What is better to drink cardiomagnyl or aspirin cardio. Comparison of drug composition

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels occupy leading positions in the rankings of diseases that lead to fatal outcome. Such a gloomy prospect awaits approximately every third inhabitant of the Earth. Cardiologists prefer to fight cardiovascular diseases with the help of various medicines. Some of these are Aspirin Cardio and Cardiomagnyl. What is the difference between them? It may seem to many that these drugs are identical in composition, but this is not entirely true.

Cardiomagnyl belongs to the group of antiplatelet drugs, which are rather used for the prevention of heart disease. This medicine can prevent the development of complications caused by such diseases.

Aspirin cardio is similarly a drug with an antiplatelet effect. This is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is based on acetyl salicylic acid(ASK). At the same time, Aspirin cardio can reduce high temperature body and exhibits an analgesic effect.


Both drugs are designed to reduce platelet aggregation. In simple words, ASA can thin the blood, which has a beneficial effect on clogged blood vessels bad cholesterol. When the blood is too thick, it is difficult for it to move through vessels that are covered with atherosclerotic plaques. If such plaques begin to accumulate, then over time a blood clot forms in the vessel. This is what causes stroke and heart attack. Another cause of stroke may be weak and fragile blood vessels.

How do they affect the body?

After taking an ASA tablet with high speed absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. When the direct absorption process occurs, ASA is transformed into its main metabolite - salicylic acid.


It is mostly metabolized in the liver, since this organ produces certain enzymes.

Attention! Absorption of the main substance in women occurs more slowly than in men. This is due to lower enzyme activity.

The peak concentration of ASA occurs within 10-20 minutes. If we talk about salicylic acid, it reaches peak concentration only after 30-120 minutes.

Cardiomagnyl tablets are coated with a protective coating that dissolves only in the duodenum, which slows down absorption.

Composition differences

Often patients simply do not know what the difference is between Cardiomagnyl and Aspirin Cardio. Most people think that they have identical composition, but this is not entirely true. Of course, the active ingredient in both drugs is aspirin, but that’s where the similarities end. Cardiolmagnyl is still considered more universal, since it additionally contains magnesium hydroxide - an antacid.


Magnesium hydroxide performs important function– it envelops the walls of the stomach, protecting them.

Important! ASA can negatively affect the gastrointestinal mucosa. If taken incorrectly, serious pathologies of the stomach and intestines can develop, including exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers.

To prevent such a negative effect of acid, an antacid was specially introduced into Cardiolmagnyl, which provides protection to the mucous membrane. The capsule of this drug is covered with a special shell that is not exposed to gastric juice.


There is no point in using these two drugs at the same time, since they are both aimed at strengthening the heart. Cardiologists recommend treating problems with blood vessels with Aspirin cardio, and for general strengthening hearts use Cardiomagnyl. Conduct self-treatment These drugs are not worth it; it is better to consult a doctor, who will prescribe a course of therapy.

Indications for use of these drugs:

  • Prevention of thrombosis;
  • Diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2;
  • Unstable angina;
  • Obesity;
  • Problems with blood circulation in the vessels of the brain;
  • Hypertension;
  • Vascular atherosclerosis.

Some doctors prescribe these drugs during the rehabilitation period after myocardial infarction, stroke, hypertensive crisis. Separately, they note that after surgical interventions on the arteries, it is still better to use Aspirin cardio, since this drug additionally reduces pain and inflammation.


Cardiomagnyl or aspirin cardio - which is better for thinning the blood? Sometimes this question does not receive a proper answer, since for some groups of people these medications may simply be contraindicated. A number of diseases prevent the use of such drugs, so in this case it is appropriate to use analogues.

Packaging of the drug

The instructions for Aspirin Cardio indicate that it should not be taken if:

  1. Stomach ulcer;
  2. Ulcer duodenum;
  3. Perforated changes in the stomach;
  4. Bronchial asthma;
  5. Kidney and liver failure;
  6. Acute heart failure;
  7. Pathological blood conditions.

As for Cardiomagnyl, its effect on the mucous membrane is not so destructive, so it is acceptable to take it if there is no exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers. This exception is due to the presence of an antacid, which protects the mucous membrane from acid.

Absolute contraindications to taking Cardiomagnyl:

  • Cardiac decompensation;
  • Frequent bleeding (especially in people with high blood pressure);
  • Kidney failure;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Diseases associated with blood clotting.

As a result, both drugs differ not only in composition, but also in contraindications. That's why safe reception Such tablets are only appropriate with the permission of a cardiologist.

Both drugs should be used with caution if a person suffers from:

  • Gout;
  • Drug allergies;
  • Sepsis;
  • Chronic diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Pathologies of the kidneys and liver;
  • Hyperuricemia.

Women in the second trimester of pregnancy should not take such drugs. Their appointment is permissible only after consultation with a doctor. Self-use can harm both the pregnant woman and the fetus. You should take ASA-based tablets with caution if the patient is expecting surgical intervention. ASA can strongly thin the blood, which can lead to prolonged bleeding.

Effect of drugs on pregnancy

Cardiomagnyl, or a similar drug - Aspirin Cardio - releases salicylates into the body. These substances in the first trimester of pregnancy can affect the development of the fetus. Often such uncontrolled use can lead to the development of a baby’s heart defect and other pathologies, for example, cleft palate. upper sky. For the first 3 months, taking analgesic drugs is contraindicated.

Taking pills during pregnancy

In the 2nd trimester, you can take such tablets only under the strict supervision of a doctor. Prescription is permissible if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the child.

Attention! No studies have been conducted to confirm the safety of the drugs described, so it is impossible to assert their benefits during this period.

In the 3rd trimester Cardiomagnyl and Aspirin cardio with high dosages able:

  • detain labor;
  • provoke intracranial hemorrhage in a child;
  • call prolonged bleeding at the mother's;
  • prevent the closure of the ductus Botallova in a child.

If a simple analgesic drug is taken during breastfeeding, then large doses it can also harm the child. If the dose is one-time and in a small dose, then there is no danger to the child.

Side effects

An ordinary antiplatelet drug can in some cases cause a deterioration in health. Particularly pronounced side effects, if the dosage is not followed. Possible effects:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • bronchospasm;
  • dizziness;
  • rash and redness of the skin;
  • tinnitus;
  • anemia;
  • rhinitis;
  • anaphylactic shock (severe conditions).

At the first deterioration in your health, you should seek help from a doctor.

Drug analogues

Patients often decide on their own to buy an analogue of a familiar drug, because they think that there is not much difference in composition, but this is not the case. Some focus on lower cost similar drug, forgetting about possible contraindications or incorrect dosage.

Important! You can replace a prescribed drug with an analogue only with the permission of the attending physician.

Aspirin cardio is replaced with the following medications:

  • Thrombo ass,
  • Thrombopol;
  • Aspicor;
  • Upsarin oops.

In all these drugs main component– ASA, but they all have different effects on the gastrointestinal mucosa.

As for Cardiomagnyl, it can be replaced with Magnicor and Combi-ask. These analogues can be easily compared in composition with Cardiomagnyl, since they have the same composition.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diseases of cardio-vascular system occupy leading positions. This problem affects every 3 inhabitants of our planet. In the prevention and treatment of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels special role given to such drugs as Aspirin Cardio and Cardiomagnyl.

What is the fundamental difference between these two drugs, and which one should be preferred, will be described in detail below.

The main components of this drug are acetylsalicylic acid and magnesium hydroxide.

The effectiveness of the medication cardiomagnyl is due precisely to. The main effect of this component is the ability to influence the degree of platelet aggregation and block this process. The effect of magnesium hydroxide is to protect the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract from irritating effect acetylsalicylic acid, as well as replenishing the concentration of magnesium in the intracellular environment.

Aspirin Cardio - brief description

This drug belongs to the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antiplatelet agents, and non-narcotic analgesics. The cost of this medication varies between 120-150 Russian rubles.

The main properties of this drug include antipyretic, analgesic, and antiplatelet effects.

The active ingredient of the drug is the already known acetylsalicylic acid, which can have an indirect effect on the temperature center of the body and reduce sensitivity nerve endings, thereby causing an analgesic effect.

An important difference between Aspirin Cardio and regular aspirin is that Aspirin Cardio tablets are coated with a special resistant coating that is immune to the destructive effects of hydrochloric acid. This difference causes a lower likelihood of side effects associated with the irritating effect of acetylsalicylic acid.

Fundamental differences

In order to understand the difference between these two drugs, similar in composition, you need to accurately determine the main diagnosis. There is an opinion that Aspirin Cardio is the drug of “choice” for the prevention of thromboembolism. But if a direct effect on the heart muscle is necessary, preference is given to the drug Cardiomagnyl, which is due to the rate of its absorption and the presence of magnesium in the composition.

The drugs Aspirin Cardio and Cardiomagnyl are quite effective means prevention and treatment of the following conditions:

  • prevention of thrombosis and thromboembolism;
  • Types I and II;
  • violations cerebral circulation;
  • obesity;
  • angina pectoris (unstable);
  • period after myocardial infarction;
  • at increased content in blood.

Both drugs are not recommended for use by people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In the absence of perforative and ulcerative changes in the walls of the stomach and duodenum, the drug Cardiomagnyl can be used to treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

TO absolute contraindications for the use of both drugs include:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • acute heart failure;
  • pathologies of the blood coagulation system.

In the period after surgical intervention on blood vessels, preference should be given to the drug Aspirin Cardio, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It is thanks to this property that the likelihood of occurrence postoperative complications.

What to choose?

The vast majority of cardiologists are inclined towards the drug Cardiomagnyl, given its composition and effect. The divergence of opinions of patients and doctors can only be observed regarding the financial side of this issue, because the cost of the drug Aspirin Cardio is significantly lower than the price of Cardiomagnyl.

It is impossible to say with absolute certainty which of these two drugs is more effective, since everything depends on the specific clinical case, and the goals that the doctor pursues when prescribing this or that remedy.

Prescribing Cardiomagnyl is advisable for daily, prophylactic use, in order to prevent thrombus formation and thromboembolism of large vessels. From a safety point of view for the body, this drug has a less irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach wall, although it is not completely devoid of this side effect.

The choice of a specific drug should be made taking into account the specifics of the clinical case, data laboratory analysis blood, and also taking into account concomitant pathology, the course of which may worsen while taking these medications.

Modern medicine makes it possible to prevent diseases by identifying risk factors. But what to do with this information? For example, a patient has a predisposition to. In this case, he needs not only to change his lifestyle, but also to help the body with the help of medications. And Cardiasc is often prescribed for such purposes.

This is exactly what we will talk about in this article. So, let's look at the instructions for using Kardiask, its price, analogues and doctors' reviews about it.

Features of the drug

Cardiasc is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that actively influences the factors of heart attack formation and similar conditions. The drug is highly effective and has optimal time conclusion, is combined with most modern medications.


The active substance in Cardiask is acetylsalicylic acid, which contains 50 or 100 mg in 1 tablet, depending on the dosage.

  1. For better digestibility and preservation of shape, auxiliary elements have been added to the tablet, such as:
  2. stearic acid;
  3. corn starch;
  4. lactose monohydrate;
  5. castor oil;
  6. povidone;

polysorbate; Part film shell

Cardiax contains methacrylic copolymer. including ethyl acrylate, talc, titanium dioxide, copovidone and other elements.

Cardiask is available in the form of tablets in blister packs. The packaging includes 30 and 60 tablets per package, the cost of which is 70 and 100 rubles, respectively.


Cardiasc is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug and antiplatelet agent. The action of Cardiasc is based on the irreversible inactivation of the COX-1 enzyme. This reaction blocks the formation of thromboxane A2 and inhibits platelet fusion.

In addition to the main effect, the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also relieves fever and has a weak analgesic effect.


Basics active substance the drug is absorbed into small intestine. Maximum concentration in the blood is achieved after approximately 180 minutes. after taking the pill. Acetylsalicylic acid is not completely metabolized in the liver.

The drug is excreted by the kidneys, but its composition does not change. The withdrawal time for acetylsalicylic acid is approximately 15 minutes, for metabolites the withdrawal time is 3 hours.

We will tell you further about what Kardiask helps with.


Kardiask is prescribed for prophylaxis acute heart attack(including repeated), if the patient has factors predisposing to its development, for example, diabetes or . The drug can also be prescribed for:

  1. unstable;
  2. prevention, circulatory disorders in the brain, thromboembolism;
  3. preventive measures for deep veins and;

Cardiask should not be taken during pregnancy, which is especially important, in the first and third trimesters. Salicylates in higher than average doses can increase the incidence of embryo development defects, in particular, lead to. In the second trimester, the drug can be prescribed only in cases where the benefit is significantly greater than the harm to the fetus. Then it is necessary to monitor the development of side effects and immediately stop taking them if they do appear. In the third trimester, salicylates inhibit labor, increase blood flow, and can lead to intracranial hemorrhages The child has.

Salicylates and their derivatives are excreted in milk during lactation, but in small doses. Casual use cannot affect the baby, however, long-term use requires cessation of breastfeeding.

The drug should not be given to children and adolescents under 18 years of age.


Like any powerful drug, Kardiask has a list of contraindications, which include:

  1. gastrointestinal bleeding;
  2. erosions and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. bronchial asthma;
  4. Fernand-Vidal triad;
  5. Kidney and liver failure;
  6. lactation and pregnancy;
  7. childhood;
  8. sensitivity to components;
  9. simultaneous use with Methotrexate (if the dosage reaches or exceeds 15 mg per 7 days);

There is a list of conditions for which the drug must be prescribed with caution: gout, hyperuricemia, vitamin K deficiency, hay fever and others.

Side effects of Kardiaska

The most common side effects are based in the gastrointestinal tract and look like poisoning, that is, they are expressed by nausea, heartburn, pain and vomiting. Also, taking the drug may be accompanied by:

  1. gastrointestinal bleeding;
  2. bronchospasm;
  3. increased bleeding;
  4. anemia;
  5. dizziness;
  6. tinnitus;
  7. hives;
  8. Quincke's edema;

In case of an overdose of Kardiask, vomiting, hearing loss occurs, and can lead to fever, hyperventilation, coma, and hypoglycemia. Overdose is treated with gastric lavage, hemodialysis, as well as symptomatic treatment.

special instructions

The medicine Kardiask can only be used as prescribed by the attending physician. Place special instructions The instructions contain the following information:

  • In low dosages, the drug can cause gout in patients with reduced lactic acid excretion.
  • In combination with Methotrexate, the risk of side effects increases.
  • High dosages have a hypoglycemic effect.
  • Not recommended joint reception with Ibuprofen, since it reduces the effect of Cardiasc.

Which antiplatelet agent should you prefer - Cardiasc or better Cardiomagnyl or Lopirel - which is better? Especially for readers of “Popular about Health” I will consider the features of these medicines.

Pharmacological group

All three medicines are antiplatelet pharmaceuticals. Cardiomagnyl and Cardiask as active substance contain the well-known acetylsalicylic acid.

The pharmaceutical product Lopirel contains clopidogrel hydrosulfate as an active compound, a prodrug whose metabolites have a pronounced ability to suppress platelet aggregation processes.

All drugs except Lopirel are available over-the-counter. All three drugs are available in tablets. The dosage of acetylsalicylic acid in the drug Cardiomagnyl is 150 and 75 mg.

The drug CardiASK contains 100 and 50 milligrams of acetylsalicylic acid. Lopirel contains 75 mg of clopidogrel hydrosulfate.

pharmachologic effect

Acetylsalicylic acid belongs to the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the action of which is based on suppressing the activity of cyclooxygenase, an enzyme whose biological function is the synthesis of mediators of the allergic reaction.

In low dosages, acetylsalicylic acid has virtually no anti-inflammatory effect, but is still able to suppress platelet aggregation processes by suppressing the activity of thromboxane.

Under the influence of acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of the drugs Kardiask and Cardiomagnyl, hemodynamics (blood fluidity) are normalized, which helps to normalize blood circulation not only in the tissues of the heart, but also in other organs, including the brain.

The drug Cardiomagnyl, in addition to acetylsalicylic acid, contains magnesium hydroxide, the purpose of which is to prevent negative influence acetylsalicylic acid on the gastric mucosa. The fact is that salicylates often cause ulceration of the inner lining of the stomach, and magnesium hydroxide has antacid properties.

Lopirel also suppresses the processes of platelet aggregation, but its action is based on the suppression of the processes of adenosine diphosphate binding to specific receptors on platelet depravity, which blocks one of possible ways platelet adhesion.

Indications for use Cardiomagnyl and Cardiask

Both medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid can be taken in the following cases:

Stable angina;
Unstable angina with a high probability of myocardial infarction;
Prevention of myocardial infarction in the presence of one or more risk factors: diabetes mellitus, obesity, smoking, and so on;
Prevention of thromboembolism after vascular surgery;
Prevention of deep vein thrombosis.

Medicines have an impressive list of contraindications for use. Before starting treatment, you must visit your doctor.

Lopirel, indications for use

The drug Lopirel is intended mainly for the prevention of thrombotic complications in the presence of myocardial infarction in combination with pathology heart rate. However, all the previously mentioned indications for use (for the drugs Cardiomagnyl and Cardiasc) are also quite relevant.

Cardiomagnyl and Cardiask, Contraindications for use

Taking the drugs Cardiomagnyl and Cardiasc is contraindicated in the following cases:

Age less than 18 years;
Ulcerative lesion upper sections intestines;
Kidney failure;
Bronchial asthma that occurs in response to taking aspirin;
The need to take methotrexate is more than 15 mg per week;
Pregnancy, especially the first and third trimesters;
Lactation period;
Stomach bleeding;
Increased bleeding.

Relative contraindications: gout, peptic ulcer or stomach bleeding in the past, pregnancy in the second trimester.

Lopirel, contraindications for use

In addition to the list of contraindications mentioned above, Lopirel should not be taken in the following cases:

Lactose intolerance;
The need to take serotonin reuptake inhibitors;
Use of salicylates;
The need to take heparin or other anticoagulants.

Relative contraindications: moderate renal failure, injuries of any location, hematological diseases.

Cardiomagnyl, Lopirel, Kardiask - similarities and differences

Taking the drug Cardiomagnyl seems more preferable in comparison with the drug Cardiask, since it contains an antacid that reduces harmful effects acetylsalicylic acid.

Lopirel is prescribed for heart rhythm disturbances. Therefore, its use is not always indicated even when there is a threat of myocardial infarction or pain in the heart of an ischemic nature.

The cost of the drugs Cardiomagnyl and Cardiasc is extremely affordable. The price of one package of any of these medicines is approximately 100 - 150 rubles. The purchase of such drugs will not harm the family budget.

In contrast, the price of a package of the drug Lopirel, depending on the dosage, ranges from 600 to 1100 rubles. This amount is quite significant for the wallet of the average Russian, who is not spoiled by financial well-being.

Cardiomagnyl is produced by the Danish company Nycomed. Kardiask is produced in Russia. Lopirel is produced by pharmaceutical companies located in the Republic of Malta.


Which drug should be preferred should be checked with your doctor. After a comprehensive examination of the patient, the doctor will be able to select the most effective medicine.

The popularity of Cardiomagnyl is beyond doubt. “Aspirin Cardio” is significantly inferior to its competitor, although many are sure that the advantages of “Cardiomagnyl” are of a marketing nature and, in fact, are rather dubious.

In particular, it is argued that Cardiomagnyl is safer due to magnesium, which is part of the product and softens the effect of acetylsalicylic acid. But the dosage of magnesium is so small that to speak of real benefit pretty hard. In addition, both drugs are available in the form of enteric tablets, which in theory protect the digestive system from the negative irritating effects of aspirin. So what to choose: “Cardiomagnyl” or “Aspirin Cardio”, which is better, more effective and safer for health?

The answer to this question lies in the basic diagnosis. It is believed that for the prevention of thrombosis in the absence of gastrointestinal problems, Aspirin Cardio is better suited; it is cheaper and more reliable. Cardiomagnyl has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle and is easier to digest, although its contraindications for use are exactly the same as Aspirin Cardio, so there is no need to say which is better.

Cardiomagnyl or Aspirin Cardio: fundamental differences

In fact, there is more in common between the drugs Cardiomagnyl and Aspirin Cardio. These are effective and time-tested means of preventing cardiovascular diseases, especially in old age. Both products are indicated for use in the following cases:

  • prevention of thromboembolism,
  • cerebral circulatory disorders,
  • diabetes,
  • unstable angina,
  • obesity,
  • hypercholesterolemia,
  • post-infarction state.

What is better to use if you have digestive problems: Cardiomagnyl or Aspirin Cardio? Doctors advise paying attention to Cardiomagnyl, at least in the absence of gastric ulcers, it can be used for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, in contrast to the same Aspirin Cardio, which is characterized by a more aggressive effect on the stomach. However, both drugs are contraindicated if:

  • bronchial asthma,
  • pathologies of the liver and kidneys,
  • poor blood clotting,
  • acute heart failure.

Which is better for health: Cardiomagnyl or Aspirin Cardio

Many doctors are in favor of Cardiomagnyl, but patients see a financial interest in this, because Cardiomagnyl is more expensive. You should not refuse this drug solely because of the price issue, since in some cases it is impossible to replace Cardiomagnyl. But this does not mean at all that Cardiomagnyl is better than Aspirin Cardio.

In the postoperative period, Aspirin Cardio is often prescribed, since it has a more pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It has been noted that the risk of complications after operations on the heart or arteries when using Aspirin Cardio is several times lower. This is explained therapeutic effect aspirin, which is offered in a more effective form in the drug “Aspirin Cardio”.

Cardiomagnyl is more suitable for regular use because it irritates the stomach less. But the word “less” does not mean that there is no aggressive impact at all. You should not take literally the words of the manufacturers that Cardiomagnyl is completely safe for digestive system. There are no aspirin-containing products that are absolutely harmless to the stomach. The presence of magnesium hydroxide in the composition of Cardiomagnyl does not provide complete protection, although it can reduce the risk of stomach irritation and saturate the cells with essential microelements.