Vitaon lux balm karavaeva. Vitaon balm karavaeva

Balsam Karavaeva is one of the famous herbal medicines for external use, created for the care of the skin and mucous surfaces. In addition to dermatological problems, the drug is used in other areas. From what diseases the remedy can help, the instructions for using Vitaon will tell you.

Balsam Karavaeva Vitaon - effective antiseptic domestic production, developed according to the recipe of a famous healer, who was engaged in the physical and spiritual healing of the human body.

The composition of the drug includes only natural ingredients - aromatic oils and extracts of medicinal plants:

  • celandine;
  • pine;
  • St. John's wort;
  • rose hip;
  • yarrow;
  • chamomile;
  • sagebrush;
  • marigold;
  • camphor;
  • mint;
  • caraway;
  • thyme;
  • fennel, as well as excipients.

To date, the drug can be purchased in several forms:

  • Baby oil - intended for child care;
  • Vitaon Lux - a product with an increased content of the main substances;
  • elimination cream skin problems;
  • drops from the common cold and sinusitis;
  • ointment for the treatment of the oral cavity.

The product, produced in blue packaging, contains soybean oil, Vitaon in red packaging (Lux) contains an increased concentration of plants, as well as olive oil.

The medicine is produced in glass bottles, with a volume of 15-500 ml, the contents of the jar include an oily liquid with a harsh aroma.

Medicinal properties

Vitaon balm due to its unique composition has the following properties:

  • regenerates damaged tissues, promotes the restoration of cellular structures;
  • relieves pain;
  • heals wounds;
  • removes inflammatory processes;
  • stops the reproduction of bacteria;
  • has a softening, antipruritic and relaxing effect;
  • increases the body's resistance to external factors.

At local use the medicine stimulates blood flow to the damaged area, thereby accelerating the healing and regeneration of the skin.

The substance perfectly protects the skin from the action sun rays, tones the skin, and also prevents its age-related aging and wilting. Active ingredients contribute to the tightening of cracks and wounds on the epidermis, reduce itching, inflammation and swelling. Thanks to unique composition, the drug restores water-fat metabolism in cells, increasing local immunity.

In addition, the drug contains a large number of vitamins and beneficial trace elements, under the influence of which there is not only active recovery, but also skin rejuvenation.

Most often, the tool is used in dermatology, but many of it dosage forms spread to other areas of medicine.

Scope of use

A universal medicine with a natural composition is allowed for use by people of all ages. Due to useful essential oils included in its composition, the substance can be combined with traditional ways treatment as an adjunct.

The balm is actively used in therapeutic and preventive purposes the following diseases:

  • most often, Vitaon oil is used to eliminate dermatological pathologies: dermatitis, rashes, eczema, psoriatic plaques, burns, ulcers and other skin lesions;
  • Vitaon balm is used in the treatment gynecological problems. It is often included in combination therapy infections of the female genital area, including thrush, vaginosis, cervical erosion and other pathologies, as well as during the implementation of various gynecological procedures;
  • during lactation, the balm can be used to heal nipple cracks and reduce inflammation in the ducts of the mammary glands;
  • in proctology, the drug is often prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids, anal fissures, proctitis;
  • Vitaon drops are advised to use by ENT doctors: the medicine copes well with rhinitis and sinusitis, will help reduce the inflammatory process in the larynx, relieve inflammation of the middle ear, nasal congestion;
  • ointment is used in dentistry. Due to its antiseptic properties, it perfectly relieves inflammation in the oral cavity, relieves stomatitis and periodontal disease. In addition, it can be used to treat gums for prevention - to prevent swelling and infection after tooth extraction;
  • women actively use the oily extract of Vitaon in cosmetology: they lubricate the skin of the face and body, and also use it to improve hair. Due to its regenerative abilities, it activates the processes of epidermis recovery after plastic surgery, anti-aging procedures, mechanical cleaning and also has a positive effect on hairline heads;
  • the cream has become a real salvation in pediatrics: it effectively relieves irritation from prickly heat, reduces diaper rash, and is also suitable for massage procedures for infants.

The substance does not lead to dry skin and does not provoke addiction, therefore it can be used by people of different age categories.

Restrictions on use and side effects

Typically, these symptoms are temporary, do not harm health and disappear on their own after discontinuation of treatment.

Negative effects after application are not currently recorded. Allergic reactions can occur only if the components of the balm are intolerant.

Cases of overdose this moment not installed, but to prevent negative reactions the drug is used strictly according to the instructions.

Mode of application

Despite the fact that the medicine is intended for external use, if it is ingested, it is not capable of causing much harm to a person.

To reach therapeutic effect, the patient must adhere to the instructions for use, as well as follow the appointment of a specialist.

  • For the treatment of skin problems, wounds, frostbite and burns, the substance is applied to gauze, which is applied to the affected area. The compress should be changed as needed, after about two to three days. You can also lubricate the affected area with ointment. thin layer three times a day.
  • Vitaon with sinusitis is used in the form of tampons impregnated with a substance. In addition, inhalation edema is excellently removed: for this, in hot water drip a few drops of oil.
  • To relieve sore throat, the remedy is applied to the root of the tongue.
  • At infectious inflammations throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other infections ½ teaspoon of the substance is applied to the tongue and distributed over the entire surface of the mouth up to 3 times a day. They will help relieve swelling of the pharynx by rinsing: 10-15 drops of oil - per 100 g of warm boiled water. Rinse your throat twice a day.
  • Vitaon with a cold is dripped into each nasal passage, one or two drops several times a day. To achieve a lasting result, drops must be instilled into the nose with a runny nose for one month.
  • To improve venous blood flow in hemorrhoids, the drug is applied to the affected area after hygiene procedures or going to the toilet twice a day. The oil can be used as a compress: for this, gauze soaked in ointment is applied to the inflamed areas for a quarter of an hour. To remove the inflammatory process and swelling will help tampons with balm, which are inserted into the anus at night. The duration of treatment is set individually, and depends on the patient's condition.
  • With otitis and other inflammatory processes in the ear cavity, the medicine is prescribed to be instilled into the ear 2-3 drops twice a day.
  • To prevent colds during the epidemic, the oil is used one drop in the nose or lubricated nasal cavity before visiting public places and before interacting with patients.
  • For rinsing the mouth with stomatitis, the agent is diluted boiled water. The procedure is carried out several times a day. Cotton swabs will help eliminate inflammation and bleeding of the gums, which should be applied for 15-20 minutes to the affected area 3-4 times a day. In order to prevent the medicine is smeared in pure form on the gums three times a day.
  • With cervical erosion and colpitis, gynecologists recommend inserting tampons soaked in oil at night for 2-3 weeks.
  • From cracks in the nipples, the ointment must be applied to a dry, clean area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nipples and left until completely absorbed. For quick healing of wounds, a bandage can be applied to the nipples and kept for an hour. Before lactation, the breast should be washed. For the treatment of lactostasis, the agent is applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdensification with light massage movements, after which breast milk decanted. The procedure is repeated up to 4 times a day.
  • In order to prevent varicose veins and tired legs, the balm is used twice a week, applying the substance to lower limbs before bedtime.

For the prevention of diseases, the drug can be used 2-3 times a year.

During pregnancy

Despite the fact that the drug has no side effects and contraindications, a pregnant woman should use it with caution, and be sure to consult with your doctor.

Vitaon during pregnancy can provoke an unexpected allergic reaction due to change hormonal background future mother.

For kids

Before purchasing a medication, you should consult a pediatrician.

AT childhood apply a special form of medicine - Baby. A universal drug designed for young children, including infancy, used to eliminate diaper rash and diaper dermatitis. In addition, Karavaev's balm does an excellent job with ulcers, cuts, cracks in the skin, and will also help cure stomatitis.

In the treatment of diaper rash, the skin is lubricated with ointment and thoroughly rubbed until completely absorbed. The tool can be used to prevent dermatitis: before changing the diaper, they need to treat all the folds on the baby's skin daily.

Oil is allowed for use from birth. However, before use, you must make sure that there is no allergy.

To do this, a small area of ​​​​skin is smeared with ointment, and the result is evaluated within 15-20 minutes. If there were no negative reactions, treatment can be continued.

During the period of colds, the drug is often prescribed for the treatment of the nose for babies: it will help relieve swelling and debt of the nose with ARVI.


You can buy the drug without difficulty in any pharmacy network. The price depends on the form of release and the volume of the bottle:

  • Baby 30 ml can be purchased for 170 rubles;
  • the Lux form with a volume of 25 ml is sold at a price of 185 rubles, 15 ml - within 132 rubles;
  • a bottle of 25 ml is sold at a cost of 146 rubles, 30 ml - 160 rubles, 50 ml - 218 rubles.

Scientific studies have confirmed not only the high effectiveness of Karavaev's balm, but also its complete safety for people. different ages. Due to his natural composition, the substance can be safely used in many medical fields, so it should be in every home first aid kit.

Vitaon or Karavaev's balm is a domestic product. Refers to antiseptic drugs.

The balm is based on essential oils and extracts. medicinal plants. The drug is intended for the care of the skin and mucous membranes. The principle of action is to deliver vitamins and trace elements to cells.

The main purpose of Viaton is to relieve inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes. Also, the drug has a regenerating, antibacterial, softening effect. Balm promotes removal pain for burns, cuts and other damage to the skin and mucous membranes. It is also used as a skin firming agent.

Features of the Karavaev line of drugs

Karavaev's line of drugs is presented the following drugs: Vitaon Lux, balm, face cream, for oral cavity, Vitaon Baby for baby skin care, shampoo and shower gel.

The composition of the balm includes only natural ingredients:

  • peppermint leaf;
  • pine buds;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • herbs of wormwood, yarrow, thyme, St. John's wort, celandine;
  • marigold flowers, chamomile;
  • fennel fruits, cumin.

Camphor was used as an auxiliary component.

Application area

Vitaon in one form or another is used for the following diseases:

A contraindication can only be individual intolerance to some of the components that make up the balm.

Application features

In most cases, Viaton is used externally. The scheme of application depends on the characteristics of the disease. With a runny nose and sinusitis, 1-2 drops are instilled into the nose in each nostril 2-3 times a day.

You can insert turundas soaked in Vitaon into the nostrils. And also for colds, you can do inhalations by dropping a few drops of balm into hot water. If you have a sore throat, a few drops of the drug on the tongue near the throat will relieve the pain.

Balm for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are one of the most common venous diseases, which is manifested by the presence of varicose veins located either outside the anus or inside anal canal under the mucous membrane of the rectum. Hemorrhoids tend to periodically become inflamed. thereby causing pain and discomfort.

Modern pharmaceuticals offer great amount medicines to fight this disease. One of the effective remedies for hemorrhoids is Vitaon balm.

The balm improves the blood flow of the venous-vascular system, prevents the formation of clots, prevents the formation of harmful microflora, prevents damage hemorrhoids during defecation.

Due to the presence in the preparation of essential oils of calendula, St. John's wort, pine, yarrow, chamomile, celandine, the balm relieves inflammation of external hemorrhoids. patients cease to be disturbed by exudative discharge, itching disappears.

Karavaev's balm is applied to the affected area twice a day, 0.5 ml after defecation and hygiene procedures. You can use the drug in the form of compresses: apply the medicine on a gauze napkin and apply it to the affected area for 15 to 20 minutes.

At night, you can insert into anus swab moistened with balm. The course of treatment is about 8 days and depends on the condition of the patient.

Features of treatment for varicose veins and trophic ulcers

Varicose veins (varicose veins) are quite common, especially in women over thirty. When varicose veins occur deformation of the veins, a decrease in their elasticity, usually affected calf muscles. The consequence of running varicose disease are trophic ulcers. Therefore, treatment trophic ulcer impossible without removing its cause.

There are many treatments varicose veins veins. Particularly popular recent times drugs are used plant origin, which is Vitaon.

During treatment open sores it is recommended to apply the balm on the wound several times until completely absorbed, after which the wound is closed with a gauze cloth moistened with the preparation, after which balm light movements are applied to the entire leg from the bottom up.

This procedure is carried out twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and is about 10 - 20 days.

As a prevention of varicose veins. relieve fatigue from the legs, for good night It is recommended to apply the balm on your feet before going to bed a couple of times a week.

The course of daily use of Karavaev's balms for prevention is recommended to be repeated 2-3 times a year.

The drug is intended for external use, but if ingested, it does not pose a danger. The only thing to remember is that the balm is an oily liquid, so you should use it carefully, avoiding contact with clothing to avoid stains.

Overdose and side effects

There is no data on drug overdose. But, since the composition of the drug includes a large number of essential oils of different plants, it is not recommended dosages should be exceeded so that allergic reactions do not occur.

The use of the balm is well tolerated by patients. Sometimes there are cases of individual intolerance to one of the components, and itching, rash, burning sensation appear, but such symptoms disappear immediately after the drug is discontinued.

Negative cases of interaction of Vitaon with other drugs in medicine are not described. If the patient is already using some kind of drug, the attending physician should be informed about this.

Real reviews - real results

Natural balm Karavaev has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, analgesic effect, reduces the healing time various damage skin. Improvement occurs already on the third day.

Muscle cramps stop, redness disappears, pain disappears, itching decreases. And with virtually no side effects.

Head of the Phlebological Department of the Clinic of Vascular Surgery

The drug has a multifaceted effect on the human body. It is a good anti-inflammatory and pain reliever.

Speeds up recovery processes in damaged tissues, thus contributing to more rapid healing wounds, including purulent. You can mark it antibacterial activity, softening and antipruritic properties.

The tool improves immunity, makes the body more resistant to all kinds of adverse effects. The balm is able to tone and rejuvenate the skin.

Vitaon oil is also used in the treatment of injuries. skin and mucous membranes obtained as a result of contact with chemical reagents, with burns, frostbite and bedsores. This drug is included in the therapy for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system.

For the treatment and prevention of VARICOSIS and HEMORRHOIDS, our readers use the method first voiced by Malysheva. After carefully reviewing it, we decided to offer it to your attention. Doctors' opinion. »

Therapist, 25 years of experience

My dentist introduced me to Vitaon: my gums became inflamed after dental treatment. Compresses accelerated the removal of inflammation.

After reading the instructions, I learned that this miracle balm is used not only in dentistry. I use the balm in the treatment of rhinitis and stomatitis, and for the healing of wounds, and in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Marina Alexandrovna, 59

I suffered from varicose veins for a long time, until a friend told me about Karavaev's balm and ointment. She uses it for colds, treats the whole family.

At first I was surprised what this remedy had to do with my illness. But a friend said that this is a cure for a hundred diseases.

I bought Vitaon and did not regret it, because in just two weeks he literally put me on my feet. The heaviness in the legs disappeared. I forgot about cramps. and the veins disappeared. This is truly a miracle cure.

An unpleasant and painful disease is hemorrhoids. and if it’s also with cracks ... I tried it different means: candles. ointments. folk medicine. - but everything helped short term and then the disease reappeared.

And only when I began to use Viaton, the situation changed. She went through a course of treatment and for a long time forgot about her ailment.

Moreover, when I read the instructions, I learned that this remedy helps with colds, and with various skin diseases, and with dandruff, and even with wrinkles. So now I wipe my face and do hair masks. I recommend to everyone!

Purchase and storage

Karavaev's balm is available in any pharmacy, it is dispensed without a prescription. It is recommended to store the drug in a cool, dark place out of the reach of children. After the expiration date, do not use.

The price of Vitaon balm ranges from 120 to 250 rubles, and also depends on the volume of the bottle.

There are drugs that are similar in their therapeutic effects to Vitaon. Among them:

Vitaly Karavaev believes that a person can be healthy if the processes of metabolism, energy and mental information normally proceed in the body.

All drugs are made up of medicinal herbs how rich Russia is. Among what you live, so heal yourself, since you got sick. ethnoscience as old as the world, but gives the result.

Vitaon is drug, which produces an antiseptic effect. The medicine is available in the form of balms, which are part of the Vitaon Karavaev group of products. All drugs in this group are intended for external use.

Balsam Vitaon is presented in such dosage options:

  • Vitaon for the oral cavity;
  • Vitaon deluxe;
  • Vitaon cream;
  • Vitaon Baby.

All Vitaon balms contain the following components:

  • Sagebrush;
  • Mint;
  • yarrow;
  • Chamomile;
  • Fennel;
  • Olive and soybean oils;
  • Rose hip;
  • Pine buds;
  • Caraway;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Celandine;
  • Calendula.

Pharmacological action of Vitaon

According to the instructions, Vitaon acts on the skin gently and gently, even on particularly sensitive or damaged areas. natural oils and herbs that make up the drug have regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and analgesic properties:

  • Calendula, essential oils, thyme, pine, St. John's wort, mint, wild rose, yarrow and chamomile relieve inflammation;
  • Pine, celandine, calendula, wormwood, olive and soybean oils, chamomile, thyme, wild rose, St. John's wort, yarrow contribute to the rapid healing of skin lesions (burns, ulcers, cracks, wounds);
  • Calendula, essential oils, cumin, fennel and wild rose enhance bactericidal and immune activity;
  • Mint, St. John's wort, olive oil, chamomile and yarrow soften, soothe and relieve itching;
  • Essential oils, mint, fennel and olive oil restore the water-fat metabolism of cells.

Indications for Vitaon's use

Vitaon Karavaeva is used to treat various skin diseases such as eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis. Also, the drug has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin with wounds, burns, cracks and ulcers of various origins.

According to the instructions, Vitaon is widely used in proctology for the treatment of paraproctitis, proctitis and hemorrhoids. Often a medicine is prescribed in dentistry for periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis and alveolitis.

Vitaon is also used in gynecology and obstetrics for candidiasis, cervical erosion.

It should be noted that the drug has earned many positive feedback among physicians and patients using this remedy for the treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis and laryngitis.

Many cosmetologists use Vitaon to heal the skin due to plastic surgery.

Vitaon Baby is effective in removing sweat marks, diaper rash and as a means for daily hygiene procedures. Also, the balm can be used instead of massage oil. Nursing women use it for lactostasis and nipple cracks.

Method of application and dosage

Vitaon balms are used externally. It is necessary to impregnate a sterile dressing with the agent and apply to the affected skin. The compress should be changed every 2-3 days as it gets wet. In the absence of the possibility of using dressings, the balm can be applied simply to cleansed affected skin 2 times a day. The recommended dose of the drug is 0.1-0.5 ml per 1 sq. see surface.

For children, Vitaon Baby is applied in a thin layer on the skin and allowed to absorb. Most often, the drug is used in places where folds form. The balm is recommended to be used after changing diapers and diapers, after bathing.

Also, this tool lubricates the breast during lactation. To do this, the drug must be applied to the cleansed skin of the breast and nipples before and after feeding until completely absorbed.

For the oral cavity, the drug should be used after brushing your teeth twice a day. The balm is used both in pure form (half a teaspoon) and diluted (half a teaspoon in a quarter cup of water at room temperature). In the first case, the agent is applied to the gums and oral mucosa, in the second case, it is used for rinsing.

Side effects

Vitaon does not cause any adverse reactions.

Contraindications for use

The drug is contraindicated in patients suffering from intolerance to at least one component that is part of Vitaon.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug is stored in a dark place, protected from children. Avoid prolonged heating of the balm at temperatures above 40 degrees. Shelf life - 2 years.

Dental diseases should be treated as soon as they are detected, as ignoring symptoms often leads to infection spreading to the throat and teeth. Pharmacies today offer a lot of drugs for the treatment of such diseases, one of them is Vitaon for the oral cavity. Today we will talk about the purpose of this drug, for which cases and dental problems it is suitable, how to use it correctly. The second name of the remedy is Karavaev's balm.

Prescribing the drug

For what dental problems is Vitaon prescribed? The drug not only heals, but also serves a good remedy prevention of diseases of the teeth and gums. Before use, you must carefully study the instructions. Indications for using the product:

  • stomatitis of viral, bacterial and fungal forms;
  • gingivitis, periodontitis and other gum diseases;
  • virus herpes simplex, manifested by a rash on the mucous membranes of the mouth;
  • throat infection bacterial and viral etiology, including inflammation of the tonsils;
  • flux, inflammation and suppuration of the soft tissues of the gums;
  • effects surgical intervention on the bone tissue jaw, soft tissues gums, tooth extractions.

The solution is indicated for use for oral hygiene, treatment and prevention of dental diseases.

Preparations based on natural ingredients have always been appreciated by consumers, due to the natural composition

Composition and action of the product

Vitaon balm consists exclusively of natural ingredients, including chamomile, yarrow, mint and dill, wormwood, thyme, celandine, cumin, pine buds, wild rose, calendula. Camphor is also added to the preparation, and gives a pleasant aroma to the preparation. aromatic composition from dill and mint ethers. The agent is an oily, slightly viscous liquid. Factory packaging - 30 ml bottles made of dark glass. Vitaon is sold in free access in pharmacies and does not require a prescription.

Useful properties of the drug:

  • softens the mucous tissue of the mouth;
  • serves as an excellent natural antiseptic;
  • kills microbial flora on the surface and in layers epithelial tissue, inside gum pockets;
  • heals wounds;
  • promotes self-regeneration of damaged tissues, scarring of ulcers after stomatitis;
  • relieves gum pain in children during teething;
  • stops bleeding.

Many patients use it to prevent gum problems, for example, with a tendency to periodontitis, at its first symptoms (appearance bad smell from the mouth, bleeding, accumulations of bacterial plaque on the roots of the teeth).

How to use correctly

FROM therapeutic purpose Vitaon balm is applied to the surface of the mucous tissue of the gums twice a day, subject to next instruction by application. Pour half a teaspoon of balm, then with cleanly washed fingers or a cotton swab, rub it into the surface of the gums from the outside and inside. Can be used to apply baby toothbrush with silicone bristles, it will provide an additional massage effect to the gums.

In order to prevent periodontitis and gingivitis, you can prepare a rinse solution as follows: dissolve the same amount of balm as in the first case in 60 ml boiled water. To reduce the hypersensitivity of the gums, the pure balm is applied to a cotton swab (2-3 ml is enough) and rubbed into soft tissues. In addition to rinsing and rubbing, Vitaon can be used as lotions.

To do this, moisten sterile cotton wool with 1-2 teaspoons of the product, and then apply it to the gums. For viral or bacterial infection throat, inflammation of the tonsils, pharyngitis, the red irritated surface of the mucous membrane is smeared with balm, moistened in it cotton swab. Instructions for the use of Vitaon says that it is allowed to use it not only in the mornings and evenings, but also after each meal.

It is necessary to continue therapy until the signs of dental diseases disappear and for a few more days after the final recovery. There were no cases of drug overdose, as well as pronounced side effects, since the balm consists only of natural herbal ingredients.

mouth rinse - reliable way treatment and prevention of dental problems

Precautionary measures

As already mentioned, Vitaon balm does not contain chemical elements which could cause an overdose and side effects. Do not use the remedy only for those patients who are predisposed to allergies or can react sharply to individual components. The drug is used topically, therefore it does not belong to the category of toxic and dangerous.

When caring for the oral cavity, a small part of the product can still get inside in the form of an accidental sip, but this will not bring any harm to the body. Many of the components of the balm are widely used in the manufacture of drugs for oral administration, and if an allergy occurs to some of them, the symptoms will disappear immediately after the cessation of use of the product (the dose of the irritant in it is negligible).

Use in children and pregnant women

Many drugs intended for the treatment and prevention of dental problems are prohibited during pregnancy because they contain chemical components. Vitaon is completely natural, and the quantity active substances entering the blood is minimal, so it does not have systemic action and does not adversely affect the development of the fetus.

During pregnancy, antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs are prohibited, so Karavaev's balm is considered a real salvation for women prone to periodontitis, gingivitis and others. dental diseases. Vitaon actively fights the growth of bacteria, stopping gum bleeding, reducing the symptoms of bacterial inflammation and cleaning the oral cavity from microbial plaque.

Stomatitis is a common disease among children.

Treatment with stomatitis in children is completely safe, it can be used even in the treatment of infants. You can apply the drug with a soft toothbrush or cotton swab, it does not cause discomfort to the child, does not burn the mucous membrane, it smells good. Vitaon balm will be a real salvation for patients suffering from dental problems, but who do not want to use strong chemicals at the first symptoms of illness.

It can also be used by pregnant women and parents to treat stomatitis in young children. Before using any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor, Karavaev's balm is no exception, especially for patients with an allergic predisposition.

The pharmaceutical market offers:

  • Vitaon oral balm;
  • Vitaon Lux;
  • Vitaon cream;
  • Vitaon baby.

All of these products are intended for external use. They are produced in bottles of 15, 25, 30, 50 and 500 ml.

cases drug interaction not registered with other medicines.

Herbal medicines are becoming more and more popular these days.

This is largely due to the fact that nowadays it is increasingly possible to find synthetic medicines, the benefits of which are often questioned by the consumer.

to medicines for plant-based also applies to "Vitaon" or Karavaev's balm, which is a universal medicine used to treat a variety of ailments.

The preparation contains a huge amount of herbs and essential oils, which determine beneficial effect Balsam Karavaev "Vitaon". The drug got its name in honor of the scientist who developed it.

The drug is available in several forms:

  • "Vitaon-cream";
  • "Vitaon-Lux";
  • "Vitaon" for the oral cavity;
  • "Vitaon-Baby".

All these drugs have a similar effect on our body. The choice of the form of the drug is carried out on the basis of what disease needs to be treated with it.

The basis of "Vitaon-Lux" is olive oil, while the basis of the usual "Vitaon" is soybean oil.

Both are balms. Due to this, they have a mild effect, are not able to injure the tissues and mucous membranes of the body.

The drug, which has a balm base, is used in the following areas of medicine:

  • Surgery. "Vitaon-lux" on olive oil, "Vitaon" on soybean oil are used to eliminate ulcers, wounds, burns, cracks;
  • Pediatrics. As a rule, in this field of medicine, Vitaon-Baby is used to treat diaper rash, prickly heat, massage the baby, daily care behind his skin;
  • Dermatology. A balm-based medicine is used to treat psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis;
  • Dentistry. The use of "Vitaon" allows you to successfully deal with alveolitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • Gynecology. Karavaev's balm is used in the treatment of cervical erosion, candidiasis;
  • Otolaryngology. A remedy with a balm base is used to treat diseases respiratory tract, in particular, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis.

The natural components contained in the drug determine several directions in which it affects our body.

Mode of application

According to Vitaon's instructions, the drug is used in dermatology, proctology, dentistry, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecology, physiotherapy, and cosmetology.

According to the instructions for use, Vitaon Karavaeva is used externally. The bandage is impregnated with balm and applied to the affected area.

Change it every two or three days as it gets wet. If it is not possible to apply a bandage, the balm is applied to the skin area that requires treatment two r / day (0.1-0.5 ml per 100 sq.

cm area of ​​the affected surface).

In otolaryngology, Vitaon balm can be used in its pure form for washing or instillation of the nose, or pre-diluted in a small amount of boiled water to rinse the throat or mouth.

For the treatment of dental problems and prevention inflammatory processes after tooth extraction, Vitaon is applied in its pure form to the gums and upper sky. This should be done after the preliminary cleaning of the teeth - in the morning and in the evening.

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Vitaon is used in dermatology, gynecology, cosmetology, as well as in other therapeutic areas.

for adults

It is widely used in cosmetology, as well as for the purpose of healing wounds, burns and cracks.

for kids

Vitaon baby is intended for use in pediatrics. The drug is used for the treatment of diaper rash and as a means of daily skin care for a child.

In addition, the drug can be used for the same indications that are presented for adult patients.

for pregnant women and during lactation

Women exercising breast-feeding Vitaon baby is used for lactostasis, as well as for the formation of cracks in the nipples.

In addition, the drug can be used for the indications listed for adult patients.

Pregnant women use Vitaon only according to the indications of the treating specialist.

The best mode of application can be obtained by contacting medical institution to the treating specialist who will be aware of all the features of the health of a particular patient, his lifestyle and history.

Vitaon must be applied to clean skin. Strict adherence to the instructions provided in the instructions is mandatory.

It is necessary to soak a sterile bandage with a balm and apply it to the affected area of ​​​​the body. It should be changed every 2-3 days.

Outwardly and in the nose, the balm is used in its pure form, and it is diluted for rinsing the mouth (0.5 tsp per quarter cup of boiled water).

Vitaon Lux should be applied to the affected area twice a day (0.1-0.5 ml per 100 sq. cm of skin)

For the oral cavity, Vitaon should be applied after brushing your teeth.

Vitaon baby should be applied in a small layer and wait until the product is absorbed.

Vitaon baby should be applied in a small layer and wait for absorption.

Pregnant women can use the drug only after an individual calculation of the dosage by a doctor.

Vitaon is a balm that has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.

Active substance

Oil extract of herbs.

Release form and composition

The drug is available in the form of a balm, which is clear liquid oily consistency, yellow-green or brown-yellow color with a specific odor.

Thanks to scientific research the high efficiency of Karavaev Vitaon balm was confirmed at the most different problems skin and mucous membranes. The scope of Vitaon is quite extensive:

  • In dermatology, the balm is used to treat psoriasis, neurodermatitis, and eczema.
  • In dentistry, Vitaon can be used to treat gums and mucous membranes with stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, and prosthetics.
  • In pediatrics, Vitaon balm is used in daily skin care for newborns, as well as in the treatment of diaper rash, prickly heat. It is good to massage using this balm.
  • In obstetrics, Vitaon balm is used to treat nipple cracks and lactostasis, and in gynecology - cervical erosion and thrush (candidiasis).
  • In surgery, Vitaon treats wounds, burns, cracks.
  • In proctology - for the treatment of hemorrhoids, proctitis and paraproctitis.
  • In otolaryngology, it is used to treat infections of the upper respiratory tract, that is, with rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, etc.

Using Vitaon balm is not difficult.

Vitaon (Karavaev's balm) is used in the treatment of various skin diseases: dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis. Also, the tool is used to accelerate the healing process of wounds, burns, cracks, ulcers on the skin.

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It is prescribed for the treatment of paraproctitis, hemorrhoids, proctitis. The balm Karavaeva Vitaon is used for a cold, as well as for the nose as effective remedy with rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis. The drug has a pronounced effect on pharyngitis, otitis, laryngitis.

In dentistry, the drug is used to treat gingivitis, alveolitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease.

In gynecology and obstetrics, the balm is used in the treatment of cervical erosion, candidiasis.

The medicine is also used in the field of cosmetology for people who have undergone plastic surgery for the purpose of healing the skin.

Vitaon Baby is used for children for the treatment of diaper rash, as well as for daily skin care. The ointment can be used as a massage oil.

Also, the remedy is used for lactostasis, cracked nipples in nursing mothers.

When using the product, the instructions for use must be strictly observed. The balm must be applied to the bandage, which is impregnated with the product.

This bandage should be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. The bandage should be changed once every two or three days, given how quickly it gets wet.

If it is not possible to apply the ointment to the bandage, then the agent is applied directly to the place that requires treatment.

Vitaon is used both in its pure form (as an external agent, drops in the nose), and in diluted form (half a teaspoon per 0.25 tablespoon of boiled water) for rinsing the mouth.

Instructions for use Vitaon Lux provides that the product should be applied to the affected area twice a day, approximately 0.1-0.5 ml per 100 square meters. see skin.


According to the instructions, Vitaon has no contraindications except for hypersensitivity to one or more components of the drug.

The only contraindication to the use of Vitaon is an individual special sensitivity to one or more of the components of the drug.

Do not use the drug if the patient has intolerance to one or more herbal ingredients that make up Vitaon.


The average price of VITAON balm in pharmacies (Moscow) is 180 rubles.

Vitaon is a natural medicine for external use, all components of which are of exclusively natural origin.

The second name of this drug is Balsam Karavaev. So it was named after the creator Karavaev V.V.

Vitaon balm is sold in most pharmacies, depending on the volume of the bottle, the cost of the drug ranges from 130 to 400 rubles. The price of nasal drops also depends on the volume of the bottle. The price of Vitaon Baby is on average 160 rubles. for 30 ml.