Phenazepam and alcohol: is it possible to take phenazepam with alcohol. Phenazepam and alcohol lethal dose

Vodka and phenazepam should never be used together! In order to understand the reasons why it is strictly forbidden to use phenazepam in combination with alcohol, you need to find out what composition these substances have, why they cannot be taken together and what consequences this can lead to.

Phenazepam (bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine) is a drug that is a tranquilizer belonging to the group of benzodiazepines. This drug has been known for a long time and is widely used in outpatient and inpatient practice.

The drug has effective action with some neurotic disorders, psychotic states, panic attacks, phobias. The drug is also used as a sedative, anticonvulsant, and hypnotic. Therefore, phenazepam is used to prepare for operations; in this case, it is used as a means of premedication, that is, preparation for surgery. This preparation relieves anxiety and promotes restful sleep.

Alcohol and phenazepam do not combine pharmacologically. However, the drug is used for therapy alcohol withdrawal. This treatment is carried out only in a hospital under the strict supervision of a doctor. Treatment of alcohol withdrawal with phenazepam is used when the patient experiences withdrawal symptoms with psycho-emotional instability, fear and anxiety. It is important to know that in case of abrupt cessation of its use, phenazepam itself also causes withdrawal syndrome, which can lead to destabilization mental state patient and resumption chronic alcoholism. For this reason, phenazepam can only be prescribed in a hospital, under strict medical supervision. Outpatient use of the drug in persons with alcohol addiction, is not carried out.

Why you can’t combine phenazepam with vodka and other alcohol

Phenazepam should not be prescribed after drinking alcohol, even in small doses. The instructions for the drug say that alcohol and phenazepam are not compatible. This is due to the fact that alcohol and phenazepam are psychoactive substances that suppress mental reactions. Their combined use can lead to a mutually enhanced effect on the human body. At the same time, side effects and toxic effects from joint administration are significantly increased.

Side effects from taking phenazepam and alcohol together:

  • gait disturbance;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • impaired motor coordination;
  • headache;
  • delusional thoughts;
  • psychomotor instability;
  • tendency to depression or unmotivated euphoria.

Phenazepam has side effects. One of them is the negative impact on respiratory organs. Phenazepam, like ethanol, depresses the respiratory system. This leads to the risk of sleep apnea.

Phenazepam and alcohol can provoke vomiting. Therefore, the risk of apnea is combined with an increased likelihood of a person choking on vomit in his sleep. Lethargy and drowsiness while taking phenazepam and alcohol make self-control impossible. As a result, a person may die from suffocation, which is caused by apnea or vomiting.

The drug phenazepam was manufactured in the 70s of the last century in the Soviet Union and was initially used only in medical purposes, as a powerful tranquilizer. At first it was used mainly in military medicine. Phenazepam has anticonvulsant, hypnotic and muscle relaxant effects. Phenazepam is used in medicine to treat insomnia, epilepsy, depression, and anxiety. Phenazepam is also used to treat alcohol withdrawal.

If used incorrectly, phenazepam can cause a feeling of drowsiness, a surge of positive emotions, or lead to a feeling of anger and severe aggression. Phenazepam is addictive if used incorrectly, even for medicinal purposes.

An overdose of the drug can cause cardiac problems vascular system, bradycardia, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure. The drug may have negative impact on digestive system, cause diarrhea, constipation, dry mouth, heartburn, vomiting, nausea, increased salivation.

Improper use of the drug or combination with alcohol may adversely affect circulatory system. This can cause diseases such as leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia, hyperthermia, increased weakness, fatigue. The drug has a high negative impact on functions genitourinary system and kidneys.

If the drug is used incorrectly, it is possible Negative consequences, such as urinary retention or incontinence, acute renal failure, kidney dysfunction, decreased libido. Improper use of the drug can cause convulsions, fever, jaundice, and shortness of breath. Abuse of phenazepam can cause prolonged confusion in the patient, lead to a coma and possibly even death. fatal outcome.

Uncontrolled long-term use of this drug causes strong addiction from phenazepam, this leads to significant violations functions of the nervous system. At the beginning of using the drug, drowsiness and a feeling of euphoria appear. Then after constant long-term use the patient's positive emotions are replaced by negative ones. He becomes irritable for no reason. A person may experience severe depression, depressed state. People who abuse the drug suffer sudden attacks fear, they experience hallucinations, and sleep is disturbed. Suicidal thoughts appear, which lead to suicide attempts.

Why you can’t combine vodka with medications

Vodka contains ethanol or ethanol which makes a person feel drunk. Ethanol inhibits the central nervous system. Depending on the concentration of ethanol in the human body, it first causes the disappearance pain sensitivity, then excitement, depression of some centers of the brain. These phenomena occur due to inhibition of the central nervous system inhibition processes.

The duration of this effect was experienced by every person who at least once drank vodka. Ethanol that enters the body is a foreign substance, and therefore undergoes biological transformation using biological active substances, which are catalysts chemical reactions. First, under the action of enzymes, ethanol is oxidized to aldehyde. The aldehyde then turns into acetic acid, used in the body's metabolism. The faster this transformation occurs, the less people experiences harmful effect alcohol.

When vodka is combined with taking medications, certain reactions can occur in the human body that have a negative impact on the functioning of various body systems.

For example, when treating a person with metronidazole, even a small dose of alcohol taken during treatment can cause severe poisoning of the body with toxins. In this case, a person experiences headache, nausea, redness skin, dizziness, vomiting. When vodka interacts with clonidine, a person may fall into a deep sleep and not remember anything that happened to him. This occurs due to the summation of the effects of alcohol and drugs on the human central nervous system.

Vodka leads to drug overdose

Vodka enhances beyond normal the effect of anticoagulants used in the treatment of heart disease. vascular diseases, such as phenylin, aspirin, dicoumarin. As a result of such exposure, a person may develop internal bleeding. If hemorrhage occurs in the brain, a stroke will develop, speech disorders and paralysis of the limbs may occur. This may cause disruption to vital important functions(cardiovascular, respiratory) and as a result can lead to death.

Ethanol is a solvent for fats, which are components of cell membranes that serve as barriers to cell penetration various substances. Ethanol makes holes in such barriers. This poses a particular danger to human brain cells.

At joint use vodka and small doses sleeping pills, especially those made on the basis of barbituric acid, respiratory depression can occur, which is dangerous to human life.

It is very dangerous to use vodka with a group psychotropic drugs, antidepressants and tranquilizers. If you take vodka, which stimulates the release of adrenaline, simultaneously with these drugs, an increase in heart rate, increased blood pressure, and vascular spasms may occur.

Vodka and phenazepam

Under no circumstances should you use vodka with phenazepam. Phenazepam and vodka are psychoactive substances, so taking them together leads to a significant increase in their effect on the central nervous system. At the same time, negative side effects increase to the maximum: sleep disturbance, severe depression, delirium, attacks of fear, hallucinations, depression. Under the influence of vodka and phenazepam, a person does not control his actions and can even commit suicide.

Vodka changes the glucose level in human blood. First, the effect of vodka increases the glucose content, and then decreases significantly. This is very dangerous, especially for patients diabetes mellitus. A sharp decrease in glucose levels in a person's blood can cause loss of consciousness. In patients with diabetes who take hypoglycemic sulfonamide drugs, there is an increase in toxins in the blood.

Taking vodka, similar action stressful situation, activates the work of the adrenal glands. As a result, additional production of adrenaline and some other hormones occurs. When drinking alcohol, the human body seems to be under stress, which changes its reactivity to medications. The hypnotic effect of barbiturates is reduced, but their toxicity increases. Therapeutic doses hormonal drugs may create an overdose effect.

Alcohol increases the sensitivity of the human heart to adrenaline, so even the use of cold medicines, such as ephedrine and naphazoline, becomes unsafe. If a person who drinks alcohol uses cardiac glycosides, this may lead to problems heart rate. Vodka distorts the effect of diuretics and nitroglycerin.

The combination of vodka with reserpine, drugs that dilate peripheral vessels, may cause a sudden drop in blood pressure. With regular consumption of vodka, enzymes are activated in the body, which ensure the destruction of alcohol in the human liver. At the same time, the activity of other enzymes that convert drugs into human body and accelerating the breakdown of drugs. This includes painkillers, sleeping pills, and antidiabetic drugs.

People who constantly drink vodka and other alcoholic drinks become immune to the effects of anesthesia and painkillers. This phenomenon complicates the use of anesthesia for them during surgery, reduces the level of effectiveness of anesthesia during dental treatment and in other situations. In people who regularly drink alcohol, taking paracetamol causes liver toxicity.

Vodka accelerates the absorption of drugs from digestive tract, while creating higher concentrations of the drug in the human body. Exposure to alcohol leads to drug overdose and the development of toxic reactions.

Never drink vodka with medications! Treatment will not be effective, and the consequences of combining vodka with medications will be negative, and sometimes even tragic.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is actually not sold through pharmacy chain and retail stores to avoid overpricing. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

Phenazepam and alcohol are incompatible things, and often their simultaneous use leads to the development of serious complications, such as poisoning and even coma. Next we will explain how this drug affects the body and why poisoning with Phenazepam occurs.

Brief information about the drug

The consequences of taking Phenazepam are still being studied by doctors. The thing is that the drug is highly addictive, which is why it can only be taken under the supervision of a doctor. Now the product is available by prescription, but 5-6 years ago it could be bought at the pharmacy in unlimited quantities.

Under no circumstances should Phenazepam be combined with alcohol, as this tranquilizer affects the brain, causing inhibition of reactions. In what cases is the drug used:

  1. For the treatment of serious mental illness.
  2. To prevent epilepsy attacks.
  3. For severe headaches and uncontrollable dizziness.
  4. For muscle cramps.
  5. Surgeons often use the drug to enhance the effects of anesthesia.

Poisoning with Phenazepam occurs either due to an overdose or due to taking the drug with incompatible drugs or alcohol. Usually such a strong tranquilizer is prescribed for short term- 1–2 weeks, after which it is necessary to limit its amount.

However, despite all the warnings of doctors, addicted people continue to take Phenazepam and alcohol together. The whole point is that medical product enhances the effect of alcohol, giving a short-term feeling of ecstasy. But the combined use of these drugs causes dependence not only on alcohol, but also on the medicine, simultaneously threatening a person’s life.

Side effects of co-administration

The consequences of taking this tranquilizer with alcoholic drinks are widely described in medical literature. Doctors usually warn patients about the following:

  • in all cases, co-administration causes signs of severe intoxication, such as severe hangover, nausea, vomiting, dizziness;
  • memory losses;
  • drug addiction;
  • severe allergic reaction;
  • uncontrollability own actions, increased aggressiveness;
  • malfunctions respiratory system and heart rhythm problems;
  • coma, which occurs against the background of severe intoxication of the body;
  • fatal if taken too much large quantities medications.

Alcohol enhances the effects of a strong tranquilizer, preventing the brain from doing its job. As a result, a person cannot control his own body:

  1. He experiences attacks of aggression, which are replaced by unreasonable depression.
  2. This is followed by delirium, involuntary bowel movements, and problems with urine output.
  3. A person can easily suffocate in his sleep, and his blood pressure often drops from an overdose of a tranquilizer.

When Phenazepam interacts with alcohol, a person cannot control his actions due to the euphoria that covers him, so he continues to increase the dose of the medicine. Dependence arises after the first joint use, and getting rid of it later is extremely problematic.

Lethal dose of medication

Doctors note that lethal dose"Phenazepam" is individual in each case. That is why the doctor must prescribe medications to each patient separately, in a certain dosage.

It is known that 7 ml of Phenazepam taken intravenously, or 10 grams of the drug in tablets, invariably leads to death. In this case, even timely medical assistance may be useless.

The effect of Phenazepam with alcohol on the body is almost instantaneous, but this does not mean that you should refuse first aid.

First aid

How to help a poisoned person:

  1. You should try to bring the person to consciousness. If he does not fall asleep, you need to give him at least six glasses of water with a spoonful of soda dissolved in them. This is required for gastric lavage.
  2. Next you need to give the patient Enterosgel or Activated carbon in the amount of 1 tablet for every 10 kilograms of weight.
  3. If a person has lost consciousness, it is necessary to turn him on his side and fix his tongue with a spoon. This will reduce the likelihood that he will suffocate.

You can provide first aid measures yourself, but you still cannot do without calling a specialist. Doctors sometimes manage to save the patient if the amount of tranquilizer taken was not critical.

Doctors usually treat patients with this problem with drugs containing strychnine.
They are administered intramuscularly three times a day.

Despite the consequences of taking this drug and the likelihood of an overdose, doctors still prescribe it in case of frequent attacks epilepsy or psychiatric diseases. Sometimes this medication is even used to treat alcohol addiction, but the dosage is always prescribed only by a doctor.

Beer and Phenazepam

Another important point- a myth about the compatibility of beer and a tranquilizer. Many people are sure that beer with its natural composition and a small degree is safe when used together with Phenazepam. But that's not true.

Doctors note that when joint reception beer and medicine, a person falls into a state deep sleep which lasts at least 12–15 hours. The next morning he may suffer from asthma attacks, severe headaches, depressive state, close to suicidal.

Frequent consumption of beer with Phenazepam increases the risk of coma and death.

Use these strong medications It is necessary only on the advice of a doctor, completely following his recommendations. During treatment with Phenazepam, it is better to completely abstain from alcohol, so as not to risk your own life for the sake of momentary pleasure.

Sharing alcohol with medicines prohibited, especially for the tranquilizer Phenazepam. Taking the product with alcoholic beverages can be fatal.

The drug Phenazepam

A tranquilizer is prescribed for problems with the central nervous system, because active substance relieve tension, relieve fear, irritability and anxiety. Phenazepam is a medicine that can overcome psychological and mental disorders.

Now the drug can only be purchased by prescription, since the action of Phenazepam is based on inhibition of brain functions. According to experts, the drug causes persistent addiction, so it should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor. During this, drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited.


Phenazepam and alcohol for sharing, cause this condition:

  1. Poisoning. Drinking alcohol with tranquilizers has a negative effect on the human brain. The most harmless consequence– this is intoxication of the body and a severe hangover. In other cases, the side effects of the drug appear sharply: foggy consciousness, dizziness, nausea, increased fear, hallucinations, and an increased tendency to commit suicide.
  2. Drug addiction. Only a specialist can prescribe the dose of the drug and the course of its use.
  3. Euphoria. Drinking people tend to enhance the effect of alcohol and begin to take Phenazepam and alcohol together. Such a connection causes a feeling of ecstasy in a person, but in the end, in addition to alcoholism, a dependence on the drug develops. While taking such a “cocktail”, a person does not remember how much medication he took; sometimes this is how a lethal dose of a substance is taken. You can have time to help a person, but often even resuscitation measures unable to bring back life.
  4. Allergies, sometimes death. Each patient is individual, and no one can accurately predict what the body's reaction to the drug will be.
  5. Coma. Large dose Phenazepam with alcohol leads to coma and the chances of recovery are low. Alcohol enhances the effect of the tranquilizer, and intoxication develops rapidly.


If the dose is exceeded, a borderline state occurs, and the following symptoms are noted:

  1. Phenazepam with alcohol affects the mental state and increases the state of depression, aggressiveness, and misunderstanding of others occurs. According to reviews of people who sought to increase the influence of alcohol, they did not understand what they were doing and saying to others. Doctors have recorded many cases of suicide against the backdrop of simultaneous administration Phenazepam and alcohol, because a person’s sense of fear is dulled and the confidence arises that no one needs him.
  2. The interaction of a tranquilizer with alcohol leads to disruptions in the functioning of the respiratory system, and cases of suffocation and sleep apnea are common.
  3. After taking a cocktail of alcohol with Phenazepam, vomiting often occurs; if this happens during sleep, the person may choke. Many drinking people at this moment they lose control of the situation and do not understand how to help themselves, and what is happening to them.
  4. Heart rhythm problems.
  5. Epileptic seizures and convulsions.
  6. Stupor ensues.
  7. In some cases, the person falls into a coma.
  8. There may be urinary retention or involuntary relaxation of the sphincters, which leads to urination.
  9. Decreased sexual activity.
  10. Delusional ideas develop.
  11. Visual impairment occurs.
  12. Weight loss.
  13. Involuntary defecation.
  14. Blood pressure drops.
  15. Phenazepam after drinking alcohol affects attention and reaction, resulting in loss of performance.
  16. The person becomes dangerous to others.
  17. With constant consumption of alcohol together with Phenazepam, a person becomes crazy.
  18. Drug addiction develops.

It should be taken into account that during treatment with Phenazepam you should not take drinks containing alcohol. This list includes extracts and syrups even with a small percentage of alcohol in the composition. You can drink alcohol no earlier than 48 hours after your last pill.

Lethal dose

Phenazepam and alcohol, when combined, give unpredictable results, and no one can accurately predict how a person will behave after taking them. For everyone, the lethal dose is individual and depends on chronic diseases, states immune system, food taken and the presence of an allergy to one of the components of the “cocktail”.

According to pharmaceutical research 7 ml. intravenously administered Phenazepam or 10 mg of a solid substance leads to overdose and death. Even with timely and correct medical care, the chances of survival are minimal.

Hangovers and Phenazepam

During a hangover, Phenazepam is dangerous, even despite the fact that it is prescribed for acute withdrawal. Causes:

  1. Phenazepam in combination with alcohol is addictive. Addiction occurs with a severe form of withdrawal.
  2. Only a specialist has the right to prescribe the drug; the course of treatment is a specific regimen.
  3. Aftereffect syndrome occurs, the person loses performance, becomes irritable and feels tired throughout the body.

According to doctors, taking Phenazepam with a hangover is a path to a drug dispensary.

Symptoms of poisoning

There are several stages:

  1. Mild poisoning - confused consciousness, impaired concentration, pupils do not react to light, drug intoxication, the person behaves inappropriately, but at the same time makes contact.
  2. Moderate severity - the pupils stop responding to light and become very narrow. Reflexes are impaired and swallowing becomes difficult. A superficial coma may develop.
  3. Severe form of poisoning - atony is observed, reflexes are absent, no reaction to pain is observed. The person falls into a severe coma. Breathing becomes superficially arrhythmic or is completely absent. Tachycardia, hypothermia develops and blood pressure drops.

At any stage, breathing and heart activity are impaired.

Poisoning may have serious consequences from the central nervous system, which will manifest themselves even after recovery.

First aid

If a person accepted alcoholic drink after Phenazepam, then it is necessary to provide medical care, which is as follows:

  1. Call immediately ambulance or independently transport the patient to a medical facility.
  2. If the person does not fall asleep, perform gastric lavage. To do this, you need to drink at least 6 glasses of water diluted with soda (the solution should be weak). After this, press on the base of the tongue to induce vomiting.
  3. Give some kind of sorbent, for example, activated carbon (calculation 1 tablet per 10 kg), Polysorb, Enterosgel and the like.
  4. If a person has fallen into an unconscious state, under no circumstances should he be left alone. Be sure to turn it on its side and secure the tongue (you can use the handle of a spoon wrapped in a bandage).

Overdose of Phenazepam and alcohol should be treated only in medical institution, it is impossible to do this at home. In the hospital, drugs are administered that weaken the effect of the tranquilizer on smooth muscles(use medications containing strychnine). They are generally administered intramuscularly three times a day. Alcohol is prohibited these days. You can drink alcohol only after your doctor's permission.

Briefly: Phenazepam is a tranquilizer, it eliminates anxiety and makes it easier to fall asleep. Sold only by prescription, it is a very dangerous tranquilizer, and yet very popular in Russia. The tablets are suitable for the treatment of alcoholism (in combination with other medications), but are not recommended for hangovers: in combination with alcohol, which is still present in the blood, they can cause very serious side effects, including death.

This is an article about why you should not take phenazepam for a hangover. Read more about why it cannot be combined with alcohol at all, as well as when it can be taken at all, in another article.

Why should you not take phenazepam if you have a hangover?

Phenazepam and some other benzodiazepines are used in complex multi-day treatment of acute alcohol withdrawal. But to relieve anxiety during a hangover, the use of this drug is not recommended for the following reasons:

  1. If, against the background of a hangover, alcohol still remains in the blood, then these tablets will enhance its effect on the central nervous system. This is especially dangerous after alcoholic excesses, when the concentration of ethanol in the blood is high. Phenazepam sleep with alcohol intoxication, it greatly increases the likelihood of complications of drunken sleep - respiratory depression, cardiac arrest, vomiting in the supine position, crash syndrome, retrograde amnesia, involuntary urination and defecation;
  2. This medicine quickly causes addiction, and then dependence with the development of withdrawal symptoms, which are more severe than withdrawal from alcohol. It is important that in those who drink alcohol, dependence on phenazepam develops faster than in other patients. Withdrawal symptoms often include depersonalization, hallucinations, and epileptic seizures;
  3. in patients with altered reactivity (adolescents, elderly people, athletes, cannabinoid users, patients taking psychoactive substances, persons with hereditary characteristics metabolism) MDD agonists can cause paradoxical reactions (acute arousal, anxiety, hallucinations, nightmares, fits of rage, inappropriate behavior);
  4. the drug itself causes an aftereffect syndrome (decreased performance, muscle weakness, irritability), which sharply narrows the possibilities for treating acute cases of hangover.

By the way, it is the content of MDD agonists in beer (hop components), on the one hand, that determines the calming effect of beer, and on the other hand, the difficulties in treating a beer hangover and more. severe course beer alcoholism. (On how to effectively deal with a beer hangover, as well as much more interesting information about it alcoholic drink you will find in the article “10 useful facts for beer lovers.”)

What to replace

That's why there's a safer hangover cure: non-alcoholic beer. Like any beer, it contains hops, a natural tranquilizer that has a beneficial effect on our nerves. And unlike alcoholic beer, there is no risk of getting hungover and falling into a drinking binge. In addition, non-alcoholic beer acts as a mild diuretic, helping to relieve most hangover symptoms: swelling, dry throat, headache.

How the drug works. Application and contraindications

Phenazepam (bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine) is one of the most widely used benzodiazepine tranquilizers, with a predominant anxiolytic (anxiety-relieving) effect. All drugs in this series penetrate the blood-brain barrier and bind to specific benzodiazepine receptors (BDRs) in the central nervous system.

Initially, these receptors were given independent significance, but later it turned out that their purpose was to increase the sensitivity of other receptors, namely the gamma-aminobutyric acid(aminobutyrate, GABA, GABA) to its natural agonist (agonist is the active principle that causes the normal behavior of an object or target. Compare with the opposite in meaning “antagonist”).

Gamma-aminobutyric acid is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the central nervous system. Increasing the sensitivity of receptors to GABA through excitation of the MDD leads to an increase in the action of the inhibitory transmitter and determines the main effects of benzodiazepines - mental relaxation, drowsiness, lethargy, and decreased emotional sensitivity.

Contraindications for the use of phenazepam are: depression, severe liver and kidney dysfunction, glaucoma, tranquilizer poisoning, antipsychotics(neuroleptics), sleeping pills, narcotics.

Side effects

Phenazepam may cause drowsiness and decreased response the day after administration. Also besides side effects listed on a piece of paper included in the box, many people note that the drug reduces libido and causes erection problems.

Dosage for the treatment of alcoholism

For the treatment of alcohol withdrawal, this drug is prescribed at a dose of 2.5 - 5 mg / day for a period of no more than 3 - 5 days. This drug and its analogues may be prescribed when it is necessary to smooth out the effects of alcohol withdrawal in an addicted person. However, even then they are prescribed with great caution, since they cause dependence even more severe than alcohol.

These pills will be much more beneficial in treating alcoholism rather than hangover syndrome. If you have a hangover, choose another medicine: read a short and convenient list of anti-hangover medications that can be found at your nearest pharmacy: recommendations from a toxicologist.

Article last updated: 2018-11-24

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In severe psychopathic conditions, doctors often prescribe Phenazepam to patients during abstinence, but self-treatment This drug may cause serious complications. This is a highly active tranquilizer with pronounced anticonvulsant and sedative effects, so dispensing from pharmacies is possible only with a prescription.

How does Phenazepam work during withdrawal symptoms?

Prescribing Phenazepam as part of the treatment of withdrawal syndrome helps eliminate increased anxiety, causeless fear, insomnia and other disorders mental plane, which occur in a patient after leaving a long binge. The course of taking Phenazepam during withdrawal lasts quite a long time - from several weeks to several months, and it is important not to forget to take the pills, since withdrawal syndrome with destabilization of the mental state and another binge is possible. For this reason, treatment with the drug is carried out only in a hospital setting under strict supervision. medical personnel. Important condition- complete exclusion of alcohol, since mixing alcohol and a tranquilizer leads to side effects, the main one of which is increased withdrawal symptoms.

For your information:

When prescribing Phenazepam for withdrawal symptoms, the doctor warns the patient that this drug, like ethyl alcohol, depresses mental activity, and if both substances are used at the same time, toxic effects on the body will increase many times over. In this case, multiple side effects are possible that will require separate treatment. TO These consequences include:

  1. Delusional states.
  2. Impaired coordination of movements.
  3. Increased sleepiness.
  4. Confusion of thoughts.
  5. Impaired consciousness.
  6. Depression.
  7. Euphoria.

Before prescribing the drug, the doctor diagnoses the patient to confirm withdrawal syndrome - only in this case is it possible to use Phenazepam. With a normal hangover, this tranquilizer is not used: while experiencing, a person is able to forget about taken pill and drink alcohol. In addition, alcohol can remain in the patient’s blood, so the tranquilizer will cause side effects. After stopping the pills, a person’s ability to work decreases, muscle weakness appears, and he becomes easily excitable, so Phenazepam should be taken only in case of severe withdrawal.


Before prescribing phenazepam for withdrawal syndrome, the doctor must examine the patient for the presence of diseases and conditions in which toxic effect substances on the body may increase. Like many potent drugs, it is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as for children and adolescents under adulthood. Other contraindications for taking Phenazepam are:

  • myasthenia gravis;
  • coma;
  • acute respiratory failure;
  • impaired renal and liver function;
  • severe depression;
  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • drug intoxication;
  • acute alcohol poisoning.

For your information:

If the dosage is exceeded or Phenazepam is taken if there are contraindications, the risk increases sudden stop heart or death in a dream from suffocation.

During treatment with the drug, it is important to follow the instructions exactly and not exceed permissible dosage, since they are possible serious complications. First of all, this concerns people with altered reactivity - teenagers, athletes, old people, drug addicts and people with hereditary metabolic characteristics. For them, the consequences of treatment with Phenazepam can be paradoxical states: attacks of aggression, inappropriate behavior, hallucinations, nightmares, strong psycho-emotional and motor agitation.

After taking the drug, you should absolutely not drive vehicles or operate any machinery, as it reduces concentration and can cause drowsiness and sluggish reactions. Phenazepam tablet taken at acute intoxication alcohol, will provoke complications of night sleep, including respiratory arrest. Since the tranquilizer causes lethargy, night vomiting can lead to suffocation - the person simply does not have time to react and choke on the vomit.


The information in the article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute instructions for use. Consult your healthcare provider.