Proper diet for health and well-being.

From now on we will not talk about magic or plastic surgery. And preserving youth we will create with practical techniques and life rules

, following which you can at any age (if you wish) remain healthy, full of strength and vitality.

Hormone of youth Not long ago, scientists discovered the hormone melatonin, which helps the body fight free radicals that cause aging, prevents cancer, and ensures strong health. healthy sleep and as a consequence,

. In a word, he does everything possible to make our lives long and active. The body increases its production after you eat something rich in carbohydrates, for example, pasta with vegetables, bananas, baked potatoes, porridge. You should also not forget about vitamins that increase melatonin production, in particular vitamins B3 and B6 (elderly people are more likely to suffer from a deficiency of the latter). Dried apricots, sunflower seeds, whole wheat grains are a storehouse of vitamin B3. And you will find vitamin B6 in carrots, soybeans, hazelnuts

, lentils, and also in salmon fish.

Life-giving moisture for well-being and beauty About the bottom of the supermodel to the question “How do you manage to look so good?” - answered that the recipe is extremely simple: drink more water , less coffee, and in the morning lubricate your lips with mayonnaise to moisturize. It looks like the model was lying a little: it is well known how much time and money stars spend on their appearance

. However, she is right about one thing: good health and beauty are impossible without a sufficient amount of life-giving moisture. It is estimated that per day we excrete up to 15 glasses per day through the kidneys, lungs and skin. These losses must be compensated in full, because, according to doctors, a significant number of diseases are associated with a lack of clean water . There is not enough water - this means that metabolic products are not removed from the body in a timely manner, and it becomes polluted; the urinary system suffers; salt deposits appear; diseases arise digestive system ... Therefore, regular consumption of water is one of the main conditions wellness

. For this purpose, doctors recommend drinking 1.5-2 liters of water daily, and juices, coffee, and tea are not taken into account.

Cleanliness is the key to good health And because of stress and The body of most of us is polluted. Toxins, absorbed into the blood, enter the various organs and strike them down. The skin, the main excretory organ, also suffers: the more toxins in our body, the worse its condition. So, no matter how prosaic it sounds, timely bowel movements are the key to good appearance, good health And wellness.

E a morning portion of oatmeal, simply brewed with boiling water, fermented milk products and raw vegetables should become a mandatory part of your diet if you want to have healthy skin and excellent health.

Intimate talk

Take the advice of Dr. Chia from Thailand, who developed the original warning system various diseases based oriental medicine. The recommendations of the eastern healer are very popular in Europe and the USA. Dr. Chia teaches her patients how to feel good through what they call the inner smile. An inner smile allows you to establish broken connections in the body.

Make it a rule to smile at the organ that is bothering you several times a day, talk to it: say, for example, that you love it. Rest assured, your conversation will not go unnoticed!

Physical education is a friend of good health

And active physical exercise promote greater blood circulation, which is responsible for ensuring that all organs and tissues of our body receive oxygen on time and in sufficient quantities. By the way, the “bags” under the eyes are the result poor circulation. By playing sports, you can get rid of them in 1-2 months. And the bags will disappear and your health will improve.

For good health, older people need physical education no less than young people, only the loads should not be Olympic, but regular. For example, a daily hour-long walk. And in the summer, during the swimming season, it’s a good idea to “walk on the waters”: go into the water up to your hips or chest and wander around for 20 minutes. This exercise is good because the load is distributed evenly, and significantly more calories are burned than in a summer cottage.

Dream - best medicine for well-being

The simple truth that sleep is necessary for a person to restore body and spirit has long been proven scientifically. Can you really talk about feeling good if you haven’t slept at night, especially in old age? One sleepless (or restless, interrupted sleep) night reduces brain metabolism by 7%. And this is a lot. Each such loss takes several days to recover. Try to determine the duration of sleep you personally need (this will happen on the fourth day), then try to stick to it and, if possible, not reduce it.

Remember also that an hour of sleep before midnight is equal to two after. This is true for the quality of rest for yourself, your brain, your body, and your skin, your well-being. Sleep consists of several cycles that are repeated many times during the night. And only the phase of the so-called “slow recovery”, which is so necessary for the full restoration of the body, occurs only late in the evening until midnight.

Ministry of Health warns

We won’t read lectures about the dangers of smoking, let’s just say that a cigarette smoked just before bed will negate all your efforts to take care of your face. Even if you are not going to part with your bad habit, at least try not to smoke at night. And put off your first cigarette until 12 noon.

Inner glow for well-being

When you go up to the mirror, smile at your reflection: this simple “facial” exercise will help you get into an optimistic mood. A person, regardless of age, looks much better if his face lights up with a smile

And avoid people who constantly grumble and grumble. Negative emotions no good good health. Try not to respond to aggression with aggression. Sooner or later, negative energy returns to the one who sends it.

Be curious. Admiration for the world around you and various hobbies cause a sparkle in your eyes, illuminate inner light your whole appearance and help maintain interest in life. And you are guaranteed good health.

Thus, you can create good health yourself, if you have the desire.

Read also:

Feeling good takes important place in our life. If you are not feeling well, then you will not be interested in any event, you will not even want to go shopping and make purchases. Let's talk about how to charge yourself with vigor and strength for the whole day.

If you ask office workers how many working hours they spend at their workplace, most will confidently answer that their working day exceeds eight hours.

Everyone knows that working in an office means working at a computer, and spending the whole day in the same position is a heroic act, but many spend not just one day, but many years, over time they begin to feel tired, then irritability sets in , and this already leads to more serious violations:

— The digestive process is disrupted
— Loss of sleep, insomnia appears
Frequent changes moods lead to depression
- Headaches appear
- Prostration
- Chronic fatigue

If you experience symptoms such as increased lymph nodes, muscle pain, allergies, headaches, sleep disturbance, nervousness appears, temperature rises for no reason, urgently change your daily routine!

The main rule for good health is the correct healthy image life. It contains:

- Correct, good nutrition
— Sufficient time for sleep and rest
Good mood
- Physical exercise

The secret to good health lies in proper nutrition, in your daily diet Vitamins and microelements necessary for life must be present. Do not limit yourself in consuming proteins and plant foods; drink plenty of plain, still water.

Fat, spicy food exclude it from your menu, and don’t eat processed foods. Prepare food for vegetable oils that are good for the heart (olive, corn, sunflower, soybean, rapeseed), butter better to exclude. Everything should be in moderation, you should not take too long breaks between meals, you should not overeat, eat in moderation, in small portions with an interval of 4 - 5 hours.

If you can’t stop and still overeat, then at least try to eat salad or raw vegetables instead of too high-calorie dishes.

If you come home from work too tired, do not try to cheer yourself up with pills or alcohol, the recipe for good health is to relax. First, take a shower, the water should not be too cold, not too hot. Turn on the shower and just stand there for a while under the running water, let the water wash everything off you. negative energy, negative emotions, fatigue.

Then you can lay down a soft rug and relax. You can make several relaxing movements: To do this, sit on your heels, spread your knees wide, and lean forward with your arms extended. While performing this exercise, the head, neck and face should be completely relaxed.

Physical activity should be moderate, do not put too much strain on a weakened body, it is enough to do exercises for five minutes in the morning, and if you have a little time at work, do the same exercises, it will be enough to stretch your arms forward, make a few turns with your head, stretching your neck , inhale and exhale deeply.

If you sleep soundly at night, then your health will be good, for good health, you need to sleep for at least eight hours, but it is not advisable to sleep more, oversleeping will not give you anything good. Before going to bed, drink a glass of water, do not drink invigorating drinks which can cause insomnia.

Even if some actions happened at work that caused you dissatisfaction or irritation, try, when you come home, to distract yourself from negative thoughts. Calm down, think about something pleasant, if you can’t get rid of the blues, share the problem with a person close to you, you will see that you will feel better.

A good way to improve your well-being is to have a massage; a chocolate massage perfectly relieves stress; it also relieves fatigue and removes toxins from the body through the skin. In order to get rid of chronic fatigue, can be applied manual therapy. Ginseng stimulates energy well, it also improves immunity, the course of treatment should not exceed 8 weeks.

To give yourself vigor, it is useful to take sweet root syrup, aloe vera, hawthorn fruit, and a decoction of hop cones. Before going to bed, it is useful to drink a decoction of valerian, oregano and mint.

Some useful tips, how to achieve good health: scientists have already established that for proper functioning the body needs essential microelements and vitamins; they not only improve well-being, but can also prevent some diseases.

To do this, include any fruit in your breakfast, it will provide you necessary vitamins, and will also add content to the body folic acid, which prevents the development of heart disease. Don’t forget about zinc, it is indispensable for good health, and also increases sexuality and potency.

All this is absolutely not difficult to implement; over time, these rules will become a necessary part of your life, then you will be guaranteed good health for a long time.

How does your diet change in the summer? More greens, vegetables, fruits - this is understandable, but what other products do you prefer in the warm season, and which ones do you refuse? Your view on summer menu There is an ancient Indian teaching - Ayurveda. Here is a list of products that will help with overheating and diarrhea.

Everything in summer healthy people can consume products from this list. It is also useful to follow this diet when your body needs cooling, drying, grounding and additional internal space. Foods on this list have therapeutic effect for inflammation, increased acidity stomach, anger, excessive emotionality, overheating, diarrhea, acne, rashes and other ailments associated with pitta imbalance.

The basic principle: enhance sweet, bitter and astringent tastes.

Avoid: spicy (hot), sour, salty.


These grains are best eaten cooked.

Most suitable: barley, white basmati rice, millet, oats, white rice, whole unprocessed wheat.

In no large quantities: brown rice


Most suitable: unsalted butter, cottage cheese, fresh (curd) cheese, ghee ( melted butter), milk.

In small quantities: hard unsalted cheeses.


Most suitable: maple syrup, rice syrup.

In small quantities: honey.


Most suitable: ghee, olive.

In small quantities: Avocado, canola, corn, coconut, soybean, sunflower oil.

Fruits and berries

Most suitable: apples, avocados, blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, coconut, cranberries, dates, dried fruits, figs, grapes, lemons, limes, nectarines, pineapple, prunes, raisins, raspberries, strawberries.

In small quantities: apricots, bananas (only very ripe ones), cherries, grapefruits, oranges, pineapples.


In winter, vegetables must be cooked. But in summer, Pitta people can eat raw vegetables. It is also beneficial to consume freshly squeezed juices from green vegetables.

Most suitable: artichokes, asparagus, bean sprouts, Bell pepper, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, White cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cilantro, watercress, cucumber, Green pepper, kale, leafy vegetables, lettuce, mushrooms, onion(carefully cooked), peas, pumpkin, seaweed, zucchini, zucchini.

In small quantities: beets, carrots, corn, eggplant, garlic (thoroughly cooked), parsley, potatoes, spinach, sweet potatoes, ripe tomatoes.

Nuts and seeds

Most suitable: coconut, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds.

In small quantities: Pine nuts, sesame seeds.

Meat, fish and eggs

If you can't give up meat, reduce your consumption to 2-3 times a week.

Most suitable: chicken, egg whites, River fish(trout), turkey.

In small quantities: beef, duck, egg yolk, lamb, pork, sea ​​fish, venison and other types of red meat.


Most suitable: urd (black mung bean), chickpeas, mung bean, split peas, soybeans and soy products, tofu.

In small quantities: adzuki (angular beans), kidney beans, navy white beans, pinto beans.


Most suitable: cardamom, chamomile, coconut, coriander, dill, fennel, lemon verbena, peppermint, saffron, spearmint, turmeric.

In small quantities: basil, Bay leaf, black pepper, cumin, cinnamon, cumin (jeera), ginger (fresh), oregano, rosemary, thyme.

Seasonings, sauces, chocolate

Most suitable: carob with sweeteners from the list above.

In small quantities: mayonnaise, sweet mustard.


Most suitable: water, milk, coconut milk, bitters and astringents herbal teas and decoctions - from chicory, dandelion, hibiscus, strawberry leaf, wheatgrass (wheat sprout juice) and other freshly squeezed juices from green vegetables.

In small quantities: spiced tea or black, fruit juice, half diluted with water.

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Comment on the article "List of products for the summer: proper nutrition for good health"

Over the past few years, it has become fashionable to limit carbohydrate intake - the so-called low-carb diet. Oleg Iryshkin, candidate of medical sciences, doctor sports medicine and sports nutrition, expert nutritionist of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit. Cereals Cereals are very important in the diet, since they are the main suppliers complex carbohydrates And How...

Nutrition for a nursing mother: what foods cause colic? During the first months after the birth of the baby, a nursing mother needs to adhere to a simple diet. It is necessary to limit the consumption of foods causing bloating: legumes, sweets, cabbage. It is better not to eat fresh vegetables and fruits yet; they can also cause bloating and colic. They should be consumed in cooked form - boiled, baked. It is undesirable to eat foods that are too fatty, overcooked, spicy or smoked. WITH...


I didn’t follow a strict diet and everything was fine. She ate everything, but within reasonable limits. My son was born in the middle of summer; how can mom manage without fresh vegetables and fruits? This enriches the composition breast milk. And all babies have colic. A clockwise tummy massage with Chicco massage oil helped us a lot.

I never followed a diet. I ate everything, but watched the baby’s reaction. I didn’t notice that any product affected his well-being.

Each of us strives to eat tasty and healthy. We women try to watch our calories. sufficient quantity protein in the diet, include in your menu healthy foods, drink water regularly. All these actions help us stay beautiful, healthy and in great shape. An important factor in healthy eating is proper preparation food. With uncontrolled heat treatment, products lose most of their useful substances. Moreover, with strong...

I read your list of products, we have much less allowed. What about millet cereals, broccoli, cauliflower? 04/14/2016 15:30:18, Nata343.


There are websites that offer menus based on products.

We’ve been eating the same way since August, I cook a lot, my child is also 3, so we have a choice, McMaster pasta is made from corn flour and buckwheat and rice flour, corn flour has not caught on with us, it’s bitter, but pancakes with corn starch are a blast , the main thing is a good frying pan, try it with water and jam, cutlets without eggs come out dry, I mix the minced meat with boiled buckwheat or rice, it seems ok

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We have one like this
1.Mythological stories of Ancient Greece
2.Russian folk and Arabic tales
3. Bylin in the Kyiv cycle
4. Krylov's fables
5.Aesop's Fables
6.Gagarin-Mikhailovsky "Children's Topics"
7. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai"
8. C. Perrault "Ricky with a tuft"
9. A. Milnn "Winnie the Pooh"
10.Garshin "Frog Traveler"
11. Koval "Nightingales"
12. Dmitriev "On the nature of big and small"
13. Gaidar "Hot Stone"
14. Paustovsky "Steel ring"
15. Dragunsky "Girl on a Ball"
16.Petrushevskaya "Fairy Tales"
17. Kozlov "Fairy Tales"
18. Ian Larry "The Unusual Adventures of Krik and Vali"
19. Lagerlöf "Nils's Journey with the Wild Geese"
20. Darrell "My Family and Other Animals"
21. Harris "The Tales of Uncle Remus"
22. Lewis "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"
23. Rodari "Gelsomino in the Land of Liars", "The Adventure of the Blue Arrow"
24. Kipling "What gives a berbel a hump"
25.Rasp "The Adventures of Munchausen"
26. Seton-Thompson "Street Singer"
27.Baum "The Wizard of Oz"
28. Proysler "Little Ghost"
29. Travers "Mary Poppins"
30.Golyavkin "Stories"
31.Ruskin "When Dad was Little"
32. Hogarth "Muffin and his merry friends"
33. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena"
34. Bazhov "Silver Hoof"
35. Gubarev "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors"
36. Prokofiev's "The Magician's Apprentice"
37.Lagin "Old Man Hottabych"

1. Russian folk epics: about Ilya Muromets, about Alyosha Popovich, “Dobrynya and the Snake,” “Volga and Mikula.”

3.I.A.Krylov. (Optional) “Crow and Fox”, “Elephant and Pug”, “Swan, Pike and Crayfish”, “Quartet”, “Wolf and Lamb”, etc.

4.Ch.Perrault. "Fairy Gifts"

5.Ts.Topelius. " Sunbeam In November".

6. A.S. Pushkin. Poems and fairy tales.

7.I.S. Turgenev. "Mu Mu".

8.F.I.Tyutchev. Poetry.

10.A.A.Fet. Poetry.

11. L.N. Tolstoy. “Filippok” and other stories and fairy tales for children (optional).

12.N.A.Nekrasov. Optional: “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares”, “Little Little Man” and other poems.

13. A.P. Chekhov. Optional: “White-fronted”, “Vanka”, “ Horse surname"and others (optional).

14. D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak. Optional: “Winter quarters for Studena”, “ Gray neck", "Adoption", "Spit", etc.

15.A.I.Kuprin. Optional: “Elephant”, “ White poodle" and etc.

16. S.A. Yesenin, “Kachalov’s Dog” (“Give me a paw, Jim, for luck...”), etc. (see [link-2]) (optional).

17.K.G.Paustovsky. Optional: “Warm Bread”, “Dishesive Sparrow”, “Steel Ring”, “Guys About Animals”, “Cat Thief”, “The Adventures of the Rhinoceros Beetle”, etc.

18.S.Ya.Marshak. By choice: “So absent-minded”, “Postman”, “Good day”, “Master - scrapmaster”, “Luggage”, “Mustachioed - striped”, etc.

19. Leonid Panteleev. Optional: “Honest word”, “On a skiff”, “Marinka”, “Private Guard”, “About Squirrel and Tamara”, “The letter “you”, etc.

20. A.P. Gaidar. Optional: “The Tale of a Military Secret, About Malchish-Kibalchish and His Firm Word”, “Hot Stone”, “Hike”, “Blue Cup”, “Dugout”, “Timur and His Team”, “R.V.S. .”, “Distant Countries”, “On the Count’s Ruins”, “The Fate of the Drummer”, etc.

21.M.M.Prishvin. Optional: “Fox Bread”, “Golden Meadow”, “Birch Bark Tube”, “Queen of Spades”, “Guys and Ducklings”, etc.

22.Jack London, "The Wolf".

23.E. Seton-Thompson “Chink”.

Even if you don't need to lose weight, it's still worth watching your diet. Correct balanced diet every day helps to maintain health and high level energy, in addition, significantly improves the quality of life. Usually people buy certain products, prepare food for the week and eat the same thing. We advise you to prepare various dishes from a basic set of cereals, meat, vegetables and add to your daily menu vegetables and fruits. Don't forget to drink...

Monthly grocery list. Girls, the situation is such that my husband is going to advanced training courses, and during this time his salary is being cut significantly, I haven’t prepared any greens since the summer. We don’t eat yoghurt, I still can’t get around to buying a yoghurt maker, and I don’t want anything that’s on sale.


I summed up your products at our prices near Moscow - it turned out to be 6670 rubles. On average, food for three of us costs 10,000-11,000, but we buy all sorts of sweet indulgences, and, in addition, this amount includes a couple of snacks in fast food.
For me, your list is missing tea, coffee, flour (there is margarine for baking, but no flour, strange :), fermented milk products and sweets.

I don’t know about you, but here, if you buy more cheese or meat than you need, they will gobble up everything there is. No savings)

Of course, in the freezer there is always a supply of frozen vegetables and fruits (I make it myself in the summer) and you make a list of the products that you throw away - in a couple of months, look at this piece of paper and evaluate what and how much less you need to buy :-) 04/25/2011 16 :50:39, Fire.


I cringe when I have to throw away food, so the counter turns on in the store - DO NOT buy too much
besides, I have a hole in my head, I’m used to keeping a piece of paper in a visible place and writing down as soon as it hits me that I need to buy it. Over the course of a week, the list is replenished, and with it I go to the store and market. Maybe you buy the usual set of products, without considering whether you need them this time.

Everything in our termite mound is eaten, and there isn’t even enough for the end of the week of what was bought specifically for the week.

I went and donated blood for a hemo test - determining a list of foods by blood type. We advise you to read: overalls for summer 2011. endometriosis 2 degrees. family clinic kashirka.


Are you still losing weight? Raw vegetables would only bother me if the baby had stomach problems. I only eat boiled frozen ones. Now there is no raw vegetable variety (By the way, I lost weight when I fasted strictly for 3 weeks due to Manyasha’s dermatitis. I ate corn and rice porridge, boiled green vegetables, rye bread, jam and olive oil, 1 apple and 1 banana. 2 kilos straight from the bush.

Why do you need to lose a lot of weight? I cut out flour and sweets and stopped eating after six, the weight went down. I really don’t know how this will affect the GW, so far TTT seems okay. It seemed to me (from the photographs) that you are a very slender girl)))

And accordingly, products made from them - bread, pasta, flour, cookies, pies. How much is that? to balance this disadvantage. In the summer we have similar flowers growing in the meadow near our dacha, I just don’t remember whether the leaves are the same or not.


The problem is not so much in not feeding wheat, rye, barley and sometimes oats. And accordingly, products made from them - bread, pasta, flour, cookies, pies. How much is that? to balance this disadvantage. If you just give what you can find from what is left, the child may have other problems: (Therefore, you need to increase! the number of products, primarily with high content fiber without gluten, iron and B vitamins. Fiber comes from fresh vegetables and fruits, beans, legumes and lentils, seeds and dried fruits. Iron is game meat, poultry and dried fruits. Group B includes nuts, seeds, legumes, eggs, milk, fish, lean meats, dried fruits and green leafy vegetables.
It is also necessary to provide foods high in beta-carotene and vitamin A, which help protect the mucous membranes in the small intestine.
Let me remind you that gluten eneropathy is autoimmune disease. The child’s body mistakes gluten for an antigen, a foreigner, and launches an immune attack against it. As a result, the wall small intestine, covered with small villi, is damaged and begins to atrophy. This makes it difficult to understand at all. nutrients. In short, the child eats and eats, but the brain does not receive nutrition :(
Therefore, vitamin A is important. It is important for all children, but here it is especially important.
Beta carotene is found in apricot, carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, sweet potatoes (orange), spinach, watercress, melon, peanut butter, mango, papaya.
Hidden gluten (gluten) can be in ready-made soups and sauces (wheat flour is added). Solution - cook it yourself, add flour from peas, lentils, corn, rice. It is very easy to grind it yourself in a regular coffee grinder, just for one time, for preparation.
Hidden gluten can be in lemon-barley water, malt, barley enzymes (sometimes used to make rice and soy milk).
Hidden grains (gluten) can be in caramel, maltose, malt, malt flour, citric acid, maltodextrin, modified starch.
Hidden gluten can be in margarine, vegetable protein, sometimes soy sauce, beer, mustard, tomato ketchup, powdered gravy, bouillon cubes, curry and other seasoning mixtures.
Oats contain the prothiene avenin, which has properties similar to gluten but can be tolerated by many. If this is the case, don’t overuse oats, use wisely and get it checked.
What we eat most often:
1. Borsch, or chicken soup with rice noodles.
2. Cutlets: they contain chicken, or lean meat, or fish;
bean flour, or lentil flour, or pea flour;
ground black pepper or paprika, or turmeric - or other spices - are very important;
flaxseed meal, or ground sunflower seeds, or ground pumpkin seeds;
grated zucchini, or grated carrots, or grated pumpkin, or grated beets;
cold pressed (unrefined) sunflower or olive oil, or with the addition sea ​​buckthorn oil.
Garnish: potatoes, buckwheat, rice. Buckwheat porridge, rice porridge, or with berries, or with fruits, or... with lactose-free milk.
3. Tea black, or green, or red, or with raspberries, or cranberries, or blueberries, or lotus, or milk thistle, or... Compote. Juices.

My plan with the same tasks was something like this:

Breakfast (must have 3 options at least)
- oatmeal according to your recipe
- protein omelet (2-3 egg whites + skim milk)
- 0% cottage cheese + grated apple (or any other fruit) - no more than 100 g.
- maybe a piece of cheese
- you can have Finnish rye bread with cottage cheese or sugar-free jam

- meat or fish (no larger than a deck of cards) + salad (400 g). First you have to eat the salad.
- you can have vegetable soup + salad + meat (poultry or fish)
- you can have miso soup + sashimi + salad

Dinner (be sure to force yourself to cook!!! - this greatly develops willpower - you’ll eat soon anyway, you need to try)

Large salad (400 g) + omelette,
Salad + steamed vegetables (or even better, steamed).
Salad + oyster mushrooms with eggplants (there is a super tasty and quick recipe),
You can have cottage cheese with fruit (sybarite), you can have a salad with seafood (cucumbers + boiled squid). There are a lot of recipes, it’s better to think about it a week in advance, what you need and when, and buy everything in advance - it will be easier.

Oh, well, I like it! “It is known that with hepatitis B..!” WHAT A LOT?! Those are still prejudices! Believe me, peas and milk will NOT make a child swell! And prunes won’t make him poop any better either! Nothing can save you from colic except time! Drugs like Espumisan can help a LITTLE. Think for yourself: if a child’s digestive problems were solved simply by the mother’s DIET, how simple it would be! However, with your diet, for some reason your child STILL has a stomach ache! A diet for breastfeeding implies hypoallergenicity, and only if the child IS allergic to anything. But you cannot deprive yourself, and therefore your child, of vitamins and microelements! only because someone out there “It is known that with breastfeeding...” I have been breastfeeding for 5.5 months. I eat ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, the first two months were in summer-autumn, and I ate grapes, melons, watermelons, apricots, strawberries, raspberries - the list goes on and on, in short, everything that is considered allergens. No diathesis! And colic began at 3 weeks and ended on Sashkin’s birthday - 3 months. Espumisan and Plantex did not help us. Diathesis appeared only after eating half a kilo of marmalade and marshmallows at one time. I have been drinking since the first day of breastfeeding and still have at least 1 liter of milk per day. We have never had diarrhea, and we also don’t know what constipation is. You only need to completely eliminate cigarettes and alcohol, and that is, some: cabbage will make my baby bloat and milk too, I don’t take vitamins because my baby is allergic to coloring elements, but I can’t resist smoking: just a pack per week - light type is possible. The poor child is deprived of all the most useful things, but he swallows plenty of nicotine.

Firstly, it should be noted that the diet should contain quite a lot of fiber. Be sure to eat about 400 g of fruits and at least as many vegetables a day. Please pay attention Special attention products that contain large quantities of vitamin C, thanks to which our cells are renewed, the aging process slows down, and the immune system is strengthened.

Record holders for vitamin C content are: kiwi, tomatoes, parsley, any citrus fruits, cranberries and many other products.

Secondly, it should be recalled drinking regime. Often, the body, not receiving the required amount of fluid, begins to “rebel”, and the first signal may be dizziness, headache, weakness and even rapid weight loss. Therefore, it is important for each person to know how much liquid he needs to drink per day, and calculating the approximate amount is very simple - multiply your weight in kilograms by 30 and find out how many grams of liquid your body needs. This means not only water, but also tea, coffee, compote, fruit juices that you drink during the day.

Thirdly, it is necessary to remind you about limiting salt. Salt can not only retain water in the body and thus create swelling, but also lead to increased blood pressure. Daily norm salt for humans is 4-6 g.

And now it’s time to find out the approximate menu for the week, so that you can not only replenish your strength and feel cheerful and energized again, but also lose a few extra pounds.


Breakfast: oatmeal 150 g, apple, coffee

Lunch: 100 g boiled rice, chicken fillet for a couple, vegetable salad

Snack: orange, 30 g almonds

Dinner: portion vegetable soup, 200 g yogurt


Breakfast: whole grain toast with a small piece of ham and herbs, banana, coffee

Lunch: vegetable stew with beef, orange

Snack: 50 g prunes or dried apricots

Dinner: fish baked in foil with vegetable salad


Breakfast: 2 egg omelet, tomato, slice rye bread, coffee

Lunch: 150 g buckwheat, beef liver, cabbage and carrot salad

Snack: 2 apples

Dinner: Caesar salad


Breakfast: 200 g of cottage cheese, orange, coffee

Dinner: chicken cutlet, 2 tbsp. mashed potatoes, vegetable salad

Snack: Bowl of fruit salad

Dinner: 200 g stewed beef, 150 g boiled cauliflower or broccoli


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs, 30 g cheese, tomato, coffee

Lunch: 200 g boiled beef tongue, 150 g boiled rice, boiled beet salad

Snack: Peach, yogurt

Dinner: 2 stuffed peppers, Vegetable Salad


Breakfast: spinach and 2 eggs omelette, whole grain toast, apple, coffee

Lunch: vegetable casserole with chicken fillet, orange

Snack: 40 g nuts or dried fruits

Dinner: cabbage soup cooked with chicken, a piece of rye bread


Breakfast: 2 cheesecakes, 20 g sour cream, any fruit

Lunch: 200 g stewed chicken hearts, small jacket potatoes, vegetable salad

Snack: 250 g berries

Dinner: 200 g steamed fish, 130 g vinaigrette

Very often we begin to feel unwell when we are very tired during the day, and at the same time we still have little sleep. But there is another factor that greatly influences our well-being - what we eat. The influence of food on our body is difficult to overestimate, just as it is difficult to overestimate the importance of fuel for a car.

We eat a lot during the day unnecessary substances, such as unhealthy fats and sugar. But what can you do? There are harmful components in almost any food. But some foods can significantly improve our well-being, and even significantly

So, meet 10 products for good health and mood:

1 Dark chocolate.

A very large percentage of people love chocolate. And now there’s another little reason to treat yourself to it more often. Exactly daily use dark chocolate, just 50 grams per day, makes you feel much better psychologically.

2 Almonds.

This nut contains a lot of nutrients beneficial to the body, and in particular these are Omega3 and Omega6 fatty acids, which help increase metabolism in the body, and as a result help increase energy. Almonds also contain magnesium and folic acid, which help prevent it.

3 Swiss chard.

This vegetable is also full of folic acid, the lack of which provokes the development of depression in the body. In addition, Swiss chard contains a lot natural vitamins and microelements.

4 Chicken eggs.

In ordinary chicken eggs contains the most beneficial protein for our body and fatty acids. Protein helps our muscles recover after a stressful day, while fatty acids increase serotonin levels, which naturally improves our mood.

5 Oatmeal.

No matter how trivial it may sound, oatmeal is an excellent source slow carbohydrates, and therefore oatmeal is best for breakfast. This way you charge yourself with energy for the whole day, and it is consumed very slowly by the body.

6 Asparagus.

This product, like Swiss chard, contains great amount folic acid, the deficiency of which provokes the development of depression in humans.

7 Pumpkin seeds.

Also, a depressed mood and reluctance to do anything creates a zinc deficiency in the body. Eat 100 grams at least once a week pumpkin seeds, and you will be delivered from it.

8 Flax seeds.

With the help of flax seeds we replenish the insufficient amount of Omega 3 in the body fatty acids, and as you know, they are the ones that influence our mood and mental condition. With their deficiency, stress develops and subsequently develops into depression.

9 Natural honey.

We can talk about this product for a very, very long time, and it actually has a huge amount useful qualities. Read how And in our case, honey simply perfectly raises the energy level in the body and allows it to work at full speed. A tablespoon of honey can give you new strength during increased mental work much better than a cup of coffee!