Detailed instructions for use and description of Clarithromycin: what kind of medicine it is, how to take it correctly, precautions, possible adverse reactions. Can clarithromycin be taken with alcohol?


In this case, your doctor may prescribe you a different dose of medication than is usually prescribed or may ask you to undergo certain tests necessary to ensure safe treatment.

Clarithromycin is contraindicated in children under 6 years of age.

In some cases, treatment with antibiotics, including Clarithromycin, can cause dangerous intestinal infection(pseudomembranous colitis), which manifests itself as severe diarrhea. If you experience severe watery or bloody diarrhea while taking Clarithromycin, stop taking the drug and consult a doctor immediately. Before consulting a doctor, do not take any medications for diarrhea and follow the recommendations presented in the articles , .

How to take Clarithromycin correctly?

Take Clarithromycin exactly as directed by your doctor. Do not change the dose of the medicine or the duration of treatment without your doctor's consent.

Each dose of the medicine should be taken with a full glass of water (240 ml).

Clarithromycin tablets or suspension can be taken with food or on an empty stomach.

Clarithromycin retard tablets should be taken with food. Do not crush, open or crush Clarithromycin retard tablets. Swallow the tablets whole. Retard tablets are made in such a way that the medicine dissolves slowly and enters the blood in small quantities. If you crush the tablet, this can lead to a large dose of the medicine entering the body at once.

Before you measure required dose suspension, shake the bottle of medicine well. In order to correctly measure the dose of the medicine, use a special measuring spoon or a special measuring cup. If you don't have a measuring spoon or cup, ask for one at the pharmacy.

Take Clarithromycin for exactly as long as your doctor prescribed. Very often, the symptoms of the disease may disappear before the infection is completely eliminated, so it is impossible to stop treatment earlier than prescribed.

Clarithromycin is completely ineffective in treating viral infections (eg, colds, flu, chickenpox).

Store the medicine at room temperature, in a dry and dark place. Do not store the bottle of suspension in the refrigerator.

What should I do if I forgot to take a dose of medication?

Take the missed dose of medication as soon as you remember. If at this point it is time to take the next dose of the medicine, do not take the missed dose. Do not double the dose of medication to make up for a missed dose.

What should I do if I took too much Clarithromycin?

If you think you have taken too much medicine, call an ambulance.

Symptoms of overdose may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal discomfort.

Clarithromycin and alcohol

Although alcohol does not interact with Clarithromycin, does not reduce its effectiveness, and does not increase the side effects of this medication, it is recommended that you avoid drinking alcoholic beverages during treatment with Clarithromycin.

Side effects from taking Clarithromycin

Consult your doctor as soon as possible (call an ambulance) if, some time after taking Clarithromycin, you experience one or more of the following: the following symptoms: itching and red spots on the skin, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, tongue or throat. Be sure to contact the doctor who prescribed your treatment if you notice the following symptoms:
  • Shortness of breath, chest pain, irregular heartbeat
  • Copious watery or bloody diarrhea (see also Diarrhea associated with antibiotics)
  • Nausea, vomiting, fever, dark urine, discolored stool, yellow discoloration of the skin or eyes
  • Fever, sore throat, rash or blisters on the skin, headache
  • Hearing impairment

Less heavy adverse reactions taking Clarithromycin may include:

  • Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • Change in tooth color
  • Dizziness, headache, anxiety
  • Skin rash
  • Itching and vaginal discharge

Is not full list adverse reactions that may occur after taking Clarithromycin. If you experience any symptoms after starting treatment, be sure to tell your doctor.

What drugs can interact with Clarithromycin?

Clarithromycin may interact with various medications, so before you start treatment, be sure to tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking, including vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopathic medicines, and medications prescribed by other doctors. While being treated with Clarithromycin, do not start taking other medications before talking to your doctor.

Taking Clarithromycin during pregnancy

Animal studies have shown that Clarithromycin can cause malformations in the fetus, but there is no precise data on the effect of this drug on fetal development in humans.

To date, only one study has examined the effects of clarithromycin on pregnancy in humans. This study found that, compared with women who did not take any medications during pregnancy, women who took clarithromycin (including during the first trimester of pregnancy) were slightly more likely to have a miscarriage, but the risk of fetal birth defects remained the same.

Since the data from this study are insufficient to form a definitive conclusion about the safety of Clarithromycin, experts recommend avoiding this medication during pregnancy.

Before you start taking this medicine, be sure to tell your doctor if you are pregnant or if you are planning to become pregnant in the near future. Also tell your doctor if for any reason you took clarithromycin during pregnancy.

A detailed explanation of how medications can affect pregnancy, how to know which medications you can and cannot take during pregnancy, what to do if you become pregnant while taking a certain medication, how your doctor can check to see if the medication is harming your baby, and answers to others important questions presented in the article Answers to the most important questions about taking medications during pregnancy.

Taking Clarithromycin while breastfeeding

Studies have shown that Clarithromycin passes into breast milk only in small amounts (approximately 2% of the drug dose accepted woman) and does not appear to cause serious side effects in infants.

In this regard, experts allow the use of Clarithromycin during breastfeeding, without stopping breastfeeding.

One study found that using macrolide antibiotics (including Clarithromycin) during the first 3 months of a baby's life may increase the risk of narrowing of the pylorus (where the stomach meets the small intestine). It should be noted, however, that this study looked primarily at children receiving erythromycin and that other studies did not confirm these results.

Taking antibiotics, including Clarithromycin, during breastfeeding may increase the risk of a child developing candidal stomatitis, diaper dermatitis and diarrhea. Detailed recommendations regarding the treatment of these diseases in children are presented in the articles: , Diarrhea in children, .

How to take Clarithromycin is prescribed by your doctor after clinical and laboratory tests and an accurate diagnosis. The drug is a semi-synthetic derivative of erythromycin, synthesized as a result of chemical changes in the molecular composition of the active substance.

The drug is characterized by high bioavailability, increased stability in an acidic environment, and a wide spectrum of antibacterial action. Unlike other representatives of the macrolide group, the drug concentration of clarithromycin in tissues is much higher.

The drug is prescribed for infections of the upper respiratory tract(sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis), lower respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis), infectious skin lesions (streptoderma, carbuncles, boils, furunculosis, erysipelas), infectious diseases in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), mycobacterial generalized lesions, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, in combination with drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

The antibiotic Clarithromycin inhibits the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the affected area; the maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is achieved two hours after the first dose. The differences in the use of the drug in tablets and in suspension are due to the possibility of using the antibiotic in both adults and children.

When prescribing Clarithromycin to a child, it is recommended to use small light yellow granules to prepare a suspension. In addition to the instructions, the package contains a syringe dispenser, which allows you to accurately select the volume of the drug based on the doctor’s prescription.

IN Lately The antibiotic Clarithromycin is used in urology to treat chronic and acute prostatitis. The improved pharmacokinetic and antibacterial properties of Clarithromycin cause its increased acid stability, which leads to rapid accumulation of the required concentration at the site of infection.

The antimicrobial effect of the drug is realized by disrupting protein synthesis by the ribosomal structures of the microbial organism. The high degree of solubility in lipids allows Clarithromycin to distribute in a balanced manner throughout the entire infectious focus.

How to take Clarithromycin: the dosage regimen is prescribed individually by your doctor, regardless of meals, but usually after meals. Prescribed from 0.25 to 0.5 grams every 12 hours, the duration of administration is adjusted by the attending physician, depending on the results clinical tests blood.

As a rule, the drug is well tolerated by patients. Side effects are:

  • digestive disorders (dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting);
  • disorders of the central nervous system (dizziness, paresthesia, numbness of the limbs, insomnia);
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system (ventricular tachycardia, ventricular arrhythmias);
  • allergic phenomena (urticaria, Quincke's edema, rarely - anaphylactic shock);
  • hypoglycemia, loss of consciousness.

The antibiotic Clarithromycin should not be used:

  • when taking ergot derivatives in parallel;
  • in children under 12 years of age;
  • with simultaneous use of cisapride, pimozide, terfenadine;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • increased allergic sensitivity to macrolides.

Antibiotic Clarithromycin for resistant bacterial infection

Due to the fact that Clarithromycin has a predictable effect, unlike other broad-spectrum antibiotics, it has few side effects; the semi-synthetic drug is used to treat gastritis with proven Helicobacter pylori activity, chlamydia, and ureaplasmosis.

The pronounced post-antibiotic effect, which is expressed in maintaining the concentration of the drug in the blood after stopping its use, makes it possible to prescribe short courses of Clarithromycin. Treatment-resistant bacterium Helicobacter pylori causes chronic gastric ulcers and duodenum, increases the risk of developing oncological pathology stomach. The acid resistance of the antibiotic Clarithromycin determines its relevance wide application in gastroenterological practice.

The drug is prescribed 500 mg per day, twice after meals, the course is prolonged from 7 to 14 days, depending on the level of microbial activity.

The solution to such a complex urological problem as the treatment of chlamydia and ureaplasmosis is possible due to the rapid blocking of the synthesis of ribosomal protein subunits of microorganisms. Due to its long half-life and wide balanced distribution in affected tissues, the antibiotic Clarithromycin is actively used in international practice in the form of tablets or suspension. Courses of the drug for urogenital pathology are prescribed by the doctor strictly individually.

Clarithromycin tablets for children and pregnant women, analogues of the drug

Clarithromycin tablets are used in both children and adults. A special feature of the drug is the intensive saturation of the body’s enzymatic systems, which increases the bioavailability of the active substance.

The drug should be used with caution in patients with disorders excretory function kidneys, renal failure.

Impaired excretion of the substance leads to toxic poisoning tissues, repeated violation renal functions. They try not to prescribe the drug to pregnant women in the first and second trimester of pregnancy. to exclude intrauterine pathology of the fetus.

  • It is strictly forbidden to use an antibiotic during alcohol consumption; a decrease in the effectiveness of the antibiotic occurs in parallel with the increasing load on the organs and tissues of the body.
  • The release of toxic components formed as a result of the interaction of ethanol with the excipients magnesium stearate, talc and starch, which are part of the antibiotic, leads to severe poisoning of liver cells, including the development of acute hepatitis.
  • Clarithromycin tablets should be combined with other medications with caution, after consulting your doctor. Severe consequences of unorganized use of drugs can develop after combining Clarithromycin with other potent drugs. The consequences are manifested by toxic damage to various organs.

For children over 12 years of age, the drug is prescribed according to 250-500 mg twice a day, lasting from six days to two weeks. For pregnant women, starting from the third trimester of pregnancy, the drug is prescribed for infectious diseases strictly as prescribed by a gynecologist.

Analogs of Clarithromycin are medicines whose composition is represented by substances that are interchangeable in their effect on the microbial cell.

Analogues include:

  • Clarithromycin-Teva.
  • Clarithromycin-OBL.
  • Clubax OD.
  • Clarbuckt.
  • Clarithromycin-VERTE.
  • Klacid.
  • Claricin.

Clarithromycin tablets have good reviews among adults and children and are noted as an effective medicine that quickly helps get rid of the disease. The absence of side effects and good tolerability of the drug make it the drug of choice.

The price of the drug ranges from 160 to 950 rubles. Analogues of the drug, such as Claritrosin Synthesis in capsules, can be purchased in pharmacies at a price of 163 rubles per pack. The maximum cost is noted for Klacid SR Retard in a blister, which currently costs 901 rubles.

Clarithromycin is an antibiotic, a semi-synthetic medicine. broad action. It belongs to the safest (macrolide) drugs that do not cause hematotoxicity and nephrotoxicity and are well tolerated by patients.

Its action is manifested in the suppression of protein synthesis of bacterial ribosomes, leading to the death of microbes. Clarithromycin Teva, produced in Israel, is available in two forms with different dosages.

How to use

The antibiotic is produced in coated tablets (250 mg), gelatin capsules – 250, 500 mg. Inside there is a white or yellowish powder. The composition contains the active substance (clarithromycin), auxiliary substances (lactose, povidone), calcium.

The main component has antimicrobial and bactericidal effects. Shows activity against various gram-negative intracellular microorganisms.

Indications for use

Due to its action, it is prescribed for inflammation caused by pathogens sensitive to the drug.

Indicated for the following diseases:

  1. Pneumonia, bronchitis, respiratory tract infections.
  2. Often used in ENT practice, for otitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis.
  3. Skin lesions, inflammation, various rashes.
  4. Localization of the spread of mycobacteria.
  5. Reducing the incidence of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  6. Use in complex treatment of ureaplasma and chlamydia.
  7. Inflammation of the prostate gland of a microbial nature.

Side effects

Most patients tolerate the drug well. But sometimes there are negative effects:

  • Once in the stomach and intestines, it can cause a feeling of heaviness, bloating, nausea, and the urge to vomit.
  • Changes in the oral cavity. Tongue discoloration, inflammation, candidiasis.
  • Increased liver (enzyme) activity leading to jaundice. Very rarely, liver failure.
  • Changes in blood composition (leukopenia, thrombocytopenia).
  • Loss of sensation in the limbs (paresthesia), migraine and dizziness.
  • Loss taste qualities and sense of smell. Confusion, ringing in the ears, hearing loss.
  • Convulsive reactions, insomnia, mental disorders.
  • Cardiac problems (tachycardia).
  • Pain in muscles (myalgia), joint pain (arthralgia).
  • Impaired kidney function (increased creatine), renal failure.
  • Skin rashes (urticaria, dermatitis), swelling, anaphylactic shock.
  • A sharp decrease in sugar in diabetics (hypoglycemia).


  1. Take with ergot alkaloids.
  2. It is forbidden to combine cisapide, terfenadine, quinidine with drugs.
  3. Restricted to ages 12 and under.
  4. During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  5. Sensitivity to macrolides.
  6. Severe damage to the liver and kidneys.


Most drugs cannot be combined with alcohol. The medicine belongs to macrolides. An antibacterial agent, which is a semi-synthetic derivative of erythromycin.

The drug has a number of side effects, especially causing a lot of abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system. Causes overexcitation, insomnia, headaches.

During treatment, thrush may appear. Taking alcohol at the same time makes it clear that side effects are intensifying.

What is this connected with? The effect of the drug kills not only harmful bacteria, but also affects beneficial ones.

Taking the medicine makes the body work with redoubled force. Simultaneous use of alcohol only aggravates the situation. In addition, it reduces the effectiveness of treatment and can cause new side effects.

The effect of the drug and the destructive effects of alcohol are manifested in the function of the kidneys and heart. These organs work with redoubled force, which negatively affects the general condition of the patient and health in general.

With ureaplasma

Tablets are a modern synthetic antibiotic that is used in the fight against illness. These microbes have more than 20 varieties. Dealing with this problem is very difficult.

Macrolide antibiotics come to the rescue - erythromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin and tetracyclines. The duration of therapy is two weeks. In 90% of cases recovery occurs.

We must remember that microbes adapt to drugs, treatment is not always effective. Such strains have appeared when 2 weeks of treatment with tetracycline do not give any result.

Allows you to get rid of the disease 100%. It has the ability to accumulate in lymphocytes, macrophages, and penetrate deep into organs.

The dose accumulated in the cell can fight any microbes. The drug is an inhibitor, prevents bacteria from multiplying, and prevents relapse.

The course of treatment is 7-14 days, depending on the patient’s condition. Daily dose 250 mg/2 times a day. There is a prolonged form of treatment, when the drug is prescribed once, 500 mg.

For prostatitis

The cause of the disease is bacteria that cause inflammation. The main task of treatment is not only the elimination of the pathological process, but also the fight against the cause.

For this purpose, antibiotics from the macrolites group are used. The most effective of them is clarithromycin. Especially if the cause of the disease is gram-positive flora.

Prostatitis can also be caused by other bacteria (enterobacteriaceae) that cannot be treated with this antibiotic. When starting therapy, it is important to know the cause of the disease.

Often a comprehensive restoration is necessary. It may include different groups of antibiotics. The regimen is selected individually, especially for mixed diseases.

Treatment of chlamydia

This is a complex infection that affects the urogenital tract. Long period the patient does not feel symptoms of the disease. Untimely elimination of the disease leads to a chronic form that is difficult to destroy.

Not all antibiotics can treat the problem. Among the most effective is clarithromycin. It helps overcome the infection very quickly.

Its use does not last long, but the drug accumulates in tissues and long time after the end of the reception it continues its therapeutic effect. The drug enters the affected cells, which leads to the death of the infection.

Long-term elimination from the body helps to use it twice a day to achieve a positive result. Maximum dose per day should not exceed 900 mg.

The course of treatment is 5-12 days. A positive result is achieved in 99% of cases.


There are many drugs whose active ingredient is clarithromycin. Price policy very different. Foreign substitutes are more expensive. Russian-made drugs are much cheaper.

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Clarithromycin is a well-known semi-synthetic antibacterial agent that belongs to the group of macrolides, being a derivative of erythromycin.

Most often, this macrolide is prescribed for the following diseases:

  1. Pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, as well as other upper respiratory tract infections,
  2. Pneumonia and bronchitis,
  3. Dental and jaw infections,
  4. Staphyloderma, streptoderma,
  5. Erysipelas,
  6. HIV infections,
  7. Together with other antibiotics - to eliminate Helicobacter pylori and etc.

The course of treatment with clarithromycin usually lasts 7-14 days.

Clarithromycin should be taken with food and water.

Mechanism of action and application

Clarithromycin is a semisynthetic macrolide antibiotic. The action of the drug is based on the fact that it binds to bacterial ribosomes and inhibits their protein synthesis. By inhibiting their formation, this antibiotic exhibits a bacteriostatic effect, that is, it stops the growth and reproduction of bacteria, but does not kill them.

The spectrum of action of Clarithromycin extends to gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria: legionella and mycoplasma pneumoniae, Helicobacter pylori, pseudomonas, staphylococci, streptococci, listeria, hemophilus influenzae, gonococci, treponema, chlamydia, mycobacteria, bacteroides.

The active substance of the drug is well absorbed into digestive tract. Once in the blood, Clarithromycin is metabolized in the liver to an active metabolite - 14-hydroxyclarithromycin, the therapeutic concentration of which in the blood is achieved two days after the start of administration.

In the blood, the metabolite is found predominantly in a state bound to plasma proteins. Its concentration in tissues is several times higher than that in the blood.

The antibiotic is excreted in bile and, to a lesser extent, in urine.

Given the sensitivity of certain microorganisms to Clarithromycin, it is used to treat infectious pathologies caused by the above bacteria:

  • tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis;
  • bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • skin infections(furunculosis, infected wounds, impetigo);
  • oral infections (stomatitis, periodontitis, pulpitis);
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • gastric ulcer (with suppression of hydrochloric acid secretion).

The drug is prescribed as a single drug or as part of complex treatment. Taken orally 1-3 times a day, regardless of meals.

The therapeutic course is 5-14 days, depending on the severity infectious process and its localization. At the same time, it is categorically not recommended to reduce the duration of the course of treatment: when it is reduced, microorganisms develop resistance to the antibiotic.

The active ingredient of Klacida is the semisynthetic antibiotic clarithromycin. The clarithromycin molecule has a 14-membered lactone ring in its structure, which determines its bacteriostatic effect.

In a bacterial cell, this substance is incorporated into large ribosomal subunits, thereby blocking the process of protein synthesis. Protein deficiency leads to inhibition of bacterial activity, stops their growth and development, and interferes with the reproduction process.

Types and forms of release

Fromilid is a semisynthetic antimicrobial agent from the group of macrolides - new generation antibiotics that have relatively low toxicity. It is produced in tablets and in powder form, from which a suspension is prepared.

Depending on the amount of active substance that one tablet contains, the following types of drug are produced:

  1. Fromilid 250 mg. These are yellowish oval convex capsules covered transparent film. Available in blister packs of 7 and 14 units, stored in cardboard packages.
  2. Fromilid 500 mg. The tablets are the same in color and type, but the active ingredient in one capsule is 2 times more.
  3. Fromilid Uno 500 mg. This is the same drug, only it has a prolonged (longer) effect. This is a convex yellow capsule covered with a thin film. On one of its sides there is a marking in the form of the Latin letter “U”. Available in quantities of 5, 7 and 14 units, which are stored in special blisters packed in cardboard boxes.

The powder for preparing the suspension has the appearance of small granules of a milky or slightly yellowish tint. It has a distinct banana aroma.

Available in a glass bottle of 1.5 g. The powder is diluted with ordinary drinking water at the rate of 125 mg per 5 ml of the finished suspension, which should have a uniform structure, yellowish color and banana smell.

Contraindications and side effects during treatment with clarithromycin

If you are prescribed clarithromycin, check to see if it is contraindicated for you. The main contraindications to taking this antibiotic are:

  • Age up to 12 years,
  • Allergy to other macrolides - azithromycin, erythromycin, oleandomycin, etc.,
  • Allergy to this drug,
  • Also, you should not take clarithromycin at the same time as ergot extract (and drugs that contain it), pimozide and cisapride.

The list of side effects is quite impressive:

  • Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite,
  • Epigastric pain
  • Glossitis,
  • Allergic reactions: urticaria, etc., up to anaphylactic shock,
  • Fungal infection of the oral cavity, pallor of the tongue,
  • Headaches, tinnitus,
  • Dizziness,
  • Anxiety, nightmares,
  • Insomnia,
  • Psychosis, hallucinations,
  • Tachycardia,
  • Disorientation in space, etc.
  • Have you tried many methods, but nothing helps?
  • Another coding turned out to be ineffective?
  • Is alcoholism destroying your family?

Characteristics of the medicine

This is one of the most effective types of antibacterial drugs with mild side effects and a small number of contraindications. Clarithromycin belongs to the group of macrolides - the safest and non-toxic antibiotics.

Within this group, clarithromycin is included in the category of third-generation semisynthetic drugs - supplemented, corrected versions of the active substance erythromycin.

Before you buy Clarithromycin, make sure you are not taking medications that are incompatible with it. The active substance of the antibiotic has a strong effect, so the simultaneous use of clarithromycin and certain medications is prohibited - this can cause unexpected, dangerous consequences for health.

The attending physician should determine the correct quantities of drugs and doses. To receive maximum effect from medications, you need to limit their consumption.

More information about interactions with other drugs:

  • Prohibited: combining Clarithromycin with Lovastatin, Simvastatin, Terfenadine, Cisapride, Astemizole.
  • Upon admission the following drugs it is necessary to adjust the doses (mainly reduce them) because they suppress the effect of each other: Rifabutin, Rifapentine, Phenytoin, Phenobarbital, Carbamazepine, Cisapride, Ritonavir, Zidovudine.
  • Drugs that increase the concentration of 14-hydroxyclarithromycin (metabolite) and reduce the effectiveness of clarithromycin: Efavirenz, Etravirine, Nevirapine, Pimozide, Rifampicin.

This medicine is known among buyers as an antibiotic of semi-synthetic origin. It is classified as a macrolide and is considered an analogue of erythromycin. Therefore, alcohol and clarithromycin clearly cannot interact with each other.

Clarithromycin is not compatible with alcohol, as the side effects of the drug may increase.

Quite often the medication is prescribed in the following cases:

    • Infection of the jaw or teeth;
    • Tonsillitis;
    • Pneumonia;
    • Sinusitis;
    • Bronchial asthma;
    • Pharyngitis;
    • Streptoderma;
    • Helicobacter Pylori;
    • HIV infections.

The treatment period with this medicine lasts fourteen days.

The medication should be taken only while eating and should be washed down with liquid.

Klacid is a broad-spectrum antibiotic; it is used to combat pathogens of various diseases - pneumonia, chlamydia, gonorrhea, ulcers and many other diseases.

The antibiotic Clarithromycin (Clarithromycin) is a drug that first entered the medical market at the end of the 20th century and has not lost its relevance to this day.

Its use in modern clinical practice is due to its wide range of effects on infectious agents, activity against intracellular pathogens and a variety of release forms.

Characteristics of the drug

The antibiotic in question is the drug of choice in the treatment of an impressive list of ailments. Clarithromycin is a semisynthetic drug derivative of Erythromycin; belongs to the group of macrolides.

Azithromycin (Zithromax, Z-max) is a semi-synthetic antibiotic from the azalide group of the macrolide class. It is used to treat many infectious diseases caused by bacteria. These include:

  • infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • respiratory infections;
  • skin and soft tissue infections;
  • ear infections (otitis);
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • urinary tract infections.

The drug is not prescribed if the patient has problems with the heart (arrhythmia), liver or kidneys, or if there has ever been a reaction to the drug in the form of jaundice. Azithromycin is not prescribed if you are allergic to macrolide antibiotics (clarithromycin, erythromycin and telithromycin). Myasthenia gravis is also a contraindication.

During pregnancy or lactation, the drug is prescribed with caution: there is no exact data on how the drug affects the unborn child and infants. Azithromycin is not prescribed to children under the age of six months, but even then, up to the age of sixteen, it is prescribed with caution.

Treatment with Azithromycin should be carried out in full accordance with the doctor’s recommendations, strictly adhering to the indicated dosage and timing of use. Do not prescribe the dosage yourself: different dosages and treatment periods are used to treat different diseases.

Indications for use

Fromilid Uno and Fromilid are prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • infectious diseases of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, tonsillopharyngitis, acute sinusitis, otitis media);
  • infectious diseases of the skin and soft tissues (erysipelas, wound infections, boils, carbuncles);
  • mycobacterial diseases;
  • in the complex treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection;
  • preventive measures for people with AIDS.

You should not take the drug in the following cases:

  • If you exhibit high sensitivity to clarithromycin, macrolides or other ingredients of the drug.
  • You cannot combine Fromilid with the use of cisapride, terfenadine, pimozide, astemizole.
  • The drug is contraindicated in severe kidney disease and porphyria.

Fromilid tablets should be swallowed whole with a small amount of water. Adult patients and children over twelve years of age take 250 mg twice a day every 12 hours.

When treating sinusitis, as well as severe infectious diseases, patients are prescribed 500 mg of the drug twice a day every 12 hours. The course of therapy lasts from 1 to 2 weeks.

For Helicobacter pylori infection, 250-500 mg is prescribed as part of complex treatment every 12 hours, twice a day. Treatment lasts one week.

For the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with the bacteria Micobacterium complex avium, the drug should be taken every 12 hours, 500 mg, the duration of treatment is indicated by the doctor. If there is such a need, the dose can be increased, but you should not take more than 2000 mg of the drug per day.

For the treatment of children, the dosage of the drug is calculated based on 15 mg of the drug per kilogram of body weight. The daily dose of Fromilid is divided into two doses every 12 hours. The permissible daily dose for children is 1000 mg.

Fromilid 125 suspension is used to treat children. To prepare the suspension, you need to add 42 mg to the bottle with granules boiled water.

Children under 12 years of age are prescribed a dose of 15 mg of the drug per kilogram of body weight. The daily dose is divided into two doses every 12 hours.

Fromilid 250 suspension is determined if necessary using a dispenser. The suspension should be washed down with water.

No more than 1000 mg of the drug is allowed per day.

Instructions for use Fromilid Uno 500 mg are as follows: tablets should be swallowed during meals and washed down with a small amount of water. Exactly what dose of the drug should be used, as well as how long the treatment should last, is determined individually.

The instructions for Fromilid Uno stipulate that children over 12 years of age and adults take 500 mg of the drug once a day, doing this at the same time. For severe infectious diseases, the dosage can be increased to 1000 mg per day. Treatment lasts from 1 to 2 weeks.

Klacid (in Latin – Klacid) is modern antibiotic wide spectrum of action. It effectively destroys microbes sensitive to clarithromycin and has anti-infective and anti-inflammatory effects.

Klacid indications for use

Klacid is able to fight infectious and inflammatory pathogens and has the following indications for use:

  • ENT diseases – tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis and other upper respiratory tract infections;
  • respiratory diseases - bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.;
  • acute sinusitis;
  • otitis medium and acute;
  • whooping cough;
  • venereal diseases;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • infectious skin lesions and other diseases.

Contraindications to the use of Klacid

Klacid, like other antibiotics, has a huge range of serious contraindications, which are indicated in the instructions for the drug:

  • pathological disorders liver and kidney functions;
  • porphyria;
  • pregnancy;
  • period of lactation and breastfeeding;
  • simultaneous use with medications such as cisapride, astemizole, pimozide, ergotamine and others;
  • childhood up to 3 years;
  • personal sensitivity.

Composition of Klacid suspension and tablets

The drug can be produced in several dosage forms– in tablets, in the form of a composition for production infusion solution, in the form of powder for suspension.

The tablets have the following composition:

  • active ingredient – ​​clarithromycin;
  • auxiliary components - carbomer, povidone, castor oil, silicon dioxide, sucrose and others.

The suspension consists of:

  • active medicinal component clarithromycin - 250 mg/5 ml;
  • auxiliary elements - carbomer, povidone, sucrose, titanium dioxide, fruit flavor, citric acid and others.

Klacid instructions for use

Instructions for use for adults and children are different. First of all, the amount of the drug prescribed per dose is different. The duration of treatment also varies.

Dosage for adults

According to the instructions for use, the antibiotic in the form of tablets for adults should be taken orally, regardless of food intake, 250 mg twice a day. In cases with an acute form of infection, the dose is increased to 500 mg in two daily doses. The course of treatment should not exceed two weeks.

Instructions for use of Klacid for children

For children, antibiotics are used strictly as prescribed by a doctor, under his supervision, and also in accordance with current instructions.

For children under 12 years of age, the dose should be from 7.5 to 15 mg/kg/day in two divided doses.

Klacid suspension 250 mg instructions for use for children

A 250 mg suspension is more often used to treat infectious diseases in children. It is recommended to prescribe an antibiotic depending on the child’s weight in a ratio of 7.5 mg/kg.

In this case, the maximum dosage for children, according to the instructions for use, should not exceed 500 mg. The suspension is used twice a day for up to a week, but no more.

Instructions and dosage for sore throat, bronchitis and sinusitis

As reviews show, this antibiotic is actively used by doctors to treat infectious diseases of the throat and respiratory tract, including tonsillitis, bronchitis and purulent sinusitis.

The dosage in each case should be determined strictly by the doctor. The recommended dose of 500 mg according to the instructions is prescribed no more than 2 times a day for a course of treatment of 5 days.

Reviews of the drug Klacid in tablets and syrup

Patient reviews of Klacid tablets and syrup are mixed. Some patients experienced side effects of the antibiotic such as palpitations(tachycardia), dry mouth, nightmares, loss of coordination, hallucination and so on.

While other patients did not notice anything like this. There are also reviews that indicate the ineffectiveness of the drug.

Can I take it during pregnancy?

The use of antibiotics during pregnancy and lactation has not been experimentally studied. But, as reviews from doctors and patients show, it is better for pregnant and lactating women to avoid taking this drug.

Antibiotic analogues

The following analogues (substitutes) can be purchased in pharmacies with or without a doctor’s prescription: arvicin; binoculars; Zimbactar, Clarbact, Clarithromycin, Claricin, Klacid SR, Seidon-Sanovel, Fromilid, Ecositrin and many others.

Compatibility of alcohol and clacid

According to the instructions for the medicine, the drug is extremely incompatible with alcohol, so using the drug and alcohol together can lead to extremely sad consequences.

How much does it cost at the pharmacy?

The cost of the drug Klacid depends on the dosage of the active substance in its composition:

  • powder clacid for suspensions 125 mg/5 ml has a price of about 350 rubles;
  • drug for suspensions 250 mg/5 ml - on average 400 rubles;
  • tablets 500 mg, 5 pieces – 500 rubles;
  • tablets 250 mg, 10 pieces - about 713 rubles;
  • drug 500 mg for infusion, 1 bottle - approximately 600 rubles.

General description of the drug Klacid

In terms of its chemical composition, Klacid is an antibiotic that belongs to the group of macrolides and has a wide range of action.

It is based on clarithromycin, which is the active ingredient that destroys bacterial proteins.

It produces both against pathogenic microbes located inside tissue cells and against pathogens that multiply outside them.

The antibacterial effect of clarithromycin extends to such pathogens as Staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus, group A streptococci, as well as the main “provocateurs” of listeriosis, pneumonia, Haemophilus influenzae infection, pneumocholamydia, leprosy, chlamydia, sporotrichosis, gonorrhea, erysipelas.

However, the scope of application of Klacid is not limited to this. In addition, it is important to clarify that there are also microorganisms that are resistant to the action of this active component.

Klacid has several pharmacological versions: tablets, powders for preparing a suspension for internal use, and powder for creating an injection solution.

Among the complete analogues of Klacid, such medications as Klamed, Fromilid, Klabaks, Klaritsit, Klaritsin, Kleron and others are known, having identical chemical basis.

Indications and contraindications for the use of the drug Klacid

Indications for the use of Klacid are considered to be infectious diseases of the organs of hearing, digestion, breathing, digestion, skin, soft tissues, which are caused by bacteria that are hypersensitive to the activity of this antibiotic.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that patients with liver dysfunction who are taking antibiotics must systematically monitor their blood condition, as well as the concentration of certain substances in the plasma.

Side effects and overdose during treatment with Klacid

Klacid has a systemic effect in the body, so side effects that worsen due to such treatment can spread to all vital organs and systems.

Thus, digestive anomalies are possible, expressed by vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, and in more serious cases clinical pictures– oral candidiasis, ventricular arrhythmia and pseudomembranous colitis. In addition, deterioration of liver function is sometimes observed, in particular hepatic cell hepatitis.

Migraine attacks, dizziness, insomnia, hallucinations, increased anxiety and panic fear. Of course, it cannot do without local reactions as skin rashes.

In case of an overdose of Klacid, the patient will experience sharp deterioration state of health, as in food poisoning. Here it is necessary to remove clarithromycin that has not dissolved in the body, that is, perform gastric lavage and drink a sorbent, and then trivial symptomatic therapy is appropriate.

One way or another, Klacid should be taken exclusively by a specialist and strictly according to indications, otherwise the result of such treatment will be the most unpredictable in the body.

Instructions for use of the drug Klacid

The method of administration is quite simple: one Klacid tablet per day with meals, and in more severe infectious diseases - two tablets. Should be swallowed whole, without violating the structural integrity and with a moderate amount of liquid. The daily dose can be adjusted by the doctor depending on the form and stage of the disease.

Features of the use of the drug Klacid

The attached Klacida instructions contain a comprehensive list that states which pharmacological groups and how this antibacterial drug interacts.

It can be summarized that many medications in complex therapy with the drug can change the composition of the blood, and therefore, before choosing characteristic treatment, you need to consult your doctor.

Reviews about the drug Klacid

Patient reviews of Klacida are the most contradictory. Some patients praise this treatment because it was not only productive, but also rapid, and final recovery was not long in coming.

However, on medical forums there are also completely opposite reviews, which report severe side anomalies of systemic action. In such cases, the condition of typical patients deteriorated sharply and it was necessary to change the treatment regimen, selecting a more gentle analogue.

One thing is clear: Klacid must be taken under the supervision of a specialist and in clearly defined doses, and if the condition worsens at the slightest or side effects occur, it is recommended to reconsider the chosen treatment regimen.

Price for Klacid 0.125/5ml d/susp - from 359 rubles

general description the drug Klacid Klacid in its chemical design is an antibiotic that belongs to the group of macrolides and has a wide range of action.

It produces […]

Alexander Starovoytov, 04:56

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The drug is an antibiotic and belongs to the class of macrolides. It is used to treat many infectious lesions of the body, in particular against the causative agent of stomach ulcers (Helicobacter pylori).

Indications for use

Used to treat pneumonia and bronchitis. Klacid is also indicated for tonsillitis (tonsillitis), otitis media, inflammation of the sinus mucosa, soft tissue infections of the skin (furunculosis, erysipelas) and against mycobacterial lesions. Suitable as part of complex therapy for Helicobacter pylori.

Medicinal properties

The antibiotic, after ingestion, is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The bioavailability of the drug is approximately 50%. At simultaneous administration with food, its bioavailability can increase by another 25%.

After binding to blood proteins (the percentage of binding ranges from 41 to 70%), the drug is distributed throughout all tissues of the body. The highest concentration of the drug in the human body is found in the lungs and liver.

The highest concentration of the drug in human blood occurs approximately 6 hours after use. The higher the dose taken by the patient, the longer the medication will be eliminated. Clarithromycin is primarily excreted in urine (40%) and feces (30%). The half-life is prolonged in elderly patients and those with kidney disease.

Composition of the drug

The main active component of the drug is the antibiotic clarithromycin.

Klacid tablets

average price: 800 rub.

Klacid 250 mg in immediate release tablet form. Each tablet has yellow and an oval shape.

Klacid tablets, 500 mg of active ingredient, immediate release. The color is pale yellow.

Directions for use and doses

Klacid for children and adults is indicated for oral administration, regardless of meal times. You can take an antibiotic both before and after meals.

Klacid 250 or 500 mg tablets. The usual dosage for adults is 250 mg twice a day. In more severe cases, for adults, the dosage can be increased to 500 mg at a time, two doses per day. Therapy with the drug lasts for 5-14 days.

Suspension Klacid

Average price: 450 rub.

It is produced in the form of a powder for dilution. Granular powder, white.

Available in 125 and 250 mg, and packaged in 60 and 100 ml bottles. In 5 ml of solution for oral administration will contain 125 and 250 mg of clarithromycin, respectively.

Klacid for children is used exclusively in the form of a suspension. Has a pleasant fruity smell.

Klacid for children from three years of age in the form of a suspension should be taken strictly according to the instructions so as not to cause harm. Taking the drug does not depend on meals. The suspension is prepared very simply: water is gradually poured into the bottle up to the mark. Next, the contents need to be shaken well so that all the powder is completely dissolved.

You can give the medicine with milk. Store the prepared solution at room temperature for no more than two weeks. The recommended dosage is 7.5 mg of liquid per kilogram of the child’s body weight. Highest daily dosage should not exceed 500 mg. The highest daily dose should be administered in two doses.

The duration of treatment for a child ranges from five to ten days.

From the age of twelve, it is permissible for a child to use adult dosages (250 mg twice a day). It is believed that children's body Clarithromycin is more easily tolerated than other antibiotics. Therefore, if a child has tonsillitis, pneumonia or otitis media, then this drug is most often prescribed.

Lyophilisate Klacid

Average price: 600 rub.

In the form of a lyophilisate for intravenous administration. It has White color and a light pleasant smell. One bottle contains 500 mg of active ingredient.

Lyophilisate is used for treatment in adults. The recommended dosage is 1 gram of the product per day, which is used in two doses.

The medicine should be administered dropwise after diluting the lyophilisate in a special solvent. The administration procedure should last at least an hour.

The antibiotic is administered by infusion into a vein; injecting the medicine intramuscularly is prohibited! How long to treat with the drug depends on the severity of the disease and medical indications.

How to properly prepare a solution for infusion?

Clarithromycin is an antibiotic belonging to the macrolide group. It is mainly prescribed as etiotropic therapy for sinusitis, otitis, sinusitis, infectious diseases of the respiratory system, sore throat and bacterial inflammation of the maxillofacial area.

The drug also helps in the fight against infections caused by Mycobacterium intracellulare and Mycobacterium avium.

The original drug is called Klacid. On him, on this moment There are about 40 copies - generics. It is not difficult to write out a prescription for Clarithromycin in Latin. On Latin it looks like this:

  • Rp.: Tab. Clarithromycini 0.25
  • D.t.d: No. 10
  • S.: take one tablet twice a day, for five days.

It is an antibacterial agent with a bacteriostatic effect. Has a wide spectrum of action.


Its pharmacological properties depend on which group the drug belongs to. The drug contains 250 or 500 mg of the active substance.

Clarithromycin is not available in ampoules, or as a suspension, suppository, ointment or capsule. The release form is Opadry II film-coated tablets only, and one pill may contain 250 and 500 mg of active ingredient. The use of the medicine internally is indicated.

TO excipients drugs include:

  • potato starch;
  • povidone;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • Aerosil;
  • pregelatinized starch;
  • magnesium stearate.

In the Russian Federation it is produced packaged in a blister containing 5 tablets. One cardboard pack contains from one to two blisters.

What is the price?

How much does Clarithromycin cost? Its cost is much cheaper than its analogues. What's the difference then? The difference is in the degree of purification of the drug and the manufacturer. The original drug, Klacin, has the highest cost. Generics are cheaper.

The price of one package of 10 tablets of Clarithromycin is 200-300 rubles. The medicine can be bought at the pharmacy based on the photo and description.

Indications for use Clarithromycin

Indications for use are carriage and diseases caused by the entire spectrum of infectious agents on the body. Why or what does it help, what is it treated for? How to behave when taking the medicine and the method of administration, when it is removed from the body and the pharmacological treatment regimen.

This active semi-synthetic antibacterial medication is taken for:

  • infectious processes caused by Mycobacterium, chlamydia and other sexually transmitted pathogens;
  • purulent and unspecified otitis media and acute sinusitis;
  • acute and chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, sinusitis;
  • pneumonia without specifying the pathogen;
  • bronchitis, either acute or chronic;
  • skin abscess, boil, carbuncle;
  • folliculitis.


Nolpaza, Metronidazole, Amoxiclav, Azithromycin, Fromilid, Vilprafen, Zentiva, Amoxicillin, Klacid and other synonyms for the names of antibacterial agents can also be used to treat infection.

Which antibiotic will be best for a particular patient is largely determined by the sensitivity of the pathogen to it. All these drugs are not the same thing.

And doctors should choose the right treatment for a particular patient.

For example, a drug of the same group, Erythromycin, has a higher minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) compared to Clarithromycin (twice as much Erythromycin is required to inhibit bacterial growth).

How is Clarithromycin Teva different?

Clarithromycin Teva is a semisynthetic macrolide, a derivative of erythromycin. Has a wide spectrum of action.

Its mechanism of action is that the drug inhibits protein synthesis due to binding to the 50s subunit of bacterial ribosomes. It kills and inhibits the growth of both aerobic and anaerobic gram-positive and gram-negative organisms.

A stable concentration of Clarithromycin in the blood is maintained for 12 hours. Clarithromycin Teva contains 250 mg of active ingredient. What cures is the same as simple form Clarithromycin.

Clarithromycin: instructions for use

Clarithromycin as a substance is activated after passing through the liver. Its 14-hydroxy metabolite has antimicrobial activity. Based on this action, it is important to know how to organize the correct administration of the medicine in order to achieve its greater effectiveness.

Should you take pills before or after meals?

It is advisable not to take the drug at the same time as others before meals. This significantly reduces bioavailability and reduces drug absorption and concentration. And the effect that food brings and the treatment of diseases are not compatible.

Application and ureaplasma, sinusitis, gastritis, chlamydia dosage

Clarithromycin (in Latin Clarithromycin) is used in the treatment of infectious diseases, to relieve inflammation and as a preventive measure for colds. Klacid SR, De-Nol, Amoxicillin, Omeprazole and a number of other drugs have similar actions.

Today, the drug is produced by several manufacturers, the most common being Teva and Zentiva. Release form: suspension and tablets.

Like Amoxicillin, it's enough powerful antibiotic has a wide spectrum of action, and alcohol is absolutely incompatible with it.

It has indications for use in sore throat, sinusitis, otitis, types of bronchitis and pneumonia, various material and viral infections, and is often prescribed as prophylactic for patients with AIDS and HIV, it is used as a combination treatment for gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers.

The drugs Klacid SR, Omeprazole, De-Nol and Amoxicillin offer a similar effect. However, due to a number of factors, Teva is more popular among the population and is more often recommended for use. For example, Omeprazole has similar actions, but it is not as powerful as Clarithromycin or Clarithromycin SR.

Possible contraindications for use

The antibiotic is not taken for ventricular tachycardia, hypokalemia, renal failure, hepatitis, porphyria. It is prohibited to take simultaneously with other drugs (Astemizole, Cisapride, Statins, ergot alkaloids, etc.).

There are also contraindications for use during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Alcohol during use is absolutely contraindicated, as simultaneous use can cause side effects, including death.

Compliance with dosage

For adults and children over 12 years of age with sore throat and other diseases of infectious origin, the antibiotic is used in a maximum daily dosage not exceeding 2 g, with a frequency of administration no more than 2 times per day during or after meals. 250–500 mg is usually taken at a time.

Children should be given Clarithromycin in a specially formulated form intended specifically for children.

The duration of taking the medicine depends on the nature of the disease and the recommendations of a specialist. Despite the fact that prescriptions are not required when purchasing the medicine, it is necessary to use the drug only as prescribed by a specialist and after examination by a doctor.

Patients with certain kidney problems should receive half the daily dose intended for healthy person, or set an interval for taking the medication that is 2 times longer than the standard one.

The medicine helps very well with sore throat, and to prevent the disease, you can use the antibiotic in minimal dosages, especially during and after mass diseases.

Use during pregnancy

The instructions strictly prohibit the use of antibiotics during the first trimester of pregnancy. Subsequently, a medicine can be prescribed only if the expected benefit from its effect on the body of matter significantly exceeds possible harm from its use.

This is due to the fact that the antibiotic is very powerful, and it is almost impossible to predict what effect it may have on the fetus.

During breastfeeding, the instructions also do not recommend taking pills, but if necessary, feeding the child should be suspended for the duration of treatment. This applies to all drugs of similar action: it is also not recommended to use De-Nol, Amoxicillin, Klacid SR, Omeprazole, etc.

Side effects

Digestive system: cases of vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, pain in the epigastric region, constipation, bloating, gastritis, belching or flatulence are common. In extremely rare cases, a change in the color of the teeth and tongue is possible, the manifestation acute pancreatitis.

To get rid of the consequences of using the drug, you can replace it with De-Nol. As allergic reactions The appearance of a rash, anaphylactoid reaction, and the development of hypersensitivity are often observed.

Often, taking medication can lead to itching or cause hives.

In extremely rare cases, Teva causes convulsive reactions, mental disorders, hallucinations, depression, confusion, nightmares, or causes the development of mania.

An antibiotic may cause increased sweating or hemorrhage.

Clarithromycin Teva or Zentiva can cause distortions in taste, hearing problems, ringing in the ears, and very rarely, the development of deafness or anosmia. In rare cases, cardiac arrest or manifestations of ventricular tachycardia are possible.

Tablets, like Omeprazole, provoke a change in the color of urine, in extreme cases - renal failure or one of the varieties of jade. Leads to anorexia, loss of appetite, and causes a significant increase in urea levels; Amoxicillin also has a similar effect.

Muscle spasms, stiffness of movement, etc. are often observed. Asthma attacks or bleeding from the nose may occur. An antibiotic can cause the development of candidiasis, cellulite, the development of certain infections (including vaginal infections), colitis, etc.

When using the drug in the form of an injection solution, strong and prolonged pain may be observed at the injection site. painful sensations or slight inflammation. There may be general malaise, increased fatigue, the appearance of pain in the chest area, chills.

Additional indications

Despite the fact that a prescription for the drug is not required when purchasing, the instructions indicate the need to consult a specialist. It is quite possible that, according to the survey data, the use of the drug will be contraindicated, and its unauthorized use may be associated with considerable risk to health and life.

Drugs with similar effects include a number of drugs: Amoxicillin, De-Nol, Klacid SR, Omeprazole, etc. They also do not require a prescription, but they should be used with caution. These drugs have excellent compatibility, and they can be used in combination, but observing the maximum daily dosage of active substances.

Naturally, doing this at home and in the absence of appropriate knowledge and experience is quite problematic, and therefore you need to contact a specialist. He will establish the necessary compatibility of drugs and can even write a prescription, depending on what is necessary for treatment or prevention.

It is prohibited to drink alcohol during treatment, since the consequences of such a combination are unpredictable. Alcohol is generally not recommended during periods of treatment or prevention of diseases.

In addition, alcohol significantly reduces useful action, which the antibiotic has on the body - for sore throat and other diseases, the effectiveness of the drug is minimal.

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Omeprazole;
  • De-Nol;
  • Klacid SR.

These drugs are practically complete analogues and the effects they exert are of a similar nature.

Many people are wary of antibiotics because of their intense effects on the body: disruption of natural defense processes, side effects that they can cause.

Clarithromycin tablets are a new and safe macrolide drug. It has a deep effect and minimal negative consequences.

Clarithromycin - instructions for use of the drug, in what cases an antibiotic should be prescribed, doses for adult patients and children, what are the benefits of taking it, find out further.

The drug has an antibacterial effect against different types of microorganisms: anaerobic gram-negative and gram-positive, mycobacteria. Clarithromycin is the newest semi-synthetic antibiotic, an improved formula of erythromycin.

Instructions for use, analogues, reviews, side effects of the drug, contraindications and indications for its use, as well as whether it can be used for children and during breastfeeding and pregnancy - all the information presented in the article is presented from doctors.

The drug is produced in the form of tablets, capsules, and suspensions for children. The drug can be taken both before and after meals, but not during meals, as this reduces the absorption of the drug. Therefore, the medicine should be taken on an empty stomach, at least one hour before meals or two hours after meals.

Let's look at the instructions for use for children and adults. So, the drug Fromilid is taken orally. The dosage is prescribed by the attending physician taking into account the following indicators:

  • patient's age;
  • availability special conditions(pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergies to certain components, some diseases);
  • the extent of the lesion and the severity of the infectious process.

Depending on these criteria, the release form and dosage of the medicine are prescribed.

The suspension is mainly used to treat the youngest patients (from six months to 12 years). In this case, the dosage is selected individually, taking into account the child’s weight.

He is supposed to be given no more than 15 mg of medication per 1 kg of body weight per day. This dose should be divided into 2 parts and drunk morning and evening with liquid.

To prepare the medicine, you need to shake off the bottle, pour into it drinking water in an amount of 40 - 50 ml and shake thoroughly until a homogeneous suspension is obtained. You can use it using the syringe included in the kit.

Fromilid tablets are taken orally, without chewing, with plain water. They treat only adults and children whose weight is above 30 kg. The usual daily dosage is 250 mg of medication 2 times. But especially severe conditions it is increased (maximum up to 2000 mg per day).

According to the instructions, the use of Fromilid or Fromilid analogues is indicated for the following diseases:

  • inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract of infectious origin (tonsillopharyngitis, bacterial and atypical pneumonia, acute bronchitis, acute sinusitis, otitis media, chronic bronchitis);
  • infections of the skin and soft tissues (furunculosis, erysipelas, wound infection, carbunculosis, etc.);
  • mycobacterial diseases - M. Lepra, M. kansasi, M. Leprae, M. Marinum, M. avium complex.
  • chlamydia;
  • Helicobacter pylori infection (in a complex therapy regimen);
  • preventive measures for patients with AIDS;
  • other infectious and inflammatory processes provoked by those sensitive to this antibiotic microbes
  • hypersensitivity to clarithromycin, macrolides or other components of Fromilid;
  • porphyria;
  • severe liver disease;
  • pregnancy (first trimester);
  • children up to six months (for the drug in the form of a suspension) and up to 12 years (for Fromilid in tablets);
  • lactation period;
  • deficiency of the enzyme isomaltase-sucrase, galactose/glucose malabsorption syndrome, fructose intolerance.

According to the instructions, Fromilid in tablet form should be taken orally, swallowed whole, with plenty of liquid.

Adults and children over 12 years of age (with a body weight of more than 33 kg) are usually prescribed 0.25 g of antibiotic every 12 hours.

For the treatment of severe infections, acute sinusitis, as well as infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae, 0.5 g of clarithromycin is prescribed every 12 hours. Duration of therapy is one to two weeks.

For the eradication of Helicobacter pylori, the drug Fromilid according to the instructions is prescribed in a dose of 0.25 - 0.5 g twice a day, usually for a week, in combination with other drugs.

For children under 12 years of age (with body weight less than 33 kg), the antibiotic Fromilid is prescribed as a suspension at a daily dose of 15 mg/kg body weight. The dose is usually divided into two doses. The suspension should be washed down with a small amount of liquid (it is not recommended to chew the suspension granules because of their bitter taste). Duration of treatment is one to two weeks.

To prevent the spread and treatment of infection caused by Mycobacterium avium complex, 0.5 g of the drug is prescribed every 12 hours. The maximum dose per day is 2 g.

For more later During pregnancy, lactation and breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor, but it is better to stop taking it, since safety for the development of the fetus and child has not been established.

Contraindications for Clarithromycin are allergic reactions to the components of the drug: they need to be diagnosed in advance using special tests. Children under 12 years of age and pregnant women during the first trimester are prohibited from taking tablets.

It may be dangerous to take the drug if the patient has pathologies on the ECG, arrhythmia has occurred, there is liver disease and kidney dysfunction, porphyria. For some diseases, doses may be reduced or the time between doses may be increased.

For young children (up to 6 months), the use of injections is not recommended, since their effect on an unformed body has not been studied.

If you have been prescribed this drug, be sure to check whether you can use it. Here are the most basic contraindications:

  1. Children under 12 years of age should not take the medicine;
  2. If a person is allergic to the components contained in the medicine - erythromycin, azithromycin, and so on;
  3. It is dangerous to take this medicine together with ergot.

The list of adverse effects of this medication is quite long:

      • diarrhea, vomiting, lack of appetite;
      • pain in the epigastrium;
      • inflammatory disease of the tongue;
      • allergy;
      • fungus of the tongue, mouth, lips;
      • lack of coordination;
      • bad dreams, anxiety;
      • insomnia;
      • hallucinations;
      • heart disease;
      • disorientation.

It is very important to tell your doctor if you have kidney, liver, heart or other organ problems before starting therapy. You need to coordinate all this with your doctor so that he can prescribe you the medicine that is most suitable for your case.

Indications for the use of the drug are infectious lesions that are provoked by groups of bacteria that are sensitive to the active component. Among them are:

  • bacterial respiratory tract infections (sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia);
  • ear inflammation (otitis);
  • skin and subcutaneous inflammation (folliculitis, erysipelas, wound infection);
  • complex treatment of diseases caused by Helicobacter bacteria;
  • infectious lesion caused by different types mycobacteria;
  • prevention of inflammation due to damage to the body by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV, AIDS).

Fromilid also has a number of contraindications that should be taken into account before prescribing the drug. First of all, it is not recommended to take it:

Also, you should not take an antibiotic at the same time as certain medications. This may lead to unpleasant consequences for the patient.

Before starting treatment with Clarithromycin, you should carefully study the contraindications for use. Among those that lie on the surface, it is worth highlighting that this drug is categorically not recommended for pregnant women and children under the age of 12 years.

You should also pay attention to whether the patient is allergic to the individual components that make up Clarithromycin.

  • If you are using medicines to treat migraine headaches such as dihydroergotamine.
  • Liver and kidney diseases
  • Intolerance to clarithromycin, azithromycin, erythromycin
  • Arrhythmia and other heart diseases
  • You should not combine taking Fromilid Uno with alcohol.

The antibiotic Fromilid Uno is produced in Slovenia and is registered in most CIS countries and is available without a prescription. Drugs that have an effect identical to Fromilid Uno, analogues: Aziklar, Klarbakt, Clarimax, Klasan.

Video: Consequences of Alcohol (Everyone watch! Absolutely!)

Everyone has long known about the dangers of alcoholic beverages on the human body. And when drugs interact with alcoholic beverages, severe and irreversible consequences can occur.

Azithromycin and alcohol are no exception. But in life there are different situations, sometimes it can happen that when taking azithromycin, they interact with alcohol.

What consequences can this lead to?

What is this drug?

Azithromycin has a second name - Zitrox. It is recommended to take it for infectious diseases of the reproductive and urinary systems. Zitrox is also taken for stomach ulcers. Is an antibiotic.

Thanks to Azithromycin, you can get rid of the pathological process in a shorter time than using other medications. This occurs as a result of the concentration in the lesion of a large number of Zitrox components, which actively fight the infection.

Interaction with alcohol products

Before consuming any drug, V mandatory you need to read its instructions. The annotation for Azithromycin does not indicate its compatibility with alcoholic products. But this does not mean at all that it is acceptable.

If you ask your doctor, can you drink alcohol during treatment?

He will immediately let you know that it is prohibited to combine Azithromycin (Zitrox) with alcohol.

It is not recommended to use the “green snake” simultaneously with the drug. the following reasons:

  1. When drinking alcoholic beverages, a disruption in absorption occurs in the human body. As a result, the amount of active components of Azithromycin in the lesion decreases. The effectiveness of the course of treatment with the drug deteriorates significantly.
  2. If a patient combines Azithromycin and alcohol, his pathological condition becomes chronic form.
  3. If you drink alcohol together with a medication, this will lead to severe intoxication of the body.
  4. Alcoholic drinks plus Zitrox will lead to serious illnesses that pose a danger to life.

An alcoholic who cannot abstain from alcohol is always looking for “loopholes.” For example, a patient believes that if a drug contains ethyl alcohol, then it can be combined with alcoholic beverages. But this is self-deception. The compatibility of any antibiotic and alcohol is zero.

If you combine the “green snake” and medicine, immediately expect the next unpleasant and severe consequences:

  1. deterioration of absorption;
  2. slowdown metabolic processes;
  3. heavy load on the liver and renal organ. As a result, the development of severe pathological conditions and intoxication of the body;
  4. death of liver tissue. As a result, cirrhosis of the liver is formed;
  5. fatty degeneration;
  6. if you take alcohol at the same time as an antibiotic, myocardial infarction may occur;
  7. cerebral stroke.

The listed complications can develop even if you drink small dose weak alcohol, such as beer.

After what period of time can you drink alcohol after Azithromycin?

Many people are interested in the question: how long before you can drink alcohol if you are taking the drug Azithromycin?

You can drink alcoholic beverages only after the drug has been completely removed from the patient’s body.

Azithromycin or Zitrox is excreted primarily through the kidneys. Only a small amount comes out through gastrointestinal tract. The drug is completely eliminated from the body only after three days.

And then, only low-alcohol drinks are allowed in very small quantities.

After what period of time you can drink strong alcohol depends on general condition the patient's body.

Experts say that consuming “green snake” reduces the effectiveness of the course of treatment significantly. But each patient reacts to such a tandem individually.

Prolonged use of incompatible components can cause nausea, vomiting and general malaise. In addition, it becomes difficult for the patient to breathe.

There is a saying “one thing heals and another cripples.” Any medication has a positive effect on one organ and a negative effect on another. And if you add alcohol, it will be a serious “blow” to important elements of the body.

Take the drug very carefully, following all the recommendations and dosages of your doctor. And of course, for the entire duration of treatment, give up your addiction, so as not to cause even greater harm to your health.

What will happen if you take a “cocktail” of Clarithromycin and alcohol orally? And in general, what happens when you take any antibiotics along with alcohol?

Let's start with the fact that drinking alcohol with medications tends to reduce their effectiveness. Despite its relatively gentle component for the body, Clarithromycin is a powerful medicine that suppresses the growth and reproduction of bacteria, kills microorganisms and one way or another it depletes the body, because in addition to pathogenic bacteria, it also kills beneficial microbes in the human body.

Taking Clarithromycin or any other antibiotic puts a tremendous strain on organs and systems. Imagine what will happen if during this period you also “finish off” yourself with alcohol? Then the body will need to fight not only the disease, but also alcohol poisoning.

Clarithromycin in tandem with alcohol can deal a crushing blow to everyone internal organs. Taking medications, especially strong ones like antibiotics, always damages the liver.

Alcohol is known to have the same effect on our natural filter. The liver, like the kidneys and the human cardiovascular system, receives severe stress when Clarithromycin is used in symbiosis with alcohol.

The consequences of this can be dire.

Moreover, under the influence of alcohol, the side effects of Clarithromycin may manifest themselves to an even greater extent. Now go back to the list of side effects and be horrified. Is it worth it?

Therefore, experts categorically do not advise drinking alcohol of any strength while undergoing a course of treatment with Clarithromycin. Neither an hour after taking the drug, nor a couple of days later, you still shouldn’t drink alcohol.

That short-lived pleasure from drinking is not worth further visits to doctors, tests, taking a new course of medications and a new blow to the body. After finishing treatment with Clarithromycin, it may take up to two weeks for recovery, and for some, up to a month.

And then you can take a sip, and even then it is undesirable, but this is a purely personal matter.

Prices and structural analogues

Prices depend on the form of release of the drug and the location of the pharmacy where the medicine is sold. Approximately expect to pay for:

  • Fromilid 250 mg – from 350 to 400 rubles per pack of 14 pieces;
  • Fromilid 500 mg – 550 – 600 rubles (14 units);
  • Fromilid Uno 500 mg – 250 rubles (for 5 tablets), 270 – 330 rubles for 7 tablets, 600 and above – for 14 capsules of the drug.

It has an antibiotic and analogues of the active substance.

Their prices depend on the country of origin and other criteria.

In what cases it is necessary to take antibiotics, you can find out from this video.

Antibiotic can be purchased at different prices, depending on the dosage and place of sale. The price of Fromilid 500 mg (14 pieces) in a pharmacy chain averages 560-600 rubles. Fromilid 250 mg (14 pieces) can be purchased at a price of 350 to 400 rubles. In Ukraine (Kyiv, Kharkov and other cities) the price of an antibiotic is 110-120 UAH.

Price Fromilid Uno per pack of 5 pcs. is 240-260 rubles. Cost Fromilid Uno per pack of 7 pcs. is 270-330 rubles. Packaging of the drug 14 pcs. will cost an average of 580-600 rubles.

Klacid: instructions, application, reviews

Among those who have been treated with the drug, reviews of Fromilid 500 mg are mostly positive. It is noted that the drug is effective in the fight against infectious diseases, as well as the fact that Fromilid is prescribed even in emergency situations when there is no time for additional research and search for a specific pathogen.

The product has a wide spectrum of action, therefore it is effective for many diseases. It is important to take it according to the established scheme and select correct dosage, both for adults and children.

The negative aspects include the very bitter taste of the drug, which in some cases has become an obstacle to treatment, in particular for pediatric patients.

Microorganisms surround us throughout our lives: from birth to death. Modern man often has such a weakened immune system that it cannot resist even common infections. They come to the aid of such people antibacterial agents, or antibiotics. Since their discovery, antibiotics have saved millions of lives across the planet and continue to do so today.

One of the commonly prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics is Clarithromycin. Due to its ability to inhibit the growth of various microorganisms, it is indicated for inpatient and outpatient treatment of infectious pathologies different organs. Having been prescribed to take this antibiotic on an outpatient basis, some patients ask their doctor if they can have a glass or two during the course of treatment. The opinion of doctors on this matter is clear: Clarithromycin and alcohol are incompatible.

Mechanism of action and application

Clarithromycin is a semisynthetic macrolide antibiotic. The action of the drug is based on the fact that it binds to bacterial ribosomes and inhibits their protein synthesis. By inhibiting their formation, this antibiotic exhibits a bacteriostatic effect, that is, it stops the growth and reproduction of bacteria, but does not kill them.

The spectrum of action of Clarithromycin extends to gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria: legionella and mycoplasma pneumoniae, Helicobacter pylori, pseudomonas, staphylococci, streptococci, listeria, hemophilus influenzae, gonococci, treponema, chlamydia, mycobacteria, bacteroides.

The drug "Alcobarrier"

The active substance of the drug is well absorbed in the digestive tract. Once in the blood, Clarithromycin is metabolized in the liver to an active metabolite - 14-hydroxyclarithromycin, the therapeutic concentration of which in the blood is achieved two days after the start of administration. In the blood, the metabolite is found predominantly in a state bound to plasma proteins. Its concentration in tissues is several times higher than that in the blood. The antibiotic is excreted in bile and, to a lesser extent, in urine.

Given the sensitivity of certain microorganisms to Clarithromycin, it is used to treat infectious pathologies caused by the above bacteria:

  • tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis;
  • bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • skin infections (furunculosis, infected wounds, impetigo);
  • oral infections (stomatitis, periodontitis, pulpitis);
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • gastric ulcer (with suppression of hydrochloric acid secretion).

The drug is prescribed as a single drug or as part of a complex treatment. Taken orally 1-3 times a day, regardless of meals. The therapeutic course is 5-14 days, which depends on the severity of the infectious process and its location. At the same time, it is categorically not recommended to reduce the duration of the course of treatment: when it is reduced, microorganisms develop resistance to the antibiotic.

Side effects and contraindications

Clarithromycin, like others antibacterial drugs, exhibits many side effects. The most common of them are:

  • dyspeptic symptoms (perversion of taste, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation);
  • neurological disorders (insomnia, nervousness, headaches, dizziness, confusion, disorientation, nightmares);
  • hearing and vision impairment;
  • candidiasis of the mucous membranes (oral cavity, vagina, intestines);
  • suppression of immunity, including local;
  • hematopoietic disorders (anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia);
  • allergic and anaphylactic reactions;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • liver dysfunction (cholestasis, increased levels of liver enzymes in the blood, jaundice);
  • urinary retention.

In the scientific medical literature there are reports of cases of joint pain while taking Clarithromycin. Typically, side effects from this antibiotic occur infrequently, have no dangerous consequences and go away on their own.

Contraindications to the use of Clarithromycin are individual intolerance to the drug by the patient, severe liver and kidney dysfunction, and mental illness.

Interaction with alcohol

Despite the fact that there is no direct interaction between Clarithromycin and alcohol, the compatibility of Clarithromycin with alcohol-containing drinks is out of the question for several reasons. Firstly, the antibiotic suppresses the growth and reproduction of not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also its own microflora. Normal microflora human body produces biologically active compounds and B vitamins. These substances are the basis of local immunity, preventing foreign microflora from colonizing the mucous membranes. Having lost its natural defense in the form of “native” bacteria, the body loses the ability to resist infection.

For quick and reliable relief from alcoholism, our readers recommend the drug "Alcobarrier". This is a natural remedy that blocks cravings for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, the Alcobarrier launches recovery processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

In place of the suppressed normal microflora of the intestines, vagina, and oral cavity, fungi, primarily Candida albicans, colonize. Fungi are resistant to antibiotics, so they actively multiply, suppressing the remaining living microorganisms. Excessive proliferation of candida leads to the development of candidiasis (thrush).

Secondly, alcohol has a cytotoxic effect on normal microflora: it destroys cell membranes bacteria, causing them to die. Ethyl alcohol impedes the absorption of B vitamins and folic acid, which, with prolonged and regular consumption of alcohol, leads to their deficiency.

Thirdly, ethyl alcohol increases the permeability of the intestinal wall, as a result of which toxins and decay products of bacterial cells enter the bloodstream. Thus, drinking alcohol during treatment with Clarithromycin aggravates intoxication of the body and increases dysbiosis of the intestines and other organs.

The combined use of alcoholic beverages and Clarithromycin may also lead to allergic reactions in the patient. Moreover, the severity of these reactions in each individual person depends on the degree of tension of his immunity.

To avoid dangerous consequences from the combination of medication and ethanol, you must strictly adhere to the minimum time interval between taking the medication and drinking alcohol. It is definitely impossible to answer how long after the last dose of Clarithromycin you can drink alcohol without risk to your health. The remnants of the active substance remain in the tissues for two days, gradually being released into the blood and metabolized by the liver. Metabolic speed depends on many factors: it is impossible to predict the influence of each of them. Therefore, drinking alcohol earlier than 48 hours after the last dose of medication is unsafe.