Glycine: side effects. Glycine: application features and side effects

Update: October 2018

Glycine is one of the most popular metabolic drugs prescribed to improve mental and physical abilities, as well as a sedative and light sleeping pills in pediatrics and adult patients.

The action can be both calming and activating in relation to the central nervous system and varies depending on the time of taking the drug during the day - this is stated in the instructions for the use of Glycine.

However, you should immediately focus on the fact that all nootropic drugs, without exception, work only in pathologically altered tissues, improving directly metabolic processes in brain cells with disorders, but have no effect on healthy tissue. That is, their use to stimulate the mental activity of children, adults (as is often recommended) - if not completely useless, then ineffective (see).

Farmgroup: Drug for improving brain metabolism. According to the ATC classification, it belongs to the group of nootropics and psychostimulants.

Composition of the drug, form of release, price

  • The active substance of the drug- glycine. Each 100 mg tablet contains 100 mg of glycine. The excipients of 100 mg tablets are: 1 mg magnesium stearate, 1 mg water-soluble methylcellulose.
  • Release form: sublingual tablets with a sweetish taste, white color with marble inclusions, flat cylindrical shape with a chamfer.
    In blister packs of 50 sublingual tablets, in a cardboard box.
    Glycine tablets are also available in dosages of 150, 400 and 500 mg.

Price: Glycine No. 50, 100 mg: 29-36 rubles.

pharmachologic effect

Glycine is the simplest aminoacetic acid. It is a part of protein molecules and biologically active compounds. Glycine is the basis for the synthesis of porphyrins, from which hemoglobin and myoglobin are subsequently synthesized, as well as purine bases. He governs metabolic processes, activates and normalizes defensive reactions inhibition in the central nervous system, eliminates psycho-emotional overstrain, increases cognitive function and mental abilities. It has alpha1-adrenergic blocking, glycine- and GABA-ergic, antioxidant and antitoxic effects. Glycine regulates glutamate receptors, due to which the following actions of the drug are achieved:

  • reduction of conflict and aggressiveness;
  • increasing the level of social adaptation;
  • improvement and stabilization of mood;
  • accelerating falling asleep and improving the quality of sleep (see);
  • a decrease in severity, including those associated with menopause (see);
  • decrease in the severity of CNS disorders against the background of stroke and TBI;
  • decrease in toxic effect ethyl alcohol and drugs that depress the activity of the central nervous system.

Pharmacokinetics- the drug quickly penetrates into the biological fluids and tissues of the body, including the substance of the brain. Without accumulating in tissues, it is completely metabolized to water and carbon dioxide.

Indications for use

The instructions for use of glycine indicate:

  • Decreased performance, mental and physical;
  • Stress and related psycho-emotional stress;
  • Overstrain of the central nervous system during periods of increased mental stress (exams, etc.);
  • Deviant, contrary to accepted norms, behavior in adolescents and children;
  • Perinatal CNS damage in infants;
  • Ischemic stroke;
  • Organic and functional diseases nervous system, accompanied by emotional instability, high excitability, a drop in mental performance and sleep disturbance:
    • neurosis-like states and neuroses
    • vegetovascular dystonia
    • recovery period after TBI (traumatic brain injury) and neuroinfections
    • perinatal and other types of encephalopathies, including alcoholic and narcotic.

So it is written in the instructions for glycine, but the first 4 points should not be taken seriously. As a result of numerous studies, the effectiveness of nootropics (including glycine) for improving mental and physical performance, memory, has not been proven. Only 1 small study of glycine has shown it to be of little benefit in CNS disorders, and not in severe cases. For example, in the US, glycine is not used in these cases (the first 4 points), it is only occasionally used in psychiatric clinics to treat a number of patients.


Glycine is not prescribed in the presence of individual hypersensitivity reactions to the drug and its components.

Glycine for pregnant and breastfeeding

It may be applicable for the treatment of these groups of women, but strictly on prescription.


Glycine tablets are intended for sublingual resorption. You can dissolve the drug behind the cheek, and also use a pre-crushed tablet in powder form.

  • Nervous System Damage associated with organic and functional changes and flowing with increased excitability, changes in the emotional background, sleep disturbance: for adults, 1 tablet (100 mg) of glycine twice or thrice a day for 7-14 days. The course of treatment can be extended up to 30 days. Repeated course application is possible 30 days after the completion of the previous course.
  • Sleep disorders: 0.5-1 tablet per 20 minutes of sleep.
  • Ischemic cerebral stroke: 1000 mg buccal or sublingual with 1 tsp. water during the first 3-6 hours; 1000 mg per day for the next 1-5 days; then - 1-2 tablets of glycine three times a day for another 30 days.
  • Encephalopathy, consequences of organic damage to the nervous system (central and peripheral): 1 tablet of glycine twice or thrice a day for 14-30 days. Courses are repeated 4-6 times during the year.

Instructions for use of glycine for children

The drug has sweet taste, so children usually dissolve the tablets with pleasure. If it is impossible to dissolve the tablet (newborns, early childhood), it is permissible to grind the required amount of the drug into powder and dilute in a teaspoon of water.

  • Children under three years of age: 0.5 tab. (50 mg) of glycine twice or thrice a day for 7-14 days, then 50 mg once a day for 7-10 days. The daily dose for children under 3 years old is 100-150 mg of glycine, and the course dose is not more than 2000-2600 mg.
  • Children over 3 years old the drug is prescribed in the dosage of adults: 1 tablet (100 mg) twice or thrice a day for 1-2 weeks, with a maximum increase in the course up to 4 weeks.

side effects of glycine

Perhaps the development of hypersensitivity reactions in the form of a rash,.


Cases of overdose are not described. Possible: downgrade blood pressure, dizziness and nausea.

drug interaction

At simultaneous reception with drugs from the groups of anxiolytics, antipsychotics, anticonvulsants, hypnotics and antidepressants, glycine weakens the severity of the side effects of the former.

special instructions

With caution assigned to persons managing vehicles and employed in working with precise mechanisms.

Glycine analogs

Nootropics also include Piracetam (Nootropil, Piracetam, Lucetam), Noopept. Among herbal remedies Ginkgo biloba (Bilobil, Memoplant, Ginkgo Biloba, Tanakan, Ginkoum, Doppelgerz ginkgo biloba with vitamins gr. B, Vitrum memory) can be distinguished, which improves metabolic processes in neurons, as well as enhancing the effect of nootropic drugs.

In pharmacies you can find Glycine: Glycine ozone, Glycine-Bio, Glycine Evalar, Glycine Forte, Glycine-Canon.

  • Vita Glycine + Vit. gr.B

100 pieces. 500 mg. 1100 rub.

  • Glycine Evalar

20 pcs. 50-80 rub.

  • Glycine Forte

50 pcs. 17 rub.

  • Glycine Bio

100 mg. 50 pcs. 30 rub

  • Doppelhertz glycine (+ vit. gr B)

30 caps. 150 rub.

  • Glycine ozone
  • Glycine - Canon

Glycine is a popular nootropic drug providing soft sedative action on the nervous system and improving mental activity. Thanks to simple composition from components natural origin, side effects glycine occur quite rarely and have a small range of manifestations, which allows prescribing the remedy for adults and children.

Formulas and chemical description glycine

Amino acid is recommended for prevention nervous strain before the potential impact of stress factors (when moving, during exams, changing jobs, etc.), to reduce the toxic effect when taking potent antidepressants and antipsychotics, and also discharged if there are the following indications:

  • functional disorders of the nervous system (vegetovascular dystonia, encephalopathy, tremor of the extremities);
  • insomnia;
  • chronic overexertion after prolonged mental or physical exertion;
  • neurosis and stress;
  • period after a stroke.

All information about the cases in which glycine is prescribed is contained in the article.
There are few contraindications to taking the substance. As a rule, the instructions for use indicate a ban on the use of the drug only for individual amino acid intolerance, but doctors also advise limiting or eliminating the use of the drug in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy. It is not known how the drug can affect the fetus.
  • Reduced blood pressure. The acid can lower blood pressure even further, leading to drowsiness. increased heart rate, fainting and other negative reactions.
  • Vehicle management. At the wrong dosage, glycine can cause drowsiness or a state of euphoria, dangerous for the driver.

Allergy to glycine

With individual intolerance to the drug, the body responds with the appearance of allergic reactions: from swelling and tearfulness to itchy skin rashes and anaphylactic shock.

In order to avoid the development of allergies in the early days, the substance should be consumed in reduced doses, observing the reaction of the body.

Sometimes patients have a question whether there can be an allergy to the drug if there is no individual intolerance to aminoacetic acid. The answer is yes, this is due to excipients- magnesium stearate and methylcellulose, which also have some risk of allergic reactions.

In some cases, the tool causes side effects, the opposite of the expected effect: the head hurts from glycine, insomnia appears, emotional arousal instead of calm. Such manifestations serve as a signal to stop taking the drug and additional consultation with a doctor. In some cases, side effects are associated with incorrect diagnosis of symptoms and incorrect prescription of the remedy.

Glycine: is addiction possible?

The drug does not contain components alien to the human body, does not accumulate in tissues, quickly decomposes into water and carbon dioxide, so the answer to the question "Is there addiction to glycine?" - negative.

The mechanism of action of the amino acid is identical to the natural transport of aminoacetic acid in the blood, so chemical dependence on glycine is also impossible.

However, if the period of the recommended course of drug use is exceeded, the appearance of negative reactions(depression, increased drowsiness, headache etc.), which in a simplified form can be explained by the fact that glycine is addictive.

These reactions are associated with an overload of the nervous system, which regularly experiences the action of natural and additional glycine. Therefore, the course of treatment with such a remedy lasts no more than 2-4 weeks and there is a break of at least 1 month between courses.

Important! Exceeding the course of taking the drug has a special negative effect on the nervous system of the child, which is less stable than in adults. In this regard, by the third week of admission, the dosage of glycine is reduced.

Glycine has a fairly large maximum daily intake - up to 3.5 g. About 2 g of the substance is produced in the body as a result of digestion of food and other metabolic reactions, and with the drug, depending on the treatment regimen, from 300 mg to 1 g of the amino acid enters day, which makes an overdose of the substance theoretically impossible.
However, with a systematic excess of the recommended dosages and duration of the course of administration, we are talking about glycine poisoning.

Substance poisoning symptoms:

  • severe dizziness;
  • critical decrease in blood pressure;
  • drying of the mouth;
  • lack of coordination, in which the sense of space is lost;
  • severe weakness, apathy, lack of emotional reaction to any irritation;
  • cutting attacks of headache.

With symptoms of an overdose, it is necessary to urgently stop taking the drug, wash the affected stomach, provide plentiful drink and, if possible, raise blood pressure (for example, with coffee).

In general, the practice of using glycine among patients different ages showed no long-term adverse reactions. Numerous responses real people about the drug, about what effect the use of the substance gives, you can read in the article.

Thus, taking glycine according to indications in recommended doses, you can prevent possible side effects as much as possible, having received all necessary benefit drug.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

The article will tell about the drug "Glycine". About the simplest amino acid that has a sedative effect.

Glycine is a non-essential simple aliphatic amino acid. Normally, it is produced in every healthy human body. When it enters the digestive system, the amino acid is absorbed into the bloodstream and enters the liver, where it is subsequently used to build the necessary protein structures.

"Glycine" instructions for use

When the drug is used under the tongue, glycine bypasses the intestinal passage phase and enters the bloodstream directly to the brain. Getting to the structures of the brain, glycine acts as a neurotransmitter that acts on the receptors of the brain. Under the influence of the amino acid, the brain begins to produce less excitatory mediators, and increases the production of GABA, which has an inhibitory effect.

"Glycine" effect on the body
  • Glycine has an emotional and mental stress, reduces conflict and aggressive mood, helps to increase adaptive activity in society. Glycine also helps to normalize sleep and makes it easier to fall asleep.
  • Amino acid improves mood and activates brain activity, increasing efficiency. People suffering vegetative-vascular dystonia, helps to normalize the work of the cardiovascular system
  • Glycine helps reduce the symptoms of disorders brain activity at ischemic stroke or with TBI. It also reduces toxic effect alcohol on the brain and other drugs that adversely affect the central nervous system

"Glycine" indications for use

Indications for the use of this amino acid follow from the effects listed above.

These indications are:

Emotional and mental tension during stressful situations
downgrade mental capacity to work
Hyperactive behavior in children adolescence
Having a history ischemic damage brain
Diseases of the nervous system associated with increased excitability, nervousness, disorder vegetative-vascular systems

It should be understood that the effectiveness of the drug does not manifest itself simultaneously, but acts on a trailer of accumulation.

"Glycine" contraindications

There are no specific contraindications to taking the discussed amino acid. Since glycine is a substance that is normally present in the human body, the drug is well tolerated and not contraindicated by age category, not pregnant.

The only limitation to the intake of glycine is the poor tolerance of the drug by humans.

"Glycine" for children

"Glycine" for children

Glycine is one of the few drugs that not contraindicated for use in childhood and not can cause no side effects in a child, provided there is no individual intolerance.

it not a pharmaceutically synthesized drug and not sedative plant origin, a naturally reproducible body amino acid.

"Glycine" side effect

  • The advantage of this proposed remedy is the absence of bright and pronounced side effects.
    Their manifestation can be observed only under the condition of allergic reactions to the drug.
  • Allergy symptoms in this case are classic - in the form of urticaria or hyperemia. skin possible presence of itching or a slight increase in body temperature
  • All of the above symptoms disappear on their own with a decrease in dose or withdrawal of the drug.

"Glycine" dosage

Of course, the dosage of the drug depends on the disease and the age of the patient. But the principle of taking the medicine is the same for everyone.

"Glycine" dosage
  • Glycine is prescribed to be taken sublingually, that is, under the tongue. The tablet is left in the sublingual fossa until it is completely dissolved.
  • In the case of emotional and mental overload, memory impairment, decreased performance and hyperactivity adolescents, glycine is prescribed at a dose of 1 to 3 tablets per day. In this case, the course of treatment should be at least two weeks, but not exceed the duration of more than a month.
  • With increased excitability, which is in the nature of organic or functional disorders, or with lethargy and sleep disturbances, also at the age of less than 3 years, the drug is prescribed in a dose of 0.05 g up to 3 times a day. The course is up to 14 days, then daily dosage reduced to a single dose
  • If the age of the child is more than 3 years, then the dose corresponds to adult calculations.
  • In case of sleep rhythm disturbances, it is recommended to take the drug 30 minutes before bedtime at a dose of 0.5 to 1 tablet
  • If there is a history ischemic lesion brain, then the medicine is prescribed in a large dose of 10 tablets, put on the cheek and pour 1 tsp. water in acute condition cerebral ischemia (first 6 hours), then leave the same dose for another 5 days, after 5 days the dose is reduced to 2 tablets 3 times a day for a month
  • The drug is used in narcology as a means of increasing mental performance, with psychological problems and manifestations of pathologies of brain activity at a dose of 1 tablet 3 times a day for one month

"Glycine" interaction with other drugs

The amino acid has a debilitating effect on the use of neuroleptics, antidepressants drugs , anxiolytic drugs, hypnotics and anticonvulsants.


Structural analogues according to active substance:
Glycine ozone
Glycine forte
Glycine Forte Evalar

"Glycine" reviews

This is a fairly inexpensive drug and at the same time quite effective. It should be noted that at the beginning of the reception there is a rather strong hypnotic effect, but it passes after a short time adaptation.
A big plus is that the remedy can be used in young children and the absence of side effects of the drug.

Video: Amino acid glycine. Real effects. Sedation

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Glycine is a drug based on the amino acid of the same name, which is used for physical and mental stress. This tool helps fight stress and alcohol intoxication.

The drug has a wide range activity, however, this simple drug also has contraindications and side effects in case of violation of the rules of admission. Therefore, the patient must comply with the dosage, frequency and duration of the drug. Otherwise, an overdose is possible, which threatens with intoxication, and this dangerous phenomenon. More details about the action of the drug, its dosage and first aid for poisoning will be described later.

The effect of glycine on the body

Glycine is a nootropic drug that regulates metabolism, restores and activates the mechanism of protective slowing down of the central nervous system. Thanks to A1-blocking and GABAergic substances, this substance neutralizes toxic substances and free radicals in the body. In addition, the drug regulates the functionality of NMDA receptors (glutamate receptors).

The drug is presented in white tablets, which contain the following substances:

  • Glycine;
  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Methylcellulose is water soluble.

The drug demonstrates a neurometabolic (improves brain activity) and neuroprotective (protects brain cells from damage) effect.

Glycine is used to improve the functionality of the central nervous system and to cleanse the body of toxic substances.

Thanks to its components, the drug exhibits the following action:

  • Reduces the amount harmful substances in the body, so the drug is often used for alcohol intoxication;
  • Increases the speed of the reaction;
  • Increases mental activity;
  • Normalizes metabolic processes;
  • Accelerates the production of cell DNA;
  • Helps the body fight depression.

Most often, the drug is used for stressful conditions, which are provoked by a decrease in physical or mental activity. The drug helps to reduce symptoms alcohol poisoning. In addition, the drug is used for sleep disorders.

The drug cleanses the blood of toxins, fights oxidants after irradiation with ionizing rays. Amino acid accelerates DNA synthesis.

Glycine accelerates signal transmission through nerve receptors As a result, brain activity and reaction speed increase. It blocks the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine (stress hormones). As a result, pressure decreases, nervous overexcitation is eliminated, sleep is normalized.

However, in addition to the benefits, glycine can also harm the body. Further in the article, you will learn about the side effects of Glycine and contraindications, as well as the dosage of the drug and first aid actions for poisoning.

Contraindications to the use of Glycine

According to the instructions, the drug is forbidden to take the following groups of patients:

  • Pregnant and lactating women. This is due to the fact that the drug has not been tested on patients from this group. Therefore, it is not known how the components of the drug will affect the fetus or baby. Before using Glycine, you should consult your doctor;
  • Patients who drive vehicles or perform activities related to concentration and reaction speed. In this case, it all depends on the dosage: moderate - will help to be more attentive, and high - will relax the body and cause drowsiness;
  • Persons with intolerance to the components of the drug. After taking the drug, an allergic reaction occurs.

If you are at risk, then you should refuse to take the medication or first consult with your doctor who will adjust the dose.

In addition to the usual Glycine, there is Glycine forte (an improved version of the drug) on ​​sale. The concentration of the components in this drug is higher, so it will quickly cause an overdose if it is independently increased.

Side Effects of Glycine

The drug can provoke negative effects only if the patient takes it for a long time (more than 3 weeks). This is due to the fact that the amino acid, which is the main component of the drug, is produced in the body of a healthy person.

Therefore, due to the long-term intake of amino acids in the body, its concentration increases, which overloads the central nervous system. This is especially dangerous for younger patients. age category, since the functionality of the central nervous system is disrupted, and the likelihood of dangerous diseases increases.

Even small doses of medication can cause convulsions, numbness of the limbs, and sometimes an epileptic attack.

Cases of drug hypersensitivity are recorded very rarely (in 1 patient out of 1000). Then a person may develop an allergy, and the activity of the nervous system slows down.

If such symptoms appear, you should stop taking the drug for 2-3 weeks., after which all complications will disappear on their own. In addition, the patient should consult a doctor who will determine the safe regimen for the use of the drug.

Dosage for adults and children

The method of using the tablets is sublingual, that is, the pill must be held under the tongue until it dissolves.

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Doctors have determined the standard doses of the drug for different cases:

  • At long-term use alcohol and ethanol poisoning- 1 pill, after 20 minutes you need to take 2 more, after 1 hour - 1 tablet, and then 1 more pill three or four times. Maximum daily dose glycine - about 70 mg;
  • hangover syndrome- 1 tablet twice in 24 hours for 5 - 7 days;
  • stressful conditions- 1 pill three times or four times for 3 days;
  • Sleep disordersdaily rate glycine in this case is 1 tablet half an hour before bedtime for 7 days;
  • Acute alcohol intoxication - 1 pill per 24 hours. If necessary, the patient can take another 1 tablet 60 minutes after taking the first.

If the maximum number of tablets is exceeded, an overdose occurs. The dose of medicine for children with functional or organic lesions CNS, which are accompanied by increased nervous excitability, mood swings, sleep disorders depends on age.

Dosage of Glycine:

  • From 12 months to 2 years - ½ pill three times for 14 days, and then 50 mg once for 7 days;
  • From 3 to 4 years - 1 tablet twice or three times from 1 to 4 weeks;
  • From 5 years - 1 pill twice or thrice for 1 to 2 weeks. If necessary, the course is extended to 4 weeks, but this decision is made by the attending physician.

The lethal dose of glycine is unknown because there is no reliable information deaths. Therefore, the dose that can cause death is not known.

Overdose of Glycine

The portion of the medicine depends on the symptoms, the age of the patient and the desired result. The decision to prescribe the dose is determined by the doctor, while he takes into account individual characteristics organism. During the day, the patient can take no more than 70 mg of the drug.

If a person is taking medication long time, then he has symptoms of an overdose of glycine:

  • Increased fatigue, apathy. The patient's concentration decreases, coordination of movements is disturbed, dizziness occurs, he is unable to perform complex tasks;
  • Allergic reaction. A person may show redness of the skin, itching, rash, etc. In some cases, anaphylaxis occurs (the most severe allergic reaction with a severe course);
  • Intoxication is manifested by nausea, bouts of vomiting, diarrhea, and a decrease in pressure.. Sometimes, due to the drying of the oral mucosa, the patient develops a cough.

Overdose may cause symptoms that resemble those of asthma. After the occurrence of such signs, first aid should be provided to the victim. Otherwise, lactic acidosis (protein poisoning) develops. And this is very dangerous for a person.

In younger patients, an overdose is manifested by weakness and increased craving for sleep.. If the pressure is greatly reduced, then fainting is possible. Children are more difficult to experience violations of the rules for the use of the drug than adults, so an overdose has a more acute course.

Glycine may slow CNS development in younger patients. As a result, there are convulsions, numbness of the limbs, epileptic seizures. And protein poisoning threatens with disorders of the functionality of the kidneys.

First aid for drug poisoning

If the symptoms after Glycine poisoning are mild, then simply stop taking the medicine. According to doctors, the patient's condition improves within 2 to 3 weeks.

If an overdose is manifested by acute symptoms, then before providing first aid it is necessary to identify when the victim took the medicine and when it began to be absorbed.

If the symptoms of poisoning appear after a short time, then it is necessary to provoke vomiting. Doctors recommend taking 1 liter of warm boiled water and press on the root of the tongue.

If the effects of an overdose of glycine appeared after long-term use drug, you can use Activated carbon. The recommended dosage is 1 tablet per 10 kg of total weight.

After eliminating the main symptoms of intoxication, you need to go to the hospital. The victim needs to pay a visit to the therapist or any other doctor on duty. If the patient's condition is serious, it is better to call ambulance.

If allergic symptoms occur, the patient should take antihistamines. Symptomatic therapy is prescribed to eliminate digestive disorders.

With lactic acidosis coma, which is manifested by a strong decrease in pressure and body temperature, the victim is urgently hospitalized. There, he is prescribed intravenous drugs that correct the state of the body and eliminate the lack of fluid. This condition is most dangerous for children. After discharge, the patient must follow a strict diet and periodically examined by a doctor.

Consequences of an overdose

Even after taking this safe drug may arise dangerous consequences if the patient violates the rules of application. If a person takes a long time medicine, then the general tone of the body decreases. The patient's working capacity and mental activity decrease.

In addition, there is a risk of chronic hypotension. Sharp dizziness, a temporary loss of clarity of consciousness is characteristic of an overdose of Glycine. In children and some adults, kidney function may be impaired among the side effects of an overdose of glycine.

Thus, glycine is not dangerous drug, however, it should not be taken without the permission of a doctor. With the uncontrolled use of tablets, the likelihood of poisoning the body increases, which is manifested by specific signs.

Depending on the symptom complex and severity of intoxication, it is necessary to determine the tactics of action. The patient may induce vomiting to cleanse the intestines of toxins or use activated charcoal. When acute symptoms an ambulance should be called to avoid complications.

The processes occurring in the human body are closely interconnected. All substances that are inside us are necessary and perform a certain function. Amino acids are integral part proteins - the main " building material» organism. They can be either irreplaceable or replaceable. The former differ in that they can only be produced endogenously. Non-essential amino acids can be introduced into the body from the outside, that is, with food or in the form of synthetic analogues. A prime example such substances is glycine. Side effects of this drug are minimal, so it is produced in the form of tablets and released without a special prescription from a doctor.

The action of glycine in the body

Due to the fact that glycine is a non-essential amino acid, it is essential for our body. Its deficiency can lead to severe conditions, so it was developed synthetic analogue, which is easily digested and makes up for its deficiency. In addition to the fact that glycine is an integral part of the proteins of the body, at the same time it performs another important function. It consists in its inhibitory effect on the nervous system. Based on this, glycine is one of the neurotransmitters that is on a par with adrenaline, acetylcholine and GABA. It has sedative, antidepressant and antioxidant effects. In addition, glycine improves metabolism in the brain. The amino acid acts on cellular level delivers oxygen to body tissues. The use of the drug "Glycine" reduces toxic effect other medicines.

Indications for use

Due to its effects, glycine is prescribed for various diseases brain. It can be used at any age, including the neonatal period. The only contraindication is an allergy to glycine, which occurs in rare cases. The drug is recommended for the following conditions:

  1. Sleep disturbance.
  2. Memory deterioration.
  3. Increased emotional excitability, neuroses.
  4. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  5. Injuries and diseases of the brain.
  6. Period after a stroke.
  7. Frequent alcohol intoxications.
  8. Failure in children.

In the absence of these conditions, you can also use the drug "Glycine". Side effects of the drug are minimal, so it is also used to prevent stress.

Contraindications to the appointment

The main contraindication to the use of the drug is hypersensitivity. In addition, when using the drug by patients with some chronic diseases possible side effects. Glycine should not be used in sarcoidosis, Alzheimer's disease, intestinal obstruction, diarrhea, recent stomach bleeding, kidney stones. In addition, the drug is contraindicated in patients with high content calcium in the blood. Since glycine is an amino acid normally present in the body, its use during pregnancy and lactation is safe.

The drug "Glycine": side effects

Hypersensitivity to the drug is rare, but it is possible. At the same time, there may be various allergic reactions as skin rashes, edema. In some cases, dyspeptic disorders may occur when using the drug "Glycine". Side effects in the form of a decrease in blood pressure, increased heart rate and acidosis are extremely rare, with a significant overdose of the drug. AT severe cases manifestations such as heart pain and convulsive syndrome. Relief of side effects is achieved with the abolition of the drug, as well as with the help of symptomatic treatment.