We brew dried rose hips, how to do it right. How to prepare a rosehip decoction - a recipe for a delicious and healthy rosehip decoction, when and how to take

Rosehip is a popular plant that is widely used in traditional medicine. The useful fruits of this shrub are usually used. It is customary to make teas, decoctions, infusions from them, which are highly valued for their many vitamins and beneficial trace elements in its composition. It is customary to drink rose hips not only to increase the body's immune resources. It turns out that the fruits of this plant contribute to the removal of toxins and help to lose weight. The main thing is to brew this unique natural remedy. So, what are the ways of preparing rose hips? And what are the benefits of these drinks?

Useful properties of wild rose

To begin with, it is worth understanding why drinking decoctions and infusions of rose hips. These berries have long been actively used in folk medicine. It's all about the unique biochemical composition this tool. Scientists managed to find out that the berries of this common plant contain:

  • carotene;
  • vitamin C;
  • complex of mineral salts;
  • pectin substances;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins PP, B, K;
  • set of organic acids.

it unique treasure vitamins that benefit the entire human body! Such a rich composition of fruits has restorative action. However, rose hips are also valued for their anti-inflammatory effect.

Researches of scientists allow us to state: the intake of tea based on this gift of nature leads to the activation of oxidative-reductive processes in the human body. The use of such drinks is especially beneficial for the work of enzymatic mechanisms. It is not surprising that rose hips are an excellent solution for normalizing body weight and losing weight. Herbal remedy leads not only to the burning of fats. Reception of decoctions and teas based on it helps to stabilize weight. The secret lies in the fact that this product normalizes the secretion of bile and increases diuresis.

In addition, rose hips have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and the synthesis of hormones. Also, berries have a positive effect on the state of the heart and blood vessels. They soothe and strengthen the body. Describe positive properties this inexpensive and affordable herbal remedy possible indefinitely. However, the main thing is to brew it correctly. You can take both dried and fresh fruits. This is not a fundamental factor.

On a note! Thanks to the proper intake of rose hips, you can effectively cope even with bleeding different nature origin, disease skin, cholangitis, beriberi, ulcers, hepatitis, cholecystitis, fissures, eye diseases, hemorrhagic diathesis, atherosclerosis.

How to brew rose hips to preserve vitamins

In order for the use of wild rose to be beneficial, it is necessary to preserve all the vitamins that nature itself contains in it. That is why it is so important to properly brew fruits. It can be done various methods: in a thermos or in other dishes. In addition, prepare an infusion with unique benefit You can use both fresh and dried berries.

Fresh rose hips in a thermos

The easiest way to make a decoction is to brew fresh rose hips in a thermos. It's very simple.

As for the proportions of preparing such an infusion in a thermos, they are as follows:

  • 4-5 art. l. rose hips;
  • 1 liter of pure water.

In order for the infusion with unique benefits to be prepared faster, the rose hips should be pre-chopped. Then it will take only a couple of hours to prepare the broth.

  1. You will need to put fresh fruits in a thermos. However, beforehand, whole berries should be thoroughly washed with water, and the container should be scalded with boiling water.
  2. Then dry agent steep brew.
  3. Leave the infusion in a thermos for 10-12 hours. It is best to do this in the evening. A drink for the night in a thermos is perfectly infused.
  4. In the morning, you just need to drain it from a thermos into another container and you can start laying rosehip berries for a new portion of tea.

Note! Rose hips can be brewed repeatedly. But it is not recommended to do this more than twice!

It is important to consider that when brewing berries in crushed form, the finished rosehip infusion should be carefully filtered several times. Otherwise, the decoction will great amount villi, which not only make drinking a drink unpleasant. They can strongly irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth and cause negative reactions.

You can dilute the finished drink from a thermos with honey or lemon juice. Such additional components will not only give the tea a more refined and pleasant taste. They will enrich the composition of the rosehip drink with vitamins and valuable substances that have a beneficial effect on health.

Drinking the infusion is recommended daily. Tea from a thermos can be consumed both cold and warm. It equally benefits the body in any form. Reception is best done before meals. Daily serving - 1 cup. Children under the age of 12 years are offered a different dosage. They should drink ½ cup a day.

The vitamin infusion obtained from a thermos is distinguished by a diuretic and choleretic effect. It benefits everyone, especially those with bowel, kidney, liver or stomach problems.

How to brew fresh rose hips without a thermos

cook healing drink enriched with a variety of vitamins, based on fresh berries rose hips can be without a thermos. But this method of brewing requires close attention. Otherwise, the drink will simply lose all its healing natural power.

In order to prepare not just a fragrant drink, but a truly healthy decoction, it is recommended to correctly observe the proportions. The option of brewing rosehip berries without a thermos involves the use of:

  • 100 g of peeled berries;
  • 1 liter of water.

To prepare a decoction without a thermos, you should properly brew and use berries that were previously picked and dried a little at home. It is recommended to remove all hairs from fruits before treatment with boiling water.

  1. Berries should be laid out on a towel and lightly kneaded with a rolling pin or a kitchen hammer. You can also use a special mortar.
  2. It is recommended to brew wild rose in enameled or ceramic dishes. The prepared rosehip is laid out in the selected container and filled with clean cold water.
  3. It should be put on the stove and boiled. The composition must be brought to a boil. Then the product is removed from the stove.

On a note! Before drinking the resulting tea, it should certainly be filtered.

However, this tea should not be drunk immediately. It is necessary to give him time so that he thoroughly brews and enriches the water with all the vitamins and other healing substances that nature has put into it. This will take about 3 hours.

How to brew dry rosehip

In order to preserve all the vitamins and other beneficial substances contained in rose hips, it can also be brewed with boiling water in dried form. By the way, the preparation of a decoction of such fruits is practically no different from the processing of fresh rose hips.

Water and rose hips should be used in the following ratio:

  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 1 teaspoon rosehip.

Before brewing fruits, the raw materials must be washed with water. Rose hips are recommended to grind. A blender or coffee grinder is great for this.

  1. The resulting useful mass is transferred to a thermos. Well, if his flask is made of glass. The workpiece is poured hot water.

Note! For brewing dried rose hips, you can not use boiling water. Enough to take hot water, the temperature of which is about 60 degrees.

  1. The mass, which turned out in a thermos, should be infused. For this, 45-50 minutes will be sufficient. Usually, there is no need to infuse rosehips filled with boiling water in a thermos.
  2. The resulting infusion must be filtered. The “residue” remaining as a result of decanting must be boiled for about 30 minutes.
  3. The finished broth will need to be filtered a second time. The filtered drink is cooled and mixed with the infusion. In healing useful tool honey is added if desired.

It is important to realize that such a remedy is preventive. Is not medicinal product. That is why, if you want to get rid of a certain disease with rose hips, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. You definitely shouldn't drink it mindlessly!

How to brew dry rose hips for immunity

There is another way to brew rose hips. This recipe allows you to save all the beneficial properties of berries and vitamins. The result is a tea that carries great benefit immunity and the whole body.

To prepare a drink you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tablespoon rose hips.

To activate the activity of the immune system with this drink, the fruits should be properly brewed with boiling water. To do this is quite simple.

  1. To begin with, the dried fruits will need to be poured with hot water and insisted for about 10 minutes.
  2. Then it is necessary to express the resulting infusion through a dense cloth or several times folded gauze.

This composition is recommended to drink warm. However, tea should be a little infused. The resulting tea should be drunk 3 times a day. It is recommended to use after meals. It is this approach that provides beneficial and effective impact composition on immune system.

By the way, prepare healthy tea for immunity, you can not only from rose hips, but also from its roots. This recipe is quite easy to make. It is necessary to take the rose hips and pour boiling water over them. The composition must be well brewed. To do this, he is given a few hours. It is recommended to put in the composition for brewing not only berries, but also the roots of the plant, which are thoroughly crushed beforehand. After insisting, the healing drink is brewed for a quarter of an hour. Then the same amount he still insists. Before drinking it, be sure to strain the tea.


The attractiveness of the use of wild rose lies in the fact that there are very few contraindications for this herbal remedy. These include:

  • allergy;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • exacerbation of diseases associated with the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Video: how to brew rose hips

Have long been known medicinal properties wild rose. In the people, this plant is called wild rose, as it belongs to the rose family. Rose hips are actively used in traditional medicine, as well as for the treatment of diseases. folk methods. Rosehip decoction helps to get rid of many ailments.

What is included in the composition of rose hips?

The therapeutic effect of wild rose is achieved due to its unique composition:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins P, B2, A, E, C, K;
  • micro and macro elements;
  • tannins;
  • lemon acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • ethers;
  • sugar and more.

The calorie content of rose hips is only 100 Kcal per 100 g. In addition, rose hips contain vegetable protein, as well as a large amount of carbohydrates.

Useful properties of wild rose

Due to its beneficial properties, rosehip infusions and decoctions are often used to treat heart disease. This drink strengthens the heart muscles and blood vessels, and also normalizes arterial pressure.
Doctors usually prescribe rosehip decoction as additional medicine, which is part of complex treatment. it natural remedy, which not only copes with diseases, but also strengthens the immune system, so it can be used as a preventive measure.
It is believed to contain more vitamin C than lemon and other citrus fruits. It is especially important to strengthen defensive forces body during the season of colds, that is, in the spring-autumn period.
The antioxidants found in rose hips help the body get rid of toxins. Due to the rich content of vitamins, the decoction of this plant is effective for beriberi.
Rosehip has a positive effect on hematopoiesis, promotes the formation of red blood cells. This is especially important for patients with anemia.

Rosehip reinforces metabolic processes restores the functioning of the nervous system. It helps to get rid of stress and fatigue. It is known about the anti-inflammatory effect of the plant, due to which it is actively used for wound healing.
Rosehip restores the digestive system. It is often used to treat cholecystitis because it has choleretic action. Rosehip infusions and decoctions normalize the functions of the gallbladder and liver, help get rid of pancreatitis. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on brain activity.
It should be noted that rose hips can also be used as a preventive measure. oncological diseases because it inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

How to choose the right rose hips for making a decoction?

Undoubtedly, the quality of rose hips can be guaranteed only if you pick berries yourself. However, for this you will have to spend time and go into the forest. It is much easier to buy medicine in a pharmacy. In this case, you need to know how you can determine the quality of rose hips in appearance.
Dried rose hips should be orange or brown-red. The presence of mold is excluded - such fruits will not work. Do not use black rose hips for treatment. This means that it is overdried and has already lost its medicinal properties.

Rosehip storage must be given Special attention. The point is that under sunbeams vitamin C is destroyed. Rosehip is stored in a dark, dry place, it is advisable to use linen bags or containers intended for bulk products as a container.

How to cook rosehip broth: ingredients

To prepare a rosehip broth, two components are used: dry rose hips and water. For improvement palatability add sugar or honey, dried fruits. Such a drink turns out not only healing, but also incredibly fragrant and tasty.
To prepare a rosehip broth you will need:

  • dry berries - 100 g;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 50 g.

How to cook rosehip broth: instructions
In order for the rosehip broth to turn out to be useful, to effectively cope with the treatment of diseases, it must be properly prepared. The drink turns out to be tasty and fragrant, it can be used both as a therapeutic agent and for the prevention of diseases.

  1. Rinse dried rose hips under cold running water.
  2. Pour the rose hips into a saucepan, pour boiling water over it and cover with a lid.
  3. Put the pot on the fire and cook for about 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the saucepan from the stove and leave to infuse. After 12 hours, the drink will cool down, infuse and be ready to use.

The best option is to prepare a rosehip infusion in the evening, and take it in the morning. It is important to put the drink in a dark place so that vitamin C is preserved in it. When the broth is infused, it must be filtered. Sugar, honey or dried fruits do not have to be added - if desired.
How to take a rosehip decoction for various diseases
Doctors recommend taking rosehip decoction as aid during treatment various diseases. It is advisable to do this in courses lasting 1-2 months. Rosehip broth can be drunk by children from 7 years old. However, patients under 14 years of age are prescribed a lower dosage of the drug. The daily dose of decoction for an adult is 200 g.

  1. With pancreatitis and to achieve choleretic effect must be taken daily dose rosehip broth in the morning half an hour before breakfast. In this case, it is recommended to add honey (1 teaspoon) to improve the taste and therapeutic effect.
  2. With vitamin deficiency and for better absorption of calcium, rosehip infusion is taken before bedtime or immediately after dinner. It is necessary to drink the entire daily dose.
  3. You can get a tonic effect if you drink rosehip infusion in the morning on an empty stomach.
  4. To increase immunity and prevent colds, it is advisable to use rose hips in the form of an infusion or prepare a decoction, avoiding prolonged exposure to temperature. So more likely to save nutrients and get the most out of your drink. It is used as a tea daily dosage divided into 3 times and drunk after meals.

Rosehip decoction can be used not only for oral administration, but also as a rub for rheumatism or for the treatment of wounds. To do this, it is desirable to brew not the rose hips, but the flowers of the plant. To the floor liter jar with vinegar (9%), the dry ingredient is poured and infused for a day. Then the resulting composition should be poured into a saucepan, put on fire and boil for 5 minutes over low heat. After cooling, the rosehip infusion should be filtered and stored in a glass container. The resulting tool must be lubricated damaged areas.

Rosehip decoction: contraindications

Despite the obvious benefits of rose hips and its use as a remedy for many diseases, it also has contraindications.
It is not recommended to use rosehip broth in the following cases:

  • if you are allergic to the components of the plant;
  • patients suffering from peptic ulcer;
  • with a tendency to form blood clots;
  • with gastritis and diabetes(possible, but in small doses);
  • with constipation;
  • with high blood pressure.

People suffering from heart disease, in particular endocarditis, are not recommended to take rosehip decoctions in in large numbers. In diseases of the liver and kidneys, the dosage should also be reduced.
If you often take a rosehip decoction, it can adversely affect tooth enamel, since it is destroyed by the acid contained in the drink. Therefore, it is recommended to rinse oral cavity plain water after taking the medicine. It is advisable to drink it through a straw to reduce the impact on the teeth.
In cholelithiasis, rosehip should be taken with caution, as it promotes the movement of stones and blockage of the ducts.
Rosehip decoction - healthy drink, which is used as a general tonic and remedy. It helps to get rid of various diseases, is prescribed by doctors as an additional therapy. However, like all medicines, rosehip broth has certain contraindications. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the advisability of taking it.

Video: how to cook rosehip broth


Health 16.10.2016

Dear readers, do you like to support immunity with simple and available means? I propose to pay attention to our wild rose. A lot of people make their own, I guess. Yes, and buying it will be a problem. Let's talk today about how to properly brew and how to drink rose hips. There are a lot of subtleties. Let's look into them.

The benefits of rose hips are recognized not only folk healers, today traditional medicine applies various drugs, made on their basis, for the treatment of many diseases. Rosehip contains a record amount ascorbic acid, 100 times more than apples and 10 times more than blackcurrants, which is why rosehip drinks are so valuable, which can provide us with vitamin C all year round.

In addition to vitamin C, rose hips contain vitamins B1, B2, PP, provitamin A, and are also very important for the body. organic acids, essential oils and trace elements magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, chromium, sodium. Rosehip preparations have anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic properties, strengthen the immune system, improve the elasticity of the vascular wall and are successfully used as prophylactic with atherosclerosis. More details about useful properties rose hips you can read in my article And today we'll talk about how to properly brew rose hips and how to drink it.

How to brew rosehip

Rose hips can be brewed in different ways, and each time it turns out useful and very delicious drink. There are several well-known and familiar ways, and we will now consider how to properly brew rose hips.

How to brew dried rose hips and how to drink

Most often, we use dried rose hips for medicinal purposes, which can be bought at the pharmacy all year round, decoctions, infusions, and delicious teas can be prepared from it. There are many recipes for brewing rose hips. And you can often hear the question: “How to brew rose hips to keep vitamins in it? Should it be boiled or not? My opinion is unequivocal: in no case should you boil rose hips.

Rosehip decoction

The broth is traditionally prepared in a water bath, for which a spoonful of dry fruits is kneaded, poured over two glasses of hot boiled water and put on water bath for 15 minutes with the lid on. Then remove from heat and strain while warm, adding boiled water to the original volume. Take 1/2 cup 2 times a day for two weeks to strengthen immunity.

Such a decoction is good because the rosehip does not boil during its preparation, although you can find many recipes in which it is recommended to boil the rosehip.

Recipe for a broth from an old medical book

But if you want to get the maximum return of ascorbic acid from the drink, then I note once again that, in my opinion, it is not necessary to boil the rose hips, since vitamin C is destroyed when boiling, it is better to prepare decoctions in a water bath or brew rose hips in a thermos.

How to brew wild rose in a thermos

How to brew rose hips in order to preserve vitamins? The simplest and fast way is to brew rose hips in a thermos, that is, to prepare an infusion. In a thermos, the infusion is prepared long time, so the berries have time to give all the most valuable.

Rosehip infusion

It is very simple to brew wild rose in a thermos: put the whole washed fruits into a pre-scalded thermos, pour boiling water or hot boiled water and leave it all night. After draining the infusion in the morning, you can prepare a second portion by pouring boiling water over the fruits again. How many times can you brew rosehip like this? No more than two times if you took the usual proportions indicated in the recipe.

If you want to get a rosehip drink faster, you need to grind the fruits, in which case the drink will be ready in a couple of hours. Pour, add as desired lemon juice or honey, or you can do both, well, it turns out very tasty. And most importantly, the benefits are huge.

Such an infusion is an excellent vitamin remedy, besides, it has choleretic and diuretic properties, it is useful to drink it for everyone who has problems with the liver, kidneys, stomach or intestines.

Per liter of water, you need to take 4 - 5 tablespoons of rose hips, drink the infusion before meals, a cup a day, you can warm or cold. Children under 12 years of age can drink rosehip drink 1/3 - 1/2 cup a day.

If you brew crushed rose hips, strain it more thoroughly so that the villi inside the berries and which can irritate the mucous membranes do not get into the drink.

I suggest watching a video on how to brew rose hips in a thermos, which rose hip is best suited for this and how to dry it at home.

How to brew dried wild rose without a thermos

You can brew wild rose without a thermos, in which case the infusion will turn out to be less concentrated, but also tasty and healthy. Take any glass or enameled dish, place a tablespoon of crushed rose hips in it, pour a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse under the lid for an hour, then strain the drink and drink half a glass twice a day.

Is it possible to brew fresh rose hips

You can brew fresh rose hips, a drink from such berries turns out to be no less tasty and healthy, but the time of its use is quite limited, just a couple of weeks in September, when the berries become truly ripe.

How to brew fresh rose hips and how to drink

  • Fresh rose hips can be brewed whole or chopped, but in this case it is desirable to remove the villi, otherwise, if they get on the mucous membrane, they can cause irritation. We'll have to tinker - cut the berries into two parts and remove all the villi.
  • To chop the berries, you can simply knead them with a crush or cut with a knife, in this form they will more easily give all the useful substances into the infusion.
  • Place a teaspoon of fresh rose hips in a thermos or any other container and pour a glass of hot boiled water.
  • Insist for at least an hour, strain very carefully through a fine sieve or several layers of gauze. If you have not removed the villi first, then try not to let them get inside.
  • How much can you drink rosehip broth per day? It is recommended to drink such a drink no more than one cup a day, you can take two to three doses. For an evening reception, a warm drink with a spoonful of honey is best. If you drink it in the morning, then add some lemon juice.

You can read a lot of information about rosehip infusion in my article.

How to brew rosehip tea

Rosehip tea is brewed like regular tea, except that rosehips are added to black or green tea. If the berries are fresh, then add 3 rose hips to a cup of tea, and if you have dried rose hips, then 5-6 berries per cup. It is not necessary to insist such tea for a long time, five or six minutes - and the drink is ready. Be sure to strain through a fine strainer, do not forget about the possibility of insidious villi to irritate the mucous membrane.

Tea brewing can be completely eliminated and rose hips can be brewed instead of tea. The drink has an excellent taste and will bring even less benefit than an infusion or decoction, but it will be quite rich in vitamins. For such tea, a teaspoon of dry crushed rosehip is taken in a cup of boiling water and infused for 5-10 minutes.

Rosehip tea for colds

You can add various fruits to rosehip teas, depending on what effect you want to get. If you have a cold, boil rose hips together with viburnum fruits, you can add dried berries and raspberry leaves. Such a drink will warm, reduce fever and headache. If the temperature is not raised, then feel free to add a little honey to such tea. Only honey should not be added to hot tea. And best of all vvvusku. Drink it warm before bed.

Rosehip tea for insomnia

If you have insomnia or nervous tension, prepare rosehip and hawthorn tea in the evening. Grind the fruits, taking them in equal proportions, pour a teaspoon of the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse for 5-10 minutes under the lid, drink in one go.

If you want to use rose hips in medicinal purposes so be sure to consult your doctor before use.

Who is contraindicated in rosehip drinks

No matter how useful and tasty rosehip drinks are, they must be consumed in moderation. A high content of ascorbic acid can cause allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to this vitamin, a rosehip drink can be harmful when hyperacidity and heartburn.

Be careful if you have hypertension serious violations heart activity, cholelithiasis, thrombophlebitis, there is a tendency to form blood clots.

You should also carefully drink rose hips for people who have undergone surgery after a gallbladder. In this case, you should never drink a very concentrated rosehip broth, and drink it a lot and for a long time. One cup of weakly brewed rose hips during the day will be enough. And be sure to take a break after a week of taking. I usually drink myself for a week and take a break for a couple of weeks, or even more.

And in conclusion, I would like to say about our wisdom. Our body will always tell us how much and how to drink rose hips or any other tea made from berries and herbs. Listen to him. I always need to drink rose hips right now, in autumn and then in winter. But in the summer I always skip the season and drink other teas.

Dear readers, if you are interested, read other articles about rose hips

And for the soul, we will listen today Juno and Avos "White Rosehip" . For love, no price is named, only one life ... .. And how much meaning and depth. Music and actors who do not need, I think, comments.

see also




    13 Feb 2017 at 21:07


Rosehip is a useful and valuable shrub that gives us its amazing fruits. Sour berries with tart pits are guarded by sharp thorns, which are abundant on the branches of the plant. Therefore, it is not easy to collect wild rose. But what benefit does it bring? human body! Let's find out why the berries of this beautiful shrub are so important. We'll show you how to brew dried wild rose and how to use it.

plant history

Rosehip is popularly called the wild rose. Its flowers have a pleasant pale pink or purple color, the leaves are small and arranged 5-15 pieces per stem. The size of the berries depends on the type of rosehip. For example, there are dog fruits - they are small and have a poor vitamin complex.

Initially rosehip grew in the East, but later it began to be cultivated throughout Eurasia. Now this plant grows for many somewhere in the corner of the site and does not enjoy much attention. True, there are also gardeners who plant it like a hedge and therefore take care of it quite carefully. There are few people who have never heard of the benefits that the prickly plant under your window has the beneficial substances of rose hips. But not everyone knows exactly what properties it has, and therefore they do not collect its red berries, leaving them to the birds. But even the ancient healers knew how to brew dried rose hips and how to drink it with various diseases. In our article, we will share their secrets with you.

Benefits in every berry

The main feature of rose hips is great content they contain vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. Also, the berries are saturated with tannins, organic acids, pectin, lycopene, riboflavin, flavonoids. In addition, vitamins E, B2, P, K were found in them.

Rose hips are so versatile that they are recommended to be used not only to strengthen the immune system. Berries can relieve you of a cough and relieve inflammatory processes during bronchitis, laryngitis. Rosehip removes salts from the body, prevents the appearance of stones in the ureter, improves functioning genitourinary system, removes puffiness and increases appetite.

If you have anemia or hemophilia, then rose hips will beneficial effect to the hematopoietic process. Berries are often used for poisoning, to improve the condition of the liver, and as cholagogue. And if you have small wounds or sores on the skin, then use the oil from the fruits of the bush, which will not only have an antiseptic, but also an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect.

In folk medicine, rose hips are used for dozens of ailments, which is why they are dried and ground into puree, oil is made, syrups are boiled, and tinctures are prepared. most useful and effective way the use of fruits - to make a decoction. But how to brew dried rose hips?

Cooking infusion

To prepare this product, you will need berries, water and a thermos. This simple household item will allow you to brew berries so that all useful properties remain in the resulting liquid. You do not have to stand at the stove and wait certain time until the rose hips give juice. Follow these tips and you will learn how to brew dried rose hips in a thermos. The algorithm is quite simple:

  1. Process the berry: rinse thoroughly warm water, remove twigs and leaves.
  2. Put a small amount of rose hips in a thermos.
  3. Boil steep boiling water and pour them over the fruit. Securely close the thermos with a lid and let the drink brew for several hours.

Do you want to know how to brew dried rose hips in a thermos to improve it? vitamin complex? Add chopped ginger and some honey to the drink. You should not use sugar, because when brewing, the berries themselves give a pleasant sweetish aftertaste, but soreness and astringency in the mouth remain quite rare.

Our simple tips will help make a rosehip drink more healthy and tasty. You need to do this:

  • Before putting the berries in a thermos, you need to inner surface pour over with boiling water and only then put the prepared fruits into it.
  • If desired, you can change the dosage by adding either more berries or less. It all depends on your preferences, but too concentrated infusion to drink in pure form it is forbidden. If you have it turned out just like that, you will have to dilute it with boiled water.
  • A drink brewed in a thermos can also be given to small children. It is recommended not to use boiled water heated to 100 degrees Celsius. It is enough to bring it to a temperature of 60-70 degrees to insist the berries. So they will retain more vitamins.
  • It is better to insist a drink in a thermos for 5-7 hours. It is not forbidden to leave the thermos overnight, and drink the berry infusion over the next day.
  • Use only purified and filtered water, otherwise the drink may have a bitter aftertaste and an unpleasant aftertaste.

Pay attention to the type of thermos. It is not recommended to use thermal cookware with a metal surface. It is better to purchase a thermos with a glass flask, which will retain the taste, aroma and beneficial properties of the drink. Today, glass thermoware is not much more expensive than a metal thermos from a quality manufacturer. However, if you have purchased dishes made of glass, then you need to be extremely careful. Material withstand high temperatures, but will not withstand a fall or a blow.

Making a drink in a pot

In addition to a thermos, you can use a deep saucepan or an enamel pan. Let's find out how to brew dried rose hips to preserve vitamins and get a fragrant healthy drink:

  1. Take the berries and process them carefully.
  2. Put the berries in a saucepan and fill with purified water.
  3. Bring the broth to a boil and, without removing it from the stove, turn off the heat.
  4. Close the saucepan with a lid and let the broth brew for 30-50 minutes until cool.
  5. Pour the drink into a glass dish or a thermos, put it in a dark place.

Now you know how to brew dried rose hips without a thermos. It is not recommended to store the finished drink for more than 24 hours, as the beneficial properties of boiled berries are noticeably lost. In order not to get rid of the excess, it is enough to cook a small portion, which will be enough for the whole day.

How to properly process fruits

Before you learn how to brew dried rose hips, you need to understand how to properly process them. The recommendations here are:

  • Purchase healthy berries from the end of September to the beginning of November. It is advisable to choose fruits not in a supermarket, but in a market where they sell dried fruits and candied fruits. As a rule, fruits are rarely stale there, and in the fall you can find rose hips of a new crop. The collection begins in August-September, after which the berries are thoroughly dried for a month and delivered to retail outlets.
  • Purchased fruits must be processed. The berries are placed in a deep bowl and poured with warm water, and then washed thoroughly, the stalks, twigs and leaves are removed. You need to make sure that there is no adhering dirt on the fruits.
  • Do not use boiling water to wash the berries, otherwise you will subject the fruits to heat treatment and they will lose all their beneficial properties. Only warm water which does not burn the skin of the hands!
  • After processing, the dogrose must be thoroughly dried. You can use paper towels. Make sure that there is no moisture left on the berries, and then remove the useful natural product into a storage container.

If you prefer to collect rose hips on your own, then choose areas remote from industrial sites, city roads, and garbage dumps. This applies not only to the collection of rosehips, but also to other valuable berries, such as mountain ash, currants, cherries or blackberries.

Dosage and servings

In extremely rare cases, drinking a drink from rose hips can harm the body. However, before you learn how to brew dried rose hips for drinking, you need to find out if you have this drink. allergic reaction and also find out the dosage. Rosehip decoction is allowed to be given to children from 6 months old, while you can use both decoction and berry puree. Per liter of water you need to take no more than 7 berries of this wonderful plant. Choose the largest berries, fill with purified water and bring to a boil. Add a couple of tablespoons of honey, taste it so that the drink does not taste bitter. It is necessary to give a ready-made broth in the morning no more than 20 ml per day. How older child the higher the dosage. Despite all the beneficial properties and the vitamin complex contained in rose hips, children's body may not respond as expected. It is important that after drinking the drink the child does not develop itching, redness and irritation. Course: a week. It is not recommended to drink a decoction late in the evening, as rosehip has a diuretic property and can cause frequent urges to the toilet.

For adults, the proportions can be as follows: 1-2 handfuls of peeled fruits can be used per liter thermos. The choice of dosage will not confuse you, because now you know how to brew dried wild rose in a thermos. The proportions for preparing a drink in a saucepan are somewhat different: 2-3 handfuls of fruits per 1-1.5 liters of filtered water. In any case, you can increase the dosage. You need to drink a drink throughout the week during the day, consuming no more than 500 ml per day.

How to brew dried rose hips in a teapot

There is one useful tip that will help you make a drink from the fruit of a wild rose: crush the berries and use a teapot with a filter. Let's learn how to brew dried rose hips alternative method? You need to do the following:

  • Take peeled fruits, no more than 5 pieces per 700 ml of water.
  • Place the berries in a teapot and fill with hot water.
  • Cover the kettle with a towel and let it brew for 5-10 minutes.
  • To enhance the taste and beneficial properties, it is recommended to add other herbs, berries and fruits. For example, finely chopped apples can be added to the decoction and infusion, orange peel, petals of cornflowers.

And remember, a real tea ceremony is obtained if the drink is poured into small cups (100-150 ml), and not huge kitchen mugs.

Rosehip damage

Now you know how to brew dried rose hips. But can everyone drink decoctions and infusions from it? It turns out that even this useful berry there are contraindications. Rose hips can cause an allergic reaction if you misuse drinks, decoctions and infusions from this plant. Our warnings regarding the preparation of rosehip potions are as follows:

  1. If you have an allergic reaction to citrus fruits, then the dosage of the finished drink from dried rose hips must be reduced. The reason is simple: just 10 large rose hips can replenish the daily requirement of vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. Excessive consumption of the fruit can cause itching, redness, rashes, and dermatitis.
  2. Do not exceed the indicated dosage when preparing an infusion or decoction of wild rose for a child. The high content of vitamin C can cause an allergic reaction and destroy tooth enamel. This rule also applies to adults. To minimize the risks, use a cocktail straw.
  3. If you have such a pathology as thrombophlebitis, then the use of rosehip decoctions is contraindicated.
  4. The fruits of this plant should not be consumed peptic ulcers duodenum and stomach. If you have gastritis, then rosehip drinks should be used with extreme caution. It is recommended to add berries to tea with other ingredients, but not to use pure decoctions.
  5. Regular and overuse rosehip drink can cause non-infectious jaundice, as well as constipation and problems with bile secretion.

Other uses

Now you know how to brew dried rose hips and you can be sure that this process will not take you more than 10 minutes. The main thing is not to overdo it with the dosage and pay attention to feedback organism. To reduce risks, you can add rose hips not to decoctions and drinks, but, for example, to jam or jelly. Dried berries, which can be found at any time of the year, are also suitable for this.

For example, you can cook fragrant and healthy jam. The fruits are boiled in water for several minutes so that they become soft. Honey or sugar is added to the broth where they were boiled, if desired, and then they wait for the appearance of foam characteristic of jam. Using a blender, you can grind the jam and bring it to a boil again to get a homogeneous mass. Enhance the health benefits of your berry puree by adding ginger, apples, or raspberries.

Rosehip berries will help fight spring and autumn beriberi. They will remove salts, toxins and toxins from the body, improve metabolism and normalize blood pressure. Just a few rose hips a day will enrich your body with calcium, chromium, iron, fluorine and zinc. And essential oils and organic acids will have a beneficial effect on the immune system. Use helpful tips indicated in this article, and also tell your friends how and how much to brew dried rose hips in order to preserve all its vitamin value as much as possible.

In nature, for almost every disease, you can find a cure - some medicinal plant. One of them is a rosehip. A decoction prepared from parts of the named plant, folk healers recommend taking with various diseases. There are contraindications, but they are not so many. That is why many people call rose hips "friendly". This plant does much more good than harm. So, how to prepare a decoction of dry flowers, seeds and other medicinal raw materials? Before answering this question, it is worth understanding the beneficial properties of the plant, indications and contraindications for use.

Rose hip properties

Rosehip is the source useful substances. Firstly, medicinal plant rich in vitamin C. It is necessary for many redox processes in the body. Secondly, the plant contains valuable trace elements. This is both iron and copper. Thanks to the first trace element, hemoglobin is formed, and thanks to the second, red blood cells mature.

“How to prepare a decoction of dry rose hips; use of herbal medicines useful topic. It should be familiar to all people. All remedies (decoctions, infusions, tinctures) from wild rose include a huge amount various substances and have the following benefits:

  • bactericidal;
  • restorative;
  • antimicrobial;
  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • wound healing;
  • antiatherosclerotic.

Useful parts of rosehip

You can get a lot of means from rose hips: a decoction, alcohol tincture, oil, etc. The easiest medicine to prepare is a decoction. To make it, you can use rosehip leaves. They are harvested on dry and clear warm days and then dried. After that, the leaves are sorted, cleaned of impurities, crushed into small pieces and fried in the oven on a baking sheet.

A decoction can also be prepared from them. It is customary to harvest them in late autumn or early spring. Rosehip roots are thoroughly washed, crushed and dried. Dried particles can be lightly fried. Thanks to this, the drink becomes a kind, stronger.

Many people ask how to cook from dry fruits. This remedy is the most delicious and useful. The fruits are harvested in September or October, carefully sorted out, cleaned of debris and spoiled particles, and dried in the oven. Burning should not be allowed, because an improperly prepared product will not give the expected result. In addition, a decoction of burnt fruits will turn out to be bitter in taste.

Indications for use

How to prepare a decoction of dry rose hips, will this drink be useful? Answering this question, it is worth noting that a medicinal plant can strengthen the body and contribute to a speedy recovery. That is why decoctions and traditional healers recommend using for various diseases, injuries, wounds:

  • with flu;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • violation of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • women's diseases, etc.

Rosehip can be used and absolutely healthy people. It is especially useful to drink medicines prepared from this plant in the autumn-winter period. Rosehip enhances the body's resistance to infectious diseases, improves performance.

Contraindications for use

How to prepare a decoction of dry rose hips? Can't this drink do any harm? Rosehip, like any drug, has contraindications. These include:

  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • acute gastritis;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • other serious gastrointestinal ailments.

A contraindication is a violation of the function of the heart. It is especially not recommended to drink decoctions and infusions for those people who have a tendency to form blood clots in the vessels. The reason why you should abandon the rosehip is high content vitamin K (it increases blood clotting).

Before preparing a rich decoction of dried rose hips, leaves, roots, flowers, it is worth considering that another contraindication is allergy. Some people have an individual intolerance to rose hips. With such a problem, after taking funds from a medicinal plant, redness on the skin, rashes appear. People complain about itching. After the manifestation of an allergic reaction, it is recommended to refuse.

Rosehip decoction

How to prepare a decoction of dry rose hips? There are two ways. People who choose the first option do the following:

  • dried cynarrhodia (1 tablespoon) is poured into a glass of boiling water;
  • infuse the mixture for 10 hours;
  • then boil it for about 10 minutes;
  • the finished medicine is passed through gauze.

Adults can drink half a glass twice a day (before meals). Children are allowed to give 0.25 cups every day. To improve the taste of the product, you can add a little honey.

How to prepare a decoction of dry rose hips? Here is the second recipe:

  • take 1 tablespoon of cinarrhodia;
  • pour boiling water (1 glass is needed);
  • insist during the day;
  • boil for 10 minutes;
  • insist again for a couple of hours.

Before use, the broth is filtered through cheesecloth. Drink the drug before meals for half a cup three times a day.

Making a decoction of the leaves

Making a decoction of rosehip leaves is quite simple. You just need to do the following:

  • take 1 tablespoon of dried and crushed rosehip leaves;
  • pour water (1 glass);
  • put on the stove and boil for 1 minute;
  • insist for an hour.

Ready-made broth made from rosehip leaves is filtered through gauze rolled up in several layers before use. Drink the drug 0.5 cup three times a day (after breakfast, lunch and dinner).

Preparation of a decoction from the roots

The drug can be prepared from the roots of the wild rose. For this you need:

  • take 2 tablespoons of crushed roots;
  • fall asleep in a small enameled pan;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • put on the stove, turning on a small fire;
  • keep in a state of boiling for a quarter of an hour;
  • remove from the stove, wrap in a thick cloth and let it brew.

After cooling, the product must be filtered through cheesecloth. You can take a decoction of the roots four times a day for 0.5 cups. Treatment should be carried out within a week. After a 7-day course, a break of 2 weeks is required. Then it is recommended to continue treatment.

Making a decoction of seeds

How to prepare a decoction of dry rose hips is not the only question that interests people who decide to try a medicinal plant. Many ask traditional healers how to make a decoction based on rosehip seeds. The recipe is quite simple:

  • scoop up the seeds with a teaspoon;
  • pour water (requires 1 glass);
  • put on the stove and keep in a state of boiling for 10 minutes;
  • insist 2 hours.

A decoction prepared according to the above recipe must also be filtered through cheesecloth. It is necessary to drink the drug in a warm form three times a day for 0.25 cups (before eating).

Preparation of a decoction of rosehip flowers

A miraculous drink is also obtained from rosehip flowers. The recipe is the following:

  • take 3 tablespoons of dried medicinal raw materials (fresh rosehip flowers are also suitable);
  • brew in the same way as regular tea;
  • insist half an hour.

Healers advise to use the prepared medicine for 0.5 cups three times a day (after meals). The decoction can be drunk instead of tea. To do this, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. It is allowed to add sweets (for example, jam) to your liking.

In conclusion, it should be noted that rose hips were highly valued several centuries ago. Under Ivan the Terrible, any wealth could be given away for this miraculous medicinal plant. Currently, rose hips are widely used in folk medicine. "How to prepare a rosehip decoction from dry fruits?" - a question that many people ask, because this drink is very healthy. He helps with colds. He also provides positive influence on the nervous system, weakens bleeding, promotes the healing of bone and soft tissues and the restoration of the body.