The emptiness in the intestines burns, the stomach hurts. All about gastric neurosis

Tract). This disease mainly affects people who have to experience frequent stress and emotional experiences. The disease is not considered critical and is easily treated.

Causes of the disease

Neurosis of the stomach is a fairly common disease. About 87% of people suffered from it at least once in their lives. It is often confused with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis or stomach ulcers.

Causes of neurosis:

  • Hard work with nervous tension and stress.
  • Systematic, regular lack of sleep.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Fast and fast paced life.
  • Mental overstrain.
  • Wrong nutrition.
  • The use of poor quality products.
  • Viral diseases.
  • Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs.

Unfortunately, in the modern world, people forget about calmness and measured life, trying to be in time everywhere. Many eat semi-finished products or food from a cafe, often snacking on stale and low-quality products on the go. This usually results in health problems, including those with the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of the disease

Most often, stomach neurosis appears in women who have reached the age of 35 years. Symptoms of the disease doctors divide into two types:

  1. Intestinal neuroses.
  2. Pain in the abdomen.

The presence of the disease can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • Constant feeling of hunger.
  • Food and its smell are disgusting.
  • Heartburn.
  • Nervous colic.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Increased gas formation.
  • Problems with the withdrawal of feces.
  • Severe headaches and migraines.
  • Pressure surges.
  • Vertigo.
  • Feeling of tightness in the chest.
  • Pain in the heart and rapid pulse.

The most common symptom is vomiting caused by nerves (aerophagia). This is due to the fact that when a person swallows food, he also swallows air. After that, the latter begins to circulate between the cardial section in the stomach and pharynx, and then goes outside with a loud sound and a strong unpleasant odor, which provokes vomiting.

It is difficult not to notice the manifestations, when a neurosis occurs, they are so pronounced that sometimes they cause a lot of inconvenience. People are constantly experiencing discomfort.

Forms of neuroses of the stomach

Doctors will distinguish several forms of neurosis:

  1. The most common pathology with persistent heartburn. It arises spontaneously when there is no reason for it. It is difficult to remove it with medications and special diets.
  2. The airbrush form of neurosis is manifested by involuntary swallowing of air while eating and drinking. From this, a person has burps, after which an unpleasant aftertaste remains in the mouth, and this can provoke nausea and vomiting.
  3. The aneroxic form of neurosis is manifested by an aversion to food. With it, a person cannot eat and almost completely refuses food. This form can be fatal if left untreated.

In some cases, the patient may experience wolf hunger, while the person uncontrollably absorbs food in large quantities. To prevent weight gain, patients are forced to deliberately provoke vomiting. Such a disease is treated by a psychotherapist.

Diagnosis of the disease

Gastric neurosis, the symptoms and treatment of which are very similar to other tracts, is difficult to self-diagnose. Therefore, you need to see a doctor. He will check for pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers and stomach cancer.

Diagnosis is carried out by gastroenterological examinations. They help to identify the root cause that provoked stomach neurosis. If the doctor does not detect violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, then the neurologist is engaged in the treatment of the disease.

Stomach neurosis, the symptoms and treatment of which we consider in our article, often occurs on the basis of nervous disorders and stress, as a result of which it is not a gastroenterologist who conducts therapy.

Treatment of the disease

With the diagnosis of "stomach neurosis", the treatment usually consists of vitamins, medications and the help of a psychologist. This allows you to approach the disease from all sides.

During therapy, the patient is prescribed a special diet, which is selected individually. It depends on the manifestations of the disease and the condition of the patient. The doctor also prescribes sedatives, they enhance the effect of working with a psychologist.

It is important to remember that treating this disease on your own is very dangerous. If you use medicines that are not prescribed by a doctor, this will provoke the appearance of other diseases and will cause the development of serious consequences.

For the treatment of this disease, drugs are prescribed that have a positive effect on the endocrine system, normalizing its work.

Therapy with physiotherapeutic procedures improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and normalizes the mental state of the patient. Additional treatment measures include massage, water therapy with soothing herbs and sea salt.

Also, for a speedy recovery, it is recommended to be more in the fresh air, walk, play sports and eat right. By consuming vitamins B and C, you will help relax your nervous system. It will not be superfluous to rest in sanatoriums, away from noisy cities.

Such therapy will help you quickly overcome the disease and improve your health. It should be noted that the neurosis of the stomach, intestines is treated according to the same principle.

Nutrition during neurosis

Proper nutrition and a special diet play a big role in the treatment of the disease. It helps a person to avoid other unpleasant symptoms until a complete cure. The main rules for this are:

  • Thorough chewing of food.
  • Swallowing should be done in small portions.
  • Eat often (5-6 times a day), but in small portions.
  • Do not eat fatty, fried and smoked.
  • Avoid spicy and salty foods.
  • Cooking dishes should be steamed, baked or boiled.

These are the basic rules of the diet, your doctor will write it out for you in more detail.

Folk remedies

If a neurosis of the stomach and intestines develops, the symptoms can be removed with the help of traditional medicine:

  1. For treatment, you can drink soothing herbal teas from oregano. They not only have a calming effect, but also analgesic.
  2. Oregano is also good to combine with valerian, hawthorn and motherwort. Such a collection quickly calms and gives a good, sound sleep.
  3. Melissa helps to relieve nausea and vomiting, and also helps to calm the nervous system.
  4. Decoctions and tinctures of St. John's wort have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. It helps to calm the stomach and intestinal tract.
  5. Bedstraw roots and grass are used as an antibacterial, analgesic and sedative.

These simple recipes will help you defeat the disease, but such treatment can only be carried out after consulting a doctor.

Recovery period

After treatment, it is necessary to undergo a rehabilitation course. During it, you should follow the recommendations of a specialist, eat right and exclude physical activity. Avoid stress, nervous strain and fully devote your time to your favorite activities. Try to get rid of bad habits. All these simple tricks will help prevent the stomach in the future.

Neuroses of the stomach in any form cause a lot of inconvenience to a person. Because of them, appetite is disturbed, pain in the stomach, heartburn and other uncomfortable manifestations appear. Proper and timely treatment will help you defeat the disease and prevent its recurrence.

  • Stomach ache.
  • Heartburn.
  • Belching and regurgitation of food.
  • Spasms of the stomach.
  • It is not clear where the nausea and vomiting come from.
  • Bloating, rumbling, gas, colic.

Characteristically, discomfort in the stomach area with a neurotic nature of the problem does not appear in the same way as it happens with gastroenterological diseases. So, for example, the patient may complain of a feeling of emptiness in the stomach, despite the fact that he has just eaten, or feel full after two or three sips. Or the appointment and reception of effective treatment with drugs for some reason does not lead to proper results.

Any gastroenterologist can say with absolute certainty that in his practice there were cases when the chosen course of treatment did not help the patient. There were also situations when examinations did not show any organic pathology, while painful sensations still occurred. As a result, it turned out that the disorder of the gastrointestinal tract is not associated with gastroenterology, but with the psychological problems of the patient.

Psychosomatics or gastroenterology?

At first glance, such a statement may seem absurd: in fact, what can a stomach and a nervous system have in common? In fact, this is quite natural: the spiritual and physical health of a person are closely intertwined, so failures in the functioning of one inevitably affect the state of the other.

Any of us, getting into a difficult situation, faced with the "digestive" aspects of stress: it could be nausea, vomiting, chest pain, heartburn, a lump in the throat, and so on.

Since everything in the human body is interconnected, stress "responds" throughout the body. The connection of the irritating factor with the stomach occurs through the so-called "vagus nerve". Since the activity of the stomach to produce the enzymes necessary for digestion is regulated by this particular nerve, neuroses can affect the composition and increase / decrease in the secretion of gastric juice.

The secretory activity of the stomach is a complex process that, oddly enough, begins in the head: the initial secretion begins to "work" with the supply of conditioned reflexes through the cortical and subcortical centers of the brain. As for humoral regulation, it occurs just with the help of the vagus nerve. It is he who stimulates the secretory functions of gastric juice. Accordingly, malfunctions in the functioning of the vagus nerve also affect the development of gastric neurosis.

Evidence for this assertion can be found in the research of Hans Selye, who developed the theory of stress. In particular, he conducted experiments on rats: those animals that systematically fell into stressful conditions soon got stomach ulcers. Similar data were confirmed when observing people.

Mental nature of neurosis of the gastrointestinal tract

When a person gets into a stressful situation, his body prepares to fight. This also applies to the work of the gastrointestinal tract: if adrenaline is released into the blood, the stomach is no longer up to digesting food. But if, even after the danger has passed, we continue to worry, or if we constantly live in a situation of ongoing stress, the digestive processes can “stagnate”. That is why the treatment of directly gastroenterological manifestations of the disease may not be effective enough, while psychotherapy provides effective assistance.

From the point of view of psychosomatics, it is believed that problems in the work of the stomach are mainly people with a hypertrophied sense of responsibility, who take on a lot, but do not feel the return. This leads to self-flagellation, suspiciousness, despair, a feeling of own unfulfillment.

Stomach problems occur in some patients from the fact that they are accustomed to swallowing food, practically without chewing it: on a psychological level, this can be considered an analogue of a superficial perception of life, a rejection of the desire to solve problems, “chew” them.

According to many psychologists, gastrointestinal neurosis can be considered a way for a person to give vent to his inner tension and unresolved conflicts.

How is neurosis of the stomach determined?

To establish the mental nature of the disease of the stomach, the doctor must establish at least some of the following signs in the patient:

  • Numerous somatic manifestations without identifying the prevailing one.
  • The difference in symptoms from the traditional picture of the disease (for example, the absence of pathologies in the organs, but the presence of pain).
  • Variation in symptoms.
  • Protracted duration of the disease without a hint of improvement.
  • The dependence of painful sensations on external factors (for example, pain intensifies after stressful situations).
  • vegetative symptoms.
  • The difference between the patient's complaints and the data of his examinations.
  • The ineffectiveness of gastroenterological drug treatment, the patient's craving for "treatment" with sedatives.

Another significant feature is that, unlike the "ordinary" diseases of the stomach, neuroses usually have a manifestation not only on the digestive, but also on the emotional level:

  • the patient sometimes cannot express exactly what exactly hurts him (because, according to him, everything hurts!);
  • prolonged melancholy can be observed;
  • depressive moods;
  • disturbing fears;
  • Emphasized attention / inattention to their appearance and food;
  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • sleep disorders;
  • feeling of hopelessness and so on.

When making a diagnosis, the doctor must pay attention to the presence of these "accompanying" symptoms.

Psychotherapeutic treatment as a way to solve the problem

If the patient has established that the cause of the disease is associated with a stressful situation, the paramount task is to help the stomach work normally. This requires, in addition to conventional treatment, the study and elimination of stress. And here you will need the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist, who will apply the most suitable technique for each specific case.

Sometimes painful sensations in stomach neurosis can become an obstacle to taking medications, which is why drug treatment can practically be reduced to zero. Stomach neurosis often underlies such a phenomenon as psychological intolerance to drugs. Obviously, in the event of such a problem, psychotherapy must be prescribed without fail.

Why is the treatment of stomach diseases, including "folk methods" (treatment with decoctions and infusions of herbs for stomach pain), often ineffective? The reason for this lies in the fact that treatment should be aimed at eliminating the neurotic (rather than gastroenterological) causes of the disease.

To find an effective method of treatment, it is important for a psychotherapist to determine the origin of gastric neurosis. So, if the cause lies in overwork, a therapy is carried out aimed at restoring the energy abilities of the nervous system. It is very important at the same time to improve blood circulation, replenish the body's vitamin reserves in order to normalize sleep and performance. If the treatment is aimed at combating the "fixation" on intrusive disturbing thoughts, thought control techniques, relaxation methods are used.

Taking antidepressants and tranquilizers is complicated by the problematic state of the stomach, but in certain cases they are also prescribed (if there is no psychological intolerance to the drug).

Our center specializes in non-drug treatment of gastric neurosis. You can learn more about the features of the psychotherapy of neurosis in more detail here.

Drug treatment and folk remedies in the fight against gastric neurosis

Each person at least once faced such unpleasant phenomena as pain and heaviness in the abdomen, belching, heartburn and flatulence. Their single repetition may indicate poor food quality or an unbalanced diet. This often happens to lovers of food on the go.

Neurosis of the stomach, or functional dyspepsia

There are many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, characterized by a similar clinical picture. You should not constantly take painkillers, laxatives, put enemas and heating pads, because the cause of discomfort is unknown. For example, with a mild peptic ulcer, a heating pad will reduce pain, but with inflammation of appendicitis, it will only aggravate the situation.

The frequent occurrence of such symptoms is a reason to go to the clinic, as they accompany a number of serious diseases of the stomach and intestines.

This disease is quite common, although many are not aware of its presence.

The possible reasons for its appearance are quite simple: stressful situations, mental trauma, mental strain, improper and unhealthy diet. The most obvious signs of neurosis are burning and spasmodic pain in the stomach.

Similar symptoms can occur after drinking a cup of too strong coffee, drinking alcohol, smoking a cigarette. In addition, various medications, such as painkillers, can provoke their appearance, as they irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of neurosis of the stomach

The clinical picture may differ significantly from case to case. Almost all patients complain of a feeling of fullness and discomfort, the opposite phenomenon is a little less common - a feeling of emptiness in the stomach.

The pain syndrome affects the entire abdomen, but sometimes it can have a clear localization, for example, in the epigastric region or hypochondrium.

In severe cases of the disease, a number of symptoms of chronic gastritis occur, which do not actually indicate the presence of this pathology, but are associated with a reflex decrease in the acidity of gastric digestive juices and accumulation of mucus in the stomach. The patient suffers from belching, nausea, bloating in the epigastric area, pain, while the tongue is covered with plaque and appetite decreases.

Symptoms of gastric neurosis include signs of bowel disease, for example, there are frequent urges to defecate (diarrhea), but constipation may also occur. This is accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, pain and rumbling of the intestines. When a person drinks even a small amount of water, he has a feeling of excessive fullness in the stomach. The pain syndrome intensifies at night, which causes insomnia. Severe attacks of nausea are also possible at night, which are replaced by unbearable pain in the epigastric region in the morning, which is associated with the reaction of the stomach to a deterioration in the psycho-emotional state of a person.

To establish the mental nature of the pathology, the doctor determines the patient's condition according to the described signs:

  • Numerous somatic manifestations;
  • The absence of pathological changes in the organs in the presence of pain in them;
  • Changeability of the clinical picture;
  • Protracted course of the disease without improvement;
  • Dependence of symptoms on external factors (ex. stressful situations);
  • Vegetative signs;
  • Inefficiency of gastroenterological drug treatment.

In addition, a significant difference between neurosis is that the disease manifests itself not only in disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, but also in emotional changes. Sometimes patients cannot accurately indicate the localization of pain, they become melancholy, anxious, depressive moods, etc. can be observed.

Diagnosis of neurosis of the stomach

First of all, the doctor must exclude diseases of the digestive tract, characterized by similar symptoms, determine the condition of the stomach.

For this, complex gastroenterological diagnostics is used. Differential diagnosis is carried out depending on the clinical picture, for example, with peptic ulcer, helminthic invasion, pancreatitis, cholecystitis.

If gastroenterological pathologies are not detected, the patient is referred to a neurologist and for a consultation with a psychiatrist. The latter will collect an anamnesis of the patient's life and develop psychotherapeutic treatment, which is aimed at correcting the emotional state of a person.

Aerophagia and gastric neurosis

Aerophagia is a pathological accumulation of air in the stomach and large intestine. It manifests itself, like neurosis, belching, flatulence, indigestion. Aerophagia most often develops as a result of neurosis, therefore, by eliminating the root cause, you can get rid of this pathology.

In some cases, aerophagia is provoked by diseases of the respiratory tract and oral cavity, so there is a need for differential diagnosis.

Treatment of intestinal and stomach neurosis

Since external factors become the causes, they need to be eliminated. The patient cannot tolerate emotional and physical stress, and you also need to stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

The course of treatment is selected individually by a neuropathologist, based on the state of the nervous system. A very important point is diet therapy. It is necessary to exclude from the menu food that irritates the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. During treatment, you need to abandon fatty, spicy, spicy, as well as products that quickly ferment. It is recommended to eat more nuts, raisins and cheese, as they have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system.

As for alternative methods of treatment, some patients resort to the use of enemas with a decoction of chamomile. Similarly, warm baths with decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs with sedative (soothing) properties act. In addition, the aforementioned agents can be taken orally. It is recommended to drink teas based on mint, valerian and motherwort. Eliminate discomfort in the epigastrium will help plants with a sedative and antispastic effect - peppermint, chamomile, yarrow, cinquefoil.

Neurosis of the stomach and intestines requires the elimination of tension and the restoration of the normal functioning of the digestive system. Therefore, an integrated approach, including a consultation with a psychologist, must be carried out.

To restore the process of digestion, dietary nutrition is prescribed.

In this case, it is necessary to contact a qualified nutritionist who will select the menu and regimen, guided by the results of diagnostic studies and the general condition of the patient.

As for drug treatment, it usually consists of taking drugs with a mild sedative effect. Regular sessions of psychotherapy will also help.

If necessary, medications are prescribed that regulate the activity of the endocrine system, and complexes of vitamins with minerals.

To normalize the psychological state and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, physiotherapy is used, for example, hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, relaxing massage, bathing with soothing herbs.

Remember that the analysis of symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of gastric neurosis should be supervised and prescribed by a specialist!

Feeling of emptiness in the stomach after eating: causes and treatment

Feeling hungry after eating is a common problem that everyone deals with as best they can. But in each case, you should find a factor that causes such a feeling, because for a healthy person it is absolutely not normal.

Types of sensations of emptiness in the stomach

There are 2 types of such sensations:

  • Physiological or true. It is associated with a drop in the concentration of sugar in the blood, which, in turn, activates the food centers, signaling the body to eat to replenish its energy reserves. By "sucking" in the stomach and rumbling in the stomach, you can find out about the true feeling of hunger.
  • False. It occurs at the level of the psyche, and is not related to the amount of food in the stomach. Not accompanied by any sounds. Attempts to satisfy the deceptive feeling of emptiness in the stomach lead to disturbances in the emotional sphere, deterioration of the work of the heart and blood vessels, and the digestive tract. Against this background, depression, anxiety, mental instability are possible, that is, conditions in which a qualified psychologist is needed to provide adequate assistance.


American nutritionists attribute the incessant feeling of emptiness in the stomach to the appetite hormone ghrelin. As it turned out, this substance produced by the stomach determines our eating behavior. By structure, ghrelin is a peptide that reacts with fats eaten by humans. Its content reaches a maximum immediately before a meal, then falls and remains at a minimum level for about 2 hours. By filling the stomach with large volumes of high-calorie foods, a person maintains a high level of the appetite hormone, as well as a feeling of hunger.

Today, research is underway aimed at finding drugs that can regulate the synthesis of the hormone ghrelin.

The feeling of fullness with food may not occur due to damage to the corresponding nerve center, localized in the hypothalamus. The cerebral cortex receives a signal about satiety from this center. A failure in its work becomes the reason that, regardless of the volume and calorie content of the food eaten, a person does not receive any signals of saturation and continues to eat.

Eating behavior is upset up to bulimia. Fear of obesity develops. To avoid this, a person stimulates artificial vomiting, takes laxatives.

As a result, he begins to worry:

  • tachycardia;
  • excessive sweating;
  • fainting;
  • irritable stomach syndrome;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • mental disorders.


There are several types of diagnosis of this condition.

They depend on when there is a feeling of emptiness in the stomach after eating and what it is associated with:

  • In case of violation of the hormonal background, as well as the menstrual cycle, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist.
  • Contacting a neurologist will help if there is a connection between bulimia and negative emotions and frequent stressful situations.
  • A nutritionist will help you adjust your diet to get rid of extra pounds, evaluate your diet to find out if it covers energy costs when performing daily activities.
  • By bacteriological and biochemical analysis of feces, one can judge the state of the intestinal microflora and the presence of dysbacteriosis. With the results of such a study, it is advisable to visit a gastroenterologist.
  • Consultation with an endocrinologist, determination of blood glucose levels may be necessary in the presence of endocrine pathologies.

This is a list of the main medical specialties that should be resorted to when feeling incessant hunger after eating. If food is consumed out of boredom, it is better to occupy yourself with interesting work.

Treatment of hunger after eating

Having passed the diagnosis, and having decided on the factor or group of factors that provoke such a condition, you can begin treatment, for which:

  • Take an antihelminthic course.
  • Introduce fresh fruits into your diet instead of empty carbohydrates in the form of sweets and cookies.
  • Eat at a certain time so that the body develops conditioned reflexes for the time of eating, which contributes to better digestion, absorption of nutrients and a feeling of satiety.
  • Bring your emotional sphere back to normal, avoid stressful situations.

Folk remedies to reduce appetite

Before meals, you can take traditional medicine, which should also be agreed with your doctor.

  • Infusion of garlic, for which you will need:
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • warm boiled water - 200 ml. The infusion lasts for a day. Before going to bed, take 1 tbsp. l. infusion.
  • Before meals 3 times a day, take 1 tbsp. l. linseed oil.
  • Against persistent hunger, a mixture of dry parsley and mint (1 tsp each), infused for 30 minutes in 200 ml of boiling water, works.
  • Compote of 250 g of dried fruits in 1.5 liters of water. Boil until the volume of water is reduced by ¼. Drink 100 ml before meals.
  • The next composition is prepared in a thermos, where you need to put corn stigmas (10 g) and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Insist half an hour. Take 1 tbsp. l. before eating.

A cup of plain water, kefir or green tea before meals will help to outsmart hunger.


Feeling empty in the stomach after eating can be avoided if:

  • Always have dry fruits or nuts with you for snacks.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of non-carbonated water, and 2 hours after eating and 30 minutes before. After all, it is thirst that people often mistake for hunger.
  • If there are signs of a violation of the intestines, you should consult a doctor and drink a course of drugs prescribed by him. With dysbacteriosis, it may be bifidubacterin.

If you want to lose weight, you should not starve, it will not lead to anything good. It is better to refuse:

  • fatty foods;
  • fast food
  • bakery products from premium flour;
  • empty carbohydrates and other harmful products.

The daily calorie content of food should not be lower than 1200 kcal.

If possible, avoid stressful situations, and if this happens, instead of going to the refrigerator, it is better to go out into the fresh air and walk in the park, drink soothing tea and watch a funny comedy.

Symptoms and features of the treatment of gastric neurosis

No wonder they say that all diseases are caused by nerves. Even pain in the stomach may not be a sign of gastritis at all, but one of the types of neurotic disorders.

Stomach neurosis is a disease that is caused by a stressful situation and is aggravated by malnutrition, alcohol or nicotine intoxication, physical and mental overstrain.

We can distinguish the following symptoms of neurosis of the stomach:

  • pain in the abdomen, an unpleasant feeling of "burning" in the abdomen;
  • heaviness and rumbling in the stomach;
  • a feeling of fullness in the abdomen (less often - a feeling of emptiness);
  • stool disorders (diarrhea or constipation);
  • aerophagia (swallowing excess air and associated belching).

Aerophagia can be provoked by talking while eating, the habit of rushing and swallowing food quickly.

Which specialist to go to

Neurosis of the stomach with its symptoms is very similar to various gastroenterological diseases. Therefore, without the help of a specialist, it is impossible to determine what you are facing. It is necessary to visit a gastroenterologist and a neurologist. Consultations of these specialists will help to establish exactly whether your disease has a neurogenic nature or not.

For example, such a phenomenon as aerophagia can be a symptom of gastric neurosis, or it can act as one of the symptoms of gastritis. As well as pain in the abdomen, a feeling of "burning", etc. Therefore, in no case do not make a diagnosis on your own, be sure to undergo an examination by specialists.

Neurosis of the stomach should be treated comprehensively, by a neurologist and a gastroenterologist. A gastroenterologist will help to deal with unpleasant and painful symptoms of the disease. And the neurologist will prescribe the treatment necessary for neurosis, in this case, it is usually enough to take tablets or syrups on a natural basis (on herbs). Sometimes you may need treatment from a psychotherapist - to work out the stressful situation that caused the development of the disease. It is also easiest to remove such a symptom as aerophagia with the help of psychotherapy.

How to help yourself

Specialist treatment is needed. But there are a number of steps that you can take yourself to make the treatment more effective and faster.

Being a neurogenic disease (that is, arising on a nervous basis), gastric neurosis involves mandatory measures that are relevant for any neurosis:

  1. Reduce and further regulate physical and emotional stress.
  2. It is enough to sleep (at least 9 hours a day), to be in the fresh air every day.
  3. Take sedatives prescribed by a neurologist (in the future, you can use them yourself as needed).
  4. Follow the diet prescribed by the gastroenterologist, exclude any stimulant drinks (coffee, strong tea) and carbonated drinks (aerophagia is also caused by such drinks).
  5. Give up alcohol and smoking. In addition to the negative impact on the nervous system, they significantly affect the health of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. If necessary, treat other diseases, since their presence can also serve as an impetus for the development of neurosis.

It is important to know that untreated gastric neurosis can gradually turn into a full-fledged disease of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, stomach ulcer).

Therefore, even if you are sure that the disease has arisen due to stress, in any case, it is worth starting treatment as early as possible in order to avoid serious consequences.

Feeling empty in the stomach: reasons to keep in mind

Each of us at least once experienced a feeling of emptiness in the stomach. We tend to associate this sensation with nerves and emotional imbalances that affect our stomach. No wonder this organ is called the second brain.

If the feeling of emptiness in the stomach appears too often or becomes chronic and pain appears, the situation changes.

Indeed, such negative factors as stress can cause various digestive problems. But it is also worth bearing in mind that there are specific diseases that are accompanied by this symptom - emptiness in the stomach.

In the continuation of the article, we will tell you about the reasons for the feeling of emptiness in the stomach, which should be kept in mind. It must be remembered that if you are worried about discomfort and you do not know what caused it, only a medical specialist will be able to give you an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Feeling of emptiness in the stomach: what explains it?

The first thing to note is that there are several types of stomach pain. Depending on the nature of the pain, you can determine the cause that causes them.

If after a while after eating certain types of food you have a burning sensation in the stomach, it is obvious that the food did not do you good. On the other hand, discomfort in the stomach can bother us when we are very nervous.

As a result of nervous tension, we experience pain in the stomach, loss of appetite, and diarrhea may appear.

As for the feeling of emptiness in the stomach, in the presence of any disease, this symptom is necessarily accompanied by a strong burning sensation. Now we will talk about what kind of diseases can be hidden behind these symptoms.


Feeling empty in the stomach is one of the most common symptoms of gastritis. It is this symptom that daily worries people suffering from gastritis.

This emptiness causes a burning sensation, as a result of which we feel tired. This affects the quality of human life. In some cases, we find it difficult to stand on our feet.

  • In this case, the feeling of emptiness appears due to irritation of the gastric mucosa. It is hardly possible to find a person who has not encountered this disease at least once. Gastritis has an infectious origin.

So, some types of gastritis are caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

  • Also, gastritis can be triggered by the use of fatty foods, alcohol and certain medications.
  • In addition to feeling empty in the stomach, this disease is manifested by symptoms such as:

Temperature, trembling, vomiting, dizziness, cold sweat. In the most severe cases, gastritis may be accompanied by blood in the stool and vomiting.

Properly prescribed treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of a person, is important.

Also, do not forget that if the child began to complain of a burning sensation and a feeling of emptiness in the stomach, it must be shown to the doctor.

stomach ulcer

As we have said, there are different types of stomach pain. One of them is pretty easy to identify:

  • If a feeling of emptiness in the stomach appears 1-3 hours after eating, we can talk about a disease such as a stomach ulcer.

What happens to the stomach in this case? Gastric juice violates the integrity of the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum.

  • In people suffering from stomach ulcers, a burning sensation and emptiness appears immediately after eating or at night. This prevents a good night's rest and sleep.
  • The most common cause of stomach ulcers is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. The use of certain anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, can also provoke the appearance of this disease.
  • It must be remembered that stress and the use of spicy foods worsen the course of this disease.

How to relieve the feeling of emptiness in the stomach

As already mentioned in the article, the first step is to contact a medical specialist for an accurate diagnosis. When you know the exact cause of this problem, you can begin to take action.

There are also simple home remedies that can help treat gastritis and stomach ulcers.

  • Drink a glass of warm water (it should be neither cold nor hot) with one tablespoon of honey (25 g).
  • Drink natural carrot juice.
  • Ginger tea will also bring great benefits: it will soothe the pain and you will feel better.
  • Coconut milk also helps in the treatment of these diseases.
  • Since ancient times, people have used potato juice to treat stomach ulcers. Preparing it is quite simple. Grate a medium sized potato and squeeze the juice out of it.
  • Another recommended natural remedy is aloe vera. A couple of glasses of aloe infusion a day will do you good.
  • Pay attention to papaya and pears. These fruits also help to get rid of the feeling of emptiness in the stomach.

Your health should always come first.

Neurosis and gastrointestinal disorders

Mental trauma and long-term depressive states, any unrest and experiences colored by negative emotions (fear, longing, dissatisfaction with oneself and remorse, a feeling of internal discomfort, violation of spiritual harmony) have long been considered as the most important cause of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastrointestinal (more precisely, abdominal) sensations occur in the structure of latent depressions at least as often as cardiovascular functional disorders. The leading role of psychogeny and emotional stress is revealed in at least 80% of patients with various forms of functional gastrointestinal disorders. Dyspeptic, secretory and motor disorders of the digestive tract are becoming one of the most important ways of expressing emotions. So, "chronic gastritis", as if confirmed by a decrease in acidity and the presence of mucus in the stomach, constant aversion to food, belching, bloating with a feeling of pressure, nausea, painful sensations and coated tongue, turns out in most cases to be only an emotionally conditioned syndrome, a way expressions of emotion.

These mild, but "exhausting the soul" painful sensations of a diffuse nature often migrate throughout the abdomen; however, a clear localization of pain is also possible (most often in the epigastric and hypochondral regions). The most constant sensations of heaviness, fullness, tension and discomfort (rarely emptiness) in the stomach; in a number of patients, there is a feeling of overeating after a few sips, which sometimes causes refusal to eat due to an increase in such painful sensations. The special nature of sensations, which are difficult to describe in detail, determines a peculiar “pattern” of complaints of patients who are looking for some analogy with ordinary, well-known phenomena (“whines, twitches like an abscess; tickles like a boil; it hurts, as if a blunt object is being cut ; tingles like needles; pierces with pain, like a moan goes through the stomach; burns with fire; bursts, as if something is torn).

Such sensations arise or intensify with emotional stress and at night (or even as an almost certainly sleepless night approaches), against the background of asthenia and depressed mood. In some cases, complaints of nausea in the morning and unbearable pain in the epigastrium (sometimes with the requirement of narcotic analgesics) are possible, very reminiscent of the description and localization of the manifestations of peptic ulcer (in the presence, as a rule, of a duodenal ulcer in history). Patients are sometimes surprised to note the complete absence (in contrast to true exacerbations in the past) of any connection between morning sickness and painful sensations with the quality, quantity and time of eating and "they can eat anything." A sharp decrease in mood in the morning is interpreted as a "natural" reaction to pain.

The undulating course of abdominal sensations does not exclude, however, readiness for paroxysmal explosions, often accompanied by severe tachycardia, increased systolic blood pressure, cold extremities, chills, and even in a number of patients with significant hyperthermia. A sharp increase in the intensity of pathological sensations in the abdominal cavity with complaints of unbearable pain (and often a requirement for surgery) becomes, as a rule, the reason for the hospitalization of such patients for "urgent" or even "vital" indications (with suspicion of a perforated stomach ulcer or acute appendicitis, an attack of hepatic or renal colic, dynamic intestinal obstruction, etc.). Many of these patients undergo unjustified surgical interventions (especially often appendectomy or cholecystectomy with an unchanged appendix or gallbladder).

The spastic nature of these sensations (such as "colic") that occur in the stomach and other hollow organs with intense contraction or stretching of smooth muscles is confirmed by special (primarily X-ray) studies. Spastic conditions of the stomach and intestines (especially of the duodenum and large intestine with symptoms of hypertension, hyperkinesia and hypersecretion are usually noted in anxious depression with a lot of all kinds of fears and fears. Gastroduodenal hypotension and hypokinesia with stasis in the duodenal bulb are observed with a greater depth of hypochondriacal depression with a distinct psychomotor retardation; in almost % of such patients, barium retention in the intestine for up to 5 days is recorded during X-ray examination.

Motor disorders of the digestive tract in the form of "local spasms" of the esophagus, cardia, pylorus or sphincter of Oddi occur mainly in the general complex of the clinical picture of neurotic and pseudoneurotic conditions, but can also act as the so-called organ neurosis. The cause of gross diagnostic errors most often turns out to be convulsive contractions of the upper esophagus (with a sensation of a foreign body or a "lump in the throat") - one of the somatic equivalents of hidden fear. Complaints of difficulty in swallowing (usually only solid or only liquid food) are often associated with the fear of death from suffocation when food enters the larynx.

Sharp painful sensations against the background of vague anxiety with a mass of anxious fears are due in a number of patients to severe flatulence (the so-called gas pain); periodic rumbling and bloating create a clinical picture of hysterical pseudoileus. A huge spherical belly with "super-sounding" tympanitis (with relatively good state of health and normal stool outside of pain attacks) is often regarded by surgeons as a result of partial or even complete intestinal obstruction and a direct indication for surgical intervention. Periodic flatulence is combined, as a rule, with aerophagia, which causes the so-called aerophagic tic during emotional overstrain - a kind of hiccups that are not associated with eating. A significant accumulation of gas in the stomach, when the diaphragm rises, contributes to the displacement of the heart and the development of functional cardiovascular disorders (the appearance of cardialgia and respiratory arrhythmia, moderate arterial hypotension due to a decrease in stroke and minute volumes of the left ventricle, sinus tachycardia and extrasystole in the absence of any electrocardiographic changes).

Very common in the clinic of neurotic conditions are complaints of an unpleasant taste or bitterness in the mouth, heartburn and belching (more often with air, less often with food or gastric juice eaten) throughout the day or only in the morning, before meals. Any of these complaints can become the object of hypochondriacal fixation and hypochondriacal fears of the patient.

One of the common symptoms in the clinic of neurotic and pseudoneurotic conditions are nausea and vomiting, which occur not only in acute or chronic traumatic situations, but also in various emotional reactions in adults and children (for example, vomiting in the morning before an exam). Nausea (from a slight unpleasant sensation of a “type of nausea”, most often localized in the upper chest, “near the throat” or coming “from the stomach”, to periodically or systematically occurring, sometimes repeated vomiting that does not bring relief) develops mainly in the morning, on an empty stomach or at the sight and smell of food, and sometimes even after eating "through force", is aggravated by excitement and can take on an almost permanent character at the height of prolonged affective tension.

Nausea and vomiting, not associated with any somatic disease, are one of the frequent depressive equivalents in the clinic of cyclothymic conditions. It is no coincidence that many of these patients complain of "nausea in the chest or throughout the body" and define it as some kind of "moral and physical anxiety" that cannot be expressed in words.

No less typical for neurotic and pseudo-neurotic states are complaints of appetite disorders - from poor or very "capricious" appetite to complete disgust and refusal to eat with loss of taste sensations. Perhaps a paroxysmal feeling of acute hunger, which is replaced by almost aversion to food after the first two or three sips. Many patients, however, eat everything they are offered for purely rational reasons (to improve their health). A psychogenically conditioned feeling of insatiable hunger (up to bulimia) is noted mainly in the clinic of pseudoneurotic conditions. A rather noticeable increase in body weight in such patients, however, often indicates not so much an excellent appetite, but a clear decrease in their basal metabolism and a violation of metabolic processes in general.

More typical, however, is a significant, and sometimes “catastrophic” weight loss of patients, contributing to the development of cancerophobia and hypochondriacal delusions of the disease in them. Many patients with prolonged masked depression are hospitalized in gastroenterological departments with a diagnosis of "stomach tumor" due to complaints of pain in the abdominal cavity and progressive weakness, an absolute lack of appetite (up to disgust for the smell of meat and other products), a sharp decrease in body weight (nag per year), a frequent combination of dyspeptic syndrome with the phenomena of hypochilia and anemia, and, finally, their appearance is in full compliance with the usual ideas about cancer cachexia. And not so much the data of X-ray or gastroscopic examination, which do not confirm the presence of a tumor, but rather (or even only) the rapid normalization of the clinical condition of patients in the process of adequate therapy with antidepressants and small doses of neuroleptics in such cases makes it possible to remove the heavy burden of this diagnosis both from the patient himself and from those around him (including the attending physician).

The most trivial in the clinic of neurotic and pseudoneurotic conditions are complaints of persistent constipation, resistant to all types of therapy, or constipation, followed by diarrhea. Ordinary chronic constipation is psychogenic in at least 50% of patients; one of the immediate causes of them often turns out to be, for example, not very successful marriages (more precisely, the affective disorders associated with them). In some cases, however, we are talking about imaginary constipation, and not real, although not all of these patients spend several hours a day in the toilet and put themselves daily from 1 to 8 enemas. Patients who are not satisfied with the excretory function of their intestines sometimes deny with almost manic persistence that they have an objectively normal stool. There are cases when patients bring themselves to bleeding and prolapse of the rectum, mechanically irritating the anal area to achieve a more complete bowel movement. Painful convulsive contractions of the rectum contribute to the development of a secondary infection and, as a rule, pronounced inflammatory changes in the anus.

Among the frequent psychogenic disorders of defecation are the so-called bear's disease (diarrhea and anorexia with fright) and unstable stools in certain situations that cause a feeling of mental discomfort and affective anxiety. Chronic neurotic diarrhea, lasting for years and not amenable to either dietary treatment or any medication, is most often regarded by infectious disease specialists as chronic dysentery. In addition to banal, ordinary constipation and diarrhea, the group of functional dyspeptic disorders includes chronic spastic colitis and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as pseudoappendicitis, posthepatic and postcholecystectomy syndromes, symptom complexes of the left and right hypochondrium and neurodigestive asthenia.

Psychogenic functional disorders of the large intestine (functional colonopathy) are usually associated with a chronic traumatic situation or acute emotional shock. The decisive psychopathic factor in chronic colitis is the emotional instability of patients - the simplest psychoneurotic tendency, which in most cases does not fit into the generally accepted classification of neurotic and pseudoneurotic conditions. In almost half of the patients, a clinic of true depression with more or less pronounced autonomic disorders, phobias and all clinical gradations of hypochondriacal disorders (from harmless introspection to hypochondriacal delirium that goes beyond neurotic states) is revealed. The amount of mucus in the large intestine really turns out, therefore, to be a kind of "barometer of the individual's emotional state." A clinical illustration of pronounced psychogenic spastic, secretory and vasomotor disorders (“rectal neuroses”) can be proctomyxorrhoea (paroxysmal and often involuntary secretion of mucus from the rectum).

The true essence of false enteritis and imaginary diseases of the stomach is determined by the paranoid fixation of such patients on the activity of their digestive apparatus and anxious hypochondriacal fears about gastrointestinal disorders; not so much expressed anxiety is also characteristic, as muffled internal anxiety against the background of a lowered mood. These patients torment their exhausted intestines with laxatives and enemas, listen to the slightest rumbling in the stomach and examine their excrement in detail. They are constantly treated by gastroenterologists and stay in hospitals for a long time, but they are always dissatisfied with the treatment and the attending physicians and never notice an improvement in their well-being, finding more and more symptoms in themselves (which is not surprising, since the deeper and more stable the hypochondriacal fixation, the more likely pain and constipation). One of the clinical features of neurotic conditions is the well-known inertia of unpleasant sensations associated by patients with pathology of the stomach, liver, intestines or other abdominal organs - the same, more or less stereotyped intensity of these sensations for a number of years and even decades in the absence of any or structural changes.

Feeling of emptiness in the stomach

Gastric neurosis is a violation of the function of this organ, provoked by various physiological aspects and psychological factors. Since absolutely all systems of the body are rich in nerve endings, neurosis can occur in any of its organs. The often described pathological process is observed in hysterical, neurasthenic and psychasthenic neuroses.

How does gastric neurosis manifest itself, what is it? In modern medicine, gastroneuroses is understood as a dyspeptic disorder that occurs as a result of a violation of nervous regulation. In accordance with the statistical data, women who are in the age range of twenty to forty years are most predisposed to gastric neurosis.

Causes of neurosis of the stomach

Today, neuroses are becoming an integral part of the daily existence of individuals. Due to the fullness of everyday life with stress factors, intense working moments, also due to the constant lack of sleep and the presence of interpersonal confrontations, every third inhabitant of the planet has encountered this disease at least once. The well-known expression, stating that all diseases are from the nerves, completely reveals the understanding of the psychogenic origin of neuroses.

Neurosis of the stomach, what is it? How did this term come about?

The concept of "neurosis" was introduced as an independent term into medical science in the eighteenth century, but it was not considered a disease. Individuals suffering from this ailment were more often treated as malingerers or hypochondriacs. Neurosis began to be considered as an illness only after the recognition of psychology as a scientific discipline.

Neurosis of the stomach and intestines, its treatment depends on the causes that provoked the occurrence, and the symptoms. There are two groups of causes that cause gastroneuroses: physiological factors and psychological.

The first group includes: dysfunction of the intestine or stomach and impaired performance of the nervous system.

The second group of factors includes:

Constant stress and depression;

Dissatisfaction with one's own person, inconsistency with expectations;

Lack of normal sleep, fatigue, decline in vitality;

Prolonged dissatisfaction with basic vital needs;

She believes that the inability to "digest your thoughts and actions" gives rise to neurotic states. Only over time, after the individual begins to accept his own person and environment, he will no longer be afraid of change, he will no longer be disturbed by excruciating pain in the abdomen.

In addition to the factors listed above that cause gastric neurosis, the following can also be distinguished: poisoning, malnutrition, bad habits, anorexia, bulimia (vomiting), insomnia, individual mentality.

Often, the cause of the development of neurotic disorders of the internal organs can be hypochondriacal neurosis. A patient with this type of mental pathology is constantly alarmed by his own state of health. A hypochondriac is disturbed by obsessive thoughts about a possible infection or the presence of a dangerous disease.

According to most experts, stress plays a huge role in the occurrence of gastroneuroses. Therefore, many ordinary people are interested in the mechanism of the origin of gastroneuroses provoked by stress, its manifestations, and how long is gastric neurosis treated?

Each individual, getting into difficult life circumstances, is faced with the “digestive manifestations” of stress, among which are nausea, heartburn, a lump in the throat, vomiting, etc. Such symptoms arise due to the interconnectedness of all processes occurring in the human body. And the connection of the stress factor with the digestive system is due to the functioning of the “vagus nerve”, which regulates the activity of the stomach, associated with the production of enzymes involved in digestion. That is why neuroses have the "ability" to influence the composition, increase or decrease in the secretion of digestive juice.

The secretory function of the stomach is a rather complex process that originates initially in the brain. The vagus nerve stimulates the secretory activity of the stomach. Therefore, dysfunction of the vagus nerve is also reflected in the development of gastroneuroses.

The proof of the described theory can be found in the research of G. Selye, who developed the theory of the concept of stress. Conducting experiments on rats, he proved the effect of stress on the digestive system.

The human body, getting into stressful circumstances, begins to prepare for the fight. Blood in such conditions is saturated with adrenaline, as a result of which the gastrointestinal tract cannot "think" about digesting food. A constant stay in a stressful situation leads to a stagnation of the digestive processes. That is why gastric neurosis treatment with folk remedies directly for gastroenterological symptoms is often not effective enough. It is necessary to combine the drug effect with the methods of psychotherapy.

Most experts are convinced that people who have a hypertrophied sense of responsibility and take on a lot of work are more prone to gastrointestinal disorders. Such a life credo leads to self-flagellation, the appearance of suspiciousness, a sense of hopelessness and one's own unfulfillment.

In addition, problems with the digestive system can be observed in people due to poor food hygiene. For example, from the fact that they are used to eating quickly, swallowing poorly chewed food. Such behavior at the psychological level can be considered as an analogue of a superficial attitude to life, a refusal to solve problems, to analyze them.

Neurosis of the stomach and intestines, according to some psychotherapists, can be considered a way of personality to give vent to their own internal tension and unresolved conflicts.

Symptoms of neurosis of the stomach

Depending on the origin, gastric neurosis symptoms and treatment can vary greatly.

Gastroneurosis is characterized by quite diverse clinical manifestations of the digestive system. A frequent symptom of the described disease is nervous vomiting, which can be considered as a separate form of the disease. It occurs immediately after eating. At the same time, nausea, often preceding vomiting, is absent in this case.

The next condition associated with gastroneuroses is aerophagia. It is manifested by a loud belching that occurs due to the swallowing of a large amount of air while eating. In the presence of a neurosis of the hysterical type, belching may be accompanied by loud sounds and even cries. These symptoms are due to inadvertent swallowing of air circulating between the pharynx and the cardia of the stomach, after which it is released. Often, aerophagia may be accompanied by gastrocardiac syndrome. Aerophagia is usually eliminated with the help of explanatory psychotherapy, which is aimed at explaining to the patient the mechanism of the described phenomenon. The result of such therapy is the development of an understanding in the patient that he is able and should suppress belching.

They also distinguish a separate group of signs in which gastric neurosis symptoms and its treatment are associated with a disorder of the patient's appetite. These symptoms are manifested by bulimia or anorexia, when the strongest feeling of hunger disappears immediately after swallowing the first piece of food, or vice versa, an aversion to food is developed.

Another common manifestation of the described disease is heartburn, which differs from the usual burning sensation in the retrosternal region, persistence - the burning sensation does not disappear when a special diet is followed.

Neurosis of the stomach and intestines, in addition to the above, has other symptoms:

A constant feeling of discomfort in the area of ​​​​the intestines and stomach, associated with its overcrowding (fullness) or vice versa with emptiness;

Pain in the stomach with neurosis can radiate to the groin, lower back and other parts of the body;

Changes in gastronomic preferences, for example, an unexpected aversion to previously favorite foods;

General signs of malaise, which are manifested by sleep disturbance, weakness, headaches, etc.

Often, people do not pay much attention to the above signs, taking them for an ordinary indigestion.

The most striking signs are considered pain in the stomach with neurosis, since it can be quite diverse, localized under the spoon or under the ribs, or “migrate” throughout the abdomen. In more severe variants of the course of the described disease, individual manifestations of chronic gastritis are possible, which in reality are not associated with the inflammation of the gastric mucosa itself, but with a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice and accumulation of mucus in the stomach. In addition to pain, nausea, belching, and bloating are also observed. When viewed on the tongue plaque. The patient complains of frequent urge to defecate, diarrhea (rarely constipation), a feeling of fullness, rumbling in the abdomen. When drinking, patients note that after two sips they have a feeling of fullness in the stomach. The pain gets worse at night.

The symptoms of neurosis of the stomach and intestines are similar, due to the fact that they are characterized by a common psychosomatic nature.

Gastroneurosis and intestinal neurosis is not always manifested by epigastric symptoms. Often a patient suffering from gastric or intestinal neurosis is tormented by frequent migraines, fluctuations in blood pressure, dizziness, sleep disturbance, and nervous awakenings. An individual with this ailment becomes overly irritable, he is tormented by phobias and panic attacks. Also, in patients with this form of neurosis, there is an increase in heart rate, heart pain, frequent urination, a feeling of heaviness in the sternum.

This form of neurosis is more likely to affect people suffering from overweight, vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as mentally unbalanced individuals.

Treatment of neurosis of the stomach

Gastroneurosis is not life-threatening, since in 90% of cases the disease has a psychogenic nature of occurrence. However, to think that gastric neurosis does not require treatment is somewhat premature and imprudent. This disorder gives a person torment and interferes with the usual rhythm of life. Therefore, having noticed several of the above symptoms in yourself, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist who will develop an adequate strategy and help you understand how to treat gastric neurosis.

Often the outcome of the disease with timely seeking professional help is favorable.

Stomach neurosis treatment with folk remedies is expected along with complex conservative treatment and consultation of a psychotherapist.

In the first turn, the therapeutic effect is aimed at eliminating signs of stress and resuming the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

To normalize the digestive process, the patient is prescribed a special diet. The nutrition plan is drawn up by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient, the clinical picture of gastroneuroses and the patient's condition, the causes that provoked the development of the disease, and the results of diagnostic studies.

Drug therapy consists in taking mild sedative drugs aimed at eliminating some unpleasant manifestations.

Regular psychotherapeutic sessions also help eliminate gastroneuroses. If necessary, it is recommended to take drugs that regulate the function of the endocrine system, vitamin complexes.

To normalize the psychological mood of the patient and improve the functioning of the digestive system, the appointment of physiotherapy is indicated. Balneotherapy and hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, as well as relaxing massage have an excellent effect.

In addition to following the above measures of basic therapy, patients need to adhere to a healthy rhythm of life, avoid stressful situations and stay in the fresh air more often.

How to treat neurosis of the stomach?

Many people are interested in the questions: how to treat stomach neurosis with the help of traditional medicine and how long does stomach neurosis last?

The most useful is the intake of soothing teas made from oregano inflorescence. This herb can not only eliminate nervous strain, but also have a bactericidal, analgesic effect on the digestive tract. In addition, this tea will give a healthy and sound sleep. To prepare this drink, pour six tablespoons of a dry plant with one liter of boiling water and let the mixture stand for 120 minutes. Then it is recommended to strain the infusion. It is recommended to take tea at 150 milliliters at least four times a day.

Also, oregano can be taken together with motherwort, valerian and hawthorn grass. To prepare this drink, you will need to take three parts of oregano, one part of motherwort herb and valerian, two parts of hawthorn. All ingredients should be pre-crushed and mixed thoroughly. It is necessary to take one spoonful of the mixture, previously filled with one hundred milliliters of boiling water and infused for 60 minutes, at least three times a day, 100 milliliters each.

Eliminates nausea, improves appetite, normalizes nervous processes tea from lemon balm. To this end, it is necessary to pour 20 grams of grass with 400 milliliters of hot water and boil for three minutes over low heat. It is recommended to take a decoction no more than twice a day.

St. John's wort decoction has a good antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. In gastric neurosis, it is also indicated due to its mild antidepressant action.

For the purpose of therapeutic effects in gastroneuroses, tenacious bedstraw is used. The roots and leaves of the plant have analgesic, antibacterial and sedative effects.

Angelica roots are also successfully used in the treatment of gastrointestinal neurosis due to its bactericidal and tonic action.

Eyebright has a calming effect, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. With gastroneuroses, an infusion is prepared from the dried leaves of the plant. For this purpose, it is necessary to pour 30 grams of raw materials with 750 milliliters of very hot water and let it brew for two hours. It is recommended to take the infusion every three to four hours for 100 milliliters.

Favorably affects the gastrointestinal tract infusion of mint or tea from the leaves of the plant. Peppermint is famous for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

With pain in the epigastrium, the use of flax seeds is indicated. They have an enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect. Before use, it is recommended to grind them to a powder state. Two tablespoons of flax powder must be poured with water and insisted for about three hours. Drink immediately before going to bed.

A collection of 50 grams of marshmallow root, cudweed grass and 100 grams of motherwort helps relieve symptoms of overcrowding and stomach tension. An infusion of this mixture eliminates pain. It is recommended to take before meals three times a day.

Lavender is indispensable, if necessary, to get rid of a depressive mood and associated pain in the epigastric region, eliminate nausea and correct poor appetite. In addition, the infusion of this herb has a tonic and calming effect. To prepare a medicinal drug, it is necessary to pour one spoon of the crushed plant with 200 milliliters of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. It is recommended to drink this drink instead of tea. In case of severe overwork or nervous overexcitation, honey can be added to the infusion to taste and 50 milliliters of red wine.

An analgesic and tonic effect has a decoction of a mixture of herbs, consisting of fenugreek, flax seeds, lavender tops and marshmallow roots, taken in equal weight fractions. To prepare a medicinal potion, it is necessary to boil three tablespoons of the pre-crushed mixture for six minutes in 900 milliliters of water. At least four glasses of decoction should be taken per day.

In gastroneuroses, yarrow herb is widely used to alleviate clinical manifestations. A decoction of this plant quickly eliminates inflammation, normalizes the digestive process and improves appetite. In addition, the use of this plant is recommended for other forms of neurosis, as well as for hysteria. Two tablespoons of a dry plant must be poured with 500 milliliters of water, boiled for about one minute over low heat and let the product brew. The decoction should be consumed after meals.

With pain in the epigastrium and "loose" nerves, the use of a folk remedy is indicated, consisting of 100 milliliters of aloe juice mixed with dry red wine and honey, taken in 200 milligrams. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and insisted in the refrigerator for ten days. It is recommended to use one tablespoon twice a day for no more than four months.

Also, an infusion of mountain dubrovnik stalks in the amount of one gram, oak bark - in the amount of three grams, valerian root and veronica root - two grams each will help relieve pain in the stomach and calm the nerves.

The duration of treatment of gastroneuroses with folk methods is purely individual and depends on the symptoms, their severity and the causes of their appearance.

Gastric neurosis is a pathological process, the development of which is facilitated by a wide variety of physiological and psychological factors. Psychological causes include internal personality conflicts, constant stressful situations, psychological trauma. This condition can be cured only if an integrated approach is used.

What provokes the disease?

Despite the fact that in medical statistics there are very few cases of patients with such a problem visiting a doctor, the symptoms of gastric neurosis were felt by a large part of the population. At the same time, more than half of them did not even suspect that they had stomach neurosis. There is nothing surprising here, since pathology can occur for a large number of reasons:

  1. A busy rhythm of life, poor-quality or short night rest, unbalanced psyche, stress, overstrain associated with professional activities, psychological trauma.
  2. Improper and untimely nutrition, frequent use of such harmful products as "fast food".
  3. , tumor formations.
  4. External pathological influences on the stomach. They include intoxication by inhalation or ingestion of chemicals, poisoning by poor-quality products.
  5. Diseases of other organs of the digestive and endocrine systems. Such ailments contribute to the occurrence of a reflex reaction of the stomach. Therefore, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, colic can provoke stomach neurosis.
  6. Diseases of a viral and infectious nature.

How to recognize the disease?

Such a pathological process as neurosis of the gastrointestinal tract today is a common disease in medical practice. Most often, the disease affects women of the middle age category. Patients complain of the following symptoms of the disease:

  • Feeling hungry despite recent food intake
  • a feeling of disgust from food, nausea at its sight or smell;
  • constant thoughts about food;
  • severe heartburn;
  • feeling nauseous, vomiting after eating (such symptoms are referred to as a condition called anorexia);
  • nervous colic, flatulence;
  • discomfort in the stomach, pain syndrome;
  • belching;
  • nervous chewing movements in the absence of food;
  • feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region.

The symptoms of a psychomatic nature are slightly different from those listed earlier. They do not always appear only from the side of the epigastric region. In this case, the following symptoms are distinguished:

  • persistent migraines, dizziness and high blood pressure;
  • violation of sleep hygiene, inability to fall asleep at night, nervous awakenings;
  • irritability, which develops into phobias and panic attacks;
  • rapid pulsation, heaviness in the chest, pain in the heart, frequent trips to the toilet in a small way.

Diagnostic methods

The basis of diagnosis is the discovery of the main causes that contributed to the formation of pathology. To do this, the doctor must exclude diseases of the intestines and other organs of the digestive system, which may have similar symptoms. Only complex gastroenterological diagnostics can help in this matter.

Taking into account the existing clinical picture, a differential diagnosis is made with peptic ulcer, helminthic invasion,. In the absence of other functional pathologies of the stomach, further examination is carried out by an experienced neuropathologist. He will be able to send the patient for additional consultation with a psychiatrist. Such activities are necessary to collect a detailed history and develop psychotherapeutic treatment. Its essence is the correction of the psycho-emotional state of the patient.

Effective Therapy

If the neurosis of the stomach is in an advanced stage, then there is a danger of infection of intestinal diseases, which over time become chronic. Therefore, as soon as you notice the first symptoms of the disease, do not sit and wait for everything to pass by itself, but go to the doctor for an appointment. A neglected form of neurosis will lead to an aggravation of the condition and can cause a whole bunch of serious complications.

The treatment of neurosis includes a set of measures that are aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and all unpleasant manifestations. After visiting such specialists as a neurologist, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, it will be possible to draw up an effective scheme of therapeutic measures. Comprehensive treatment of the disease includes:

  1. Taking psychotropic medications - tranquilizers. They are sold strictly by prescription.
  2. Treatment with the help of a psychotherapeutic course that will resolve the conflict situation.
  3. Physiotherapy, including massage, baths and applications. Such treatment is aimed at normalizing processes in the nervous system.
  4. General strengthening preventive measures, including therapeutic manipulations, vitamin therapy, spa treatment.
  5. Phytotherapy is based on taking decoctions, tinctures. But only the attending physician should select such therapy.

In addition to the activities presented, the patient should rest more often and be in the fresh air. Therefore, try to normalize the mode of rest and work. Your night's sleep should last at least 6 hours.

Rational nutrition is an important condition for a successful recovery. Thanks to a properly composed diet, it will be possible to eliminate abdominal pain in case of neurosis. It is compiled taking into account such features of the body as the presence of a gastrointestinal disease in a chronic form, the level of stomach acidity.

Such treatment involves the use of only natural products (nuts, dried fruits), which have a positive effect on the mental state of a person. You will have to give up meat and fried foods. The basis of nutrition should be vegetables, fruits, fresh or boiled.

Preventive actions

To protect yourself from such a disease, it is very important to observe prevention. It involves creating the conditions for a painless existence. Try not to take all life's troubles to heart, avoid negative emotions and personal conflicts both at work and at home. Do a simple set of physical exercises daily and lead an active lifestyle. If your whole life is scheduled by the minute, then your head will not be visited by all sorts of incomprehensible thoughts.

In the issue of prevention, drugs play an important role. But a doctor must prescribe them. It is best to purchase herbal medicines. An excellent option would be valerian, motherwort, mint and rosemary. In some cases, the doctor prescribes the reception of Luminal in small dosages.

Neurosis of the stomach is a disease that brings a lot of unpleasant sensations. Various stressful conflict situations can provoke it. Therefore, try to fill your life with only positive moments, enjoy every new day, pay more attention to your loved ones, and not to work, walk in the fresh air and you will never hear about such an ailment.

We can distinguish the following symptoms of neurosis of the stomach:

  • pain in the abdomen, an unpleasant feeling of "burning" in the abdomen;
  • heaviness and rumbling in the stomach;
  • a feeling of fullness in the abdomen (less often - a feeling of emptiness);
  • stool disorders (diarrhea or constipation);
  • aerophagia (swallowing excess air and associated belching).

Aerophagia can be provoked by talking while eating, the habit of rushing and swallowing food quickly.

Which specialist to go to

Neurosis of the stomach with its symptoms is very similar to various gastroenterological diseases. Therefore, without the help of a specialist, it is impossible to determine what you are facing. It is necessary to visit a gastroenterologist and a neurologist. Consultations of these specialists will help to establish exactly whether your disease has a neurogenic nature or not.

For example, such a phenomenon as aerophagia can be a symptom of gastric neurosis, or it can act as one of the symptoms of gastritis. As well as pain in the abdomen, a feeling of "burning", etc. Therefore, in no case do not make a diagnosis on your own, be sure to undergo an examination by specialists.

Neurosis of the stomach should be treated comprehensively, by a neurologist and a gastroenterologist. A gastroenterologist will help to deal with unpleasant and painful symptoms of the disease. And the neurologist will prescribe the treatment necessary for neurosis, in this case, it is usually enough to take tablets or syrups on a natural basis (on herbs). Sometimes you may need treatment from a psychotherapist - to work out the stressful situation that caused the development of the disease. It is also easiest to remove such a symptom as aerophagia with the help of psychotherapy.

How to help yourself

Specialist treatment is needed. But there are a number of steps that you can take yourself to make the treatment more effective and faster.

Being a neurogenic disease (that is, arising on a nervous basis), gastric neurosis involves mandatory measures that are relevant for any neurosis:

  1. Reduce and further regulate physical and emotional stress.
  2. It is enough to sleep (at least 9 hours a day), to be in the fresh air every day.
  3. Take sedatives prescribed by a neurologist (in the future, you can use them yourself as needed).
  4. Follow the diet prescribed by the gastroenterologist, exclude any stimulant drinks (coffee, strong tea) and carbonated drinks (aerophagia is also caused by such drinks).
  5. Give up alcohol and smoking. In addition to the negative impact on the nervous system, they significantly affect the health of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. If necessary, treat other diseases, since their presence can also serve as an impetus for the development of neurosis.

It is important to know that untreated gastric neurosis can gradually turn into a full-fledged disease of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, stomach ulcer).

Therefore, even if you are sure that the disease has arisen due to stress, in any case, it is worth starting treatment as early as possible in order to avoid serious consequences.

Drug treatment and folk remedies in the fight against gastric neurosis

Each person at least once faced such unpleasant phenomena as pain and heaviness in the abdomen, belching, heartburn and flatulence. Their single repetition may indicate poor food quality or an unbalanced diet. This often happens to lovers of food on the go.

Neurosis of the stomach, or functional dyspepsia

There are many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, characterized by a similar clinical picture. You should not constantly take painkillers, laxatives, put enemas and heating pads, because the cause of discomfort is unknown. For example, with a mild peptic ulcer, a heating pad will reduce pain, but with inflammation of appendicitis, it will only aggravate the situation.

The frequent occurrence of such symptoms is a reason to go to the clinic, as they accompany a number of serious diseases of the stomach and intestines.

This disease is quite common, although many are not aware of its presence.

The possible reasons for its appearance are quite simple: stressful situations, mental trauma, mental strain, improper and unhealthy diet. The most obvious signs of neurosis are burning and spasmodic pain in the stomach.

Similar symptoms can occur after drinking a cup of too strong coffee, drinking alcohol, smoking a cigarette. In addition, various medications, such as painkillers, can provoke their appearance, as they irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of neurosis of the stomach

The clinical picture may differ significantly from case to case. Almost all patients complain of a feeling of fullness and discomfort, the opposite phenomenon is a little less common - a feeling of emptiness in the stomach.

The pain syndrome affects the entire abdomen, but sometimes it can have a clear localization, for example, in the epigastric region or hypochondrium.

In severe cases of the disease, a number of symptoms of chronic gastritis occur, which do not actually indicate the presence of this pathology, but are associated with a reflex decrease in the acidity of gastric digestive juices and accumulation of mucus in the stomach. The patient suffers from belching, nausea, bloating in the epigastric area, pain, while the tongue is covered with plaque and appetite decreases.

Symptoms of gastric neurosis include signs of bowel disease, for example, there are frequent urges to defecate (diarrhea), but constipation may also occur. This is accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, pain and rumbling of the intestines. When a person drinks even a small amount of water, he has a feeling of excessive fullness in the stomach. The pain syndrome intensifies at night, which causes insomnia. Severe attacks of nausea are also possible at night, which are replaced by unbearable pain in the epigastric region in the morning, which is associated with the reaction of the stomach to a deterioration in the psycho-emotional state of a person.

To establish the mental nature of the pathology, the doctor determines the patient's condition according to the described signs:

  • Numerous somatic manifestations;
  • The absence of pathological changes in the organs in the presence of pain in them;
  • Changeability of the clinical picture;
  • Protracted course of the disease without improvement;
  • Dependence of symptoms on external factors (ex. stressful situations);
  • Vegetative signs;
  • Inefficiency of gastroenterological drug treatment.

In addition, a significant difference between neurosis is that the disease manifests itself not only in disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, but also in emotional changes. Sometimes patients cannot accurately indicate the localization of pain, they become melancholy, anxious, depressive moods, etc. can be observed.

Diagnosis of neurosis of the stomach

First of all, the doctor must exclude diseases of the digestive tract, characterized by similar symptoms, determine the condition of the stomach.

For this, complex gastroenterological diagnostics is used. Differential diagnosis is carried out depending on the clinical picture, for example, with peptic ulcer, helminthic invasion, pancreatitis, cholecystitis.

If gastroenterological pathologies are not detected, the patient is referred to a neurologist and for a consultation with a psychiatrist. The latter will collect an anamnesis of the patient's life and develop psychotherapeutic treatment, which is aimed at correcting the emotional state of a person.

Aerophagia and gastric neurosis

Aerophagia is a pathological accumulation of air in the stomach and large intestine. It manifests itself, like neurosis, belching, flatulence, indigestion. Aerophagia most often develops as a result of neurosis, therefore, by eliminating the root cause, you can get rid of this pathology.

In some cases, aerophagia is provoked by diseases of the respiratory tract and oral cavity, so there is a need for differential diagnosis.

Treatment of intestinal and stomach neurosis

Since external factors become the causes, they need to be eliminated. The patient cannot tolerate emotional and physical stress, and you also need to stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

The course of treatment is selected individually by a neuropathologist, based on the state of the nervous system. A very important point is diet therapy. It is necessary to exclude from the menu food that irritates the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. During treatment, you need to abandon fatty, spicy, spicy, as well as products that quickly ferment. It is recommended to eat more nuts, raisins and cheese, as they have a positive effect on the state of the nervous system.

As for alternative methods of treatment, some patients resort to the use of enemas with a decoction of chamomile. Similarly, warm baths with decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs with sedative (soothing) properties act. In addition, the aforementioned agents can be taken orally. It is recommended to drink teas based on mint, valerian and motherwort. Eliminate discomfort in the epigastrium will help plants with a sedative and antispastic effect - peppermint, chamomile, yarrow, cinquefoil.

Neurosis of the stomach and intestines requires the elimination of tension and the restoration of the normal functioning of the digestive system. Therefore, an integrated approach, including a consultation with a psychologist, must be carried out.

To restore the process of digestion, dietary nutrition is prescribed.

In this case, it is necessary to contact a qualified nutritionist who will select the menu and regimen, guided by the results of diagnostic studies and the general condition of the patient.

As for drug treatment, it usually consists of taking drugs with a mild sedative effect. Regular sessions of psychotherapy will also help.

If necessary, medications are prescribed that regulate the activity of the endocrine system, and complexes of vitamins with minerals.

To normalize the psychological state and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, physiotherapy is used, for example, hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, relaxing massage, bathing with soothing herbs.

Remember that the analysis of symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of gastric neurosis should be supervised and prescribed by a specialist!

About the treatment of neurosis of the stomach

Stomach neurosis is a disease that is caused by stressful incidents, mental strain, depletion of the autonomic nervous system, accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Stomach ache.
  • Heartburn.
  • Belching and regurgitation of food.
  • Spasms of the stomach.
  • It is not clear where the nausea and vomiting come from.
  • Bloating, rumbling, gas, colic.

Characteristically, discomfort in the stomach area with a neurotic nature of the problem does not appear in the same way as it happens with gastroenterological diseases. So, for example, the patient may complain of a feeling of emptiness in the stomach, despite the fact that he has just eaten, or feel full after two or three sips. Or the appointment and reception of effective treatment with drugs for some reason does not lead to proper results.

Stomach neurosis is often complicated by the fact that the patient does not attach due importance to problems in the digestive system, attributing discomfort to a slight poisoning, which "will pass by itself." Self-medication begins, limited to taking an anesthetic, activated charcoal or rather harmful enzyme preparations, which are actively advertised on television (Festal and others).

Any gastroenterologist can say with absolute certainty that in his practice there were cases when the chosen course of treatment did not help the patient. There were also situations when examinations did not show any organic pathology, while painful sensations still occurred. As a result, it turned out that the disorder of the gastrointestinal tract is not associated with gastroenterology, but with the psychological problems of the patient.

Psychosomatics or gastroenterology?

At first glance, such a statement may seem absurd: in fact, what can a stomach and a nervous system have in common? In fact, this is quite natural: the spiritual and physical health of a person are closely intertwined, so failures in the functioning of one inevitably affect the state of the other.

Any of us, getting into a difficult situation, faced with the "digestive" aspects of stress: it could be nausea, vomiting, chest pain, heartburn, a lump in the throat, and so on.

Since everything in the human body is interconnected, stress "responds" throughout the body. The connection of the irritating factor with the stomach occurs through the so-called "vagus nerve". Since the activity of the stomach to produce the enzymes necessary for digestion is regulated by this particular nerve, neuroses can affect the composition and increase / decrease in the secretion of gastric juice.

The secretory activity of the stomach is a complex process that, oddly enough, begins in the head: the initial secretion begins to "work" with the supply of conditioned reflexes through the cortical and subcortical centers of the brain. As for humoral regulation, it occurs just with the help of the vagus nerve. It is he who stimulates the secretory functions of gastric juice. Accordingly, malfunctions in the functioning of the vagus nerve also affect the development of gastric neurosis.

Evidence for this assertion can be found in the research of Hans Selye, who developed the theory of stress. In particular, he conducted experiments on rats: those animals that systematically fell into stressful conditions soon got stomach ulcers. Similar data were confirmed when observing people.

Mental nature of neurosis of the gastrointestinal tract

When a person gets into a stressful situation, his body prepares to fight. This also applies to the work of the gastrointestinal tract: if adrenaline is released into the blood, the stomach is no longer up to digesting food. But if, even after the danger has passed, we continue to worry, or if we constantly live in a situation of ongoing stress, the digestive processes can “stagnate”. That is why the treatment of directly gastroenterological manifestations of the disease may not be effective enough, while psychotherapy provides effective assistance.

From the point of view of psychosomatics, it is believed that problems in the work of the stomach are mainly people with a hypertrophied sense of responsibility, who take on a lot, but do not feel the return. This leads to self-flagellation, suspiciousness, despair, a feeling of own unfulfillment.

Stomach problems occur in some patients from the fact that they are accustomed to swallowing food, practically without chewing it: on a psychological level, this can be considered an analogue of a superficial perception of life, a rejection of the desire to solve problems, “chew” them.

According to many psychologists, gastrointestinal neurosis can be considered a way for a person to give vent to his inner tension and unresolved conflicts.

How is neurosis of the stomach determined?

To establish the mental nature of the disease of the stomach, the doctor must establish at least some of the following signs in the patient:

  • Numerous somatic manifestations without identifying the prevailing one.
  • The difference in symptoms from the traditional picture of the disease (for example, the absence of pathologies in the organs, but the presence of pain).
  • Variation in symptoms.
  • Protracted duration of the disease without a hint of improvement.
  • The dependence of painful sensations on external factors (for example, pain intensifies after stressful situations).
  • vegetative symptoms.
  • The difference between the patient's complaints and the data of his examinations.
  • The ineffectiveness of gastroenterological drug treatment, the patient's craving for "treatment" with sedatives.

Another significant feature is that, unlike the "ordinary" diseases of the stomach, neuroses usually have a manifestation not only on the digestive, but also on the emotional level:

  • the patient sometimes cannot express exactly what exactly hurts him (because, according to him, everything hurts!);
  • prolonged melancholy can be observed;
  • depressive moods;
  • disturbing fears;
  • Emphasized attention / inattention to their appearance and food;
  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene;
  • sleep disorders;
  • feeling of hopelessness and so on.

When making a diagnosis, the doctor must pay attention to the presence of these "accompanying" symptoms.

Psychotherapeutic treatment as a way to solve the problem

If the patient has established that the cause of the disease is associated with a stressful situation, the paramount task is to help the stomach work normally. This requires, in addition to conventional treatment, the study and elimination of stress. And here you will need the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist, who will apply the most suitable technique for each specific case.

Sometimes painful sensations in stomach neurosis can become an obstacle to taking medications, which is why drug treatment can practically be reduced to zero. Stomach neurosis often underlies such a phenomenon as psychological intolerance to drugs. Obviously, in the event of such a problem, psychotherapy must be prescribed without fail.

Why is the treatment of stomach diseases, including "folk methods" (treatment with decoctions and infusions of herbs for stomach pain), often ineffective? The reason for this lies in the fact that treatment should be aimed at eliminating the neurotic (rather than gastroenterological) causes of the disease.

To find an effective method of treatment, it is important for a psychotherapist to determine the origin of gastric neurosis. So, if the cause lies in overwork, a therapy is carried out aimed at restoring the energy abilities of the nervous system. It is very important at the same time to improve blood circulation, replenish the body's vitamin reserves in order to normalize sleep and performance. If the treatment is aimed at combating the "fixation" on intrusive disturbing thoughts, thought control techniques, relaxation methods are used.

Taking antidepressants and tranquilizers is complicated by the problematic state of the stomach, but in certain cases they are also prescribed (if there is no psychological intolerance to the drug).

Our center specializes in non-drug treatment of gastric neurosis. You can learn more about the features of the psychotherapy of neurosis in more detail here.

Stomach neurosis: causes, symptoms and treatment of this psychosomatic disorder

The correct name for gastric neurosis is functional dyspepsia or a violation of the nervous regulation of the digestive organs. This condition is not life-threatening, but brings a lot of trouble. More often women of young age from 20 to 40 years are ill. Gastric neurosis can be either primary (a functional response to stress), or secondary, or a reaction to other diseases of the internal organs.

What is sick - the stomach or the soul?

Stomach neurosis refers to psychosomatic disorders, when it is difficult to separate the psychological and bodily cause. The stomach, like the entire digestive system, receives nervous regulation on many levels.

The stomach is directly affected by the activating sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system, the inhibitory parasympathetic, and the local or intramural part is involved in the combination of their activities and the direct contraction of the smooth muscles of the stomach. The stomach is under the predominant influence of the vagus or vagus nerve (10th pair of cranial nerves).

Consistent excitation and inhibition of nerve centers at all levels provide contraction of smooth muscles, pushing through the food bolus, and the production of digestive juices.

The influence of the nervous system on the stomach is familiar to everyone. Many people describe the state of stress as a "stone in the stomach", a long-term heaviness associated with indigestion. The same range of disorders includes "bear disease", when violent emotions lead to uncontrolled bowel movements.

A little about the psychological nature of gastric neurosis

For normal digestion of food, the stomach must be at rest, the parasympathetic vagus nerve takes the lead. If stress occurs, the sympathetic autonomic system is activated, which implements the principle of "hit and run."

The sympathetic system prepares a person for a fight or an active flight: muscles contract, the lumen of blood vessels narrows, blood pressure rises, food digestion stops and urine production decreases. The reaction of physical readiness is realized with the help of neurotransmitters, hormones, enzymes. This reaction was given to us in the process of evolution, it cannot be changed or canceled by force of will.

In practice, it is usually not necessary to beat anyone and run away from anyone. We are held back by the rules of civilization. All readiness for physical resistance is wasted, but all the released substances continue to do their job, and the body receives minimal damage.

With stress that happened once, nothing tragic happens. Everything unnecessary is gradually disposed of, the body returns to normal. However, if stresses are repeated often, then a neurosis of the stomach is gradually formed, when the body is, as it were, “always ready” to fight.

Practice shows that neurotic gastric disorders occur in overly responsible people who take on an unbearable burden. Such people usually do not receive returns in the form in which they would like. This triggers the second circle of experiences - dissatisfaction, suspiciousness, a decrease in self-esteem. In addition, such people, due to constant employment, often eat in a hurry, not paying due attention to the quality of food and its aesthetic component.


Most often, neurosis of the stomach is manifested by such symptoms:

  • pain, burning and distension in the abdomen;
  • feeling full or empty in the stomach;
  • rumbling and frequent heaviness;
  • change in taste when food does not give pleasure;
  • nausea and vomiting after eating;
  • increased formation of intestinal gases;
  • constipation and diarrhea;
  • belching caused by swallowing air.

They are divided into 2 groups: directly related to digestion and emotional "accompaniment".

  1. Blurred and vague complaints concerning all parts of the alimentary canal. In ordinary illnesses, a person indicates exactly where and what hurts him. The projection zones of pain in diseases of the stomach were described several centuries ago, and the manifestations are the same for all people. A person suffering from gastric neurosis indicates pains that do not fit into any clinical picture.
  2. Change in symptoms. Today it hurts in one place, and tomorrow in another, or the pain is replaced by burning, heaviness, discomfort, distention of the stomach.
  3. Symptoms last a very long time, no "clearance" is expected, no improvement is expected.
  4. The manifestations of the disease directly depend on the circumstances of life. As soon as trouble happens, the symptoms intensify.
  5. An objective examination does not find any organic signs.
  6. Drugs that help everyone do not work. Instead, improvement occurs when taking sedatives.

Functional dyspepsia has the following emotional features:

  • one can clearly see the longing and anxiety that stretch endlessly and have a physical expression - a bent back, lowered shoulders, a mournful face;
  • increased attention to his person and everything that happens - a person describes in detail and for a long time all the processes of digestion, worrying about all the little things and details;
  • hopelessness is traced in all thoughts and actions, a person is firmly convinced that treatment will not help and everything is in vain;
  • often there are sleep disturbances, loss of strength, fear and anxiety about everything that happens;
  • the prospects for the future are unclear and most likely negative.


The traditional treatment of gastric neurosis, prescribed by a gastroenterologist, most often helps very limitedly. During the exploration phase, when interest is maintained by manipulation, improvement may be possible. But over time, since “things are still there,” treatment with the usual means becomes a burden for both the patient and the doctor. The use of antacids and antiemetics gives temporary relief, but does not completely eliminate the symptoms.

Pathogenetic treatment (aimed at the cause) is prescribed by a psychiatrist, since only if the imbalance in the nervous system is eliminated and depressive feelings are reduced, one can hope for a result. Antidepressants, tranquilizers, nootropics, sedative herbal remedies are used.


Mandatory component of the treatment of neurosis of the stomach. Various types are used:

Neurosis and gastrointestinal disorders

Mental trauma and long-term depressive states, any unrest and experiences colored by negative emotions (fear, longing, dissatisfaction with oneself and remorse, a feeling of internal discomfort, violation of spiritual harmony) have long been considered as the most important cause of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastrointestinal (more precisely, abdominal) sensations occur in the structure of latent depressions at least as often as cardiovascular functional disorders. The leading role of psychogeny and emotional stress is revealed in at least 80% of patients with various forms of functional gastrointestinal disorders. Dyspeptic, secretory and motor disorders of the digestive tract are becoming one of the most important ways of expressing emotions. So, "chronic gastritis", as if confirmed by a decrease in acidity and the presence of mucus in the stomach, constant aversion to food, belching, bloating with a feeling of pressure, nausea, painful sensations and coated tongue, turns out in most cases to be only an emotionally conditioned syndrome, a way expressions of emotion.

These mild, but "exhausting the soul" painful sensations of a diffuse nature often migrate throughout the abdomen; however, a clear localization of pain is also possible (most often in the epigastric and hypochondral regions). The most constant sensations of heaviness, fullness, tension and discomfort (rarely emptiness) in the stomach; in a number of patients, there is a feeling of overeating after a few sips, which sometimes causes refusal to eat due to an increase in such painful sensations. The special nature of sensations, which are difficult to describe in detail, determines a peculiar “pattern” of complaints of patients who are looking for some analogy with ordinary, well-known phenomena (“whines, pulls like an abscess; tickles like a boil; it hurts, as if a blunt object is being cut ; tingles like needles; pierces with pain, like a moan goes through the stomach; burns with fire; bursts, as if something is torn").

Such sensations arise or intensify with emotional stress and at night (or even as an almost certainly sleepless night approaches), against the background of asthenia and depressed mood. In some cases, complaints of nausea in the morning and unbearable pain in the epigastrium (sometimes with the requirement of narcotic analgesics) are possible, very reminiscent of the description and localization of the manifestations of peptic ulcer (in the presence, as a rule, of a duodenal ulcer in history). Patients are sometimes surprised to note the complete absence (in contrast to true exacerbations in the past) of any connection between morning sickness and pain with the quality, quantity and time of eating and "they can eat anything." A sharp drop in mood in the morning is interpreted as a "natural" reaction to pain.

The undulating course of abdominal sensations does not exclude, however, readiness for paroxysmal explosions, often accompanied by severe tachycardia, increased systolic blood pressure, cold extremities, chills, and even in a number of patients with significant hyperthermia. A sharp increase in the intensity of pathological sensations in the abdominal cavity with complaints of unbearable pain (and often a requirement for surgery) becomes, as a rule, the reason for the hospitalization of such patients for "urgent" or even "vital" indications (with suspicion of a perforated stomach ulcer or acute appendicitis, an attack of hepatic or renal colic, dynamic intestinal obstruction, etc.). Many of these patients undergo unjustified surgical interventions (especially often appendectomy or cholecystectomy with an unchanged appendix or gallbladder).

The spastic nature of these sensations (such as "colic") that occur in the stomach and other hollow organs with intense contraction or stretching of smooth muscles is confirmed by special (primarily x-ray) studies. Spastic conditions of the stomach and intestines (especially of the duodenum and large intestine with symptoms of hypertension, hyperkinesia and hypersecretion are usually noted in anxious depression with a lot of all kinds of fears and fears. Gastroduodenal hypotension and hypokinesia with stasis in the duodenal bulb are observed with a greater depth of hypochondriacal depression with a distinct psychomotor retardation; in almost % of such patients, barium retention in the intestine for up to 5 days is recorded during X-ray examination.

Motor disorders of the digestive tract in the form of "local spasms" of the esophagus, cardia, pylorus or sphincter of Oddi occur mainly in the general complex of the clinical picture of neurotic and pseudoneurotic conditions, but can also act as the so-called organ neurosis. The cause of gross diagnostic errors most often turns out to be convulsive contractions of the upper esophagus (with a sensation of a foreign body or "lump in the throat") - one of the somatic equivalents of hidden fear. Complaints of difficulty in swallowing (usually only solid or only liquid food) are often associated with the fear of death from suffocation when food enters the larynx.

Sharp painful sensations against the background of vague anxiety with a mass of anxious fears are due in a number of patients to severe flatulence (the so-called gas pain); periodic rumbling and bloating create a clinical picture of hysterical pseudoileus. A huge spherical belly with "super-sounding" tympanitis (with relatively good state of health and normal stool outside of pain attacks) is often regarded by surgeons as a result of partial or even complete intestinal obstruction and a direct indication for surgical intervention. Periodic flatulence is combined, as a rule, with aerophagia, which causes the so-called aerophagic tic during emotional overstrain - a kind of hiccups that are not associated with eating. A significant accumulation of gas in the stomach, when the diaphragm rises, contributes to the displacement of the heart and the development of functional cardiovascular disorders (the appearance of cardialgia and respiratory arrhythmia, moderate arterial hypotension due to a decrease in stroke and minute volumes of the left ventricle, sinus tachycardia and extrasystole in the absence of any electrocardiographic changes).

Very common in the clinic of neurotic conditions are complaints of an unpleasant taste or bitterness in the mouth, heartburn and belching (more often with air, less often with food or gastric juice eaten) throughout the day or only in the morning, before meals. Any of these complaints can become the object of hypochondriacal fixation and hypochondriacal fears of the patient.

One of the common symptoms in the clinic of neurotic and pseudoneurotic conditions are nausea and vomiting, which occur not only in acute or chronic traumatic situations, but also in various emotional reactions in adults and children (for example, vomiting in the morning before an exam). Nausea (from a slight unpleasant feeling of a “nausea type”, most often localized in the upper chest, “near the throat” or coming “from the stomach”, to periodically or systematically occurring, sometimes repeated vomiting that does not bring relief) develops mainly in the morning, on an empty stomach or at the sight and smell of food, and sometimes even after eating "through force", is aggravated by excitement and can take on an almost permanent character at the height of prolonged affective tension.

Nausea and vomiting, not associated with any somatic disease, are one of the frequent depressive equivalents in the clinic of cyclothymic conditions. It is no coincidence that many of these patients complain of "nausea in the chest or throughout the body" and define it as some kind of "moral and physical anxiety" that cannot be expressed in words.

Complaints about appetite disorders are no less typical for neurotic and pseudoneurotic states - from poor or very "capricious" appetite to complete disgust and refusal to eat with loss of taste sensations. Perhaps a paroxysmal feeling of acute hunger, which is replaced by almost aversion to food after the first two or three sips. Many patients, however, eat everything they are offered for purely rational reasons (to improve their health). A psychogenically conditioned feeling of insatiable hunger (up to bulimia) is noted mainly in the clinic of pseudoneurotic conditions. A rather noticeable increase in body weight in such patients, however, often indicates not so much an excellent appetite, but a clear decrease in their basal metabolism and a violation of metabolic processes in general.

More typical, however, is a significant, and sometimes "catastrophic" weight loss of patients, contributing to the development of cancerophobia and hypochondriacal delusions of the disease. Many patients with prolonged masked depression are hospitalized in gastroenterological departments with a diagnosis of "stomach tumor" due to complaints of pain in the abdominal cavity and progressive weakness, an absolute lack of appetite (up to disgust for the smell of meat and other products), a sharp decrease in body weight (nag per year), a frequent combination of dyspeptic syndrome with the phenomena of hypochilia and anemia, and, finally, their appearance is in full compliance with the usual ideas about cancer cachexia. And not so much the data of X-ray or gastroscopic examination, which do not confirm the presence of a tumor, but rather (or even only) the rapid normalization of the clinical condition of patients in the process of adequate therapy with antidepressants and small doses of neuroleptics in such cases makes it possible to remove the heavy burden of this diagnosis both from the patient himself and from those around him (including the attending physician).

The most trivial in the clinic of neurotic and pseudoneurotic conditions are complaints of persistent constipation, resistant to all types of therapy, or constipation, followed by diarrhea. Ordinary chronic constipation is psychogenic in at least 50% of patients; one of the immediate causes of them often turns out to be, for example, not very successful marriages (more precisely, the affective disorders associated with them). In some cases, however, we are talking about imaginary constipation, and not real, although not all of these patients spend several hours a day in the toilet and put themselves daily from 1 to 8 enemas. Patients who are not satisfied with the excretory function of their intestines sometimes deny with almost manic persistence that they have an objectively normal stool. There are cases when patients bring themselves to bleeding and prolapse of the rectum, mechanically irritating the anal area to achieve a more complete bowel movement. Painful convulsive contractions of the rectum contribute to the development of a secondary infection and, as a rule, pronounced inflammatory changes in the anus.

Among the frequent psychogenic disorders of defecation are the so-called bear's disease (diarrhea and anorexia with fright) and unstable stools in certain situations that cause a feeling of mental discomfort and affective anxiety. Chronic neurotic diarrhea, lasting for years and not amenable to either dietary treatment or any medication, is most often regarded by infectious disease specialists as chronic dysentery. In addition to banal, ordinary constipation and diarrhea, the group of functional dyspeptic disorders includes chronic spastic colitis and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as pseudoappendicitis, posthepatic and postcholecystectomy syndromes, symptom complexes of the left and right hypochondrium and neurodigestive asthenia.

Psychogenic functional disorders of the large intestine (functional colonopathy) are usually associated with a chronic traumatic situation or acute emotional shock. The decisive psychopathic factor in chronic colitis is the emotional instability of patients - the simplest psychoneurotic tendency, which in most cases does not fit into the generally accepted classification of neurotic and pseudoneurotic conditions. In almost half of the patients, a clinic of true depression with more or less pronounced autonomic disorders, phobias and all clinical gradations of hypochondriacal disorders (from harmless introspection to hypochondriacal delirium that goes beyond neurotic states) is revealed. The amount of mucus in the large intestine really turns out, therefore, to be a kind of "barometer of the individual's emotional state." A clinical illustration of pronounced psychogenic spastic, secretory and vasomotor disorders ("rectal neurosis") can be proctomyxorrhoea (paroxysmal and often involuntary secretion of mucus from the rectum).

The true essence of false enteritis and imaginary diseases of the stomach is determined by the paranoid fixation of such patients on the activity of their digestive apparatus and anxious hypochondriacal fears about gastrointestinal disorders; not so much expressed anxiety is also characteristic, as muffled internal anxiety against the background of a lowered mood. These patients torment their exhausted intestines with laxatives and enemas, listen to the slightest rumbling in the stomach and examine their excrement in detail. They are constantly treated by gastroenterologists and stay in hospitals for a long time, but they are always dissatisfied with the treatment and the attending physicians and never notice an improvement in their well-being, finding more and more symptoms in themselves (which is not surprising, since the deeper and more stable the hypochondriacal fixation, the more likely pain and constipation). One of the clinical features of neurotic conditions is the well-known inertia of unpleasant sensations associated by patients with pathology of the stomach, liver, intestines or other abdominal organs - the same, more or less stereotyped intensity of these sensations for a number of years and even decades in the absence of any or structural changes.

Stomach neurosis: symptoms and treatment

Neurosis of the stomach - the main symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Stomach ache
  • Vomit
  • Belching
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Rapid pulse
  • High blood pressure
  • Heartburn
  • Migraine
  • Hunger after a recent meal
  • Flatulence
  • Feeling of heaviness in the chest
  • Feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region
  • panic attacks
  • Nervous chewing movements in the absence of food
  • Feeling disgusted with food
  • Nervous awakenings
  • Nervous colic

Gastric neurosis is a pathological process, the development of which is facilitated by a wide variety of physiological and psychological factors. Psychological causes include internal personality conflicts, constant stressful situations, psychological trauma. This condition can be cured only if an integrated approach is used.

What provokes the disease?

Despite the fact that in medical statistics there are very few cases of patients with such a problem visiting a doctor, the symptoms of gastric neurosis were felt by a large part of the population. At the same time, more than half of them did not even suspect that they had stomach neurosis. There is nothing surprising here, since pathology can occur for a large number of reasons:

  1. A busy rhythm of life, poor-quality or short night rest, unbalanced psyche, stress, overstrain associated with professional activities, psychological trauma.
  2. Improper and untimely nutrition, frequent use of such harmful products as "fast food".
  3. Ulcer, gastritis, tumor formations.
  4. External pathological influences on the stomach. They include intoxication by inhalation or ingestion of chemicals, poisoning by poor-quality products.
  5. Diseases of other organs of the digestive and endocrine systems. Such ailments contribute to the occurrence of a reflex reaction of the stomach. Therefore, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, colic can provoke stomach neurosis.
  6. Diseases of a viral and infectious nature.

How to recognize the disease?

Such a pathological process as neurosis of the gastrointestinal tract today is a common disease in medical practice. Most often, the disease affects women of the middle age category. Patients complain of the following symptoms of the disease:

  • Feeling hungry despite recent food intake
  • a feeling of disgust from food, nausea at its sight or smell;
  • constant thoughts about food;
  • severe heartburn;
  • feeling nauseous, vomiting after eating (such symptoms are referred to as a condition called anorexia);
  • nervous colic, flatulence;
  • discomfort in the stomach, pain syndrome;
  • belching;
  • nervous chewing movements in the absence of food;
  • feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region.

The symptoms of a psychomatic nature are slightly different from those listed earlier. They do not always appear only from the side of the epigastric region. In this case, the following symptoms are distinguished:

  • persistent migraines, dizziness and high blood pressure;
  • violation of sleep hygiene, inability to fall asleep at night, nervous awakenings;
  • irritability, which develops into phobias and panic attacks;
  • rapid pulsation, heaviness in the chest, pain in the heart, frequent trips to the toilet in a small way.

Diagnostic methods

The basis of diagnosis is the discovery of the main causes that contributed to the formation of pathology. To do this, the doctor must exclude diseases of the intestines and other organs of the digestive system, which may have similar symptoms. Only complex gastroenterological diagnostics can help in this matter.

Taking into account the existing clinical picture, a differential diagnosis is made with peptic ulcer, helminthic invasion, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. In the absence of other functional pathologies of the stomach, further examination is carried out by an experienced neuropathologist. He will be able to send the patient for additional consultation with a psychiatrist. Such activities are necessary to collect a detailed history and develop psychotherapeutic treatment. Its essence is the correction of the psycho-emotional state of the patient.

Effective Therapy

If the neurosis of the stomach is in an advanced stage, then there is a danger of infection of intestinal diseases, which over time become chronic. Therefore, as soon as you notice the first symptoms of the disease, do not sit and wait for everything to pass by itself, but go to the doctor for an appointment. A neglected form of neurosis will lead to an aggravation of the condition and can cause a whole bunch of serious complications.

The treatment of neurosis includes a set of measures that are aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease and all unpleasant manifestations. After visiting such specialists as a neurologist, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, it will be possible to draw up an effective scheme of therapeutic measures. Comprehensive treatment of the disease includes:

  1. Taking psychotropic medications - tranquilizers. They are sold strictly by prescription.
  2. Treatment with the help of a psychotherapeutic course that will resolve the conflict situation.
  3. Physiotherapy, including massage, baths and applications. Such treatment is aimed at normalizing processes in the nervous system.
  4. General strengthening preventive measures, including therapeutic manipulations, vitamin therapy, spa treatment.
  5. Phytotherapy is based on taking decoctions, tinctures. But only the attending physician should select such therapy.

In addition to the activities presented, the patient should rest more often and be in the fresh air. Therefore, try to normalize the mode of rest and work. Your night's sleep should last at least 6 hours.

Rational nutrition is an important condition for a successful recovery. Thanks to a properly composed diet, it will be possible to eliminate abdominal pain in case of neurosis. It is compiled taking into account such features of the body as the presence of a gastrointestinal disease in a chronic form, the level of stomach acidity.

Such treatment involves the use of only natural products (nuts, dried fruits), which have a positive effect on the mental state of a person. You will have to give up meat and fried foods. The basis of nutrition should be vegetables, fruits, fresh or boiled.

Preventive actions

To protect yourself from such a disease, it is very important to observe prevention. It involves creating the conditions for a painless existence. Try not to take all life's troubles to heart, avoid negative emotions and personal conflicts both at work and at home. Do a simple set of physical exercises daily and lead an active lifestyle. If your whole life is scheduled by the minute, then your head will not be visited by all sorts of incomprehensible thoughts.

In the issue of prevention, drugs play an important role. But a doctor must prescribe them. It is best to purchase herbal medicines. An excellent option would be valerian, motherwort, mint and rosemary. In some cases, the doctor prescribes the reception of Luminal in small dosages.

Neurosis of the stomach is a disease that brings a lot of unpleasant sensations. Various stressful conflict situations can provoke it. Therefore, try to fill your life with only positive moments, enjoy every new day, pay more attention to your loved ones, and not to work, walk in the fresh air and you will never hear about such an ailment.

If you think that you have Stomach Neurosis and the symptoms characteristic of this disease, then doctors can help you: a gastroenterologist, a neurologist, a psychotherapist.

We also suggest using our online disease diagnostic service, which, based on the symptoms entered, selects probable diseases.

Feeling of emptiness in the abdomen

Gastric neurosis is a violation of the function of this organ, provoked by various physiological aspects and psychological factors. Since absolutely all systems of the body are rich in nerve endings, neurosis can occur in any of its organs. The often described pathological process is observed in hysterical, neurasthenic and psychasthenic neuroses.

How does gastric neurosis manifest itself, what is it? In modern medicine, gastroneuroses is understood as a dyspeptic disorder that occurs as a result of a violation of nervous regulation. In accordance with the statistical data, women who are in the age range of twenty to forty years are most predisposed to gastric neurosis.

Causes of neurosis of the stomach

Today, neuroses are becoming an integral part of the daily existence of individuals. Due to the fullness of everyday life with stress factors, intense working moments, also due to the constant lack of sleep and the presence of interpersonal confrontations, every third inhabitant of the planet has encountered this disease at least once. The well-known expression, stating that all diseases are from the nerves, completely reveals the understanding of the psychogenic origin of neuroses.

Neurosis of the stomach, what is it? How did this term come about?

The concept of "neurosis" was introduced as an independent term into medical science in the eighteenth century, but it was not considered a disease. Individuals suffering from this ailment were more often treated as malingerers or hypochondriacs. Neurosis began to be considered as an illness only after the recognition of psychology as a scientific discipline.

Neurosis of the stomach and intestines, its treatment depends on the causes that provoked the occurrence, and the symptoms. There are two groups of causes that cause gastroneuroses: physiological factors and psychological.

The first group includes: dysfunction of the intestine or stomach and impaired performance of the nervous system.

The second group of factors includes:

Constant stress and depression;

Dissatisfaction with one's own person, inconsistency with expectations;

Lack of normal sleep, fatigue, decline in vitality;

Prolonged dissatisfaction with basic vital needs;

She believes that the inability to "digest your thoughts and actions" gives rise to neurotic states. Only over time, after the individual begins to accept his own person and environment, he will no longer be afraid of change, he will no longer be disturbed by excruciating pain in the abdomen.

In addition to the factors listed above that cause gastric neurosis, the following can also be distinguished: poisoning, malnutrition, bad habits, anorexia, bulimia (vomiting), insomnia, individual mentality.

Often, the cause of the development of neurotic disorders of the internal organs can be hypochondriacal neurosis. A patient with this type of mental pathology is constantly alarmed by his own state of health. A hypochondriac is disturbed by obsessive thoughts about a possible infection or the presence of a dangerous disease.

According to most experts, stress plays a huge role in the occurrence of gastroneuroses. Therefore, many ordinary people are interested in the mechanism of the origin of gastroneuroses provoked by stress, its manifestations, and how long is gastric neurosis treated?

Each individual, getting into difficult life circumstances, is faced with the “digestive manifestations” of stress, among which are nausea, heartburn, a lump in the throat, vomiting, etc. Such symptoms arise due to the interconnectedness of all processes occurring in the human body. And the connection of the stress factor with the digestive system is due to the functioning of the “vagus nerve”, which regulates the activity of the stomach, associated with the production of enzymes involved in digestion. That is why neuroses have the "ability" to influence the composition, increase or decrease in the secretion of digestive juice.

The secretory function of the stomach is a rather complex process that originates initially in the brain. The vagus nerve stimulates the secretory activity of the stomach. Therefore, dysfunction of the vagus nerve is also reflected in the development of gastroneuroses.

The proof of the described theory can be found in the research of G. Selye, who developed the theory of the concept of stress. Conducting experiments on rats, he proved the effect of stress on the digestive system.

The human body, getting into stressful circumstances, begins to prepare for the fight. Blood in such conditions is saturated with adrenaline, as a result of which the gastrointestinal tract cannot "think" about digesting food. A constant stay in a stressful situation leads to a stagnation of the digestive processes. That is why gastric neurosis treatment with folk remedies directly for gastroenterological symptoms is often not effective enough. It is necessary to combine the drug effect with the methods of psychotherapy.

Most experts are convinced that people who have a hypertrophied sense of responsibility and take on a lot of work are more prone to gastrointestinal disorders. Such a life credo leads to self-flagellation, the appearance of suspiciousness, a sense of hopelessness and one's own unfulfillment.

In addition, problems with the digestive system can be observed in people due to poor food hygiene. For example, from the fact that they are used to eating quickly, swallowing poorly chewed food. Such behavior at the psychological level can be considered as an analogue of a superficial attitude to life, a refusal to solve problems, to analyze them.

Neurosis of the stomach and intestines, according to some psychotherapists, can be considered a way of personality to give vent to their own internal tension and unresolved conflicts.

Symptoms of neurosis of the stomach

Depending on the origin, gastric neurosis symptoms and treatment can vary greatly.

Gastroneurosis is characterized by quite diverse clinical manifestations of the digestive system. A frequent symptom of the described disease is nervous vomiting, which can be considered as a separate form of the disease. It occurs immediately after eating. At the same time, nausea, often preceding vomiting, is absent in this case.

The next condition associated with gastroneuroses is aerophagia. It is manifested by a loud belching that occurs due to the swallowing of a large amount of air while eating. In the presence of a neurosis of the hysterical type, belching may be accompanied by loud sounds and even cries. These symptoms are due to inadvertent swallowing of air circulating between the pharynx and the cardia of the stomach, after which it is released. Often, aerophagia may be accompanied by gastrocardiac syndrome. Aerophagia is usually eliminated with the help of explanatory psychotherapy, which is aimed at explaining to the patient the mechanism of the described phenomenon. The result of such therapy is the development of an understanding in the patient that he is able and should suppress belching.

They also distinguish a separate group of signs in which gastric neurosis symptoms and its treatment are associated with a disorder of the patient's appetite. These symptoms are manifested by bulimia or anorexia, when the strongest feeling of hunger disappears immediately after swallowing the first piece of food, or vice versa, an aversion to food is developed.

Another common manifestation of the described disease is heartburn, which differs from the usual burning sensation in the retrosternal region, persistence - the burning sensation does not disappear when a special diet is followed.

Neurosis of the stomach and intestines, in addition to the above, has other symptoms:

A constant feeling of discomfort in the area of ​​​​the intestines and stomach, associated with its overcrowding (fullness) or vice versa with emptiness;

Pain in the stomach with neurosis can radiate to the groin, lower back and other parts of the body;

Changes in gastronomic preferences, for example, an unexpected aversion to previously favorite foods;

General signs of malaise, which are manifested by sleep disturbance, weakness, headaches, etc.

Often, people do not pay much attention to the above signs, taking them for an ordinary indigestion.

The most striking signs are considered pain in the stomach with neurosis, since it can be quite diverse, localized under the spoon or under the ribs, or “migrate” throughout the abdomen. In more severe variants of the course of the described disease, individual manifestations of chronic gastritis are possible, which in reality are not associated with the inflammation of the gastric mucosa itself, but with a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice and accumulation of mucus in the stomach. In addition to pain, nausea, belching, and bloating are also observed. When viewed on the tongue plaque. The patient complains of frequent urge to defecate, diarrhea (rarely constipation), a feeling of fullness, rumbling in the abdomen. When drinking, patients note that after two sips they have a feeling of fullness in the stomach. The pain gets worse at night.

The symptoms of neurosis of the stomach and intestines are similar, due to the fact that they are characterized by a common psychosomatic nature.

Gastroneurosis and intestinal neurosis is not always manifested by epigastric symptoms. Often a patient suffering from gastric or intestinal neurosis is tormented by frequent migraines, fluctuations in blood pressure, dizziness, sleep disturbance, and nervous awakenings. An individual with this ailment becomes overly irritable, he is tormented by phobias and panic attacks. Also, in patients with this form of neurosis, there is an increase in heart rate, heart pain, frequent urination, a feeling of heaviness in the sternum.

This form of neurosis is more likely to affect people suffering from overweight, vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as mentally unbalanced individuals.

Treatment of neurosis of the stomach

Gastroneurosis is not life-threatening, since in 90% of cases the disease has a psychogenic nature of occurrence. However, to think that gastric neurosis does not require treatment is somewhat premature and imprudent. This disorder gives a person torment and interferes with the usual rhythm of life. Therefore, having noticed several of the above symptoms in yourself, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist who will develop an adequate strategy and help you understand how to treat gastric neurosis.

Often the outcome of the disease with timely seeking professional help is favorable.

Stomach neurosis treatment with folk remedies is expected along with complex conservative treatment and consultation of a psychotherapist.

In the first turn, the therapeutic effect is aimed at eliminating signs of stress and resuming the normal functioning of the digestive tract.

To normalize the digestive process, the patient is prescribed a special diet. The nutrition plan is drawn up by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient, the clinical picture of gastroneuroses and the patient's condition, the causes that provoked the development of the disease, and the results of diagnostic studies.

Drug therapy consists in taking mild sedative drugs aimed at eliminating some unpleasant manifestations.

Regular psychotherapeutic sessions also help eliminate gastroneuroses. If necessary, it is recommended to take drugs that regulate the function of the endocrine system, vitamin complexes.

To normalize the psychological mood of the patient and improve the functioning of the digestive system, the appointment of physiotherapy is indicated. Balneotherapy and hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, as well as relaxing massage have an excellent effect.

In addition to following the above measures of basic therapy, patients need to adhere to a healthy rhythm of life, avoid stressful situations and stay in the fresh air more often.

How to treat neurosis of the stomach?

Many people are interested in the questions: how to treat stomach neurosis with the help of traditional medicine and how long does stomach neurosis last?

The most useful is the intake of soothing teas made from oregano inflorescence. This herb can not only eliminate nervous strain, but also have a bactericidal, analgesic effect on the digestive tract. In addition, this tea will give a healthy and sound sleep. To prepare this drink, pour six tablespoons of a dry plant with one liter of boiling water and let the mixture stand for 120 minutes. Then it is recommended to strain the infusion. It is recommended to take tea at 150 milliliters at least four times a day.

Also, oregano can be taken together with motherwort, valerian and hawthorn grass. To prepare this drink, you will need to take three parts of oregano, one part of motherwort herb and valerian, two parts of hawthorn. All ingredients should be pre-crushed and mixed thoroughly. It is necessary to take one spoonful of the mixture, previously filled with one hundred milliliters of boiling water and infused for 60 minutes, at least three times a day, 100 milliliters each.

Eliminates nausea, improves appetite, normalizes nervous processes tea from lemon balm. To this end, it is necessary to pour 20 grams of grass with 400 milliliters of hot water and boil for three minutes over low heat. It is recommended to take a decoction no more than twice a day.

St. John's wort decoction has a good antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. In gastric neurosis, it is also indicated due to its mild antidepressant action.

For the purpose of therapeutic effects in gastroneuroses, tenacious bedstraw is used. The roots and leaves of the plant have analgesic, antibacterial and sedative effects.

Angelica roots are also successfully used in the treatment of gastrointestinal neurosis due to its bactericidal and tonic action.

Eyebright has a calming effect, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. With gastroneuroses, an infusion is prepared from the dried leaves of the plant. For this purpose, it is necessary to pour 30 grams of raw materials with 750 milliliters of very hot water and let it brew for two hours. It is recommended to take the infusion every three to four hours for 100 milliliters.

Favorably affects the gastrointestinal tract infusion of mint or tea from the leaves of the plant. Peppermint is famous for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

With pain in the epigastrium, the use of flax seeds is indicated. They have an enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect. Before use, it is recommended to grind them to a powder state. Two tablespoons of flax powder must be poured with water and insisted for about three hours. Drink immediately before going to bed.

A collection of 50 grams of marshmallow root, cudweed grass and 100 grams of motherwort helps relieve symptoms of overcrowding and stomach tension. An infusion of this mixture eliminates pain. It is recommended to take before meals three times a day.

Lavender is indispensable, if necessary, to get rid of a depressive mood and associated pain in the epigastric region, eliminate nausea and correct poor appetite. In addition, the infusion of this herb has a tonic and calming effect. To prepare a medicinal drug, it is necessary to pour one spoon of the crushed plant with 200 milliliters of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. It is recommended to drink this drink instead of tea. In case of severe overwork or nervous overexcitation, honey can be added to the infusion to taste and 50 milliliters of red wine.

An analgesic and tonic effect has a decoction of a mixture of herbs, consisting of fenugreek, flax seeds, lavender tops and marshmallow roots, taken in equal weight fractions. To prepare a medicinal potion, it is necessary to boil three tablespoons of the pre-crushed mixture for six minutes in 900 milliliters of water. At least four glasses of decoction should be taken per day.

In gastroneuroses, yarrow herb is widely used to alleviate clinical manifestations. A decoction of this plant quickly eliminates inflammation, normalizes the digestive process and improves appetite. In addition, the use of this plant is recommended for other forms of neurosis, as well as for hysteria. Two tablespoons of a dry plant must be poured with 500 milliliters of water, boiled for about one minute over low heat and let the product brew. The decoction should be consumed after meals.

With pain in the epigastrium and "loose" nerves, the use of a folk remedy is indicated, consisting of 100 milliliters of aloe juice mixed with dry red wine and honey, taken in 200 milligrams. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and insisted in the refrigerator for ten days. It is recommended to use one tablespoon twice a day for no more than four months.

Also, an infusion of mountain dubrovnik stalks in the amount of one gram, oak bark - in the amount of three grams, valerian root and veronica root - two grams each will help relieve pain in the stomach and calm the nerves.

The duration of treatment of gastroneuroses with folk methods is purely individual and depends on the symptoms, their severity and the causes of their appearance.

Neurosis has become a fairly common occurrence in everyday life. Due to frequent stress, busy work schedules, lack of sleep and interpersonal conflicts, every third resident has experienced this type of disorder at least once. The common expression “all diseases are from the nerves” reveals the understanding of the psychogenic nature of neuroses at the right time.

Scientific approach in determining the causes of neuroses

Sigmund Freud argued that the main reason for the emergence of neurotic states is the discrepancy between the animal instincts of the individual and his morality, in connection with which a kind of conflict of values ​​appears. His follower, Adler A. assured that neuroses are born in a person since childhood, taking root over the years. Academician I.P. Pavlov studied neurosis as a long-term predominance of the processes of excitation of nervous activity. The scientist conducted experiments on dogs, creating difficult conditions for them, thereby causing an inadequate reaction to stimuli in animals. The well-known psychologist of the twentieth century, V.N. Myasishchev, believed that the causes of neurosis in each person are individual, that for one person is perceived painfully, for another - a common life situation. K. Horney tried to prove that neuroses are formed due to a person's adaptation to adverse life situations and conflicts, thereby causing not always adequate reactions.

Features of the occurrence of neuroses

"Neurosis" as an independent term was introduced into science in the 18th century, however, as such, it was not a disease. People suffering from this disorder were often considered either malingerers or hypochondriacs. Only after psychology was recognized as a scientific discipline, neurosis began to be considered as a disease that has not only physical, but also psychological symptoms. There are two main causes of neuroses:

  • physiological;
  • psychological.

The physiological causes of this disorder include:

  • violation of the functioning of a particular organ (brain, intestines, liver);
  • disorders of the nervous system.

Psychological reasons include:

  • internal conflicts;
  • interpersonal conflicts;
  • constant stress and depression;
  • dissatisfaction with oneself and others, inconsistency with expectations;
  • prolonged dissatisfaction with basic vital needs;
  • frequent lack of normal sleep, decline in vitality;
  • character accentuation.

The author of many popular books and articles on psychology, Louise Hay, believes that the cause of stomach neurosis is the inability to "digest one's own thoughts and actions." Only after a person learns to accept himself and others, ceases to be afraid of change, he will no longer be bothered by excruciating pains in the stomach. Among the causes of the development of neurosis of the gastrointestinal tract, the following can be distinguished:

  • malnutrition;
  • poisoning;
  • bad habits;
  • , anorexia;
  • stress, conflicts;
  • individual mentality.

Often, the cause of the development of neurotic diseases of the internal organs can be. A person with this type of mental disorder is constantly worried about his health for no apparent reason. A hypochondriac is haunted by thoughts that he may get sick or is already sick with a dangerous disease. Often negative, self-destructive thoughts cause neurosis of the heart, gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the reproductive system, which are of a psychosomatic nature.

The main symptoms of neurosis of the gastrointestinal tract

Neuroses of the gastrointestinal tract today are often found in therapeutic practice. The peak of the disease occurs in the middle age period, it affects mainly women. Symptoms of neurosis of the gastrointestinal tact are divided into 2 categories:

  • neurosis with discomfort and pain in the stomach;
  • neurosis of the intestine and its departments.

The main symptoms of stomach neurosis:

Among the symptoms of intestinal neurosis can be identified:

  • constipation due to nerves;
  • nervous diarrhea.

However, the clinical pictures of neuroses of the stomach and intestines are similar, since they have a common psychosomatic nature. The symptomatology of this type of neurosis does not always manifest itself from the side of the epigastric region, for example:

  • the patient is tormented by frequent, dizziness and pressure surges;
  • sleep hygiene is disturbed, insomnia, nervous awakenings are possible;
  • the person becomes irritable, often suffers from phobias and panic attacks;
  • there is a rapid pulse, heaviness in the chest, pain in the heart, frequent urge to urinate.

In therapeutic practice, patients are rarely found only with symptoms of intestinal or stomach neurosis separately, more often the symptoms are mixed. Pain sensations intensify in the evening, are reversible and fade away as the emotional state improves. This type of neurosis often affects people with vegetative-vascular dystonia, overweight and mentally unbalanced individuals. Symptoms of neurosis of the stomach are also manifested in a feeling of fullness or emptiness in the epigastric region. The symptoms of neurosis of the stomach and intestines are similar to other serious gastroenterological diseases, therefore, during the diagnosis, the specialist must make sure that the patient does not suffer from duodenal ulcer, gastritis, gastric cancer and pancreatitis.

Treatment of neurosis of the stomach and intestines

Neurosis of the gastrointestinal tract is not life-threatening, since in 90% of cases it has a purely psychogenic nature of occurrence. However, the disease brings suffering to a person, and it must be treated. It is necessary to approach the treatment of this neurosis in a complex manner. Neuropathologists, gastroenterologists and are involved in the elimination of the disease. The prognosis of the course of the disease in most cases is favorable, if you turn to specialists in time. Many people mistakenly believe that neurosis of the stomach and intestines can be cured on their own, with medication. The disease must be treated not only at the physiological, but also at the psychological level.

About the disease of the stomach and damage to the nervous system