What to drink from the head. The Best Headache Remedy: An Overview

Headache can occur quite suddenly even in healthy person and cause a lot of trouble. Discomfort interferes with thinking, working and relaxing, and sometimes it can completely disrupt all plans. Frequent and severe pain is usually a manifestation of serious illness. Therefore, this issue should not be taken too lightly.


Headaches can occur for a variety of reasons. Doctors distinguish between primary and secondary headaches. The primary ones are caused by the presence of a problem directly in the head, and the secondary ones are a manifestation of other diseases of the body.

Headache can vary.

Headache classification:

  • episodic, caused external factors,
  • headache stress,
  • post-traumatic head pain
  • secondary headaches (with hypertension, intoxication, infections, diseases of the sinuses and teeth),
  • facial neuralgia and neuropathy,
  • migraine.

Each type of headache requires a different approach to treatment. Incorrectly chosen drugs will not only not help get rid of discomfort, but can also significantly damage health.


There are many in pharmacies various means to fight headaches. Every day, from TV screens and street banners, manufacturers strongly recommend their drug as the most effective and safe. But you need to remember what to choose effective scheme only a doctor can treat.

Classification of tablets for the treatment of headache:

  1. simple non-narcotic analgesics,
  2. combinations of anti-inflammatory agents,
  3. migraine medications,
  4. medicines for the treatment of the underlying disease.

Treatment of episodic headache and tension pain

To eliminate episodic, post-traumatic and tension headache, it is best to use simple non-narcotic analgesics or combined anti-inflammatory drugs.

Simple analgesics for headaches:

  1. acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin, Aspeter, Upsarin Upsa, Asprovit),
  2. paracetamol (Panadol, Rafidol, Efferalgan),
  3. ibuprofen (Ibuprom, Imet, Nurofen, Ibunorm, Faspik),
  4. analgin (Metamizol).

All known to us, Analgin is not at all a harmless drug. Doctors around the world have already abandoned the use of this substance, since its use is associated with a toxic effect on the body. One tablet of analgin will not hurt you great harm, but do not constantly use this drug.

Combined anti-inflammatory drugs can, in addition to analgesics, contain caffeine, antispasmodic, anti-allergic and sedative components. Caffeine relieves spasm of the vessels of the head, helps to increase pressure when it is lowered and tones the body. Combined drugs with caffeine, they help well with tension pains and headaches associated with a decrease in pressure with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Painkillers in combination with antiallergic ( antihistamines) substances cope well with headaches during colds, flu and during a hangover.

Phenobarbital has a slight sedative effect and enhances the effect of analgesics. Combined phenobarbital pain pills work well for tension headaches.

Combined pain pills:

  • Askofen, Copacil, Citramon, Citropack, Farmadol (acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol and caffeine),
  • Fervex, Combigrip, Gripex, Amitsitron, Helpex, Gripgo (paracetamol, vitamin C and antihistamines substances),
  • Tetralgin, Tempalgin, Sedalgin, Sedal, Pyatirchatka, Pentalgin, (paracetamol, analgin, caffeine and phenobarbital).

The listed medicines are quite good at relieving headaches. On the pharmaceutical market, they are represented by conventional and effervescent tablets, capsules and soluble powders. Soluble tablets and powders have more quick effect actions. The capsule shell protects the stomach from negative impact active ingredient. Pain pills in capsules are recommended for people suffering from gastritis, high acidity of the stomach and peptic ulcer. Ordinary tablets are convenient for use in any conditions.

Tactics for the treatment of secondary headaches

Secondary headaches occur as a result of the development of the underlying disease and are only its symptom. In such cases, it will not work to relieve discomfort with conventional analgesics. Eliminate secondary headaches is possible only by treating the underlying disease.

Very often, severe pain in the back of the head bothers a person with an increase in blood pressure. Indicators that do not exceed 139/89 mm Hg are considered normal. With a constant increase in pressure above normal, it can be said that a person has hypertension. Headache with hypertension is easily eliminated while taking pills to reduce pressure.

Deep caries and other dental problems can cause headaches. Unpleasant sensations will disturb a person until the tooth is cured. In order to temporarily relieve symptoms, you can take a tablet of a conventional analgesic.

Often a headache can occur as a result of alcohol poisoning. In cases of strong hangover syndrome you can take acetylsalicylic acid or its combinations (Aspirin C, Alka-Seltzer, Alka-Prim).

Aspirin C

Discomfort in the temporo-frontal region can be symptoms of sinus diseases - sinusitis, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis. The ENT doctor is engaged in the treatment of these diseases. The problem will be solved as soon as the inflammation of the sinuses can be cured.

Tablets for the treatment of migraine

A characteristic feature of migraine is regular attacks pain on one side of the head. The head torments a person with regularity once a month or a week, and is also sometimes provoked by external factors. Not always these symptoms can eliminate the usual painkiller. Migraine sufferers are buying more and more strong means, take several different pills but the pain never goes away. In addition, constant reception a large number potent analgesics have a very negative effect on the health of the liver and stomach.

List of drugs for the treatment of migraine:

  1. combined analgesics with caffeine (Difmeter, Citramon, Citropack, Copacil, Askofen, Farmadol),
  2. ergotamine (Nomigren),
  3. sumatriptan (Amigren, Antimigren, Imigran, Migranol, Stopmigren, Sumamigren),
  4. zolmitriptan (Rapimig, Zolmigren),
  5. rizatriptan (Rizamigren),
  6. gabapentin (Neurontin, Neuralgin),
  7. pregabalin (Lyrica, Algerica, Gabana).

Migraine medications are also used to treat trigeminal neuralgia.

Substances for the treatment of migraine are potent tablets and are available by prescription. It is not recommended to assign them yourself. To select the correct and active tablets from migraine, you should definitely consult a doctor - a neurologist. Timely and proper treatment help prevent the progression of the disease and its complications.


Acetylsalicylic acid.

Doctors do not recommend using acetylsalicylic acid for pain relief and fever reduction for colds and flu. In such cases, it is better to use paracetamol or ibuprofen preparations in combination with vitamin C and an antiallergic component.

Acetylsalicylic acid and its combinations are absolutely contraindicated in children under 14 years of age. Aspirin can cause serious irreversible damage to the liver and kidneys in children.

People who have bleeding disorders should not take acetylsalicylic acid often, as it can cause severe bleeding.


Paracetamol (acetaminophen) allowable doses is a fairly safe drug and is approved for use even in children. But when taking paracetamol, it is contraindicated to drink alcohol. Acetaminophen and ethanol processed by the same enzyme system in the liver. Joint reception these substances will enhance toxic effect each of them on liver cells. Based on this fact, you should not use paracetamol and its combinations to eliminate a hangover headache. In such cases, it is better to use acetylsalicylic acid or its combinations.

In many countries, analgin is prohibited for use due to the risk of developing hematopoietic disorders. You should not use this drug often, but it is better to completely replace it with a safer analgesic.

Almost all painkillers adversely affect the gastric mucosa. It is worth limiting the use of analgesics to people suffering from gastritis, peptic ulcer and hyperacidity stomach.

Headache can be caused by different phenomena. Sometimes it causes stress, sometimes it develops against the background of intoxication of the body with colds and viral diseases. Also, this symptom can develop due to vasospasm or as a result of overheating in the sun. Headache cannot be ignored, as it brings a lot of inconvenience, significantly worsens general state and may indicate various ailments. To stop this phenomenon, various medicinal formulations can be used.

Pills eliminate only the pain itself, but can not cope with the causes of its development. Most often, these are analgesic drugs, antispasmodics or anti-inflammatory compounds. I’ll tell you more about popular headache pills. The list of them is sufficient to choose a remedy for yourself. However, before consuming them, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Tablets Analgin

Citramon tablets

Tempalgin tablets

Aspirin tablets

Efferalgan tablets

Ibuprofen tablets

Tablets Solpadein Fast

Tablets Pentalgin

Tablets No-shpa

Diclofenac tablets

headache pills

What to take for a headache? This question is very relevant for people who have a headache and do not know which remedy is right for them. Depending on the type of pain and the location of its localization, the doctor prescribes certain drugs.

A condition such as migraine is characterized by severe attacks pain in the frontal and temporal region, their duration can be up to 3 days. They are characterized by a pulsating character, as well as a feeling of nausea, vomiting.

What are the best headache (migraine) pills to take? Here are effective the following medicines Ditamine, Digidergot, Zolmigren, Rapimig.

The presented migraine headache pills have side effects, so they should be taken only after the approval of the doctor.

The pain of tension begins to bother a person after he has been long time in an uncomfortable position or suffered a psycho-emotional overstrain. The nature of the pain is dull, aching, there is a feeling as if the head was clamped with a hoop.

Pills for noise in the head

Continuous noise in the head or ears can bring a person to depression or psychosis. By itself, this symptom is quite dangerous and can warn of the appearance of a serious disease: from atherosclerosis to a brain tumor. What is the cause of ringing in the ears and how to get rid of it?

If there is a constant noise in the head, the causes, treatment should be under the control of a doctor as soon as possible.

Why is it ringing in the ears?

The body perceives sounds through auditory cells located in the inner ear. Hearing cells have special processes that look like hairs - they transmit sound signals to the brain. If the processes in the auditory cells become inflamed or change as a result of an illness, they begin to fluctuate spontaneously, transmitting non-existent signals to the brain. As a result, a constant sound background appears in the head or in the ears: ringing, crackling, buzzing - this is how patients describe these sounds.

Noises in the head incredibly irritate the patient, cause insomnia, irritability, depression. Hearing is often reduced, concentration is disturbed.

Headache pills don't help

There are a number of alternative drug treatment ways to get rid of the disease. It could be a massage or traditional medicine. The osteopathic doctor helps relieve spasmodic manifestations, which caused discomfort, restores correct position vertebrae and other organs. In some cases, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed (for example, with sinusitis), reflexology or manual therapy heads. Such "events" can take quite a long time - from several days to months. The duration of treatment depends on the complexity of the disease.

The second way ( folk recipes) often has both symptomatic and preventive effects. Chamomile tea is used as a sedative or antiseptic. You can find tips on how to cure the disease with honey, garlic or bee venom. But still, it is better to coordinate the method of treatment with a neuropathologist (or other specialist), who should receive all the information about the history of the disease, its manifestations, take into account the peculiarities physical condition and age. Before a visit to the doctor, it is necessary to conduct your own “research” well: write down for some time (more than a month) in which cases an attack occurred, what preceded it, how long it lasted. It is important to note the location of the discomfort. It is recommended to write down which pills and how much the patient took. Thus, it is possible to create conditions for the correct diagnosis.

Pills from the head during pregnancy

Not all drugs that can be taken by pregnant women are safe in the first trimester. This is due to the fact that in the first weeks after conception, the embryo is only being formed. His body is not yet able to resist external influences, as well as filter the substances entering it. Therefore, pills from the head on early dates pregnancy should be taken with extreme caution or limit their use altogether, as many medicines can contribute to malformations in the development of the baby.

By the 16th week, the child’s organs of cleaning the body, the liver and kidneys, are already functioning in some way. In addition, the placenta becomes fully formed and begins to play the role of a kind of barrier between the baby and its environment. For this reason, doctors recommend limiting the use of medicines to the maximum in the first trimester. In the second half of pregnancy medical preparations for the body expectant mother more secure.

What pills are contraindicated

If you decide to look into the medicine cabinet in search of a cure for a headache, then be careful with the choice of remedy. So, there are some drugs that are categorically contraindicated for expectant mothers:

Acetylsalicylic acid, better known as "Aspirin". Such a pill from the head during pregnancy can adversely affect the development of cardio-vascular system baby, as well as the formation of the liver.

"Analgin". According to the World Health Organization, this remedy It is not recommended for use by men, women, or children, as it negatively affects the composition of the blood. It is not necessary to specify that for expectant mothers it will become a real poison.

"Reserpine". This drug is prescribed by doctors for those who suffer from hypertension. However, during pregnancy, it has a significant effect on the fetus. The systematic use of this medication can lead to the development depression in a child who is manifested in excessive drowsiness.

dizzy pills

Just in order to answer the question of what medicines will help in your case, consider the causes of the onset of dizziness. Its true variety is called "vertigo" and actually means a loss of orientation in space (regarding its location). When all the objects around are spinning, as if on a carousel, our vestibular apparatus experiences a malfunction, usually this happens as a result of motion sickness, a strong shock.

This state of the body occurs when information from inner ear is transmitted in a distorted form and does not coincide with the information perceived, say, by the organs of sight or touch. These systems also take part in maintaining balance, and the perception of the surrounding world fails.

But it happens that dizziness is caused by more serious factors. In older people, it often accompanies pressure drops and can even serve as a harbinger of a stroke. Often, the list of symptoms is replenished with vomiting and nausea, headaches and weakness, in which case Betaserk alone will not cope with the disease. When you feel dizzy, it can mean an infectious disease and even an oncological disease. Therefore, with prolonged attacks, than taking a remedy from home first aid kit type of the already mentioned drug Betaserk, it is better to undergo an examination and pay a visit to a neurologist.

Pills from the head while breastfeeding

The method of treating discomfort should be chosen depending on what caused the discomfort. During breastfeeding doctors strongly do not recommend self-medication. It is worth contacting a specialist and getting a qualified appointment. Only in this case, you can be sure of the effectiveness of therapy and the absence of an impact on the baby.

How to choose a headache medicine breastfeeding? If you decide to cure the symptom yourself, then you should follow some rules:

  • When choosing a medicine, you should carefully read the instructions. Read all the annotations. In some of them you will find information about breastfeeding. If it is indicated that the remedy is contraindicated, then it should not be used.
  • Some headache pills for breastfeeding are prescribed only on the recommendation of a doctor. In this case, the doctor must necessarily assess the risks and compare them with the benefits of treatment.
  • Be sure to follow the indicated dosage. In some cases, it is better to drink a smaller portion of the drug. This will keep your baby safe harmful effects medicines.


Headache attacks distract from daily activities and reduce the quality of life. Even a single manifestation of a symptom indicates the presence pathological process in the body and requires a visit to a specialist. Doctors do not recommend deciding on your own what you can urgently drink from your head or take on an ongoing basis. Experiments with drugs or folk remedies without a name can aggravate the situation and provoke an emergency.

Headache pills should be selected in accordance with the diagnosis. The schedule of administration, dosages and therapeutic combinations are selected individually.


Spasm or narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels leads to impaired blood circulation in the brain. This causes sudden and severe pain syndrome. It intensifies when cold is applied to the problem area and does not respond well to taking analgesics. Antispasmodics will help with the problem. Such pills from the head bring quick relief and restore biological processes in the tissues. It is important to remember that antispasmodics for headaches are used as an ambulance. They are rarely allowed to be used permanently.

Myotropic antispasmodics

Tablets and others dosage forms of this group are indicated for vascular spasm, which leads to a sharp and persistent increase in blood pressure. Medicines have different principles of action. Most often, they increase the flow of oxygen to the tissues and dilate blood vessels by relaxing their muscle walls. The result is a quick elimination of the headache. Many members of the group have an additional sedative effect. An impressive list of funds allows you to choose medicines for the treatment of a symptom during pregnancy, lactation and in childhood. Popular myotropic antispasmodics: Drotaverine, Papaverine, Dibazol, Revalgin, Dexalgin.

Neutrotropic antispasmodics

The group includes drugs for headaches that act by blocking nerve impulses. Thereby smooth muscle not irritated and relaxed. Normal blood circulation is restored, the pain goes away. During pregnancy, drugs are prescribed in the form of rectal suppositories, this eliminates the possibility of a negative impact on the fetus. Medicines of this type are able to simultaneously deal with the pain syndrome of different localization. Popular neurotropic antispasmodics: Scopolamine, Buscopan, Aprofen, Arpenal, Hyoscine.


Pain-relieving drugs can quickly relieve discomfort, but they do not eliminate the cause of the condition. Such drugs should not be taken as systemic long-term therapy. The exception is cases when the patient suffers from migraine, oncology, physiological changes in brain tissue. When choosing painkillers for headaches, it is necessary to take into account the severity and duration of the symptom.

Analgesics that can be taken for headaches are conventionally divided into the following groups:

  • NSAIDs - this includes affordable and quite effective Analgin, Citramon, Aspirin, Baralgin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac. The effect occurs 20-30 minutes after taking the pill and lasts up to 8 hours. They are able to damage the mucous membrane and have a number of contraindications;
  • combined preparations - a group of tablets for persistent and severe headaches, acting through a number of therapeutic substances. Pentalgin, Solpadein, Caffetin and their analogues help even with minimal dosages, which reduces the risk of developing side effects. They are easily tolerated by patients and quickly excreted by the body;
  • opiates and Tramadol - help even with excruciating pains that are not removed by the previously listed drugs. Fentanyl, Omnopon, Morphine, Promedol and others are prescribed by an analgist according to indications. May be addictive, available by prescription.

When deciding what to drink for a headache, you must strictly follow the recommended dosages of medication. If the product does not bring relief or it seems insufficient, you should not increase its one-time or daily volume. This will only increase the likelihood of side effects, but will not enhance the effect of the medication.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

Alpha-adrenergic antagonists are used to combat headaches associated with migraine and hypotension. The drugs included in this group, eliminate the pathological expansion of blood vessels, leading to stagnation of blood. The tone of the walls of capillaries, veins and arteries increases, blood circulation normalizes. The desired effect is given by caffeine-based medicines, for example, caffeine.

Our readers write

Topic: Got rid of the headache!

From: Irina N. (34 years old) ( [email protected])

To: site administration

Hello! My name is
Irina, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site.

Finally, I was able to overcome the headache. I lead an active lifestyle, live and enjoy every moment!

And here is my story

I don't know a single person who doesn't suffer from occasional headaches. I'm not an exception. All this was attributed to sedentary image life, irregular schedule, poor nutrition and smoking.

I usually have such a state when the weather changes, before the rain, and the wind generally turns me into a vegetable.

I dealt with it with the help of painkillers. I went to the hospital, but they told me that most people suffer from this, both adults, and children, and the elderly. What is most paradoxical is that I have no problems with pressure. It was worth getting nervous and that's it: the head starts to hurt.

Reception of the product is indicated for mild pain syndrome of a compressive nature against the background of the inflammatory process and fever. Therapeutic effect manifested by improving blood circulation in the problem area. Doctors do not recommend taking Citramon for headaches for longer than 3 days. The number of doses is best agreed with the doctor. It is forbidden to use more than 8 tablets of the drug per day.


Substances in the composition of the tablets slow down the synthesis of cells that are responsible for the appearance of pain. The tool is well absorbed by the body and helps with headaches different etiology and degree of expression. The effect of the drug appears 15-20 minutes after ingestion. The medication is used one-time or up to 4-5 times a day. The duration of therapy should not exceed 5 days.


The components in the product slow down the formation of substances that cause pain, fever and inflammatory process. Improvement in the patient's condition is noted 5-10 minutes after taking the medication. It is not recommended to take more than 3 tablets of the product per day, otherwise there will be adverse reactions.


Combined medication that relieves pain and has sedation. With persistent pain, it is taken 1 tablet up to 3 times a day. Against the backdrop of lack of results single dose allowed to double. The daily amount of the product should not exceed 6 tablets. The maximum duration of therapy is 5 days.


The drug combines antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. It directly affects nervous system. This slows down the production of hormones that cause pain. The presence of caffeine in the tablets has an encouraging effect, the effect of analgesics on the body is enhanced. Desired effect often achieved with a single dose of medication.


A drug fast action, which can be taken for migraine or headache of unknown etiology. The first therapeutic effect manifests itself 10 minutes after the use of the drug. The effect of the product reaches its peak after 2 hours. It is allowed to drink up to 3-4 tablets per day. The maximum duration of therapy is 5 days.

Eliminates pain by relieving spasm of the muscle walls of blood vessels. Remedy especially
effective in the fight against a symptom that arose against the background of psychological or neurological problems, stress, overstrain of the neck muscles. Relief occurs 10 minutes after taking the medicine. It is allowed to drink 1-2 tablets at a time, the maximum daily dose- 8 tablets. It is forbidden to use No-Shpu for longer than 1-2 days without the permission of a doctor!

Papaverine for headaches

Relieves discomfort by eliminating spasm and dilating blood vessels. Additional sedative action helps to relax and sleep. The medication is taken 2-4 times a day, 1-2 tablets.

Buscopan for headaches

An effective antispasmodic that can stop the pronounced pain syndrome. The advantage of the drug is the ability to work locally, only in the problem area. The medication can be taken as part of complex therapy or for urgent pain relief. It is allowed even in childhood. Dosage: 1-3 doses of 1-2 tablets for adults, 1 tablet up to 2 times for children.


An antispasmodic that causes tense tissues to actively absorb oxygen. This leads to filling the cells with calcium ions, relaxing the fibers and relieving pain. The drug is approved for use in children. One-time and daily dosage selected only by a doctor. For an adult, the maximum daily dose should not exceed 240 mg. active substance, for a child over 6 years old - no more than 200 mg, for children under 6 years old - 120 mg.

A combination remedy that acts as an analgesic, relieves fever and inflammation. A bright analgesic effect is achieved due to the additional presence of codeine. The medicine helps even with migraine attacks. It alleviates the general condition, eliminates nausea, hypersensitivity to sound and light. Tablets are recommended to be taken 1 piece up to 4 times a day with a break of at least 4 hours. The maximum duration of therapy is 3 days.


Relieves spasms of cerebral vessels. it potent agent which often results in adverse reactions. The dosage and schedule for taking the product is set by the doctor, based on the diagnosis and the characteristics of the situation.

Spazgan from a headache

A complex product that relieves spasm of the vascular walls, dulls pain and inhibits the inflammatory process. The action appears quickly and lasts for 4-8 hours. The medicine is allowed to be taken for headaches of any etiology, but it is better to first obtain the permission of a doctor. This is a product disposable, it is forbidden to drink more than 4-6 tablets per day. If necessary, therapy can be extended up to 3 days.


The main contraindication to the use of drugs is individual intolerance to the product. Most drugs will have to be abandoned by pregnant and lactating women, small children. Some of the drugs are additionally available in the form of solutions, suppositories or ointments, which reduces their aggressiveness. In any case, these groups of patients with headaches are best treated strictly under the supervision of a physician.

Frequent contraindications to taking pills for headaches:

  • ulcerative lesions and erosion of the digestive tract;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • dermatoses;
  • hepatitis;
  • violation of the composition of the blood;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic status;
  • violation of the process of leveling;
  • the listed drugs and alcohol are incompatible, their combination can lead to organ failure.

In case of impaired liver and kidney function, therapy is carried out under the supervision of a physician. During the consultation, the specialist should be informed about any acute or chronic diseases. It is required to provide a list of drugs that are currently taken or used in the last month. This will allow the doctor to choose the optimal medicine and minimize the risk of side effects.

Pills from the head during pregnancy

After conceiving a child, women often suffer from headaches. They are driven by change hormonal background, stressful situations, mood swings. Doctors advise their patients not to take pharmacological agents during pregnancy. Physiotherapy should be avoided whenever possible and folk approaches. Even these points must be agreed with the attending physician.

The answer to the question of which pills from the head women can still drink during the period of bearing a child can only be given by a doctor. Such popular drugs as Analgin and Aspirin fall under the ban. At the discretion of the doctor, Citramon is prescribed. Acceptable products include Paracetamol and No-Shpu. A good effect is given by "children's" medicines Panadol, Efferalgan, Advil.

How to get rid of a headache without pills

Despite the variety of proposals, today it is extremely difficult to find a cure for a headache without side effects. For those who do not want to take medication when a symptom occurs, several effective treatment approaches have been developed. They are simple and affordable. They can be used at home and even in the workplace.

A positive result from the use of compresses is achieved through the principles of distraction therapy and physical impact to the problem area. This treatment dilates blood vessels and normalizes metabolic processes in tissues. In some cases, the technique gives not just a temporary effect, but eliminates the cause of the headache.

Effective compresses to combat the symptom:

  • potato - mix the gruel of 3 grated peeled tubers with 3 tablespoons of milk, leave for 15 minutes, squeeze out the liquid, and discard the cake;
  • express - take olive oil and Apple vinegar in equal proportions, mix;
  • cinnamon - grind a cinnamon stick in a coffee grinder, pour 100 ml of warm boiled water and insist under the lid for 5 minutes;
  • cabbage - squeeze the juice from several fresh cabbage leaves.

The finished product is applied to a towel, which is placed on the head. Exposure time - 10-12 minutes. If discomfort occurs, the procedure must be stopped. Manipulations are carried out up to 3 times a day to achieve maximum effect.


To relieve a headache, it is not necessary to contact a massage therapist. It is easy enough to massage the points responsible for eliminating this symptom. They are located in a recess under the back of the head, on the earlobes, between the eyebrows, on the wrist 2 cm from the palm, between the index and thumbs hands It is necessary to press these areas for 20-30 seconds or rub them lightly.

Folk remedies for headaches

A number of simple devices can be used to combat the symptom and available funds. Sometimes it only takes a few minutes to breathe. fresh air Or drink a couple of glasses of water at room temperature. good effect bath gives. The water must be very warm, not hot, otherwise the condition will only worsen. Inhalation relieves persistent headache aromatic oils lavender or menthol. A symptom provoked by vasospasm will be removed by a cup of warm tea from lemon balm with a spoonful of honey.

Headache does not occur without a reason. Even in cases where it is provoked by differences atmospheric pressure or fatigue, we are talking about problems with blood vessels. Tablets designed to eliminate a symptom are not always able to guarantee a lasting effect. It is better not to wait until they stop helping, but at the first opportunity to go to the doctor to identify the problem.

Drawing conclusions

Strokes are the cause of almost 70% of all deaths in the world. Seven out of ten people die due to blocked arteries in the brain. And the very first and main sign of blockage of blood vessels is a headache!

Blockage of blood vessels results in a disease under the well-known name "hypertension", here are just some of its symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Increased heart rate
  • Black dots before the eyes (flies)
  • Apathy, irritability, drowsiness
  • blurred vision
  • sweating
  • Chronic fatigue
  • swelling of the face
  • Numbness and chills in fingers
  • Pressure surges
Attention! If you notice at least 2 symptoms in yourself, this is serious reason to think!

Headaches and migraines are truly the scourge of our time. Millions of people around the world suffer from frequent headaches. They lead to loss of efficiency, irritability and extreme nervousness, sometimes turning into real torture. Pain may have different reasons, but it must be remembered: such symptoms can be caused by very dangerous ailments, and if you often and for some unknown reason headache, it is better to consult a doctor. Head pain can be a symptom of more than forty different diseases. Don't joke about it.

Types of headache

Doctors distinguish between several types of headaches.

Migraine. severe pain, lasting from several hours to several days. Usually they are localized in the temples or in the frontal part. Has a tendency to increase with loud noise or other external stimulus. Usually this disease is associated with tone blood vessels heads.

Pain of tension. Occurs with strong mental, physical or emotional stress. This may be an uncomfortable posture, prolonged stress or prolonged psychological stress.

vascular pain. Occurs when too high or too low blood pressure. Then you better deal with the cause (bring the pressure back to normal).

CSF pain. The pain is very intense, the person has the impression that his head is about ready to burst. This is very dangerous symptom, it may be a sign serious problems: tumors, meningitis, disorders intracranial pressure. Seek immediate medical attention.

It is important! The cause of persistent headaches can be very serious illness. These are hypertension and hypotension, meningitis, brain tumors, purulent processes in meninges, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. Also often these symptoms cause inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis). Headaches are also caused by neuralgia of the cranial nerves (facial, trigeminal), diseases of the spine ( cervical osteochondrosis, sciatica). The accumulation of metabolic products in the body also leads to similar symptoms. This is due to problems in the liver or kidneys.

No matter how great the desire to buy painkillers without prescriptions in a pharmacy is, before that it is worth finding out the cause of the headache.


To relieve pain, especially with tension or migraine pain, medicines that can be attributed to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are perfect. These are medicines containing ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid or their analogues. Also various antispasmodics (noshpa, papaverine, halidor and others). Analgesics (analgin, paracetamol, baralgin and others) are often used to relieve pain. There are drugs that contain several active ingredients at once (citramon). They are the most efficient.

Below are the drugs available today that are effective for headaches. The active ingredients of the drug and the features of its use are also indicated.

Effective painkillers for headaches

Active ingredient: Paracetamol
Paracetamol, Panadol, Kalpol
It is used for mild to moderate pain. Should not be taken with liver disease. The side effect is nausea.

Active ingredient: Paracetamol + diphenhydramine
Migrenol PM (For Ventures)
Diphenhydramine significantly enhances the analgesic effect of paracetamol. It has antiallergic and sedative properties.

Active ingredient: Paracetamol + caffeine
Migrenol (For Ventures), Solpadein Fast, Panadol Extra (GlaxoSmithKline).
Caffeine invigorates and enhances the effect of paracetamol. Perfectly suited for painful sensations with low blood pressure, it is better for hypertensive patients not to take it. Cannot be taken with hyperexcitability and insomnia.

Active ingredient: Paracetamol + caffeine + codeine + propyphenazone
Caffetin (alkaloid)

Active ingredient: Paracetamol + codeine + caffeine
Solpadeine (GlaxoSmithKline)
Caffeine and codeine increase the effect of analgesics.

Active ingredient: Metamizole sodium
Analgin ( different manufacturers), Baralgin M (Sanofi) Analgin-Ultra (Obolenskoye).
Pain reliever and antipyretic. Used for toothache and headache. Banned in many countries around the world due to very dangerous side effects.

Active ingredient: Paracetamol + codeine + caffeine + phenobarbital + propyphenazone
Pentalgin Plus (Pharmstandard)
Highly powerful drugs. They are used when other means have proven ineffective.

Active ingredient: Naproxen + metamizole sodium + caffeine + codeine + phenobarbital
Pentalgin-N (Pharmstandard), Piralgin (Belmedpreparaty)
Very powerful drugs. Used when other drugs have failed.

Active ingredient: Acetylsalicylic acid + caffeine + paracetamol
Askofen-P (Pharmstandard), Citramon
Used for mild to moderate pain associated with a cold or hypotension. Antipyretics.

Active ingredient: Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen (Tatchimpharm preparations), Burana (Orion Corporation), Mig (Berlin-Chemie), Faspik (Zambon), Nurofen (Rekitt Benckiser)
Painkillers and antipyretics. Widely used throughout the world. Considered one of the safest in existence.

Active ingredient: Metamizole sodium + fenpiverinium bromide + pitofenone
Spazmalgon (Actavis), Maxigan (Unichem Laboratories), Bral (Micro labs).
They have an analgesic and antispasmodic effect. They help well in cases where the cause of pain is vasospasm.

These are not all headache pills that can offer. modern pharmacology. However, remember that self-medication is not always safe. Better get tested.

You should pay attention to the contraindications of drugs - they are far from harmless. The effect of drugs on each person is individual. Follow the dosage.

The main side effects after taking such drugs can be various allergies, liver problems, erosion of the gastric mucosa, gastritis and ulcers. These drugs should not be combined, this will only increase the development of complications. Without the recommendation of a doctor, no painkillers for headaches should be taken for more than five days. It is strictly forbidden to combine painkillers and alcohol.

Such drugs should be given to children very carefully, after consulting a doctor.
Be healthy!

Every person has ever suffered from unbearable spasms localized in the temples, neck and forehead. External and internal factors contributing to the development of the syndrome are numerous, pills for severe headaches help to cope with pathological condition, relieve the intensity of the attack.

Tension headache - actual problem among people living in major cities. constant stress, excessive loads, inadequate rest do not allow the body to accumulate life potential. There are many causes of the syndrome, but doctors identify the main factors that can provoke spasms:

  • prolonged depression, stress;
  • migraine - chronic pathology transmitted through the female line;
  • infections and inflammatory processes;
  • arterial hypertension, arrhythmia, diseases of the heart muscle;
  • osteochondrosis, cervical migraines;
  • post-stroke state, benign and malignant neoplasms brain.

Before taking capsules, other remedies for pain in the head, you must undergo a full examination, pass the appropriate tests and confirm the diagnosis.

Tension pain treatment, which is carried out with the help of medicines of certain groups, is the most common ailment among office workers, due to lack of rest, sedentary work and being in stuffy room. It manifests itself in episodes (from 2-3 minutes to several days).

The choice of drugs for the treatment of pathological syndrome

The names of the pills for spasms and headaches are diverse, and which medicine is better to prefer, the doctor should advise. When prescribing the drug, the following points are taken into account:

  1. The nature of spasms: acute and dull, constant or periodic, squeezing and intensively bursting, accompanied by vomiting, nausea, dizziness.
  2. Localization of discomfort: frontal, temporal and part of the occipital region covering the pain.
  3. Causes of the syndrome: periodic spasms, indicate malnutrition, stress, a certain disease or changing climatic conditions.

These are the most important points, which you need to know so that the doctor tells you which pills are better to take during an attack to localize it. The symptoms of a cold, for example, cannot be eliminated without paracetamol, but with spastic pains it will be powerless, antispasmodics will be required.

Types of drugs for headaches

Pain medications for neurological disease classified by type. The difference between them lies in their consistency. The choice of painkillers capsules, other means depends on the disease, clinical scheme, characteristics of the organism. To know what to drink for a headache, you should study the individual varieties of tablets in this group.

Anti-inflammatory effective non-steroidal pills

This group of drugs has a special place in medicine. They have analgesic, fast-acting anti-inflammatory, as well as a strong antipyretic effect. Perfectly help with headaches and other syndromes, accompanied by inflammation, high fever.

NSAIDs are most often used in the relief of seizures for the following reasons:

  • a large selection of medicines;
  • powerful action, efficiency;
  • various forms of release: suppositories, capsules, tablets, injection solutions;
  • the ability to use drugs at home at the first symptoms of pain.

If pills do not help - the first sign of a serious illness that requires timely diagnosis and adequate treatment. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible, to undergo an examination.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for headache differ in the degree of severity of the therapeutic effect:

  1. Analgesic: "Ketoprofen", the drug "Ketorolac", "Metamizol", the drug "Diclofenac".
  2. Anti-inflammatory effect: means "Indomethacin".
  3. Antipyretic: medicine "Paracetamol".
  4. Antiaggregatory effect: drug "Aspirin".

Against migraine attacks, it is better to take drugs with an analgesic effect. They most effectively affect the central nervous system.

Indications for the appointment of painkillers for the head of the NSAID group:

  • irritable character syndrome: articular, dental, head, postoperative;
  • violations motor system: arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis, spondylitis, myositis;
  • neurological ailments: lumbago, sciatica;
  • heat;
  • renal, as well as hepatic colic;
  • prevention of thrombophlebitis, thrombosis.

Only a doctor can tell which pill to take in a given situation, as pain can be different character and have a certain origin. Drugs are prescribed depending on the presence of concomitant pathologies.

Antispasmodic drugs for pain

The effectiveness of complex therapy lies in the use of drugs a wide range actions. Treatment of headache with antispasmodic tablets is used for various types diseases.

These drugs reduce vascular tone, internal organs, muscle tissue, thereby eliminating the discomfort provoked by spasms. These head medicines include:

  1. The drug "Buscopan".
  2. Means "No-shpa".
  3. Medicine "Papaverine".
  4. The drug "Drotaverine".
  5. Tablets "Galidor".

With pain syndrome, antispasmodics are used for several days. Contraindications to the appointment of anesthetics and antispasmodics:

  • serious pathologies of the kidneys, heart muscle;
  • glaucoma;
  • hypotension (arterial);
  • hypersensitivity to the active substance.

Severe spasms reduce a person’s performance, in such situations it is necessary to treat such a syndrome in a timely manner in order to stop the attack, as this can adversely affect a person’s health.

Analgesics for spasms

Tension headache is most often unilateral in nature, due to narrowing of blood vessels or their expansion. Complex therapy is to restore pressure. Doctors say that you should not use analgesic drugs if you can eliminate unpleasant discomfort yourself.

Sometimes the pain syndrome disappears after a walk, a good rest or a meal. If a simple means it is not possible to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, then you should drink an analgesic (pill):

  1. Medicine "Minalgin".
  2. The drug "Analgin".
  3. "Nebagin" and "Baralgin".
  4. Nobola or Novalgin.
  5. Ronalgin or Optalgin.

Even if the medicine helps, it is not recommended to get involved in it, you can get used to it, which will adversely affect the patient's body. Regular use of pills for spasms and headaches, the list of which is presented above, does not reduce the number of attacks, but increases them.

Contraindications to the appointment: diseases of the kidneys and liver, asthma, intolerance to the active substance, pathologies of hematopoiesis. The choice of medication should be agreed with the doctor. This will reduce the risk of side effects, increase the effectiveness of complex therapy.

Tension Pain Pills

The disease can be episodic, as well as chronic. The first type of spasms does not lead to an immediate deterioration in vital activity. pathological syndrome requires periodic use of drugs. The best pills for a headache in this case, it is:

  • with infrequent HDN - NSAIDs: Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Lornoxicam, Meloxicam, Naproxen. It is advisable to use no more than 10 times / month to prevent the development of abuse pain;
  • with frequent pain of HDN, a course of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medicines ("Ibuprofen") is prescribed. If a single use does not give results, the course can not be repeated;
  • if spasms are accompanied by muscle tension, then muscle relaxants are recommended: "Tizanidin", "Tolperison" once together with "Aspirin". The course of treatment is up to 4 weeks.

Episodic tension headache requires specific therapy a medicine specially selected for the patient, the name of which can only be suggested by the doctor after the examination.

As an additional therapy, you can use useful material group B (Milgamma, Neurorubin, Neurovitan drug), nootropics (Fenibut, Noofen), sedative drugs.

Chronic tension headache is the main contraindication to treatment with an anesthetic drug. They will not have any effect and complicate the course of the disease.

For the treatment of persistent syndrome, antidepressants are indicated:

  1. Tricyclic ("Amitriptyline") - they drink for 2-6 months, then a break, the dosage is increased gradually.
  2. Selective norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake inhibitors that help block spasms - Paroxetine, Fluoxetine, Sertraline (they have fewer side effects, they are more powerful).
  3. Other antidepressants - the medicine "Mianserin", the drug "Tianeptin".

Powerful drugs can be taken only for 2 months no more. As a result, not only pain disappears, but also fear, anxiety, mental overstrain disappear, good health. Thus, acting on the spasms themselves and provoking factors.

headache is a disease modern society. Stress, fatigue at work do not go unnoticed. The pathology itself does not pose a threat to the patient, but significantly limits normal life. Complex therapy of the disease requires a special approach. For these purposes, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods of therapy are used.

Medicines for migraine

The disease is characterized by severe attacks, lasting up to 3 days, localized most often in the temples, forehead. Painful pulsation is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, weakness.

List of drugs for migraine attacks:

  • sumatriptan: "Amigrenin", the medicine "Rapimed", "Sumatriptan", the remedy "Imigran";
  • other triptans: "Zolmigren", "Rapimig".

Each of these pills helps to stop a migraine attack, but for other types of pain, these drugs are useless. These are not painkillers, they act on the very cause of the pathology, have many negative effects that negatively affect the organs and vital systems of the body.

They also have contraindications:

  1. Children's age (you can not take them after 65).
  2. Expecting a baby, breastfeeding.
  3. Diseases of the liver, as well as kidneys, heart muscle.
  4. History of stroke, myocardial infarction.
  5. Usage incompatible friend with other drugs.

These painkillers for headaches can be purchased only after confirming the diagnosis - migraine. The attack is usually stopped by the use of "Sumatriptan" 50-100 mg. If the treatment does not bring any result, you should make sure that the diagnosis is correct. In this case, it's good to do some research.

Migraine attacks, painful discomfort reduces the quality of everyday life, impairs ability to work. For treatment, choose effective pills from headaches, which instantly block spasms.

The pharmacy offers a wide range of medicines for the treatment unpleasant discomfort, but their action is different, as they affect different mechanisms of the development of the syndrome. Overdose, the wrong choice of remedy can cause a drug disease.

The doctor should prescribe drugs, after complex diagnostics, examining the patient's history and clinical picture pathology. Properly carried out therapy will quickly get rid of headaches, stop migraine attacks in a timely manner.