Running legs syndrome treatment. Causes and classification of the disease

It is believed that the syndrome restless legs(RLS) is experienced at least once in a lifetime by about 10% of the human population. RLS is a condition that is characterized by uncomfortable sensations in the legs and an insistent desire to move the lower limbs in order to alleviate this condition. Since the symptoms tend to worsen during the night, restless leg syndrome leads to high risk insomnia and daytime fatigue, as well as the widespread use of alcohol, caffeine and sedatives.

Middle-aged women, including those who are in age, tend to experience RLS more often than others. Most people describe the symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome as nerves, tingling, burning, and twisting in one or both legs that are more uncomfortable and irritating than painful. Some people compare their RLS sensations to "feeling like insects are crawling up your legs." In other words, although RLS is not dangerous state in the long run, however, it can greatly complicate life and introduce unpleasant side effects into it.

The desire to quickly get rid of annoying discomfort causes people to jerk their legs, wiggle and move them repeatedly throughout the night, which leads to poor sleep and chronic fatigue. Worst of all, this movement measure usually only helps for a short time - the symptoms usually return fairly quickly, and the cycle continues over and over again.

What are the causes of restless leg syndrome and how can you get rid of it? Experts believe that poor diet and elevated level and, consequently, the deficit nutrients in the body and the lack of proper rest. The good news is that restless legs syndrome is not a dangerous condition, although it does not make it any less painful and unpleasant. Natural treatments for restless leg syndrome include improved diet, exercise, stretching, and various psychological tricks to help you unwind before bed.

What is Restless Leg Syndrome?

Restless legs syndrome is defined as a general sensorimotor neurological disorder characterized by an urge to move the legs during periods of rest or inactivity. It is believed that there are four mandatory clinical features to establish the diagnosis of RLS:

  • Desire to move the legs, due to discomfort in them;
  • Symptoms begin or worsen during periods of rest or inactivity (including while sleeping, lying down, or sitting);
  • Symptoms partially or completely disappear with movement;
  • Symptoms increase in the evening or at night;

According to a report published in Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine RLS is diagnosed quite frequently, and studies show that in some populations, restless leg syndrome affects up to 25 percent of older adults. In general, about 11 percent of the adult population suffers from RLS regularly, 10 percent report experiencing symptoms at least once a week, and 3 percent admit that the syndrome significantly reduces quality of life.

Causes of Restless Leg Syndrome

Who is affected by Restless Leg Syndrome, and what are the common risk factors? Although children and adolescents may occasionally experience symptoms of RLS during puberty or during intensive growth The most common ages are middle and old. To common factors that provoke RLS include:

  • Genetics: Some studies show that restless legs syndrome is a hereditary problem, and about half of people with this disease have or had relatives with the same diagnosis.
  • Floor: Women tend to experience RLS much more than men, and experts attribute this to differences in hormone levels.
  • Anemia or iron deficiency: RLS is very common in patients with end-stage renal disease who are on dialysis.
  • Lack of other nutrients including magnesium deficiency or deficiency.
  • : Thought to cause RLS symptoms in many patients. According to the National Sleep Foundation of America, up to 98 percent of patients with restless legs syndrome experience significant improvement after treating leg varicose veins with non-surgical sclerotherapy.
  • Chronic kidney or lung disease: This includes those diseases of the kidneys and lungs that cause electrolyte imbalances.
  • : Studies show that up to 25% of pregnant women are at increased risk of RLS, especially during the third trimester, however, this condition resolves soon after delivery.
  • The use of drugs containing estrogen: Birth control pills or substitution hormone therapy to reduce menopausal symptoms.
  • Autoimmune disorders or diabetes: These diseases can contribute to kidney problems, malnutrition, anemia, and neurological problems. Among patients with RLS is quite common.
  • ADHD: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been found to be common in children and adults with restless legs syndrome.
  • cognitive disorders including Parkinson's disease.

Signs and symptoms

Restless legs syndrome symptoms tend to worsen during the night while you sleep, but they can also occur during the day while you are awake. sitting position for long periods time can also lead to RLS, regardless of the time of day.

Most Common Symptoms restless leg syndrome include:

  • Sensations in the legs that are described as creeping, twisting, aching and dragging. Most of the time these sensations are located deep inside calf muscles or in the thighs and even the arms.
  • Strong urge or feeling that you need to immediately move, shake or stretch your legs to stop unpleasant symptoms.
  • Temporary relief from symptoms when moving the legs (although this usually does not last long).
  • Involuntary twitching of the legs, resembling a spasm (the so-called periodic movements of the limbs). Leg twitching caused by night cramps is one of the most common manifestations of RLS.
  • Poor sleep due to discomfort and repeated awakenings. For many people, the symptoms of RLS begin shortly after they fall asleep and follow them throughout the night, resulting in insomnia and, as a result, daytime sleepiness or tiredness.

One of the most big problems associated with RLS is a sleep disorder that leads to many complications. Sleep problems force patients to take sedative drugs, long-term use leading to addiction and side effects.

Conventional treatment for RLS

If you suspect you have restless legs syndrome, see your doctor to talk about your symptoms, risk factors, and medical history. Your doctor will likely want to rule out other health problems, discuss your bedtime routine, medication use, and also order tests to see if you have anemia, diabetes, or nutritional deficiencies that affect nerve and muscle function.

To date, the most commonly used medications for RLS include:

  • Dopaminomimetics, which help control the amount of movement in the legs. These include the drugs pramipexole, ropinirole, carbidopa, or levodopa.
  • Insomnia medications, including benzodiazepines (although you should be very careful with these, due to various side effects).
  • In some cases, strong painkillers that also act as tranquilizers, such as codeine.
  • Medicines to help control nerve damage in diabetes (diabetic neuropathy).
  • Medicines used to control side effects, epilepsy, or cognitive disorders such as Parkinson's disease.

The American National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke states that, according to research, medications, as a rule, provide positive effect to varying degrees, but none of the drugs can completely eliminate the symptoms of RLS. In addition, drugs taken regularly are addictive, which leads to the need to change medications periodically.

There are also some medications that can make the symptoms of RLS worse. These include:

  • Antihistamines such as Benadryl
  • Drops used to treat high blood pressure
  • Medicines for dizziness and nausea (including meclizine, compazine, fenergan, and raglan)
  • Antidepressants (including Elavil, Prozac, Lexapro and Effexor)
  • Psychiatric drugs used to treat bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other serious disorders (such as haloperidol and phenothiazine)

Treating Restless Leg Syndrome at Home

Restless leg syndrome treatment should focus primarily on correcting the underlying problems that cause the disorder, whether it be diabetes, anemia, or autoimmune disease. For many people with mild RLS, lifestyle changes such as improved diet, management, and psychological preparation at bedtime, can significantly reduce symptoms.

1. Healthy eating and normalization of blood sugar levels

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are one of the causes of restless leg syndrome. We offer you a list of products that replenish the reserves of nutrients in the body and alleviate the manifestations of RLS.

Best Foods for Restless Leg Syndrome:

  • Must be eaten a large number of whole foods, including high content magnesium, potassium and calcium, in order to avoid electrolyte imbalances. These include green leafy vegetables, avocados, beans, bananas, sweet potatoes, raw dairy products (such as cultured yogurt), and seeds.
  • Maintain a healthy diet by eating whole, unprocessed grains like rolled oats, quinoa, buckwheat, wild rice, and amaranth.
  • Protein sources are usually also good sources iron and vitamins. Add to your diet the meat of animals that have eaten natural food, uncaged poultry meat from natural waters, beans and lentils.
  • Healthy fats help maintain proper sugar balance and reduce inflammatory processes in the body. Healthy fats include coconut or olive oil, avocados, seeds, nuts, and natural seafood that contain omega-3 fatty amino acids.

Foods that can make restless legs syndrome worse:

  • Foods containing sugar or artificial sweeteners
  • Drinks containing caffeine and alcohol
  • Trans fats or refined oils
  • Processed carbs and grains

Other changes that may help treat restless leg syndrome include:

  • Avoid consuming large amounts of alcohol and caffeine
  • Quit smoking
  • Take magnesium supplements to help prevent magnesium deficiency (a very common problem among people who eat a monotonous diet or are chronically ill)

2. Get enough iron

If iron deficiency is the cause of your restless legs syndrome, then a well-chosen diet can significantly improve your well-being. Consume plenty of iron-rich foods (beef, sardines, spinach and leafy greens, beans and lentils) in combination with foods that contain B vitamins, including folate.

Consider taking a multivitamin rich in iron and B vitamins. However, don't overdo it, it's important not to take very high doses of vitamins and minerals without testing as the body needs a healthy balance of nutrients.

3. Warm baths with bitter Epsom salts

Bitter salt acts as a natural anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant. It has long been used in the treatment of muscle cramps, pain and magnesium deficiency due to its chemical formula containing magnesium sulfate (MgSO4).

The most common way to use: take within 20 minutes warm bath, with the addition of one glass of Epsom salts.

Another way: hot foot bath for which you can use large saucepan. The shins and feet should be in the water. Not only does salt help soothe the feet, but on its own heat water also relaxes the muscles and has positive influence for RLS symptoms.

4. Essential oils and therapeutic massage

You can either visit a massage therapist for a professional massage, or use simple foot massage techniques on your own to soothe sore feet at home. Using for massage can be a very effective aid. Good for Restless Leg Syndrome essential oils cypress, rosemary, lavender or. They have natural antispasmodic properties and relieve discomfort associated with spasms, cramps and muscle tension.

If you decide to do a foot massage at home, you will benefit from this video showing correct technique lower limb massage.

5. Exercise and stretch

Certain exercises can help relieve the symptoms of restless leg syndrome. A 2006 study found that a combination of moderate aerobic exercise and strength training lower body treatment three times a week helped to significantly reduce the intensity of RLS symptoms. Many patients rated the results of this experiment as "reducing discomfort by half or more."

Also proven to be effective stretching exercises. Here is an example of such exercises:

Important to note that too vigorous and strenuous exercise, as well as the lack of sufficient rest between workouts, can worsen the symptoms of the disease.

6. Sleep preparation and stress management

Restless legs syndrome leads to an increased risk of insomnia, sleep problems, chronic stress and fatigue. It is very important to accustom yourself to following a certain ritual of going to bed to help the body relax and prepare for a night's rest. Check out these helpful tips and tricks:

  • Avoid using electronic gadgets for a few hours before bed;
  • Let's ourselves physical exercise during the daytime. They usually lead to sound sleep and a good night's rest (including weight training or walking);
  • Do yoga and stretching exercises, which also have a beneficial effect on sleep quality and reduce the severity of RLS symptoms;
  • Take hot baths or showers;
  • Massage your feet;
  • Learn relaxation techniques and put them into practice;
  • Learn to meditate and bring yourself to a peaceful state;
  • If you feel chronic nervousness and irritation, seek the advice of a psychotherapist;
  • Keep a journal of your condition to understand what actions were the most effective;
  • Read something soothing before bed (avoid books with an exciting and fast-paced plot).

What drugs are used to treat restless leg syndrome?

Restless Leg Syndrome Treatment by Elena Malysheva

One of the most distressing sensorimotor disorders known to neurology is restless leg syndrome. The disease is one of the main factors provoking chronic insomnia. All age categories of persons are subject to violation, however, it is more often observed in elderly people. Women over 60 are most likely to develop it. Differential Diagnosis, despite the prevalence of the syndrome, is significantly difficult, and the correct diagnosis is established only in 8% of all patients.

Classification of the syndrome according to the type of manifestation

Traditionally, the disorder affects middle-aged and elderly people, but restless legs syndrome in some cases is also observed in children.

Violation often accompanies pregnancy, as a result of which a woman develops severe and psychological disorders that are incompatible with healthy gestation.

  • Restless legs syndrome in children. Violation in children is often mistakenly referred to as the so-called "growing pains". Some clinical researches found that restless legs syndrome in childhood associated with the lack of attention from parents, and as a result, psychological disorders.

    Other physicians believe that the disorder occurs according to childhood motor hyperactivity during the day. The true unambiguous causes of childhood and adolescent deviation have not yet been established, however, it has been proven that this syndrome tends to progress over the years and does not disappear on its own.

  • syndrome in pregnant women. The disorder occurs during pregnancy in 15-30% of cases. Often it begins in the third trimester, and then the syndrome is eliminated on its own during the first month of motherhood. However, it must be understood that the disorder can be directly related to problems in the body, including iron deficiency anemia.
  • If the syndrome is caused by pathological factors, it can be transmitted genetically from mother to child. To dispel doubts about physiological reasons diseases, you need to seek medical help.

  • Idiopathic Restless Leg Syndrome. This form refers to the primary manifestation of the disorder. In this case, the syndrome manifests itself in the first 30 years of life and has an autosomal dominant hereditary etiology.

    Clinical signs are no different from the symptomatic (secondary) syndrome, however, the idiopathic form is characterized by the absence of concomitant somatic and neurological diseases.

Do you know the feeling of numbness and "running" goosebumps in your legs? If these are isolated cases that are associated, for example, with an uncomfortable position of the legs, you should not worry. When this happens constantly, and the attacks are repeated, then, most likely, we can talk about the first

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Causes and provoking factors of the disorder

Symptomatic syndrome is observed mainly in the middle and older age categories, arising according to the following reasons:

  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus of the second type;
  • Chronic hypovitaminosis folic acid and cyanocobalamin;
  • Uremia;
  • Renal and heart failure;
  • discogenic radiculopathy;
  • Complications obtained after resection of the stomach;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Dysfunctions thyroid gland: hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis;
  • Sjögren's syndrome;
  • Obstructive diseases of the lung tissue;
  • Venous insufficiency of the legs;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Diseases of the blood vessels;
  • porphyrin disease;
  • cryoglobulinemia;
  • Severe spinal cord injury.

Pregnancy also contributes to the development of the disorder, but if, in addition to it, no pathological factor provoked the syndrome, it is eliminated after the delivery of the woman.

Polyneuropathic causes:

  • Porphyric polyneuropathy;
  • Amyloidosis.

Syndrome symptoms

The symptoms of the disorder are distinguished by clearly limited time frames.

The disorder manifests itself in a certain daily rhythm, and the peak of the onset of symptoms falls on the interval from 00.00 to 04.00 at night.

A person with restless legs syndrome experiences a combination of the following symptoms:

  • Intensive pain in the lower limbs;
  • Pain is often associated with a feeling of strong tingling, burning, a feeling of fullness and constriction, itching, pain in the legs;
  • Unpleasant sensations are localized in the area ankle joint and calf muscles;
  • Occur predominantly at night;
  • Signs begin to progress in a state of complete rest;
  • Discomfort and painful phenomena tend to decrease with physical activity;
  • Rhythmic movements in the legs of a neuropathic nature.

The clinical consequence of the development of restless legs syndrome in the vast majority of cases is severe insomnia. The patient cannot fall asleep for a long time due to increased motor activity and pain in the lower extremities.

If this still succeeds, the patient wakes up later. a short time from growing symptoms, and re-immersion in sleep becomes almost impossible for him.

Differential Diagnosis

Like any neurological disease, restless leg syndrome undergoes careful medical analysis before establishing an accurate diagnosis.

Diagnostics consists of several main stages:

  • Careful study of the patient's symptoms and an objective assessment of his family history;
  • Somatic and neurological face-to-face examination;
  • Blood chemistry;
  • The study of the content of ferritin in the blood serum based on the analysis;
  • Electroneuromyography;

For more information about availability concomitant diseases you may need to consult a therapist and an endocrinologist.

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Restless legs syndrome treatment

Therapeutic measures

After an adequate diagnosis has been made and the underlying disease has been identified, complex treatment is prescribed.

First of all, it may be associated with the correction of a deficiency in the blood of certain substances, and the intake of multivitamin complexes containing folic acid, magnesium and iron. In any case, how to treat this syndrome is decided by the attending physician.

Medical treatment

Includes various drugs:

  • Tranquilizers and sleeping pills (Restoril, Ambien, Halcyon, Klonopin). Applicable for mild form diseases;
  • Antiparkinsonian drugs. To date, treatment with Mirapex has proven to be excellent. The drug stimulates the synthesis and metabolism of dopamine, activates its receptors in the striatum.

    Completely absorbed 1-2 hours after ingestion and has quick action. Indicated for symptomatic therapy idiopathic restless legs syndrome and Parkinson's disease. AT without fail should be prescribed by a doctor, as it has a number of contraindications and side effects;

  • Anticonvulsants (Neurontin, Tegretol);
  • Opiates. Injections of potent opiate-containing injections are used in especially severe cases syndrome. The following drugs are used: Codeine, Methadone, Oxycodone, Propoxyphene;
  • Creams and ointments for pain relief and general relaxation (Nise, Relax, Menovazin, Nikoflex).


The following are used as incentives:

  • Endodermal electrical stimulation;
  • Darsonvalization of limbs;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Vibromassage;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Therapeutic applications with sea mud;
  • Lymphopress;
  • Manual acupressure;
  • Cryotherapy.


Consultations and work with a psychotherapist. May be needed if no other common causes of the disorder have been identified.

Some patients require correction of comorbid mental disorders by taking antidepressants, sedatives and benzodiazepine receptor agonists (Zolpidem, Trazodone).

homeopathic remedies

  • Zincum Metallicum;
  • Zincum C6;
  • Zincum Valerianicum;
  • Natrum Bromatum.

Folk remedies

  • Massage using bay oil. You can prepare the remedy by insisting 30 g bay leaf in 100 g of vegetable oil. Treat feet daily before going to bed;
  • Rubbing with concentrated tincture of a golden mustache;
  • Phytotherapeutic foot baths with the addition of nettle, sage, valerian and oregano;
  • Rubbing the shins with apple cider vinegar;
  • Reception of tea with linden and lemon balm;
  • The use of infusion of hawthorn;
  • Cold and hot shower.


Includes a number of exercises:

  • Mandatory load on the legs during the day. Ideally, classic squats without a load;
  • Stretching gymnastics - elementary exercises for stretching the calf muscles;
  • Prolonged jogging or walking a long distance before bed;
  • Exercise bike or cycling;
  • Flexion and extension of the legs;
  • Walking on toes with high knees.

Treatment at home

  • Strengthening intellectual loads;
  • Self-massage of the calf muscles and legs;
  • Alternating cold and hot foot baths;
  • Correction of nutrition and rejection of bad habits;
  • Compliance with the rules of sleep hygiene.

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Imagine such a situation. You are tired, you went to bed late the day before, you didn’t get enough sleep, you dreamed of rest all day, but as soon as you went to bed, you can forget about sleep. The reason is the legs, which for some reason decided to "start dancing." An irresistible desire to move your legs at rest is the main symptom of such a neurological disorder as restless leg syndrome. What are the causes of the disease and is it possible to get rid of it?

Restless legs syndrome is difficult to diagnose. Symptoms are most pronounced at night when the body is at rest. The disorder may be associated with diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes or anemia. But not only. The syndrome also affects the young and quite healthy people. And most often women suffer from this disease.

And twists, and whines, and does not let sleep: what is restless legs syndrome

Many have probably heard the common expression about a bad head that does not give rest to the legs. If the definition of “bad” is replaced by “sick”, then the saying will accurately reflect the essence of restless legs syndrome (or Ekbom syndrome), which is manifested by such unpleasant sensations as crawling all over the body, burning, itching, trembling in the calves, shins, feet and sometimes even the hips.

Moreover, a person experiences all this when he is at rest, as a rule, going to bed. To pacify the legs, the sufferer is forced to constantly move his limbs or walk up and down the room. What a dream!

Science still cannot say for sure what exactly causes the development of restless leg syndrome. According to one version, it's all to blame biochemical processes occurring in the brain. In case of failure, with a lack of dopamine - a special substance that is responsible for motor activity of a person, such strange behavior of the legs can develop.

Some sources cite statistics, according to which, in about 30% of patients, this disorder is hereditary. Restless legs syndrome is 1.5 times more common in women than in men. To date, it has been possible to isolate the genes responsible for the expression this syndrome, which are located on chromosomes 12, 14 and 9. The disorder is more common in people with middle and old age, but often first manifests itself in 20-30 years. It happens that restless legs syndrome develops even in children and adolescents and progresses over the years.

For the first time, the symptoms of the disorder, which later became known as "restless legs syndrome", were described in 1672 by the British physician Thomas Willis. More than one century passed before the Finnish doctor and scientist Karl Alex Ekbom showed interest in this disease today.

In 1943, Ekbom was already in position modern medicine once again formulated the main symptoms of the disease, combining them under common name"restless legs" And then he added the term "syndrome". Since then, the disorder has been referred to as both Restless Leg Syndrome and Ekbom's Syndrome.

Restless legs syndrome can also develop against other conditions. Most often, this is iron deficiency in the body and uremia (increased concentration of urea in the blood), which is typical for patients with renal insufficiency and those undergoing hemodialysis. Restless legs symptoms can also occur in pregnant women during II and III trimesters. After childbirth, all discomfort usually disappears. But in rare cases, the disorder can persist for life. Other causes of the disease include obesity, which increases the risk of developing restless leg syndrome. The risk group includes young people under the age of 20 who are overweight. In neurological patients, this disorder may be caused by medication or be a concomitant symptom of the underlying disease.

Walking to Sleep: The Cunning of Restless Legs

As a rule, most sufferers experience unpleasant symptoms at least once a week, in some more than twice a week. Restless legs syndrome has a clearly defined daily rhythm, appearing and intensifying in the evening and at night. The peak activity of the limbs falls on the period from 0 to 4 hours, gradually fading in the morning. It turns out that instead of sleeping, a person is forced to walk around the apartment, stretching, bending, shaking or rubbing itchy legs. During movement, discomfort decreases or disappears, but as soon as a person goes back to bed, and sometimes even just stops, his legs again give no rest.

According to some researchers, about 25% of cases are associated with restless leg syndrome. chronic disorder sleep.

Often the disease begins with the fact that the first symptoms make themselves felt 15-30 minutes after the person went to bed. If the disease progresses, discomfort in the legs can appear not only at night, but also during the day. In severe cases of restless legs syndrome, the time of day does not play a role. Legs require attention constantly and in a sitting position too. In this state, people literally words do not find a place for themselves. Ordinary trips to the theater, to the cinema, to visit, flying on an airplane and driving a car become impossible. All this affects emotional state, often people with restless leg syndrome suffer from severe depression.

Some patients, in an attempt to alleviate their condition, organized real walking marathons, walking a total of 10-15 kilometers per night. A person sleeps for 15-20 minutes, then walks the same amount.

The insidiousness of this disorder is that at the appointment, the doctor, as a rule, does not find any manifestations of the disease: the symptoms are not visible, but only felt by the person himself. It is not always possible for a specialist to correctly diagnose, because there are simply no special laboratory tests or studies that could confirm the presence of restless legs syndrome. To date, no specific disorders of the nervous system characteristic of this disorder have been identified. Often, discomfort is associated with a disease of the joints or veins.

For a correct diagnosis, it is very important to tell the neurologist in detail and accurately about your feelings, their regularity and intensity. To help the doctor and the patient, not so long ago, an international group for the study of restless legs syndrome developed the main criteria by which to determine whether a person has this disease:

  • the need to move the legs is associated with the presence of discomfort in the limbs;
  • the need to move the legs is manifested in a state of rest, in a prone or sitting position;
  • movement weakens or relieves discomfort in the legs;
  • the desire to move the legs occurs in the evening and at night, during the day there are either no manifestations, or insignificant ones.

By the way, the same international group for the study of restless legs syndrome created a scale for assessing the severity of the syndrome. This is a questionnaire of 10 questions that the patient answers. That is, the patient himself evaluates the severity of the disease in accordance with his feelings.

Polysomnography will help clarify the diagnosis - a study during which the patient sleeps with sensors attached to the body that record the processes of his nervous system and involuntary physical activity.

With the help of polysomnography, based on the number of periodic movements of the legs during sleep (this is typical for patients with restless leg syndrome), the severity of the disease can be established:

  • mild degree - 5-20 movements per hour
  • average degree - 20 - 60 movements per hour
  • severe - more than 60 movements per hour

Doesn't hurt to submit general analysis blood, as well as blood for the content of iron, vitamin B12, folic acid, glucose, since, as already noted, restless legs syndrome may be the result of an underlying disease.

Help will come: how to calm yourself and your feet

It is possible and necessary to solve the problem of night wanderings. If discomfort is associated with any disease, then, of course, we must try to cure the root cause. For iron deficiency, the doctor may prescribe iron therapy in the form of tablets or intravenous and intramuscular injections under the control of the level of ferritin in the blood serum. When mild manifestation sleeping pills and tranquilizers can help illnesses, in more severe situations, drugs that affect the production of dopamine in the body. Important: all drugs should be selected and prescribed only by a specialist.

In addition to medication, there are other ways to calm restless leg syndrome:

  • 1 Set of exercises. Squats, stretching, flexion-extension of the legs, lifting on the toes, normal walking (better on fresh air) - all this is good for restless legs. Exercise should be done before bed. Just do not overdo it, excessive physical activity can aggravate the condition.
  • 2 Foot massage, as well as various physiotherapeutic procedures: mud applications, magnetotherapy, lymphopress and others.
  • 3 Contrast shower on the calves and shins, provided that there are no contraindications, as well as various rubbing.
  • 4 Try to sleep in an unusual position for you.
  • 5 Proper nutrition. Don't overeat at night, it's not just a threat extra pounds, but can also cause insomnia and unnecessary activity in the legs. With restless leg syndrome, you should give up alcohol, cigarettes, as well as drinks and foods containing caffeine (coffee, tea, cola, chocolate). They stimulate nervous system and may exacerbate symptoms.

An active lifestyle, a healthy diet, good rest - this comprehensive wellness approach to recovery, as practice shows, is the most effective way to get rid of many diseases (including restless leg syndrome).

There is no cure for restless legs syndrome. But hasn't bothered anyone yet. healthy lifestyle life, which is perhaps the most simple and effective way avoid many diseases.

Willis disease is a common neurological disease, commonly known as restless leg syndrome. Expressed by discomfort in the legs. Because of this condition, you want to constantly move your legs, itching, burning, “goosebumps” appear on the skin. Pathology is unpleasant - after a hard day's work it is impossible to sleep, lie down in a calm state.

More often the syndrome occurs in people over 40 years old, but young people also get sick. The disease is more common in women than in men. It is explained by the fact that in men the nervous system is considered to be stronger. The causes of the onset of the disease vary.

What it is?

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a condition characterized by unpleasant sensations in the lower extremities that appear at rest (more often in the evening and at night), force the patient to make movements that facilitate them and often lead to sleep disturbance.

Current population studies show that the prevalence of RLS is 2-10%. RLS occurs in all age groups but is more common in middle and old age. RLS is responsible for approximately 15% of cases chronic insomnia- insomnia.


The primary syndrome is little studied, young people under 30 are sick. Not associated with major diseases, it accounts for up to 50%. It accompanies a person all his life, alternating periods of progression and remission. It occurs suddenly, the reasons are not clarified, it can be:

  • heredity in 20-70% of cases;
  • disturbances in the work of the central nervous system;
  • psychological circumstances (stress, depression, fatigue).

Secondary syndrome - manifests itself against the background of the main (neurological or somatic) disease, disappears after their elimination. Frequently occurring:

  • disruption in the blood supply;
  • kidney disease,;
  • beriberi (group B) and lack of magnesium;
  • diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease;
  • abuse of alcohol, tobacco, caffeine;
  • treatment with certain drugs.

The secondary syndrome occurs after 40 years or later. The exception is pregnancy. More than 16% of pregnant women suffer from this disease, 3 times more than non-pregnant women. There is a possibility of genetic transmission of RLS from mother to fetus, which poses a threat to the bearing of the baby.


The effectiveness of dopaminergic drugs and the possibility of worsening symptoms under the influence of antipsychotics indicate that a key link in the pathogenesis of RLS is the defectiveness of dopaminergic systems. clear circadian rhythm clinical manifestations RLS may reflect the involvement of hypothalamic structures, in particular the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which regulates daily cycles. physiological processes in the body.

It is possible that in some patients with RLS, polyneuropathy, iron deficiency, coffee abuse, or other factors only reveal the existing hereditary predisposition, which partly blurs the line between idiopathic and symptomatic variants of RLS.

RLS symptoms

A symptom is characterized in the form of unpleasant sensations of a stabbing, scraping, itching, pressing or bursting character in the lower extremities. Symptoms usually appear at rest, with physical activity they decrease significantly.

To alleviate the condition, patients resort to various manipulations - stretching and bending, massaging, shaking and rubbing the limbs, during sleep they often toss and turn, get out of bed and walk from side to side, or shift from foot to foot. Such activities help to stop the symptoms of restless legs syndrome, but as soon as the patient goes to bed again, or simply stops, they come back. characteristic feature syndrome is the manifestation of symptoms at the same time, on average, it reaches its maximum severity in the period from 12 am to 4 am, the minimum falls on the time from 6 to 10 am.

In advanced cases, prolonged absence treatment, the circadian rhythm of restless leg syndrome disappears, symptoms appear at any time, even in a state of sitting. This situation greatly complicates the life of the patient - it is difficult for him to withstand long trips in transport, work at a computer, visit cinema, theaters, etc.

Due to the need to constantly move during sleep, over time, the patient develops insomnia, which leads to fatigue and daytime sleepiness.


Basic diagnostic methods:

  1. Blood test for iron, magnesium and folic acid. It helps to determine the deficiency of the listed elements, which can be provocative factors of pathology.
  2. Electroneuromyography is a method of studying nerves and muscles using special equipment. In this case, sensitive sensors are connected to different areas body and diagnose the degree of electrical excitability of a particular muscle group.
  3. Polysmonography - A complex approach, which allows diagnosing motor activity during sleep. Special sensors register awakenings and muscle activity. Unlike electroneuromyography, a person is in a sleeping state.

How to Treat Restless Leg Syndrome?

A certain algorithm for the treatment of restless legs syndrome has been developed, which includes a number of procedures. This includes:

  • help of a psychotherapist;
  • folk remedies and homeopathy;
  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises;
  • self-help, bedtime ceremony.

After the diagnosis is made, you can proceed to the complex treatment of Ekbom's disease.

Medical treatment

In cases light flow disease, only these measures may be enough, and the disease will recede. If they do not help, and the disease causes a persistent disruption of sleep and life, then they resort to drugs.

Drugs used in the disease:

  1. Dopaminergic drugs (preparations containing L-DOPA - Nakom, Madopar, Sinemet; dopamine receptor agonists - Pramipexole Pronoran, Bromocriptine). These are first-line drugs of choice, they begin treatment. For drugs containing L-DOPA, the initial dosage is 50 mg of levodopa 1-2 hours before bedtime. If this is not enough, then after about a week the dose is increased by another 50 mg. The maximum dose is 200 mg. Dopamine receptor agonists have an effect comparable in effect to L-DOPA preparations. Pramipexole is prescribed starting from 0.125 mg, the dosage can be increased to 1 mg, Bromocriptine - from 1.25 mg (up to 7.5 mg), Pronoran - from 50 mg (up to 150 mg). If one dopamine receptor agonist is ineffective, it is advisable to replace it with another.
  2. Benzodiazepines. Among this chemical group, Clonazepam (starting at 0.5 mg at night and up to 2 mg) and Alprazolam (from 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg at night) are more commonly used. Benzodiazepines affect sleep more than discomfort and periodic movement in the legs, so they are considered "reserve" drugs for the treatment of restless leg syndrome.
  3. Anticonvulsants (Gabapentin, Neurontin, Carbamazepine) and opioids (Tramadol, Codeine, Dihydrocodeine, Oxycodone). These drugs are used as a last resort only if dopaminergic and benzodiazepine drugs have been ineffective or have severe side effects. Gabapentin is prescribed in increasing dosage, starting with 300 mg and reaching up to maximum dose at 2700 mg (stop at the dose that has the effect). The entire dose is taken at night in one dose. Tramadol is taken at 50-400 mg at night, Codeine - 15-60 mg each, Dihydrocodeine - 60-120 mg each, Oxycodone - 2.5-20 mg each. These narcotic drugs are used only for particularly severe cases of restless legs syndrome, as they can be addictive.

Willys disease is insidious in that often patients require long-term use drugs, so the doctor tries to select the minimum dosage of drugs to relieve symptoms and provide a gentle toxic effect on the body.

It is especially difficult to treat pregnant women. In such cases, the specialist tries to identify and eliminate the cause of the disease. In most cases, the fault is the lack of trace elements, especially iron. This condition is normalized after a course of iron-containing drugs. If more than serious violations, to eliminate the symptoms of restless legs syndrome in pregnant women, doctors advise non-drug methods, and small doses drugs (usually clonazepam or levodopa) are prescribed for a short time and only in extreme cases.

Additional techniques

As an addition to drug therapy and proper lifestyle in the treatment of Ekbom's syndrome, physiotherapy procedures are used, which include:

  1. Vibromassage.
  2. Reflexology is a method in which special needles are inserted into specific points on the body.
  3. Magnetotherapy is the use of magnetic fields that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-edematous effects.
  4. Darsonvalization of the legs - with the help of a special device, a certain part of the body is exposed to a high-frequency rapidly decaying current.
  5. Lymphopress - creating pressure on the lymphatic system in order to normalize metabolic processes in the body and increase the tone of the veins of the lower extremities.
  6. Mud applications - a method using therapeutic mud. When it is used, blood circulation improves, the movement of red blood cells improves, and metabolism is normalized.

Folk remedies in the fight against RLS

To alleviate the condition of restless legs, a lot of tips are described. traditional medicine that can be used together with complex treatment:

  1. Laurel oil. Add to 100 ml olive oil 30 g of bay leaf and let the liquid brew in a dark place for about 2 weeks. With the resulting tincture, you should do a foot massage every night before going to bed.
  2. Relaxing tea. Such a drink will help improve sleep, soothe and relax the muscles. You will need a mixture of valerian roots, herb oregano and mint. Additionally, you need to rinse 10 rose hips. You can use both dried and fresh versions. Next, you need to place rose hips and 1 tsp in the kettle. mixtures of herbs. Then pour all 400 ml of boiling water and let stand for at least 40 minutes. You need to take this tea 2 hours before bedtime for a month, 1 glass.
  3. Fuck tincture. Pour the crushed roots and leaves of horseradish with alcohol or vodka and keep for 4-5 days in a dark place. Rub your feet regularly with this remedy.
  4. Healing bath. It is necessary to prepare a decoction of wormwood, rosemary and linden. All herbs need to be mixed and 3 tbsp. l. pour 1 liter of boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes. Then sue, filter and add the liquid to the foot bath. For 3 liters of water, 1 liter of decoction is needed. The temperature must be at least 38 degrees. The exposure time is 15 minutes. Such baths should be done every other day for a month.
  5. Golden mustache tincture. rub pharmacy tincture lower limbs at bedtime.
  6. Infusion of hawthorn. Brew 1 tbsp. l. hawthorn berries with a glass of boiling water and drink a drink shortly before bedtime. This will calm the nervous system and help relieve discomfort in the legs.

Do not self-medicate, especially if you are not sure of your diagnosis! See a doctor who can confirm or refute your suspicions of restless legs syndrome, as well as recommend how to cope with the pain.

Treatment at home

At home, you can completely follow all the measures that will reduce the symptoms of the disease to a minimum.

  1. It is necessary to form your own sleep schedule - fall asleep and wake up at the same time. If the patient suffers from neuropsychiatric disorders, then the doctor definitely advises to train the mind.
  2. Physical exercises. Moderate physical activity has a positive effect on the condition of the legs. During the day and before bed, it is useful to do exercise therapy, take walks, do Pilates, swim, yoga or stretch. But too active sports can provoke an increase in symptoms, so running, jumping, football and volleyball are contraindicated in people suffering from Willis disease.
  3. Contrasting pours. Take contrast foot baths, alternating cold and hot water.
  4. Hobbies. At home you can find something to do: drawing, knitting, reading. Concentration helps relieve stress.
  5. Regular foot massage. Rubbing the lower extremities before going to bed can reduce discomfort and make it easier to fall asleep.

You can take a cream or resort to folk remedies that we indicated earlier. Be sure to avoid caffeinated products. Eat iron-rich foods, sleep in cotton socks. Some sources talk about the benefits of wearing socks made of sheep wool. You shouldn't eat at night. Having received a boost of energy, it will be more difficult for the body to fall asleep.


There is no consensus among patients on how to get rid of unpleasant attacks in the legs at night. Each patient has his own methods and means. It can only be noted that in order to reduce night attacks it is useful to carry out preventive measures:

  1. Cancel late dinner, do not go to bed on a full stomach;
  2. Yoga or Pilates classes;
  3. Swimming;
  4. In the autumn and spring, taking vitamins;
  5. Often change your working position, take breaks with small gymnastic exercises;
  6. Walk outside before bed
  7. Wear only cotton clothing, no synthetic materials. Feet should always be warm.

Generally specific prevention Restless legs syndrome does not have a hereditary form. The main prevention measures are aimed at treatment primary diseases, which over time can lead to the development of polyneuropathy and disruption of the dopaminergic system.

All movements that will be made cause a feeling of relief. This picture is manifested in a neurological disease. As a rule, adults who have overcome the barrier at 60 years old suffer from Willis disease. But in recent times this ailment is significantly "younger" and begins to manifest itself at an earlier age.

Causes of Restless Leg Syndrome

In some cases, this disease can develop on its own, without any apparent reason. Doctors call this condition primary or idiopathic restless leg syndrome.

Experts believe that this disease is hereditary, since it is most often found among relatives. A secondary form of the disease can also develop - in this case, Willis' disease is the result of a recent illness or a new state of the body.

The biggest problem is that this ailment is capable of provoking malfunctions in the central nervous system, the manifestation of which occurs in the form of metabolic disorders of iron and dopamine.

Such a disease can provoke a variety of reasons:

  • transferred serious injury(especially if the brain has been damaged);
  • abuse of certain drugs (if the permitted dosage is constantly exceeded);
  • during pregnancy;
  • alcohol poisoning (with pronounced intoxication);
  • with anemia;
  • with the development of diabetes;
  • at various diseases kidneys (if kidney failure is diagnosed).

Drugs that provoke the development of the disease

Certain medical preparations can cause the development of a disease such as restless legs syndrome. About this side effect physicians prescribing the medicine should be warned. It will be useful for everyone to familiarize themselves with the list of drugs that can provoke a disease:
  • drugs for seizures;
  • all products that contain caffeine;
  • neuroleptics;
  • antiemetics containing prochlorperazine and metoclopramide;
  • phenothiazines;
  • anti-allergic drugs;
  • drugs that help lower blood pressure;
  • preparations containing lithium;
  • medicines for fever containing dipheningidramine;
  • antidepressants.
It is also worth considering the fact that alcohol abuse causes harm to the body. As a result, the development of restless legs syndrome can occur - first the muscles relax, after which their contraction begins.

Restless legs syndrome symptoms

This disease is accompanied by unpleasant and strong feelings discomfort in the legs, soreness may disturb. The area of ​​localization of sensation can be varied - in the thigh, foot, lower leg, in the calf area, etc. They can roll in waves with a short interval of a few seconds.

As a rule, unpleasant sensations begin to disturb at night, but in some cases they continue even during the day. Most often, pregnant women suffer from restless legs syndrome, and after childbirth, this unpleasant phenomenon may disappear on its own.

At a time when the legs are at rest, there is an exacerbation of unpleasant symptoms. All motor and sensory signs are most pronounced during sleep. Attacks can disturb after a different period of time, when the legs are at rest, since this indicator is purely individual.

As soon as the legs are in motion, there is a gradual subsidence and complete disappearance of the symptoms of the disease. The more the person moves, the more likely the signs will go away. As a rule, simple walking helps well, as well as small physical activities - for example, exercising on simulators, jumping or bending over. Here everything depends only on the patient and is determined on a strictly individual basis.

In some cases, movements only temporarily relieve discomfort, and as soon as the legs are again at rest, signs of the disease will appear. In the most severe cases, relief comes only for a short time, and soon the symptoms roll again.

Restless legs syndrome symptoms can become circadian in nature. In this case, in the early morning, unpleasant symptoms almost never bother. But closer to 17 pm the situation gradually begins to worsen, and at dawn the pain gradually subsides.

During sleep, there is movement of the limbs. Quite often, when diagnosing such a disease, during sleep, patients are faced with such a phenomenon - the movement of the legs, while the interval can be 5–40 seconds. This indicator is determined on an individual basis. This symptom occurs in about 80% of people with Willis disease.

If the disease is mild, the movements begin approximately 60–120 minutes after the person has fallen asleep. But with a severe form of restless leg syndrome, movements can disturb throughout the night and subside only closer to dawn.

In almost all cases, Willis's disease is accompanied by insomnia, because with such manifestations of the disease, falling asleep can be extremely difficult. Even if you manage to rest for several hours, regular awakenings will definitely occur. Quite often, insomnia flows into a chronic form, because of which a person constantly wants to sleep.

Restless legs syndrome treatment

Treatment of this disease depends on which form of the disease is diagnosed - primary or secondary. characteristic feature restless legs syndrome is that it is extremely difficult to treat and it is almost impossible to get rid of unpleasant attacks once and for all. That is why the positive outcome of therapy directly depends on the severity and extent of the disease.

It is important to remember that restless legs syndrome is a deficient condition of the body, which is why it is necessary to address the lack of a substance such as iron. Typically, development this disease occurs on the background of anemia.

During medical therapy ferrous sulfate is prescribed, which must be taken for several months. After this time, it will be possible to notice positive changes in treatment, so you will have to be patient. At the same time, we should not forget about the benefits of folic acid, which can cause the development of restless legs syndrome.

More efficient is drug therapy with the use of medications, however, in this case, you need to adhere to certain conditions in order to notice positive changes:

  • the dosage of any medicine is determined only by the doctor, while it should be minimal;
  • an increase in dosage should occur gradually, due to which a positive result will be noticeable;
  • in each case, drugs are selected strictly on an individual basis, after personal testing has been carried out;
  • it is necessary to apply combined treatment, since only in this case a positive result can be obtained.

Complex therapy

To alleviate the patient's condition, complex treatment is prescribed:
  1. Sleeping pills, tranquilizers may be added. Provided that the disease proceeds in a mild form, a positive effect can be obtained, but addiction quickly develops to such means.
  2. Dopamine. These drugs have a dopaminergic effect, while providing almost instant results.
  3. Anticonvulsants. This is one of the main points of complex therapy, while the dosage prescribed by the doctor must be strictly observed.
  4. Opiates. In the event that the disease is severe, the doctor prescribes opiates. Such tools have a mass side effects therefore, the dosage must be observed, which is strictly forbidden to exceed.
  5. Other medications. In some cases, medications are prescribed that contain beta-blockers (non-narcotic analgesics).

Treatment at home

If restless legs syndrome occurs in a mild form, non-drug treatment can be used to help alleviate the patient's condition:
  • Physical activity, it is desirable to perform before bedtime, but the exercises should not be too intense.
  • Rubbing feet, arbitrary massage.
  • Taking contrast foot baths.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures - for example, the use of therapeutic mud, paraffin, magnotherapy, lymphopress.
  • You need to give up chocolate, tea, coffee and other products that contain caffeine.
  • Compliance correct mode day.
  • You can not take medications that can provoke the development of the disease.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers methods, the regular use of which helps to significantly alleviate well-being when diagnosing restless legs syndrome. However, in order to achieve a noticeable result, they must be used in parallel with medical treatment:
  1. If there is a feeling that an attack will come again soon, you need to twitch your legs for a while, take a walk for about 30 minutes, or walk around the room. The most important thing when an attack occurs is not to remain sitting or lying down.
  2. During the day, you should try to change the position of the body as often as possible and not sit on a chair for several hours in a row, even if the work is sedentary.
  3. As soon as unpleasant sensations begin to disturb, it is necessary to pour cold water on your feet.
  4. You can use a vibration massager before going to bed, thanks to which the muscles of the legs are effectively relaxed and the development of an attack is prevented.
  5. Sleep in silk pajamas and cotton socks.
  6. Do not have a hearty dinner before bedtime, great option will be light salad or a glass of kefir.
  7. Add to your diet as much as possible more products, which contain iron - for example, apples. But you can not refuse other fruits.
  8. It is necessary to completely exclude the use of alcohol, as it has a stimulating effect on the nervous system and as a result an attack can be caused.
  9. It is recommended to stop smoking, because quite often it is nicotine that provokes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.
  10. Don't forget to rest to avoid overwork.
  11. Instead of plain tea, it is recommended to drink herbal decoctions, which have a calming effect - for example, St. John's wort, mint, valerian or motherwort.
It is important to remember that restless legs syndrome is a dangerous disease that requires immediate and comprehensive treatment. You should not expect that everything will go away on its own, since as a result of such actions you can only worsen your own condition and the disease will turn into a more severe form.

Learn more about Restless Leg Syndrome, its symptoms, signs, and treatment in this video: