Pain in the front left lower abdominal cavity. Gynecological pathologies as causes of pain in the lower abdomen

Aching pain in the left side is a quite serious symptom. And you need to treat discomfort responsibly. After all, the sources of pain can be problems in the pancreas, spleen, liver, stomach, gall bladder and many other internal organs. Therefore, it is necessary to find out exactly what caused the aching pain in the left side.

Causes of the phenomenon

It is quite obvious that the aching pain in the left side is caused by certain dysfunctions internal organs. Unfortunately, too many different factors can cause this discomfort. Install the real reason Only a doctor can hurt you. Therefore, you should not independently diagnose and attribute non-existent diseases to yourself. Go to see a doctor to sort out the unpleasant situation.

Most often, aching pain in the left side is caused by diseases of the stomach, spleen, pancreas, diaphragm or intestines. And, therefore, in a patient experiencing excruciating discomfort, pathologies may be detected:

  • stomach;
  • spleen;
  • pancreas;
  • intestinal loops;
  • left area of ​​the diaphragm.

Stomach problems

With gastritis or functional dyspepsia any irritant to the mucous membrane will definitely cause pain. Discomfort can be caused by:

  • poor quality food;
  • alcohol;
  • excessive use of the drug "Aspirin".

With stomach diseases, the patient feels aching pain in the left side of the abdomen, in upper area. Sometimes discomfort is not the only symptom, disturbing the patient. A person may experience nausea and vomiting.

If the culprit of the pain is gastritis, then the patient experiences significant relief after taking antacid medications that can reduce the acidity of the gastric environment.

But if the pain does not stop, then mandatory Go to the doctor to rule out serious pathologies such as ulcers or cancer.

Spleen disease

Very often, aching pain in the left side under the ribs is provoked by this organ. After all, the spleen is located in the upper region of the peritoneum and is localized very close to the surface.

Pain may be caused by an enlarged spleen. In addition, after trauma to the peritoneum or certain infectious pathologies, the organ may be susceptible to rupture. The spleen is extremely vulnerable because it is located very close to the surface of the body. Sometimes, as a result of infectious pathologies (for example, mononucleosis), the organ greatly increases in size and softens in consistency. In this case, the risk of its rupture increases even without external influence.

Symptoms characterizing the pathology:

  • severe abdominal pain;
  • high sensitivity in this area;
  • blueness of the area around the navel due to a large accumulation of blood.

Diaphragmatic hernia

Pain in the left side, in the front, in the upper abdomen may indicate sufficient unpleasant phenomenon. The diaphragm is the muscle that separates the abdominal cavity and the chest cavity. Its structure implies a certain opening through which the esophagus is connected to the stomach. If muscle tissue weakens, the hole may become larger. As a result top part The stomach begins to protrude from the peritoneum into the chest cavity. This pathology is called diaphragmatic hernia.

The dull pain that occurs with this pathology is often perceived as discomfort in the heart area, since the patient may experience discomfort high in the chest.

It is quite easy to distinguish between these pathologies. The pain caused by a hernia of the diaphragm increases significantly during bending or lying down. Cardiac discomfort “does not respond” to any movement of the body.

However, do not forget that only an experienced specialist can make a true diagnosis.

Intestinal pathologies

Discomfort in the left side can be caused by inflammatory processes in the lower parts of the large intestine. Most often, patients experience more than just pain. The disease is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • bowel dysfunction;
  • bloating.

If intestinal inflammation is suspected, the patient should avoid:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • spicy, hot seasonings;
  • black bread;
  • milk.

As a rule, after a few days the patient's condition improves significantly. But if your health does not improve, even despite fully following the recommended diet, you should definitely consult a doctor.

You may need to undergo a course of medical therapy.


Quite often, pain in the left abdominal region provokes pancreatitis. This is an inflammation of the pancreas. This organ can transmit unpleasant sensations to the central region, the right side. The reasons for such prevalence of painful symptoms lie in the very structure of the gland. The pancreas is stretched throughout upper section belly.

This organ is very often exposed to various inflammatory processes (pancreatitis). In addition, pancreatic cancer is common.

Pathology in this organ can be suspected by the nature of the pain:

  • left side stings;
  • with pancreatitis, the discomfort is extremely sharp;
  • it can be encircling and even radiate to the back.

Often the pathology is accompanied by hyperthermia, nausea, and vomiting.

Patients suffering from:

  • chronic alcoholism;
  • asthma;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • oncology;
  • arthritis.

To relieve pain, people need to follow a strict diet for several days. But in any case, to prevent recurrent attacks, it is important to consult a doctor about the course of treatment.

Discomfort in the back

Pain in the left side can spread to various parts of the body. Sometimes discomfort occurs in the back area. In this case, unpleasant sensations may appear in the morning or disturb for quite a long time. But there are times when the pain in the left side from the back becomes simply unbearable. Such discomfort does not allow you to work or rest.

So, why does the left side from the back hurt? Sources of discomfort may be:

  1. Pathologies of the respiratory system (pneumonia, pleurisy, lung or bronchial cancer, pneumothorax).
  2. Heart disease (angina pectoris, aortic aneurysm, myocardial infarction, pericarditis).
  3. Diseases of the urinary system (retroperitoneal hematoma, renal colic, arterial thrombosis).
  4. Pathologies nervous system And spinal cord.

The true cause of the pain can only be determined after an examination.

Types of pain

In addition, pay attention to the characteristics of unpleasant sensations:

  1. Prolonged pain under the ribs may indicate damage to the kidney structures.
  2. The pulsating nature of the discomfort, which intensifies with inspiration, is a symptom of damaged lung tissue.
  3. Dull pain may indicate an inflammatory process in the kidneys or spleen.
  4. Intense girdle discomfort in the epigastric zone, radiating to the scapula, heart or bottom part sternum - symptoms of pancreatitis.
  5. Acute pain, significantly intensifying during exhalation, most often signals osteochondrosis or intercostal neuralgia.
  6. Constant burning sensations in the sternum, periodic “lumbago” may indicate an aortic aneurysm.
  7. Shooting, projective pain is often a sign of damage to the spinal cord and nervous system.

Male diseases

Quite often, representatives of the stronger sex experience excruciating pain. The left side, lower abdomen in men, is an area in which quite a few unpleasant diseases. There can be many reasons for such discomfort. It is quite difficult to independently determine the source that provokes aching discomfort in the left side, so you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

Let's consider what reasons cause unpleasant pain. The left side, lower abdomen in men can be bothersome as a result of a number of factors. Quite serious causes of discomfort are a hernia, inflammation of the testicles, a cyst, roughage or inflammation of the pancreas.

Strenuous exercise may also cause unpleasant discomfort on the left side. In this case, there is no need to worry too much. Such pain indicates shaking that is unusual for the internal organs. As a rule, the discomfort is tingling and pulling. You need to stop and catch your breath a little. Better yet, skip one lesson.

Very common cause pain in men is inflammation of the testicles. This pathology is caused by colds, sitting on cold benches or infection.

Causes of pain in women

Pregnant women often experience similar discomfort. In this case, aching pain in the left side of women appears from the 8th week. Peculiar sensations are associated with fetal growth. At the same time, the ligaments increase. Such reasons can cause abdominal discomfort.

So, pain in women is most often caused by the following factors:

  1. Stretched ligaments cause discomfort. This phenomenon is quite natural. The woman experiences aching pain. As a rule, discomfort after certain time goes away on its own. No painkillers should be used.
  2. Left-handed painful discomfort may indicate impaired stomach function. Very often, pregnant women become extremely selective in their taste preferences. Expectant mothers eat a lot of food and quite often. At the same time, they manage to combine completely incompatible products. Of course, it is better to try to be more picky in your diet.
  3. Sometimes pain during pregnancy is caused by a malfunction of the pancreas. This is typical for women who do not follow a diet, are overly fond of fatty and meat foods, smoke or drink alcohol. In such a situation, you must immediately rush to the doctors. These disorders can have a detrimental effect on the baby’s health.
  4. The source of pain in the left side can be very serious. This discomfort is one of the symptoms of placental abruption. Only timely diagnosis can save the baby. In this case, miscarriages often occur.

If a pregnant woman experiences pain, she should immediately contact her gynecologist, carefully describing all the painful symptoms. An excellent solution would be an ultrasound. This will make sure that the baby is not in danger.


If pain occurs in the left abdominal area in an adult or child, you should definitely consult a doctor. After all, any pathology, even appendicitis, can become a source of discomfort. Don't delay your visit to the doctor. Remember: a negligent attitude towards your health and the condition of your loved ones has never led to good things. Therefore, if pain occurs, do not rush to take analgesics or antispasmodics. Go to a doctor to find out the real reason that is causing such unpleasant sensations.

Take care of yourself and your family!

If a patient complains of pain in the lower abdomen upon treatment, in medicine this type of pain syndrome (according to its location) is called pelvic. Despite the fact that it can be felt both from behind and from the front, the cause is the organs and structures of the small pelvis experiencing pathologies, disruption of blood vessels, lymph nodes, bone damage and other anomalies in the functioning of systems located in the lower abdomen. Pain that occurs predominantly on the left side, in lower zones abdomen, or radiating to these areas, are characteristic of many acute and chronic disease processes, occurring in this part of the body.

First, you should consider the exact localization, which will help differentiate the diseases that have become the organizers of pain.

So, pain on the left can be felt:

  • on the front plane, under the line of the navel to the left of it;
  • on the back left side, under the lumbar line;
  • deeper down, near the reproductive organs;
  • at the level of the middle of the abdomen, extending to the side;
  • at the level of the left buttock, radiating to the thigh.

By the way. This is relevant pain syndrome for almost all patients diagnosed with gynecology, urology, physiological pathology in the pelvis, as well as all types of gastroenterology. The causes may also be diseases of orthopedic etiology and trauma.

Table. Pain in the left side below - differentiation by type of disease.

In life, every sixth person on earth experiences unpleasant or painful sensations in the left side from time to time. This is statistics that, however, do not give a complete picture, due to the fact that the range of causes that give rise to this type of pain is too wide.

Location of organs

To understand the initial parameters of pain, it is necessary to remember which organs and systems are located in the specified area or nearby.

  1. - a single organ directly related to the immune apparatus. It is a blood storage facility that accumulates it according to the “depot” principle. If the spleen is removed, the patient will remain alive, the body’s work will continue, since the function of the organ will be taken over by the liver and lymph nodes.

    Anatomy of the spleen

  2. Parts of the small intestine– fragments of its loops are located on the left. And if blockage, inflammation occurs in them, or another pathological process begins, pain occurs precisely to the left downward from the abdomen.

  3. Parts of the colon, which, when inflamed or experiencing secretory dysfunction, also causes the indicated pain syndrome.

  4. Colon in its left transverse part - also here. Its ascending-descending branch also passes here.
  5. Left side of the genitourinary organs is located in the pelvis.
  6. From the unpaired reproductive organs of a woman - left-hand side uterus and birth canal.

  7. Paired reproductive organs presented on the left in both women and men.
  8. Also here is left kidney.
  9. Orthopedic problems give rise to pelvic bones, cartilage fragments, lymph nodes and hip joint.

Formation of pain syndrome

Pain, as is known, is a complex process. It is capable of migrating or localizing at one point, starting from the source of pathology and in its absence. Pain can occur for the following reasons:

  • the circulation of blood bodies at a local point is disrupted;
  • metabolism in cell bodies is disrupted;
  • inflammation has begun;
  • tissue degeneration has occurred;
  • degenerative changes have occurred;
  • morphological damage occurs in the internal organs.

Based on the stages of onset and progression, pain can be divided into three stages.

  1. Discomfort, unpleasant sensations in the primary focus.
  2. Referred pain in the secondary focus.
  3. Increase in pain impulse and pathological events.

Immediate causes of pain

The initial stage of the pathology that occurs on the left is pain plus other symptoms indicating a disease of the organ located in the area of ​​pain.

The first organ on the list of “candidates” causing pain is the spleen. It can be susceptible to various pathologies.


An oncological disease called lymphoma or myeloid leukemia. It affects the hematopoietic systems and the organs included in them, in particular the spleen and liver. There are three stages, one of which is chronic. It is during this stage that pain is localized on the lower left. Associated symptoms include weight loss and fatigue, sweating and increased pain after eating.

Diagnosis in the early stages is carried out using ultrasound and blood samples.

Heart attack

We are talking about a splenic infarction, which is expressed in blockage of small arteries located in the organ. The cause of this phenomenon is a number of primary pathologies, including oncology, damage to blood vessels and infection. The disease is difficult to differentiate from the symptoms of the cause, because key symptom similar – left-sided pain from below. But first, sensations are born in the hypochondrium, and only then go down, intensifying as you inhale.

Causes and pathogenesis of splenic infarction

A heart attack is diagnosed instrumentally. The condition must be treated urgently, as significant blood loss is likely.


The spleen, like any organ, can be subject to various influences and injuries from the outside. It is for this reason that volvulus or twisting of this organ occurs. The phenomenon can be provoked by individual physiological characteristics. In this case, a sharp pain occurs in the left side from below, radiating to the left side of the groin. Accompanied by vomiting and bloating, the condition worsens quickly, so urgent medical intervention is necessary.


The spleen becomes inflamed, as a rule, as a result of a secondary process that occurs after the onset of pathology of another organ, such as the liver. The pain is combined with fever and vomiting. Also, in addition to pain in the spleen on the left, other pains are observed that correspond to the symptom of the underlying disease.

Vomiting is one of the symptoms


Purulent inflammation like an abscess in the spleen develops for various reasons, mainly infectious. If the abscess is small, the pathology does not cause severe pain, is easily treated and results in recovery in all cases. If there is a large abscess or several, strong pain in the lower zone of the left side. If peritonitis begins, pus flows into the peritoneum, the temperature rises, and the state of health sharply worsens, accompanied by increased pain to the point of unbearable.


The spleen can expand for two reasons - an inflammatory process and dysfunction of blood flow in the portal vein. The pain begins under the left rib and migrates downwards. The character is dull, whining. An enlarged spleen due to its inflammation is clearly observed on ultrasound.


These formations can originate in any organ. The spleen is no exception. A capsule with watery mucus inside most often forms after an abscess or as a result of a traumatic rupture of the spleen. If the cyst (there may be several) is small, there will be no significant pain. If the formation is large, it will begin to hurt on the left immediately when you press on the area of ​​the spleen. Attacks of pain may be felt during physical activity.

The small intestine zone includes the jejunum, duodenum and ileum. Its parts passing along the left side, when pathologies form in them, cause pain in the corresponding points.


An acquired disease of the small intestine, in which the mucous membranes stop absorbing certain foods. Accompanied by pain, frequent bowel movements, diluted stools and distension of the intestines from gases. The location of the pain is the left side.

A disease of gluten intolerance, mainly observed in children (when starting complementary feeding with cereal porridges) and very rarely in adults. Symptoms of pain are similar to malabsorption, but the sensation is more of a pulling rather than a cramping sensation.

Here is located, in addition to the rectum, the colon, cecum and sigmoid. The ascending and descending parts of the colon are located on the left. The transverse part also goes to the left. Lesions of all fragments of the colon are usually associated with pain in the lower left side of the abdomen.

Irritation syndrome

This disease has no clear etiology. Women in the middle-age group are more often affected by it. Moreover, exacerbation and severe pain syndrome is observed during menstruation. The pain is chronic, accompanied by liquefied or hardened stools and gases.

Hirschsprung's pathology

The disease is hereditary and affects boys. Constipation is added to the pain on the left side. The intestines are swollen. The only treatment in this case is surgical removal fragments of intestine in which nerve endings are not formed. Only after this the pain is completely relieved.

Pathology Crohn's

Produces an inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract with the formation of nodules. When inflammation spreads to the descending zone of the colon, the left side begins to hurt. Vomiting with diarrhea is added. The etiology of the pathology has not yet been accurately established, so it is difficult to diagnose and is often mistaken for another disease.


Abbreviation for ulcerative colitis non-specific is also full of guesses and hypotheses, since there is no etiology. First and foremost clinical manifestation of this pathology – abdominal pain on the left, in the lower part. It hurts in attacks; there is blood and purulent masses in the liquefied stool.


With this disease, diverticula, which are pathological pouches, form in the colon. Most elderly patients have them, and in addition to causing pain, they interfere with peristalsis and accumulate stones. The stool turns black and contains blood. It is treated surgically.


Occurring in the colon, its lower segment, pain occurs on the left side. They are formed due to the fact that the processes of water absorption by the intestinal walls are disrupted. Dehydration may occur intestinal disorders accompanied by diarrhea, alternating with constipation.


This is the general name for several cancers that can affect the large intestine area. Typically, pain originates on the side where the tumor formation is localized.

Genitourinary apparatus

The excretory systems, reproductive organs and both kidneys are involved and function in it. On the left is the left kidney and part of the unpaired organs, or one of the paired organs.


With the disease, the renal pelvis expands due to disturbances in the process of urine outflow. Disturbances are caused by stones. If they formed on the left, the pain will be there. During an exacerbation, there is sharp pain in the lower back, then the pain goes to the lower abdomen.

Allen-Masters Pathology

The syndrome is female, occurs after ligament rupture from difficult birth or due to abortion. The pain is sharp on the left side, the contractions are intensified by straining. The pain may become burning and radiate to the iliac region.

Also female pathology, which develops on the ovaries, uterus or fallopian tube. If the development is on the left side, the corresponding side hurts. Adhesions begin, this process intensifies the pain, as well as the onset of menstruation.

Other pathologies

For bone disorders hip joint and other orthopedic causes of pain on the left are observed much less frequently. The exception is targeted injury aimed specifically at bone connections, located directly on the left side of the pelvis.

Video - Why does the left side in the lower abdomen hurt?

Video - Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen (aching, sharp) in a man: causes, symptoms

When pain is felt on the left side of the lower abdomen, it can be assumed that it appeared due to an inflammatory process in the body or other types of diseases.

Pain in the lower abdomen may occur due to gynecological reasons. Or it may be related to gastroenterology and urology.

Also, surgical deviations associated with organs in the pelvis cannot be excluded.

For what reason may women experience pain on the left?

If there is a tug in the left side of the lower abdomen, this should alert and concern you. After all, this part contains organs responsible for important functions in the body.

If a pain symptom is felt here, this is a signal about developing disease. Let's look at the reasons why the left lower abdomen may hurt.

The resulting pain may be of various nature. The patient feels pain, pulsation, tingling.

On the left side of a woman there is the left ovary, small intestine, pancreas, spleen and left kidney. All these organs, when they are diseased, can transmit pain in the lower abdomen on the left.

Pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen on the left side can be due to diseases associated with gastroenterology, gynecology, urology, and also orthopedics.

Throughout life, many people may experience pain in the lower abdomen on the left side. Pelvic pain occurs due to diseases of various internal organs.

  1. In women, organs are located in the lower left side genitourinary system, uterus, birth canal, kidney.
  2. An organ that is directly related to immune system, called the spleen. It contains a supply of blood, which is created by the portal blood flow system. If a problem arises and it is necessary to remove this organ, its functions are taken over by the liver and lymph nodes.
  3. In the left lateral part there is a part of the located loop of the jejunum. It is the second section of the small intestine. The pain that occurs may indicate a blockage or intussusception of the inflammatory process.
  4. Pain in the large intestine indicates disturbances in the secretory function in the left part of the transverse intestine (colon), the descending branch of the colon.
  5. This may be due to the bones located in the pelvic part:
  • left hip joint;
  • lymph nodes of the pelvic girdle;
  • cartilage, blood vessels;
  • nerves.

Pain is a rather complex process, and its occurrence can be of different nature for the same disease. It can be transmitted from the site of the disease to another site.

The cause of the source of pain may be:

  1. With changes in the structure and functioning of internal organs.
  2. For disorders associated with blood circulation.
  3. For cell disorders metabolic processes at the site of the disease.
  4. Processes of dystrophic and inflammatory in nature.

The pain develops gradually in several phases. Initially, a painful sensation appears at the location where the painful area is concentrated. Further, the pain has a reflected character and is formed in the focus of the pathology.

Moreover, the direct connection with the original place of pain is lost.

Then the diffusion of the trophic disorder occurs, the pathological process deepens, and the pain boundaries gradually increase.

If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the pain is aching, usually the patient has a problem with bowel movements. In this situation, the pancreas is to blame.

If dysfunction occurs in this organ, problems arise in which an insufficient amount of enzymes is produced that are involved and needed in the digestion of food.

Due to the changes that have occurred, pain symptoms begin to appear. If the patient takes additional enzymes, these manifestations go away.

Pain from injury or injury has a completely different sensation. The pain that appears as a result of the injury is relieved immediately with the help of painkillers.

Pain caused by pathologies of internal organs must be stopped very carefully.

If the pain in the left side is of a pulling nature

With pain of this type, we can safely assume purulent pathology organs in the small ace on the left side. This pain lasts a long time and is debilitating; the pain is of low intensity.

Pulling on the left side usually occurs in men if there is an inflammatory process in the scrotum. For sprained ligaments in the groin and strangulated hernia.

Increasing pain can occur with cancer.

If the disease has severe pathology, there may be additional symptoms in the form of diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, fever, and enlarged lymph nodes.

If pain of an aching nature covers the left side.

When visiting a gynecologist, women often complain that their lower left side hurts.

If it hurts in the lower left side, this happens when a violation occurs menstrual cycle, with an inflammatory process in the female genital organs.

It can hurt during sex and with endometriosis. Pathologies of an inflammatory nature have mild pain and resolve with high fever, a weakened state and rapid fatigue.

Dull pain occurs if hemorrhoids are observed, or an acute process of expansion Bladder.

Dull, aching pain can also occur when the lymph nodes on the left side are inflamed.

If your left side hurts and the pain is stabbing

With intestinal or kidney disease, stabbing pain usually appears. Also, colic can be accompanied by throbbing pain when there is ulceration in the urethra, in the mucous membrane of the ureter.

Pain of a stabbing nature indicates the beginning of a process that contributes to rupture of the ovary.

With increased formation of gases, a painful sensation occurs, usually after defecation and urination the pain stops.

Why does the left side in the lower abdomen hurt due to sharp pain?

Sharp pain in the lower abdomen on the left side occurs with pathologies, spasms of organs in the pelvis occur from gases, which cause the intestines to distend.

The pain may come from the impact on the pain nerve endings. Pain with pain in the side of the lower abdomen from pathology associated with inflammation or ruptures of the ovary, ligaments, from expansion in the renal pelvis or bladder.

Sometimes a pain symptom may not be the main symptom. But at the same time, pain will be accompanied by all serious illnesses internal organs.

In order to have a clear understanding of the causes of the disease, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics, thanks to which the causes of the disease can be identified.

If a temperature appears, this indicates a malfunction occurring in the body. This can be caused by various contagious infections that affect the pelvic organs.

Typically, the patient with these symptoms develops a fever. Both women and men can have an inflammatory process associated with internal organs in the pelvis. Peritonitis may develop.

In order to establish the real reasons painful condition you need to see a specialist.

Why does the left side in the lower abdomen pull?

  1. This may be due to problems with blood circulation in the pelvis.
  2. Due to dysfunction or abnormality in one of the organs.
  3. When an inflammatory process occurs.

Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen, when it is combined with symptoms of a disease of the organ that is located on the same side, indicates a recent illness.

Pains remote from the pathological site and also pains referred to appear when a person is sick chronic form and the disease process has already begun in large areas of the body.

The appearance of a painful sensation in the left side, which you need to pay attention to!

Both the right and left sides contain organs that are equally important for the normal functioning of the body. When aching pain appears on the left side, it means that there will be or loose stool or constipation.

This is always associated with a gastrointestinal disorder. There may be problems with the pancreas.

These symptoms may also indicate the following reasons:

  • if there is an inflammatory process;
  • the body has impaired blood circulation in the pelvic area;
  • when the size and structure of one of the organs changes.

If you have pain in the lower left abdomen and the pain does not subside throughout the day, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Women who have abdominal pain at an appointment with a gynecologist find out that they have gynecological problems.

If you have left-sided pain, you should also consult a urologist, gastroenterologist, or surgeon. Almost all patients who have pain in the left lower abdomen are women.

Why may there be pain symptoms in the left side?

An uncomfortable state with a feeling of pain can accumulate in different places body. The pain may be in the lower abdomen, or gather under the rib.

Based on the location where the pain occurs, it is possible to determine organ disease or the beginning of the development of the inflammatory process.

Why does it hurt under the rib on the left? Pain under the rib, where the left side can be caused by a heart attack, gastric disease, diaphragmatic hernia, rupture or enlargement of the spleen, pleurisy.

These symptoms may also occur when left-sided pneumonia when the pain was localized in the left lung in its lower part and with rheumatic lesions.

Such pain can be of different types.

  1. Sluggish, aching pain occurs when inflammatory disease. This can be caused by duodenitis or colitis. If the patient has nausea and vomiting, we can talk about a stomach ulcer. The same signs may occur with ischemic disease or an attack of angina. This may also be a pre-infarction condition.
  2. A sensation of sharp pain can occur with renal fever or perforation of an ulcer in the stomach. These symptoms are observed when the spleen ruptures. This is a very serious situation, call an ambulance immediately.
  3. Pain of a diffuse and dull nature, which lasts for a long time, signals a disease of the gastrointestinal tract of an unhurried nature. This painful sensation occurs with gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis.
  4. For Crohn's disease (this is chronic inflammation Gastrointestinal tract) there is damage to all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Painful symptoms on the left are accompanied by fatigue, poor appetite, an attack of vomiting, and stool disturbances.
  5. With irritable bowel syndrome, there is increased pain on the left side, the patient complains of discomfort and bloating in the abdominal area. The manifestation of the disease is associated with exposure to stress. In this condition, loose stools and gas formation occur.

The left lower abdomen hurts for other reasons. This may occur from disease of the ureter or bladder, kidneys, uterine appendages or spleen.

These symptoms may also occur with problems in cardiovascular system and heart.

For disorders associated with the functioning of the endocrine system, for diabetes. These symptoms occur due to pathology in the abdominal wall, a hernia, as well as blood diseases.

For what reason may the left side in the lower abdomen still hurt?

If the left side hurts during or after eating, a feeling of heaviness appears, a characteristic aching pain is felt, while vomiting, nausea, heartburn are observed - these are pronounced symptoms of gastritis during its exacerbation.

Heartburn occurs when food enters the esophagus. In this case, the patient experiences a loss of strength, permanent state drowsiness, he may be irritable.

There is a disturbance in the heart rhythm, and after eating, sweat may be released profusely.

If a patient complains of belching with a sour taste or has heartburn, this indicates perforated ulcer. This is very serious sign, in this situation it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

With a tumor in gastrointestinal tract constant pain appears. Pain occurs not only from eating.

When a person has no desire to eat and feels aversion to meat products, he develops anemia, he loses weight, experiences a feeling of oversaturation from a small amount of food, a tumor can be assumed.

According to doctors, pain syndrome in the left side in the lower part abdominal cavity considered dangerous. This is especially true for women, since it is this side that is associated with the female organs.

A similar pain syndrome is typical for the following diseases:

  • with slight pain in the lower abdomen, a disease associated with gynecology can be suspected;
  • If the patient is in severe pain, she feels discomfort in the lower left abdomen and the pain covers the entire abdominal cavity. It can be assumed that the patient has inflammation of the fallopian tubes. With this disease, there are usually painful periods and heavy discharge from the vagina.
  • with tolerable pain on the left side in the abdomen there may be various gynecological diseases. This may be endometriosis, acute adnexitis and other diseases. If there is severe pain with severe vomiting and fever, it may suggest ovarian rupture or torsion.
  • spasmodic pain can occur in the lower abdominal cavity during menstruation or ovulation. These pains are not dangerous and will go away after your period ends. If they continue and are not observed from the genital organs natural discharge, this may indicate infection of the genital organs and an inflammatory process.
  • with an ectopic pregnancy, an attack occurs acute pain in the lower abdomen, lower left side. The pain may move from the left side to the right. The painful sensation becomes stronger if the woman turns her body or walks.

If you suspect ectopic pregnancy, urgently call an ambulance, as in this case there may be a rupture of the fallopian tubes, this poses a serious danger to life.

Pain in the lower abdomen does not cause concern for many people. Many people think that it will go away on its own. An acute abdomen is always serious and sometimes such situations require urgent surgical intervention.

There are actually quite a lot of reasons why painful symptoms may appear on the left side of the lower abdominal cavity.

In order to determine the cause of the disease and the occurrence pain you need to contact a specialist.

This article is for informational purposes only and cannot replace consultation and examination with a doctor.

Useful video

Pain in women on the left lower abdomen is a discomforting manifestation, indicating a host of possible pathological processes. Unpleasant sensations in the left iliac region themselves do not always indicate gynecological pathologies. Exists Great chance pathologies of the intestines, as well as the urinary system.

According to the data medical statistics Almost all representatives of the fairer sex of any age encounter a similar uncomfortable feeling at least once in their lives. Let's look at the causes of pain in the left lower abdomen in women.

The essence of this process is to secure the fertilized egg not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube. This dangerous process, because as the embryo grows, it begins to burst the fallopian tube, leading to obstruction, and then to rupture and massive bleeding. There are many cases of death.

Salpingitis is an inflammation of the fallopian tube. Rarely isolated, salpingoophoritis is much more common. This pathological process is characterized by simultaneous involvement of the ovary and fallopian tube.

The disease is characterized by intense pain in the lower left part of the abdomen (or right), nausea, vomiting, and uncharacteristic discharge from the vagina. Salpingitis occurs, according to statistics, in every fifth woman on the entire planet. Requires urgent treatment, since complications are possible, such as rupture, purulent melt of the epithelium.

If the left side of the lower abdomen hurts in women, these may be benign tumorslocalized in the ovarian area. Including cysts and other neoplasias. Neoplastic processes are not always accompanied by pain.

They grow slowly for the most part, non-infiltratively, are well demarcated from the surrounding tissues, do not form secondary lesions, but when large in size they compress the ovary, causing pain (this is the so-called mass effect). Removal is required in most cases because they cause fertility problems.

Ovarian cancer is extremely rare. Requires urgent treatment. Radiation, chemotherapy, surgical excision tumors. The prognosis depends on the moment of initiation of therapy. Best results can be achieved with early supervision.


Prolapse of the uterus can cause pain in the left lower abdomen. The pathology is relatively rare, for many reasons. It is considered a polyetiological condition. Patients with low body weight most often suffer, which is due to impaired trophism of the corresponding muscles that support the uterus. Surgical treatment of the condition is required, otherwise there is a high probability of death.

Dysmenorrhea itself is not a disease. This is a typical disorder of the menstrual cycle, in which the pain syndrome increases. It is considered an idiopathic condition. However, muscle spasm is thought to play a major role uterine structures and genital tracts. No specific treatment is required. Taking antispasmodics in the short term is enough.

Gastrointestinal tract

Diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon. Colon diverticula are pathological protrusions of the walls of the organ. Most often we are talking about a violation of tissue trophism, and as a consequence, their degeneration against the background of ischemia and impaired drainage.

Requires surgical treatment in most cases. It may be asymptomatic, but more often stool disorders develop in the form of diarrhea or constipation, flatulence and some other manifestations.

Appendicitis. It is extremely rare, but the appendix can be located on the left. This happens when mirror arrangement organs or an excessively long mesentery of the cecum. Symptoms are typical: cutting pains, specific symptoms (Obraztsov, Shchetkin-Blumberg, etc.). In all cases, differential diagnosis is required.

Peritonitis. Inflammation of the abdominal wall due to rupture of the appendix, ureter and other organs. As a rule, it does not occur in isolation; much more often it is a complex process. Requires mandatory surgical correction. Otherwise, there is a high probability of the patient's death.

Irritable bowel syndrome. It is of an unexplored, idiopathic nature. In practice, this means that there is no evidence of organic pathology. As researchers of this phenomenon suggest, irritable bowel syndrome is of a neurogenic psychosomatic nature, and therefore does not require treatment. However, this condition causes a lot of discomfort to the patient. Psychotherapeutic correction is required.

Extended sigmoid colon. There are many reasons. Careful diagnosis is required to distinguish one disease from another.


Despite the abundance of possible diseases, the clinical picture almost always consists of the same manifestations. Among the signs are:

Pain in the lower left abdomen. May radiate to the external genitalia, groin area, left side. In case of kidney diseases, they have a shingles character. The type of pain is always different: aching, pulling, shooting, stabbing, etc. It all depends on the specific disease.

Menstrual irregularities. By type of dysmenorrhea (painful periods), oligomenorrhea ( scanty discharge), menorrhagia (heavy periods), opsomenorrhea or delayed onset of menstruation.

Fertility disorders. The patient cannot become pregnant. The probability of natural gestation is not higher than 40%. IVF is possible. To normalize fertility, it is recommended to eliminate the root cause of the condition.

Discharge from the genital tract of an atypical nature. This may be a purulent, mucous exudate without color or odor or with the presence of such (usually a putrid odor).
Other manifestations are possible, such as increased body temperature, nausea, vomiting, etc. Much depends on the type of disease. A comprehensive assessment is required.


Diagnosis of pathologies of this type is carried out by a specialist in gynecology, as well as gastroenterology. First of all, it is recommended to contact a gynecologist to exclude specialized pathologies.

First of all, the doctor conducts an oral interview, records all complaints in writing for further assessment, collects an anamnesis (specifies what the patient has been or is ill with during her life). It is important to perform a bimanual and speculum examination to rule out organic pathology initial parts of the reproductive system.

The following manipulations are also necessary:

  • Examination of a smear from the genital tract.
  • Sowing it on nutrient media. Bacteriological culture allows you to identify infectious processes.
  • A gastroenterologist deals with intestinal pathologies. Irrigoscopy and colonoscopy are performed to assess the condition of the intestines.

You may also need to consult a urologist or nephrologist if you have problems with urination.


Etiological, aimed at eliminating the root cause pathological condition. The use of drugs from several pharmaceutical groups is required:

  • Antispasmodics. To relieve spasms in the intestines, kidneys, ureters, and genitals.
  • Analgesics to relieve intense pain and associated discomfort.
    Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal origin. To relieve inflammation and pain.
  • Antibiotics, antifungals, antiviral agents if an infectious lesion develops.
  • Diuretics to accelerate the removal of microcalculi. For large stones, drugs of this group are never prescribed. Is it dangerous.
  • At increased rates thermometer indicates the use of antipyretics (antipyretics) based on metamizole sodium, acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, ibuprofen.
  • If diverticulitis, adhesions, appendicitis, peritonitis, cancer or neoplasms occur, surgical intervention is necessary. Its type, as well as the method of providing access, are determined only by a medical specialist.

Pain in the lower left abdomen - characteristic feature many diseases of different profiles. Required thorough examination patients. This is the only way you can count on competent treatment and a positive outcome in the fight against an unpleasant condition.

Pain is the body’s reaction to physical, mechanical, thermal or chemical effects, resulting from the activation of mediators of inflammation and irritation nerve endings(pain receptors). Pain syndrome is a symptom of 92% of diseases of internal organs, so any pain requires careful diagnosis and examination. The most common type of pain in patients of any age is pain in various parts of the abdomen. Despite the fact that almost all organs are located in the peritoneal space digestive system, abdominal and epigastric pain do not always indicate pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Even with typical localization of pain, a comprehensive examination is necessary to identify the source of pain and carry out differential diagnosis with inflammatory processes of the genitourinary and of cardio-vascular system. Very often, the pain syndrome has a unilateral localization, which is a direct symptom of local damage to the pelvic organs. Below is detailed review reasons why there may be pain on the left side of the lower abdomen, and also given sample recommendations on treatment.

Inflammatory and degenerative processes in the renal tissue are one of the main causes of discomfort in the lower abdomen in women and men, if the main localization of pain is the lateral abdomen and lower back. Irradiation of pain to the lumbar and coccygeal area is typical for almost all pathologies of the renal system, so these symptoms are usually considered together. Pain in kidney disease is usually stabbing or cutting, always has an acute course and high intensity. In the absence of specialized therapy, painful sensations are difficult to relieve with painkillers and quickly return, which forces the patient to take increased doses of analgesics.

The pathology is an acute pain syndrome of high intensity that occurs spontaneously for no apparent reason against the background of normal general condition sick. Attacks often occur at night, and also when a person is at rest. Main reasons renal colic are conditions in which stagnation of urine occurs (impairment of its outflow), damage to the surface of the ureters by oxalates or stones, as well as kidney stones ( kidney stones). The disease often occurs in men because urethra they are almost 1.5 times narrower than women, which creates favorable conditions for the growth of pathogenic flora and the formation of stagnation.

The main symptom of renal colic is severe pain. Patients describe it as a strong pain or stabbing sensation in the lumbar region from the pathological process with possible irradiation to the pubic area, groin, perineum and iliac space on the left side.

Other signs of pathology include:

  • absence paroxysmal course and temporary characteristics of the pain syndrome (pain can last from several minutes to several days);
  • forced position of the patient, in which the painful sensations subside a little (bending forward, hands holding the lower back on the side of maximum pain);
  • staining of urine red, the appearance of sand, suspension and cloudy flakes in the urinary fluid (several hours before the onset of colic).

Treatment of pathology in 90% of cases requires surgical intervention. At home, you can cope with pain using thermal procedures. To do this, use a heating pad, which must be placed on the left side of the abdomen, avoiding the lumbar area. At small sizes Warming up stones promotes expansion of the ureters and increased fluid pressure, which leads to the removal of stones from the body naturally.

Inflammation of the parenchymal tissue of the kidneys (chronic pyelonephritis)

Pyelonephritis is more often diagnosed in women and in most cases has chronic course. According to statistics, in almost half of patients with a chronic form of pyelonephritis, the first case of inflammation was recorded at the age of 10-15 years, so mothers of teenage girls need to pay special attention to intimate hygiene and the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system (compliance with temperature conditions outdoors and indoors, sufficient fluid intake, strengthening systemic immunity). If pyelonephritis is not treated, it can lead to infertility in both women and men, so signs of pathology cannot be ignored.

These include:

  • moderate or mild pain in the lateral abdomen due to the inflammatory process with possible irradiation to the back and lower back;
  • increase in temperature (at purulent inflammation can reach 40° and above);
  • decreased appetite and nausea.

Dysuric disorders are possible against the background of pyelonephritis, but such a clinical picture is not typical for classic cases inflammation of the kidney parenchyma. In children, pain is usually localized in the abdominal area, which makes timely diagnosis difficult.

Treatment of uncomplicated pyelonephritis includes the use of combination regimens of antibacterial therapy (the most common combination is Amoxicillin+ Streptomycin), diuretics (“ Furosemide"), antioxidants (tocopherol, ascorbic acid). In case of severe congestion, insertion of a catheter is indicated. After cupping acute attack Physiotherapeutic treatment (electrophoresis, magnetotherapy) is prescribed.

This is a fairly severe pathology in which pus accumulates in the perinephric tissue. Paranephritis is often a complication of chronic or prolonged pyelonephritis, as well as diseases of the intestines or bladder. In some cases, the infection enters the perinephric tissue through the systemic bloodstream from distant sources of inflammation.

Many people confuse the symptoms of paranephritis with manifestations of other diseases of the urinary and reproductive system, for example, cystitis, so diagnosis always includes hardware and instrumental methods(if an infiltrate is detected, a puncture is required). Signs of pathology include:

  • heat;
  • unilateral pain in the lower back with transition to the lower abdomen;
  • chills and other manifestations of febrile syndrome;
  • increased tone, tension (rigidity) of the lower back muscles when tapping;
  • bulging on the left side lumbar region(caused by the accumulation of pus in the fiber tissues).

Treatment includes opening the abscess, installing drainage and taking antibiotics to treat the inflammatory process and prevent complications (in most cases, penicillin and tetracycline drugs are used).

Women's reasons

In almost 80% of cases, pain of similar localization in women indicates disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive organs and require consultation with a gynecologist.

Damage to the uterine appendages

In female patients, unilateral pain in the lower abdomen is often associated with inflammatory processes in the uterine appendages, which consist of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Pathology can occur in three forms.

Inflammation of the accessory reproductive system in a woman

NameImageWhat organs are involved in the pathological process?
Isolated lesion (mostly infectious etiology) fallopian tubes - curved tubular cavities connecting the uterus to the ovaries. Often accompanied by tubal obstruction and long-term infertility
Ovarian inflammation accompanied by acute hormonal dysfunction
Combined inflammation of the fallopian tube with the ovary attached to it (can be bilateral)

Symptoms of salpingoophoritis (and isolated inflammatory processes in the subordinate system) are:

  • sharp, stabbing or cutting pains of one-sided localization in the lower abdomen, back, lower back (rarely shooting pains may occur);
  • limited mobility associated with intense pain in acute stage inflammation;
  • high temperature (up to 39.5°);
  • voltage abdominal muscles and abdominal pain on palpation;
  • urinary disturbance;
  • signs of general intoxication ( headache, nausea, weakness).

Treatment of salpingoophoritis and isolated forms of inflammation includes antibiotics wide range actions taking into account the identified infectious agent (in a hospital setting, “ Cefazolin"in the form of injections), antispasmodics (" Papaverine», « Drotaverine") and analgesics with anti-inflammatory effects (" Citramon», « Ibuprofen"). After stopping the acute process, treatment with mud and ultrasound is prescribed.

Important! With combined inflammation of the uterus and appendages, thick purulent discharge from the vagina, having a putrid odor. Treatment for purulent inflammation requires the use of operational methods and installation of a drainage device. IN severe cases removal of the uterus is indicated.

Left ovarian cyst

An ovarian cyst is a formation in the form of a hollow sac filled with exudative fluid or pus. Cysts can have microscopic sizes (1-3 mm) or grow up to 5-10 cm (there are cases when the size of the cyst reached 25 cm). For a long time, cysts can remain undetected and are detected only during unscheduled diagnosis of other pathologies or during preventive examinations.

Pain from cystic growths is aching or pulling, and only 7.1% of women complain of sharp or cutting sensations from the pathological process. In the absence of provoking factors, the pain is of low intensity, so it is almost impossible to detect pathology in the latent stage. Suspect the presence cystic formations possible by indirect symptoms, which include:

  • prolonged absence of menstruation or stable menstrual irregularities;
  • menorrhagia (prolonged menstruation, during which the daily volume of lost blood is more than 50 ml);
  • sharp pain during sexual intercourse;
  • spotting between periods, after exercise or intimacy.

At small cysts ovaries, expectant management with constant monitoring is indicated. If the cyst does not resolve or increases in size, the woman is prescribed laparoscopy - an operation during which the abdominal organs are treated using a laparoscope.

Video - Why does the left lower abdomen hurt?

If the symptom appears in a man

If pain in the lower abdomen on the left side bothers a man, it is necessary to exclude kidney and intestinal diseases. In the event that an examination by a nephrologist and coloproctologist does not reveal any abnormalities, the complex of diagnostic measures includes consultations and examination by an andrologist or urologist, since the cause may be damage to the organs of the reproductive system.

The prostate is an exocrine tubular gland of the male reproductive system, which has an alveolar structure and acts as a valve that blocks the exit from the bladder during the release of ejaculate. The prostate gland produces a special secretion, which is part of the seminal fluid, and regulates sexual activity men and their ability to fertilize.

An adenoma is a tumor protrusion formed by glandular tissue or stromal components. It can grow towards the bladder or intestines, so one of the symptoms of the pathology is discomfort during defecation or urination, as well as various disorders in the functioning of the excretory system. Other manifestations of pathology include:

  • partial erectile dysfunction or complete sexual dysfunction (impotence);
  • increased urge to urinate at night;
  • weak stream pressure during urination;
  • lack of appetite and loss of body weight by 5-10% of initial weight;
  • headaches and weakness;
  • dryness of the mucous membranes (primarily the oral cavity);
  • pain in the lower abdomen of a pulling nature, mainly on the left side (in the area of ​​prostate projection).

One of the signs characteristic of prostate adenoma is the smell of urine and ammonia in the exhaled air.

Note! Treatment of the pathology is complex and includes not only medications, but also correction of the diet. A man needs to give up alcoholic beverages, spicy and pickled foods, and smoking. Drug treatment includes antibiotics, adrenergic blockers, diuretics to facilitate the outflow of urine, drugs to relieve constipation.

Video - Pain in the lower abdomen in men

Inflammation of the veins of the spermatic cord

Pain in the lower abdomen as independent symptom with this pathology it rarely appears: most often pain on the left side is the result of irradiation of the main pain syndrome, which can be concentrated in the central part of the abdomen from below, the pubic area, groin, and lower back. The spermatic cord is located in the inguinal canal, has a length of about 15-20 cm and reaches the upper border of the testicles. IN spermatic cord contains veins and arteries that can become inflamed under the influence of unfavorable factors against the background of a persistent decrease in immunity. This disease is called varicocele. Varicocele can occur in three forms, and only grade 1-2 pathologies have the most favorable prognosis for future health.

Stages of varicocele in men

StageWhat's happening?
FirstOutwardly it practically does not manifest itself at all. Pathological dilation of the veins manifests itself only upon palpation in a state of tension (usually in a vertical position of the body)
SecondVenous nodes are determined visually, but the appearance of the testicle, its shape and structure remain virtually unchanged
ThirdThe affected testicle decreases in size, and pronounced asymmetry appears in relation to the second testicle. The tissues of the organ become loose, and a characteristic venous pattern resembling a grapevine appears on the surface.

In addition to abdominal pain, the patient may complain of discomfort in the groin during walking or physical activity. A laboratory study of ejaculate can detect a deterioration in the chemical parameters and quality of sperm. With chronic varicocele, most patients experience infertility, decreased sensitivity of erogenous zones, and decreased libido. At long absence treatment, tissue ischemia and atrophy of the affected testicle may occur.

Important! Treatment of the disease is predominantly surgical. Through a small (about 5 cm) size, dilated veins are removed or crossed, which prevents reverse outflow venous blood. After surgery, the man is prescribed a course of antibacterial and antimicrobial therapy, as well as the use of special dressings. To prevent complications, it is necessary to avoid constipation and stagnation of urine. For this purpose, the patient is prescribed special nutrition and sufficient drinking regime. In some cases, the use of thrombolytics and anticoagulants is indicated (strictly as prescribed).

Any pain is always a reason to see a doctor, since pain is normal in healthy person should not occur (with the exception of cases of exposure to any external factors). Pain in the lower left abdomen can be a manifestation of serious pathologies of internal organs, so the sooner the cause of the pathology is identified and treatment is started, the greater the chance of avoiding serious consequences.