Article medicines worth taking to the sea. What to take with you to the sea: a necessary list

To begin with, you should get a small cosmetic bag in which all the medicines would fit. Assemble a first aid kit on vacation, having a well-stocked home first aid kit in your arsenal and adding just a few items to it. Before collecting drugs from a home medicine cabinet, make sure that the drugs are suitable, check the expiration dates. It will be rather unpleasant if the sunburn spray, when needed, instead of a cooling foam, only produces gurgling sounds. And there is no need to even talk about expired pills.

So, let's list everything you need point by point:

  1. Sunscreens, emulsions and lotions.

    Here the choice is purely individual. Who likes what: Nivea Sun, Uriage Baryesan, Eveline, Vichy, etc. For children, a special Nivea children's series is suitable.

  2. Remedy for sunburn.

    Of course, there is a chance that you will have enough sunscreen for sunburn, but you should still play it safe and grab a fire extinguishing can of Panthenol or Apipanthen.

  3. Baby cream, Nivea cream or moisturizing body lotion.

    Yes Yes. Trite and simple, but sometimes baby cream very helpful. Please note Sun rays, wind, high air temperature and salty water one way or another will affect your skin and it is better to grab a proven remedy from home, and not look for it at a resort.

  4. Pills for motion sickness.

    Here you can object, - “We are going by train, why do we need them?” Perhaps pills for motion sickness on the road will not come in handy. However, you should remember about bus excursions, as well as boat trips. A winding mountain route or a “light” four-point storm can play a cruel joke on your vestibular apparatus. Therefore, a plate of tablets from motion sickness does not hurt. From this group you can choose: tablets of the same name - "Pills for motion sickness", Dramina, Avia-Sea.

  5. Repellent (mosquito and mosquito repellent), fumigator.

    It should also be remembered about such misfortune as insects, which, by the way, appear quite suddenly, as well as disappear, regardless of the resort, time of day and the number of stars at the hotel. You can stop the choice on the following means: OFF, Mosquitol, Raid, Raptor.

  6. Antiallergic agents.

    If you can argue about anti-allergic pills - “needed - not needed”, then it is simply necessary to have an anti-allergic ointment in the arsenal. It will help out with insect bites, sunburn, increased skin photosensitivity, etc. Suitable ointment Sinaflan or Hydrocortisone ointment. For kids, it is better to take Fenistil gel or Psilo-balm.

  7. Ointment or cream for herpes.

    It is sad, but true - herpes most often makes itself felt precisely when the climate changes. And therefore, one should not neglect a small tube of Gerpevir or Acyclovir.

  8. Antiseptic (disinfectant) agent.

    Iodine or brilliant green, always and for all times. It is recommended to take in the form of a felt-tip pen.

  9. Analgesics.

    Where without them? It is recommended to take two drugs. The first drug is for moderate pain (headache, muscle pain): Citramon, Aspirin, Troychatka. The second drug is useful if you have a severe headache, toothache pain during menstruation, joint pain: Solpadein, Tempalgin, Nimesil, Ketanov.

  10. Antipyretic and anti-cold.

    Paracetamol, Aspirin, Pharmacitron or Theraflu. For a child, an antipyretic should be chosen individually, taking into account age. In order not to take a heavy bottle of Nurofen or Panadol, you can opt for soluble sachets of children's Antiflu (from 2 years old) or children's Fervex (from 6 years old). For the smallest, you can take candles with paracetamol, but remember: candles should be stored in the refrigerator.

  11. Antitussives.

    Syrup bottles are not recommended. known reasons: excess weight, inconvenience of use. Here, preference should be given to small dosage forms. For example: tablets Ambroxol, Lazolvan or lollipops with sage Dr. Theiss, Dr. MOM.

  12. Medicines for sore throat.

  13. Cold remedy.

    As is known, the best remedy from a cold - sea ​​water. However, in practice it does not always help, especially if a runny nose with allergic component. So a small bottle with Naphthyzinum, Farmazolin or Nazol should also be put in the first aid kit. For the smallest Nazol Baby.

  14. Remedies for the stomach.

    Among the variety of drugs, the following groups should be distinguished:

  • laxatives: Senadexin, Guttalax, Picolax
  • antispasmodics: Drotaverine, No-spasm, No-shpa
  • fixing: Loperamide, Imodium
  • antacids (for heartburn): Rennie, Maalox, Gastal
  • enzymes (for digestion): Festal, Creon, Mezim-forte, Pancreatin
  • drugs for poisoning. It is imperative to have activated carbon, and Regidron (Rehydron can be replaced with a good mineral water). It is better for kids to take Smecta and.

And of course, you should grab more plasters, cotton wool, a bandage, and do not forget about personal hygiene products.

To summarize - the minimum list of what you need to put in the first aid kit for a trip to the sea with a child:

1 Nivea Sun ADULTS Suntan cream 1 Apply to everything open areas skin
2 Children's Nivea Sun CHILDREN Suntan cream 1
3 Panthenol ADULTS AND CHILDREN Aerosol for sunburn 1 Apply up to 5-7 times a day for burns (including sunburns)
4 baby cream ADULTS AND CHILDREN Universal remedy 1
5 air-sea ADULTS and CHILDREN from 3 years Pills for motion sickness 20 tab Dissolve 1 tab an hour before the trip, then 1 tab. every 30 minutes, but not more than 6 tablets per day.
6 OFF (+fumigator) Mosquito repellent 1
7 Psilo Balm ADULTS AND CHILDREN After insect bites, sun allergy, skin rashes 1 Apply to affected areas 2-3 times a day.
8 Aciclovir cream ADULTS herpes remedy 1 In case of exacerbation, smear up to 8 times a day.
9 Brilliant green (solution) ADULTS AND CHILDREN Antiseptic - for wounds, scratches, abrasions, etc. 1 Apply with a cotton swab to the area around the affected area.
10 Streptocide powder (or crushed Streptocid tablets) ADULTS AND CHILDREN For the treatment of weeping, hard-healing wounds Sprinkle the affected area, 3-5 times a day.
11 Citramon ADULTS For a headache 10 tab 1 tablet, no more than 3 tab. in a day.
12 Nimesil package ADULTS For toothache 5 pack 1 packet per half glass of water - 2 times a day, take no more than a week.
13 Fervex package ADULTS For colds, fever 5 pack
14 Antiflu Kids CHILDREN from 2 years For colds, fever 5 pack 1 packet per glass of water, 2-3 times a day
15 Ambroxol tablets ADULTS From cough 20 tab 1 tab. 3 times a day for 7 days.
16 Ambroxol syrup (Concentration 15mg/5ml) ADULTS and CHILDREN from 2 years From cough 1 Children from 2 to 6 years old - 2.5 ml - 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is a week.
17 Lizobakt ADULTS and CHILDREN from 3 years For throat diseases 10 tab Dissolve. Children from 3 to 7 years old - 1 tablet 3 times a day, from 7 to 12 years old - 1 tablet 3-4 times a day.
18 Nazol spray ADULTS From a cold 1 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day.
19 Nazol Baby (or Kids) CHILDREN From a cold 1 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day.
20 Senadexin ADULTS Laxative 10 tab 2 tablets at night
21 Candles with glycerin CHILDREN Laxative 1 apply 1 candle
22 No-shpa ADULTS For intestinal spasms 12 tab 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day
23 Imodium ADULTS With diarrhea (diarrhea) 6 tab 2 tablets once, if necessary + 1 tablet per hour
24 Rennie ADULTS For heartburn 12 tab Chew 1-2 tablets for heartburn, maximum daily dose should not exceed 16 tablets.
25 Mezim-forte ADULTS To improve digestion 20 tab 1-2 tablets during meals.
26 Smecta ADULTS AND CHILDREN 10 pack The package must be dissolved in half a glass boiled water. For children under 1 year, the solution is divided into 5 portions per day, from 1 to 2 years - half a package 3 times a day, from 2 years - 1 package 2-3 times a day.
27 Nifuroxazide tab. ADULTS With infectious poisoning 20tab. 1 tab 3-4 times a day.
28 Regidron ADULTS AND CHILDREN With poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea. The package is diluted with 1 liter of water. The resulting solution is taken at the rate of 10 ml / kg of body weight per hour, and in case of improvement of the condition - 5 ml / kg. That is, if the child weighs 30 kg, then in the first hour it is necessary to take 300 ml of the solution.
29 Adhesive plasters (including waterproof ones)
30 cotton wool
31 Bandage
32 Cotton buds, cotton pads
33 Other personal care products
34 Thermometer

Traditionally, in the summer, many of our citizens go to rest in the southern regions, on the seas and beaches, but infectious diseases, injuries and other misfortunes lie in wait even in paradise places. A person is not perfect and any carefully planned vacation can be ruined if the tourist forgets about the first aid kit, with the necessary set of medicines, or understaffed it.

Medicines abroad are often many times more expensive than those bought in Russian pharmacies. There is also a language barrier, which may not allow you to contact a foreign pharmacist, explain your problem and get the right medicine. We will talk about this in today's article.

We will also touch upon the topic of transporting drugs across the border, both on its land side and by plane. Which drugs can be exported and to which countries. We will especially focus on popular destinations among Russians, such as Egypt, Turkey, Ukraine, and European countries. As already established in my Handbook, I will give specific recommendations without advertising.

The set of medicines presented by me will not help in case of serious illnesses, partly chronic diseases or extensive injuries, but for first aid in amateur mode it will definitely work. I will also try to present analogues of funds from Everyday life, for those who are already on vacation, but did not take medicines and cannot get them on the spot.

First aid kit for a tourist abroad

First, let's divide all our vacationers into two groups - practically healthy and people suffering from chronic diseases. The second group often includes the elderly and the elderly, but the young, unfortunately, do not lag behind, especially for diseases such as, and many others. Separately, we single out a group of vacationers with children.

A first aid kit is necessary for both the first group of tourists and the second. Naturally, for the second group, this will be an extended list, since on vacation it is quite natural to expect an exacerbation of many chronic sores.

The general list of first aid drugs that each person needs to take on the road and on vacation (with explanations from the doctor and motivation for the choice):

1. Injuries (on vacation, various cuts, abrasions, burns, including sunburns, are more common)

And this list is small because the usual medicines are not included in it, you can’t buy them in the usual sale, only by prescription, and the rules for transporting such medicines and passing through customs, I have already described above in the section of drugs for chronic patients.

At any time, you can check the list of drugs prohibited or permitted for transportation to certain countries from the embassy staff or on the website of the official diplomatic mission of the country where you plan to rest.

I will note a few nuances for individual states and drugs, since the inquisitive Russian mind would not have thought of such exoticism.

Vaccinations while traveling exotic countries

I would like to note one more point. The need for specific vaccinations for exotic countries, especially the Pacific-Asian region, Africa and Latin America. Although you will be allowed into any of these countries without these vaccinations, but then you risk your health. Therefore, it is worth contacting an infectious disease specialist in a clinic at the place of residence in advance. They have a list of vaccinations for specific countries and he will advise which one can be done and where. Some of them are paid service, so you need to prepare the money. More detailed information need to be clarified, since there are a lot of countries and any of the exotic has its own epidemics and diseases. It is better to apply in advance, two months before the planned date of the trip, since some vaccinations will need to be given several times, at certain intervals.

The basic rule of any traveler is a respectful attitude towards the country of temporary residence. Nobody wants to harm you, everyone is busy with their own business, and you are resting. So do not spoil your vacation with unnecessary problems, but take care of the medicines at home.

I will finish the already stretched article that I wanted to write for a long time and summarize the main nuances of the formation of a first-aid kit for a tourist going on vacation abroad. I would like to believe that the article will help many people find the optimal balance between free space in their luggage and the necessary set of medicines that may be needed on vacation, on the road, on the beach. I want to wish all readers not to get sick at all, and even more so during the trip. After all, we have been preparing for a vacation for so long not in order to ingloriously spend it in illness.

I look forward to your comments and comments, and maybe a list of drugs that you personally take in the first aid kit during the trip and which I missed. Good luck to all my readers.

Finally, the long-awaited vacation has come, and you are going on vacation to another city or country that you have long dreamed of visiting. Packing things on the road, you ask yourself a reasonable question: is it necessary to take medicines with you if you are a practically healthy and rarely ill person? The unequivocal answer is yes, it is necessary.

And although I don't want to think about possible problems, especially in a foreign climatic zone with food, water, weather and other features of rest that are unusual for the body, anything can happen and it is better to be prepared for this. Do not collect everything that is at home in the locker. At first glance, the list of necessary drugs will seem impressive, but, on the other hand, there is nothing superfluous in it, you may need anything and in any combination.

So, we collect the first-aid kit on the road.

First, decide what medicines you have available in home first aid kit and which ones to buy. On the packages available at home, carefully look at the expiration date and the amount of the drug, it should be enough for the period that you will rest, but it is better to take it with a small margin. Medicines that have expired or are nearing their expiration date should not be taken. You also need to take care of what you will carry the medicines in. The packaging must protect mechanical damage, the action of the sun, heating, getting wet.

It is not necessary to collect absolutely all the names of drugs listed in the list, one drug from each group (aimed at treating one pathology) is enough.

1. Antiallergic drugs. Suprastin, tavegil, loratadine

At food allergies, exacerbations allergic rhinitis, dermal allergic itch, urticaria. Take the pills with you, even if you have never suffered from it.
Caution: taking these drugs is unacceptable with the use of alcohol, as well as when driving.

2. Painkillers. Nurofen (ibuprofen, instant 400, snowstorm), baralgin, spazgan will be removed headache, back pain, muscle pain.

3. Gastrointestinal.

A) Antidiarrheal and enterosorbents. Smecta, Activated carbon, enterosgel, imodium (loperamide). It is permissible to apply within 3 days, in the absence of improvement, consult a doctor.
B) Remedies for heartburn, nausea, heaviness in the abdomen. Gastal, rennie, mezim forte (pancreatin), motilac, cerucal. Mezim forte (pancreatin) can be taken during a hearty meal, drinking fatty foods to facilitate digestion.

C) Against abdominal pain. No-shpa (drotaverine).

D) food poisoning. Smecta, rehydron, enterol, bifiform, ersefuril

D) constipation. Guttalax, laxigal, forlax

4. Remedies for motion sickness in transport. Dramina, air sea

5. Means for the treatment of sunburn. Panthenol, soventol

6. Anti-cold drugs.
A) Antipyretic and eliminating articular and muscle pain. Paracetamol (Efferalgan, Tylenol, Panadol), Nurofen, Nise.

B) Remedies for the common cold. Xymelin, Rhinostop, Otrivin

C) Sore throat. Lozenges for sucking: septolete plus, strepfen, grammidin
Aerosols: inhalipt, hexoral

D) When coughing with sputum. Ambroxol tablets, lazolvan (syrup), ambrohexal (syrup)

7. Calming agents. Persen, novopassit, valerian tablets.
It can be used in the first days of staying in a new place - during the day, and at night with sleep disorders.

8. Antiherpetic drugs(with blisters on the face). Zovirax gel, acyclovir

9. Local antiseptics. Solution of chlorhexidine(miramistin), hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green (can be in the form of pencils)

10. Dressing material. Sterile bandages 2 pcs., bactericidal plaster, cotton balls

11. Eye drops. Sulfacyl sodium (albucid), visine

12. Local funds for the treatment of bruises, injuries of ligaments and muscles. Voltaren emulgel, fastum gel, indovazin gel

13. From fatigue in the legs, swelling. Gelenven, ginkor gel

14. From insect bites. Psilo balm, fenistil

15. Electronic thermometer

16. Repellents- Insect repellent if traveling to tropical countries. It is better to take what you have already used, or test the product on yourself first to exclude allergic reactions.

17. Means that protect against harmful ultraviolet radiation with a high protective factor (SPF).

For people with chronic conditions, remember to take your regular medications, as well as medications recommended by your doctor for emergency assistance, for example, in the case sudden rise blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension.

What medicines to take with you on vacation for a child

What to put in a first aid kit for children? Of the antipyretic drugs for children, paracetamol in syrup (panadol for children, efferalgan syrup for children, Tylenol for children) or in suppositories (panadol, cefecon) is preferable. Mandatory means that protect the skin from the sun with a UV factor of at least 30, local antiseptics, smecta, bandage, panthenol for sunburn, nose drops (nazol, Aqua Maris), eye drops, anti-allergy, motion sickness (dramina) or mints. For constipation - suppositories glycelax or duphalac syrup.

If your child suffers from any chronic illness, please consult a pediatrician before leaving.

Rules for transporting medicines across the border

Cross-border restrictions apply to psychotropic and narcotic substances. If you have a medical condition that requires you to take a drug in this group, you must certify that you need the drug for your own personal use. medical indications. The proof of this is a prescription from a doctor (a duplicate is possible) or an extract from the medical history with a medical signature. In addition, you must fill out a passenger customs declaration indicating the name and quantity of the drug being transported, attaching the available medical documents to it, and go along the "red corridor". An important clarification - many combination medicines may contain a prohibited component. These are some painkillers, antitussive drugs, sedatives, such as, for example, the familiar Corvalol or Valocordin containing phenobarbital. Weight loss drugs can also belong to the psychotropic group. They also need to be declared. A list of potent substances subject to declaration can be found on the website of the Federal Customs Service.

For any drug that says it is a prescription drug, you must be prepared to show your doctor's prescription. If the medicine is NOT from the list of potent and psychotropic drugs, you do not need to declare it, your corridor is "green".

it Russian rules. However, each country has its own list of prohibited drugs, which you will have to find out in advance at the travel agency or using the Internet to avoid unforeseen problems.

Transportation of medicines by plane

AT hand luggage you can carry liquid dosage forms, as well as creams and gels with a capacity of not more than 100 ml each. They must be packed in transparent plastic packaging and their total volume must not exceed 1 liter. It is forbidden to carry aerosols in cabin baggage, except for those that are needed during the flight for medical reasons, such as anti-asthma. In this case, be prepared to provide a doctor's note stating the diagnosis or a prescription. The same rule applies if you are carrying strong drugs with you or conventional medicine a lot.

And, in conclusion, it is important to remember that even the most modern medicines, taken on a trip, do not cancel the need for a qualified medical consultation if, against the background of their use, your health does not improve within 2-3 days. Do not experiment with self-medication for longer than this period, entrust your health to doctors.

Have a nice rest!

Therapist S.E.V

Take a small first aid kit with you on any trip. We have compiled a list of medicines for the trip so that everything is at hand during the trip. Share experience, give advice, suggest inexpensive analogues. Pack your first aid kit on the go!

We travel a lot and on any trip we always take a set of medicines for all occasions. In this review, we will share with you a list of travel medicines - it is repeatedly tested in practice, suffered through hard work and well thought out. Take note, relax and do not get sick!

Before using the medicine, consult your doctor. We only talk about the contents of our camping medicine box, and do not give professional medical advice.

before vacation take out insurance: the service is convenient in its search for several large insurance companies at once and the ability to select a policy according to the desired parameters and the best price.

If you take any medications on a regular basis, put them in your personal medicine cabinet first. Do not forget that for potent and psychotropic drugs you need to have a doctor's prescription - in its absence, you simply may not be put on the plane.

Where is it calm and safe? Look - we compared countries in terms of natural disasters, wars and terrorism, peacefulness and attitude towards tourists.

List of medicines for the trip

This is our universal list medicines that we take on any trip - even abroad, even in Russia:

  • "Neosmectin"
  • "Rehydron"
  • "Mezim"
  • "Enterofuril"
  • "Nimesulide"
  • "Spazmalgon"
  • Acetylsalicylic acid
  • "Citramon P"
  • "Grammidin"
  • "Rinostop"
  • antihistamines ("Cetrin", "Akriderm GK", "Kromoheksal")
  • disinfectants (iodine, chlorhexidine, bandage, bactericidal plaster)
  • "Dramina"
  • "Panthenol"
  • "Fenistil"

List of drugs with descriptions and analogues

Remedies for diarrhea, to improve digestion, enzyme preparations

Diarrhea remedies are the No. 1 medicines that should be in the first aid kit of every tourist. There is even the so-called traveler's diarrhea. The risk of its development is higher in tropical and subtropical regions. With her, "Smekta" helps well (analogue - "Neosmectin").

To improve digestion, we use "Mezim" to avoid unpleasant consequences after getting to know the local cuisine.

At food poisoning you need to rinse the stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then take enterosorbents that remove poisons, toxins and microbes from the body - we take Neosmectin. With dehydration, "Regidron" will help, but brine you can do it yourself. To restore the intestinal microflora, probiotics are needed, for example, Linex.

Don't forget that it's easy to pick up when traveling rotavirus infection (intestinal flu) - we were advised in the pharmacy to take the medicine "Enterofuril" on the road.


The traveler's first aid kit should also contain painkillers - you never know what will happen during the holidays? Going abroad, we take proven "Nise" or "Nimesulide". In principle, any one you use is suitable: Ibuprofen, Pentalgin, and so on. Antispasmodics will not interfere with spasm smooth muscle, for example, "Spazmalgon" or "No-shpa".


Everything is simple here: we take acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol and Citramon P. Any that you normally use will do. Almost all antipyretics simultaneously have an analgesic effect, some (for example, Nise) also act as anti-inflammatory.

Remedies to relieve symptoms of a cold

For a sore throat, we take "Grammidin" with an anesthetic, for a runny nose - "Rinostop". Emser Pastillen lozenges are good for coughing, but I haven’t seen them for sale in Russia (somehow they returned my voice after bad cold in ). Faringosept or Neoangin are quite suitable.

(Photo © / @rawpixel)


If you often suffer from tonsillitis, bronchitis, sinusitis and others infectious diseases respiratory tract, take reliable antibiotics prescribed by your doctor.

Antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs

Even if you don't have allergies, take antihistamines on a trip (especially if you go to exotic countries) - who knows how the body will react to a new environment? Well, if you suffer from allergies, get the medicines you have already tested. We take "Cetrin". Don't forget allergy cream (I use Akriderm GK) and eye drops (Cromohexal).

Remedies for injuries

Our list of medicines on the road also includes: iodine, chlorhexidine for washing and disinfecting wounds, a bandage, a bactericidal plaster.

Medicines for motion sickness

"Dramina" - the most effective drug at " seasickness". This is not a placebo. Of course, everything is individual - "Avia-Sea" also helps someone.

Remedies for sunburn and sunburn

A must-have item for those who are going to spend a lot of time in the sun. It is better to buy funds at home - in resort towns, their prices will be inflated. I highly recommend "Panthenol" to those who have fair skin and who instantly burns in the sun - it stimulates skin regeneration and quickly heals burns. I take him on a trip, because he helped with extensive burns on my shoulders, which I received under.

For people who are educated age spots perfect sunscreen.

Insect repellants

If you are going on vacation to a place where there are a lot of insects, be sure to put anti-mosquito products in the tourist’s first aid kit. We take plates and fumigator Mosquitall. Cream "Fenistil" on vacation is our salvation: it helps to relieve itching and pain after bites. There is an analogue of "Sinaflan". It's not as efficient, but it's cheap.

To protect the lips, hygienic lipstick with an SPF label, such as Nivea or Neutrogena, is suitable.

(Photo © skeeze /

Medicines for the sting of bees and other poisonous insects

On vacation, it is especially important to have such a set of medicines for those who are allergic to insect bites. If you have allergies, try not to use perfumes - strong odors may attract insects. Eucalyptus, lavender and more essential oils theoretically should repel mosquitoes: sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Medicines needed:

  • validol
  • antihistamines
  • adrenalin
  • dexamethasone / prednisolone
  • syringe


First aid to be provided for the bite of bees, bumblebees, wasps and other insects:

  1. Attach plantain to the bite (it sucks out the poison).
  2. Attach soaked validol to the bite.
  3. Ice or something else cold should also be applied to the bite site to slow down blood circulation and the spread of poison throughout the body.
  4. Drink hot sweet tea or coffee (to increase blood pressure).
  5. Take two tablets of cetrin, loratadine, or other medicine you use for allergies. At severe allergies or with a lot of bites, you need to call ambulance Or get yourself to the hospital.
  6. In case of shock, it is necessary to inject 0.5 ml of adrenaline intravenously or intramuscularly into one arm, and 1-3 ml of dexamethasone or prednisolone into the other. If after 10 minutes it does not get better, then inject another 0.5 ml of adrenaline. If after three hours the person is still unwell, then another 1-3 ml of dexamethasone or prednisolone can be administered. Note: it is unlikely that you will be able to have adrenaline in your first-aid kit - they do not sell it in pharmacies, besides, it seems that it is forbidden to be transported across the border. Therefore, you need to contact immediately medical care Doctors always have adrenaline.

If you spend your vacation in the tropics or subtropics, it is important to have snake bite medicine in the tourist's first aid kit - this can save your life.

Medicines needed:

  • dexamethasone / prednisolone
  • furosemide
  • vitamin C
  • syringe

Attention: first aid tips are collected online and we cannot guarantee their medical accuracy. But we have been studying this topic for a long time and have compiled such a memo.

  1. If the bite is shallow, rinse it with water.
  2. Try to suck out the poison (actually the first 5-15 minutes after the bite, in this way you can extract up to half of all snake venom!).
  3. Do not move the limb that has been bitten by the snake. In general, try to move as little as possible - you do not need to accelerate blood circulation and thereby increase the speed of spread of the poison throughout the body.
  4. Refrigerate the bite site.
  5. As for cauterizing the site of a snake bite, there is no unambiguous opinion about this: someone believes that it is absolutely impossible to do this, others advise doing this with a shallow bite, so that under the influence high temperature destroy the snake venom protein (the method is relevant only in the first seconds after a snake bite).
  6. When bitten by asps (a family of snakes, it includes, for example, cobras and sea snakes), give the victim artificial respiration.
  7. The tourniquet should be used only for bites of aspid snakes: it is applied for 30 minutes, followed by a break of 5 minutes, after which the tourniquet is applied for another 30 minutes. In no case should a tourniquet be applied when bitten by viper and pit viper snakes (necrosis of limb tissues may occur)!
  8. Inject corticosteroid drugs intravenously or intramuscularly: dexamethasone or prednisone (1-3 ml). Additionally, it makes sense to administer intravenously or take it orally ascorbic acid- it will protect the cells of the body when bitten by vipers and pit vipers.
  9. Abundantly and constantly drink. Diuretic drugs (such as furosemide) will be helpful.
  10. Seek immediate medical attention.

(Photo © MattSkogen /

Intro image source: © Pexels /

First aid kit at sea list of medicines - to save life, health, decide in advance. Tourists, take care of the timely purchase so that in travel, in the event of unexpected and sudden deterioration of the condition, the necessary drugs were at hand, the state of health quickly returned to normal.

Coming soon rest, chose countries for recreation, route.
Be sure to take with you first aid kit with medicines, which you will complete according to a carefully verified list of medicines needed on the road, if necessary, provide first aid to yourself and your loved ones.

What medicines to take on vacation at sea
First aid kit at sea: a list of medicines for health

I have traveled the countries South-East Asia, Europe
and Russia. Sometimes I had to delve into the problems of adult tourists and children, so I formed my own idea of life situations when traveling when medicines are required.

My first aid kit on a trip is a universal list of pills, essential medicines.

Collecting drugs on the road is an extremely responsible business if you want to protect yourself and loved ones from diseases.

It does not matter: you are tourists from Moscow or the regions, an adult or a child.
Where and how long is the trip planned.

Which drugs to take on vacation were determined as a result of summation practical experience tourist, after multiple trips around the world, multiplied by the theoretical and practical knowledge of a person with a higher medical education.

How to maintain human health while traveling, what problems do vacationers have.

When traveling abroad, medical insurance saves - an insurance policy - protection and confidence in receiving medical care.

  • Minus - the loss of precious rest time, waiting for help, visiting a local doctor.
  • Spending money: insurance purchased with a deductible - an amount of money paid by a tourist when he gets sick out of his own pocket.
  • New disappointments await: some of the problems of tourists will not be considered insured events!
    You will have to be treated at your own expense if you have an insurance policy.
  • The price of medicines abroad is more expensive than domestic ones. The necessary medication must be found. Buy, pay for delivery, taxi, if there is no pharmacy nearby.

What problems are often not covered by insurance, do not belong to insured events, occur on travel and bring a lot of anxiety and trouble, require treatment

1. sunburn.
2. allergies, dermatitis
3. injuries on excursions not with a tour operator; during sports; when riding recreational, water transport, other extreme,
not everyday means of transportation, if you have not purchased the corresponding option in the insurance on your own.
4. exacerbations of chronic diseases.
After a change in nutrition, water and climate, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and so on are often exacerbated.
5. Consequences of libations of alcohol and deterioration of health on the background of taking.
And much more …
Specify the nuances in the terms of insurance when buying a tour package.

If you do not choose options yourself, but are offered by a tour operator, then there will be a minimum.
There is a chance of getting an unpleasant surprise when seeking treatment.

How to minimize the risks of complications and illnesses of a tourist

Comfortable, safe rest for body and soul is provided by 99.9%, provided that the traveler complies with 14 rules.

14 tips for travelers to stay healthy on vacation despite the endless temptations of harm:

  • Take on the road required list medicines.
    You take the funds regularly - take care to provide yourself with drugs for the duration of your stay. Please note that strong medicines require a doctor's prescription.
  • Read the insurance conditions in the policy.
    If you are going to play sports, go on extreme excursions, add options to the policy.
  • There is chronic diseases- consult with your doctor.
    A trip to this country, region, season is contraindicated for some.
    Check with him which drugs and regimen are optimal. Get a prescription if needed.
  • Carefully choose a hotel, read reviews - this will help to avoid a number of difficulties when staying abroad.
  • Wash your hands with soap before eating, after using the toilet, returning to the room.
  • Disinfectant wipes - wipe the handles and handrails in the room.
    Not only doorways - on windows, balconies, taps, a flush tank in a toilet, a kettle, mugs.
    Pathogenic microorganisms are concentrated on them. Immunity can not cope immediately, the environment is new, help it!

Love to swim? Great, try to swim in the sea, minimize, eliminate diving in the pool. Even to children!

We came to the sea, why take the extra risk of catching an infection - this is common everywhere and just happens more often with children.

The way out is to heal yourself through natural thalassotherapy.
Therefore, the choice of a hotel is so important so that a convenient, comfortable beach becomes available to small children.

  • Sunbathing - strictly according to the regime.
    Avoid periods of solar activity. The truth is well known, but sometimes ignored even by families with children!

Get burnt sunstroke. Redness of the skin is revered as an achievement in the "tanning" business.

Remember that damage to the body is applied gradually, then the compensatory mechanisms fail and a disease occurs.

  • Use sunscreen. The sun's rays reflected from the water burn even when in the shade, under an awning!
  • Comfortable, ventilated shoes will prevent tired feet and blisters, practical clothing made from natural, light-colored fabrics will protect against sunburn, overheating.

Choose food that is familiar at the beginning, introduce exotic into the diet gradually, new dishes and fruits - little by little, the effect of them is the most unexpected.

Rinse fruits and berries in the room with running water, pour over with boiling water.

  • Drink boiled or bottled water.
  • The buffet offers a variety of dishes.
    How to protect yourself from recruiting excess weight and overeating: take little piece meat, fish dishes if you want to try it. And a lot of greens, stewed, grilled vegetables, salads. Sweets, pastries, ignore.
  • A positive, friendly attitude towards relaxation and a tolerant attitude towards another culture will good helper on holiday!

What medicines to take on vacation at sea

Improving immunity, adaptation. Preventing breakdown and normalizing digestion. Reducing the risk of getting sick with acute intestinal diseases. Painkillers, antiallergic and others.

Perhaps before detailed list published in the public domain.
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How to effectively, reliably strengthen defensive forces organism, in order to endure climate change, nutrition, attacks of unusual microflora.

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