A unique drug without side effects, anandin for cats. Anandin for cats: instructions for use and reviews, nasal drops, ointments, ear and eye drops

"Anandin" for cats - multifunctional veterinary drug, prescribed for infectious and fungal diseases, allergic reactions, viruses. This tool produces a powerful therapeutic effect, has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Below we will consider in detail in what situations Anandin is prescribed to cats, how to correctly calculate the dosage, we will analyze contraindications and side effects drug.

"Anandin" for cats: instructions for use

The drug "Anandin" has three release forms:

Solution for injections "Anandin"

"Anandin" stimulates the general and local immunity, enhances the body's defense reactions, is used for preventive purposes

How to use Anandin for cats?

We mentioned above that Anandin has three forms of release, and the drops can be used to treat the nose, ears, and eyes of an animal. Accordingly, each form factor of the drug has its own instructions.

Note that there is a type of drops intended simultaneously for ophthalmic and nasal use; they are offered for sale separately ear drops.

Under no circumstances should you try to put medication intended for treating ears into your cat's eyes. Read the description on the packaging carefully!

Table. Application of "Anandin" drops

Eye dropsNasal dropsEar drops
"Anandin" in the form of drops is used to solve such ophthalmological problems as conjunctivitis. One or two drops should be instilled into each eye of the cat (under the lower eyelid), the procedure is repeated twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Five to seven days are enough to achieve a lasting therapeutic effect.When treating rhinitis (including purulent, complicated ones), Anandin drops are instilled into each nostril of the cat (one drop is enough), this should also be done twice a day - morning and evening, at equal intervals. Therapeutic effect can be expected on the fifth or sixth day"Anandin" is suitable for ridding cats of ear mites, otitis media, scabies. To treat the ears, the drug is instilled into each ear canal three times in the grid - morning, afternoon and evening. Treatment lasts four to six days. It is acceptable to use the drug for prophylactic purposes

If Anandin is used in the form of a solution for injections, you must follow correct dosage. The manufacturer recommends using 0.2 milliliters of the drug per kilogram of animal weight. The drug is completely eliminated from the body within twenty hours, so a second injection is necessary the next day. However, the owner cannot prescribe this drug to his pet on his own; consultation with a veterinarian is necessary.

Bottle of Anandin ointment

Anandin ointment is used for wounds and injuries skin cats, burns, eczema, dermatitis. Using the ointment is simple - you need to apply a small amount directly to the site of damage, going one to two centimeters per healthy skin around. The drug does not cause burning or additional painful sensations, well tolerated by animals.

Benefits of Anandin for cats

On Russian market there are no analogues of “Anandin” (excluding ointment), which is due to its versatility, budget cost (within 100 rubles for all forms of release), minimal risks when used and almost completely absent side effects. The advantages of the drug include its ability to:

  1. Strengthening the immune system, activating the body's internal resources, releasing the animal's energy.
  2. healing, rapid recovery tissues, combating foci of inflammation.
  3. Preventive effect due to components that destroy pathogenic flora and bacteria, preventing their reappearance.
  4. Complex action, since it is possible to use “Anandin” in several forms at once for the most effective solution problems (for example, ear drops and ointment if the animal scratches the skin on its head).

Using Anandin in drops does not require any special skills from the cat owner

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that Anandin has a gentle effect, the instructions for the drug indicate contraindications. So, if a cat suffers from renal failure, the drug in the form of an injection solution is prohibited. If Anandin is administered intramuscularly to an animal with kidney disease, nephritis or pyelonephritis may worsen.

Another obstacle to using the medicine is the cat’s individual intolerance to its components. For example, the ointment contains Castor oil, petrolatum and potassium salicylate. The owner must carefully read what exactly is current and excipients so as not to harm the animal. However, not every owner knows which substances their pet cannot tolerate, so you need to carefully monitor the cat in the first hours after taking the drug. We should be wary following symptoms, which are classified as side effects:

  1. Allergic reaction (rash, swelling, the animal rubs its face on furniture, the floor, scratches with its paws).
  2. Deterioration of the skin condition (peeling, redness, dryness, the cat cannot find a place for itself, scratches the place where the drug was applied).
  3. Intoxication of the body (the animal is depressed, refuses food and water, the volume of urination decreases).

In order to increase the effectiveness of Anandin forms such as ointment and drops, it may be necessary to pre-clean the application site. Thus, wounds on the skin must first be cleaned of blood and pus; the same is done when instilled into the ears or eyes. If dirt has accumulated in the animal's ears, purulent discharge, dead skin flakes, the area needs to be treated. To do this, use a cotton pad or gauze swab a chlorhexidine solution or saline solution is applied, which is used to gently clean the treated area. The same applies eye drops– before dripping them, if necessary, you need to rinse the animal’s eyes.

The next stage is the actual use of the drug. To do this, the animal must be restrained. Some will need the help of a second person, while others can handle it themselves if they wrap the cat in a thick towel or other fabric, making it impossible to move. After you have applied the ointment or instilled the drug, you need to hold the pet in your arms for some time, not allowing you to shake your head or lick the damaged area.

To prevent your cat from being afraid of the procedure, you can give her something tasty.

As for injections, not every person can give a cat an injection at home. In any case, for the first time you need to do this under the guidance of a veterinarian, who will tell you how to administer the drug intramuscularly and monitor the correctness of the actions. In any case, treat your cat with care and kindness!

Video - Putting medicine in a cat's ears


"Anandin" - medicinal drug with a multiple spectrum of action, capable of eliminating pet from a host of common ailments, and the therapy will not hit the owner’s wallet. If you strictly follow the veterinarian’s prescription and carefully read the instructions, your cat will quickly recover from the disease. Good luck with your treatment!

Anandin for cats is one of those drugs whose properties allow it to be used against a huge number of diseases. This remedy has the ability to fight viruses and infections, defeat bacteria and even individual species fungus. This versatility makes it ideal option for the treatment of a whole list of diseases.

Use of the medicine

Anandin is usually prescribed to not only solve a specific problem, but also to prevent the development of other pathogenic forms. He has wide range action, destroys almost all groups of microorganisms without the use of additional means.

Features of the drug

Anandin is characterized by a number of useful properties who make it the best medicine among existing options, namely:

  1. Active wound healing, skin restoration, skin and coat regeneration, noticeable hydration.
  2. Destruction of microorganisms of all types and forms.
  3. Stimulation of immunity, strengthening defensive reactions body, prevention of possible pathologies.
  4. Fighting inflammation, tissue restoration along with their treatment.

Available types

This is one of the most popular medicines aimed at solving the most different problems. The following forms of the drug can be distinguished:

Most often used for cats eye drops Anandin and its solution in the form of injections. He is also one of the best means for the nose, but here is a liquid for the ears and an ointment based on active substance They have quite a large selection from their “competitors”, so they are prescribed less often for the treatment of pets.

Anandin ear drops differ from other options - it is a slightly yellow liquid, while eye drops for cats stand out with their rich green color.

Dosage and treatment

The use of the drug is quite simple, and also does not require any precise adherence to time periods and regular repetition. Anandin for cats is instilled into the eyes and nose, 2-3 drops twice a day until full recovery. Usually the course lasts five days, sometimes it lasts up to a week. In the most severe cases the product helps pets in 10-14 days, but if positive effect failed, the veterinarian prescribes another active substance.

Injections are administered exclusively according to a prescription from a veterinarian, who sets the dose and frequency of use of the medicine. The course of treatment in this case rarely exceeds a week.

Anandin ointment for cats needs to be used somewhat more often; it is usually applied to damaged areas of the skin until complete healing, regularly moisturizing them. Such a course may well last as long as two weeks; the product is best used before the full restoration of the coat begins, the disappearance of crusts and other symptoms of the disease.

Worthy competitors similar means veterinarians actually cannot offer it; they often combine it with additional products, for example, big amount drugs that stimulate the immune system. Source: Flickr (Goofy)

Contraindications and side effects

Before use for cats, the instructions for use of Anandin must be fully studied (applies to both eye drops and other forms of release). This product is non-toxic and does not pose a risk to the health of the pet or owner, but violations of the number of doses of the drug or other indicators can create some problems.

An overdose of external drops and ointments in some cases leads to noticeable irritation and dry skin; injections and tablets can cause intoxication of the body. But such reactions are almost never observed; they can only appear when there are significant quantitative excesses.

There are only two contraindications to the use of the product:

  • renal failure, any disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys;
  • individual intolerance to individual components of any form of the drug.

Pros and cons of the drug

The active substance has a huge number of advantages:

  • multifunctionality, the ability to be used on any part of the body in the fight against designated diseases;
  • cost-effectiveness of products of any kind, which cost much less than analogues;
  • the ability to choose the most convenient form and combine them with each other to obtain a quick and noticeable result;
  • practically complete absence contraindications, rarely occurring side effects.

The only disadvantages include the inability to carry out long-term treatment. Otherwise negative aspects the product doesn’t have one - it copes with the assigned tasks perfectly. Also, many owners emphasize the fact that this medicine can be used on both cats and dogs, which is especially important if you have several four-legged friends.

Veterinarians actually cannot offer worthy competitors to such a product; they often combine it with additional products, for example, a large number of drugs that stimulate the immune system. But in case of minor illnesses or problems moderate severity such third-party additives are not even needed - active ingredient quite self-sufficient. However, before using the same ear drops for cats, Anandin should be carefully studied; the instructions for the drug describe in detail the dosages and frequency of use.

Video on the topic


Injectable 10% aqueous, transparent, green solution, 1 ml of which contains 100 mg of glucoaminopropylacridone as an active ingredient. Packaged in ampoules of 2 ml (200 mg), which are placed in carton boxes 3 ampoules each.


The active principle of the drug anandin is a synthetic low-molecular-weight cytokine inducer. Anandin has an exceptionally broad spectrum biological action. The drug is highly active against almost all classes of DNA and RNA genomic viruses, as well as staphylococcal infections and a number of fungal infections. Anandin is recommended primarily as a specific antiviral drug for the treatment of severe viral infections of various localizations (dermatropic, neurotropic, pneumotropic and pantropic viruses), as well as infections associated with immunodeficiency states. After intramuscular injection anandin quickly penetrates the blood, reaching its maximum level after 0.5 hours. The drug has the property of stimulating the formation of T and B cells immune system animal, i.e. exhibiting antiviral activity by increasing immune defense body. The drug accelerates regenerative processes and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Anandin is excreted unchanged from the body after 16-20 hours. Non-toxic, does not cause allergic reactions.


Treatment and prevention of all forms of canine distemper, canine parvovirus infection, viral hepatitis dogs and other viral diseases. Treatment of complications caused by bacterial flora in animals that have suffered severe viral diseases. To accelerate regenerative processes, and in case of disruption of the body's immune defense.


To sick dogs, the drug is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 20 mg per 1 kg of animal weight (0.2 ml per 1 kg of weight), regardless of age, once a day. The course of treatment is 3 days in a row, with delayed treatment the period can be extended to 4 - 6 days. Antibiotics, sulfonamides, hormones and serums can be used in conjunction with anandine.


At correct use and dosage side effects, as a rule, are not observed.


Severe renal failure.


No special precautions are required.


With caution (list B). In a dry, dark place, inaccessible to children and animals, at a temperature of 0 to 25 °C. Shelf life: 2 years.


Scientific Research Society "Mediter", Russia.

Address: 186020, St. Petersburg, Pushkin, sh. Podbelskogo, 9.

Address for correspondence: 195297, St. Petersburg, PO Box 359.

Cats have strong natural immunity, but are constantly at risk of infection by various pathogenic microorganisms. The appearance of unfamiliar symptoms is a reason to contact a veterinarian. Very often, a specialist prescribes Anandin - extremely effective drug, neutralizing the effects of microbes and viruses.

Composition and release form

The drug Anandin is presented on the shelves of veterinary pharmacies in the form of an injection solution (drops) and ointment. A solution of 5, 2, 1 ml is placed in glass ampoules, which are packaged in blister ampoule holders. Form for containing drops – bottles of 100, 10 and 5 ml, packed with hermetically sealed rubber stoppers with an aluminum cap. Anandin ointment is sold in plastic bottles of 10 g, in cardboard packs. It is a yellowish homogeneous mass with an unexpressed specific odor. Composition of the drug:

Properties of the drug

  • kills all forms of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as viruses;
  • accelerates skin regeneration;
  • helps restore wool;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • counteracts development accompanying pathologies against the background of the underlying disease;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • reduces toxin levels;
  • combines many therapeutic properties, allowing you to reduce the amount of medication for the animal and thereby reduce the stress of treatment.

Indications for use

The use of the drug is due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the animal’s body. Full list indications for use:

Directions for use and dosage

The drug is used depending on the dosage form and the specific disease. The treatment regimen will be determined veterinarian, he must control the progress of application. Almost always there are no difficulties when using the medicine. The manufacturer's instructions describe standard regimens for all forms of the drug.

Anandin injection

The intramuscular dose level is determined at the rate of 20 mg of solution per kilogram of animal weight. The injection is given intramuscularly, once a day. The duration of treatment is three days. Sometimes, by decision of the veterinarian, the period can be extended to six days. After the injection active substance gets inside bloodstream, reaches the damaged area, where it is localized. The effect appears within 30 minutes. The prophylactic dose is 5 mg per kg of animal weight, the product is used for up to ten days.

The dosage of nasal or eye drops depends on the type of disease. So, for rhinitis, the instilled dose will be three drops in each nostril three times a day. For conjunctivitis, two drops are instilled twice a day on the lower eyelid. The duration of treatment is approximately 7 days. In severe cases, at the discretion of the specialist, treatment is extended to 14 days.


Anandin in the form of an ointment is applied directly to bad sectors skin thin layer, and the adjacent area (up to 2 cm). Rubbing is acceptable. The process is repeated up to three times a day. Before the next application, the area must be treated with an antiseptic or saline solution. The duration of treatment is five days. The ointment is recommended for eczema, dermatitis, burns and various wounds ears.

special instructions

It is acceptable to use others medicines when using Anandin. The use of the drug must be accompanied by compliance with general standards of personal hygiene. It is important to adhere to safety rules when working with medications. There is a ban on the use of product containers for food and household purposes.

Side effects and contraindications

Anandin eye drops for cats and other forms of the drug are non-toxic, do not cause allergies and side effects in the form of local irritation or increased sensitivity. An overdose can lead to dry skin and intoxication. Anandin for animals is contraindicated when renal failure or any other kidney disorders, with individual intolerance.

When treating certain diseases in animals, there is a need to use ophthalmic, intranasal, ear drops, as well as funds local action in the form of an ointment. This is the veterinary drug Anandin. It is an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory agent.

The instructions for use of Anandin for cats contain information about the forms of release of the medicine, composition, properties, main indications, and for whom it is not recommended. The dosage and methods of use are given.

Dosage forms and composition

Anandin is an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, immunomodulating veterinary drug. Available in the form of eye drops, ear drops, injection solution and ointment. Manufacturer - Russia.

The composition and release form are presented in the table:

Type of medicine Basic substances Auxiliary components View
Eye and intranasal dropsGlucaminopropylcarbacridoneLiquid water, glycerolTransparent light green liquid in glass bottles
Ear drops Anandin and Anandin PlusAnandin, gramicidin C, permethrinIsopropanol, castor oil, waterColor - light yellow, transparent, in plastic dropper bottles
InjectionGlucaminopropylcarbacridoneMethylene blue, waterTransparent, green, has specific smell, in glass ampoules or bottles
OintmentAnandinCastor oil, water, petroleum jelly, potassium salicylateHomogeneous light yellow mass with an odor in plastic bubbles

The bottles are placed in cardboard packs. Drops and solution are stored at 0–25°C for 2 years. Ointment - 5–25°C 18 months.


The effect of the drug is ensured by the activity of the main elements:

Anandin is a drug of the 3rd severity class (moderately dangerous). Does not irritate the skin, does not enter the bloodstream, does not disrupt embryonic development.

Indications and contraindications

Depending on the form, Anandin for cats is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Intranasal and eye drops. Complex therapy rhinitis, conjunctivitis.
  • Ear drops. Otitis externa(acute and chronic) of bacterial origin, otodectosis (ear scabies).
  • Solution d/i. Severe viral infections.
  • Ointment. Skin lesions (burns, wounds, eczema, dermatitis).
  1. 1. When hypersensitivity cats to the components.
  2. 2. For the treatment of otitis media in case of integrity violation eardrum(perforations).

The annotation for the drug does not list side effects or signs of overdose. In case of individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, or symptoms of irritation appear, the use of Anandin for the cat is stopped, and if necessary, antihistamines are used.


Depending on the purpose and disease, the dose of medicine for the animal is different. Instructions for use of Anandin for cats recommend strictly following the dosage to avoid complications.

Eye drops are used according to the following scheme:

  • Conjunctivitis - drip 2-3 drops behind the lower eyelid 2 times a day.
  • Rhinitis - inject into the nose, separately in each of the passages, 2-4 drops 2-3 times a day.

The duration of treatment is until the cat recovers (no more than 2 weeks). Special conditions are not needed for feeding and maintaining the animal.