What causes a weakened immune system is the reason for the decrease in resistance. Why immunity decreases and how to deal with it

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Immunity is the protective properties of the organism, its ability to maintain biological individuality or homeostasis, the constancy and homogeneity of its own systems and structures on the molecular and cellular level. The function of immunity is to resist the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms and toxins into the body, to create antigenic protection.

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The need and functions of immunity

In the absence of immunity to a person, like other living organisms, it is impossible to maintain not only health, but also life. It is thanks to protection from the negative influence of external factors that it is possible to save the body for further reproduction.

In the intrauterine state, the fetus is sterile - it is protected even from exposure biological environment mother's body. If maternal immunity is reduced, then pathogenic flora passes to the fetus through the placenta and possibly intrauterine infection- this condition can provoke an abortion, cause pathological changes in the structure of the fetus.

From the moment of birth, the baby's body is attacked from the outside: various microorganisms (beneficial, opportunistic and pathogenic) tend to populate the skin, mucous membranes and intestines. At this time, the formation of immunity begins.

Organs immune system(OIS) are responsible not only for the production of specific cells that protect against the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms, their functions are much wider.

Let's take a closer look at the functions of immunity:

  • Protection against toxins and chemicals that enter the body from the outside with direct exposure, through respiratory tract or orally;
  • Stimulation of the regenerative ability of the body, replacement of cells - used, aged, damaged;
  • Protection against pathogenic agents - bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa;
  • Protection and opposition to the development of helminths;
  • Protection against malignancy - against the growth of atypical abnormal cells, suppression of cancerous formations.
In addition, OIS control the stimulation of the human body's own cells, reproduction and growth.

The mechanism of immunity production

The organs of the immune system produce special cells that recognize the danger threatening the body, secrete a foreign object or agent, stimulate cells that form reliable protection. The alien agent is destroyed.

Primary organs of the immune system:

  1. thymus or thymus. The thymus differentiates lymphocytes produced by the red bone marrow.
  2. Bone marrow is the organ responsible for hematopoiesis (immunogenesis). It produces T-lymphocytes and differentiates B-lymphocytes.
Secondary OIS:
  • The spleen is a parenchymal organ composed of red and white pulp. The white pulp contains cells that provide protective functions - B- and T-lymphocytes. Lymphocytes and macrophages mature in the red pulp. The ratio of the pulp structure is 1 part white and 4 parts red.
  • Lymphatic tissue: tonsils (tonsils), peripheral and regional lymph nodes, correlated with various bodies- skin, intestines, pulmonary system etc. Lymphoid tissue is colonized by lymphocytes after contact with foreign substances.
Secondary OIS also include the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, organs reproductive system. Until now, it has not been precisely established whether it is possible to include the liver in this group, which, like the spleen, is parenchymal organ.

Secondary OIS are populated by protective cells from the primary OIS, lymphocytes.

Lymphocytes can be classified into the following groups:

  1. T-helpers - are responsible for neutralizing infected cells that are colonized by the virus.
  2. Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes - recognize their own infected cells, and then destroy them with cytotoxins.
  3. B-lymphocytes - produce antibodies that neutralize extracellular pathogens.
  4. Neutrophils are cells that contain natural antibiotics, they move along the lymph flow and absorb foreign substances. Stages of the phagocytic cycle: antigen capture, absorption and death. Neutrophils do not divide and, after performing their function, die, forming a purulent discharge.
  5. Eosinophils - produce perforins, substances that are built into the structure of the helminth.
  6. Basophils are mast cells and those structures that directly circulate in the bloodstream. They participate in the immune response, stimulate the contraction of organic tissues during development allergic reactions.
  7. Monocytes are cells that transform into macrophages. Liver macrophages - Kupffer, lung macrophages - alveolar, bone - cutoclasts, intestinal macrophages, etc.
The work of the immune system and the production of macrophages does not stop for a moment. If the majority organic systems rests during sleep, for example, heartbeat slows down arterial pressure decreases, then the OIS function at the same level.

Varieties of immunity

The main types of immunity are innate and acquired. Congenital is the protective ability of the body, which is inherited, acquired - immunity, formed by a meeting with an infectious agent after a disease or vaccination. Varieties of immunity form endogenous and exogenous influences.

innate immunity

Innate immunity is formed during pregnancy, while the fetus is in utero - its second name is placental. Innate immunity is also called hereditary, genetic or constitutional.

The functions of innate immunity are to respond to the introduction of foreign agents and try to neutralize them.

Innate immunity is not able to accurately determine how dangerous this or that substance is, which is why autoimmune reactions occur - an allergy develops, an atypical response to substances that are not dangerous for the body.

The mechanical barriers of innate immunity are physiological fluids and the reaction of the body, namely nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, fever, irritation skin.

Types of innate immunity:

  • Absolute. Based on the genetic characteristics of the immune system.
  • Relative. It is produced under the influence of external factors - with the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
For example, initially a person has absolute immunity and cannot contract animal diseases (canine distemper, bird flu), but after genetic mutations“Foreign” infectious agents have already gained the ability to attack human body. Since innate immunity against animal diseases was not formed, they turned out to be deadly. In the next generation of individuals that managed to repel the attack of a "foreign" infection, recognition is already being formed genetically - relative immunity is being developed.

acquired immunity

Acquired or adaptive immunity is formed artificially. In this case immune cells, produced under the influence of innate immunity, first attack pathogenic microorganisms, then remember them and subsequently stably recognize and neutralize them. The reaction of the body under the influence of acquired immunity proceeds much faster.

Types of acquired immunity:

  1. Passive. It includes the protective abilities of the baby's body: he received antibodies from the mother's body, and they disintegrate when they reach the age of 4-6 months. Also, passive immunity occurs after vaccination with ready-made antibodies. That is, the protection is temporary.
  2. Active. Formed by the introduction of a pathogenic agent naturally or through vaccination - respectively, it can be considered as natural and artificial. After contact with an active pathogen, the body produces its own lymphocytes upon any contact.
  3. Specific. It develops in an individual that has directly encountered foreign viruses, proteins, bacteria and its own atypical cells. Lymphocytes remember an infectious agent for a certain period of time - from several months to a lifetime. Specific immunity is not inherited.
Types of immunities, congenital and acquired, complement each other. The congenital one is constantly active, and the acquired one is excited only when it encounters pathogenic agents.

Causes of reduced immunity

Reduced immunity is caused by external factors that have a direct impact on metabolic processes in the body. Violation of metabolism at the cellular level causes pathological changes that can manifest as immediately, against the background of negative factors, and after some time.

Reasons for decreased immunity include:

  • Unfavorable course of pregnancy - infection with specific and non-specific infections, emotional instability, trauma, difficult childbirth;
  • Congenital pathologies and genetic diseases;
  • Frequent illnesses in childhood caused by adverse conditions, including social ones;
  • The introduction of infectious agents, intoxication, helminthic invasions;
  • Improper nutrition- insufficient, unbalanced, unnatural, abuse of semi-finished products and fast food, the body reacts most negatively to a lack of proteins;
  • Bad habits - alcohol, smoking, drugs;
  • Emotional instability and stress;
  • Low physical activity caused by professional activity or own laziness;
  • Exhausting physical activity;
  • Lack of oxygen, unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • Violation of the balance between work and rest, chronic lack of sleep;
  • Drug abuse, especially antibacterial drugs, radiation, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, postoperative consequences.
Immunity may decrease when moving from one climatic conditions in others, with an increase in physical activity - that is, against the background of a change in lifestyle.

During pregnancy, a decrease in immunity is natural physiological process. If this does not happen, then the body recognizes the embryo that invades the uterus as a foreign agent and rejects it.

At hormonal changes provoked by external or internal factors, immunity is also reduced. For example, during menstrual cycle or against the background of menopause, women are more likely to suffer from viral infections. When menstruation ends, the immune system stabilizes again, as with the body getting used to a new state - menopause. On average, older people have a lower immune status than younger people.

Immunodeficiency can develop against the background of somatic pathologies and with pathological changes immune organs. Such diseases include: Duncan and Di George syndromes, fermentopathy, Louis Bar disease, cyclic neutropenia, AIDS.

Most dangerous diseases that cause autoimmune aggression: ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, atopic dermatitis, that is, all conditions in which the resources of the immune system are depleted.

The main symptoms of low immune status

Different organisms react differently to contact with external factors, both negative and positive. In people with a low immune status, even pleasant experiences can cause deterioration.

The following symptoms indicate a decrease in immunity:

  1. Frequent viral infections - up to 3 times a year in adults and more than 4 times in children.
  2. Severe course viral infections, complications after diseases of various etiologies.
  3. Purulent- inflammatory processes different nature: frequent recurrences of acne, the occurrence of boils, abscesses, phlegmon, carbuncles, suppuration with minor violations the integrity of the skin - after scratches, microcracks, with chafing, prolonged healing of wounds.
  4. Constant activity of the fungal flora - candidiasis, onychomycosis, lichen.
  5. Recurrent diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, urinary organs, not amenable to antibiotic therapy.
  6. Constant weakness, lethargy, drowsiness.
  7. Decreased attention, impaired ability to concentrate, impaired memory function.
  8. Pale skin, deterioration of the quality of the skin, nails and hair.
  9. Polyvalent allergies, an increase in the number of allergic reactions, the development of autoimmune diseases.
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If several of the above symptoms coincide, you should definitely consult a doctor. If treatment is started on time, then the decrease in immunity can be stopped. At present, it is possible to stabilize the state of immunodeficiency, stop malignancy in the body and prevent the development of allergic reactions.

The activity of our body, the health of its organs and systems and our well-being in general depends on many factors. However, in some cases we become particularly vulnerable to the most various diseases, and it may well be that such a nuisance is due to a decrease in defensive forces organism. Let's try to understand in more detail what constitutes reduced immunity, what are the symptoms and causes of such a pathological condition, and how it can be treated.

How to recognize reduced immunity, what are its symptoms?

In addition, such a pathological condition often makes itself felt with headaches, high fatigue and reduced performance. A person may also be bothered by a decrease in appetite, various violations digestion. Common symptom Decreased immunity is considered to be sleep problems, which can manifest equally as insomnia and drowsiness. With such a violation, a variety of inflammatory lesionsdigestive tract, respiratory tract, urogenital area, as well as skin, musculoskeletal system, etc. Almost always, with a decrease in immunity, the patient has a subfertile temperature for a long time against the background of colds and viral diseases.

Why does reduced immunity occur, what are the reasons for this?

There are many factors that can cause a decrease in immunity. Some of them are directly related to a person's lifestyle. These reasons include not enough balanced diet, which lasts for a long time, the presence of hypovitaminosis or anemia. Sometimes immune disorders are provoked by insufficient dosage physical activity(both their excess and shortage).

Many experts argue that such a problem can be explained by neurosis, irritability and disorders normal sleep. Sometimes immunity is reduced against the background of alcohol and drug consumption or smoking, and a decrease can also be triggered by living or staying in places with an aggressive radiation background. This violation is explained toxic effects very different chemical compounds or industrial emissions.

Also, a decrease in human immunity can be explained by some diseases, for example, pathologies of the blood system, severe liver damage, diarrhea, which is accompanied by impaired intestinal absorption. Sometimes the immune system suffers due to renal proteinuria, uremia, and progressive kidney failure. In general, a decrease in the body's defenses can be observed in any long-term ongoing diseases, infectious lesions and injuries.

Of course, such dynamics is typical for patients with HIV infection, cancer, congenital or acquired immunodeficiency. Appetite decreases on the background long-term treatment antibiotics, chemotherapy and major surgery. In some cases, this decrease is also due to helminthic infestations.

How is reduced immunity corrected, what is the treatment for it?

Therapy of reduced immunity involves the correction of those pathological conditions and factors that caused immunodeficiency.

In addition, extremely important role plays the holding of general events that involve a change in lifestyle.

So the patient is strongly advised to stay on fresh air even in the cold season. He needs to systematically go in for sports, choosing for himself the optimal type of physical activity. You should eat regularly and varied, it is important to refuse harmful products and emphasize eating fresh fruits and vegetables. It is necessary to avoid overheating and hypothermia, maintain the optimum temperature in the room (20-22C), do not walk in damp shoes, dress according to the weather.

It is recommended to consume at least two to three liters of fluid per day, preferably in the form of plain water. Experts also advise accustoming yourself to accept cold and hot shower and sunbathing, observe basic hygiene standards. It is also extremely important to avoid bad habits: nicotine and alcohol.

To increase immunity, you can also use different pharmaceutical preparations and traditional medicine. Those drugs that are known as immunomodulators are best taken only after consulting a doctor. These medicines require individual selection, have certain contraindications and side effects.

An excellent effect for improving immunity is the use of natural immunomodulators, for example, echinacea. A tincture of such a plant can be purchased at almost every pharmacy, it should be taken five to fifteen drops twice or thrice a day, dissolving in a certain amount of ordinary water.

In addition, to increase immunity, you can use plants rich in vitamin C, for example, rose hips, currants, etc. A good result can be achieved by consuming different products beekeeping and compositions with their content.

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Immunity is the main defense of our entire body. Bone marrow and thymus (thymus gland) are the central organs of immunity. The lymph nodes, spleen - peripheral organs immunity.

The spleen is a "training center" for dealing with enemies that can be encountered by the defending cells.

Cells that enter our body from the outside and are potentially dangerous for it are delivered to the spleen, the defending cells see them, remember them and, having encountered them later, destroy them. The immune system finds and destroys substances foreign to the body (antigens). Special proteins act as weapons - immunoglobulins, or antibodies, as well as special killer cells, specific for each specific antigen.

In addition, in the arsenal of the immune system there are some substances produced by the body itself that can resist any viruses. One of these substances is interferon, a special protective protein that is produced in response to an increase in body temperature.

Innate immunity is the body's ability to perceive and respond to the introduction into it various viruses and microbes. A person is born with innate immunity, it makes up 99.99% of all human immunity. By the way, thanks innate immunity humans are immune to animal diseases.

Acquired immunity plays a huge role in a person's life, because it protects him from those diseases that innate immunity cannot cope with.

If the child is constantly sick - it's not scary. During illness, acquired immunity is formed, which will protect him for the rest of his life.

There is actively acquired immunity, which is formed in a person after an infection or after vaccination; and passively acquired immunity, which, for example, a child receives from mother's breast milk.

Build immunity to death dangerous diseases(pox, whooping cough, tetanus, plague, measles, rubella, etc.) the vaccine will help.

Why is immunity reduced?

Adverse factors that weaken the immune system:

  • Intoxication, smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • Atmospheric pollution;
  • Chronic bacterial, viral, fungal infections;
  • Improper nutrition, beriberi, lack of trace elements (especially vitamins, group B,,, iron, selenium, zinc);
  • Overwork;
  • Prolonged chronic stress;
  • Mental and physical overload;
  • Long-term use of antibiotics;
  • Surgery;
  • Severe blood loss, trauma, burns, hypothermia;
  • Some diseases, such as diabetes mellitus.

How to measure immunity?

As a rule, people with a weakened immune system get sick more often and more severely. The need to consult with an immunologist is evidenced by frequent acute respiratory viral infections (more than 4 times a year), prolonged colds for more than two weeks), constant subfebrile temperature (increased to 37 - 37.5 degrees).

With a cold, acute respiratory infections, flu, a runny nose, redness of the throat and fever. A person is sure that if he gets sick, then his immunity is reduced. In fact, if such symptoms are observed, then the immune system reacts to pathogenic microorganisms. Cold symptoms are systemic and local reactions our immunity to invasion. Illness is a manifestation of the fact that the immune system is constantly fighting. If you have a fever, runny nose and redness of the throat with a cold or flu, this is good. This means that your body is fighting the infection, and the immune system is working properly. And if there is no temperature and the disease proceeds without symptoms typical of inflammation, this is a sign weak immunity!

Currently, people with chronic lesion digestive tract, allergies, tumors, suffering from frequent colds, herpes infection, it is recommended to test immunity. For this, a complex analysis - an immunogram - is widely used today. It shows the state of the main components of the immune system and helps to adjust the treatment regimen. The main material for analysis is deoxygenated blood, but other body fluids (saliva, mucus from the nasopharynx, cerebrospinal fluid) can also be used in the analysis.

But depending on the stage at which you took the blood and examined the immune system, you will have such a picture. And we need to correctly assess this picture and not rush to correct it, because all this is normal reaction immunity.

Should I take immunostimulating drugs?

Like other drugs, immunostimulants have their own side effects and consequences. You should not expect much from such drugs, moreover, it is not recommended to stimulate the immune system uncontrollably, otherwise the body will completely “get lazy” and stop protecting itself.

Echinacea is moderately able to increase immunity, its use will not bring harm to the body. Various biologically active additives (BAA). You can take probiotics based on harmless bacteria. In reasonable quantities and with the right approach, these drugs stimulate lymphoid tissues. gastrointestinal tract helping the immune system work properly.

Before using immunostimulants, consult with specialists!

How to strengthen immunity?

To strengthen the body's defenses, you need:

  • Avoid long-term use antibiotics, and do not start taking them without consulting a doctor;
  • Be sure to eat right, this way you increase the functions of all cells. And make sure your diet contains enough vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Eat more greens and vegetables dairy products, and hardening. But you don’t need to pour yourself from tomorrow ice water. Start by washing with cool water, gradually lower the temperature.
  • And do not forget about a full sleep and a good mood!

Amino acids are especially important for the immune system, as antibodies are synthesized from them. There are essential amino acids that are produced only from animal proteins.

Vitamin C can help our immunity in certain conditions. But in order for vitamin C to help the body, you need to take large dose(8 g, or 16 tablets, for a single dose). Otherwise, there will be no effect. But at the same time, such acidity will arise in the stomach that an ulcer may occur!

Onions and garlic help in the fight against pathogens, but they have nothing to do with immunity. Plants release their immunity to the outside. Their protective substances - phytoncides - will destroy microbes from the outside. They cannot affect our immunity.

Remember that immunity is stronger than any drugs, do not poison the body with some by special means. The main thing is not to destroy the immune system yourself, but to support it!

Immunity is the body's natural or lifelong resistance to a certain kind of viruses and bacteria. Weak immune defense unable to resist penetration pathogenic microbes. Therefore, to improve health, it is important to follow the recommendations to improve weakened immunity.

Causes of weak immunity in adults

The importance of a strong immune system is due to the impact on the functioning internal organs and implementation protective functions organism. Human immunity is affected by both environmental conditions and the presence of chronic diseases, so the causes of weakened immune defenses are divided into two categories.

Causes related to lifestyle:

  • Unbalanced and unhealthy diet;
  • Abuse of bad habits;
  • Weakened immunity is formed in the absence of healthy sleep and tension of the nervous system;
  • Overuse of antibiotics or improper medication;
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions in the place of residence;
  • Reduced Defense internal environment a person is associated with lack of physical activity;
  • Deficiency of vitamins and useful minerals;
  • Inheritance of weak immune resistance.

Causes associated with the presence of the disease:

  • AIDS;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • chronic anemia;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Anorexia.

Signs of weakened body defenses

Weak human immune defense negatively affects general condition health. If the immune system has fallen, the protective functions of the body weaken, which causes the penetration of pathogens. During this period, the risk of developing infectious diseases increases, which disrupts the functioning of internal organs. Immune system problems can be identified by a number of signs.

Symptoms reduced immunity:

  • Signs of weak human resistance are: irritability, drowsiness, increased fatigue;
  • Bad mood, accompanied by the development of depression;
  • A person gets sick more than seven times during the year, which are difficult to treat;
  • Open wounds do not heal well;
  • There are frequent headaches;
  • Weak immunity also affects the appearance of a person. Dryness of hair and skin is observed, circles appear under the eyes, nails become brittle.

If one of the presented symptoms is detected, it is recommended to pay attention to the need to strengthen the immune system. For this, it is important to consult a doctor.

What to do if the immune system is weak?

If there are problems with the immune system, expressed in one of the symptoms presented, it is recommended that you first seek the advice of a doctor. To raise the body's weak defenses, it is important to know the cause bad condition health. Based on the results of the consultation, the specialist will appoint a suitable solution in a particular case.

If immunity weak specialist may appoint:

  • Conduct an immunogram (blood test);
  • Prescribe a multivitamin complex for the prevention of diseases;
  • Write out drugs suitable for raising protective functions.

How to find out?

As noted earlier, if you find signs of a weak immune system, it is important to seek help from a doctor. To check immunity, a specialist may prescribe an immunogram. The test involves the delivery of blood tests to detect violations in the immune system in the laboratory.

After receiving the results of the study, an additional check of the body may be prescribed to clarify the cause of the weak stability of the internal environment. Based on the data obtained, an effective treatment is being developed.

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How to raise?

Treatment of weak immunity involves A complex approach to solving the problem. In the process of strengthening the immune system, the following can be involved: ways to increase the body's defenses:

  • Following general advice. To improve weak immunity, it is important to observe healthy lifestyle life. The treatment of weakened resistance of the body is promoted by physical activity, healthy sleep, walking outdoors, lowering nerve strain exclusion from life of bad habits;
  • Folk remedies . In the process of treating weak protection of the human internal environment wide application found medicinal plants and herbs, vegetables and fruits enriched with vitamins and minerals. Strengthen a weakened immune system will help: cabbage, carrots, broccoli, asparagus, apples, bananas, beets, berries, nuts, citrus fruits, meat (red and white), seafood, dairy products, greens. AT traditional medicine to raise reduced immunity, recipes based on: ginger, dried fruits, honey, rose hips, St. John's wort, raspberries, cranberries, echinacea, ginseng, chamomile, eleutherococcus;
  • Vitamin complexes and drugs. Among the good multivitamin complexes for adults are: Multi - tabs, Vitrum, Duovit, Alphabet, Centrum, Complivit, Gerimaks. Among the good drugs for raising weak immunity, there are: Cycloferon, Timalin, Polyoxidonium, Betulanorm, Artromax, Likopid, Arbidol, Vetoron, Proleukin, Vasoton, Mielopid.

Acquainted with useful information on this topic

The human immune system (IS) is a complex interrelated bodies, tissues and cells, the main task of which is to protect the body. IS tries to get rid of biological aggressors (viruses, bacteria, protozoan helminths), tries to remove the consequences of chemical and physical actions(radiation, temperature), protect it from negative social factors and stress.

Our body is constantly under attack by millions of harmful microorganisms, but we usually just do not notice these attacks. At least until the immune system does its job. But when we start to get sick too often, feel weak or sleepy, we start looking for the causes of such ailments. And we usually don't find them. And we begin to treat what is in this moment worries us the most. In fact, the cause of all these troubles is a weakened immune system. Sooner or later, the time comes when the load on the IP becomes too large, and then the body begins to penetrate foreign bodies that cause various disorders, often leading to serious illnesses. But it would be wrong to blame the weakened IS for everything - the protection of the immune system is violated, its work fails, and the person who does not take good care of his body is to blame for this.

Causes of a weakened immune system:
Of course, one cannot blame only oneself for the fact that the IP does not cope with its work. There are many reasons for a weakened immune system, such as improper or insufficient nutrition. If we do not eat enough fruits and vegetables, we prefer fatty foods or long time We sit on strict diets, then our body and, consequently, IP, cease to receive the right amount of vitamins and minerals. The result is a weakened immune system, and the consequences are the most undesirable.

Not only power provokes failures in the operation of the IS. Negative influence stress on the immune system is now widely discussed in medical circles. stressful situations that constantly arise in our lives (frequent moves, change of time zones, excessive loads), negatively affects the state of the IS.

Conditions and lifestyle also have a very strong influence on IP. Drinking alcohol, drugs, smoking reduce immunity. For example, the immune system is forced to deal with the removal of tobacco toxins, instead of performing more important functions.

The environmental situation, of course, also contributes to the weakening of IP. The gas pollution of a big city, the excessive content of non-natural enzymes in most foods, and many other factors do not at all contribute to maintaining strong immunity.

One of the main causes of weakened immunity is chronic diseases. Do not believe it, but even caries can affect the entire body as a whole and adversely affect the work of the IS.

Of course, what to say about everyone's favorite drugs. Most of us reach for pills and potions at the slightest ailment, be it a headache or a runny nose. But IS then has to remove the harmful components of these drugs from the body. Besides, overuse medicines, especially potent ones, can cause dysbacteriosis, which IS also has to deal with. All of these (and many more) factors cause the immune system to weaken and our bodies begin to tell us this in a variety of ways.

Signs of a weakened immune system:
Signs of a weakened IP are fairly easy to recognize. If even a small wound does not heal for a long time and constantly becomes inflamed, then this is one of the signals from the IP that something is wrong with it. Other "beacons" can be constant fatigue, drowsiness and weakness. Frequent illnesses, sore throats, inflammatory processes - all these are signs of weakened immunity. A prime example weakened IP is also the presence of allergies. The recurring herpes is another call from IS that she needs support. There is no need to list all the signs of a weakened immune system. It is enough to remember that they can be almost imperceptible, and we may not pay attention to them. special attention. But as soon as any disease, malaise or discomfort is repeated with enviable regularity, it is urgent to start restoring IP.

The use of immunomodulatory drugs will significantly reduce the incidence of diseases. One of the best such drugs is Transfer Factor. By supplying pure immune cells containing maximum information to our body, it is a fine regulator of the immune system at the DNA level. Transfer factor also gives a powerful stimulus to our IS by activating IS cells. Created on the basis of natural raw materials, the immunocorrector Transfer Factor is not addictive, does not cause allergic reactions, does not have any contraindications and side effects.