Mother's nutrition during breastfeeding. Basic principles, myths, conclusions

Every young mother, without exception, wants her baby to grow up healthy and happy. That is why it was and remains one of the most topical issues for any young mother, what should be her diet when breastfeeding.

It is no secret that the mother's nutrition during breastfeeding is one of the factors on which the well-being of the child depends. It is especially important to remember this in the first month after childbirth. At this time, it is quite difficult for a nursing mother to eat right, because she suddenly has a rather large amount of work, to which she has not yet had time to adapt. Also makes itself known physiological state mothers after childbirth.

All these factors often bring discord into the diet of a nursing mother, and thus do not allow her to eat properly and balanced.

Why is it so important

The health of the mother, as well as the well-being of her child, depends on proper nutrition during breastfeeding.

In the first 3-4 months of his life, every child requires special attention and worries, because his body adapts to the conditions environment. Many mothers at this time try to take a responsible approach to the issue of their own nutrition in order to help the child avoid such troubles as, for example, intestinal colic, food allergies, constipation, diarrhea, etc.

The first month after childbirth is a rather difficult period for a woman, associated with her well-being. Many are faced with this unpleasant phenomenon like constipation.

Most often, they are associated with the fact that the intestine, which was previously strongly displaced by the grown uterus, falls into place. This occurs against the background of weakened muscles after pregnancy and childbirth, which causes constipation. Usually everything is restored by itself in the first month or two after childbirth.

Rules for proper nutrition with HB

Proper nutrition helps to significantly alleviate the condition of a nursing mother.

  1. In the first months after childbirth, the menu of a nursing mother should contain boiled or baked vegetables and fruits to the maximum.
  2. If there is a problem of constipation, you should avoid eating fresh bread and other baked goods.
  3. In the diet of a nursing mother, it is necessary to include the first dishes: vegetable soups, soups on the second broth.
  4. The drinking regimen is extremely important for a nursing mother. it main way fight constipation. Also, fluid deficiency can adversely affect the amount of breast milk.
  5. For wellness and quick recovery after childbirth, the menu of a young mother should contain foods rich in B vitamins, animal proteins: chicken fillet, turkey, beef, cereals.
  6. To ease the load on the intestines, you should break the mother's diet into 5-6 meals a day, in small portions.

The well-being of the child directly depends on the nutrition of the mother during breastfeeding.

It is especially important to eat right in the first 3-4 months of a baby's life.

What to pay attention to

Sometimes even the most harmless at first glance food can cause certain problems in an infant.

Never forget that every child is different. It is simply impossible to ignore individual intolerance to certain products!

So, the reaction to which popular healthy foods could come as a complete surprise to you?

The baby's body is very sensitive to allergenic foods, an allergy can manifest itself already from the use of one cherry.

What sweets can mom eat

At first, sweets in the diet of a nursing mother can cause many problems for the child. However, there are products that are usually well tolerated by the baby and allow you to diversify your mom's menu. It:

  • biscuit cookies;
  • white marshmallow;
  • Turkish delight, pastille;
  • condensed milk without palm fat;
  • marmalade without dyes;
  • curds without dyes and aromatic additives.

What is good for mom and baby to eat

At the time of breastfeeding, the mother should include foods rich in vitamins and beams in her diet.

Although at first it is quite difficult to do this due to restrictions, but as the baby grows, the mother's menu must be gradually expanded and enriched with all sorts of useful things. Try to eat only seasonal fruit, vegetables that grow in your area of ​​residence:

  • greens (dill, parsley, green onions);
  • fruits, vegetables: beets, carrots, onions, potatoes, braised cabbage(not earlier than 6 months after childbirth);
  • cereals: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet, wheat, barley, etc.;
  • white meat: chicken breast, turkey, beef, poultry liver;
  • dairy products: milk, cottage cheese, low-fat kefir, yoghurts without fillers;
  • egg whites (for the first time after childbirth, no more than two eggs). Over time, you can include in the diet boiled eggs whole, scrambled eggs, etc.

What can not eat mom with GV

Alas, at the time of breastfeeding, a woman’s diet should completely exclude or significantly limit such foods:

  1. alcoholic drinks;
  2. chocolate;
  3. citrus;
  4. mayonnaise, ketchup;
  5. carbonated drinks;
  6. coffee;
  7. strong tea.

We tried to set out in as much detail as possible the basic principles by which the diet of a nursing mother should be compiled. It is also worth noting that everything related to mom's nutrition is quite individual, and what suits one particular mother-baby pair may not suit another. The main goal of mother's nutrition during breastfeeding is good health her and the baby.

Try to expand your menu as much as possible, because you should feel good not only physically, but also mentally. All kinds of food restrictions adversely affect the well-being of a woman. You should not limit your diet to water and lean soups. Remember that a child needs a healthy and happy mother!

Grow healthy and happy!

Most often, pediatricians answer the mother's question about which foods increase the amount of milk produced. This question arises as a result of the fact that many mothers do not know how the lactation process occurs and what it depends on. The hormones oxytocin and prolactin are responsible for milk production. This happens as follows: at the moment when the baby sucks the breasts that are in the nipples nerve endings are irritated and send an impulse to the brain, which begins the production of the above hormones. Prolactin provides full lactation in the volume that the child needs at this particular stage of development. Oxytocin, on the other hand, is responsible for ensuring that the produced milk is easily excreted from thoracic ducts into the baby's mouth. Approximately the same effect is achieved when decanting milk. As can be understood from the above, no products can affect the lactation process. The amount of milk produced depends only on how much your baby suckles. That is why it is so important to provide a child Free access to the breast and feed him on demand. After all, no one can stimulate lactation better than the baby himself, and no diet during breastfeeding affects the amount of milk. Almost the same is true with respect to the quality of breast milk. No matter what you eat, mother's milk contains everything your baby needs. nutrients, vitamins, macro and microelements. Even if in the food of a nursing mother in this moment there is no any necessary for the baby substances. It will simply be taken from their own reserves of the female body. But it is quite possible and not at all difficult to worsen the composition of milk - this is facilitated by an incorrect postpartum diet when breastfeeding a baby. Mother's consumption of foods that cause increased gas formation, with a high degree of probability will lead to intestinal colic in the baby. If the mother eats foods that soften the stool, the baby may develop diarrhea. Use a large number products with high content sugar can turn around allergic dermatitis. Below is exemplary diet when breastfeeding a newborn. It is necessary to completely exclude all dishes with a high content of fat, as well as fried foods. The maximum that you can afford during a diet when breastfeeding a newborn baby is steamed dishes. Eliminate from the diet fatty varieties meats such as pork and lamb. For a nursing mother, chicken, rabbit or beef meat is optimal. From it you can cook cutlets or meatballs (only for a couple), or just bake it in the oven. The diet when breastfeeding a newborn baby strictly excludes the consumption of meat with blood that has not undergone thorough heat treatment, since intestinal infection for crumbs - a deadly disease. The postpartum diet while breastfeeding also does not allow the use of meat broths. All vegetable soups must be boiled only in water. When choosing vegetables, you also need to follow some rules. Use fresh vegetables it is possible only in the summer, when these vegetables ripen in the region where the woman lives. The rest of the time you need to buy only frozen vegetables. This requirement is explained by the fact that imported vegetables contain a large amount of nitrates and pesticides, which your baby absolutely does not need. Strictly observing postpartum diet when breastfeeding, pay close attention to the preparation of cereals. Doctors - nutritionists recommend that a nursing woman consume only buckwheat, as well as rice and corn grits. Before cooking porridge, you must first pour the cereal cold water and leave for a few hours. After that, drain the water, fill it with clean water and you can cook. The postpartum diet during breastfeeding, contrary to the existing erroneous opinion, allows the consumption of fruit by a nursing woman. However, not everything, but only apples and pears, previously peeled. In summer, you can eat apricots (not peaches) and cherries. Cherries and apricots will not cause allergies or stool disorders in the baby. Diet when breastfeeding a child excludes the use of cow's milk, since many newborns have intolerance to the protein contained in cow's milk. However, while on a breastfeeding diet, you can consume fermented milk products such as skim cheese, bio - kefir, yoghurts, lean varieties cheese. Mom needs to make sure that total dairy products did not exceed 500 grams per day. Also, do not get carried away with cheese, as it can cause constipation in the baby. Proper diet for breastfeeding also regulates fluid intake. A nursing mother should drink at least one and a half to two liters of fluid per day. It is necessary to completely exclude the use of alcoholic beverages, carbonated water, all types of juices, except for apple. You can drink weak black or green tea, dried fruit compote and still water. Please note that this is exactly table water, since the use of mineral water can put an additional burden on the baby's kidneys.

Breastfeeding is not a simple test, it changes in some way not only the nutrition of a nursing mother, but also the whole way of life. In this article we will talk about the so-called lactation diet. The one that women think about even before giving birth.

Mom's nutrition during breastfeeding should be slightly modernized. But exceptions of many products from the menu will not be required.

Do the products from the mother's table get into her milk? Mother's milk is a very complex product. That is why not a single industrial artificial mixture that could replace him. Milk is formed from the components of blood plasma. This means that the nutrition of a nursing mother during breastfeeding affects the composition of milk in about the same way as on the composition of the blood. Some substances from food get there and theoretically can cause a negative, allergic reaction of the child's body.

What are these products? There is no one product that would cause allergies in all babies. Mom can eat almost everything, but little by little. And especially pay attention to foods at risk, which most often cause allergies in children. If the baby suddenly has a stomach ache, bloody streaks appear in the stool, a rash on the body, remember what you ate in the last 1-2 days and exclude these foods from the diet.

What is forbidden or should be limited to a nursing mother

1. Protein cow's milk. In high concentration it contains whole cow's milk. In composition, it is not similar to the mother, and its use does not lead to better lactation. No matter what grandmothers say. If the mother drinks milk regularly, then her child will certainly begin intestinal colic, diathesis and diarrhea will occur.

Does this mean that you need to stop eating all milk-based products? Of course not! After all, they are a source of calcium, the lack of which in women during lactation is a frequent occurrence and a big problem. In fermented milk products, cow protein takes a different form, and you can freely drink fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir, eat cottage cheese, cheese in moderation. Pure milk is better to use only in small quantities when preparing cereals for yourself, for example.

2. Gluten. This is another foreign protein with strong allergic potential. It is found in cereals, especially in wheat. There is no gluten in buckwheat, rice and corn. It is good if in the 1st month the diet of a nursing mother contains cereals based on gluten-free cereals.

3. Soy, fish, seafood, eggs, chicken. They also contain proteins that babies react to. But not all babies, of course. You can use these products for mom, but it is advisable to introduce them into your diet gradually, tracking possible reactions child. And, while the child is very small, refuse seafood that is not traditional for the Russian table, for example, shrimp, mussels, octopuses and others.

4. Vegetables and fruits are red. These are potential allergens, but only if consumed in large quantities. If you eat a few strawberries, some cherries or sweet cherries, then the child will not have a reaction. But if you eat a plate of red berries or fruits, then you will probably sprinkle it. By the way, in maternity hospitals they always warn that the food of a nursing mother should not contain red apples in the first month. In fact, you can eat them, and in fairly large quantities, but first you need to peel the fruit from the red peel, which contains a potential allergen.

5. Exotic fruits, citrus fruits. It is better to start eating oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, mango, pineapple and the like a little later, not immediately after childbirth. If we take, for example, the Spaniards, then for them oranges are a familiar fruit, like apples for us. But for us, oranges are not traditional food, and therefore often cause allergic reactions.

Bananas are the only almost always safe "exotic" for our women.

6. Products containing large amounts of chemical additives: sweeteners, flavor enhancers, etc. A young mother should try to consume as much as possible natural products. Many of the chem. additives give allergic reactions. Therefore, before eating any sausage, read its composition, and you will probably be very surprised. Modern sausages contain not only meat ...

7. Herbs. It is undesirable to add hawthorn to drinks, as it affects arterial pressure and all circulatory system. Sweet clover reduces blood clotting, and ginseng causes sleep problems (and not only for mom, but also for the child, respectively). Euphorbia, a well-known weight loss remedy, will provoke diarrhea. And hop cones, sage, leaves walnut reduce lactation. If possible, do not use any herbs without a doctor's prescription while breastfeeding.

Feeding a young mother while breastfeeding - myths

There are several common myths about the menu of a nursing woman, which often adversely affect her body and spoil her mood. We will list them and give comments.

- If mom has too much milk, she needs to drink less.

There is no direct relationship between the amount of milk produced and the mother's drinking regimen. Milk is produced as much as it "sucks" the child, that is, according to his needs. If there is too much milk left in the glands after feeding, you can express it a little, until relief. Over the next 1-2 days, the excess milk will disappear, the gland will adjust to the needs of the child.

Mommy should drink as much as she wants.

In order for milk to be in order, a sufficient amount, it is necessary to drink at least one cup of hot tea before feeding.

The amount of milk depends only on the needs of the child. However, warm drinks drunk 10-20 minutes before feeding lead to a faster flow of milk during feeding, which means that it makes the task easier for the child and reduces the time of feeding itself. Which is also a plus. However, this is not a necessary condition at all. If you don’t want to drink before feeding, you don’t need to.

- Mommy should eat "for two."

A young mother has many worries and problems, and part of the vitamins and microelements she receives goes into milk. Therefore, food should not be plentiful, but sufficient and varied. Eat rolls and other things all day long fast carbohydrates, of course, it shouldn't. But if you use vegetables or fruits as a snack - to your health.

- If a child has a rash on the skin, it is the mother who ate something wrong.

Not always like this. Often, babies are allergic to a powder that is used to wash their clothes or bedding, wool. Dry skin can be due to too dry air from heaters or too frequent bathing.

- The child has colic, green chair because my mother ate peas and cucumbers.

This can only be true if the mother herself suffers from flatulence from some products. The same cabbage, for example. Then the baby will suffer later. But if the mother feels well, then it is unlikely that intestinal symptoms triggered by her food. Babies up to four months old have causeless seizures intestinal colic.

A green stool is most often the result of an allergic reaction. Then you need to remember what mommy ate from the products described earlier in our article. If there was nothing new and plentiful in the diet, perhaps the child simply sucked too much at the breast? Moreover, the foremilk, rich in lactose, sucked too much. In this case the best medicine is the complete devastation of one mammary gland by the child and only then can another be given. The point is that the child receives more "hind" milk, fat rich and not carbohydrates. It doesn't hurt his stomach.

- You can't eat sweets.

This prohibition is not categorical. You can eat almost everything as natural as possible, but not get carried away too much. For example, from 2-4 cookies a day, nothing bad will definitely happen. But it is better to refuse chocolate in the first months of breastfeeding.

- Do not add spices to dishes, they will spoil the taste of milk.

Scientists conducted a study that showed that babies breastfeed after their mother ate black pepper and garlic just as willingly.

Actually, it's real. However, mom will have to eat more legumes and whole grains so that the body gets enough protein.
Also, the snag will be a deficiency of vitamin B12. This can negatively affect the body of the child. And therefore it is required additional reception as a food supplement. B12 is practically not found in food of plant origin.
To get enough calcium, if you refuse dairy and sour-milk products, you should eat more sesame, dill, beets, carrots, pumpkins, peaches, rich in this trace element.

As you can see, lactation is not a reason to follow a strict diet, only for proper, healthy eating.

Hello dear blog readers! It is known that doctors strictly forbid immediately after childbirth to switch to a strict diet for weight loss. Then it remains to choose proper nutrition when breastfeeding and bring the body into shape.

The expression "a nursing mother should eat for two" is somewhat incorrect. Yes, the food should be more carefully chosen, but not too high in calories. And is the nutrition of a baby comparable to the nutrition of an adult?

The menu may be quite similar to what it was during the period of bearing a child.

Optimal - 2000-2500 kcal per day. This is on average. And for a nursing mother, an increase of 500-700 kcal is necessary. It follows from this that it is important not how much a nursing mother eats, but what she eats.

What can you eat

After giving birth, start proper nutrition becomes even more important. It's healthy and conscious choice in food. There is a huge plus in following such a “diet”. During breastfeeding, you will teach yourself and the whole family to always eat right.

In the first month, you need to carefully select products. They should be without "chemistry", pesticides, nitrates and other "achievements of science".

There is such a simple plate of what is possible and what is impossible from the products:

Products Can Prohibited / possible in small doses
VegetablesThermally processed - stewed, boiled, baked. Freshly squeezed juices after 1 month, fresh after 3 months.

Carrot, cauliflower, potatoes, zucchini, eggplant, zucchini.

Vegetable broths

Fresh, fried, overseas vegetables. Garlic, onion, white cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, radish, radish
FruitBananas, apples and pears baked without skin, peaches, plums. Freshly squeezed juices after 1 monthExotic fruits, any berries (especially raspberries, strawberries), grapes, citrus fruits, mangoes, papaya
MeatEat without combining with anything. Without garnish. Low-fat varieties - turkey, rabbit, beef, lean pork, skinless chicken.Smoked, fried, dried, fatty broths
FishSea, river. Non-greasy.

Cooking: steam, boil, stew, bake

Red fish, shrimps, crayfish, caviar. Dried, dried, smoked, salted fish
cerealsAny, especially: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal.

Cooking: with milk, water

Semolina, instant porridge.
Dairy productsMilk, kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, cottage cheese. Everything is not too oilyFatty or fat-free foods at all, sour cream in large quantities
PastaBetter with corn, buckwheat or rice flourWith cheese, lots of butter
EggsBoiled quail, chicken 1 pc. in a day
BreadRye-wheat with yesterday's in a small amount, dry crackerFresh, hot
FatsCold pressed vegetable oils, butterRefractory fats
SweetCookies, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, dried fruits, biscuits. After 1 month - jamHoney, chocolate, confectionery fat in large quantities (creams, whipped cream)
BeveragesDried fruits compote, herbal teas(with mint, thyme, oregano), green tea, mineral water without gasBlack tea, coffee, soda, packaged juices, fruit and berry juice

Based on the table, after the first month, you can slowly add prohibited foods. Watch the child's reaction. Add to nutrition lean borscht, low-fat sour cream. Slowly turn on the nuts, except for the peanuts. Carefully observe the reaction of the newborn: are there any colic, rashes and other negative symptoms. To understand which product can manifest itself backlash, you need to enter them one at a time and gradually.

You can start eating some forbidden product once every two days and watch the baby's reaction. Although it's all individual. Someone starts to eat strawberries or coffee a little bit from the first days. But again, I repeat, in small quantities.

All following products must be excluded from the first days of pregnancy. Maybe I repeat somewhere, but it is strictly forbidden:

  • Alcohol
  • Chocolate
  • Semi-finished products
  • Sausages, ham, sausage
  • Spicy, fried, salted, marinated, canned
  • Fatty fish, meat, fat
  • Sulguni cheese
  • Legumes
  • Sauerkraut
  • Peanut
  • Products with flavoring additives, dyes, preservatives
  • Burning, spicy spices and seasonings
  • Lots of salt and sugar
  • Non-natural sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup

Safe weight loss while breastfeeding

Most women at the end of pregnancy have excess weight. These kilograms will be gradually used during the month of breastfeeding. And to put the figure in order, it is good to create a daily routine. It's hard with a baby. At the very least, you need to get some food. Proper nutrition for mothers is:

  1. Fractionality. Eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions (200-300 g): breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, second dinner.
  2. The menu should be: nutritious, varied and with plenty of water
  3. No rigid diets, drinks and diet pills!
  4. Add more fresh food by season. They are tastier, contain more vitamins and are less prone to oxidation or damage during long storage.

Workouts for HB

It has been proven that during lactation, the metabolic process of the mother's body becomes higher. But food alone is not enough to lose weight. Start exercising gradually.

Start exercising only after consulting a doctor. Choose the most convenient option for you:

  1. Aerobic and cardio activities (swimming, fitball, long walks)
  2. Home trainers. I plan to write a comparison of their effectiveness in a separate article.

Doctors allow any kind of sports while breastfeeding (restrictions in individual cases). Avoid sports that can injure your chest. So take up boxing, wrestling and karate later. Active training will require you to have a special form - a bra that will support the chest.

Remember: during lactation, you should not lose weight quickly. This is extremely harmful for a nursing mother. Drink while exercising more water. Train 2-3 times a week, be more outdoors.

Diet Komarovsky

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky - children's doctor, doctor the highest category, leads the "School of Doctor Komarovsky". Doctor with extensive experience in pediatrics, maternal and child health, author of many books and articles on medicine and health.

What does Komarovsky say about nutrition with HB:

The daily menu should consist of the following main elements. They must be consumed, even if the young mother does not want to increase her weight. On his website I found approximate diet mothers about breastfeeding:

If you tend to be overweight, cut down on bread and fatty meats. Strictly limit, or better yet, eliminate high-calorie foods. Such as pies, pies, cakes and other confectionery sweets. But don't cut back on dairy, vegetables, and meats.

Watch the video where Komarovsky discusses the topic of breastfeeding in detail:

Gynecologists have concluded that the risk of breast cancer is higher in those women who refuse to breastfeed. In addition, the recovery of the body after childbirth is much faster if the mother feeds her baby with her milk, because during feeding, a special hormone oxytocin is produced in the woman's body, which contributes to better blood filling and uterine tone.

But no matter how important breastfeeding is for a mother, it cannot be compared with the benefits that breast milk brings to a baby. Breastfeeding has multiple effects on the physiological, emotional and mental development children, the formation of their behavior, resistance to adverse external factors.

Until now, a worthy substitute for human milk has not been invented. After all, it contains the most important substances for the little man in the most precise proportions set by nature itself.

Mother's milk contains:

  • squirrels, perfect suitable for the child, including serum albumins and globulins;
  • fats well absorbed by the child;
  • vitamins and iron, necessary for the child for full development;
  • mineral salts and trace elements(calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc and others), the need for which the child experiences;
  • enough water, even in the hot season;
  • special enzymes(lipase, amylase), contributing to the breakdown of the main ingredients of mother's milk;
  • special protein lactoferrin, which binds and retains iron, which inhibits the growth of pathogenic flora in the intestines of a child;
  • substance taurine necessary for the normal construction of the retina, as well as for the optimal development and functioning of the child's brain;
  • living blood cells(neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes), which kill pathogenic bacteria in the child's body;
  • antibodies that protect the child from many infectious diseases;
  • opioid substances that improve a child's sleep.

Experts are convinced that there is nothing better than mother's milk for a baby in the first year of his life. Nature itself has solved the issue of human nutrition since its birth.


Lactation is the process of milk production mammary gland. The first drops of milk in the mammary gland of the mother appear in the first minutes after childbirth. In two weeks, mother's milk will change significantly. In the first 5 days after birth, breast milk is colostrum, then transitional milk, and only from the 15th day of lactation does mature milk appear.

Dynamics of the chemical composition of human milk in the process of its maturation
(per 100 ml)

Nutrients in milk Colostrum (1-5 days) Transitional milk (6-14 days) Mature milk (more than 15 days) Nutrient content of mature milk (% of content in colostrum)
Protein, g 2,3 1,6 1,1 47
Fat, g 2,9 3,5 4,5 155
Lactose, g 5,7 6,4 6,8 119
Energy value, kcal 67 73 75 112
Vitamin A, mg 0,16 0,09 0,06 37
Carotenoids, mg 0,14 0,04 0,02 14
Vitamin E, mg 1,5 0,9 0,2 13
Sodium, mg 50 30 17 34
Potassium, mg 74 64 50 68
Calcium, mg 48 46 34 71
Zinc, mg 5,5 3,8 1,2 21,8
Selenium, mcg 42 - 15 35

Early breastfeeding

For the next successful feeding It is desirable to carry out the first breastfeeding in the first 30 minutes after birth, when the child's reflexes and the sensitivity of the nipple-areola complex are highest. In these first minutes of his life, the baby receives only a few drops of colostrum containing valuable nutrients and protective factors.

The first application to the breast does not perform any significant nutritional function. The average amount of colostrum delivered to a baby is about 2 ml. At the same time, even this droplet plays important role in the making protective functions body of a little man, and besides, is important point stimulation of lactation and ensuring its success and duration.

During the first 0.5-2 hours after birth, most newborns are able to independently find and capture the areola of the mother's breast without the help of the mother.

Early attachment of the baby to the breast not only stimulates the formation and secretion of milk, but also contributes to a faster delivery of the placenta, prevention postpartum hemorrhage in parturient women, as well as the formation normal microflora intestines, an adequate immune response and acceleration of the discharge of waste products accumulated during the period of being in the womb in newborns.

There are a number of contraindications to early attachment to the breast on the part of the mother and on the part of the child. AT recent times these lists exclude delivery by caesarean section with a favorable outcome. The child is applied to the breast within a few hours after the end of the anesthesia. During the first day, this is done several times.

The regimen is important for full lactation. free feeding from the first day of a child's life. Free feeding is understood as putting the baby to the breast as many times and at the time that the baby requires, including at night. Night feedings - excellent remedy maintaining lactation, since it is at night that the pituitary gland produces more prolactin, the main hormone that stimulates lactation, than during the day.

Pumping breast milk may be appropriate only in early period establishment of lactation, in the absence of the possibility of "free feeding" of the child, or in the inability of the baby for one reason or another to effectively suction colostrum or milk. Indications for expressing breast milk are also illnesses of the mother, temporary separation of mother and child, study or work of the mother. In other cases, there is no need to express milk or colostrum.

Baby feeding

It is important to remember that breastfeeding is also communication between mother and baby. Therefore, it has long been noticed that children who grew up on mother's milk are healthier, more sociable, more active and even more talented than their peers who grew up on artificial mixtures.

For the first six months of life, the baby can only eat mother's milk, his digestive system is not yet adapted to process some other food. Only in the second half of the year is it time for additional complementary foods.

For feeding children in the first months of life, a free feeding regimen is recommended. The child himself determines the frequency of attachment to the breast, and the number of feedings can be up to 12 or more times a day! 80% of the necessary milk the baby sucks out in 8 minutes, but total duration feeding can be up to 20 minutes.

How can you tell if your baby is getting enough food? Experts recommend paying attention to the following criteria:

  • in the first month, the child should gain 600 - 800 grams in weight;
  • frequency of urination at least 6 times a day;
  • stool frequency corresponds to the number of feedings (6-10 times) in the first month of life;
  • the child is calm, withstands intervals between feedings of 2 or more hours.

The only element that would not hurt to add to the baby's diet is vitamin D. Unfortunately, it is not enough in human milk, and a lack of this vitamin can lead to the development of rickets. But it should be remembered that any innovations in the baby's diet should first be discussed with the doctor.


For successful breastfeeding, especially in the early days, it is extremely important to avoid supplementing the baby with water, glucose, etc. Breast milk contains up to 80-90% of water, and with a sufficient level of lactation, it completely provides the baby's need for liquid. Supplementing an infant can create false feeling satiety and refusal of the breast.

"Forward" and "hind" milk

In the first days after birth, the mother feeds the child in one feeding with one breast. After the "arrival" of milk, you can feed the child each feeding from both breasts, so that feeding is pumped from the breast from which it began, and the child receives not only "forward", but also "hind" milk, which differs twice as much high content fat.

Feeding technique

The effectiveness of the entire feeding procedure for both the mother and the baby depends on how the mother gives the breast to the baby. The necessary conditions correct technique feeding is correct position the baby at the breast, the correct grip of the baby on the breast, the comfortable posture of the mother, skin-to-skin contact during feeding.

The correct position of the child at the breast is characterized by the following features:

  • the head and body of the child are in the same plane;
  • the child is in an elevated position (in order to prevent swallowing air along with milk);
  • the baby's chin touches the mother's breast;
  • mouth wide open underlip turned outward.

The child should at the same time capture not only the nipple, but also the areola. The nipple, together with the areola, should actually fill the entire oral cavity of the child. A good deep grip provides the baby with sufficient ease of sucking, and for a nursing woman it is the main guarantee of the safety of the nipple and areola.


No matter how useful breast milk is, gradually there is a need to expand the diet of the baby. Growing by leaps and bounds, the body needs more and more energy, nutrients and trace elements (protein, iron, zinc, etc.). In addition, the digestive system and chewing apparatus the baby should gradually prepare for "adult" food.

Most researchers agree that complementary foods should be introduced no earlier than 4-6 months. Although the baby and up to 6 months can eat only mother's milk.

Age (months of life) Note
0-3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9-12
Fruit juices (ml) 5-30 40-50 50-60 60 70 80 90-100 from 3 months
Fruit puree (ml) 5-30 40-50 50-60 60 70 80 90-100 from 3.5 months
Curd (g) 10-30 40 40 40 50 from 5 months
Yolk (pcs) 0,25 0,50 0,50 0,50 from 6 months
vegetable puree(G) 10-100 150 150 170 180 200 from 4.5 - 5.5 months.
Milk porridge (g) 50-100 150 150 180 200 from 5.5 - 6.5 months.
Meat puree(G) 5-30 50 60-70 from 7 months
Kefir and other fermented milk products or whole milk (ml) 100 200 400-600 from 7.5 - 8 months.
Wheat bread, premium (g) 5 5 10 from 7 months
Rusks, cookies 3-5 5 5 10-15 from 6 months
1-3 3 3 5 5 6 from 4.5 - 5 months.
Butter 1-4 4 4 5 6 from 5 months

The food that is given to the baby as complementary foods should contain enough iron. Iron, which is contained in ordinary products, is absorbed much worse than that contained in breast milk. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia.

Gradually, the set of "allowed" products increases, and by the 8th month, complementary foods can already be carried out twice a day. The more solid food becomes, the less the baby receives easily digestible substances contained in mother's milk.

Expansion of the diet requires a lot of attention and patience from the parents of the baby. After all, day after day, preparations are being made digestive system so that the baby can eat "like an adult." Some children already by the 9th month are switching to independent, "adult" nutrition, others will complete their transition only by the beginning of the second year of their lives.

artificial nutrition

Artificial feeding is used in cases where the mother's milk is completely absent or insufficient. At artificial feeding a child of the first months of life cannot be suddenly or too quickly transferred to a qualitatively new diet, since the adaptation of the digestive system and metabolic processes occurs under great pressure.

It is best to replace mother's milk with adapted formulas (i.e. formulas that are as close as possible in composition to human milk). These mixtures are intended for feeding a child from the first days of life to a year.

Use in last years of a new generation of adapted milk formulas, as close as possible to the composition of human milk, has made it possible to significantly reduce the adverse effects of artificial feeding, in particular, concerning physical development and morbidity in infants.

When choosing the formula that is most adequate for feeding a particular child, the following should be considered:

  • Child's age. In the first 2-3 weeks of life, it is preferable for a child to prescribe unleavened mixtures, and then combine unleavened and sour-milk mixtures. The most appropriate is their equal ratio in the diet. An excess of fermented milk mixtures in the diet can cause (or increase) regurgitation, disrupt the acid-base balance in the body.
  • The degree of adaptability of the mixture. How less age the child, the more he needs the most adapted mixtures. In no case should a child under 5-6 months be prescribed "following mixtures", kefir and other non-adapted fermented milk mixtures, whole cow's milk.
  • Individual tolerance of the mixture.

One of the conditions that ensure the normal development of a child with artificial feeding is feeding according to appetite. At the same time, feeding hours are observed, and the amount of food in each feeding is given to the child as needed. Do not forcefully give the entire prescribed amount of the mixture or withhold a small additional amount.

Depending on the appetite, the child in one of the feedings can eat more than normal, in another less, but daily allowance he must get it. The child's weight should be checked every month.

Name of products and dishes Age (months of life)
0-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9-12
Adapted milk formula (ml) 700-800 800-900 800-900 800-900 700 400 300-400 300-350 200 200
Fruit juices (ml)* according to indications 5-30 40-50 50-60 60 70 80 90-100
Fruit puree (ml)** according to indications 5-30 40-50 50-60 60 70 80 90-100
Curd (g)* 40 40 40 40 50
Yolk (pcs) 0,25 0,5 0,5 0,5
Vegetable puree (g)** 10-150 150 150 170 180 200
Porridge (g) 50-150 150 170 180 200
Meat puree (g) 5-30 50 50 60-70
Kefir and other fermented milk products or whole milk (ml)*** 200 200 400 400
Bread (g) 5 5 10
Crackers, cookies (g) 3-5 5 5 10 10-15
Vegetable oil (sunflower, corn) 3 3 3 5 5 6
Butter 4 4 5 5 6

* Depending on the state of health of the child and the degree of adaptation of the breast milk replacer used in his diet.

** 2 weeks after juice administration.

*** If necessary, earlier administration is possible (from 6 to 7 months)

Mom's diet

Every nursing mother should understand that the nutrition and development of her baby depends on what she eats herself. Therefore, during the period of breastfeeding, the mother's diet should take into account both the needs of the woman's body and the relationship in which the mother and her baby are.

Experts say that the nutrition of a nursing mother should provide:

  1. Satisfaction of all physiological needs mothers in energy and basic substances.
  2. Additional supply of energy and nutrients required for production enough milk with high nutritional value.
  3. Prevention of the intake of products containing obligate allergens and compounds that can cause irritation of the mucous membrane into the body of infants with mother's confusion digestive tract(essential oils, peroxides fatty acids and etc.)

Therefore, the nutrition of a nursing mother is not much different from the nutrition of a pregnant woman. The diet of both should include all the main food groups - meat and meat products; milk and dairy products; bread, cereals, pasta; vegetable oils; vegetables, fruits, juices; sugar and confectionery.

It is preferable to use different kinds meat (beef, lean pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, rabbit), but not sausages, sausages or sausages. Low-fat varieties of fish (perch, cod, carp, hake, etc.) are highly desirable. Cottage cheese and cheese should be widely used, due to which it is most advisable to increase the amount of protein in the diet.

An excess of whole cow's milk in the diet can cause allergic reactions in children, so it is recommended to replace it with different fermented milk products(kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, etc.).

Since many nutrients pass through the intestinal mucosa of women into the bloodstream, and from there into women's milk, it is necessary to avoid large amounts of salt in the diet of women, essential oils, products containing obligate allergens. The diets of nursing mothers should not include onions, garlic, canned snacks, chocolate, nuts, honey, eggs, shrimp, large quantities citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries. It is especially important to exclude the use of alcohol, even in the smallest doses, and smoking.

Reference. Obligate allergens include the following products:

  • nuts
  • Citrus
  • Strawberry
  • Chocolate and chocolate products
  • Red varieties of apples
  • Tomatoes, pineapples
  • Smoked products, caviar
  • canned food
  • fish, eggs
  • unleavened milk

With the help of a diet, nursing mothers can also regulate the amount of milk. To stimulate lactation, the experts of the Danone Institute recommend making and drinking drinks from carrots, lettuce seeds, cumin, anise, dill, dandelion leaves.

It is extremely important to maintain full lactation is drinking regimen mother. She should drink in addition to the usual volume of at least 1000 ml of liquid in the form of tea, juices, drinks, etc.

When to wean

If both mother and baby want to continue breastfeeding, then in combination with complementary foods, this can last up to 1.5-2 years. However, often children themselves begin to refuse the breast when their own "I" begins to form. In the third year of life, continued breastfeeding would already prevent normal development personality of the baby, so further feeding is no longer appropriate.

By the beginning of the second year of life, the baby did a great job: he learned to eat. After all, for the whole 9 months before his birth, he did not have to put so much effort into being full. What’s more, some babies have already taken the first serious steps towards self-feeding by 12 months – just like adults!


Comment on the article "Nutrition for mom and baby during breastfeeding"

Breastfeeding menu. Nutrition during breastfeeding. Breastfeeding: tips for increasing lactation, feeding according to Breastfeeding Diet - Do's and Don'ts? Food for my girls. An important factor in a healthy diet...


Good evening! I know for sure that after 3-4 months after giving birth, some types of massage are acceptable. It is best to consult with a qualified massage therapist. Milk will not disappear from separate nutrition. I myself, after the first birth, actually immediately went on a diet because of the large weight gain during pregnancy. After 18, I didn’t eat at all. Generally nursed up to 1.3 years. There were no problems with milk. My son's weight gain was excellent. So do not worry, the main thing is that the nutrition is correct in terms of the products used.

And during the war, when there was absolutely nothing to eat, they were breastfed. So the milk won't go to waste. The main thing is that you balanced diet It was. And then your body will suffer.

breastfeeding regimen. Weight loss after childbirth. Weight loss and diets. When breastfeeding, do you think you can try? diet with HB in the first weeks. Breastfeeding: tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand, long breastfeeding...


look at my question in the GV section - there Olga painted everything for me in great detail.

It’s difficult with a link, I cut it out of the magazine and saved it, after all, it’s better to stick to it for a while, and how to introduce everything gradually to a child New Product and watch the reaction, and not just red fish, sausage and cake, and then guess why
Dairy up to 0.5 liters, red fish, chicken protein, honey, etc. allergens and at first, everything that increases gas formation cabbage, peas, yeast products, etc.

diet with HB in the first weeks. Feeding a nursing mother. Diet while breastfeeding - what is possible and what is not? Nutrition for mother and baby during breastfeeding. breastfeeding regimen.


I eat everything! The only thing is, I don’t eat citrus fruits, legumes and chocolate (as soon as we arrived from the maternity hospital, I automatically ate a small piece of chocolate after my son - we poured out).
I’m terribly craving for sweets and I don’t deny myself - I eat a lot of things (and waffles and cookies, I can even eat a cake :) I really don’t eat sweets - none ...
In my opinion ... even if you live hungry, the gaziki will not care. Until the digestive tract is fully adjusted, you will have to be patient a little.
We also have a lot of gas trucks - at night (not always) I give espumizan. And so - gymnastics, massage, laying out on the stomach. I also wanted to take tests - but at first I didn’t understand how to collect them, and then it seems that not everything is so bad ... we decided to wait until then. I wish you everything will be fine soon)))

I was told cucumbers and kefir are the first to cause colic. By the way, I ate boiled sausage. Bananas made our stomachs hurt, cheese too. At the girlfriend from cottage cheese. A friend gave birth 3 weeks ago - they have a very bad stomach ache, they also found lactase deficiency (the level of carbohydrates is increased 10 times). So the doctor prescribed a diet for her: rice, buckwheat, boiled meat and EVERYTHING! STRICTLY! What level of carbohydrates are you in general? If up to 1, then it is not necessary to treat it.

Do you think this diet is compatible with HS? I am embarrassed for 2 weeks only: raw sweets during breastfeeding. Breast-feeding. breastfeeding regimen. diet for breastfeeding in Diet while breastfeeding - what is possible and what is not? Therefore, during breastfeeding ...


Are you all skinny? Raw vegetables would only embarrass me if the baby had stomach problems. I only eat boiled frozen. Now there is no raw vegetable variety (By the way, I lost weight when I fasted strictly for 3 weeks due to Manyashin's dermatitis. I ate corn and rice porridge, green vegetables, rye bread, jam and vegetable oil. Olive., 1 apple and 1 banana Immediately 2 kilos as from a bush.

What do you need to lose weight? I've removed flour and sweets and stopped eating after six, the weight went down. True, I don’t know how this will affect GW, while TTT seems to be nothing. It seemed to me (from the photographs) that you are a very slim girl)))

I started eating everything gradually, the child had no reaction. She ate just everything, fruits, fish, even a chocolate bar. Everything was fine until the complementary foods were introduced, after which the allergy came out. We went to the doctor, she said that allegrenes were accumulating in the body of Masik, and therefore, with the introduction of new food, no matter what, such a reaction went. So you are still more careful with different experiments. Now I regret that I allowed myself everything: ((((

food for HB. Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Feeding a nursing mother. First month and beyond. diet with HB in the first weeks. Separate food with GW. Breastfeeding: tips for increasing lactation, feeding according to ...


Diet while breastfeeding - what is possible and what is not? Breastfeeding: tips for increasing lactation, feeding on demand, long-term breastfeeding, weaning. Most often, children's allergies to cow's milk protein, and the diet for mom, if with ...


Here is a very, very reasonable diet, hypoallergenic, I tried (and try) to stick to it, with my own adjustments, of course.

hypoallergenic diet
Meals should be regular, at least 4 times a day.
Fatty and fried foods are excluded.
The volume of liquid is not less than 1.5-2 liters. (weak green and black tea without additional additives, mineral water without gas, apple juice without sugar and preservatives diluted 1 to 1 with water ("I" and "Rich" are normal, "Tonus" is not necessary, they add sugar to it, I They said And even better are baby juices without sugar, semper, gerbera, fruto-nanny.) Dried fruit compotes without additives (Apple, pear, dried apricots, raisins).
Meat dishes from turkey, rabbit, lean pork and lamb.
Vegetable soups on the water. In summer, autumn, seasonal vegetables are used, in winter and spring only frozen ones (zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts), potatoes finely chopped and soaked overnight.
It is desirable to soak cereals for at least 2 hours - buckwheat, rice, corn. Unglazed corn. flakes. Sour-milk% bifidok, acidophilus, kefir 1% fat, cottage cheese 0%, bio-yogurt without additives, low-fat goat cheese or gouda, edamer, other non-spicy and low-fat cheeses without additives. Olterman 17% was recommended to me by a dermatologist, but it contains artificial additives, now I don’t eat it, I buy Ankorovsky Egmont cheese in a package, now it has appeared in nearby stores, also Giaginsky cheeses, such as Adyghe.
Milk is only slightly in tea, 0.5% fat. I don't add that either. I make porridge for myself on a mixture of "frisolak", which is fed to Theme 2 times a month in my absence.
Fresh fruits without peel - green apple, pear, banana. It's good to bake an apple. If well tolerated, you can add peaches and apricots to the palate. qty. Fresh in season, out of season canned children's without sugar and extra additives (gerbera, beach-nat, semper, fruit-nanny).
Buckwheat and rice bread (I eat wheat and rice, we don’t have pure rice in the area), simple dryers, soy diabetic bars (I don’t eat), fructose.

And we are already back!:)From the Chinese restaurant. So, the Harbin restaurant, on the 1st line of V.O. (to Petersburgers who haven't been yet)
Wow... how we ate too much, this Chinese food is extremely satisfying, it turns out! I liked everything, the main thing is that there were few people, for a small one I found a high chair (just happiness, otherwise I thought that I would have to hold it in my arms), the food is delicious, there is a lot of it on plates (I realized that I need to go with a company, and it’s cheaper and don't eat like that). We took: pork with pineapple sauce (for some reason the sauce was very red and sweet), I didn’t really like it, my husband ate it all :), pork ribs with branded sauce (very tasty, I think I’ll try to make it at home), rice with vegetables and shrimp, eggplant, porcini and black tree mushrooms, and for dessert, as they advised me in the Maiden's, deep-fried fruit. They didn’t fit anymore :), they wrapped them up for us, now I’m finishing my meal with tea.
In general, congratulate me - for the first time in the field of childbirth (and the small one is already a year old) I got out into the people :))
Exclude Exotic fruits, citrus fruits, chocolate, nuts, strawberries, tomatoes.

Introduce new foods into your diet gradually: today I will eat an apple, if everything is fine, tomorrow a pear.

You can (yes, you can), when you pick up your basic diet (what you are used to eating always), gradually try something from the prohibited list. But it is better to do it later (not in the first months) and carefully.

Basically, if the parents food allergies(or others) is not, it should not be in children.

11/19/2004 03:36:08 PM, Ump

Apples and yogurts are far from the best option :)
Look at the articles on the site - there is a lot of useful information there.