How to make homemade butter? Methods and recipes for the preparation of butter. homemade butter

Until I get the administration of the site to remove the recipe or correct it, I will make my own adjustments.

1. The recipe is wrong! Whipping cream lasts a maximum of 7 minutes. Start whipping on speed 1, then go to 3, then when you see buttermilk, lower it back to 1, otherwise it will splatter.
But that's not all! Drained the first buttermilk, continue to beat, draining a new batch. We stop only when the mass ceases to give liquid. But after that, the oil must be washed in cold, purified, preferably distilled, water. Until it becomes transparent. If you've beaten out all the buttermilk before then, once is enough. If the water is cloudy, repeat the procedure. It is best to discard the oil in a colander with a very fine mesh or holes.
After washing, you can beat the mass again with a mixer to knock out the remaining water. This will extend the life of the product.

2. You can add salt to taste (it is also a light preservative), sugar, but ALWAYS add dried herbs, never fresh. This is a good base for mold and various pathogenic flora! “Spread”, of course, is good, but do you need it? You will never be able to comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements at home, even if you sterilize all tools and utensils. In the case of dairy products, you are playing the lottery.

2. After forming the mass and an hour in the freezer, cut into pieces. Not in HALVES, but in pieces that you use within 3 days in the refrigerator. Without preservatives, without preliminary pasteurization of products, you will not be able to protect your body.
Shelf life is not 6 months in the freezer. The shelf life is limited by the shelf life of the cream! Given that you will not sterilize containers and tools in the manufacture of butter, violating the tightness of the package (opening a bottle of cream), then even less. If you place the finished product in the freezer, the shelf life is no more than a month and 3 days in the refrigerator. 5 days maximum, but at this moment even I, a medical doctor by education, will not give a guarantee.
In connection with all of the above, if you have a small family, use no more than 300 ml of cream! This volume is sufficient to obtain about 160 - 200 grams of oil. If the family is large, increase the portion. Play it safe, cook the mass more often, it's not so laborious!

3. Never take cream from the market! You do not know the manufacturer, what the cows were sick with, whether they were given antibiotics, whether the period after antibiotics was observed when milk cannot be sold to the buyer. Buy products that have an expiration date, for example, in stores that sell organic products. Yes, there are also questions, but at least a small amount of confidence in the purity of the products is present. Everything is whipping up normally, the author misinformed you!
In the market, you cannot track the transportation of dairy products from the supplier to the point of sale. Under what conditions did it take place? “Paired” milk, often a delay!

5. A question arises for the site moderators: why are such homegrown grief - the authors and their recommendations, being moderated?

6. Why does Rospotrebnadzor not control such sites for the quality of information published in publicly available sources?


An invariable attribute of the table for breakfast or lunch is butter. So fragrant, tasty and healthy. We will cook it at home and delight our loved ones.

You will need heavy cream or heavy sour cream in an amount of at least 1 liter. Prepare the bowl in which you will beat the original dairy product. The ideal option is a deep container with a rough surface inside for whipping with a mixer. A blender is also able to cope, but with a small amount of sour cream / cream, as it heats up quickly. Pour the contents of the container with sour cream or cream into a container and cover it with a plastic bag so that the valuable future product does not splatter. If you are whipping cream by hand with a whisk or rolling the can, then this is not necessary. Gently thread the beaters of the mixer through the polyethylene. Skip this step if using your hands. Start whipping at low speed, gradually increasing it to maximum. Using manual whipping methods - rolling a jar or stirring with a whisk / spoon, it is difficult to increase the speed. Try not to reduce it in these cases, at least. The process of the appearance of oil began from the moment when the entire mass in the plate rises, becomes airy. The color of the cream/sour cream will change to golden or remain the same, but with yellow patches. These are the first signs of future homemade goodies. After 5-10 minutes you will see a white liquid. This is buttermilk, or buttermilk, a valuable and scarce product. It is rich in useful substances, and pastries based on it are especially tasty and fragrant. Drain the buttermilk into a jar or other container as soon as it appears. Approximately it will turn out 60-70% of the original volume of the source material. You can salt or sweeten the oil at this stage. If you are preparing it for a child, then it is better not to add anything. Collect the oil and transfer it to cheesecloth or a colander with small holes. This is necessary to drain the remaining liquid. Leave for a couple of hours.

If you want to extend the shelf life of the oil, rinse it with clean water. To do this, pour a glass 3-4 times into a container with oil, beat and drain the liquid. You should reach the point when the water after mixing remains transparent. Transfer the finished oil to a tray and send it to the freezer. Store a small piece in the refrigerator in a butter dish for up to a week.

At the exit, you will get 300-350 grams of ready-made delicious homemade butter. The total time spent on its preparation varies from 40 minutes to 3 hours. You will see that homemade butter is not as yellow as store-bought, more “alive”, different in taste, more aromatic. And it is also saturated with your energy and love, which gives family and friends health and good mood!

Please advise how you can make good butter at home? Do you need to add something to it?

At first, I also could not make good homemade butter, although my cow gave very fatty milk. Having studied many books describing the technology of making butter, I developed my own, which is most suitable for use at home.

After milking the cow, I filter the milk through 4 layers of gauze and put it to rest for about two days. Occasionally I ferment milk, and then sour cream can be removed after five hours. If I take off the top from one bucket, then I immediately put it in a churn and beat it down. If a couple of buckets of milk have accumulated, then I interfere with the sour cream removed from them and certainly let it ripen for 3-4 hours.

I put the ripened sour cream in a bucket of warm water so that it warms up in it to 110 (no less!). And when I'm in a hurry, I do it even easier: I pour a glass of warm water into the removed mixture and into the churn.

Before creating a whole piece, it is not necessary to churn, because in this case the oil will not be washed out, there will be impurities in it. The process must be completed when only grains of fat appear. That's when I start washing.

Each grain of oil is perfectly rinsed and freed from whey. How do they do it? Having drained the whey from the churn, I fill it with water at room temperature and again grind the grains. Subsequently, I change the water again and beat the butter again. After washing it in two waters, I select the fat with a slotted spoon on a plate and squeeze it with a lid from the churn. And since the oil was in grains, it is perfectly pressed and molded, it becomes solid. After these manipulations, I take it out to the cold.

Homemade butter great to keep in a dark place, in slightly salted well water. But it is important that it be completely immersed in water. The oil can lie in it for 20 days, but the water must be changed periodically. You can, of course, keep it in the refrigerator, but there it comes into contact with air, which is why it decomposes more quickly.

In summer, the oil comes out rich, beautiful yellow. This is because there is a lot of carotene (vitamin A) in summer feeds, which gives the oil a bright yellow color. Winter product - light, which means a low content of carotene.

Homemade cream butter

I also make homemade butter from cream. After removing them from milk (I don’t have a separator), I’ll let them stand for 3 hours and start churning. Further all the same. In this case, it is necessary to churn for a longer period of time than when using sour cream, but the oil comes out sweeter.

A very fragrant oil is obtained from melted sour cream - like Vologda - with a nutty smell. Ordinary sour cream is put in the oven and stands until browned. Subsequently, it is cooled and laid out in a butter churn.

For longer storage, you can cook salted butter. In this case, one must remember a simple rule: add salt in an amount of 2% of the volume and in the process of churning, and not after the oil has been produced.

Butter comes out great melted butter. I spread a piece in an enamel pan without water. When boiling, I remove the foam, and in order for non-fat impurities to settle better, I sprinkle with a little salt. After about 30 minutes of light simmering, scoop out the top with a spoon or allow to set, then separate the yellow portion of pure ghee from the bottom whitish sediment.

You won’t get good butter if you feed slop to a cow instead of grain fodder. I want to make a warning about some feeds. From feeding a cow fodder grain, peas, the butter from her milk will crumble. There is also no need to get involved in compound feed.


And now about how to make a butter churn. This elementary device has been serving me for several years now.

For the production of a butter churn, you can use any significant container (only non-aluminum): a jar, a can or a tank. For example, I adapted a five-liter glass jar for this. The lid of my butter churn consists of two boards. The lower plank is tightly embedded in the neck, the upper one covers the edges from above, for this reason it is 2 cm wider. The boards are connected with screws.

A hole with a diameter of about 8 millimeters is drilled in the middle of the cover to insert a rod - a wooden stick. A recess is made around this hole in the upper plate so that the sour cream taken out of the can does not spread during the churning process, but flows back into the can. The stem freely penetrates into the opening of the cover. The diameter of this stick is one and a half millimeters less than the diameter of the hole.

At the bottom, the rod ends with a wooden cross with planks at both ends, so that the cross is tightly pressed against the bottom of the can.

If the neck of the container is wide enough, the crosspiece can be fixed tightly on the stem, and if it is narrow, it is best to make a collapsible one and use a piece of fabric for greater connection strength when assembling inside the container.

I fill the jar with sour cream for 1/3. Up to 800 grams of butter can be cooked in it at a time. I shoot 20-30 min. After the container is filled, I lower the stem with the cross inside, firmly press the lid into the neck and, lifting the stem up and down, churn the oil. Here is such a technology.

For years, people have been making butter at home. But today, homemade butter is a rare treat with a great fresh creamy taste and a silky smooth texture. It is a great way to rediscover the magical properties of milk. The principle of making butter at home is quite simple: you need to whip the cream for a long time until it turns into butter!
Tools for making butter are the simplest and something you should definitely have in your kitchen. It can be an immersion blender with a whisk, or a food processor, or a stationary blender, or a planetary (table) mixer, or even an ordinary glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.
Learn more about making homemade sweet butter here. Now it's time to write about sour butter.

For the preparation of butter, in addition to cow's milk (or rather cream), you can use any other - buffalo, camel, goat, sheep or horse. Here, as they say, it all depends on your capabilities.
But today we will not just make sour butter, but first we will prepare sour cream at home. This is an intermediate step in the preparation of sour butter, and you can stop there if you wish. Homemade sour cream, prepared with your own hands, is also indescribably delicious!

Sour cream butter differs from sweet cream butter in a richer aroma and slightly more piquant taste. Sour cream butter is made by fermenting milk sugars (lactose) into lactic acid before the cream becomes butter. And if in a simple way, then the cream is first fermented in heat, and then whipped. Just sour cream - this is sour cream. Although in fairness it must be said that it is better to ferment cream with the addition of special starter cultures. So the result will be much more predictable - in the finished sourdough, only certain “correct” bacteria.

When fermenting cream without a special starter, leave the cream at room temperature for 12-24 hours or until the cream starts to look shiny and tastes good. a little sour. But do not leave them to ferment for longer than 24 hours, otherwise they will become too sour in taste. And if your room is too hot, then 12 hours can be a lot. Therefore, the cream will have to be monitored and periodically tasted.

To make butter, we need very good cream: we need fresh or pasteurized cream with a fat content of 33-40%. The fatter they are, the more butter you can get from a liter of cream. Ultra-pasteurized or sterilized cream is not suitable for making butter - cream changes its structure when heated at high temperature and butter will never turn out of them. Well, the composition of the cream should also be completely natural, i.e. only whole cream. And no thickeners, vegetable fats. And here the first problem awaits you. There are usually no such creams on store shelves. I once wrote about cream for ice cream. The article indicates brands that generally sell heavy cream in Russia. But 99% of them are not suitable for making butter. So welcome to the farmhouses for cream. This is now the only option where you can buy this.

If you suddenly decide not to waste time looking for cream and fermenting it, but decide to make butter from sour cream, then when choosing sour cream, you should take into account that sour cream should be as natural as possible, made only from cream with the addition of sourdough. If the sour cream contains thickeners, starch (even if this is not written on the packaging), vegetable fat and other rubbish that should not be in good sour cream, then you may not get butter at all or it will turn out very little and with unsatisfactory taste . At the same time, you can evaluate the quality of sour cream, which you are used to buying. Cooking butter - will be a better test for sour cream than the “Test Purchase” program.

Homemade sour cream butter was traditionally produced in Europe. For some reason, it was not so popular in Russia.

  • Preparation time: 30 minutes
  • Total preparation time: 1 day
  • Servings: 500 gr

The nutritional value*

*Per Serving (GDA System)

  • Calorie content: 179Kcal 9%
  • Fat: 20.3g 31%
  • Us. fat: 12.8g 64%
  • Proteins: 0.2g 0%
  • Carbs: 0g 0%
  • Fiber: 0g 0%
  • Sugar: 0g 0%


  • Cream with a fat content of 33 to 40%: 1 liter (4 cups);
  • Salt: 1/2 tsp (optional);

Cooking method

  1. For fermentation, you will need a plastic or (better) glass or ceramic container with a wide mouth and a lid. For example, if you have baking pots gathering dust, then they will finally come in handy for you.
  2. So, if you have fresh natural raw cream and you are 200% sure of the health of the cow from which it is obtained, or pasteurized cream, then put the starter for making sour cream into the cream (according to the starter manufacturer's instructions) and let the cream stand in a warm place (28-33 degrees) for about 8 hours. If the temperature is below 28 degrees, then the cream will ferment longer. It is especially not recommended to exceed the temperature, because. sourdough is live bacteria that will die at high temperatures.
    If your fresh (unpasteurized) cream comes from a cow you're unsure about and haven't seen in person, don't risk your health and pasteurize the cream first. It is necessary to pasteurize at a temperature of 60 degrees for 30 minutes or at a temperature of 70 degrees for 20 minutes. It is usually pasteurized in a thick-walled saucepan in a water bath so as not to overheat the cream. And for this you definitely need an immersion thermometer. The contents of the pan must also be constantly stirred to ensure uniform heating and monitor the temperature. Then let the cream cool to 33 degrees and add the starter according to the instructions.
  3. I specifically write about the pasteurization of milk, because. most likely the cream that you manage to buy will be farm or private. And in this case, the quality and purity of the cream will depend on the conscientiousness of the farmer himself.
  4. If you don’t have a special starter, then pasteurize the cream, pour it into a bowl in which it will ferment, and leave it in a warm place for a day.
  5. When the cream is completely fermented, you can determine this by appearance - the cream will thicken. And it will no longer be cream, but sour cream!
  6. If you had enough willpower and you didn’t eat your homemade sour cream right away, then we continue on. Cool the sour cream to 16 degrees by briefly placing it in the refrigerator. For best results, sour cream should be around 16 degrees before whipping. Too warm sour cream will make butter, but it will be too soft and it may be difficult to keep it on the filter cloth. Those. oil can seep through the holes in the fabric and be difficult to collect in a lump. And from too cold sour cream, oil is not formed. Well, more precisely, it forms, but only when the oil warms up, and I'm afraid your patience is not enough.
  7. Transfer the sour cream to a blender, food processor, stand mixer bowl, etc. and start beating. In this case, various transformations will occur with sour cream. At first it will be white and lush, then it will turn into a dirty white heterogeneous mass, and only after that will small scattered pieces of yellow oil the size of a grain of rice appear. This will take from 5 to 8 minutes. At this stage, you need to stop whipping and turn off the equipment.
  8. Let the oil sit for about 5 minutes. The liquid, which is called buttermilk, will separate from the butter during this time. Use a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth over a medium bowl. I, for reliability, use a nut milk bag along with a sieve - not a single grain of butter will escape through it.
  9. Transfer the butter along with the buttermilk to a sieve and let the buttermilk drain into a bowl. Buttermilk should never be thrown away - it is also a valuable dairy product. Pancakes, pancakes, cookies, bread, etc. can be cooked on buttermilk.

  10. Next, our task is to remove the remaining buttermilk from the oil and make its structure homogeneous. To do this, you can transfer the butter to a large bowl filled with cold water and thoroughly mash the meat with a fork or mashed potatoes. I add ice cubes to the water so that the water is really cold and the oil does not stick to the walls of the container and the fork. If you have a potato press, then you can pass the oil through it. Change the water and repeat everything in clean water. The oil must be washed until the water is completely clear. As a result of these manipulations, there will be no hidden cavities filled with buttermilk in the oil, and the shelf life and fat content of the product will increase.
  11. If you are making salted butter, now is the time to add the salt. In order for the salt to be evenly mixed in the oil, it is necessary to drain the water from it, and then mix for about 10 minutes. With a mashed potato press, things will go faster - just pass the butter and salt through the press 5-6 times. Salt will enhance the flavor of the butter and extend its shelf life.
  12. At this stage, the butter can be shaped into any shape - you can make a simple rectangular block or put the butter in a silicone cookie cutter. To obtain a form, you can also use ceramic baking dishes, terrines, ramekens. There are even special presses, molds and dies for oil.
  13. When you're done, wrap the butter in wax paper and store it in the refrigerator.


Ready-made butter can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks. For longer storage, wrap the oil in a double layer of plastic wrap or place in a plastic container. Well washed, salted and hermetically sealed butter can be stored in the freezer for up to 9 months. For example, I prepare butter for future use in the summer, while milk and cream are plentiful and rich in vitamins.

Butter is not as difficult to make at home as it might seem at first glance. The quality of the oil will be no worse, or even better than the modern store. As I mentioned in a previous article about oil, far from all the oil that is sold in modern stores is such. This time I will tell you how easy it is to make homemade butter from whole milk or cream.

Many years ago, when we kept goats, one of the products we made for ourselves was butter. From goat's milk, it turned out to be pure white, tasty and fragrant.

The recipe for making butter is simple, but the success and the amount of butter in the output largely depends on the quality of the raw materials - cream or milk, from which the cream will be collected. Secondly - from the temperature of the cream and good luck.

How to collect cream

How many people, so many opinions, I will describe the method to which we came by experiment. In the mid-90s, there was no Internet in the village yet, and it was not possible to search for specialized literature. They used those "tools" that were at hand and those "recipes" that worked.

In my case, the milk was poured into a glass container and put in the refrigerator (we had three-liter bottles). Usually, after some time (about 6 hours), the fattest part of the milk - cream rises up and becomes clearly visible visually. The amount of cream directly depends on the fat content of milk. Usually, 0.5-0.7 liters of cream was obtained from three liters of goat's milk. Cream can be harvested for several days and keeps well. I collected this upper part in a separate dish (another three-liter bottle). Yes, a three-liter bottle - a very popular container at that time was on the farm.

A more professional approach is to use a separator for this purpose - a special device designed to distill milk and separate it into cream and skim milk. This thing at that time was very expensive, scarce, and not every rural family had it on the farm! Now with the availability of all sorts of "improvers" of life and life is a completely different matter.

Whipping butter

When the bottle is half full of cream, you can start the process of whipping the cream. Cream should be chilled to about 8-10 degrees. Colder cream will take longer to whip (until warmed by the warmth of your hands).

Easy to beat. We close the bottle with a tight tight lid to avoid the cream coming out. Shake the bottle vigorously until the grains of milk fat are churned into grains. The grains stick together and gradually several large lumps are formed, which can already be collected (either by hand or thrown into a strainer), squeezed out, washed under cold well (or better ice) water.

The liquid left over from whipping cream is called buttermilk. Buttermilk is highly skimmed milk. It is very pleasant in taste, easy to drink, can be used in the preparation of pancakes, dough, just drink on a hot day.

Whipping butter in this way is a very good physical exercise for the main muscle groups of the hands. A couple of episodes of your favorite series and the oil is ready! The oil output is small. From 1.5-2 liters of cream comes out about 150 grams of butter. To say that the butter was delicious is an understatement! Bright white, quickly softening at the temperature of a summer day, sweetish in taste and with a great aroma!

Cow butter, unlike goat butter, is pale yellow in color. The yield of butter from cow's milk is slightly less due to the lower fat content of cow's milk. In general, the tighter the cream, the greater the yield of butter.

Now, to obtain butter from whole milk, it is quite possible to purchase a separator at the equivalent price of 5-6 kilograms of butter;). And a food processor (about the same price) will whip butter from cream in 5-7 minutes. If you don’t have a cow or a goat, but you want to try real butter, it’s quite possible to whip the butter from high-fat cream of animal origin bought at the store.

Try it! It's simple and incredibly delicious!

And here is a video of "mechanization" of the process of whipping butter :)