Increased thymol test: causes, interpretation of the result, treatment. Thymol test - what is it? Thymol test: norm and diagnostic value

A biochemical blood test is used in the diagnosis of many diseases. Thymol test is one of the indicators that are examined in this analysis. It shows the ability of the liver to synthesize protein compounds. However, deviations from the norm do not always indicate liver pathology. There are many reasons why thymol test values ​​change. Consider what a thymol test is in a biochemical blood test.

Thymol test - what is it?

Thymol test is an indicator that shows the ratio of proteins (albumin and globulins) in human blood. With its help, you can easily identify a violation of this balance, which always accompanies the pathological process that occurs in the liver.

This sample has been used in medicine since 1944. For its implementation, the patient's blood plasma and a special reagent are needed - alcohol mixture thymol. In a verolan test tube, physiological saline, thymol mixture and plasma are combined. In this case, the degree of turbidity of the contents of the test tube is assessed. Normally, the turbidity of the resulting solution is weakly expressed., and in the presence of a certain pathology, it becomes white with a large amount of flakes (precipitate).

The degree of turbidity of the mixture is estimated by an electric photocolorimeter. The unit of measurement is "maklagan". It is so named after the scientist who invented the thymol test.

The norm of thymol blood test in women, men and children

In the absence of pathology associated with a violation of the concentration of protein formations in the blood, the thymol test does not go beyond the limits of the norm, that is, it does not exceed them. It should be noted that the limits of the norm are the same for all people and does not depend on the sex and age of the patient.

A slight turbidity of the solution during the test corresponds to values ​​​​from 0 to 4-5 Maclagan units. These values ​​are considered negative, that is, the ratio of proteins in the blood is not disturbed.

If the result of the study exceeds 5 units, then it is considered that the sample is positive and there is a disease of the liver and other diseases. internal organs occurring in acute or chronic form. Upon receipt of such an analysis result, it is necessary to undergo an additional examination in order to identify the cause of dysproteinemia, that is, an imbalance of proteins in the human body.

It should be noted that women may experience a false positive result. That is, the test is positive (more than 5 units), and there are no pathologies. This is possible when the fair sex takes hormonal oral contraceptives for a long time. Therefore, the doctor should clarify this point before referring the patient to a laboratory test.

Deciphering the analysis for a thymol sample

It should be remembered that only the calculation of indicators is carried out in the laboratory. The attending physician evaluates the result. At the same time, he must take into account factors that can affect the result:

  • patient weight;
  • Age;
  • Past illnesses;
  • The use of certain groups of drugs that can have a certain effect on the liver and its parameters.

If the result is negative, then the patient is healthy. If deviations from the norm are noted, then the doctor must find out the etiological factors of this condition.

What to consider when evaluating a positive result:

  • In young children, it is necessary to take into account the anamnesis, since a high result may be due to recent hepatitis A. In this case, using this test, you can easily monitor the degree and speed of recovery of liver function. Over time, the indicators decrease, and then normalize;
  • In an adult, this indicator may be the first sign of severe liver pathology. The test becomes positive even before the appearance pathological symptoms which makes it possible to detect the disease at an early stage;
  • With a slight excess of the norm, it is necessary to find out if the result is false positive (violation of the preparation and technique of blood sampling). If necessary, a repeat study is scheduled.

It is important to know that with the development of obstructive jaundice without inflammation, the thymol test remains negative.

Causes of an increased level of thymol test

An increase in values ​​is noted when there is a violation of the ratio of proteins in the blood. At the same time, the level of albumins is reduced, but globulins, on the contrary, increase. Also, paraglobulins are found in the blood of a sick person, which are not in the body of healthy person.

The reasons for which the thymol test is increased:

  • Liver pathology: hepatitis, cirrhosis, tumors of various nature;
  • Diseases gastrointestinal tract accompanied by dyspeptic disorders (in other words, diarrhea): pancreatitis, enteritis;
  • Kidney disease, in which albumin is excreted in the urine in large quantities: pyelonephritis, glamerulonephritis;
  • Systemic rheumatic diseases;
  • Malignant tumors of various localization;
  • Improper nutrition, in which there is a lack of nutrients.

You will be interested in:

In young children, the deviation of the test results from the norm is noted in the following cases:

  • Jaundice of newborns. This condition is associated with a large load on the baby's liver in the first days after birth. As a rule, this condition is physiological and disappears after 1 to 2 weeks;
  • Hepatitis A - viral defeat liver. In most cases, a complete recovery and restoration of organ functions are recorded.

Positive test

First of all, you need to pass full examination and after identifying the cause, proceed to the treatment of the disease. Etiological treatment will depend on the pathology, and is aimed at restoring the functions of the affected organ. severe cases(in the presence of malignant neoplasms) surgical treatment is indicated.

In addition to drug treatment, diet is of great importance. In this case, experts recommend:

  • Reduce the consumption of animal and vegetable fats;
  • Completely abandon fatty, fried, salty and canned foods;
  • excluded from the diet confectionery, sour berries and fruits, tomatoes, meat and fish broths;
  • Preference is given to slimy soups and cereals on the water, vegetables are best consumed in boiled, stewed or baked form, lean boiled meat and steam cutlets;
  • Limit salt intake;
  • Coffee, strong tea and alcohol are excluded.

Thymol test

A biochemical blood test is prescribed if there is a suspicion of the presence of:

  • Pathology of the digestive tract;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • tumors;
  • joint diseases and blood vessels;
  • In young children with long-lasting neonatal jaundice.

Also, a thymol test is performed during and after treatment to assess its effectiveness.

To ensure the reliability of the result, it is necessary to properly prepare for blood donation:

  • A few days before the test, refuse to eat fatty and fried foods;
  • On the eve of the study, make a light dinner no later than 20:00;
  • On the day of blood sampling, you can not eat or drink drinks other than water. The study is carried out on an empty stomach in the morning.

For the test, it is necessary to take venous blood, which is mixed with reagents. This mixture is examined after 30 minutes using a photocolorimeter. The patient can get the result the very next day after donating blood.

Laboratory and instrumental research methods do not lose their significant positions, despite the fact that imaging techniques are becoming more and more perfect. This is especially true for diagnosing diseases. digestive tract, in particular the liver. Ultrasound procedure, tomography allows assessing the macro-characteristics of the organ, its structure, the presence of focal or diffuse changes. Laboratory tests are designed to diagnose the functioning of the organ. Within the framework of the article, sedimentary samples are considered, among which important place occupies thymol.

This is a sedimentary reaction, which is designed to identify a violation of the protein-synthesizing function of the liver. It is sensitive to disruption of the relationship or balance between the globulin fraction and albumins.

In most hepatic diseases, which are accompanied by a decrease in the ability to synthesize protein structures, the thymol test values ​​are increased. But there are other reasons that may affect the result of the study:

  • protein-losing nephrotic syndrome;
  • systemic diseases;
  • autoimmune pathology;
  • disease connective tissue.

Only an adequate comprehensive approach to the problem will make it possible to adequately assess the results of the test and the situation as a whole.

How is the analysis carried out?

First of all, the patient should be explained the essence of the procedure and its purpose. The thymol test, like other sedimentary methods, is used to assess the protein-synthesizing function of the liver. In liver failure, this ability of hepatocytes is lost to varying degrees.

The patient in the morning on an empty stomach comes to the laboratory, where they take venous blood. It is important that 6-8 hours before the study, he did not eat. Exclude the intake of alcohol a few days before the study, the use of caffeinated drinks.

The blood serum of the subject is added to a special solution with a known acidity (pH value is 7.8). The volume of thymol is 5-7 ml. It is dissolved in the veronal buffer system. Thymol is not an acid; it is a member of a group of cyclic compounds called phenols. When binding with globulins (their excess), cholesterol, phospholipids under conditions of known acidity, the test solution becomes cloudy. The degree of turbidity is assessed using a colorimetric or nephelometric method. It is compared with the turbidity of a barium sulfate solution, taken as a unit. When the results of the thymol test are evaluated, the norm indicators vary from 0 to 5 units.

Interpretation of results

The results of the test in the conclusion of laboratory doctors are as follows: the test is positive or the test is negative. Sometimes an indication of the degree of increase is possible. It is expressed in the number of "crosses" or units (at a rate of 0 to 5).

Thymol test is increased in liver diseases associated with the inflammatory component. These are viral and toxic hepatitis, cholestatic lesions of the organ. Usually, in the case of acute damage to hepatocytes, due to the cytopathic (cell-destroying) effect of viruses, the test is sharply positive. If there is chronic hepatitis, the results of the thymol test may be within the normal range, or slightly increased.

Fibrosis and cirrhosis may also increase the chance of a positive sediment test. Damage to the liver by toxic products, drugs also reduces its protein-synthesizing function due to cell necrosis. Albumin synthesis decreases, while globulin fractions appear in high (relative to albumin) concentrations.

Other conditions causing a positive result

The reasons for the decrease in the level of albumin compared with globulins are not only in the pathology of the liver.
There are a number of diseases and conditions that can cause these test results.

First, nephrotic syndrome should be ruled out. It is caused by diabetic, uremic nephropathy, as well as various variants of glomerulonephritis. Urine and blood tests with an assessment of the biochemical profile confirm the guess.

The next group of reasons - autoimmune diseases and connective tissue diseases. Exclude systemic lupus erythematosus (as well as lupus nephritis), scleroderma, Sjögren's syndrome, polymyalgia. To do this, the doctor prescribes tests for immunological markers.

Often a positive result is observed with malignant tumors. This occurs in the so-called paraneoplastic syndrome.

Disadvantages of the method

The advantage of the analysis is that it is very sensitive. At the same time, the thymol test is relatively inexpensive. But there are drawbacks.

They are associated with low specificity. That is, with a positive result of the study, it is impossible to talk about any particular pathology. Cause groups, causing an increase colorimetric characteristics of the solution are listed above. It is worth noting that the list is quite impressive.

Sedimentary tests are more used to confirm the fact of impaired liver function. In addition to thymol, a sublimate test is used. Its principle is based on the phenomenon of flocculation. The reagent is the chloride salt of mercury - sublimate. With an excess of globulins in the blood serum, flakes are visible in the test tube - sediment. The test is considered positive. But talk about something specific disease she can not, like thymol.

When examining a patient, it is important for a doctor to understand the meaning of prescribing tests. When a positive thymol test is detected, it becomes clear that most likely there is a violation of liver function. But at the same time, other pathologies can manifest themselves in this way. This is an occasion to reflect and draw up an adequate plan for further diagnostics.

Usage biochemical analyzes in medicine allows you to identify numerous diseases in the initial stages, but for accurate diagnosis highly specialized methods are required. These include the thymol test. It is used to study the general condition of the liver or to calculate the positive dynamics in the treatment of certain diseases.

The thymol test is classified as a highly specialized blood test. Its second name is the Maclagan test. With its help, the state of the liver is assessed, or rather, its ability to produce blood plasma protein. In addition, the doctor, on the basis of the sample, evaluates protein fraction ratio, which allows you to identify some diseases and even predict them before the onset of noticeable symptoms.

The proteins in the blood are divided into two general groups, which also have their own subsections:

  • globulins;
  • albumins.

These proteins regulate acid-base balance blood plasma, changing the rate of clotting, maintaining the required volume, as well as transporting components medicinal substances and other compounds.

The sample is examined based on the protein sedimentation rate. For this reason, it is referred to coagulation biochemical studies. Tested when adding special solution to the resulting serum. The result is a chemical reaction.

With a positive course, turbidity of the serum is observed. Depending on the severity of the turbidity of the resulting solution, the result of the sample is determined. It is indicated in Maclagan units, that is, in units of M.

The thymol test is considered an obsolete type of study, but is still used in some laboratories. It is prescribed mainly when it is necessary to identify:
  • type A hepatitis;
  • drug intoxication;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • other diseases.

The norm in women

Normal research indicators depend on the correctness of the tests. This should be done on an empty stomach in the morning, but it is allowed to drink water before the study. When applying the study on the background drug therapy , before the test, you should notify the doctor about the use medicines so that he can correct for skewed results.

Among women normal rate thymol sample is up to 5 units.M. However, with dysproteinemia and taking oral contraceptives the rate rises. If the indicator is increased outside these conditions, then there is a high probability of malfunctions in the liver. The test itself allows you to identify the stability of proteins, depending on the indicators, health problems are detected.

An increase in the indicator may not be diagnosed at obstructive jaundice , only when the disease passes into a more serious stage and with the development of inflammation can a problem be diagnosed.

In addition to jaundice, the absence of a positive result of the thymol test can be observed with a difference in the natural ratio of alpha and beta globulins, if there are significant amounts of overweight or underweight.

It is worth noting that with the development of hepatitis B in a person, the thymol test does not give a positive result, since its result will vary from 1 to 5 uM., this is not a deviation from the normal indicators.


With a positive result of the analysis, liver damage is diagnosed. To date, a positive test result is also observed in diseases of the kidneys, digestive system, the appearance of neoplasms of poor quality. Due to the inaccuracy of diagnosing the disease, it is necessary to carry out additional research, allowing to identify the exact cause of the deviation of the thymol sample from the norm.

Increased test results can be observed without pathologies. Most often, increased results appear in people who often eat fatty foods. There is an increase in cholesterol in their blood.

The gradual accumulation of lipoproteins will contribute to their deposition in the vessels and the formation atherosclerotic plaques. Their formation contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. Thus, if the result of the thymol test is increased, and clinical manifestations there is no illness, it is necessary urgently change your diet.

The reasons

An increase in sample performance can be caused by the following reasons:

  • kidney disease;
  • burns with a large area;
  • rigid diets;
  • genetics;
  • frequent consumption of fatty foods;
  • systemic diseases;
  • endocarditis;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • rheumatoid diseases;
  • myeloma;
  • pancreatitis;
  • enerite;
  • hepatitis;
  • various neoplasms in the liver tissues;
  • damage to the hepatic parenchyma by alcohol substitutes or alcohol;
  • poisoning with poisons, metals, drugs;
  • cirrhosis;
  • fatty tissue damage to the liver;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs;
  • liver disease of various etymologies.

It is the last point that most often leads to increase indicators samples. However, to calculate accurate diagnosis it is recommended to visit a doctor and get an appointment for treatment.

A feature of the thymol test is its ability to detect type A hepatitis in the early stages, but the test is not informative if a person has already had hepatitis before and has been successfully cured. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, it is recommended to take additional tests.

In order for the results of the study to be as reliable as possible, it is necessary to prepare for surrender. A week before the analysis, it is recommended to follow a diet with a limited intake of fats and sugar. The day before the study, you must give up coffee and tea, alcohol.

The sample itself is taken morning time on an empty stomach, for this reason it is not recommended to eat food 12 hours before the analysis. In the morning, you can only drink water in limited quantities, but you can’t eat anything.


With an increase in the thymol test, the most common cause is liver disease. For this reason, in order to normalize the analysis indicators, it is first necessary to accurately identify the cause of the change in the state of blood proteins. And depending on the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

However, in addition to it, with an increase in the thymol test, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet. It consists in limiting the patient's use fatty foods, regardless of whether they are of animal or vegetable origin.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude from the diet fast carbohydrates, some sour fruits, citrus fruits, tomatoes, meat or fish-based soups, broths.

To understand what kind of analysis it is, it is necessary to understand its essence. The main part of the proteins in the blood is formed in the elements of the liver. They have many different tasks:

  • active participation in the regulation of blood clotting;
  • maintaining oncotic pressure and ensuring the volume of the main body fluid;
  • preservation of blood pH;
  • transportation to tissues of certain categories of elements (for example, cholesterol).

Serum has a varied composition. However, only 5 protein fractions are considered important components. These are different globulins.

Under the influence of certain factors, their number may decrease or increase. For example, against the background of a liver dysfunction or malnutrition the number of albumins is sharply reduced. An increase in globulins occurs with connective tissue pathologies, infectious processes various etiologies, some oncological diseases.

Under the thymol test, it is customary to understand a special biochemical study. It allows you to get information about the ability of the liver to carry out a full synthesis of protein fractions.

Analysis helps to evaluate serious violations in the work of the body even before the occurrence initial signs any ailment.

The principle of laboratory research is reduced to the precipitation of whey proteins. If turbidity of the substance is observed, they speak of a positive test result. Degree of change appearance material is determined by the photocolorimetric method, and is expressed in the so-called Maclagan units (unit M.).

The physicochemical characteristics of this assay remain poorly understood. However, scientists argue that complex complexes of phospholipids and globulins, thymol, and cholesterol are possible during the reaction.

How to donate blood

Blood tests are recommended to be done in the morning. Approximately 8 hours before the proposed procedure, it is better to follow a starvation diet. It is allowed to drink only ordinary non-carbonated water. Should not be used in large quantities strong coffee or tea, juices.

Benefits of thymol test

When it comes to the liver, each person understands the importance of this organ. Without his help, it is impossible to imagine the full functioning of the body. That is why it is so important to periodically preventive examinations to take blood tests. It is the thymol test that is most often the main indicator of the quality of the functioning of the liver.

Other benefits of this analysis include:

  • does not require the use of expensive or complex equipment, material costs are negligible;
  • characterized by simplicity in execution;
  • reveals many ailments early stage to avoid complications and even death;
  • can be used as a kind of indicator of ongoing therapy.

Regulatory indicators

The initial decoding of the sample is quite simple:

  1. If the analysis column is 0-5 units, it should be considered negative. Such indicators indicate that there are no serious violations in the composition of the serum.
  2. When the result is more than 5 units, the test is considered positive. The norm for men, the fair sex and children is the same.

Interpretation of test results

As a rule, the decoding of the sample does not cause any particular difficulties for qualified physicians. If the protein component of the serum is not accompanied by any serious changes, they speak of a negative result. In this case, the sample indicator should be less than 5 units.

A positive answer often indicates developing hepatitis. It is noteworthy that through this analysis it is possible to diagnose this serious ailment even before the onset of its primary manifestations. A positive test is also possible when bilirubin and aminotransferases remain within the normal range.

The norm of the thymol test in babies is exceeded if they have previously been diagnosed with hepatitis A. Group B pathology is rarely accompanied by an increase in the rate relative to the norms accepted in medicine.

A positive test variant sometimes indicates that a small patient has already had hepatitis before. In this case, the test is considered a kind of beacon of the dynamics of the normalization of the liver..

If obstructive jaundice progresses in an adult, the responses of the thymol test are most often negative. However, if complications occur in the form of parenchymal inflammation, the results may change.

Despite the probable errors, the thymol test, even today, is considered one of the most informative studies. You have to resort to his help quite often. The point is that it allows early stages diagnose disorders in the liver and select competent therapy.

Exceeding normative indicators

An increase in indicators usually indicates a developed dysproteinemia. This state characterized by a change in the structure of whey at the protein level. At the same time, it affects quality characteristics. These elements are expressed in 5 fractions. Each of them has different chemical and physical properties.

Albumins belong to the category of the lightest fraction. It is characterized by the ability to support stable state the so-called colloidal blood system. Globulins are distinguished by a slightly larger mass and a tendency to precipitate.

A change in the balance in the colloidal system and the tendency of proteins to inevitable coagulation can be caused by such disorders as:

  1. Reducing the number of albumins.
  2. An increase in the concentration of alpha globulins.
  3. The presence of paraglobulins in the blood (they should be absent in a healthy person).

These pathologies can be detected precisely through the thymol test. The primary organ in which increased protein production usually occurs is the liver.

With pronounced failures in its work, a change in the characteristics of the blood is observed, and the thymol test shows an excess of certain parameters.

On the other hand, a positive analysis response is possible with extensive skin burns. Exceeding the globulin fraction is also diagnosed in infectious processes, autoimmune disorders and rheumatoid disorders.

Probable diseases

A few years ago, the main reasons for the increase in thymol test were considered solely from the point of view of impaired liver function. Today the opinions of scientists radically changed. Now experts identify a number of diseases, the development of which accompanies the state of dysproteinemia.

Among them, the following are worth noting:

  1. Kidney disorders characterized by the loss of albumin protein along with excreted urine.
  2. Pathologies of the liver, which manifest themselves in the form of cirrhosis, hepatitis or neoplasms.
  3. Systemic rheumatoid diseases.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. The presence of neoplasms of malignant etiology.

The thymol test is sometimes increased due to malnutrition. As a rule, this problem is diagnosed in women. abuse excessively fatty foods may lead to changes in performance. That is why during the diagnostic examination it is important to take into account other options for blood tests.

Common diseases of young patients

If a child has an elevated thymol test, what does this mean? As a rule, a similar result indicates the development of disorders in the liver.

Today, young patients are most often diagnosed with the following diseases liver:

  • Newborn jaundice. It manifests itself within a few hours after the birth of the baby. This pathology is characterized by staining skin in yellow. Its development is due to the fact that by the time of birth, the child's liver did not have time to fully form. Therefore, it is not yet ready to perform all functions. Among the main causes of the disease, doctors call bilirubin. It is formed against the background of the destruction of old red blood cells. If this pigment begins to accumulate in the body of the crumbs, the skin acquires the appropriate color. With the timely diagnosis of the disease, it is possible to get rid of it without serious consequences within 7-10 days.
  • Group A and E hepatitis. The disease of these types in young patients causes persistent disturbances in the functioning of the main systems of internal organs.

What are the signs of a problem:

  1. First of all, the child begins to feel sick. Sometimes vomiting does not stop for several hours.
  2. Then there are painful sensations in the liver area.
  3. The feces are stained with White color and the urine becomes dark in color.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help.

After a comprehensive examination, the doctor will be able to make the correct diagnosis. Only after that treatment is prescribed. Therapy various forms hepatitis is carried out exclusively at home.

It is extremely important to isolate a sick child from peers. The main sign of recovery is good analysis blood, no pain.

Benefits of thymol test

Usually thymol test goes in addition to bilirubin and enzymes(transaminases - Alt, AST, alkaline phosphatase) with suspicion of damage to an organ that is distinguished by the variety of biochemical reactions occurring in it. Of course, we are talking about the liver, from normal functioning on which the implementation of the main life processes in all cells of a living organism. And interestingly, these indicators may still not particularly respond to pathological changes and therefore not exceed or slightly exceed levels normal values, and the thymol test will already clearly “creep” up.

In addition to detecting hepatic abnormalities, the thymol test, the norm of which is from 0 to 4 IU S-H, in other cases helps in the diagnosis of pathological conditions of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and other organs.

The main advantages of the thymol test are that it:

  • It does not require special time and material costs, the use of complex equipment (reagents are prepared on a magnetic stirrer in a fume hood);
  • It is easy to perform (the result is read using an electrospectrophotometer, which is available in any laboratory);
  • Enables treatment to begin early stages disease and thus helps to avoid unwanted complications caused by a protracted inflammatory process;
  • Can be used as a good performance indicator therapeutic measures aimed at restoring the functional abilities of the liver tissue.

That's why, without looking at big variety new laboratory research, in individual cases thymol turbidity test remains among the main analyzes that reveal pathological conditions liver.

Violation in the ratio of proteins - the basis of the thymol test

In cases of damage to the hepatic parenchyma a decrease in the albumin fraction contributes to an easier precipitation of the globulin fraction. Changes in the physicochemical properties of blood plasma proteins during various diseases liver is the basis for diagnostic sedimentary reactions, for example, thymol test and Veltman test.

Thymol test, having a fairly high sensitivity, gives a positive result (up to 100%) when acute hepatitis, however, its particular value lies in the fact that a positive reaction is found even in the pre-icteric period, as well as in anicteric forms of the disease (for example, in cases of hepatitis C, which is characterized by an easy onset).

Thus, the main characteristics of the studied test can be represented as follows:

  • Thymol sample values ​​are expressed in Shank-Hoaland thymol haze units (S-H units) or Maclagan units (M units);
  • The normal values ​​​​of the results of the thymol test are in the range of 0 - 4 IU S-H (some laboratories give the norm up to 5 IU S-H);
  • The norm of indicators of the thymol test in women and men does not differ - in a healthy body albumins at normal concentrations, provide globulin stability, therefore, the studied indicator, regardless of gender, will not exceed the limit of the norm.

Meanwhile, in women who are young and healthy but use oral contraceptives, the thymol test can still be elevated. This is because these drugs affect the functional abilities of the liver, as a result of which the ratio of serum proteins changes, and, therefore, the values ​​of this coagulation test increase.

In children, the values ​​of normal indicators are also in the range of 0 - 4 U S-H, however, with hepatitis A, which is more often "caught" junior schoolchildren and adolescents, the thymol test is already increased by initial stage development of the disease, when even the slightest signs of jaundice are absent.

When results rise

In various liver diseases, attention is always drawn to the decrease in the fraction of albumins, which is associated with a violation of their synthesis, and an increase in the fractions of gamma and beta globulins. This is because albumins are synthesized directly in the liver cells, and the affected parenchyma is not able to provide normal level albumin. The simultaneous increase in globulin fractions (with a decrease in albumin concentration) is explained by the fact that other components, cells that are part of the tissue macrophage system, are mainly responsible for the production of these proteins.

The main causes causing an increased thymol test are liver diseases accompanied by damage to its parenchyma:

  1. Infectious and viral hepatitis;
  2. Neoplasms localized in the liver;
  3. The defeat of the hepatic parenchyma with alcohol and, especially, its surrogates;
  4. The toxic effects of various poisons, heavy metals and some medicines;
  5. Cirrhosis of the liver;
  6. Fatty degeneration of the liver tissue (fatty hepatosis) - the accumulation of fat in hepatocytes (liver cells);
  7. Functional disorders due to long-term use oral contraceptives and other hormonal drugs.

However, regarding the liver, it should be noted that obstructive jaundice, although it frightens with its external manifestations, in itself, does not give an expansion of the boundaries of thymol turbidity. This test will be increased only if the liver tissue is involved in the pathological process and the development of parenchymal hepatitis.

Other causes of increased thymol test:

  • Severe kidney pathology (amyloidosis, pyelo- or glomerulonephritis), in which a large amount of protein is constantly excreted in the urine;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, enteritis with severe diarrhea);
  • Tumor processes of benign and malignant nature of various localization;
  • Pathological conditions caused by a viral infection;
  • Hereditary dysproteinemia (violation of the ratio of serum proteins);
  • myeloma;
  • Systemic diseases (SLE - systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis);
  • Septic endocarditis (with rheumatism, the sample is not increased, it remains within the normal range);
  • Malaria.

The thymol test can also be increased in the absence of an illness - for example, if a person is overly fond of fatty foods. In this case, well-being will also not last indefinitely. There will be another problem - high cholesterol, a change in the lipid spectrum ... Low-density lipoproteins accumulated in the blood will begin to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, form atherosclerotic plaques, which, in turn, will start such pathological process like atherosclerosis. That is, a constantly elevated thymol test and the absence of clinical manifestations of the disease indicate that an urgent need to change the diet.

Trying to decipher on our own

The decoding of the analysis is simple and accessible even to the patient himself: all you need to know is that the laboratory takes 4 or 5 units of S-H for the upper limit of the norm. And the range of diseases accompanied by an increased thymol test is not so wide.

When deciphering the analysis, one should not independently judge the quantitative ratio of proteins. It can only be assumed that for some reason less albumin is synthesized. In order to find out these indicators in digital terms, other studies should be carried out: to determine the concentration of total protein and albumin, to isolate protein fractions by electrophoresis, to calculate the albumin-globulin coefficient ... And if the doctor considers it necessary, these reactions will be staged, and the reader only has to understand that on the basis of some non-specific analysis, the diagnosis is not established. Everything in the body biochemical processes are interconnected, so it is in the laboratory: one test provides for the parallel conduct of other studies.

And the last: so that decoding does not cause difficulties and worries, it is necessary (as always) to properly prepare for the study. And everything is simple as always: blood is taken from a vein on an empty stomach, fatty foods are excluded during dinner the day before.

What does high test mean?

The main reasons that cause an increase in the thymol test are liver diseases accompanied by damage to its parenchymal tissue:

  • hepatitis of an infectious or viral nature;
  • malignant or benign formations located in the liver;
  • damage to parenchymal tissue with alcoholic beverages;
  • negative impact of toxic substances;

  • cirrhosis;
  • pyelonephritis and other diseases accompanied by loss of albumin;
  • violations of protein synthesis, genetically determined;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • rheumatoid pathologies;
  • accumulation of fat in liver cells;
  • failure of the liver, which is caused by taking hormonal drugs or oral contraception.

You should know that jaundice does not affect the thymol test in any way. It will be increased only when the liver tissue is involved in the process of liver dysfunction and hepatitis develops.

Previously, in medicine it was believed that a positive thymol test result only indicates liver damage. On the this moment it has been established that there are other pathogenic conditions in which dysproteinemia occurs.

Thymol test

So, normal analysis usually supplemented by bilirubin and enzyme testing if there is any suspicion of wrong work organ. Unlike other diagnostic methods, the thymol test is able to clearly determine the level of normal values.

First of all, the pros this test are as follows:

  1. The thymol blood test is inexpensive as it does not require special costs with instrumentation.
  2. Quite quickly and easily determined with the help of special equipment.
  3. This study allows you to start treatment of the disease at the stage of development, which helps to avoid many complications. They occur quite often during the development of the inflammatory process.
  4. It is used as a determinant in the restoration of the liver.

These conditions show that the thymol test is very effective, although it was discovered by scientists a long time ago.


In order for the thymol test to be the most accurate, blood should be taken in the morning before meals. It is recommended to refrain from eating for 8 or more hours before the analysis. During these hours, it is allowed to drink only purified water, but not other liquids.

The patient's blood serum is added to the buffer solution, as well as a solution of a substance called thymol. The mixture is left for half an hour and the degree of cloudiness of the solution is determined using the photocolorimetric method. The presence of turbidity depends on the state of the medium in which the reaction was carried out and on the degree of stability of protein formations.

Reaction conditions include:

  • the behavior of the buffer solution;
  • acidity;
  • thymol solution temperature;
  • the purity of the solution.


You need to know that the thymol test can only confirm or refute the presence of any violations of the proteins that make up the plasma.

It is quite simple to interpret the sample: with a normal protein composition of blood serum this analysis shows negative results and is limited to less than 5 units.

There are several diseases for which the thymol test is the main diagnostic tool. Most often, such a biochemical study is required to determine hepatitis at an early stage, since at this stage jaundice does not yet appear, and the level of bilirubin and aminotransferase is within the acceptable range.

An essential feature of the thymol test is the definition of hepatitis in children: with hepatitis A, it always turns out to be positive, but with the B-form of hepatitis it is within the normal range. A positive thymol test makes it possible to judge that hepatitis has already occurred in given organism, then it is possible to build predictions of liver repair. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis by performing additional serological tests.

In adults with obstructive jaundice, the test results are negative. The analysis shows a positive result if the pathology is complicated by inflammation of the hepatic parenchyma.

The interpretation of the sample in this study should depend on the following factors:

  • age;
  • weight;
  • the content of certain globulins;
  • time of holding (in the morning before eating in a specialized vacuum system that does not contain coagulants);
  • it should also be taken into account that hepatotoxic drugs can affect the result of the study (the rate of thymol blood test in women may vary when taking contraceptives).

You need to know that the thymol test continues to be used along with modern diagnostic methods. This is due to the high ability to detect diseases of the liver and other organs.

Violation in the ratio of proteins

Damage to the liver parenchyma reduces the content of albumin and increases the amount of globulins. The physico-chemical aspects of blood proteins can only fluctuate under the influence of pathogenic processes, and this is widely used in all kinds of diagnostic studies.

The most main feature this study- a positive result for hepatitis before the onset of jaundice, as well as for other forms of hepatitis.

The main components of this analysis are as follows:

  • the indicator is expressed in units and determines the degree of turbidity;
  • normalized analysis indicators are determined from 0 to 4 units (sometimes up to 5);
  • women's and male indicators studies are no different from each other: albumins must support globulins. That is why the thymol test and its studied norm does not fluctuate depending on gender, in women it coincides with men.

In young children with normal condition the indicator ranges from 0 to 4 units. With hepatitis A, the test rises above 5 units and indicates the presence of the disease.

Thymol test: the essence of the method

This is a sedimentary reaction, which is designed to identify a violation of the protein-synthesizing function of the liver. It is sensitive to disruption of the relationship or balance between the globulin fraction and albumins.

In most hepatic diseases, which are accompanied by a decrease in the ability to synthesize protein structures, the thymol test values ​​are increased. But there are other reasons that may affect the result of the study:

  • protein-losing nephrotic syndrome;
  • systemic diseases;
  • autoimmune pathology;
  • connective tissue diseases.

Only an adequate comprehensive approach to the problem will make it possible to adequately assess the results of the test and the situation as a whole.

How is the analysis carried out?

First of all, the patient should be explained the essence of the procedure and its purpose. The thymol test, like other sedimentary methods, is used to assess the protein-synthesizing function of the liver. In liver failure, this ability of hepatocytes is lost to varying degrees.

The patient in the morning on an empty stomach comes to the laboratory, where venous blood is taken. It is important that 6-8 hours before the study, he did not eat. Exclude the intake of alcohol a few days before the study, the use of caffeinated drinks.

The blood serum of the subject is added to a special solution with a known acidity (pH value is 7.8). The volume of thymol is 5-7 ml. It is dissolved in the veronal buffer system. Thymol is not an acid; it is a member of a group of cyclic compounds called phenols. When binding with globulins (their excess), cholesterol, phospholipids under conditions of known acidity, the test solution becomes cloudy. The degree of turbidity is assessed using a colorimetric or nephelometric method. It is compared with the turbidity of a barium sulfate solution, taken as a unit. When the results of the thymol test are evaluated, the norm indicators vary from 0 to 5 units.

Interpretation of results

The results of the test in the conclusion of laboratory doctors are as follows: the test is positive or the test is negative. Sometimes an indication of the degree of increase is possible. It is expressed in the number of "crosses" or units (at a rate of 0 to 5).

Thymol test is increased in liver diseases associated with the inflammatory component. These are viral and toxic hepatitis, cholestatic lesions of the organ. Usually, in the case of acute damage to hepatocytes, due to the cytopathic (cell-destroying) effect of viruses, the test is sharply positive. If there is chronic hepatitis, the results of the thymol test may be within the normal range, or slightly increased.

Fibrosis and cirrhosis may also increase the chance of a positive sediment test. Damage to the liver by toxic products, drugs also reduces its protein-synthesizing function due to cell necrosis. Albumin synthesis decreases, while globulin fractions appear in high (relative to albumin) concentrations.

Other conditions causing a positive result

The reasons for the decrease in the level of albumin compared with globulins are not only in the pathology of the liver. There are a number of diseases and conditions that can cause these test results.

First, nephrotic syndrome should be ruled out. It is caused by diabetic, uremic nephropathy, as well as various variants of glomerulonephritis. Urine and blood tests with an assessment of the biochemical profile confirm the guess.

The next group of causes are autoimmune diseases and connective tissue diseases. Exclude systemic lupus erythematosus (as well as lupus nephritis), scleroderma, Sjögren's syndrome, polymyalgia. To do this, the doctor prescribes tests for immunological markers.

Often a positive result is observed in malignant tumors. This occurs in the so-called paraneoplastic syndrome.

Disadvantages of the method

The advantage of the analysis is that it is very sensitive. At the same time, the thymol test is relatively inexpensive. But there are drawbacks.

They are associated with low specificity. That is, with a positive result of the study, it is impossible to talk about any particular pathology. The groups of reasons causing an increase in the colorimetric characteristics of the solution are listed above. It is worth noting that the list is quite impressive.

Sedimentary tests are more used to confirm the fact of impaired liver function. In addition to thymol, a sublimate test is used. Its principle is based on the phenomenon of flocculation. The reagent is the chloride salt of mercury - sublimate. With an excess of globulins in the blood serum, flakes are visible in the test tube - sediment. The test is considered positive. But she cannot talk about any specific disease, like thymol.

When examining a patient, it is important for a doctor to understand the meaning of prescribing tests. When a positive thymol test is detected, it becomes clear that most likely there is a violation of liver function. But at the same time, other pathologies can manifest themselves in this way. This is an occasion to reflect and draw up an adequate plan for further diagnostics.

What it is

The thymol test is classified as a highly specialized blood test. Its second name is the McLagan test. With its help, the state of the liver is assessed, or rather, its ability to produce blood plasma protein. In addition, the doctor, on the basis of the sample, evaluates protein fraction ratio, which allows you to identify some diseases and even predict them before the onset of noticeable symptoms.

The blood proteins themselves are divided into two general groups, which also have their own subsections:

  • globulins;
  • albumins.

With the help of the above proteins, the acid-base balance of blood plasma is regulated, the clotting rate is changed, the required volume is maintained, and the components of medicinal substances and other compounds are transported.

The sample is examined based on the protein sedimentation rate. For this reason, it is referred to coagulation biochemical studies. Tested when adding special solution to the resulting serum. The result is a chemical reaction.

The thymol test is considered an obsolete type of study, but is still used in some laboratories. It is prescribed mainly when it is necessary to identify:

  • type A hepatitis;
  • drug intoxication;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • other diseases.

The norm in women

Normal research indicators depend on the correctness of the tests. This should be done on an empty stomach in the morning, but it is allowed to drink water before the study. When applying the study on the background drug therapy, before the test, you should notify the doctor about the use of drugs so that he can make an allowance for the distortion of the results.

In women, the normal thymol test is up to 5 units. However, with dysproteinemia and taking oral contraceptives, the rate increases. If the indicator is increased outside these conditions, then there is a high probability of malfunctions in the liver. The test itself allows you to identify the stability of proteins, depending on the indicators, health problems are detected.

An increase in the indicator may not be diagnosed with obstructive jaundice, only when the disease passes into a more serious stage and with the development of inflammation can a problem be diagnosed.

In addition to jaundice, the absence of a positive result of the thymol test can be observed with a difference in the natural ratio of alpha and beta globulins, if there are significant amounts of overweight or underweight.

It is worth noting that with the development of hepatitis B in a person, the thymol test does not give a positive result, since its result will vary from 1 to 5 uM., this is not a deviation from the normal indicators.


With a positive result of the analysis, liver damage is diagnosed. To date, a positive result of the analysis is also observed in diseases of the kidneys, digestive system, the appearance of neoplasms of a poor-quality nature. Due to the inaccuracy of diagnosing the disease, it is necessary to carry out additional studies to identify the exact cause of the deviation of the thymol sample from the norm.

The gradual accumulation of lipoproteins will contribute to their deposition in the vessels and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Their formation contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. Thus, if the result of the thymol test is increased, but there are no clinical manifestations of the disease, then it is urgently necessary to change your diet.

The reasons

An increase in sample performance can be caused by the following reasons:

  • kidney disease;
  • burns with a large area;
  • rigid diets;
  • genetics;
  • frequent consumption of fatty foods;
  • systemic diseases;
  • endocarditis;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • rheumatoid diseases;
  • myeloma;
  • pancreatitis;
  • enerite;
  • hepatitis;
  • various neoplasms in the liver tissues;
  • damage to the hepatic parenchyma by alcohol substitutes or alcohol;
  • poisoning with poisons, metals, drugs;
  • cirrhosis;
  • fatty tissue damage to the liver;
  • long-term use of hormonal drugs;
  • liver disease of various etymologies.

It is the last point that most often leads to increase indicators samples. However, in order to calculate an accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to visit a doctor and get an appointment for treatment.

In order for the results of the study to be as reliable as possible, it is necessary to prepare for surrender. A week before the analysis, it is recommended to follow a diet with a limited intake of fats and sugar. The day before the study, you must give up coffee and tea, alcohol.

The sample itself is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, for this reason it is not recommended to eat food 12 hours before the analysis. In the morning, you can only drink water in limited quantities, but you can’t eat anything.


With an increase in the thymol test, the most common cause is liver disease. For this reason, in order to normalize the analysis indicators, it is first necessary to accurately identify the cause of the change in the state of blood proteins. And depending on the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

However, in addition to it, with an increase in the thymol test, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet. It consists in limiting the patient's intake of fatty foods, regardless of whether they are of animal or vegetable origin.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude fast carbohydrates, some acidic fruits, citrus fruits, tomatoes, soups based on meat or fish, broths from the diet.

Thymol test(timoloveronal test, Maclagan test) is one of the sedimentary or coagulation tests designed to detect changes in the qualitative and quantitative composition of blood serum proteins in various diseases.

The thymol test was developed by M. F. Maclagan in 1944. The test is based on the precipitation of serum proteins by adding a saturated solution of thymol in veronal buffer. If the test result is positive, the test serum becomes cloudy. The degree of turbidity is determined by the photocolorimetric method. The result of the thymol test is usually expressed in Maclagan units (unit M).

the physicochemical nature of the thymol test has not been fully elucidated. It is known that the reaction results in the formation of a complex complex consisting of globulins, phospholipids, cholesterol, and thymol.

In addition to the thymol sample, a considerable number of other sedimentary samples have been proposed at different times. Among them are sublimate test, Takata, Gross tests, cadmium, formol, zinc sulfate, cephalin-cholesterol tests, Weibrodt, Veltmann reactions, etc. With the exception of the sublimate test used in some places, for clinical practice they all have only historical significance.

Thymol test norm.

The interpretation or decoding of the thymol test is quite simple:

Negative test means that there are no violations of the protein composition of the blood serum, positive - that there are such violations.

What does a positive thymol test indicate?

Massive blood protein molecules are kept in suspension due to the electromagnetic field on their surface

In general, a positive thymol test result is characteristic of a state of dysproteinemia - a violation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of blood serum proteins.

As you know, blood serum proteins are represented by several fractions that differ in their physical and chemical properties. Albumins are a lighter fraction that ensures the stability of the entire colloidal blood system. On the contrary, globulins and lipoproteins have a large molecular weight and are prone to settling.

A decrease in the amount of albumins, or an increase in the amount of globulins, or the appearance in the blood of the so-called paraglobulins, which should not normally be - all this inevitably leads to a violation of colloidal stability and to the tendency of proteins to coagulate, i.e., to stick together and settle. It is this phenomenon that the thymol test demonstrates.

The liver plays the leading role in the production of blood proteins. Naturally, therefore, unhealthy state of this organ is usually accompanied by a violation of the harmony of the protein composition of the blood, and accordingly - a positive result thymol test.

Kidney disease may be accompanied by excretion in the urine a large number albumin, which leads to a lack of the latter in the blood. The loss of a large amount of albumin is also characteristic of extensive burns.

An increase in the fraction of γ-globulins is a common occurrence in rheumatoid, autoimmune and infectious diseases.

The balance of protein fractions can also be disturbed by the appearance in the blood of the so-called paraglobulins produced in multiple myeloma, some malignant neoplasms, hereditary disorders of protein metabolism.

The colloidal balance of blood serum can also change due to the abundant consumption of fatty foods.

In what diseases thymol test is positive?

  • Liver diseases:
    • acute viral hepatitis
    • toxic, alcoholic and medicinal hepatitis
    • hepatitis in infectious diseases - leptospirosis, brucellosis, mononucleosis, etc.
    • autoimmune hepatitis
    • liver cirrhosis
    • acute yellow fatty atrophy of the liver
    • long-term violation of the outflow of bile in obstructive jaundice
    • functional disorders of the liver with uncontrolled intake of steroid drugs and contraceptives
    • liver tumors, etc.
  • Kidney disease, accompanied by loss of albumin in the urine:
    • glomerulonephritis
    • pyelonephritis with nephrotic syndrome
    • renal amyloidosis
  • Systemic rheumatoid diseases:
    • systemic lupus erythematosus
    • rheumatoid arthritis
    • periarteritis nodosa
    • dermatomyositis, etc.
  • Diseases of the digestive system:
    • pancreatitis
    • enteritis with severe diarrhea
  • Acute viral infections
  • Malaria
  • multiple myeloma
  • Hereditary disorders of protein metabolism - cryoglobulinemia, macroglobulinemia, etc.
  • Malignant neoplasms

It is not possible to list all the diseases that can give a positive thymol test within the framework of this article. However, this does not need to be done, since most of these diseases are extremely rare.

Thymol test and hepatitis.

With all the variety of diseases accompanied by a positive thymol test, the latter is most useful for early diagnosis hepatitis - inflammatory diseases hepatic tissue of viral, toxic, and other origin.

The high sensitivity of the thymol test makes it possible to suspect hepatitis at that early stage, when it even maintains a normal level. And in any case, long before the onset of jaundice.

After the postponed viral hepatitis thymol test remains positive for a long time - six months and even a year. In this period, it is also indispensable for monitoring the dynamics of recovery of liver function.

Diagnostic value of thymol test.

The thymol test confirms or denies the fact of a violation of the qualitative or quantitative composition of blood proteins, and also gives some idea of ​​the severity of these changes. But it does not answer the question: "What are these violations?". And even more so, by itself, it does not provide information about the causes of such violations. Existed in former years The idea of ​​the thymol test as a highly specific reaction for liver pathology turned out to be untenable.

In this regard, the first detected positive thymol test can only serve as a preliminary indicator of changes in the protein composition of the blood. In relation to liver diseases, the result of this test should be interpreted with some caution. It should not be forgotten that liver pathology is the most common, but not the only reason positive thymol test. In any case, the indicator of the thymol test should be considered in conjunction with other studies:, etc.

To study violations of the protein composition of the blood in our time, there are more advanced methods: electrophoresis and immunological tests.

However, due to its simplicity, the thymol test still finds wide application in medical practice.