What does intestinal flatulence mean? Causes and treatment of severe flatulence and gas formation

The appearance of signs of flatulence cannot be confused with anything. A painful feeling of fullness in the stomach puts a person in an awkward position and causes an irresistible desire to retire. But this does not always quickly lead to relief. An unpleasant symptom can act as a companion quite serious illnesses up to cancer.

IN in good condition intestinal loops occupy the volume determined by nature. They are closely "packed" into abdominal cavity, and the degree of their freedom is very small, otherwise we would constantly feel the movement of our intestines.

An unpleasant feeling and even severe pain when gases accumulate, it causes overpressure in the intestinal lumen, which lasts quite a long time. The structure of the intestines is such that gases need to travel a long, winding path before they find their way out. Pressure can cause severe spasm, since it changes the volume and shape of the intestines, “forcing” it to be in an unnatural, “non-physiological” position. Special interoreceptors, which are densely dotted inside the intestine, react to this by sending signals that the central nervous system transforms into pain sensations of varying intensity.

Since the intestines contain a certain amount of mucus, tiny gas bubbles fill it too, turning it into a foam-like substance. Enveloping the intestinal walls, foam prevents intestinal digestion, the synthesis of many useful substances and even a number of vitamins, and excretory function intestinal wall (the so-called reabsorption of water, salts and cholesterol).

Causes of bloating

The main suppliers of gases are putrefactive and (or) fermentation processes in the stomach and intestines. As a rule, they are caused by the retention of carbohydrate-containing food, which acts as a breeding ground for the activity of microorganisms in the closed volume of the colon. Reasons stagnation speakers:

  • a large amount of food eaten at one time;
  • defects or deformations of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract that impede its progress;
  • violations nervous regulation work digestive system(due to anesthesia, other disorders of the autonomic nervous system);
  • low human mobility, often leading to fatal consequences, especially common in bedridden patients;
  • prolonged stress, neuroses;
  • deficiency of digestive juices (gastric, pancreatic, bile).

The stomach is a kind of digestive tuning fork, setting the “tone” of all digestive processes, and gastric juice- the main catalyst of all digestive enzymes. Without adequate preparation of food in the stomach, normal absorption of nutrients in both the small and large intestines is impossible, which is why fluctuations in acidity are so important.

Symptoms of severe flatulence

A large accumulation of gases, in addition to sharp cutting pains V different parts peritoneum (so-called colic), not only inhibits the forward movement of the food mass, but also leads to its compaction due to increased (reverse) absorption of liquid. So are the complications associated with it. These are, as a rule, hemorrhoids and intoxication of the body (headaches, unmotivated weakness, loss of appetite and weight). According to principle feedback dense fecal masses require greater muscle effort for evacuation. Thus, the cause and effect of the problem are reversed.

Severe flatulence increases intra-abdominal pressure, creating additional stress on all abdominal organs. Propping up the stomach from below, intestinal gases can cause heartburn, belching with a bitter or putrid taste, and disrupt the flow of bile.

Large accumulations of intestinal gases can restrict the movement of the diaphragm and lungs and affect the functioning of the heart, causing shortness of breath and chest pain.

Forms of excess gas formation

Depending on the form " expressive means"flatulence is divided into:

  1. nutritional, Related to unbalanced diet, abuse of carbohydrates, swallowing air;
  2. mechanical, in case of disruption of the forward movement of food along the gastrointestinal tract (due to adhesions, tumors, scars, bulky fecal stones);
  3. dynamic associated with prolonged spasm of intestinal areas;
  4. atonic(the antipode of dynamic), which is caused by excessive relaxation of the muscle layer of the intestine;
  5. psychogenic arising due to prolonged stressful situations;
  6. enzymatic associated with a lack or untimely release of digestive juices;
  7. dysbiotic, when the composition of the bacterial flora changes or;
  8. circulatory, when the blood supply to the intestines is disrupted, provoking the loss of some of their functions and the occurrence of inflammatory foci.

None of the listed forms is found in its pure form. As a rule, flatulence in a particular person is a combination of some of them, and the classification is given to give an idea of ​​the variety of its organic causes.

Treatment of flatulence

When talking about the treatment of flatulence, we need to understand whether it is a consequence of temporary disturbances in intestinal function associated with food intake, or a symptom of a specific disease. The doctor's task is to identify this disease.

Severe flatulence, which has become prolonged, requires a systemic examination. Based on its results, the doctor determines a treatment regimen. During the patient interview and examination, the doctor finds out the following aspects:

  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • what is the ability of the intestines to absorb lactase, gluten, is there any intolerance to any food group, the likelihood of allergic reactions;
  • what is the level of secretion digestive glands, condition of mucous membranes;
  • what is the patient’s diet and lifestyle;
  • reveals associated symptoms, which are key to making a correct diagnosis.

Treatment of flatulence is always complex and is carried out taking into account possible contraindications.

Drug treatment

Situational help with flatulence can be provided by espumizan, the safest and effective drug, shown even to infants. It “collapses” gas bubbles embedded in the intestinal mucus and promotes their rapid and reliable elimination. Bobotik and disflatil have the same effect.

Preventing the absorption of toxins accumulated in the intestinal lumen. Enterosgel is a worthy alternative.

No-spa (or its analogues such as drotaverine) is an affordable and reliable antispasmodic. It is prescribed for sharp, cramping pain, since only it does not distort the clinical picture of possible complications.

Combined agents, such as meteospasmil, pancreaflat, include necessary enzymes, and Linex helps normalize the intestinal bacterial flora.


In cases where the cause of severe flatulence is enzyme deficiency, diet becomes especially important. Its gentle nature lies in the fact that food is prepared in a way that makes it as easy as possible for its absorption and rapid evacuation from the intestines. The temperature of the food should be comparable to body temperature.

Approximate composition of the daily diet:

  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • viscous cereal porridge;
  • first course in the form of puree soup with water or diluted broth;
  • boiled or minced meat, fish;
  • tea or coffee with milk.

The consumption of sweets, flour, bread made from high-grade flour, starchy sweet vegetables, fried and fatty foods is sharply limited. It is important to completely exclude from the diet foods that are guaranteed to cause flatulence (legumes, radishes, cabbage, beer, kvass and all carbonated drinks).

In the absence of contraindications, plant fiber can be a real salvation for a person suffering from excess gas accumulation. The menu should include bran bread and bran, which should be washed down with plenty of water or added to salads, cereals and all first courses.

Spices introduced in moderation not only add piquancy to food, but also reduce gas formation.

Treatment with folk remedies

The simplest and most proven way to relieve the effects of bloating is to take carminative teas purchased at the pharmacy.

You can prepare them yourself. The most effective in combating flatulence are yarrow, sage and St. John's wort. They are mixed in any combination, 1 tsp each. and steam with a glass of boiling water. The cooled infusion should be filtered and taken 100 ml during the day before meals.

Pharmaceutical chamomile is widely recognized as an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant. It successfully suppresses putrefactive processes. Its dried flowers can also be brewed as tea at the rate of 1 tbsp. per glass of boiling water or add to any dry mixture of herbs.

Herbal therapy usually includes coriander, fennel or cumin. Essential oils in their composition - effective remedy quickly relieve an attack of pain or a severe feeling of fullness.

Note! Essential oils are very unstable, so you should not boil the plant materials in which they are contained, or prepare infusions for future use.

Non-traditional help

A non-drug method of self-help for flatulence is special physical exercise, stimulating abdominal breathing and weak intestinal motility - bending, twisting the body, tucks, as well as self-massage and yoga. Strengthening your abdominal muscles will not only support your intestines, but will also help you get rid of your belly fat.

Among the little-known methods of treating flatulence are physiotherapy. They consist of painless electrical stimulation of intestinal receptors in order to enhance motility. Such drugs have contraindications and do not affect the main cause of flatulence.

Important! The problem of flatulence is very complex and requires a qualified approach. Unconventional methods Treatments do not work here: only a doctor can assess the degree of risk.

There are topics that people try not to touch upon in conversations, which they carefully avoid. If some sensitive issues, we are in no hurry to share with anyone, ask for advice, and are left alone with the problem. This behavior also concerns the problem of flatulence. A person faced with such a problem is ashamed to see a doctor, embarrassed in front of friends, although there is nothing easier than seeking treatment and no longer suffering from awkward situations and shame due to flatulence.

Flatulence in itself is not a disease. This is just one sign of the disease. Moreover, such diseases in which flatulence can be observed, sufficient quantity, so as not to start diagnosing yourself, but to go to the hospital. A doctor will help determine the exact cause of flatulence. And he will also tell you how to get rid of flatulence.

Description of the disease

Flatulence - accumulation large quantity gases in the gastrointestinal tract. Gases accumulate in large quantities due to their excessive formation or due to insufficient removal from the body. Flatulence is characterized by bloating, swelling, and abdominal pain. Often accompanied by abundant explosive release of gases from the body.

In a healthy adult, the stomach and intestines should normally contain 0.9 liters of gases formed during the life of microorganisms. On average, about 0.1-0.5 liters of gases should be removed from the body per day. With flatulence, this volume increases several times and can reach 3 or more liters.

At the same time, flatulence prevents many people from going about their daily activities and interferes with their communication with others. A person is very embarrassed by situations when he accidentally released gas, but he is unable to restrain and control himself.

Symptoms of flatulence

In addition to the already mentioned symptoms (bloating, swelling, abdominal pain), flatulence has other signs:

  • sometimes it is accompanied by belching;
  • hiccups may appear;
  • cramping pain occurs that goes away after the release of gases;
  • there is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • disorder gastrointestinal tract May vary from diarrhea to constipation.

Causes of flatulence

There are two main causes of flatulence:

Pathologies that may cause flatulence include:

If there is no pathology, flatulence may still appear due to the presence of certain foods in the diet. Products that cause flatulence include:

Types of flatulence

Highlight the following types flatulence depending on the reasons leading to its occurrence:

    flatulence caused by an imbalance in the diet;

    flatulence resulting from gastrointestinal diseases;

    flatulence caused by a violation of the intestinal microflora;

    flatulence due to growths on inner surface intestines, due to which human waste products are poorly excreted;

    flatulence due to infections or intoxication of the body;

    flatulence that occurs when blood flow is disrupted;

    flatulence due to a nervous mental disorder.

Treatment of flatulence

Treatment of flatulence primarily consists of proper nutrition and avoiding those foods that caused it. It is worth following a certain diet for intestinal flatulence. Firstly, you need to completely eliminate those foods that increase gas formation in the body. You also need to limit the consumption of foods such as pears, watermelons, cereals, pastries, and raisins.

Without any problems or fears, you can leave rice, any meat, eggs, and lean fats in your diet.

Sometimes increased gas formation is caused not by some product, but by sharing some incompatible products: for example, milk products and unsweetened fruits.

Adsorbent substances that can be prescribed from medications include: Activated carbon, smecta, white clay.

The rest of the treatment depends on the causes of flatulence: it is possible to get rid of worms, and even surgical intervention is possible for mechanical causes of flatulence.

There are many in various ways Treatment of flatulence with folk remedies:

There are other recipes traditional medicine, eliminating flatulence, but it is still better to discuss treatment with your doctor first.

Flatulence in newborns

A separate line should consider the occurrence of increased gas formation in infants. Sometimes young mothers do not know what causes certain manifestations in their babies and are very worried when any unhealthy symptoms appear.

Flatulence is a common occurrence for newborns, especially when the baby is just beginning to switch from mother's milk to separate meals. An unprepared intestine, due to an insufficient amount of enzymes, can react very sharply, causing colic and, among other things, flatulence in the baby. Flatulence is accompanied by bloating, rumbling and intense gas production. This causes discomfort and even pain, which causes a lot of problems for the baby and parents. The reasons may be different and it is not necessarily related to the digestion of food. It could be:

  • swallowing a lot of air when the baby cries;
  • overfeeding or age-inappropriate food that is not accepted by the stomach and intestines;
  • mental state, so-called psychosomatics, if the child is anxious and emotional;
  • violation of the diet of the nursing mother herself.

Treatment can be carried out with the help of massage, special heating pads applied to warm the tummy, and herbal decoctions based on dill, caraway, fennel. If such manipulations do not work, then you have to use a rectal catheter.

Another issue that we will consider separately is flatulence that occurs in pregnant women.

Flatulence in pregnant women is not a rare phenomenon and is sometimes even dangerous, since spasmodic colic due to poor gas passage can lead to miscarriage. More often, flatulence is accompanied by increased gas formation and grumbling in the abdominal area, causing discomfort to the woman. The reasons for this phenomenon are varied:

  • insufficient amount of enzymes in the intestines necessary for digestion (this may be due to frequent rinsing, the use of antibiotics or artificial feeding the mother herself during infancy);
  • violation of the diet and consumption of gas-provoking foods against the background of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • manifestation of dysbacteriosis;
  • the body of a pregnant woman produces the hormone progesterone, which relaxes internal organs;
  • pressure of the uterus itself on the intestines.

The solution to this problem would be proper diet with the exclusion of products that provoke increased gas formation. You need to eat calmly, slowly, without swallowing air, as can happen with eating while standing or on the go.

The main thing you should know when you experience similar problems, - do not be embarrassed to the point of withdrawing into yourself. Treatment is always possible and available. Don't procrastinate and take care of your health. And soon you feel great, in a great mood and attractive appearance won't keep you waiting!

- this is widespread pathological condition. When it appears, an extraordinary amount of gas accumulates in the digestive tract. Bloating can be observed not only in patients, but also in healthy people. In this case, the pathology is provoked by eating certain foods.

Causes of flatulence

Newborns often have tummy pain due to bloating.

Enough common symptom pathological condition is . With flatulence, most patients complain of constipation or diarrhea. Their appetite also decreases. The symptoms of flatulence directly depend on the location of gas accumulation. In some cases, patients experience bloating.

This process is accompanied by spasms of the colon. That is why gases are not released. Patients complain of discomfort and a feeling of abdominal distension. Also, the pathological process may be accompanied by pain. In some cases, with flatulence, they come out constantly and violently.

This makes it impossible for a person to stay in in public places and negatively affects the quality of life. Patients claim that this course of the disease is characterized by a slight severity of pain.

Flatulence may be characterized by the appearance extraintestinal symptoms. In most cases it suffers the cardiovascular system patients. Patients complain of a burning sensation in the area.

They may also experience insomnia. During examination of the patient, a disorder is diagnosed heart rate. The disease may be accompanied by mood disorders or general weakness. Symptoms of flatulence are pronounced. If they do not go away within 24 hours, then the patient must begin treatment for the pathological condition.

Diagnosis of bloating

For accurate diagnosis A stool analysis is performed.

The causes and treatment of flatulence are closely related concepts.

That is why when long-term course pathological condition must be diagnosed.

When visiting a doctor, the patient must tell him about the features, nature and duration of the pathology.

After this, the doctor analyzes the person.

In some cases, the doctor asks the patient to keep a food diary, which records the food the patient eats and his feelings.

This allows the specialist to make a preliminary diagnosis. If the doctor suspects the development of an enzyme deficiency, which appears against the background of chronic pancreatitis, then the patient needs to undergo. Diastase in the urine is also determined.

In order to clinical picture has fully opened, it is necessary to carry out . If a patient is suspected of lactose intolerance, he is prescribed special tests. If patients over 50 years old complain of flatulence, then the diagnosis is aimed at excluding colon and rectal cancer.

Thanks to the diagnosis of flatulence, the doctor can prescribe rational treatment, depending on the causes of its occurrence.

Treatment of the disease

Hilak forte - prescribed for dysbacteriosis.

In order to cure flatulence, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of its occurrence.

If the cause of the pathological condition is poor nutrition, then the patient is prescribed a diet.

He needs to be provided with regular. Adults and children are recommended to eat five meals a day.

There should be snacks between breakfast and lunch, as well as lunch and dinner. Patients are recommended to regularly eat fermented milk products.

Taking them regularly will lead to normalization of metabolic activity and restoration of intestinal motor function. If the cause of bloating is a disease, then it must be eliminated. Treatment tactics should be determined by a highly specialized specialist.

If the patient has lactose intolerance, he is recommended to use low calorie diet for her treatment. In this case, it is necessary to completely remove milk sugar from the patient’s diet.

During the treatment of any disease, it is necessary to exclude all foods from the diet that contain coarse fiber. If you have irritable bowel syndrome, the patient is recommended to consult a psychologist and psychiatrist. In order to reduce pain that occur against the background of bloating, you can take antispasmodics.

In this case it is quite effective. If a patient has dysbiosis, then he needs to be treated with probiotics. Most often, doctors prescribe Rioflora Immuno, Bifidumbacterin, and other medications.

Thanks to the application of data medications Intestinal balance will be normalized. If the patient was not diagnosed with a serious illness during the diagnostic period, then the fight against flatulence is carried out using defoamers. The main component of these drugs is simethicone.

It is characterized by the absence side effects and is allowed for use at any age of the patient. In most cases, treatment of the pathological condition is carried out:

  1. Hestide;
  2. Disflatil;
  3. Maalox plus.

In order to alleviate the patient's condition, sorbents are used. In most cases, the use of Polyphepan, ammonium phosphate and drugs containing bismuth is prescribed.

When choosing a traditional medicine, you must remember that the effect of Activated Carbon is delayed in time. The drug is characterized by a short-term effect.

Blood chemistry
Using this diagnostic method, you can check enough wide range indicators, among which albumin can be distinguished. It is the decrease in albumin levels ( hypoalbuminemia) is often observed in diseases, causing flatulence (for example, tumors of the digestive organs, ulcerative colitis). The blood sampling procedure is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach from the cubital vein.

With this diagnostic method, stool is examined. With the help of scatological examination, it is possible to determine the state of the intestinal microflora, identify inflammatory process in the intestines, evaluate the evacuation function digestive organs, and also detect helminth eggs. The stool is collected in a disposable plastic container with an airtight lid.

Instrumental diagnostics

Instrumental diagnostics diseases that cause flatulence include various research methods.
Name of diagnostic method Description For what pathologies is it used?
X-ray examination The essence of the method is that a x-ray radiation, which has the ability to penetrate tissues and organs. The radiologist usually observes the picture of what is happening on a special monitor, and to fix the required area, the image is printed on x-ray film. Also for better visualization of the anatomical structures of the examined organ of the gastrointestinal tract during x-ray examination X-ray contrast agents are often used ( e.g. barium enema, double-contrast colon). These substances are introduced into the patient's body rectally ( into the rectum) or orally ( in the mouth) before starting diagnostics.

Using this diagnostic method, you can determine the structure and functional functioning of the gastrointestinal tract ( for example, check intestinal tone and motility), the state of the relief of the mucous membrane, as well as identify certain pathological changes digestive and excretory organs.

  • tumors of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • developmental anomalies;
  • gastritis;
  • duodenitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • colitis.
Ultrasound diagnostics This method The research is carried out using ultrasonic waves, which tend to penetrate tissues and organs. Once inside the body, ultrasonic pulses are absorbed or partially reflected depending on the density of the surfaces being examined. The reflected ultrasonic signals are converted into electrical impulses, and they are recorded using a cathode ray tube. The picture of the organ being examined is transferred to a screen monitor and then to photographic film.

At ultrasound examination In the abdominal organs, a tumor can be detected, cysts, and various vascular disorders can be detected.

Endoscopic examination Using special endoscopic equipment, this diagnostic allows for internal examination various organs. The main instrument for endoscopic examination is the endoscope. A modern endoscope consists of a flexible tube built into optical system and an artificial light source.

Today there are different kinds endoscopic examination. It all depends on which part of the digestive tract is diagnosed.

For endoscopic examination of certain areas of the gastrointestinal tract, the following is used:

  • esophagoscopy ( esophagus examination);
  • gastroscopy ( stomach examination);
  • duodenoscopy ( study duodenum );
  • sigmoidoscopy ( examination of the sigmoid and rectum);
  • colonoscopy ( colon examination).
During an endoscopic examination, it is also possible to collect biological material for additional histological ( for tissue structure analysis) and cytological analysis ( to study the structure of tissue cells).
  • acute diseases stomach and duodenum;
  • syndrome of neuro-emotional disorders;
  • tumors of the digestive tract;
  • intestinal obstruction syndrome.

Treatment for bloating

First aid for intestinal colic

Often, as a result of flatulence, the patient experiences intestinal colic, manifested by severe cramping pain. This condition is life-threatening, since colic can be a symptom of a more serious disease ( For example, intestinal obstruction, spicy infection ). Therefore, in case of intestinal colic, it is very important to urgently call ambulance, and before the doctor arrives, try to ensure complete rest for the patient.

You can offer the patient to drink chamomile, lemon balm or mint tea. Data medicinal herbs reduce spasm of the intestinal muscles, due to which pain syndrome decreases. Also reduce painful sensations Taking an antispasmodic drug, for example, No-shpy ( It is recommended to take two tablets).

If the patient has bloating and excessive belching, you can offer him to drink two capsules ( 0.04 g each) Simethicone ( Espumisan). This drug is a carminative, the action of which is aimed at releasing gases.

The main treatment for flatulence is divided into three groups:

Symptomatic therapy

This treatment aimed at eliminating or reducing pain. In this case, medications belonging to the group of antispasmodic drugs are prescribed, active substance which reduces the tone of smooth muscles of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract, and also moderately expands blood vessels.
Name of the drug Directions for use and doses
No-shpa For adults the drug should be taken orally, one to two tablets ( 40 – 80 mg), two to three times a day.

Children aged six to twelve years the drug is prescribed one tablet ( 40 mg), twice a day

Papaverine For adults the drug must be taken orally, three to four times a day, 40 to 60 mg or rectally ( into the rectum) 20 – 40 mg.

For children, depending on age, single dose the drug is prescribed orally:

  • 15 – 20 mg, at ten – fourteen years;
  • 10–15 mg, at seven–nine years;
  • 10 mg, at five to six years;
  • 5 – 10 mg, at three – four years;
  • 5 mg, from six months to two years.

Etiotropic treatment

Aimed at treating the causes of flatulence. In the event that flatulence is caused by mechanical reasons ( for example, constipation), then the patient will be prescribed laxatives. This group The drug stimulates intestinal motility, and also has a laxative and detoxifying effect.
Name of the drug Directions for use and doses
Duphalac Initial dose for adults is 15 – 45 mg. Further, after two to three days of use, the dose of the drug can be reduced to 10 – 25 mg.

Children from seven to fourteen years old the initial dose is 15 mg.

Children from three to six years old 10–15 mg is prescribed.

Children under three years old Five milligrams are prescribed.

A drug ( in the form of syrup) must be taken orally, in the morning, with meals.

Forlax The initial dose of the drug must be taken orally, one to two sachets, one to two times a day. Subsequent doses are adjusted according to clinical effects.
Before use, the contents of each package must be dissolved in a glass of water ( 200 ml).

Concerning tumor processes, which can also be a mechanical cause of flatulence, then these pathological conditions are an indication for surgical intervention.

If flatulence is caused by a violation motor function intestines, then the patient is prescribed prokinetics. Medicines related to this pharmacological group, enhance intestinal motility, stimulate gastrointestinal motility, and also have antiemetic and antidiarrheal effects.

Name of the drug Directions for use and doses
Cerucal Adults and children over fourteen years of age the drug must be taken orally at 0.1 mg metoclopramide ( active substance) per kilogram of body weight.
The drug should be taken thirty minutes before meals.
Domperidone For adults the drug must be taken orally, before meals, 10 mg three to four times a day.

Children weighing 20 – 30 kg five milligrams are prescribed ( half a tablet) twice a day.

Children over 30 kg 10 mg) twice a day.

The drug is also prescribed in the form of a suppository:

  • two to four candles ( 60 mg) adults ;
  • two to four candles ( 30 mg) children over two years old ;
  • two to four candles ( 10 mg) children under two years of age .
Administration of medications is carried out rectally.

To eliminate dysbiosis ( state of microbial imbalance) the doctor may prescribe probiotics - a group of medications whose action is aimed at restoring normal microflora intestines.
Name of the drug Directions for use and doses
Linux For adults The drug should be taken orally, two capsules three times a day.

Children from two to twelve years old One to two capsules are prescribed, three times a day.

Infants and children under two years of age One capsule is prescribed three times a day.

It is advisable to take the medicine with a small amount of liquid.

Bifiform Adults and children over two years old The drug is administered orally, one capsule two to three times a day.

For treatment infectious process in the intestines a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Antibacterial drugs suppress the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and also cause their death.
Antibiotic group Name of the drug Directions for use and doses
Nitrofurans Enterofuril Adults and children over seven years old the drug is administered orally, one scoop of suspension ( 200 mg) or one capsule ( 200 mg) four times a day.

Children aged two to seven years The drug is prescribed at a dose of 200 mg, three times a day.

For adults the drug is indicated in an amount of forty to sixty drops.

Infants Fifteen to twenty drops should be given.

Mezim forte Digestive Enzyme A medicine that contains pancreatic enzymes. Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestive processes, and also promotes better digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
The drug is indicated for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, dyspepsia and flatulence.

For children intake and dosage this drug prescribed individually depending on the indications.

Activated carbon Adsorbent When taken orally, the drug binds and removes toxins from the body, and also has an antidiarrheal effect.
Indicated for various foodborne diseases (e.g. salmonellosis, dysentery), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( for example, viral hepatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, enterocolitis), flatulence, dyspepsia, and diarrhea.
For flatulence, the drug is administered orally in an amount of one to two grams three to four times a day.
Espumisan Carminative The drug prevents the formation of gas bubbles, and if they form, it acts destructively. Reception medicine indicated for dyspepsia and flatulence. Available in the form of capsules and emulsions.

Adults and children over six years old take one or two tablets. In the form of an emulsion, one to two teaspoons three to five times a day.

Infants and children under six years of age the drug is prescribed in the form of an emulsion. One teaspoon should be mixed in a small amount of liquid.

Imodium Antidiarrheal agent Medicine, which has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes and muscle layer intestines. This effect helps to reduce intestinal motility and fecal retention ( reduces the number of urges to defecate), and also reduces the risk of dehydration. The drug is indicated for acute or chronic diarrhea, as well as with flatulence.

For adults initially two tablets are prescribed orally ( four milligrams), then the dose is reduced to one tablet, which must be taken after each loose stool.

Children over five years old the drug is prescribed in an amount of two milligrams ( one tablet) three to four times a day.

Does activated carbon help with flatulence?

Activated carbon is recommended to be taken for flatulence, since one of the mechanisms of action of this drug is that when taken orally it sorbs ( absorbs and removes from the body) gases.

For flatulence and digestive disorders, activated carbon should be taken in an amount of one to two grams, or the dose should be calculated individually based on body weight. So, one tablet is recommended for ten kilograms. Required dose It is recommended to take two to four times a day, for three to seven days, depending on the severity of symptoms.

After taking the drug, the following side effects may occur:

  • bowel disorder ( constipation or diarrhea);
  • staining of stool black;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • malabsorption ( absorption) nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract.

It should also be noted that in addition to absorbing gases, activated carbon also has the ability to absorb medicinal substances, toxins, salts heavy metals and other connections. In this regard, taking the drug is also indicated for poisoning, food poisoning and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( for example, hepatitis, cholecystitis, enterocolitis).

How to understand that a child has flatulence?

There are the following main symptoms of flatulence in children:
  • severe bloating ( belly externally round shape );
  • abdominal pain ( what could cause a baby to cry?);
  • infant, bending your legs in knee joints, pulls them to the stomach or chest;
  • upon palpation ( palpation) the abdomen is observed to be tense;
  • bowel disorder ( diarrhea or constipation);
  • decreased appetite;
  • the child begins to cry some time after eating;
  • sleep disturbance.
In case you have infant If the above symptoms are observed, the mother is advised to monitor what foods she most often consumes ( for example, cabbage, legumes, grapes, brown bread). Perhaps they are the ones that provoke gas formation in the baby.

It is also important to monitor what and how the child himself eats:

  • whether the baby is attached to the breast correctly;
  • how he drinks their bottles or cups ( Swallowing air can cause bloating);
  • whether complementary feeding was introduced in a timely manner;
  • complementary feeding products should be introduced in accordance with the age of the child.
If a child has flatulence, it is recommended:
  • before feeding, massage the baby’s tummy in a clockwise circular motion for ten minutes;
  • place the baby on his stomach for five to ten minutes before each meal;
  • prepare teas for your child with chamomile, mint or lemon balm;
  • buy at a pharmacy dill water (fennel oil solution 0.1%).
If there is severe flatulence, a gas tube can be placed in the baby. The purpose of installing a gas outlet tube is to combat flatulence and relieve the intestines of accumulated gases.

Before inserting the tube, the mother initially needs to prepare the following:

  • cotton wool;
  • sterile oil;
  • gas outlet pipe;
  • a piece of gauze;
  • tray with water.
The procedure is performed as follows:
  • it is necessary to lift the child’s legs and treat the anus with a cotton swab dipped in sterile oil;
  • take a gas outlet tube, its blind end must be dipped in sterile oil;
  • insert the tube into the child’s rectum three to four centimeters;
  • the free end of the tube should be immersed in a prepared container of water ( if there is gas in the intestines, the water will bubble);
  • at the end, use a gauze napkin to remove the gas outlet tube, then wash the child and put on clean underwear.

Why does pain occur during flatulence?

With flatulence, there is an excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines. Abdominal pain in this case occurs due to the fact that the intestines, trying to get rid of gases, begin to contract intensely. These contractions subsequently cause pain of varying intensity in a person, as well as a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the abdomen.

In addition to pain due to flatulence, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • belching;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • bowel disorder ( constipation or diarrhea).
If these symptoms are present, it is paramount to find out what caused the development of flatulence.

If bloating was caused by food, it is recommended:

  • eliminate the consumption of foods that cause gas formation in the intestines ( for example, legumes, raw vegetables and fruits, black bread);
  • avoid overeating;
  • eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly ( prevents air from being swallowed while eating);
  • drink more fluids ( for example, water, mint or chamomile tea);
  • Avoid carbonated drinks and alcohol.
If the cause of flatulence is any disease of the gastrointestinal tract, then treatment must begin with it, since flatulence in this case is only a symptom of the disease.

If the pain syndrome is pronounced during flatulence ( intestinal colic ), then in this case the patient is recommended to take an antispasmodic drug. This group of drugs has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, including relieving intestinal spasms ( normalizes peristalsis).

Name of the drug Dose and method of administration
Drotaverine(No-shpa) For adults in tablet form, take one or two tablets ( 40 – 80 mg) one to three times a day.

Children from six to twelve years, take 20 mg orally once or twice a day.

Children under six years of age, it is recommended to take ten to twenty milligrams of the drug once or twice a day.

Papaverine For adults in tablet form, you should take 40–60 mg three times a day. In the form of an injection, one to two milliliters of a two percent solution must be administered intramuscularly two to four times a day.

Children from six to fourteen years old in tablet form, it is recommended to take from five to twenty milligrams of the drug.

Mebeverine Adults and children over twelve years of age should take one tablet ( 200 mg) twice a day, before meals.

What is the cause of flatulence with constipation?

Flatulence with constipation develops due to the following reasons:
  • intestinal motility is disrupted;
  • the passage of feces through the large intestine slows down;
  • The activity of microorganisms increases, which leads to excessive gas formation.
Constipation is a delay in defecation for more than forty-eight hours. This pathological condition is characterized by insignificant excretion of feces, their density and dryness.

The following symptoms may also occur with constipation:

  • painful sensations in the abdominal area, the intensity of which decreases after bowel movement;
  • decreased appetite;
  • bad smell from mouth;
  • belching;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • decreased performance.
Exist following reasons, contributing to the development of constipation and flatulence: If you have constipation, it is recommended:
  • do exercises regularly;
  • avoid physical inactivity ( sedentary lifestyle);
  • drink about two liters of water daily;
  • drink a glass in the morning on an empty stomach warm water, tea with chamomile or mint;
  • include fiber-rich foods in your diet ( e.g. pears, apricots, various berries, raisins, lentils, beans, cereals, whole grain and white bread).

What is the cause of flatulence with diarrhea?

Flatulence with diarrhea develops due to the following reasons:
  • disturbance of intestinal motility ( decrease or increase);
  • excessive activity of bacteria during infectious and inflammatory processes in the intestinal walls ( e.g. salmonellosis, dysentery, cholera);
  • water-electrolyte imbalance.
Normally, the presence of gases is observed both in the stomach and intestines. Changes in the functioning of the digestive organs lead to excessive accumulation of gases due to their increased formation and impaired excretion from the intestines.

Diarrhea may also be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • frequent loose, watery stools;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • cramping pain in the abdominal area;
  • decreased appetite.
Diarrhea can develop due to the following reasons: During the period of diarrhea, it is recommended to carefully monitor your diet:
  • eat often and in small portions ( fractional meals);
  • consume about two to three liters of water daily ( since with diarrhea there is a risk of dehydration);
  • exclude fried and fatty foods, as well as reduce the consumption of salt and various seasonings;
  • eat food in boiled and crushed form ( for example, in the form of puree);
  • increase the consumption of crackers;
  • include in the diet low-fat varieties meat and fish ( meatballs and cutlets should be boiled or steamed);
  • exclude baked goods, cakes, smoked meats, canned foods;
  • stop consuming dairy products ( e.g. cream, yogurt, milk);
  • It is recommended to eat bananas or apples from fruits ( applesauce );
  • from liquids, you should increase the consumption of jelly, compotes, weak teas, for example, with chamomile or mint ( It is recommended to avoid drinking alcoholic and carbonated drinks).
If you have diarrhea, you should consult a doctor in the following cases:
  • if diarrhea lasts more than four days;
  • if in feces streaks of blood or mucus are observed;
  • if the stool is dark in color ( tarry);
  • if there is an increase in body temperature.