How to cause a stone riser. How to improve erection

Achieving a quick and strong erection is possible at any age, even if there are problems in this area. There is a set of measures that answers the question of how to achieve an erection quickly; by adhering to it, men maintain or regain their strength.

  1. First of all, you need to get rid of all bad habits. Providing Negative influence throughout the body, they also reduce male sexual strength. To achieve a strong erection at any age, you must stop taking alcohol, nicotine and drugs.
  1. The male hormone testosterone is responsible for long and strong erections and libido, its level should be maintained at around 33. This value drops in obese individuals to varying degrees, therefore it is important to exercise regularly and adhere to healthy eating. Sports activities accelerate and improve blood circulation in the pelvic area, which also has a positive effect on potency.
  2. How to achieve a good erection - take contrast baths or showers, after which rub your entire body with a towel. This measure helps speed up blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, and improve blood flow to the pelvis. Healthy and strong circulatory system provides a quick erection at any time.

How to achieve an erection with Kegel exercises

Another answer to the question of how to achieve maximum erection is for men by training the pubococcygeus muscle. To stimulate it, you need to imagine that you are stopping urination with the muscle inside the penis. If stimulation occurs correctly, a slight displacement of the testicles will be visible.

The process of training the PC muscle is as follows: during urination, tense the penis to slow down or completely stop the stream. The process is visualized in the mind as fluid being drawn back in, and urethral retraction should appear. The gluteal muscle, leg muscles and abs are completely relaxed, attention is focused only on the PC muscle, it must be tensed for 5 seconds, then slowly relaxed. The exercise is done in 10 approaches.

If you can’t implement all the recommendations the first time, you need to do the training regularly until you get results. The optimal indicator is the ability to tense a muscle for 10 seconds. Training must be carried out regularly, since achieving a full erection with a weak PC muscle is problematic. The herbal medicine Casanova's Secret also helps to strengthen it; its regular use must be combined with training and other measures described in this material.

How to achieve an erection as quickly as possible

Sexologists answer the question of how to quickly achieve an erection: use foreplay. The presence of sexual attraction to a partner is the most powerful factor in achieving maximum arousal. Erection is weakened by extraneous thoughts about work, everyday life, problems, etc. When having sex, you need to think only about the process itself.

Another way to achieve a quick erection is to use one stick of Casanova's Secret phytosugar. The effect of the drug begins within 15-20 minutes and up to 72 hours. Its components stimulate the production of the male hormone testosterone, increase blood flow to the pelvis, saturate the body with important nutrients, strengthen the immune system and increase the tone of the whole body.

Stress, overwork, sedentary work, nicotine and alcohol - all this negatively affects potency and libido. Therefore, many men already at the age of 30 begin to think about how to improve their erection quickly, effectively and safely. Can cope with the problem proper nutrition, gymnastics, medications and means alternative medicine.

Don't worry, there are many means to improve potency

Products to improve erection

In order for the penis to stand, the erection to last, and sex to be unforgettable, sometimes it’s enough just to reconsider your diet. Many products can increase potency in guys and men and help avoid the development of erectile dysfunction, you just need to use them regularly.

A man's diet should include more products, which contain zinc, magnesium, selenium, potassium, calcium and iron, vitamins A, B, E help to avoid impotence. These substances are necessary for the production of testosterone, normal operation reproductive system, have a beneficial effect on sperm quality, eliminate the manifestations of stress.

What can you eat to increase potency - a list of the best foods:

  1. Cocoa, dark chocolate - these products quickly reduce systolic blood pressure, which has a beneficial effect on the strength and duration of an erection. The composition also contains flanovols - antioxidants that improve vascular tone several times.
  2. Garlic is a vegetable with pungent odor and taste helps increase testosterone levels, accelerates blood circulation, and reduces blood pressure.
  3. Natural pomegranate juice– improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, promotes the synthesis of testosterone, cleanses the body of free radicals, its effect is similar to Viagra. When drinking juice, it should be washed down with water to avoid the development of ulcerative processes in the stomach.
  4. Spinach - the best remedy for strong and maximum erection, is considered a natural steroid, contains almost all the vitamins and microelements necessary for men's health.
  5. Raw walnuts– contain arginine, improve the condition of blood vessels, the penis becomes strong.
  6. Oysters are a powerful aphrodisiac; they contain amino acids and trace elements that improve sperm quality and quantity, and increase sexual desire. But you shouldn’t use them often - this is fraught with the accumulation of mercury in the body and the development of gastroenteritis.
  7. Lean meats - this product is necessary for the synthesis of the hormone thyroxine, which is responsible for libido.
  8. Nutmeg is an stimulating spice that can be added to prepared dishes or dissolved in water. Daily dose– 1/3 tsp.

Nutmeg is good for potency

All products can be consumed fresh, boiled, baked, steamed, stewed, you need to eat regularly and in small portions, portions should not be large. The last meal is 2 hours before bedtime.

What foods negatively affect potency?

In addition to creating a diet of healthy foods, it is necessary to exclude all unhealthy foods from the menu.

List of prohibited products:

  • fast food, canned food, chips;
  • pasta - not large quantities You can only consume products made from durum wheat;
  • potatoes in large quantities - only baked tubers are beneficial for the male body;
  • sausages, sausages, lard;
  • You can eat brown or unpolished rice several times a week; other varieties have a bad effect on male power;
  • intoxicating, carbonated drinks;
  • soy products – contain female sex hormones;
  • bakery products made from yeast dough.

Fast food has a detrimental effect on men's health

Coffee remains the most controversial product. Caffeine enhances heart function, promotes vasodilation, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, and fills with energy. But when you abuse strong tea and coffee, sudden changes pressure, the penis quickly becomes flaccid. Therefore, only moderate consumption of these drinks helps strengthen erection.

Regular consumption will help increase the duration of sexual intercourse. ginger tea, pumpkin juice with celery, koumiss.

Drugs to improve erectile function

Most quick way get your erection back, prolong sexual intercourse - take a medicine that enhances erection. But you should not abuse medications, as they are addictive and have certain contraindications and side effects.


If problems with erection occur rarely, there are no chronic diseases, you can take stimulants in the form of tablets - they act quickly, therapeutic effect lasts for several hours. To avoid counterfeits, you can first look at the photo to see what the medicines look like.

List of effective drugs:

Impaza - Russian remedy from impotence

Potency pills should not be taken if you have problems with the heart, blood vessels, liver, ulcers, or hypotension. The medicine is not recommended to be combined with alcohol and fatty foods.


External products are safer than tablets, but their effect is shorter, so they should be applied 5-15 minutes before sexual intercourse.

Creams and gels for potency:

  1. Maxoderm - contains herbal extracts, grapefruit seed extract, vitamins, zinc. After application, a persistent and long-lasting erection occurs, the cavernous bodies are filled with blood, which helps to increase the size of the penis, the cream increases the sensitivity of the erogenous zones. It must be used regularly, for at least 3 months.
  2. Med 2002 - ointment has an antibacterial, analgesic, and stimulating effect. It should be applied immediately before sexual intercourse; it can be used instead of a lubricant. Disadvantages - the composition contains many synthetic ingredients.
  3. Himcolin is a gel, ointment or cream based on natural ingredients. The drug stimulates erection, increases arousal, and aggravates sensations. It must be applied daily for at least 2 weeks, even if there is no coitus, it will help get rid of sexual impotence.

Himcolin - ointment to increase erection

A short, but powerful and persistent erection can be obtained after applying regular nitroglycerin or heparin ointment to the penis. They quickly dilate blood vessels, activate blood circulation, and are low cost and safe.

Drops and dietary supplements

The drugs in the idea of ​​drops are different natural composition, cumulative effect, ease of use.

Thor's Hammer Drops - contains many vitamins and microelements, the drug helps get rid of erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, enhances libido, improves the quality of seminal fluid, promotes testosterone synthesis. You need to take 3-5 drops once a day for 15-30 days. Dietary supplement is not a medicine.

Thor's Hammer drops consist of natural ingredients

Tornado drops – have stimulating, tonic, general strengthening effect, the dietary supplement contains guarana extract, arginine, glycine, and magnesium. The drug stimulates erection, helps prolong sexual intercourse, improves blood circulation in the penis, and is safe for prostate pathologies. You need to take 5 drops daily for 2 weeks.

Folk remedies to enhance erection

Among the methods of alternative medicine there are many effective recipes To enhance potency, preparing them at home is not at all difficult.

Simple recipes:

  1. Mix 100 ml of honey and chopped walnuts, eat 5 g of medicine three times a day, wash it down with green tea.
  2. St. John's wort will help improve potency even in old age - pour 100 g of crushed raw materials with 300 ml of water, leave in a closed container for half an hour, strain. Drink 30 ml 4 times a day. In the same way you can prepare an infusion of thyme.
  3. Grind 50 g of propolis, pour in 100 ml of vodka, stir, put in a dark place for 2 weeks, strain. Three times a day, add 35 drops of medicine to warm milk, drink before meals.
  4. To restore male strength and enhance sexual desire, you need to pour 120 g of crushed aspen bark into 600 ml of boiling water and leave in a sealed container for an hour. Drink 100 ml three times a day.
  5. Mix 15 g of finely chopped ginseng root, 350 ml of liquid honey and 30 ml of vodka, leave the mixture for 10 days. Take 0.5 tsp three times a day. for 6–8 weeks.
  6. Has a good stimulating and stimulating effect essential oil patchouli, sandalwood, juniper, ylang-ylang. They can be applied drop by drop to the wrist or added to the bath.

To avoid problems with potency and improve sperm quality, you need to eat 20–30 g of raw pumpkin seeds daily.

Walnuts and honey are good for men's health

Exercises for the “stone riser”

Effective exercises:

  1. In the morning after waking up, use your muscles to raise and lower the penis.
  2. Tighten and relax the muscles of the perineum - this exercise can be done several times a day anywhere.
  3. Raise your knees high - move up as you inhale, and return to the starting position as you exhale.
  4. Squats help improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which reduces the risk of developing hemorrhoids and impotence. You need to squat with a straight back, do not lift your heels off the floor, and linger at the lowest point for several seconds.
  5. Rotational movements of the pelvis in a half-squat position, in this case you should strain as much as possible gluteal muscles.
  6. “Birch” – hold straight legs vertical to the floor for at least 1 minute, keep the abdominal and buttock muscles tense.
  7. For 1 minute, perform the “bicycle” exercise - keep your legs at right angles to the floor, clasp your hands behind your head.
  8. Arch – lie on your back, bend your knees, place your heels and palms on the floor. Lift your hips and lower back from the surface, squeeze your gluteal muscles, hold at the top point for 30 seconds.

You need to start with 10 repetitions of each exercise, gradually increase the number to 25. You can perform them at any pace, Special attention you should pay attention to quality, do everything with maximum amplitude. If you follow all the rules, noticeable improvements will occur within 1–2 weeks.

Every man is able to improve erectile function and prevent the development of impotence; it is only necessary to slightly reconsider the daily routine, nutrition and lifestyle.

  1. Control your weight – everyone extra kilos negatively affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, which causes erectile dysfunction.
  2. Regularly give the body moderate physical exercise– training makes the heart work harder, disappears congestion, rises vitality. Best views sports for men - running, swimming, cycling, strength training.
  3. Regularly visit the bathhouse and sauna - under the influence high temperatures pores expand, the body is cleansed of toxic and poisonous substances.
  4. Take every morning cold and hot shower to improve the condition of blood vessels and immunity.
  5. Regular sex life– a guarantee of the absence of problems with erection.
  6. Get enough sleep, avoid stress, eat right.
  7. Give up bad habits.

The bath will cleanse the body of harmful substances

Walk barefoot more often on grass, sand, small pebbles - there is a lot on the feet energy points, massage of which improves potency.

For every man, a good erection is the key to strength and self-confidence; any failures in sex worsen the psycho-emotional state, which further aggravates the problem. All you need to do is start eating right and doing exercises regularly. simple exercises to always be in shape, in in case of emergency You can resort to medications.

1. Eat blackberry jam!

Dark berries, such as blackberries and blueberries, contain high level anthocyanins, super-powerful antioxidants that can serve as “insurance” for erections.

Eat blackberry jam!

A little science: the ability of the penis to rise and acquire the necessary hardness depends on the ability to smoothly deliver nitric oxide through the blood vessels to the right places. If there are too many free radicals in the blood, nitric oxide levels decrease and your potency decreases along with it.

But the situation will change if you add anthocyanins to the blood. These powerful antioxidants neutralize free radicals so that the radicals can no longer reduce nitric oxide levels.

There is also evidence of the effectiveness of anthocyanins: research at Indiana University (USA) showed that high levels of nitric oxide remained in the arteries even after the addition of free radicals. On this subject, Dr. Bell said, “Antioxidants help keep free radicals under control so that nitric oxide can do its job without interference.” And this “function” allows your penis to do its “function.” Therefore, for strong and regular erections, eat blackberry jam!

Smoking will definitely not help you in bed!

If you're still fighting, you've probably accepted the risk of heart attack, stroke, lung cancer, and Bladder . Well, what about dying not only young, but already impotent?

A study published in the journal Urology reveals that smoking damages arteries, which automatically doubles the risk of erectile dysfunction. There is good news: if you quit smoking before age 50, this damage can be repaired. For example, amino acids contained in fish products help heal arteries damaged by smoking.

3. Calm, only calm!

Don't worry, and everything will work out for you.

It is known that stress is psychological cold shower . Strong tension is insidious: adrenaline entering the blood during stressful situations, slowly but surely damages the arteries in such a way that they become harder than normal. This phenomenon is extremely harmful for an erection.

This is the irony of the situation: by “strengthening” the arteries, adrenaline makes the penis soft. Solution: Focus on each of the five senses for a few minutes every day - the feeling of a pen in your hand, the sound of cars on the street, the taste of juice, the sight of a beautiful woman walking, the smell of a piece of bread. Focusing attention on current sensations reduces adrenaline and thereby improves your potency.

4. Stop the sawmill!

Getting rid of snoring is not that difficult.

X rap can ruin a night of sex, and not just because it's hard to do foreplay without waking up. The fact is that all the tissues of our body need a normal supply of oxygen and the tissues of the penis are especially sensitive in this sense. And when you snore, you deprive yourself of essential oxygen.

But don't rush to spend money on earplugs: Instead, try placing a couple of bricks under the legs of the bed at the headboard! If you change the angle of your body without bending your neck, then by changing the vector of gravity you can get rid of snoring cheaply and reliably. This happens because the effect on soft fabrics throat.

5. Eat dark chocolate!

Chocolate is beneficial in many areas, including strong erections.

Dark chocolate contains epicatechins, flavonoids that cause the release chemical substances in the inner, or endothelial, layers of the arteries, which contributes to their expansion.

How much chocolate do you need to eat to get results? Research shows that those who ate 30 grams of dark chocolate every day had their blood vessels dilate by more than 10 percent, which is of course beneficial for good erections!

Although the study was not aimed at the cavernous bodies of the penis, as we know, everything that benefits the endothelial system of your body has a positive effect on your potency and erection, since the penis consists mainly of endothelial surfaces. Keeping these surfaces healthy is critical to good arterial blood flow. Natural dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids!

Excess weight– short sex!

Calculate your body mass index (divide your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters, for example 80/1.8*1.8 = 22). If your BMI is close to or greater than 25, then this means that most likely your weight is negatively affecting your erections! Medicine knows that in overweight men, testosterone is converted to estrogen, and The lower the testosterone level and the higher the estrogen level, the worse it is for male potency .

Luckily, even moderate weight loss can rid you of excess estrogen and get your sex life back on track. Research confirms that one-third of obese men with a BMI of 30 or higher with signs of overt erectile dysfunction showed improvement after losing 10 percent of their body weight.

7. Try acupuncture!

Acupuncture can help where other methods of restoring potency fail.

If you think your erection problem is psychological, (you think too much, you can’t tune in, etc.) try acupuncture(Relax, they will only stab you in the back). results foreign research show that acupuncture can help treat psychologically induced erectile dysfunction.

In psychogenic erectile dysfunction, the patient has problems with the balance of his sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Traditional Chinese medicine trying to restore this balance. Sure, this sounds like using feng shui for your sock drawer, but it works for 64 percent of men who underwent 6 weeks of acupuncture and recovered sexual function, and they no longer need further treatment!

8. Kegel exercises will help!

Try the specials physical exercise Kegel.

As it turned out, special exercises Kegels, used to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, also have a positive effect on restoring an erection!

Judge for yourself: 40 percent of completely impotent subjects who used Kegel exercises regained normal, strong erections. To achieve this result, they practiced the Kegel method for six months, but the result more than pays for this long period, compared to medication. Briefly, the essence of Kegel exercises is to contract and relax the pelvic muscles

9. Look in the first aid kit!

Instructions for tablets are not written in vain, read the instructions for the drugs!

Read the instructions for tablets and other medications carefully.. Many prescription drugs can cause weakened erections. For example, some cholesterol-lowering medications may be the culprit similar consequences. Consult your doctor to change your medications to others without unnecessary side effects.

10. Still unable to defy gravity?

In this case, it may make sense to think about taking medications such as Viagra, Cialis, Levitra to stimulate blood flow in the penis. For many men similar means are the necessary support for an erection in difficult times. Using them in difficult cases, they stop taking them when life circumstances return to normal.

A good example in this regard is Cialis, as it retains its effect for about 36 hours. This duration relieves psychological stress, allowing you to be more spontaneous in your life. sex life, when you don't have to worry that your pill might be about to wear off.

Full intimate life is considered by many men as a component of a successful life. Even a slight weakening of an erection can bring a lot of negativity into it, but most often a man begins to blame himself for what happened. In order to prevent a decrease in libido and not lose the ability to engage in quality sexual relations until old age, you need to take care of men's health. Just a few simple rules will give a man the opportunity to find out what a really strong erection is, which will not disappear even after several hours of active intimate interaction with his partner.

Compliance with certain rules will allow a man to maintain a confident erection for a long time and please a woman

What determines the strength of an erection?

The biggest misconception is that the potency of men depends entirely on heredity, and each member of the stronger sex either has the ability to get and maintain a strong erection, or does not have it from birth, even with some effort. In fact, good potency depends entirely on the conditions surrounding a man, and only in isolated cases (less than 1%) does the genetic factor play a dominant role in potency.

The strength of an erection can be influenced by internal and external factors, namely:

  • Emotional and psychological background in a couple, in the man’s immediate environment, at work. Even minor mood swings can negatively affect potency. Long-term exposure to stress is especially dangerous for the male genitourinary system, as a result of which depression and anxiety can develop.

The consumption of alcoholic beverages and other harmful substances has a negative effect on potency.

  • Work and rest schedule. Overwork, even if it occurs rarely, can play a fatal role for a man’s body. At the moment of maximum fatigue, a man may be unable to get or maintain a strong erection. This condition goes away after a short rest. However, with systematic fatigue, recovery may be delayed.
  • Alcohol and other substances that can alter consciousness and perception. This group of factors is very dangerous for potency, as it affects the central nervous system, blood vessels, metabolic processes, hormone synthesis and much more. When they are systematically introduced into the body, many reflexes atrophy, and irreversible processes occur in the tissues of the genitourinary system.
  • Nutrition and metabolic processes. For normal functioning the male reproductive system and to strengthen it a certain list is necessary minerals, vitamins and nutrients. Their shortage can occur when unbalanced diet or with changes in metabolism.
  • The hormonal background of a man, which depends on both nutrition and functional state internal organs, and from other internal and external influences.

Enriching your diet healthy products, a man can significantly improve potency

Potency also depends on general condition men's health. If he has at least one chronic illness, it will be very difficult to achieve a stable erection. And in case there are infectious or inflammatory diseases affected the genitourinary system, the risk of completely losing the ability to perform sexual intercourse increases significantly.

In order for a strong erection to become the norm, you need to follow a number of rules that have nothing to do with a targeted effect on potency through exercises, attitudes or folk remedies. Achieving visible improvement is very simple; for this you need:

  • Stop treating sex like a chore. Unplanned contacts have a very good effect on erection (even if they occur between husband and wife). No schedules for intimate meetings! Sex should happen when there is desire and strong arousal.

Lack of diversity in intimate relationships may have a negative impact on potency

  • Stop using erotic surroundings to create a romantic atmosphere. In most cases, this is necessary to satisfy a woman (by the way, we are not talking about sexual satisfaction here at all, but rather a tribute to fashion). Men in such an environment are less able to focus on intimacy, and the aromas filling the room can completely discourage the desire to have sex.
  • Periodically change the conditions in which intimacy occurs. However, it is not necessary to take radical measures. Even changing your position can make your erection more stable.

Lifestyle changes for stronger erections

Significantly improve functional state the sexual sphere in men can be achieved by normalizing lifestyle. Potency will not be restored quickly, however, experts say that when switching to a healthy lifestyle, men create the most favorable conditions for strengthening erections.

To do this you need:

  • Stop drinking alcohol and cigarettes - the effect will be noticeable after 4 weeks.
  • Move more, spend time on sports or other active physical activities.

Excess weight negatively affects a man's erectile function, so you should monitor its indicators to maintain potency

  • Maintain personal hygiene, which will prevent the occurrence of diseases of the genital area and other body systems.
  • Lose weight, even if you have a few extra pounds.
  • Normalize nutrition to provide the body with the substances necessary for its normal functioning.

No less important role is played by emotional health. The less stress, the faster your erection will increase. To restore the emotional background, you can use breathing practices, yoga exercises, and the like.

Nutrition for stronger erections

In order for potency to strengthen as naturally as possible, a man just needs to review his menu. It needs to include:

  • meat products, always low-fat - to replenish the male body’s need for phosphorus and proteins;
  • seeds, nuts and vegetable seeds - to replenish the male body’s need for selenium and zinc;

Regular consumption of dairy products will help maintain and improve potency

  • greenery, spices, all varieties of peppers - to saturate the body with biologically active compounds beneficial for libido;
  • cruciferous vegetables, carrots, celery, tomatoes - to meet the body's need for vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the genitourinary system of men;
  • eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream - to meet the need for proteins and minerals;
  • honey, dried fruits - to provide the body with vitamins, trace elements and minerals;
  • cereals and cereal crops to save digestive system normal and to meet the need for nutrients;
  • seafood, sea and River fish, caviar and shellfish - to replenish the need for zinc and other trace elements, amino acids.

A set of special exercises helps to achieve a stable erection.

Other erectile enhancement products

You can also significantly strengthen your erection through Kegel exercises. With their help, you can quickly restore tissue trophism genitourinary organs and perineum, which has an extremely positive effect on erectile function.

It is recommended to do them several times daily. However, this should not cause any difficulties, since Kegel developed his exercises taking into account the fact that they can be done unnoticed by others. They represent rhythmic contractions of the anus followed by its relaxation. You can do them sitting, standing, lying on your side or back.

When using Kegel exercises, it is important to understand that super quick results will not happen, just like in previous cases. Working to strengthen your erection is a long-term, targeted process that pays off all non-material investments in at least 2-3 months. But, despite this, experts recommend it, because if the above-mentioned moments in a man’s life are corrected, potency can be maintained until old age.

In this video, the doctor will tell you how you can restore and improve potency:

Normal sexual activity for every man is the most important indicator of health. Therefore, when for some reason problems with sexual function begin, this affects not only sexual health, but also greatly traumatizes the man psychologically. In such a situation, it is important to find out the cause and learn how to improve an erection without resorting to chemicals, if possible.

Now there are many ways to help men overcome erection problems and lead a normal healthy lifestyle without sexual problems.

What affects erection?

An erection is the condition of the penis, its hardening, which allows a man to have sexual intercourse. Main role The brain plays a role in the control and regulation of erection, which “controls” the erection by receiving a signal from the sexual stimulus. And the stronger the impact of the stimulus, the greater the signal the brain sends to increase a man’s erection.

Frequent problems in men (unstable or weak erections, too rapid ejaculation) can arise for various reasons.

Therefore, when sexual problems arise, the first step should always be for a man to give up all bad habits and actively play sports.

Men are usually embarrassed to go to doctors to find out how to solve erection problems, and therefore either look for information online or use it, which helps only for a while.

Diseases that affect male erection:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system (acute and chronic prostatitis, cystitis, prostate adenoma, urethritis);
  • diseases of the nervous system (neurosis, stress, depressive states, apathy, VS-dystonia, multiple sclerosis, senile dementia, etc.);
  • testicular diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases ( ischemic disease, hypertension, arterial hypertension, stroke and hypertensive crisis, heart attack, vascular atherosclerosis, etc.);
  • endocrine diseases (low testosterone levels, obesity, male menopause, diabetes, anorexia);
  • psycho-emotional reasons (syndrome of anticipation of failure in sex, suspiciousness, mental problems);
  • prolonged physical activity and fatigue;
  • surgery or injury;
  • lifestyle associated with sedentary work and inactivity;
  • smoking and alcohol and drug abuse;
  • harmful factors: radiation and electromagnetic radiation;
  • abuse of fatty foods, poor nutrition, carbonated drinks and beer, fast food and sweets;
  • sexually transmitted diseases and infections;
  • infections suffered in childhood;
  • old age (deterioration of erection occurs from 45 to 80 years).

Important! One of the most common causes of problems with erection and male potency is the usual lack of sleep and the body's lack of time to recuperate after physical and emotional stress.

Traditional recipes for improving erection

There are many recipes traditional medicine, allowing you to achieve improved erection at home through the use of herbal infusions and mixtures.

Here are some of them:

From ginseng root

Add 0.5 liters of boiling water to 100 g of root, leave in a warm place for 3 days, then boil over low heat for 4 hours. After cooling, add 2 tsp. cinnamon and 50 g honey, stir well. You need to consume 100 g 2 times a day - and nice boner secured.
Thyme tincture: chop the herb and pour 10 g of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. and strain, drink 0.5 tbsp. 2 r. in a day.

Nettle infusion

50 g of fresh nettles pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave, strain, add 1 tsp. honey This folk remedy for a riser you need to take it immediately 30 minutes before. before sexual contact.

Walnut kernels (200 g) with honey

stir (honey should cover the mixture), keep in a water bath for 2-3 minutes. and pour into a glass container and leave for 3 weeks. Take 2 tbsp. every day, better with tea.

  • often walk barefoot, stimulating active points on the foot, responding to male abilities;
  • use a contrast shower when bathing, twice a day;
  • put mustard plasters on your feet for 1 hour, wearing warm socks, then rinse your feet cold water and wipe well - have an effect on enhancing erection;
  • physical exercises that improve blood circulation in the pelvis and genitourinary system; one of the well-known complexes is special Kegel exercises: their essence is to train the muscles of the pelvic floor to strengthen them (these are the muscles that men use to stop urinating) - 18 contractions daily in a lying or sitting position and a powerful erection is ensured;
  • There are also some exercises that allow you to prolong your erection as long as possible and learn to control the ejaculation process, for example, the “stop art” technique or the “squeezing” technique, etc.

List of products - natural aphrodisiacs for men

Healthy and balanced diet It has big influence not only to improve a man’s figure and normalize his weight, but also to improve his physical and sexual capabilities. There are some erection-improving foods that are considered natural aphrodisiacs:

  • the most popular: coffee and wine (in small quantities), dark chocolate, oysters and hot peppers;
  • dairy products;
  • garlic and varieties of onions - have a cleansing effect on blood vessels and increase blood flow;
  • raw or boiled eggs with the addition of onions (omelet);
  • sweets that affect arousal: honey, hazelnuts and other types of nuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, etc.;
  • meat, fish (especially sea ​​fish and shellfish) dishes (but low-fat and non-fried!);
  • vegetables: carrots, lettuce, parsley, pepper and dill.

Regular consumption of such products will help a man solve erection problems over time.

The drugs are effective and very effective

Medicines that improve erection are divided depending on their constituent substance:

  • products with vardenophil, a synthetic substance for the treatment of impotence, have good effectiveness, the only side effect is: slight pain in the lumbar region, and in case of an overdose, headaches and dizziness are possible;
  • products with yohimbine(an alkaloid found in the bark of the African tree of the same name) - excite the nervous system, stimulate the breakdown of fats in male body, sexual function and allow you to increase the duration of an erection; side effects minimal (dizziness, increased blood pressure);
  • products containing cantharidin (synthetic analogue a substance that is obtained from Spanish flies) is a strong poison that is almost never used in medicine, but is found in minimal doses in drugs that improve erection; overdose is dangerous to health (severe intoxication).

To quickly get rid of erection problems, doctors also recommend taking drugs for male potency: Viagra, etc. (in it, we compared all the most popular drugs for potency and compiled a rating) They, as a rule, allow you to quickly strengthen an erection and increase potency in difficult time for a man.

One of the problems that arise with erectile dysfunction is rapid ejaculation, which greatly reduces the possibility and quality of sexual intercourse.

How to increase erection time? In order to prolong the duration of sexual contact, modern pharmacologists have developed drugs that inhibit too rapid ejaculation - prolongators.

The most effective prolongators to increase the duration of an erection:\

  • Dapoxetine- affects the activity of that part of the brain that stimulates ejaculation. If there is a double problem: poor potency and fast ejaculation, dapoxetine is taken together with Viagra - this will allow you to get a rock hard boner.

  • Sexil - herbal preparation, having no negative side effects, which prolongs the time of sexual contact by relieving anxiety due to unsuccessful sexual intercourse.

Important! When taking prolonging agents, you need to take into account the presence of lidocaine in their composition. Such drugs give an immediate effect, but do not provide long-term therapeutic effects.

Most effective modern way, which allows you to get a powerful erection of the penis with the help of injections (injections) into the penis of a drug (usually Papaverine), which dilates the blood vessels, thereby increasing blood flow and making an erection “to order”. This will allow a man to have a full erection, regardless of sexual desire.

Such injections can be done regularly even long time without any health consequences. The only trouble (according to patients) is small painful sensations at the injection site.

Consistency is the key to success

The quality and the erectile function itself depend on hormonal levels the man’s body, his psycho-emotional well-being and the health of all organs involved in the erection process: blood vessels, prostate gland, testicles.

The most common causes of poor erection are psychological, which may be associated with irregular sex life, overexcitation or insufficient arousal, fears, etc.

Therefore, regular sex life with the same partner is a good stimulant for increasing potency and will help strengthen a man’s erection.

Interesting! According to scientists' research monthly norm The number of orgasms equal to 21 reduces the risk of prostate cancer by 22%.

Boner or non-riser

Having studied all the causes and problems with erection in men, we can draw the most important conclusion: to solve the problem of “bone-on” you need, first of all, to lead a normal healthy lifestyle, have sex regularly and be less nervous - and then an iron boner is guaranteed!