Increased body temperature in a dog. How to bring down the temperature in a dog at home

In dogs, body temperature is one of the main criteria by which general state organism. Its normal values ​​are different breeds by virtue of physiological features and temperament are very different. For puppies, this is a special conversation. Therefore, you should remember the norm and understand what to do when a dog has a fever raised or lowered.

What to do when your dog has an abnormal temperature

Disturbing increased performance always, at the same time, thoughts about infectious pathology immediately arise. You should not immediately worry, because when affected by bacteria or viruses, the temperature is also accompanied by:

  • diarrhea
  • vomiting;
  • change in the color of the mucous membranes;
  • poor appetite or complete failure from food.

But the owners do not always pay attention to a reduced temperature, combined with drowsiness, a decrease in the activity of the pet. Although this alarm symptom may refer to:

  • serious violations cardiovascular activity;
  • various traumatic injuries;
  • kidney failure and other conditions that are most dangerous for a dog.

All the nuances of this problem will be considered in detail in our article and we will tell, what to do, if dog has a temperature different from the norm.

What is the normal temperature for dogs

If the animal is healthy, the temperature can fluctuate from 37.5 to 39. These numbers are individual., they depend on age, breed, weight, temperament, as well as on environmental conditions (heat, cold). Temperature indicators are directly dependent on metabolism - in puppies and small dogs metabolic processes always accelerated, therefore the temperature is higher:

  • Small breeds: puppy - 38.6-39.3; adult dog- 38.5-39 degrees.
  • Medium breeds: puppy - 38.3-39.1; adults - 37.5-39 degrees.
  • Large breeds: puppy - 38.2-39; adult dogs - 37.4-38.3 degrees.

The age/weight of the animal are the main determinants of temperature.

The following points are also important:

  • Weather - in hot weather, the dog lives in a room without air conditioning, the temperature can be 1.5 degrees higher, the pet will look for a cold corner, its activity will be reduced.
  • In females, shortly before whelping, the temperature may drop by 1-1.5 degrees.
  • Measuring it helps the breeder determine when this important moment begins.
  • Stressful situations - it all depends on the temperament of the dog.

When a dog has a temperature, what can only be said by an experienced doctor after examining and studying the data necessary analyzes There can be many reasons for ups and downs.

How to take your dog's temperature correctly

For these purposes, they use the most common human thermometers from a pharmacy - mercury, electronic. Mercury is cheaper, but temperature measurement takes about three to five minutes, which not every animal will allow.

For the procedure the best option there will be an electronic thermometer– and it is easier for you, and the dog is more comfortable. It shows the exact result in 20-30 seconds. If you are a breeder, it is recommended to have a separate device for each individual.

The process is not difficult, but if the dog is not accustomed, certain problems may arise. The first few times the procedure should be carried out with extreme caution.

You can measure the temperature without discomfort and get accurate readings like this:

  • Lubricate with Vaseline / baby cream, and better gel levomekol, the tip of the thermometer.
  • Knock down the thermometer.
  • Lay the dog down, carefully lifting the tail, insert the thermometer 1.5-2 cm into the anus. Ideally, if possible, lean the thermometer against the walls of the rectum.
  • If used mercury thermometer, the procedure will take about 5 minutes, if electronic - no more than 50-60 seconds.
  • After measurement, the thermometer is thoroughly washed, disinfected with alcohol.

Temperature can be measured in other ways:

  • The thermometer is placed in the animal's mouth - this method can be used for calm, absolutely obedient pets who will not gnaw on the thermometer.
  • In dogs with a thin or bare belly, temperature can be measured in the groin by wrapping the thermometer in a fold of skin and holding it there until the end of the procedure.

The environment must be calm, otherwise the dog may be very worried and break the thermometer, which is very dangerous when using mercury devices. To calm the animal, talk to him, feed him with all sorts of treats. If the thermometer indicates increased / decreased readings for no precisely defined reasons, only an experienced specialist can tell what to do at such a temperature in dogs.

Fever: benefits and harms

The temperature rises when:

  1. Heat transfer is physically impossible or violated due to various reasons;
  2. Special mechanisms for heat retention are included.

For the first case, a perfect example would be a dog locked up in a car with no air conditioning in hot weather. The animal overheats, gets heatstroke very quickly - at the same time, too much heat is generated in its body, which cannot be removed properly.

The second option is heat is lingered specifically to fight viruses, bacteria, various pathological substances. In this case, fever is caused by the presence of pyrogens (any substance that causes fever) in the body. Pyrogens can be:

  • remnants of the vital activity of viruses / bacteria;
  • destroyed tissues formed during traumatic injuries or during the decay of neoplasms;
  • various substances that cause allergic manifestations.

Thus, with infectious pathologies, injuries and the presence of neoplasms, elevated temperature acts defensive reaction. It enhances metabolic processes, as a result of which the production of interferon and antibodies is accelerated, which means that the body becomes more resistant to various pathological factors. Many pathogens lose their ability to reproduce.

There are also serious negative effects on the body of the animal:

  • The brain does not receive enough nutrition - the dog is depressed, inhibited, sometimes it can lose consciousness (in severe cases).
  • Gastrointestinal tract functions abnormally - secretion of saliva / pancreatic juice decreases, less is secreted gastric juice, less bile, intestinal motility decreases.
  • In the dog's body is disturbed water-salt exchange, urine formation increases, fluid is lost due to rapid breathing. As a result - rapid dehydration, which entails a change in the composition of the blood - and, therefore, the nutrition of the brain and heart will worsen.

What to do if the dog high temperature

So, on the basis of what has been said, we can distinguish the following main factors, causing an increase temperature:

  • Infectious pathologies;
  • Neoplasms of various origins;
  • inflammation;
  • Penetration of various allergens;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • Negative effect of heat.

The following symptoms indicate an increase in temperature:

  • rapid breathing;
  • violation of heart rhythms;
  • general weakness;
  • decrease or complete absence appetite
  • trembling, tremor of the limbs.

With such clinical manifestations you should immediately measure the temperature and show the animal to the veterinarian immediately (it is better to call him home). An increase in temperature pathologically affects most of the pet's organs / systems, therefore, before the arrival of a specialist, first aid measures must be taken. Especially if the indicators are more than 41 degrees:

  • Should take the dog to a room where the air temperature is not higher than 18-20 degrees, while the dog should not be laid on the cold floor, drafts are also unacceptable.
  • You can't force your pet to move.
  • To avoid dehydration, provide Free access to clean water. If the animal does not drink on its own, force water - it is more convenient to do this using a 20 cc syringe.
  • Categorically force-feeding is prohibited animal.
  • Do not use "human" NSAIDs(aspirin, analgin, ibuprofen, paracetamol, etc.), lowering the temperature - correct dosage can only be calculated by an experienced specialist. With a mistake, the development of serious complications that threaten the health and life of the dog is possible.

When a dog has a fever, what to do can only be said for sure by a specialist, based on the clinical picture and the results of the tests. The treatment regimen depends on the diagnosis.

Falling temperature is a reason to sound the alarm

Decrease in temperature (the condition is also called hypothermia) - the temperature drops below 37.5 degrees. It is observed when the process of heat transfer prevails over the process of heat production.

Causes of hypothermia can be:

  • hypothermia;
  • loss of strength due to unbalanced or insufficient nutrition;
  • poisoning with various toxins, poisons, drugs;
  • dehydration;
  • intense blood loss due to injuries or prolonged surgical interventions;
  • intoxication;
  • endocrine pathologies of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands;
  • severe heart disease.

In puppies, hypothermia happens quite often, it may not be associated with the progression of any diseases, but develop as a result of imperfect thermoregulation mechanisms in a young body.

Incredible dangerous state for a puppy is temperature drop at viral enteritis . This happens due to intoxication of the baby with decay products, as well as due to dehydration. Without emergency assistance Doctor's dog dies in 2-3 days.

Symptoms of a drop in temperature are as follows:

  • The animal wants to lie down in a warm place, curling up.
  • The wool is ruffled, thus forming an additional protection to keep warm.
  • Muscle tremors are observed as a protective reaction to hypothermia, contributing to the formation of additional heat.
  • The mucous membranes turn pale, become cold, the limbs are cold to the touch - all this speaks of a violation of the heart.

When a dog has a low temperature, only a specialist can determine what to do. The animal should be delivered very quickly to the veterinarian, it is better to call the doctor at home. Before the arrival of a specialist, the owner must:

  • Put the dog in a warm room, covering it with a blanket, overlaying heating pads with warm water.
  • drink warm meat broth, warm milk.

Critical is the state of hypothermia with indicators below 36- this shows that defensive forces animal exhausted. There is a loss of consciousness weak pulse, respiratory failure (rare superficial), a decrease in heart rate - the pulse and heart rhythms are difficult to hear. An ambulance should be called immediately veterinary care- only intensive resuscitation will help to save the pet.

You don't need to take your temperature every day. This should be done only when the animal is not as usual and there is a characteristic clinical picture for a specific pathology. If you suspect something is wrong, you should not hesitate to visit the clinic, because many diseases are successfully treated only on initial stages. Attentive careful attitude help keep your pet healthy and alive long years.

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How to bring down the temperature in a dog

Diseases of pets are always a great chagrin for the owner.

Animals do not know how to talk, and therefore cannot complain about the deterioration of their own.

Attentive person will always notice the presence of deviations in the behavior of his pet. What should I do if my dog ​​has a fever?

What are its causes and symptoms?

What steps can be taken to reduce fever in dogs?

Temperature symptoms in dogs

The normal temperature for a dog is between 37 and 39°C. In young animals, the rate will be slightly higher than in an adult dog. Larger breeds are more low temperature than the small one. In addition, this factor is also affected by the season: in the hot months it is higher than with the onset of cold weather.

The method of determining the temperature by the nose is erroneous pet .

The sense of smell plays a huge role in the life of dogs, in order for the scent to work better, the nose must be moist, which is why animals often lick it.

During sleep, dogs rely more on hearing organs, and the nose will become dry, but the pet will not lick it in a dream. You should not conclude about a dog by a dry nose.

What should you pay attention to in case of suspicion in the first place?

The dog begins to look for the coolest place in the apartment. Can lie on a damp cloth, tile floor, climb into the basement. Such actions indicate a desire to get rid of elevated temperature methods available to the animal.

Availability intense thirst. A high temperature leads to fluid loss, and to replenish it, the dog begins to use a large number of water.

Animal behavior changes. Lethargy, refusal to eat is manifested, the dog tries to find a secluded place for himself.

If these signs are present, an examination of the pet is necessary.

With an indicator of 40 degrees and above, it is necessary to provide all possible assistance to the pet. You need to touch the ears and nose, if the temperature is higher than normal, they will be very hot. The heartbeat becomes rapid, the animal begins to breathe more frequently.

Most reliable way temperature measurement is the use of a thermometer. Its tip is lubricated vaseline oil and placed for a short time in the anus.

Why does the temperature rise

The most common cause of an animal's malaise is heat stroke. This happens during the summer months if the pet plays outside for a long time or overheating occurs.

This phenomenon is widespread and special ways the dog will not need to be returned: plenty of water is enough, transferring the pet to a cool place.

Often the temperature rises due to experiences on nervous ground. Moving to a new place, changing the owner, staying in crowded places for a long time - all this can cause the disease.

For treatment, you need to reduce stressful situation to a minimum, and soon everything will return to normal.

Local inflammatory processes also affect the temperature increase. When receiving a painful injury or an open wound, the temperature can rise greatly, in which case apply antiseptics for treatment of damaged areas.

The high temperature may be a reaction to vaccinated. On the first day after vaccination, the animal must be observed.

The entry of viruses, bacteria, infections into the body causes its natural protective reaction - an increase in temperature. In this case, do not postpone a visit to veterinarian, in addition, the owner should pay attention to the presence of other symptoms indicative of the disease. Presence of vomiting spotting in urine or feces.

If it is not possible to contact a specialist immediately, then you can alleviate the condition of the animal yourself.

How to bring down the temperature in a dog

  • The dog needs to be moved to a cool place. In winter, it is recommended to open a window for ventilation, and in extreme heat to ensure minimal exposure sun rays into the room.
  • The pet must always have pure water for drinking. If necessary, the dog is drunk by force.
  • contact cooling. wet towel is placed on the back of the pet, the wetted wool will greatly alleviate the condition.
  • At high rates temperature, medicines are used. Any will do antipyretic drug for people.
  • Highly high temperature can be knocked down with antipyretic candles. It is best to use candles for children, if they are not, then the dosage for adults is divided into two parts.
  • Puppies, dogs small breeds any means to lower the temperature are given in a dosage for children.

Antipyretics help animals feel better, but this does not mean that the pet is completely healthy. It must be shown to a veterinarian to rule out a more serious one.

Bodies are one of the most important indicators of the health of our pets. Even slight deviations from physiological norm signal systemic functional failures, the development of diseases, infections, inflammation. Temperature indicators in most cases help to find out what the dog is sick with, to determine the complexity of the situation.

To monitor the condition of dogs, owners must regularly measure and monitor the temperature of the pet, know what is the norm and what is a deviation. Having determined that the dog's temperature is elevated or below the physiological norm, appropriate measures can be taken immediately to normalize its condition. Consider how to correctly measure the temperature of a dog, by what signs you can determine the heat without the use of special devices.

Throughout their lives, dogs are subject to the most various pathologies and diseases. One of the indicators of general malaise, a sign of many diseases, infections is a change in body temperature in the direction of increasing or decreasing. Therefore, dog breeders must know exactly what the normal body temperature of a pet should be.

Important! Temperature indicators may have slight deviations from the physiological norm in dogs of different breeds and age groups. In addition, during the day the temperature may vary slightly.

Fine general temperature body at healthy dog the average is 37.6-38.6 degrees. In a puppy, the temperature indicators are higher than in young, adult pets - 38.8-39.1.

The temperature indicators of the body of animals, as already noted, also depend on the time of day, breed, age, size, and weight. Therefore, they may differ slightly.

So, the older, larger the dog, the lower his temperature will be (37.5-38.3). In puppies, representatives of miniature, small ornamental breeds(Yorks, Pugs, Chins, Italian Greyhounds) temperature indicators vary from 38.2 to 38.8-39 degrees.

Important! A temperature change of one to two degrees should be considered by dog ​​breeders as alarm signal which cannot be ignored.

A short-term slight increase in temperature is noted:

  • after rest, sleep;
  • transferred, emotional shock, excitement;
  • physical activity, heavy loads;
  • active outdoor games;
  • after being in a hot stuffy room, after walking in the sun.

In females, the temperature rises by several degrees during (estrus), especially during the rut period, sexual desire. Changes in indicators in females are also noted at, several days, hours before.

Read also: Hypoallergenic dogs: fiction or hope?

To know what your dog's temperature should be, measure it twice a day (morning, evening) for seven days, recording the readings.

When to take your dog's temperature

Even if the dog is active, energetic, feels fine, preventive purposes Veterinarians recommend periodically making control measurements.

Although this procedure unpleasant for animals, it is necessary to accustom a pet to it with early age. After the procedure, be sure to reward the dog with a treat, an affectionate tone.

AT without fail Dogs have their temperature taken in the following cases:

  • with sudden weight loss:
  • in case of a sudden decrease in activity;
  • unnatural, inadequate behavior;
  • if the dog had contact with stray, infected animals;
  • refusal to feed, loss of appetite, indigestion;
  • before and after holding , .

Measure the temperature if the dog is constantly sleeping, reluctant to go for a walk, looks lethargic, lethargic. Cause for concern are: increased thirst, abundant mucous, muco-catarrhal discharge from the eyes, nose, pallor, cyanosis of the mucous membranes.

These and other uncharacteristic healthy dog symptoms may indicate the development of systemic pathologies, diseases of various etiologies.

Healthy dogs also need to have their temperature taken during pregnancy, before birth, and for several days after birth. The day before the birth, the temperature in bitches decreases by about 0.5-1 degrees.

How to take your dog's temperature at home

To measure and find out the dog's temperature, purchase a conventional mercury or digital thermometer in a veterinary pharmacy. To facilitate the procedure, you will also need petroleum jelly or vegetable oil.

Advice! Using ordinary thermometer, the procedure takes 5-6 minutes in time, and when using digital - no more than a minute. In addition, electronic devices give a more accurate picture. Contact thermometers are also commercially available.

Body temperature is measured rectally. Before the procedure, soothe the dog with a gentle tone. Do not shout, do not use physical force. Since the dog can break out during the measurement, it is more convenient to carry out the procedure with an assistant who will fix the dog well in the desired position.

We perform actions in the following sequence:

  • Lubricate the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly, oil. Calm down the animal. Perform the procedure in the most relaxed atmosphere. The animal should not be frightened, excited, as this will affect the performance, and they may be distorted.
  • Lay the dog gently on its side, take the tail up, to the side. You can take your pet's temperature while standing.
  • Slowly insert the thermometer into anus by 2-2.5 cm.
  • Constantly calm the dog, make sure that he does not make sudden movements.

Read also: Important Rules building a dog kennel

After five minutes, take and write down the readings. Hold digital until you hear a beep. Reward the dog with a treat, praise your pet, wipe the thermometer with alcohol and put it in a protective case and put it away. Note that the thermometer should only belong to your pet!

How to check the temperature without a thermometer

If you do not have a thermometer at hand, you can determine the temperature without a thermometer. Any changes, deviations from the norm will affect the condition and behavior of your dog. In addition, there are certain points on the body of animals by which you can understand whether the dog has a temperature.

Find out the body temperature of a dog without digital, mercury thermometer can:

  • along the nose, ears;
  • condition of the mucous membranes, along the gums;
  • behavior
  • appearance;
  • skin condition.

Without a thermometer, you can determine the temperature of a dog by the lobe of the nose. In extreme heat, high temperatures, the pet's nose will be warm, hot to the touch. White stains, dry crusts, scabs are noticeable on the lobe. In healthy dogs, the nose is moist, clean, the color of the lobe is not changed. There should be no discharge from the nostrils. But do not forget that a dry dog's nose does not always signal a high temperature. For example, a warm lobe may be after sleep, active games walking in warm weather.

touch back side palms to the armpits, groin area. In hyperthermia, if the dog has a fever, these places will be hot to the touch. The skin is stretched, slightly swollen.

If fever is associated with infection, palpate regional lymph nodes. They will be hot, painful, enlarged due to inflammation.

Look at your pet's gums. If the dog has a temperature, the mucous membranes will be pale, anemic, or vice versa, hyperemic. The gums at high temperatures are often swollen, dry, warm, bright orange, scarlet. In a healthy dog, the mucous membranes are moist, pale pink. On their surface there should be no sores, ulcerations.

Touch the ears and paws of the dogs. These places host many blood vessels, so if the dog has a temperature, they will be hot.

The dog increases not only the general, but also the local temperature during localization inflammatory process in any organ or part of the body. For example, the skin may be hot in the area of ​​the wound, in case of damage auricle, paws. But you should not relax, because inflammation develops rapidly without treatment, and local temperature often provokes fever and fever.

Other signs of a fever in dogs

Fever in dogs is always manifested by an increase temperature indicators a few degrees. Note that elevated temperature is a kind of protective reaction of the body. With its increase, a certain part of the brain is activated, which is responsible for thermoregulation, and most pathogenic agents instantly die due to high temperature.

According to the body temperature of a dog, you can assess the state of its health, but you can’t name a specific indicator - it is different for all breeds. depending on the temperament of the animal and its physiological state. It is important to know the temperature norm of your pet in order to understand when deviations begin.

Borders are considered normal temperature norms for dogs. from 37.5°С to 39.0°С. in puppies and dwarf breeds these figures will be slightly overestimated, up to 39.2 ° C.

Important! If you want to determine the dog's body temperature and find out if he is healthy, your own subjective opinion cannot be an indicator, as well as determining the state of the dog's nose (whether it is wet or dry). Although, indeed, at an elevated temperature in a dog, the nose is usually dry.

body temperature at various breeds may also be different. Large animals tend to be "colder". The smaller the puppy, the higher its temperature thresholds. This is due to the fact that metabolic processes in small breeds occur faster than in large ones.

So, if you follow the scheme, then approximate body temperature various dogs will fluctuate within the following limits:

  1. Small breeds of dogs - adult animals have a body temperature of 38.5 to 39.0 ° C, puppies 38.6 to 39.3 ° C.
  2. Average representatives - in adult animals, the temperature norm is 37.5-39.0 ° С. In children 38.3-39.1°C.
  3. Large dogs - adults from 37.4 to 38.3°C, puppies from 38.2 to 39.0°C.

In addition to the age and breed of the dog, body temperature may vary depending on weather, life circumstances, pregnancy, feeding puppies, etc. For example, in summer and hot weather, temperature standards can be overestimated by 0.5-1.5 ºС.

It will be possible to notice by pet behavior, he will look for a cooler place, often breathe and drink. The hot period of time is especially hard to endure large breeds and older dogs.

AT prenatal period bitches have a drop in body temperature. If she gives birth at home, then you should measure your body temperature more often to predict the moment of childbirth. About the beginning birth process will signal a decrease in body temperature by a degree and a half.

The emotions of the animal can also contribute to changes in temperature. It can be joy, aggression, fear.

Therefore, the temperature of the dog up to 39 ºС are not always pathologically justified. But everything is individual. If, along with these numbers, you notice a general malaise of the pet, then you should show the animal to the veterinarian.

Causes of increased

Attention! At pathological changes in the body of a dog, hyperthermia can be observed. In order not to immediately panic, you should figure out for what reasons the body temperature of the animal may rise.


Most often, this phenomenon occurs in dogs with the following pathological changes in the internal organs:

  1. swelling of the brain when damaged nerve endings and fibers.
  2. Increased blood coagulation, problems with cardiac activity.
  3. Shell death intestinal department from the inside.
  4. Damage to the renal channels leading to organ failure.
  5. Suppression of the immune system.

The disease state of the dog can be affected many factors. For example, summer heat, dry air and being in a stuffy room can lead to heat stroke.

Another reason for a dog's body elevation is overdose medicines or exposure to toxic substances. For example, strychnine, anesthesia, organophosphorus compounds. Fever can develop with various infections.

Important! To measure the dog's body temperature, it is necessary to use a tonometer, the tip of which is pre-lubricated with petroleum jelly and then inserted into the anus of the animal to a depth of 1-2 cm. The duration of holding the tonometer will depend on its type.

Complications after castration or other surgery

This is another reason why a dog's body temperature rises. If you notice that postoperative sutures secrete fluid or bleed, while the animal has hyperthermia, you should immediately inform the attending veterinarian about this.

Other reasons

To the most common causes of body temperature in dogs above 39-40ºС relate:

  1. Piroplasmosis.
  2. Distemper in animals.
  3. Endometritis in females.
  4. In puppies, teething body temperature can be affected.
  5. An important role is played by stressful situations.
  6. Animals can also suffer from allergies.
  7. Abscess, most often it develops after various damage skin.
  8. Joint inflammation.

What to do when high?

Treatment should be carried out if, along with elevated body temperature, there are other symptoms of the disease, for example liquid stool, lethargy, lack of shine in the eyes, refusal to eat, the presence of blood impurities in the feces, bad condition wool, etc.

Lactating dogs may be warmer than usual as they thoracic ducts a lot of milk. Limits can reach 39 ºС. But if the dog's body temperature has risen to 40 ºС and persists for a long time, then it is worth sounding the alarm. Possibly an infection.

Can it be knocked down?

To bring down the temperature or not to bring down is a very controversial issue. But what needs to be done is to call the veterinarian.

How and what to reduce at home?

If the condition of the dog leaves much to be desired, then you can bring down her temperature with the most gentle measures. For example, it will be enough to give an analgin tablet.

Attention! Medicines strong action without a doctor's prescription, it is forbidden to give.

If you are sure that teething, stress or abscess was the cause of hyperthermia, then you can bring down the temperature with this composition:

  1. Mix one part of no-shpy and diphenhydramine and two parts of analgin.
  2. Enter the composition by intramuscular injection.

But even this procedure should be carried out by a doctor. Self-medication can harm your pet:

  1. The condition of the animal may worsen.
  2. Decreased body temperature medicinal way make an accurate diagnosis difficult.

Why can't I give an ibuprofen or paracetamol tablet?

Sometimes the owner of the animal, in order to help his pet, begins to stuff him with medicines intended for people, such as ibuprofen, ibuclin, etc. All of them belong to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and have a lot of side effects.

In animals, these drugs can cause unpredictable complications, and they develop much more frequently than in humans. For example, even one tablet of ibuprofen can lead to stomach bleeding at the dog. And this is extremely dangerous complication which leads to the death of the animal if medical assistance is not provided in a timely manner.

To others side effects These medications include:

  • vomiting;
  • malfunctions of the liver and kidneys;
  • confusion;
  • the occurrence of thrombi.

How to help a pet?

Hyperthermia in animals is not a disease, but a reaction of the body, and the task of the owner is to identify the pathology that caused the fever. A veterinarian can help with this. But for now
the doctor did not come, you should not sit idly by.
You can alleviate the condition of your pet by the following actions.

  1. In order for the temperature in the animal's body to function more easily, it is worth lower the room temperature. To do this, ventilate the room or turn on the air conditioner. The ideal temperature for the room is 18-20 ºС. But drafts should be avoided, and the floor should not be cold.
  2. Don't chase your animal, physical exercise at sick state dogs should be kept to a minimum.
  3. try drink more the animal, even if it does not drink on its own, you do it, for example, with a syringe.
  4. You don't need to feed the dog. If she refuses food.

Useful video

Watch a video from a veterinarian about the causes of fever in dogs and how to treat it:


Remember that you first need to determine the cause of hyperthermia, and only then apply therapeutic actions. But you can't handle it on your own Only a veterinarian can help you in this. When the diagnosis is made, the doctor will prescribe adequate treatment for your pet.

In contact with

Yunkina Anastasia Alexandrovna
general practitioner

An increase in body temperature in animals can only be judged by the readings of a thermometer.
Therefore, every owner should be able to measure the body temperature of their pet.

Why is the temperature rising?

The mechanism of temperature increase is based on the imbalance between the process of heat generation, the so-called heat production, and the process of heat transfer. And this balance is disturbed under the influence of both external and internal factors. And there are many such factors. For example:

  • When the body overheats as a result heat stroke heat input from external environment significantly exceeds the ability of the body to give off heat. As a result, body temperature can reach a critical level of more than 41°C.
  • When pathogens are introduced infectious diseases the temperature rises as a result of the development of a protective and adaptive reaction of the body. This reaction is called fever. Many non-infectious and surgical diseases also accompanied by fever.
  • Under stress, a short-term increase in temperature occurs in a healthy animal. The main stress factors for dogs are long journeys, change of home, long separation from the owner, physical overload, emotional overload, such as an exhibition.

Separately, I would like to say about visiting the veterinary clinic.
This for most dogs is the cause of the development of stress, and, consequently, an increase in body temperature. Therefore, it often develops next situation: the doctor, before vaccinating, measures the patient's body temperature, and it turns out to be elevated. Only healthy animals can be vaccinated.

In this case, the doctor refuses to vaccinate your dog until the cause of the fever is determined.
stress or illness.

If your pet is agitated, but before that he felt well, and there are no other signs of illness, the doctor will recommend re-taking the temperature after a while, when the dog gets used to the environment.

The dog's body temperature is elevated. You ruled out the development of stress. So it's a sign of illness...

What to do?
If a body temperature 39.5-40°C: carefully examine the dog, remember what happened to your pet over the past few days. You may be able to determine the cause of the fever or identify any signs of the disease. In any case, it is necessary to show the dog to the doctor on the same day.

A significant increase in temperature, above 40-41 ° C requires immediate medical attention and emergency care.

Owners need to know:

  • An increase in body temperature above 40.5 ° C leads to loss of fluid from the body, to a decrease or lack of appetite, general depression, accompanied by rapid heartbeat and breathing
  • Body temperature above 41.1 ° C leads to a critical loss of fluid from the body, can cause cerebral edema and serious disturbances in work internal organs, which are manifested by palpitations and heart rhythm disturbances, severe shortness of breath, accompanied by wheezing, loss of consciousness, convulsions and impaired coordination of movements, diarrhea and vomiting, yellowing of the conjunctiva of the eyes and mucous membrane oral cavity, lack of urine and the appearance of the smell of acetone from the mouth, bleeding from the intestines and hemorrhages on the skin. Any of these complications can lead to the death of the animal in a short time.

If the temperature has risen above 41 ° C, you should try to bring it down:

Must be placed around the neck inner surface hips ice, if this is not possible - moisten the dog's hair cold water, provide drinking in small portions of cool water.
You should not self-administer antipyretics at home, give pills. Some of these drugs can cause more harm than good.
It's better to limit yourself physical methods cooling.
It is important to get the animal to the doctor as soon as possible!

The question often comes up: go to the clinic or call a doctor at home?

Drive to the clinic. An increase in body temperature - nonspecific symptom many diseases. Therefore, in animals with weakened vital important functions diagnosis of the disease should be carried out against the background of supportive treatment. It is very important to put accurate diagnosis underlying disease and do so as soon as possible.
If after clinical examination the patient's information for making a diagnosis will not be enough, will prescribe additional research, such as:

  • laboratory tests of blood and urine
  • testing for infection
  • Possibly hormone levels
  • radiography and ultrasound.

It may also be necessary to consult narrowly specialized specialists, for example, an endocrinologist, a neuropathologist, an oncologist, an allergist.
In parallel, the doctor will correct the condition of the animal, if necessary, start infusion therapy (“droppers”) to make up for the loss of fluid, introduce required dose antipyretic drugs.

If the dog's condition turns out to be critical, the doctor will strongly recommend placing the patient in a hospital under the supervision of qualified personnel who monitor and maintain adequate functioning of the heart, lungs, kidneys and other internal organs around the clock.

When you detect a fever in your pet, remember how bad it is for you when you get a cold, how exhausting heat. Your friend is experiencing the same sensations. Help him in difficult times.