Does it hurt to get your nose pierced? Cartilage piercing in the ear: possible risks and consequences, proper piercing care.

Not every girl dares to make a piercing on her lip or nose, but piercing her ears is considered almost mandatory. Earrings are traditionally popular jewelry in Russia. No matter how beautiful the clips are, getting gold earrings for your birthday is much more pleasant. And for such a gift, you need your ears to be "ready".

Does it hurt to pierce your ears? This question torments both little girls and adult young ladies who did not have their ears pierced in childhood. In fact, ear piercing is painful. However, it's not all that scary. First, you may be in that percentage of people who endure pain easily, in other words, are resistant to pain. In addition, this procedure is very fast, so the pain disappears instantly.

Needle or gun?

You can pierce your ears today different ways. Since ancient times, the ears have been pierced with a needle. This method is good because you can use a 100% clean medical needle only "out of the package". However, it should be remembered here that after a painful puncture, an equally painful procedure for inserting an earring will await you.

Does it hurt to pierce your ears with a gun? In this regard, the use of a gun is much more painless, since the ear is pierced with the earring itself, which is then simply fixed from the back.


If the earlobe is pierced with a gun, then the cartilage is most often with a needle. The earlobe heals in 2-3 months, and the cartilage - up to six months. If after the procedure the ears continue to hurt a lot, you can use light solutions of antiseptics and, of course, in no case should you forget about strict precautions. You should properly care for the punctures, wipe them with chlorhexidine bigluconate or hydrogen peroxide, while the use of alcohol can lead to tissue burns.

Beautiful decorations in shop windows make you want to decorate your tummy, especially if you like to show off this part of the body. Perhaps you've been thinking about getting a piercing for a while now, but can't decide.

Should you pierce your belly button?

Most of all, this type of piercing is suitable for girls who constantly care for and cherish their body, monitor the beauty of their skin and enjoy when others see the results of their efforts. Needless to say, a beautiful tummy with a fashionable decoration deserves compliments.

Pierced navel looks great:

  • on tanned skin;
  • on the body of dancers, especially oriental dances, strip plastics and half-dance;
  • when you are in a swimsuit on the beach or in the pool;
  • with jeans and trousers with a low waist;
  • with short T-shirts, slightly (or noticeably) opening the stomach;
  • with nice underwear.

In addition, a navel piercing is a great incentive to keep your belly flat. If you are far from a beautiful press, you should not emphasize this imperfect part of the body, let alone flaunt it. Work on your figure - and adorn yourself to your heart's content!

When going to the piercing salon, also take into account the fact that you will not be able to actively train the press until the piercing is completely healed. Despite the words of some coaches, they say, a wound on the skin - what does the muscles have to do with it, physical activity will still affect the healing process.

Tension, contact with clothing or friction in the folds of the abdomen (for example, in a twisting exercise), as well as sweat on the skin, can seriously interfere. So start" bring beauty” with piercing - at least ridiculous.

Maybe you want to get pierced personally for yourself and for your boyfriend? Men evaluate this type of jewelry differently, sometimes even categorically against it.

But most still find a slender waist with a beautiful crystal in the navel very attractive - no one can deny that it is very sexy. In this case, it doesn't matter how often you wear short T-shirts, because your main audience is in your bedroom.

Does it hurt to pierce the navel?

Surely you have heard the most different reviews- from complaints of catastrophic pain to the words "it's like mosquito bite". It is clear that the perception of pain is different for everyone, it all depends on how well you tolerate pain in general. But it is absolutely certain that it hurts to pierce the navel, unless you have previously lubricated it with an anesthetic solution.

At the same time, if you are afraid of pain, do not ask for painkillers to be injected into your stomach - this is unwise. The procedure itself lasts no more than a minute, from start to finish. Such "suffering" can be endured. The stomach with a pierced navel begins to hurt especially after the procedure - be mentally prepared for this.

What you really need to watch out for is getting your navel pierced evenly and once.

If a friend helps you get a piercing, the risk that she will pierce unevenly increases dramatically - due to lack of experience, indecision, or lack of suitable tools. You will want to redo the crooked puncture, and now it will be really unbearable. If you decide to pierce your navel yourself, most likely you will not have enough strength for the second run.

Your best bet is to find a professional piercer, go to a piercing salon or beautician's office that provides such services.

A specialist with experience and a “full” hand will do everything right, use sterile instruments, quickly and easily insert a barbell earring and thereby save you from additional torment. So it's better to give up the idea of ​​​​piercing the navel at home.

To minimise discomfort after the procedure, wear a loose T-shirt or shirt that day, if you are wearing jeans, unbutton their button at the waist. In transport, be careful - any tension in the abdominal muscles causes pain. If you are going to travel by car, be careful when getting on and off, again try not to strain your press.

Further sensations depend on how quickly and well the puncture heals.

How to care for a pierced belly button

The very first thing to do when leaving the salon is not to touch your piercing! Germs from the hands can get into the wound and cause an infection.

Wear loose clothing while the wound heals. Tight clothes create friction, and this prevents the puncture from healing normally. And of course, don't leave your new piercing open - dust particles from the air, pet hair, Sun rays, contact with different items complicate matters.

Take a shower every day! This will be the key to cleanliness in the area around the navel. In order not to wet the puncture, seal it with a waterproof cloth measuring 7 × 7 cm or a little more.

For several weeks, you can not swim, take a bath, play sports, fitness, yoga - any kind of exercise that affects the abdominal muscles.

Do not use any lotions, creams, body oils on the skin of the abdomen. An oily environment is a breeding ground for germs, and an infection can lead to rejection of the temporary jewelry.

Edema, blackness or cyanosis disappear in 7-10 days, the wound heals for several weeks, and the formation of a “tunnel” from new skin takes 4-5 months, during which there will be no pain, but there may be itching and irritation.

If you follow hygiene and properly care for the wound, the navel can heal in 3-4 months. But know that for 6 months you will have nothing to think about taking off your temporary earring!

How to clean the puncture site

After a puncture, after a few hours, you will need to clean the navel with salt water. How to do it if you can't touch it?

Boil sea ​​salt in water (½ teaspoon per glass) for a few minutes, cool to room temperature, pour into clean glass filling it almost to the brim. Expose your stomach, lean forward over the glass and press its edges to your stomach.

Straighten up, continuing to press the glass - the bath with salt will work! Hold for about 10 minutes. You may not feel anything or you may feel a tingling and burning sensation at the end - this is normal, salty water softened the bloody crusts and reached the wound.

Rinse off the remnants of salt water with cool boiled water, dry the stomach with a sterile napkin. Repeat this procedure daily for 5-7 days.

Do not lubricate the puncture site with alcohol - this can cause the so-called hypertrophic skin reaction, that is, burning, itching, redness, swelling.

Some piercers recommend using a hydrogen peroxide solution (3%) instead of salt water for cleansing. Try it and decide which is more convenient for you to use. Peroxide stings a little and foams, its residues also need to be washed off with boiled cool water and wipe the skin dry with a disposable sterile cloth.

When it's time to turn the earring, wash your hands thoroughly with fragrance-free soap, preferably antibacterial, wipe your fingers with alcohol and only then touch the jewelry and skin.

How much does it cost to pierce a belly button?

It depends on the prestige of the salon or the particular master you contacted.

The cost of the service may include a set of sterile disposable instruments (needle and catheter), rubber gloves, anesthetic. Depending on this, you will have to pay from 600 to 100 rubles.

The fashion for piercing never disappears, however, the fashion for those parts of the body where the most trendy jewelry should be is changing, but in general, the desire to decorate yourself with all kinds of accessories from miniature carnations to defiant tunnels and other extreme options does not disappear. As for the pain of the procedure, experts have compiled a kind of rating that will show which parts of the body can be pierced without problems even by a child, and which ones even an extreme person will not always decide on. If you want a piercing, but are afraid of pain, then do not be afraid, it is possible to do it under an anesthetic, but in general it is done without any painkillers and the strength depends not only on the professionalism of the master, but also on the puncture site.


Does ear piercing hurt?
Ears come first. Most do not consider this a piercing, although this procedure cannot be identified otherwise. Since there is not much in the earlobe nerve endings, then the pain will not be strong, and the puncture will completely heal in a few weeks, the main thing is to periodically wipe it with an antiseptic and move the earring. We recommend that you read

Does it hurt to get an eyebrow piercing?
In second place in terms of popularity and pain of the procedure is the piercing of the eyebrow - in most cases it hurts only during the procedure. In addition to discomfort, a bruise may form on the eye socket, and it will take up to a month and a half to carefully care for the wound.


The next three parts of the body are approximately on the same level in terms of pain during a puncture - these are the lips, tongue and navel. Everyone who has gone through such procedures noted that it hurts, but the sensations are not much different from the pain when piercing an eyebrow.

Does it hurt to get a lip piercing?
The ring on the lip looks cute, but you will have to be patient when piercing, however, the pain immediately passes, especially if you do not immediately try to steal yourself with a bulky jewelry. It is much more difficult to get used to the object on your lips - you want to get rid of it, not to mention the fact that the decoration clings to your hair, towel, etc.

Does it hurt to get a tongue piercing?
Tongue piercing is also different acute pain during the procedure, which passes quickly, and the wound itself heals quickly. Attention: together with an earring in the tongue, a person can get a specific whisper and even lose taste buds, getting used to such decoration is also difficult. The wound heals up to 6 weeks - all this time you will have to rinse your mouth with an antiseptic solution after eating and refrain from kissing. By the way, after the procedure, the tongue will definitely swell - you will have to eat for several days liquid food. We recommend that you read

Does it hurt to get a belly button piercing?
Another popular place for a puncture is the navel, according to lovers of extreme jewelry, the procedure is quite painful and even more unpleasant sensations accompany the healing process. Since the earring clings to underwear, clothes, etc. For the final healing, you will have to wait up to 3 months.

Does it hurt to get a nose piercing?
The record holder for pain is a nose piercing. This procedure is accompanied by sharp and very bright pain, especially when it comes to a hole in the nasal septum. In the process of healing, a person experiences constant negative sensations when cleansing the nose, washing - all this will have to be experienced for about 2-3 months.

Ear piercing is now in vogue. They make a puncture for everyone who wants and where they want. Some courage is needed to pierce the lip or nose. Piercing auricles is also not very pleasant, but what woman can deprive herself of the opportunity to wear beautiful earrings? The clips are not very comfortable to wear, they put pressure on the earlobe, they are easy to lose. Earrings made of gold on your birthday are a wonderful gift, but how to wear them? Ears will have to suffer a little for beauty.

Regardless of age, absolutely everyone is afraid of a painful reaction. Will it hurt when the ears are pierced? Of course, we all have a living body, and it is damaged during this procedure. sharp objects. However, you need to adjust yourself from a psychological point of view, like a dentist. You just need to endure some pain for beauty. Ear piercing is done very quickly. Soreness also passes very quickly - just as it appears. You can more easily tune in to the process if you imagine beautiful earrings in your own ears.

How painful is it to pierce the ear? This question haunts neither little girls nor adult girls who have not had their ears pierced before. Indeed, it is a little painful to pierce the auricle. It's not all that terrible though. You may well be from that tribe of people who endure pain very easily, in other words, resistant to pain reaction. In addition, this operation takes place quickly enough that absolutely anyone can endure it. Especially if it's done by a professional.

Needle or special gun?

pierce auricles today various methods. Since ancient times, the auricles were perforated with needles. This method is remarkable in that it takes a 100% sterile medical needle. Although it should not be forgotten here that after a rather sensitive piercing, a more sensitive operation of inserting an earring awaits a person. In this regard, the use of a special gun is much more painless, because the auricle is pierced with this method with the earring itself, which then remains only to be fixed on the opposite side of the ear.

In addition, when piercing with a needle, it is not always possible to accurately hit the desired puncture point, as is done without problems with a pistol. Therefore, when piercing the ears in Powder beauty salons, pistols are used. But a gun can't pierce cartilage tissue, such punctures are made with medical curved needles. Before this, the auricles are carefully massaged - this is a distraction that helps to reduce pain.

A perforated earlobe will heal in two to three months, in most cases after four weeks the canal heals so well that medical studs can already be removed and put on permanent earrings. The final healing of the cartilage will definitely take more than six months, although permanent earrings can be inserted two months after the operation. Like any injured tissue, the puncture site needs mandatory antiseptic treatments to prevent infection, inflammation, and subsequent complications. There are a great many antiseptics, but the most common are hydrogen peroxide and alcohol tinctures like calendula. strong alcohol solutions We do not recommend treating wounds with cologne or cologne, for the prevention of tissue burns.

Earrings in the ears are beautiful, stylish. But many women are afraid Does it hurt to pierce your ears? Sometimes this becomes the main stumbling block. Here's what the experts say about it.

How painful is it to get your ears pierced

Ear piercing pain depends on several factors. The main ones are:

  • What is your personal pain threshold?
  • what is the method of piercing;
  • how qualified.

There are people who react sensitively to any effects on the body, and they, of course, it hurts to pierce your ears. Although these sensations are relative - depending on what to compare with. The fact that the ears are pierced by a non-professional who correctly carries out this procedure will add unpleasant emotions.

But the main factor is how the piercing will be carried out. There are two of them - with a needle or a gun. More traumatic - of course, the first method. The master needs to get used to exactly get to the right place and pierce the skin. In addition, immediately after the puncture is made, earrings are inserted into the hole, and this is not very pleasant.

Much faster and painless procedure with a gun. In addition, he immediately “inserts” the earring himself, so in this case It doesn't hurt to pierce your ears.

How to care for a puncture

In order to avoid pain in the future, the puncture site should be wiped from time to time with disinfectants, the simplest and cheapest is hydrogen peroxide. But pure alcohol can cause burns. If there is no other solution, it is better to dilute it with water.

The puncture site heals, as a rule, after two months, less often - three. And - regardless of your age. True, in the case of a small child, it is necessary to ensure that he does not touch the earlobes, does not pull them, otherwise injuries or infection may occur.

To ear piercing didn't hurt, experts recommend doing this in spring or autumn, they will heal faster, moreover, there is no risk of injury with a hat or scarf.

One more piece of advice. If you are sick diabetes, and in a severe stage, you should not pierce your ears - the wounds will fester, heal for a long time, so problems may arise. It is also worth thinking about the advisability of this procedure for people who suffer allergic reactions or neurological disorders.

Pay attention to the calendar menstrual cycle. During critical days it is better not to pierce the ears, the pain will be more pronounced.

Updated: August 29, 2017 by: Punisher