Cat Food Allergy: Symptoms and Treatment. Allergy in a cat

Cats are one of the most common types of pets. Intolerance to cat allergens affects both adults and children around the world. To get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of an allergy to a cat, there is big variety tablets.

Allergy to cats is characterized by unpleasant symptomatic manifestations: nasal congestion, painful cough, irritated and inflamed mucosa, pruritus. They can disturb a person with varying intensity: from allergic rhinitis to asthma.

Contrary to popular myth, an allergic reaction does not occur at all to wool. AT cat's body a protein is produced that is distributed through saliva and urine. With the erroneous work of human immune system this protein is perceived as an allergen.

Allergy to cats can manifest itself in different ways:

  1. Runny nose;
  2. Bad feeling;
  3. conjunctivitis;
  4. Cough;
  5. Rhinitis;
  6. Dyspnea;
  7. Hives;
  8. Skin itching;
  9. Constant sneezing;
  10. redness of the skin;
  11. Labored breathing.

Cat lovers are sensitive to the issue allergic reaction. It would seem that the most effective option solution to the problem - getting rid of the pet. The cat can be housed in good hands or take them to a shelter. However, not everyone is ready to say goodbye to their pet and give up keeping pets in general. For many people, cats are not just a favorite pet, but also a full-fledged member of the family.

Is it possible to cure the trouble forever?

Since the most common cat allergens have long been studied, there are many ways to deal with them. people are saved folk remedies treatment and special medicines of traditional medicine.

Attention! Doctors say that it is impossible to cure allergies forever.

But with the help medications can significantly alleviate the course of the disease: eliminate unpleasant symptoms, reduce the frequency of their occurrence, prevent more acute manifestations allergies. What pills for allergies to cats can help, we will consider further.

Types of treatment

During the period of taking medications, unpleasant symptoms of the disease can be eliminated. With the help of medicines, you can block the action of allergens and reduce the number of allergic irritants.

Therapeutic treatment is prescribed only after confirmation of the presence of an allergy to cats by sampling. An experienced allergist can choose effective drugs taking into account clinical picture according to the results of the analyzes:

  1. Antihistamines (Tavegil, Suprastin, Zyrtec and others);
  2. Tablets, sprays, drops against edema and mucus stagnation;
  3. Tablets and drops against allergy symptoms;
  4. Immunotherapy.

The most effective drugs

Proper treatment of cat allergy with pills can only be prescribed qualified specialist. For this reason, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor, self-medicating. Some effective means dispensed in pharmacies by prescription only.

List of cat allergy pills:

Some of the above good pills from an allergy to cats it is allowed to use children. For example, "Cetrin", "Kestin" in the form of syrup - from 6 years, "Loratadin" - from 2 years, drops "Zodak" - from 1 year.

Side effects and contraindications

Cat allergy tablets should be taken with caution. Like any other medication they have a number of side effects. The most common of them:

  1. Increased drowsiness;
  2. dizziness, headache;
  3. dry mouth;
  4. Violations of the digestive tract, central nervous system;
  5. increased heart rate;
  6. Nausea.

The drugs are not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. People over 60 years of age should take medicines with caution, carefully reading the instructions. Some of the drugs for the treatment of the immune system are strictly prohibited for this age.

Often, failures in the processes of the immune system occur when basic hygiene rules are not observed while keeping domestic cats.

Important! To avoid health complications, more attention should be paid to preventive measures.


Cats are found in almost every home. The occurrence of an allergic reaction to a furry pet is also one of the most common phenomena. Allergic reactions remind of themselves in the first place with a weakened immune system. If you do not fight them, the disease will become chronic and will remind you of yourself more and more often.

In contact with

With the advent of lacrimation, sneezing, runny nose, cough, an allergic reaction can be suspected. In this case, the symptoms appear on the rise. It seems like a cold, but if a pet lives in the house, then it is likely that the cause is an allergic reaction from the immune system to harmful substances. cat hair allocates the strongest allergens, or rather not the wool itself, but histamine, a protein that accumulates in the skin. Mainly allergy sufferers and asthmatics cannot resist. Then the question arises: which one to choose effective medicine from an allergy to cats?

Provocateurs are proteins found in urine, feces, dead particles of the dermis of pets. Weakened immunity is unstable, unable to withstand the onslaught of allergens. The body becomes overly sensitive to such effects, triggering mechanisms defensive reaction to irritants. A person has unpleasant symptoms. Need to drink medicinal tablets from allergies from cats to make you feel better. Although self-medication is excluded. Pick up effective medicine only a doctor can, based on the results of the diagnosis.

The goal of drug treatment is to achieve stable remission, correct immunity with immunospecific drugs, and eliminate irritants. The basis of therapy is antihistamines. Also:

  • anesthetics;
  • bronchodilators;
  • antispasmodics;
  • enzyme agents;
  • adrenomimetics;
  • corticosteroids (Dexamethasone) to relieve inflammatory process, itching, rashes, runny nose;
  • immunostimulants (Derinat, Viferon, Likopid, Timalin);
  • enterosorbents ( Activated carbon, Polyphepan, Polysorb);
  • eye drops (Zirtek, Lekrolin) with the development of conjunctivitis;
  • antispasmodics to relax the smooth muscle of the respiratory tract.

Today, elimination therapy is practiced, the meaning of which is to eliminate irritants that can enter the human body from the outside. In particular, preventive measures to get rid of cat allergies play an important role.

Antihistamines for cat allergies

There are 3 generations of antihistamines. Most safe drugs from allergies from cats - 3 generations, but are prescribed with caution, as they can lead to side effects: Quincke's edema, palpitations, excessive fatigue, drowsiness.

Most often, therapy is carried out with first-generation antihistamines (Pipolfen, Fenistil, Diazolin, Suprastin), with a duration of up to 2 weeks, 2 generations - Erius, Ebastine, Claritin, found in pharmacies in a wide range.

Preparations for pets

List antihistamines for the treatment of allergies - extensive. The action is aimed at blocking sensitive histamine receptors. When treating pets, additional H1 blockers and 3rd generation drugs are prescribed. 1st generation drugs are prescribed in high dosages, but can cause drowsiness, apathy, lethargy in pets. Good drugs often used in veterinary medicine: Kestin, Fenistil, Loratadine, Fexofenadine, Zirtek, Cetirizine, Kot Bayun as soothing drops.

The most popular allergy remedies:

  • Suprastin with the appointment of conjunctivitis, rhinitis, skin rashes, food allergies;
  • Tavegil for dyspepsia, dry mouth;
  • Diphenhydramine for allergies, insect bites;
  • Diazolin (a potent histamine) for pruritus with excellent tolerance in cats, but may cause signs of distemper in toddlers;
  • Fenistil from itching, irritation on the body;
  • Kestin at skin rashes, mucous secretions from the nasal cavity with action already 1 hour after application;
  • Fexofenadine is well tolerated by animals, although it is contraindicated in pups.

Medicines of the 3rd generation are not able to affect the functioning of the heart. Applicable for complex treatment allergies.

Preparations of 1-2 generations should not be given to cats at the time of bearing kittens. It is also undesirable to take it with food, otherwise the effect will be noticeably reduced. Diphenhydramine is a sleeping pill and is also not recommended for frequent use.

List of affordable medicines

The cheapest analogues of antihistamines for allergies include:

  • Choropyramine (tablets), contraindications: gastric ulcer, paroxysmal asthma, children under 1 month old, the elderly;
  • Hydrocortisone (ointment) with the possibility of prescribing to children from 2 years of age with wounds, ulcers from skin rashes;
  • Sinaflan (ointment), contraindications: children under 2 years;
  • Cetirizine (tablets), contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, liver and kidney disease, elderly people over 60 years old, children under 6 years old.

On a note! Consideration should be given to the selection of medications for the treatment of cat allergies. side effects. So many 1st generation drugs cause drowsiness and are unsafe when driving a car, driving complex mechanisms. Medicines of the 2nd generation can adversely affect the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and heart.

The choice of drugs for allergy sufferers and asthmatics is best agreed with the attending specialist.

What is the best cat allergy remedy?

Most effective drugs- antihistamines:

Attention! Even the most the best remedy from allergies from cats side effects, contraindications. Before use, allergy sufferers need to read the instructions, the dosage should be agreed with the doctor.

Medications for exacerbations

It is important to direct the therapy to achieve a stable remission, eliminate the spread of allergens in the room, carry out wet cleaning, and keep it clean.

With an exacerbation, you can take a 3rd generation antihistamine drug, as less harmless, unlike other drugs. Additionally, you should follow hypoallergenic diet, eliminate close contact with pets, although at the time of the treatment course.

Is there a vaccine for cat allergies?

Up to 10% of the world's population is allergic to cats. Unfortunately, there is no effective vaccine in Russia yet, vaccination is not carried out, but Canadian scientists nevertheless carried out some developments. In their opinion, a safe vaccine has been found. The subject of study was a protein that causes an allergic reaction when it comes into contact with the animal's fur. After conducting allergy tests, the researchers were able to obtain synthetic analogue activating protein by mixing peptides. So the vaccine was obtained by selecting peptides that help get rid of allergies to cats.

Many people have already received peptide therapy with the vaccine injected under the skin up to 4 times a year. Today it is used by many companies in the fight against allergies to pollen, mites, house dust.

Unfortunately, such vaccinations are not yet practiced in Russia, but an allergist can prescribe a special serum that helps to minimize the manifestations of allergies and achieve a stable remission. To detect allergies in children are carried out:

  • scarification tests by taking scrapings (washouts) from the skin;
  • provocative text with instillation into the nose (eyes) of a special liquid that causes a slight response;
  • allergy tests to identify a possible increase in immunoglobulin in the blood.

REFERENCE! Diagnosing a cat allergy is easy. It is enough to hold the cat on your lap, stroke it. Backlash on a cat will not make you wait long, allergens are still present on it in abundance.

Immunospecific treatment

Specific (immunological) therapy is now popular for allergic reactions to pets. It consists in the introduction of a purified antigen under the skin with a course duration to completely cure, up to 6 months.

The essence of the technique is to correct the immune system, which is especially important for children with weakness (imperfection) of the immune system. Additionally, you should not neglect simple preventive measures: use cleaners, air conditioners, indoor air humidifiers, carry out wet cleaning more often, and prevent any contact with furry animals.

Elimination therapy and its benefits

Exclusionary (elimination) therapy involves the identification and elimination of irritants from environment hovering around a person. This means that prevention and compliance with animal contact precautions is paramount.

If it is not possible to get rid of cats, then it is important to protect them from being near a person, bathe them more often, avoid staying in a sleeping room, and replace carpets with a large pile with less allergen-attracting ones.

Interesting! Children are less prone to allergies if they live near a cat from birth. According to scientists, the presence of 1 pet reduces the risk of developing allergies by 20%, 2 pets - by 7%.

Folk remedies

Traditional healers know a lot good recipes time-tested. However, dosages should not be abused:

  • honeycombs ( top part), 1 tsp. eat in pure form, drinking water or adding to food;
  • chop birch buds (20 g), pour boiling water (500 l), insist, bring to a boil, take 0.5 cups, after filtering;
  • celery, squeeze juice (20 ml), take 3 times a day as an infusion or steam 2 tbsp. boiling water;
  • motherwort (15 g) finely chopped, pour boiling water over the country (0.5 l), insist, gargle or rinse your nose. Can be added to water and bathe pets.


It is important to understand that it is hardly possible to completely get rid of allergies. Symptomatic pills for cat allergies can minimize unpleasant manifestations, avoid relapses, although there is no guarantee that after some time the allergy will not reappear.

The cat must be kept clean: change the fillers in the cat litter box, use gentle detergents. It is equally important to normalize the diet of the pet. It is worth thinking about the hypoallergenicity of a cat, and today breeders offer good breeds.

Avoid recurrence of allergies - constantly strengthen the immune system. AT healthy bodystrong spirit. It is unlikely that allergens will be able to withstand a strong, strengthened immune system.

This term, of course, is known to everyone. All of us in one way or another faced its manifestation, and for sure in any home first aid kit Is there any antihistamine?

This disease has not bypassed our pets either.

Let's figure out what it is and how to deal with it.

(ancient Greek - a different effect) - hypersensitivity of the body's immune system during repeated exposure to an allergen. An allergic reaction occurs when the immune system remembers a completely safe substance (allergen) and, upon repeated encounter with it, reacts to it as dangerous, including the mechanisms of its rejection.

Simply put, an allergy is a “wrong” reaction of an animal’s immune system to certain substances – allergens, which instead of just being excreted from the body, cause an inflammatory process.

The peculiarity of this phenomenon is that each case is individual both in terms of the allergen and in the manifestation of the body's reaction to it.

Allergy symptoms:

redness of the skin, itching (often in the head and neck), scratching, hair loss, eczema, papules, blisters, nasal discharge, otitis, diarrhea, vomiting. They can appear both individually and in combination. A rash usually does not indicate an allergy, but a secondary phenomenon - bacterial inflammation. Allergy does not depend on the amount of the allergen that has entered the body. Sometimes even a small particle is enough for a process to occur.

Do you think that if your kitty has allergy symptoms, then she ate something wrong? It's possible, but unlikely. In fact, everything is much more complicated.

Types of allergies

The most common in animals are allergies to flea saliva, allergies to substances external environment and food allergies.

1. Allergy to flea saliva

- the most common. Unfortunately, it is often ignored, as the owner believes that if he does not see fleas on the animal, then it cannot be. But the fact is that one flea bite is enough for an allergic reaction to occur, and this can happen simply during a walk or contact with another animal, besides, it should be remembered that fleas can live in household items (carpets, sofas, etc.). ).

Good video about flea dermatitis:

2. Allergy to environmental substances (atopic dermatitis)

is the second most common allergy. Usually begins to appear between the ages of 10 months and 3 years. Anything can cause it - pollen, house dust, mold, household chemicals, hygiene products etc. An allergen of this type is almost impossible to detect, and literally microdoses are enough for an allergic reaction to occur. Since it is impossible to isolate the animal from the external environment, this type of allergy needs lifelong treatment (!). In most cases, you can choose the treatment and make the life of the animal quite comfortable.

3. food allergy .

Identifying an allergen is difficult and often difficult to eliminate from the diet. Allergy develops as the immune response to the allergen accumulates, it takes time and the constant presence of the allergen in the diet. For example, an allergy to beef can develop for a whole year, during which the cat quietly eats it. Therefore, in cats, allergies, as a rule, appear closer to the age of one. But repeated symptoms develop quickly - from several minutes to several days. Therefore, it is wrong to think that food allergies occur on new products (!). Most often, an allergy develops to protein - meat, while strictly individually - for someone for beef, for someone for fish, etc.

The symptoms of all types of allergies are similar. Flea saliva allergy is more common on the back, rump, and tail. For food allergies and allergies to the environment - the head and neck area. Seasonal exacerbation of allergies is typical for atopic dermatitis and flea allergies.

Why do some cats develop allergies and others do not? Depends on the animal's immune system. Most allergies are hereditary. Therefore, one of the important factors is the breed. For example, hairless breeds are more prone to allergies. Diseases can also be the cause of food intolerance. gastrointestinal tract, enzymatic system, environmental pollution.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of allergies once and for all. Having arisen once, it will manifest itself later. Medications only relieve the symptoms without addressing the cause.

Allergy diagnostics

The diagnosis of "allergy" can only be made by a doctor, since the same symptoms can be caused different reasons. For example, itching and hair loss may be due to a lack of fatty acids(omega-3, omega-6), disease internal organs etc.

There is no test to confirm allergy. Since the signs of all allergies are very similar, the diagnosis accepted by veterinary dermatologists is reduced to sequential exclusion one after another type of allergy(!).

First comes the exclusion of flea allergies and food allergies.

What seems to be a food allergy. There is no such analysis that would immediately and reliably show which product an animal is allergic to. This can only be found out by a diagnostic diet by the method of exclusion. The goal is to replace possible allergens with hypoallergenic products(lamb, salmon, rabbit, rice, barley, specially formulated veterinary dietary prepared feed). At the same time, it is necessary to strictly ensure that, in addition to special food the cat received nothing else. Even small piece goodies during this period can blur the picture and prevent you from putting accurate diagnosis. The process is lengthy, taking at least two months. After the allergy symptoms subside, the cat is prescribed a provocative diet - one component is introduced and the reaction is observed. If allergy symptoms do not appear, this ingredient is replaced with another possible allergen, etc. As soon as the allergy recurs, it should be considered an allergen and permanently removed from the diet.

After exclusion of allergies to fleas and to food components, an allergy to the external environment remains.

Allergy treatment

Allergy to flea saliva treated with continuous use of anti-flea drugs. Hill's diet for food allergies

food allergy- exclusion from the diet of the product that provokes it.

At your look veterinarian the diagnosis process may be accompanied by the appointment of drugs that relieve allergy symptoms, and supplements that help cleanse the body as a whole. It should be remembered that before the complete disappearance of signs of allergies, it can take from several weeks to several months.

Atopic dermatitis. Animals with this type of allergy are not recommended for breeding, as the disease can be passed on to offspring.

It is almost impossible to cure this type of allergy (unless you move the cat to a completely different environment, and that is not a fact (!)), but it can be controlled. There are several methods of treatment, but any will have to be carried out throughout the life of the animal. It can be simple and inexpensive, or it can require a significant investment of time and money from the owner. In any case, the treatment is chosen on the recommendation of a doctor.

And further. Cats with any type of allergy may develop secondary bacterial or fungal inflammation that will require additional treatment.

From personal experience One of my cats (Zhanna Arkadievna) has atopic dermatitis, which we have been fighting for almost six years now. It all started with the formation of a small bald spot behind the ear at 11 months of age. She and I went through the entire diagnostic scheme for excluding other types of allergies. And for several years now, with the appearance of itching and scratching, we immediately begin treatment hormonal drug. A couple of times, Zhannochka had complications (a large weeping skin lesion formed on her neck and chest - it looks intimidating), which required special processing and a course of antibiotics. Now the cat feels well, although, of course, her immune system is undermined by both constant allergies and her treatment. But here, alas, nothing can be done.

This problem is often faced by the owners of cats, kittens and cats, because it can manifest itself in different situations in all felines, therefore it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the information presented in this article and understand what to do in such situations and how they can be prevented.

The project has collected many other, no less useful information and answers to frequently asked questions that can be searched through the site search.

Allergy in cats in the form of sores, cough symptoms and causes

An allergic reaction to food and certain substances and organisms from the environment is characteristic not only of humans, but also of cats. Allergy symptoms in animals include itchy skin, hair loss, discharge from the nose or ears, coughing, vomiting, and diarrhea.

The disease is not so harmless as to be ignored, and the treatment is not as fast as one would like. Therefore, it is better not to experiment, trying to heal yourself, but trust the recommendations of veterinarians.

Allergy in a cat treatment at home

To get rid of an allergy in a cat at home, you need to know exactly what caused the allergic reaction and isolate the animal from the identified allergen.

As a preventive measure, carefully clean your pet's favorite habitats, and regularly treat it with flea and tick products and feed it only with fresh and high-quality food.

Allergy in cats granuloma treatment

Allergy in cats treatment and prevention of folk remedies

Allergy in cats treatment with suprastin. Suprastin dosage

For allergies in cats, veterinarians often prescribe suprastin. This drug helps to relieve itching and has the ability to block histamine receptors. The dosage of suprastin, as a rule, is ¼ tablet, and its use is 1 time per day.

Allergy in cats to food treatment than to treat (drugs)

Food allergies in cats are not uncommon. If it is not possible to completely change the diet and completely eliminate the allergen product from the animal’s food, then veterinarians are usually advised to give the cat steroids or cortisone. AT severe cases Animals suffering from allergies are prescribed hormonal drugs.

Allergy in a cat from a flea bite, after treatment with antibiotics

An allergy that occurs after antibiotic treatment is associated with malfunctions inside the body (problems with the kidneys or liver) or disorders of the immune system. The treatment of such an allergy is prescribed by a doctor based on the results. laboratory research animal urine and blood.

How cat allergy manifests in children, how it looks and affects the child, how to determine

In children, a cat allergy manifests itself in the form of nasal congestion and sneezing, tearing and inflammation of the eyes, coughing or difficulty breathing in the presence of an animal or several hours after contact with it. To determine whether a cat really causes an allergic reaction in a child can only be reliably determined by an allergist after taking appropriate samples. Before a visit to the doctor, it is up to the parents to see if the baby’s well-being has improved after isolation from the cat and general cleaning a room in which traces of the animal's stay could remain.

How long does an allergy in a cat manifest, tests, which injection to inject

Allergies in a cat can be caused by various allergens - from flea saliva to the food of the animal itself. You can identify the cause of its occurrence by visiting a veterinary dermatologist, who will offer to take a series of blood tests and skin tests and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Usually, animals are prescribed antihistamines, cortisone, or steroids. There is no single drug or injection that relieves allergies of any animal; in each case, treatment is approached individually.

Allergy in cats on the ears, hot and red ears what to do

Ears that are hot and red from inflammation, with which the cat constantly shakes, experiencing itching, is a sign of an allergy. It is possible to help the animal only by interrupting further contact with the allergen, and using antihistamines and restorative means prescribed by the doctor.

In the article will be discussed about a problem that appears only in some pets, but this does not mean at all that it is not serious and on ...

Cats, like many mammals, can suffer from allergies and require medication to manage symptoms. Antihistamines for cats and humans may be the same. So, animals are recommended Claritin and Tavegil. When choosing a medicine, it is important to clearly understand what symptoms it should overcome. It is desirable for the owner to be aware of the type of drug (which generation it belongs to) and its potential side effects.

Types of antihistamines

The drugs got their name due to the main function - preventing the action of histamine. The substance is released during the destruction of the mast cell membrane ( mast cells) caused by the ingestion of the allergen into the body. Medicines prevent histamine from harming the body by preventing it from binding to receptors (particularly H1). The effectiveness of preventing this association depends on the novelty of the antihistamine:

  1. 1. First generation. The least effective means. Low level receptor compliance requires the use large doses and provides a long lasting effect. Funds are accepted at least 2-3 times a day. The drugs have serious side effects such as drowsiness and possible violation heartbeat. From the extensive list of these drugs, cats are prescribed Donormil, Diphenhydramine, Tavegil, Diazolin, Dimenhydrinate, Bikarfen, Pipolfen or Teralen.
  2. 2. Second generation. A more precise “fit” eliminates undesirable effects on nervous system and off-target receptors, but the risk of adverse effects on cardiovascular system. Can be taken once a day. From this category, you can give the cat Tenset, Astemizol, Terfenadine, Soventol, Fenistil or Kestin.
  3. 3. Third generation. The most selective drugs that do not affect the nervous system. Animals from allergies are prescribed Fexofenadine and Cetirizine.

Each category includes other medications, but they may not be suitable for the cat. So, people with an allergic reaction are prescribed H2 receptor blockers, which will not help animals. The owner can choose a remedy of any generation, but always with the advice of a veterinarian.

When to use

Allergy in cats is manifested by itching, redness of the skin with hair loss in the affected areas, blisters, nasal discharge, ear infections, diarrhea and vomiting. All symptoms are nonspecific and may be a sign of another disease. Wool falls out with insufficient intake of fatty acids or disruption of the internal organs. Blisters may be the result of contact with a chemical.

The diagnosis must be made by a veterinarian. He also prescribes an antihistamine and additional drugs, such as steroids to fight inflammation. If it is impossible to consult a doctor, the owner can try to help the pet on their own. But he must be sure that his pet is suffering from allergies.

Seasonality of outbreaks will indicate allergies. Just like humans, cats are allergic to pollen. Noticing signs of atopic dermatitis during the flowering period, the owner can conduct a course of treatment without a visit to the clinic. Since such allergies are lifelong, the procedure becomes habitual for the owner.

How to give medicine

Dosage and route of administration depend on the type of drug. Basically, antihistamines are given to cats in the form of tablets. When using diphenhydramine, the dosage is 1-4 mg per kilogram of animal weight. The drug is given every 8-12 hours. It should not be mixed with food or drink (other than water). Tavegil and Clemastin for adults, regardless of body size, are given half a tablet every 12 hours. Some medications can be mixed with your pet's favorite food for convenience. But basically, doctors recommend the use of tablets without mixing them with food.