How to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one. Orvi - causes, symptoms and treatment in adults, prevention of acute respiratory viral infections

The arrival of cold weather means that the body is at risk of contracting SARS, a respiratory viral infection. Almost every person for a year 2-3 times faced with a similar ailment. Most people try to cope with the so-called cold on their own. However, the effectiveness of treatment depends on the definition of bacterial or viral etiology inflammation of the departments respiratory tract. In order to correctly determine which respiratory pathology is developing - viral or bacterial - you should know the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections and their difference from acute respiratory infections caused by bacteria.

What is SARS?

ARVI - a group of respiratory inflammatory diseases caused by various viruses. This category includes infections caused by adenovirus, rhinovirus, various types influenza virus, etc. In total, there are more than 200 variants of viral agents that can cause inflammation of the respiratory system.

Important! The diagnosis of influenza is made on the basis of characteristic clinical findings, confirmation laboratory research and assessment of the epidemic situation.

Any variant of SARS is an infectious pathology. Therefore, infection occurs only when the virus enters the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. Respiratory viruses spread by airborne droplets, you can get infected even from short-term contact with an already sick person (a sneezing fellow traveler on a bus, a coughing colleague at work). The presence of a sick relative at home significantly increases the chance of getting sick, while the objects of transmission of the viral agent are towels, kitchen utensils and other common items.

Invading the nasopharyngeal mucosa, viruses can continue their "invasion", then in inflammatory process the trachea and bronchi are included. When weakened defensive forces(immunity), which is observed in most people in the winter-spring period, the usual symptoms of SARS can be complicated by pneumonia.

The high incidence of SARS is due to the general susceptibility. After a viral infection, in most cases, lifelong immunity to this type viral pathogen. This is due to the high mutability (variability of qualities) of viruses. You can get sick with ARVI as often as you like, provided that the elementary rules of prevention are not observed (limiting contacts with sick people, increasing immunity, proper nutrition, appropriate clothing in cold period etc).

The first signs of a viral infection

As soon as the throat is sore and the temperature rises, most patients confidently claim that they have the flu. However, this viral pathology, frightening with serious complications, has a slightly different beginning than SARS. Thus, the development of influenza occurs rapidly from jump temperatures up to 38.5-40ºC and catarrhal phenomena. Influenza is dominated by symptoms of intoxication (ache, muscle pain in the body, weakness, chills). The first symptoms of acute respiratory infections appear and gain strength more slowly, while catarrhal manifestations prevail:

  • throat redness,
  • nasal congestion / runny nose,
  • soreness and sore throat,
  • possible cough,
  • the temperature in ARVI usually does not rise to critical numbers and rarely reaches 38ºC.

ARI begins with a sore throat, nasal congestion and dry cough, at this stage the viruses invade the cells of the epithelial layer of the nose and throat. According to the localization of the first manifestations of ARVI, we can conclude about the etiology of the disease:

  • The rhinovirus initially invades and damages the nasal mucosa. At the same time, there is a plentiful runny nose against the background of a practically unchanged general condition.
  • RS-viral infection is characterized by damage to the bronchioles, the smallest bronchi.
  • Parainfluenza begins with inflammation of the trachea and larynx. Characterized by hoarseness and rough cough causing discomfort and pain.
  • Adenovirus infection is characterized by three signs: pharyngitis, hyperthermia, conjunctivitis.
  • The influenza virus instantly "settles" in the trachea and bronchi. An increase in temperature to critical levels, severe weakness and muscle pain. At the same time, a poor picture local manifestations(nasal congestion, mild hyperemia of the pharynx, dry cough) does not justify bright signs viral intoxication.

The temperature usually remains within the normal range or rises slightly (up to 37.5ºC). However, after 2-3 days, the viral agent penetrates into circulatory system and there are signs of the struggle of the immune system with the viral agent. Initially clear slime in the nose becomes white or yellowish.

Increased amount of sputum when coughing (wet cough). Exhausting signs of dry cough are replaced by heaviness behind the sternum when breathing and profuse expectoration of yellow-green contents. Sputum consists of mucus, dead viruses and white blood cells. It should be noted that for a long wet cough together with sputum, the body loses a large number of squirrel.

Manifestations of the disease

Depending on the localization of the viral introduction of ARVI, it manifests itself in the form of:

  • pharyngitis (inflammation of the throat);
  • rhinitis (damage to the nasal mucosa);
  • nasopharyngitis (rhinitis and pharyngitis);
  • tonsillitis (viral attack on the tonsils);
  • laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx);
  • tracheitis (trachea is affected);
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchiolitis (infection of the bronchioles).

These medical terms usually appear in the diagnosis along with ARVI, denoting the part of the respiratory system that has undergone a viral attack. At the same time, the term "cold" (a reaction to hypothermia) is used exclusively in everyday life. Hypothermia first of all activates the already existing chronic foci of infection (tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.). Symptoms of ARVI occur in a cold body against the background of a weakened various factors immunity.

The diagnosis of acute respiratory infections is not particularly correct for a specialist, since this large group generalizes both viral and bacterial diseases. respiratory infections. The doctor is obliged to establish the nature of the inflammatory pathology and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Features of the course of SARS in adults

Most adults carry ARI "on their feet." This is due to the unwillingness to temporarily change everyday life or skip work. Many, especially men, pathologically neglect a visit to the doctor, because the symptoms of SARS in adults do not greatly affect general condition. The usual acute respiratory disease does not threaten the body with development, unlike the flu, but if the first manifestations are ignored and the treatment is left untreated, it is possible to develop pneumonia, viral tonsillitis and other unpleasant ailments, the treatment of which is much more serious and longer.

Signs of SARS in children

The child's body reacts more strongly to a viral attack. Often, the above symptoms of SARS in children are accompanied by the development of conjunctivitis. Since the vessels primarily suffer from viruses, redness of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes, accompanied by lacrimation, is possible.

The lymphatic system in childhood also responds to the introduction of a viral agent, increase submandibular lymph nodes. Often, acute respiratory infections cause complications in the ears (otitis media) and paranasal sinuses (sinuitis).

Babies, especially those under 1 year of age, may experience diarrhea (diarrhea) and small rash, which, however, quickly disappears. Children with ARVI do not sleep well, behave restlessly while awake, often cry, most babies refuse to eat.

Symptoms of SARS in a child, if the "culprit" of inflammation is the parainfluenza virus, are sometimes complicated by croup. More often at night, laryngeal edema develops, which is manifested by suffocation, barking cough, blue nasolabial triangle and panic of the baby.

Often with acute respiratory viral infections in childhood, asthmatic-type bronchitis develops. Shortness of breath is accompanied by a prolonged exhalation with whistling and cyanosis skin. If the baby's body is weakened and reacts to a viral attack, seizures may develop.

Important! At the first sign of croup or asthmatic syndrome you should calm the baby as much as possible by putting him in his arms, and urgently call an ambulance.

It is hardly possible to find a pathology that is as common as SARS. Usually, the first signs of acute respiratory infections are weakened, starting from the 2nd day, and practically disappear after a week. Although the respiratory pathology caused by the virus does not include antibiotic therapy(with an uncomplicated course) and less dangerous complications than tonsillitis, it should not be underestimated. Ignoring symptoms often leads to serious consequences, especially in children.

Doctors classify all infections as fast and slow. The slower the bacterium, the more dangerous it is for human life. This is justified by the fact that these microorganisms have the greatest destructive factor, and also do not have pronounced symptoms.

Consider the main infections:

  • Herpetic. Herpes is present in the body of every person, but it worsens only if a provocateur appears. In appearance, herpes can be identified by characteristic vesicles on one or another part of the patient's body.
  • Acute respiratory viral infection. This microbe enters the respiratory tract of a person, after which it infects them. The symptoms are similar to the flu or the common cold. The most dangerous part of the disease is the opportunity to get Chronical bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • Encephalitis. This microbe affects the human brain, which leads to the destruction of the central nervous system and consciousness. At this disease extremely high mortality. After infection, patients often fall into a coma, experience convulsions and paralysis of some limbs. Also, this microbe contributes to the development of multiple organ failure, the result - fatal outcome in 9 out of 10 cases.
  • Hepatitis. Infection of the body with such a microbe leads to damage to the liver tissues. In the future, violations and complications develop during the work of this organ. These symptoms can be disastrous.
  • Polio. After the illness, the person will experience permanent seizures, further inflammation of the brain and loss of consciousness will develop. As a result of these symptoms, paralysis is possible. The disease is extremely dangerous, as it leads to disability of the patient.
  • Meningitis. This microorganism penetrates under the cerebral cortex and infects the cerebrospinal fluid. In the future, the virus "travels" throughout the human circulatory system. May lead to impaired consciousness and atrophy of the muscles of the arms or legs, even despite correct therapy.
  • Measles. After the onset of the disease, the patient develops a red rash in certain areas of the body, cough and fever. By itself, the microorganism is not particularly dangerous, but if you do not take up the treatment of the infection in time, you can get complications in the form of encephalitis or meningitis.
  • STD. Sexually transmitted diseases have been around for a long time. Previously, they were considered extremely dangerous, but with the current level of medicine, they are amenable to complete cure. To completely eradicate the disease, it is necessary to identify the symptoms in a timely manner.
In each of these groups, there is an even greater number of diseases that can be either completely harmless and easily treatable, or extremely dangerous to human life. A timely diagnosis, proper attitude to one's health and vaccination will help adults and children avoid the consequences and complications after infection.

They are so small that they could not be seen until the invention of the electron microscope in the 1940s. Unlike bacteria, they cannot exist on their own. They cannot convert carbohydrates into energy, as bacteria and other living cells can. They take energy from another organism. Also, viruses cannot reproduce without getting into another living cell. Most consist only of small particles of nucleic acid surrounded by a layer of protein. Some also have an outer shell.

There are hundreds of varieties that cause various kinds diseases in people. For example, rhinoviruses cause the common cold, influenza viruses cause influenza, adenoviruses cause various respiratory diseases, and rotavirus causes gastroenteritis. Polioviruses can get to spinal cord and cause paralysis, while coxsackieviruses and echoviruses infect the heart or lining of the spinal cord or lungs. The herpes virus causes chickenpox, cold sores, genital herpes, and sexually transmitted diseases. Others are calling various diseases from rubella and mumps to AIDS.

Most do not cause serious disease and are destroyed immune system organism. In many cases, people do not even notice that they are infected. But unlike bacteria, which can be killed with antibiotics, most viruses do not respond to existing drugs. Fortunately, scientists have been able to create vaccines that help the body develop natural defenses to prevent many infections.

Infection of the body


Some viral infections, such as the flu, the common cold, and chickenpox, are easy to identify by symptoms and do not require additional testing. For many others, for example, viral hepatitis, AIDS, mononucleosis, it is necessary to conduct a blood test for antibodies. Antibodies in the blood help confirm the diagnosis. In some cases, the virus can be obtained in the laboratory using the live tissue culture technique, or it can be identified from the nucleic acid using the chain reaction. These methods are used when the antibody test is not accurate.


They cannot be cured with antibiotics, which kill bacteria. Fortunately, some drugs can prevent the spread of the virus in the body without destroying its own cells. In the process of research to find Vaccination

Immunization is also important. This means vaccinating people with a drug that stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies, proteins that kill certain microbes. Hepatitis B, polio, mumps, rubella and chicken pox placed in the newborn. There is also a vaccine for influenza and hepatitis A.

stomach virus

When a person feels unwell, has a fever, or indigestion, possibly nausea and diarrhea, they often talk about " stomach virus". Many viruses can cause these symptoms, but there are many other causes as well, including bacterial infections. Usually, people recover in a few days.

Vaccines are only effective against certain types. For example, the poliovirus that causes poliomyelitis is relatively stable and has multiple strains. Therefore, in the 1950s. it became possible to create a vaccine. On the other hand, the flu virus changes every few years, so the flu vaccine is only effective for 1-2 years.

A vaccine for the common cold has not been developed because there are at least a hundred different rhinoviruses that cause the common cold, and this moment failed to develop a vaccine against all at once. The same problem has arisen with HIV, which has different rapidly changing strains. This is one of the reasons for the slow development in the development of an AIDS vaccine.

Good day, dear readers!

Today we will consider with you a disease such as SARS, as well as its symptoms, causes, treatment and prevention. In addition, we will analyze how ARVI differs from acute respiratory infections and colds. So…

What is SARS?

SARS (acute respiratory viral infection)- a disease of the respiratory tract, the cause of which is the ingestion of a viral infection into the body. Among the pathogens, the most common are viruses, parainfluenza, adenoviruses and rhinoviruses.

The SARS affected area includes the nose, paranasal sinuses, throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Under the "sight" is also the conjunctiva (the mucous membrane of the eye).

SARS is one of the most common infectious diseases. Most of all, children who visit Kindergarten school - up to 10 times a year. This is due to not yet formed immunity, close contact with each other, lack of knowledge and / or unwillingness to follow preventive measures to avoid infection. Other groups at risk are students, teachers, office workers, health workers and others. However, adults are usually less likely to get sick with acute respiratory diseases viral etiology, which is associated with the formed immune system, as well as its resistance to these diseases due to other diseases. However, even if an adult is not susceptible to the development of this infection in the body, and he does not have clear signs diseases, he may simply be a carrier of the infection, infecting everyone around him.

Acute respiratory viral infection is seasonal. So, most cases of morbidity were noted in the period from September-October to March-April, which is associated with, as well as cool and humid weather.

How is SARS transmitted?

SARS is predominantly transmitted by airborne droplets(when sneezing, coughing, close conversation), however, infection is possible through direct contact with the pathogen (kissing, shaking hands and further contact of hands with the oral cavity) or contact with objects of the carrier of the infection (dishes, clothes). When a person catches an infection, he immediately becomes its carrier. At the first signs of SARS (general malaise, weakness, runny nose) - the patient begins to infect everyone around him. As a rule, the first blow is taken by relatives, the work team, people in transport. This is the reason for the recommendation - at the first signs of SARS, the patient should stay at home, and healthy people, if the media report an outbreak of this disease, avoid being in crowded places (public transport, holiday gatherings on the street, etc.).

Incubation period and development of SARS

During a person's contact with an infection, the virus first settles on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract (nose, nasopharynx, mouth), its potential victim. Further, the infection begins to release toxins that are absorbed into the circulatory system and carried by the blood throughout the body. When the patient's body temperature rises, this indicates that the infection has already entered the circulatory system and turned on protective functions organism, because fever actually destroys the virus and its derivative toxins.

The incubation period for an acute respiratory viral infection is about 2 days, i.e. from getting the virus to the mucous membrane and until the first symptoms of the disease appear. At this time, a person may feel a slight malaise, irritability. Further, in process of infection the symptomatology amplifies.

After an illness, immunity does not develop resistance to SARS, which is due to large quantity various viruses and their strains. Moreover, viruses are subject to mutation. This leads to the fact that an adult can get ARVI up to 4 times a year.

What is the difference between SARS, acute respiratory infections and colds?

Many people have a lot of inaccuracies and ambiguities on this issue, therefore, we will briefly go over the topic and find out how these terms differ.

SARS- a disease of viral etiology, i.e. the cause of the disease is a viral infection.

Nasal warming. It helps well to relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa, improve blood circulation, discharge from the sinuses of the pathological secretion formed by the infection.

Washing the nose. As you remember, dear readers, that the nasal cavity is practically the first location that is attacked by the infection. That's why nasal cavity must be rinsed, which minimizes not only further development disease, if it is just beginning to manifest itself, but is also an excellent in a preventive way if there are no signs of it at all. In addition, just from the nasal cavity, the infection is actively spreading into the body, therefore, with ARVI, it must be washed daily.

As a "rinse" for the nose, weak ones are well suited. salt solutions, as well as special pharmacy sprays.

Gargling. The throat, like the nasal cavity, must be rinsed for the same reason, because. this is the first barrier between the infection and the body, so this "checkpoint" must be constantly rinsed. Gargling also helps to relieve coughs by moving them from dry to wet. This procedure will limit the possibility of exacerbation of the disease due to mucosal irritated from coughing.

For rinsing oral cavity and throats are great soda-salt solution, as well as decoctions of chamomile, calendula, sage.

Inhalations. This procedure practically aimed at the same thing as gargling - to relieve coughs. From folk remedies, for inhalation, you can use steam from potatoes "in uniform", as well as decoctions from, and others medicinal herbs. From modern means, to facilitate inhalation, you can purchase a nebulizer.

Diet for SARS. With SARS, it is advisable to eat easily digestible food enriched with trace elements. Particular emphasis should be placed on vitamin C. It is advisable to exclude fatty, spicy and fried food, smoked meats.

symptomatic treatment. It is aimed at suppressing certain symptoms to alleviate the course of the disease.

Medicines for SARS

Antiviral drugs. Antiviral therapy is aimed at stopping the vital activity of a viral infection and spreading its toxins throughout the body. In addition, antiviral drugs speed up the healing process.

Among antiviral drugs with ARVI, one can distinguish - "", "", "Remantadin", "Cycloferon".

Comprehensive tools help eliminate unpleasant symptoms flu and ARVI, maintain efficiency, but often contain phenylephrine, a substance that increases arterial pressure, which gives a feeling of cheerfulness, but can cause side effects from the side of cardio-vascular system. Therefore, in some cases it is better to choose a drug without components of this kind, for example, AntiGrippin from Natur Product, which helps to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of influenza and SARS without provoking an increase in pressure.
There are contraindications. It is necessary to consult with a specialist.

Temperature in SARS. The temperature during ARVI is not brought down, because. she is defense mechanism against viral infection inside the body. The immune system raises the temperature, thereby “burning out” the infection, so it is very important not to interfere with it. An exception is cases when the body temperature lasts more than 5 days or exceeds 38 ° C in children, 39 ° C in adults.

To lower body temperature, antipyretics and analgesics are used: "", "".

For nasal congestion used to facilitate breathing vasoconstrictors: Naphthyzin, Knoxprey.

With severe dry cough apply: "Codelac", "Sinekod". To remove sputum from the respiratory tract - syrup, Tussin. For liquefaction of sputum - "Ascoril", "ACC" (ACC).

For headache appoint: "Askofen", "Aspirin".

For insomnia appoint sedatives: "Barbamil", "Luminal".

Antibiotics for SARS. It is not advisable to prescribe antibiotics for ARVI, because with the right supportive therapy, the body itself copes well with a viral infection. Moreover, as a rule, the course of antibiotic treatment is much longer than the duration of the course of the disease.

Antibiotics are prescribed only if the symptoms of SARS do not subside after 5 days of illness, and also if a secondary infection has joined SARS or complications have appeared, for example, pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis,. Also, antibiotics may be prescribed if, after relief, the symptoms have increased again, which sometimes indicates a bacterial infection in the body. Antibiotics are prescribed only by a doctor on the basis of a personal examination of the patient.

Prevention of SARS includes the following recommendations:

  • when announcing the epidemic in your area of ​​​​residence, wear masks;
  • do not allow ;
  • eat mostly healthy food enriched with vitamins and minerals, especially in autumn, winter and spring;
  • try to eat at the same time natural antibiotics, such as - and onions;
  • ventilate the living and working premises more often;
  • if there is a patient with ARVI in the house, then allocate tableware (forks, spoons, dishes), bedding, towels for separate use, and disinfect daily doorknobs and other items that the patient comes into contact with;
  • Video about SARS

The human body at any age is capable of being exposed to various infectious diseases. The most common among them is either a viral infection. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, so any virus is easy to pick up and become infected. A person feels lethargic, his temperature rises. Without timely intervention, the virus can lead to complications, the disease can become chronic.

Causes of the disease

In spring and autumn, viruses spread twice as fast. Long stay in rooms where there are a lot of people, is main reason infections. This can happen at work public transport, in supermarkets, shops, schools and kindergartens. The respiratory tract is the first to suffer, so if nasal congestion begins and appears, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.

The causative agents of the disease are bacteria and viral infections. Antibiotics on initial stage infections are not usually applied, so microorganisms and bacteria are not killed immediately. It is for this reason that treatment is delayed and difficult to respond to. drug effect. Antibiotics are already prescribed if the pathology worsens and leads to other health problems.

The most common causative viruses are adenoviruses. Concerning bacterial infection, then it is caused by category A streptococci and pneumococci.

It is also easy to get infected if you do not follow the rules of hygiene, eat unwashed foods, do not wash your hands with soap after the street or the bathroom.

Symptoms of a viral infection

To distinguish common cold from a viral infection, you need to pay attention to the characteristic signs.

Here are some typical symptoms characteristic for this state:

  • runny nose
  • inflammation of the larynx (sometimes there may be a discharge in the form of mucus)
  • the temperature rises, no more than 38 degrees
  • lethargy, weakness and soreness in the muscles
  • drowsiness
  • poor appetite

When the condition is neglected, the symptoms worsen. In this case, the signs are:

  • temperature above 38 degrees
  • nasal discharge acquires a mucous consistency, when blown out, purulent accumulations come out
  • inflammation of the tonsils, pus accumulates in the back of the larynx
  • wet cough
  • dyspnea
  • severe prolonged headaches
  • soreness in the abdomen

You should not wait for viruses to cause complications. The sooner treatment is started, the sooner recovery will come.

Varieties of viruses

There are different viral infections. Before Appointment medicines the doctor must make sure that the diagnosis is correct, because not all viruses are treated equally.

The next type is rhinovirus infection. Symptoms characteristic of this disease are: liquid discharge from the nasopharynx, sneezing, lacrimation. The bronchi, lungs and trachea will be clean. The maximum temperature is 37.4 degrees Celsius. At timely treatment visible improvements will come in 5 days.

The third type is adenovirus infection. This disease already has a more complex degree of development, pathogens affect not only respiratory system, and also extend to the entire lymphoid part. The disease is manifested by abundant mucous nasal secretions, may develop, tonsillitis and increase The lymph nodes. Coughing and fever from temperature can last up to twelve days. Intoxication, even at very high temperatures, will not be expressed. To prevent complications, it is important to take antiviral drugs in a timely manner.

The fourth type is respiratory syncytial infection. Often, the infection severely affects the lower respiratory tract. Concomitant diseases are, and if a child is infected, then bronchiolitis. In a neglected state, pneumonia can begin. Pneumonia can even be fatal.

Coronavirus infection - infection of the upper respiratory organs occurs. This type of viral infection is more common in young children, adults in very rare cases.

Any type requires specialist advice and proper diagnosis.


Diagnosis primarily includes the delivery of all tests:

  • finger blood test
  • blood test from a vein

You may be asked to take a sputum sample for examination. laboratory conditions or get a x-ray. This is carried out if the doctor detects intoxication and murmurs in the lungs.

Urine and blood will help to establish the antigen viruses that caused this ailment.

Read also:

How to get rid of stomatitis at home, the first symptoms, causes, better ways treatments for children and adults

First aid rules

There are certain steps by which you can independently provide first aid in the fight against the virus.

First you need to sit at home, no trips to work. Visiting crowded places will bring complications, and there is also the possibility that you yourself will infect someone.

Bed rest. The more the patient sleeps and rests, the more the body will have the strength to produce antibodies and immunity against this infection.

It also contributes to a speedy recovery. plentiful drink. Very good to drink not only clean water, but also Polyana Kvasova and Borjomi, where there is more alkali. The required amount of liquid will quickly remove the harmful toxins that the viral infection has created. If the patient cannot drink a lot of plain water, you can drink rosehip broth, lemon tea and drink fruit drinks from various fruits and berries.

If severe intoxication occurs, the patient suffers from high temperature, he is feverish and shivering, then in this case ordinary raspberries will help. Raspberries can be used to make tea. Given folk remedy healthy and tasty at the same time, ideal for treating young children. You can prepare a drink from fresh, dried and frozen berries. You can use raspberry jam. Sugar should not be added, as it is still a medicine.

Treatment Methods

It is not difficult to treat viral infections, especially if you start treatment on time. Primarily used symptomatic therapy, this includes the reception: