Scheme of staging leeches for various diseases. Practice of hirudotherapy (treatment with medical leeches) and setting points

Hirudotherapy is a treatment with medical leeches used for staging throughout the course according to a certain scheme. Various staging points are used for treatment with leeches, most often these places are determined by the doctor individually. The modern practice of treatment with the help of hirudotherapy allows a combination of different schemes, depending on the level of slagging of the body. Proper treatment with leeches is possible only in a specialized clinic under the constant supervision of a specialist. You should not hope that the treatment of diseases with leeches at home will give a pronounced therapeutic effect. The fact is that during the course of therapy, the doctor uses not only hirudotherapy, but also other ways to restore the patient's health.

The course of treatment with hirudotherapy

You need to start the course of treatment with the help of hirudotherapy with detoxification and total cleansing of the body. For treatment with leeches, the points are determined by the doctor in accordance with the diagnosis. The biggest secret. Want to leave no traces of leeches? Put only 2 pcs. in the navel and 2 pcs. on the coccyx until they begin to fall off after 40 minutes. After that, you can put on any hypochondrium or lower abdomen - the bites will pass quickly and without a trace. If you don’t care if traces remain and you need a result as soon as possible, stick to the general course.

Two leeches in the navel. It is this first setting that Konstantin Vasilievich Sukhov recommends - a doctor, candidate of medical sciences, a hirudotherapist with great practical experience. The play “kills two birds with one stone.” First, a partial cleansing of the liver begins - a large (portal) vein goes from the navel to the liver, and all the saliva of the leech goes immediately to the liver. Secondly, such a setting makes it possible to estimate the number of set-top boxes for the next sessions. If the blood flowed for 3-4 hours, you can put 4-5 pcs. If 20-24 hours - until no more than 2-3.

Since the first two or three sessions usually take a long time to bleed, we don’t set much. The first session is a trial. There is a process of adaptability of the body to the leech saliva, so the blood will flow the longest - sometimes up to 24 hours - this is normal. The more it leaks, the more it will be replaced, the cleaner it will become. Don't worry - not much will flow out - two-thirds - it's just lymph, stained with blood.

You will even miss the donor's blood donation rate, and after all, donors are usually strong healthy people precisely due to blood replacement. Do not scratch the bites with dirty hands and make sure that a slightly healed wound does not injure a bra strap or a trouser belt - it can become inflamed. Of course, this is not scary - even if the bite fester, which happens very rarely and only with your "participation", wear a bandage with Vishnevsky's ointment for two or three days, everything will heal (change it in the morning and evening). But it is better not to bring it to inflammation - rinse the bites with water, blot with a towel or napkin and grease with something. If you get to the place of possible injury with clothing, cover the bite with a band-aid for two or three days until it heals. In pharmacies there are so-called "postoperative" patches - take a few of the smallest ones - they hold up well and will not go astray under the elastic band.

Look at the points for setting leeches in the photo, which shows the main localizations for effective exposure with the help of hirudotherapy:

The course and scheme of treatment with leeches

The scheme of treatment with leeches is such that first the body is cleansed and the blood is filtered, and then the recovery mechanisms are launched. For treatment with medicinal leeches, the same places are used, so they require special care. As a rule, the course of treatment with leeches includes at least 10-12 sessions. As soon as the bites close, rinse these places with tap water or take a shower, then lubricate with an asterisk, Gistan cream or Boro-plus so that it does not itch. According to reviews, the Vietnamese asterisk balm helps best - you can use it or the gel with leech saliva as often as you like. Over time, the bites will bleed for no more than an hour and practically do not itch.

Severe itching, as well as swelling or bruising during treatment with leeches, indicate the presence of congestion in this area - this happens more often in the first sessions and practically does not happen in the second or third courses of hirudotherapy. For many people, bites do not itch at all, do not bleed much and do not bring any inconvenience - immediately after setting, people go about their business and do not smear these places with anything.

Look at the effects of treatment with leeches in the photo, which shows wounds after bites and their condition depending on the slagging of the patient's body:

Schemes and suction points of leeches for hirudotherapy

We use suction points of leeches behind the ears and around the head if necessary. If the patient has no problems with the vessels of the head, and intracranial pressure, this is not necessary. However, with tinnitus, headaches, high blood pressure, etc., it will be invaluable help and you can put leeches on these zones several times. In hirudotherapy, the suction points of leeches behind the ears of leeches are located on the mastoid processes. These are the bones behind the ears. They are large - in fact, these are the bones of the skull. Feel behind the ear - the bone in the form of a triangle - just behind the ear has a descent, then an ascent to the skull. We put the leech on the lowest part of this triangle, stepping back about 1-2 cm from the auricle. This zone is approximately 1 cm above the earlobe.

Important addition: we put leeches behind the ears on the mastoid processes at a constant high pressure (also at normal or low), but not at a jump! With high pressure surges, we don’t put them by the ears. In these cases, placing leeches on suction points according to the scheme on the 6-7th cervical vertebrae will help remarkably (lower your chin to your chest as much as possible and feel the spine in the neck - the highest point is the 6-7th cervical vertebrae) and 1-2 on the coccyx It will get easier right away. With tinnitus or dizziness, you will have to go through this area several times in order to properly clean the vessels. Hirudotherapy schemes and suction points of leeches in vascular cerebral pathologies may be different, it all depends on the patient's condition.

With the deposition of salts in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "withers", it is possible to combine the use of these points for setting leeches with the work of a massage therapist - as soon as the volume in this place began to decrease, the pressure returned to normal and no longer increased. If there is no possibility of massage and there are no hernias, just several times a day, gently, without jerking, rotate your head - circular movements, trying to tilt your head as deep as possible to your chest and as close to your back as possible when rotating back. Exercises in combination with hirudotherapy (leech treatment) help increase blood flow - it clears up not only in the head, even vision improves. If you experience pain during exercise or the intensity of headaches increases, go for a cervical check and let him work with an osteopath.

In the same area there are many lymph nodes. If they are clogged and do not function actively enough, after the first setting, 1-2 lymph nodes may swell. There is no need to be afraid of this - on the contrary, it is wonderful that they will return to normal and begin to function normally. So you are ready for the coming winter: the tonsils will no longer swell like that, and flu and colds will pass much faster and without complications. With frequent colds and ailments, the lymph nodes do not have time to process pathogenic microorganisms and cleanse themselves. Leeches clean the lymphatic system remarkably, but at the very first setting, when they increase the activity of the lymph node and lift all the dirt that has accumulated in it for quite a long time, it may increase slightly. Check the lymph nodes again in two weeks: if they have not returned to normal - repeat the setting around the head and on the 6-7th cervical vertebrae, connect the lymphogenous phyto-collection - everything will be cleared and will pass.

The scheme of points for setting leeches for hirudotherapy on the stomach

In the pelvic region, i.e., in the lower abdomen, the reproductive organs are concentrated in women. If you have constant pain in the lower abdomen, it is quite difficult to determine what it is. You should immediately contact a gynecologist for further examination. Constant pulling pain can be a symptom of an ovarian tumor or inflammation of the uterus, and these serious diseases require diagnosis - you need to understand what we will work with. Many gynecologists themselves advise taking a course of hirudotherapy, especially for intractable diseases.

Hirudotherapy copes with cystosis and polycystosis, fibroids, fibromas, endometriosis, especially in an unopened form. Hirudotherapists successfully treat tubal infertility if there was no surgical intervention. In domestic medicine, this disease is considered almost hopeless, and surgery rarely solves the problem. Points for leeches in this case are located in the inguinal zone and in the coccyx area.

After ten sessions of hirudotherapy with the use of suitable points for setting leeches, the patency of the fallopian tubes is completely restored, as well as the epithelium lining the inner surface of the tube. The risk of ectopic pregnancy is significantly reduced. Before conception, it is good to take a course of hirudotherapy - men will be provided with normal spermatogenesis, and women will prepare the uterus and body for a good pregnancy and the appearance of a healthy baby. To date, many confirmed cases of complete cure of infertility have been accumulated, even with congenital pathology of the development of the reproductive apparatus.

When the pulling pain is accompanied by uncharacteristic discharge from the genital tract, we can talk about a sexual infection. The discharge can be bloody, purulent, cheesy, yellowish in color, and also have an unpleasant odor. It is better to take the necessary tests to determine the cause of the pain. In this case, we combine hirudotherapy with spirintsev according to Snegirev and a visit to the doctor. The scheme of points for setting leeches for gynecological diseases may include the location along the groin, in the pubis, sacrum and coccyx.

Just like in women, in men, the organs of the genitourinary system are located in the lower abdomen. Pain there can signal inflammation of the prostate, prostatitis, inflammation of the kidneys, the presence of a cyst, tumor, and other serious diseases. If pain is detected during palpation of the lower abdomen, be sure to go for an abdominal ultrasound so as not to work “blindly” and not to miss the development of a fast-moving disease.

More and more people get sick every year. After the restoration of the passage of urine, a sick person needs antibiotic therapy and improvement of blood microcirculation. Nothing does this better than hirudotherapy. With proper treatment, you can achieve a complete absence of relapses. Even if a person applied late and has a complication after pyelonephritis - wrinkling of the kidney or, leeches will reduce fibrous processes in the kidney, increase the outflow of urine. The same goes for . Today, many young and almost all older men suffer from it. Moreover, during its treatment, treatment by heating and physical methods is contraindicated for many. Leeches in this case become not only effective, but also the only possible method of treatment. They relieve inflammation and pain characteristic of prostatitis, relieve difficult urination, restore blood circulation in the small pelvis and prostate, eventually turning into a means of solving many male problems. By improving blood circulation in the genitals, leeches successfully increase and improve the quality of potency both with excessively long erections and with insufficient ones.

Hirudotherapy course for problem areas

That's the whole system - the general course is over. After that, we work with problem areas. If the knees hurt or the ankles swell ~ we put it alternately on the area between the toes - 1-2 cm from the beginning of the fingers, then - the knee and the third setting - the lumbar region - it is responsible for the legs. Then you can on the ankles. In severely neglected conditions, we repeat these three settings 2-3 times.

With various inflammatory processes, we put the leech on the area of ​​​​inflamed skin, adjacent areas or the projection of the organ. It is not necessary to put it directly on a wound, vein, eye, knot, etc. - a huge network of blood vessels branches from any place and organ - the saliva of a leech will remarkably "get" through the smallest capillaries to the right place and organ. Always look where the blood flow to the problem organ comes from, and be sure to work it out. For example, in case of problems with vision and blood vessels of the head - the upper part of the spine and only then the area of ​​​​the bone of the corner of the eye, and in gynecology we work with the entire small pelvis - the coccyx, sacrum, lower abdomen and, of course, the thyroid gland. It is important to understand that when working with a problematic organ or place, you must first go through a general course, and then work not only with the projection of the organ itself, but also with all adjacent and influencing zones, not forgetting about the route of blood transportation to this organ and the corresponding place in the spinal column. If immediate assistance is required, we alternate setting the general course with work around the organ or zone.

Leech heals almost everything, the question is in time. The wider the complex effect, the faster the desired relief and result will come, therefore, in parallel with the setting of leeches, restore the intestines, drink herbs and water, make movement a habit. Work in courses from 2 to 4 months with a break of 2-3 months, until the diagnosis is removed, and know that it is better to put extra leeches once more than to underdo it. However, it is not necessary, to put often and a lot - the body will not recover quickly anyway, and rough cleaning 7 is not the best way to improve well-being during our busy life - it is especially important not to rush at high pressure and when working with elderly patients.

See how the treatment with leeches is carried out on the video, which shows the basic methods of setting at certain points:

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Treatment with leeches is the key to perfect well-being, as well as getting rid of a variety of ailments that a person has been facing since the most ancient times.

There is no such person who would not always want to look healthy and strong, but in the modern world, this is not always possible.

If you do not want to take expensive drugs that have various negative effects on the body, you should study the question of how to put leeches at home.

Hirudotherapy performed independently is one of the methods of getting rid of various diseases that have been proven for many centuries.

To have a rough idea of ​​​​these natural healers, it is worth understanding what kind of leeches are. There are about four hundred species of them, and about a quarter of them live on the territory of the country in small reservoirs with fresh water.

Of the variety of leeches, not all are medicinal. To choose the right option, you should act only through special medical institutions and pharmacies.

The therapeutic effect of leeches is based on the fact that in the process of sticking to the skin and blood vessels of a person, they transfer more than 150 biological substances beneficial to health through their blood through their saliva.

As numerous studies have shown, scientists have identified a pattern that in the process of hirudotherapy, a person not only gets rid of certain diseases, but also immunity is significantly strengthened, recovery from certain pathologies comes much faster.

The most important thing is to know the points on the body where to put leeches and understand where they should not be put down.

It is essential that well-conducted hirudotherapy is not accompanied by side effects.. This method of therapy is used to treat a variety of diseases.

Among them are:

  • vegetovascular dystonia, with headache and pressure;
  • acquired and congenital heart defects;
  • joint diseases;
  • rheumatism;
  • atherosclerosis.

In addition, leeches have a great positive effect on infertility, as a rehabilitation after a stroke.

Hirudotherapy is often used in modern cosmetology for facial rejuvenation, the properties and actions of leeches help very well with wrinkles.

You can use this method of treatment for less complex diseases - with a cold, you can get rid of a cough with bronchitis and get significant relief from sinusitis.

Before starting hirudotherapy treatment at home, you should consult a doctor who will explain how to put leeches correctly, and also decide whether it is possible to put leeches during menstruation, since it all depends on the nature of the monthly cycle.

The main advantage of this form of treatment is that significant relief can be felt after only two or three sessions of hirudotherapy.

Hirudotherapy - how are leeches treated?

Those who wish to use leeches at home should purchase them from a pharmacy. For the reason that this is an ordinary living being, it must be kept in accordance with certain rules.

It should be a container made of glass, which is placed in a dark place.. If this rule is not followed, the leeches will die very quickly.

It is very important to check the general condition of leeches daily.. Normally, the creature curls up into a ball when lightly touched. Such leeches are suitable for use. If there is some lethargy, it is better not to use such leeches.

There are some rules that apply to the person who will undergo the course of treatment. immediately before the session, you do not need to overeat much, that is, fill your stomach with too satisfying food.

The skin should be cleanly washed, but without the use of various fragrances, as foreign odors can scare away leeches. This type of bloodsucking does not like smells, therefore they should not be not only on the body, but also in the room. For this reason, you should not use different fresheners.

Among the rules of the session itself, the following can be distinguished:

Each person has a different body, which is characterized by its individual characteristics. For this reason, the reaction to the procedure may be different.

If there is a slight itching, you need to refrain from combing it, there is nothing to be afraid of, since this is just a certain reaction of the body to treatment.

It is important to take into account that hirudotherapy performed at home is often accompanied by weakness and slight dizziness. For this reason, it is worth inviting someone close to you for the duration of the treatment event.

On average, the course of therapy should last from one month to one and a half. How often can you carry out the procedure at this time - every day, with the exception of certain ailments.

After the main treatment, maintenance therapy can be carried out, with a course in two or three days.

After the session, it is strictly forbidden to visit the bath. Even a shower can not be taken after treatment on the same day, only the next.

Features of the treatment of various diseases

The advantage of treatment with leeches is that at home, without the use of expensive and complex drugs, you can get rid of a large number of diseases. Here are the most popular of them and the rules for their treatment.

Diseases of this kind are based primarily on the strong slagging of blood vessels. Deposits on them can lead to a slowdown in the flow of blood through them and to even more increasing deposits.

To effectively clean the vessels, leeches should be applied to the following places:

  • projection area of ​​the heart;
  • next to diseased veins, if it is varicose veins;
  • temples and parietal tubercles;
  • area behind the ears and on the sacrum.

As a result of the impact of leeches on these parts of the body, the process of blood supply in the brain is significantly improved, the outflow of venous blood is completely restored, and various deposits in the spine are absorbed.

The saliva of leeches has the ability to dissolve various deposits on the walls of blood vessels, as well as thin the blood. All this has a positive effect on overall health.

Treatment of trophic ulcers

Leech therapy against this pathology is carried out if the person's sugar is completely stabilized. To improve the condition of the patient, leeches should be put on the coccyx area.

They saturate the blood with useful components, on the basis of which the metabolism in diabetes mellitus improves, which has a positive effect on the treatment.

If you apply leeches to the inflamed skin, their action will significantly accelerate the movement of lymph and its outflow from the affected area. This will automatically have a positive effect on the regeneration of the skin.

One or two courses of treatment are enough for the affected areas to become pink, firm, smooth and elastic.

To relieve inflammation and heal wounds, leeches should be placed directly on the inflamed areas, approximately 3-7 pieces each. The first few sessions are carried out every day, then you can carry out treatment every other day.

Leeches are able to provide indispensable assistance in the process of skin rejuvenation and wrinkle removal..

To achieve a general rejuvenating effect, leeches should be planted on biologically active points.

In order to quickly and effectively tighten the oval of the face, it is better to put bloodsuckers on the eyelid area, on the collar zone, behind the ears, under the jaw and between the eyebrows.

A feature of this therapy is that the procedures are carried out every other day, and in total up to 10 sessions of hirudotherapy may be required.

Already after the first two or three procedures, the skin condition improves significantly, the number of wrinkles is significantly reduced.

A large number of modern gynecological clinics use hirudotherapy in the treatment of diseases. Leeches are able to cope with such pathologies that can only be solved surgically.

Among the main diseases in which hirudotherapy can help, we can note:

  1. Resorption of cysts on the ovaries.
  2. Good for uterine fibroids.
  3. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  4. With prostatitis, leeches are also used.

It is impossible to completely shift the treatment of these diseases to hirudotherapy.. The therapy can only be used as a supplement or prophylaxis.

Leeches reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy and contribute to the bearing of a healthy baby. There are a large number of other female diseases that disappear after a course of hirudotherapy, for which they put leeches in the navel.

In men, sperm motility and overall sperm quality are significantly increased. Leeches in the process of treatment and prevention are planted on the sacrum or on the lower abdomen in an amount of approximately 2-5 pieces.

The total treatment time is a week. According to the doctor, the course can be repeated after a certain time.

These diseases are far from the only ones that can be effectively treated with leeches. Here are a few more common pathologies and places for placing bloodsuckers:

If you are interested in the question of where to put leeches for hemorrhoids, then experts note the possibility of putting them on the coccyx and sacrum.

In the process of treatment with leeches, it is important to remember that leeches are sensitive not only to smells, but also to the mood of a person. The internal mood is directly reflected in the activity of leeches.

Treatment with leeches should be carried out only in a good mood. This is important in order not to disturb the bioenergetics of the human field and to get the most positive result from the treatment.

To achieve the optimal result in the process of treatment with hirudotherapy, it is worth adhering to certain rules that relate to nutrition.

During treatment, you need to drink as much water as possible.

The use of hirudotherapy significantly improves the overall water exchange in the human body.

It is useful to drink tea on the leaves of nettle, which seriously cleanses the human blood.

It is advisable to include in the diet such healthy foods as:

  • beet juice;
  • mineral water with lemon juice;
  • oatmeal with pieces of dried apricots, bananas, raisins and apples.

A simple diet with hirudotherapy will bring an even greater effect if you exclude fried foods, sweets and spicy seasonings, as well as high-fat foods from the diet.

It is advisable to completely abandon bad habits - this is important not only for the duration of the course of hirudotherapy, but also for the rest of the time, for the whole life of a person who seeks to lead a healthy lifestyle and exclude various diseases from it.

Despite the universality of treatment and the positive effect produced, there are certain contraindications to the use of hirudotherapy.

Among them are:

Before treatment at home, you must first consult a specialist. It is important to decide how to put leeches for certain diseases, how much to keep and how many procedures can be carried out.

If certain rules are not followed, the treatment will not bring any benefit, but may cause adverse effects.

Particular attention should be paid to treatment during menstruation.. With the correct use of leeches and in the absence of contraindications, you can significantly improve your overall well-being and relieve pain.

Hirudotherapy is indicated for regular and not very heavy periods, but if there is heavy bleeding, this method of treatment should be abandoned.

What diseases do leeches help with?

Leeches help with many diseases associated with the formation of blood clots. These are thrombosis, and varicose veins in the legs, and some types of heart disease.

Hirudin is not the only medicinal substance in leech saliva. It contains a range of different enzymes and painkillers. This makes the saliva of the animal effective in skin diseases, menstrual disorders, sciatica and a number of other diseases.

Contraindications for the use of leeches

The use of leeches is contraindicated in low blood pressure, poor blood clotting (especially in hemophilia). You can not use leeches and anemia, pregnancy, individual sensitivity to the saliva of these animals.

Do not plant leeches on affected or dirty skin, and you should not treat those who are terribly afraid of these worms (especially if children suffer from a phobia).

Benefit and harm

The benefits of leeches today do not raise doubts among doctors: the effectiveness of hirudin has been proven, there is no better remedy for combating blood clots and congestion, blood thinning.

Video: treatment with leeches

Harm from the use of leeches may be associated with an overdose of hirudin, which will lead to bleeding, with excessive hypotension and wound infection.

But if, instead of medicinal leeches, you are given any other of dozens of species of these animals, then there will be no benefit, since the concentration of hirudin in the saliva of other types of leeches is much lower. Therefore, you need to contact only a trusted specialist, and it is desirable to be able to distinguish a medical leech yourself.

Leeches for varicose veins

Varicose veins occur due to a malfunction of the venous valves, the blood ceases to circulate normally from the bottom up through the veins. Blood stagnates, blood vessels dilate, inflammation begins.

For the treatment of varicose veins, leeches are planted precisely in places around the inflamed vein approximately at a distance of 1 cm from the vein (these are 1-2 leeches). Leeches immediately stick and begin to inject about a hundred biologically active substances into the blood.

Active substances that are injected under the skin, first of all, relieve the inflammatory process and stimulate blood flow in the smallest capillaries. As a result, the inflammation and swelling caused by varicose veins go away.

Hirudotherapy for varicose veins is effective only at the initial stage of the disease.

Application in gynecology

Today, few people will be surprised by hirudotherapy in gynecology.

In almost all progressive clinics, gynecologists resort to this method of treatment.

After all, leeches cure even those diseases that traditional domestic medicine can only cure by surgery, arguing that there is no alternative to treatment.

After four or five sessions hirudotherapy, it turns out that it is not necessary to resort to surgical methods of treatment. Diseases such as cysts, thanks to hirudotherapy, have become curable without removing the ovary. The same applies to various benign tumors. Hirudotherapy is contraindicated only in cases where you have leukemia, hemophilia, malignant tumor.

At home, it is not recommended to treat gynecological diseases, especially if they are associated with inflammatory processes. This is allowed only in rare cases and only after examination by specialists.

Basically, hirudotherapists are allowed to treat at home only in cases where the patient wants to undergo a course of hirudotherapy as a prophylaxis against inflammatory processes in the female pelvic organs and for chronic diseases.

Very popular course hirudotherapy in young families who want to conceive a healthy child.

In this case, both future parents undergo treatment.

Medical leeches improve the functioning of their organisms, reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy. The female body is prepared for a nine-month bearing of a healthy child without pathologies, and the male body is prepared for good spermatogenesis.

Often in gynecology it is enough to undergo a weekly course of treatment. To do this, use from two to five leeches. It all depends on the general condition of the patient, the disease and the setting of leeches.

put leeches usually on the lower abdomen or back in the region of the sacrum.


Reviews of the results of hirudotherapy are mostly positive. Here is some of them:

“I regularly take hirudotherapy courses. Every time I feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

“My mother-in-law regularly uses leeches. As a result, at 65, she looks no older than 50.”

“Leech treatment is a spectacle not for the faint of heart. They help, I don’t argue, but it’s unbearable to watch how little monsters are planted on you. ”

“They helped well with varicose veins, but there is a drawback - small scars remained at the bite sites.”


This led to the use of leeches for the treatment of diseases associated with the formation of blood clots or increased pressure. Those who have poor blood clotting or low blood pressure should not use leeches.

Currently, the effectiveness of medicinal leeches has been proven and scientifically substantiated.

The benefits of leeches during a hirudotherapy session: how it is carried out and how to properly prepare

Preparation for a hirudotherapy session begins with the fact that the day before the leech is placed, the patient is advised to give up tobacco, alcohol, spicy foods and perfumes.

Before the procedure, the place of the alleged bloodletting should simply be thoroughly wiped with cotton wool soaked in hot water. If there is such a need, then you can shave the place being prepared.

A hirudotherapy session consists in placing leeches on the skin at the site of the projection of the organ whose treatment is necessary.

For example, in case of liver diseases, the benefits of leeches will be higher if they are placed on the right hypochondrium, and in case of osteochondrosis, the greatest positive effect will be when annelids are placed mainly on those areas near the spine or tailbone, where the most painful sensations are concentrated.

Traditionally, from two to fifteen long-deprived leeches can be used in one session.

They are carefully, with tweezers or by hand, taken near the head end and lowered to the supposed place of suction.

To help this blood-sucking creature determine the place of the bite, there is such a method: you just need to carefully rub the selected point with an effort, this simple action causes increased blood circulation in a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, which becomes the most attractive for leeches.

At the end of the hirudotherapy session, having received all the benefits from leeches, the little healer must be disconnected. It is impossible to tear off a leech forcibly, otherwise, due to the many enzymes contained in its saliva, the wound will bleed heavily and hurt, which will harm and probably increase the disease. To do this, simply touch the leech with a cotton swab with alcohol, and it will fall off by itself. The wound is not lubricated with any drugs.

The effect of a medical leech on the body includes several reasons:

  • Reflexogenic component- leeches stick to biologically active points.
  • Mechanical component- physical extraction of blood, quite a long time.
  • Biological component- the leech injects its saliva, which contains many enzymes and biologically active substances.

As a result of all this, the benefits of leeches have been scientifically proven and are almost limitless for both women's and men's health. Thanks to hirudin, which is contained in the saliva of leeches and thins the blood, resorption of blood clots and adhesions is noted, which has found a great response in the treatment of varicose veins, postoperative conditions and gynecological diseases in women. It has an antimicrobial and analgesic effect.

Protease inhibitors, which stop tissue inflammation, are considered as a significant help in the treatment of prostatitis, arthritis, emphysema, and others.

But, although the benefits of leeches are great, it is necessary to remember about contraindications. These include hemophilia, pregnancy, malignant tumors, congenital incoagulability, anemia, hemorrhagic diathesis, low blood pressure, allergy to leeches.

What diseases are treated with leeches and reviews of treatment with leeches

No wonder they say that how many people, so many opinions. Reviews of treatment with leeches were no exception at all. But, after analyzing more than one hundred statements, we can derive an average idea of ​​​​hirudotherapy in our population:

  • For most people, leeches still cause a feeling of disgust, therefore, they often turn to this method of treatment only after all other methods have been tried and often do not give significant results.
  • The price for a full course of hirudotherapy conducted in the clinic bites no worse than that very leech.
  • Periodically, there are reviews that the disease, which they tried to get rid of during hirudotherapy sessions, did not go away, but working capacity, immunity and general well-being increased much better. Most likely this is due to the blood renewal of the body.
  • Along with positive reviews about self-treatment, such stories often pop up, at the end of which people who decided that they could do everything themselves had to seek qualified medical help. These are escaped leeches crawling into various openings of the body, and profuse bleeding that does not go away for more than a day, for example, when leeches are incorrectly planted in a vein, and a bite site covered with blisters due to allergic reactions, and so on. People who have survived all these horrors are strongly advised to use hirudotherapy exclusively under the supervision of a doctor!
  • The vast majority of reviews about leech treatment are written in a positive way. People who have experienced the effective help and healing power of hirudotherapy become its ardent adherents, write numerous laudatory reviews, and recommend it to relatives and friends.

If hirudotherapy is so widely used and discussed, then let's see what diseases are treated with leeches:

  • Cardiovascular and vascular diseases: hypertension, "jumping" pressure, vegetovascular dystonia, cerebral atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, postinfarction cardiosclerosis, coronary heart disease, myocarditis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, hypertensive crisis, thrombophlebitis, circulatory failure, trophic ulcers of any origin, thrombosis of arteries and veins , congestion of blood, bruises, hematomas, edema.
  • Gynecological diseases: female infertility, mastitis, mastopathy, fibromastopathy, chronic inflammation of the uterus and appendages, salpingoophoritis, endometriosis, adenomyosis of the uterine body, menstrual disorders, menopausal conditions, ovarian dysfunction, ovarian cysts, colpitis, adhesions in the pelvis, cervical erosion, cysts ovaries, fibroids, postpartum purulent-septic complications, uterine fibroids, bartholinitis, chlamydia.
  • Androgenic diseases: male infertility, prostatitis, chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma, seminal canal cyst, testicular hypotrophy, cavernitis, elephantiasis of the scrotum and penis.
  • Urological diseases: normal, acute purulent and cystic changes in the kidneys, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, paranephritis, urinary and ligature fistulas, hepatorenal syndrome, hydronephrosis, chronic renal failure, urethritis, paraurethritis, ureteral stones, cystitis, paracystitis.
  • Endocrine diseases Key words: thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, gout, obesity, diathesis.
  • Dental diseases: alveolitis, periostitis, chronic periodontitis, stomalgia syndrome, ganglioneuritis of the pterygopalatine ganglion, fibrous form of CRAS, keratinization of the oral mucosa, periodontitis, gingivitis.
  • Application in cosmetology: cellulite, wrinkles, poor complexion, skin laxity, bags under the eyes.
  • Ophthalmic diseases: iridocyclitis, macular degeneration, inflammation of the optic nerve in the stage of edema, glaucoma, pseudotumor, pathological processes of the vascular tract of the eye, keratitis, epithelial-endothelial corneal degeneration, iridocyclitis, latent retinal pigment anomaly, edematous exophthalmos, corneal erosion.
  • Dermatovenereology and skin diseases: lichen planus, dermatosis, dermatitis, genital herpes, papillomatosis, eczema, acne, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, furunculosis, carbunculosis, scleroderma, alopecia, pyoderma, lupus erythematosus, elephantiasis, toxicoderma.
  • Surgical diseases: panaritiums, umbilical, inguinal and postoperative ventral hernias, post-injection infiltrates.
  • ENT diseases: sensorineural hearing loss, diseases of the paranasal sinuses, sinusitis, pansinusitis, sinusitis, chronic sensorineural hearing loss, adhesive otitis media, acute otitis media nonperforative, tinnitus.
  • Diseases of the nervous system: insomnia, headaches, neurosis, dizziness, epilepsy, migraine, neuralgia, neuritis of the auditory nerves, paresis, glossopharyngeal neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, sciatic nerve neuritis and sciatic neuralgia, paralysis of various nerves, arteriosclerosis of the brain, hemorrhagic stroke, concussion of the brain consequences of brain injury.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: radiculitis, myositis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, lesions of bones and joints after injuries, intervertebral hernia, fractures, scleroderma.
  • Diseases of the digestive system: constipation, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, duodenitis, cirrhosis, biliary dyskinesia, diverticulosis.
  • Colds: runny nose, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza.

Where and how to put leeches?

The question of how to put leeches is not difficult to answer. They are applied to biologically active points on the patient's body in the area of ​​pain.

But only a qualified hirudotherapist knows how to put leeches correctly.

Regardless of whether the procedure is carried out in a clinical or home setting, he will be able to build the correct scheme for setting leeches to treat the disease that has struck you.

After all, it is not always obvious where to put the leeches. With varicose veins and atherosclerosis on the legs, leeches are placed on both sides near the vein, but not on it itself.

For back pain (intervertebral hernia, sciatica or osteochondrosis), small bloodsuckers are placed to the left and right of the spine throughout its entire length.

It is much more difficult to understand where to place a leech with a headache or atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels. In this case, it is necessary to feel on the head a couple of centimeters behind the auricles for a tubercle on each side. These are the mastoid processes of the bones of the skull, and it is worth attaching one leech to them.

With high and intracranial pressure, it is recommended to place two or three leeches on the sacrum. Also, this procedure will help women feel better on critical days, relieve inflammation of the uterus and bladder.

With low pressure, one leech installed on the back of the head is enough.

Leeches installed on the stomach in the area of ​​the liver, pancreas, stomach and intestines will help eliminate blood stasis in the abdominal cavity and will help get rid of obesity, normalize appetite and relieve colic.

Correct, with great care, setting leeches on the face, on the side of the nose and above the eyebrows, will help to cope with sinusitis, rhinitis and obstruction of the maxillary sinuses. By placing a leech in the corners of the lower jaw, you can significantly improve the blood supply to the spine.

Pulmonary and nosebleeds will soon pass if two or three leeches are placed around the anus.

Being healthy is easy. The main thing is not to be afraid of anything, to find a qualified hirudotherapist and conduct the necessary course of treatment under his supervision.

And so, you have leeches and you are being treated for the first time. For the first time you will need four or five leeches. We will put them on the liver area, thereby activating its work. The liver has its own system of blood flow and lymph flow, bile outflow and innervation. The venous system is developed in the liver. It consists of the portal vein (sometimes called the portal vein) and the hepatic veins. The portal vein includes a huge number of capillaries that collect blood from the entire gastrointestinal tract and spleen. We remember that treatment with leeches is, first of all, an effect on the circulatory system, and putting on a projection of the liver is an effect on the whole organism as a whole.

You can put leeches both on the right hypochondrium and between the ribs. The distance between the leeches is 6-8 cm. The figure shows the points that you can use for setting. In practice, it looks like this: we put one of the leeches in a plastic cap from Cola (don't take it literally, any cap of this size will do) and apply it to the body, having previously felt the setting area with our fingers. Next, we put a leech after a leech, covering the entire area of ​​​​the projection of the liver. Body position - lying. Then we wait until the leeches are completely saturated and fall off.

In our first production, we involved the area of ​​the liver. Where to put the leeches in the next session? You need to immediately make a reservation that to get the maximum effect, count on at least five sessions of hirudotherapy, preferably 8-10 sessions. The production schedule is approximately the following: the first week 2-3 sessions, the second week 2 sessions and then one session per week. Of course, relief comes after the second, or even the first time, but you need to remember - "go quieter - you will continue." By stretching the treatment for several weeks, you make the process more controlled, which is very important at home, you should make a reservation right away that serious diseases should not be treated at home, but as a preventive measure, hirudotherapy is quite suitable.
For example, you decide to strengthen the cardiovascular system, it would be right to take the sacrum region in the next setting, that is, you use the coccyx area and the Michaelis rhombus for setting - a depression in the sacral region, bounded from above and outside by the protruding edges of the large spinal muscles, and from below and outside - protruding edges of the gluteal muscles. The red dots mark the places where the leeches were placed. The number of leeches is three or four.

In the first week, we put leeches on the liver and coccyx area, then we took a break (for sure, you felt calm, self-confident and increased vitality - after several sessions of hirudotherapy, this is almost guaranteed), in the second week we take the kidney area from the back to work . The number of leeches is three on each side.

After placing on the kidney area, a week later we go directly to the heart area. Completely the area of ​​the heart (both in front and from the back) we will go through in three courses. I remind you that at least five to six days should elapse between sessions. Immediately, we use the following points for setting from the front: point one is the subjugular fossa, the second point is the xiphoid process, the third point and the fourth point are the second, third intercostal space of the chest, stepping back from the sternum by one to two fingers. Fifth point - retreating from the sternum by four fingers along the fifth intercostal space.

In the second year, we take the back area into work: four points - the interscapular region at the level of 4-5 and 5-6 thoracic vertebrae along the midline on both sides of the spine, and the fifth point is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe 5th thoracic vertebra, stepping back a palm's width from spine.

In the third year, we take into work the collar zone for staging. The number of leeches is 4-5 pieces. The diagram shows the general setting area. Do not worry too much if the leeches do not turn out exactly as shown in the diagram exactly, just stick to the general setting scheme, as studies show, the leech will choose the biologically active between two places of setting, and therefore trust her, she knows where to stick herself.

So, we completed a course of six procedures, which took about five weeks. Surely you have felt a surge of strength, improved well-being, and noticed many other positive changes for yourself. As a rule, after several procedures, your attitude towards leeches has changed from tolerant or neutral, at least to benevolent and positive towards these unique natural healers. At the very beginning, we set ourselves a goal aimed at improving the cardiovascular system. We completed the main course, but believe me, if you spend two more sessions of hirudotherapy, then the healing effect of this will only increase.

In this session, I suggest you put a leech on the mastoid processes - in this place there is a powerful effect on the vessels of the head, you are provided with a healthy blush on your cheeks, increased efficiency, smoothing of the skin on your face, a healthy shine in your eyes. By the way, this method of setting behind the ears was known to ancient healers and was used both to improve general well-being and to normalize pressure in hypertension.

For the course, you will need 4-5 leeches, you put two behind the ears and I highly recommend putting the fifth leech on the top of the head, thereby activating the energy center. When placed on a hairy area, leeches become not very willing

Nuances when setting leeches:

You probably wondered: “Why not immediately put leeches on the heart area?” That is, solve the main problem, and then you can put it on other zones, if you want.
The fact is that when we put the liver on the projection for the first time, we activate it, and remembering that this organ is the main detoxification organ in our body, we are thereby preparing to accept those deposits of toxins that will invariably come to the liver for cleansing. In other words, no matter what zones you would influence with the help of a leech, all your venous blood will invariably pass through the liver, and that is why the first setting is necessarily performed on the projection of the liver.

The further away from the liver part of your body you activate, the more intermediate zones of activation must be activated before you directly reach the zone or organ you need.

For example, you decide to treat a knee joint. The staging scheme should look like this: the first zone is the projection of the liver, the second zone is the abdomen (near-umbilical zone), the third zone is the sacrum + coccyx, the fourth zone is the pupart ligament, the fifth zone is the knee.

Acting in this way, activating the zones from the center (liver) to the periphery, we prepare the outflow pathways for both venous blood and lymph from our knee, simultaneously eliminating venous congestion in the abdomen, pelvic organs and leg.

Practice shows that when using such a scheme, we reduce all risks to a minimum, gradually, step by step, we prepare our own body for deslagging and gradual activation of the main organs and systems for general recovery.

A series of messages "hirudotherapy":

Part 27 - Correction of the human bioenergy field, "patching the energy holes"
Part 28 - Hirudotherapy in the treatment of mastopathy
Part 29 - Putting leeches for the first time

Putting leeches for the first time on your own, at home, is very exciting. So, for example, even if you know where the leech should stick, you still ask yourself questions: "How to make the leech bite in the right place?", "What to do with the leech after it has drunk blood and fell off (dropped)?", " How to stop blood from a wound after a leech bite?", "How much blood should flow after a hirudotherapy session?"

Points for setting leeches and video look here. Here everything is described in detail and shown even for amateurs who are "for the first time in 1st grade"))

Of the nuances of hirudotherapy, I note the fact that on the eve of the session you can not use shampoos and perfumes. In general, you can not "smell".

If the leech does not want to stick, then you can wash the place that is to be bitten with warm water or wipe it with a cotton pad dipped in sweetened water. By the way, in order not to miss the place where the leech should stick, it is best to place the latter in a small beaker with a narrow neck or put it in a well-washed penicillin vial. This bottle must be sharply turned over to the place where it is planned to donate blood to a leech))

How do you know if a leech is sucking blood? If you notice the wave-like movements that the leech produces, then know that it has already begun its work!

How do you know if a leech has drunk blood? Yes, she herself will say about it - or rather, she will simply fall off! Usually, after a session of hirudotherapy, the leech is disposed of, despite the fact that it has served the person in good stead. However, some economists are reusing leeches. After the session, they put the leech back into the jar of water.

After the leech is found and disposed of, you should take care of the bite site. Very often, many are frightened that a "sea" of blood flows out of the wound. The normal amount of blood is 5-10 g. The wound can be anointed with iodine and sealed with a clean plaster. If the blood does not think to stop, then hydrogen peroxide will help.

It’s not a sin after hirudotherapy to lie on the couch, or even sleep. And in general, it is better to carry out this procedure in a supine position, otherwise you never know - it will suddenly get worse.

Before practicing hirudotherapy at home, it is highly recommended to take several courses from experienced professionals. Of course, you can limit yourself to studying the relevant literature, but it is much more practical to learn from specialists who will share with you the secrets of dealing with these natural healers and show you the right points.

How to put medical leeches at home (with video)

Of course, many modern hirudotherapists advise resorting to the services of specialists. And they are somewhat right. In particular, at home, you should not put leeches on the mucous membranes. But, in general, there is nothing complicated in the independent use of leeches for treatment. And if you follow our recommendations, everything will work out for you.

Of course, it’s not bad to get your first experience of communicating with leeches in the office of a hirudotherapist. This will make it possible to see how the leeches are placed, to learn the techniques and some of the subtleties that are known to the doctor. And then it will be much easier for you to treat yourself with the help of leeches.

Depending on the disease, as well as the characteristics of each person, leeches are placed differently.

To use leeches in home hirudotherapy, it is advisable to study the recommendations of experienced healers and only then proceed to self-treatment. Hirudotherapy is indeed a very good way to improve your health, but it is also a medicine, and, as you know, reasonable care should be taken with medicines. You wouldn't swallow handfuls of headache pills if your stomach suddenly ached, would you? The same is true here: you need to know how to put leeches at home, where and in what quantity to use these natural healers in order to benefit your body.

If you visit a hirudotherapist at least once, then you will see with your own eyes how the specialist treats leeches, what tools he uses in his work. At the same time, it will be somewhat easier to use leeches at home.

But on your own, you can quite master hirudotherapy, the main thing is to be patient and strictly follow all the recommendations.

When you have purchased leeches, carefully selecting the healthiest and most attractive ones, and bringing them home, only hungry and active individuals can be used for treatment. They move quickly in the water, nimble and active. If the leeches are lethargic or have a sticky skin surface, they are not suitable for treatment. It is best to put them in a separate jar and observe how they feel.

As for the patient who is going to resort to treatment with leeches at home, he needs to take a shower before the session. Avoid odorous cleansers - leeches are very sensitive to odors and are most attracted to the scent of a clean body. To put leeches at home, both the hirudotherapist and the patient are also not recommended to use deodorants and perfumes.

Devices and materials for the use of leeches at home

Hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches) at home requires not only theoretical knowledge, but also the availability of the necessary materials and devices.

Before treating with leeches at home, prepare for yourself a “front of work”. You may need the following things:

  • test tube or pharmacy vial with a narrow neck;
  • tweezers;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • a jar of clean water into which you will transplant used leeches;
  • sterile bandage;
  • cotton swab.

At least for the first time, it is better to put medical leeches at home with an assistant. Firstly, it is far from always convenient to do this on your body. Secondly, no one knows how your body will behave. Yes, and leeches are mysterious creatures. So the person next to you will not interfere.

The only thing to remember before putting leeches at home is that your assistant should not be too sensitive to faint at the mere sight of these natural healers. Otherwise, instead of helping during a home treatment session with leeches, you will get unnecessary difficulties.

How to use leeches at home?

To begin, conduct a hirudotherapy session on another person. Before using leeches at home, lay the patient on the bed. Expose the parts of the body on which you will put individuals. Areas of skin covered with hair are best shaved, because these natural healers prefer smooth skin. Again, we remind you: shave with odorless baby soap, rinse your skin thoroughly with water after this procedure.

Before you put leeches at home correctly, for more active suction of individuals, rub the skin areas on which you will put them: this will increase the temperature, increase blood flow, and the leeches will more willingly start the “meal”. You can also wet the patient's skin with sweetened water or glucose solution.

Further, when using leeches at home, carefully pick up the individual with tweezers by the tail and place in a test tube or vial. Press the tube with the neck to the desired place on the skin and wait until the leech sucks.

Having sucked, natural healers will fall off on their own. After setting up leeches at home, fallen off individuals should be carefully placed in a jar of clean water. Apply a sterile napkin, a cotton swab and a bandage to the suction sites. Leave the bandage for at least 12 hours, because after suction, blood may appear - this is normal, and you should not be afraid of this.

In approximately the same sequence, you will carry out treatment with leeches at home on your body, but it is better not to do this alone. A session of hirudotherapy can make you relaxed and drowsy, but the results will not be too happy: leeches, having had enough, can simply crawl in different directions.

Repeated use of leeches at home is desirable not earlier than after 5-6 days.

After a hirudotherapy session, itching may appear around the wound. Combing the skin, of course, is not worth it. You can lubricate itchy areas of the skin with a mixture of ammonia and vaseline oil in a 1: 1 ratio.

When treating with leeches on their own, usually from 5 to 7 individuals are placed in one session. In order to enhance the healing effect of hirudotherapy, leeches are placed on acupuncture points.

It should be noted that these mysterious creatures themselves choose the most active points of your body, to which they stick.

What sensations await you? This question is asked by many beginner hirudotherapists. After all, it would seem that what could be more frightening than putting a bloodsucker on your own body? In fact, nothing particularly terrible awaits you. You may feel a slight burning sensation or itching, but all discomfort will pass in a few minutes. And after a bite, a mark similar to the Mercedes badge will remain on your skin.

A video on how to put leeches at home clearly demonstrates the process of an independent course of hirudotherapy:

Two methods of how to treat leeches at home

There are two ways to treat leeches at home: traditional with hemorrhage, or aspiration; newer without hemorrhage, or non-aspirated.

How to put leeches at home using the traditional method? In this case, individuals are placed on the skin and removed only when they are saturated, that is, they fall off themselves. This method is over three thousand years old. It has been used at all times. Modern hirudotherapists also most often resort to this particular method of setting leeches.

The non-aspiration method was developed by Professor A.S. Abuladze in the middle of the 20th century and consists in the fact that the leech is not allowed to get enough. As soon as she begins to suck blood, which is noticeable by the movements of her skin, she is removed from the patient's skin. The author of this method believed that the therapeutic effect can be achieved in this case, but blood loss does not occur. Thanks to this, it is possible to use a significantly larger number of leeches during one session. They can be put up to 20 pieces or more at the same time.

How are leeches removed with a non-aspiration method of their use? Of course, leeches should not be torn off the patient's skin. A leech is a gentle creature, and thus you can harm both her and the patient.

When treating with medical leeches at home in a non-aspirational way, in order for the individual to fall off the skin, a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, iodine or lightly salted water can be applied to its back.

After a leech bite, blood is usually released from the wound in a small amount. At the same time, the wound can bleed for up to a day, and this scares many patients. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this. With self-treatment by hirudotherapy, residual bleeding is normal. The only thing to take care of is a bandage so as not to stain linen and clothes with blood. In addition, microbes can get into the bleeding wound, so an aseptic dressing should be applied.

You need to attach a cotton swab to the bite site and fix it with adhesive tape or apply a bandage from a bandage.

When the bandage is saturated with blood, another cotton swab is placed on top of it and bandaged again. In this case, the old bandage should not be removed.

Where to put medical leeches on your own at home: a treatment regimen

The points for setting leeches for hirudotherapy at home are:

  • region of the heart- to clean the vessels;
  • liver area- to cleanse the liver;
  • limbs- with thrombophlebitis and varicose veins;
  • area behind the ears- with heart failure and atherosclerosis;
  • back of the head- with hypertension, as well as for general cleansing of blood vessels;
  • back- for general cleansing of blood vessels.

For setting leeches, you can navigate according to the scheme. In no case do not put leeches on your own in those places where the veins are located close to the surface of the skin, in particular on the temples, eyelids, scrotum.

There are several classic schemes for setting leeches at home.

When starting treatment with leeches at home point by point, remember some important things. First of all, consult with a specialist and clarify your diagnosis. It’s good if you can find a qualified hirudotherapist and find out from him how hirudotherapy is indicated for you. You should not study the symptoms of a disease in medical encyclopedias. Even medical students admit that, while reading textbooks, they subconsciously "pull the ears" for the diagnosis and look for its confirmation in their own bodies. Don't harm yourself! So, consult with a specialist.

If for some reason it is impossible to undergo treatment with leeches for the first time under the control and supervision of a qualified hirudotherapist, you need to remember some recommendations.

In particular, with thrombophlebitis, the point where you can put leeches at home is the area directly above the vein. Avoid thin areas of skin where veins show through.

A leech can bite through a vein, thereby causing bleeding. With thrombophlebitis, you can also put leeches on both sides of the thrombosed vein in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 5-6 cm from one another and 1 cm away from the vein.

Where to put leeches at home for hypertension, migraine, headache and cerebral thrombosis? In this case, hirudotherapy is performed on both sides of the head on the mastoid processes behind the ears, retreating about 1 cm from the auricles. It is impossible to put leeches closer, because superficial veins are located near the ear, damage to which can cause bleeding. The lowest point of setting leeches in this case is located 1 cm above the earlobe. Put the next leech 1.5-2 cm higher than the first one, and so on. Also, with these diseases, leeches are sometimes placed on the coccyx, closer to the anus. But in no case do this operation on your own and do not leave the leech uncontrolled. There were cases when leeches, having sucked blood, climbed inside the patient.

In inflammatory processes, leeches are placed on inflamed areas of the skin or on the projection of a diseased organ.

The points where to put leeches at home with eye flooding is the temporal region, and in some cases, individuals are placed on the mastoid processes.

In diseases and stagnant processes in the gallbladder and liver, leeches can be placed on the area of ​​​​the right hypochondrium.

With inflammation of the nerve trunks, leeches are placed on the painful area. With sciatica, they are placed on both sides of the spine, and in the case of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, they are actually along the course of the nerve.

The points for setting leeches during hirudotherapy at home for the treatment of inflamed processes in the joints is the area directly around the diseased joints.

For skin diseases, the method of setting leeches without bleeding is usually used. Leeches are placed on or around the affected area of ​​the skin, allowed to bite through the skin, and immediately removed.

The point of hirudotherapy at home in case of myocardial infarction is the region of the heart on the left.

Kidney diseases are treated by placing leeches over the lower back, on the projection of the diseased kidney.

The use of medicinal leeches at home for prevention

At home, you can conduct a preventive general health course of hirudotherapy. It's easy to do. What to expect from this course? General improvement of the body, activation of the immune system, normalization of metabolism, regardless of the presence of diseases.

You can spend a wellness course 1-2 times a year at almost any time of the year, but it is best to do this in spring or autumn. It is during these periods that leeches are easiest to put.

The wellness course will take you about a month, as it consists of 7 sessions of hirudotherapy at intervals of 3-4 days. You need to get 30-40 healthy, usable hungry leeches. For setting leeches, it would be nice to use a small glass. At the same time, you will limit the space on which leeches can stick, but give them freedom to maneuver, and your nimble "doctors" will be able to choose the most effective biologically active point for a bite.

Watch the video "Treatment with leeches at home for the prevention of diseases", and then you can start self-therapy:

Hirudotherapy at home: points for setting at the 1st session

Leeches are placed on the projection area of ​​the liver. This zone is located on the right side, slightly below the hypochondrium. Why are leeches placed on the liver in the first session? The liver works around the clock, supplying your body with all the necessary substances, and this biological "factory" should be helped. But the reason is not only this.

Most hirudotherapeutists recommend first of all putting leeches on the liver projection area, since in this way it is possible to identify individual intolerance to the active substances secreted by the leech. Setting leeches on the projection of the liver is also convenient in that you can observe their behavior and see what blood loss will be after a bite, and it will be quite convenient to take care of the wound. The last reason is that by placing leeches on the liver area, you thereby normalize the functioning of the liver itself.

Before putting leeches, wipe the skin area with a cotton or gauze swab moistened with warm water. Leeches (3-4 pieces) transplant in advance into a glass or a small jar.

During the first session, it is best to lie on your back. Bring a glass of leeches to the projection of the liver, quickly turn it over and press it firmly against the skin. The edges of the glass must be tightly pressed, otherwise the leeches will try to get out. Hold the glass in this position until the leeches stick to the skin. How to define this moment? Very simple: the head of the leech becomes motionless, and the body smoothly pulsates. This means that the leech sucked and began to "meal". After that, the glass can be carefully removed.

At the first session of hirudotherapy, you can remove the leeches earlier, 20 minutes after suction. This is done using a cotton swab soaked in iodine or alcohol. Touch a swab with odorous substances to the head of a leech and hold it for a while. The leech will unhook from the skin, then transplant it into a separate glass jar and close it. Treat the wound - wipe the skin around the bite with a swab dipped in alcohol. After that, lightly moisten the swab with alcohol, apply to the wound and secure with a bandage or adhesive tape. Place a waterproof baby wipe on top of a cotton swab to protect clothes from blood.

You can clean, dispose of “fed” leeches or put them in a separate jar: let them live until they are hungry, until the next use. The water will need to be changed frequently as it gets dirty quickly. It has been noticed that after the first 2-3 sessions, leeches rarely survive, because a large amount of all kinds of toxins accumulate in the human body, and leeches cannot cope with them. But after the third session, the body becomes much cleaner and healthier, and the leeches feel great.

How to be treated with leeches at home: staging scheme for the 2nd and 3rd sessions

The second session of hirudotherapy is carried out 4-5 days after the first, depending on the blood loss after the first session. If the blood stops 2-3 hours after the hirudotherapy session, you can spend the second session in 3-4 days. If the wounds bled for more than 3 hours, it is better to do this after 5-6 days.

This time, the scheme for setting leeches for treatment at home is transferred to the coccyx area. Here you can not do without an assistant, because it will not be very convenient to put them on your own. Leeches are placed on this zone in the treatment of a number of diseases, in particular hemorrhoids, inflammation of the bladder, uterus. Usually 2 leeches are placed on the coccyx area for 20-25 minutes. But this time you can already leave the leeches to full saturation. It is more convenient to put leeches when the patient lies on his side or sits. The sequence of actions is the same as during the first session.

At the third session, leeches are placed on the projection zone of the kidneys. In this case, it is better to put the patient on the stomach. Leeches are placed on the projection of the kidneys on the right and left. 3 leeches are placed on each zone and left until completely saturated until they fall off on their own.

How to put leeches at home at the 4th and 5th sessions

During the fourth session, medicinal leeches at home are placed on the projection of the heart. This is done in a number of diseases, such as cardialgia, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, etc. For prevention, this session is performed 3-4 days after placement on the projection of the kidneys. Put 3-4 leeches, while the patient should lie on his back. Leeches "work" until full saturation.

When placing leeches on the heart zone, it may happen that one of the leeches is saturated very quickly, after which it falls off to the side, and bleeding appears at the site of the bite. Do not be alarmed: this is completely normal and is related to the individual anatomy of the patient. Wipe the bite area and apply a swab to the bleeding site. Hold it until the increased blood flow stops.

At the fifth session, leeches are placed on the area of ​​the mastoid processes behind the ears. They are located closer to the earlobe. For each ear at a distance of 1-2 cm from the auricle, 2 leeches are placed. The patient can sit or lie on his stomach. The session lasts 30-40 minutes until the leeches are completely saturated.

Points where to put leeches at home at the 6th and 7th sessions

The sixth session of setting leeches is carried out on the coccyx and liver area. It is convenient to do this when the patient is sitting or lying on his side. Leeches are placed in 3 pieces for each zone. The hirudotherapy session continues until the leeches are completely saturated.

And where to put leeches in the treatment at home at the final stage?

The seventh session is not carried out for men, limited to six sessions. For women, leeches are placed on the projection of the appendages - 3 leeches on the right and left in the lower abdomen. It is best to conduct the session while lying on your back. Leeches must be fed to the end.

Like many other nuts, the fruits of Juglans regia (walnut) are widely used in cooking and medicine. Of course, because of the high calorie content ...

Hirudotherapy is a science known to mankind from time immemorial. It is used for a variety of diseases. Depending on their nature, the schemes for setting leeches also change. We will analyze the most popular recommendations and instructions in this article.

History of hirudotherapy and its principles

Leeches are the best natural healers. Even doctors themselves say so. They have been actively used since the 18th century: in our country alone, about 30 million leeches were used annually. During the Soviet era, the turnover of treatment with leeches somewhat decreased, but today they are gaining popularity again. In addition, everything is much simpler now: you need to go for little doctors not to a remote swamp, but to the nearest pharmacy.

Special medical leeches are capable of producing about 80 biologically active components and nutrients. The most famous of them is called hirudin. It is his leech that releases it into the human body at the moment of suction to the skin. Such a multifunctional medicine relieves the symptoms of a wide variety of diseases. Depending on them, the schemes for setting leeches also change. The Atlas of Hirudotherapy details them, and also gives useful recommendations and indications. But the basic principles are the same here.

How to treat with leeches

A medical leech is placed in a clean vial or test tube, the neck of which is placed close to the skin at the site of the intended setting. If the leech is hungry, it will suck quickly, within 3-5 minutes. It is important that the skin is clean, but without foreign odors - from deodorant, perfume or soap. At first, pain may occur, but hirudin has an analgesic effect, and after it enters the body, you will no longer feel anything. When the leech sucks, it will fall off on its own. After that, a sterile bandage should be applied to the bite site and bandaged tightly. In a day, the wound will completely heal.

If you have never treated with leeches before, you need to put only one and be sure to monitor the reaction to bites. Further staging is carried out if redness or itching does not appear in this place within 24 hours. In the absence of a negative reaction, the number of leeches is increased to 3-4, and then to 10-15. In no case should we forget that the scheme for setting leeches for various diseases is different. Leeches are a purely individual "medicine" and should not be shared with others. However, for yourself, the same leech can be used several times. True, you will have to wait until she gets hungry - and this will happen no sooner than in a few months.

Scheme of staging leeches for various diseases

In each case, everything is individual. This applies to both the place of setting and the number of leeches. Also, do not forget that treatment with leeches must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor and accompanied by the intake of appropriate drugs and other medical procedures.

Cardiac diseases

  • With angina attacks, leeches are placed on the sternum, right costal arch and intercostal space. The total number is 5-10 pieces.
  • In coronary heart disease, they are located in the sternum, where the xiphoid process joins, in the region of the left 5th intercostal space, in the parathyroid zones, in the region of the cardiac impulse, in the left lumbar region and in the left zone of the anus.
  • In hypertensive diseases, the scheme for setting leeches is as follows: on the crown and in the jugular fossa, between the eyebrows, above the seventh cervical vertebra, in the cervical spine, in the lumbar triangle and on the mastoid processes. Leeches are placed on the coccyx starting from the third session. In total, their number can reach up to 30 pieces.

Pulmonary diseases

In diseases of the lungs, leeches are applied to the jugular fossa, above the first thoracic vertebra, on the lower back and on the sides of the anus. When the infectious processes are completely neutralized, the leeching scheme also includes zones 3 and 4 of the intercostal space, from where their secret will penetrate into the lungs. In parallel with this, the introduction of Taktivin subcutaneously, as well as Sulfocamphocaine intramuscularly, is recommended.

Gastroenterological diseases

  • In case of problems with the organs of the digestive system, leeches are applied to the solar plexus area, above the fifth lumbar vertebra, on the coccyx and anus. The total number is 10-15 individuals.
  • In diseases of the esophagus, leeches are also supplemented with the introduction of "Taktivin" and are located in the region of 2-5 vertebrae and along the lower edge of the ribs.
  • In case of gastric diseases, the top of the xiphoid process and the region of 6-8 ribs will be the best location for leeches.
  • Problems of the biliary tract suggest setting in the coccyx and in the region of the first lumbar vertebra (you must first palpate this area and indicate the most painful point).
  • The scheme for setting leeches for liver diseases is as follows: to the right of the xiphoid process, along the lower edge of 6-8 ribs and below the right costal arch.
  • For colitis, it is necessary to put leeches on the stomach, below the navel, in the area of ​​the pupart ligaments. "Taktivin" is injected subcutaneously.

Neurological diseases

  • Natural healers are often used for stroke, as well as during the recovery period after it. Scheme of setting leeches: between the eyebrows and the crown, the area above the cervical vertebrae, to the right or left (depending on the side of the lesion) of the lower jaw.
  • In ischemic disease and pre-stroke conditions, leeches are applied to the region of the crown and cervical vertebrae, the coccyx and the area of ​​the carotid arteries, under the tongue and on the tip of the tongue.
  • The use of leeches also helps with tunnel syndrome. In this case, they are applied above the tunnel itself, in the nerve trunk of which the pinching has occurred.
  • With atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries, leeches should stick to the jugular fossa and in the region of the carotid arteries, as well as on the cervical vertebrae and above

Surgical diseases

  • With thrombophlebitis, in addition, not the limbs themselves are also treated, but directly the organs that led to the disease. Leeches are placed on the popliteal fossa and along problematic veins.
  • With ventral hernias, the location of the leeches occurs above the hernial orifice, while a vacuum must be created.
  • With atherosclerosis of the vessels, it is necessary to put leeches over the sacrum and lumbar vertebrae, behind the ankles and in the popliteal fossae. Also the recommended area is between the toes.
  • With boils and purulent inflammations, the leech is located directly above the site of the lesion.

Leeches in cosmetology

The staging scheme will be different, depending on the nature of the disease. And it should be determined by a specialist. By and large, a leech will be useful no matter where you put it. The exception is body cavities, areas in which the skin is especially thin, as well as places where large venous vessels are located.

The setting of leeches on the face deserves special attention. The scheme is individual in each case, and it is better to start the procedure from some inconspicuous place. After all, leech bites can remain for a long time, and you will have to get rid of such unpleasant consequences even longer. So it is better to limit yourself to the collar zone and points behind the ears - in these cases, you can achieve rejuvenation and improve the appearance of the skin.

However, there are also diseases in which leeches are recommended to be placed on the face. For example, from sinusitis - to the right and left of the nose, and the symptoms of frontal sinusitis will help alleviate leeches in the superciliary zone. In case of eye diseases, leeches are applied to the temporal artery and the outer zone of the bone edge of the eye, to the mastoid processes, to the zone of the crown and between the eyebrows.

As you can see, there are practically no such problems that hirudotherapy would not cope with. Schemes for setting leeches in each case will be individual, and the positive effect of such a procedure will not have to wait long. In addition to improving the condition of the whole organism and reducing the symptoms of the disease, leeches eliminate cosmetic defects, increase skin elasticity.

Useful properties and contraindications of hirudotherapy

Treatment with leeches has a beneficial effect on the entire body: the tone increases, sleep normalizes, swelling decreases, blood parameters and its composition improve. All thanks to the secret of leeches, which contains special substances. They accelerate blood circulation and metabolic processes, contribute to the dissolution of plaques in the vessels and blood clots.

In addition, a person's vision and hearing improve, blood pressure returns to normal, and memory abilities increase. In diabetics, sugar content is normalized. In general, the use of leeches will be useful for any average person.

But this procedure also has contraindications. You can not put leeches with hemophilia and low blood pressure, as well as with the diagnosis of "acute anemia". They are not used during the period of taking anticoagulants and with purulent thrombophlebitis. Other contraindications include individual intolerance to the substances contained in the leech secretion, as well as pregnancy and critical days in women.

Hirudotherapy is considered one of the areas of traditional medicine, which was once popular, but today is almost out of use. The method is based on the use of leeches for the treatment of a wide variety of pathologies. The technique of the procedure involves the installation of worms on certain points of the human body, depending on which one or another effect on the body is exerted. This method has contraindications.

There are suction cups in the front and back of the worm. With one of them, he bites through the skin of the victim and begins to absorb blood until he is completely saturated. A feature of the animal is that it is able not to eat for several months. These individuals are used in hirudotherapy because they reach a degree of hunger that is sufficient for their effective use.

    The therapeutic effect consists in introducing into the patient's body active substances that enter with the saliva of a leech. Among them are enzymes and components that improve mood, appetite, give vigor, and normalize sleep. In total - more than 100 useful elements. Numerous studies have revealed a direct dependence of human immunity on the use of hirudotherapy. This is confirmed by a relatively quick recovery from certain diseases.

    medical leech


    Leeches are used to treat many ailments. List of indications for the use of hirudotherapy:

    • thrombosis of arteries and veins;
    • gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids, infertility);
    • bronchial asthma;
    • lung problems (pneumonia);
    • neurological ailments (neurosis, migraine);
    • haemorrhoids.

    It is effective to put leeches for varicose veins: discomfort is removed, swelling is significantly reduced. Penetrating into the blood, the useful enzyme hirudin dilutes it and reduces the ability to clot. As a result of such exposure, the risk of blood clots existing with varicose veins is significantly reduced.

    Hirudotherapy is used for hypertension. The effect is achieved through bloodletting. Leeches suck out some blood, thereby lowering blood pressure. Symptoms are eliminated in the form of headaches, tinnitus, pain in the heart. Reducing high blood pressure also has a positive effect on the liver: the violations that occur with many of its diseases are reduced.

    An effective method is to lose weight with the help of leeches. In this case, metabolic processes are normalized and metabolism is accelerated. This method is also useful for general healing of the skin, giving it a natural color.


    This method of treatment has a small number of contraindications. Side effects in hirudotherapy are often associated with the occurrence of an allergic reaction in the patient both to leeches and to the enzymes they produce that get under the skin. Such treatment is not recommended in the presence of:

    • hypotension;
    • oncological diseases;
    • poisoning;
    • pregnancy;
    • anemia;
    • immunodeficiency states.

    Setting medical leeches is contraindicated in people suffering from hemophilia, that is, poor blood clotting. With this disease, it can flow continuously from the formed wound, which is very dangerous for health. Also, you should not be treated in this way for internal bleeding, for example, if the patient has an open stomach ulcer.

    The use of leeches for the treatment of patients with hemophilia is prohibited. You can not use hirudotherapy for anemia: the patient's blood is poor in red blood cells and platelets, and after the procedure they will become even less. Pregnancy is a contraindication. In very rare cases, individual intolerance to the components of leech saliva occurs.

    Carrying out hirudotherapy

    Many people decide to apply treatment with leeches on their own, at home, but it is advisable to take a short training course before that from people who do this all the time. Specialists will teach you how to handle animals and how to properly perform the procedure to achieve the best results.

    You can buy leeches at the pharmacy. You should choose those individuals that are distinguished by speed and activity. Sluggish worms with a sticky surface are not suitable for treatment. You need to take for therapy the most healthy and attractive in appearance.

    If the procedure is carried out at home, then certain rules should be strictly followed. In order for the animal to stick tightly, the surface must first be rubbed to a slight reddening. Increased skin temperature will attract leeches.

    Hirudotherapists try to place leeches so that they act on certain points on the body. The most useful places to locate worms are those that, if stimulated, will cure a particular disease.

    There is a certain technique for setting leeches when they are arranged in a special pattern. According to it, worms are placed on various points. Usually such places are determined by the doctor strictly individually. Modern hirudotherapy uses several schemes at once, depending on the location of the disease and its severity. The number of leeches per session depends on the purpose for which they are set. Usually 2-10 hungry individuals are planted at a time.

    Treatment is carried out in courses from 2 to 14 sessions, each of them lasts 40 minutes. Leeches are removed from a jar of water with tweezers or by hand. In the latter case, you need to act quickly so that they do not stick into your fingers. To facilitate the landing of worms, you can use a test tube or a syringe with a cut end. The leech is placed in the body of the vessel, then applied to the desired point. It disappears on its own, after it is sated. You can help her fall off by touching a cotton swab moistened with alcohol or iodine.


    Depending on the pathology that needs to be cured, the places where the leeches are placed are selected. For example, with cerebral thrombosis or hypertension, they can be placed on the mastoid processes located on the head - about 1 cm behind the ears. They cannot be applied close to the sink, since superficial veins pass in this place, which will lead to bleeding.

    With an eye disease, for example, retinal detachment, worms are placed on the face. In the same way, swelling and unhealthy skin color are eliminated. You can put them for rejuvenation in different places on the face:

    • cheeks;
    • chin.

    For the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies, leeches are applied to the projection area of ​​the heart on the left side of the chest. In a similar way, they are placed to cleanse the body of toxins. Annelids have been used since ancient times to relieve pain during ischemia. This result of their use is due to the fact that hirudin is released with the saliva of a leech, which dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation. The method is especially effective for angina pectoris, in a pre-infarction state.

    Hirudotherapy is useful for congestion in the liver. In such cases, leeches help with their placement in the lower abdomen or on the side of the patient. With varicose veins, the worms are placed on the leg along the diseased veins, and not on themselves.