Allergic dermatoses in dogs and cats. Antihistamines for dogs and other pets

Antihistamines for dogs, used at the first manifestations of allergies in a pet. Hypersensitivity to certain elements is a quality inherent not only modern people, but also for pets. Furry pets also suffer from food and drug hypersensitivity; irritation may form on the skin from the bites of harmful insects.

If signs of hypersensitivity occur in a domestic dog, you should not select it yourself. effective remedy for allergies, it is better to leave this right to the treating veterinarian. Self-treatment pet can be fatal.

Developed for the treatment of hypersensitivity in animals special remedy- Allervet, produced in the form of a ready-made solution for injection. This special medication for animals helps reduce spasm of smooth muscles caused by a sharp reaction of the body. It prevents the development of tissue swelling and acts to prevent anaphylaxis in pets. Unfortunately, such cases happen in veterinary practice.

Allervet can have a calming effect on nervous system, stop frequent gagging, quickly relieves pain. Active components begin to act 30 minutes after direct administration, beneficial influence The drug continues for 6 hours. Ready injections of the drug are given to pets intramuscularly, carefully observing the dosage. As evidenced real reviews for pet owners, this product is safe and effective.

Besides known drug Allervet, in some cases, human antihistamines are used for dogs, but you should not start taking them on your own, all actions must be coordinated with a specialist monitoring the animal’s condition. For pet dogs, Diphenhydramine, Tavegil, and the famous Suprastin are suitable. For dogs small breeds Effective 3rd generation drugs are suitable, for example, Diazolin. The dosage of the product is calculated based on the current body weight of the animal, as is done for infants. Also, experienced veterinarians can prescribe Pipolzin to dogs, which has increased effectiveness in removing unpleasant signs allergies.

There are dog breeds that have a genetic predisposition to hypersensitivity. Before the next vaccination, such pets must be given an antihistamine to prevent anaphylaxis. Injections of an antiallergic drug can be performed at home or you can seek the services of a specialist.

How to get rid of food hypersensitivity in dogs?

When characteristic features Allergic reaction specialists conduct a thorough diagnosis to identify the irritant. If it is one of the food products, then the treatment of this form of hypersensitivity is approached as follows:

  • the pet needs to be placed on special diet for allergy sufferers with the exclusion of the allergen that caused such a reaction. At this time, experts do not advise giving to a pet various chewing toys, vitamin supplements to the main diet, food rich in fast carbohydrates;
  • antifungal antibiotics are prescribed to get rid of chronic infection and secondary complications;
  • To suppress unpleasant itching and hypersensitivity, the pet is prescribed effective antihistamines and effective glucocorticosteroids.

Such complex therapy will help make life easier for your pet.

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Effective remedies for hypersensitivity in cats

In addition to fluffy dogs, domestic cats can suffer from hypersensitivity. She may also be susceptible to harmful insect bites. Pollen from street grasses can also cause allergies in your pet. At skin itching and it will help irritation local therapy. the washing up hypoallergenic shampoos may give the expected effect. Usage fatty acids Omega-3 while getting rid of allergies will help reduce the likelihood of unwanted effects and strengthen your pet’s immunity.

All effective antihistamines for cats are prescribed by the treating veterinarian. Cyclosporine is prescribed for the treatment of domestic cats; short-term use of this drug is allowed during seasonal manifestations of hypersensitivity. Used to relieve severe itching and inflammation intramuscular injections steroid drugs. Medicines available in the form of ready-made injections are the most convenient for administration to cats, since tablets are difficult to give to them. Once an injection is performed, it is almost impossible to cancel it, so the consequences cannot be changed. Taking an antihistamine in this way allows you to create an individual dosage for your furry pet.

Often, to get rid of hypersensitivity, cats are prescribed Suprastin. This medication helps relieve unpleasant itching, block the production of histamine. The dosage of this effective histamine is as follows: ¼ of a tablet daily.

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Possible complications from taking antihistamines

In fluffy cats further complications after long-term use antihistamines occur much less frequently than in representatives of the canine family. Harmful effects can manifest themselves regardless of the original form of release of the drug and the duration of treatment. Such a reaction from a pet is purely individual character. The severity of the complication is influenced by the dosage of the drug used, total duration treatment. The main complications arising from taking permissible medicinal doses, disappear after stopping treatment.

When taking antihistamines for a long time, more severe consequences may occur. A decrease in the overall resistance of the body, deterioration in the condition of the coat, liver dysfunction, and inhibition of normal activity of the adrenal glands may occur. External signs complications manifest themselves in the form of increased fluid consumption, increased urination, and depression.

Simple prevention to help allergic cats

What injection should I give my cat if she has allergies?

Hypersensitivity in a fluffy cat may appear due to various reasons, which a special irritant test will help identify. It is possible to identify its exact cause only during a visit to a veterinary dermatologist, he will suggest taking detailed blood tests and skin tests. It is on the basis of these tests that he will be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Usually in such cases, pets are prescribed effective antihistamines or Cortisone. One effective drug or there is no hypersensitivity injection for pets. The decision on each case is made individually.

Suprastin belongs to the group of antihistamines, which are excellent for allergies. The product blocks the production of histamine, quickly relieves itching, eliminates spasms, and has a calming effect.

The active component of the drug is chloropyramine hydrochloride. The drug enters the blood quickly enough and after a couple of hours reaches maximum concentration. The medicinal composition begins to act a quarter of an hour after taking it. This drug can be used not only to treat people. Veterinarians often recommend giving dogs Suprastin for allergies.

General information about the drug and its action

The medicine is produced in two forms:

  1. Pills(25 mg) - white or gray-white, each disc has a chamfer and engraving of the name of the drug. Lactose monohydrate, potato starch, sodium carboxymethyl, gelatin, talc, stearic acid.
  2. Solution(in ampoule – 20 mg) – intended for injection intramuscularly and intravenously, colorless, with a weak characteristic odor. In addition to the main element, the solution contains water.

Suprastin is successfully used in veterinary medicine. Although it is considered outdated, it is capable of providing necessary help for allergies. It is used to relieve seizures bronchial asthma, from Quincke's edema, seasonal hay fever, allergic conjunctivitis, itchy papules from insect bites, on the eve of vaccination.

Basic active ingredient medicinal composition is quickly absorbed in the intestinal tract, penetrating into tissues and organs, not excluding the brain. This means that your pet may experience a somewhat inhibited reaction, a state of drowsiness, and disobedience. The drug is excreted from the body by the kidneys. And if your dog is experiencing problems with this paired organ, treatment with Suprastin should be carried out carefully, monitoring general state animal.

The tablets begin their action after half an hour, which lasts up to twelve hours. After the injection, relief occurs within 10 minutes, but the effect of the injection is short-lived - no longer than three hours. Doctors often practice a combination - first an injection is given, and then a pill is given. This measure allows you to extend the effect of the drug for one day.

Indications for use in dogs

Allergies in dogs are a strong reaction of the body to any pathogen. For some breeds they are quite harmless, for others they represent mortal danger. In case of severe symptoms, it is necessary to take Urgent measures to treat your pet. The main signs by which a decision is made to use Suprastin for dogs are:

  • severe itching, in which the animal begins to constantly scratch itself, resulting in scratching.
  • redness on skin in the back, abdomen, armpits, ears and fingers.
  • red eyes, watery eyes, cough;
  • increased sweating;
  • signs of swelling on the paws;
  • gag reflex, diarrhea;
  • the appearance of mucus from the nasal passages;
  • unpleasant odor from animal fur and skin;
  • dry skin, hair loss.

It should be remembered that allergies in dogs are much more complicated than in humans. The animal begins to itch and lick its paws, which causes serious irritation and weeping sores. During this period, your dog may begin to develop otitis media and conjunctivitis.

Contraindications and possible side effects

It is believed that Suprastin for allergies can be given to a dog in any case. At the same time, you need to act quickly and effectively in order to help your pet get rid of unpleasant sensations as quickly as possible. After the first doses of the drug, it is necessary to organize monitoring of the animal to exclude the occurrence of adverse reactions.

When an animal is weakened by a disease, Great chance manifestations negative reactions expressed by concern, strange behavior, heart problems.

It should be noted that this medicine does not always have a similar effect on the animal’s body and the phenomena occurring in it. In addition, the medicine itself can become an activator of new allergenic processes or aggravate existing problems. Cases of this nature are quite rare; the cessation of treatment is replaced by normalization of the general condition.

All components of the drug cannot have a significant effect on the body. But there is a possibility of reactions to poor tolerance of individual components.

To reduce the risk of side effects and overdose, you should clearly know how much Suprastin to give your dog for allergies.

Instructions for use of Suprastin for dogs and dosage

The daily dosage of Suprastin for dogs in tablets is 2 mg per kilogram of body weight. In this case, the resulting amount of the drug is distributed into three doses. Please remember that the dimensions four-legged friend have great importance when determining the dose, for this reason, dogs of small breeds should be given half a tablet, medium-sized dogs should be given one, and the largest dogs should be given one and a half to two tablets.

Calculation of the dosage of Suprastin in ampoules for intramuscular injection The solution has the same animal size condition, and doses are taken in 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 ml, respectively.

Experienced veterinarians advise giving small breed animals drugs of the second or third generation. (You can read about generations of antihistamines.) The medicine does not harm larger animals if they do not suffer chronic pathologies and doesn't have serious problems physiological nature. For older dogs, caution should also be exercised when using Suprastin.

Allergy medicine can be given even to puppies that are one month old.

Based on the progression of the disease, the duration treatment course may be different. Relief of symptoms for a short period can last no more than one week. And when one use of Suprastin gives a good result, treatment can be stopped. But it will be better if at such moments you consult an experienced doctor.

Suprastin does not harm even a pregnant or lactating dog, but it should be used in minimal doses specified for small breed animals. But if responsiveness body response to the drug turned out to be unfavorable, it is necessary to contact a specialist who will adjust the dosage and timing of treatment.

When using Suprastin for allergies, care must be taken in the treatment of elderly animals suffering from pathologies of the liver and the paired organ.

Overdose symptoms

The following manifestations are considered its signs:

  • motor agitation, during which it is necessary to carefully observe your pet;
  • increased anxiety;
  • deviations in coordination and stability;
  • sudden convulsions;
  • dilated and motionless state of the pupils;
  • dry mouth;
  • abnormalities in urine output.

When most of these signs appear, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage or give the dog a sorbent to reduce the strong effects of the drug.

Opinion of dog owners and veterinarians about the drug

Reviews about the use of Suprastin in veterinary medicine are varied. Many note its high effectiveness when others do not observe a positive effect. The effect of the drug on the allergen largely depends on the individual characteristics of the animal. From the reviews of pet owners it follows that Suprastin helps better in the form of injections. Special harm he doesn't bring it to the dog, side effects Hardly ever.

My pug was bitten by some kind of midge last year. The poor fellow's muzzle was swollen, his eyes were very swollen, and tubercles appeared. We were very scared because it all happened at night. They gave me half a Suprastin tablet and went to the vet in the morning. Everything ended well!

Irina, 27 years old

Suprastin tablets did not help us. I gave them to the dog for several days until the vet gave an injection at a follow-up appointment. It was only after the injection that the first signs of improvement appeared.

Denis, 32 years old

I didn’t try Suprastin injections, but I gave them in tablets – it didn’t help. I treat my dog ​​for allergies exclusively with Tavegil.

Alexander, 55 years old

I prescribe Suprastin for my pets, there’s nothing wrong with it, it helps a lot. The main thing is to determine the correct dose. Of course they give injections best result, but not everyone can do them at home.

Zhukov I.N., veterinarian

It is a good product and does not harm the animal. Competent treatment– and your pet will get rid of allergy symptoms without any problems.

Zvontseva I.V., veterinarian

How much does it cost and how to store it

The price of Suprastin ranges from 130 to 160 Russian rubles, depending on the form of release. To purchase Suprastin solution, you need a prescription; the tablets are freely available in a regular pharmacy.

The drug must be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius.

What to replace

Suprastin analogues will be useful if this particular drug is not at hand, or if for some reason it is not suitable for your dog. Substitutes for this medicine include:

  1. – antiallergenic agent, blocks histamine H1 receptors. It is classified as an antihistamine. The drug is able to selectively inhibit H1 receptors and reduce the permeability of the capillary system.
  2. Bravegil– helps against allergies to plants, reactions to insect bites, contact dermatitis. Available in the form of tablets and injection solutions.
  3. - another antihistamine. Blocks the effects of histamine chemicals in the body. It is used in the treatment of sneezing, helps in getting rid of hives and other allergenic symptoms.
  4. - act medicinal product starts an hour after application. It does not have a sedative effect on the body. Excellent for allergic rhinitis.
  5. – histamine receptor blocker. Available in the form of tablets and drops for internal use. It is an excellent anti-allergy medicine.

An allergic reaction in dogs is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. They prevent the pet from living a full life and can lead to unpleasant consequences.

You can help your dog using the same antihistamines, which people use in moments of exacerbation of reactions. A proven drug is Zodak. Many veterinarians prescribe it in their practice.

Allergies in dogs manifest themselves in two ways:

  1. cumulative - the reaction appears some time after contact with irritants;
  2. immediate – symptoms appear immediately after interaction with allergens.

Due to the thick undercoat, pet owners do not always immediately recognize the appearance of allergic reactions. Due to complications in the course of symptoms, wounds and scratches may appear on the pet’s body as a consequence of severe uncontrollable itching.

These processes are often accompanied purulent inflammations due to dirt and bacteria entering the wounds.

Allergic reactions in dogs can be of the following types:

  • for food - for example, after changing the usual food;
  • on medications – often occurs after vaccination;
  • chemical – occurs on animal care products or household chemicals;
  • infectious – when affected by bacteria or fungi;
  • for insect bites - bees, hornets, fleas, horseflies and others;
  • autoimmune reaction - a rare event, which arises due to malfunction defense mechanisms body.

Important! In some cases, an allergic reaction in a dog causes anaphylactic shock. This process develops very quickly and requires immediate assistance, otherwise the case may end in death.

For all of the above types of allergies, veterinarians prescribe antihistamines, including Zodak. It relaxes smooth muscles, reduces spasms and reduces swelling.

If your dog has a tendency to skin diseases and allergic reactions, the drug is prescribed before scheduled vaccinations. Such measures help to avoid unpleasant consequences in advance.


  • rapid impact within 15 minutes after administration;
  • effectively relieves symptoms various types allergies;
  • valid for 24 hours;
  • no sugar in the composition;
  • does not cause sedation.


Zodak is available in tablets, drops, syrups and injections. For animals, the release form in drops and tablets is suitable. Injections are used less frequently. They are administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously in cases where immediate assistance is required, such as pulmonary edema.

The dosage of antihistamines is based on the weight of the pet.

Important! If you suspect an allergy, you should contact your veterinarian, he will prescribe complex treatment And correct dosage, based on the parameters of the animal.

In drops

Drops are used at the rate of 1 mg per 1 kg of dog weight, the interval between doses is 24 hours. It is better to divide the recommended dose into two times.

To make it easier to take the medicine, it is diluted with water or added to food. But under no circumstances should Zodak be mixed with hot food.


Dogs weighing up to 20 kg are given ¼ tablet twice a day. Individuals weighing over 20 kg - ½ tablet twice a day. If the animal is less than 10 kg, then it is better to take the medicine option for children. For convenience, the tablets can be crushed.

Important! Maximum daily dose should not exceed 2 mg per kilogram of weight. It is better to divide the dose into 2-3 times to avoid excessive concentration of active substances in the blood.

What's better?

Tablets and drops are completely identical in their properties. As an active active substance Both forms of Zodak contain cetirizine. Cetirizine has a dosage of 10 mg per tablet and 10 mg per 1 ml drops.

The only difference between these two forms is Excipients. If we consider it from the point of view of using the medicine for dogs, it should be noted that the drops contain sodium saccharinate. This substance is called a sugar substitute or food additive E954.

At excessive consumption saccharinate may harm the animal. Tablets, in turn, have safer auxiliary components.

For puppies

It is recommended to give the drug to puppies only from one month of age. Since the body has not yet formed, it is necessary to use a minimum dose. This may be half the dosage calculated for a child or ¼ tablet 2-3 times a day.

Sometimes Zodak is given to puppies before vaccination, but this must be agreed with the doctor.

Pregnant and lactating

Zodak is allowed to be used for pregnant bitches and while nursing puppies, but the dose should be minimal.

The correct dosage can only be prescribed by a veterinarian monitoring the course of pregnancy. He will assess the condition of the animal, take into account individual characteristics and compare possible risks from the use of the drug.

In some cases, Zodak is prescribed to dogs for nausea during pregnancy.


Zodak is a relatively safe drug for animals. It has virtually no side effects and is well tolerated by the body. But still, in some cases, the medicine must be used with extreme caution:

  1. If your pet has diseased kidneys, you need to monitor the dog’s condition and the body’s reaction after administration.
  2. Caution should be used when giving medication to dogs with chronic diseases. During the examination, the attending physician must be told about the presence of such.
  3. For older pets, the minimum dosage is prescribed, since a large number of active substance in the body can negatively affect its well-being.
  4. If after several doses the medicine does not work, it is necessary to choose another treatment.
  5. With an aggressive form of allergy, Zodak may not be very effective.

  • motor excitement;
  • convulsions;
  • dilated pupils;
  • dry mouth;
  • anxiety;
  • lack of coordination;
  • rare urination.

If your pet shows signs of overdose, you must stop taking the drug. It is also recommended to rinse the stomach or give a sorbent in order to speed up the removal of drugs from the body.


If Zodak is not suitable for some reason, it can be replaced with another antihistamine with a similar effect.

Allervet. This medicine is created specifically for animals. Allervet is available in two concentrations: 10% for large and 1% for small pets. It is suitable not only for relieving allergic reactions, but also for course treatment diseases caused by allergies.

The drug is more suitable for large breeds dogs. The recommended dose is 1 tablet per 60 kg of weight, divided into two doses. For smaller breeds, the tablet is divided into several parts. Tavegil has a pronounced antihistamine sedative and anti-inflammatory effect.

Levocetirizine. The drug prevents the development and alleviates the course of an allergic reaction. Levocetirizine is quickly absorbed into the blood and remains active for two days.

It is excreted by the kidneys, so it should be given with caution to dogs with kidney disease. It is recommended as prophylactic to prevent allergies. Has a slight sedative effect.


Any antihistamines can only relieve symptoms and alleviate the animal’s condition. In order for your pet to be healthy, it is necessary to identify the cause of the allergic reaction and prevent contact with allergens.

Untimely help can end very sadly, so it is important to conduct periodic home examinations and not self-medicate.

In contact with

Allergy is an increased reaction of the body to foreign agents. These include absolutely everything that enters the body: food, medicine, pollen and much more. Some animals do not react to them, while others develop too strong an immune response, leading to allergies. Therefore, every owner should know what allergy medications exist for dogs in order to provide first aid to their pet.

Clinical signs and types of allergies

With all the variety of types of allergic reactions, Clinical signs they are similar. These include:

If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor immediately. The fact is that the signs of allergies very often have similarities with other diseases, so it is important to differentiate them correctly, and only a veterinarian can do this.

Depending on the allergen that caused the body's reaction, allergies are divided into the following types :

Diagnosis of allergic reactions

The doctor will first ask you in detail about the care and feeding of the dog, then he will send your pet to donate blood and feces, they will definitely take a scraping from the affected surface of the skin, and perhaps do a culture for bacteriological contamination. This will eliminate diseases such as diabetes, scabies, helminthic infestation and many others. In addition, when external inspection The doctor will determine whether the dog has fleas or not.

Only after this the doctor will be able to prescribe correct and effective treatment.

Treatment at home

To provide first aid to your pet, it is necessary to exclude the influence of the allergen on it.. Of course, this is not always possible, since the owner does not immediately notice changes in the dog’s health. If you still know what caused the allergic reaction, then you need to immediately remove it from your pet. For example, if it is food, then stop feeding it; if the drops are for fleas, then you need to bathe the dog with laundry soap.

After this, the animal must be taken to the clinic. If this cannot be done immediately, then you can alleviate the dog’s condition:

  • Give your pet a drink during the day calcium chloride, in a dose of 1-5 tablespoons, depending on the weight of the animal. This dose should be divided throughout the day. This drug It is very bitter, so it is recommended to mix it with milk and add a little sugar.
  • If you notice itchy rashes on the skin, you can bathe your dog in a decoction of the string or wipe these areas with a swab dipped in the infusion.
  • Hydrocortisone spray has an excellent antipruritic effect. It can be made at home, for this you need to mix hydrocortisone 4 ampoules, cold boiled water 350 ml, medical alcohol 80 ml, glycerin 50 ml. Mix everything well and pour into a spray bottle.

It is important to know what to give your dog for allergies before going to the clinic. Suprastin is most often used. Its dosage must be calculated based on the dog’s weight, and in no case based on age. It is worth remembering that here it is better to give less drug than to play it safe and increase the dose.

Suprastin for dogs dosage in tablets is as follows: if the dog weighs 20 kg, you can give half a tablet, if the animal weighs 10 kg, then ¼ tablet. For a small breed dog or cat, it is best to use tablets for children; it is easier to break off the required amount from them. In any case, you should refer to the instructions for use of the drug.

Suprastin is also available in injection form. Injections are used for acute form diseases. The drug is administered subcutaneously into the withers area or intramuscularly into the hind limb (thigh). The dosage should not exceed 2 mg per kg of body weight. It is better to divide this dose into 2-3 injections during the day.

In general, the type of allergic reaction plays a huge role in choosing allergy pills for dogs. If the animal food allergy, then Suprastin is a good choice. At cutaneous form you can give Suprastin or Citrine. Loratadine helps well when reacting to insect bites, but remember, it is contraindicated during pregnancy, so it should not be given to puppy dogs. If this type allergies are not very pronounced, then Suprastin or Tavegil will help.

There is a whole list of drugs that can help your friend:

All of them are aimed at desensitizing (reducing the increased reaction) the body, but it should be remembered that Dexamethasone is very strong remedy on a hormonal basis and is used only as a last resort.

All antiallergic drugs are prescribed by a doctor, because only he can make the correct diagnosis and apply the necessary treatment regimen, which includes, if necessary, the following drugs: antihistamines, glucocorticoids for the skin form, vitamins, homeopathic drugs, sulfur preparations, drugs that remove toxins, to relieve inflammation and maintaining liver function Exekan sugar. And also many others medicinal substances that can alleviate your pet's condition.

The doctor prescribes a diet, and in case of food allergies, treats the animal, and then controls the slow introduction of foods into the diet that could provoke an increased reaction in the body.

Preventive measures

Treatment must be entrusted to a doctor, but prevention falls entirely on the shoulders of the owner. It includes the following mandatory items:

  • Careful attention to the animal, including regular examinations.
  • Avoid use when cleaning an apartment household chemicals.
  • Gradual introduction of new foods into the diet.
  • Feeding should include only foods that are healthy for the dog. And it is strictly forbidden to give smoked, fatty, fried, or spicy foods to animals.
  • Periodically carry out fortification.
  • Mandatory deworming once a quarter for preventive purposes.
  • It is necessary to promptly remove fleas from animals.
  • Strictly follow the instructions for use of any medications.
  • See a doctor in a timely manner and do not self-medicate.

Only by observing all these simple rules and recommendations, you can prevent the occurrence of an allergy, and if it does appear, then cure it in time, without causing unnecessary unpleasantness to your pet, and often even painful sensations.

The most common signs of a cat allergy are:

Symptoms can be treated by various means depending on the severity (tablets, ointments, creams, drops, sprays). Even with the mildest manifestations of animal allergies, it is recommended to take an allergy test.

Antihistamines for allergies to cats are divided into 3 generations. Each of them represents the renewal of anti-allergy products in different time(since 1930, when treatment with such drugs came into practice). Last generation considered the safest and most effective.

The most effective medications for cat allergies

The most effective antihistamines for cat allergies are discussed in the table below.

Name of the drug, release form, price, effectiveness Peculiarities
“Kestin”, syrup and tablets, from 170 rubles, begins to act quickly, within one hour after administration the symptoms weaken, the effect lasts 48 hours It is forbidden to take by pregnant women.

Tablets are allowed to be taken by people from 12 years of age, syrup - 6 years.

Possible headache, possible drowsiness, dizziness and abdominal pain.

“Claritin” tablets, from 233 rubles, begin to act quite quickly, within 30 minutes after taking the symptoms weaken, the effect lasts a day Do not take during pregnancy, lactation, lactose intolerance, children under 2 years of age, people with liver disease.

Possible headache, central nervous system dysfunction, dry mouth, gastrointestinal disturbances, increased heart rate.

"Telfast", tablets, from 125 rubles (30 mg), the effect occurs within an hour after administration, symptoms practically disappear, the result lasts a day Prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, kidney and heart disease, as well as people over 60 and children under 6 years of age.

Possible drowsiness, headache, nausea, disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system.

“Zyrtec”, drops and tablets, from 188 rubles, the effect comes within an hour after administration and lasts almost a day The drug is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation, alcohol consumption, kidney disease, and children under 6 months.
“Cetrin”, tablets and drops, from 146 rubles, the effect occurs an hour and a half after taking it, the symptoms gradually weaken, the result lasts a day Do not take during pregnancy, lactation, or for children under 6 years of age.

Use with caution in people with kidney disease.

“Loratadine”, tablets, from 47 rubles, the effect is felt a few minutes after administration and lasts up to 2 days It is prohibited to take during pregnancy, lactation and children under 2 years of age.

Possible: headache, drowsiness, disturbances in the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, etc.

“Zodak”, drops, from 119 rubles, the effect is felt half an hour after administration and the result lasts up to 1 day Prohibited for use by children under one year of age, pregnant women and during lactation, and people over 60 years of age.

Eat side effects. Take with caution after reading the instructions.

The cheapest antihistamines for cat allergies

There are a lot of cheap analogues effective drugs from allergies. When choosing them, you need to remember about possible side effects after taking them, especially if a child suffers from allergies.

The most inexpensive antihistamines for cat allergies are discussed in the table below.

Name of the drug, release form, price Peculiarities
"Chloropyramine", tablets, from 59 rubles It is not allowed to take during pregnancy, stomach ulcers, asthma attacks, breathing problems, as well as children under 1 month and the elderly.
"Loragexal", tablets, from 37 rubles Not allowed for use by pregnant women, people with liver disease and children under 3 years of age.
"Cetirizine", tablets, from 43 rubles Not allowed during pregnancy, lactation, children under 6 years of age, people with kidney and liver diseases, as well as elderly people over 60 years of age.
"Hydrocortisone", ointment, from 25 rubles It is prohibited for children under 2 years of age, people with wounds and ulcers, as well as rashes on the face.
“Sinaflan”, ointment, from 17 rubles Cannot be taken by children under 2 years of age.

The medicine has many contraindications, so you should carefully study the instructions.

When choosing a drug to treat cat allergies, be sure to pay close attention to possible side effects. Thus, almost all first-generation medications cause drowsiness, so they are unsafe for drivers to take. Some drugs (second generation) affect the functioning of the heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract, etc. When choosing a therapy, it is best to consult your doctor.

General signs of allergies

To detect the disease on early stage carried out periodically preventive examination pet. Choosing the right antihistamines for dogs is only possible with careful analysis. causes and types of allergies.

Varieties and pathogens

A large number of factors can provoke an allergic reaction.

The following are distinguished: types of allergies:

  • food;
  • cutaneous;
  • against pests;
  • infectious.

1. Food allergies

Provokes the development of a reaction:

  • poultry, beef;
  • yeast;
  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • soy products;
  • vegetables and fruits with scarlet interior;
  • wheat;
  • dairy food;
  • corn;
  • vegetable oils and fish oil.

Attention! Allergens are also foods that are strictly prohibited for feeding to a dog: fried foods, smoked meats, spices, salt, sugar and chocolate.

Signs of food allergies:

  • severe itching (the animal scratches areas of the body for a long time and furiously);
  • redness, roughness and poor moisture of the skin;
  • a pungent odor from the dog itself and from the open mouth (sometimes sores and sores can be seen on the gums and lips);
  • sweating that is not normal healthy dog(wet areas are found on the body);
  • loss of clumps of hair and the appearance of baldness - bare areas (however, hair loss may indicate the presence of more serious diseases);
  • white particles all over the body - dandruff - a clear sign;
  • discharge from the ears (the pet shakes its head, scratches its ears);
  • tearfulness.

2. Skin allergies

This type of disease occurs as a result of an atypical reaction of the dog’s immune system to external stimuli and substances that get inside.

Mostly factors contributing to the development allergic dermatitis, are:

  • dust;
  • synthetic fabrics (clothing, carpets);
  • the fur of other pets or your own;
  • medicines;
  • household products or cosmetics;
  • shampoo, soap;
  • pollen.

The pet's body may react to the following groups of drugs: serums, vitamin B and its variations, amidopyrine, novocaine, antibiotics, barbiturates, sulfonamides. Some medications contain pollen, which can cause allergies.

Attention! Drug allergy will not detect itself upon first use, it will appear when it enters the body again.

Sometimes after bathing with shampoo, your pet will show signs of allergic dermatitis. If allergies develop after using regular dog shampoos, you should use hypoallergenic ones.

Important! You cannot bathe an animal using human care products.

A reaction to powder products occurs if the bedding is washed using them. Often your pet reacts to the odors of household chemicals, which causes swelling of the eyes and oral cavity. When external interaction with irritants occurs, itching and irritation appear.

Basically, the symptoms of allergy varieties are similar, but manifestations of the reaction on the skin have their own characteristic features:

  • itching of a certain part of the body (for example, the dog scratches its ears or belly intensely);
  • a lot of dandruff;
  • disappearance of itching only as a result of the use of antihistamines.

When a reaction to a drug occurs, intestinal dysfunction occurs, difficult situations- swelling of the mucous membranes of the tongue, larynx and suffocation, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema. If a dog's body overreacts to a drug, a severe, overt, life-threatening allergy may develop that requires immediate medical attention.

3. Allergies to pests

After bites from ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, and bees, foreign proteins appear in the dog’s body, causing an allergic reaction. Rashes develop, itching appears and hair loss occurs. Symptoms may long time cause discomfort to the animal.

4. Infectious allergies

The body reacts to fungi, viruses, bacteria and helminths. The symptoms of worms and their photos were described earlier.

Antihistamines for small breed and adult dogs

Antihistamines are used to relieve allergy attacks. Second- and third-generation medications, as well as the first-generation drug Diazolin, are the optimal antihistamines for small breed dogs, such as Yorkies. They will reduce the possibility of side effects such as urinary problems, changes in heart function, and anxiety.

Attention! Medicines of the second and third generation are more advanced compared to the first and are considered relatively safe drugs, are used for a long time.

Antihistamines for dogs - the list for adults is headed by “Suprastin”, which stops the development of symptoms.

Products originally intended for humans are also used: "Diphenhydramine", "Tavegil" and others. When affecting an animal, antihistamines for dogs do not always produce the desired effect, sometimes they cause side effects, therefore It is highly advisable to seek advice from a veterinarian.

Antihistamines for dogs: the dosage depends on the weight of the pet and is calculated per kilogram.

Important! Under no circumstances should you treat yourself without seeking help from a veterinarian!

Only a doctor determines the type of disease and prescribes medications. Self-medication can lead to dire consequences.

How to use the drugs?

Define suitable drug for treatment based on the purpose of use, weight of the animal, breed, health status and developed signs. Testing for effectiveness is carried out over two weeks. If there is no improvement during this time, another drug is prescribed.

Attention! A dosage that can relieve allergies is prescribed by a veterinarian.

If any health problems arise, conscientious owners contact a veterinarian to find out the exact cause of the disease and proper treatment. Allergies are no exception.

Additionally, check out the video about the manifestation and treatment of allergies in dogs:

Effective antihistamines for pets

For the treatment of hypersensitivity in animals, a special remedy has been developed - Allervet, produced in the form of a ready-made solution for injection. This special medication for animals helps reduce spasm of smooth muscles caused by a sharp reaction of the body. It prevents the development of tissue swelling and acts to prevent anaphylaxis in pets. Unfortunately, such cases happen in veterinary practice.

Allervet is able to have a calming effect on the nervous system, stop frequent vomiting, and quickly relieve pain. The active components begin to act 30 minutes after direct administration, the beneficial effect of the drug continues for 6 hours. Ready injections of the drug are given to pets intramuscularly, carefully observing the dosage. As evidenced by real reviews from pet owners, this product is safe and effective.

In addition to the well-known drug Allervet, in some cases human antihistamines are used for dogs, but you should not start taking them on your own; all actions must be coordinated with a specialist monitoring the animal’s condition. For pet dogs, Diphenhydramine, Tavegil, and the famous Suprastin are suitable. For small breed dogs, effective 3rd generation medications are suitable, for example, Diazolin. The dosage of the product is calculated based on the current body weight of the animal, as is done for infants. Also, experienced veterinarians can prescribe Pipolzin to dogs, which has increased effectiveness in relieving unpleasant signs of allergies.

There are dog breeds that have a genetic predisposition to hypersensitivity. Before the next vaccination, such pets must be given an antihistamine to prevent anaphylaxis. Injections of an antiallergic drug can be performed at home or you can seek the services of a specialist.

How to get rid of food hypersensitivity in dogs?

When characteristic signs of an allergic reaction appear, specialists conduct a thorough diagnosis to identify the irritant. If it is one of the food products, then the treatment of this form of hypersensitivity is approached as follows:

  • The pet must be put on a special diet for allergy sufferers, eliminating the allergen that caused the reaction. At this time, experts do not advise giving your pet various chewing toys, vitamin supplements to the basic diet, or food rich in fast carbohydrates;
  • antifungal antibiotics are prescribed to get rid of chronic infection and secondary complications;
  • To suppress unpleasant itching and hypersensitivity, the pet is prescribed effective antihistamines and effective glucocorticosteroids.

Such complex therapy will help make life easier for your pet.

Video on the topic:

Effective remedies for hypersensitivity in cats

In addition to fluffy dogs, domestic cats can suffer from hypersensitivity. She may also be susceptible to harmful insect bites. Pollen from street grasses can also cause allergies in your pet. Local therapy will help with skin itching and irritation. Washing with hypoallergenic shampoos can give the expected effect. Using Omega-3 fatty acids when getting rid of allergies will help reduce the likelihood of unwanted effects and strengthen your pet's immunity.

All effective antihistamines for cats are prescribed by the treating veterinarian. Cyclosporine is prescribed for the treatment of domestic cats; short-term use of this drug is allowed during seasonal manifestations of hypersensitivity. To relieve severe itching and inflammation, intramuscular injections of steroid drugs are used. Medicines available in the form of ready-made injections are the most convenient for administration to cats, since tablets are difficult to give to them. Once an injection is performed, it is almost impossible to cancel it, so the consequences cannot be changed. Taking an antihistamine in this way allows you to create an individual dosage for your furry pet.

Often, to get rid of hypersensitivity, cats are prescribed Suprastin. This medication helps relieve unpleasant itching and block the production of histamine. The dosage of this effective histamine is as follows: ¼ of a tablet daily.

Video on the topic:

Possible complications from taking antihistamines

In furry cats, further complications after long-term use of antihistamines occur much less frequently than in representatives of the canine family. Harmful effects can manifest themselves regardless of the original form of release of the drug and the duration of treatment. Such a reaction from a pet is purely individual. The severity of the complication is influenced by the dosage of the drug used and the total duration of treatment. The main complications that arise as a result of taking acceptable dosages disappear after stopping treatment.

Simple prevention to help allergic cats

What injection should I give my cat if she has allergies?

Hypersensitivity in a fluffy cat can occur for various reasons, which can be identified by a special irritant test. The exact cause can only be determined by visiting a veterinary dermatologist, who will offer detailed blood tests and skin tests. It is on the basis of these tests that he will be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Usually in such cases, pets are prescribed effective antihistamines or Cortisone. There is no single effective drug or injection for hypersensitivity in pets. The decision on each case is made individually.

Video on the topic:

If your cat's ears turn red, they become hot. She also begins to shake her inflamed ears violently from the incessant itching - these are signs of hypersensitivity. You can make your pet’s life easier by isolating her from the irritant, giving her prescribed antihistamines and medications intended for general strengthening body.

Allergy - what kind of disease is it?

An allergy is an acute reaction of the immune system to a substance (allergen). This disease is often transmitted from parents to offspring. There are several types of allergies in dogs:

Despite the fact that there are several types of the disease, they manifest themselves in the same way. Allergy symptoms in dogs may include the following:

  • the appearance of edema (muzzle or limbs);
  • eczema forms (usually on the ears);
  • discharge appears from the nose, ears and eyes;
  • rashes are noticeable on more delicate areas of the body (muzzle, armpits, abdomen);
  • the dog experiences severe itching and scratches constantly;
  • the skin begins to smell unpleasant;
  • there is a disturbance in the functioning of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract(diarrhea).

If in Lately the animal has not received any medications, the doctor will assume a food allergy and prescribe a strict diet with the gradual inclusion of new foods in the diet (this method will reveal what exactly triggered the reaction). There are no special tests for animals, so the cause of the allergy is determined by exclusion.

My dog ​​has an allergy – how to treat it?

Treatment of allergies in dogs is primarily aimed at stopping the animal's interaction with the allergen. Without this, it is impossible to rid your pet of the disease. Remember that there is no permanent cure for this disease.

Let's consider existing medications against allergies for dogs.


These medications block the action of histamine and relieve the animal of allergy symptoms. Before introducing a new vaccine or serum, the dog is given Suprastin or Diphenhydramine, but food or contact allergies treated with new generation drugs (Levocetirizine, Desloratadine, etc.).

Antihistamines are taken in two ways:

  • Course.
  • Or one time.


These include: Execan, Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, etc. The basis of these drugs are hormones. Corticosteroids effectively relieve inflammation caused by an allergic reaction and reduce the body's excessive sensitivity to histamine.

But despite positive effect, these drugs have a lot of side effects: the development of diabetes, disorders gastrointestinal tract etc. That's why hormonal drugs in the form of injections is prescribed only if other medications are powerless. To relieve itching and treat inflammation, use cream, ointment or sugar cubes (the dose of the hormone in them is small and does not cause severe harm to the body).


These drugs will not relieve acute attack, but effectively help with conjunctivitis and rhinitis. Cromones are used as an additional treatment.

Such drugs include:

  • Cromoghlin.
  • Lecrolin.
  • Cromohexal and others.


These drugs are aimed at strengthening immune system animal. With their help it is impossible to remove acute condition, therefore they are used as an adjunct to the main treatment. The course of taking immunomodulators is long, this is the only way to achieve remission.

For allergies, herbal preparations are used:

  • Eucalyptus.
  • Rose hip.
  • Birch buds and leaves, etc.

ALT (autolymphocytotherapy)

This method will help relieve your animal of allergies for a long time. Specialists take the dog's blood, then in the laboratory they separate the lymphocytes and modify them. A vaccine is prepared from the resulting cells and then injected back into the animal’s blood. This measure leads to a decrease in the body's sensitivity to allergens. Treatment lasts up to 3 years and is carried out only under the supervision of an allergist.

ASIT (allergen-specific immunotherapy)

This method, like ALT, leads to long-term remission. The purpose of the procedure is to “accustom” the animal’s immune system to allergens (they are processed in the laboratory and injected into the blood in the form of a vaccine). With the help of ASIT, you can relieve your dog of allergies to for a long time(up to several years).

Possible complications

Allergic reactions in rare cases can lead to serious complications:

  • anaphylactic shock (caused by insect or snake bites, taking certain medications (including vaccines)) - develops at lightning speed (within minutes), without help the animal may die;
  • Quincke's edema (angioneurotic shock) can develop due to the administration of drugs to which the dog is allergic, or an insect bite, while the animal's face and eyes suddenly swell, and difficulty breathing may occur (if the swelling spreads to the throat).


Any responsible owner should know how allergies manifest themselves in dogs.

In rare cases, they may develop serious complications, so be sure to have first aid medications in your first aid kit:

  • Prednisolone.
  • Dexamethasone.
  • Suprastin.
  • Diphenhydramine.

Review of antihistamines

The danger of allergies can await you at every turn: flea bites, various aggressive insects, food allergies and even to substances from environment. It is because of them that your four-legged friend may experience an allergic reaction.

Antihistamines will help cope with it. These are drugs that inhibit histamine receptors. That is, it blocks allergy symptoms: shortness of breath, redness of the skin, scratching, etc. Moreover, if a dog scratches the skin, all sorts of bacteria can get into the scratches. An allergic complication will begin - secondary pyoderma.

Antihistamines can provide relief to your dog and prevent allergy complications.

The most common medications used to treat allergies are:

  • Diphenhydramine tablets and ampoules;
  • Tavegil tablets;
  • Suprastin tablets.

Sometimes other antihistamines are used, such as Fenistil, Peritol, Telfast, Benadryl, etc.

Before purchasing this or that drug for your dog, of course, you should consult a veterinarian and find out the cause of the allergy.

Dexamethasone: how to use correctly?

In addition to antihistamines, there are other drugs that are used to combat your four-legged friend's allergies. One such drug is Dexamethasone. It belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroid drugs and is used in the form of ampoules for injection with clear liquid or in tablet form.

The use of Dexamethasone is wide: it is used in the treatment various injuries, for elimination shock states, with edema and, of course, allergic reactions. One of the properties of hormones is to reduce immunity, so it is often used for autoimmune diseases.

Based on reviews from dog lovers, more than one pet has managed to make their life easier thanks to Dexamethasone. The animal's condition improved before our eyes.


Dexamethasone can be used not only to eliminate allergy symptoms. The remedy is also used for various shocks.

If your dog has had hemorrhage or encephalitis or other swelling of the brain that is associated with injury or surgery, Dexamethasone is also used. This drug can be used to relieve inflammation from the food tube, for pulmonary edema and anemia.

Yes, you might think that glucocorticosteroids have a lot of advantages: they relieve inflammation and eliminate allergy symptoms, and improvement occurs quickly.

But don't forget that hormonal injections can be extremely dangerous for your dog. List side effects is very large and in some cases even threatens the development of chronic diseases.

Of course, you should listen to the reviews of neighbors and friends, but you should still rely on the opinion of a specialist. And only after consultation with a veterinarian can you begin treatment with Dexamethasone.


The dosage of Dexamethasone depends on the disease that the drug is intended to eliminate. For example, when antishock therapy– 1 – 1.5 ml/kg at a time, depending on the weight of the animal. For spinal cord injury, your dog should receive 0.5 ml/kg every eight hours.

For infections, the drug is prescribed along with antibiotics. When using Dexamethasone, it must be diluted with sodium chloride solution or dextrose in a five percent concentration. The drug is injected either into the muscle, or inside, or around the joint.

Contraindications and side effects

Restrictions on the use of Dexamethasone are diabetes, fractures and pregnancy. Naturally, you need to pay attention to the pet’s sensitivity to the drug.

If you strictly follow the veterinarian's instructions, you can easily avoid problems and various side effects, but not always:

  • possible loss of appetite;
  • intestinal obstruction and bleeding;
  • ulcer of the gastric mucosa;
  • skin problems, etc.

Dexamethasone is a very serious drug that should not be used for every reason. It is better to eliminate allergy symptoms with antihistamines rather than hormones.

How does an allergy manifest itself in the eyes?