Construction of a tree of goals for the preparatory group of doe. Rules for constructing a "tree of goals

All activity on modeling, construction and development of the system of work begins with the setting of a goal and the definition of tasks through which the achievement of the goal is planned. The constructed system of work is aimed at creating conditions for the individual self-expression of each child and the development of each personality, preserving the originality and revealing his potential abilities, protecting the interests of childhood.

The system of work contains effective forms and methods that allow creating conditions for the development of the child's personality at each age stage of education and upbringing.

To create a system of work, the teacher carried out preliminary work: the study of the legal framework, modern methods, methods, techniques, forms, principles and models of work.

Having studied the model "Tree of goals" by Ch. Churchman and R. Ackoff, the teacher used it in his pedagogical work. The goal tree is a graphical diagram that shows the breakdown of general goals into sub-goals. The top of the scheme is interpreted as goals, edges or arcs - as connections between goals. The goal tree method is the main universal method of system analysis. This method allows the teacher to put their own plans (personal or professional) in order, to see their goals in the team.



Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Education management

administration of the municipality "city of Buguruslan"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Municipal Formation "Buguruslan City"

"Kindergarten of the combined type No. 18"

Description of the operating system


Borisova Irina Nikolaevna

Buguruslan, 2013

Explanatory note

To ensure the optimal development of each child, based on the uniqueness of his individuality, an effective system of educational work has been organized in MBDOU "D / s No. 18". Changes in preschool education have influenced the construction of the system of work both in general and on the teacher himself.

All activity on modeling, construction and development of the system of work begins with the setting of a goal and the definition of tasks through which the achievement of the goal is planned. The constructed system of work of Borisova I.N. is aimed at creating conditions for the individual self-expression of each child and the development of each personality, preserving the uniqueness and disclosure of his potential abilities, protecting the interests of childhood.

The system of work contains effective forms and methods that allow creating conditions for the development of the child's personality at each age stage of education and upbringing.

To create a system of work, the teacher carried out preliminary work: the study of the legal framework, modern methods, methods, techniques, forms, principles and models of work.

Having studied the model "Tree of goals" by Ch. Churchman and R. Ackoff, the teacher used it in his pedagogical work. The goal tree is a graphical diagram that shows the breakdown of general goals into sub-goals. The top of the scheme is interpreted as goals, edges or arcs - as connections between goals. The goal tree method is the main universal method of system analysis. This method allows the teacher to put their own plans (personal or professional) in order, to see their goals in the team.

When building a system of work, Borisov I. takes into account the patterns of goal formation and uses the principles of the formation of hierarchical structures. The system of work is built in stages, from top to bottom, by successive transition from a higher level to a lower, adjacent level. The principle is based on the coordination of goals among themselves. The specification of goals from top to bottom is growing: the higher the level, the better the goal is formulated.

The compiled goal tree has a decision system on paper. That is, a plan to achieve the main goal of Fig.1. The goal tree is for a yearly goal. The principle of splitting a common goal into subgoals and tasks is illustrated by the diagram shown in the figure.

Building a model of the system of work of the educator

I.N. Borisova in modern conditions of preschool education

(based on the Goal Tree model)Ch. Churchman and R. Ackoff)

Description of the system of work based on the model "Tree of goals"

1. Development of a project for educational work in educational areas

Borisova I.N. builds the system of the educational process in accordance with the regulatory documents: the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the decree "On Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Maintenance and Organization of the Regime in Preschool Organizations", the main educational program of the institution. The general educational program of MBDOU "D / s No. 18" provides a versatile development of children aged from birth to 7 years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in 4 educational areas: physical, social and personal, cognitive and speech and artistic and aesthetic. The program ensures that pupils achieve school readiness. It is given in accordance with the FGT and is based on the program "From Birth to School" ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

In order to ensure an individually differentiated approach to each child, the pedagogical process is organized taking into account the health of children, a flexible daily routine, and the interests of each child. When designing independent activities of children, he takes into account psychological relief, discusses matters during the day with the entire children's team.

At the organizational stage, a work plan was drawn up - a project of educational work with the children's team. The main objective of the project is to organize the independent activities of the children's team so that the pupils voluntarily, with great desire, participate in various activities of the kindergarten, learn to be independent, be able to assess their capabilities and constantly strive to know themselves. This goal is realized in the second part of the program "In the wake of the mood."

In accordance with the program of the kindergarten, the annual and curriculum of the work of Borisov I.N. developed a comprehensive thematic, thematic work plans in accordance with the FGT.

Educational areas

Communicative and personal development

Cognitive speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Aimed at gaining experience in the following activities:

  • Motor , including in basic movements (walking, running, jumping, climbing, etc.)
  • Game (story game, role-playing, directing and game with rules)
  • Communicative(constructive communication and interaction with adults and peers, oral speech as the main means of communication)
  • Cognitive research(study of objects of the surrounding world and experimentation with them)
  • Perception of fiction and folklore
  • Elementary labor activity(self-service, domestic labor, labor in nature)
  • Constructions from various materials(building material, constructors, modules, paper, natural material, etc.)
  • pictorial(drawings, modeling, appliqué)
  • Musical (singing, musical and rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments)

In order to compose the 2nd part of the program, the teacher determined the time for the main part of the program

2. Develop a project for working with the teaching staff

Borisova I.N. is a member of the creative group of teachers for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions. The creative group of teachers made up the second part of the program, formed by the participants in the educational process. Irina Nikolaevna developed and implemented the program “Following the Mood” into the educational process.

The time required for the implementation of the second part of the Program, formed by the participants of the educational process

The program was developed with the aim of developing creative abilities in children of primary preschool age through non-traditional drawing methods. The content of the subject of the program contributes to the understanding of the properties of different materials by children, their expressive possibilities, forms creative skills. The visual type of activity allows you to make the work of children more interesting, expressive, colorful, as well as develop children's independence and thinking. Also valuable in the program is the possibility of integrating different types of visual activity (drawing, modeling, applications); in the process of creating an interesting image, a combination of visual techniques and materials is possible (“drawing with plasticine”, collage, splashing).

Teaching children non-traditional ways of drawing activates cognitive interest, forms an emotionally positive attitude towards the process of artistic activity, and contributes to the effective development of children's creativity. The result of the developed program is the participation of children in competitions. Her pupil Baryshnikova Dasha won first place in the city competition of children's creativity on the fire-fighting theme "Stop the fire".

In 2013, at the methodological association for heads of preschool educational institutions and educators, an open demonstration of directly educational activities was held in the second junior group “In the wake of mood”. Directly educational activities were evaluated at a high level.

A system of specific measures has been organized for the development of preschool educational institutions and education of parents on the development and upbringing of children: creating a section in the print media of the city, preparing a video for display in local news, as well as on electronic media, distributing leaflets, booklets, magazines, newspapers and other printed publications on the basis of DOW with their further distribution.

The performance indicators of Irina Nikolaevna's work for 2013 are high, this is evidenced by the participation of the teacher in the competitive direction:

  • winner of the regional photo contest among voters of the Orenburg region "Life is a series of elections";
  • All-Russian diploma of the III degree “The best modern lesson. Physical Culture";
  • All-Russian diploma for providing their pedagogical experience in the nomination "Pedagogical ideas and technologies: preschool education" ;
  • certificate of publication of materials of the NOD "In the wake of mood";
  • participation in the regional competition on traffic rules "Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims" (the results are not known);
  • participation in the forum of the network competition of methodological developments in the preschool educational institution "Educational activities in the preschool educational institution".

3. Develop a project to work with parents

In order to study the family, to find out the educational needs of parents, to establish contact with its members, to harmonize educational influences on the child, the teacher began work with the questionnaire "Cooperation between the kindergarten and the family." Having received a real picture, based on the collected data, he analyzed the features of the structure of family ties of each child, the specifics of the family and family education of a preschooler, and developed tactics for his communication with each parent. This helped to better navigate the pedagogical needs of each family, to take into account its individual characteristics.

Irina Nikolaevna developed criteria for the "involvement" of parents in the educational process. At first, this criterion reflected the quantitative indicators of the presence of parents at group events: attendance at parent meetings and consultations; the presence of parents at children's holidays, the participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of excursions, thematic classes; participation in exhibitions, opening days; publication of magazines and books; visiting the "Open Day"; help of parents in equipping the pedagogical process.

Later, she singled out qualitative indicators: initiative, responsibility, the attitude of parents to the products of joint activities of children and adults.

4. Develop a project to work on self-education

Borisova I.N. improves his professional level through coursework, methodological associations, is engaged in self-education. In 2013, at the methodological association for heads of preschool educational institutions and educators, an open demonstration of directly educational activities was held in the second junior group “In the wake of mood”. Directly educational activities were evaluated at a high level.

Irina Nikolaevna is a member of the creative team for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in preschool educational institutions. In 2013, she successfully completed distance training courses for teachers of preschool education: advanced training courses for employees of preschool educational institutions on the topic Legal, psychological and organizational support of the Federal State Educational Standard in the system of preschool education "(72 hours).

The teacher independently works on the topic “Systematization and generalization of work experience”. The initial stage of solving this problem is the passage of a distance course on the topic "Professional design of a teacher's portfolio in electronic form." With the help of a portfolio, you can clearly characterize the activities of a teacher, prepare for certification. The methodological portfolio of Irina Nikolaevna connects individual aspects of her activities into a more complete picture, allows you to record, accumulate and evaluate the individual achievements of a person in a certain period of his activity. Creates an electronic portfolio in various Windows applications: PowerPoint, Word, Excel, as a Web page, PDF portfolio using Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro. Puts there what you can’t show on paper. These are multimedia products created for classes or leisure activities: presentations, graphic objects, video materials, etc.

The success of an organization depends largely on good planning. Maximum profit and high profitability in the future is always the general goal. What is the role of the goal tree in planning?

What is objective tree

Management goals are presented in a large number and variety, so every enterprise needs a comprehensive, systematic approach to choosing their composition. The process of setting goals is called goal setting.

The objective tree of an organization is:

  • structured list, scheme of organizational goals;
  • hierarchy of multi-level goals;
  • a model that allows you to streamline and combine goals into a single complex.

The product of applying this method of strategic planning should be a logical and simple enterprise management scheme. The goal tree makes it possible to justify the general goal and makes sub-goals more achievable.

The system of goals is determined by the organizational structure. A huge structure, a large number of departments and work lines will require the development of a complex "branching" tree with many decomposition levels.


The tree is filled "from top to bottom", from the central goals to secondary tasks. At the “top” (“root”) there is a general goal, the achievement of which is not an easy task. This means that it is necessary to decompose it into smaller elements, “branch goals”, that is, to decompose. So there is a plan of movement to the main goal.

All subsequent levels are formed in such a way as to contribute to the achievement of the previous one.

Target directions
Target Content
Economic Maximizing profits from sales of products or services in the required quality and volume
Scientific and technical Maintaining products and services at a given scientific and technical level, R&D, increasing labor productivity through the introduction of know-how
Production Implementation of the production plan. Maintaining the rhythm and quality of production
Social Improvement, development and replenishment of human resources

branches and leaves

Branches - subgoals extending from the top, are again decomposed. Branch Runs are the next level of objectives. The process is repeated at each level until the goals are simplified. Simplicity is reachability, understandability and logic.

All "branches" describe the result that expresses a specific indicator. The goals of one parallel are independent of each other.

An enterprise goal tree is created based on 3 important elements of any goal.

"Leaves" are specific activities to achieve the goal. The characteristics and indicators indicated on the "leaves" contribute to the choice of the best option:

  • deadline;
  • the probability of achieving the goal by the planned date;
  • cost indicators;
  • the amount of consumed resources.

Tree elements in the same group are interconnected through the logical "AND" (denoted by "∧"). Alternative groups interact through "OR" ("∨").

The organization's goals tree. Example

Let's consider a simple scheme of goals for maximizing profit while increasing results and reducing costs.

To approach the general goal (high profitability and maximum profit), three directions have to be worked out. Enter the resulting options in the organization's goal tree. The example is presented in the form of a table.

Apple strategy and goals

Why is Apple's strategy winning?

The company's field of activity is information and radically new products for working with it. The priority is the process of creating content and its consumption.

For example, Apple paid attention to cultural aspects. The music consumption model has been improved. With iPod, listening to digital music and surfing the Internet has never been easier.

The iPod, iPhone, and iPad lineup fixes the bugs, improves the basic ways to create and use information. This model, used for laptops, desktop computers, television, will allow the "apple" corporation to further increase income.

The result of the decade was three universal inventions and business platforms. They are not an end in itself, but a means to achieve the goal: gaining access to the main ways of information consumption.

It is natural that the general strategy of Apple is the development of an existing product line.

Building a tree of organization goals using the example of Apple

The main goal of any business is to expand the market boundaries, to win an infinite number of customers. Apple is no exception and prioritizes improving its product line for the benefit of the consumer.

Consider a company goal tree for a product like the iPhone, whose value reflects the motto “Simple. Comfortable. Aesthetically." As the main goal of the tree, we will define the improvement of the iPhone, taking into account the interests of potential users.

The main competitive and significant factors for the consumer of this market are:

  • product cost;
  • a variety of functions and an energy-intensive battery;
  • brand popularity;
  • technology for connoisseurs;
  • design and size;
  • range (was discontinued by Apple).

The tree of goals will help answer the question: “What to do?”. For example, to reduce the cost, it is necessary to simplify the interface.

What industry factors need to be created? What features to improve? These are memory, design, games and entertainment. What to focus on: the functional component or the emotional?

Table with iPhone subgoals on three levels

Apple's goal tree is presented in a simplified version in the form of a table.

Improving the iPhone with Consumers in Mind
First level goals
1. Eliminate assortment and brand popularity 2. Simplify the interface 3. Increasing consumer appeal 4. Increasing ergonomics
Second level goals
2.1. Simplify Manufacturability 3.1. Create a new design 4.1. Special status of the owner
3.2. Increasing the amount of memory 4.2. Last Mile Solution
3.3. Strengthening the entertainment aspect 4.3. Reduce size

To solve the "last mile", the following tasks were identified:

  1. Use touch screen and achieve the absence of buttons.
  2. Create additional options.
  3. Enlarge screen.

The next step is to fill in the "leaves" or activities to achieve the subgoals. For this, specific deadlines for completing tasks, the required volume, resources, cost and significant quantitative indicators are necessarily indicated.

The last step is to draw the targets in the form of a branched tree.

Task tree. Example

Tasks are called subgoals. They do not need decomposition and “end-means” linkages. The tree of goals includes the goals of the highest and lowest levels.

Objectives are the basis for creating a program to achieve a specific goal at the grassroots level. Problem solving is a set of actions.

The tree of goals, as an option, may contain the following tasks.

Thus, the goal tree becomes an ordering tool for creating a company development program. Examples confirm the principle of its formation “completeness of reduction”: goals are “split” into subgoals until the original goal becomes clear and achievable.

Pudovkina Natalya Mikhailovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MAOU secondary school No. 54
Locality: Tomsk
Material name: Spiritual and moral development
Topic: Building a "tree of goals" for a certain age group of students.
Publication date: 06.12.2018
Chapter: secondary education

Building a "tree










spiritual and moral



students at the level of primary general education.

Since by the time this program was launched, the school had already



moral development and education of Russian citizens, achieved

the results are considered as a launching pad for the implementation of its

next stage.





requirements of spiritual and moral development and education in primary



moral development and education, the results of such activities in



grounds. These bases lie in different areas, but are centered on








vital activity






psychological connections and relations with the external environment. Right at the start


account for


delinquency and crime, the use of tobacco, alcohol, and a few

later - drugs.




maturing person at the dramatic moment of the transition of many latent

processes of its formation into explicit ones. It is at this level that





"self-presentation" as a young adult. Therefore, the emphasis of this

programs are made for the socialization of a teenager, educating him from the position

right choice, self-realization, independence of action.

All structural elements of this Program determine approaches to




reflecting national, regional and ethno-cultural characteristics

region. It follows from this that the spiritual and moral development of students




activities artificially introduced into the educational process. She is

carried out everywhere - both in the development of academic disciplines, and in





own behavior in various extracurricular activities.


teenagers ability to reflect






reality a critical point is fixed as their socialization in

in general, and the most important criteria for evaluating its effectiveness. Many of them

determined precisely by the maturity of the spiritual and moral sphere.



intrinsic value

age lived by adolescents and timely socialization, between



challenges about which they have a very vague idea; help


to avoid



opportunities, to heal those already received), and on the other hand, to prepare them for

conflict-free, constructive interaction

with other people,





life path.



spiritual and moral








support for the adolescent's own efforts related to the development of his








cultural and moral








national, regional and ethno-cultural features of the region.

Tasks of spiritual and moral development, socialization and education

students at the level of basic general education:




spiritual and moral




the most important


values; subjective attitude to self-education and development






oriented activity;










traditions (cultural traditions), as well as the assimilation of knowledge expressing them,

values ​​and norms.


sense upbringing- the process is not spontaneous, but

purposeful, realized by both the teacher and the students. Consequently,





personality, reflecting a peculiar moral portrait of a teenager.





present in the form of a diagram:

Moral portrait of a educated person


Core Values

Desired personality traits

Criteria for goals

· Clarity;

· measurability;

· Accessibility;

· Binding to time;

Let's say your goal

· Increasing income;

The tree of strategic goals on the example of the organization LLC "Master Realty"

The definition of subsequent methods is created taking into account the characteristics of a particular company's business.

Goals are:

· Production;

· Sales policy;

· Income and finance;


· Cost reduction;




For the quality work of the organization, the approach to setting goals is very significant.

They are the starting point for planning the entire spectrum of the organization's activities. The tree of goals of the organization acts as the basis for building relationships in the company, as well as a motivation system. Evaluation of the work of personnel, departments of the organization and the entire structure in general is possible only when the tasks set are achieved.

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Publication date — 10/13/2015

Goal tree on the example of an organization

Organization goal tree

The goal tree is a special hierarchical list of the goals of each organization. In it, the goals of the lower level are subordinated to and contribute to the achievement of the goals of a higher order. The most important and important goals are placed at the very top of the tree.

Criteria for goals

The stated goals of the organization should meet the following criteria:

· Clarity;

· measurability;

· Accessibility;

Necessity and sufficiency;

· Binding to time;

· Consistency, according to the management hierarchy.

The consistency of all these factors contributes to the setting of clear sub-goals, the achievement of which will eventually lead to the realization of the general goal of the organization.

Building a "tree of goals" organization - an example

Dividing the main mission into smaller ones makes it easier to achieve. In this way, levels of tasks are created until an easy-to-achieve goal is set. The construction of the "tree of goals" is carried out taking into account the method "from general to particular". The quality of such a plan depends on the skill level of the specialist who was entrusted with creating it.

Let's say your goal "increasing company profits". If you think logically, then you can achieve it in two ways:

· Increasing income;

Any organization (commercial, state, charitable or public) pursues its own goal. Due to the presence of goals, enterprises exist and function.

Depending on the direction of the organization, its goals are determined:

· For a commercial company, the goal is to maximize profits;

In the social - the fulfillment of a socially important task;

· At the charity - help those in need.

Goals are:

· Short-term. Achieved in a year;

· Medium-term. Completed in 1-5 years;

· Long-term. Achieved in at least 5 years.

An example of an organization's goals tree

The top of the tree always belongs to the overall goal of the company (its mission). Next comes the division into subtasks, the implementation of which contributes to the achievement of the main mission. One level is occupied by goals that do not depend on each other, as well as not emanating from each other.

The set of company goals is individual, but there are some areas of activity in which organizations show genuine interest:

· Production;

· Sales policy;

· Income and finance;

· Personnel policy.

The number of levels that make up the main goal of the organization depends on the size of the company, the complexity of its goal, the hierarchy in management and organizational structure.

The goals of the organization, set in different areas of its activity


· Cost reduction;

· Improving the competitiveness of goods;

· Increasing production efficiency;

· Development and use of the latest technologies.


· Promotion of goods on the market;

· Increasing the range of products.


· Achieving effective financial management of the organization;

· Achieving improved solvency and profitability;

· Achievement of increasing investment attractiveness.


· Staff development;

· Improving the personnel of the enterprise;

· Development of an incentive system;

· Increasing the productive aspect of labor.

For the quality work of the organization, the approach to setting goals is very significant. They are the starting point for planning the entire spectrum of the organization's activities. The tree of goals of the organization acts as the basis for building relationships in the company, as well as a motivation system. Evaluation of the work of personnel, departments of the organization and the entire structure in general is possible only when the tasks set are achieved.

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Publication date — 10/13/2015

Do you have a dream? Everyone has it, even if he does not assume it. A dream is something that is currently not feasible and not achievable. For one it may be a trip to the sea, and for another - a flight into space. Small dreams turn into tasks, big ones into goals, and global ones remain a dream. How to get to this peak - a dream? To plan! One of the planning methods is building a goal tree, let's figure out what it is and how to build it?

Goal Tree- the hierarchical principle of constructing the structure of goals and objectives, it has a top and subordinate levels. We can say that this is an inverted tree, but it is better to call this structure a pyramid. The pyramid of your success - the more energy spent, the closer to the top. Therefore, performing small operations, it is much easier to get to the dream.

Building a goal tree

So the top of the pyramid is dream. A dream is difficult to achieve, and sometimes completely unattainable, but at the same time I really want to. To decide on a dream and main life goals, think about philosophical questions: “Why am I living? What do I want to achieve in this life? What will be left of me when I leave this world? It is very difficult to answer these questions, but it is important. Of course, you can live for today, but the older you get, the more you think about the meaning of life.

Main life goals(achievement period of 10 years) must be realistic as opposed to dreams. They should relate to the main areas of life: family, financial and material situation, education, self-expression, etc.

Next, we proceed according to the principle of splitting into smaller goals(5-10 years) and subgoals(1-3 years). Goals are the results that we want to achieve in this area, and subgoals are goals given in specific conditions. Questions to help set goals: “What is important to you in life? What would you like to have to feel happy? What do you like to do and what would you like to achieve in it? For what purposes do you earn money, other than satisfying physical needs? The sum of the subgoals leads to the goal, you must represent 80% of the subgoals to achieve it. How to set goals the right way.

Subgoals are formed from tasks that you complete every month, week, day. To define a subgoal, answer the question: “What do you want to get further from the task?” That is, in this case, we go from the bottom up. Analyze what you do every day, where will it lead you in the end? Once you have set your subgoals, identify the tasks you are doing or missing in order to achieve the subgoal. Tasks are divided into simple daily operations.

Let's analyze For example. Let's say our goal is: vacation abroad in 2011. To go, we need money, so our sub-goal will be: to earn 50 thousand rubles by May 2011 for a vacation in August 2011. Next, we need to decide where to go on vacation in 2011 - this will be the second sub-goal. Now let's break it down into tasks. For money: set aside every month (1st day) from January to May 10 thousand to a savings bank account.

Personal tree of goals and objectives or pyramid of success

To decide where to go: choose a travel company; think about where you would like to go, what to see; analyze the cost of this pleasure. Further, each task is divided into operations (subtasks), it is not so difficult. Further, if we follow the plan, we will go on vacation in August 2011.

What happens if you don't plan? You will constantly think: “Oh, how I want to go, but there is no money! And where to go, it seems like you want to visit there and there ... ”So everything will remain in dreams! Therefore, they need to be translated into goals, and goals into tasks and act! And in planning, the method of building a tree of goals of the pyramid of success will help you.

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Other articles in the category Self-development

strategic goals. Goal Tree

Strategic goals are the results that the company seeks to achieve in the future. Goals can be set for the company as a whole, for its structural divisions, for specific performers. Goals, unlike targets, are clear, measurable, achievable, correlated with the strategy, and also have a time reference.

Goals must meet the conditions:

  • Measurable: all goals are quantified (relative or absolute)
  • Clarity: goals are so precise and clear that it is impossible to misinterpret them
  • Necessity and sufficiency: goals are formulated for all areas of activity
  • Reachable: both the boss and the subordinate are confident that the goal is achievable
  • Time reference: set deadlines for achieving the goal
  • Time Consistency: A clear sequence of goals is established
  • Consistency in the management hierarchy: the targets of structural divisions do not contradict the targets of the company as a whole

Setting strategic goals starts with a mission. After all, a mission statement is a concise, well-defined document that explains goal creation of the organization, its tasks and core values, in accordance with which the direction of the company's activities is determined. Having a brief description of the highest level directions - missions, visions and strategies - the company develops strategic goals and objectives that are understandable to every employee.

In accordance with the methodology of the Balanced Scorecard, strategic goals are divided into four blocks:

  • Finance
  • Clients
  • Business processes
  • Growth and learning

An example of a strategic goal in the "Finance" block:

A company can achieve revenue growth by developing customer relationships, lowering costs, and increasing productivity.

Once a company has determined who its target customer is, it can formulate goals and metrics for its intended value proposition.

An example of strategic goals in the "Clients" block:

  • Timely offer products and services with high quality and low price
  • Increase in client base

To achieve the strategic goal indicated in the "Clients" block, it is necessary to set many strategic goals in the "Business Processes" block.

Building a goal tree

Let's point out a few:

  • Timely delivery of goods, materials by suppliers
  • Reducing production costs
  • Increasing the efficiency of technological processes
  • Improving the quality of production
  • Timely delivery to customers

For the implementation of all these strategic goals in the blocks "Finance", "Clients", "Business Processes" it is necessary to constantly train the employees of the enterprise. A high level of competence is required to achieve strategic goals. The ability to manage the quality and delivery process is essential to retain the customer base. Customer acquisition is built on the ability to communicate and negotiate, the ability to know and understand the client environment, customer needs, formulate a value proposition and successfully close a deal requires skills that need to be taught.

After all strategic goals are formed, they are combined into groups for the company as a whole and for divisions. The head of the unit builds the work of his unit, distributing the strategic goal of his unit to the tactical goals (tasks) of his subordinates. The hierarchical alignment of the goal tree should be built in such a way that the strategic goals of the enterprise are transformed into specific tactical goals (tasks) for each individual employee.

The technology of setting strategic goals is considered at seminars:

Budgeting and financial planning

Strategy management. Improving business efficiency

Related articles:

Balanced Scorecard

Core business processes

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Rules for building a goal tree

If the goal-setting of the system is defined as a combination of the goals of the existence of each of its elements (creation of a system of goals), then the creation of the structure of the goals of the system allows us to describe the structural and functional dependence of the elements in the whole formation (system). The definition of such a dependence is the basis for identifying the patterns of structural formation of a particular system and describing it by formal methods of system analysis.

The description of the system in the form of a structure of goals, their connections and relationships underlies the systematic study of any complex object, the study of its state, behavior and control of the process of its movement towards the image of an ideal state.

Organization as a mixed system refers to a multi-purpose system. One of the possible models of the goals of the system is given in Table. 1.3. The purpose of this table is to demonstrate the position, according to which, the content of the goals of the system changes depending on what becomes the object and subject of goal formation. Another task is to show where goals can be directed.

Table 1.3 Target Composition Model

The content of the table shows that the organization as a system strives for passive stability and functioning regardless of the existence of the external environment. The external environment of the organization in the face of competitors and consumers of the product (service) forces it to respond to their requests by methods of operational management. If the subjects of management set themselves goals that are future-oriented and capable of changing the external environment, then the organization is able to initiate the events it needs to make a breakthrough and attack competitors.

Thus, the content of goals is determined not only by the subject of management, but also by the object itself and the subject of goal formation. For example, the goal of “Increasing labor productivity” is determined not only by the ambitions of managers, but also by the qualifications of the employees of the organization and the technical equipment of managers and employees.

2.3. Building a "tree of goals"

There are no universal rules for setting goals. The main requirements for the formulation of goals are that they must be specific, precise, complete and consistent.

The specificity of the goals is ensured by the subject orientation, targeting and temporal certainty (the beginning, the end and the order of achieving the goals are set), for example, the growth of labor productivity in the technology of packaging goods by 6% over two years.

The composition and completeness of the goals depend on the specifics of the object and the conditions of the external environment, which serves as a source for the formation of goals, for example, an increase in labor productivity by 6% over two years through the use of new materials that have appeared on the market this year.

Goals should be considered in relation to related tasks in order to ensure their consistency and consistency in an effort to rationally allocate available resources. An example of this kind: an increase in labor productivity by 6% over two years due to the use of new materials, which will ensure the shipment of an increasing volume of manufactured products on time.

The achievability of the goals is checked by assessing the existing economic, legal, social, psychological and other obstacles. Let's continue the example: the growth of labor productivity by 6% within two years should be accompanied by obtaining a bank loan and insurance for the leasing of new equipment, as well as improving the skills of packaging production technologists.

To assess the degree of achievement of the goal, it is necessary to ensure the measurability of the goal, which can be both quantitative and qualitative, for example, to provide for an increase in labor productivity by 6% over two years, for which purpose to develop a business plan for the modernization of packaging production and indicators of the success of its implementation.

The flexibility of the goals is manifested in the possibility of their adjustment due to changes in the internal and external environment of the system, for example, in ensuring the growth of labor productivity by 6% within two years of implementing the business plan for the modernization of packaging production, providing for the purchase of equipment that can be used universally.

Considering the goal as an integral object, it is important to establish its structure, the graphical model of which is a tree graph (“tree of goals”). In this case, the goal is decomposed into subgoals, and the number of hierarchical levels is determined by the subject of goal setting, based on the task facing him.

The procedure for structuring the goal consists in isolating the basic elements in the problem being solved and establishing links between them, which allows formalizing the problem situation.

The procedure for developing a "goal tree" is a lengthy process with various clarifications and approvals, and the choice of the procedure itself depends on the specialist who solves the problem.

The construction of the "tree of goals" begins with the formulation of the main goal, which reflects the problem situation as a whole.

Observing the principle “from the general to the particular”, they reduce (separate) the goal into parts (subgoals).

The hierarchy of goals is ensured by the fact that the goals of the lower level follow from the higher goals and are subordinate to them, i.e. means to achieve the goal are its sub-goals and, in turn, become goals for the next lower level of the hierarchy.

The completeness of the decomposition is ensured by the fact that at each level of the hierarchy a complete list of subgoals is formulated. It is clear that each goal is decomposed into at least two subgoals.

It is necessary to strive to have a common scale of measurements for each level of the hierarchy.

The goals presented at the levels of the hierarchy should be flexible, provide for the possibility of adjustments and changes (both in the process of building a "tree of goals", and in the process of changes in the external and internal environment, and in the process of implementation).

The procedure for constructing a "tree of goals" is completed at the level of decomposition at which it is possible to develop alternative ways to achieve the goal.

2.4. Strategic goal system

Igor Ansoff, considering the distinctive features of the strategy, gives the following definition of it and its landmark (vision): "The landmark is the goal that the company seeks to achieve, and the strategy is a means to achieve the goal."

But we know from systems theory that, to paraphrase the definition, the means to an end is the system. It follows that strategy is a system for achieving goals. Let's try to substantiate the proposed thesis by analyzing the structure of the organization's goals.

In the early 1980s A.I. Prigogine, considering the main organizational goals, proposed three types that are not interconnected by a hierarchy: task goals, orientation goals, and system goals. Goals-tasks should have reflected the external purpose of the organization (the terminology of strategic management in this case is more consistent with "mission outside"). Orientation goals correspond to the general interests of employees and can be realized through the organization (mission directed inward). The goals of the system are designed to realize the need of the structure for balance, stability, integrity (more precisely, the goals of ensuring the systemic nature of the organization, which is characterized, first of all, by the structure - a set of links between parts of the system), etc.

It follows that the organization's goal system is a "system configurator" - a system consisting of subsystems represented by different description languages, for example, a 6% increase in labor productivity over two years and strengthening the reputation in the packaging services market, combined with a reduction in working capital cycle.

Let's try to imagine a model of the composition of the system of strategic management goals, which we will then transform into a structure model. However, it is first necessary to make a few remarks, guided by the principles of system analysis.

Any activity is purposeful. As a rule, an organization has several types of activities, therefore, there may be more than one goal. In addition, the difference in goals leads to different definitions of the same phenomena (definitions here mean the language model of a system). The above indicates that the goals of the organization can lie in several intersecting planes, and the point (or line) of the intersection of these planes, in our opinion, in general, will most reflect the location of the cumulative (integral) goal of the organization.

The goal here is understood as “a subjective image (abstract model) of a non-existent but desired state of the environment that would solve the problem that has arisen.”

If now this image of the desired future is projected onto the environment surrounding the object under study, then the projection will be a set of elements of the environment, the use of the properties of which makes it possible to achieve the goal. Such a "shadow" of the goal on the environment is a means of achieving the goal - a system (a set of interconnected elements, isolated from the environment and interacting with it as a whole).

Arguing in a similar way and based on the previously given definitions, it is possible to build several subsystems, in different languages ​​of description, characterizing the goal under consideration. An example of such a description (goal configurator) is shown in fig.

Goal tree - what is it and how to build it?

Rice. 1.8. The structure of the goal system

The presented system of goals shows that the vision, mission, objective goal, strategy characterize the same goal, considering it as if in different planes, and these characteristics of the goal occupy the same (upper) level of the hierarchy.

In general, the figure illustrates the relationship between the main target characteristics of the organization and allows us to formulate the following conclusions.

A strategy is a system for achieving an organization's goals.

The direction of the strategy is determined by the mission, which is directed to the environment external to the organization and inside the organization: to the social structure and to the structure that ensures the maintenance of the system properties of the organization.

The strategy lies on the same plane as the operational management of the organization, which consists of elements of the external environment and is poorly structured.

The purpose of the organization is a system whose subsystems lie in different planes, but are united by it, and through it communication is carried out between the elements of different subsystems.

The goals of the organization (as well as any system) are formed under the influence of many factors, as evidenced by Fig. 1.9.

Rice. 1.9. Distribution of factors influencing the formation of goals

From the figure, in particular, it follows that the goals may differ:

By time of achievement and orientation;

According to the subjects of goal-setting and orientation in space;

In terms of objectivity, they can be both objective, similar to the properties of any system, and subjective, similar to the image that the organization strives for.

The degree of achievement of the goal is assessed using the criteria selected for a particular solution.

It should be noted that goals, in contrast to targets, are characterized by clarity, measurability, achievability, correlated with the mission, and should also have a time frame for their achievement.

These distinguishing features of goals are called SMART characteristics. SMART is an acronym for the following five words and concepts.

1. Specific - be so clear and precise that there is no room for misinterpretation or multiple interpretations.

2. Measurable - quantify everything that is possible, primarily subjective expectations, fixing what the result might be if the goal is achieved.

3. Achievable - both the boss and the subordinate must be sure that the goal is achievable.

4. Related - correlate with the strategy, economic goals of the organization, the interests of the contractor.

5. Time-bound - allow definition on the time scale by the timing of the goal.

4.2 Solving problems in the company

It turns out that even after the completion of successful projects, Toyota managers wondered: what could have been done better?

Toyota believes that you cannot solve problems until you acknowledge that they exist. There is a presumption of imperfection here. The ideal is great, but small changes for the better are much more real, it is easier for a person to set a local goal for himself. Not 15% by the end of the quarter, but 1% by the end of the month. The challenge is to translate the conversations into action, to integrate the presumption of imperfection into the way of thinking and acting.

New employees are actively involved in the process of endless improvement. There are working groups at the plant, a program of written initiatives, teams dealing with lingering problems. But everything is based on two harsh realities.

“First of all, of course, we must produce two thousand cars a day. Therefore, we do not vote on the assembly of each car, says Gritton. “You can’t stop and change the process every few minutes. Secondly, there is a basic rule: constantly striving for excellence is not a matter of character, national culture or willpower. It is more like a conveyor belt.

New employees first need to understand the company's standards, learn the operations, and only then offer something new. If you do not fully understand the nature of the work, how can you know that your proposal is useful?

4.2 Toyota's goals and perspectives

First of all, Toyota showed the world how to build cars: few people had heard of the Toyota Production System (TPS) technology system before it, and in particular its most important element - the "just in time" system - were described in a published in 1991 book The Machine That Changed the World.

The key tenet of TPS is to eliminate wastage of resources and maintain consistent high quality through continuous improvement. Just-in-time is just one element of a comprehensive program to eliminate unnecessary work and waste of resources. The TPS system was then implemented in many other sectors of the world's industry.

While American and European auto companies improved their models, buyers quickly realized the advantage of reliable Japanese cars and preferred them. When America and Europe imposed trade barriers in response to the spread of Japanese vehicles, Japanese companies began to build factories in European and American territory. Although Toyota expanded more slowly in the global market than Nissan or Honda, having a superior production management method gave it a significant advantage at the time of entering the global market.

Many organizations have tried to master and apply the methods that Toyota has turned into a routine, a science, a way of thinking and being. These companies include GM, Ford, and Chrysler.

After that, all the Big Three began to modernize their production: over the past ten years, GM and Crysler have reduced the time to assemble a car by 30%. But they still lag far behind Toyota. Nowhere is this more clearly understood than at GM. "We've taken a huge step forward," says Dan Florez, a spokesman for General Motors. — Transforming a company of this size is not an easy task, it cannot be solved overnight. But a cultural upheaval has taken place and change is in full swing.”

What happens every day at Toyota can be taught and learned. But this is not a goal, because the goal presupposes a finish point, and here it is not. This cannot be applied because it is not a list of innovations. This is a different worldview. You cannot lose interest in it, shrug your shoulders and retreat, just as it is impossible to lose interest in your future.

At Toyota, getting the job done and improving the quality of the job become one.

Looking into the new century, most experts state the change in the balance of power in the global automotive industry in favor of Japanese companies and therefore recommend using Japanese experience in organizing production and management whenever possible. The Japanese automotive industry leads the world in low production costs.

The company's mission is to meet the needs of consumers by eliminating the three main barriers to improving production efficiency: waste, deviation from the standard and lack of flexibility.

Taichi Ohno, the founder of Lean Manufacturing and Executive Vice President of Toyota Motor since 1975, formulated the basic principles of the Toyota Production System, on which it has stood until today.

1. Produce only what you need, and only when you need it. The rule applies to spare parts, to the organization, to product characteristics. Everything else is waste.

2. When an error occurs, you should immediately find its cause, eliminate it and prevent its occurrence in the future. Goal: no errors.

3. All employees and suppliers must constantly improve product quality and improve the production process. 16

The leadership of Japanese companies focuses on the creation of global production systems, which are believed to be more stable than in individual countries, and less prone to political and economic upheavals that can occur in a single country. It is envisaged to reduce suppliers, focusing on those who provide world standards based on the latest technologies. Inter-regional cooperation in the production of components, according to Japanese economists, will reduce production costs and make better use of competitive leverage. The goal is to establish a worldwide just-in-time delivery system that has proven effective in Japan, but it will be a new, higher and more complex level.


An important task of management is to establish a balance of interests of various social institutions and groups of people interested in the functioning of the organization and influencing the nature, content and direction of its functioning. The balance of interests determines where the organization will move, its target orientation in the form of a mission and goals.

The definition of the mission and goals of the organization, considered as one of the processes of strategic management, consists of three processes, each of which requires a lot of and extremely responsible work. The first process consists in the formation of the mission of the company, which in a concentrated form expresses the meaning of the existence of the company, its purpose. The mission gives the organization originality, fills the work of people with a special meaning. Next comes the sub-process of setting long-term goals. And this part of strategic management ends with the sub-process of setting short-term goals. The formation of the mission and the establishment of the goals of the company lead to the fact that it becomes clear why the company operates and what it strives for.

The basis of Toyota's success lies in the perfect management of production and the quality work on the creation of new models, which allows us to offer consumers new lineups every two years. The company produces 60 basic models for Japan and many variants for foreign markets, while the degree of unification is very high - Toyota very successfully uses components and assemblies from old ones in new models.

Created at Toyota Motor Company under the leadership of Taichi Ohno, Just-in-Time Production involves eliminating non-revenue-generating activities and shifting to "lean manufacturing" that is flexible enough to accommodate a variety of customer requirements.

One of the principles of Japanese management is total quality control (TQC), which initially emphasized the management of the quality assurance process. Subsequently, it developed into a system covering all aspects of management.

The task of senior management is to analyze the current state of the company in the market and set priorities for quality, cost and delivery improvement policies.

Employees must understand Toyota's way of thinking and operations, and then engage in the process of continuous self-improvement and company management.


1. Akmaeva R.I. Statistical planning and statistical management: textbook / R.I. Akmaeva; ASTU. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2007. - 208s.

2. Barinov V.A. Statistical management: a textbook on the specialties "Management" of the organization, "crisis management" and other economic specialties / V.A. Barinov, V.L. Kharchenko. — M.: INFRA-M, 2006. — 285p.

3. Vachugov D.D. Fundamentals of Management: a textbook for university students studying in economic specialties in the direction of "Management" / ed. D.D. Vachugova. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M .: Higher school, 2005. - 376 p.

4. Vikhansky O.S. Management: a textbook for students of educational institutions / O.S. Vikhansky. - M .: Economist, 2005. - 426 p.

5. Vikhansky O.S. Strategic management: textbook. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional — M.: Gardarika, 1998. — 296s.

6. Drogomiretsky I.N. Strategic planning: textbook / I.I. Drogomiretsky, G.A. Makhovikova, E.L. Cantor. - St. Petersburg: Vector, 2006. - 146 p.

7. Lafta J.K. Management: a textbook for economic special universities / J.K. Lafta. — M.: Knorus, 2002. — 262p.

8. Lipsits I.V. Secrets of a skilled leader. / I.V. Lipsits - M .: Progress, 2003. - 125 p.

9. Lyubanova T.P. Strategic planning at the enterprise: a textbook for universities / T.P. Lyubanova, L.V. Myasoedova, Yu.A. Oleinikov. — M.: Prior, 2001. — 267p.

10. Meskon M. Fundamentals of management: Per. from English/M. Mescon, M. Albert, F. Hedourne. - M .: Delo, 2000. - 701s.

11. Raichenko A. V. General management: a textbook for students of educational institutions enrolled in the MBA program / A.V. Raichenko - Institute of Economics and Finance "Synergy", - M .: INFRA - M, 2005. - 384.

12. Santilainen T. Management by results: per. from Finnish / T. Santilainen, E. Voutinainen, P. Porenma; ed. Ya.A.

Creating a tree of project objectives

Leiman. — M.: Progress, 2001. — 320s.

13. Fatkhutdinov R. A. Development of a management decision: an educational practical guide. - M .: CJSC "Business School", Intel - Sintez, 1997.

14. Howard Ken Management principles. Management in the system of civilized entrepreneurship: textbook / K. Howard, E. Korotkov. - M .: INFRA - M, 1996. - 224 p.



Attachment 1

Organizational strategic planning process

Appendix 1.2

Types of value orientations of the organization

Value Orientations General descriptors Types of Goal Preferences
Theoretical True; knowledge; rational thinking. Long-term research and development.
Economic Practicality; utility; accumulation of wealth. Growth, profitability and results.
Political Power; vocation. Total capital, sales; amount of workers
Social Good human relations; attachment; lack of conflict. Social responsibility in relation to profit; indirect competition; favorable atmosphere in the organization.
aesthetic Artistic harmony; composition, shape and symmetry. Product design, quality and attractiveness (even at the cost of profit)
religious Consent in the universe. Ethics; moral issues.

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And why is it needed, is it, or for clarity, you can use the example of an already built one. The same article is devoted to practical recommendations on how to independently create a hierarchy of goals.

What is needed to compile

If you are just learning strategic planning or building a tree of goals for yourself, then in addition to the desire itself, you need: A blank sheet of A4 paper (at the training stage - perhaps a stack of paper), a pen.

If you are preparing a presentation of the tree of goals: in this case, many programs on a PC will do (Mind Manager, simple SmartArt MS Word, ...)

Stages of building a goal tree

1. Formulation. This is the top of the tree, it can also be a global large and very complex goal, in contrast to the strategic one, in the possibility of its ultimate attainability. (example, strategic - increase in sales, global - increase in capital by a certain amount; strategic -, global - learn 5 foreign languages). This goal answers the questions: what do I (we, the organization) want to receive or receive after such and such a period? Who I want to be? What do we want to achieve or achieve? Answer - write to the top.

2. Write down the conditions, sub-goals contributing to the implementation of the global strategic goal. Answering questions: under what conditions is it possible to achieve the goal? What do you need to decide in order to achieve goal number 1?See example below.

2.1. Highlight those goals and objectives, conditions that depend directly on us (ourselves), or are subject to our indirect influence, or vice versa - are absolutely independent of us. This is usually formulated as internal, external or indirect conditions. Sign, respectively, the conditions, goals or objectives. This item can be skipped. But sometimes it is also needed.

3. We crush further goals, follow the same procedure as in the case of item 2, but only for the 2nd row of goals. Our task is to build a consistent hierarchy until all the goals come down to the implementation of a specific small task, either done once, or in a constant cycle.

We complete the tree on one sheet. But if you need to cross out something for clarity, it’s better to start with a new clean slate.

You need to crush goals sequentially. Those. they should be subordinate to each other, and there were no big jumps.

When writing down this or that step in the hierarchy, it is important to remember that there is always one more option.

The smallest goals should be as simple as possible, the implementation of which realizes, just as simply, a higher goal.

Practice and train again. Ideally, after some time you will reach this