Temperature from breastfeeding what to do. How to get rid of fever while breastfeeding

Breast milk and breastfeeding in general ideal remedy for the baby in terms of the prevention of viral and colds. That is why, if a mother suddenly falls ill, she needs to be treated calmly with those drugs that will help her and not harm her. little child. A cold or viral disease brings a lot of problems to a nursing mother, not only does the temperature rise during breastfeeding with such diseases, but symptoms such as cough, runny nose and sore throat also appear. The very first problem is the treatment itself, because most often mothers do not even know what they can take and what not. And it happens that it comes to the fact that mommy lies with a temperature of over forty, just because she is afraid to drink.

What can you drink when the temperature suddenly rises at the First of all ideal preparations are folk remedies - inhalations, steam baths, decoctions of various medicinal plants. If the temperature during breastfeeding has risen above 38 degrees, it can be brought down with paracetamol-containing drugs. They are allowed with breastfeeding and they won’t hurt the baby in the slightest, only if they lower his temperature a little too, but this moment can be prevented very quickly with the help of warm clothes.

When a nursing woman is sick, she sweats a lot, not only does she need to replenish her lost fluid, but she also needs water to form breast milk. Therefore, fluids should be consumed as much as possible and the baby should be applied more often, and especially at night. To make it more convenient for a sick mother, you can put the baby next to you on the bed, but not under your blanket, and after feeding, try to move away from the baby, at least thirty centimeters. This is required not because you can infect small child, but so that the baby does not sweat from your heat.

For complex treatment colds in nursing mothers apply methods such as physiotherapy, restorative means, homeopathic remedies, aromatherapy. If a nursing mother has risen very much when breastfeeding, she urgently needs to call an ambulance team. It is not necessary to go to the hospital and leave the baby, hospital treatment is required only in very serious cases, and so, even a nursing mother can be cured on an outpatient basis, that is, at home.

If a woman is sick viral disease, even though it common cold, she should never stop feeding the baby. In any case, without breast milk, the baby will become even more vulnerable, since all these diseases are transmitted through the air. If the temperature during feeding does not drop during the day, while taking antipyretic drugs, it is necessary to call a doctor at home and, according to the doctor's prescription, carry out treatment.

Infectious diseases, of course, are dangerous for a nursing mother, and not only if the temperature rises during breastfeeding, but also the risk of complications when self-treatment. If the doctor you called prescribed antibiotics for you - this is not a reason to refuse breastfeeding during treatment, now there are antibiotics that are compatible with breastfeeding and do not harm the baby, it is enough just to drink biologics when taking the medicine. In order for the doctor to prescribe you just such antibiotics, you must warn him in advance that you are breastfeeding. A nursing mother needs to know just a few rules that must be used when taking antibiotics:

  • To in breast milk horrible minimum harmful substances, the drug should be taken directly during feeding or immediately after it;
  • It is necessary to take biological preparations during the entire course of treatment, as well as two weeks after it;
  • And also, if possible, use drugs plant origin along with antibiotics.

Elevated body temperature indicates that the immune system has begun an active fight against disease, infections, bacteria.

Many girls want to know if it is possible to breastfeed at a high temperature, and whether this will affect the baby.

If such a symptom occurs in the first month after the birth of a child, then there is a possibility of complications.

Elevated body temperature up to 38 degrees often indicates an inflammatory process in the scars or the genitourinary system.

When breastfeeding, you need to urgently seek help from a doctor. He will appoint complex diagnostics and make a diagnosis.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor will be able to objectively assess the condition of the nursing mother and the feasibility of maintaining lactation.

Is it possible to breastfeed a child with a high temperature in the mother?

There is no single answer for this question for women. If the body temperature has risen sharply, then it cannot be reduced with the usual pills. They may be contraindicated during feeding.

When contacting a doctor, he must correctly determine the factor that caused the fever.

After receiving the results of the examination and diagnosis, he will be able to prescribe a drug. They are compatible with breastfeeding or completely contraindicated.

Sometimes the breast milk of a nursing mother may contain a large number of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

In such a situation, the baby is transferred to formula milk. But first you need to consult with a pediatrician and inform him.

Important! If the body temperature is above 38 degrees, it is urgent to transfer the child to artificial feeding until the doctor determines the cause and prescribes treatment.

Thanks to such measures, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of diarrhea in the baby, as well as the penetration of microbes into the baby's body through breast milk.

Its amount can decrease significantly, because the mother's body gradually weakens.

Fever affects not only the quantity, but also the quality. If you turn to a doctor, he will give recommendations for maintaining lactation.

If there are no contraindications, then antibodies will enter the child's body. Mothers need to wear a bandage to keep the baby free of bacteria and infections.

Note! When a woman is diagnosed with mastitis, it can be cured without harm to the baby and taking medication.

With the progression of this disease, you should consult with your doctor. He will evaluate the form of the disease, as well as drugs that are approved for use during lactation.

What can bring down the temperature of a nursing mother?

Before you bring down the temperature, you need to measure it correctly. It is best to clamp the thermometer in the elbow bend.

This is due to the fact that when milk stagnates in the breast, the skin temperature may increase, and the readings will be inaccurate.

It is necessary to take medicines and antipyretics when a woman develops headache, aches in the body and joints, as well as other uncomfortable sensations.

The temperature begins to knock down when it becomes above 38.5. In other cases, it is not recommended to carry out treatment so that the body can independently fight viruses and bacteria. To help him, you can drink tea with lemon or raspberry.

There are other ways that will help to quickly bring down the body temperature of a nursing mother:

Way Description
Medicines based on paracetamol, ibuprofen You can also take children's Nurofen, but calculate the dosage correctly and do not exceed the norm.

Numerous studies have confirmed that these medications completely safe for children and can be taken during lactation.

These medicines are sold in the form rectal suppositories, so the chemical components will not penetrate into breast milk

Rubbing with vinegar solution Vinegar contains volatile substances that help to quickly cool the skin. Need to wipe open areas body, neck, armpits, forehead, knee and elbow bends.

To prepare a weak solution, take 500 gr. water and add 1 tbsp. apple solution

Hot plentiful drink If a nursing mother is sick, then the first thing to do is to provide hot and plentiful drink.

It is better to make ordinary tea, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and wear things made from natural fabrics. They do not cause an allergic reaction.

Tea with lemon or honey can cause allergic reaction baby

Inhalations with eucalyptus and chamomile These are warm inhalations that are made over hot boiled potatoes. To speed up your recovery, you can slightly steam your legs. It is recommended to add mustard powder to the water

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky on the temperature of a nursing mother

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky is a pediatrician and candidate medical sciences. He argues that every mother should be interested in keeping breastfeeding.

For this reason, it is important to correctly identify the disease and the cause that contributes to the increase in body temperature.

Note! During breastfeeding, you should use only safe antipyretics.

They can only be used when needed. Medication adjustments are required. It is better to take paracetamol and ibuprofen after breastfeeding.

The next time a young mother breastfeeds her baby, the amount of chemicals in her milk will be minimal.

In connection with the disease, it is not necessary to adjust or change the baby's feeding schedule. If the body temperature does not drop, then you can take the medicine again.

Dr. Komarovsky claims that nursing mothers can use antipyretic drug. It is important to observe the dosage, and not to exceed the norm.

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An increase in temperature in a nursing woman is one of the most common complaints in the postpartum period. The appearance of a fever becomes a reason for concern about the health of not only the mother, but also the child, who needs breast milk. In addition, there are many prejudices against the mother. It is important not only to determine why feverish state, but also to choose the optimal treatment tactics that will not harm either the patient or the child.

Among the causes of temperature during breastfeeding associated with the mammary glands, we can name:

  • accumulation of excess milk, or lactostasis;
  • lactational mastitis;
  • temperature error.

The temperature in a nursing mother is also often due to the following reasons:

We can talk about the error of thermometry when the body temperature is measured in the armpit (axillary) cavity and remains within the boundaries of subfebrile numbers. At the same time, there are no symptoms of local changes (enlargement, soreness of the mammary gland, the appearance of pathological discharge from the nipple) or signs of a cold (cough, runny nose). The systemic temperature of 37 ° C in a nursing mother is absolutely normal, since the axillary temperature during filling of the mammary glands can be much higher than subfebrile, decreases during feeding and a decrease in the amount of milk.

To avoid erroneous detection of fever, it is recommended to carry out rectal or oral thermometry (in the rectum, in the mouth) or measure the temperature in the elbow.

Temperature rise at breastfeeding not always due to lactation and may be due to infection with bacteria or viruses that provoke ARI, AKI and any other spicy options infectious diseases. If a nursing mother has a temperature of 40 ° C, this indicates severe course disease suggests the presence purulent focus. Any chronic pathologies can worsen both during pregnancy and after the birth of a child - while they are not always associated with bacteria or viruses (for example, diseases of the nervous, endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract and etc.). The causes of temperature in a nursing mother also include endometritis, infection operating wound after caesarean section and other postpartum purulent-septic diseases.

The temperature during breastfeeding in the mother of a newborn is sometimes explained by "milk fever", or lactostasis. This condition occurs when milk stagnates in the ducts of the mammary glands. Pathological lactostasis, in which the bacterial flora is present ( pathogenic staphylococcus), is considered as a latent stage of mastitis, since the accumulation of milk that is not excreted outside is a fundamental factor in the development of the inflammatory process in the mammary gland.

Causes of lactostasis:

  • production of a volume of milk that exceeds the needs of the child;
  • anatomical features (flat nipples, sagging breasts, etc.);
  • lack of a feeding schedule, self-pumping unnecessarily;
  • incorrect position of the child during feeding;
  • chest injury;
  • sleep in the position on the stomach;
  • wearing a tight bra.

When lactostasis is observed:

  1. Edema and enlargement mammary gland in volume.
  2. The appearance of areas of compaction, which are determined by palpation.
  3. Fever (temperature during feeding, before and after it is higher than 38–40 ° C).

Breast milk has pyrogen properties (a substance that causes fever) and can contribute to an increase in body temperature during breastfeeding as a result of damage to the milk ducts.

With lactostasis, there is no redness and swelling of the mammary gland, which are characteristic of mastitis as inflammatory process. After the breast is freed from milk, fever and pain disappear without additional treatment.

What to do if the temperature in a nursing mother is caused by lactostasis? You need to feed the baby at intervals of 1.5 to 2 hours, including at night. It is recommended to express milk, massage the mammary glands. A drug-induced decrease in milk secretion may be indicated (parlodel, dostinex), ultrasound therapy. It is mandatory to consult a doctor to determine the tactics of treatment.

lactation mastitis

Lactational mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland that develops during lactation. This is one of the most common causes of fever in mothers while breastfeeding. There is a large list of risk factors for development (decrease immune reactivity, Availability chronic pathology, nipple injuries, lactostasis, neglect of hygiene rules, etc.). The start of the infectious-inflammatory process is due to the penetration of bacteria ( Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes) through microcracks or wounds on the chest.

Mastitis is classified as:

  • serous;
  • infiltrative;
  • purulent.

With serous mastitis, the temperature in a nursing mother rises to 38–39 ° C, weakness, chills are observed. The mammary gland swells and turns red, becomes painful. If left untreated, there is a risk of the disease becoming infiltrative.

The main symptom of infiltrative mastitis is the presence of a painful infiltrate in mammary gland and redness of the skin above it, which in a nursing mother is accompanied by a temperature above 38 ° C. If you do a blood test, you can find a significant increase in ESR, moderate leukocytosis. Marked malaise, headache. Without adequate therapy, purulent mastitis develops.

Purulent mastitis is characterized sharp deterioration the patient's condition, persistent fever: a nursing mother has chest pains and the temperature rises to 38–40 ° C. There is weakness, chills, sweating. In a small amount of milk that can be expressed, pus is found. The mammary gland swells, the skin on examination is hyperemic with areas of cyanosis. The patient is concerned about pain in the area of ​​the mammary gland, which increases when trying to change the position of the body. With the gangrenous form of purulent mastitis, necrosis of breast tissue occurs, there is a risk of developing septic shock.

What to do when a nursing mother has a temperature of 39 ° C? Mastitis - dangerous disease Therefore, the patient should immediately be examined by a doctor. Before starting treatment, breast milk and secretions from the mammary gland are taken for bacteriological examination in order to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial agents. Dr. Komarovsky emphasizes that the temperature of a nursing mother should not be ignored, even in the absence of symptoms of mastitis. Its significant increase is the basis for immediate action.

With serous mastitis, it is necessary to eliminate lactostasis, with an infiltrative form, lactation suppression is practiced (bromocriptine, dostinex). Physiotherapy (ultrasound, ultraviolet radiation) is also used, antibiotic therapy(oxacillin, lincomycin), antihistamines(cetirizine, tavegil).

The temperature of the mother during breastfeeding in the case of purulent mastitis is observed before treatment, while there is a cavity with pus. Performed surgical intervention for the purpose of opening and draining the purulent focus. Also required:

  • suppression of lactation;
  • antibacterial therapy (claforan, amikacin);
  • infusion therapy (reopoliglyukin, gemodez).

Dr. Komarovsky reminds: the temperature during breastfeeding in case of swelling and redness of the breast cannot be an indication for the use of hot compresses, heating pads and any other warming procedures.

The treatment of temperature during feeding in the mother is carried out according to the form of mastitis, taking into account the general condition of the patient.

Postpartum thrombophlebitis

To postpartum infectious diseases include pathologies directly related to pregnancy and childbirth and resulting from infection bacterial infection. The temperature in a nursing mother is one of the main symptoms mentioned by Dr. Komarovsky when describing a complicated course postpartum period. Postpartum thrombophlebitis is an inflammation of the venous wall, in which blood clots form in the lumen of the vessel. Predisposing factors for development are:

  1. Massive blood loss.
  2. Prolonged childbirth.
  3. The formation of hematomas as a result of tissue injury.
  4. Need in manual separation placenta.
  5. Long waterless period.
  6. Performing surgical interventions.

Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins lower extremities manifested by weakness, pain of a pulling nature, slight swelling and redness in the area of ​​the affected vessel, as well as subfebrile fever - the temperature in a nursing mother rises to 37–37.9 ° C. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged. General state hardly gets worse. On examination, it is possible to reveal a painful cord-like infiltrate located along the venous trunk.

Thrombophlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities usually develops 2-3 weeks after childbirth. The patient is worried about weakness, fever, intense pain in the leg, pronounced edema and an increase in the volume of the thigh, as well as an increase and soreness of the inguinal lymph nodes. On examination, the skin of the limb is pale, with areas of cyanosis, you can see the expansion of superficial veins.

The temperature of a nursing mother rises to 38–39 ° C. Can I breastfeed during this time? Much depends on the condition of the woman; cessation of breastfeeding is an extreme measure that can be recommended in the development of complications, taking antibacterial agents and other drugs that penetrate into milk and pose a danger to the health of the child.

What to do with thrombophlebitis of superficial veins and temperature in a nursing mother? The patient needs bed rest, the affected limb is given an elevated position. Also recommend:

  • gel dressings with heparin-containing drugs;
  • venoprotectors, venotonics (troxevasin, detralex);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments, gels (ketoprofen, diclofenac);
  • physiotherapy.

At rapid spread process may need surgery, antibiotic therapy.

What to do if the temperature during feeding is provoked by deep vein thrombophlebitis? Strict bed rest, elevated position of the affected limb, administration of anticoagulants (heparin, warfarin), antiaggregants ( acetylsalicylic acid), venoprotectors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. AT acute stage diseases in the presence of a floating thrombus, the risk of complications, thrombolysis (urokinase, streptokinase) is performed. Also can be applied surgical methods treatment.

The temperature in a nursing mother is a symptom that requires clarification to determine the presence and type pathological process. In case of fever during breastfeeding, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, without relying on self-medication methods that can harm the health of the mother and child.

The temperature during breastfeeding in a mother, what to do, how to bring down, and what could be the reasons for this phenomenon? These issues are very important, because the health of a woman in the first days and weeks after childbirth can be threatened different factors. But in some respect, the well-being of the child will also depend on her health. So, what are the reasons why the temperature rises during breastfeeding (gw), what do doctors say?

1. There was lactostasis or mastitis. Very common situations. They arise due to improper attachment of the child to the breast, its weak sucking, when more milk is produced in the breast than the child needs. Or if an infection gets into the milk duct - Staphylococcus aureus.
If the temperature increase during breastfeeding is caused by lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the mammary glands, everything is not so scary. Other symptoms of this are pain in the mammary gland, the appearance of a seal in it. Before feeding the baby, you need to lightly massage this seal. And you can try to decant in a jet warm water usually makes the process a lot easier.
From folk remedies usually roasted onions are used. It is applied to the seal. They put gauze on top and insulate with something else, for example, with a woolen bandage. It helps a lot.

If mastitis is to blame for the increase in temperature during breastfeeding, then everything can be more complicated here. At purulent lesion mammary gland is sometimes required surgical intervention. The best prevention of mastitis is to try to avoid cracked nipples. They are formed when improper application baby when the feeding process takes too long. Also, be sure to wash and iron your bras more often. Keep linen clean so that infection does not get into the ducts.

2. Milk begins to be produced. Very often, especially in nulliparous women, in the first 3-5 days after childbirth, when real breast milk is already being produced, not colostrum, the woman begins to feel hot. Often this happens even in the maternity hospital, where they explain to her that for the accuracy of the measurement, you need to put the thermometer not in armpit, but under the knee, for example. Since the temperature may rise locally, from the mammary glands. And this phenomenon is temporary. Usually it becomes much easier for a woman after breastfeeding or pumping.

3. The seams are inflamed. This can happen after a caesarean section, and after natural childbirth if perineal ruptures appeared during them or an episiotomy was performed. To prevent this from happening, doctors explain how to care for the stitches. If the temperature during breastfeeding is 37, 38, than you don’t need to think about it yet. Seams should be carefully processed. Well, if you feel worse, consult a doctor, who, most likely, will prescribe antibiotics. Is it possible to breastfeed at a high temperature in this case? As a rule, this is at the discretion of the attending physician and the mother. Antibiotics are usually prescribed compatible with lactation, that is, safe for the baby. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that the child may have a reaction to antibacterial drugs- diarrhea or constipation, regurgitation, etc.

4. Postpartum endometritis. This is an inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus, its mucosa. May occur as a result of infection in it during childbirth. It is not uncommon for a doctor to manually remove the placenta after surgery as well. C-section. With this pathology, especially if it proceeds in a severe form, the temperature rises very significantly. In this case, you do not need to think about the topic if it has risen heat 39 C when breastfeeding, than you can knock it down. Need to call ambulance to do an ultrasound. You may need to clean the uterus or wash it with antiseptic solutions in stationary conditions followed by antibiotic therapy.
Except elevated temperature symptoms of postpartum endometritis are copious discharge co fetid odor, drawing pains in the uterus and lumbar region.

5. Viral infection. A cold during breastfeeding is a common occurrence, since the body of a woman who has recently become a mother is still quite weak. Often, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Only this fact is not at all a reason to refuse lactation. However, you will still have to take antipyretics while breastfeeding if the temperature has risen to more than 38.5 degrees. You can use drugs containing paracetamol and ibuprofen for this purpose.
By the way, you need to know what is possible from the temperature during breastfeeding from non-drug means. These include rubbing the skin of the body with water. As the water evaporates, the temperature drops. Drinking plenty of warm water is very helpful. A well-ventilated room improves well-being.

6. Poisoning, intestinal infection. With these pathologies, doctors usually prohibit lactation until recovery. To prevent the milk from disappearing, a woman needs to express frequently. But pour out everything expressed.

Since the temperature during lactation can be caused different problems, it would be good to understand its cause. And if the condition worsens, the fever persists for more than 3 days - be sure to consult a doctor.