A tetanus shot when. The main indications for the introduction of the vaccine

Tetanus occurs when an infection enters the open wound. In many cases, this occurs with animal and insect bites, as well as with deep cuts metal objects. In many countries, including Russia, routine vaccination from this disease.

Treating tetanus is very difficult. After making a diagnosis, doctors immediately inject a special serum and anticonvulsants which are not always 100% effective. Much depends on the stage of development of the disease. If the funds do not help, a fatal outcome occurs. For this reason, tetanus vaccination is given in the early age in order to protect yourself from the risk of infection as much as possible. If the vaccine is administered on time and subsequently the virus enters the body, it will not be able to hit the immune system. To work out good immunity against tetanus, it is necessary to administer the vaccine multiple times. The first tetanus shot is given at 3 months, then at 4.5 and 6 months. At 18 months, a special vaccine (revaccination) is introduced, which maintains the immunity developed with the help of previous vaccinations. At 6 and 7 years old, the second revaccination is carried out, at 14 - the third, at 18 - the fourth. After that, revaccination is carried out every ten years. Vaccines contain antigens that can cause side effects. After vaccination, some patients noted a violation menstrual cycle, fever, general malaise, weakness, symptoms of colds and viral diseases, although in fact they were healthy. A slight induration may occur at the injection site. At healthy people these symptoms pass quickly. In rare cases, neurological reactions, such as seizures, have occurred after vaccination. But they passed within a short period of time. The vaccine can also cause rhinitis, allergies, temporary arthritis, and asthma attacks that pass within 4 weeks. Complications from the administered vaccine are extremely rare. They are expressed in the form of fever, dermatitis and other skin manifestations, abscess at the injection site, soft tissue necrosis, lymphadenitis. From the side of the heart and blood vessels, tachycardia, angina pectoris, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction may occur. There have also been reports of nausea, vomiting, liquid stool and pain in the abdomen. The death rate from vaccination is 1 in 2.5 million. Tetanus vaccination is not carried out if there is an allergy to one of the components of the medicine. Also, the introduction of vaccination is contraindicated in pregnancy, respiratory diseases and chronic diseases. This is due to the too weak state of the body, which may not be able to cope with a powerful vaccine. An exception can only be if an infection has occurred and the person urgently needs to administer the medicine. If you get hurt, you can feel safe if no more than 5 years have passed since the last vaccination. If more has passed, they make an emergency vaccination - they introduce tetanus toxoid or human immunoglobulin. The latter remedy is preferable because it does not cause allergic reactions. If a person has never been vaccinated against tetanus, when infected, toxoid is injected intramuscularly into one part of the body, and the vaccine into another. Also emergency vaccinations from tetanus is done in case of injury with damage to the skin or mucous membranes, with burns of 2-4 degrees, gangrene, necrosis and animal bites. It is important to get vaccinated as soon as possible before the incubation period (21 days) has passed.

An impressive list of side effects causes mistrust on the part of some people. But the benefits of vaccination far outweigh possible consequences. Thanks to the protective vaccination, the death rate from the disease has been reduced several times.

Tetanus vaccination is mandatory for both children and adults. It protects millions of people from a dangerous disease. But the list of possible side effects is quite impressive. As a rule, after a tetanus shot, the injection site hurts, redness often appears, swelling forms, and body temperature rises.

Importance of vaccination

A pathogenic bacterium, entering the human body, begins to release a toxin that has a detrimental effect on the central nervous system. The first sign of tetanus is convulsions of chewing, and then mimic muscles. As a result, it becomes difficult or even impossible to eat. After some time, convulsions cover the whole body: the patient begins to arch, leaning on the surface only with the back of the head and heels. Upon late receipt medical care the disease progresses: attacks are easily provoked, blood circulation worsens, asphyxia appears. A natural consequence of these conditions can be a fatal outcome.

The entrance gate for the causative agent of tetanus is any damage skin and mucous membrane - from small scratches to extensive wounds, in newborns - an untreated umbilical cord residue.

The most common disease occurs in children aged 3-7 years, since it is at this age that they are most mobile and prone to getting various injuries. But despite the statistics, adults can also be infected. high risk infection is explained by the fact that there is no natural immunity against the disease. Even after it successful treatment it only works for a short period of time.

Provide reliable protection maybe a tetanus vaccine. Both children and adults should receive it regularly according to established standards.

When do they do it?

The tetanus vaccine is given for the first time to children at the age of 3 months. They are given either the DTP vaccine Russian production, or one of the foreign ones: Pentaxim, Infanrix, Infanrix Hexa.

After 45 days, the child is vaccinated again, after the same period of time - again. Revaccination is carried out after a year once. As a rule, it falls on the age of 1.5 years.

Children should next receive a tetanus shot at 7 and 14 years of age. But they are not the last. Adults also need to be vaccinated regularly once a decade. If a person does not remember when they last had a tetanus shot, he receives 2 doses of the drug with an interval of 45 days. Revaccination is carried out after 9 months.

Emergency injection of toxoid

There are situations when it is necessary to carry out urgent prophylaxis against tetanus.

Indications for unscheduled vaccination are:

  • injuries accompanied by damage to the skin and mucous membranes;
  • frostbite;
  • all types of burns of the 2nd-4th degree;
  • penetrating wounds;
  • childbirth and abortions performed outside the hospital;
  • accumulation of abscesses on a small area of ​​​​the skin (carbuncle);
  • gangrene;
  • long-term abscesses;
  • damage to the skin and / or mucous membranes due to animal bites.

The vaccine is given at the same time primary processing wounds.

At emergency prevention there are also contraindications. Do not get an unscheduled tetanus vaccination:

  1. Children who have a document containing information about the vaccinations carried out according to the calendar.
  2. Adults who also have this confirmation (no more than 5 years must have passed since the last administration of the tetanus vaccine).
  3. People who have high level protective titer in the blood.


Temporary or permanent withdrawal is granted solely for health reasons. It is a mistake to believe that it is associated with the risk of infection deadly disease- the vaccine is safe in this regard.

It is forbidden to be vaccinated under the following conditions:

  • pregnancy;
  • ARI, SARS, including those transferred less than 30 days before vaccination;
  • violations at work immune system;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • intolerance to any component of the vaccine.

After an individual consultation with a doctor this list can be expanded.

Where is it entered?

The injection should be given in the area where muscle developed to the maximum. This need is due to the importance of proper absorption of the components of the vaccine into the blood.

In children under one and a half years of age, the most suitable area is the thigh (anterior or lateral muscle). In the future, the vaccination can be done in the shoulder or in the area under the shoulder blade. The decision on this issue is made by the doctor after examination. Ideally, in the selected area, the fat layer should be minimal. Otherwise, the suction process active substance into the blood will be long and painful, the likelihood of complications will increase. That is why it is not recommended to administer the vaccine to the buttocks.

What happens in the body after vaccination?

Specialists in laboratory conditions carry out the neutralization of the pathogenic bacillus. Finished vaccine undergoes certification, after which it can be administered to people.

Non-dangerous sticks are injected into the body by injection. The defense system responds to the formation of toxins with antibodies - a strong immunity to tetanus is formed.

In the future, if a pathogenic bacterium enters the body, it will not have a single chance of survival.

Side effects in adults

Each person tolerates the vaccine differently. But one must distinguish normal consequences tetanus shots and pathological shots when to seek medical attention. The process of administering the drug is very painful, as it should be.

For the first time after a tetanus shot:

  • the injection site hurts;
  • compaction may form;
  • body temperature rises (up to a maximum of 38 ° C);
  • weakness appears. constant feeling fatigue;
  • sleepy;
  • appetite is disturbed.

These reactions are considered normal and do not require medical advice. As a rule, adults tolerate the tetanus shot more easily. How long does the injection site hurt and does the general malaise persist? Normally - no more than 3-5 days.

However, among the side effects of vaccination appear extremely dangerous conditions:

  • various allergic reactions, which can provoke the appearance of Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock;
  • disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • short-term loss of consciousness;
  • asthma;
  • arthritis;
  • convulsions;
  • vomiting, diarrhea.

If any of these conditions occur, you should consult a doctor.

Possible complications in children

The reaction of each child is also individual character. If the injection site is swollen and sore after the tetanus shot, this is normal.

In addition, there are often:

  • drowsiness or, conversely, excessive activity;
  • temporary refusal to eat;
  • headache;
  • an increase in body temperature up to 38 ° C;
  • tearfulness.

If in 2-3 days the child's condition has not returned to normal, it must be shown to the pediatrician.

You should immediately consult a doctor if you experience the following side effects of a tetanus shot:

  • severe runny nose;
  • slow or, conversely, rapid heartbeat;
  • vomiting, diarrhea;
  • convulsions;
  • dermatitis, urticaria, etc. skin reactions.

By the way, severe complications are extremely rare.

Causes of pain in the injection area

Appearance discomfort can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. The presence of aluminum hydroxide in the vaccine. The toxoid itself does not cause pain, but its absorption into the blood should occur in small portions within 1 month. This is important for the formation of strong immunity. The task of aluminum hydroxide is to keep the toxoid at the injection site. It is absolutely harmless, but can provoke a local reaction.
  2. Anti-pertussis component. Today, children are given a complex DPT vaccine. Diphtheria toxoid, like tetanus, causes adverse reactions only in isolated cases. General deterioration and pain at the injection site are more often due to immobilized but live bacteria that cause whooping cough.
  3. The introduction of the drug into subcutaneous fat. If for some reason the injection was not made into a muscle, after a tetanus shot, the injection site hurts, and there is also a seal, redness or swelling. They disappear as the drug is absorbed.

In addition, improper storage and / or transportation of the vaccine increases the likelihood of complications. It is important that the vaccination is done from a freshly opened ampoule, which until that moment was in the refrigerator.

What to do if the injection site is very sore and swollen?

Redness and swelling up to 8 cm in diameter are considered normal. If a seal has formed, its permissible size is up to 5 cm. If these standards are exceeded, a doctor's consultation is required.

If, after a tetanus vaccination, the injection site of a child hurts, you can alleviate his condition with the help of absorbable ointment ("Troxevasin", "Children's Rescuer", etc.). A single dose of Nurofen is also allowed. After vaccination, for 2-3 days, you should take the antihistamine drug recommended by the pediatrician (Fenistil, Zirtek, etc.).

Adults can also use ointments. Eliminate pain syndrome a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (Nise, Ibuprofen, etc.) will help.

What can not be done?

Contrary to popular belief, it is permissible to wet the injection site. If the child feels satisfactory after vaccination, walks are not prohibited.

As for adults, in order to avoid negative consequences a number of limitations must be taken into account:

  1. Within a week after the injection, you can not drink any alcohol-containing drinks.
  2. It is not recommended to visit the sauna and bath, as well as take a bath for 5 days, especially if after a tetanus shot the injection site hurts and this area is swollen. The best option At this time - a warm shower. It is impossible to rub the injection site with a washcloth, it is also desirable to avoid getting various cosmetics on this area.
  3. For the same period, you need to reduce or completely eliminate physical activity.


Tetanus is a dangerous disease, the causative agent of which enters the body through any injury, accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes. Vaccination in without fail both children and adults should go. As a rule, after a tetanus vaccination, side effects that threaten health and even life occur in isolated cases, the injection site hurts more often, redness and / or induration appears, and body temperature rises. This is a normal reaction that goes away in 2-3 days.

Tetanus shot: when is it done?

When and who is vaccinated against tetanus?

The bacteria of this disease are found in dirt, soil, animal waste products. If a person has become infected, then it is useless to treat the problem, since spores are formed that are highly resistant to temperatures and chemicals. When infected, a person develops severe spasms muscles in the neck, mandible, breathing becomes difficult, which is a direct threat to life. It is necessary to carry out prophylaxis in the form of vaccination, and in case of injury, repeat the injection.

Toxic microorganisms enter the body through abrasions, punctures, incisions in the skin with a dirty object or through the soil. Be sure to consult a doctor and get vaccinated in case of:

  • If the wound appeared as a result of a puncture with a rusty thing, a bite;
  • burns;
  • Education in the wounds of necrotic tissue;
  • Entering a splinter, a piece of glass, sand, etc. into the fabric

Vaccination is done every 5-10 years. If you do not remember when you last vaccinated, then you need to make up for the lost time. Vaccination is also necessary if:

  • injured yourself with a clean object, but do not remember the last vaccination date;
  • were injured by a dirty object after vaccination carried out 5 years ago;
  • you are pregnant - to transfer antibodies to the fetus.

Should I get a tetanus shot?

You can fight tetanus only by preventing the disease with a timely vaccination. After the procedure, there may be a certain reaction - tissue swelling, redness, but they disappear after a couple of days.

According to statistics, all cases of infection were manifested in persons who generally ignored vaccinations and re-vaccinations. The disease is not transmitted from person to another, but enters the body through spores, releasing a neurotoxin that causes spasms of the muscles of the neck and lower jaw.

If you are injured, wound, rinse it under running water, treat with an antiseptic, disinfect.

Symptoms of infection

From the moment of infection, the incubation period takes from 3 days to 3 weeks. There are 4 degrees of the disease. The main symptoms are:

  • lockjaw muscles of the lower jaw, neck;
  • spasm of the abdominal muscles;
  • difficulty in swallowing;
  • dumbness of the neck.

There may also be an increase in temperature, high pressure, tachycardia. The disease can have complications:

  • fractures;
  • convulsions;
  • pneumonia;
  • laryngospasm;
  • embolism.

After infection, 10% is fatal. Therefore, there is no doubt whether to vaccinate against tetanus or not, you should immediately consult a doctor. The treatment includes an injection of tetanus immunoglobulin, toxoid. Doctors will thoroughly clean the wound, vaccinate with tetanus toxoid.

The tetanus shot is a simple and reliable way to protect yourself against this deadly disease. But like any medication, it can cause unpleasant side effects and even complications.

It is only important to distinguish between them and know which reaction is normal, and when to see a doctor.

How dangerous is the tetanus shot?

On the Internet, you can find hundreds of stories and complaints about vaccinations - an arm or leg hurts, the head aches, the temperature rises, a bump remains after the injection ...

And many perceive them as signs of a bad vaccine, think that the injection was wrong, or even want to refuse all subsequent vaccinations so as not to put themselves or their child in danger.

The problem is that they confuse such phenomena as a complication with the normal reaction of the body to the administration of the drug.

In fact, complications, in particular those that even carry a potential threat to health and life, are greatly exaggerated. Anaphylactic shock, severe inflammation, common diseases occur in isolated cases.

According to statistics, even minor side effects do not appear in everyone, in about 30% of cases. In the vast majority of children and adults, they pass in a few days.

Why can a tetanus injection hurt?

The tetanus vaccine itself is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects.

The difficulty lies in the other components of the vaccine. To form immunity, toxoid must be absorbed into the blood very slowly, in small portions within a month. Therefore, the vaccine contains aluminum hydroxide. This connection allows the vaccine to be held exactly where the injection was given. Aluminum hydroxide is safe for the body, but can cause local inflammation.

The second reason possible complications that the tetanus vaccine is included in the comprehensive DTP vaccine. It is made for children under 5 years old. Diphtheria and tetanus toxoids rarely cause backlash, but the antipertussis component contains live, albeit immobilized, bacteria. It is because of him that most often there are such complications as fever, general deterioration well-being, weakness, headache and so on.

There is a third reason - errors in the administration of the vaccine. If the injection is not done quite correctly or for some other reason, part of the drug will fall into subcutaneous tissue, and not a muscle, develops in this place inflammatory response, pain appears, there may be a bump, swelling or redness. Such a reaction does not pose a threat to health, the inflammation goes away on its own when the vaccine is completely absorbed. As a rule, this takes several days.

Also, side effects after vaccination against tetanus may appear if the rules for storage and transportation have been violated. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the injection is given with a vaccine from a freshly opened ampoule, which was taken out of the refrigerator.

What are the possible side effects

For a standard tetanus shot (DTP or DTP), the chance of side effects is about 30%. Such a number may seem too high, but it doesn't really tell you the quality of the vaccine or that the shot was given incorrectly. This number of side effects is a normal reaction of the active immune system to the introduction of an irritant. The most common reactions are:

  • Pain at the injection site. She can give in the hand, under the shoulder blade.
  • The formation of a bump or seal (diameter up to 5 cm).
  • Redness, swelling (diameter up to 8 cm).
  • Headache, weakness, fatigue, bad feeling, loss of appetite, muscle pain.
  • Indigestion, diarrhea, nausea.
  • In children - crying, anxiety, bad dream, refusal to eat.
  • The temperature rises to 38.5 degrees.

These states are considered variations. normal reaction after vaccination and are not complications.

How long they last depends on many factors: the person's age, well-being at the time of vaccination, the state of the body, and so on. They may appear in 1-2 days and usually disappear within 2-3 days.

Possible complications after vaccination

At the same time, sometimes the reaction to the injection is too strong. You should pay attention to such manifestations:

  • The place where the injection was made hurts for more than 5-7 days.
  • The temperature rose above 39 degrees.
  • Prolonged crying in children.
  • Bronchitis, laryngitis.
  • Redness more than 8 cm in diameter, bump - more than 5.

For real severe complications such as Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, long and systemic diseases or violations of the functions of organs occur in isolated cases.

But still, it is important to know what to do after vaccination. It is advisable to have a doctor's phone number that you can call to consult in case of possible complications.

Preparation for vaccination

The likelihood of developing complications after vaccination can be reduced by properly preparing for it:

  • It is advisable to undergo a minimum examination before vaccination: an examination by a therapist or consultant, general analysis blood, urine.
  • 2-3 days before vaccination, you can start taking antihistamines. Dosage - standard maintenance.
  • There are few contraindications to tetanus vaccination, but it is better to do it on the day wellness. A cold, a runny nose is a reason to postpone it for a few days until the state of health normalizes.
  • On the day of vaccination, it is better not to abuse heavy foods.

First of all proper preparation concerns children. In addition to the above recommendations, when visiting a polyclinic, you should take a person with you who could take a queue while the mother and child walk along the street. be in hot stuffy rooms, surrounded by potentially sick people - not best idea. Overheating, overexcitation, viral infectionsfrequent problems after visiting the vaccination rooms.

After vaccination

  • After the injection has already been made, doctors advise spending some time in the clinic to make sure there is no acute allergic reaction. It is not necessary to be directly in the building for these half an hour, it is better to take a walk nearby.
  • 2-3 days after vaccination, you can continue to drink antihistamines.
  • Children are advised to give an antipyretic immediately upon returning home. You should not wait for an increase to 38.5 degrees, as is usually recommended. In this case, an upward trend or even prophylactic administration is sufficient. It does not affect the formation of immunity.
  • If the injection site is very sore, you can lubricate it with absorbable ointments or make a bandage.
  • If the pain is severe, adults may take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
  • In this and the next 1-2 it is better to drink more and eat according to your appetite, preferably light, well-digestible meals and products.

What can not be done after vaccination?

So that a tetanus shot does not leave unpleasant consequences and severe pain from inflammation, there are a number of recommendations:

  • Adults should not drink alcohol for 5-7 days. After this period, it is undesirable.
  • 3-5 days you should not visit saunas, baths, take baths with salt and oils.
  • For 3-5 days, you should stop playing sports.

At the same time, contrary to prejudice, the injection site can be wetted. You should not rub it with a hard washcloth or sponge, but there will be no harm from a warm shower.

Small children can go for walks after vaccination if they feel well.

Contraindications for vaccination

Like any drug, the tetanus vaccine has a number of contraindications. Conditionally they can be divided into absolute and relative.

In the first case, vaccination is completely prohibited, since it can cause irreparable harm to a person. These include a severe allergic reaction to the components of the drug, as well as immunodeficiency.

The list of relative contraindications is much wider:

  • Any acute diseases, as well as exacerbations of chronic. Do not vaccinate at elevated temperatures.
  • Low weight in babies. For children born ahead of time, vaccinations are postponed until the condition returns to normal.
  • recovery period after serious illnesses, as well as transferred chemotherapy, radiation, immunosuppressive therapy.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

In such cases, doctors often give a medical exemption for a while.

If the child's last vaccination caused a severe prolonged pain or other acute adverse reactions, then a more aggressive DTP vaccination may be substituted for DTP, which is better tolerated, or other lightweight vaccines.

One of the problems that many parents face is frequent medical withdrawals where there is no real need for them. Many neuralgic conditions and allergic reactions in infants do not actually increase the risk of complications, but they can leave the child unprotected from these dangerous diseases, so one hundred delay vaccination for too long term not worth it.

We hope that we have answered your question why the tetanus shot hurts and how long this condition can last, as well as how to avoid complications.

Tetanus shot for adults needed help immunity, similar to the use of any childhood vaccines. Fortunately, we live in a wonderful time when medicine has learned to fight epidemics. In addition, there was an opportunity to take root in different ages, but you need to be aware of the side effects of the injection.

Routine vaccination helps those who are sick to cope with the disease and reduces the likelihood of the disease itself. On the eve of vaccination, patients experience many important issues: where the vaccine is injected, when the injection is given, how many times, is it possible to drink alcohol. The most frequently asked questions are about the side effects of the injection. In the article you will receive answers to all questions.

Why do adults need a tetanus shot?

Tetanus is a fatal disease that does not spare either adults or children. It is dangerous that the infection, having entered the human body through wounds, injuries and damage to the mucous membrane, releases deadly toxins. As a result, a person dies in terrible agony caused by convulsions in the muscles of the body and respiratory organs.

Unfortunately, effective treatment there is no disease a real opportunity save the sick is early diagnosis and timely assistance.

Attention! Mortality from tetanus reaches up to 80% in adults and up to 95% in children.

The trouble is that the first signs of tetanus begin to appear too late, when nothing can be corrected. Most early symptom disease, and occasionally, becomes fever, which many people do not associate with the trauma received the day before. In this case, it is easier to get vaccinated and not be afraid anymore.

What you need to know about tetanus

You can get tetanus bacillus from animals or humans. The stick lives in the intestines of the body, and from there it enters the soil.

The causative agent of infection is a gram-positive bacillus that forms spores in unusual conditions. Spores are not sensitive to high and too low temperatures, calmly withstand up to 3 hours of exposure. They remain unchanged in the soil for up to 100 years.

AT recent times Doctors are sounding the alarm as the disease has become more frequent. In addition, life expectancy has increased markedly, and while adults were previously advised to administer the vaccine up to 66 years, now age restrictions removed.

How can you get tetanus

At risk are people working on the ground, in agriculture, with animals, builders. Urgent administration of the vaccine is required after an animal bite. In spite of useful action a life-saving injection, you need to know about the contraindications, complications, and side effects of the vaccine.

What vaccine is given

Most adults have accumulated contraindications to the use of vaccinations, so two types of vaccination are used.

  • AC - against tetanus. Suitable for those who suffer from allergies to diphtheria derivatives. After reaching the age of 56, it is not used.
  • ADS-M - tetanus and diphtheria vaccine is administered. Practiced more often.

Attention! There is a possibility of re-infection with a harmful bacillus, since immunity is not maintained. We conclude: the topic of tetanus vaccination is relevant for all ages.

Where is the injection given?

In the event that an adult was not vaccinated in childhood, 2 injections of tetanus are given with an interval of a month. The next vaccine is administered a year later. Further, it is recommended to get vaccinated every 10 years.

The vaccine is administered under the shoulder blade.

When is an urgent need to get vaccinated?

Indications for urgent unplanned vaccination are:

  • Injury, wound with a violation of the skin.
  • For a long time non-healing wounds, purulent tissue damage.
  • Burn, frostbite.
  • After being bitten by animals.

The tetanus shot is completely harmless, you won't get tetanus. Neutralized bacillus toxins are injected into the body, in response to the vaccine, the body identifies this microbe as a threat and quickly forms antibodies to fight. Subsequently, when it enters the bloodstream, the human immune system recognizes pathogenic bacterium and destroy.

Tetanus shot side effects in adults

So, you have been vaccinated, and now you should follow the reaction of the body. Doctors distinguish between two groups of adult reactions - the norm and complications. In any case, non-standard manifestations require medical supervision.

Normal Side Effects

These side effects, telling that the body has accepted the vaccine and tolerated the introduction adequately. They are not life-threatening and say that everything is going according to plan, the patient needs to be patient and wait for the end incubation period.

  1. Pain, at the injection site, redness, small tumor. At the injection site tetanus toxoid often there is a seal -. Don't be alarmed, the reaction is due to the action of the drug, which literally promotes a little inflammation in order to attract blood cells and familiarize the body with the new substance more quickly.
  2. Slightly elevated body temperature. A little discomfort is normal. Reception of febrifugal means is shown.
  3. Headache.
  4. Increased activity or, conversely, excessive sleepiness.

Dangerous side effects

If you have at least one of these symptoms, immediately see a doctor, without waiting for the condition to worsen.

  1. Too much temperature rise.
  2. Intestinal disorder.
  3. Nausea, vomiting.
  4. Runny nose, cough, strong salivation.
  5. Decreased appetite.
  6. Violation of the heart rhythm.

Complication after vaccination

Occur extremely rarely, and after the incubation period. Such complications require immediate medical attention, as they can lead to lethal outcome. True, the probability is not more than 3-4%, but you should not risk your health.

  1. Prolonged and rather strong rise in temperature.
  2. Persistent swelling at the vaccination site.
  3. Brain dysfunction and loss of consciousness.
  4. Arthritis.
  5. Seizures.
  6. Pharyngitis and bronchitis.
  7. Disease of the heart and blood vessels.

How to live after a tetanus shot

In general, no adjustments are made to the life of an adult patient immediately after vaccination, but many people have questions that I will try to answer. First of all, refrain from vigorous activity, you should not get carried away fatty foods, since any wrong actions can provoke side effects.

Is it possible to wet the injection site

Wetting the vaccination site is allowed, this will not affect the result. But it is recommended to refrain from taking a bath in the next few days so as not to irritate the injection site. Refrain from visiting the bath, swimming pool.

Alcohol after vaccination

In the next three days, absolutely no alcohol should be drunk. Drinking alcohol after tetanus toxoid is due to the action of the vaccine. An increase in temperature is possible, the digestive system suffers extremely.

After taking even a small portion alcoholic beverages, diarrhea, exacerbation of stomach diseases and other troubles with the gastrointestinal tract are possible.

In addition, the body, exposed to stress as a result of vaccination, reduces resistance. During the first three days, a decrease in immunity contributes to the exacerbation of chronic diseases. Think about why giving an extra load to an already weakened body, is it worth the risk because of dubious pleasure.

Contraindications for vaccination

Any procedure has contraindications for use, tetanus vaccination is no exception. The reason for the refusal is not related to a health hazard.

It is strictly forbidden to give a tetanus injection to people with backlash for vaccine components. The procedure is contraindicated allergic manifestations any origin.

Leave for a while if you:

  • Are pregnant. An injection is given only in case of urgent need, in addition, immunoglobulins are administered to the woman.
  • Aggravation chronic disease, complications after them.
  • Colds, acute respiratory disease. Similar diseases transferred less than a month ago are also taken into account.
  • Heat.
  • Reduced immunity.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with useful video about tetanus vaccination and possible side effects in adults. Be healthy!