Is it possible to drink valerian. The use of valerian

It is an excellent hypnotic and anti-anxiety remedy that does not make you feel worse the next day. What more could you want?

Do you want to sleep well at night without taking pills and without suffering from a morning “hangover”? Or maybe you need a remedy that will cure your anxiety, but not be as dangerous and powerful as traditional sedatives? Or do you need a muscle relaxer that doesn't cause side effects like Valium? Perhaps it is valerian, a medicinal plant that has a mild sedative effect, that will help you. Nearly 40 million Americans suffer chronic disorders sleep, and another 30 million from time to time cannot fall asleep and sleep long enough. The scale of sales of sedatives like Valium and Halcyone is astronomical. Every year, about 10 million people take them, mainly to cope with sleep disorders. These drugs have serious side effects, including the ability to be addictive, or are dangerous in overdose. This problem is so serious that one involuntarily wonders: why haven’t they come up with high-quality, safe sleeping pills not too hard action?

But there is such a tool, and from time immemorial. Millions of people know about it and use it. medicinal plant called valerian - a mild sedative that is not addictive and is widely used in many countries as an alternative to our powerful traditional drugs. Some call valerian "natural Valium". Exists a large number of evidence showing that this remedy calms, reduces anxiety, promotes sleep, relieves stress, and even relaxes muscles - without a morning "hangover" or harm to the body. So if you have to choose between artificial and natural Valiums, you might want to opt for an older remedy that has thousands of years of use to its credit.

What is valerian?

Valerian root, a tall, fern-like plant, has been used for thousands of years as a soothing mild remedy. From 1820 to 1942, valerian was part of the pharmacological list of America as a tranquilizer. In Europe it is widely used; it is a recognized hypnotic and anti-anxiety agent. More than 5 million packs of valerian are sold annually in Germany, and about 10 in France. In the UK, this drug is also popular and approved as a sleeping pill - as in Belgium, Switzerland and Italy.

What does science say about valerian?

Specialist in the field medicinal herbs Dr. Varro Tyler claims that valerian is the most effective of all herbal sedatives. The evidence for the efficacy and safety of this remedy is so compelling that whole group European manufacturers of phytopreparations (herbal preparations) have applied to the Food and Drug Administration for permission to sell valerian over the counter as a "sleeping aid" with a relaxing and mild effect. sedative effect. AT scientific literature(mainly in Europe) more than 200 studies on this topic have been published over the past thirty years.

Valerian - well tested hypnotic. At least six thorough clinical trials conducted in Europe show that valerian can help to fall asleep faster, lengthen sleep, reduce the number of nocturnal awakenings and significantly improve the quality of sleep in both people who sleep normally and those suffering from insomnia. A classic study was conducted with the participation of 128 volunteers at Nestlé Research Laboratories in Switzerland in the mid-1980s. The subjects took either valerian extract or a placebo for three evenings. Valerian won, with 37 percent of those taking it reporting falling asleep faster, compared to 23 percent of the placebo group. In addition, 43 percent of the first group began to sleep better and 25 percent of the second. Valerian allowed 45 percent of the subjects, who already did not complain of sleep disturbances, to sleep “better than usual.” But the remedy brought the greatest benefit to people who usually did not sleep well.

One double-blind trial conducted in Sweden produced the same results. In 44 percent of people who suffered from sleep disorders, after taking a drug containing 400 mg of valerian, sleep became “beautiful”. In 89 percent of the subjects, sleep improved.

Valerian or traditional sleeping pills?

As a sleeping pill, valerian proved to be no worse than powerful remedy"Halcyon". In 1992, a study was conducted in Germany comparing the effects of combined tablets valerian (160 mg of valerian and 80 mg of lemon balm) with "Halcyone" (0.125 mg of triazolam) for 20 people aged 30 to 50 years. For nine nights, valerian allowed the subjects to fall asleep as quickly and sleep as soundly as Halcion. Greatest Benefit received by people who slept badly before. However, unlike valerian, "Halcyone" caused a state of "hangover" and deterioration of attention the next day.

The action of valerian, as a sleeping pill, is no worse than that of Halcyon.

Virtually all research highlights the huge difference between valerian and drugs like Valium and Halcyone. The herbal preparation does not cause a “hangover” condition, namely drowsiness, impaired attention and decreased physical activity. In addition, valerian does not interact with alcohol, unlike traditional drugs. A 1995 study in Germany showed that valerian does not interact with alcohol and does not cause a decrease in attention, a slow reaction, and does not impair the ability to drive a car. In short, valerian can also be taken during activity, and not just before bedtime. This remedy is especially effective when a person just wants to ease some of the anxiety and stress during the day.

Despite its effectiveness, valerian has far fewer side effects precisely because it is much milder than synthetic drugs. Valerian and others herbal preparations do not have the high activity of synthetic drugs, as well as their shortcomings, says Dr. Varro Tailer authoritatively.

What is the mechanism of action of valerian?

Valerian acts on the brain like the benzodiazepine drugs Halcyon and Valium. They have a calming effect by stimulating the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which reduces arousal in the brain. In the body of animals, valerian acts in exactly the same way: it causes the release of GABA by the cerebral cortex. In mice, both valerian and Valium increased sleep duration. Studies conducted at the Institute for Pharmaceutical Biology in Marburg (Germany) have shown that the sedative substances in valerian can bind to the same brain cell receptors as barbiturates and benzodiazepines. In the brains of animals, valerian even displaced benzodiazepines and took their place on the receptors.

Marburg University.

Exactly which substances in valerian soothe the central nervous system have not been fully elucidated. Several of them have been isolated, including valerenic acid and valepotriates - these substances are found only in valerian. Valerenic acid is the main component of European preparations of valerian. Often it is combined with other herbs that have a mild calming effect - lemon balm, passion flower and chamomile. According to naturalist Stephen Foster, more than 120 active substances have been found in valerian. He assumes that they joint action and has a calming effect.

Who Should Take Valerian?

You can use valerian to relax, sleep better, soothe anxiety and stress - even before a performance or flying if you're afraid of it, as well as to relax muscles. You can take valerian during the day or at night. In addition, valerian can relieve symptoms that occur when you stop taking Xanax, Valium, and other benzodiazepines, and serve as a substitute for them if you suffer from mild to moderate anxiety and insomnia.

Start with a low dose and increase as needed. When using valerian as a sleep aid, doctors advise taking 300-500 mg of the standard extract approximately one hour before bedtime. If you want to use valerian as a daytime sedative, cut that dose in half. 150-300 mg is half or a whole teaspoon liquid extract and one and a half tablespoons of tincture. You should feel the result in thirty to forty five minutes.

How safe is this remedy?

Side effects at the recommended dose are very minor. The most common is indigestion. However, in large doses valerian can cause headache, anxiety, nausea and drunkenness in the morning (if in the morning after taking valerian you feel sleepy or lose your orientation in space, the dose may be too high. According to experts, in this case you just need to lower it). Valerian, unlike conventional drugs, does not cause addiction and disruption of the brain. There is no evidence of serious poisoning or death in humans or animals from an overdose of valerian. However, doctors note that some people have an opposite reaction to valerian. They become more agitated and tense, instead of relaxing and calming down.

Only one case of valerian overdose is known, when a woman took forty to fifty capsules of valerian root powder ("Nature's Way", 470 mg capsules) while attempting suicide. Half an hour later she experienced severe fatigue, abdominal cramps, chest tightness, dizziness, trembling in the arms and legs. Twenty-four hours later, her condition returned to normal. Doctors concluded that in case of an overdose - 20 g - valerian is not a very toxic substance.

Valerian (Valerian) is natural homeopathic remedy which has a calming effect. The composition of the drug includes components such as valeric acid, essential oils, valepotriates, organic acids and other binding natural elements. The medicine is meant to calm nervous system, as well as recovery failures and disorders in the heart. Apply a remedy to enhance the action of the digestive system, improve bile, reduce heart rate, elimination of difficulties in the appearance of sleep and headaches. The medicine helps to expand the heart arteries, thereby normalizing low blood pressure.

1. Pharmacological action

soothing medicine with antispasmodic activity. Healing effects Valerian:

Pharmacokinetics: Not described. Plasma protein binding: Significant. Derivation: The natural way.

2. indications for use

  • Conditions accompanied by increased nervousness;
  • Difficulty falling asleep;
  • High nervous excitability;
  • Spasms of the digestive system;
  • Activity violations of cardio-vascular system in a mild form;

3. How to use

  • tablets: individual, associated with the severity of the patient's condition, determined by a specialist;
  • infusion: one tablespoon of the drug four times a day;
  • liquid extract: 20-30 drops of the drug four times a day.

4. Side effects

  • Central nervous system: decreased performance, drowsiness, depression.

5. Contraindications

  • Hypersensitivity to Valerian or its components;
  • Individual intolerance to the drug or its components.

6. During pregnancy and lactation

Valerian can be used during pregnancy according to the testimony of a specialist. During lactation, the use of Valerian is possible according to the testimony of a specialist.

7. Interaction with other drugs

meaningful drug interaction Valerian with other drugs was not detected.

8. Overdose

An overdose of Valerian has not been described.

9. Release form

Tablets, 20 mg - 10, 20, 30 or 50 pcs. Tincture - 10, 15, 25, 30 or 50 ml.

10. Storage conditions

Valerian should be kept out of the reach of children. Recommended storage temperature- within 12-25 degrees. Recommended shelf life- different, depending on the form of the drug and on its manufacturer, indicated on the package.

11. Composition

One tablet of Valerian:

  • 20 mg thick valerian root extract;
  • Auxiliary components.

12. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is released without a prescription.

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*Instruction for medical use to the preparation Valerian is published in free translation. THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS. BEFORE USE, IT IS NECESSARY TO CONSULT WITH A SPECIALIST

- a natural sedative that helps to get rid of the manifestations of stress, insomnia, discomfort in some diseases of the heart, organs of the digestive system. The medicine has certain contraindications that should be taken into account before you start taking it.

Valerian is a natural sedative

Release form and composition of Valerian

Valerian is a drug based on an extract of the rhizomes of the valerian plant, it is used as an anesthetic, a mild antispasmodic. They are produced in tablets, in drops, in the form of dry herb for brewing, what the medicine looks like can be seen in the photo.

Composition and form of release:

  1. round pills, small size, in the shell yellow color, contain 20 mg active active component. They are packed in blisters of 10 pieces, or in dark glass containers of 25, 50 pills each.

    Coated Valerian Tablets

  2. Valerian tablets 200 mg black or Brown color without shell in blisters of 10 pieces.

    Packing of Valerian tablets

  3. Valerian P tablets Green colour– in the production of the drug, the technology of cryoprocessing of valerian rhizomes powder is used, which allows saving more medicinal properties plants. They contain 33.6 mg of valerian root powder, additionally 6 mg of ascorbic acid is present in the composition.

    Valerian in the form of a dragee

  4. Alcohol tincture - 1 liter of medicine contains 200 g of crushed roots and rhizomes of valerian in 70% medical alcohol. Drops for oral administration pharmacies receive in dark glass bottles of 15.25, 50 or 100 ml.

    Valerian tincture for internal use

  5. Valerian - crushed rhizomes and roots for brewing in filter bags of 1.5 g or 50 g in cardboard packaging.

    Valerian dried rhizomes and roots

  6. Liquid concentrate for taking therapeutic baths 190 ml in dark bottles.

    Valerian Concentrate for Medicinal Baths

Bulgarian Valerian - pale orange tablets containing 30 mg active substance, pack of 100 pills. Many patients find this drug to be more effective than conventional yellow pills.

The pharmacy sells lozenges from valerian with motherwort from the Mertsana company. The tool is designed to eliminate nervous tension, insomnia, to improve heart function, but officially refers to dietary supplements, not drugs. The composition contains 0.3 g of valeric acid, 1 mg of flavonoids, citric and glutamic acid, sorbitol, calcium stearate, there are 60 lozenges in the package. The absence of sugar in the pills allows them to be used in diabetes mellitus.

Price and analogues

How much is Valerian? average price- 70-100 rubles, depending on the form of release and manufacturer. In pharmacies, you can find many analogues of the drug, but most often they have a higher cost.

Valerian's analogues

Indications Valerian

Valerian is often prescribed for nerves, to normalize sleep, eliminate signs of emotional, mental overwork, with a tendency to hysteria. The medicine quickly eliminates irritability, anxiety, irritability. The drug is included complex therapy in the treatment of cholecystitis, urolithiasis.

What does the medicine help with?

  • to calm down, with nervous excitement, stress - you should not resort to pills at the slightest experience;
  • insomnia - valerian soothes, relaxes muscles, which helps to fall asleep quickly;
  • eliminates the manifestations of VVD with prolonged use;
  • from the heart - helps eliminate functional disorders in the work of the body;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • migraine.

Valerian helps with insomnia

Does valerian help with hypertension? If a high blood pressure provoked by stress, the release of adrenaline, then a sedative will help reduce performance by expanding blood vessels and eliminating their spasms. If hypertension occurs against the background of diseases of the kidneys, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, then natural preparation in such cases is ineffective. With hypotension, the drug does not affect the blood pressure values.

Valerian improves the outflow of bile, promotes the expansion of coronary vessels.

pharmachologic effect

Valerian - completely natural medicine, has a gentle effect on the body sedative action, which is due to the presence in the composition of the plant of essential oils, valerin, chotenin. At regular intake the drug disappears nervous excitement, improves the work of the heart muscle, spasms of blood vessels and the gastric tract.

Valerian enhances the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex, promotes the onset of fast and high-quality sleep, stimulates the work of the gastric mucosa. On average, the effect of the drug begins to act after 20-40 minutes.

Valerian perfectly helps women eliminate the main negative signs of PMS and climax.

Instructions for use Valerian

How to drink Valerian correctly - the answer to this question depends on the form of release and the manufacturer of the medicine, so you should first carefully study the description of the drug. Maximum dose per day - 200 mg of the drug.

How to take the medicine:

  1. Ordinary tablets - 1-2 pills 3-4 times a day, they need to be consumed as a whole, washed down enough liquids.
  2. Black tablets - 1 pill at bedtime.
  3. Valerian P - 2-3 tablets three times a day for two weeks.
  4. Bulgarian Valerian - 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day after meals, the duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks.
  5. Tablets with motherwort - 1-2 three times a day with meals. The duration of the course is 4 weeks.
  6. Tincture - 20-30 drops after meals three times a day. The duration of treatment is 25–30 days. For prevention, you can take the drug once a week.
  7. Dry raw materials - 15–20 g of grass pour 200 ml hot water, simmer under the lid in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, leave for 45 minutes, strain, add water to the initial volume. Method of application - drink 15 ml of the drug three times a day for half an hour before meals.
  8. The concentrate is liquid - for one procedure you will need 10 ml of medication, it must be dissolved in water, the temperature of which is 35–38 degrees. The duration of the session is 10-20 minutes, they need to be carried out every other day, the treatment can be carried out for a long time.

Regular Valerian tablets should be taken 2 pieces several times a day

Children under 12 Valerian in tablets is contraindicated, the dosage of the tincture depends on the age - 1 drop for each year of the child's life, the medicine must be diluted in water. An infusion of herbs can be given twice a day, 5 ml for children under 10 years old, 10 ml for children up to 14 years old.

Side effects

Valerian can cause a slow reaction, absent-mindedness, lethargy, therefore, from driving Vehicle for the period of treatment should be abandoned.

Main side effects:

  • nausea, heartburn;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • muscle weakness.

Valerian makes you feel sleepy

The consequences for the body with an overdose of Valerian can be unpredictable. If the dose specified in the annotation is exceeded by 20 times, arrhythmia, bradycardia, severe vomiting, the person may become overly aggressive or stupor. Lethal dose tinctures for a person - 450 ml, there are no similar data for tablets, but this does not mean that they can be taken haphazardly.

With prolonged use of the drug, hypotension, heartburn, increased drowsiness, decreased performance. If after a week of therapy the state of health does not improve, it is necessary to replace the drug with a stronger agent.


Valerian has few contraindications - the drug should not be taken with fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose food intolerance, lack of lactase in the body.

Valerian-based preparations should not be taken in the following cases:

  • depressive states, pathologies in which depression of the central nervous system is observed;
  • enterocolitis;
  • risk of heart attack, stroke.

Valerian tincture should not be taken with a tendency to alcoholism.

You can not take Valerian with enterocolitis

Valerian compatibility with alcohol

Combine the intake of natural sedative with the use of alcoholic beverages is dangerous - irreversible processes in the central nervous system, cardiac activity may occur. During treatment, you should refrain from coffee, tea.

Valerian and alcohol are incompatible

Which valerian is better?

Despite similar therapeutic properties, different forms release of Valerian are somewhat different in their action.

Which valerian to choose:

  1. The power of action. Most strong drugs- tincture and tablets without shell.
  2. Action speed. In critical situations, drops and dark tablets should be taken - they are absorbed the fastest. Coated pills work the slowest.
  3. Safety. Yellow tablets do not contain alcohol, are slowly absorbed, so the likelihood of adverse reactions minimum. Pills without a shell have a lower degree of purification, so they can cause allergies. Alcohol tincture is considered the least safe.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding it is allowed to take only yellow tablets after prior consultation with a doctor. You can drink the medicine only after the end of the first trimester, and when the baby is one month old.

A dynamic lifestyle with daily stressful situations worsens the quality and duration of sleep. Regardless of age, insomnia is becoming a serious problem for children or students, as well as for the elderly. There are natural sedatives that promote sleep.

Valerian is perennial. The value is the root - a straight strong central trunk with numerous small branches. The aerial part is a hollow stem with unpaired excised leaves and flowers of a white or pinkish hue.

The therapeutic effect of the plant is provided by essential oils and many acids: isovaleric, formic, acetic. Healing properties plants:

  • relaxes spasm smooth muscle;
  • reduces excitability from the cerebral cortex;
  • enhances the pharmaceutical effect of sleeping pills;
  • normalizes secretion in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves coronary circulation.

Valerian-based preparations for good sleep

Regardless of the form, drugs containing valerian relax the nervous system, relieve excitability from the cerebral cortex and help you fall asleep. The priority in choosing depends only on the desire of the patient, the effect of the drugs is the same, you need to drink them according to the scheme.

It's important to know! In the pharmaceutical reference books of England and Germany, medicines based on valerian root belong to the group of sleeping pills.

Useful composition of the drug

Properties are provided by essential oils and organic acids:

The medicine also contains useful trace elements: calcium, chromium, potassium, zinc.

Mechanism of action

The composition of the natural components of valerian provides a sedative effect. This is due to the complex effect of beneficial essential oils and plant acids. Clinical researches showed that the combined effect of flavonoids and lignans on the body enhances hypnotic effect each other.

It's important to know! The sedative nature of the action appears slowly, but shows stable results with systemic long-term use of drugs.

Dosage forms and their features

Valerian-based medicines differ in physical structure but have the same pharmaceutical action.

Soothing preparations are divided into those made from natural raw materials and those produced with the addition of synthetic components. natural remedies differ in the duration of administration and slow absorption into the blood. Doctors are sure that valerian helps to fall asleep, thanks to the complex effects of natural ingredients. Advantages herbal remedies before synthetic sleeping pills:

  • have a low price;
  • sold without a prescription;
  • practically have no contraindications;
  • do not impair concentration during the day;
  • improve digestion;
  • no habituation effect;
  • gently affects the biological processes in the body.

Negative effect on the body

All preparations with valerian root are characterized by low toxicity. If you do not increase the dosage of the intake on your own, then there is no backlash from the body. In case of an overdose, you can observe the following effect:

  • weakness;
  • skin rashes;
  • dizziness;
  • attention disorder;
  • decline blood pressure and heart rate.

Admission Restrictions

Despite the harmlessness to the body, there are categories of people who are not recommended to take drugs with valerian root without the supervision of a doctor.

Reception is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • at high rates blood clotting;
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  • severe chronic diseases of the central nervous system.

Usefulness for insomnia

After daily use for a month, a stable sedative effect occurs. The action of which is prolonged even when the drug is discontinued. Absence serious consequences when the dose is increased, it makes drugs based on valerian root a priority over synthetic sleeping pills, especially for people with neuroses and mental disorders.

Doctors recommend to drink drugs for long-term use during the period when you need to restore the quality of sleep against the background of complications chronic diseases or stressful life situations(divorce, new job, moving).

It's important to know! It is strictly forbidden to use in conjunction with synthetic sleeping pills. The action of chemical forms of drugs block the work of the natural components of valerian. Therefore, in order to quickly calm down in stressful situation, tranquilizers are more suitable, and for long recovery sleep quality - valerian preparations.

The use of drugs based on valerian root has been practiced for a long time, and regimens have already been established. Do not self-medicate and change the order of use, this can lead to an overdose. Doctors have developed methods that determine how many valerian tablets to drink in order to fall asleep.

Use in childhood

Sleep problems in children can be associated not only with nervous excitability, but also with disorders in the digestive tract (colic, bloating, rumbling). Valerian will help to solve these difficulties comprehensively.

Valerian for fast falling asleep: different opinions of people

According to the reviews of patients who took preparations with valerian root, they have positive effect when fixing many problems. The complexity of use lies in the repeated daily intake for a long time.

Some people complain about the opposite effect when taking valerian at night: instead of falling asleep, excitability sets in. This is seen in a small number of people or in overdose.

Attention! Women use products with valerian during weight loss. It can help relax smooth muscles digestive tract which reduces the feeling of night hunger.

Negative effects of insomnia

With short-term problems with sleep, a person experiences apathy, irritability, and sudden changes in mood. More serious malfunctions in the work of the body occur with chronic lack of sleep.

Sleep problems cause visual disturbances, and hallucinations are possible. The consequences of lack of sleep are such syndromes: increased sensitivity to pain and difficulty concentrating.

When diagnosed with insomnia, there is a decrease over time immune system exacerbation of all chronic diseases. Except physiological problems, violations of the psycho-emotional state causes difficulties in professional activities and social contacts.

To improve the quality of life, it is necessary to use the means given to us by nature. This will get rid of the appearance allergic reactions and protect the digestive system. For many years, people have successfully used valerian to help them fall asleep and rest during the night.

Translated from the Latin valerian means "to be healthy." The tincture of this plant is actively used in medical practice and has broad indications to application. What is useful, how to use it correctly, and in what cases it is worth giving up the medicine - you will learn all this from our article.

Valerian belongs to the herbaceous perennial family. In medicine, both the stems and leaves, and the rhizomes of this plant are valued. Maximum concentration useful substances in the roots is obtained in the second year of the life of valerian. When the plant reaches this age, the rhizomes are dug up, processed and dried. Of these, an extract or alcohol tincture is most often prepared, and the latter, it turns out, is much more effective and acts almost instantly.

Most of all, valerian is valued due to its constituent essential oils(the level of their content is from 0.5 to 2%). Also in the rhizomes of the plant contains glycosides, formic and malic acid, tannins. Important components Hatinine, alkaloids, valepotriates are also considered. Moreover, the latter are preserved only if the roots are properly dried, otherwise they evaporate.

As for the indication, valerian tincture works in two main directions: how sedative drug and an antispasmodic. How exactly does this drug help our body? Here is a small list of its beneficial effects:

  • calms the nervous system;
  • improves the quality of sleep;
  • fights insomnia;
  • eliminates disorders of the central nervous system;
  • improves the secretion of the stomach and intestines;
  • beneficial effect on the process of digestion;
  • dilates blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure;
  • eliminates spasms in the gastrointestinal tract and the brain.

Many people are accustomed to taking valerian in cases of restlessness, anxiety or excitement. In this case, the medication is taken on a case-by-case basis. However, until now, scientists cannot say with certainty that single use tincture gives a positive result.

Doctors advise drinking valerian regularly according to the instructions, since this drug has cumulative properties.

Indications for use

How to take valerian tincture so that it benefits the body? First of all, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage and indications of the doctor. For maximum therapeutic effect Valerian tincture, like other herbal preparations, should be taken regularly. Instructions for use must be strictly observed, since exceeding the dosage can lead to side effects: drowsiness, loss of concentration, and even indigestion.

With increased excitability

To reduce the tension of the nervous system, you need to take valerian tincture three times a day. An adult patient needs up to 30 drops of tincture before each meal. Dosage for children is calculated based on age: drop by drop for each year. You need to take the drug for two to three weeks, but the doctor will help determine the duration of the course more precisely. Due to the alcohol content, this medicine should not be taken for too long.

For insomnia

If you have trouble falling asleep or during sleep, take 20 drops of the tincture before going to bed. Drops diluted in a quarter glass warm water and taken orally half an hour before bedtime. If you have not felt the effect for several days, you need to additionally take a portion of the medicine in the evening (2-3 hours before going to bed). This will help the body relax and tune in to rest.

Treatment of infections

Alcohol tincture of valerian is a thunderstorm for all kinds of microorganisms. Therefore, it is advisable to use the drug for dysentery and stomach diseases caused by infections. Twice a day you need to drink 2 teaspoons of tincture, combining it in combination with other drugs and diet.

Valerian for children

Any instruction alcohol tincture warns: in no case should you give this remedy to drink to small children under the age of three. If the child is older, he can be given a medicine based on an alcohol tincture, while the dosage calculation is one drop for each year of life. At the same time, make sure that the jar of tincture is out of the reach of children.

At the same time, the plant itself is not contraindicated in children. Conversely, doctors may prescribe water infusion or a decoction of valerian, even for babies. Indications for babies are colic, abdominal cramps (which is typical for babies in the first months of life), as well as sleep disturbances and fear. To set the baby to sleep, put a sachet with dried valerian roots at the head of the bed, its smell soothes and relaxes the nervous system.

Tincture contraindications

As mentioned earlier, this drug has a strong sedative effect which can affect concentration and coordination. Therefore, be careful in using this medicine if you drive a car. Also, valerian causes drowsiness, with an overdose, inhibition and lethargy may occur.

Contraindications include individual intolerance to the plant or alcohol. For some people, even the smell of valerian can cause discomfort. Also, you should not take this medicine if you have a diseased liver or enterocolitis. Such an effect as increased blood clotting in older people can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Video "Valerian in folk medicine"

This video will introduce you to traditional recipes drugs based on valerian root.