How to take Amiksin tablets: instructions for use. Amiksin - instructions for use adult, cheap analogues, reviews

Amiksin is a drug for the prevention and treatment of viral infections. Instructions for use recommends tablets for adults (125 mg) and children (60 mg). Patient reviews indicate that the remedy really helps to recover faster. How effective is amixin? Instructions for use - what important information does she give? And how to use the medicine for influenza and other viruses?

Amiksin: the history of the invention

The drug Amiksin is registered only on the territory of the post-Soviet states - Russia and Ukraine. In the pharmaceutical industry, he received the name "Amixin ic". The drug was developed for use in emergency situations when it is not possible to consult a doctor, but it is necessary effective therapy infections and inflammations (during the war, in refugee camps, major disasters). Therefore, the action of amixin is directed against a wide range viruses and a number bacterial infections.

Amiksin refers to the achievements of domestic military pharmacology. It seemed impossible for army units operating in "hot spots" to avoid contact with pathogens of hepatitis, carriers of influenza and SARS, herpes, etc. The vaccines used at that time had a large number of side effects, which, at times, nullified the ability of a fighter to serve. In 1975, by order of the GRU, the universal antiviral agent Amiksin was developed, devoid of the disadvantages of vaccinations, especially in terms of side effects.

Amiksin: instructions, price, reviews

The drug amixin is an antiviral agent with an immunomodulatory effect. It does not supply foreign substances to the human body. immune cells, but stimulates the production of its own interferon.

The active substance of amixin is tilorone. The tablets of the drug contain tilorone inside the shell. Its presence prevents the decomposition of the substance in the stomach (under the action of hydrochloric acid). The shell dissolves only in the intestine. Here, tilorone stimulates epithelial cells to increase the production of interferon. In addition to intestinal cells, T-lymphocytes, hepatocytes, granulocytes, and neutrophils are included in the process of protective protein synthesis.

This modulation of immunity causes less adverse reactions than direct intake of ready-made interferon. Treatment by a stranger (in medical terminology exogenous interferon) has wide list side effects and contraindications. The heart rhythm is often disturbed, an unusual taste appears in the mouth (a sign of indigestion). Therefore, interferon preparations are used cautiously to treat people with chronic diseases heart, liver, kidneys.

60% of tilorone from amixin enters the bloodstream. Here it enhances the synthesis of interferons three types(α, β, γ). The active substance is concentrated in the blood plasma within 24 hours after resorption in the intestine. Therefore, the time interval between taking the tablets is quite large - one or two days.

Note: the action of amixin affects the additional suppression of viruses and the reduction of the inflammation zone. Also, the drug inhibits the development of tumors.

The effectiveness of the drug is confirmed by practicing physicians in outpatient clinics. They talk about a reduction in the duration of the disease and a decrease in the number of complications in those patients who were given amixin during treatment. viral infections. Despite the absence of large-scale medical research, the drug is in demand during periods of influenza epidemics. This is also facilitated by the affordable price of amixin (compared to with its counterparts).

The use of amixin: a list of infections

Amiksin is a remedy for treatment and prevention. It is used for various viral infections and some inflammations caused by bacterial pathogens.

The use of amixin is indicated for the following infectious diseases:

  • Herpetic type infections - labial, genital herpes, cytomegalovirus.
  • Hepatitis types A, B, C.
  • SARS, influenza.
  • as well as bacterial infections tuberculosis, chlamydia.

Amixin is indicated in the treatment of complex infections such as meningitis, encephalitis. And also to maintain the body after surgical operations, radiation, chemotherapy.

Important to know: the drug is used mainly for the treatment of adults.

Amiksin can be combined with antibiotics. This allows complex therapy with unexplained reasons inflammation (using the drug amixin). The antibiotic provides an antibacterial effect, and tilorone- antiviral and immunomodulatory. The immunomodulator itself is not an antibiotic, although it inhibits the synthesis of some pathogenic bacteria. After amixin, there is no need to restore the intestinal flora and take probiotics.

Tip: amixin tablets should not be broken. The active substance is enclosed in a shell to protect against gastric juice. When the tablet is broken, tilorone is destroyed hydrochloric acid treatment is ineffective.

The use of immunity modulators in the treatment of influenza and other viruses allows you to avoid complications and quickly cope with the infection. However, many drugs are not recommended for the treatment of children (due to their insufficient study, the lack of systemic studies of side effects). Therefore, the question arises when choosing the drug amixin - is it possible to give this immunomodulatory agent to children?

More often amixin is used to treat adults. In pediatrics, it is used only after 7 years of age.. At the same time, the instructions for the drug allow the use of tablets in children only for the treatment of influenza viruses (ARVI). Other infectious diseases in children are treated with similar drugs.

Amiksin: instructions, use and dose selection

Amiksin - medicine for oral administration(it is consumed by mouth, then the drug enters the intestine through the stomach, where it is absorbed, enters the liver and blood). The bioavailability of amixin is 60% (this is the amount of tilorone that is absorbed and has an immunomodulatory effect, stimulates the production of interferon in the intestines and blood). The remaining 40% are excreted unchanged by the excretory organs within two days.

The effectiveness of treatment depends on right choice doses and treatment regimens. What recommendations are given in the instructions for the drug amixin? How many tablets are needed for prevention and treatment?

Pediatric and adult dose

Amiksin for children is 60 mg tablets. Amiksin adult - tablets of 125 mg. adult and children's amiksin differs in the list of diseases for which their use is allowed. Amiksin for children(instruction for use allows the use of the drug in pediatrics) limited to cold viruses- treatment and prevention of influenza during epidemics. Amiksin adult is used against various viruses and bacteria - herpes, hepatitis, tuberculosis, chlamydia.

Amiksin for influenza in adults

For the treatment and prevention of influenza in adults, amixin 125 mg tablets are used. During treatment, the tablet is swallowed 1 time per day during the first two days of illness. Then the tablets are consumed every other day. The total amount of amixin recommended for the treatment of influenza or other acute respiratory viral infections in an adult is 0.75 mg (6 tablets of 125 mg).

How to take amixin to prevent a viral infection during an influenza epidemic? If prophylaxis is necessary, then swallow 1 tablet of 125 mg weekly (prevention course - 6 weeks).

Amiksin for influenza in children

Tablets 60 mg are amixin for children. Instructions for its use allows the treatment of children over the age of 7 years, while - only from respiratory infections . The child is given 1 tablet of 60 mg three times: on the first, second and fourth day of treatment. If complications arise, the drug intake is increased for another day (they give a pill on the 6th day of treatment).

Amiksin for hepatitis

Acute manifestations of hepatitis B infection are treated in the same way as influenza- 125 mg on the first and second day of treatment. After giving the drug every other day. Due to the severity of the infection, the course of treatment takes a long time. The total dose of the drug is 2 g (16 tablets for 1 month active therapy). If necessary, the total dose is increased to 2.5 g (21 tablets, almost 1.5 months of treatment).

If the terms of treatment with amixin are missed and acquired hepatitis B chronic form , then first use the treatment regimen acute hepatitis(125 mg in the first two days, after - every other day for 1.5 months to total drug that has entered digestive tract, amounted to 2.5 g). After - go to long-term use- every week, 125 mg. In this case, the total amount of amixin, which is used at the second stage of treatment, is from 3.75 to 5 g of the drug (from 30 to 42 tablets of 125 mg, the duration of the course is from 8 to 11 months of treatment).

Hepatitis C is more severe. Therefore, for its treatment uses maximum dosages . The total amount of the drug for the treatment of acute hepatitis C is 2.5 mg (the first two tablets - every day, the rest - every other day). In chronic hepatitis C, the total amount of amixin reaches 5 g (taken once a week, treatment lasts almost a year).

Amixin for herpes and cytomegalovirus

Amiksin is most effective against the first two types of herpes - oral and genital. It is also used to treat cytomegalovirus. These infections are chronic for most people (although many are unaware of the virus carrier). Especially common is oral herpes, which infects almost all people in childhood. The presence of herpes inside makes itself felt by periodic rashes (during colds and other diseases). Treatment of rash with amixin can reduce the frequency of relapses by 4 times.

The treatment regimen for herpes is similar to that for hepatitis C. acute stage disease. Labial, genital herpes and cytomegalovirus use only 2.5 g of the drug (two tablets in the first two days of illness, and then every other day).

Amiksin against chlamydia and genital infections

The total dose of the drug for treatment is 1.25 g. The treatment regimen is 1 tablet of 125 mg during the first two days, the remaining 8 tablets are every other day.

Raising and maintaining immunity

To restore immunity after chemotherapy or radiation, concentrated doses of the drug are used - up to 250 mg (2 tablets) weekly for 6 weeks. It is necessary to use up to 1.5 g of amixin. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment, take a break for 4 weeks, and then resume taking the pills for another 6 weeks.


Instructions for use of amixin regulate the drug as perfect medicine, which has practically no contraindications ( other than pregnancy and preschool age ). However, the number of studies that have been conducted on tilorone is small. European studies concerned the antitumor effect of the substance and its effectiveness in the treatment of urethritis. Studies in Russia and Ukraine were conducted without placebo control (the effect of psychological confidence in the action of the drug). Many results of the effectiveness of amixin against various viruses are still voiced with the addition of "in the words of advertising", which indicates the unproven effect of the drug. In this regard, the immunomodulator is not recommended for the treatment of children under 7 years of age. How was the dose chosen?

After the invention of tilorone, experiments were carried out with its use on rats. Conclusions were drawn about the most effective dosage active substance. The result of the study was data that the body needs not less than 150 mg tilorone for every kg of a person's weight. That is, for a woman weighing 60 kg required dose is 10 g, and for a man weighing 80 kg - 12 g. However, with increasing doses, the toxicity of the drug and the likelihood of side effects increase. Therefore, the amount of tilorone in tablets was reduced to safe (10 times) to guarantee low toxicity and minimum contraindications. Current instruction to the drug lists the following contraindications to treatment with tilorone (amiksin):

  • Pregnancy - amixin has a toxic effect on the fetus in the womb.
  • Lactation
  • The child is under 7 years of age.
  • individual allergic reaction.

Amiksin can not be taken against the background alcohol intoxication. Both substances have toxic effect, reinforce each other and complicate the work of the liver.

Side effects

The instruction regulates the following side effects (their manifestation is not necessary):

  • Digestive disorders: liquid stool(due to the fact that tilolron is excreted mainly with feces, less with urine).
  • Chills and fever(these symptoms are due to a stimulating effect on the hematopoietic system).
  • Allergic reaction(due to the presence of toxic substances or their individual intolerance).

Interesting to know: in Europe and America, the drug is not used due to a large number side effects.

Amiksin analogs

The question of replacing the drug with its analogues arises either in the absence of a drug in pharmacies, or when it is expensive, or when allergic reaction, or the need to treat a preschool child.

Cheap analogues of amixin are ergoferon and cycloferon. Their price is slightly higher (within reason). In the network of online pharmacies, the cost of ergoferon is comparable to the price of amixin. More expensive analogues- these are drugs Ingavirin, Kagocel. Their cost significantly exceeds the price of amixin (3-6 times). Some drugs are different high price but approved for use in children younger age (for babies from 6 months, or children 3 years). This is their advantage over amixin.

Amiksin (INN tilorone) is an antiviral and immunostimulating drug that activates the production of immune interferon proteins. Scientific achievements in the field of immunology have significantly improved the treatment strategy for many viral infections. An integral part of this strategy is the use human interferons obtained using genetic engineering. However, the trail of undesirable side reactions hampering the widespread use of these compounds. An effective alternative to the use of artificially synthesized human interferons are drugs that can stimulate the body's own synthesis of interferons. One of these drugs is Amiksin, which was created by Ukrainian scientists, and today is produced incl. and on the territory of Russia. Comprehensive studies of the drug have proven its effectiveness in the treatment and prevention of many viral infections, tk. the active component of the drug tilorone exhibits antiviral activity against a wide range of viruses and enhances the synthesis of interferon types 1 and 2. In addition, Amiksin sensitizes target cells to the action of endogenous interferon, promotes the production of the so-called. "late" interferon, controls the inflammatory response depending on its phase. Tiloron has the ability to be quickly and completely absorbed into gastrointestinal tract. The bioavailability of the drug is relatively high (especially for the oral form) and is 60%. The half-life of Amiksin is two days.

Interesting information: since 1998 and to this day, Amiksin is used for seasonal prevention of influenza and SARS in medical staff Moscow polyclinics and among ambulance teams medical care. It was found that the drug reduces the risk of infection by almost 4 times. And one more remarkable fact: the goal of the developers of the drug was emergency treatment and prevention of severe and life-threatening viral infections, incl. during war, man-made disasters and in other force majeure circumstances. One of the indisputable advantages of Amiksin is the minimum number of side effects, the frequency of which is comparable to the statistical error. After taking the drug, the peak production of interferon falls on 4-24 hours of tilorone in the body. The tablet form and low frequency of administration increase compliance (adherence to the treatment of patients) and provide ease of administration. The drug is equally effective when used with both therapeutic and preventive purpose. Amiksin has excellent tolerance: during its use, not a single case of the development of individual intolerance reactions was recorded. Direct contraindications to the use of Amiksin are pregnancy, lactation and age under seven years. The drug is compatible with antibacterial agents. Cases of overdose with Amiksin have not been documented to date.


Low molecular weight synthetic interferon inductor that stimulates the formation of alpha, beta, gamma interferons in the body. The main structures producing interferon in response to the administration of tilorone are intestinal epithelial cells, hepatocytes, T-lymphocytes, neutrophils and granulocytes. After taking the drug inside, the maximum production of interferon is determined in the sequence of the intestine-liver-blood after 4-24 hours. Amiksin ® has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect.

In human leukocytes, it induces the synthesis of interferon. Stimulates stem cells bone marrow, depending on the dose, enhances antibody formation, reduces the degree of immunosuppression, restores the ratio of T-suppressors and T-helpers. Effective for various viral infections (including those caused by influenza viruses, other pathogens of acute respiratory viral infections, hepatitis viruses, herpes). Mechanism antiviral action associated with inhibition of translation of virus-specific proteins in infected cells, resulting in suppressed reproduction of viruses.



After taking the drug inside, tilorone is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Bioavailability is about 60%.


Plasma protein binding - about 80%.

Metabolism and excretion

Tiloron does not undergo biotransformation and does not accumulate in the body. It is excreted practically unchanged with feces (about 70%) and urine (about 9%). T 1/2 is 48 hours.

Release form

Tablets, coated film sheath orange color, round, biconvex; at the break - orange, slight blotches of orange or white color.

Excipients: potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone (collidon 30), calcium stearate, croscarmellose sodium (primellose).

Shell composition: hypromellose (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), titanium dioxide, macrogol 4000 (polyethylene glycol 4000), polysorbate 80 (tween 80), quinoline yellow (E104), yellow-orange sikovit 85 (E110).

6 pcs. - cellular contour packings (1) - packs of cardboard.
10 pieces. - cellular contour packings (1) - packs of cardboard.
10 pieces. - cellular contour packings (2) - packs of cardboard.
6 pcs. - polymer cans (1) - packs of cardboard.
10 pieces. - polymer cans (1) - packs of cardboard.
20 pcs. - polymer cans (1) - packs of cardboard.


The drug is taken orally after a meal.

In adults, for nonspecific prophylaxis of viral hepatitis A, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg once a week for 6 weeks. Heading dose - 750 mg (6 tab.).

In the treatment of viral hepatitis A, the dose of the drug on the first day is 125 mg 2 times / day, then they switch to 125 mg after 48 hours. The course of treatment is 1.25 g (10 tablets).

In the treatment of acute hepatitis B in the initial phase of treatment on the first and second day, the dose of the drug is 125 mg / day, and then 125 mg after 48 hours. The course of treatment is 2 g (16 tablets).

With a protracted course of hepatitis B on the first day, the dose of the drug is 125 mg 2 times / day, then 125 mg after 48 hours. The course dose is 2.5 g (20 tablets).

In chronic hepatitis B in the initial phase of treatment, the total dose is 2.5 g (20 tab.). In the first 2 days daily dose 250 mg, then switch to 125 mg after 48 hours. In the continuation phase of treatment, the total dose ranges from 1.25 g (10 tablets) to 2.5 g (20 tablets), while the drug is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg per week. The course dose of Amiksin varies from 3.75 to 5 g, the duration of treatment is 3.5-6 months, depending on the results of biochemical, immunological and morphological studies, reflecting the degree of activity of the process.

In acute hepatitis C, on the first and second days of treatment, Amixin ® is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg / day, then 125 mg after 48 hours. The course dose is 2.5 g (20 tablets).

In chronic hepatitis C in the initial phase of treatment, the total dose is 2.5 g (20 tab.). In the first 2 days, the drug is taken at a dose of 250 mg / day, then 125 mg after 48 hours. In the continuation phase of treatment, the total dose is 2.5 g (20 tablets), while the drug is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg per week. The course dose of Amiksin is 5 g (40 tab.), The duration of treatment is 6 months, depending on the results of biochemical, immunological and morphological studies, reflecting the degree of activity of the process.

At complex therapy neuroviral infections - 125-250 mg / day in the first two days of treatment, then 125 mg after 48 hours. The dose is set individually, the duration of the course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

For the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in the first 2 days of illness, Amixin ® is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg / day, then 125 mg after 48 hours. The course dose is 750 mg (6 tablets).

For the prevention of influenza and SARS, Amixin ® is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg once a week for 6 weeks. Heading dose - 750 mg (6 tab.).

For the treatment of herpetic cytomegalovirus infection the dose of the drug in the first 2 days is 125 mg, then take 125 mg every 48 hours. The course dose is 1.25-2.5 g (10-20 tablets).

In urogenital and respiratory chlamydia, Amixin ® is prescribed at a dose of 125 mg / day for the first 2 days, then 125 mg every 48 hours. The course dose is 1.25 g (10 tablets).

In the complex therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis in the first 2 days, the drug is prescribed at 250 mg / day, then at 125 mg after 48 hours. The course dose is 2.5 g (20 tablets).

For children over 7 years of age with uncomplicated forms of influenza or other acute respiratory viral infections, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 60 mg (1 tab.) 1 time / day after meals on the 1st, 2nd and 4th day from the start of treatment. Heading dose - 180 mg (3 tablets).

With the development of complications of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, the drug is taken 60 mg 1 time / day on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th day from the start of treatment. Heading dose - 240 mg (4 tab.).


These are drugs belonging to the same pharmaceutical group, which contain different active substances(INN), differ from each other in name, but are used to treat the same diseases.

  • - Lyophilisate for solution for injection
  • - Substance-powder
  • - Ointment for external use 2%
  • - Tablets 100 mg
  • - Tablets 250 mg
  • - Tablets 250 mg
  • - Capsules 30 mg, 90 mg
  • - Substance-powder 24 mg
  • - Tablets 12 mg
  • - Powder for oral administration 50 mg/g
  • - Tablets
  • - Substance-powder
  • - Solution for intravenous administration 40 µg/ml
  • - Rectal suppositories 200 mcg
  • - Solution for intramuscular injection 15 mg/ml
  • - Tablets 150 mg, 300 mg
  • - Lozenges

Indications for use of the drug Amiksin

Viral hepatitis A, B and C, herpetic and cytomegalovirus infection, as part of the complex therapy of infectious-allergic and viral encephalomyelitis ( multiple sclerosis, leukoencephalitis, uveoencephalitis, etc.), urogenital and respiratory chlamydia, treatment and prevention of influenza and SARS in adults; in children older than 7 years - treatment of influenza and SARS.

Release form of the drug Amiksin

substance; bank (jar) 500 g.

Pharmacodynamics of the drug Amiksin

Stimulates the formation of interferons (alpha, beta, gamma) by intestinal epithelial cells, hepatocytes, T-lymphocytes and granulocytes. After ingestion, the maximum production of interferon is determined in the sequence intestine - liver - blood after 4-24 hours. Stimulates bone marrow stem cells, increases antibody production, reduces the degree of immunosuppression, restores the ratio of T-helpers / T-suppressors. It is effective against influenza viruses and viruses that cause acute respiratory viral infections, hepato- and herpes viruses, etc. The mechanism of antiviral action is associated with inhibition of the translation of virus-specific proteins in infected cells, as a result of which the reproduction of the virus is suppressed.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug Amiksin

After oral administration, it is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Bioavailability is 60%. Plasma protein binding is about 80%. Does not undergo biotransformation and does not accumulate in the body. T1 / 2 is 48 hours. It is excreted almost unchanged in feces (70%) and urine (9%).

Contraindications to the use of the drug Amiksin

Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, breastfeeding, age up to 7 years.

Side effects of the drug Amiksin

Allergic reactions, dyspeptic phenomena, short chills.

Method of application and dose of the drug Amiksin

Inside, after eating. Adults for non-specific prevention of viral hepatitis A, influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections - 0.125 g once a week for 6 weeks. Treatment of viral hepatitis A - 1st day, 0.125 g 2 times, then 0.125 g every other day, the course of treatment is 1.25 g (10 tab.). Treatment of acute hepatitis B (including with a protracted course) or hepatitis C - 1st and 2nd days, 0.125 g, then 0.125 g every other day. The course of treatment of acute hepatitis B - 2 g (table 16), acute hepatitis C and prolonged course of hepatitis B - 2.5 g (table 20). chronic hepatitis B - the initial phase of treatment (2.5 g - 20 tablets) - the first 2 days, 0.25 g, then 0.125 g every other day. Continuation phase: 1.25 g (Table 10) to 2.5 g (Table 20), 0.125 g per week. Heading dose - 3.75-5 g, duration of treatment - 3.5-6 months (depending on the results of biochemical, immunological, morphological studies, reflecting the degree of activity of the process). Chronic hepatitis C - the initial phase of treatment (2.5 g - 20 tablets) - the first 2 days, 0.25 g, then 0.125 g every other day. Continuation phase: 2.5 g (table 20), 0.125 g per week. Heading dose - 5 g, duration of treatment - 6 months (depending on the results of biochemical, immunological, morphological studies, reflecting the degree of activity of the process). Treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, herpetic, cytomegalovirus infection, urogenital and respiratory chlamydia - in the first 2 days of illness - 0.125 g, then 0.125 g every other day. For the course of treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections - 0.75 g, herpetic and cytomegalovirus infection - 2.5 g, urogenital and respiratory chlamydia - 1.25 g. In the complex therapy of neuroviral infections, the dose is set individually, the course of treatment is 4 weeks. Children over 7 years old with uncomplicated forms of influenza or other acute respiratory viral infections - 0.06 g 1 time per day (after meals) on the 1st, 2nd and 4th days from the start of treatment (for a course of treatment 0.18 g - 3 tablets) . If complications of influenza or other acute respiratory viral diseases occur, the drug is taken on the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th days from the start of treatment (for a course of treatment 0.24 g - 4 tablets).

Amiksin is an antiviral drug, due to the active suppression of autosynthesis of viruses inside cells, it helps to accelerate recovery from acute respiratory infections

Amiksin is an antiviral drug belonging to the group of endogenous interferon synthesis inducers. Amiksin actively fights viruses, inhibiting their autosynthesis inside cells, which helps to accelerate recovery from acute respiratory infections.

Description of the drug

Release Amiksin in the form of round tablets yellow color. The active ingredient in Amiksin is tilorone. 1 tablet contains 60 (tablets for children) and 125 mg of active ingredient (for adults). Tiloron is inside the shell of the tablet. It dissolves only in the intestines. It is here that tilorone activates epithelial cells to enhance the formation of interferon.

The active component of Amiksin is tilorone. The drug is produced in the form of round yellow tablets.

In addition to intestinal cells, the following are involved in the synthesis of a protective protein:

  • granular leukocytes;
  • structural cells of the liver parenchyma;
  • T-lymphocytes;
  • neutrophilic granulocytes.

Amiksin tablets cause fewer side effects than taking ready-made interferon. Exogenous interferon therapy has an extensive list of side effects and is contraindicated in many cases. These drugs cause impairment heart rate, the patient may feel bad taste in the mouth. Therefore, people with chronic pathologies of the heart, kidneys and liver should carefully take medications with interferon.

Important! The drug Amiksin has an anti-inflammatory effect, also prevents the occurrence of tumors.

Amiksin is prescribed for the treatment of such diseases:

  • herpesvirus infections;
  • SARS;
  • respiratory and urogenital;

Sometimes the drug is prescribed for the treatment and in complex form. Amiksin is also used to maintain the body after surgical intervention or chemotherapy.

Amiksin is prescribed for: herpesvirus infections, SARS, respiratory and urogenital , .

Amiksin can be combined with antibiotics. They have an antibacterial effect, and tilorone strengthens the patient. After treatment with Amiksin, there is no need to use probiotics to restore the intestinal microflora.

You can buy Amiksin at a pharmacy without a prescription. The price for a package of 10 tablets of 60 mg varies between 600-650 rubles, and for a package of 10 tablets of 125 mg - within 900-950 rubles.

The shelf life of Amiksin is 3 years. Store the medicine in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C.

On the video: Amiksin description and instructions - CLOSE-UP.

How to take Amiksin correctly for children and adults?

Amiksin should be drunk in the dosages indicated in the instructions, and after consulting a doctor:

  1. For flu or SARS- the first day, a dose of 125 mg 1 time, then take Amiksin in the same dosage every other day. In total, for the entire course of treatment, the patient must take 6 tablets.
  2. For the prevention of acute respiratory infections- 125 mg once a week. The prophylactic course should last at least 6 weeks.
  3. At herpetic infection 125 mg should be taken once a day for the first 2 days. Then the dosage remains the same, but the medicine should be taken every other day.
  4. At complex treatment lungs the dosage is 125 mg twice a day for the first 2 days. Then the patient should take 125 mg of Amiksin every other day. In total, he should take 20 tablets for a therapeutic course.

Children over 7 years old with uncomplicated influenza are prescribed to drink 60 mg of the drug 1 time per day for the first 2 days, then a one-day break should be taken and 60 mg should be taken on the 4th day of treatment.

For the treatment of severe influenza, the dosage for children is 60 mg. Take the medicine for the first 2 days, then take a one-day break. On the 4th day, drink 60 mg, then repeat the break, and on the 6th day of therapy, take the last dose of the drug.

Contraindications and side effects of Amiksin

Amiksin has a number of contraindications:

  • children's age is less than 7 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

In the process of taking Amiksin for adults, the following side effects may occur:

  • allergic manifestations;
  • short chills;
  • digestive disorders.

Note! It is not recommended to take alcohol during treatment with Amiksin, since it reduces the effectiveness of tilorone.

Analogues of tablets Amiksin

The following medicines are cheap analogues of Amiksin:

  • Thylaxin;
  • Estifan;
  • Septilin;

Which is better - Amiksin or Kagocel?

Both drugs have an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect on the body, but the list of indications for Amiksin is much wider. prescribed only for SARS and influenza. They are not structural analogues, because the active ingredient in the drug of the same name Kagocel, is Kagocel. It also has a radioprotective effect, which Amiksin lacks.

Amiksin differs from Kagocel in the speed of action. It is worth noting that Kagocel is allowed to be taken by children over 3 years old, and Amiksin is prescribed for children from 7 years old.

At viral disease with severe symptoms and possible complications it is more expedient to accept Amiksin.

The price of the drug Kagocel is 250-280 rubles.

What are the differences between Amiksin and Ingavirin?

The active ingredient of Ingavirin is Vitaglutam. It does not have an immunomodulatory effect, like Amiksin, therefore it is used only for the treatment of acute respiratory infections and influenza. A significant drawback of Ingavirin is a ban on taking up to 18 years.

Both drugs are safe if you follow the dosages indicated in the instructions.

The price of the drug Ingavirin ranges from 350-400 rubles.

Amiksin or Arbidol - what to choose?

Like Amiksin, refers to pharmacological group antiviral agents, but it also participates in the normalization of the immune status after suffering infectious diseases. The active ingredient of Arbidol is umifenovir. This drug has a smaller range of applications than Amiksin.

The advantage of Arbidol is the possibility of its use in children older than 3 years.

Arbidol is more popular among patients, since its price is 2.5 times less than that of Amiksin.

Which drug is more effective - Amiksin or Cycloferon?

Both medicines are inducers of interferon synthesis. Active Ingredients Cycloferon are acridoneacetic acid and N-methylglucamine.

An important disadvantage of Cycloferon - big list side reactions in comparison with Amiksin. Therefore, it cannot be used for chronic pathologies gastrointestinal tract, people with liver problems, women during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, children under 4 years old, as well as people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The price of the drug Cycloferon varies between 170-210 rubles.

Amiksin or Anaferon - what to choose?

Represents a cheap homeopathic remedy, which acts slower and weaker than Amiksin. It activates antiviral immunity and can be used in the treatment of people of all ages, pregnant and lactating women. For children, the manufacturer produces a special children's Anaferon.

Anaferon is an inexpensive homeopathic remedy, it has the same list of indications as Amiksin, but it acts more slowly and weaker

The advantage of Anaferon is the same list of indications as that of Amiksin. It is prescribed not only for the treatment of influenza, but also for bacterial infections and immunodeficiency states.

The price of Anaferon is 230-270 rubles.

Dalchimpharm OAO Lance/Dalchim LENS-PHARM, OOO Pharmstandard, OOO Pharmstandard-Leksredstva OAO Pharmstandard-Tomskhimfarm, OAO

Country of origin


Product group

Immunomodulatory drugs and immunosuppressants

Antiviral and immunomodulatory drug. Interferon synthesis inducer

Release form

  • 6 - cellular contour packs (1) - packs of cardboard. 10 - cellular contour packs (1) - packs of cardboard. 10 - cellular contour packs (2) - packs of cardboard. Film-coated tablets 125mg - 10 pcs per pack. Tablets, film-coated 125 mg - 6 pieces per pack. Tablets, film-coated 60 mg - 10 pieces per pack.

Description of the dosage form

  • Film-coated tablets, orange, round, biconvex. On a break of orange color, insignificant blotches of orange and white color are allowed. Orange film-coated tablets, round, biconvex; on a break - orange, slight blotches of orange or white are allowed Tablets, film-coated, orange, round, biconvex; at the break - orange, slight blotches of orange or white are allowed.

pharmachologic effect

Low molecular weight synthetic interferon inductor that stimulates the formation of alpha, beta, gamma interferons in the body. The main structures producing interferon in response to the administration of tilorone are intestinal epithelial cells, hepatocytes, T-lymphocytes, neutrophils and granulocytes. After taking the drug inside, the maximum production of interferon is determined in the sequence of the intestine-liver-blood after 4-24 hours. Amixin® has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect. In human leukocytes, it induces the synthesis of interferon. Stimulates bone marrow stem cells, depending on the dose enhances antibody formation, reduces the degree of immunosuppression, restores the ratio of T-suppressors and T-helpers. Effective for various viral infections (including those caused by influenza viruses, other pathogens of acute respiratory viral infections, hepatitis viruses, herpes). The mechanism of antiviral action is associated with the inhibition of translation of virus-specific proteins in infected cells, resulting in suppressed reproduction of viruses.


Absorption After oral administration, tilorone is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Bioavailability is about 60%. Distribution Plasma protein binding - about 80%. Metabolism and excretion Tiloron is not biotransformed and does not accumulate in the body. It is excreted practically unchanged with feces (about 70%) and urine (about 9%). T1 / 2 is 48 hours.

Special conditions

Amiksin® is compatible with antibiotics and agents traditional treatment viral and bacterial infections.


  • (tilaksin) 60 mg Excipients: potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone (kollidon 30), calcium stearate, sodium croscarmellose (primellose). Shell composition: hypromellose (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), titanium dioxide, macrogol 4000 (polyethylene glycol 4000), polysorbate 80 (tween 80), quinoline yellow (E104), yellow-orange sikovit 85 (E110). tilorone (tilaxin) 125 mg Excipients: potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone (collidon 30), calcium stearate, sodium croscarmellose (primellose). Shell composition: hypromellose (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), titanium dioxide, macrogol 4000 (polyethylene glycol 4000), polysorbate 80 (tween 80), quinoline yellow (E104), yellow-orange sikovit 85 (E110). tilorone (tilaxin) 125 mg Excipients: potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone (collidon 30), calcium stearate, sodium croscarmellose (primellose). Shell composition: hypromellose (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), titanium dioxide, macrogol 4000 (polyethylene glycol 4000), polysorbate 80 (tween 80), quinoline yellow (E104), yellow-orange sikovit 85 (E110). tilorone (tilaxin) 60 mg Excipients: potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone (collidon 30), calcium stearate, sodium croscarmellose (primellose). Shell composition: hypromellose (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), titanium dioxide, macrogol 4000 (polyethylene glycol 4000), polysorbate 80 (tween 80), quinoline yellow (E104), yellow-orange sikovit 85 (E110).

Amiksin indications for use

  • In adults - for the prevention and treatment of influenza and SARS; - for treatment viral hepatitis A, B and C; - for the treatment of herpetic infection; - for the treatment of cytomegalovirus infection; - as part of the complex therapy of allergic and viral encephalomyelitis (including multiple sclerosis, leukoencephalitis, uveoencephalitis); - as part of complex therapy for urogenital and respiratory chlamydia; - as part of the complex therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis. In children older than 7 years - for the treatment of influenza and SARS.