Why your throat constantly hurts: causes and effective treatment. What are the reasons for a constant and frequent sore throat and what to do if the pain does not go away

Pain and sore throat appear due to various reasons. In most cases, this occurs as a result of the development of a sore throat or cold. At proper treatment You can cope with unpleasant sensations relatively quickly. If your throat hurts often, this may indicate that the disease has progressed to chronic form. Sometimes this situation occurs due to an incorrect diagnosis.

Why does my throat often hurt?

Causes of occurrence discomfort there is a lot in the throat:

1. An allergic reaction that can occur as a result of contact with any substance. It is advisable to undergo a special test that indicates the cause of poor health.

3. Dry air, which irritates the mucous membranes, causing pain.

4. Infectious diseases:

  • angina;
  • flu;
  • pharyngitis;

5. Often the cause of very frequent sore throats is gastrointestinal reflux. Irritation of the throat occurs due to fluid rising from the abdomen. The discomfort will go away after the gastrointestinal tract disease is eliminated.

6. Neoplasms. In this case, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

7. Bad environment. Heavy impurities in the air settle on the mucous membrane of the larynx, thereby irritating it, which causes discomfort.

What to do if your throat often hurts?

If you have persistent or recurring pain in the throat, you should definitely see a specialist who will prescribe all the necessary tests. Starting from them, he will put accurate diagnosis. Afterwards a course of treatment is prescribed.

In any case, regardless of the diagnosis, there are several main points to improve general state. For example, during therapy you must monitor your diet. The first thing to do is to eliminate foods and dishes that aggravate the condition of the throat: hot, spicy, hot, cold, salty, hard. The diet should be based on porridge, puree soups, boiled or steamed vegetables. It is advisable to exclude flour. In case of acute need, you can use the soft part of the bread.

Honey should be used as a natural antiseptic. But under no circumstances should it be added to hot tea - under the influence high temperature most of useful properties disappears. The product should be consumed in small portions and only in its pure form.

A warm drink will also help to alleviate the situation. The maximum liquid temperature should not exceed 70 degrees.

What to do for prevention if your throat hurts very often?

Prevention, as well as treatment in general, directly depends on the causes of discomfort in the throat. If pain occurs as a result of an acute respiratory disease, you should try to take precautions to resist the disease. One of the most effective is to avoid sick people and crowded places during an epidemic.

Inflammatory processes developing in the body are divided into acute and chronic. In the case when long time any symptom persists, most likely implies chronic course diseases. If your throat constantly hurts, you should assume this is the course of the disease.

TEST: Find out what's wrong with your throat

Have you ever had elevated temperature body on the first day of illness (on the first day of symptoms)?

In connection with a sore throat you:

How often for Lately(6-12 months) You experience similar symptoms(a sore throat)?

Feel the neck area just below lower jaw. Your feelings:

At sharp increase temperature you consumed antipyretic drug(Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). After that:

What sensations do you experience when you open your mouth?

How would you rate the effect of throat lozenges and other topical painkillers (candies, sprays, etc.)?

Ask someone close to you to look down your throat. To do this, rinse your mouth clean water for 1-2 minutes, open your mouth wide. Your assistant should shine a flashlight on himself and look into oral cavity by pressing on the root of the tongue with a spoon.

On the first day of illness, you clearly feel an unpleasant putrid bite in your mouth and your loved ones can confirm the presence unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

Can you say that in addition to a sore throat, you are bothered by a cough (more than 5 attacks per day)?

A protracted course of the disease is said to exist if everything clinical symptoms The patient retains it for about three weeks. Consequently, a chronic disease lasts over three weeks and has periods of exacerbation and remission. Constant sore throat occurs when provoking factors are present for a long time:

  • exposure to pathogenic microorganisms;
  • the presence of irritating substances (dust, smoke, chemical compounds) in the inhaled air;
  • traumatization;
  • psychogenic factor.


The most common disease accompanied by pain in the throat is acute respiratory viral infection. Diagnosis of the disease is not difficult, since ARVI is accompanied by pronounced additional symptoms, such as malaise, headache, dry cough, runny nose, nasal congestion, fever up to 38 degrees. During the cold season, the incidence increases several times, worsening the epidemiological situation.

In most cases, the disease is harmless and is characterized by a mild course. Only its variety, influenza, deserves close attention, which is explained by the frequency of severe complications.

Effective antivirals currently still not developed, so treatment is symptomatic and aimed at fastest elimination pathogenic microbes from the body.

To treat a sore throat in this case, use

  • plenty of warm drinks;
  • drugs local action, having antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effects;
  • local procedures, gargling, inhalations, compresses, rubbing.

ARVI, which proceeds without complications, is characterized by the fact that all symptoms regress within 5-7 days, the patient recovers. A sore throat, which is permanent in ARVI, also goes away after of this period time.

What to do if your throat constantly hurts for 7-10 days or longer? In this case, the patient you need to see an otolaryngologist to find out the cause of this state. In immunocompromised patients with severe concomitant pathology who have been taking corticosteroid drugs and antibiotics for a long time, the disease may be characterized by more long course. However, after 2-3 weeks, all symptoms will gradually regress.

In this case, all efforts should be aimed at increasing immunity. To do this, such patients are advised to follow a daily routine, walks fresh air, complete fortified nutrition. Multivitamins can be prescribed additionally in the form of tablets or injectable forms. IN severe cases immunostimulating drugs are prescribed.

Chronic tonsillitis

Reasons constant pain in the throat may be inflammatory process in the tonsils, chronic tonsillitis. The doctor performing pharyngoscopy can easily clarify the diagnosis in this case. Involvement of the tonsils in the process is indicated by their enlargement, hyperemic or bluish coloration. There may be a presence purulent plugs, covering the follicles, or filling gaps.

The disease often develops against a background of reduced immunity. Smoking and unfavorable environmental conditions contribute to the development chronic tonsillitis. The inflammatory process in the tonsils is supported by foci of infection in the body.

All attempts to combat this pathology begin with the identification and sanitation of foci of chronic infection. Procedures aimed at increasing immunity are also effective.

Antibiotics are used only during the period of exacerbation, when intoxication increases and body temperature rises above 38 degrees.

Quite often, otolaryngologists resort to surgical treatment patients with chronic tonsillitis. Despite the fact that the tonsils carry protective function, standing in the way of infection, tonsillectomy may be the only method of treating this disease.


Carrying out surgical intervention in the throat for any reason is also accompanied pain syndrome. Depending on the volume of intervention performed, individual characteristics patient, the pain may persist for several days or weeks, causing some anxiety to the patient.

Burns from hot liquid or steam, chemicals, as well as mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the throat sharp objects, a fork or a bone, can lead to the development of long-term pain. How to cure such a pathology? Speed ​​up recovery process Gargling will help, local application antiseptics and healing agents.

Occupational hazards and allergies

The development of chronic pharyngitis and laryngitis can be caused by occupational hazards, when people, due to their profession, have to deal with dust in an enterprise or exposure to chemical compounds in the inhaled air. Providing constant irritant effect on the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx, these factors lead to the development of a pathological condition. If, after using anti-inflammatory, local antiseptic agents, the sore throat does not go away, such patients are advised to change activities.

The question of exposure to allergens is posed similarly. The development of a symptom such as a persistent sore throat may indicate that the patient has come into contact with a hazardous substance. Due to the interaction of the body with the allergen, a pathological antigen-antibody reaction occurs. In patients, it can develop by inhaling pollen from certain plants, household dust, animal fluff, or eating dangerous products. The consequence of this is lacrimation, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore and scratchy throat, difficulty breathing and other symptoms.

Causes and treatment allergic conditions have not been fully studied. Since a pathological reaction occurs only when a dangerous substance comes into contact with the body, the most effective therapeutic The measure is to eliminate the allergen. However, choose the most dangerous substance from the whole variety of surrounding objects - difficult task. Having ruled out pathology of the ENT organs in the development of pain in the throat, the patient needs to consult an allergist and conduct appropriate examinations to clarify the allergen.

It may take some time to get diagnosed. An indirect sign indicating the allergic nature of the changes occurring is quick effect from the use of antihistamines. These drugs block the action of inflammatory mediators and lead to a significant improvement in the situation.


A constant sore throat may occur during the development of tumor processes in the cavity of the pharynx. In this case, symptoms increase gradually. At the same time, complaints are characterized by diversity. Depending on the location of the process, the patient may notice a sensation foreign body in the throat, soreness and scratching on one side.

The throat begins to hurt after some time. The nature of the pain can be dull, aching, radiating to the jaw or neck. Often the larynx is involved in the process, which is manifested by distortion of sound reproduction. The patient's voice becomes hoarse and nasal. There is an increase in regional lymph nodes.

An aid to diagnosis, in addition to pharyngoscopy, is laboratory research. IN general analysis blood can be detected increase in ESR up to 50 mm/h, change in blood formula. Carrying out a diagnostic biopsy helps to reliably clarify the diagnosis.

Pathology of other organs

Constant pain in the throat is not always associated specifically with pathology of the ENT organs. This symptom may characterize the following conditions:

  • reflux esophagitis;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
  • neuralgia.

With reflux esophagitis, food refluxed from the stomach enters the esophagus, causing irritation. Gastric juice that gets on the mucous membrane of the throat contributes to the development of pain. In this case, complaints appear after lunch and accompany every meal.

The condition gets worse when taken horizontal position body after eating or bending the body.

Thus, with constant pain caused by this pathology, patients are advised to remain in an upright position or take a walk for 1-2 hours after eating.

Osteochondrosis of the spine is an insidious disease that disguises itself as various pathologies. The process is localized in cervical spine, can occur under the guise of cardiac dysfunction, as well as otitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. A pharyngoscopy will allow you to exclude diseases of the ENT organs.

In the same time, X-ray examination, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging will help clarify the diagnosis. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets or external preparations, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures, will help improve the situation in the cervical spine and reduce crunching when moving. After the course of treatment, pain in the throat caused by pathology of the musculoskeletal system will also disappear.

An otolaryngologist, finding out why a patient’s throat constantly hurts, must collect all additional complaints, study their nature, connection with food intake and other factors.

Pharyngoscopy plays an irreplaceable role in diagnosis.

Pain in the throat is an unpleasant sensation that is localized in the laryngopharynx area. If your throat constantly hurts, this condition indicates a sluggish bacterial process (more often) and less often about tumor, endocrine and other disorders.

The nature of the discomfort varies. Patients describe it as “burning”, “pulling”, “shooting”. Over time, localization may change unpleasant feeling. It becomes diffuse, without a clear location.

According to medical research, long-term sore throat is experienced by 15% of all people in the population. The complaint of prolonged discomfort occurs in medical practice in 25% of clinical situations. This is a significant number.

In all cases, there is a chronic process that needs to be dealt with. The disease itself only goes away temporarily (the so-called remission phase), but when the immune response decreases, it worsens again.

All factors in the development of long-term pain syndrome can be divided into two groups:

  1. infectious. They occur in most cases. Almost always we are talking about otolaryngological diseases (tonsillitis, laryngitis and others);
  2. non-infectious. This includes neurological factors, endocrine pathological processes (such as hyperthyroidism and goiter formation).

We need to look at the reasons in more detail.

Infectious factors

As a rule, these are acute respiratory diseases of various origins and types.


Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. The mass fraction in the structure of infectious factors is 15%. This is quite small.

The essence of the pathological process is a viral or bacterial infection soft palate and throat. If the disease process is not treated in a timely manner, it becomes chronic and enters a latent phase.

The disease gives a lot of symptoms: intense, prolonged pain in the throat, burning, sore, sore throat, productive cough.

Doesn't stand out a large number of viscous sputum. The reflex intensifies in the dark.

It is possible to increase body temperature to subfebrile or febrile levels. That is, hyperthermia is within 39 degrees Celsius. The “calling card” of pharyngitis remains a violation of voice function.

The voice may disappear completely or partially (hoarseness, hoarseness). Objectively, there is looseness of the oropharynx, exudation of various nature, hyperemia of the pharynx.
Treatment consists of antiseptic treatment of the throat and antibiotics.


Also called sore throat. It is an inflammation of the tonsils. Accompanied by some specific symptoms.

Observed intense pain in the throat, burning, itching, desire to scratch the affected area.

Breathing problems. Expressed in increased shortness of breath, manifestation of suffocation (inability to breathe normally). In difficult cases, this is fraught with swelling of the throat, asphyxia and fatal. Complex therapy is required.

Symptoms also include increased body temperature, voice disturbances, and bad breath due to the intense activity of the bacterial flora.

Significant exudation is noted: pus or serous contents flow from the lacunae. Tonsillitis plugs may form. These are thick white lumps with a putrid odor.

If chronic tonsillitis is not treated in time, the throat will constantly hurt and will not go away. If there is a constant source of infection, which is washed away along with saliva into the esophagus, pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis and laryngitis may develop.

Therapy includes the use of several groups of pharmaceuticals: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (so-called NSAIDs), antibiotics wide range actions, corticosteroids, antiseptic solutions. There are enough of them in the system.


Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Occurs relatively often. In the chronic phase of laryngitis, the patient has a sore throat that does not go away, radiating to the teeth, jaws, head, and spinal column.

The disease is characterized by constant barking cough, discomfort when breathing (shortness of breath is observed, that is, an increase in the number of breaths per minute or suffocation, disruption of normal inhalation and exhalation).

It is quite difficult to remove such a manifestation: it is necessary to use antitussives of central and peripheral action. Anti-inflammatory and antibiotics will be a good help.



In extremely rare cases, tetanus may develop. On early stages Sore throat is considered characteristic of pathology. However, as already mentioned, these days tetanus is more of a casuistry than an objective reality.


In all cases when the patient suffers from constant sore throat, we are talking about chronic pathological process. Although the duration of each disease described is no more than 2 weeks, subject to initial competent treatment.

Non-infectious factors

Reasons for the development of permanent pain in the throat may not be associated with inflammatory processes of viral and bacterial origin.

Here the situation is somewhat different. Pathologies develop slowly and gradually, without making themselves felt for months and even years. Treatment also does not go quickly.

Throat neurosis

Occurs relatively often. It is observed in patients with an unstable emotional background.

It can occur in any person at a time of severe shock. Typical patient with pharyngeal neurosis is a young woman with an unstable nervous system and a history of neuroses.

Less common among representatives of the stronger sex. Treatment is psychotherapeutic. Requires the use of sedative medications.


Problems with the thyroid gland can cause characteristic pain due to compression of the tissues of the larynx and trachea. This false pains, provoked by the mass effect.

In medical practice, conditions such as diffuse and nodular goiter occur. In the first case, the gland grows evenly, in the second - in patches (nodes are formed).

It is quite difficult not to notice the pathology, given the mass pathognomonic symptoms: hyperthermia, constant sore throat, changes in neck relief, voice disturbances, feeling of hot flashes, pathological thinness, bulging eyes (exophthalmos).

Gastroenterological diseases

Reflux esophagitis, gastritis with high acidity. A factor in the development of constant pain is casting gastric juice(acids) into the throat and esophagus.

Since reflux occurs regularly, the discomfort never goes away. Required specific treatment and compliance with some recommendations.

So, you should not sleep on your right side, this increases reflux, you should not eat sour, fried, salty food. Only low-acid foods, etc. are allowed.

To more rare reasons include tumors of various origins and types.

Both benign and malignant. The list of possible neoplasms is wide: papillomas, polyps, atheromas, chordomas, carcinomas, sarcomas various types. Treatment is strictly surgical.

Since the factors for the development of painful manifestations are multiple, a careful differential diagnosis is required.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnostic measures are multiple. First of all, it is recommended to see a therapist.

He will tell you who to contact, conduct initial routine research, and give the necessary directions. This is a kind of beacon of the world of medicine, therefore in all controversial cases you should contact this doctor.

In the future, you need to go to the following specialists:

Specializes in hormonal pathologies. In particular on diseases

Factors such as the presence of endocrine pathologies, recent infections. To identify complaints, standard questionnaires can be used.

In any case, the patient’s words must be recorded in writing.

Laboratory tests and analyzes

To verify a probable diagnosis through a number of specific studies, you need to undergo the following tests:

  • Psychological tests, survey, to establish probable neurosis.
  • Visual assessment of the oropharynx using a speculum. It is carried out to identify objective manifestations of an infectious disease.
  • Allergy tests. Required to determine the possible immune etiology of the problem.
  • Stress tests. When they are carried out, the patient is directly confronted with the allergen. Such diagnostics are possible only in a hospital setting, in order to provide first aid if necessary.
  • Laryngoscopy. It must be done to detect laryngitis in the chronic phase, as well as tumors of various etiologies. A biopsy may be required.
  • Histological evaluation of tissues in the presence of neoplasia. Allows you to determine the type of tumor and its cytological nature.
  • General blood analysis. Gives a typical picture of the inflammatory process with displacement leukocyte formula, high speed erythrocyte sedimentation. Possible eosinophilia (allergic reaction).
  • Biochemistry of venous blood.
  • Throat swabs for bacteriological culture.
  • PCR, ELISA study.
  • FGDS.

These methods allow specialized specialists to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Symptomatic elimination of manifestations

Eliminating a symptom is far from a priority task. However, this is where treatment begins. You need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Drink as much warm liquid as possible. It warms the throat, normalizes metabolic processes and soothes irritated mucous membranes.
  • Avoid spicy, salty, smoked, fried, processed and canned foods. Firstly, they irritate an already affected throat, and secondly, they provoke new refluxes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. You can eat non-acidic fruits, vegetables, potatoes, potato juice and other foods. Including lean meat, broth, soups, etc.
  • Talk as little as possible. Do not strain your vocal cords. This is fraught with impaired vocal function.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of sprays - for example Tantum Verde, and Tantum Verde Forte - will help relieve pain. The second aerosol contains an increased dose of the anesthetic component - benziadamine. However, they are effective only for throat infections.
  • In case of acute allergic reaction will be needed antihistamine. The doctor decides what type and generation.

Etiological treatment

  • For gastroenterological diseases Specialized antacid medications are prescribed. They eliminate increased acidity gastric juice. Inhibitors indicated proton pump(Omez and others).
  • Endocrine pathologies, primarily thyroid diseases, are treated by prescribing an iodine-free diet or a diet with a minimum content of this element. In complex cases, surgery is needed to remove nodular inclusions. The radical method is also used in case of development of thyroid cancer.
  • Otolaryngological diseases are being treated by special means. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, antibacterial drugs broad spectrum of action, antiseptic solutions.
  • All tumors are removed surgical method. There are no alternatives.
  • Allergic reactions treated with first generation antihistamines. Bronchodilators may be used.

All medications are prescribed only by a doctor. The specialist also determines the treatment tactics.

Sore throat can be caused by various processes occurring in the pharynx cavity, both acute and chronic. Factors that contribute to a frequent sore throat are:

  • exposure to pathogenic microorganisms;
  • environmentally unfavorable background;
  • hazardous production;
  • bad habits;
  • injuries.

TEST: Find out what's wrong with your throat

Did you have an elevated body temperature on the first day of illness (the first day symptoms appeared)?

In connection with a sore throat you:

How often have you experienced these symptoms (sore throat) recently (6-12 months)?

Feel the area of ​​the neck just below the lower jaw. Your feelings:

If your temperature suddenly rises, you took an antipyretic drug (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). After that:

What sensations do you experience when you open your mouth?

How would you rate the effect of throat lozenges and other topical painkillers (candies, sprays, etc.)?

Ask someone close to you to look down your throat. To do this, rinse your mouth with clean water for 1-2 minutes, open your mouth wide. Your assistant should shine a flashlight on himself and look into the oral cavity by pressing the root of the tongue with a spoon.

On the first day of illness, you clearly feel an unpleasant putrid bite in your mouth and your loved ones can confirm the presence of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

Can you say that in addition to a sore throat, you are bothered by a cough (more than 5 attacks per day)?

Environmental factor

Most comfortable conditions for the mucous membrane of the throat is clean, moist air, without harmful impurities and smoke. Thus, the aggravation chronic diseases throat is noted with the arrival of cold weather and the inclusion of central heating or heating devices that dry out the air. Under these conditions, the mucous membrane of the throat dries out and becomes more susceptible to the action of bacterial and viral pathogens.

Dry air is one of the causes of sore throat.

Industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust gases exceeding the maximum valid values in the air, also have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes respiratory tract and lead to the development of periodic sore throat. There are scientific studies indicating an increase in cases of ENT pathology, including oncological diseases, among residents of large industrial centers. At the same time, an indisputable fact is a significant improvement in the condition of patients with chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis after sanatorium-resort treatment in mid-latitude climates, mountainous areas or on the sea coast.

Industrial hazards

Similar reasons for the appearance of a sore throat in an adult working at a cement plant or chemical production. In this case, regular inhalation of air containing hazardous impurities occurs. This can lead to the development of an inflammatory process in any part of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. The negative impact of these factors is evidenced by an improvement in the employee’s condition when the employee is transferred to another job that is not associated with hazardous work.

Among the components of harmful impurities there may be substances that are allergens for some patients. This can further aggravate the situation and cause a state of bronchospasm. Due to the appearance of constant or recurrent sore throat that is not associated with exposure to pathogenic pathogens, the patient should consult an otolaryngologist. In cases where the cause of deterioration in health may be related to the production process, you should change your professional activity. Otherwise, the condition will progressively worsen.

The cause of the development of unpleasant sensations in the throat can be not only dangerous impurities in the air. The professional activities of lecturers, teachers, and singers are associated with overstrain of the laryngeal tissues, which leads to chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis, manifested by constant sore throat, change in voice, dry cough.


The cause of constant sore throat in an adult can also be regular trauma to the mucous membrane. Microscratches resulting from damage to the mucous membrane rough food, sharp bones, are also dangerous for the development of traumatic lesions of the throat. By consuming too much hot food or drinks, as well as strong alcoholic drinks containing synthetic products, an adult patient contributes to the development of an inflammatory process in the pharynx and larynx.

Involvement of the larynx in the process is indicated by a change in the patient's voice. He becomes rough and hoarse.

Infectious and tumor processes

The most common causes of persistent sore throat are pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria and viruses. Hypothermia, dry and polluted air are only predisposing factors for this. The patient's low immunity contributes to the fact that the body's interaction with pathogenic agents leads to the development of a pathological condition.

Frequent acute respiratory viral infections, which can occur several times a year, are the most common cause of sore throat. Despite the fact that the disease is caused by different viruses, its clinical manifestations are similar. Typical symptoms, besides pain in the throat are

  • acute onset;
  • malaise;
  • headache;
  • runny nose;
  • nasal congestion;
  • dry cough;
  • temperature rise to 38 degrees.

Repeated development of the disease throughout the year indicates weak immunity patient. Basic therapeutic effects in this case, aimed at increasing protective forces body.

First of all, it is necessary to study the concomitant pathology. To do this, you should conduct examinations and identify foci of chronic infection, as well as diseases accompanied by decreased immunity. Frequent acute respiratory viral infections are observed against the background diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis. Exists sufficient quantity facts confirming that the sanitation of teeth and gums helps reduce the incidence of chronic tonsillitis. The situation is similar with other concomitant diseases.

Bad habits, alcohol abuse and smoking play an important role in reducing immunity. Having stopped exposure to these factors, many patients notice an improvement in their health within the next few months. At the same time, an active lifestyle, physical exercise, walks in the fresh air, and adherence to a daily routine are an important component of maintaining necessary immunity. Nutritious food, consisting of all the necessary proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, also helps maintain immunity at the required level. In severe cases, immunocorrection is indicated.

The cause of a constant sore throat or lump sensation may be a tumor. The risk group in this case are smokers and workers in hazardous workshops. In some cases, the symptoms are characterized by scarcity and are detected only with close study. In other cases, attention is drawn to a change in the timbre of the voice and its hoarseness.

In all cases, pain may occur when swallowing. Symptoms increase slowly over several months. That is why annual medical examinations are so necessary to identify severe pathology in the early stages.

Infectious mononucleosis

Viral disease Infectious mononucleosis, is also accompanied by pain in the throat for a long time. In some cases, the presence of this symptom for more than 10 days is a reason to suspect this infection. In this case, the infectious disease specialist will pay attention not only to the swelling of the tonsils, but also to the increase lymph nodes in the axilla and groin area, prolonged low-grade fever, the presence of a rash.

A significant proportion of patients have an enlarged liver and spleen, which is reflected in the liver tests performed. A mandatory symptom is a change in the blood formula. Depending on the period of examination, atypical cells or lymphocytosis may be detected. The condition is progressively improving, laboratory parameters return to normal within 2-3 months. Subsequently, the patient develops stable immunity to this disease.

Chronic tonsillitis

A common cause of frequent sore throat is chronic tonsillitis. The disease develops as a result of incorrect or untimely treatment acute tonsillitis and occurs against a background of reduced immunity. In addition to frequent sore throat, patients are worried about prolonged low-grade fever, fast fatiguability, (both physical and mental), pain in the heart, swelling and pain in the joints.

Pharyngoscopy helps clarify the diagnosis. A study conducted by an otolaryngologist reveals enlarged tonsils, adhesions between them, as well as the anterior and posterior arches. An important sign, indicating the development of chronic tonsillitis, is the detection of purulent contents in the crypts of the tonsils.

Confirmation of the inflammatory process is the presence of enlarged and painful lymph nodes located on the front surface of the neck and near the angle of the lower jaw.

Sexually transmitted infections

Another serious pathology that can be accompanied by a sore throat is HIV infection. The development of this symptom is due to the addition of a secondary infection. Most often the causative agent is pathogenic fungi which lead to the development of candidal stomatitis.

In adults, the cause of discomfort in the throat can be sexually transmitted pathogens, chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasma. Carrying out serological diagnostics and bacterioscopic examination of a smear makes it possible to clarify the nature of such a pathogen. Based on the results of the study, the specialist will prescribe appropriate treatment and antimicrobial drugs.

Due to the variety of diseases, when the throat hurts very often, the patient should consult an ENT doctor in a timely manner. Often at the core pathological conditions chronic processes lie. Important role In their treatment and prevention, measures aimed at increasing immunity play a role, which requires time. The earlier the diagnosis is carried out, the sooner the result will be achieved.

Every person has had a cold at least once in their life. Everyone is familiar with its characteristic features.

The temperature is rising. A cough appears, general malaise occurs and, of course, pain when swallowing.

Usually the disease goes away quickly. Already on the fifth or sixth day, final recovery occurs.

But sometimes there are symptoms that continue to bother us. Why does my throat always hurt?

In this article we will try to deal with this issue. How does the disease progress?

As stated above, common cold easy enough to treat. The speed of recovery will depend on the state of the immune system.

This is a major factor in determining the degree of protection against a particular infection.

When the first signs of a cold appear, the body begins to increase the production of interferon.

Its task is to protect against harmful microorganisms. The level of required interferon concentration is achieved approximately on the third day of illness.

After this, the symptoms of a cold occur, and the patient begins to feel much better.

During the production of interferon, antibodies, specifically lymphocytes, mature in the body. They fight germs and viruses.

Usually their number reaches the required value on the fifth or sixth day.

Of course, this course of the disease is ideal. The scenario does not always work out this way.

When answering the question why a sore throat constantly hurts, you should consider various factors, provoking the disease.

The speed of recovery will mainly depend on how effectively our body is able to resist the disease.

Weakening immune system may occur as a result of:

  • The presence of stressful situations;
  • Uses alcoholic drinks and smoking;
  • Bad ecology;
  • Unbalanced diet, Bad quality water;
  • Prolonged stay in an unventilated area, insufficient humidity;
  • Lack of vitamins.

As we can see, a large number of situations can arise that will weaken the immune system.

As a result, the duration of the disease will increase. Therefore, it is so important to eliminate bad habits and eat high-quality and balanced food.

Even the presence of such a seemingly insignificant factor as low-humidity air can contribute to the occurrence of pain during swallowing.

When sick, the room in which the patient is located must be constantly ventilated and moistened.

Usually, when acute respiratory infection the person is treated independently.

But in the presence of a weakened immune system, the primary form of the disease can develop into a secondary one.

This will increase the time required for recovery. Along with this, dangerous complications may appear.

Therefore, even with the usual symptoms of the disease, which are typical for a cold infection, it is better to consult a doctor and follow his advice during treatment.

Why a sore throat may last for a long time

Pain when swallowing is a symptom of colds. They may remain even after recovery.

But in some situations, when answering the question of why your throat constantly hurts, you should take into account that pain can appear not only as a result of a common cold.

The occurrence of tonsillitis and pharyngitis

These diseases are also accompanied by prolonged pain during swallowing. In these diseases, the inflammatory process is localized in the pharynx and tonsils.

That's where they settle various bacteria and viruses. If you have symptoms of these diseases, you should not self-medicate. You should consult a doctor.

Only he will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy, which will include necessary antibiotics. The infection is transmitted through the air.

You can also become infected through household items used by a sick person.

Course of infectious mononucleosis

This disease is called glandular fever or kissing disease. It can be transmitted through kissing.

When infected, the infected person develops fever and chills. The pain in the throat increases during swallowing.

In this video you can learn more about the topic of the article:

If the above symptoms are observed, you should consult a medical specialist to clarify the diagnosis.

Sexually transmitted diseases

This may seem strange, but when venereal diseases, gonorrhea or chlamydia, severe pain in the throat may occur.

They intensify when swallowing. Part therapeutic therapy Antibacterial drugs must be included.

The occurrence of scarlet fever

This infectious disease Children under eight years of age are most often affected. But the risk of infection is also present in adults.

Quite often, scarlet fever begins with the appearance of pain in the throat. Symptoms may resemble common pharyngitis.

But they are accompanied by the appearance of a skin rash. Typically, the first manifestations are detected two days after infection.

The appearance of the rash is very similar to a sunburn. It is located on the surface of the entire body. The highest concentration can be found on the skin of the hands and feet.

Subsequently, compactions form in these places. Also, with scarlet fever, the color of the tongue changes. It turns white.

White spots-tubercles appear on it. Over time, they acquire a bright red hue.

In what cases is urgent medical attention needed?

As stated above, these are common symptoms of common colds.

But these manifestations can accompany many serious infections. You should immediately consult a doctor if the following situations occur:

  • Lips and tongue swell sharply;
  • It becomes difficult to breathe;
  • The pain in the throat is unbearably strong;
  • Body temperature rises sharply. A white coating or gray film appears on the tonsils;
  • Have had direct contact with a person with diphtheria;
  • The temperature rises to 40 degrees.

You should also definitely call a doctor if you get sick. small child. At improper treatment he can develop dangerous complications very quickly.

What to do if you have a sore throat

A sick person does not always have the opportunity to visit a doctor immediately after pain occurs when swallowing.

Here Additional Information in the video:

To alleviate your condition before the doctor arrives, you can do the following procedures:

  • Carry out inhalations. To do this, you can use mineral water, medicinal herbs - chamomile or calendula. Mineral water must be purchased at a pharmacy;
  • Use lozenges or tablets. They should also be purchased only in medical institutions;
  • Drink plenty of warm drinks. Drinking plenty of fluids will help remove toxic products from the body faster;
  • Carry out frequent rinsing procedures. The interval between rinses should not exceed two hours. To prepare rinsing solutions, you can use medicinal herbs or medications. Better to various compositions alternated;
  • Use for . Hydrogen peroxide is diluted in one glass, soda is dissolved in the other. First you need to gargle with hydrogen peroxide. Then its remains are washed off with soda solution;
  • Propolis infusion is diluted in warm water and is used for rinsing procedures.