Weeping sores on the face of a child treatment. Non-infectious skin lesions. non-infectious skin diseases

Skin disease in children is a common phenomenon, since the delicate skin of children is an excellent target for the disease. Babies get sick much more often than adults. In this case, most cases are allergic in nature. Diseases should be treated only after an accurate diagnosis has been made and confirmed.

Any child at least once in his life suffered from such an ailment. Children's skin diseases are numerous, and each pathology manifests itself in different ways. Their reasons are also quite diverse, ranging from polluted ecology to contacts with carriers of the infection.

The third step is to take care of fruits, vegetables, meats and legumes in children's menu from the second half of life. Thus, you guarantee energy, vitamins and minerals. Finally, teaching your child to wash their hands thoroughly - especially when they come in from the street, after playing or using the bathroom, and before eating - helps them get rid of viruses and bacteria. Even with such care, it is possible that some kind of problem will arise from time to time, especially when your child attends school and associates with other children.

According to the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics, three percent of children suffer from allergies. Food sources are usually triggered by some protein, preservative or dye, causing stomach pain, itching, skin rashes, and even respiratory distress. Cow's milk, egg white, soy, wheat and fish top the list of ingredients that trigger these episodes. Allergy to the former is most common in childhood and may present with blood in the stool as additional symptom. Treatment consists of removing food from the diet.

All childhood skin diseases are divided into two large groups:

  1. Infectious.
  2. Non-infectious.

Each group includes many skin diseases with manifestations, causes, features, methods of treatment characteristic of each of them.

Important. It should be remembered that such ailments may be the first symptoms of violations of the internal organs.

During the breastfeeding phase, it may be necessary to exclude the item from the mother's feeding as it can be passed on to the baby through milk. When it comes down to it, it can manifest itself as both rhinitis, characterized by runny nose, sneezing, and nasal congestion, and asthma, where it affects the bronchi, causing breathing difficulties, wheezing, and coughing, among other complications. The agents that promote these crises vary from child to child, but among the main ones are mites present in clothes and blankets, flower pollen, dust and animal hair.

Rashes of infectious origin

Infectious skin diseases in children can be divided into types that differ significantly from each other.

These include:

  • skin changes caused by viral infections;
  • pyoderma, or pustular lesions of the dermis, appear as a result of ingestion of streptococci, staphylococci and others;
  • mycoses caused by the introduction of pathogenic fungi;
  • chronic infectious skin lesions caused by mycobacteria and borrelia.


Skin rashes on the body with many infectious diseases doctors call exanthems. Skin diseases in children of an infectious nature with exanthems include:

The prevention strategy is also to keep the child from being triggered. So leave environment always clean and airy, avoiding stuffed animals and other items that can accumulate dust in your child's room. The specialist will guide the treatment through remedies, whether for moments of crisis or for continuous use. Insect bites can also cause allergies, with itching and redness that lasts up to ten days. The pediatrician may prescribe treatment with antihistamines.

So-called otitis media occurs when there is an accumulation of secretion in ear canal due to colds and flu or the milk itself, which can be depleted when breastfeeding with the child horizontally, which makes the environment favorable for the spread of bacteria. In general, the problem appears at least once up to 5 years and may require antibiotic treatment. There is also a milder picture, the appearance of otitis, which is usually due to excess moisture.

  • measles;
  • chickenpox;
  • scarlet fever;
  • rubella;
  • baby roseola.

The incubation period for these ailments is different, and the characteristic symptoms also differ. skin diseases in children, in particular appearance rash. Thus, measles is characterized by large, merging papules, while rubella is characterized by rare and small rash. chickenpox accompanied by small bubbles filled with liquid.

Drying the ears thoroughly with a towel after contact with water The best way reduce occurrence - tampons are contraindicated because they push the wax into eardrums and reduce protection. ear canal. lack of appetite and heat usually characterize infections of the pharynx and tonsils caused by viruses or bacteria. Viral type occurs most often before 2 years of age, and usually there are three episodes per year - infection occurs through contact with infected saliva and other secretions.

The pain is uncomfortable for three days, and treatment, with analgesics and antipyretics, aims to relieve the symptoms until the disease regresses spontaneously. On the other hand, bacteria cause an intense picture, usually 3 to 6 years, which requires the use of antibiotics. But you should pay attention to the duration, intervals and doses of the drug, otherwise the microorganisms may become resistant. Very repetitive episodes may require surgical intervention to extract the tonsils.

Scarlet fever is distinguished by a small punctate rash, mainly in such places:

  • on the sides of the body;
  • on the face.

In childhood roseola, a maculopapular rash is observed. It is very similar to hives.

The virus of such a disease - measles - is transmitted from patient to healthy child by airborne droplets

Viruses, bacteria, or parasites present in contaminated water or food can invade the body and cause vomiting, flatulence, and abdominal pain. Although it seems to be a common occurrence, diarrhea is one of the leading causes of death among children in Brazil due to malnutrition and malnutrition, a consequence of the most dire conditions.

Caused by viruses, these diseases are transmitted through saliva and take 5 to 14 days to go into spontaneous remission. Treatment consists of symptomatic relief, analgesics and antipyretics, and prevention of complications such as pneumonia in the case of measles. They can all be prevented with the same vaccine called viral tetramin given in a single dose at 15 months of age. Each problem is different, but symptoms such as fever, prostration, body spots, cough, runny nose, and lack of appetite should be reported to the pediatrician as soon as possible.

Pustular and viral diseases

Pustular changes (pyoderma) are fairly common childhood skin diseases. The causative agents are staphylococci and streptococci available:

  • in the air;
  • in house dust;
  • in the sandbox;
  • on clothes.

The most common manifestations of pyoderma are:

  • Carbunculosis.
  • Impetigo.

Viral dermatoses include those skin diseases in children, the culprits of which are various viruses. Among them:

If contact occurs, limit contact with other children to prevent transmission. In this case, offer your child plenty of water, vegetables, and fruits to increase stamina. Another warning is that a mother can pass rubella to her baby during the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, women who intend to become pregnant should have tests to determine if they are immune to the problem. If not, they need to take the vaccine.

Reflux common in the first year of life is not associated with immaturity immune system, and with digestive system. This happens when food reaches the stomach and back into the esophagus. In the first few months, the fact that the baby only drinks liquids reinforces this return. The good news is that the problem is on a downward trend as solid ingredients are added to the menu. One tip for alleviating discomfort is to breastfeed directly and not exaggerate the amount of milk.

  • Herpes simplex, characterized by changes in the mucous membrane and skin in the mouth and nose.
  • Warts, among which there are both ordinary and flat, as well as pointed. The disease is transmitted by skin contact, if there are microtraumas, cellular immunity is reduced.

Putting the baby on a burp while kneeling for about 20 minutes also makes digestion easier. Difficult conditions may require medication. Although similar, flu and cold have different characteristics and called various viruses. In both cases, the main form of infection is saliva eliminated by coughing and sneezing. The cold is usually milder, with coryza and irritation of the mucous membranes. Flu package includes fever, muscle pain and fatigue. In both situations, treatment helps relieve symptoms as the problem automatically regresses.

Non-infectious skin lesions

  • pediculosis;
  • scabies;
  • demodicosis.

Infection is possible through contact with a sick person.

A specific reaction of the body to an irritant (allergen) is allergic skin diseases in children. The most common of these is atopic dermatitis. The rash is accompanied by paroxysmal itching. The reasons for such a violation may be:

Maintaining hydration, with tea, water, and juices, speeds up recovery. To prevent flu-like illnesses, the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics recommends vaccination for at least 6 months. A, infection in the bronchioles, is also common in premature babies and children under 2 years of age. It is mainly caused by it contributes to fever, difficulty breathing, coughing and wheezing in the chest. AT severe cases hospitalization is required. The form of infection is the same as the flu. Therefore, do not allow your child to overflow into places or other sick children.

  • medicines;
  • food products;
  • cold.

Note. This type of dermatitis affects children under 12 years of age, at an older age it rarely manifests itself.

In very young children, prickly heat is often observed, which appears as a result of improper care, overheating or dysfunction. sweat glands . This species is characterized by a pink-red rash (small spots and nodules), located:

The name school diseases refers to two different groups diseases: (1) diseases that are provoked or aggravated by inaction and work in the school; (2) conditions that especially develop in children in school age. In the first group, diseases which may be called proper school diseases, because they are produced or aggravated at school, belong to myopia and scoliosis, and the second to all parasitic or microbial diseases; School diseases can only be named in a specific case: when, reaching schoolchildren, they are interested in the proper functioning of the school and require the intervention of the school authority.

  • in the upper part of the chest;
  • on the neck;
  • on the stomach.


According to the recommendations of doctors, the prevention of skin diseases in children should be carried out comprehensively. Here are used health and psychological approaches. It should be remembered that some skin diseases may be an external reflection of a serious internal pathology in the child's body. Often skin lesions can be accompanied by problems:

Myopia. - There has been considerable discussion about whether school attendance is effective cause myopia. Myopia. Scoliosis. It can be said that scoliosis, although not always of school origin, is greatly aggravated by being at school. Long working hours, as well as an erroneous table, force the child to accept a vicious relationship.

Scoliosis and myopia have, as we have seen, many common causes. To avoid or at least reduce the number of these attachments, it is necessary to provide the student with a table corresponding to its size, and often change the height without obliging the child long time to a job that requires the same position.

  • central nervous system;
  • endocrine system;
  • many internal organs.

That is why it is necessary to prevent skin diseases in children. The main rules are:

  • wearing clothes made from natural fabrics - it should be chosen according to size, should not irritate and injure the skin;
  • systematic ventilation of premises and wet cleaning;
  • increasing the immunity of children by hardening, organizing proper nutrition;
  • use of various medicinal herbs that can prevent cracked and itchy skin in young children.

Important. Keeping children's skin healthy daily care behind her, the prevention of possible damage to her should be the focus of parents.

Diseases in the second group include all contagious diseases. The child, more than the adult, is capable of squeezing the sprouts of certain affections, which find in him a fertile ground for their evolution. The two most common are phthiriasis and scabies.

Phythiriasis is caused by the presence of vulgarism in the hair. It is developing at a fast pace. Eggs attached to hair are called slow eggs. It is a contagious disease, very easily preventable and should not be allowed in schools. It is unacceptable that well-groomed child could catch him by the touch of a dirty schoolboy.


Treatment of skin diseases in children must begin with a correct diagnosis. Such a diagnosis can only be made by an experienced specialist. The fact is that each of the diseases proceeds differently, has its own characteristics. For example, some rashes should not be wetted, while others should be kept clean and constantly washed. In some cases it is required drug treatment, in others not.

Any child with phthiriasis should be removed from school. Scabies is caused by the sarcopterus, a spider mite that enters the skin, digging furrows and causing unbearable itching, and children with it should be expelled from school. They can only be accepted after complete healing and disinfecting their clothes.

Diseases of the skin and scalp. Choking and circulating herpes are the two skin conditions most commonly seen in school. Strangulations are very common; it is contagious by direct inoculation. The affected child must be returned to the family until full recovery.

Remember! Any rash on the child's body should alert parents. You need to see a doctor urgently. Skin changes can be triggered by serious diseases, and therefore require immediate treatment.

In doing so, parents must:

  • call a doctor at home;
  • protect a sick child from communicating with other children;
  • refrain from treating rashes with iodine, brilliant green or other solutions - this can make diagnosis difficult.

Circulating herpes is produced by the development of a large spore moth fungus at a single point on the skin, which often indicates the presence of ringworm in the scalp. Head contagious diseases are moths, of which there are three varieties: friendly ringworm, small spore butterfly and moth with large spores. All three are also contagious and require isolation of patients. These are terrible diseases that keep a child for a very long time: several months and even years.

This name has been given, since the discoveries of Pasteur, to all diseases caused by the presence in the body of a microbe, a pathogenic germ. They quickly attract the attention of the master, because they rarely occur as an isolated case; they usually become epidemic.


Used to treat skin diseases in children wide range medicines, which are used in a variety of painful changes dermis such as:

  • acne;
  • warts;
  • fungus;
  • other inflammatory neoplasms.

Pharmaceutical products include:

  • ointments and creams;
  • sprays;
  • pharmacy talkers;
  • tablets.

Attention! The tablets are highly effective as well as strong side effects. They are prescribed only by a doctor and are used in extreme cases.

To the number effective drugs creams and ointments:

  • Akriderm(for the treatment of dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis).
  • "Candide B"(mycosis, fungal eczema).
  • "Laticort"(dermatitis, psoriasis).
  • "Skin cap"(seborrhea, dandruff) and many others.

Important. You should not resort to self-medication, it is better to consult a doctor.

Treatment should be carried out in a complex way - both pharmacy and folk remedies. Do not forget about the cleanliness of the skin and hygiene.

Skin diseases in children proceed differently than in adults. This is due to the features skin child and lesser ability of the body to resist infections.

Parents should not ignore skin changes such as rashes, blisters, peeling, swelling and dry skin.


Skin diseases in children can be grouped into several groups depending on the cause of their occurrence. They can be:

Allergic skin diseases(toxicodermia) are provoked by exposure to a certain allergen on the child's body. This group includes contact and, urticaria, eczema, Lyell's syndrome.

Pustular diseases(pyoderma) provoke staphylococci and streptococci that have fallen on damaged children's skin. Furunculosis, folliculitis, carbunculosis, hydradenitis, impetigo, dry are distinguished in this group.

infectious skin lesions are caused by various viruses and bacteria. Infectious diseases that are characterized by skin rashes include measles, scarlet fever, rubella, meningococcal infection, herpes and warts.

Allergic skin diseases in children occur as a reaction of the body to allergen action.

Allergies can be caused by food, animal hair, medicines, cosmetics and household chemicals, dust, fabrics, etc.

At 4-6 months, the child begins to actively develop sebaceous glands, which contributes to the appearance.

Infectious rash usually accompanied by a runny nose, sore throat and abdominal pain, fever, loss of appetite and others typical symptoms infectious disease. Rashes on the skin can appear both at the very beginning of the disease, and after a few days.

The most dangerous of all infectious diseases meningococcal infection. It is manifested by severe fever and a rash that looks like hemorrhages. The disease is dangerous because of its transience: from the first signs of the disease to lethal outcome may take less than a day.

Measles is characterized by the appearance skin rashes 2-4 days after the onset of the disease. A feature of rashes with measles is their spread through the body from top to bottom.

  1. They first appear on the face;
  2. Then appear on the upper half of the body and arms;
  3. The legs are the last to be affected. Bottom part torso.

Rashes have the appearance of spots that are raised above the surface of the skin. They are large enough that they can merge with each other.

(chickenpox) spreads over the face, head and body and is accompanied by itching. First, red spots appear on the skin, which after a few hours turn into bubbles with liquid contents. The diameter of the bubbles does not exceed 4-5 mm. Later, brown crusts appear in their place.

You can suspect rubella by increasing lymph nodes, the appearance of fever, intoxication of the body and rash. It looks like small spots, spreads from top to bottom, affecting the entire surface of the body in a day.

The development of scarlet fever initial stage reminiscent of skin rashes in the form small dots appear on the second day of illness. The predominant localization of the rash - inner surface arms and thighs, lower abdomen. The skin in these places becomes red, becomes hot to the touch.

With scabies, it looks like small dots and is accompanied by severe itching. Most often it is located on the hands and in the lower abdomen. You can become infected with scabies through tactile contact with the patient, through bedding and clothing.

When the skin on the head or in the groin is affected by lice eggs. characteristic symptom disease is severe itching.


If any rashes, spots or pustules of the child are found on the child's skin, it is necessary to show the doctor. In this case, parents must follow simple rules:

  1. The doctor needs to be called to the house. When infectious nature disease, this will avoid infecting other people in the clinic.
  2. It is necessary to protect the sick child from contact with pregnant women until the doctor excludes rubella. This disease is very dangerous for pregnant women, as serious fetal pathologies develop with rubella.
  3. Suspicion of meningococcal infection requires immediate call"Ambulance".
  4. Prior to the examination by a doctor, it is impossible to treat rashes with iodine, "brilliant green" and other solutions. This can make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.

For successful treatment allergic diseases it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen. The skin condition improves after taking antihistamines.

For the treatment of infections and pustular diseases in individual cases reception is necessary. Additionally, laser therapy and UV procedures are prescribed.

Any rash on the skin of a child requires a doctor's consultation.

They can be triggered by serious ailments that require timely treatment. Parents should not try to determine the disease on their own, since even a specialist needs additional research for a correct diagnosis.

Often, the diagnosis of such diseases is difficult due to the similarity of symptoms or their blurring after attempts at self-treatment.