The strongest prescription sedative. Mild sedatives

The life of a modern person is not always accompanied only by pleasant events. People are constantly exposed to various stressors. Anxieties and fears are accompanied nervous tics, arrhythmia, irritability and other unpleasant symptoms. Without aids Eliminating such a condition is difficult and almost impossible. How to choose sedative pills that can quickly eliminate the symptoms that have arisen without causing harm to the body?


On prescription

  • Anxiolytics (tranquilizers) are very strong sedatives that have sedative, anxiolytic (relieves feelings of fear), hypnotic (impairs attention and reduces the speed of thinking), anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant (affect muscle tone) properties. Tranquilizers include: Diazepam, Gidazepam, Atarax, Buspirone Sandoz, Afobazol, Adaptol.
  • Neuroleptics ( antipsychotics) are prescribed for the treatment of paranoid-hallucinatory syndromes (schizophrenia, delirium), psychomotor agitation, deep neurotic states, sleep disorders, mental retardation, epilepsy, depression. These include: Aminazine, Tizercin, Triftazin, Sonapax, Vertinex, Haloperidol, Sulpiride, etc.
  • Antidepressants (psychoanaleptics) – psychotropic substances, indicated for the normalization of the mental and emotional state in patients with deep depression due to organic diseases of the central nervous system, schizophrenia, chronic alcoholism, etc. The best antidepressants by prescription: Melipramine, Clofranil, Doxepin, Mirtel, Fluoxetine, Rexetine, Paroxin, etc.

All of these remedies refer to sedative tablets for quick and strong action, but at the slightest overdose they have a toxic effect. In addition, many of them, when taken for a long time, cause addiction, drug dependence, which is a narcotic drug.

During treatment with strong sedatives, as a rule, there is a decrease in alertness, drowsiness, lethargy, and muscle weakness. Therefore, take similar means should only be done on the advice of a doctor.

Over the counter

  • Tenoten is a nootropic drug with anxiolytic activity. The drug has anti-anxiety, sedative and antidepressant effects. Improves tolerance to psycho-emotional stress and eliminates depression.
  • Glycine is a metabolic agent that stabilizes the processes of central nervous system inhibition, increases mental performance, reduces psycho-emotional stress, improves mood and normalizes sleep. Glycine is approved for use in children.
  • Phenibut – nootropic drug, reducing the manifestations of asthenia and vasovegetative symptoms (irritability, headache, emotional excitability, etc.). In addition, the medicine increases mental and physical performance, improves memory, normalizes sleep and increases interest in life.
  • Tranquilar is an anxiolytic drug prescribed for neuroses and neurosis-like conditions, which are accompanied by emotional instability, fear, anxiety, and irritation.
  • Melaxen is a sedative tablet that is used to treat sleep disorders, insomnia, negative consequences stressful situations, winter depression.

Over-the-counter drugs, unlike prescription ones, are easier to tolerate and have fewer side effects. However, in any case, when choosing sedative pills, it is better to consult a doctor.

On herbs

Mild depression and anxiety that arise against a background of anxiety and stress can be treated with harmless herbal sedatives in tablets:

  • Persen - has both a sedative and antispasmodic effect. Combats symptoms of VSD, feelings of anxiety and fatigue, nervous excitability, insomnia and signs of irritability. The drug is available in capsules and tablets, is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age, and is prescribed to pregnant and lactating women strictly as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Novo-Passit – combination remedy, which has a calming effect, a feeling of anxiety and restlessness. Indicated for the treatment of psycho-emotional stress, insomnia, neurotic disorder, migraine and VSD symptoms. Not suitable for myasthenia gravis and children under 12 years of age. Use cautiously during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with epilepsy, brain injury and liver disorders.
  • Valerian is a well-known herbal sedative that has a moderate sedative effect. Tablets are prescribed for sleep disorders, hyperexcitability, panic attacks ah, the feeling of anxiety.
  • Corvaltab - helps reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, has an antispasmodic and sedative effect, and normalizes sleep. The drug is indicated for increased excitability, neuroses with irritability, neurocirculatory dystonia, insomnia, tachycardia.
  • Gelarium is a homeopathic herbal medicine that has an antidepressant and anxiolytic effect (improves mood, relieves anxiety, etc.). Such products as Deprim, Hypericum, Life 600 and others have a similar effect.

In addition to the listed medications, cope with irritability, aggression, sleep disorders, depressive states Herbal remedies such as Dormiplant, Menovalen, Sedavit, Alora, Sedariston, Perselac, Sedaphyton and many others will also help.

For children and teenagers

Modern living conditions, children's early fascination with cartoons and computer games, a large flow of information has a negative impact on the child’s emotional state and fragile nervous system. Therefore, for some children, prescribing sedatives is a necessity.

One of the sedatives often used in childhood is Glycine. This is an amino acid that helps reduce emotional stress, improve brain function and normalize sleep. For this purpose, Tenoten for children, Magne B6, Pantogam, Citral are also prescribed.

If the child is overly excited, the neurologist may prescribe Sibazon, Phenazepam, Phenibut, Tazepam, Elenium. The listed medications are tranquilizers; they effectively eliminate nervous overexcitation, feelings of fear and anxiety. However, these sedative pills are addictive, so they are used in exceptional cases, for a short time and under the supervision of a physician.

For the treatment of hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder in adolescents, drugs such as Strattera-Atomoxetine, Grandaxin, Calmanevrin, etc. are recommended. They are not psychostimulants and are not addictive.

Also in pediatrics, homeopathic remedies are often used as sedatives:

  • Nervochel.
  • Notta.
  • Baby Sed.
  • Leovit.
  • Dormikind.
  • Edas et al.

Pay also attention to methods and means of strengthening your nervous system without the use of medications

For pregnant and nursing mothers

Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy cause irritability, nervousness, mood swings, and increased excitability. In such a situation, sedatives will help, but not all of them can be taken by pregnant women.

It is worth noting that in the first trimester the use of any medications is extremely undesirable. During this period, the organs and systems of the unborn child are formed, so it is important not to harm him. If anxiety has become constant, sedatives are allowed plant origin– valerian, motherwort, Persen, Novo-Passit. An excellent natural remedy is herbal teas made from mint, lemon balm, and hawthorn. They will relieve stress, mood swings, and improve sleep.

For the elderly

At this age, due to many concomitant diseases, taking sedatives without consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited. Even harmless sleeping pills, used uncontrollably, can negatively affect the well-being of an elderly person, especially in diabetics. Therefore, if it appeared urgency If you are taking sedative pills, then first of all you need to consult a doctor for advice.

Therefore, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​​​which sedative pills to buy without prescriptions. The list of these medications must be carefully studied, look at the components and the presence of side effects.

What are sedatives and their mechanism of action

Drugs aimed at calming the central nervous system are also called sedatives. During periods of depression or disorder, such medications are often used according to a doctor’s prescription.

Sedatives lead to increased inhibition in the central nervous system, soften the awakening of excitement and aggression in it, relieve irritation and sensitivity. In addition, under their influence the autonomic nervous system is normalized (the intensity of the heartbeat decreases, trembling and sweating decrease, and intestinal spasms appear less).

When using medications to calm a child or an adult, it is worth considering that in combination with such medications, antipsychotics, analgesics, sleeping pills, and antidepressants give the effect. Therefore, even soothing herbs together with other drugs should be used carefully.

By choosing the right tablets, they can be used as a treatment for neuroses and neurasthenia. Sedatives are also used to overcome insomnia and sleep disorders.

Your doctor will help you choose the most effective drug. After all, a simple nervous breakdown may hide a significant mental disorder.

Sedatives that can be purchased without a prescription

Calming drugs are produced in the form of drops and pills, which can be purchased without medical prescription and injections. Injections are purchased only by prescription. Use as required only after reading the instructions.

Homeopathic remedies

Buy, perhaps, homeopathic sedative tablets without prescriptions. Medicines do not lead to addiction and are considered harmless. They can be used by adults, children, the elderly, women carrying a child and nursing mothers. Such medications have no side effects (dry throat, dizziness), do not cause drowsiness and can be used while driving.

The most powerful sedative pills without prescriptions - list of homeopathic medicines:


Pills are taken for increased agitation, changes in falling asleep, neuroses and menopause. Children under 3 years old should not take Nervohel tablets. Pregnant and breastfeeding women can take the pills only after doctor's approval.

There may be an allergy after consumption. Nervochel is taken 1 pill, 3 times a day. The price of the product is 380 rubles or more.


After consumption, an anticonvulsant and sedative effect is observed. Alora reduces anxious feelings, irritation. Doctors recommend taking pills to patients if their nerves are shaken, with depression, insomnia, or asthenia.

Alora is not prescribed for children under 3 years of age and patients with high sensitivity. You should be careful when using sedatives with anticonvulsants and hypnotics. The cost of the medicine is 220 rubles or more.

Alcohol solutions

Alcohol-based medications, which are aimed at calming and eliminating irritation, reduce the excitability of the central nervous system. Medicines for stress and nerves are produced in the form of drops, dissolved in water.

List of over-the-counter anti-anxiety medications:

  1. Sedariston. The composition contains valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort. The drug is effective for vegetative neurosis.
  2. Valocordin. The sedative has a sedative, hypnotic effect and reduces the excitability of the nervous system. The medicine is cheap, but it helps well with sleep disturbances, anxiety, panic, and cardiac neuroses. The dose of use and duration of therapy remains up to the doctor.
  3. Nervoflux. A sedative is prescribed in case of chronic stress and lack of sleep at night. The product consists of plant components (lavender, licorice root, valerian root). Nervoflux is used to make tea.
  4. Zelenin drops. The medication is indicated for chronic cardiac failure, vegetative-vascular dystonia, stomach and intestinal cramps, renal colic. After taking it, muscle weakness, allergies, dryness in the oral cavity, diarrhea, vomiting, headaches.
  5. Corvalol. The composition contains peppermint oil, phenobarbital, ethyl bromizovalerian. The list of components is similar to Valocordin. The medication has almost the same effect, but the effect is not as powerful. The drug is a good sedative and mild hypnotic. It will help relieve compression of the heart vessels and slow down the heartbeat. When consumed, it may cause allergies, drowsiness, low blood pressure, and dizziness. With prolonged use, addiction develops. The price for a sedative is 70 rubles or more.

Combined herbal preparations

This group of medications is the most harmless and produces a mild effect on the central nervous system without loading the bile excretion channels, kidneys, and liver. The calming effect of the pills occurs 20 minutes after use.

Strong sedatives without prescription:

  1. Persen;
  2. Algoven Relax;
  3. Neuroplant;
  4. Deprim;
  5. Florised;
  6. Sedaphyton;
  7. Relaxil;
  8. Notta;
  9. Novo-Passit.

In addition to sedative pills, there are dietary supplements and vitamins that normalize the activity of the central nervous system and restore rest at night (Deprivit, Sedavit).

Novo-passit. They produce tablets based on herbal mixtures, including lemon balm, valerian, St. John's wort, and elderberry. The medication has a calming effect, helps you fall asleep quickly, overcome stress, and headaches. It is prescribed for long-term mental and emotional disorders.

Pills should be taken 3 times a day, 5 ml.

Persen. A herbal medicine with a calming effect, based on valerian, lemon balm, and mint. The tablets are recommended to be taken for increased agitation, irritability, stress, and insomnia.

Phytosedan. The drug contains motherwort, mint, licorice, and oregano. A sedative medication will relieve excitability and cure impaired night sleep.

Drink 100 ml of herbal mixture 4 times a day before meals.

Synthetic drugs

In case of signs of nervous disorders, melancholy, anxiety, irritation, you need to pay attention to potent tablets, which are based on synthetic components.

List of strong sedative pills without prescriptions:

Funds from other groups

Tenoten tablets are a nootropic drug with anxiolytic dynamism. The drug has anti-anxiety, sedative, and antidepressant effects. Helps improve the mobility of mental and emotional stress and relieves depression.

Phenibut is a nootropic medicine that reduces the detection of asthenia and vasovegetative symptoms. The drug will increase mental and physical activity, improve memory, and normalize night rest.

Tablets Afobazol is a mild tranquilizer. Successfully eliminates anxiety symptoms. It has an intracellular effect, which helps to normalize the central nervous system protection system from stress. Take 1 tablet per day, therapy takes at least 2 weeks.

Sedatives for children

One of the frequently prescribed sedative medications is Glycine. The amino acid reduces emotional stress, improves brain function, and normalizes sleep. Tablets are also prescribed:

If the child is very excited, the neurologist will prescribe:

  • Sibazon;
  • Phenazepam;
  • Tazepam;
  • Phenibut.

The drugs will eliminate overexcitation, panic, and anxiety. Such sedative pills lead to addiction, so they are taken under the supervision of a specialist for a short period of time.

Sedatives for pregnant women and during lactation

Violations on hormonal level, which occur in pregnant women, lead to irritability, nervousness, and mood changes. Calming pills will come to the rescue. However, not all of them can be drunk by pregnant women.

In the first 3 months, any medications cannot be taken, because during this period the organs and systems of the fetus are formed. In case of constant anxiety, sedative herbal medicines are acceptable.

Natural remedies include herbal teas (mint, lemon balm, hawthorn).

For the elderly population

Since an elderly person has many concomitant ailments, taking sedative pills without a doctor’s prescription is unacceptable.

Uncontrolled use of even a harmless medication can cause negative consequences.

Strong, fast-acting sedatives without prescriptions

Sedative medications rarely have associated negative effects and do not lead to addiction. Therefore, everyone can find fast-acting sedatives in a pharmacy without prescribing a specialist.

Sedatives without a prescription - a list of the most effective with descriptions, composition and prices

There are times in every person’s life when taking medications is indispensable. It is not easy to choose a strong sedative without a prescription, so it is recommended to first consult with a doctor, determine the cause of the pathology and The best way her quick fix. The range of medicines in the pharmacy is huge.

Sedatives without a prescription

If a woman has suffered severe stress or a nervous breakdown, the doctor recommends sedatives without a prescription, since their effect in the body is gentle, safe, fast, and targeted. This is an effective way to calm frayed nerves, pull yourself together and relax emotionally without harm to your health. Such recipes are also recommended for men with increased nervousness. All that remains is to find out the list of the most effective drugs, according to medical indications.

Bromine preparations

These medications are also called sodium or potassium bromides, and are prescribed for a weakened nervous system in strictly prescribed doses. Approved for use more in adulthood, side effects may cause increased drowsiness and absent-mindedness. Before purchasing, a preliminary consultation with a specialist will not be superfluous. Prominent representatives of this group are the following:


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  • Adonis-bromine;
  • Potassium bromide;
  • Sodium bromide.

Herbal products

These are homeopathic medicines that have a mild, sedative effect without a prescription. A calming effect is provided by herbal extracts, tinctures with herbal components, and natural preparations. Doctors at nervous disorders It is recommended to take medications with valerian and hawthorn, and do not forget about the sedative properties of lemon balm, peony, and motherwort. Have proven themselves well in medical practice the following names:

  • preparations of peony officinalis;
  • motherwort preparations;
  • Alora;
  • Valerian.

Combined sedatives

This is a combination of the two groups described above, which provides a powerful sedative effect. The presence of plant components has a safe effect on the nervous system, and bromine guarantees rapid relaxation of smooth muscles. The medications are harmless, and the sedative effect is observed minutes after taking a single dose. Below are the most famous medications of this pharmacological group:

Antidepressants without prescriptions

If anger and irritability arise in the mind for no apparent reason, it is recommended to take a course of sedatives without a prescription. These may be antidepressants, but not all, since representatives of this pharmacological group are more often sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Doctors prescribe such powerful help for visible signs depression, when the patient cannot independently cope with a changeable mood or depressive state. Over-the-counter sedatives are:

Sedative tranquilizers

The main disadvantage of such sedatives is a hypnotic effect of side effects. Tranquilizers are rarely prescribed in childhood, while many adult patients have been “living” on them for months. The health consequences are serious, so before starting the course, consultation with a specialist is important, but not superficial self-medication at random. The following sedatives are well known:

Group of antipsychotics

It is not recommended to take such sedatives without a prescription or to do so with great caution, according to medical prescriptions. These are inexpensive remedies for neurosis, which additionally suppress mental confusion, panic attacks, and attacks of nervous breakdown. The active components have a synthetic base, but retain a mild effect in the body of adults and children. Known medications are presented below:

Strong sedatives without prescriptions

Cheap medicines with sedative effect It is better not to buy, as they can disrupt the functionality of the nervous system and the transmission of impulses. Patients prefer tablet form or soothing tea. The form of release does not matter, and the sedative effect with properly selected chemical formula There is no doubt that it is suitable even for a child.

Mechanism of action

Sedative tablets without prescriptions provide inhibition of the nervous system and weaken the excitability of nerve impulses. Stabilizes after the first dose heartbeat, passes increased sweating hands, stomach cramps disappear, normalization physiological sleep. So in a safe way state autonomic system returns to normal, and the patient again feels the joy of life.

Side effects

Strong sedative tablets without prescriptions provide not only a sedative effect, but also some disorders in the functioning of the nervous system. For example, doctors do not rule out slow reactions, increased drowsiness, passivity, slowness and a sharp decline in performance. To relieve the symptoms of adolescent hyperactivity, doctors recommend just such sedatives. They can be bought without a prescription at any pharmacy.

Good sedatives without prescriptions

Such medications are produced in the form of oral drops, tablets and subcutaneous injections, but in the latter case we are talking about prescription drugs. The rest of the sedatives can be bought at the pharmacy and used as directed after studying the attached leaflet. For some patients, one course is enough to normalize the nervous system, while for others it is advisable to repeat the treatment after a week's break.

List of effective anti-anxiety pills

The life of a modern person is not always accompanied only by pleasant events. People are constantly exposed to various stressors. Anxieties and fears are accompanied by nervous tics, arrhythmia, irritability and other unpleasant symptoms. Without auxiliary means, it is difficult and almost impossible to eliminate this condition. How to choose sedative pills that can quickly eliminate the symptoms that have arisen without causing harm to the body?


On prescription

  • Anxiolytics (tranquilizers) are very strong sedatives that have sedative, anxiolytic (relieves feelings of fear), hypnotic (impairs attention and reduces the speed of thinking), anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant (affect muscle tone) properties. Tranquilizers include: Diazepam, Gidazepam, Atarax, Buspirone Sandoz, Afobazol, Adaptol.
  • Neuroleptics (antipsychotics) are prescribed for the treatment of paranoid-hallucinatory syndromes (schizophrenia, delirium), psychomotor agitation, deep neurotic states, sleep disorders, mental retardation, epilepsy, depression. These include: Aminazine, Tizercin, Triftazin, Sonapax, Vertinex, Haloperidol, Sulpiride, etc.

All of the listed drugs are fast and strong-acting sedatives, but at the slightest overdose they have a toxic effect. In addition, many of them, when taken for a long time, cause addiction, drug dependence, which is a narcotic drug.

Over the counter

  • Tenoten is a nootropic drug with anxiolytic activity. The drug has anti-anxiety, sedative and antidepressant effects. Improves tolerance to psycho-emotional stress and eliminates depression.
  • Glycine is a metabolic agent that stabilizes the processes of central nervous system inhibition, increases mental performance, reduces psycho-emotional stress, improves mood and normalizes sleep. Glycine is approved for use in children.
  • Phenibut is a nootropic drug that reduces the manifestations of asthenia and vasovegetative symptoms (irritability, headache, emotional excitability, etc.). In addition, the medicine increases mental and physical performance, improves memory, normalizes sleep and increases interest in life.

Over-the-counter drugs, unlike prescription ones, are easier to tolerate and have fewer side effects. However, in any case, when choosing sedative pills, it is better to consult a doctor.

On herbs

Mild depression and anxiety that arise against a background of anxiety and stress can be treated with harmless herbal sedatives in tablets:

  • Persen - has both a sedative and antispasmodic effect. Combats symptoms of VSD, feelings of anxiety and fatigue, nervous excitability, insomnia and signs of irritability. The drug is available in capsules and tablets, is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age, and is prescribed to pregnant and lactating women strictly as prescribed by a doctor.

In addition to the listed drugs, herbal remedies such as Dormiplant, Menovalen, Sedavit, Alora, Sedariston, Percelac, Sedaphyton and many others will help cope with irritability, aggression, sleep disorders, and depressive conditions.

For children and teenagers

Modern living conditions, children's early passion for cartoons and computer games, and a large flow of information have a negative impact on the child's emotional state and fragile nervous system. Therefore, for some children, prescribing sedatives is a necessity.

One of the sedatives often used in childhood is Glycine. This is an amino acid that helps reduce emotional stress, improve brain function and normalize sleep. For this purpose, Tenoten for children, Magne B6, Pantogam, Citral are also prescribed.

If the child is overly excited, the neurologist may prescribe Sibazon, Phenazepam, Phenibut, Tazepam, Elenium. The listed medications are tranquilizers; they effectively eliminate nervous overexcitation, feelings of fear and anxiety. However, these sedative pills are addictive, so they are used in exceptional cases, for a short time and under the supervision of a physician.

For the treatment of hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder in adolescents, drugs such as Strattera-Atomoxetine, Grandaxin, Calmanevrin, etc. are recommended. They are not psychostimulants and are not addictive.

Also in pediatrics, homeopathic remedies are often used as sedatives:

For pregnant and nursing mothers

Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy cause irritability, nervousness, mood swings, and increased excitability. In such a situation, sedatives will help, but not all of them can be taken by pregnant women.

It is worth noting that in the first trimester the use of any medications is extremely undesirable. During this period, the organs and systems of the unborn child are formed, so it is important not to harm him. If anxiety has become constant, sedatives of plant origin are allowed - valerian, motherwort, Persen, Novo-Passit. An excellent natural remedy is herbal teas made from mint, lemon balm, and hawthorn. They will relieve stress, mood swings, and improve sleep.

For the elderly

At this age, due to many concomitant diseases, taking sedatives without consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited. Even harmless sleeping pills, used uncontrollably, can negatively affect the well-being of an elderly person, especially in diabetics. Therefore, if there is an urgent need to take sedative pills, then first of all you need to consult a doctor for advice.

Review of sedatives for the adult nervous system

Life in the modern world is becoming more and more difficult every year. Production processes are becoming more complicated, and negative information prevails in the flow of information. Stress and psychological stress make a person nervous and withdrawn in his inner world.

The fight against stress involves only two directions. The first path is labor-intensive and costly: working on oneself, developing personal effectiveness, systematically overcoming all life difficulties, correction of erroneous thinking. But often a person does not have the strength, time, or money for specialists. Therefore, there is a need to take a sedative.

This article is intended to save the reader money by preventing him from purchasing expensive and hyped sedatives. These are the ones that will be offered to you in pharmacies first. After reading here about which inexpensive nerve sedative is right for you, you will be able to therapeutic effect keep a considerable amount of money with you.

Rest only in our dreams…

Why did people invent sedatives? What is the principle of action of sedatives?

    • Excitation of the central nervous system slows down, and inhibition increases. You begin to react more calmly to life situations;
    • You immediately notice how your desire to be irritated, aggressive, and quarrelsome disappears. Swearing and tears are not about you;
    • Disappear autonomic dysfunctions: tremors, increased sweating, high pulse, cramps in the intestines;
    • The process of falling asleep becomes easier. Moreover, the effect of sedative medications differs from sleeping pills: it does not disconnect you from reality, but brings you a healthy and restful sleep

For neuroses and neurasthenia, it is recommended to combine strong psychiatric pills with conventional anti-stress medications. This approach will allow you to reduce the dosage of a potent drug in order to reduce harm and provide more gentle therapy. Since “all diseases are caused by nerves,” people often use sedatives in addition to the main treatment, after consulting a doctor.

Sedatives without a prescription

Most sedatives are available without a doctor's prescription. This is convenient: you can quickly influence your emotional state and overall well-being. But the best option is when the doctor prescribes sedatives for you. Especially if strong sedatives are needed. There are frequent cases when tremors, diarrhea, nervousness and bad feeling caused by the onset of serious illnesses internal organs and CNS. So, it’s safer to go for an examination if possible.

There is no list that lists the best sedatives. Each person selects sedatives for himself individually. Here it is worth focusing on the effect. It is advisable for you to be able to function comfortably during the day without becoming drowsy. Finding “your” drug can only be done experimentally. Try different options and don’t stay on one for too long, so as not to develop addiction. Once a person gets used to it, the drug has almost no effect, returning you back to a stressed state.

Herbal calming tablets

Sedatives containing medicinal plants, are extremely popular. This is due to maximum safety and minimal side effects. Natural components do not harm the gastrointestinal tract and the entire body as a whole. Medicinal herbs have been used by mankind since time immemorial. Modern research confirm the presence of healing and calming properties of plants. Scientific medicine actively introduced medicinal plants into the production of medicines and drugs for stress and nerves.

The best sedative pills for the nervous system of adults

In rhythm modern life It's hard to control yourself. Pharmaceuticals will come to the rescue. To maintain normal functioning of the nervous system, the doctor may prescribe sedatives.

Read about the best drugs from irritability or apathy.

Groups of sedatives

Sedative tablets can be classified depending on their composition and action. Plant-based products will help maintain a normal psychological state.

Depending on the ingredients of the drugs, they are divided into groups:

  1. Herbal products.
  2. Combined drugs.
  3. Synthetic tablets.

For severe nervous disorders, a group of antipsychotics and antidepressants are prescribed, which increase serotonin levels.

Sharp attacks of anger in a critical situation are suppressed by strong tranquilizers.

You can see the list of medicines in the table:

Sedatives, hypnotics, sedatives

General information

Currently, the pace of life is so fast that most people from time to time require sedatives, which can not only reduce the effects of stress, but also improve the condition of the nervous system. Nerves, as we know, are not made of iron, and constant stress leads to irritability, insomnia and other symptoms.

However, many people, at best, ask their pharmacist about which sedatives are best to take. Even more often, they independently “prescribe” to themselves what they think is a good remedy, sometimes a potent one. However, even natural and folk remedies should not be used without first consulting a doctor.

A complete list of anti-anxiety medications, as well as information about which anti-anxiety medications and when to take them, can be found online. But, despite the information content of such materials, they should be perceived as texts for reference, and not instructions to take certain sedatives, drops, quick-acting tablets or sedative injections. The sedative effect - what it is and how it manifests itself, the doctor will tell you in more detail. Below are described sedatives of different prices and approximately the same strength of effect on the body.

Drugs that calm the nervous system

Drugs that can calm the nervous system are also called sedatives. Sedatives for depression and other nervous system disorders are usually used with a doctor's prescription. A specialist should prescribe medications not only for depression, but also for other disorders.

These medications increase inhibition in the nervous system, weaken manifestations of excitement and aggression in it, relieving irritability and tearfulness. Also, under their influence, the autonomic nervous system returns to normal: the intensity of the heartbeat decreases, sweating and trembling decrease, and intestinal spasms become less pronounced.

In addition, sedative drops and other types of medications help you fall asleep, even though sedative drops are not a sleeping pill. That is why, after taking them, the rhythm of the cerebral cortex does not slow down. However, they speed up the process of falling asleep, reduce high sensitivity to external stimuli, and reduce excitability.

When using sedatives for the nervous system of an adult or for adolescents, you need to take into account that in combination with such drugs, the effect of antipsychotics, sleeping pills, analgesics, antidepressants, etc. is enhanced. Therefore, even sedative herbs for the nervous system of an adult should be used carefully in combination with other medications.

A properly selected nerve sedative for women and men can be used to treat neuroses and neurasthenia. For both women and men, such remedies are used to overcome sleep disorders and insomnia. But to choose the best product for men and women, you should consult a doctor.

Sleeping pills

Sleeping pills are necessary for those people who do not benefit from other methods used at home to get a good night's sleep. But, despite the fact that sleep disturbances lead to a serious deterioration in well-being, the strongest measures are not always required to normalize the condition. sleeping pills. Moreover, you can buy strong sleeping pills in pharmacies only with a prescription.

But many people who are worried about insomnia often try to independently find a natural, harmless remedy to normalize sleep. In fact, it is possible to find strong sleeping pills without a prescription, since a fairly wide list of sleeping pills without a prescription is currently offered. In addition, even mild sedatives help improve sleep.

Those who are interested in what sleeping pills can be bought at the pharmacy should note that initially you still need to consult a doctor. After all, it is important to choose a cure for insomnia individually. It must be appropriate for the patient's age. Thus, remedies for insomnia for older people should be selected so as to take into account all contraindications and side effects. Sometimes, for older people to sleep, it is enough to take mild sleeping pills with a sedative effect. Such medications for insomnia are not addictive, as a rule, contain plant components.

Sleeping pills are offered in pharmacies in a wide range. Some of them, in particular those based on herbs, are quite effective and at the same time safe. But, before you buy strong pills without a prescription, you need to know not only their names, but also study the instructions for use in detail, take into account contraindications and side effects.

Mostly over-the-counter night sleep pills are sold if they are made from herbs. However, even such drugs are not always completely safe. Therefore, those who want to choose pills for insomnia without addiction should take such medications strictly according to the schedule and no longer than the permissible period of time.

Many herbs for sleep are popular for adults because they act gently, but at the same time, such sleeping pills soothe, normalize falling asleep, and help make sleep calm and sound. Therefore, it is most optimal to use such sleeping pills at home.

To choose a good quick-acting sleeping pill for children, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is the specialist who will tell you how this or that drug works, and at what age you can take such medications. For example, the medicine Persen is approved for children from 3 years old, Dormiplant - from 6 years old. It is important to consider that any sleeping pills in drops or tablets can provoke allergic reactions in children. Therefore, before giving your child medicine in tablets or odorless drops, you need to find out how to make his sleep deep and restful without medications.

One should also take into account the fact that strong sleeping pills act quickly, but after it the person wakes up after a relatively short period of time. Therefore, when purchasing drops or tablets without a prescription, you need to carefully read the description of the method of use and dosage.

Taking into account all the points described above, a patient who wants to choose a non-addictive sleeping pill over the counter should consult a doctor. Indeed, at present there are non-addictive sleeping pills of a new generation. They help improve sleep at night and promote efficient work during the daytime.

It is important to realize that when taking strong sleeping pills high doses, you can even die. Therefore, those medications that are sold by prescription (neuroleptics, psychotropic drugs, etc.) should never be taken uncontrolled.

Sedatives without prescriptions

In the same way, any sedative pills and even herbs should ideally be prescribed only by a specialist. After all, a person who wants to take pills to calm the nervous system, believing that he just needs to calm down and drink something “for his nerves,” may actually develop serious illness. In particular, constant irritability and excitability may indicate the development of a mental disorder, hormonal disorders, or diseases of internal organs.

Despite this, most people decide to independently choose pills that calm their nerves, relying on reviews from friends and recommendations from pharmacists who readily recommend over-the-counter products.

Currently, the list of sedative pills without a prescription is quite impressive and is constantly expanding. Therefore, in order to choose good strong herbal sedative tablets without a hypnotic effect, you need to know more about what anti-anxiety drugs are - sedatives.

Those medications that belong to the group of sedatives rarely have side effects. If you take such drugs, dependence and addiction do not develop. That is why you can buy the best sedative in pharmacies without a prescription. They are also sometimes used as an over-the-counter pain reliever.

However, it is difficult to determine which sedative is the most effective, because medications must be selected individually, depending on the symptoms. And if the best sedatives for women and men help you find reviews or ratings, this is still not the right way to select a medicine. After all, sometimes people take too strong drugs, when they can get by with weaker ones.


There is a large list of drugs for almost every letter that can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. Various reviews You can find information about sedatives online, as those who have tried to find a good and effective sedative often share their experiences.

Stress and anxiety happen to every person. The reason for this may be: a bad environment at work and at home, a personality trait, and much more. Some people turn to anti-anxiety medications or antidepressants to combat feelings of anxiety and fear. Below we will look at the best sedatives according to customer reviews.

What are the types of sedatives?

The modern pace of life forces people to increasingly resort to medications. This article will help you not to make a mistake in choosing a sedative.

So, all sedative drugs sold in pharmacies are divided into 2 types: vegetable And synthetic origin.

Herbal preparations (herbs, infusions, tinctures)

Tinctures, herbs and mixtures can be bought at almost any pharmacy, and they are dispensed without a doctor's prescription. The effect of use occurs no earlier than after a week of stable use (1-2 times a day, depending on the product).

As a rule, all herbal preparations have less harmful effects on the human body, and the results remain for a long time. The most popular herbal sedatives are valerian, motherwort extract, peony extract, St. John's wort herb, and so on.

In our ranking, one of the first places is occupied by Valerian. According to customer reviews, Valerian does an excellent job of relieving the excitability of the nervous system and has a calming effect on it. It also helps with headaches, reduces cramps in the intestines and much more.

Drugs of synthetic origin and others

Long-term use of synthetic sedatives can cause addiction and numerous side effects. That is why we recommend consulting with your doctor before using them!

Synthetic drugs are also divided into 3 types:

  • Tranquilizers- psychotropic medications that relieve anxiety, fear and other similar symptoms in patients.
  • Neuroleptics- psychotropic drugs that effectively affect depression, delusions, hallucinations and the like.
  • Normotimics- drugs to stabilize mood.

Strong sedatives cause irreversible changes in the body, including the brain, if taken randomly or without medical supervision.

Sedatives without a prescription

Before purchasing medications, you should always consult your appropriate physician. Ignoring a trip to the doctor can lead to unwanted side effects and addiction.

Some people are accustomed to treating themselves, so many sedatives are available in pharmacies without a prescription. Will help you choose the right drug short description on our website.

Carefully study the composition, indications for use, method of application and side effects. These points will help you quickly get rid of symptoms and avoid complications.


Category Name Rating (based on user reviews) Price
The best sedatives for adults 4.9 / 5 270 ₽
4.6 / 5 40 ₽
4.8 / 5 190 ₽
4.6 / 5 220 ₽
4.9 / 5 140 ₽
4.3 / 5 160 ₽
4.2 / 5 350 ₽
4.7 / 5 270 ₽
5 / 5 70 ₽
The best sedatives for children 4.5 / 5 200 ₽
4.7 / 5 490 ₽

Sedatives for adults

Below are the most popular products for men and women according to customer reviews. Description, method of use and side effects taken from official sources.

Afobazol (Aphobazolum)

An effective remedy for combating anxiety and stress. Does not have any effect on memory, attention and muscle activity, does not cause drowsiness in patients or loss of concentration. The dose is prescribed to each person individually (on average 30 mg per day), and the course of treatment ranges from one week to a month. The effect of Afobazole can be seen after 5-7 days of daily use.

Indications for use: anxiety disorders, adjustment disorders, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, post-smoking disorder, etc. The drug is recommended for use by persons over 18 years of age.

pros :

  • Can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription.
  • Reduces anxiety, normalizes sleep, improves mood.
  • There is no “withdrawal syndrome” after use.
  • Not addictive.
  • Inexpensive.

Minuses :

  • Side effects.


The active ingredient is dry valerian extract. This drug is intended for direct effects on the central nervous system. It reduces nervous excitability, effectively fights insomnia, and helps with some disorders of the cardiovascular system. We recommend taking 1-2 Valerian tablets 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is individual in each case and is prescribed by the attending physician.

The drug copes with its task perfectly (normalizes the functioning of the nervous system). In order for the effect of the drug to become permanent, you need to drink the full course over several weeks.

Advantages :

  • An excellent remedy for insomnia.
  • Can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.
  • The effect comes quite quickly.
  • Plant origin.
  • Inexpensive.

Flaws :

  • Side effects.
  • Contraindicated for pregnant women.


Basic active ingredients in the drug Valemidin: valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, mint. Valerian and motherwort have a calming effect on the central nervous system. Hawthorn affects the cardiovascular system and normalizes the rhythm of the heartbeat. Mint dilates blood vessels, improving blood flow to the brain.

The drug perfectly helps with insomnia, stress, anxiety and the like. Herbal Ingredients The drug is well absorbed by the body. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, often the course is prescribed for 10-15 days.

Advantages :

  • Helps with sleep disorders and insomnia.
  • Preserves memory and concentration.
  • Convenient drip dispenser.
  • Plant origin.
  • Inexpensive.

Flaws :

  • Side effects.
  • Contains diphenhydramine.

Deprim forte

A sedative to improve the condition of the nervous system. The main active ingredient is the herb St. John's wort. Deprim Forte has a positive effect on brain activity, reduce emotional and physical fatigue, improves mood, improves sleep quality. The drug is also prescribed to people who suffer from hypersensitivity to weather changes.

Pros according to customer reviews :

  • Herbal medicine, active substance St. John's wort.
  • Helps relieve tension and fatigue.
  • Improves mood and sleep quality.
  • Helps people with weather sensitivity.
  • Inexpensive.

Minuses :

  • Side effects.


Motherwort tincture is a mild sedative that helps calm nerves and relieve stress. In addition, this drug is recommended for the treatment of a number of other diseases (asthma, shortness of breath, flatulence, and so on). It contains essential oils, tannins, flavonoids.

Due to its composition, the medicinal plant helps lower blood pressure, normalize heart rate, and has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

Advantages :

  • A good sedative for little money.
  • Natural drug.
  • Effectively helps against a number of diseases.
  • Has a mild sedative effect.

Flaws :

  • Not found.


The drug is used by patients with increased feelings of anxiety, constant irritability, stress, and the like. This remedy does not have a sedative effect on the body (does not cause drowsiness or fatigue), and it can be used with other medications.

The drug affects the processes of “excitation-inhibition”, which means that it does not depress the nervous system. After using Tenoten, the effect lasts for one month.

Benefits according to user reviews :

  • Does not cause drowsiness or inhibition of reactions.
  • Increases mood, performance, improves quality of life.
  • No alcohol.
  • Not addictive.
  • For children and teenagers there is Tenoten for children.

Flaws :

  • Side effects.


Persen is a herbal sedative that contains valerian, lemon balm and peppermint. These components help cope with stress, anxiety, insomnia and decreased attention. If you take the pills during the day, you will not feel drowsy. After completing the course of treatment, patients do not experience “withdrawal syndrome”.

You should be careful when taking Persen with other medications, as it enhances the effect of sleeping pills and other drugs that affect the central nervous system.

pros :

  • Contains components of natural origin.
  • It relieves irritability and anxiety well.
  • Helps to fall asleep in case of insomnia (does not cause drowsiness during the day).
  • Suitable for adults and children (from 12 years old).
  • Inexpensive.

Minuses :

  • Side effects.


One of the most popular sedatives is Novo-passit. It contains 7 medicinal plants and the semi-synthetic component guaifenesin. Thanks to such a diverse composition, Novo-passit is successfully used for a wide range of indications. This medicine calms and relieves anxiety after the first use. The drug can be used once.

Novo-Passit is suitable for adults and children over 12 years old. According to the manufacturer, this drug is prescribed for the following complaints: “manager's syndrome”, fear, fatigue, anxiety, stress, gastrointestinal problems, some types of insomnia.

Advantages :

  • Effectively fights stress and anxiety.
  • Wide range of indications (insomnia, migraines, gastrointestinal diseases).
  • It begins to act after the first dose.
  • Wide range, you can choose packaging of any size.
  • Inexpensive.

Flaws :

  • Side effects.

Phytosedan No. 2 and No. 3

Phytosedan is a multi-component collection that contains only natural herbs (valerian, motherwort, oregano, thyme). Used mainly to treat increased excitability, sleep disorders and arterial hypertension.

After using a sedative, there is no drowsiness, but you need to be careful when engaging in dangerous activities. Despite the combination of various herbs, tea has a pleasant taste and aroma.

Advantages :

  • Has a mild calming effect.
  • Consists of 100% natural ingredients.
  • Low price for packaging.
  • Pleasant taste and smell.
  • Packaged release form, convenient to brew.

Flaws :

  • Not found

Sedatives for children

For children, it is very important to choose a natural product that will have a mild soothing effect. Below we will look at the best sedatives for children, according to customer reviews.


This medicine has a positive effect metabolic processes in nerve cells. The drug helps reduce tension, anxiety, and fear. It is also recommended to use for insomnia and nightmares. For the treatment of tics, stuttering and enuresis in children.

Under the influence of the active substance phenibut, attention, memory, and the speed of sensory-motor reactions improve. Absorption of the drug is high. User reviews about medicine mostly positive.

Advantages :

  • Quickly has a calming effect after administration.
  • Relieves insomnia and anxiety.
  • Improves attention and memory.
  • Relatively low price.
  • Helps with severe excitability in a child.

Flaws .

If there is a need to relax and quickly calm the nervous system, a person resorts to the help of medicine. Modern pharmacology claims to have a number of reliable medications that really help you find peace of mind. All that remains is to find out from your doctor which sedative is the most effective and safe.

Sedatives for the adult nervous system

When choosing a reliable medicine for nerves, the first step is to understand the cause of the internal imbalance. For example, some patients can take sedatives, while others cannot cope without the help of tranquilizers. Everything depends on the etiology of the pathological process, the internal characteristics of the body. There are plenty of fast-acting options at the pharmacy, most of them are available without a prescription, but this does not mean that superficial self-medication is appropriate.

For women

Representatives of the fairer sex are more likely to experience such emotional experiences as internal fear, causeless anger, panic, excessive fussiness and increased nervousness. To eliminate such unpleasant symptoms, you need to choose a potent drug to stabilize a shaken psyche. A neurologist will tell you the best sedative for women; below are good options in a given direction:

  1. Persen is a sedative of plant origin, produced in tablets and liquid form (syrup). It has a pleasant taste, affordable cost and quick action. female body. Works without side effects.
  2. Novopassit is a herbal preparation that helps overcome internal stress. It comes in tablets, is inexpensive, and works after the first dose. The natural composition is valerian, St. John's wort, lemon balm, hawthorn and hops.
  3. Afobazole is a potent anxiolytic, available in the form of white tablets. It costs an order of magnitude more than its “competitors”, but also has an unmistakable effect on the source of pathology. Take 1 pill three times a day, a sedative effect is guaranteed.

For men

Representatives of the stronger sex also know how to be nervous, and how. Just remember the situations on the road when obscene language comes from the car. Yes, there is also enough stress at work, you need to calm down. This requires an anti-stress drug that does not cause side effects of drowsiness and loss of concentration. The best sedative for men, including avid motorists, is the following:

  1. Tenoten is a good remedy for increased excitability, tendency to psychosis and hysteria. You need to take 2 pills per day in order to feel emotional balance within a couple of days. The course of therapy is up to 2 weeks.
  2. Teravit Antistress is a multivitamin complex with a mild effect on the excited nervous system. It acts without harm to health, additionally strengthens the immune system, and increases the body's resistance to stress.
  3. Atarax are tranquilizers for adults that help cope with internal fear, inferiority complex, and panic attacks. Prescribed for alcoholism in case of psychomotor agitation.

Sedatives for teenagers

During adolescence, the need for such medicines may arise. Before starting the course, you need to consult with a pediatric neurologist to determine the appropriate sedatives for the teenager’s nervous system. The main evaluation criteria are high efficiency, safety, long-lasting effect. Here are the best examples:

  1. Herbion (plantain syrup) is a homeopathic cough remedy that can be used to calm the nervous system after a long illness. The cough reflex becomes less intense, the patient calms down mentally and sleeps better.
  2. Glycine is combination drug to improve memory, which is especially important in adolescence. In addition, the tablets are a powerful sedative, and their use eliminates cases of overdose and side effects. Many students drink them. Find out what others are out there and how to take them.
  3. Phytosedan is a homeopathic sedative collection, which contains herbs that relax smooth muscles. It is advisable to take the drink at night to regulate the sleep phase and gain emotional calm.

Sedatives for the child's nervous system

Mental problems in childhood are difficult to avoid, so parents should always “keep their finger on the pulse,” and if there are prerequisites for early psychosis or hysteria, on the recommendation of a doctor and instructions, immediately give a sedative for children. It is important to be selective when choosing medications for a small patient, but still give preference to homeopathy. Pediatric neurologists recommend the following excellent sedatives:

  1. Valerian or motherwort are soothing decoctions that inhibit the passage of a nerve impulse. This means that an acute reaction to everything that happens is pushed into the background, the child behaves calmly.
  2. Phenibut is a harmless sedative approved for use in children. Successfully treats internal fear, anxiety, normalizes sleep, eliminates the causes of stuttering. Available in tablet form, a single dose depends on the patient’s age - from 50 to 250 ml.
  3. Nervoheel - calming tablets for nerves, harmless in childhood. Prescribed by a neurologist, they are not addictive, and are allowed even during breastfeeding. They will help relieve stress within a quarter of an hour after consuming a single dose.


There are several pharmacological groups that offer good sedative tablets at different prices. These can be representatives of homeopathy, sedatives, nootropics, even tranquilizers. The differences are therapeutic effect and the final result that the patient expects after taking it. It is necessary to study each group separately in more detail.

For depression and neurosis

  1. Tenoten – relieves stress, removes internal anxiety. Sedatives for depression are available in tablets and alcohol solution.
  2. Persen is a herbal anti-anxiety drug, take 2-3 tablets three times a day, regardless of meals.
  3. Afobazol – a tranquilizer in the form of small tablets white. 1 pill three times a day for a two-week course.

For stress, do not cause drowsiness

  1. Quattrex is a tranquilizer. Removes mental turmoil, increases physical activity, improves the psychological indicators of the body.
  2. Adaptol is a sedative for stress that does not cause melancholy and drowsiness. The name matches it pharmacological properties.
  3. Nervoflux is a herbal collection that invigorates and tones an organic resource, has an affordable price and herbal ingredients.

Without prescriptions

  1. Afobazole is a tranquilizer with an average price of 450-500 rubles. It works powerfully and you don’t need a prescription to buy it at the pharmacy.
  2. Phenibut is a compromise option at a cheap price - 150-200 rubles. The drug is effective and eliminates mental disorders any age.
  3. Valocordin is a strong over-the-counter sedative that is available in the form of drops for oral administration. It is better not to violate daily doses; the patient’s weight is taken into account when prescribing.

For stress and anxiety

  1. Atarax is the best tranquilizer for anxiety states, which helps get rid of anxiety, insomnia, blues and stress. You need to drink 1 pill three times a day.
  2. Grandaxin is a sedative that helps with mental disorders, physical weakness and emotional instability. There are restrictions in the instructions.
  3. Glycine is a harmless sedative tablet that helps relieve stress, anxiety and nervous tension already on the third day of daily use. Allowed for children, pregnant and lactating women.

On herbs

  1. Neuroplant is a herbal medicine that eliminates signs of depression. If you drink single dose, a sedative effect and a feeling of detachment immediately sets in.
  2. Dormiplant is an analogue tablet provided that an acute allergic reaction develops to the active components of the predecessor.
  3. Deprim are herbal sedative tablets that effectively fight bad mood, depression, blues and apathy, remove the symptoms of VSD.

From panic attacks

  1. Phenazepam - tablets for panic attacks, prescribed for exacerbation of phobias, hypochondriacal symptoms and nightmares.
  2. Gidazepam is a daytime tranquilizer that can be taken while driving. Helps you concentrate well and better adapt to road conditions.

For irritability and nervousness

  1. Perselac joins the list of herbal medicines with sedative and hypnotic effects. Relieves insomnia and calms an extremely irritated nervous system.
  2. Motherwort Forte – natural preparation, which can even prevent a nervous breakdown. It has a convenient release form - tablets for irritability and nervousness; you can prepare a decoction.
  3. Magnelis – prevention for the nervous system, enrichment of cells with valuable microelements and minerals, nourishment of the brain.

Cheap sedatives

Good medicines mean expensive... This is a wrong opinion, given the price of individual sedatives. Inexpensive sedatives can be selected from the catalog, ordered and purchased in the online store. If the possibilities of the virtual web are not available, the pharmacy also has acceptable budget options for everything age categories. This:

  • Motherwort;
  • Valerian;
  • Glycine;
  • Morozov drops;
  • Zelenin drops.

Mild sedatives

Alcohol tinctures valerian and hawthorn are leaders in all ratings, because the price is not intimidating, and there is no doubt at all about the high effectiveness of these sedatives. In children and the elderly, it is better to use a decoction or tablets. There are other mild sedatives with a mild effect: among these are Magne B6 (injections or tablets) and Glycine.

Folk remedies for nerves and stress

When wondering what to drink to quickly calm down, it’s time to remember alternative medicine and its capabilities. Folk remedies for nerves and stress are no less effective than medications, especially since there are fewer side effects. For example, for internal calm, you can drink tea with chamomile, mint and lemon balm, not forgetting the beneficial properties of linden blossom.


The list of drugs is huge, but many patients are interested in the price. I would like to choose a reliable, good, but inexpensive product to avoid significant financial waste. The price of a good sedative may not be significant, but, in any case, you need to discuss your purchase with a neurologist. Below is a table where the prices for medications are quite reasonable.


At the end of the last century, there was a saying that stress was a disease of the 20th century. The 21st century has arrived, but nothing has changed. As before, “all diseases are caused by nerves”: the pace of life is accelerating, demands are increasing, fatigue is increasing. Pharmacology also does not stand still, offering new and new sedatives. To help you understand this diversity, we offer our rating of sedatives. Only over-the-counter drugs are included in the rating.

You need to know that most sedative medications “reach their maximum” within one to two weeks after starting use. Therefore, there is no need to rush and exceed the dosage specified in the instructions, even if at first it seems that the medicine “does not work.”

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

The best products of synthetic origin

No matter how many people are prejudiced against “chemistry”, everything that happens inside the body is, by and large, just a complex chemical reactions and physical interactions. And the more scientists learn about these reactions and interactions, the more accurately and targeted the drugs work. In this section we included both achievements of pharmaceutical synthesis and drugs that could be called natural if a synthetic substance were not added to them to enhance the effect.

4 Tryptophan Calm Formula

A popular drug with a controversial reputation
Country Russia
average price: 254 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

We start our review with capsules Russian production"Tryptophan Calm Formula" from the Evalar brand. The unique mechanism of action of the amino acid that gives the drug its name allows it to fully influence the human body both day and night, helping to normalize the psycho-emotional background and improve the quality of sleep. Enhanced with vitamins B5 and B6, L-tryptophan helps to quickly cope with nervousness, reduces aggressiveness and irritability, and also reduces the adaptation period when changing time zones. For best results this remedy It is recommended to take 1 capsule twice a day for 1 month. If necessary, after a short break, the course can be repeated (after consultation with the doctor).

In their reviews, many users note the good effects of the drug, but there are also those who did not feel the expected effect at all. Due to such mixed reviews, we leave “Tryptophan Calm Formula” on last place in its category of the best sedatives.

3 Valemidin

The best combination action product
Country Russia
Average price: 115 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Another drug that could be called herbal if diphenhydramine were not added to it as a sedative component. However, its dosage is such as to only potentiate the effect of the extracts medicinal herbs. In addition to valerian and mint, known for their calming properties, the product contains extracts of motherwort and hawthorn, which lower blood pressure. We would not recommend replacing antihypertensive drugs with this drug for “experienced” hypertensive patients, but for relatively young people who note high blood pressure under stress (previously this condition was called neurocirculatory dystonia or cardiovascular dystonia), it can help. In addition, both hawthorn and mint relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, so this remedy may be the best for those who suffer from “bear sickness” due to stress or simply feel discomfort in the stomach.

Contraindicated during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, under 18 years of age, hypotensive patients (may further reduce blood pressure).

2 Valoserdin

Best economy
Country Russia
Average price: 75 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

This composition has been around for many years, and our grandmothers used it. Bromoisovaleric acid ethyl ester, peppermint and oregano oils dissolved in alcohol. Phenobarbital, a known hypnotic, is added in a dose below therapeutic, but sufficient to potentiate the effect of herbal sedatives. When used correctly in doses not exceeding those specified in the instructions (from 15 to 30 drops no more than 3 times a day), the drug is not addictive. However, phenobarbital in its composition enhances the effect of not only plant extracts, but also any sedatives and reduces the effect of tonics. In addition, it reduces the effect of antibiotics and contraceptives. Contraindicated during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, and under 18 years of age. In general, valoserdin is inexpensive, quite effective, despite its advanced age, and quite safe remedy, which, based on its combined merits, received a place in our ranking.

Signs of depression: if you find yourself with 5 or more symptoms from the following list that do not go away for 2 or more weeks - see a doctor immediately!

  • Bad mood;
  • altered sleep: intermittent, restless, with early awakening;
  • hobbies disappeared, previously interesting things became uninteresting;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • it is difficult to choose from several options and make a decision;
  • lethargy, lethargy;
  • constant feeling of guilt, own uselessness;
  • it is difficult to “get moving”, apathy;
  • change in appetite: loss of desire to eat or constant “eating”

1 Afobazole

Optimal combination of effectiveness and safety
Country Russia
Average price: 378 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Calms, reduces anxiety, normalizes the neuropsychic state when trying to quit smoking or “quit” alcohol, during PMS. Improves sleep if problems falling asleep are caused by unpleasant thoughts. It is combined with alcoholic drinks, which allows you not to attract undue attention to yourself at family and friendly celebrations. Do not take during pregnancy, breastfeeding and under 18 years of age. Due to the fact that the tablets contain lactose as an auxiliary component (filler), they should not be used by people who are intolerant to this substance. In general, this is an extremely small list of contraindications for a sedative, so Afobazol takes a worthy place in our rating for its combination of effectiveness and safety.

The best herbal products

No matter how effective modern pharmacology, there are also many fans of traditional herbal remedies. This has its own logic: the effect of herbal medicines is usually milder, often such drugs have a wider age range and a smaller list of possible side effects. However, it must be remembered that herbal products are more allergenic than synthetic ones: herbs never contain only one active ingredient, and the more complex the composition, the higher the likelihood of allergies. Herbal medicine is, in principle, contraindicated for those suffering from any allergic pathology, from hay fever to bronchial asthma. Many, of course, ignore this rule, and undesirable consequences do not always occur, but we are obliged to warn.

4 Positive

Multi-component herbal complex to support the nervous system
Country Russia
Average price: 660 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The natural plant complex “Positive” is intended to stabilize the nervous system under conditions of increased psycho-emotional stress. Helps to remain calm in particularly difficult situations, eliminates feelings of groundless anxiety, improves sleep at night and mood during the day. The product contains a number of effective natural extracts - ginseng root, Eleutherococcus senticosus and Ginkgo biloba, which have mild antidepressant and tonic properties.

“Positive” is produced in the form of small gelatin capsules, which should be taken in the morning with meals. The course of treatment is at least 14 days. A repeat course is possible after a 1-2 month break. There are no strict contraindications to taking dietary supplements, however, in case of serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure or while expecting a child, it is better to avoid using this drug.

3 Motherwort Forte Evalar

Mild sedative + restorative
Country Russia
Average price: 291 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

One of the most popular and time-tested natural sedatives based on motherwort extract has not only a sedative, but also a general strengthening effect on the body. One Motherwort Forte tablet from the Evalar company contains a daily dose of magnesium carbonate and vitamin B6, which helps to quickly relieve the feeling emotional stress, removes anxiety and irritability. In addition, the drug helps to gently reduce blood pressure, strengthens the heart muscle and acts as a gentle muscle relaxant. The undoubted “advantage” of the drug is that it is not addictive even with a long period of therapy.

The recommended dosage (unless the attending physician has prescribed another prescription) is 1-2 tablets. per day, taken with meals. Contraindications include pregnancy, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, as well as erosive gastritis in the acute stage. Sold without a prescription.

2 Persen

The best natural sleeping pill
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 360 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The composition of this product is traditional and simple: extract of valerian, lemon balm and peppermint. However, this combination, judging by reviews, is very effective as a sleeping pill. But you need to use it during the day with caution, especially if you drive a car: side effects such as lethargy and lethargy are possible, which, however, are characteristic of any valerian-based product. However, for adults, the choice of sedatives that do not affect the reaction is quite large, but the fact that the drug can be used by children starting from the age of three is an undoubted advantage of this medicine, making it the best in its category.

1 Novo-passit

The best remedy with anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effect
Country: Czech Republic
Average price: 206 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

It would seem that this remedy has a place among synthetic drugs due to the presence of guaifenesin in it. Like diphenhydramine, which was developed as an antiallergic drug and is now used primarily as a sleep aid and sedative, guaifenesin was patented in 1012 as an antitussive drug and is now used as an anxiety reliever. However, the substance is of natural origin and is extracted from the bark of the guaiac tree, which allowed Novopassit to take its place in the ranking as the best herbal preparation with an anxiolytic effect. Because its main components are entirely natural: rhizomes and roots of valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort, hawthorn, passionflower, hops, elderberry. Contraindications include age under 12 years, allergy to the components of the drug. A relative contraindication is pregnancy.

The best homeopathic remedies

Official science considers homeopathy ineffective - a recent verdict of a commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences recognized it as a pseudoscience. However, these remedies also have their fans, which prompted us to highlight the most famous homeopathic sedatives in a separate section of the rating. Without discussing issues of effectiveness, we can say that at least a homeopathic medicine cannot cause harm.

4 Calm Tablets

The most affordable sedative homeomedicine for adults
Country Russia
Average price: 81 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

A sedative for adults with the self-explanatory name “Calm” is available in the form of sublingual tablets that can be taken without drinking water. This inexpensive homeomedicine is prescribed for increased excitability of the central nervous system, irritability, insomnia, frequent migraines, as well as neuroses accompanying cardiovascular disorders. Not addictive. “Calm” should be taken in the morning, a quarter of an hour before breakfast, without chewing or swallowing. Daily dose – 1 tablet for 1-2 months. At stressful situations It is recommended to make the intake more frequent, but not more than 3 times a day.

This drug should not be used to treat children under 18 years of age. It is also contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. Patients with congenital lactase deficiency - with caution. The average price for homeopathic tablets “Calm” does not exceed 90 rubles, which allows us to call this remedy the best in terms of affordability in its category.

3 Homeostresses

An effective sedative, but there are contraindications
Country: France
Average price: 373 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

French lozenges “Homeostres” based on the herb belladonna and borax capillaria (also known in our country as “wolfsroot”) are a multicomponent homeopathic medicine to combat anxiety, irritability and insomnia. The drug has a fairly strong effect on the nervous system, so it has a limited period of administration - no more than one week. Maximum daily norm makes up 6 tablets, which are recommended to be slowly dissolved in the mouth, 2 pieces at a time. three times a day.

It should be noted that the composition, in addition to active substances, includes lactose and sucrose. Therefore, people with high blood sugar levels (diabetics of the 1st and 2nd types), as well as those who have been diagnosed with hypolactasia, should use Homeostres with extreme caution. The drug is prescribed only to adult patients. It is contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women.

2 Rescue Remedy spray

"First aid" for stress. The most convenient way to use
Country: UK
Average price: 1293 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Action homeopathic remedy produced by British pharmaceutical company A. Nelson & Co. Limited is based on Bach flower homeopathy - a branch of alternative therapy that helps the body during nervous overstrain. In Russia, the brand’s drugs have undergone mandatory registration by the Ministry of Health, so their use is officially permitted.

Thanks to its non-standard form release, sublingual spray "Rescue Remedy" has the most quick action, which is especially important for restoring the emotional background in stressful situations. Available in bottles of 10 and 20 ml. Recommended daily dose– at least 4 sprays per day. The composition includes grape alcohol, so the spray is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age. No particular effect of small doses of the drug on drivers or workers in other areas requiring increased attention was identified. According to user reviews, Rescue Remedy is an effective “ambulance” that can save our nervous system in moments of difficult circumstances.

1 Tenoten

Best homeopathic sedative
Country Russia
Average price: 217 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

According to the instructions, the drug has antidepressant, antiasthenic (reduces fatigue) and anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effects. Also, according to the manufacturer, the product strengthens the central nervous system, improves attention and memory and increases the body's resistance to stress. Approved for use in children over 3 years of age.

The best soothing herbal teas

Use herbal infusions to relieve feelings of tension, anxiety and sleep problems is one of the most ancient ways to strengthen “frayed” nerves. Despite the fact that these drinks are completely natural and contain only plant extracts, it should be remembered that in case of overdose they can cause serious pathologies requiring urgent hospitalization. Therefore, before taking any soothing herbal teas, be sure to consult with your doctor so as not to cause further harm to your health.

3 Herbal tea “Calming with lemon balm”

Inexpensive, natural, broad-spectrum herbal mixture
Country Russia
Average price: 152 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Since ancient times, lemon balm has been considered one of the most effective plants for treatment. various pathologies nervous system. Tea with this aromatic herb has a mild sedative effect and also relieves muscle spasms (for example, during critical days among women). Herbal infusion with lemon balm is indicated for men with erectile dysfunction, its correct intake has a beneficial effect on reproductive function and reduces increased sexual excitability.

In addition to the main component, the herbal collection includes mint leaves, motherwort, hop fruit, valerian root, rose hips and hawthorn. This contraindication herbal preparation has practically no effect, but it should be used with caution by people with a tendency to allergic reactions on herbs. “Herbal tea with lemon balm” goes on sale in the form of dry raw materials in 75 g bags. To prepare one serving, 1 table is enough. spoons of crushed plants, brewed with a glass of boiling water.

2 Phytosedan

An excellent herbal remedy as part of complex therapy
Country Russia
Average price: 76 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The soothing collection “Fitosedan” is available in disposable filter bags, which should be brewed with boiling water and drunk half a glass twice a day before meals. It is recommended to take the drug for a course of 2-4 weeks; if repeated treatment is necessary, consultation with a doctor is required. Part natural remedy includes motherwort herb (almost half of the total volume), 20% hop cones, 15% leaves peppermint and the same amount of valerian root. All these medicinal plants are distinguished by their ability to reduce the excitability of the central nervous system and have a moderate sedative and antispasmodic effect.

As part of complex therapy, the collection helps to effectively combat increased irritability and neuroses. However, when long-term use and non-compliance with dosages, “Fitosedan” can provoke a decrease in psychomotor reactions and loss of concentration, which should be taken into account by those who spend a lot of time behind the wheel.

1 Enerwood Valery tea drink

The best combination of pleasant taste and benefits for the body
Country Russia
Average price: 330 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Teas and natural drinks from Enerwood are well known to many followers healthy image life and those who prefer to maintain good health with the help of “gifts of nature.” Calming tea drink Valery optimally combines taste and benefits. It contains herbs that have long been known for their mild sedative effect - motherwort and chamomile, and thanks to the addition of cinnamon and pieces of dried apples, the tea acquires an incredibly pleasant and bright aroma. The raw materials underlying this herbal remedy, is characterized by environmental safety and a high concentration of useful substances, as it was collected at the peak of its biological activity.

According to reviews, Valery tea promotes more sleep soundly, relieves nervous tension, and also helps to maintain adequacy and calm in stressful situations (for example, during checks at work or exams at an educational institution). For manifestation maximum effect The course of taking the herbal mixture should range from 10 days to 2 months.