Indications for the use of validol: angina pectoris, neurosis, cough, runny nose. Instructions for use and description of the drug validol

Usually, when there is pain or discomfort in the region of the heart, the first medicine that comes to mind and which many seek to take with this disease, is Validol. This is a common practice, but even those who deal with this popular drug do not fully know the spectrum of its action.

In fact, the possibilities of validol are not limited to helping with heart ailments. Validol has many possibilities, however, it is almost harmless. However, as with any drug, you must read the instructions for use.

What is Validol

AT this medicine mainly contains only natural components of plant origin. This preparation contains menthol, obtained from peppermint leaves, which is dissolved in isovaleric acid methyl ester. The latter, in turn, is produced from the root of valerian. AT ordinary life we use a lot of menthol and almost every day, we just don’t think about it. This substance is found in various confectionery and sweets, and is also part of chewing gum. The second component - valerian has long been famous for its soothing properties. So nothing known to us is contained in Validol.

How Validol works

The primary and main action of Validol is a sedative. He shoots well nervous state, overwork and soothes. Possessing such properties, Validol is able to relieve a person from a state of anxiety, normalizes the heart rhythm and reduces headaches. At the same time, Validol - vasodilator with reflex action. Getting under the tongue, it irritates the nerve endings in the oral cavity, which leads to the formation of substances such as histamine and kinins, under the influence of which reflex expansion of blood vessels occurs, which deliver blood to the heart and alleviate pain. Also, under the influence of Validol, the body is stimulated to produce enkephalins and endorphins - painkillers and sedatives.

When is the drug indicated?

Validol is indicated for a fairly wide range of symptoms, as well as diseases accompanied by them. This drug is used in the treatment of such diseases of the nervous system as hysteria, neurasthenia and psychosis. It removes well nervous tension, excitability, anxiety states, as well as heart pain caused by these diseases.

With neuroses, heart pain is aching, pressing or squeezing, which lasts for seconds, or maybe hours. Validol successfully eliminates this nature of pain with its reflex, calming and mild analgesic effect. Patients feel a state of rest, and their heartbeat returns to normal, therefore, pain and tension are relieved.

But to relieve pain in the region of the heart with angina pectoris, Validol alone is not enough. It should be taken in combination with the main drug Nitroglycerin, which is most often prescribed by doctors to block angina attacks. In such a pair, Validol also has a calming effect and relieves headaches.

Naturally, if any heart pain occurs, an examination and consultation of a doctor is necessary, who will decide whether only Validol can relieve pain or whether any other drugs are needed.

Validol perfectly helps to improve well-being during motion sickness in any form of transport, including water. In the process of motion sickness, work is disrupted vestibular apparatus, and the autonomic nervous system suffers. Validol reflexively acts against discomfort relieves nausea and vomiting.

When should Validol not be taken?

Validol has few contraindications, but they still exist.

Validol refers to vasodilating drugs with reflex action and is nothing more than a solution of menthol in isovalerate (menthyl ester of isovaleric acid) in tablet or capsule form. This drug has an amazing, unparalleled biography: it was created at the end of the 19th century by German pharmacologists, after 30 years it was almost completely forgotten in order to be revived later in the USSR, where it was appropriate for him to subsequently be given the title folk medicine almost all diseases of cardio-vascular system. And until now, among the representatives of the older generation, this drug is almost a panacea, an indispensable attribute home first aid kit. To some extent, such a high reputation of validol is justified: indeed, at the first alarming angina pectoris, it is enough to put a pill under the tongue, and the pain may subside. Validol has a vasodilating effect of a reflex nature, dilating blood vessels, relieving their spasm, which contributes to the normalization of the heart rate. This effect is associated with the effect of the active substance of the drug on sensitive nerve endings. It's time tested medicine can eliminate an attack of angina pectoris, as well as relieve headaches associated with taking nitroglycerin. It is interesting that validol has another unusual, but no less pleasant effect: it is believed that it promotes the formation and secretion in the brain of the so-called "pleasure hormones" - enkephalins and endorphins that increase mood without causing painful addiction.

Validol favors the release of other peptides, as well as histamine and kinins (due to stimulation of mucosal receptors), which are most actively involved in the regulation of wall permeability blood vessels and origin pain. In addition, validol has a moderate sedative effect.

However, one should not endow validol with some supernatural abilities: it is just one of the components symptomatic treatment cardiovascular disease, but far from being the main one. This should never be forgotten, as well as the fact that validol is by no means an alternative to nitroglycerin.

Validol is available in two dosage forms: tablets and capsules. With the sublingual (sublingual) method of administration, and validol in both lekforms is used in this way, therapeutic effect, as a rule, should be expected after 5 minutes from the moment of administration, while up to 70% of the active substance is released already during the first 3 minutes. The frequency of administration and duration of treatment depend on the effectiveness of the therapy. By general recommendations 1 tablet or capsule of validol is taken 2-3 times a day. In the absence of clinical significant effect or its insufficient severity in the next 5-10 minutes after taking the drug, it is necessary to determine alternative treatment and take another drug. Validol is not recommended to be taken with drugs that depress the central nervous system due to the potentiation of the effect of the latter.


Renders sedative action, has a moderate reflex vasodilating effect due to irritation of sensitive nerve endings. Stimulates the production and release of enkephalins, endorphins and a number of other peptides, histamine, kinins (due to irritation of mucosal receptors), which are actively involved in the regulation of vascular permeability, the formation of pain. With sublingual administration, the therapeutic effect occurs on average after 5 minutes, while up to 70% of the drug is released within 3 minutes.

Release form

10 pieces. - cellular contour packings (1) - packs of cardboard.
10 pieces. - cellular contour packings (2) - packs of cardboard.

Validol is a drug that most people remember when they feel pain in or near the heart. This tool is really considered cardiological and is often part of complex therapies. Although Validol tablets were first created at the end of the nineteenth century, its active ingredient began to be used much earlier.

The history of Validol and its active ingredient

To understand what Validol helps in capsules or any other form, it is enough to refer to its composition. Depending on the manufacturer, the components may be indicated a little differently, but it is not difficult to catch the general essence. The main thing active substance- a solution of menthol, which can be indicated as mint extract and levomenthol in mentilisovalerate.

In addition to the main component, excipients are often added to the composition, thus creating, for example, Validol with glucose. As a result, tablets of yellowish or white color, flat, close to a cylindrical shape. A chamfer or a simple dash is made on the upper side.

The active substance of Validol has been used in medicine since about the time of Peter I. Thanks to him, the creation of special pharmaceutical gardens began in Russia, where mint and valerian were grown. Mint in the process of its development gives a very small amount of seeds, which is unsuitable for the reproduction of this plant.

It is interesting. If you try to grow mint from its seeds, you get a plant that is completely different from the parent.

However, in the process of vegetative propagation, peculiar golden dots appear on mint leaves - essential oil. It was what he needed to get. By double distillation, the same menthol is created, which was applied to the mucous membranes even during the time of Peter I. Essential oil menthol acts on receptors, which causes the body to produce substances like kinins, endorphins, dynorphins and histamines. As a result, the blood vessels dilate in the one who drank it, blood flows better to the heart, pain decreases.

This drug helps many suffering from neurocirculatory, accompanied painful sensations in the heart and increased blood pressure. Validol is recommended for pain in the heart associated with neuroses, increased mental stress, or simply under stressful conditions, bad mood or hyperexcitability

When can you take the drug?

Instructions for the use of Validol conditionally divides the indications for its administration into two groups. The first relates to the effect on the heart, and the second to nervous system. Thus, the action of Validol affects pain, pulse and, to some extent, pressure.

Indications for the use of Validol are as follows:

  • Kinetosis, also known as air or seasickness. The drug is drunk to reduce the number of vomiting.
  • . A woman drinks Validol during pregnancy for the same reason as people suffering from kinetosis.
  • . The use of Validol has long been practiced in mental disorders. An indication for admission will be psychasthenia or neurasthenia. However, it should be understood that the pills will help with symptoms such as problems with appetite, rapid heartbeat and strong arousal. These are not substitutes for the main treatment, but only a way to get good health during the course of therapy.
  • Hysteria. How effectively the drug can reduce the symptoms of the disease depends on the moment of administration. The sooner you begin to act on the disease, the better.
  • . One of the most known causes use of Validol. It is designed to relieve pain in the heart, even out the pulse and prevent ischemia.
  • Hysterics. In this case, it is permissible to give the drug to children, although adults also take it.

If we consider the effect of Validol as a whole, then it acts as a vasodilator, sedative and sedative. However, despite its vegetable origin, not everything in this preparation is so joyful. It cannot be put on a pedestal of the best medicine, it is necessary to consider a number of its features, in particular, the question of whether Validol lowers pressure or increases it.

Functional cardialgia, neurosis associated with the use of nitrates, as well as antiemetic with sea and air sickness

Contraindications and side effects

Although Validol can be drunk by pregnant women, and it is even sometimes taken by children, you must first find out about potential dangers hidden in this medicine.

The list of contraindications includes:

  • Individual intolerance to the components,
  • The initial stage of the myocardium,
  • Very young age.

Validol during pregnancy is taken if the benefit to the mother significantly exceeds possible risk for a child. It is better to stop drinking such pills if you have to drive a car, interact with complex mechanisms or perform other work related to increased attention. Taking the drug is not always acceptable if a person suffers from. This is due to the fact that Validol with glucose is often sold.

The most common side effects- Nausea, dizziness and lacrimation. In case of individual intolerance, a person may develop an allergy, hives or edema may appear. Often the drug is positioned as capable of lowering high pressure, but this issue needs to be considered separately.

On the one hand, indeed, Validol lowers blood pressure, so people often think about taking it if it has increased. But on the other hand, the drug begins to reduce the rate only if its overdose has occurred. Thus, Validol at elevated pressure will reduce it when consuming the drug in large quantities, and this will also give a person:

  • Headache,
  • Nausea
  • Increased excitability
  • CNS depression,
  • Rashes and swelling
  • Dysfunction of the heart.

To deal with the situation, you will need to stop taking the remedy and separately take care of eliminating each symptom. This means that the question "Can Validol be taken with an increase in pressure?" you need to answer no. A decrease in the indicator will be a negative signal. He will say that there was an overdose of Validol.

How to take Validol?

How many times a day can you consume this drug, as a rule, does not depend on the form of its release. Drops, capsules and tablets act in the same way and are equally effective. However liquid form does not contain glucose, and therefore may be preferable for those suffering from diabetes.

The use of tablets and capsules is as follows - the drug is placed under the tongue and gradually absorbed until completely dissolved. As a rule, the remedy is taken no more than two to four times a day, but the most important thing is not to exceed the threshold of 600 mg, which is about ten tablets.

Note! If after 10 minutes there is no effect, then the doctor should prescribe an additional remedy, after checking its compatibility.

If not a one-time appointment is required, but a course, then it should not exceed one week. In the pharmacy, Validol and analogues are sold without a prescription. Kratal, Aurocard, Tonginal and other drugs act as replacements. What is better to drink should be decided by the doctor. In reviews of Validol, its price is noted as very low, which also affects popularity. this tool in Russian speaking countries.

Validol has an antispasmodic and vasodilating effect, enhances the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex, lowering the activity of the vasomotor center. It is recommended for the treatment of an attack of heart pain, which is associated with a short-term spasm of the coronary arteries. Can be used when easy course angina pectoris as an analgesic.

Read in this article

How Validol works for pain in the heart

When Validol is resorbed, menthol, which is the main component of the drug, is released. There is irritation of the cold receptors of the mucous membrane. This causes the following reactions in the body:

Despite the fact that the drug has been used for more than 100 years, interest in it from patients has not decreased. It is prescribed to relieve cardialgia, which is caused by neurocirculatory dystonia, psycho-emotional stress, neurosis, and also mild form coronary disease hearts. Taking Validol can reduce the headache that occurs when using Nitroglycerin.

The effect of the drug on pressure

Due to the mild relaxing effect on the nervous system and the expansion of blood vessels, when using Validol, blood pressure may decrease. Sharing antihypertensive drugs and Validol leads to a mutual enhancement of effects.

Hypotension is a contraindication to the use of Validol, especially if it is accompanied by dizziness, fainting. Therefore, it is not recommended to use the drug if there is no certainty in the state of hemodynamics.

Does Validol always help with pain in the heart

The drug can relieve spasm coronary arteries functional origin, that is, in the absence or in initial stage atherosclerotic changes. Therefore, Validol is not suitable for regular use in angina pectoris. Patients with more serious causes pain syndrome(myocarditis, cardiomyopathy) cannot get relief from this drug, or it is mild and short-lived.

Validol will help with cardialgia, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • occurs in the region of the apex of the heart;
  • aching, stabbing or constant mild pain;
  • at physical activity does not change or decreases;
  • gives to left half chest;
  • pain sensations are diverse;
  • no effect after use.

Rules for taking pain in the heart

Validol is available in several dosage forms. Along with the usual tablets, a solution and capsules of the drug are commercially available. All of these options involve sublingual use, which is associated with the mechanism of action of the drug. Reception features different forms Validola:

  • tablets and capsules are placed;
  • for getting quick effect the capsule can be pierced or bitten with teeth;
  • the solution is dripped onto a piece of sugar, which is slowly absorbed;
  • one tablet (capsule) or 4-5 drops of solution is prescribed at one time;
  • maximum daily dose- 600 mg, which corresponds to 10 tablets, 6 capsules and 20 drops.

Can it be taken during pregnancy

There are no direct contraindications for prescribing to pregnant women, but it is recommended to use the drug only in cases where the expected therapeutic effect is greater than the risk to the fetus. Do not apply without consulting a doctor. AT large quantities can cause increased tone uterus.

If the heart hurts, and Validol did not help - what to do?

The drug begins to act after taking after 5 minutes. Therefore, if one tablet did not give a result, then after 5 minutes you can take another one. In the event that after this remains intense pain in the heart, then we can conclude that Validol is ineffective. This can be a sign of severe angina and even myocardial infarction.

In this situation, it is recommended to consult a doctor, and before his arrival, take one tablet acetylsalicylic acid and nitroglycerin (under the tongue). It is important to consider that pain in the region of the heart can be a symptom of osteochondrosis, diseases of the stomach, pancreas, and lungs. Therefore, it is impossible to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment on your own.

For information on whether Validol will help with angina pectoris, see this video:

Which is better - Validol or Corvalol for pain in the heart

Corvalol contains, in addition to mint oil and isovaleranic acid, also phenobarbital. Associated with this substance is a more pronounced sedation and contraindications to the appointment. Therefore, Validol is used to relieve heart pain in patients with such pathologies:

  • kidney, heart, liver failure;
  • diabetes;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • bronchospasm;
  • depression;
  • alcohol or drug addiction.

Corvalol is better to take with cardialgia against the background of insomnia, neurosis, stressful situation, increased anxiety and irritability.

How to replace Validol if your heart hurts

Such drugs as Corvalment, Cormentol, Validazole, Valicardol have a similar composition. According to the mechanism of action in pharmacy network There are such substitutes for Validol:

  • Corvalol drops and tablets
  • Valocordin drops,
  • Corvaldin drops,
  • Herbion heart drops
  • corlex capsules,
  • cor suis ampoules,
  • tinctures of valerian, mint, peony, hawthorn,
  • tablets,
  • Homviocorin drops,
  • Pumpan drops.

Despite the fact that most of these drugs are approved for OTC, you need to be sure of the diagnosis before using. Therefore, with pain in the heart, it is recommended to pass full examination at the cardiologist. Validol cannot be used as the main treatment for cardialgia, but only for temporary relief of a pain symptom.

Validol is used to relieve heart pain, which is associated with spasm of the coronary arteries. Its action begins 5 minutes after ingestion. It is prescribed for angina pectoris, cardiac pain with neurocirculatory dystonia, stress, neurosis, menopause. Not suitable for low blood pressure. With prolonged attacks of myocardial ischemia, myocarditis and myocardial dystrophy, it is ineffective.

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  • In the medicine cabinet of many people, you can find Validol. This one is cheap but effective drug has quick action, helps relieve nervous tension, heart palpitations, normalize blood pressure. Indications for the use of Validol are quite wide, it is used as a vasodilator, sedative, analgesic. Wide spectrum actions and the rapid onset of the therapeutic effect make Validol in demand and popular for many years.

    Form of production

    The drug is produced in several forms:

    • tablets,
    • solution,
    • drops,
    • capsules.

    The active ingredients are the same everywhere. INN (international generic name) of the drug - levomenthol solution in mentilisovalerate. The composition of Validol depends on the form of production. Capsules contain 50 mg or 100 mg of the active substance. The tablets include 60 mg of levomenthol in mentilisovalerate. The solution is intended for drip injection, produced in ampoules of 5 ml.


    Tablets are white or with a yellowish tint. Sometimes produced with grayish patches. The form is flat-cylindrical, the medicine has a noticeable smell of menthol.

    Gel-coated capsules, soft to the touch. Inside is a clear oily liquid with a menthol smell.

    The solution is produced in ampoules of 5 ml, has a thick oily consistency, a sharp menthol smell.

    Important! Some believe that Validol contains peppermint and valerian. This is not true. Some manufacturers do include impurities in the preparation, but there are very few of them.


    Active ingredient medication obtained by dissolving menthol in the menthol ester of isovaleric acid. When applied sublingually, that is, under the tongue, active substance has an irritating effect on sensitive receptors oral cavity. Due to this, a vasodilating, sedative effect is achieved, pressure is reduced.

    Mentilisovalerate has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, promotes the release of peptides and the histamine mediator. These substances are necessary to reduce pain and regulate vascular permeability. Under the influence of the active components of Validol, pain decreases, blood circulation improves, nervous tension disappears, and the process of natural falling asleep is facilitated. Therapeutic effect after resorption of the tablet occurs within 5 minutes.

    Validol dilates blood vessels, restores heart rhythm


    Partially transformed in the liver, Validol forms glucuronides, which are subsequently excreted in the urine, bile and exhaled air.

    Indications for use

    What is Validol for? The drug is used for various diseases associated with cardiovascular pathologies and conditions in patients caused by excessive emotional overload, nervous tension.

    Validol acts quickly enough, this allows you to use it to treat the following diseases:

    • as a complex component during attacks of angina pectoris, tachycardia to reduce heart palpitations;
    • for the therapy of cardiology functional type;
    • hysterical states, neuroses;
    • for the treatment of neuro-circular dystonia;
    • in the role aid during a hangover syndrome;
    • to reduce headaches;
    • treatment of manifestations of toxicosis in pregnant women;
    • with cramps in the limbs.

    Considering the question of what Validol helps with, one cannot ignore the fact that the drug is often used among patients with kinetosis. The use of Validol for sea and air sickness has an antiemetic effect, relieves nausea.


    In most cases, the drug is well tolerated by patients, side effects rarely occur. Validol's contraindications are not numerous, they mainly concern alcohol solution menthol, have the following character:

    • the age of the child is up to 14 years;
    • the drug in the form of drops is forbidden to be taken by patients with alcohol dependence;
    • individual intolerance to active or excipients funds;
    • severe hypotension;
    • Validol with glucose is not prescribed for patients with diabetes mellitus.

    With extreme caution, you need to prescribe the drug to women during the bearing of the baby and during breastfeeding.

    Side effects

    Side effects of the drug and an overdose of Validol are quite rare. This is evidenced by many years of practice and positive reviews sick. Sometimes patients experience nausea, lacrimation, pain in the stomach, dizziness, allergic manifestations. As a rule, these symptoms disappear on their own after discontinuation of the drug, do not require special treatment. In rare cases, gastric lavage, hemodialysis is required.

    Improper intake of Validol can cause headaches and other side effects.

    Symptoms of an overdose of Validol include:

    • nausea, vomiting;
    • increased salivation and lacrimation;
    • a sharp drop in pressure;
    • headache and dizziness;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • vascular collapse.

    An allergic reaction can manifest itself in the form of nasal congestion, conjunctivitis, difficulty breathing, cold sticky sweat, pressure reduction.

    Since the medicine is taken under the tongue, gastric lavage is not advisable. First aid is to use a large number clean water because the drug is excreted in the urine.

    Method of application and dosage

    How to take Validol various kinds release? The most common form of medication, especially among older patients, is Validol tablets. It is used to improve the functioning of the heart, reduce pressure, get rid of heart pain. When negative symptoms the tablet is placed under the tongue, slowly dissolve. Regular intake means can be appointed exclusively by a specialist. Instructions for the use of validol in capsules are the same as the method of taking tablets. The action of Validol begins within a few minutes.

    How much Validol can be taken during the day? 4-6 tablets or capsules are allowed per day.

    To take drops, you need to drip 4-6 drops of the product on refined sugar, place it in your mouth, hold it under your tongue until it dissolves. You don't need to take medicine.

    Interaction with other drugs

    There are currently no data on the compatibility of Validol with other drugs. It is known that simultaneous application medicines with others sedatives enhances its effect. Validol can be taken in combination with neurotropic drugs, it contributes fast falling asleep and good sleep.

    Validol with glucose should not be taken by patients suffering from any form diabetes. It is also forbidden for such patients to use drops on a piece of refined sugar.

    Validol is not always recommended for heart pain. Chest pain headache and some other signs may indicate the onset of myocardial infarction. Validol can smooth out the symptoms, and the condition will not be diagnosed in a timely manner.

    The remedy has a relaxing effect on the central nervous system, so its use among people whose labor activity requires increased concentration attention should be limited.

    It is important to observe special instructions drug

    People with vegetovascular dystonia and other diseases characterized by low blood pressure, the drug must be taken very carefully, as it can further reduce the pressure.

    Comparison with other drugs

    Often patients are interested in what is better - Validol or Corvalol. Some are interested in the question, which drug should be preferred, Nitroglycerin or Validol? Doctors unanimously say that it is not recommended to select drugs on your own. Each tool has a specific action, should be used strictly for the purpose of a specialist. Each of these drugs has a similar effect. This is what gives rise to so many questions. Be that as it may, it is impossible to answer exactly which of the means is better. The doctor selects the drug individually for the patient, based on his condition and diagnosis.

    Application among children

    Can Validol be given to children? Until the age of 12, this remedy for the treatment of small patients is not used. From the age of 12, the drug is prescribed in limited doses under the strict supervision of a doctor. In case of stress, neurosis, hysteria, the child can take 1 tablet under the tongue.

    Important! The use of Validol in childhood must be carried out exclusively by prescription of a specialist. Self-use of the tool is extremely dangerous.

    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    During the first three months of pregnancy, the drug is often prescribed to women to reduce the manifestations of early toxicosis. The drug helps to eliminate nausea, excessive gas formation and salivation.

    The use of the drug during this period should be carried out only by prescription. In this case, it is recommended to carefully monitor the pulse and blood pressure.

    During pregnancy, the drug is prescribed very carefully.

    During breastfeeding, the use of tablets, capsules and any other form should be excluded, since active ingredients drugs pass into the mother's milk, therefore, get to the child. Validol during lactation is indicated only if the benefit outweighs the risk.

    Alcohol compatibility

    Validol and alcohol is an undesirable combination that can lead to the most negative consequences. The action of alcoholic beverages adversely affects the condition of the heart and blood vessels. Especially dangerous simultaneous use drugs with alcohol if the patient already has heart pathologies.

    Drug substitutes

    The radar directory includes the following Validol Analogues:

    • Cormentol - has a similar effect, is available in the form of capsules, which are intended for use under the tongue. Indications for use - neuroses, high blood pressure, hysteria, antiemetic for sea and air sickness;
    • Corvalol is a combined antispasmodic, sedative medicine used for various cardiovascular pathologies. The drug is available in capsules and drops. Contains alpha bromisovaleric acid ethyl ester, sodium phenobarbital, mint oil and other components;
    • Riboxin is a drug with a metabolic effect related to ATP precursors. Assign and vessels, for IHD treatment, myocarditis, heart defects and other conditions. The product is produced in the form of tablets, capsules, injection solution;
    • Corvalment - has international name corvalmentum. The therapeutic effect of this drug is due to the menthol included in its composition. Used for the symptomatic treatment of angina pectoris, neurosis, hysteria and other conditions. Corvalment has a sedative, vasodilating, mild hypnotic effect.

    Only a few analogues of Validol are described above. The list of drugs that have a similar effect is very extensive. For the appointment of one or another remedy, you should consult a doctor.

    Terms of sale and storage

    You do not need a doctor's prescription to purchase the remedy. It is recommended to store any of the forms of the medicine in cool rooms (23-25 ​​degrees) out of the reach of children.

    Store the drug in accordance with the instructions

    The cost of the drug

    The price of Validol depends on the form of release of the drug. The cost of tablets is approximately 5-7 rubles, capsules - 40 rubles, drops - from 45 rubles. All prices are approximate, the exact cost should be checked at the pharmacy.