do not add butter, otherwise the workpiece will not be stored. We put the pan on the stove. When the oil is hot, carefully place the pepper slices into it. Fry the slices on both sides. The lid can then be closed. Fire should be medium. You do not need to fry for a long time, only until the pepper is soft and a little golden. By the way, instead of a frying pan, you can use a slow cooker or a grill for such a frying (in order for the peppers to be evenly baked on the grill, you need to grease them with oil on all sides and avoid open flames when frying).

At this time, peel the garlic and rinse it in water. Dry and pass through a garlic press. In a separate bowl, mix the garlic puree, salt, granulated sugar and table vinegar. We take ordinary salt, without any additives. Then, to dissolve grains of sugar and salt, it is better to bring the marinade to a boil, but do not boil.

Now put the fried pepper (1/2 of the whole pepper) into the previously sterilized jar. This must be done carefully, without splashing oil on the edges of the jar, otherwise the lid will not close the jar tightly.

Pour a little garlic marinade into the peppers with a spoon or a small ladle. Throw in the pepper again. And again pour the marinade. Thus, we put it in jars and pour all the fried bell peppers with the marinade for the winter.

We close the almost filled jar with a tight sterilized lid. So it turned out fried peppers without sterilization.

We shake the jar a little in our hands so that the marinade disperses all over the pepper. Turn over and be sure to cover with heat to cool the workpiece. This is necessary for additional sterilization of lids and more durable storage of pepper.

After cooling, it is necessary to store pickled fried peppers for the winter in a cool, darkened room. In such conditions, he will delight you all winter!

The dish is very tasty and quite easy to prepare.

The only “but” is the splashes that fly all over the kitchen when roasting peppers in vegetable oil and burn your hands. Despite this, I strongly advise you to try this delicious pepper, and I will tell you how to fry it without problems.
You will need:
green bell pepper
vegetable oil for frying
Wash the peppers and dry off any drops of water thoroughly with a towel - this will save you from hot splashes when you first dip the peppers into the oil.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan so that it covers the entire bottom, heat it up and put the pepper. Cover immediately. For the greatest safety, make sure the lid is the same diameter as the pan and fits snugly. When frying, the pepper releases a lot of moisture, which gets into the hot oil and splashes in all directions so much that it strives to jump out into any even the smallest crack.

Fry the peppers for about 2-3 minutes on each side. Before turning the pepper to the other side, remove the pan from the heat, wait for the storm to subside under the lid, quickly remove the lid, being careful not to let the water from it get into the pan, set it aside and turn all the peppers to the other side with two forks. With forks, too, be careful - do not make punctures in peppers, the fewer cracks in peppers, the more juice they will retain in themselves, and juice is an important component of this dish. Well, forgive me for being so detailed about caution - she herself was repeatedly burned.
After turning the peppers over, first cover them with a lid, and then put them on the fire.

Your task is to brown the pepper on all sides. The larger the area of ​​​​pepper will be fried, the easier it will be removed from a thin film.

Transfer the fried peppers to a bowl and cover with a plate, let the peppers cool.

Remove the film from the cooled pepper and be sure to save all the juice that flows out.

This juice is flavored with pepper and with a little bit of spice it will turn into a wonderful sauce.

Squeeze garlic into juice and season with salt. If you like it spicy, add ground pepper. I added olive oil infused with red hot pepper. You can add acids: balsamic vinegar or lemon juice. It's all about taste - try it.

Put all the peeled peppers in a bowl with the sauce - they are also salted.

If you did everything right, there will be quite a lot of sauce and it will cover almost the entire pepper.

Roasted bell peppers can be eaten right away, but it’s better if they stand for a while and soak in the sauce. These peppers keep well in the refrigerator and are delicious when cold. They eat it, taking it by the tail with their hands and dipping it in the sauce.

Enjoy your meal!

Roasted bell pepper recipe

Roasted bell peppers are perfect with any kind of meat. This is a very tasty snack that even those who do not really like pepper will like. Depending on your taste preferences, you can add tomatoes, garlic or even sour cream to the pepper.

Try cooking roasted bell peppers in several ways. You are sure to find exactly the option that your family will like. And perhaps this dish will become your family recipe. A little tip: do not remove the seeds from the fruit, they add a special taste and aroma to the dish.

First option (with sour cream)


  • bell pepper (5 pcs.);
  • sour cream;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.


  1. Wash the pepper and cut into pieces that are convenient for you. You do not need to take out the seeds, believe me, it will turn out tastier with them.
  2. Heat up a pan with sunflower oil. Fry the peppers on each side. Salt during frying. The pepper is ready when a golden crust forms.
  3. When you see that the vegetable is ready, pour one tablespoon of sour cream on each and fry a little more under the lid. The fire should be of medium intensity so that the pepper is fried, and not stewed.

Can be served at the table.

Second option (with garlic)


  • thick-skinned bell pepper (5 pcs.);
  • garlic;
  • vegetable oil;
  • lemon juice;
  • salt.


  1. We wash the pepper well, but do not get the seeds. We will be fully prepared.
  2. We send the vegetable to a preheated pan with oil and fry until browned under the lid. The fire must be strong.
  3. After cooking, we clean the skin, which leaves well after heat treatment. At this stage, the vegetable becomes flat, loses its shape.
  4. Put the pepper on a plate, and sprinkle with crushed garlic. Drizzle with lemon juice or table vinegar. You can decorate with chopped herbs.

The dish is ready, bon appetit!

Sweet bell peppers fried in a pan - very tasty! Cook it with gravy, sauces, meat or tomatoes.

Roasted peppers with garlic enjoy enviable popularity in many countries of Europe and Asia. This incredibly tasty and very healthy dish can be attributed to cold or hot appetizers, it is prepared quickly, however, and eaten just as quickly!

  • Bulgarian pepper (any color) 13-15 pieces
  • Garlic 4-5 cloves
  • Vegetable oil 120–150 milliliters
  • Vinegar 3-4 tablespoons
  • Ground black pepper to taste and desire

For this dish, it is better to use peppers with thick and juicy walls. The ideal option is Bulgarian, but if this is not the case, you can take a regular salad. First of all, thoroughly rinse the vegetables under cold running water and dry with paper kitchen towels. It is not necessary to cut the stalks and gut the peppercorns from the seeds!

Next, put a frying pan on medium heat and pour the right amount of vegetable oil into it. As soon as it warms up, we lower the first batch of pepper there. Fry it from all sides until a light golden or dark brown crust, for convenience, turning from side to side, holding the tails.

It is not necessary to bring the vegetables to full readiness at this stage of cooking, the peppercorns should remain slightly undercooked inside, so as soon as they are covered with a blush, use a kitchen spatula to transfer them to a colander and leave it in it to drain excess oil. In the meantime, fry the next batch and then cool the pepper to room temperature.

While the roasted vegetables are cooling, prepare the dressing. We remove the peel from the garlic cloves and squeeze them through a press into a deep plate. Pour vinegar there, if desired, add black ground pepper and mix everything with a tablespoon until a homogeneous consistency.

Next, very carefully peel the cooled pepper from the skin and make a small incision on each bottom or side with a kitchen knife so that the juice flows out. Then put the peppercorns in any deep dish, for example, a plastic container. Pour each layer with garlic-vinegar dressing, cover the container with a tight-fitting lid, put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and then serve the dish to the table.

Roasted peppers with garlic are served in a salad bowl or on a plate immediately after cooking, or cold after infusion. Basically, this dish is considered an appetizer, as well as a great addition to soups and meat dishes. But also such a pepper is ideal as a filling for pies or pizza. Enjoy healthy and delicious food! Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 2, step by step: roasted bell pepper

The dish is very tasty and quite easy to prepare. The only “but” is the splashes that fly all over the kitchen when roasting peppers in vegetable oil and burn your hands. Despite this, I strongly advise you to try this delicious pepper, and I will tell you how to fry it without problems.

  • green bell pepper
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • garlic

Wash the peppers and dry off any drops of water thoroughly with a towel - this will save you from hot splashes when you first dip the peppers into the oil.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan so that it covers the entire bottom, heat it up and put the pepper. Cover immediately. For the greatest safety, make sure the lid is the same diameter as the pan and fits snugly. When frying, the pepper releases a lot of moisture, which gets into the hot oil and splashes in all directions so that it strives to jump out into any even the smallest crack.

Fry the peppers for about 2-3 minutes on each side. Before turning the pepper to the other side, remove the pan from the heat, wait for the storm to subside under the lid, quickly remove the lid, being careful not to let the water from it get into the pan, set it aside and turn all the peppers to the other side with two forks. With forks, too, be careful - do not make punctures in peppers, the fewer cracks in peppers, the more juice they will retain in themselves, and juice is an important component of this dish. Well, forgive me for being so detailed about caution - she herself was repeatedly burned.

After turning the peppers over, first cover them with a lid, and then put them on the fire.

Your task is to brown the pepper on all sides. The larger the area of ​​​​pepper will be fried, the easier it will be removed from a thin film.

Transfer the fried peppers to a bowl and cover with a plate, let the peppers cool.

Remove the film from the cooled pepper and be sure to save all the juice that flows out.

This juice is flavored with pepper, and with a little bit of spice it will turn into a wonderful sauce.

Squeeze garlic into juice and season with salt. If you like it spicy, add ground pepper. I added olive oil infused with red hot pepper. You can add acids: balsamic vinegar or lemon juice. It's all about taste - try it.

Put all the peeled peppers in a bowl with the sauce - they are also salted.

If you did everything right, there will be quite a lot of sauce and it will cover almost the entire pepper.

Roasted bell peppers can be eaten right away, but it’s better if they stand for a while and soak in the sauce. These peppers keep well in the refrigerator and are delicious when cold. They eat it, taking it by the tail with their hands and dipping it in the sauce.

Recipe 3: Roasted Peppers for the Winter (Step by Step)

Today I want to talk about how to prepare delicious fried peppers for the winter. The fact is that there is a lot of pepper in autumn, and, for example, I want to take advantage of this abundance and prepare something tasty from this vegetable.

And so I bought a small multi-colored pepper specifically for this purpose. It is ideal for canning pods. In a half-liter jar, that's it. A lot of peppers will fit and in winter each such blank will delight. The more jars, the more pleasure awaits us in the cold season.

I always cook fried peppers with garlic for the winter, either in a pan or in a slow cooker. Both options are good and convenient. It's especially cool to use both at the same time. Now I will tell you how to fry peppers in a pan. Everything is very simple.

  • Bulgarian pepper preferably small - about 10 pcs.
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. or 5 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • sunflower oil
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • garlic - 2 teeth

First of all, you need to wash the pepper. And then dry on a towel.

Put the pan on the fire and heat it up well. Pour in the oil and add the peppers. They must be dry so that the oil does not shoot.

Fry the peppers over medium heat. Gradually turn them over on each side so that the pod is completely fried. It is necessary that the peppers become ruddy on each side.

While they are frying, quickly prepare the marinade. We combine all the ingredients in a separate bowl: vinegar, sugar, salt, crushed garlic.

Roasted peppers are ready. Marinade too. We use a sterilized jar with a volume of 0.5 liters. But not more than 1 liter. otherwise there will be a lot of pepper, and we will not be able to eat it quickly in winter. Using a fork, transfer the hot peppers from the pan to the jar. It is important to lay as many pods as possible and compact them. When we shift the pepper, it is pierced with a fork. So be it. Then the pods will deflate and thereby fit more of them in the jar.

When the jar is full, pour garlic dressing over roasted peppers.

We roll up with a tin lid using a key or a screw. In both cases, the lid must be boiled in advance. Rolled up - turned over and shook the jar. Left to cool and put in a dark place.

So, our fried bell pepper for the winter with garlic is ready. We store until cold weather and holidays. Serve the pods as an appetizer. You need to take them by the tail. It remains to wish you, dear friends, successful preparations!

This blank is excellent until next season. So do not worry that without sterilization and without boiled marinade.

By the way, for those who do not want to preserve pepper, I advise you to cook it as a simple snack. Serve immediately.

Recipe 4: Roasted Pepper Salad (with photo)

A juicy and healthy warm salad of fried bell peppers will appeal to both vegetarians and those who observe Fasting. It is so easy to prepare that you will spend only 5 minutes of your free time organizing a delicious snack in your kitchen. To make the dish colorful, use vegetables of different colors: red, yellow, green. You can pre-cut colorful peppers in the freezer so you have the base you need to make your salad on hand. From greens, use parsley or cilantro, dill - they will emphasize the taste of the dish. For those who like culinary experiments in salads without mayonnaise, we recommend adding peeled apple slices, they can also be simmered in a pan for 1-2 minutes.

  • 2-3 bell peppers or frozen
  • 0.5 bunch of parsley or dill
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 20 ml vegetable oil
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • sesame seeds for decoration

Peel fresh peppers from seeds, cut off the caps from them, rinse in water, cut into ribbons. If we use sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpeppers, then we will defrost it 10-15 minutes before cooking so that it is not hard, but also not too soft. Be sure to drain the water after defrosting. In a frying pan, heat the vegetable oil and pour the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpeppers into the container, fry for about 2-3 minutes.

At this time, peel the garlic cloves from the husk, rinse and pass through the press directly into the container. Stir and fry for another 1 minute - no more frying is necessary, as the garlic will acquire a bitter taste and transfer it to the dish. Take the pan off the fire.

We will wash the greens: parsley, dill, celery or any other to your taste. Grind it and pour it into the pan with the rest of the ingredients. Salt and mix - a warm salad is completely ready!

Put it on a serving plate, decorate with sesame seeds and serve while it is still hot. By the way, for those who love meat dishes, we recommend serving fried chicken liver with such a salad - its taste blends perfectly with the taste of pepper.

Recipe 5: Roasted Peppers in a Pan with Tomatoes

  • sweet pepper - 4 pcs.

for the sauce:

  • tomato - 440 g
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • sunflower oil - 50 g
  • salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • sugar - to taste
  • ground coriander - to taste
  • basil - 3 sprigs.

First of all, prepare the sauce, as it needs to cool down a bit. Take ripe tomatoes, rinse well. The skin needs to be removed from the tomato. Take a sharp knife and make a perpendicular cut on top.

Boil water in a saucepan or saucepan. Dip the prepared tomatoes for 30-40 seconds. Drain in a colander and rinse immediately with cold water. After this procedure, the peel is easily removed with a knife, which we will do.

Cut the tomatoes in half and cut into small pieces. Peel the garlic cloves, wash and cut into small pieces. Tear off the leaves of the basil, wash and finely chop.

Pour 30 g of sunflower oil into a saucepan, add chopped garlic. Fry over low heat for about a minute, until a characteristic garlic aroma appears.

Add chopped tomatoes and basil. Simmer on the smallest fire for 25-30 minutes. Be sure to cover with a lid.

At the end of cooking, season the sauce with salt, ground pepper, coriander. If the sauce seems sour to you, add some sugar. Stir and bring to a boil again. Cool the sauce. If desired, it can be crushed with a blender.

Now, prepare the pepper. Rinse well and be sure to dry with a napkin. Heat the remaining sunflower oil in a frying pan. Put in sweet peppers. Fry on all sides until golden brown.

On a flat plate, add a little sweet and sour sauce, lay the pepper. Top with more sauce and garnish with a sprig of fresh basil. Roasted peppers are ready. Serve it with mashed potatoes, pasta, meat and fish dishes. Enjoy your meal!

The dish will be even tastier if the fried peppers, poured with sauce, are allowed to brew for an hour.

Recipe 6: Roasted Peppers with Onions and Chicken

A simple recipe for cooking chicken meat with sweet fried peppers, which does not require much effort and time.

  • Chicken fillet - 250-300g;
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 1 pc. medium size;
  • Onion - 1 medium-sized head;
  • Hard cheese - 50g;
  • Vegetable oil for frying;
  • Salt, black pepper (to taste).

We cut the onion into half rings, and cut the meat into small pieces.

In a similar way to meat, chop the bell pepper.

Fry the onion in a pan until golden brown.

Mix it with chicken fillet.

Stirring occasionally, bring to a boil.

Turning off the stove, but without removing the pan from it, add bell pepper, salt and black pepper to the meat fried with onions.

Mix and let stand for a couple of minutes.