What helps Amoxicillin? Instructions for use. "Amoxicillin" from what? "Amoxicillin" for angina

The antibacterial drug has widest application. The medicine quickly suppresses harmful bacteria, significantly facilitating the patient's condition. Amoxicillin, what does this medication help with? Let's find out together when it is effective, and when it is better to choose another drug.

Scope of Amoxicillin tablets

The drug is prescribed both separately and together with clavulanic acid (Amoxiclav). Medicine Amoxicillin in tablets - what helps? The drug is widely used in various diseases respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract.

  1. The list of indications in the annotation contains information about the use of this medicine, urethritis, cervicitis and other inflammations. Bladder and kidneys.
  2. In case of a disease of the ENT organs, a medication is prescribed, except for a viral one, but sometimes doctors recommend taking Amoxicillin in this case too.
  3. In the treatment of colds, doctors prescribe medications of multidirectional action. Semi-synthetic penicillin has found its use from.
  4. Amoxicillin is taken, accompanied by tracheitis, urethritis, leptospirosis and other diseases that cause this symptom.

Important! But whether it helps or not is debatable. The medicine slows down the active virus, the medicine begins to relieve cough on the fourth day.

Amoxicillin helps, but is also prescribed to maintain normal operation hearts. Colds bad for the cardiovascular system.

Does Amoxicillin help with? Many doctors are inclined to use it for sinusitis. The medicine copes well with the disease, but before using it, you need to clear the sinuses of excess mucus.

Indications for the use of ointment

Ointment Amoxicillin from what helps? It is able to inhibit skin inflammation. Designed for outdoor use in the following cases:

  • boils;
  • rash of various origins;
  • eczema;
  • impetigo;
  • lymphocytosis;
  • infected injuries;
  • erysipelas;
  • chronic atrophic dermatitis.

It is preferable to use the ointment when infectious diseases. Usually, antibacterial ointments a doctor prescribes to fight many diseases, both infectious and non-infectious, which are accompanied by skin inflammations and rashes.

Method of application of tablets

Amoxicillin - universal remedy that even helps with toothache. Just before using the antibiotic, it is necessary to rinse the mouth with soda-salt solution, and take the drug according to the instructions.

Amoxicillin 500 mg is prescribed for use in adults and children over 12 years of age. How to use?

  1. Tablets are taken orally.
  2. The dosage of the drug is set individually, but usually does not differ from the method of application in the instructions.
  3. Adults are recommended to use 500 mg of the drug three times a day. If the disease is severe, the minimum dose does not help, it can be increased to 1000 mg.

Important! Increasing the amount of the drug used is not recommended, Amoxicillin is not as safe as it seems at first glance.

How to take medicine for children? For children under 12 years of age, the drug is released in the form of a suspension. It is more palatable, and the likelihood that a child will spit it out is negligible.

  1. For crumbs up to the age of two, the dosage is calculated based on weight: 20 mg of the active substance per 1 kg of the baby's weight.
  2. Older children (2-5 years old) are given ½ tsp. at once.
  3. At the age of 5-12 years, the dose of the drug increases to 250 mg. The medication is taken 3 times a day.

In the case of acute emergency gonorrhea, doctors recommend taking 3 g of Amoxicillin at a time.

How to dilute the suspension? First, boil water and cool to room temperature. On the bottle with dry matter there is a mark of 100 ml, water must be added up to this mark. Shake well. Before each use, the bottle with the contents must be shaken, because the powder sits down and less active substance enters the body than is required according to the instructions and for effective treatment.

The speed of action of the drug

"Semi-synthetic penicillin with a wide spectrum of action Amoxicillin - how fast does it help?" - a question of interest to most patients taking this drug. It is impossible to say exactly what day the medicine helps, the cases are different.

  1. For example, with viral sore throat, the medication begins to act in a day or two.
  2. With a more severe infection, such as pneumonia, Amoxicillin helps in 2-3 days.

Important! The speed of action of the drug depends on how strong the infection and the immunity of the patient. The main thing is not to stop drinking the medicine after a day and do not panic if it doesn’t help, usually Amoxicillin starts to help after two days.

Is an overdose possible? The chance of overdose with this medicine is very small. But do not abuse the drug if you do not want to receive severe diarrhea as a gift.

How to replace the medicine if it does not help?

For many people, Amoxicillin either simply did not help, or caused terrible side effects like dysbiosis.

Attention! When prescribing an antibiotic, the attending physician or pediatrician should prescribe a medicine to restore the microflora (probiotic). It is because of this mistake that many people develop flatulence, intestinal upset.

If Amoxicillin does not help: what to replace? It is worth asking your doctor about changing the medication. If he gives a complete answer, you can go to pharmacies and ask around pharmacists. By the way, sometimes they know the drug much better and can advise effective antibiotics from other groups.

Substitutes for Amoxicillin can be the following medicines:

  • Oxacillin;
  • Flemoxin;

This drug was obtained by British specialists in 1960. His trials lasted twelve years. According to statistics, Amoxicillin is the most known antibiotic used in the treatment of childhood diseases. Considering that sales of this medicine have been carried out for more than four decades, we can state its high efficiency. After all, it is still widely used throughout the world.

This drug has an antibacterial effect. It belongs to the penicillin group. One of the features is that, getting into the stomach, it almost does not decompose, retaining its properties.

The principle of action of this drug is characterized by the fact that it primarily effectively inhibits growth and reproduction pathogenic bacteria. However, during treatment, intoxication occurs. In this regard, before taking it is recommended to use antihistamines combined with plenty of fluids.

Drinking alcohol during the course of treatment is dangerous, can lead to severe consequences. In some, most severe cases even possible death. If this situation occurs, you should immediately call a doctor.

During pregnancy, treatment with Amoxicillin is allowed only on the condition that its use occurs under the supervision of a physician.

The use of the drug for the treatment of newborns is considered safe. Its active substance is amoxicillin trihydrate.

It is known that the therapeutic effect of antibiotics penicillin group is that they are able to disrupt the process of synthesis of bacterial cell walls. In this case, the effect of the drug extends precisely to such pathogenic bacteria that have a high sensitivity to it.

Basically, the drug is effective in the following cases:

  • in relation to aerobic gram-positive bacteria (these are, in particular, staphylococci and streptococci);
  • in relation to gram-negative pathogens of gonorrhea, salmonella, coli, Shigella and Klebsiella.

Indications for use, contraindications

This medication may help treat a large number diseases. Among them:

This drug is not for everyone. In some cases, its use is not recommended:

  1. Those who have individual intolerance to various antibiotics of the penicillin group.
  2. Sick bronchial asthma.
  3. With ulcerative colitis.
  4. During breastfeeding.
  5. In the presence of skin allergic reactions without consulting a doctor.
  6. If the child has diathesis.
  7. With liver failure.

Elderly people, as well as patients with poor health, should use the drug with caution.

When used, side effects are possible:

  • allergic reactions;
  • disruption of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract.

The latter circumstance is due to the fact that the drug destroys pathogenic bacteria, which leave behind toxic decay products.

When the drug is used to treat pregnant women, the following should be taken into account: it does not have any effect on the development of the fetus and is considered completely harmless to the child. However, the use of Amoxicillin may cause internal bleeding therefore, it is not recommended to take it without medical supervision.

Method of administration and dosage

In most cases, the medicine is sold in capsules of 500 ml. Sometimes capsules of 125, 250 or 1000 ml are used.

The production of the drug in a dispersed form was mastered. These are tablets that dissolve when you hold them in your mouth. certain time. For accelerated assimilation of the drug, the tablet can be chewed. It is not necessary to drink the medicine in this form of release. In this case, more than 90% of the drug is absorbed into the blood. In this case, the degree of assimilation is comparable to the situation when injections are used.

The normal course for inflammatory diseases lasts ten days. During the day, three doses of Amoxicillin, 500 ml, are taken after meals. It is believed that tablets should be taken with alkaline mineral water to enhance therapeutic effect. You can drink milk. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that there is a sufficient amount of liquid.

If the disease is severe, the dosage can be doubled. A child whose age is from five to ten years old should take 250 ml of Amoxicillin at one time.

In the process of treating acute gonorrhea, the rules of application change. In this case, the reception takes place not three, but once a day. In this case, six tablets of 0.5 grams are taken.

In the presence of acute intestinal infections, a different dosage is used. Reception is carried out three times a day, 3-4 tablets of 500 mg. The duration of the course in this case will be five days.

If the medicine is intended for children under the age of two years, the dose to be taken is calculated individually. In this case, you need to be based on the weight of the baby. For each kilogram should account for 20 ml of the drug. The course of treatment is usually ten days.

When a child who is not more than five years old is sick, not only tablets are used, but also a suspension. This applies especially to the younger age. In this case, you must not forget to drink the drug large quantity water.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that some people who have successfully used this remedy in the past expect it to help in all such cases. In fact, this is not always the case. There are several situations where a drug will be known to be ineffective. One example is the attempt to use it to treat viral infections such as the flu.

There are also varieties of bacteria in relation to which the drug has no effect. This is another reason why it is advisable to consult a doctor when using this medicine.

In our article, you will learn about treatment with.

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What is the difference between Amoxicillin and Ampicillin

If you carefully read the instructions for use of each of these two drugs, you can find a lot of similarities between them. The question arises as to how interchangeable these drugs are? Is it possible to use one of them in the process of treatment, replacing the other with it?

Yet there is a difference between them. It consists in the fact that Ampicillin is less stable in the body. It is slowly absorbed and excreted much faster. Therefore, in order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to significantly increase the dose of the drug.

At the same time, more than 60% of the drug is not absorbed into the body at all, without any effect. Conversely, if we talk about Amoxicillin, with various forms release into the body is absorbed from 80% to 95% of the drug taken.

Another difference is that Ampicillin has injection form release, which is deprived of Amoxicillin. Therefore, in cases where it is necessary intramuscular injection, it is more profitable to use Ampicillin.

It remains to be noted that both drugs act on the same types of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, if the use of one of them did not give any result, then the other will be ineffective.

Amoxicillin is an effective drug that is largely considered harmless. Applying it according to the instructions, you can cure a number of diseases. However, before using it, you should consult your doctor.

Amoxicillin is a semi-synthetic penicillin with a wide spectrum of action.

The drug is indicated for the treatment of infections of bacterial origin, and has effective action when eliminating the following diseases:

  1. Pneumonia and bronchitis;
  2. Sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, acute otitis media;
  3. Pyelonephritis, pyelitis, cystitis, urethritis, gonorrhea, endometritis, cervicitis;
  4. Peritonitis, cholecystitis and cholangitis;
  5. Erysipelas, impetigo, infected dermatoses;
  6. Leptospirosis, listeriosis, Lyme disease;
  7. Dysentery, salmonellosis;
  8. Meningitis, endocarditis, sepsis;
  9. Gastritis, stomach ulcers.

How does the drug work?

AT modern medicine Amoxicillin 500 mg is used.

This substance is characterized by stability and the ability to preserve its medicinal properties when interacting with gastric juice.

Active the substance inhibits growth and prevents the reproduction of bacteria by destroying their cellular structure.

This leads to rapid death.

This allows the human body to get rid of pathogens in a short period.

It should be noted that during the period of rapid death of bacteria, increased intoxication of the body occurs, therefore, before you start taking amoxicillin, you need to use antihistamines and increase the amount of drinking.

Instructions for use of the drug in tablets

Adults and children over ten years of age are prescribed one tablet of amoxicillin 500 three times a day, or two tablets of 250 mg.

For children aged five to ten years, the dosage of the drug is 250 mg in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Children under two years of age should calculate the dose individually. The proportion is 20 milligrams medicines per kilogram of the baby's weight.

A course of treatment the drug is ten days.

Tablets should be taken after meals, while alkaline water is used to wash them down. mineral water or milk in sufficient quantities.

If the patient is diagnosed with acute gonorrhea, then the treatment with amoxicillin is one-time. One dose is six tablets of 0.5 g. Acute intestinal infections mean taking the drug in the amount of four tablets three times a day. The course of treatment is five days.

How to use amoxicillin suspension?

Because little child it is difficult to swallow a tablet, then use a suspension of amoxicillin.

It is designed for children under five years of age. In this case, it is necessary to drink the drug with water in large quantities.

Amoxicillin can be used by newborns.

AT without fail should thirty minutes before taking the suspension give the child one of the antihistamines. Which one is suitable for the baby will tell the specialist.

Can antibiotics be used during pregnancy?

Treatment with amoxicillin during pregnancy should be carried out only if constant monitoring of the attending physician is possible.

This is due to the fact that the use of the drug can cause occult bleeding. The medicine does not affect the development of the fetus.

You should be aware that during breastfeeding a small amount of antibiotic can pass into mother's milk, therefore, lactating women should take this factor into account, since in some cases the development of dysbacteriosis in infants was observed.

What are the contraindications of the drug?

Amoxicillin is powerless if taken to treat a viral disease.

If a person has influenza or SARS, the use of the drug will be effective if there is a complication, the nature of which is bacterial in nature, which is established by a specialist.

Do not use amoxicillin in the following cases:

  • If the patient is sensitive to an antibiotic of this group;
  • With bronchial asthma;
  • With ulcerative colitis;
  • When a woman is breastfeeding;
  • If a person has an allergic skin reaction;
  • If the child has diathesis;
  • With liver failure.

Elderly people, or those with a weakened state of health, should take the drug carefully. This applies to all types of antibiotics. At the beginning of treatment, the dosage should be halved. Be sure to use antihistamines.

Side effects

The main side effects that the use of amoxicillin can cause are allergic reactions and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Allergy symptoms are characterized skin rashes, difficulty breathing, may on the face and limbs puffiness appears.

With disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea may occur, pain in the abdomen, bouts of nausea and lack of appetite.

In the event of any side effects the drug is no longer needed, and consultation with a specialist is desirable. Cautious use of amoxicillin is recommended in the treatment of angina.

Alcohol consumption during treatment with amoxicillin

combination of amoxicillin and alcoholic beverages may result in a severe allergic reaction. In some cases, this can lead to coma and even death.

This is due to the fact that when the drug is combined with alcohol, the liver is paralyzed. If alcohol has been taken, it is necessary to call a doctor.

After course of treatment with amoxicillin ends, you should refrain from drinking alcohol for a week.

Doctors' advice on the use of antibiotics

The capsule contains the active ingredient amoxicillin (as part of the medicine in the form of trihydrate). Similar active substance is in the composition of tablets, as well as granules, from which Amoxicillin suspension is prepared.

Release form

The drug is currently produced in the following forms: in tablets, in the form of capsules of 250 mg and 500 mg, as well as in the form of granules, which are used to prepare a suspension. There is also a 15% product in ampoules, which is used for animals.

pharmachologic effect

Amoxicillin is an antibiotic that has wide range impact. A group of antibiotics semi-synthetic penicillins . The abstract indicates that the drug is a 4-hydroxy analogue ampicillin . Provides bactericidal effect. Demonstrates activity against aerobic gram-positive bacteria, namely Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp.(except for those strains that produce penicillinase). Also active against aerobic Gram-negative bacteria: Shigella spp., Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Escherichia coli, Neisseria meningitidis, Klebsiella spp., Salmonella spp.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

Amoxicillin trihydrate very quickly and completely absorbed from digestive tract, while the acidic environment of the stomach is not destroyed. The maximum level of concentration of the substance in the blood is observed 1-2 hours after taking the drug. If you double the dose of the drug, similarly, twice, the concentration increases. If there is food in the stomach, overall absorption is not reduced. If amoxicillin is administered intravenously or intramuscularly, similar concentrations of the active substance are noted in the blood. The substance binds to plasma proteins by about 20%. In the body, the active substance is distributed in fluids and tissues. In the liver, the presence of high concentrations of the active substance is noted.

The plasma half-life is 1-1.5 hours. Approximately 60% of the oral dose is excreted in the urine. It is displayed unchanged. A certain amount of the substance is also found in feces. More a long period elimination half-life is observed in the elderly and neonates.

In small quantities, it is able to penetrate the BBB during inflammatory processes of the pia mater.

Indications for the use of Amoxicillin

The following indications for the use of this drug in combination with clavulanic acid , as well as in the form of monotherapy:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases provoked by sensitive microorganisms (with , , pyelonephritis , pneumonia , as well as at , urethritis , infections digestive system, gynecological infectious diseases, , in diseases of soft tissues and skin of infectious origin);
  • in combination with used for the treatment during an exacerbation, and ulcers duodenum and stomach during an exacerbation (provided that the ulcer is associated with Helicobacter pylori).

Also, for the appointment of Amoxicillin tablets and other forms of the drug, there are the following indications:

  • leptospirosis , ;
  • tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease);
  • shigellosis ;
  • salmonellosis and salmonellosis;
  • sepsis ;
  • (for the purpose of prevention).


It should be noted that there are the following contraindications to the use of this medicine:

  • heavy infectious diseases Gastrointestinal tract, in which the patient suffers , vomiting ;
  • lymphocytic leukemia ;
  • allergic diathesis ;
  • viral respiratory infections;
  • hay fever ;
  • high sensitivity to cephalosporins , penicillins .

Apply drugs with metronidazole not possible in the following cases:

  • with diseases of the nervous system;
  • with violations of hematopoiesis;
  • at infectious mononucleosis and ;
  • with pronounced sensitivity to derivatives nitroimidazole .

It is impossible to use drugs with clavulanic acid for jaundice and a history of liver dysfunction.

Side effects

During treatment with this drug, the following side effects may occur:

  • symptoms associated with allergic reaction of the body : , erythema , , conjunctivitis , rhinitis ; in rare cases, the manifestation of pain in the joints, eosinophilia, fever; in very rare ;
  • manifestations are consequences chemotherapeutic influence : the development of superinfections, which are most often manifested in people suffering from chronic ailments, and those who have reduced resistance;
  • symptoms are the result of prolonged use of the drug in large doses : ataxia , dizziness , , disturbances of consciousness , convulsions , peripheral neuropathies , therefore, only a doctor should determine how many days to take the remedy;
  • at combinations of amoxicillin, metronidazole : vomit , nausea , , anorexia , diarrhea , epigastric pain, ; in rare cases, pseudomembranous colitis, hepatitis, allergic manifestations, hematopoiesis disorders, interstitial nephritis may occur;
  • at combinations of amoxicillin, clavulanic acid : hepatitis , cholestatic jaundice ; in rare cases - erythema multiforme , exfoliative , toxic epidermal necrolysis.

Application instruction of Amoxicillin (Way and dosage)

The drug should be taken orally with water. You can take antibiotics with or without food.

Amoxicillin tablets, instructions for use

For adult patients and children who are already 12 years old, as a rule, 500 mg of amoxicillin is prescribed three times a day. However, the dosage depends on the disease and the doctor's prescription in each case. At serious illnesses the dose may be increased to 750-1000 mg, the largest allowable dose per day - 6 g.

High doses of the drug are prescribed for typhoid fever(1.5-2 g three times a day), with leptospirosis (500-750 mg four times a day). Tablets or capsules should be taken for another two or three days after the symptoms of the disease have disappeared. In most cases, treatment lasts from 5 to 12 days.

Suspension Amoxicillin, instructions for use

The children's version of this antibiotic is amoxicillin suspension, which is used to treat children under 5 years of age. The suspension should be prepared immediately before the start of treatment. To do this, cool water is added to the bottle with granules, after which the mixture must be shaken. The suspension can be stored for 14 days at room temperature. Each time before use, the medicine must be shaken. One measuring spoon contains 5 ml of suspension, respectively, it contains 250 mg of amoxicillin.

Children under 2 years of age should receive no more than 20 mg per 1 kg of weight per day. Children aged 2 to 5 years are shown 125 mg of the drug. Children aged 5-10 receive single dose 250 mg. Children from 10 years old receive a single dose of 250-500 mg, if the disease is severe - up to 1 g.

Instructions for use Amoxicillin Sandoz

Applied inside. In most cases, the dose is from 750 mg to 3 g of the drug, the dose is divided into several doses. More detailed information about the dosage and regimen of this drug, as well as about taking the drug amoxicillin clavulanate, is provided by the doctor when prescribing treatment.

Veterinary Amoxicillin

In veterinary medicine, injections of amoxicillin 15% are used. For animals, it is used to treat bacterial infections of the digestive system, skin diseases, respiratory diseases, diseases genitourinary system etc. It is used for dogs, for cats, for large cattle. The drug should be administered under the skin or intramuscularly, the dosage in this case is 1 ml per 10 kg of weight. If necessary, re-introduce the drug after 48 hours. Recommended light massage places where the drug was injected.

The instruction on Amoxicillin DS

Take the drug should be 500 mg three times a day. If noted severe course diseases, the doctor may increase the dose to 750-1000 mg. Features of treatment depend on the diagnosis of the patient.

The dosage of Amoxicillin for angina depends on the intensity pathological processes. As a rule, with angina, the usual dose of the drug is prescribed - 500 mg three times a day. How to take adults or how to take a remedy for children with a cold, you should definitely ask your doctor.

The dosage for sinusitis depends on the prescription of the doctor. The dosage for adults is generally 500 mg of the drug 3-4 times a day, the treatment lasts approximately one week. However, more precisely about how many days to take the remedy, the specialist should tell.


As a rule, with an overdose, there is no pronounced toxic action, even if a large dose of the drug was taken. If a large dose of Amoxicillin was taken, the patient shows symptoms of a gastrointestinal disorder, a violation of the water and electrolyte balance. In people who suffer kidney failure, with an overdose, signs of nephrotoxicity and crystalluria may occur.

Held symptomatic treatment for which the drug prescribed by the doctor is used, should also be taken . Can be applied hemodialysis . There is no specific antidote.


Wikipedia indicates that the drug can reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.

If taken simultaneously with bactericidal antibiotics, the patient has synergy , if taken simultaneously with bacteriostatic antibiotics, manifests itself antagonism .

The drug stimulates indirect anticoagulants, reduces prothrombin index and synthesis of vitamin K.

Reduces the effectiveness of drugs, in the process of metabolism of which PABA is manifested.

Reduced tubular secretion , diuretics, phenylbutazone, NSAIDs. As a result, an increase in its concentration in the blood is possible.

Terms of sale

In pharmacies, it is sold by prescription, the specialist writes out a prescription in Latin.

Storage conditions

The drug belongs to list B, you need to store it according to the recommendations.

Best before date

You can store 3 years.

special instructions

amoxicillin, and Amoxicillin Clavulanate and other varieties of the drug should be carefully taken by people who are prone to allergic manifestations.

Metronidazole should not be taken by people who suffer from liver disease as well as those under the age of 18.

May show up cross allergy in people who have hypersensitivity to carbapenems , cephalosporins .

Consider what helps Amoxicillin. Thus, the drug is ineffective in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections.

If the patient has a manifestation of severe gastrointestinal infections with manifestations of diarrhea, vomiting, then tablets should not be prescribed due to poor absorption.

The drug should be used with caution in people with bronchial asthma , allergic diathesis , hay fever .

If the patient is forced to take the drug for a long time, he is additionally prescribed Levorin , or other antifungal agents.

It is important to monitor the condition of the kidneys, liver, as well as laboratory indicators urine and blood from people who take large doses drug for a long time.

Patients who ask their doctor questions about whether Amoxicillin is an antibiotic or not should take into account that this drug is an antibiotic, so it is advisable to always consult a doctor before starting to take it. It is the doctor who determines how many days to take the medicine, as well as its dosage. You should not independently determine what Amoxicillin tablets help from, and practice self-medication.

The drug for cats, dogs and other animals should be used only after the appointment, which veterinarian.

Amoxicillin combination, , used for the treatment peptic ulcer.

Analogues of Amoxicillin

Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

There are a number of analogues of this drug, which contain a similar active substance. The price of analogues depends on the manufacturer of the drug. These drugs are the following drugs: Amoxicillin trihydrate , Amoxicillin Sandoz , , Amoxicillin , Amosin , Amoxisar , and etc.

Which is better: Amoxiclav or Amoxicillin?

Many patients believe that and Amoxicillin are the same. But there is still a difference between these drugs. Amoxiclav contains clavulanic acid, so the drug has a wider spectrum of action. But this drug is more expensive.

Which is better: Flemoxin Solutab or Amoxicillin?

As part of the drug Flemoxin contains the same active ingredient. But Amoxicillin is more often used to treat adult patients. Flemoxin Solutab is absorbed faster in the gastrointestinal tract, it can be used with meals, they have a pleasant taste. These tablets can be dissolved in water and prepared as a suspension or syrup. Flemoxin Solutab is a more expensive drug.

Amoxicillin for children

For children, the drug is used strictly according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. As a rule, children are given a suspension, a combination of amoxicillin and metronidazole not recommended for children and adolescents under 18 years of age. The dosage of Amoxicillin for children depends on the weight of the child, his age, disease. Amoxicillin for children is prescribed individually for newborns, large intervals are made between doses and strictly adhere to the scheme indicated by the doctor.

Amoxicillin and alcohol

In the instructions for the drug there is no data on whether the drug is combined with alcohol. However, doctors do not recommend practicing this combination. After all, alcohol significantly reduces the effectiveness of the drug. In this case, side effects can be significantly increased. May have unpredictable effects on nervous system, the toxic effect on the liver is rapidly increasing, the risk of severe allergic manifestations, respiratory disorders. It should be borne in mind that these tablets are an antibiotic, from which they should be used only during the period of abstinence from alcohol.

Amoxicillin during pregnancy and lactation

It should be borne in mind that the substance amoxicillin is able to penetrate the placental barrier. But still, during pregnancy, according to indications, this remedy is prescribed to women for inflammatory diseases. He is appointed at bacterial infections. But still, the drug can provoke the development dysbacteriosis , allergic reactions , activation of fungal microflora. Reviews of Amoxicillin during pregnancy mainly indicate its effectiveness and the rare occurrence of side effects.

During lactation, the drug should not be taken, as it enters breast milk. If treatment is required inflammatory processes during lactation, prescribe another drug or stop breastfeeding.