Itching and discomfort in the anus. How and how to treat severe itching in the anus

Itching in the anus after a bowel movement is a problem so delicate that most people will prefer self-medication or inaction, because many do not even want to talk about it to a doctor.

But if every trip to the toilet is accompanied by discomfort that is permanent, it is necessary to discard false modesty and consult a specialist as soon as possible, because such manifestations can be markers of other serious diseases that require urgent treatment.

There are a lot of reasons why itching or burning sensation in the anus occurs - some of them are quickly and easily eliminated, others, after diagnosis, turn out to be severe pathologies in which itching was almost the only symptom.

Therefore, it is imperative to pay attention to it and not hesitate to visit a doctor.

Possible reasons

Causes of itching can be both internal and external, be short-term or chronic.

List of the most common causes of itching after a bowel movement:

Constant itching, burning sensation and pain in the anus after defecation, which immediately make themselves felt and bother for a long time, are most often diseases of the rectum.

These include:

  • internal and external hemorrhoids;
  • anorectal fistulas;
  • genital warts;
  • anal fissures;
  • chronic proctosigmoiditis;
  • warts;
  • malignant formations;
  • polyps.

Folk remedies

In addition to medications, you can cure the itching of the anus with the help of some folk recipes for home-made medicines. For example, in order to dry the skin a little, you can take baths based on a decoction of oak bark at night or add pre-prepared chamomile decoction, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, to the water.

It also calms the nervous system well, which is also important under the condition of constant nervous tension due to a stable feeling of discomfort.

In addition, there are others with anal itching. These include:

  • microclysters on a decoction of calendula with the addition of sea buckthorn;
  • homemade rectal suppositories based on badger fat, medical alcohol and propolis;
  • homemade ointments from vaseline and cranberry juice.

To prepare a decoction for an enema, you will need to dry the calendula flowers and add one tablespoon of the plant to 100 ml of boiling water, bring to a boil and remove from heat, leaving the resulting decoction for an hour. An hour later, two teaspoons of sea buckthorn oil are added to the broth. The resulting remedy is used in the form of microclysters at night.

Rectal suppositories according to a folk recipe are also very simple to prepare. Propolis, medical alcohol and badger fat should be mixed in equal parts and put in a cold place for three days. After that, the resulting mass must be shaped into a candle. The number of candles will depend on the initial volume of the added ingredients.

To prepare the ointment, you need 200 gr. cosmetic vaseline and 50 ml of undiluted cranberry juice. The resulting mixture should lubricate the anus at least twice a day.

Of course, these methods give a good effect if the cause of itching is a non-dangerous pathological condition like anal fissures. In other cases, traditional medicine will have a beneficial effect on the body, alleviate various unpleasant symptoms, but in the fight against or numerous polyps of the rectum, homemade ointments, candles and decoctions will not be enough.

Preventive measures

Itching and burning sensation in the anus is a nuisance that can happen to every person, regardless of his age and gender, therefore, as a preventive measure for this condition, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

  • give preference to underwear made of natural material;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • eat right and varied;
  • get rid of bad habits, especially alcohol;
  • during menstruation or with heavy vaginal discharge, women should regularly wash themselves and change sanitary pads more often;
  • treat chronic bowel disease without leaving everything to chance.

Choosing a hygiene product

If a person has allergic reactions and hypersensitivity of the skin, it is necessary to provide air access to the irritated area of ​​​​the epidermis, use products with a neutral pH (hydrogen indicator) for washing, not forgetting that an indicator of less than seven is an acidic reaction, and more than seven is alkaline. In view of this, preference should be given to products with an indicator of 7 (neutral environment), ideal for human skin.


Not so rare are cases when the cause of itching is a lack of fiber in the diet, as well as an excess of carbohydrate foods.

Including more fiber in your diet (either natural or dry fiber at the pharmacy) and reducing your consumption of sweets (bread, chocolate, sugar, and sodas) will improve digestion.

Compliance with the correct drinking regimen (up to 2 liters of water per day) will help to avoid dry stools, in which feces can scratch the inside of the rectum, causing pain and discomfort, which also often causes incomprehensible itching of the anus.

During treatment, it is advisable to follow a sparing diet and give preference to the following products:

  • lean meat;
  • vegetables fruits;
  • fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat content (2.5-5%);
  • homemade compotes;
  • jelly;
  • cereals and products from durum wheat.


Regardless of what caused the itching, the main thing to remember is that a timely visit to a doctor can help identify serious diseases at an early stage of development, which will allow for effective treatment, avoid complications and maintain health.

If the cause of the itching is the usual skin irritation, the doctor will prescribe remedies that alleviate the condition and help in a short time to completely get rid of the unpleasant sensations that cause physical and moral discomfort to a person.

Itching in the anus is an unpleasant clinical symptom that significantly worsens the quality of life. There are many causes of burning in the anus, so you should not make a diagnosis yourself. If discomfort and itching are caused by insufficient hygiene, it is enough to eliminate the provocative factor so that the burning sensation stops. In cases where itching does not go away within 1-2 days, and its severity becomes stronger, you should consult a doctor. Coloproctologist deals with the treatment of diseases of the colon. In small settlements, where the help of a narrowly specialized specialist is not possible, the examination should begin with a visit to the therapist.

Most often, itching in and around the anus is accompanied by other symptoms, among which the most common is irritation and redness of the skin in the anus. Such manifestations are characteristic of many diseases, but in 30% of cases they indicate incorrect or insufficient hygiene. Skin irritation combined with severe itching can be a sign of helminthic invasion and some chronic ailments, among which diabetes mellitus occupies a leading position.

Sometimes burning is accompanied by the formation of small sores. This picture is typical for infectious pathologies that are sexually transmitted. Some infections (such as candidiasis in women) can cause a white, cheesy patch to form on the skin around the anus. Despite the fact that this symptom is rarely found, this possibility cannot be completely ruled out, since in the absence of basic personal hygiene, thrush from the genitals can easily go to the anus.

Important! In rare cases, itching around the anus may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature up to 37.3-37.6 °. This happens mainly with extensive lesions by helminths and severe intoxication. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, serious complications from the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems are possible.

Helminths - one of the causes of itching in the anus

Pathological itching, not associated with intimate hygiene, is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • burning;
  • redness around the anus;
  • fluctuations in temperature (slight increase within subfebrile values);
  • the formation of acne and ulcers (with sexual infections).

Even if itching is an isolated symptom, and nothing bothers the patient anymore, it is not worth postponing a visit to the doctor, since most chronic diseases can be latent for a long time.

Causes of itching

To understand what exactly caused the itching, it is necessary to take tests of feces, urine and blood, as well as visit a specialized specialist. In some cases, you may need the conclusion of other doctors: a gynecologist (for women), an endocrinologist, an infectious disease specialist and a gastroenterologist.

If the itching is of medium intensity, accompanied by burning and redness of the skin, perhaps the reason lies in insufficient hygiene measures. The anus is one of the most vulnerable and sensitive areas, so keeping this part of the body clean is of great importance for the prevention of infectious diseases. To prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, the main of which is itching, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  • underwear should be made of natural materials with good "breathing" ability (natural cotton without the addition of synthetics);
  • hygienic shower and washing should be daily;
  • to care for the intimate area, to which the anus area belongs, it is necessary to use mild detergents (it is better to choose foam gels - they have a soft texture and help to gently cleanse the skin of impurities);
  • it is necessary to wipe the skin after a shower with a personal towel, while it is important that separate towels are allocated for the body and legs;
  • change of underwear must be done every day;
  • women are advised to avoid using scented sanitary pads as they can irritate the skin and cause allergic reactions.

Irritated skin can be lubricated Bepanten"and other products with vitamins of group B. If, despite following all the recommendations for hygiene, itching does not go away within 1-3 days, you should consult a doctor, as the reasons can be very serious.

Infection with worms

To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to examine a smear from the skin around the anus. This can be done in the laboratory or at home. A cotton swab should be moistened with water at room temperature, gently held several times around the anus and put the stick in a sterile closed container. It is necessary to deliver the material to the laboratory within 2-4 hours.

Important! Before taking the tests, you should not wash yourself, as this can distort the results and lead to a false answer.

  • frequent headaches of unknown etiology;
  • gray complexion, skin rashes (boils, pimples, acne);
  • allergic reactions;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • appetite problems;
  • sudden weight loss while maintaining habitual physical activity and eating behavior.

If the anal butt is accompanied by any of the listed signs, it is necessary to undergo an examination by an infectious disease specialist.

Violation of the intestinal microflora

Long-term use of antibiotics, malnutrition, bad habits and other adverse factors can lead to an imbalance in the balance of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms. With dysbacteriosis, itching is permanent, may be accompanied by irritation and redness of the skin around the anus. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to examine the intestinal microflora. For this, bacterial culture is performed, if necessary, the doctor may prescribe additional studies.

If the cause of an unpleasant symptom is dysbacteriosis, the patient needs:

  • include more fermented milk products in the diet (kefir and Bifidok are especially useful);
  • take a course of treatment with probiotic preparations;
  • normalize nutrition so that the daily diet contains the optimal amount of useful and nutritious substances;
  • eat more vegetables, fruits and greens (they contain fiber and pectin, which remove toxins, toxins and harmful bacteria from the intestines).

Symptoms of dysbacteriosis usually disappear after 7-10 days of taking probiotics. If this does not happen, it is necessary to undergo a deeper examination to identify hidden causes.


Itching in diabetes mellitus appears mainly in the genital area, but sometimes a symptom can occur in the rectum. A similar picture is typical for women over 40 years old, but in rare cases, similar clinical manifestations can also be diagnosed in men.

Itching in diabetes of any type has a pronounced character and high intensity. Correction of the diet, taking medications and following medical recommendations will help reduce the manifestations of symptoms, but it will not work to completely get rid of itching. Pathology in most cases takes a chronic course and aggravates with any violations of the regimen and errors in nutrition.

Pathology of the rectum

Sometimes severe itching may indicate the presence of pathologies and diseases of the rectum. Most often, severe itching appears with various forms of hemorrhoids and damage to the intestinal mucosa. Cracks in the anus are also one of the causes of painful itching and burning, since any dirt that gets into the damaged areas causes serious discomfort. In the presence of cracks and abrasions on the walls of the rectum, hygiene should be given increased attention. Before healing you need:

  • wash after each bowel movement;
  • arrange air baths several times a day;
  • change clothes 2 times a day.

Less commonly, intestinal polyps becomes the cause of itching. Polyps are benign growths that form on the intestinal mucosa. They can grow in isolation or form colonies. In the presence of polyps, itching has an average intensity, and the pathology itself is accompanied by a slight release of blood (mainly during defecation).

Important! In some cases, severe itching, blood droplets, skin irritation are symptoms of malignant diseases at the initial stage. To exclude the possibility of oncological lesions, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time and follow all the recommendations for diagnosis.

Pathologies of the digestive system

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also occur with the formation of anal itching. Most often, such symptoms manifest themselves in acute gastritis, colitis and pancreatitis. Inadequate production of digestive enzymes, a violation of the acidity of the gastric environment can lead to a slight burning sensation and discomfort that occur periodically and do not differ in a constant course. This symptom may be aggravated after eating fried foods or foods with a high content of flavors, dyes and other harmful synthetic additives.

Acute gastritis is one of the possible causes of itching in the anus.

Dermatological diseases

Itching in the anus is one of the main symptoms of pediculosis (lice infestation), psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. With these diseases, the skin in the anus area becomes very red, flaky spots, painful sores can form. Determining the cause of itching in this case is quite simple, since almost all skin pathologies have pronounced clinical symptoms. Special tests and analyzes are required only in exceptional cases.

Contact dermatitis and allergic reactions deserve special attention. They can be caused by the use of aggressive cosmetics and household chemicals with a high content of fragrances. These include:

  • toilet paper;
  • washing powder and fabric softeners;
  • sanitary pads (for women);
  • intimate hygiene products, etc.

If you are prone to irritation of the skin in the anus, it is recommended to abandon flavored and colored toilet paper. For washing clothes, it is better to use hypoallergenic or baby powder. They do not contain harmful additives and reduce the risk of allergies to a minimum.

Video - 3 causes of itching in the anus

Allergy to drugs

Anal itching is often an allergic reaction to the use of drugs for local treatment (ointments and gels for hemorrhoids, rectal suppositories). If itching and burning appear after applying drugs to the genital area or rectum, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of an allergy to the active substance of the drug or auxiliary ingredients.

Psychoses and neuroses

Itching, which is neurological in nature, is very common. For example, in psoriasis, it is stress that provokes attacks of severe itching, which are difficult to stop with drugs. If a person is prone to emotional outbursts or is under stress for a long time, the likelihood of itching on any part of the body increases several times.

To cope with anxiety, you need to walk and rest more. People with neurological pathologies are advised to limit TV viewing and computer work, especially in the evening. Before going to bed, you can drink some milk with honey or a cup of herbal tea. With severe disorders and a tendency to depression, it is necessary to contact specialists, since it can be very difficult to cope with such problems on your own.

Anal itching is often diagnosed in people with weakened immune systems and long-term intoxication. Smokers and people who abuse alcoholic beverages can suffer from similar symptoms even with strict adherence to hygiene rules, so an important step in treatment is to give up any bad habits.

Correction of eating behavior, the choice of hypoallergenic cosmetics and hygiene items will also minimize the likelihood of any skin manifestations. If no measures help to cope with the problem, you should contact a specialist for examination and treatment.

Itching is a symptom that accompanies many proctological diseases. This phenomenon is very common and can disturb the patient for a long time. To solve the problem and correctly choose an ointment for itching that occurs in the anus, you need to establish the cause of its occurrence.


Itching that occurs in the anus can be a separate ailment or a sign of various diseases:

  • gynecological problems;
  • infectious diseases;
  • helminthic invasion.

In addition, discomfort can be caused by poor hygiene or poor nutrition. They occur only in the anus, but often spread to the entire inguinal region. Discomfort can be short-term and insignificant or long-term and very strong. In addition, edema, burning sensation, skin tightening may appear in the anus.

If you find any alarming symptoms, you should go to the proctologist and undergo a comprehensive examination.

Modern pharmaceuticals offer a huge number of drugs that allow you to quickly and easily solve the problem. As a rule, doctors prescribe an ointment for patients.

  • Heparin ointment

One of the best remedies that removes itching and burning sensation, and also destroys all bacteria. The ointment effectively relieves the inflammatory process and has an analgesic effect. One of the main components of the product is heparin, which has a beneficial effect on tissues, removes irritation and swelling.

  • Relief

Another ointment for itching that occurs in the anus, which will help solve a delicate problem. The main ingredient is shark liver oil. It instantly heals wounds and stops the inflammatory process. The ointment treats anal fissures and hemorrhoids, reduces knots, improves blood circulation, relieves pain.

  • Hepatrombin G

Another remedy for itching in the anus. It can be used to treat external and internal hemorrhoids, as well as fissures and other problems. The ointment can be applied externally or injected into the anus with a nozzle. It quickly relieves annoying itching, but at the same time inhibits the restoration of tissues that are affected.

  • Other ointments

For home treatment of itching, localized in the anus, other means are also suitable:

  1. Troxevasin is an antiseptic drug that restores damaged tissues, relieves all discomfort.
  2. Aurobin - eliminates burning sensation and discomfort, relieves pain. The drug can be used not only for inflammation, but also in the presence of cracks.
  3. Fleming's ointment - contains calendula, which eliminates inflammation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

The choice of the drug depends on the cause of discomfort, the age of the patient, the individual tolerance of the components of drugs. For example, an ointment for itching, which occurs in men in the anus, should have a special effect: relieve pain, remove inflammation, etc. Combined ointments that perform several functions at once have this effect.

You can solve the problem of discomfort and discomfort with the help of candles. The medicine is quickly absorbed, and its active substances go directly to the problem area. The following drugs are most widely used:

  1. Candles, the main ingredients of which are belladonna extract - Anuzod, etc.
  2. Aurobin - combined candles that have an analgesic effect.
  3. Relief - stop the inflammatory process, heal tissues, prevent bleeding.
  4. are considered to be among the best.
  5. Preparations with methyluracil - eliminate discomfort and increase immunity.

Candles from itching that affects the anus can be used only after a visit to the doctor. Only a specialist can determine the cause of the problems and prescribe an effective treatment.

If you are wondering how to cure itching in the anus at home, use proven traditional medicine recipes.

  • Therapeutic baths

For the procedure, warm water is collected, into which infusions of medicinal herbs are introduced - chamomile, birch buds, calendula, oak bark. They effectively relieve itching and relieve discomfort. Baths are best taken at night, duration - no more than thirty minutes.

  • Lotions and compresses

At home, the treatment of itching, localized in the anus, can be carried out using compresses. Moisten gauze in cold water or wrap ice in it, then apply to the problem area. A good effect is given by lotions with an infusion made from periwinkle leaves. They are brewed and kept in a water bath. Strain the finished product, cool and apply to the problem area.

  • Decoctions of medicinal herbs

Herbal collection, including burdock roots, walnut leaves, chamomile. Mix all the ingredients, brew and keep on low heat for fifteen minutes. Strain the finished product, cool and consume inside. A decoction made from mint, yarrow, chamomile and linden flowers helps well. You can also use the bark of oak, willow and buckthorn. It is crushed, brewed and taken orally.


To prevent itching in the anus, it is important to follow simple rules:

  • daily hygiene, including after going to the toilet;
  • eliminate constipation, eat easily digestible foods;
  • avoid contact with irritants;
  • wear the right underwear;
  • avoid friction and damage to the skin in the anus.

If discomfort still appears, you should definitely go to the doctor, who will tell you how to treat itching in the anus at home.

There are manifestations of diseases that cause obvious discomfort, but a person is embarrassed to talk about them. The patient is ashamed to go to the doctor and tries to treat such conditions at home on his own.

Incorrect therapy causes unwanted complications. That is why doctors advise not to delay a visit to the doctor if, for example, there is itching and burning in the anus. These unpleasant symptoms may indicate the development of dangerous pathologies or be the result of improper hygiene care. In any case, a doctor's consultation will not hurt.

Causes and treatment of itching in women

The described condition makes a person nervous and irritable, which negatively affects working capacity, relationships with others. Therefore, it is important to identify the cause of the ailment in time and be treated.

With a problem, it is necessary to contact a proctologist, often a consultation of a gynecologist (in case of a pathology in a woman) and a urologist (in a man) is required. There are several factors provocateurs that can cause unpleasant symptoms. In determining the diagnosis, the intensity of their manifestation plays an important role.

Constant itching

This condition can be facilitated by the appearance of many pathological processes: the presence of internal and external hemorrhoids, genital warts, cracks in the anus.

As a rule, in a person, a burning sensation is accompanied by pain and bloody discharge. Such symptoms should not be ignored. They may indicate the presence of anorectal fistulas or malignant neoplasms, in which itching is constant and of moderate intensity.

Early diagnosis makes it possible to detect such conditions in time and significantly improve the prognosis for their treatment.

  • Constant itching in women and adult men is often a companion of diseases of the genitourinary system. It happens with thrush and during the course of gonorrheal-trichomonas infection, urethritis and prostatitis. Its appearance is associated with the effect on the skin of the perineum of secretions flowing from the genitals.
  • In diabetes, the appearance of itching and burning around the anus, doctors explain the occurrence of dry skin, a change in the composition of urine. The described manifestations have a pronounced character and high intensity. Correction of nutrition helps to improve the condition, but it is not possible to completely get rid of the symptom even after taking medications. If the diet is violated, the clinic becomes aggravated.
  • Dermatological diseases (psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, pubic lice). Their course causes redness around the anus, the appearance of spots that begin to peel off over time, and constantly itchy erosions form in their place.
  • The described reaction can be provoked by contact dermatitis. or an allergy to the use of aggressive cosmetic products that contain a large number of chemical fragrances.
  • Itching in the anus in a girl or woman appears during menstruation, while using pads or intimate hygiene products.

A characteristic skin reaction may occur when wearing laundry washed with powders and softening conditioners. Often, characteristic manifestations occur after using colored toilet paper.

The exclusion of provocateurs allows you to quickly get rid of unpleasant discomfort.

  • The often described symptom accompanies psychoses and neuroses, if such instability lies in its appearance, it cannot be stopped by drugs.
  • The cause of constant burning can be a pimple that has grown near the anus.
  • Anal itching is often diagnosed in people with prolonged intoxication and weakened immunity.

Longtime smokers and alcoholics can suffer from this discomfort even with careful personal hygiene. Therefore, to eliminate malaise, it is necessary to fight bad habits.

The risk group also includes people suffering from obesity and increased sweating.

Itching after a bowel movement

It occurs due to pathologies of the stomach and intestines. Such a manifestation may accompany gastritis, colitis and acute pancreatitis. Their course is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes, a lack of digestive enzymes, due to which the structure of the feces changes. Therefore, after defecation, the described syndrome appears. It is enhanced by the intake of products that contain spices, bitterness, artificial flavors, dyes, preservatives.

Itching at night

An infected person loses his appetite, he constantly loses weight. If one or more manifestations are found, it is necessary to contact a helminthologist and take a smear from the skin around the anus. Only complex treatment of helminthic invasion will help eliminate itching at night.

Itching after taking antibiotics

A long course of antibacterial drugs (tetracycline and erythromycin) provokes intestinal dysbacteriosis. Such drugs, getting into the tract, destroy not only pathogenic microbes, but also beneficial bacteria that are part of the microflora of a hollow organ.

In most people, this imbalance is quickly compensated, however, in others, the disturbance takes on a long-term character, causing anal itching. The risk group includes children, the elderly and patients with a history of chronic pathologies.

Self-medication, the wrong choice of doses, non-compliance with the duration of their intake can also lead to the appearance of dysbacteriosis. That is why it is so important to seek medical help and strictly follow the doctor's instructions. Indirect symptoms may indicate the development of an imbalance:

  • Cramping pains in the abdomen.
  • Gas formation, bloating.
  • Change of constipation and diarrhea.

A characteristic sign of a violation of the intestinal microflora is the appearance of mucus or foam in the stool, a putrid or sour smell of feces. Similar manifestations can occur both during the use of antibiotics, and after the end of drug therapy.

Itching with menopause

During menopause, the production of sex hormones in a woman's body decreases, causing the skin to lose its elasticity. In the epidermis, the number of collagen fibers decreases, as a result - the lack of the possibility of rapid regeneration, the development and aggravation of atrophic processes.

They can cover the perineum and explain the cause of the described symptom in menopause. The skin around the anus is able to itch severely or moderately, the discomfort always increases in the evening.

Itching during pregnancy

Unpleasant sensations around the anus most often occur in the first trimester. At this time, the hormonal background changes, and this leads to the appearance of periodic secretions. Their intensity may vary. Even abundant secretion is considered the norm, but it is excessive humidity that creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogens. An increase in their number explains the causes of itching.

Weakening of immunity during pregnancy leads to disruption of the normal microflora of the vagina. Against this background, thrush often “wakes up”. It is accompanied by curdled secretions that have a sour smell.

Candidiasis also causes itching in the anus. If it is not treated, the newborn will become infected during childbirth, which is why it is important to eliminate the described problem in the early stages of its manifestation. Otherwise, the baby will suffer from the same ailment.

You can prevent the appearance of discomfort by going through a thorough examination of the organs of the genitourinary system at the planning stage of motherhood. It is important to eat right during pregnancy, strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.

If it itches in the anus, the symptom cannot be ignored. Therapy with drugs prescribed by a gynecologist will be carried out taking into account the identified cause of discomfort and without harm to the fetus. The alternative method of treatment, according to patients, will not help eliminate itching.

Accurate diagnosis

To determine the cause of itching, you need to contact a proctologist. The doctor at the reception draws up a map of the patient's complaints. Enters into it the time of appearance of itching, indicates the presence or absence of dependence on the phase of the day, lists the accompanying symptoms.

In case of negative results, a colonoscopy is performed, which will reveal internal hemorrhoids and polyps in the rectum. After the procedure, it will become known for sure why the skin around the anus is very itchy.

Based on the results of laboratory tests, the proctologist can write a referral for a consultation with a gastroenterologist or an infectious disease specialist. These specialists also consider the causes of burning and itching in the anus in an adult or child.

Possible Complications

The described discomfort can have different intensity and duration. A mild course is always of a short-term nature and disappears after the implementation of hygienic skin care. In patients with a severe form, itching in the perineum lasts for years, significantly worsening the quality of human life.

Discomfort tends to get worse at night. The patient, to make it easier, tries to scratch the areas around the anus. Such actions lead to damage to the skin and to the appearance of deep purulent lesions. Secondary bacterial infections are the most common complication.

Itching around the anus or in the anus can be caused by various reasons, some of them are not directly related to the disease. For an accurate diagnosis, an examination of the irritated area is required, as well as tests.

What symptoms may accompany itching around the anus:

  • redness;
  • rash;
  • skin inflammation;
  • putrid smell;
  • the formation of abscesses;
  • swelling of the veins and the appearance of cones;
  • skin irritation;
  • pain;
  • bleeding.

An accurate description of the symptoms associated with anal itching will help to establish the cause of the disease. Often itching causes perianal dermatitis - an inflammatory process in the anus. The disease can appear at any age. There are many causes of perianal dermatitis, so treatment includes symptomatic relief and elimination of the factors that caused the disease.

Factors provoking perianal dermatitis

One or more factors can cause itching, swelling and severe redness near the anus.

  1. Lack of hygiene. Infrequent washing of the body, lack of cleansing of the area between the buttocks after defecation can cause irritation in the area near the anus and severe itching. Gradually, the skin becomes inflamed, which leads to severe damage and manifestation of tissues, the appearance of purulent processes.

Important! In children, perianal dermatitis is caused by infrequent diaper changes, poor washing of the area between the buttocks, and lack of air baths.

  1. Wearing tight underwear. Underpants that are too tight can chafe between the buttocks, causing skin injury and a burning or itching sensation. It is especially dangerous to wear thongs and tight-fitting shorts that dig into the body. Synthetic underwear can also cause discomfort in the perianal region in an adult.
  2. Haemorrhoids. The initial stage of hemorrhoids can disturb the appearance of itching, swelling of the veins, protrusion of the skin around the anus. Also with hemorrhoids observed:
  • bleeding;
  • constipation;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • burning sensation;
  • false urge to defecate.

Perianal dermatitis occurs with hemorrhoids when skin microcracks form, into which sweat can enter, causing a burning sensation.

  1. Gastritis, dysbiosis. If digestion is disturbed, pieces of food may remain in the intestines, which irritate the intestines and anus, causing it to itch and itch. Because of this, redness appears, but there is no swelling. In this case, it is necessary to take a laxative to remove the remnants of undigested food from the body.
  2. Inflammations, fistulas, fissures, polyps. Inflammatory processes or neoplasms in the intestines can cause perianal dermatitis, as well as a feeling of heaviness and incomplete emptying of the intestines. A consultation with a proctologist is required, especially if the itching appeared against the background of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, surgeries.

Note! With perianal dermatitis caused by gastrointestinal disorders, a mandatory consultation with a gastroenterologist is required!

Important! If perianal dermatitis is hormonal disorders, then you need to contact an endocrinologist and a proctologist!

  1. Diseases of the reproductive system. Many STDs and diseases of the genitourinary system can be accompanied by itching in the anus and genitals. In particular, these sensations are caused by candidiasis, prostatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, urethritis and others. In this case, there is reddening of the perineum, the appearance of secretions, an unpleasant odor.

Important! If you suspect a disease of the reproductive system, you should contact a urologist, as well as a venereologist. Women should visit a gynecologist.

  1. Allergy. In rare cases, an allergic reaction may affect only the anus, although usually the reaction extends to the entire body and especially the face. Allergies can be to foods, cosmetics, medicines and chemicals.
  2. Ingrown hair. With prolonged sitting or depilation, the area around the anus begins to change the direction of hair growth. This causes severe skin irritation and itching.
  3. Fungal or bacterial diseases. In some cases, it is possible that the anus can become infected with a fungal infection, due to which the skin is very itchy. Perhaps the appearance of bubbles, rash, discharge or pustules, the appearance of plaque.
  4. Jeep disease. The disease is characterized by the appearance of multiple vesicles filled with pus. The blisters open on their own after aging, after which ulcers remain on the skin that do not heal for a long time. The pus from the blisters causes further spread of the infection. The disease can provoke the appearance of fistulas that require surgical treatment.

Important! Any of the factors that caused itching of the anus requires confirmation by a specialist. Only after establishing the causes, you can begin the treatment of perianal dermatitis in adults.

Diagnosis and treatment

When making a diagnosis and identifying the causes of the disease, the doctor examines the damaged area, asks the patient about the lifestyle. After that, it is required to pass tests: blood, scraping, feces.

Also, the patient is sent for research:

  • colonoscopy;
  • coprogram;
  • x-ray;
  • rectogram.

Important! Preparations and local remedies are prescribed only to establish the nature of the disease. Self-medication and self-selection of remedies can aggravate the disease!

To relieve symptoms and speed up recovery, physiotherapy can be prescribed: laser or ultrasound treatment, magnetotherapy. You can also treat the disease by taking sitz baths with herbal decoctions or medicines.

To relieve symptoms before the doctor prescribes the full course of treatment, you can use general remedies that relieve itching and swelling. The group of effective external agents includes:

  • Aurobin is a rectal ointment that relieves inflammation, burning and itching. Promotes healing.
  • Olestezin - suppositories that relieve the symptoms of the disease, including itching and pain.
  • Doloproct - a cream that suppresses the inflammatory-allergic reaction, eliminates pain and swelling, itching.

You can also use solutions to relieve pain and swelling to wash the inflamed tissue around the anus. For washing, you can use a soda solution, Chlorhexidine, dissolved Furacelin. You can also use infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs: oak bark, nettle, mint, chamomile, succession.

Note! When treating dermatitis in the anus, you can not use homemade suppositories from fat, potatoes, cucumbers, butter! This contributes to the aggravation of the disease.