All You Need for Good Vision is the Right Eye Products! What should you eat to improve your vision? What to eat for your eyesight.

Products to improve vision should be in everyone's diet. Such products contain all the necessary microelements, as well as others. chemical compounds, which strengthen the retina, blood vessels and muscles of the eyes.

When answering the question of which products are good for vision, you immediately need to identify their groups that can be successfully combined:

  • The first group includes various vegetables and fruits. They are good for the eyes, as they not only improve vision, but also maintain it in perfect condition. Nutrition from this group of foods should be balanced. Vegetables and fruits should be consumed raw and dried. And also drink juices made from them. It is better not to heat them.
  • The next group of products for the eyes are various herbs from which infusions are prepared that need to be drunk. They contain useful vitamins and acids, and such infusions are perfectly combined with other food groups.
  • Another group is salad herbs. This includes lettuce, parsley, celery, dill, as well as other plants used for food. The peoples of the Caucasus always have good eyesight, since their diet always contains herbs. Particularly useful is the juice of parsley and celery, which can be drunk with the addition of beet or carrot juice.
  • The last group is meat, fish and dairy products. They contain fats, with the help of which elements contained in other food groups are perfectly absorbed. plant origin. They are also good for the eyes.

You need to understand that a balanced diet of the above products is not only good for the eyes. It also promotes effective recovery vision even in older people.

Before starting to treat lost vision, the patient must agree with his doctor on the necessary nutrition and diet so that this complex gives excellent result. There is no need to rely on the following products to solve problems if the patient's vision is completely lost or serious problems with him.

Vegetables and fruits to improve vision

This group of products contains carotene, vitamins A, B, E, C, which are beneficial for the eyes, and therefore should be in the diet of every person.

Vegetables that are used to improve vision, as well as prevention eye diseases the following:

  1. Carrot. It contains many useful elements, which stimulate the growth of eye cells, strengthen blood vessels, and also improve the interaction of all elements eyeball with optic nerve. Most The best way- is to drink carrot juice. It is prepared from fresh carrots, which should not be cooked. You can eat it raw, not peeled.
  2. Beet. This vegetable is useful because it contains elements that have a beneficial effect on many organs and functions of the body. Recommended to use beet juice, add it to other drinks. Salads are made from beets, and they are also added to various dishes. This vegetable can be cooked.
  3. Pumpkin. It is also beneficial for the body and is excellent for strengthening and preventing vision loss. It can be heat treated. Juice is made from it, it is also added to purees or porridge is cooked from it. All this contains a lot useful vitamins, and adding pumpkin to your diet will help preserve your vision for a long time.

Fruits that are good for the eyes are divided into two types:

Orange fruits contain many vitamins that are good for the eyes and stimulate the restoration of cells in this organ.

Green fruits are characterized by the fact that they contain an element such as beta-carotene, as well as folic acids that fight free radicals and prevent them from harmful influence on eye cells, because of this, cataracts, cancer, and glaucoma do not appear.

The most common fruits include the following:

  • citrus fruits (tangerines, oranges, grapefruit), best consumed raw;
  • kiwi, pineapple, best consumed raw;
  • apricots, which can be eaten raw or dried, as well as made into compotes and jam.

The berries are in a separate place. Blueberries are especially useful. In order for your eyesight to be at its best, experts recommend eating blueberries raw or making jam from them. To do this, mix a glass of sugar with a glass of blueberries and cook.

A diet containing the above products is not only good for vision, but also has beneficial influence for the whole body.

It is important to know that to prevent vision, you need to drink one glass carrot juice every day on an empty stomach for a month.

Herbs and greens

Herbs and greens can be combined, as they are of plant origin and are used in folk medicine.

Special consideration when planning balanced nutrition belongs to parsley and celery. You can make juice from parsley, which is best consumed once a day for several weeks. Some doctors say that the best cocktail for vision that exists in nature is a mixture of parsley, beet and carrot juices.

Herbs that are successfully used to treat and prevent eye diseases include hawthorn. Various infusions are made from it. This herb is also successfully used for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

It is important to know that if the patient decides to resort to folk remedies treatment of eye diseases, it is better to consult a specialist before doing so.

Animal products

This last group products that contain the proteins, fats and vitamins that the body needs that are good for vision. Plus, without the fats contained in them, the body will not be able to properly absorb elements of plant origin. Such products for vision should be present in the diet of every person.

Good for vision following products:

  • milk and all its derivatives (kefir, sour cream, cream), adding cream to salads containing parsley and celery is especially recommended;
  • beef meat, which in addition to proteins and fats contains beta-carotene and many vitamins useful to people;
  • the last one is sea ​​fish, since it contains phosphorus, zinc and other elements that help restore vision, as well as prevent vision diseases.

Effective nutrition is a balance of foods of plant and animal origin. It is this kind of nutrition that should be present in the diet of every person so that his vision remains sharp and is not plagued by various ailments.

It is important to know that you can use spinach and seaweed in your diet. Their combination provides the body with a greater amount of useful elements than is contained in fish products.

In order to avoid eye diseases and keep your vision sharp for a long time, you need a balanced diet, which is described above. Only the consumption of such products will help not only preserve vision, but also serve as the prevention of various diseases.

Spending less time at the computer is perhaps the most obvious way to preserve your eyesight. And you should definitely make sure you're wearing the right ones. Sunglasses. And these are the ones that block 99–100% of ultraviolet rays. However, your diet is also beneficial for your vision. Or rather, it can become like this if you eat more of certain foods.

Egg yolks

You've probably heard that egg yolks have an adverse effect on your cholesterol levels. And maybe they even tried to use them less. You should think again. According to doctors (in particular, Paul Dougherty), egg yolk is the main source of lutein. It is an antioxidant that fights free radicals.

When combined with zinc, which is also found in egg yolks, it may help fight macular degeneration. And this same macular degeneration is the main cause of vision loss among people over 65 years of age. What is the best way to eat egg yolks? In the raw! If you can't eat raw, don't worry. Lutein is also found in large quantities in greens.

Spinach and other leafy greens

Whatever you do, don't forget to eat your greens! Leafy greens, such as cooked spinach, kale, and turnips, contain a large number of lutein and zeaxanthin. These substances reduce the risk of chronic eye diseases. For example, such as macular degeneration or cataracts.

Mixed greens are a great option for antioxidants, although the substances in them are not as easily absorbed as those in egg yolks. And your eyes really need them. Cook greens with plenty of olive or coconut oil, and you take full advantage of it.

Salmon and other fatty fish

Salmon, mackerel, tuna and anchovies are not only tasty, but 3–4 kilograms of dietary, easily digestible meat is very healthy. After all fatty fish rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3. These acids are contained in the retina of our eyes and play important role in preventing dry eye syndrome. They also dramatically reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

These fruits and vegetables contain lutein and beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a provitamin of vitamin A, which we already know is very beneficial for eye health. So be sure to include various sources of vitamin A in your diet.


Almonds and other nuts are rich in vitamin E. And vitamin E, as we wrote above, helps in the fight against macular degeneration. This vitamin will also protect you from cataracts.

Indulge in a handful of almonds every day, and then you will get about half the recommended daily dose of vitamin E. And if you add other foods that are also rich in this vitamin, you will easily consume the norm.

We have a much greater influence on our health than we think. And our area of ​​responsibility includes providing our eyes with the necessary nutrients. Incorporate these six foods into your diet and you'll be taking a step in the right direction.

Vision is the main mechanism of cognition of the world for humans, a complex binocular optical system, thanks to which he receives up to 80 percent of all the information he needs. Unfortunately, in modern world, an increasing percentage of the population has vision problems - this is the result of a combination of a large number of negative physiological, biological and other factors.

In some cases, vision can be improved without resorting to surgery, medicines and instrumental optics: nature gives us a unique opportunity to heal ourselves by consuming in the right quantity certain vitamins and products.

Below is a basic list of vitamins that in one way or another help improve and normalize vision.

Take vitamins strictly according to instructions! An overdose of vitamins can negatively affect your body.

Vitamin A

This designation usually refers to a number of chemically similar substances belonging to the group of retinoids. The component plays an important role in the process of growth and division of all cells in the body. Its deficiency can lead to the so-called “ night blindness» - violation of basic and peripheral vision in poor ambient light.

Vitamin A enters the human body naturally through foods rich in carotene - from this substance the human body synthesizes the necessary above-mentioned component. Daily requirement in retinol for healthy person fluctuates between 1.5–3 milligrams. Pharmacological companies produce the substance both separately and as part of vitamin and mineral complexes.

Most vitamin A is found in meat, butter, hard cheeses, liver, tomatoes, carrots, apricots, fish oil, green apples, egg yolk and spinach.

Vitamin B1

The water-soluble compound has four main forms, belonging to the thiamine subgroup. It performs a series important functions in the body, including reducing intraocular pressure, and also normalizes work nerve impulses(including optic nerves). The daily requirement for vitamin B1 for an adult is about 15 milligrams. Pharmacological companies most often produce the substance as part of a vitamin B complex (Neurobeks and analogues).

The highest concentrations of thiamine are in liver, beef, dairy products and grain products.

Vitamin B2

Riboflavin is one of the key coenzymes of many biological and chemical processes in the body, responsible for metabolism, oxygen circulation and the breakdown of carbohydrates. Its deficiency can lead to the formation of a series pathological conditions- from conjunctivitis and blepharitis to systemic photophobia.

The daily requirement for vitamin B2 for an adult is 2–3 milligrams. Quite a lot of this substance is found in dairy products, liver, eggs and legumes Oh. Pharmacological factories most often produce the drug as part of general vitamin and mineral complexes.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is whole group derivatives of organic compounds-enzymes belonging to the class of pyridoxine. Its main role is as a catalyst and normalizer of cellular metabolism, as well as a work modulator nervous system. A deficiency of this substance leads to neurological symptoms, fatigue(including the eyes) and a decrease in the efficiency of the accommodative muscle of the pupil.

The norm for an adult is 2.5–3 milligrams of vitamin B6 per day. Pharmacological factories most often produce the drug as part of the B vitamin complex. natural form, the highest concentration is in milk, cabbage, fish, eggs, yeast, and wheat germ.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 belongs to cobalamins - biologically active substances, preventing the development of anemia. In addition, the element takes part in the work of the central nervous system and also normalizes hematopoiesis. B12 deficiency leads to increased tear production, circulatory disorders of the eyes and glaucoma of the optic nerve.

The vitamin norm for a healthy person is 0.003–0.005 milligrams per day. It is produced as a drug separately or as part of vitamin complexes with narrowly targeted action (in addition to B1 and B6). Most vitamin B12 is found in seafood, domestic beef and poultry, soybeans, seaweed and yeast.

Vitamin C

The most famous of the vitamin organic compounds, which plays a key role in the functioning of the immune system and normalization of the process of tissue synthesis - both bone and connective tissue. It is a powerful antioxidant, reducing agent and at the same time a coenzyme. Protects the body from toxins and directly strengthens the capillaries of the ocular system.

A lack of vitamin C leads to loss of visual acuity, decreased tone of the accommodative muscle of the eye, and provokes hemorrhages in the connective tissues organ. Produced by pharmaceutical companies in all possible types. The consumption rate is 100–200 milligrams per day. The most substances are found in rose hips, black currants, red peppers, citrus fruits, lingonberries, and cranberries.

Vitamin D

This definition usually means a whole group of biological substances, the main of which are ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol. Their main purpose is considered to catalyze the absorption of phosphorus and calcium from consumed food directly into small intestine. In addition, vitamin D strengthens muscles and is one of the main factors that combat myopia. With a long-term lack of the substance, myopia may occur.

Vitamin D is produced by pharmaceutical companies mainly in the form of a combination with calcium (Calcemin, Calcium D3 Nycomed, etc.). The consumption rate is 100 IU per day for an adult. Quite a lot of this substance is found in seafood, eggs, champignons, dairy products, and yeast.

Vitamin E

The natural compound includes a number of tocol-based substances - mainly tocopherols and tocotrienols. The vitamin is involved in the process of regulating reproduction, is an antioxidant and immunomodulator, restores the cellular structure of the retina and prevents its detachment. Systemic deficiency of E leads to significant deterioration of vision.

The daily requirement of the element for a healthy person is about 12–15 milligrams. Eggs, nuts, and oils - vegetable, olive, and corn - contain a lot of vitamin E. It is usually produced by pharmacological companies as part of vitamin and mineral complexes.

Vitamin PP

Vitamin PP is a substance involved in many organic redox reactions, the formation of other enzymes, and the exchange of lipid bonds and carbohydrates between living cells. Issued as medical drug entitled a nicotinic acid. It is partially synthesized by the body, but during periods of illness and increased stress on the body, additional oral administration of vitamin PP is necessary.

A lack of this vitamin can lead to myopia and night blindness. PP is often included in vitamin-mineral complexes, but its standard daily intake has not yet been determined - it depends on current state organism, which can increase or decrease the consumption of a substance several times throughout the day. Vitamin PP is found most in coffee, meat, fish, vegetables, legumes and grains.


Although this substance is not considered a full-fledged vitamin, it belongs to oxygen-containing carotenoids, and at the same time acts important element, responsible for high-quality and clear vision. Lutein and its derivative in the body (zeaxanthin) are a pigment macular spot the center of the retina of the eye shells. Human body is not able to synthesize this element, so it comes to him only with food, having high bioavailability.

Lack of lutein in the body provokes a large amount various diseases eyes, mainly associated with retinal dystrophy. Produced mainly separately, as biologically active additive. Recommended daily dosage- 5 milligrams. The most substances are found in spinach, kale, parsley, peas, pumpkin, pistachios, eggs (the yolk part), persimmons, raw corn, celery, carrots, tangerines, oranges and peaches.

There are no bad ones useless products- there is improper preparation. However, some of them have the most beneficial effect on vision, so it’s worth talking about these products in more detail. Especially for you - a magnificent seven of the best products for eye health!


Probably the most famous healthy berry for eyes. Its fruits have been used not only for food since ancient times in Rus' - they were the basis for dozens of recipes traditional medicine. In the second world war Blueberry-based jam was included in the mandatory rations of British army pilots due to strengthening twilight vision and counteracting night blindness.

Blueberries are rich in vitamins A, B and C, calcium, magnesium, manganese, flavonoids and fiber. The product improves blood circulation in the retina and, thanks to tannins, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect on soft fabrics eyes, protects against a number of specific diseases. Blueberry-based extracts are widely used in ophthalmology - they are prescribed as additional therapy (dietary supplements) in the treatment of diseases wide range. The daily requirement for blueberries for an adult is 30–60 grams of berries.


Asparagus as a product was known to mankind 3 thousand years ago - the herbaceous plant, which grows mainly in dry climates, has more than a hundred varieties, and is still used both in haute cuisine and in traditional medicine recipes.

The product is rich in microelements (iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and zinc), contains vitamins A, E, PP and B in sufficient quantities, as well as antioxidants. Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, improves immunity, stimulates work bronchopulmonary system, removes toxins, and thanks to bioflavonoids, protects the pupils from the harmful effects of direct sunlight.


A very popular and widespread root vegetable in the world, which has been cultivated for more than 4.5 thousand years. It is used both raw and cooked, and is the basis or additional component of hundreds of dishes.

First of all, it contains a large amount of carotene - this substance, when entering the body, becomes vitamin A. The above-mentioned retinoid plays a key role in the proper functioning of the entire eye system, strengthening and protecting it from any harmful effects. In addition, the vegetable contains sufficient quantity vitamins B, C, E and K, as well as calcium, magnesium, iodine, chromium, nickel, fluorine and aromatic oils-bioflavonoids.

The daily consumption rate is not clearly indicated - usually it is 1–2 medium-sized root vegetables for an adult.


The herbaceous plant of the subfamily Chenopodiaceae was not very widely used in Russia - this crop was first used as a salad base and as an integral part of a number of other dishes. Central Asia, and then in Europe. However, thanks to its special taste and medicinal properties, began to appear on the tables of CIS residents.

It is spinach that contains the largest amount of lutein among all foods, an oxygen-containing carotenide responsible for the functioning of the retina. It actively resists cataracts and can be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent even with conservative therapy(as recommended food supplement). In addition, spinach is low in calories and contains great amount protein (even more than legumes), calcium, magnesium, selenium, copper, phosphorus, potassium and, in small concentrations, vitamins B, C, E and A.

The consumption rate of the product is unknown - it is enough to use it regularly as an additive for salads or independent dishes to taste.

Cottage cheese

This type of fermented milk products is not only favorite delicacy hundreds of millions of people, but also a real treasure useful substances. Cottage cheese contains a large amount of potassium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc and calcium, as well as a significant concentration of vitamins B2 and B12 - the first stimulates metabolism in the eye lens and cornea, the second improves blood supply to the fundus of the eye and protects it from excess pressure.

Since cottage cheese is a high-calorie product, its use should be limited to 50–70 grams per day so as not to gain excess weight.


This annual herbaceous plant is apparently one of oldest species plant products ever used by humans - there is confirmed evidence that its fruits were used by the Aztec and Mayan cultures during the period of their origin and formation.

Pumpkin is used in different ways around the world, most often boiled, baked, and also as an addition to side dishes and salads. The product is very rich in iron and vitamin A, contains a lot of dietary pectin fiber, and also contains lutein, zinc, vitamins C, B1 and B2.

It is noteworthy that the majority useful properties pumpkin, due to the above-mentioned elements and minerals, is preserved even after heat treatment. Together, the components of the product protect the cellular structure and retina of the eye from free radicals, normalize blood circulation in the capillaries and fundus pressure, and also significantly reduce the risks of developing glaucoma and cataracts. The pumpkin consumption rate is 100–150 grams per day.


It happens popular opinion that fish is only good for memory because it contains a lot of phosphorus. However, in addition to this microelement, it also contains lipids, amino acids, vitamins of groups A, D, E, C, PP, F, iron, magnesium, manganese, selenium, calcium, iodine and fluorine, as well as omega-3-6 acid. This combination of useful elements is optimal for a balanced diet, protecting the eyes from cataracts and glaucoma.

The most useful variety fish for the eyes is tuna - it contains the most polyunsaturated fatty acids that protect the eye system from macular degeneration and macular degeneration. According to medical studies, regular use of this product reduces the risk of age-related changes in the retina by 35 percent. The weekly intake of fish is about 300–350 grams in any form.

Useful video

3 Best Eye Products

Useful products for the eyes help normalize their functioning and help prevent the development of pathologies and complications. The main principles of diet composition are moderation, completeness and variety. The food should have enough vitamins, especially A, E, C.

Preference must be given easily digestible products, natural origin, better than vegetable. Vitamins and microelements that are essential for the body effectively restore vision and help neutralize the effects of daily stress. They eliminate free radicals that worsen the condition of the eyes and have Negative influence on the body.

Start monitoring the condition of your organs visual system required as soon as possible. Dangerous eye lesions include: cataracts, glaucoma, degeneration associated with age-related changes. To prevent such disorders, you should start eating right, thereby maintaining healthy condition eye.
Development a complete diet requires compliance with several rules:

  • moderation – it is not recommended to overeat;
  • food should be easily absorbed by the body, healthy and varied;
  • Be sure to include in your diet foods enriched with vitamins A, C, E, lutein, unsaturated fatty acids, and study which foods are good for vision.

If malfunctions occur visual organs, daily ration Half of the patient's diet should consist of plant foods enriched with antioxidants. Sweet, fatty, spicy foods are harmful to the eyes. You should check with your ophthalmologist about which foods improve vision.

Nutrition to normalize vision

With help medical research Green and orange foods have been shown to improve vision. Orange contains a high concentration of carotene, which is an effective antioxidant.
Greens contain lutein:

  • spinach;
  • Bell pepper;
  • zucchini;
  • grape;
  • kiwi;
  • peas.

Foods to improve vision can be eaten raw or cooked. But in raw fruits and vegetables, the concentration of vitamins and essential microelements is higher, but the body absorbs processed ones better.

Greens and vegetables for the eyes

Fruits and berries

Eggs, fish oil, dark chocolate

Eggs contain a lot of sulfur, amino acids, and lutein. These components reduce the risk of cataracts. IN quail eggs even more vitamins A and B, iron, copper, zinc, they normalize metabolic processes. If there is a lack of these substances, there is a danger of dry cornea, barley, and conjunctivitis.
Dark chocolate contains a small concentration of flavonoids, they have positive influence on the blood vessels of the eyes, strengthen the cornea. But only real dark chocolate will be effective.
Fish oil prevents macular degenerative processes and other pathologies. The product contains a lot necessary for the body human amino acids, the deficiency of which causes dry eyes.
A balanced diet must include the listed products. This is very important for a child for the purpose of therapy and prevention of eye diseases. A specially developed diet helps prevent early aging visual analyzer. It is important to combine these products without choosing just one.
Products that improve vision should be subject to minimal heat treatment and should be easy to digest. When working at a computer, you need to often take short breaks, giving your eyes a rest, performing special gymnastics. If you follow the recommendations of an ophthalmologist and organize proper nutrition, the functioning of the visual organs quickly normalizes and the state of eye health improves.

For ophthalmological disorders, doctors recommend including products to improve vision in the menu. Properly selected nutrition for the eyes improves metabolic processes, normalizes blood flow, which improves visual abilities. To create an individual menu, it is recommended to contact a nutritionist who will take into account the patient’s physiology and recommend a list of the most healthy products. It is important to remember that in case of serious pathologies, it is indicated to restore vision. A complex approach, including taking medications, special supplements and light physical activity.

The importance of proper nutrition

Regular consumption of foods rich in vitamins can improve vision by 10-20%.

To improve vision and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, it is necessary to make balanced menu, based on fresh herbs and fruits. Toxic substances entering the body from junk food, have a bad effect on the functioning of the eyes. It is important to monitor your child’s diet so as not to reduce visual acuity. It is also useful to consume eye products in old age to prevent degenerative changes. Proper nutrition gives the following effects:

  • reduces intracranial pressure;
  • improves vision;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • has a strengthening effect on the eye muscles;
  • accelerates blood flow.

Basic Rules

Excessive use food has a detrimental effect on vision.

Diet for eyes will give maximum effect, if you follow these recommendations from doctors:

  • Overeating and starvation negatively affect the vision of adults and children, as they provoke visual impairment metabolic processes.
  • Nutrition should be balanced and contain the required amount of vitamins, macro-, microelements and minerals.
  • It’s good to drink a glass of fresh juice before breakfast, if not concomitant diseases Gastrointestinal tract.
  • At the slightest feeling of hunger, you should immediately have a snack. The best option- fruit or berry.
  • Fractional meals 4-5 times a day are indicated.
  • A strict schedule of eating at the same time every day is necessary.
  • Zinc prevents the development of glaucoma, degeneration nerve fibers and retinal detachment. Therefore, bran and liver should be present in the diet.
  • Animal fats are harmful to the body, as they impair the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and interfere with the absorption of nutrients.
  • Cannot be used in large quantities canned and smoked products.

What's better to eat?

Foods rich in vitamins

The diet should contain foods containing essential vitamins.

To restore visual functions and improve the condition of the retina, which is responsible for clarity of vision, it is necessary to reverse Special attention on vitamin complex. Nutrition to improve vision should include the following healthy substances presented in the table:

RetinolImproving visual abilities in the darkCarrot
Strengthening nerve fibersSorrel
TocopherolAntioxidant effectsOlive oil
Improving tissue respirationAlmond
Normalization of metabolic processes in the eye areaPeas
Ascorbic acidIncreased visual acuityOrange
Sea ​​buckthorn
Black currant
Brussels sprouts
CholecalciferolImproved vision clarityFish fat
ThiamineImproving metabolic processesKidneys
Strengthening nerve fibersFermented milk products
RiboflavinProtecting the retina from ultraviolet radiationHeart
Green vegetables
PyridoxineAcceleration of blood flowBeans
Improving the functioning of the optic nervesNuts
A nicotinic acidNormalization of redox reactionsTurkey
Improving tissue respirationSardines

A lack of vitamin C increases the risk of developing cataracts. A doctor can schedule an appointment vitamin supplement when diagnosing a deficiency. Dosage for an adult is 1-2 tablets, a child under 14 years old should be given 1 tablet.

List of useful foods for maintaining vision

Children: what should you eat?

Majority useful microelements destroyed during heat treatment.

According to doctors, it is imperative to include daily menu products for vision for myopia, farsightedness and sharp drop visual abilities. Products must be fresh, not canned. Heat treatment reduces the amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements children need. Carrots are good for the eyes, orange juices with the addition of 1 tsp. honey, drunk on an empty stomach. At poor eyesight Taking a decoction of rose hips instead of morning tea helps. It is also recommended to include the following retinal-healthy foods that strengthen the muscle fibers and improve metabolic processes: Vegetables stabilize metabolic processes in the body.

You need to eat foods that help normalize metabolic processes and affect the functional abilities of the eyes. The table shows foods for good vision.