All about melatonin in the human body. Everything you need to know about the sleep hormone melatonin

The sleep hormone is intensively produced at night, when a person is at rest, due to which he acquired such a name. It regulates The biological clock. In addition, it has an antitumor, anti-stress and immunostimulating effect. Therefore, it is often called the hormone of youth, as well as longevity.

What is melatonin

Melatonin is extremely important hormone. Production is carried out by the pineal gland. Its main task is to regulate periods of wakefulness and sleep. Hormones were discovered by Dr. Lerner Aaron in the late fifties of the last century. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they are able to form at night and in a dream.

Sleep hormone functions

Melatonin is primarily responsible for managing the wake and sleep cycles, but its functions don't stop there. Among the main ones:

  • cyclicity biological rhythms;
  • help in dealing with stress;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • powerful antioxidant effect;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • normalization blood pressure and the process of blood circulation;
  • control over the activity of the digestive organs;
  • maintaining normal CNS;
  • prevention of cell malignancy;
  • stimulation of the production of growth hormone;
  • pain suppression.

Action on the body

Due to the regulation of periods of sleep and wakefulness, a person has fast falling asleep. If the hormone is not enough, then the state becomes oppressed, depressed. There is drowsiness and lethargy.

Melatonin renders positive influence on the body. Scientists have already carried out clinical trials, during which it was revealed that under its influence, the cells necessary for immune protection. This helps prevent the development of cancer.

Melatonin also has an effect on the nervous system. Medications based on it are widely used in the treatment of various mental disorders.

The process of hormone production

The youth hormone melatonin is produced in the gland of the brain. Synthesis starts closer to 21:00. During the day, there is an active production of serotonin. During the period of night rest, certain groups of enzymes act on it and convert it into a sleep hormone. At the biological level, melatonin and serotonin are interrelated.

Both of them are necessary for the body to function properly. The one that is produced only at nightfall is synthesized slowly until midnight. It reaches its maximum level closer to five in the morning.

Thus, it is possible to determine the hours of melatonin production: from 00:00 to 5:00.

Deficiency and excess of melatonin

The process of hormone production may decrease in children, but such changes are more often observed in adults. If a person does not sleep properly, it will adversely affect the state of the body. Chronic lack of it can lead to the following problems:

  • signs of aging begin to appear even before adulthood;
  • free radicals increase up to five times;
  • menopause at the age of thirty;
  • increased risk of onset of a malignant process;
  • rapid weight gain.

There are several reasons why melatonin is produced in a meager amount:

  • constant fatigue;
  • work at night;
  • sleep disorders;
  • feelings of irritability and anxiety;
  • psychosomatic illnesses;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • ulcer;
  • schizophrenia;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • dermatosis.

At elevated level hormone, the following negative changes are observed:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • slowing down reactions;
  • periodic twitching of the upper body, contraction of facial muscles;
  • depressive state.

Tests and hormone levels

The normal concentration of melatonin for an adult is 30 mcg daily. Its amount at night is up to thirty times greater than during the day. In order for the level of the hormone in the blood to regularly remain within such limits, you need to be at rest at night for eight hours.

The hormone is produced taking into account age in different quantities:

  • up to twenty years there is an increased level;
  • up to forty - medium;
  • after fifty - quite low.

To determine its concentration, perform a blood test from a vein. The fence is produced at different time intervals during the day.

This procedure requires special preparation:

  • within 12 hours it is forbidden to take medicines, drink alcoholic beverages, as well as coffee and tea;
  • material is taken on an empty stomach;
  • when examining women, the cycle of menstruation is taken into account;
  • donate blood before 11:00;
  • no other medical procedures are performed prior to the examination.

sleep hormone in food

If the hormone is produced in the body in a small amount, you can increase the level of melatonin by properly organizing the diet. It is found in products:

  • banana;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrot;
  • greens (particularly parsley);
  • raisin;
  • barley;
  • radish;
  • figs.

To saturate the body with an amino acid that stimulates the synthesis of the hormone, you need to eat cheese, sesame seeds, turkey, milk, eggs and beef, but only lean.

Melatonin preparations

The lack of melatonin in the body can lead to various problems with sleep and deterioration of the general condition. In this case, doctors recommend using a synthetic hormone. Medical treatment will help restore its normal concentration.

There are far more than one sleep pills that fall in pharmacies and stores specializing in sports nutrition.

Most often they resort to the use of drugs such as Melapur, Melaxen, Yukalin and Melaton.

Contraindications for use

Medicines that contain the sleep hormone have a whole list of contraindications:

  • the period of gestation and lactation;
  • a history of autoimmune pathologies;
  • severe allergy;
  • they can not be taken by children and adolescents who have not reached the age of majority;
  • hypersensitivity to the active substance.

Side effects

The sleep hormone is a low-toxic substance. Even if its dosage is exceeded, there is no negative effect on the body. Sometimes the following unwanted changes may occur:

  • migraine;
  • sleepiness in the morning;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • puffiness;
  • allergy.

After discontinuation of the drug, all unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Melatonin, produced during sleep, is necessary for the body to function properly. Its lack can lead to a number of undesirable changes. Therefore, it is necessary to pay due attention to sleep and spend at rest for eight hours a day.

Sleep hormone (melatonin) is a hormone that is secreted in the pineal gland, ensures the regulation of daily biorhythms, maintains sleep cycles and wakefulness.

Helps produce sex hormones, regulate menstrual cycle among women. With a lack of this hormone, many gynecological diseases(various tumors, polycystosis, bleeding). It was discovered in 1958. It has now been found to be present in all living beings. It is produced by the pineal gland (pineal gland), then enters the bloodstream and accumulates in the hypothalamus. Produced at night. A person normally produces about 30 mcg per day, and its concentration at night is much higher than during the day. It supports the functioning of the body at a normal level, helping many physiological processes. It has a hypnotic effect, slows down the production of other hormones, suppresses those actions that are associated with wakefulness. Helps to improve immunity, participates in the functioning thyroid gland helps in the fight against tumors.

The secretion of melatonin is inhibited by daylight hours days and activates in the dark.

Unfortunately, the fast pace modern life leads to the fact that many people work late, watch TV, sit at the computer. This leads to a violation of biological rhythms, because. at the same time, melatonin production does not occur, the person becomes lethargic, irritable, work is disrupted nervous system memory may be impaired. To avoid this, it is necessary to clearly establish a daily routine, go to bed earlier, do not sit in front of a TV or computer screen until late.

Melatonin is formed only in the dark, reaching its maximum value 1-2 hours before waking up.

When a person goes to bed late, in the morning he remains sleepy and inhibited for a very long time, everything happens due to the fact that melatonin did not have time to be utilized during sleep. This hormone, as well as serotonin (hormone of happiness), is responsible for mood.

Watch the video about the role of melatonin in the body.

Significance for the body

Melatonin slows down the aging process cellular level, participates in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, helps the work of the stomach and intestines, activates growth hormone, fights blood clots and plaques, helps lower blood pressure, fights reproduction cancer cells. Helps with colds, increasing protective function organism. Therefore, during the period of illness, it is important good dream followed by an improvement in well-being. Melatonin starts the processes of inhibition in the body, facilitates the process of falling asleep, supports the immune system, helps lower blood pressure, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Melatonin does not accumulate in the body. Fasting once a week helps its production, or physical exercises lasting 1 hour.

normal melatonin levels

Normally, the blood contains about 10 pg / ml of this hormone during the daytime and about 70 pg / ml at night. This indicator is determined by special analysis blood serum. In newborns, the level of the hormone is very low, it reaches its maximum value at 1-3 years (about 325 pg / ml). Then there is a decline. In adults, the indicators are within the normal range, in old age the indicator decreases to 20% by the age of 60. Normal level This hormone indicates a full night's sleep, easy falling asleep and waking up, prolonged sleep.

In women, the highest level of melatonin is observed during menstruation, the lowest - during ovulation.

Increased melatonin levels

A number of signs indicate an increased level of this hormone:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • decreased concentration;
  • high blood pressure;
  • loss of appetite;
  • seasonal depression;
  • twitching of the shoulders or head.

With an increased level of this hormone in children, it can slow down sexual development. High level may indicate schizophrenia, manic disorders, decreased libido and reduced production sex hormones.

Decreased melatonin levels

A decrease in the level of melatonin in the blood can be determined by the following signs:

  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • increased fatigue, lethargy;
  • early menopause and gray hair;
  • early aging process;
  • formation risk cancerous tumors;
  • vascular diseases;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • sleep disturbances, superficial sleep, restless sleep, bad feeling in the morning, even with 8 hours of sleep.
  • Difficulty falling asleep.

A low level indicates diseases such as polycystic ovaries, uterine fibromatosis, uterine bleeding increased production of sex hormones.

How to increase melatonin levels

The level of this hormone decreases during night work, too bright bedroom lighting at night. This can be interfered with by the light of a flashlight, a too bright night light, the light from a working TV, computer, or too bright light from other electrical appliances. To prevent the light from interfering with sleep, you can put on a soft mask over your eyes. If you can’t do without a computer at night, then you need to use glasses that block blue light. They prevent the suppression of melatonin production at night when awake. Exists special program, which adjusts the brightness of your phone or computer display depending on the time of day. Red light in the bedroom helps you sleep better and ensures deeper sleep. This is important for residents of large cities who rarely go outside. To do this, you can use an infrared lamp turned on all night. In the bedroom for the best night's rest should be no more than 20 degrees. At a different temperature, the duration of sleep can either increase or decrease.

Aromatherapy is helpful before bed. Relaxing massage, warm bath, breathing exercises. Perform these procedures every day before going to bed for a better sleep. For 2 hours before bedtime, it is better to refrain from eating and drinking so as not to get up at night to go to the toilet. This will improve the quality of sleep. It is better not to eat sweets in the evening, it will make it difficult to fall asleep. You can wear socks at night so that your feet do not freeze, and there is no chance of waking up from the cold. The blood in the feet circulates the worst. Before going to bed, it is useful to listen to relaxing music, read a book, make notes in a personal diary.

Alcohol also reduces melatonin production, although alcohol is thought to cause drowsiness, this is a short term condition. When drinking alcohol, it is difficult to go into deep phase sleep, the body will not be able to rest.

Half an hour of exercise in the morning can make it easier to fall asleep in the evening. You can lie down on the Kuznetsov applicator before going to bed. It promotes the production of melatonin and makes it easier to fall asleep.

To increase its level in the body, it is recommended to go to bed before midnight, sleep at least 6-8 hours a day, study on the first shift, work the day shift. Must comply natural rhythm life, and then you can notice an improvement in well-being after a few days. It is also necessary to eat foods rich in tryptophan, which helps the production of melatonin. These are nuts, dairy products, meat, fish, poultry. It is recommended to use them for dinner.

Certain medications also slow down the production of melatonin. These include Piracetam, Reserpine, taking B12. Accordingly, in order to increase the production of this hormone, it is necessary to sleep at night, and not work, while using thick night curtains (it is better not to let in light at all), turning off all light sources in the bedroom. For children, you can use a dim night light with soft light, but it must be placed away from the eyes.

Foods That Increase Melatonin Production

It is necessary to eat foods containing this hormone, or tryptophan, from which this hormone is synthesized. These include:

  • sweet cherry;
  • bananas;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • almonds, pine nuts;
  • oatmeal cooked in cow's milk;
  • baked potato;
  • chamomile decoction.

Chamomile can help with insomnia, has a calming effect on nervous disorders. At serious violations sleep, the doctor may prescribe drugs that are similar in function to human melatonin. But they must be taken strictly according to the recommendations and carefully monitor their condition. Melatonin helps with frequent shift time zones, effective for hyperactivity, absent-mindedness. Increasing the level of melatonin in the blood helps the intake of vitamins B3 and B6, and the first of them must be taken before bed at night, and vitamin B6 is taken in the morning.

How to lower melatonin levels

The production of this hormone is reduced under the influence of strong alcohol, coffee and tobacco. At severe stress melatonin production also stops. The production of this hormone also decreases during fasting. Scientists have found that consumption of less than 300 kcal per day for 2 days reduces melatonin levels by 20%. At the same time, fasting for one day, on the contrary, increases the concentration of melatonin.

Melatonin is a sleep hormone, an elixir of youth and beauty. It provides a change in circadian (daily) cycles of bursts and declines in the activity of the body, thereby supporting the processes of human life. The sleep hormone melatonin is produced between 0000 and 0400 hours.

General information

Approximately 70% of the sleep hormone is produced by the pineal gland (pineal gland). Melatonin protects the body from negative consequences caused by exposure to stress factors.

Also, this hormone performs many other functions.

In particular, during sleep due to the increase in the concentration of melatonin accelerates the repair of damaged tissues, and the muscles return the lost tone. At the same time, the body's resistance to the effects of pathogenic agents increases.

Melatonin is highly soluble in lipids, due to which it freely penetrates through cell membranes and influences them from within. The pineal gland begins to produce sleep hormone only from three months. Until this age, the child receives the missing melatonin through the mother's milk.

In the early years, the concentration of the sleep hormone reaches its maximum values. As a person grows older, the amount of melatonin production decreases.

Hormone functions

Understanding the features of melatonin, why it is needed, opens up additional opportunities for a person to prevent development severe pathologies. In fact, this hormone has a hypnotic effect on the body, thereby contributing to changes in daily cycles.

Melatonin is a natural antioxidant. The hormone neutralizes free radicals that destroy body cells.

Melatonin performs many functions:

  • prevents nervous breakdowns;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • regulates indicators blood pressure;
  • controls the work of the digestive tract;
  • reduces the rate of cell aging;
  • normalizes carbohydrate and fat metabolism, preventing obesity;
  • participates in the synthesis of other hormones;
  • reduces intensity painful sensations with dental pathologies.

Research has shown that melatonin prevents the development of cancerous tumors in the body.

Deficiency and excess of melatonin in the body

Prolonged lack of sleep hormone provokes earlier aging of the body. If deficiency is detected in children or adolescents, age-related changes become noticeable as early as 17 years of age.

The lack of melatonin contributes to a sharp increase in the concentration of free radicals (5 times in comparison with normal values). In women, the deficiency causes early menopause(at age 30) and increases the likelihood of developing breast cancer by 80%.

The latter is explained by the fact that neoplasms synthesize hormones similar in composition to melatonin. An increase in the concentration of the latter causes immune response, due to which antibodies appear in the body, preventing the division of malignant cells.

Melatonin deficiency occurs against the background of:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • frequent work at night;
  • insomnia;
  • constant stress;
  • diseases that cause mental disorders;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • dermatoses;
  • constant alcohol consumption.

Although melatonin plays important role in the functioning of the whole organism, an increase in its concentration also negatively affects a person. Exceeding the permissible concentration of this hormone provokes:

  • tachycardia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • muscle cramps.

Due to the increase in the concentration of melatonin, brain function is disrupted, which manifests itself in the form of inhibited human behavior and depression.

Where is melatonin produced?

Approximately 70% of melatonin is synthesized by the pineal gland. Researchers also identify other parts of the body that produce this hormone:

  • blood cells;
  • cortical layer of the kidneys;
  • cells of the digestive system.

The work of the epiphysis is determined by the time of day. That is, in the absence of natural light, the pineal gland begins to produce melatonin. During the day, her activity is reduced to a minimum or suspended.

However, the current time of day does not affect the functioning of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, the cells that make up these organs continue to produce a certain amount of melatonin during the day.

Depending on which organ synthesizes the hormone, there are two ways of its appearance:

  • central (involved);
  • peripheral (cells involved).

The described features show that it is impossible to accurately answer the question of when the beauty hormone is produced. At the same time, its concentration in the body changes during the day. The volume of the hormone begins to increase with the onset of the dark time of the day (from about 21 o'clock).

Melatonin appears as a result of a special biochemical reaction. The pineal gland synthesizes an amino acid that, under the action of sunlight transforms into serotonin (the hormone of joy that keeps a person in a cheerful state). The latter, reacting with certain enzymes, turns into melatonin.

An increase in the concentration of this hormone starts the processes of adaptation of the body to new conditions. In particular, the pineal gland activates the production of melatonin during jet lag.

In view of the fact that the sleep hormone plays a significant role in changing the biorhythms of life, it is important to prevent a decrease in its concentration. For this need to sleep at least 6-8 hours a day being in the dark and avoiding being awake after midnight.

Melatonin in pharmaceuticals

Due to the fact that melatonin plays an important role in the functioning of the whole body, this hormone is available in the form of drugs. Similar drugs are used in the following cases:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • organ dysfunction caused by age-related changes;
  • pathologies that provoke a decrease in the concentration of melatonin.

The drugs are based on a synthetic analogue of the sleep hormone. It is highly recommended not to take this type of medication without consulting your doctor. Medications based on synthetic melatonin are not prescribed for individuals with individual intolerance.

There are also distinguished the following contraindications to the use of such drugs:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • the presence of lymphoma;
  • leukemia;
  • tendency to epileptic seizures.

The action of drugs based on melatonin

An indication for the use of such drugs is an acute lack of sleep or insomnia. Also, drugs are recommended for people who constantly work at night. This is explained by the fact that the failure of biorhythms of sleep and wakefulness increases the risk of developing diseases.

Regular intake of drugs based on melatonin by this category of patients allows to achieve the following results:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • restoration of blood pressure;
  • prevent the development of tumor processes;
  • suppress the development of depression and psychosomatic pathologies.

Medicines of this group have a complex effect on the body, normalizing the cycle of changing sleep and wakefulness. Taking drugs of this type contributes to the restoration of neuroendocrine functions. Thanks to this effect, sleep becomes strong, and after waking up, a person feels rested.

Application synthetic analogue hormone increases efficiency and improves mood. In addition, melatonin-containing drugs are recommended to suppress:

  • pain syndrome;
  • spread of metastases of malignant tumors;
  • tissue atrophy.

Of those on the market hormonal drugs, which include synthetic melatonin, the following can be distinguished:

  • "Melapur";
  • "Melaxen";
  • "Dorminorm";
  • "Melaton";
  • "Yukolin";
  • "Circadin".

Hormonal medications should be taken as directed. The drugs are taken 30 minutes before bedtime, 1-2 tablets. The daily dose of drugs should not exceed 6 mg.

Preparations based on synthetic hormone sleep is usually not given side effects. Overdose sometimes dyspeptic disorders are observed(nausea, vomiting). Persons suffering chronic insomnia This hormone is administered intravenously.

Melatonin in cancer

AT last years melatonin began to be included in the anti-cancer treatment. This is due to the fact that the hormone stimulates the synthesis immune cells, which suppress division malignant neoplasm. Also, the hormone, strengthening the body's natural defenses, prevents the development of complications of chemotherapy.

Melatonin treatment is indicated even for final stages cancer development. The hormone provokes the synthesis of cytokines that destroy malignant cells.

Ways to increase the concentration of melatonin

To prevent melatonin deficiency, you must:

  • go to bed no later than 10 pm;
  • use subdued lights at night;
  • rest during the day (if necessary);
  • give up nights.

Some foods help to restore the concentration of melatonin. For this, it is recommended to include daily diet meals containing B vitamins, calcium, protein, carbohydrates. In addition, you need to consume foods that include tryptophan. From this amino acid, the sleep hormone is subsequently synthesized.

These trace elements can be obtained if you constantly eat fresh corn, bananas, tomatoes, herbs (dill, basil and others), oatmeal and barley porridge. The amino acid is found in nuts, pumpkin, turkey and beef, chicken eggs.

In addition to correcting the diet, it is recommended to abandon some habits. So, in order to avoid a deficiency of melatonin, it is necessary to exclude ketchups, smoked meat, sausage, energy drinks, milk chocolate from the diet. The substances that these foods contain suppress sleep.

It is also important to stop smoking and alcoholic beverages, sedative drugs. The latter suppress the synthesis of the sleep hormone.

Melatonin does not accumulate in the body. In this regard, it is important to prevent the occurrence of sleep hormone deficiency and, if necessary, take appropriate medications.

The sleep hormone melatonin is produced in the body naturally in the pineal gland (pineal gland, which is located in the brain). In addition, melatonin is called the hormone of longevity and youth. This is not surprising, because it not only regulates human biological rhythms, but also has antitumor, immunostimulating and anti-stress effects.

Melatonin can enter the body in three ways, where the first is a natural production in the pineal gland; the second is the oral intake of special supplements and drugs containing the sleep hormone; and the third is eating foods that contain melatonin.


The key task of such a hormone is the regulation of daily human biological rhythms. It is due to him that the body can fall asleep and rest.

But as the hormone was further studied, some other properties became known:

  • Improving the efficiency of the endocrine system.
  • Rejuvenation effect (antioxidant effect).
  • Improving human adaptation with a sharp change in time zones.
  • Raise defensive forces organism.
  • Slowing down the aging process.
  • Help in the fight against seasonal depression and stress.
  • Positive effect on brain cells.
  • blood pressure regulation and so on.

Indeed, the value of melatonin for the body is difficult to overestimate. With its deficiency, the mechanisms of aging are activated, there is a rapid concentration of free radicals, in the regulation total weight the body fails, which leads to obesity. The fair sex is at times more likely to develop breast cancer.

Melatonin is not accumulated or stored in the body for a long time. In other words, the body cannot stock up on them for the future. Therefore, it comes to the fore correct mode sleep, wakefulness and nutrition.

How the body produces melatonin

It all starts with sunlight, which helps convert an amino acid called tryptophan into the neurotransmitter serotonin. The last one after sunset evening time days) turns into the so-called "sleepy" hormone. That is, in order to maintain the production of melatonin at an optimal level, you need to spend at least 30 minutes a day outside under the sun.

The amount of hormone that is produced in the body will depend on the time of day. For example, at night, the activity of melatonin formation reaches its peak and is 70 percent. However, the production of the biorhythm regulator also depends on the level of illumination. Excessively bright daylight provokes a slowdown in the synthesis of the hormone. Reducing the light intensity speeds up the process.

The beginning of the production of the hormone for sleep by the pineal gland falls on 20 hours. Its highest concentration is observed in the time interval from 24 to 4 hours. As a result, in given period it is essential to rest dark room where there is no bright light.

Every day, the adult body produces an average of about 30 micrograms of this hormone. Next helpful tips will help you increase the efficiency of melatonin production:

  • go to bed before midnight;
  • sleep enough so that the body can rest;
  • after 24 hours, the light in the room should not be excessively bright;
  • if you have to sleep in a lit room, use a sleep mask;
  • if you wake up at night, give preference to dim nightlights.

Products with melatonin

As mentioned above, melatonin enters the body in three ways. The first one has been discussed above. Now let's talk about food and drugs, which include such a hormone.

The main condition for the natural synthesis of the biorhythm regulator is a varied diet (vitamin B6, proteins, carbohydrates, calcium). Some foods contain melatonin in pure form, others contribute to the activation of its production.

In rice, figs, nuts, raisins, parsley, bananas, radishes, corn and some other products, there is a ready-made hormone. But the amino acid tryptophan, which is needed for the synthesis of melatonin, is part of walnuts, chicken eggs, milk, almond and so on.

Vitamin B6 can be obtained by eating red peppers, sunflower seeds, apricots, beans. As for calcium, it is enough in soy, cabbage, milk, oatmeal and some other food products.

What harms the production of melatonin and reduces its amount in the body? These are smoking, drinking alcohol and caffeine. As the body ages, the synthesis of the “sleepy” hormone decreases significantly. Therefore, it is not surprising that older people sleep superficially, often wake up at night, or even suffer from insomnia.

Medicines with melatonin

Until the age of 35, the lack of this hormone is slightly noticeable, but after this age, its deficiency negatively affects general condition body, so the number one task is to replenish melatonin through the use of special drugs. They are made in the form of tablets and capsules, sold in any pharmacy. But immediately before taking it is necessary to consult a doctor. He will select the optimal remedy and determine the desired dosage.

Among the most requested pharmaceutical preparations the following can be distinguished:

All of these drugs have proven to be effective and safe. They meet all available international standards.

However, artificial substitutes for melatonin still have some contraindications. In particular, they are not recommended for use by women during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) due to the lack of knowledge of the effect of the hormone on the health of the unborn child. In some cases, melatonin preparations can aggravate autoimmune diseases and allergies. You should not use them before the age of 18, since at this age the body does not lack a biorhythm regulator.

Extremely rare, but still happens hypersensitivity to melatonin. In this case, such drugs should also be avoided.

All of the above medicines shown in case of failures in circadian rhythms (wakefulness and sleep), with active travel across countries with different time zones. They effectively cope with sleep disorders (even in older people) and fatigue. Able to quickly and safely eliminate depressive conditions.

Melatonin and cancer prevention

Doctors claim that melatonin provides an indispensable aid in the prevention of cancer. It is able not only to significantly slow down the growth (mitosis) of many types of cancer cells, but also to cause their complete destruction. Melatonin blocks the creation of new blood vessels that supply oxygen to cancer cells through the blood.

In addition, the hormone significantly increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy and at the same time significantly reduces its negative effect. toxic effect. In this case, melatonin is introduced into the body a week before the start of chemotherapy. In addition to stimulating the self-destruction of infected cells, the hormone melatonin activates the production of interleukin-2 (a substance that stimulates the immune system).

Modern studies have proven the high effectiveness of "sleepy" hormone in the prevention of breast cancer. In addition, melatonin has beneficial effect on the body and reliably protects it from some other types of cancer.

Naturally, melatonin is not a panacea for all ills. But such a hormone is simply irreplaceable for a person. His enough creates everything the necessary conditions for proper operation internal organs and systems, provides deep night sleep and protects against premature aging.

Healthy sleep and a constant routine is a luxury in the modern rhythm of life, and melatonin is responsible for the depth of sleep and the duration of falling asleep. Consider what it is - melatonin, where it is produced and why it is prescribed to some people.

Differences from melanin

You should immediately draw a line between what melatonin is and. These two substances are similar only in name. But melatonin is a hormonal substance that is produced by a special pineal gland in the brain.

And melanin, unlike melatonin, is not a hormone, but a pigment that determines the color of hair, skin and eyes. It is not formed in the gland, but in melanocytes - special cells where the pigment is synthesized from tyrosine. Because melanin and melatonin are substances of a fundamentally different nature and properties, this is the difference between them, and a colossal one at that.

Hormone production

The production of melatonin occurs in - it is a pineal-shaped gland, not exceeding the size of a pea. The hormone melatonin from this gland enters the systemic circulation and cerebrospinal fluid, and only after that it gradually accumulates in the hypothalamus.

That's why they call it that it is produced after a certain signal. This signal is given by the receptors of the organs of vision at the onset of darkness.

Tryptophan is used to produce melatonin, which is converted to and combined with the enzyme acetyltransferase, forming the sleep hormone.

Matter properties

For sleep, melatonin performs a primary function, but there are still many processes in the body that cannot do without this hormone:

  • The hormone is involved in the binding of free radicals, protecting the DNA structure from damage;
  • A number of studies have been carried out, according to which melatonin is involved in the activation of the immune response;
  • Takes part in the regulation of the thyroid gland;
  • Able to enhance the activity of T-cells, components of the immune response;
  • Inhibits active cell division;
  • Slows down the aging process, especially in the reproductive system of the body;
  • Normalizes lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, contributing to the loss of excess weight;
  • Participates in the stabilization of the motor function of the intestine;
  • Prevents thrombosis, as it can thin the blood.

The lack of melatonin in the body, therefore, not only prevents an enhanced immune response, but also disrupts the sleep regimen, on the usefulness of which the functioning of the body as a whole depends.

Why there is not enough hormone

There are several reasons why melatonin is not produced in sufficient quantities:

  • Systematic wakefulness at night;
  • Extra light sources in the bedroom, for example, light from street lamps, screens of household appliances;
  • White Nights;
  • How well melatonin is produced is influenced by and medical preparations- Reserpine, Fluoxetine, Piracetam, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and an excess of B vitamins inhibit the production of the hormone.

Accordingly, in order to establish the natural production of the hormone, it is necessary to sleep when the corresponding hormone is produced, avoid excessive light and adhere to a daily sleep schedule.

natural sources

The hormone melatonin is found in some products that can hardly be called exotic for our region. It is recommended to use those products that prevent the suppression of the hormone:

  • Sweet cherry;
  • Almond;
  • Wheat bread;
  • Pine nuts;
  • Bananas;
  • Oatmeal with milk;
  • Potato;
  • Chamomile.

The leaders in the content of melatonin are almonds and chamomile, other foods and dishes can reduce the activity of substances that inhibit the work of melatonin in the body.

Hormone preparations

To increase the content of melatonin, sometimes it is not enough to use the listed products and adhere to the sleep culture. They only enhance its production, but it is impossible to speak with certainty about the final output of biosynthesis. In these cases, melatonin is prescribed in tablets or drops.


The preparation contains active substance melatonin, as well as excipients:

  • Cellulose microcrystal;
  • Anhydrous calcium phosphate;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • Silicon dioxide colloidal;
  • Stearic acid.

This composition is relevant for the drug in a compressed form - tablets, capsules. Usually twelve tablets are packed into one plate.

Pharmacology of the drug

This hormone is produced by the pineal gland at the base of the brain. Contained mostly in animal food than in vegetable. The production of the hormone is sensitive to light and increases at night in the absence of natural light.

It is a solid substance capable of dissolving lipids or absorbing them. During the synthesis of melatonin, the body gets rid of the influence of free radicals and stimulates the restoration of damaged cells.

Synthetic form

Melatonin is also available synthetically and is taken as a supplement for sleep disorders and as an antioxidant. In this regard, it affects the duration and alternation of the phases of deep and superficial sleep, the speed of falling asleep and the ease of awakening.

Tablets help facilitate falling asleep during the day or in the evening, have a sedative and adaptogenic effect. More rare manifestations of headache and stress were noted.

Before you start taking the drug, you should consult with your doctor about the advisability of using melatonin as sleeping pills. Perhaps the cause of insomnia is hidden in other chronic pathologies, in the treatment of which healthy sleep will resume.

There is a possibility of inhibition of the body's own function to produce melatonin, so the dosage should be strictly observed in order to avoid addiction.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The action of the drug begins after a maximum of two hours after oral administration. When ingested, the drug undergoes biotransformation in the liver. The bioavailability of melatonin reaches 50%.

The active substance can penetrate the blood-brain barrier. The body removes biometabolites through the kidneys, the half-life is 60 minutes.


The drug is indicated in the following cases:

  • insomnia;
  • Diseases that occur with sleep disturbance;
  • Violation of the cycles of wakefulness and sleep;
  • The need for antioxidant therapy;
  • Inhibition of the body's immune response;
  • Destabilization of blood pressure;
  • Increased cholesterol in body fluids;
  • Prevention of oncological diseases;
  • Pathology of mental adaptation processes;
  • depression;
  • Poor sleep in old age.

The spectrum of action of the hormone is quite extensive, and the drug is used not only as a therapy, but also as a prophylactic.


The following factors are contraindications for use:

  • Increased individual sensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
  • Diseases of an autoimmune nature;
  • Lymphoma;
  • Leukemia;
  • Diabetes;
  • Lymphogranulomatosis;
  • Epilepsy;
  • myeloma;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Age up to 12 years.

The drug is prescribed with caution to those who require increased concentration attention during the work process, as well as when driving. Constant monitoring is required in cases of appointment to a patient suffering from hormonal diseases or prone to an allergic reaction.

Application rules

The sleep hormone Melatonin is taken orally with water and without chewing. Adults are prescribed two tablets an hour before going to bed, adolescents take one tablet at the same time. Maximum daily dose should not exceed six milligrams.

The intake of sports nutrition containing melatonin is always carried out under the supervision of a specialist in sports nutrition. In an individual case, the rules of admission are explained by the attending physician.

Adverse reactions

Among the possible adverse reactions are discomfort and heaviness in the stomach and intestines, depression, inhibition of activity, headache, distraction. Similar adverse reactions are an indication to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

Taking adrenoblockers and blood thinners can reduce the concentration of melatonin in the blood. While taking the hormone with tranquilizers and sedatives may decrease the activity of the hormone taken. Simultaneous reception with Tamoxifen potentiates anti-cancer effect.

Before starting use, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary in order to avoid side effects, overdoses, incorrect treatment regimens, as well as an excess concentration of the hormone in the blood.