Why does a cat stomp on you? Milk step. Why a cat tramples you with its paws: the most reliable information

The cat living in the house tramples its owner with its paws, covering its eyes, purring loudly. At these moments, she is not distracted by extraneous sounds. The look becomes detached. With all its appearance, the pet expresses the state of nirvana.

The owner of a cat does not always know why they trample us with their paws and how to react to it.

The reasons

Host actions

Ardent cat lovers are sympathetic to the instincts of their pets. People who first encountered a mustachioed pet may be unhappy with the manifestation of her feelings. Cats crumple the owner's paws, not always controlling their claws.

This habit leaves unpleasant traces on the delicate skin of a person. The following tips will help prevent this:

  1. A sharp, rude pulling of the animal from the "crumpling" ritual is not allowed. Whatever the reason for such a habit is, the cat thus shows tender feelings for its human. If the owner cannot understand her (she will scream and swear), she will stop trusting him. The consequence may be peeled corners due to the stress of the animal.
  2. For such purposes, it is better to have a thick blanket on hand that can be placed on your knees. It will save the owner's skin from claws without infringing on the pet's instinct.
  3. If nothing is at hand, the cat must be carefully distracted by the game or transferred to another place.
  4. You can lightly press your pet with your palm, stroke it. In the "lying" position, it will not be convenient for her to touch either her hind or front paws.

Benefits of being with a cat

Feline therapy (treatment by cats) is a scientifically proven way to help a person through communication with mustachioed representatives. They have powerful anti-stress activity. Bioenergetic contact of a cat with a person is carried out in the process of stroking. Small current pulses pass through the skin, which have a beneficial effect on inflammatory processes.

The purring of a mustachioed pet has a positive effect on nervous system of people. Sound vibration frequency between 20 and 50 Hz, which affects the thickening bone tissue and fast splicing fractures. Same way positive effect from felinotherapy seen in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis.

Felinotherapy is actively used in the rehabilitation of children aged 5-8 years with diagnoses of cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism. Communication with fluffy pets helps them socialize. With regular communication, the cat and the child become inseparable friends.

The color and type of coat gives pets different opportunities:

  1. Black pets have the strongest energy. There are many legends and beliefs associated with them.
  2. sphinxes, Siamese cats are great helpers in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Short-haired pets can treat kidney disease.
  4. Long-haired breeds (Siberians, Persians) cope with diseases of the bones and joints.
  5. Cats with thick and plush hair (British and Scottish breed) help a person with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Many owners are skeptical about such therapy. Experts do not claim that a cat is able to cope without medical care. Care, love of a pet only contributes to the speedy recovery of a person.

If the animal shows tender feelings for the owner, this indicates an established understanding between him and the person. If you respond correctly to the manifestation of the cat's instinct, the pet will become a faithful, devoted friend.

Agree, there is something bewitching and even mystical in a cat that tramples on a person and purrs. At the same time, her appearance is usually absent, her eyes are half-closed. It seems that she is performing some ancient ritual, the meaning of which is known only to representatives of this mysterious mustachioed family. But people, although they are simpletons in comparison with cats, still managed to get closer to unraveling this mystery. Several versions of why a cat tramples with its paws have been put forward by scientists.

Why does a cat trample on its owner's paws: congratulations, you have become a mother

Milk step - this is the name of the behavior of kittens that trample on the belly of the cat's mother, stimulating the production of milk. These are the happiest moments in the life of whiskered babies, and the memory of them remains in the subconscious of animals until the end of their lives. In those moments when the cat is as good as it once was in a carefree childhood, she instinctively begins to behave in this way. So, if a cat tramples its owner with its paws and purrs at the same time, then it feels completely safe, treated kindly, well-fed and satisfied. You surrounded her with such care that she recognized you as her own mother and "fell into childhood."

By the way, this behavior is most often observed in cats and cats, which were taken away from their mother too early. Such purrs can not only trample on a person, but also procrastinate his clothes or hair - this is how they imitate the sucking of the mother's breast.

By the way, there is an opinion that some cats go to trample a person when they want to calm down and relieve stress. It is believed that this process contributes to the production of endorphins - hormones of joy in cat's body. And purring also heals the cat: fine vibration serves to prevent stagnation in muscles and joints.

If, at the same time, cats trample us with paws with claws - well, then we have come across especially temperamental pets who, at the moment of bliss, are unable to restrain their emotions.

Why do cats stomp on humans: get ready to become a bed

The free ancestors of domestic cats, deprived of modern comfort, arranged their own bed for sleeping. Trampling grass and leaves with their paws, they prepared their bedding, and also checked how comfortable it turned out.

It's no secret that our tailed friends will sometimes take a nap on "their" person, why not? Warm, cozy, yet safe. But instinct tells the cat that this "bed" needs to be checked and arranged. Therefore, cats trample on the owners with their paws, on which they are going to sleep. This can also be regarded as a compliment, especially if you are not in a hurry and are ready to spend an hour or two with a precious load on your lap, stomach, chest, or wherever your cat likes to settle down. Be proud - selective animals do not sleep on strangers.

Why do cats trample people with their paws: from now on you are the property

They consider us their property - that's another reason why cats trample on a person. On the pads of their paws are sweat glands with which small predators mark their territory. The beloved owner is no worse, so why not mark him for everyone - what if someone decides to encroach? In a word, if you are trampled on, you deserve to belong to a cat. There are many preferences - in the form of affection and trust. But don't forget to fulfill your responsibilities!

Why cats trample on human paws: they flirt with you

Sometimes trampling on a person can be a signal of the beginning of the mating season. Well, what to do? Hormones play, the body demands its own, and for many tailed ones there is only a person nearby. So they begin to show an unequivocal interest in the owners. There are two going out - either find a mate for the pet, or be patient. As they say, understand and forgive.

Why do cats stamp their feet on a person: a home doctor has come to you

However, selfishness, hormones, and a sense of possessiveness are not always leading the trampling cat. Sometimes they come to us for our own sake. Cats that trample people with their paws and treat their owners with such a “massage” have become the pride of the entire cat tribe. An unmistakable feline instinct sometimes allows a pet to “diagnose” an ailment before the owner himself finds out about it. So, if a cat tramples on a person regularly and in the same place, then it is worth checking it with doctors. Suddenly there really is something to treat? True, there is no scientific evidence of the diagnostic abilities of cats yet.

However, even skeptics can be sure of the benefits of such “manual therapy”, a trampling pet stimulates blood flow to the part of the body that it “processes”. And improved blood circulation has never hurt anyone.

The cat tramples the owner's paws: be delicate

Most cat lovers are very patient people, they resignedly (or almost resignedly) endure even the ugliness of their pets. And many people really like trampling, even with claws, and purring.

But there are those who are not delighted with such a manifestation of feelings. They should keep in mind that in this matter they need to show special sensitivity and delicacy so as not to offend the cat. After all, whatever the reason why the murka decided to trample you, at this moment she shows her most tender feelings, as they say, she acts “with all her heart”. With a harsh shout or slap, you can sow the seeds of misunderstanding and mistrust. If you want to stop a stomper or a stomper, act kindly and gently: distract with a game or a treat, carefully transfer it to another place.

Better yet, purr together and pet your cat in return!

What canned food is best for cats?

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The cat in the house is a small autonomous republic that has its own laws and oddities. Even the owners themselves do not always understand the habits of their cat. Today he climbed up to sleep on your head, and tomorrow he will put a mouse in your shoe. Another favorite activity pet with a mustache - massage of a person with paws. We know why cats trample on humans.

If the kitten tramples you with its paws, you can rejoice. The fluffy baby remembers the warmest moments of his childhood when he was next to his mother.

Milk step - the process when the kitten kneads the cat's mammary glands with its paws during feeding. This stimulates the flow of milk. The action also serves as a kind of relaxation. The habit of kneading everything is preserved in many cats for life.

Therefore, if adult cat began to knead your knees, she feels as safe as possible. Congratulations, you have just become the parent of your cat. If you managed to surround the cat with such care that he "fell into childhood", continue in the same spirit. A close friendship awaits you.

Most often, the milk step is observed in cats and cats that have left the mother's nest too early. If a kitten is taken away from its mother too soon, it will probably trample the owner with its paws all its life. And often a sucking reflex joins this habit - the cat procrastinates a corner of clothing or everything that it finds next to the sleeping place.

Trampling with paws helps to relax not only the pet itself, but also the person, because during such a massage the purr purrs. As you know, guttural vibrations have a beneficial effect on the body. Communication with a vibrating cat helps to normalize blood pressure.

It is curious that artificially grown kittens do not have the habit of trampling a person. They did not experience the joy of being in a cat "family", therefore they do not know how to knead their mother's tummy. Also, those kittens, which were few in the litter, do not know how to stomp with their paws, because they did not have to get milk by massaging the cat.

Reason two: selfish

The ancestors of domestic cats lived on the street and were able to survive in difficult conditions. In order not to freeze during sleep and feel safe, wild cats built something like a nest. They compacted hay, grass, leaves with their paws, and fit into such a “bed”. To test the softness and safety of the bed, they trampled on the “building material” with their paws.

Domestic cats do not need to build a bed. They already have a comfortable interior for sleeping. But what could be more convenient than "your" person? Softly, there is heating, and they will not give offense. It remains only to stretch the "bed" or even fluff it with claws.

If your pet tramples you with its paws only before going to bed, do not flatter yourself. She turned on a little fluffy egoist and is trying to keep warm at your expense. Fortunately, most owners are kind to their pets and let them sleep anywhere, even on themselves. The problem may be the claws that the cat lets into the person. To wean your pet from this habit, encourage when he tramples without claws, and gently warn when he releases scratches.

Reason three: territory

All items that are in the house belong to the cat. Owner included. He tends to leave home, and this is dangerous, because he can be stolen. Therefore, it is necessary to “mark” your person. Worst of all, when a person returns, and his clothes smell of unfamiliar smells. In this case, you will have to start "basting" immediately.

Returning home, we observe a frolicking pet, which happily climbs onto our lap. But is it? Maybe she's just trying to tag you. sweat glands that are on her inside paws?

Take a closer look, does she trample you when you are dressed in home clothes? If not, then the pet is simply afraid that you will be taken away.

Reason four: declaration of love

Some cats completely lose touch with the outside world, sitting at home all the time. With the onset of sexual hunting, the cat's instinct to search for a mate is triggered. But, unfortunately, except for a person, she does not observe anyone.

In this case, the pet may develop an unhealthy interest in the owner. The cat will stomp on you and demand a little "wrong" attention.

You have two exits:

  • Find a suitable match for the cat and arrange a date;
  • be patient until mating season the animal will pass.

The owner must understand that locking the cat within four walls was his decision, so he will also have to endure the consequences of this choice. Be polite and do not scold the murka for inappropriate behavior. It's not her fault that it's March outside, and hormones are serenading.

To calm the cat a little, you can resort to natural sedatives, such as Kot-Bayun tablets. If you are not going to breed kittens, it is better to sterilize the pet so as not to torment him with regular sexual hunting.

Reason five: medical

Those who have had time to doubt the love of their cat and suspect her of selfishness are advised to read the article, because not all pets are so narcissistic.

Some cats trample the owner with their paws, feeling unwell. An unmistakable instinct allows the animal to determine the ailment even before the owner notices it.

If a cat regularly climbs to the same place to stretch its owner, you should listen to your body. What if there is a disease in there?

But even if there are no sores on the trodden place, manual therapy hasn't hurt anyone yet. Forget thinking about why cats stomp and indulge in relaxation. Massage will provide enhanced blood flow, which is very beneficial for the body.

Reason six: sociable

Some pets establish contact with the owner with the help of “trampling” massage. Absent all day, you probably forgot your snow leopard, which, by the way, was looking forward to seeing you. He sharpened his claws on the sofa, turned the vases inside out and spilled the food. And you are all gone and gone.

And finally, the long-awaited key turned into keyhole. Well, how can you not rejoice? Hurry, hurry to stomp on the owner! Let him know that he has been waiting here for an eternity.

Be polite

In any case, a pet trampling on you gives you serious attention. Do not ignore the pet, since he himself decided to visit you. In the matter of massage, you will need delicacy and sensitivity. After rudely driving a cat, you will certainly offend her.

Some cats use their claws when trampling on their owners. Even in this case, you can not scold the animal. After all, these tricks are the result of a passionate temperament that a cat is not able to control when communicating with a beloved creature. Be tactful and distract your pet with a game or treat.

If you have questions about cat paws and how they work, let's discuss them in the comments.

When thinking about the question of why cats and cats trample us with their paws, many draw the wrong conclusions. We strive to "humanize" our pets, endowing them with non-existent qualities and explaining their actions psychological reasons characteristic of people. Yes, they also know how to love and hate, they also get bored and fun, but still, the main stimuli in a cat's life are instincts and reflexes.

Rejoice, man! If you have received a cat massage, you can safely enroll in his family. We often make a sole decision to accept a fluffy animal as a full member of our family. Only he does not know about it and continues to live on his own, as it should be for cats in wild nature. But, when he suddenly sits on the owner's knees and begins to methodically knead them with his paws, while falling into nirvana, the barrier is broken. The cat adopted a man into his relatives!

Mom, give me milk!

This is how you can call one of the main reflexes with which a kitten is born. A blind newborn baby searches for a nipple by smell and begins to quickly touch it with its paws. He then pushes his mother's stomach, then lightly scratches. Knowing nothing about the rules for stimulating lactation, he already uses them with might and main. It is logical that this particular kitten will be the most well-fed, healthy and strong.

Now you know why a cat massages you with its paws. She considers you a mother. Or rather, the creature on which her life depends. She will be incredibly happy if you stroke her fluffy back at the same time, because in early blind childhood, mother used her tongue to lick a cub crawling for dinner. Now an adult animal is meditating on your lap, safe, fed and licked, that is, ironed.

It is mine!

There is such a version of the pet's interesting behavior. Knowledgeable cat lovers It has long been noticed that cats have an unaesthetic, by human standards, habit of marking territory. This behavior is typical only for males. But marking objects, paths, bedding with their smell is inherent in females too. Does it seem to you that the cat is caressing, clinging to the legs? But no, she marks you. This hypothesis answers the question: why do cats trample a blanket or a dog living in the same apartment with their paws. It is interesting that the reflex is one, but there are many applications for it.

mating dances

Particularly observant cat lovers know that cats sometimes, holding their beloved girlfriend by the withers, passionately massage her back with their front paws. Here is another use of the reflex - the transfer of information: "You are mine, I am yours, now there will be happiness!" Analyzing this situation, we find another answer to the question: why does a cat trample its owner with its paws. Wants to be with him. She feels good, and she talks about big cat love.

Rookery check

Many animal lovers have noticed that the dog carefully scrapes the bedding before lying down. This behavior is also embedded in the gene memory. Do not scratch - do not wake up. In wild nature:

  • you have to hide;
  • dig in;
  • disperse snakes, ticks and beetles.

Perhaps cats, getting ready for bed, also check their “bed” for strength and the absence of pests. But why then the check is not always done? And if they check by trampling, then more often they do not lie down on this place. Conclusion - the version is incorrect.


Sometimes "experts" in feline psychology explain their behavior by the fact that they, massaging something or someone, get psychological relief and endorphins are produced in the body. But, excuse me, when a person experiences pleasure from food, caress or sex, doesn’t he release the hormone of joy? This version puts the cart before the horse, confuses the cause and effect. The pawing itself is caused by pleasant feelings, joy, and not vice versa. With the same success it can be argued that Barsik purrs in order to become happy.

Do not believe when answering the question why cats and cats crumple us with their paws and purr, they tell you about therapeutic massage. Yes, the living warmth of an affectionate cat heals, relieves spasms, even nervous tension. Yes, she often picks on sore spots with elevated temperature to snuggle up, to warm up. But the Murkas do their “massage” not in the problem areas of the owner, but where it is convenient for them.

Watching cats at home, we notice that they, subtly feeling and choosing warm places, are completely indifferent to softness. bed. Therefore, the hypothesis that they trample the future haulout to make it softer can also be disregarded.

In one of the nurseries, an interesting experiment was unintentionally, accidentally carried out. Displayed rare breed, and the mother cat refused to feed her offspring. Six blind newborn kittens were divided into two groups. Three were fed by a diligent laboratory assistant. She wrapped each kitten in a napkin so that it would not get dirty, took it in her arms and fed milk from the nipple.

The second group was fed by a trainee. He simply put three bottles sideways on the bottom of the box and went about his business. After two months, there was a noticeable difference in physical development pets. Those babies who received food without applying special efforts, without touching the paws, without massaging the bottles, turned out to be unviable. The sad conclusion of the experiment showed the benefit of the reflex. He, among other things, strengthens the muscles of the kitten, develops him physically.

Good-natured and attentive creatures that are ready to bestow their master with boundless love and tenderness. Each cat displays its attitude in a different way. Some people think about why the cat tramples us with its paws, and do not find clear answers. Perhaps this is one of the manifestations tender feeling to such a close and dear person for a cat?

Many owners have repeatedly observed how their beloved cat, having jumped on a person’s lap, begins to lazily purr and crumple the skin with its paws, gently shifting from paw to paw. This action brings her incredible pleasure. Sometimes forgetting, she can release her sharp claws from the pleasure she experiences. Do not punish or scold the animal. There are several versions of the origin of such ambiguous habits of a pet.

Top 5 reasons why your cat stomps on you

The cat performs such rituals only in moments of complete relaxation and absolute calmness on the part of the owner. Licking, trampling with her paws and purring, she takes away the accumulated fatigue, negative energy, bad emotions. In return, the pet will give peace, tranquility and spiritual harmony.

1. C early childhood a small fluffy lump was under the auspices of his mother, who fed him with milk. At the time of feeding, the baby slightly pressed down, kneaded the mammary glands with his paws, stimulating the production enough milk.

For a grown up kitten loving host replaces the mother, and the habit of "trampling" remains and is already transferred to the person. In the process of trampling, the cat triggers children's reflexes: it will settle under the owner's side, stretching sweetly and arching its back, lightly purring, pawing with its paws, salivating. These manifestations are absolute trust in their caring owner.

2. ancient instincts. Since ancient times, cats have been wild animals living in wild thickets and forests. They hunted and equipped a dwelling without human help. To get to sleep, they had to get rid of hard objects, trampling the grass in a circular motion. This ritual they performed regularly until the resting place was soft and comfortable.

Perhaps such an instinct for arrangement own territory and is currently working. A domesticated pet tramples a person’s back, knees, purrs, returning to the past and using the instincts of his ancestors.

3. Feelings of ownership. A cat is a real owner and only tramples on its owner with its paws; it never does this with other people. There are sweat glands on the pads of the cat's paws. At the moment of trampling, the production of special secrets secreted by the glands intensifies. They have peculiar smell sensed by other animals. Thus, the cat marks its owner, showing that he belongs only to her, and no one else has a right to him.

4. Showing concern for yourself. A pampered pet will not settle down to sleep in a bad place. To do this, she needs to carefully check everything, knead the surface with her paws (it doesn’t matter if it’s a sofa, an armchair, a pillow or the owner’s body).

Sharp corners, a hard bedspread, a cold blanket - she will double-check everything and trample it with the pads of her tender paws.

5. Psychological release. A beloved pet, like a person, is able to experience emotional stress, stress. Trampling on the owner helps to find harmony. How does a cat deal with psychological problems. Having trampled and comfortably settled down next to her beloved owner, she calms down and stops being nervous.

Other reasons

A cat is a special creature that attracts the attention of the owner with certain, characteristic only for her gestures. She can ask for food, want to play, show that she is in pain, uncomfortable. Such actions may indicate imminent danger, that she is frightened of something.

Purring, licking and trampling the owner - highest degree trust and complete satisfaction, contentment and tenderness, location and peace that comes from your cat. If she does this, it means that she trusts and loves without limit! If you liked the article “Why do cats trample their owners with their paws”, share it with your friends.

Video about how a cat tramples: