Viferon candles method of application. How long does it take for Viferon suppositories to work?

The range of application of Viferon is very wide - it is used in the treatment of various viral, infectious, respiratory and septic diseases, SARS in children different ages. It is not harmful for pregnant women, who, when carrying a fetus, are not immune from influenza conditions, vaginal infections that have a bacterial or fungal nature. Let's talk about the composition, how to properly use the medicine, which is available in different dosage forms, is it worth it to be afraid of side effects from it.

General information about the drug

Viferon is produced in Russia in the form of a gel, ointment and rectal suppositories. Translated from the Latin "rectum" - this is the rectum, it is there that you need to lay the candle after you carefully remove it from the plastic package. Under the influence of temperature, the waxy base of the candle (you can also come across the name “suppositories”) undergoes melting, and medicinal substance immediately absorbed by the cells of the mucous membrane and immediately enters the bloodstream. The shape of the candles is bullet-shaped, up to 1 cm in diameter, they are white or slightly yellowish. Marble coloring is also allowed. chief active ingredient any dosage form of Viferon is recombinant interferon alpha-2 human. This protein is obtained from genetic engineering in laboratory conditions. It is identical to the compound formed in our body when uninvited guests - pathogenic bacteria or viruses - are introduced there. It stands up to protect tissues and organs from the infection that develops in such cases. The amount of this component can be different, it is determined in IU (international units) - 3,000,000, 1,000,000, 500,000, 150,000.

From shaping and excipients used: vitamin E, ascorbic acid, disodium digitate dihydrate, sodium ascorbate, polysorbate, cocoa butter, confectionery fat.

The package contains 10 candles.

Readers of MirSovetov may have a question - why this medicine is not available in the form of tablets, dragees, injections? Let's try to explain it plain language: any drug, hitting the digestive tract, immediately exposed to acidic gastric juice, digestive enzymes, bile. Therefore, proteins are actively decomposed under the influence of these components. Therefore, if you take Viferon inside, then this will not have any therapeutic effect. There is interferon in ampoules, but it is produced by other manufacturers, it exhibits slightly different properties, most often used in oncology, in some cases causing serious reactions in some body systems. Developing the drug Viferon, the specialists set themselves the following task: to create effective medicine, which can be used to treat babies and pregnant women, that is, it must be safe.

Sometimes, with tracheobronchitis or laryngotracheitis, treatment is supplemented with Viferon gel, lubricating the tonsils with it. The gel or ointment can be applied to areas of mucous membranes or skin affected by herpes.

What effect does Viferon have?

The drug exhibits antiviral, immunomodulatory and antiproliferative (preventing cell reproduction) properties. The active substance of Viferon mobilizes defensive forces of the organism itself, stimulates the production of its own interferon, increasing the ability of the body's cells to fight viruses, bacteria and other "foreigners" that have invaded the body. Macrophages begin to intensively absorb foreign agents, this process is called phagocytosis. Stabilization of immunoglobulins of different classes also occurs. In the presence of vitamin C and E, the activity of interferon increases markedly. These antioxidants endow Viferon with anti-inflammatory, regenerating and membrane-stabilizing properties, quickly healing those already involved in infectious process tissues and cells. The appointment of Viferon allows doctors to reduce doses, hormonal drugs, thereby reducing them side effects.

Cocoa butter contains phospholipids, which makes it possible to produce suppositories, easily giving them the desired look, without the use of synthesized emulsifiers, which makes dosage form non-toxic.

Areas of use

Doctors prescribe the drug in the following cases:

  • SARS, ;
  • bacterial infections that have joined the underlying disease;
  • intrauterine infections (, mycoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, herpes);
  • , sepsis in premature babies or in the first months of life of full-term babies;
  • diphtheria, parotitis in children;
  • herpes, ureaplasmosis, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia in children over a year old and in adults;
  • inflammations and infections during pregnancy, such as influenza, SARS, bronchopneumonia, infections that affect the excretory system or genital organs (trichomoniasis, various vaginosis, candidiasis, mycoplasmosis);
  • herpetic eruptions on the mucous membranes and skin;
  • tick-borne encephalitis;
  • in men;
  • postoperative inflammatory processes, even with the release of pus;
  • viral hepatitis type B, C, D (in complex therapy).

How to apply Viferon?

The drug is produced in different dosages so pay close attention to this when buying. Follow your doctor's instructions when you use the medicine, especially on children, for it to be effective. Schemes and dosage may be different, it depends on the diagnosis, the patient's well-being, age, the degree of spread of the infection. Most often, babies from the first days of their birth and up to one year of age take Viferon 1 ( active substance in such a suppository 150,000 IU), administered twice a day, one suppository. The interval between injections should be 12 hours. If the child is from one year old to 7 years old, then Viferon 2 is prescribed (that is, 500,000 IU each) - also twice a day. At the age of 7 to 12 years, Viferon 2 or Viferon 3 is used (1,000,000 International Units each). If a teenager or an adult has influenza, SARS, herpes infection, then it is enough to use suppositories of 500,000 IU twice a day so that the time between rectal injections is 12 hours. Many parents are very pleased that the medicine helped their children in short time get rid of the infection and get well. This happens if treatment is started on time, all dosages and patterns of use are observed. Viferon 4 is allowed to be used by adults, sometimes by teenagers with more serious illnesses. Doctors prescribe medicine to future mothers in a dose of 500,000 to 1,000,000 IU.

In banal cases of influenza, herpes, SARS, the course lasts from 5 to 10 days. In the treatment of other diseases, it can be repeated after 5 days.

Are side effects possible?

Allergic reactions are very rare. As a rule, they disappear a few days after the drug has been discontinued. To avoid them, read the composition of the drug before you buy it. For example, if you know that you or your child is allergic to ascorbic acid or cocoa butter, then suppositories cannot be used. Contraindications to the use of Viferon are hypersensitivity, intolerance to at least one of the components of the composition.

special instructions

The sooner you start treatment for influenza or other viral infections, the faster the symptoms of the disease will disappear.

Viferon is allowed to be combined with antibiotics, hormonal means and chemotherapy drugs.

Expectant mothers can safely use the medicine, starting from the 14th week of pregnancy.

When breastfeeding, these suppositories are prescribed without any restrictions.

It should be remembered that allergic rhinitis this drug cannot be cured.

Viferon should be stored in a cool place on the refrigerator door. Permissible shelf life - 2 years, starting from the date of issue.

The medicine is wonderful, effective, in most cases it helps quickly, has high level security. But to avoid trouble, be sure to consult a doctor, read the instructions before buying it for yourself or your loved ones. Any medicine, even the most harmless and harmless, should be used according to indications. Not all drugs that have helped your co-workers, housemates, friends may benefit you.

The immune system human body not always able to effectively eliminate viral and infectious manifestations. Therefore, it is very important to choose timely effective drug for the treatment of viral diseases. Candles Viferon for adults is effective remedy, which has a pronounced antimicrobial and antiviral effect.

Description of the medication

Before using any medicinal product it is necessary to familiarize yourself with its purpose, how the remedy should be used correctly, and to whom it is contraindicated.

Viferon is powerful drug, the main purpose of which is the activation of the immune system in the body, the fight against viruses and infections. It's combined pharmacological agent and it contains recombinant alpha-interferon, as well as a complex certain vitamins. Also in the composition there are auxiliary ingredients:

  • polysorbate;
  • tocopherol acetate;
  • vitamin C;
  • sodium ascorbate.

The main components can also include butter, cocoa and fat, which in general composition do not exceed 1 gram. A medicine is produced in the form of suppositories, gel and ointment.

Description of suppositories:

  • candles in the form of a bullet, have a slightly pointed, oblong shape;
  • white color, slight yellowness is acceptable;
  • in a blister pack there are 5 or 10 suppositories.

The drug is released without a doctor's prescription. There are several types of Viferon candles, with a dosage of 150,000, 500,000, 1,000,000 and 3,000,000 IU, in which not only the dosage of the main components, but also the auxiliary ones, differ.

When buying a drug, be sure to pay attention to the dosage, since the number of times of use per day and the possibility of use for children and pregnant women depend on it.

Pharmacological properties

Many are interested in the question, why are Viferon suppositories prescribed and what are the main properties of the drug? It is worth noting that this modern facility, which contains main component- alpha-interferon contained in the human body. Candles with Viferon contribute to the activation protective functions human body, stimulate the immune system and fight against various kinds viruses.

In addition to the main component, ascorbic acid is present in the composition of the drug, which also has an antiviral effect and protects the body from harmful free radicals that cause most diseases.

Interesting fact:

Thanks to vitamin C, interferon activity increases, and tocopherol alpha helps to restore cells and relieve inflammation.

By prescribing Viferon for adults, the need for many antibiotics is eliminated, while the use of other drugs that are usually prescribed for viruses and infections is significantly reduced. It should not be noted that the duration of treatment is also significantly reduced. Having chosen such therapy, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and other systems are affected with less intensity. The risk of occurrence and development of other diseases, characteristic after long-term therapy with various pills, is reduced.

It is worth noting that the drug helps to reduce the production of its own interferon, and does not improve immunity. In this regard, it is not recommended to use the drug too often and for a long time to avoid addiction. The dosage of Viferon suppositories for adults depends on the doctor's prescriptions and the degree of damage to the body by the virus. The instructions for the use of suppositories for adults Viferon have more detailed information about the composition, as well as the properties of the drug.

Video "The fight for immunity with Viferon"

An informative video with advice from a specialist who recommends using Viferon for immunostimulation.

Viferon for adults - indications

The main purpose of the remedy is the treatment of diseases of an infectious-viral nature. Diseases for which suppositories are used:

  • pathologies caused by infections of the urogenital system;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • sepsis, various diseases infectious nature, enteroviruses;
  • sharp respiratory diseases in adults and children;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • complication of influenza and SARS;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • candidiasis;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • chlamydial infections.

The drug is often prescribed to pregnant women and newborns, as the drug has a fairly safe composition.


It has been repeatedly confirmed that rectal suppositories Viferon is an absolutely safe pharmacological product, so they can be used by any category of patients.

However, even here there is a certain contraindication. This is an individual intolerance to any constituent component.

Suppositories are allowed to be used even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, in the first trimester, it is still worth refusing to use the remedy. This is due to the fact that the placenta has not yet fully formed, so all substances can penetrate to the fetus. Starting from the second trimester, Viferon is absolutely safe.

Do not use the product if you are allergic to the components. When side effects occur and allergic reactions, you need to stop taking the drug and seek the advice of a doctor. Side effects may occur, most often they occur in the form of:

  • itching;
  • burning sensation;
  • rash.

Usually, after the abolition of suppositories, such symptoms disappear after 2-3 days.

Mode of application

Depending on the form of Viferon, the method of application of the drug also depends. Suppositories are administered rectally, into the rectum, several factors affect the daily dose, such as:

  • patient's age;
  • the nature of the virus and the disease itself;
  • features of the body (pregnancy, individual intolerance, etc.).

This is assigned pharmacological product for the treatment of certain pathologies, while it can be used both as an independent remedy and in complex treatment.

For newborns and children up to 6 months

For premature babies, as well as children under the age of six months, daily dose is one suppository twice a day. It is necessary to choose a drug with a dosage of 150,000 IU. The duration of treatment depends on the stage and the disease itself, as well as on individual characteristics. It is determined by the doctor after the diagnosis.

For children aged 6 months to a year

Usually at this age, specialists prescribe this drug for the treatment of viral hepatitis C, D, B. 1 suppository in the anus, once a day. Dosage - 500 thousand IU. The course may vary.

Children under 12

To eliminate the symptoms of flu, colds, you must use one suppository, twice a day. The dosage of one candle is 150 thousand IU.

Dosage for adults

The number of suppositories administered, as well as their dose, depends primarily on the disease, stage and individual characteristics.

Chronic viral hepatitis is treated with suppositories with a dose of 3 million IU, one unit, twice a day. Usually the period of therapy is 10 days. After that, the attending physician should reduce the dosage, depending on whether the patient is on the mend.

Viferon suppositories - instructions for use in gynecology:

  • 500 thousand IU;
  • daily dose - 1 million IU, but at a time, in the evening.

The average length of the course is 5 days, after a five-day break the course is usually repeated.

Most often used to treat:

  • chlamydia;
  • candidiasis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • vaginosis and so on.

With genital herpes, suppositories are prescribed, while their dosage is 1 million IU, twice a day. With viral colds suppositories of 500,000 IU are used, twice a day. The average course duration is a week. It is worth noting that the suppositories melt quickly, so it is better to store them in the refrigerator and remove them from individual packaging immediately before administration.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During lactation, Viferon is prescribed to eliminate bacterial as well as infectious pathologies. various types. The dosage is the same as for adults. Up to 14 weeks, the use of suppositories is not recommended, due to insufficient research.

Overdose and adverse reactions

Another advantage of the drug is the fact that adverse reactions occur very rarely, because the tool has excellent tolerability.

If there are side effects, then they are expressed locally - an allergy in the area anus, itching, burning, rash and discomfort. In this case, the doctor must assess the degree of allergy and draw a conclusion - leave suppositories for therapy or refuse to use them.

There are no data on overdose, however, as a result of non-compliance with the instructions, dangerous consequences. Therefore, doctors and manufacturers recommend strictly adhering to the instructions and dosage.

Interaction with other drugs

It is worth being careful when combining Viferon suppositories with other drugs, since their main component can enhance the effect of such pharmacological products:

  • various kinds of antibiotics;
  • antiviral drugs of various forms;
  • antimicrobial agents;
  • immunostimulants.

Doctors note that constipation and stool disorders negatively affect the main effect of suppositories. Therefore, it is recommended to use laxatives or do an enema.

Viferon candles for men

AT recent times Quite often, many urologists prescribe Viferon suppositories to men, as they are excellent at fighting infections. But it is known that it is infections that become the main root causes of various male diseases starting with prostatitis.

That is why anti-infective drugs in without fail should be included in complex treatment. However, Viferon will not help get rid of male diseases on its own, so it is necessary to prescribe additional drugs and procedures, such as prostate massage, warming up, and so on.

Viferon suppositories for prevention in adults

To date, the effect of the use of suppositories for prevention has already been confirmed. viral diseases as well as more serious pathologies. These include:

  • chlamydia;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • toxoplasmosis in children and adults;
  • seasonal viral infections and diseases.

To prevent such infections and pathologies, it is necessary to use the drug according to the instructions, while using the smallest dosage. For help and recommendations, it is best to consult a doctor to prevent addiction.


To date, the pharmacology market is developing well, so in pharmacies you can see many analogues of Viferon. These drugs are similar in composition, properties and indications. Analogues include:

  • Laferon;
  • Alfarekin;
  • Laferobion (no less effective and popular option);
  • Interferon and so on.

The exact analogue of Viferon has not yet been invented, however, the above medicines are very similar in composition. Their main component is identical.

How to store candles?

Like most other medicines, suppositories must be stored away from sun rays and heat appliances - fireplaces, batteries. Maximum allowable temperature when stored is ten degrees. Therefore, the most suitable place for storage is the refrigerator.

You need to save the pharmacological product in the original packaging, without removing the suppositories from the blister in advance. The expiration date is 24 months from the date of production, it is strongly not recommended to use expired candles.

If you have questions about the use of Viferon suppositories during pregnancy, see the article.
If you do not understand how to properly administer Viferon rectal suppositories, see the article.
Viferon price: in Moscow, Ukraine, Belarus.
O correct selection dosages of Viferon suppositories in questions and answers, read the article

Information on how to properly store Viferon candles in the form of questions and answers can be found in the article

Trade name of the medicinal product

Viferon (VIFERON)®


Feron OOO, Russia

International non-proprietary name

Interferon human recombinant alpha-2

Dosage form

Suppositories rectal

Release form

Suppositories (150,000 IU, 500,000 IU, 1,000,000 IU, 3,000,000 IU) weighing from 0.95 g to 1.05 g, 10 pieces each in a PVC/paper blister pack or weighing from 1.00 g to 1.10 g, 10 pieces in blisters PVC/PVC. 1 or 2 blister packs with instructions for use in a cardboard pack


The suppository has a bullet shape, yellowish-white color, uniform consistency. Color heterogeneity in the form of marbling and the presence of a funnel-shaped depression on the cut is allowed. The diameter of the suppository is not more than 10 mm.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Immunomodulatory and antiviral agent.

Active substance

1 suppository VIFERON 150,000 IU contains the active substance - interferon human recombinant alpha-2 150,000 IU;
1 suppository VIFERON 500000 IU contains the active substance - interferon human recombinant alpha-2 500000 IU
1 suppository VIFERON 1000000 IU contains the active substance - interferon human recombinant alpha-2 1000000 IU
1 suppository VIFERON 3000000 IU contains the active substance - interferon human recombinant alpha-2 3000000 IU


Ascorbic acid 0.015 g, alpha-tocopherol acetate 0.055 g, base cocoa butter or solid fat

pharmachologic effect

Interferon human recombinant alpha-2 has pronounced antiviral, immunomodulatory and antiproliferative properties. The complex composition of the drug determines the presence of a number of additional effects: in the presence of ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol acetate, the antiviral activity of human recombinant alpha-2 interferon increases, its immunomodulatory effect on T- and B-lymphocytes increases, the level of immunoglobulin E normalizes, and the functioning of the endogenous interferon system is restored. In addition, ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol acetate, being highly active antioxidants, have anti-inflammatory, membrane-stabilizing, and regenerating properties. It has been established that when using VIFERON there are no side effects that occur when parenteral administration interferon preparations, and antibodies are not formed that neutralize the antiviral activity of interferon.


After rectal administration after 12 hours, a decrease in serum concentration is observed, which necessitates its repeated administration.

Indications for use

In the complex therapy of various infectious and inflammatory diseases in children, including newborns and premature babies:

  • acute respiratory viral infections (influenza, SARS, including complicated bacterial infection),
  • pneumonia (bacterial, viral, chlamydial),
  • meningitis (bacterial, viral),
  • sepsis,
  • intrauterine infection (chlamydia, herpes, cytomegaly, enterovirus infection, candidiasis, including visceral, mycoplasmosis);
In complex therapy chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D in children and adults, including in combination with the use of plasmapheresis and hemosorption,
with chronic viral hepatitis of a pronounced degree of activity and complicated by cirrhosis of the liver;
in complex therapy in adults, including pregnant women, with urogenital infection(chlamydia, cytomegalovirus infection, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, papillomavirus infection, bacterial vaginosis, recurrent vaginal candidiasis, mycoplasmosis),
primary or recurrent herpetic infection of the skin and mucous membranes, localized form, mild and moderate course, including the urogenital form;
in complex therapy, including those complicated by a bacterial infection in adults.

Dosing regimen

Suppositories containing as active substance interferon human recombinant alpha-2 in the indicated dosages (150,000 IU, 500,000 IU, 1,000,000 IU, 3,000,000 IU) are used rectally.
In the complex therapy of various infectious and inflammatory diseases in newborns, including premature: newborns, including premature babies with gestational age over 34 weeks appoint VIFERON 150,000 IU * daily, 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours. The course of treatment is 5 days.
Preterm infants with gestational age less than 34 weeks appoint VIFERON 150,000 IU daily, 1 suppository 3 times a day after 8 hours. The course of treatment is 5 days.
The recommended number of courses for various infectious - inflammatory diseases at children, including newborns and premature:

  • influenza, SARS, including those complicated by a bacterial infection - 1-2 courses;
  • pneumonia(bacterial, viral, chlamydial) - 1-2 courses,
  • sepsis- 2-3 courses,
  • meningitis- 1-2 courses,
  • herpetic infection– 2 courses,
  • enterovirus infection- 1-2 courses,
  • cytomegalovirus infection - 2-3 courses,
  • mycoplasmosis, candidiasis, including visceral, - 2-3 courses.
The break between courses is 5 days. By clinical indications therapy may be continued.

In complex therapy chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D in children and adults: children with chronic viral hepatitis the drug is prescribed in the following age dosages: up to 6 months 300,000-500,000 IU per day; 6 to 12 months- 500,000 IU per day. Aged from 1 year to 7 years- 3,000,000 IU per 1 m2 of body surface area per day. Aged over 7 years old- 5,000,000 IU per 1 m2 of body surface area per day. for each individual patient is produced by multiplying the recommended for given age dosage per body surface area calculated from nomogram to calculate the body surface area in height and weight according to Harford, Terry and Rourke, divided into 2 injections, rounded up to the dosage of the appropriate suppository. The drug is used 2 times a day after 12 hours for the first 10 days daily, more three times a week every other day for 6-12 months.
The duration of treatment is determined clinical efficacy and laboratory indicators. Children with chronic viral hepatitis with a pronounced degree of activity and liver cirrhosis before the plasmapheresis and/or hemosorption indicated the use of the drug for 14 days daily, 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours(for children under 7 years old VIFERON 150,000 IU, for children over 7 years old - VIFERON 500,000 IU).
Adults with chronic viral hepatitis appoint VIFERON 3000000 IU 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours for 10 days daily, then three times a week every other day for 6-12 months. The duration of treatment is determined by clinical efficacy and laboratory parameters.
In complex therapy, adults, including pregnant women, With urogenital infection(chlamydia, cytomegalovirus infection, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, papillomavirus infection, bacterial vaginosis, recurrent vaginal candidiasis, mycoplasmosis), with primary or recurrent herpetic infection skin and mucous membranes (localized form, mild and moderate course, including urogenital form).
Adults, with the above infections, except for herpes, are prescribed Viferon 500000 IU on 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours. The course is 5-10 days. According to clinical indications, therapy can be continued with intervals between courses of 5 days.
At herpetic infection appoint VIFERON 1000000 IU 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours. The course of treatment is 10 days or more with recurrent infection. It is recommended to start treatment immediately when the first signs of skin and mucous membrane lesions (itching, burning, redness) appear. In the treatment of recurrent herpes, it is advisable to start treatment at prodromal period or at the very beginning of the manifestation of signs of relapse.
At pregnant women with urogenital infection, including herpetic, in the II trimester of pregnancy (starting from the 14th week) - Viferon 500,000 IU 1 suppository every 12 hours (2 times a day) for 10 days, then 1 suppository every 12 hours (2 times a day) twice a week - 10 days. Then, after 4 weeks, preventive courses of the drug Viferon are carried out. 150,000 IU 1 suppository every 12 hours - for 5 days, the prophylactic course is repeated every 4 weeks. If necessary, it is possible to treatment course before childbirth.

Separate article. In complex therapy influenza and other acute respiratory viral diseases, including those complicated by bacterial infection in adults. Apply VIFERON 500000 IU 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours daily. The course of treatment is 5-10 days.


Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug

Pregnancy and lactation

The drug is approved for use from the 14th week of pregnancy. It has no restrictions for use during lactation.

Side effect

In rare cases, allergic reactions may develop ( skin rashes, itching). These phenomena are reversible and disappear 72 hours after discontinuation of the drug.

special instructions

Can be used as part of combination therapy With antibacterial drugs, GKS, immunosuppressive drugs, interferon inducers.


Data not provided

drug interaction

VIFERON, rectal suppositories, is compatible and goes well with all medicines used in the treatment of the above diseases (antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, glucocorticosteroids)

Best before date

2 years. Do not use the drug after the expiration date

Storage conditions

In a place protected from light, at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C. Transportation and storage in accordance with SP at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C. Store out of the reach of children

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Without a doctor's prescription

approximate price

Russia: 150,000 IU $5.3-7, 500,000 IU $7.9-9.5, 1,000,000 IU $10.9-13.8, 3,000,000 IU $18.7-21.1
Belarus: 150,000 IU $10-14.3, 500,000 IU $13.9-19.4

Viferon is a highly effective drug. Its effectiveness is proven as clinical research and the popularity of this drug. In 2015, he was among the twenty best-selling drugs in Russia. One of the types of manufactured medicinal products are Viferon suppositories. Produced Viferon candles for children, and candles with an adult dosage.

They are effective means against viruses, and is also suitable as an immunostimulating and immunomodulating agent. What it is? Let's figure it out. The most common viral diseases are:

  • flu;
  • adenovirus;
  • herpes ( different types);
  • hepatitis C;
  • polio;
  • HIV and others.

Of course, not all of the listed viruses can be cured with Viferon candles. According to reviews, Viferon candles are most often used for influenza and acute respiratory infections. Additionally, they can be used for various infections, diseases of the liver and kidneys, bronchial asthma.

As an immunomodulator, this drug is used in cases where it is necessary to have a regulatory effect on immunity weakened by the disease. Particularly affected in these cases children's body, which fails to form the right protection. Here, Viferon candles for children are used.

The action of this drug is justified by its composition. It's modern Russian remedy includes interferon alpha-2b, which is found in the cells of the human body. In addition, the candles contain additional substances that increase the effect of interferon.

Viferon candles instructions for use

The impact on the body of interferon is justified by the fact that it causes a reaction in the cells in which the reproduction of the virus either stops or stops. Although the use of Viferon suppositories does not directly affect viruses, it inhibits protein synthesis various viruses and thus prevents the disease from developing.

The instructions for Viferon suppositories say that the drug acts gently, without interfering immune system person. Synthetic interferon acts in conjunction with natural and activates its work in the body. This drug is available in the form of gels, ointments, rectal suppository(or candles) of various dosages for children and adults. We are interested in candles, we list them:

  • Viferon candles 150,000 IU;
  • Viferon candles 500,000;
  • --- 1 000 000;
  • --- 3 000 000;

All of the suppositories listed above contain different co-concentrations. active drug interferon. Sometimes you can find the same candles, but under a different name: Viferon-1, -2, -3, -4. No. 1 contains 150,000 IU, Viferon-2 - 500,000 IU, etc. In order not to make a mistake with the dosage, especially for newborns, you need to carefully study the instructions for using Viferon candles for children.

Rectal suppositories are designed to be inserted into the rectum, they are comfortable, streamlined and small in size. Empirically, it was found that there were no side effects when using suppositories. In addition, their use helps to reduce the doses of other drugs. Contains no cocoa butter artificial substances and helps easy insertion of suppositories and their rapid dissolution.

Viferon suppositories instructions for use for children and adults.

Candles are suitable for use both for self-treatment, and in complex therapy, including:

  • SARS;
  • flu;
  • pneumonia ( various origins);
  • meningitis;
  • sepsis;
  • various intrauterine infections;
  • in complex therapy for hepatitis, bronchopulmonary and urogenital infections.

Newborns are prescribed candles 150 thousand IU, 1 piece 2 times / day. The interval between them is desirable to observe with an interval of 12 hours. The duration of treatment is one course - 5 days. The number of such courses is different, depending on the diseases. Between courses should take a short break - about 5 days.

The price of candles Viferon

Viferon suppositories are released in pharmacies without a prescription from the attending physician, but this does not mean that you need to self-medicate. We must not forget that candles have different concentration medicines and therefore Viferon-1, -2 are intended for children, Viferon-3, -4 - for adults. This circumstance explains that the price of Viferon candles for children is much lower. Let's look at approximate prices:

  • 150,000 - 270-300 rubles;
  • 500,000 - 310-370 rubles;
  • 1,000,000 - 440-540 rubles;
  • 3,000,000 - 790-920 rubles

The drug can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 years. The countdown starts from the release date.

Viferon does not heal on its own, so to speak. It only helps to ensure that the synthesis of viral proteins no longer occurs. Therefore, it is especially important to use it along with other drugs. Not only does it have no side effects, but it has very important property- compatibility with all medicines. In some cases, it is permissible to use Viferon during breastfeeding.

This article is for informational purposes only, please contact your doctor for details!

Viferon suppositories 500,000 IU, instructions for use of which are in front of you, is a drug with a pronounced immunomodulatory and antiviral action. It is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases caused by various viral infections, as well as in the complex therapy of liver diseases. Instructions for use tells how to use suppositories during pregnancy, in childhood. "Popular about health" will help you figure out how to use the medicine for children and during pregnancy.

Composition of suppositories Viferon 500000

Suppositories are intended for introduction into the rectum, where they are dissolved and absorbed into the blood. They have a comfortable bullet shape and small size. They contain recombinant human interferon at a dosage of 500,000 IU, as well as other additives:

Cocoa bean butter.
Tocopherol acetate.
Ascorbic acid.

The active substance, entering the bloodstream, recognizes pathogens that have entered the body and destroys them. Together with ascorbic acid, best effect during treatment, which is why this component is included in the composition of the drug.

Candles Viferon - effect on the body

According to the instructions for use, this medicine has not only antiviral and immunostimulating activity. Thanks to the acetate included in tocopherol, it has an antioxidant effect on the body, that is, it removes free radicals. Candles also have an anti-inflammatory and powerful regenerating effect. When therapy is carried out with this drug, recovery is faster, even with a decrease in the doses of antibiotics used together.

Candles Viferon - indications for use

To whom is this medication indicated? Instructions for use gives the answer to this question:

1. Children and adults with viral respiratory infections.
2. With herpes.
3. Cytomegalovirus.
4. Sepsis.
5. Meningitis (in complex therapy with antibiotics).
6. Mycoplasmosis.
7. Enteroviral infection.
8. Influenza and parainfluenza.
9. Pneumonia in combination with antibacterial agents.
10. Viral hepatitis.
11. With cirrhosis of the liver.

The indication for the use of Viferon 500,000 IU is direct contact with a sick person. In this case, the drug helps protect against viral diseases.

Candles Viferon - contraindications for use

Treatment with a drug with a dosage of 500,000 is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy up to 14 weeks, as well as in newborns. For them, the drug is available in a different dosage. human interferon- 150,000 IU. The medicine is contraindicated in case of allergy to any of the constituent components - ascorbic acid, interferon, cocoa butter and others. Breastfeeding is not a contraindication to the use of suppositories.

How to use Viferon suppositories for children and adults?

Instructions for use during pregnancy

As already mentioned, it is forbidden to use Viferon suppositories up to the 14th week of pregnancy, inclusive. For more later dates treatment with suppositories is not contraindicated. In this case, the dosage and duration of treatment of a pregnant woman with these suppositories should be determined by the doctor (depending on the diagnosis established by the doctor and the condition of the woman). The manufacturer indicates the general treatment regimen for adults with different viral infections- one candle Viferon 500000 in the morning and in the evening (after 12 hours). The duration of treatment is 5-10 days (depending on the diagnosis and the patient's condition).

Instructions for use for children

For children with some infectious diseases, the use of Viferon 500000 suppositories is also recommended. This dosage is not suitable for premature babies and newborns, there are Viferon 150000 suppositories for them. various types hepatitis in a chronic form, the use of the drug is organized according to the scheme:

Up to six months of age - 1 suppository of 500,000 IU per day or 2 suppositories at a dosage of 150,000 (one after 12 hours).

From six months to a year - 500,000 IU per day.

For the age group of children from one to seven years, the dose of the drug is calculated based on the size of the body surface - 300,000 IU per m2.

Children who have reached the age threshold of 7 years and older are prescribed 500,000 IU of human interferon per m2 of body surface.

The body area of ​​a small patient is calculated according to special schemes, focusing on weight and height values. Candles are injected into the rectum with a time interval of 12 hours. Usually the course of treatment chronic forms hepatitis lasts from six months to a year. In the first 10 days of therapy, the calculated dose of interferon is used twice a day, and subsequently the suppositories are administered every other day for a period of time set by the doctor.

Viferon suppositories 500,000 IU - an antiviral immunostimulating agent used for the treatment various infections and for prevention for children and adults. The medicine is allowed to be used during pregnancy, bypassing the first trimester, and during lactation. This dosage cannot be administered to patients under the age of seven. From the age of seven, a medicine containing a dose of 500,000 IU of interferon is prescribed in complex therapy for complicated viral infections, hepatitis, including chronic hepatitis, and liver cirrhosis.