What painkillers are the most powerful for headaches. Headache pills - list, names

Every person has ever suffered from unbearable spasms localized in the temples, neck and forehead. External and internal factors contributing to the development of the syndrome are numerous, pills for severe headaches help to cope with pathological condition, relieve the intensity of the attack.

Tension headache - actual problem among people living in major cities. constant stress, excessive loads, inadequate rest do not allow the body to accumulate life potential. There are many causes of the syndrome, but doctors identify the main factors that can provoke spasms:

Before taking capsules, other remedies for pain in the head, you must undergo a full examination, pass the appropriate tests and confirm the diagnosis.

Tension pain treatment, which is carried out with the help of medicines of certain groups, is the most common ailment among office workers, due to lack of rest, sedentary work and being in a stuffy room. It manifests itself in episodes (from 2-3 minutes to several days).

The choice of drugs for the treatment of pathological syndrome

The names of the pills for spasms and headaches are diverse, and which medicine is better to prefer, the doctor should advise. When prescribing the drug, the following points are taken into account:

  1. The nature of spasms: acute and dull, constant or periodic, squeezing and intensively bursting, accompanied by vomiting, nausea, dizziness.
  2. Localization of discomfort: frontal, temporal and part of the occipital region covering the pain.
  3. Causes of the syndrome: periodic spasms, indicate malnutrition, stress, a certain disease or changing climatic conditions.

These are the most important points, which you need to know so that the doctor tells you which pills are better to take during an attack to localize it. The symptoms of a cold, for example, cannot be eliminated without paracetamol, but with spastic pains it will be powerless, antispasmodics will be required.

Types of drugs for headaches

Pain medications for neurological disease classified by type. The difference between them lies in their consistency. The choice of painkillers capsules, other means depends on the disease, clinical scheme, characteristics of the body. To know what to drink for a headache, you should study the individual varieties of tablets in this group.

Anti-inflammatory effective non-steroidal pills

This group of drugs has a special place in medicine. They have analgesic, fast-acting anti-inflammatory, as well as a strong antipyretic effect. Perfectly help with headaches and other syndromes, accompanied by inflammation, high fever.

NSAIDs are most often used in the relief of seizures for the following reasons:

  • a large selection of medicines;
  • powerful action, efficiency;
  • various forms of release: suppositories, capsules, tablets, injection solutions;
  • the ability to use drugs at home at the first symptoms of pain.

If pills do not help - the first sign of a serious illness that requires timely diagnosis and adequate treatment. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible, to undergo an examination.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for headache differ in the degree of severity of the therapeutic effect:

  1. Analgesic: "Ketoprofen", the drug "Ketorolac", "Metamizol", the drug "Diclofenac".
  2. Anti-inflammatory effect: means "Indomethacin".
  3. Antipyretic: medicine "Paracetamol".
  4. Antiaggregatory effect: drug "Aspirin".

Against migraine attacks, it is better to take drugs with an analgesic effect. They most effectively affect the central nervous system.

Indications for the appointment of painkillers for the head of the NSAID group:

  • irritable character syndrome: articular, dental, head, postoperative;
  • violations motor system: arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis, spondylitis, myositis;
  • neurological ailments: lumbago, sciatica;
  • heat;
  • renal, as well as hepatic colic;
  • prevention of thrombophlebitis, thrombosis.

Only a doctor can tell which pill to take in a given situation, since the pain can be of a different nature and have a certain origin. Drugs are prescribed depending on the presence of concomitant pathologies.

Antispasmodic drugs for pain

The effectiveness of complex therapy lies in the use of drugs a wide range actions. Treatment of headache with antispasmodic tablets is used for various types diseases.

These drugs reduce vascular tone, internal organs, muscle tissue, thereby eliminating the discomfort provoked by spasms. These head medicines include:

  1. The drug "Buscopan".
  2. Means "No-shpa".
  3. Medicine "Papaverine".
  4. The drug "Drotaverine".
  5. Tablets "Galidor".

With pain syndrome, antispasmodics are used for several days. Contraindications to the appointment of anesthetics and antispasmodics:

  • serious pathologies of the kidneys, heart muscle;
  • glaucoma;
  • hypotension (arterial);
  • hypersensitivity to the active substance.

Severe spasms reduce a person’s performance, in such situations it is necessary to treat such a syndrome in a timely manner in order to stop the attack, as this can adversely affect a person’s health.

Analgesics for spasms

Tension headache is most often unilateral in nature and occurs due to a narrowing of the blood vessels or their extensions. Complex therapy is to restore pressure. Doctors say that you should not use analgesic drugs if you can eliminate unpleasant discomfort yourself.

Sometimes the pain syndrome disappears after a walk, a good rest or a meal. If a simple means it is not possible to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, then you should drink an analgesic (pill):

  1. Medicine "Minalgin".
  2. The drug "Analgin".
  3. "Nebagin" and "Baralgin".
  4. Nobola or Novalgin.
  5. Ronalgin or Optalgin.

Even if the medicine helps, it is not recommended to get involved in it, you can get used to it, which will adversely affect the patient's body. The regular use of pills for spasms and headaches, the list of which is presented above, does not reduce the number of attacks, but increases them.

Contraindications to the appointment: diseases of the kidneys and liver, asthma, intolerance to the active substance, pathologies of hematopoiesis. The choice of medication should be agreed with the doctor. This will reduce the risk of developing side effects, increase the effectiveness of complex therapy.

Tension Pain Pills

The disease can be episodic, as well as chronic. The first type of spasms does not lead to an immediate deterioration in vital activity. pathological syndrome requires periodic use of drugs. The best pills for a headache in this case, it is:

  • with infrequent HDN - NSAIDs: Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Lornoxicam, Meloxicam, Naproxen. It is advisable to use no more than 10 times / month to prevent the development of abuse pain;
  • with frequent pain of HDN, a course of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medicines ("Ibuprofen") is prescribed. If a single use does not give results, the course can not be repeated;
  • if spasms are accompanied by muscle tension, then muscle relaxants are recommended: "Tizanidin", "Tolperison" once together with "Aspirin". The course of treatment is up to 4 weeks.

episodic headache tension requires specific therapy with a medicine specially selected for the patient, the name of which can only be suggested by the doctor after the examination.

As an additional therapy, you can use useful material group B (Milgamma, Neurorubin, Neurovitan drug), nootropics (Fenibut, Noofen), sedative drugs.

Chronic tension headache is the main contraindication to treatment with an anesthetic drug. They will not have any effect and complicate the course of the disease.

For the treatment of persistent syndrome, antidepressants are indicated:

  1. Tricyclic ("Amitriptyline") - they drink for 2-6 months, then a break, the dosage is increased gradually.
  2. Selective norepinephrine and serotonin uptake inhibitors that help block spasms - Paroxetine, Fluoxetine, Sertraline (they have fewer side effects, they are more powerful).
  3. Other antidepressants - the medicine "Mianserin", the drug "Tianeptin".

Powerful drugs can be taken only for 2 months no more. As a result, not only pain disappears, but also fear, anxiety, mental overstrain disappear, good health. Thus, acting on the spasms themselves and provoking factors.

headache is a disease modern society. Stress, fatigue at work do not go unnoticed. The pathology itself does not pose a threat to the patient, but significantly limits normal life. Complex therapy of the disease requires a special approach. For these purposes, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods of therapy are used.

Medicines for migraine

The disease is characterized severe attacks, lasting up to 3 days, localized most often in the temples, forehead. Painful pulsation is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, weakness.

List of drugs for migraine attacks:

  • sumatriptan: "Amigrenin", the medicine "Rapimed", "Sumatriptan", the remedy "Imigran";
  • other triptans: "Zolmigren", "Rapimig".

Each of these pills helps to stop a migraine attack, but for other types of pain, these drugs are useless. These are not painkillers, they act on the very cause of the pathology, have many negative effects that negatively affect the organs and vital systems of the body.

They also have contraindications:

  1. Children's age (you can not take them after 65).
  2. Expecting a baby, breastfeeding.
  3. Diseases of the liver, as well as kidneys, heart muscle.
  4. History of stroke, myocardial infarction.
  5. Usage incompatible friend with other drugs.

These painkillers for headaches can be purchased only after confirming the diagnosis - migraine. The attack is usually stopped by the use of "Sumatriptan" 50-100 mg. If the treatment does not bring any result, you should make sure that the diagnosis is correct. In this case, it's good to do some research.

Migraine attacks, painful discomfort reduces the quality Everyday life, impairs performance. For treatment, choose effective pills from headaches, which instantly block spasms.

The pharmacy has a wide selection medicines for treatment unpleasant discomfort, but their action is different, as they affect different mechanisms of the development of the syndrome. Overdose, the wrong choice of remedy can cause a drug disease.

The doctor should prescribe drugs, after complex diagnostics, examining the patient's history and clinical picture pathology. Properly carried out therapy will quickly get rid of headaches, stop migraine attacks in a timely manner.

A headache attack creates a lot of problems. According to statistics, 65% of the world's population faces this symptom.
During a headache attack, it is difficult for a person to concentrate, there is a desire to hold his head, close his eyes so as not to see or hear anyone. Pain in the forehead, temples or back of the head is not necessary to endure, because today there is a large range of drugs that can relieve this unbearable symptom.

Briefly about the causes of pain in the head

Migraines don't happen to everyone. Patients can be conditionally divided into two groups - some have an unpleasant symptom from time to time, while others “haunt” such a condition almost every day, and the attacks “attack” so strongly that it is difficult to perform even elementary actions.

A headache pill taken is not a cure, but only a temporary relief of a pain problem. So that the symptom no longer bothers, it is recommended to consult a doctor (neurologist) for a detailed diagnosis. The identified problem is a step towards successful treatment Otherwise, you will have to suffer with a headache all your life.

The main pathologies that can provoke a migraine:

  • violation of the tone of the autonomic nervous system;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • colds, SARS, influenza, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis;
  • hormonal physiological imbalance (menopause, transitional age, premenstrual syndrome);
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • stressful conditions and nervous strain;
  • cranial neuralgia.

It must be remembered that in certain cases, headache can be a symptom of such dangerous diseases and conditions such as brain tumor, stroke, kidney failure, subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Migraine can cause a feeling of pressure (like a tight band on the head), it is also possible to develop dull, acute or aching pain. For many patients, it is important right now to get rid of a hated symptom, so they rush to the pharmacy for effective medicine. Today, pharmaceutical markets provide a wide range of products, so it is important to figure out which pills are better to buy for severe headache (inexpensive).

How do pain pills work?

Medicines for fast withdrawal headaches have both antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and sometimes also antispasmodic effect.

The action of drugs is based on the inhibition of neurons of the central nervous system, as well as inhibition of the excitability of the brain regions responsible for thermoregulation. The removal of inflammation in the focus is based on inhibition of the production of enzymes that stimulate the formation of prostaglandins - pain mediators.

Headache pills during pregnancy - Paracetamol

The main active ingredient is paracetamol, which is a derivative of phenacetin. The drug has a low anti-inflammatory effect, so it practically does not irritate the mucous membrane digestive tract(particularly the stomach). Adults are recommended to carry out treatment on one tab. no more than four times a day.

The concentration of Paracetamol in the blood after taking a therapeutic dose is not capable of causing a developmental disorder in the fetus, so doctors often prescribe these pills for headaches during pregnancy.

For children older than two months, paracetamol is given in syrup. For babies, the drug is prescribed for fever, so taking the medication will simultaneously lower the temperature and reduce the headache. The dosage depends on the body weight of the child (see table below).

Baby weight (kg) How many ml of paracetamol per dose
4-8 2,5-5
8-12 5-7,5
12-16 7,5-10
16-20 10-12,5
20-24 12,5-15
24-32 15-20

For children, as well as for adults, the frequency of taking Paracetamol is up to four times a day.

Effective headache pills list

1) Pentased

it combination drug which contains several active ingredients. The composition of Pentased and the action of each component:
Paracetamol (210 mg) - relieves pain and fights fever;

  • Propyphenazone (210 mg) - a pronounced analgesic, normalizes body temperature;
  • Codeine (50 mg) - a narcotic natural analgesic - activates opioid receptors, which leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of the neuron to excitatory neurotransmitters;
  • Phenobarbital (20 mg) - depresses the central nervous system, has a sedative, calming effect, reduces the emotional response to pain;
  • Caffeine (10 mg) - stimulates the psychomotor center of the brain, improves the analgesic effect, eliminates the feeling of drowsiness and fatigue.

2) Askofen

These are headache pills (inexpensive, effective), one medication unit contains 0.04 grams of caffeine, 0.2 grams of acetylsalicylic acid and the same amount of phenacetin. Absorption of the drug occurs in upper section small intestine. Maximum concentration in blood plasma develops 30 minutes after taking the pill.

3) Farmadol

One tablet contains 300 mg of acetylsalicylic acid, 100 mg of paracetamol and 50 mg of caffeine. The drug is prescribed for the relief of pain (including headache), mild and moderate. Farmadol should be taken orally one (if necessary, two) tablets three times a day.

The daily dose should not exceed six tablets (considering that the drug is taken throughout the day). Therapeutic duration of an anesthetic is up to a week.

4) Copacil

One medicinal unit of Copacil contains 300 mg of acetylsalicylic acid, 100 mg of paracetamol and 50 mg of caffeine. Therapeutic effect comes within an hour and lasts about a quarter of a day.

The drug is prescribed 1-2 tablets three to four times a day. Copacil is great for treating mild to moderate migraines.

Medicines of natural origin - will they help?

If the headache occurs on the background of prolonged overwork, stressful situations, neurasthenia or sleep disturbance, then in this case the treatment should be aimed at increasing the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors and activating defensive forces organism.

General tonic headache tablets (instructions for use):

  • 1. Eleutherococcus(extract for oral administration). Eleutherococcus root, which contains great amount eleutherosides, which increase the synthesis of endorphins (pleasure hormones). Until the age of twelve, the drug is not prescribed. Dosage: in tablets - one unit four times a day, in liquid form - 30 drops twice a day. The course of treatment is a month.
  • 2. Saparal(aralia). The drug was created on the basis of dry matter from the root of the Manchurian Aralia, growing in Sakhalin, Kuril Islands and Primorsky Krai. The tool enhances vitality, also helps to eliminate toxins and relieve inflammation. In addition, the drug has a diuretic property, normalizes blood pressure and sugar levels.
    Saparal is taken one tablet three times a day one hour before meals. The duration of treatment is from two weeks to a month.
  • 3. Gerimaks Ginseng. The main active ingredient is ginseng root extract (0.02 grams). The drug is prescribed to patients who suffer from chronic vegetative-vascular dystonia against the background of reduced pressure. The drug is recommended to take one tablet a day (in the morning), the course of treatment is one and a half to two months. After a three-week break, the therapeutic course can be repeated.

Despite the fact that drugs of natural origin - they have a lot of contraindications - therefore, without first consulting a doctor, you should not take them.

The cause of the headache is high blood pressure - what to take?

Doctors advise: before taking a pill, you need to check your blood pressure. If it is low, then it is recommended to drink a caffeine-based remedy (see the list of drugs above).

Sometimes a headache occurs against the background of high blood pressure. In such cases, the patient feels a throbbing pain in the temples, heaviness in the head, darkening of the eyes, a temporary visual impairment occurs, and nausea and vomiting are also possible.

How to get rid of a headache (pills fast action to reduce pressure):

1) Raunatin. Has hypotensive and moderate sedative effect. It is perfect for patients who have an increase in pressure by 5-15 divisions (for example, at a rate of 110/70, the indicators are 120-125/75). At mild form one tablet is enough for hypertension. If the pressure still remains high, then one more tablet is allowed (maximum daily dose- up to five tablets with an interval of 3-4 hours).

2) Enalapril. The drug is intended for oral use, it can be taken without regard to food. At arterial hypertension one tablet is prescribed, if the effect does not come, then you should drink another tablet.

3) Captopril. The drug dilates blood vessels, which causes a decrease in vascular resistance. The drug is prescribed with a significant increase in blood pressure (deviation of more than 15 units). In this case, it is recommended to drink 0.5 tablets (25 mg). At hypertensive crisis(a sharp jump in indicators on the tonometer), one tablet is prescribed (25 or 50 mg, depending on the severity of cardiac pathology).

Headache tablets for high blood pressure should always be in home first aid kit every hypertensive. In case of a violation of well-being, it is imperative to use them in order to avoid the development of such problems in the future. serious complications as myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure, atherosclerosis and thrombosis of large vessels.

How to remove a headache at home quickly and without pills?

First you need to find out your blood pressure using a tonometer. If there is no such device, then it can be determined using the pulse on wrist joint(the point is above the palm from the side thumb). Vascular contraction up to 60 beats per minute - pressure is low, from 60 to 80 - normal, more than 80 and 90 - high. This measurement method is not accurate, so you should not resort to drastic actions (meaning taking medications).

Tips - how to get rid of a headache without pills:

  1. If the pressure is low, then it is enough to drink a cup of strong coffee or tea, you can also eat something spicy;
  2. At high pressure sedative drinks will help - a decoction of mint or lemon balm, you can also use a cool compress on the forehead, a relaxing bath (not hot) with the addition of essential oils(for example, prepare a mixture of one drop of sage oil and two drops of St. John's wort and mint oil);
    sometimes with a migraine it is enough to open a window in the room, sleep or just relax;
  3. You can also do a light massage of the head and neck with Asterisk ointment (this applies to those cases when migraine occurred against the background of osteochondrosis or vegetative-vascular dystonia).

Headaches don't just happen. Even after a single manifestation of it, the patient must consult a specialist. Early detection disease allows you to successfully solve the problem, without giving it a single chance to turn into a serious life-threatening pathology.

Headaches and migraines are truly the scourge of our time. Millions of people around the world suffer from frequent headaches. They lead to loss of efficiency, irritability and extreme nervousness, sometimes turning into real torture. Pain may have different reasons, but it must be remembered: such symptoms can be caused by very dangerous ailments and if you often for some unknown reason headache, it is better to consult a doctor. Head pain can be a symptom of more than forty various diseases. Don't joke about it.

Types of headache

Doctors distinguish between several types of headaches.

Migraine. Severe pain, lasting from several hours to several days. Usually they are localized in the temples or in the frontal part. Has a tendency to increase with loud noise or other external stimulus. Usually this disease is associated with the tone of the blood vessels of the head.

Pain of tension. Occurs with strong mental, physical or emotional stress. This may be an uncomfortable posture, prolonged stress or prolonged psychological stress.

vascular pain. Occurs when blood pressure is too high or too low. Then you better deal with the cause (bring the pressure back to normal).

CSF pain. The pain is very intense, the person has the impression that his head is about ready to burst. This is very dangerous symptom, it may be a sign serious problems: tumors, meningitis, disorders intracranial pressure. Seek immediate medical attention.

It is important! The cause of persistent headaches can be very serious illness. These are hypertension and hypotension, meningitis, brain tumors, purulent processes in meninges, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. Also often these symptoms cause inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis). Headaches are also caused by neuralgia of the cranial nerves (facial, trigeminal), diseases of the spine (cervical osteochondrosis, sciatica). The accumulation of metabolic products in the body also leads to similar symptoms. This is due to problems in the liver or kidneys.

No matter how great the desire to buy painkillers without prescriptions in a pharmacy is, before that it is worth finding out the cause of the headache.


For removal pain, especially for pain of tension or migraine, drugs that can be attributed to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are perfect. These are medicines containing ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid or their analogues. Also various antispasmodics (noshpa, papaverine, halidor and others). Analgesics (analgin, paracetamol, baralgin and others) are often used to relieve pain. There are drugs that contain several active ingredients at once (citramon). They are the most efficient.

Below are the drugs currently available that are effective for headaches. The active ingredients of the drug and the features of its use are also indicated.

Effective painkillers for headaches

Active ingredient: Paracetamol
Paracetamol, Panadol, Kalpol
It is used for mild to moderate pain. Should not be taken with liver disease. The side effect is nausea.

Active ingredient: Paracetamol + diphenhydramine
Migrenol PM (For Ventures)
Diphenhydramine significantly enhances the analgesic effect of paracetamol. It has antiallergic and sedative properties.

Active ingredient: Paracetamol + caffeine
Migrenol (For Ventures), Solpadein Fast, Panadol Extra (GlaxoSmithKline).
Caffeine invigorates and enhances the effect of paracetamol. Perfect for pain with low blood pressure, it is better not to take hypertensive patients. Cannot be taken with hyperexcitability and insomnia.

Active ingredient: Paracetamol + caffeine + codeine + propyphenazone
Caffetin (alkaloid)

Active ingredient: Paracetamol + codeine + caffeine
Solpadeine (GlaxoSmithKline)
Caffeine and codeine increase the effect of analgesics.

Active ingredient: Metamizole sodium
Analgin (various manufacturers), Baralgin M (Sanofi) Analgin-Ultra (Obolenskoye).
Pain reliever and antipyretic. Used for toothache and headache. Banned in many countries around the world due to very dangerous side effects.

Active ingredient: Paracetamol + codeine + caffeine + phenobarbital + propyphenazone
Pentalgin Plus (Pharmstandard)
Highly powerful drugs. They are used when other means have proven ineffective.

Active ingredient: Naproxen + metamizole sodium + caffeine + codeine + phenobarbital
Pentalgin-N (Pharmstandard), Piralgin (Belmedpreparaty)
Very powerful drugs. Used when other drugs have failed.

Active ingredient: Acetylsalicylic acid + caffeine + paracetamol
Askofen-P (Pharmstandard), Citramon
Used for mild to moderate pain associated with a cold or hypotension. Antipyretics.

Active ingredient: Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen (Tatchimpharm preparations), Burana (Orion Corporation), Mig (Berlin-Chemie), Faspik (Zambon), Nurofen (Rekitt Benckiser)
Painkillers and antipyretics. Widely used throughout the world. Considered one of the safest in existence.

Active ingredient: Metamizole sodium + fenpiverinium bromide + pitofenone
Spazmalgon (Actavis), Maxigan (Unichem Laboratories), Bral (Micro labs).
They have an analgesic and antispasmodic effect. They help well in cases where the cause of pain is vasospasm.

These are not all headache pills that can offer. modern pharmacology. However, remember that self-medication is not always safe. Better get tested.

You should pay attention to the contraindications of drugs - they are far from harmless. The effect of drugs on each person is individual. Follow the dosage.

The main side effects after taking such drugs can be various allergies, liver problems, erosion of the gastric mucosa, gastritis and ulcers. These drugs should not be combined, this will only increase the development of complications. Without the recommendation of a doctor, no painkillers for headaches should be taken for more than five days. It is strictly forbidden to combine painkillers and alcohol.

Such drugs should be given to children very carefully, after consulting a doctor.
Be healthy!

What to drink for a headache actual question for the majority of the population of people prone to attacks of cephalalgia of any origin.

Neurologists and specialists general practice note that the first place according to the complaints of patients of different age categories takes a headache various etiologies.

About 30% of people suffering from cephalgia indicate a persistent decline in working capacity and Negative influence on quality of life during seizures.

At the same time, every fifth patient has an increase in pain. different nature due to illiterate or uncontrolled use of painkillers.

Headaches can be caused by systemic diseases, disorders of the central nervous system, or be a separate pathology.

The international medical community claims studies that have identified approximately 200 varieties of cephalalgia of several classifications.

Modern neurology distinguishes three main groups of headache:

  • primary - are defined as isolated independent disease, prevails over others, is stated in 95% of cases;
  • secondary - are a concomitant symptom of a specific pathology;
  • cranial neuralgia - caused by inflammation trigeminal nerve and other pathologies of the face.

A persistent headache can signal a dangerous, life threatening human condition that requires immediate medical attention.

Effective treatment of headache involves a preliminary comprehensive diagnosis.

It is necessary to conduct a detailed examination, for example, MRI, EEG and other hardware procedures, to establish true reason pathology.

What can cause a headache

If the pain constantly returns or turns into a regular process, then regardless of the intensity, symptoms and duration, this fact indicates the presence of an internal disease.

There are many causes of pain, and their symptoms are varied. Numerous studies by scientists have identified approximately 45 risk factors that can provoke cephalalgia.

However, there are several basic pathologies known to many, which should be stopped and considered in more detail.

There are three types of primary pain:

  • HDN or tension headache (tension headache) - occurs in about 60%, is caused by a violation of the psycho-emotional state (or stretching of the neck muscles);
  • migraine - about 35% of the population (children, adolescents, adults, elderly) suffer from various forms hemicrania, occurs inherited or has external and;
  • cluster pain is a rather rare phenomenon, it affects more often men, it is characterized by a strong pulsation in the eye and temple.

Secondary pains are diverse and multifaceted, caused by various pathologies.

These include:

  • non-vascular intracranial lesions - pain after surgery, radiosurgical treatment, electroshock therapy;
  • homeostasis disorders - cephalgia of an indeterminate nature, associated with systemic and metabolic disorders, for example, blood viscosity, etc.;
  • mental illness - pain caused by various phobias, anxiety disorder, for example, a panic attack;
  • the presence of adhesions in the mucous membranes - pain is caused by a change in body position;
  • hypnic headaches (Solomon's syndrome) - an unusual type of sensation is observed in older people over 60 years old;
  • after spinal anesthesia pain goes away on its own, but sometimes medical therapy is required.

Every kind of pain is different special characteristics and a picture of the development of an attack. We will separately consider some pathologies.

Head injury

TBI (craniocerebral injury) - squeezing, bruising or concussion provoke pain different nature. They can occur immediately after injury or appear after a while.
The head after an injury can ache, sometimes it hurts a lot, often the pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sometimes fainting and memory loss.
You need to see a doctor in without fail, there is a risk of hemorrhage and other pathologies.


Damage or inflammation of the branches of the trigeminal nerve causes severe paroxysmal shooting spasms in facial area. Many call such pains thunderous, comparing with the guillotine.

Chondrosis, diseases of the joints and spine are now widespread, pain is localized in cervical region, back of the head, temporal-frontal region.

For example, neurological headaches may be associated with the presence of cervical osteochondrosis(squeezing vertebral artery), dental diseases and other neuroses.

Overwork and stress

Pain in anxiety disorders is migraine-like and often triggered by stressors, sleep disturbances, or chronic sleep deprivation.

Especially noted in workaholics or people with an unbalanced nervous system. Such pains are well relieved with the help of acupressure head and neck.

Alcohol use and poisoning

As a result of intoxication of the body, dullness often occurs. chronic pain which is difficult to treat.

  • metabolites of phenylacetic acid - diclofenac (Voltaren ointment, ortofen);
  • oksikamy - movalis;
  • propionic acid derivatives - ketoprofen (flamax), etc.;
  • alkalones - nabumeton, analogue - relafen;
  • sulfonamides - nise, celecoxib, next, nimesil powder;
  • pyrazolones - baralgin, analgin, caffetin;
  • anthranils - genospa;
  • vasoconstrictor - phenylephrine;
  • and many others.

Acetylsalicylic acid

The brand name for this drug is aspirin. It is produced on the basis of acetylsalicylic acid to thin the blood, eliminate inflammatory processes, and block pain.

It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic effects on the body.

For adults acetylsalicylic acid It is an effective, cheap medicine. The product has the property of hissing in water. Enough to dissolve the thing effervescent tablet and drink.

Often saves lives in strokes and heart failure, has analgesic properties.


The remedy is intended for severe pain. pharmaceutical form: tablets, prolonged-release capsules, suspensions, suppositories, ointments.

Indicated for tension headaches, migraines, regular appointments medicines, with dysfunction of cervical osteochondrosis.

The tool is easy to carry. However, there have been cases of stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, gastrointestinal bleeding, nausea, vomiting, and other things.


Paracetamol has a low anti-inflammatory activity, which deprives the drug, unlike NSVP, of side effects.
The most important thing in the use of the drug is to correctly select the dose of the drug. Today there are many analogues: syrup, solution, soluble powder or candles.

Paracetamol refers to. Has a lot good reviews patients.


A potent drug without paracetamol, but based on ketorolac. Refers to NSAID group. One of the best powerful analgesics with pronounced analgesic properties.

In terms of its effects, Ketanov is comparable to Morphine, it has a long list of indications. The drug is considered unique, as it is able to relieve pain of any origin.

Ketanov has many contraindications - stomach ulcers, lesions duodenum, bronchitis, aspirin asthma, hemorrhagic diathesis and stroke, and many others. Side effects may develop.

It is important to know that Ketanov is not a drug for the treatment of a disease, it is only able to temporarily relieve pain.
syndrome. Recommended in critical conditions. There is no compatibility with other analgesics.

Release form: tablets, ampoules for intramuscular injection. It is prescribed by doctor's prescription. You can take the drug once to relieve pain or as a course. However, the last dose of the drug should be on the 5th day.


The drug has moderate analgesic properties, is intended to suppress headaches of any etiology.

Nurofen's active ingredient is ibuprofen, which belongs to the group of NSAIDs. It has certain contraindications and side effects.

Available in tablet form, it can be without paracetamol and in combination with it - Nurofen MultiSymptom. Refers to over-the-counter cheap medicines.


Effective drugs alleviate the condition with hemicrania and cephalgia of various etiologies, eliminate unpleasant symptoms. The root cause is not treated.

Myotropic antispasmodics are used for high blood pressure.

Names of funds:

  • drotaverine;
  • spazgan;
  • dibazole;
  • dexalgin;
  • revalgin.

Neurotropic antispasmodics affect the nervous system. When the vessels constrict, the agents stimulate the smooth muscles of the nerve impulses.

These include:

  • buscopan;
  • aprofen;
  • scopolamine;
  • hyoscine;
  • ganglefen;
  • arpenal.

There are natural antispasmodics - these are herbal preparations that you can buy at a pharmacy or collect yourself.

These include folk remedies:

  • mint tea or menthol compress;
  • tansy;
  • oregano ordinary;
  • Chernobyl;
  • May lily of the valley;
  • bleached black.


A drug for relieving tension pain, with a symptom when it presses on the temples, to eliminate spasm smooth muscle and other pain sensations.
Eliminates bouts of hymicrania. Expansion or narrowing of vessels No-shpa does not help. Considered effective inexpensive medicine antispasmodic action.

Pharmaceutical form: tablets, injection ampoules, as shown in the photo.


It is a powerful vasodilating antispasmodic. Unlike other drugs of a similar effect, it has sedative properties.

Pharmaceutical form: tablets, suppositories. Application in high doses may cause cardiac arrhythmias. Contraindicated in the elderly (risk of hyperthermia).


The principle of action of the drug is the inhibition of inflammatory processes, the elimination of pain, muscle relaxation. Spasmalgon effectively eliminates a sharp contraction of blood vessels.

Designed to relieve tension-type headache (tension pain). Pharmaceuticals: tablets, injections.


Methylxanthines - drugs to stimulate the work and enhance the metabolic resources of the brain. Most effective for hypotension.

This group includes:

  • caffeine-sodium benzoate;
  • theobromine;
  • guaranine.


The most common cheap remedy from cephalalgia with caffeine. Well suppresses inflammatory processes, relieves pain, improves vascular function.

Sold in tablets and granules. Has a list of recommendations for use.


An effective remedy based on analgin and tempidone with antipyretic, calming effect. Copes with cephalalgia of any origin.
Tempalgin is an analgesic compatible with antacids. This allows you to take the drug for a long time.


Solpadein is a universal analgesic that eliminates many problems. Removes pain of any etiology. The drug contains caffeine, codeine and paracetamol, has the property of increasing blood pressure.


  • migraine;
  • migraine;
  • panadol Extra;
  • paralen extra;
  • strimol plus;
  • Andrews Ansver.

Pharmaceuticals: tablets, pops, capsules.

Psychotropic drugs

These drugs have a sedative effect. Other names define pharmacological properties. Anxiolytics are drugs that relieve anxiety and fear. Ataractics are sedative antidepressants without caffeine.

Tranquilizers, with the exception of clonazepam (antelepsin), are not analgesics. May have sedative and psychostimulant effects.

The principle of action is based on the reduction of mental and muscle tension, as well as stopping the psycho-vegetative components of the pain syndrome.

These include:

  • chlordiazepoxide;
  • diazepam;
  • phenazepam;
  • epicalon.


The tool has a sedative, muscle relaxant effect. Facilitates anxiety disorders any etiology.

It is used for insomnia, lesions of the head, spinal cord, HDN and other problems of a different nature.

Take with caution, there are contraindications, as well as side effects. Sold in tablets, as well as injections for intravenous and intramuscular administration.

List of combination pills

Combined funds have a dual effect. It is impossible to choose the strongest, the most good drugs and release only them. The fact is that many means repeat each other.

But if you combine several agents, they will perfectly complement their pharmacological properties. For example, piranal contains amidopyrine and analgin.

Analgin is fast acting remedy, amidopyrine, on the contrary, acts slowly and for a long time. The combination of two drugs normalizes the rate of impact on the body.

The combination of the two substances gives a quick effect and a long lasting effect.

Combined funds:

  • excedrin;
  • fervex forte;
  • melatonin;
  • and many others.


Powerful analgesic with antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Combined remedy with the content of analgin, codeine, amidopyrine, phenobarbital, caffeine.

Pentalgin - fast-acting drug. Long-term use is prohibited, adverse reactions are possible.
It is important to know older people should avoid taking caffeinated drugs. Young people, on the contrary, such drugs are recommended.

Headache is a symptom familiar to everyone. It is one of the main causes of temporary disability and a symptom of more than 40 diseases. But rarely does anyone immediately run to the hospital to look for the cause of their illness, most prefer to take a pill for a headache and get some rest. Of course, a pill can temporarily alleviate the condition, but if it doesn’t get better over time, then a doctor must be visited.

Before you go to the hospital, it is very important to listen to yourself and determine what kind of pain spoils your life - acute, dull, squeezing or bursting, constant or paroxysmal. It is also important to determine the localization of its localization - the forehead, temples or back of the head, are there any concomitant symptoms such as dizziness, photophobia, nausea or vomiting. In addition, it is worth considering what it can be associated with, weather, work, food or medication, etc. All of these factors will determine your diagnosis and the treatment that the doctor will choose.

Treatment of migraine headache or tension headache

Your head can hurt for a variety of reasons. If it is an injury, a decrease or increase, or temperature, then the algorithm of action is more or less clear. But what to do if the headache starts suddenly without any visible reasons? In such a situation, you can suspect a migraine or tension headache. Migraine headaches usually affect one side of the head, forehead, or temples. Before the onset of an attack of pain, tingling in the limbs, photophobia, nausea, the appearance of incomprehensible odors can be observed, all this is called an aura.

The causes of migraine are not yet known, there is also no way to treat it, so it is advisable for people suffering from this disease to always have headache pills with them. It must be understood that such pain is not life-threatening and brings nothing but discomfort. But sometimes the discomfort is so strong that it is absolutely impossible to endure it. And modern remedies for headaches help to stop the attack in time to prevent its further development.

The best pills for migraine headaches are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The safest and most modern are ibuprofen-based tablets. You can choose Imet, ibuprom, nurofen, brufen or any other drug with this active substance. They not only relieve pain, but also significantly reduce the manifestations of the aura. In addition, these drugs have a minimum of side effects, and the pain disappears almost for the whole day.

Vascular headache and its treatment

There is such pain with excessive narrowing or expansion of the vessels of the brain. This usually happens when blood pressure rises or falls. If your headaches are infrequent and you can't tell them apart, it's best to take your blood pressure right away. In this situation, the correct treatment would be to increase or decrease pressure with the help of special drugs. But you can take such drugs only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Such pain is more typical for people with high blood pressure, but there may be other reasons for its occurrence. Sometimes this pain is a symptom of meningitis, a tumor, a head injury, or an abscess. As already mentioned, such pain is too dangerous a symptom to be simply ignored, eliminated with the help of an anesthetic. Moreover, when taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or analgesics, this type of pain decreases slightly. When such pain occurs, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible and make the correct diagnosis, self-medication in this situation can be too dangerous.

Treatment of psychogenic pain

Psychogenic pain usually occurs with a variety of mental disorders such as phobias or depression. At the same time, there are no organic disorders in a person, but pain is felt and interferes with a normal life. Most often, people who do not solve problems, but simply push them deep into the subconscious, suffer from such pains.

Diagnosis of such pain is extremely difficult, since most patients refuse to admit the psychogenic nature of the disease, fearing that they will be considered crazy. They insist on looking for a somatic disease and often find a not very conscientious doctor who, for their money, begins the treatment of a non-existent disease.

Proper Treatment such pain is a relief from stress.
It is necessary to understand that there is no pain itself, so the medicine will not help here. There is a feeling of pain, which you can get rid of only by defeating the problem that caused the pain. Usually psychotherapists cope with this, sometimes you have to take sedatives.

Headache treatment during pregnancy

Many women experience headaches during pregnancy. The main reason for this phenomenon is a violation hormonal background and changes in blood volume. But there may be other reasons as well. Most women ask if they can take pain medication during pregnancy. It depends on the type of pain and the drug. If you know for sure that the pain is not associated with threatening conditions, then you can take a medicine based on paracetamol, citramon or no-shpu. Of course, even these pills are not the best option for a pregnant woman and cannot be considered absolutely safe, but their harm is usually minimal.

The list of drugs strictly prohibited during pregnancy includes all drugs based on narcotic substance- tryptamine, such as antimigraine, amigraine, zamigren. Also during pregnancy, drugs such as propranolol, ergotamine, nurofen and aspirin are contraindicated. They can cause uterine contractions, bleeding, and delayed baby development.

During pregnancy, it is much more important to prevent pain. This can be done using proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle life. It is important to spend a lot of time fresh air. It is also necessary to drink enough water and try not to be nervous. If the pain has already appeared, you can lie down a bit in the dark with a cool compress on your head, do a light massage of the collar zone, relax and listen to pleasant music.

Most Effective Headache Medicines

Of course, it is impossible to choose a cure for a headache without knowing the diagnosis and without the recommendations of a doctor. But to get acquainted with the range of drugs that can help solve this problem will be very useful. It is also important to learn how to manage pain without medication.

As for tablets, all headache medicines are divided into several groups:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs- These are the most common drugs that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. These include most of the tablets familiar to everyone, such as aspirin, analgin, paracetamol, ibuprofen. All of them are relatively harmless, but there is some negative effect on the digestive tract.
  • Methylxanthines- drugs that stimulate the brain and enhance metabolic resources. These drugs are most effective for pain caused by a decrease in pressure. This group includes drugs such as Caffeine-sodium benzoate, Theobromine, Guaranine.
  • Barbiturates- drugs for severe pain with anticonvulsant and hypnotic action. At long-term use they are addictive, so they are used only as a last resort.
  • Ergot alkaloids- help to relax and improve cerebral blood flow, these are drugs such as ergometrine, nicergoline, ergotamine.
  • Myotropic antispasmodics- most safe medicines that relieve spasms and pain. These include papaverine, no-shpu, drotaverine, dumpatalin and others.
  • Benzodiazepines- a kind of tranquilizers that soothe and relax, thereby reducing pain. This group includes Midazolam, Sibazon, Diazepam, etc.
  • M-anticholinergics- drugs that block muscarinic receptors. They simply slow down the spread of pain, but have a lot of side effects, such as dry mouth and increased pressure. This group includes Platifillin and Spazmomen.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants- this is psychotropic drugs good for migraines.
  • Narcotic analgesics- not very effective in the treatment of headaches, in addition, they have a lot of side effects. The most popular drug from this group is codeine and all its derivatives.
  • Beta blockers- These are medicines that help expand the vessels and internal arteries and thus remove the pain when they are narrowed. This group includes drugs such as Atenolol, Metaprolol, Propranolol and Obzidan.

But all patients need to remember that the choice of drugs can only occur after a correct diagnosis and only by a doctor. Self-medication in this situation is dangerous.