Eyes itch and itch. Mast Cell Membrane Stabilizers - Prescription and OTC

What to do if itchy eyes? Such an unpleasant condition occurs spontaneously, but requires timely diagnosis and the help of specialists. At the same time, the appearance of itching and redness of the eyes does not pose a particular danger. Sometimes drops, medicines are applied. Preliminary it is recommended to be examined by an ophthalmologist.

Etiology of the disease

With itchy eyes, the causes of this condition are various:

  1. The action of eye drops.
  2. Infectious damage to the organs of vision.
  3. Lenses.
  4. Reaction to dust pollution.
  5. The use of cosmetics.
  6. The appearance of blepharitis (inflammatory changes in the edges of the eyelids, their hyperemia).
  7. The cause of the pathology is the eye mite.
  8. Why the eyes itch, the causes are foreign bodies that fall on the mucous membrane.
  9. The action of caustic substances that cause swelling, damage to the organ of vision.
  10. Decrease in tearing. Lack of fluid provokes irritation of the organs of vision, which is accompanied by itching. Very often, elderly people experience dry eyes.

If it turns red, it is important to identify the provoking factor of the pathology as early as possible. This will neutralize its action and overcome the consequences. At the same time, various causes of discomfort provoke corresponding signs.

This is due to colds, trauma, ophthalmic diseases, allergies.

Babies are diagnosed with congenital blockage and. Discomfort occurs due to metabolic disorders, lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. Itching may be accompanied by increased eye pressure. When these symptoms appear, it is important to immediately consult an ophthalmologist.

Ophthalmic ailments

The following diseases are accompanied by significant itching:

  1. Belmo is an ailment in which the eyes itch terribly. The reason is damage to the cornea, inflammation or congenital changes.
  2. Glaucoma is a chronic disease of ophthalmic origin. The outflow of liquid is disturbed, it increases. The primary signs of pathology are the vagueness of objects, the appearance of iridescent circles.
  3. Cataracts cause itchy eyes. This is a severe lesion that provokes clouding of the lens. Often the disease occurs in patients with diabetes mellitus, as a result of trauma.
  4. Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane of the eyelids and the eyeball. This is an infectious disease in which the eyes itch and redden. Often, conjunctivitis develops against the background of alcoholism, diseases of the ENT organs, and metabolic disorders.
  5. Trachoma is a chronic form of damage to the cornea, conjunctiva. This is an infectious disease that causes eyelids to itch. The first signs are severe hyperemia, itching of the eyelids.

allergic genesis

Very often, allergic reactions have classic manifestations. This changes the transparency of the shell of the inner surface of the eyelids and sclera. Itching in the eyes appears against the background of the influence of allergic agents that are in the air. Such agents are bird feathers, wool particles, dust, pollen.

What causes an allergy? Contact with the mucous membranes of small particles causes a violent reaction of the immune system. Antibodies destroy the body's own cells. This is how severe inflammation and hyperemia of the integument develops.

Household allergies are more common.

Red eyes hurt and itch after contact with household chemicals, cosmetics. and there is a suspicion of an allergic genesis of the lesion, it is important to consult a doctor for advice. Any allergic condition not only worsens the quality of life, but can cause death.

Can often be seen as fisted. If the eye itches, then:

  • the kid watched cartoons for a long time or played a computer game;
  • a foreign object that provoked itching could get into the eye;

Special children's preparations perfectly help with allergic symptoms.

Therapy Methods

Itchy eyes: what to do? Such discomfort should not be ignored. The way to deal with pathology directly depends on the cause of this irritation. If you suspect demodicosis, it is important to visit a dermatovenereologist and an ophthalmologist. The affected eyelid is treated in 2 stages:

  1. Red eyes can be eliminated by applying artificial tear drops.
  2. Rest while working at a laptop every hour. This is a means of preventing all pathologies around the eyes and the organ of vision as a whole.
  3. Use indoor air humidifiers.

If the organs of vision hurt due to the appearance of barley, dry heat is used to combat the disease. After the abscess ripens, the procedure is stopped, otherwise there is a risk of infection spreading. Opening, the disappearance of itching in the eye passes within a week. You can prevent the appearance of barley. To do this, you need to increase overall immunity, keep the upper eyelid clean, and observe personal hygiene.

Cataracts, glaucoma are severe ophthalmic pathologies, in which the organ of vision often hurts. Treatment should be carried out by an ophthalmologist. Only a specialist will select the most effective treatment, based on age, severity of the condition and concomitant ailments.

Alternative therapy

Traditional medicine recipes are successfully used to combat itching and skin lesions around the eyes. Their main advantage is simplicity, accessibility and security:

  1. Dill water. For its preparation, dill powder is boiled in distilled water. This decoction is shown to wash the skin around the eyes. Useful steam baths from dill powder.
  2. Tea bags (chamomile or green). With severe itching, compresses from tea bags help. They are cooled and put on the eyes for a quarter of an hour. The method can be repeated frequently throughout the day.
  3. Fresh cucumbers. It has been proven that itching is minimized or disappears with the help of cucumbers. The vegetable is cooled, cut and placed on closed eyelids for half an hour.
  4. Potatoes always help to alleviate the condition.
  5. Milk compresses. Milk always helps with itching. In cold milk, moisten a cotton pad or napkin and apply to the eyes. It is recommended to do this procedure twice a day.
  6. If the upper eyelid itches, it is useful to rinse the eye area with rose water. To prepare such a solution, filtered water is mixed with rose water.
  7. With itching in the eyes, the treatment includes the use of castor oil.
  8. When itching eyes, what to do? Doctors recommend eating fresh fennel seeds. This method allows you to open all blockages.
  9. Many recommend using lily root. It is applied to the inner edge of the eyelid. and minimize irritation, relieve burning sensation.

Other Therapies

With the symptoms under consideration, the following methods of traditional medicine help:

  1. To restore the cornea, plantain juice is instilled over the lower edge of the eyelid. The procedure is performed daily for a month.
  2. Eye damage and itching perfectly remove lotions from blue cornflower flowers. To prepare the solution, take boiling water, crushed flowers. The components are mixed and infused for several hours.
  3. If a person managed to get sick, you need to start washing your eyes with infusion of agave. The leaves of the plant are brewed, infused, honey is added.
  4. Eye disease can be overcome with a decoction of toadflax or a healing collection. Herbs are taken in equal proportions, poured with boiling water. The decoction is used in the form of drops. The tool perfectly relieves inflammation, itchy layer of the epidermis of the eyelid.
  5. For compresses or washings, plantain infusion is successfully used. To prepare it, the seeds are poured with boiling water, insisted for half an hour. Apply the solution daily at bedtime for a month. The tool removes white plaque, hyperemia of the organ of vision.
  6. Successfully applied herbal solution. You will need chamomile grass, which is poured with boiling water. It is used as soon as you want to scratch your eyes.
  7. It is recommended to use cornflower infusion. For preparation, the crushed fruits are poured with boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes, insisted for an hour. With this remedy, you can treat the eyes by making lotions or compresses. The eye will itch less.

Folk remedies allow you to remove an acute attack, but do not fight the etiology of the disease. But the absence of symptoms does not indicate healing from pathology. Methods of therapy can be used only after consultation with the attending physician. Only he will be able to choose effective methods of influencing the affected area. Self-treatment significantly harms health, leads to a chronic process. In severe cases, permanent loss of vision is possible.

Date: 04/26/2016

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  • Causes of itching in the eyes
  • Common causes of the disease
  • How to deal with itching?
  • Folk methods of treatment
  • Vitamins for vision and why you can not self-medicate?

Often people are worried that their eyes itch. This problem appears in everyone, suddenly and unexpectedly, at least once in a lifetime. So, if your eyes itch, what should you do? How to get rid of disturbing discomfort?

First of all, before starting to treat the disease, you need to find out the cause of the symptom that accompanies most eye diseases. If you are worried about discomfort in only one eye, for example, the right eye itches, it is possible that a foreign body has got into it: a grain of sand, a speck of dust, etc. After sitting in front of a computer for a long time or when the eyes get tired for another reason, a person involuntarily rubs his eyelids. Therefore, when the eyes and eyelids itch constantly, the person touches them all the time, trying to get rid of a strong burning sensation. And in cases where the discomfort is not accompanied by acute pain, it is not necessary to take emergency measures.

Causes of itching in the eyes

The main reasons for this effect may be:

  1. Dust, smoke, wool, chemicals (such as detergents, aerosols).
  2. Inflammations: viral, allergic, bacterial, etc.
  3. Foreign body (mote, mote).
  4. Eye mite.
  5. Fatigue, chronic sleep deprivation.
  6. Incorrectly fitted lenses and glasses.
  7. Common diseases such as diabetes or liver ailments.

If itching bothers the corners of the eyes, then this indicates that conjunctivitis has begun.

In the presence of an allergic reaction, the skin around the eyes itches, the eyelids swell and begin to itch, while itching is accompanied by lacrimation, redness, and a runny nose. Allergies can cause:

  1. Reaction to food.
  2. Reaction to low-quality cosmetics.
  3. Side effects of medications.

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Common causes of the disease

The causative agent of the disease is a small eyelash mite. Demodex is in the body of 99% of people, but it only causes discomfort during the period of intensive reproduction. The features of this disease, in addition to itching in the eyes, include sticky discharge that sticks together eyelashes and irritation from light.

It occurs when fatty secretion decreases, the mucous membrane of the eyeball is not protected from tear film evaporation. This leads to the fact that the mucosa is not moistened as much as it is necessary, which leads to discomfort and burning, and sometimes visual impairment.

The most common causes causing this problem are:

  1. Constant eye strain. Long work with texts, in front of a computer or long-term viewing of television programs makes the body blink less often, which leads to insufficient hydration of the mucous membrane, and the eyes dry out.
  2. Contact lenses. Ignoring special solutions for lenses, ophthalmic exercises, you provoke. It is very important to replace your lenses as they wear out, and remove them to give your eyes a chance to rest every day!
  3. Dry and hot climate
  4. Smoking - both passive and active. Cigarette smoke affects the human immune system in general and the eyes in particular.

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How to deal with itching?

As soon as the source of discomfort is identified, it must be neutralized. If the eyes itch severely, then additional treatment is necessary in the form of eye drops and antihistamines. Itching is most often not dangerous, but it will not be superfluous to consult an ophthalmologist. If tearing is disturbing along with itching, then consultation is necessary. This can be a symptom of serious diseases: glaucoma, corneal ulcers, etc.

If the cause is a reaction to allergens, such as pet hair or dust, chemicals, etc. the first thing to do is eliminate the irritant. Otherwise, you may need long-term medical treatment prescribed by a specialist, depending on your disease. Despite the fact that the treatment method will be selected by the doctor individually, in 99% of cases the doctor prescribes eye drops along with a complex of various procedures to reduce discomfort.

The main antibacterial agents include Albucid and Levomycetin, anti-allergic - Cromohexal, anti-demodectic - Blefarogel. In order to avoid complications, you should not self-medicate. Only a specialist can prescribe the medication that is right for you, after a thorough examination of the eye, taking into account your upcoming visual loads.

There are some features of treatment in pregnant women. Often, pregnant women itch their eyes due to stagnation of bile. This is due to the fact that the liver can not cope with the load and allergies begin.

In the case when itching in the eyes during pregnancy is a symptom of allergic conjunctivitis, certain features must be remembered in its treatment.

Most medications are banned to avoid the possibility of toxic effects on the fetus. Therefore, a pregnant woman is limited from antihistamines.

With allergic conjunctivitis, swollen eyelids and a feeling of lack of sleep and fatigue are possible.

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Folk methods of treatment

If at the moment it is impossible to contact an ophthalmologist, but the eyes continue to itch, then you can use folk methods, since they are harmless and accessible to everyone:

  1. Green tea compresses. It is necessary to cool the used tea bags of drunk tea and apply for 15 minutes. For these purposes, chamomile tea is ideal, but in the absence of such, you can use any other.
  2. Fresh cucumbers. Apply cucumbers cut into thin slices to closed eyelids for 20 minutes. This will help relieve swelling and reduce inflammation.
  3. Milk. Milk compresses twice a day will help even with severe itching in the eyes. Soak a cotton pad in cold milk and apply to your eyes.
  4. Potato lotions. The procedure should be carried out before going to bed. Potatoes are ideal for fighting itchy eyes and eyelids. It is necessary to boil the potatoes in their skins and cool. Then the potato is cut into two halves and applied to closed eyelids. Raw potatoes are also suitable, but the duration of the procedure will need to be reduced to 15 minutes.

There are various drops for itching in the eyes. Before you quickly choose drops in a pharmacy, you need to understand the differences in their action.

  1. Oftalmoferon. These drops are used for dry eye syndrome, for viral inflammations. During pregnancy and lactation, it is better to refrain from treatment with this drug and use only as directed by a doctor.
  2. Tsipromed. It is used for or infectious lesions. It is widely used for preventive purposes, especially to prevent inflammation after surgical interventions.
  3. Emoxipin. This is a drug that improves microcirculation of blood vessels. It is not compatible with other drugs and its use is undesirable during pregnancy.
  4. Thiotriazolin is prescribed to people who have received burns and injuries, suffering from conjunctivitis and dry eye syndrome. There are no contraindications and side effects.

Itchy eyes are a common problem that can occur in healthy people. If eye itching causes discomfort, you should know its causes.

Ophthalmic diseases occur in every third person on Earth. They are associated with the ingress of various foreign bodies (dust, debris, animal hair, hair, etc.) onto the mucous membrane of the eye, which causes allergic reactions.

The use of mobile phones, computers, tablets and other modern gadgets also provokes eyelid itching. To understand why the eyes itch, you need to be well versed in the symptoms of ophthalmic diseases.

Accompanying signs and symptoms of itchy eyelids

Itching of the eyelids in itself does not pose a health hazard, however, it gives a person a lot of trouble and discomfort.

Signs of itchy eyelids:

  1. Redness and swelling.
  2. Loss of eyelashes.
  3. Peeling of the skin.
  4. White spots on the cornea.
  5. Increased blinking.
  6. Tearing.
  7. Blurred vision.

If the problem is caused by allergies and the eyes itch constantly, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

The doctor will check the condition of the eyes, and then determine the cause of the symptoms. If the doctor identifies an ophthalmic cause, then appropriate treatment will be prescribed, otherwise you will have to resort to the help of another specialist (endocrinologist, dermatologist, surgeon, gastroenterologist).

Reasons for the development of the problem

  1. Penetration of the mucous membrane of allergenic components: dust, pollen, smoke, chemicals, poplar fluff, etc. Signs of allergenic itching are redness of the eyelids, profuse tearing and runny nose. If a person knows about his tendency to allergies, then it is important to get rid of its manifestations as soon as possible.
  2. Dry eye syndrome. In most cases, it occurs in the elderly due to insufficient production of eye fluid. In young people, this syndrome occurs due to many hours of work at the computer. The mucous membrane dries up, resulting in its irritation. Then the eyes begin to itch and water. These symptoms last from 30 minutes to 2-3 days.
  3. Use of unsuitable contact lenses and contact lens fluid. When wearing incorrectly fitted lenses, the eyelids itch and swell.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) and the endocrine system. Irritation of the mucous membrane often occurs with diabetes mellitus and severe liver disease.
  5. Ophthalmic diseases.

With them, the eyelids often itch - the reasons for this phenomenon are:

  • Conjunctivitis. This disease mostly affects children with weak immunity. However, given the low standard of living of most of the population, conjunctivitis in adults is not uncommon. Microbes get on the mucous membrane of the eyes, as a result of touching them with dirty hands or when using other people's hygiene items (handkerchiefs, towels). With conjunctivitis, the eyelids turn red and itch, and after sleep, pus accumulates in the corners of the eyes.
  • Glaucoma and cataract. These diseases occur as a result of a violation of the outflow of fluid and an increase in intraocular pressure. These ailments occur in people over 45 years of age. In addition to occasional itching, glaucoma causes double vision, iridescent circles, and discomfort. Cataracts are a common disease in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Why does a cataract occur? The cause of this disease is a malnutrition of the eye tissues.
  • Barley - occurs as a result of staphylococcus entering the hair follicle of the eyelash. With barley, the eyelid swells and itches in one place, then a purulent core forms. Barley symptoms last from 4 to 14 days.
  • Trachoma is a chronic disease of the cornea, which is accompanied by inflammation and the formation of a foreign body.
  • Demodicosis of the eyelids is a disease caused by a subcutaneous tick.

It is accompanied by loss of eyelashes, severe itching and peeling of the skin of the eyelids.

  1. Exposure to bright light.
  2. Sleep deprivation. If your eyes itch from lack of sleep - what to do? To get rid of the itching of the eyelids caused by lack of sleep, it is necessary to establish a sleep schedule of at least 8 hours a day.

Overview of the main treatments

To get rid of eyelid itching, it is necessary to accurately establish the diagnosis, and this is possible only after consulting a doctor and a medical examination. You can not independently treat eye itching in children, because often their eyes itch due to visual impairment. If myopia in a child is not treated in time, then there is a high probability that it will develop into myopia. That's why self-medication is dangerous for health!

If your eyes itch from allergies - what to do?

Of course, the most important thing is to visit an ophthalmologist who will help identify the causes of allergic reactions and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Allergies can occur in women to cosmetics, namely mascara and eye shadow.

In this case, it is important to temporarily stop using cosmetics, and then replace the old ones with new ones. Irritations often appear in people who use inappropriate contact lenses.

Recipes of folk remedies for the treatment of itchy eyelids

  1. Chamomile decoction is good for conjunctivitis. It relieves inflammation, redness, and most importantly - helps to eliminate itching. To prepare an eye wash solution, take 20 g of chamomile, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. The eyelids are washed with a cooled solution three times a day.
  2. Allergic reactions can be eliminated with a solution of boric acid (sold in pharmacies). Boric acid must be diluted with purified water 1: 1 - the finished solution is dripped into the eyes 2-3 times a day and at night.
  3. For the treatment of barley, warm home-made cottage cheese is used, which must first be wrapped in four-layer gauze. This remedy is applied to the inflamed area for 10-15 minutes, until the curd has cooled. It is desirable to repeat this procedure 4-6 times a day, until the purulent core ripens.
  4. Lotions with apple and carrots will help relieve inflammation of the eyelids. The ingredients must be grated on a fine grater, then slightly squeeze the juice out of them. The resulting slurry is wrapped in gauze and applied to the eyelids for 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times until the inflammation disappears.

Why do eyes itch in the corners - what to do? Surgery.

The problem of eye itching is often fraught with serious diseases that can only be eliminated surgically. These include trachoma - an ophthalmic disease of an infectious nature, the treatment of which is carried out with medication in the initial stages, and in the later stages - with the surgical method of diathermocoagulation (elimination of scars on the eyeball). Cataracts are often treated with laser and ultrasound surgery.

Folk wisdom says: if the right eye itches - look at a loved one or to joy, if the left eye - it means shedding tears. And when both itch, and even dryness or pain in the eyes is added - this is an urgent reason for going to the ophthalmologist.

What diseases can cause itching and discomfort in the eyes?

Eyes itch for various reasons, the most common of which are diseases that are expressed in acute or chronic form.

The most common diseases that provoke eye itching include:

  1. Allergy. It occurs due to contact with allergen particles in the environment, which may be the pollen of flowering plants or animal hair. Manifested by itching and burning in the eyes, tearing, erythema of the ocular mucosa and eyelids.
  2. Conjunctivitis is an acute inflammation of the mucous membrane (conjunctiva) of the eye. Such a reaction is usually provoked by an allergic, bacterial or viral pathogen. Signs of the disease are itching in the eyes, swelling in the eyelids and mucous membranes, purulent discharge from the eyes.
  3. Blepharitis is an eye disease in which the ciliary edge of the eyelids becomes inflamed, which is difficult to treat.
  4. Ophthalmodemodecosis is a disease of the organs of vision caused by subcutaneous mites.
  5. Barley is an acute purulent inflammation of the eyelash follicle, the sebaceous gland located next to the ciliary bulb, or the meibomian gland located inside the eye.

You should also pay attention to exactly where itching appears (in the corners, in the eyelids, mucous along the eyelashes) - this will help to recognize the onset of the disease.

So, for example, if the corners of the eyes itch - this is usually one of the signs of conjunctivitis, if itching occurs under the eyes - a symptom of an allergy, if the ciliary edge itches - blepharitis or barley may develop.

In any case, do not get involved in self-medication. In order not to aggravate the situation and not lubricate the symptoms of the disease, you should contact an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. The doctor will conduct a thorough examination, take smears from the eyes and, after the results of the tests, prescribe a treatment suitable for this disease.

Causes of discomfort and itching in the eyes, not associated with diseases

Often, the reason why itching appears in the area of ​​​​the conjunctiva of the eyes is not necessarily caused by an incipient viral or infectious disease.

Unpleasant sensations in the eyes can also cause:

  • getting sand, dust, small insects or any foreign objects into the eye,
  • wearing contact lenses
  • application of eye drops,
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics,
  • dry eye syndrome
  • irritation after swimming or swimming in a pond,
  • ultraviolet radiation,
  • blockage of the lacrimal canal.

Help with a foreign body

If a foreign object gets into the eye, it should be neutralized first. This can be done with a disposable napkin or washed with running water.

If the particle that has entered the eye is small, it is enough to close the eyelid and gently move it, holding the eyelashes, left and right. In this case, the foreign body is usually washed away by tear fluid and remains in the corners of the eyes without causing further discomfort.

Wearing contact lenses

Wearing contact lenses can also cause discomfort in the eyes. Such a problem may appear due to the poor-quality material from which the lenses are made, the ingress of a foreign particle, such as villi, between the lens and the eye.

Often, during prolonged wearing of contact lenses, the mucous membrane dries up, so the eyes can itch and feel tired. To avoid this, specially designed eye drops should be used regularly.

Using drops or eye makeup

If the eyes begin to itch while using the drops, you should immediately stop using them and seek advice from the doctor who prescribed this medicine. This circumstance may indicate an allergy to one of the components of the drug.

Itching and redness of the eyes can occur when using low-quality cosmetics or when you are allergic to one of its components. To stop discomfort, it is necessary to identify the agent that caused the manifestation of a painful reaction and stop using it.

The development of dry eye syndrome

Dry eye syndrome is a condition of insufficient moisture in the conjunctiva of the eye. This problem is a real scourge of our time, it occurs when you spend a long time at a computer or watching TV, a tablet.

Why do the eyes itch in these cases? Due to the high voltage, the number of blinks is reduced, the eye is not wetted with tears often enough, and there is a deficiency in moisturizing the surface of the cornea and conjunctiva. Manifestations of this syndrome are a feeling of sand in the eyes, burning and pain, dry eyes, increased fatigue.

To prevent this condition, when working at a computer, it is necessary to periodically bury artificial tears, do eye exercises, and ventilate the room more often.

Swimming in a pool or open water

For many, itching and redness of the mucous membrane of the eye arise from contact with fresh or chlorinated water. Another possible reason why eyes itch after swimming in a pond is an allergic reaction to the flora and fauna that live in it.

What can be done to avoid such unpleasant consequences? It is necessary to use protective goggles and masks while swimming, and also not to swim in polluted rivers and lakes, as this can lead not only to discomfort in the eye area, but also to serious problems with the skin of the body.

Prolonged exposure to the sun without sunglasses

Ultraviolet radiation is very dangerous for the eyes. In summer, reflecting off the water surface, or in winter, reflecting off sparkling snow, sun glare can cause eye burns. Therefore, to avoid this, it is necessary not to forget about sunglasses with a high degree of protection.

Blockage of the tear duct

Blockage of the tear duct can lead to itching, burning, and dryness of the eye. To eliminate this difficulty, you can gently press with clean fingers for several seconds on a point located in the inner corners of the eyes. If this method did not help and the tear did not start to stand out, you need to urgently go for help to an ophthalmologist.

What to do when itching occurs?

When the eye itches for a long time, it is necessary to try to determine the cause of this discomfort, find out by what factor it is provoked, see what symptoms are present in addition to itching, and whether there is extraneous discharge from the eyes.

If, in addition to scratching, there are additional signs of an incipient disease, you must urgently consult a specialist, do not take any treatment measures on your own, so as not to blur the picture of the disease.

Even if you are sure that your eyes began to itch due to one of the external factors listed above, you must stop contact with the pathogen, wash your face, give your eyes a rest and make an appointment with a doctor.

With increased dryness of the eyes, an artificial tear preparation selected by an ophthalmologist should be dripped.

  • compresses with decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula), tea bags,
  • lotions with a weak solution of propolis,
  • apply slices of chilled cucumber or potato to the eyelids.

Prevention of itching in the eyes

Eye diseases are easier to prevent than to treat later. One of the methods of preventing itching is gymnastics for the eyes, it helps to relieve fatigue, relax the intraocular muscle. An ophthalmologist will help you choose an effective exercise for your eyes.

To avoid itching in the eye area, and the development of dry eye syndrome, it is necessary to limit the time spent in front of the TV screen or computer monitor. Especially carefully it is necessary to control this in childhood, it is not recommended to load children's eyes in this way for more than two hours a day.

While at the computer, you should keep a distance, do not sit too close to the monitor, maintain correct posture, look at the monitor from top to bottom, use moisturizing eye drops if necessary.

No one will take care of our health better than ourselves.

You should remember this and protect your eyes from irritation by external factors:

  • wearing sunglasses on sunny days
  • wear protective goggles while working at the computer,
  • buy high-quality cosmetics and hygiene products,
  • use clean towels and disposable handkerchiefs,
  • observe personal hygiene,
  • Get outdoors more often and boost your immune system.

Take care of the beauty of the eyes and vision from a young age, and then even the right eye, even the left eye, if it itchs, then certainly to joy!

Each person, for sure, at least once in his life faced such a problem as itching in the eyes. The causes of this pathology can be completely different, but one thing is clear: urgent action must be taken. Each doctor will say that before that, it is necessary to establish why the eyes itch, because only after the cause has been eliminated, symptoms can be relieved.

It should be noted that there are quite a few reasons why this unpleasant sensation occurs, and many of them are accompanied by additional symptoms.

Itching in the eyes: causes, treatment

Quite often, the eyes itch strongly, not due to a particular disease, but due to various influences.

  1. Foreign body in the eye. It could be a grain of sand, a speck of dust, or something else. In any case, this mote causes discomfort, profuse tearing and discomfort. Symptoms may worsen if the person frequently rubs the area to try and get rid of the discomfort.
  2. Microtrauma. Various cracks and other injuries, when they appear or heal, cause redness and itching around the eyes or the cornea itself.
  3. Incorrect wearing of contact lenses. A lens that is not fitted or fitted correctly can rub or interfere. It is worth correcting the situation, as the symptoms disappear.
  4. Reaction to any substance (household chemicals, dust). In women, eyes often itch and redden from the use of inappropriate cosmetics. For the same reason, the eyes itch after eyelash extensions.
  5. Side effects from certain medications. Cancellation of medicines quickly restores well-being.
  6. Long sitting at the computer. Straining and staring at a monitor for a long time can cause the eyes to itch, as if sand had been poured in. In this case, a good rest will help.

Diseases in which the eyes constantly itch

In addition to all of the above reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant feeling of itching, burning and a foreign object in the eye, there are a number of diseases that cause similar symptoms. In such cases, careful diagnosis and proper treatment are required.

  1. Glaucoma. This disease has a chronic course and indicates a difficult outflow of fluid from the eyeball. As a result, fluid builds up, causing increased eye pressure and vision problems. Signs of the onset of the disease are blurry contours of objects and the appearance of iridescent spots. Accompanying symptoms are often redness of the white of the eye and itching.
  2. Cataract. Another serious disease associated with visual impairment. Such a diagnosis in a patient indicates clouding of the lens.

    Important! If the eyes are very itchy, and there is a decrease in the quality of vision, you should go to the doctor immediately, as there is a serious risk of losing your vision completely.

  3. Conjunctivitis. Such a disease is infectious in nature and appears as a result of exposure to dust, dirt and other negative effects on the mucous membrane of the eye and cornea. As a result, a focus of inflammation appears, which entails numerous symptoms. Among them: itching in the eye (in the corner of the eye or everywhere), severe redness, swelling of the eyelids, the appearance of purulent discharge. In this case, you should wash your eyes with a weak solution of furacilin or a decoction of chamomile, use eye drops (they will be prescribed by a doctor).
  4. Barley. A disease represented by purulent inflammation of the sebaceous glands located at the roots of the eyelashes. In this case, the eyelid itches and flakes first, and then pain occurs. To relieve symptoms, it is recommended to apply a dry warm compress to the site of inflammation.
  5. Allergic reaction. For many people, allergies to dust, food, plant pollen and other things appear precisely in itchy eyes. Very often, the symptoms are accompanied by redness, peeling, swelling and increased tearing.
  6. Disorders of the lacrimal gland. Quite often, older people complain that their eyes itch. The reason may be in violation of the lacrimal gland. There is not enough lubrication for the eye, the mucous membrane and the cornea begin to dry, from where this sensation appears.
  7. Blepharitis. Ulcerative, scaly, angular and other types of blepharitis are characterized by inflammation of the ciliary margin. A doctor can accurately identify this disease, since the symptoms of blepharitis are quite similar to those of other eye diseases.
  8. Demodicosis. This is a rather unpleasant disease that is caused by a special type of demodex mite. Such mites live on the skin of every person, however, due to adverse changes in the body, these mites begin to multiply intensively, which causes severe redness of the eyelids, peeling of the skin in this area, itching, discomfort and an unaesthetic crust on the eyelashes.
  9. Skin diseases. If a person has a skin disease, then the skin of the eyelids will suffer first of all (since it is the most sensitive and tender). In such cases, patients complain that the eyelids itch and peel off - these causes are eliminated by treating skin disease.

Localization of itching: how to determine the cause

Characteristic features of each disease are the places in which discomfort occurs.

Why do the eyes itch in the corners of the nose? This manifestation is characteristic of conjunctivitis. If the list of symptoms includes the appearance of discharge, then there can be no doubt.
Why do eyelids itch? How to treat this manifestation will become clear and only after establishing the cause. Most often, the eyelids can itch and burn in the case of using low-quality or inappropriate cosmetics, improper selection of contact lenses, and skin disease.
Why does the lower eyelid itch? In this case, it is most likely an allergy.

Whatever the true cause of the appearance of all these symptoms, it is better not to try to eliminate it on your own. The fact is that many diseases (including quite serious ones) have very similar manifestations. Incorrect selection of medicines can not only not alleviate the patient's condition, but, on the contrary, greatly worsen it. Moreover, it is strictly necessary to comply with the prescribed therapy.