How is an anal fissure treated? Treatment of fissures in the anus in children and adults. Ointment for cracks in the anus for effective treatment

Is it possible to use folk remedies for cracks in anus? The treatment methods offered by traditional medicine are certainly effective.

But we must remember that any means must be used along with medications, diet and other therapeutic measures.

Only when integrated approach cracks will begin to heal faster. If you use only folk remedies, the disease will not go into remission, but will only worsen and cause complications.

Among folk remedies, sitz baths with herbs and mixtures for external use are considered the most effective. You can also use suppositories and compresses to speed up the process of regeneration of rectal defects.

Sitz baths for anal fissure

An anal fissure is an extremely unpleasant defect. It brings daily discomfort to a person. What are the symptoms and treatment for the defect? With fissures, the patient is constantly tormented by pain in the anal canal, burning, anal itching and bloody discharge from the anus. Treatment is medication or surgery.

To minimize the intensity clinical manifestations For anal fissure, it is customary to use sitz baths. This method of treatment is effective, but only if certain recommendations are followed.

Firstly, you need to remember that the water temperature should not exceed 37-38 degrees. Secondly, sitz baths should be taken for no more than 20 minutes, but with a large frequency, that is, 2-3 times a day.

To treat a crack you can use:

  • Potassium permanganate. This remedy is used both internally and externally. For anal fissure, it is allowed to use potassium permanganate to prepare a sitz bath. To do this, you need to add literally 10 drops of this product to warm water.
  • Camomile tea. You can prepare this remedy yourself. To do this you will need 100 grams of dried chamomile and 2 liters of water. The ingredients must be mixed and boiled. Then the product must be cooled, strained, and added to the sitz bath.
  • Oak bark. To prepare the decoction, you need to mix 20-30 grams of oak bark and a liter of purified water. The mixture must be boiled, then cooled and strained. It is enough to add 500 ml of the resulting drug to the bath.
  • Cold bath with plantain. This remedy will help you quickly get rid of anal itching and burning. To prepare a bath, add 100-150 ml of plantain decoction to cool water.

If the above ingredients are not on hand, then you can add 2-3 tablespoons of honey to warm water.

Homemade candles for anal fissures

Cope with signs of rectal fissures and improve general state the patient can be helped rectal suppositories. They must be inserted into the anus immediately after bowel movement.

In some cases it is impossible to use traditional drugs. Synthetic suppositories have their own contraindications and side effects. This is why some patients prefer to use homemade suppositories.

How to make candles? For this you will need raw potatoes. You need to cut a suppository from the vegetable. The suppository should not have sharp ends, otherwise the rectum may be damaged when using it.

Candles from raw potatoes should be administered rectally after bowel movement. At the same time, it is strongly recommended to lubricate homemade suppositories with olive or sea ​​buckthorn oil. 2-3 potato suppositories should be administered rectally per day. They must be removed from the anus 20 minutes after insertion.

Traditional medicine recipes also suggest the use of lard suppositories. They are very easy to prepare. A suppository is cut from lard. It should have an elongated shape. Sharp edges are trimmed.

Administer suppositories from lard necessary 2-3 times a day. Moreover, it is recommended to do this after bowel movement. The suppository should be taken out 30 minutes after its insertion. It takes 1-2 weeks to treat anal fissures using this method.

You can also use ice suppositories. To do this, you need to make a mold from cardboard, fill it with water, and put the product in the freezer for a day. Next, the sharp edges of the suppository are ground off and the suppository is inserted into the anus.

Ice candles will help quickly eliminate pain syndrome, anal itching and burning.

Compresses and ointments for rectal fissures

If treatment is carried out with folk remedies, you can diversify it with the use of compresses. To prepare the compress, you must first grate 1 carrot and 1 beet. Then you need to add pork bile to the resulting mixture. The ratio of chopped vegetables to bile is approximately 3:1.

Next, the drug is placed on clean gauze. The compress must be applied to the anus for 15-20 minutes. The procedure must be repeated at least two to three times a day. The duration of treatment is not limited.

More good means from anal fissures are:

  1. Compress with aloe juice. To prepare it, you need to moisten a clean gauze bandage in aloe juice, and apply it to the inflamed area for 10-20 minutes.
  2. ointment from spruce resin. To prepare it you will need spruce resin, sheep fat and wax. The ratio of ingredients is 4:2:1. The resin is first filtered and boiled. Then sheep fat and wax are added to it. The mixture is boiled for another 10-15 minutes, then cooled. Apply the ointment to the affected area 2-3 times a day.
  3. Propolis ointment. To prepare it you will need 10 grams of propolis (crushed) and 100 grams butter. Initially, you need to melt the butter and then add propolis to it. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil and then cooled. Also, the drug must be filtered through a gauze bandage. Apply the ointment to the affected area 2-3 times a day.

If you do not want to make an ointment, you can apply olive oil or linseed oil. This method of treatment is also quite effective.

Additional treatment measures for anal fissures

It was already mentioned above that using exclusively folk remedies is not enough. In order to speed up the process of regeneration of damaged rectal tissue, it is necessary to approach treatment in a comprehensive manner.

In order to relieve symptoms and improve epithelialization, it is customary to use rectal suppositories and ointments. The dosage and specific medications are selected by the attending physician on an individual basis.

In addition to the use of medications, the patient needs:

  • Stick to a diet. Balance is the key to successful treatment. If there is damage to the rectum, you should avoid legumes, spices, spicy and fatty foods. Sweets, fresh baked goods and alcohol are prohibited.
  • Avoid anal sex.
  • Don't forget about hygiene. After each act of defecation, the anus should be washed with warm water. Using toilet paper is highly discouraged.
  • Try to move more. Constant sitting will negatively affect blood circulation in the pelvis.

If the above therapeutic measures do not help, then sphincterotomy is performed. This operation involves excision of a rectal fissure along a plane within healthy tissue.

There are some health problems that people are very reluctant to talk about and are in no hurry to start treatment because false feeling shame. One of these troubles is a fissure in the anus.

Description of the disease

An anal fissure is a small ulcer or longitudinal tear in the rectal mucosa. The disease is one of the most common in proctology and accounts for up to 20% of all proctological ailments. The most unpleasant thing is constant discomfort and a significant decrease in quality of life.

Manifestations of the disease can be acute or chronic. At acute course The crack may appear after constipation or diarrhea. Such ulcers can heal on their own after the stool is restored.

In a chronic process, cracks may not heal for a very long time, constantly reminding themselves of aggravation and bleeding. A delicate problem requires immediate treatment; assistance will be provided by a proctologist. He will appoint the necessary medications, which can be combined with the use of traditional medicine.

Sometimes cracks heal on their own

Causes of cracks

So, what reasons lead to the occurrence of a defect? Let's look at them in detail:

Constipation and stool disorders

Abnormal bowel movements rank first among the causes leading to the appearance of cracks. Constipation is especially unfavorable; it causes stool to become dense and injure the mucous membrane during bowel movements.


Has an unfavorable meaning sedentary lifestyle life associated with sedentary work or, on the contrary, prolonged standing, significant loads and heavy lifting. In all these cases, blood flow in the veins is disrupted lower limbs and in the pelvic area, stagnation of blood makes the mucous membrane more sensitive and leads to ruptures of the rectum.

Anal fissures can occur due to improper lifestyle

Poor nutrition

Excessive consumption of fatty meats, alcohol, spicy seasonings and salt increases blood stagnation, complicates bowel movements and leads to mucosal injuries.

Female characteristics

Anal fissures often appear in women during childbirth as a result of strong pushing. In representatives of the fair sex, the disease often begins as a consequence of labor.

Symptoms of anal fissures

The disease manifests itself with the following unpleasant symptoms:

    Appearance severe pain during the process of defecation. The pain may occur after a bowel movement and is worse when sitting.

    A pronounced spasm of the anus, which is manifested by pain and difficulty defecating.

    Bleeding from the anus that appears during bowel movements (especially with constipation).

    IN severe cases there may be discharge of pus from the anus.

The occurrence of fissures in the anus in children

An unpleasant problem can appear even in young children. The cause of this is constipation. Often the child does not want to sit on the potty, preferring to endure. As a result, when passing dense stool, the stool becomes painful.

If a mucosal rupture occurs, the child will experience unpleasant and painful sensations, he may have a fear of defecation. In such cases, parents are advised to strictly observe the child’s daily routine, adhere to a certain diet, and put the child on the potty on time.

Treatment of cracks with folk remedies

First you need to normalize your stool and eliminate constipation. Vegetables and fruits will help you with this. They contain fiber (dietary fiber), which softens stool, enhances intestinal motility and helps with regular bowel movements.

It is necessary to exclude hot seasonings, flour dishes, pickles, smoked and pickled foods and alcohol from the diet.

Sitz baths

Such baths have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. They help relieve spasms and relax the muscles of the anus. The water for the procedure should be warm. Decoctions of St. John's wort, calendula or chamomile are added to it.

Therapeutic microenemas

For this procedure, you can mix a decoction of chamomile with 30 ml of sea buckthorn oil and, while warm, gently inject it into the anus with a syringe.

You can make microenemas based on honey. To do this, honey is dissolved in a warm chamomile decoction (one tablespoon is enough) and injected into the rectum.

The effect will be better if you try to retain the medicine in yourself for as long as possible. It is recommended to do such microenemas before bedtime for 3 weeks.

Therapeutic enema - effective remedy from anal fissures

Treatment with propolis

Propolis has a unique healing and wound healing effect. You can make an ointment from it at home. To do this, propolis is finely ground and mixed with olive oil. The mixture is heated well in a water bath for 40 minutes with continuous stirring until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Then the mixture is filtered. Before applying to the cracked area, the ointment must be cooled.

Treatment with herbal decoctions

Herbal decoctions are good to use for lotions, compresses and washes.

    A decoction of a mixture of calendula, chamomile and sage helps well. To prepare such a decoction, place a tablespoon of each herb in a suitable container, pour boiling water over it and let it brew. Then the broth is carefully filtered and cooled. It is used for lotions and internal treatment of cracks.

    A decoction of the leaves of Vinca minor has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. A spoonful of crushed dry leaves is poured with boiling water, heated in a water bath and left for 15 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and used for compresses.

    Decoctions medicinal herbs can be taken orally. A decoction of Veronica officinalis has a good analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Two tablespoons of dry crushed herb are poured into 400 ml of boiling water and left for 2 hours. Strained decoction take 100 ml, four times a day.

    You can take equal proportions of chamomile flowers, leaves walnut and burdock roots. A tablespoon of the mixture is poured into one glass of boiling water and heated in a water bath for about 15 minutes. The finished decoction is taken 100 ml three times a day.

    A candle made from fresh potatoes helps a lot. It quickly relieves pain and eliminates discomfort. It is cut from a potato tuber in the shape rectal suppository and carefully inserted into the anus. For maximum effectiveness, the candle can be lubricated with rosehip or sea buckthorn oil before insertion.

Our tips will help you deal with delicate issue, eliminate unpleasant sensations and restore the joy of life. Before using folk remedies, do not forget to consult your doctor.

When diagnosed with a fissure in the anus, treatment at home requires care. It is imperative to consult a specialist to avoid the development of complications and worsening of the condition. There are many ways to eliminate pathology, but you need to choose them wisely.

Following a special diet

Eliminating anal fissures at home includes not only special medications. An important component is organization. balanced nutrition, which will supply the patient essential vitamins, protect him from the development of the disease.

To prevent the disease from progressing, it is necessary to eliminate constipation and other problems with bowel movements. The diet should contain the following components:

  1. Bran.
  2. Dried fruits.
  3. Fresh vegetables and fruits.

Completely excluded from the menu following products and dishes:

  1. Spices.
  2. Food from fast food chains.
  3. Smoked meats.
  4. Fatty meat and fish.
  5. Semi-finished products.
  6. Spicy and salty dishes.
  7. Alcohol products.

The presented diet allows not only to mitigate and eliminate symptoms, but also to significantly improve the patient’s condition. In addition, the degree of exposure to the provoking factor, which is represented by the consumption of hot and spicy foods, is reduced.

Use of ointments and baths

It is impossible to do without these remedies, since they form the basis of therapy for eliminating fissures in the anus. Ointments effectively act directly on the site of inflammation, since, due to their consistency, they penetrate into the smallest cracks and damage. Hemorrhoids should be treated with the following medications:

  1. Actovegin.
  2. Posterisan Forte.
  3. Aurobin.
  4. Ultraproct.
  5. Neo-Anuzol.
  6. Solcoseryl.
  7. Gepatrombin G.
  8. Methyluracil ointment.
  9. Levomekol.

You must read the instructions carefully before using medications. In addition, it is imperative to consult a specialist before using them and follow the doctor’s recommendations during treatment.

When using ointments, it is important to maintain personal hygiene. After visiting the toilet and bowel movements, it is necessary to take a shower. Before applying the drug, you need to thoroughly wash the anal area. During hygiene procedures you should use baby soap or specialized solutions.

Inflammation near the sphincter can be relieved by using medicinal baths. The cleansing liquid acts gently on the affected area. You can choose an individual prescription after consulting your doctor.

For the first recipe you will need to take potassium permanganate, which is known as potassium permanganate. Several crystals of the substance dissolve in water, always warm. The solution must be weak Pink colour, otherwise you may get a negative result.

For the next treatment method, you will need 100 g of chamomile flowers. They need to be poured boiled water in a volume of 2 l. The product should be simmered for 20 minutes on fire. Afterwards the medicine is cooled and filtered. Oak bark can be used in a similar way.

The third recipe will require the following components:

  1. Hot water 0.5 l.
  2. Hop cones in the amount of 3 pcs.
  3. Chopped knotweed herb - 3 tbsp. l.

Each component must be placed in a small saucepan and filled with boiling water. The product is cooked over fire for 3-4 minutes, after which the container is covered with a lid, and the product is infused for 2 hours. After filtering, add 1 liter of warm water.

For the fourth recipe you need onion peel. You should take 3-4 clean onions and remove the husks from them. The component is filled with 2 liters of boiling water. The result will be a dark brown composition. The product needs to be cooled and filtered, after which it can be used.

As for the procedure for using the previously indicated recipes, certain rules should be followed. You cannot perform the procedure immediately after visiting the toilet. The anal surface should be clean, so you should take a shower. After hygiene procedures, the broth is poured into a container for the procedure; an ordinary basin will do. The patient sits on it with the anus. The duration of the event is 15-20 minutes. Please note that the temperature of the bath should not be very high, otherwise you may get burned.

Traditional medicine

Before using the products, you should obtain the advice of a doctor. Folk technique is presented with a large selection of methods for eliminating fissures in the anus. How to treat the disease? Oils are very popular because their effect is similar to the use of ointments. The product immediately contacts the affected area, and the result is often positive.

Sea buckthorn oil is good because the plant perfectly disinfects. If there is no oil from this plant, you can take olive oil. Be sure to use fresh oil. Apply the product to the surface of the anal fissure.

If the pathology is located deep in the intestines, then treatment of anal fissure becomes very difficult. However, this task is within the power of a celandine solution. You need to mix all the ingredients and pour into the enema bulb. You will need the following components:

  1. Castor oil or badger fat- 0.5 tsp.
  2. Boiled water - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  3. Crushed celandine - 1 tbsp. l.

You can cure a crack with lard. It is necessary to make a candle from a piece of the product. Be sure to remove the sharp edges of the salted edge. It is required to insert a suppository into the anus for 30 minutes.

Thus, the question of how to cure anal fissure is not difficult. You need to consult a doctor and follow his prescriptions.

IN folk medicine There are many treatments for anal fissure. These folk remedies have wound-healing, regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties, therefore they are indispensable as basic and aids for the treatment of anal fissures. Anal fissures most often arise from excessive stretching of the rectum by dense feces. This happens with chronic constipation and hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of anal fissure

Symptoms of an anal fissure are: unbearable, burning pain in the anus during defecation, which does not subside for several hours afterward. painful sensations, excretion of a small amount of blood in the stool.

Risk factors for anal fissure

Risk factors for anal fissure are: stomach ulcer, gastritis, cholecystitis, colitis, hemorrhoids, accompanied by constipation or diarrhea. The formation of an anal fissure is promoted by the consumption of very hot, salty foods, spices, and alcohol for a long time.

Treatment of anal fissure with folk remedies

If there is pain during and after bowel movements, it is necessary to begin treatment for the anal fissure. If left untreated, an ulcer may form, through which microorganisms can easily penetrate. Getting into the subcutaneous fatty tissue, they can cause purulent inflammation - paraproctitis, ending in 80% of cases severe complication- rectal fistula (needs surgery).
The main thing in the treatment of anal fissure- daily bowel cleansing with an enema (0.5 liters of chamomile and St. John's wort infusion at room temperature). This procedure prevents mechanical injury to the fissure by dense feces. Before inserting into the anus, lubricate the enema tip with Vaseline. Insert the tip, gently pressing it against the healthy wall anal canal. After bowel movements, take a 10-minute sitz bath with a weak solution potassium permanganate at a temperature of 36 C.
To get rid of an anal fissure, you need to steam in a solution of light potassium permanganate, and then lubricate the anal fissure with grease ointment or pure grease.
Buy syntomycin emulsion at the pharmacy, wrap cotton wool around a match and apply the emulsion to the area of ​​the anal fissure.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 1

It is impossible to describe the pain of an anal fissure. There is such a grass as wormwood " God's tree" Infuse it with vodka, then soak tampons in the infusion both morning and evening and lubricate the anal fissure. Everything heals within a week. This tincture can be used as a rub, and can also be used to instill it into a stuffy nose due to a cold.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 2

To treat an anal fissure, you need to take a pipette with a blunt end, squeeze out the juice from an aloe leaf and immediately insert 2-3 full pipettes into the anus. It is advisable to do this at night, and everything will pass.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 3

Anal fissures of the anus can be wiped with sea buckthorn oil, if it is not available, then with mumiyo solution. 5 g of mumiyo should be dissolved in 250 ml of water and lubricated sore spot this medicine.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 4

Raw peeled potatoes are peeled to form a candle shape; It is used for hemorrhoids, anal fissures and inflammation of the rectum.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 5

Common agrimony. Lotions are made for anal fissure. It is useful to take the following collection of herbs: agrimony - 1 cup, mint - 1, calendula (flowers) - 1, yarrow - 3/4, St. John's wort 1/4 cup. 3 tbsp. collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water into a thermos. Leave for 2-3 hours, strain and pour back into the thermos. Drink warm 20 minutes before meals throughout the day.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 6

Recipe universal ointment from any abscesses, hardening, toothache, bedsores, panaritium and anal fissure. Dose: for 1 kg of pork health - 40 pumpkin flowers or for 0.5 kg of pork health - 20 pumpkin flowers (the flowers are barren flowers on a long stem). It's great to pass through a meat grinder and heat in an aluminum pan. After the fat has cooled and acquired milky color, mix it with pre-chopped flowers (chop the flowers with a sharp knife completely, except for the stem). It is advisable to place the mixed ointment in small, non-glass containers. Keep in the freezer.
For anal fissure and hemorrhoids, roll out candles, put them on film and place them in the freezer - this way they will freeze quickly. Place the finished candles in a jar and place them back in the freezer. Use like any anti-hemorrhoid suppositories.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 7

Sugar enemas Excellent healing of anal fissures. For 0.5 liters of water - 100 g of sugar. After boiling for 5 minutes, the solution is cooled to lukewarm and injected into the intestines. Now the main task is to retain the liquid there for at least 10-15 minutes, which is unlikely to happen unless you first cleanse the intestines with an enema or laxatives.
Additionally, at night - tampons soaked in castor oil. Another mixture works even faster: 1 tsp. honey and castor oil plus 2 tsp. aloe juice

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 8

For advanced anal fissures it is also used ointment: beef Bone marrow(from tubular bones) and honey (in equal proportions) are heated over fire until smooth. Lubricate it more often during the day, and put tampons in at night. There have been cases of anal fissures healing in record time - in 4-5 days.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 9

Boil 4 parts of spruce resin, strain through two layers of gauze, then add 2 parts of goat or sheep fat, put on the fire again, let it boil, add 1 part of wax, mix thoroughly and remove from the heat, leaving to cool. Lubricated with this ointment anal fissure area.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 10

Anal fissure can be treat with propolis ointment. Place 100 g of unsalted butter in an enamel pan, bring to a boil, remove from heat, add 10 g of peeled, finely grated propolis and bring to a homogeneous mass at a temperature of 80 C, stirring thoroughly for 30 minutes. Then filter through cheesecloth and cool. The ointment is used to treat hemorrhoids and anal fissure. Lubricate 2-4 times - before and after emptying.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 11

Mix a glass of honey and aloe juice, add 1 tbsp. 96% alcohol. Roll cotton wool swabs wrapped in gauze. Soak them in a mixture of honey and aloe and lubricate the area of ​​the anal fissure.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 12

Combined suppositories for the treatment of anal fissure. Beef fat, propolis, streptocide, Oxycort or Prednisolone ointment. Heat a pack of beef fat in a bowl in a water bath. Then add propolis, streptocide and Oxycort ointment to it. Stir everything, pour into a large flat plate and put in the refrigerator. Candles are made from this ointment.

Folk remedy for the treatment of anal fissure No. 13

Eucalyptus ointment for the treatment of anal fissure. Take unsalted pork mesh, melt the fat from it and pour the hot fat over the eucalyptus. Take 100 g of lard and 400 g of eucalyptus leaf. Then cook the leaf in lard in a saucepan. Cook, stirring, for 1-2 minutes and immediately remove from heat as soon as the lard turns from white to olive. And then immediately strain through cheesecloth. You will get 40% ointment. If the ointment burns, then add unsalted fat. When the ointment cools, it becomes almost white.

The main condition for treating anal fissure is to eliminate constipation.

To completely eliminate constipation, you need to take special tea 3 times a day. Making tea: 1 tbsp. stinging nettle leaves and buckthorn bark per 1 liter of water. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes, cool, strain and put in the refrigerator. Drink half a glass warm, warming each time.
And after the “big” toilet, it is advisable to let flaxseed jelly into the rectum at night: 1 tbsp. ground the seeds into flour into a glass of boiling water. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. After 2-3 hours, heat to desired temperature, pour 40-50 ml for a microenema, drink the rest without filtering.
In order for the stool to be normal, you need to eat gray bread and eat tomatoes, tomato, sour cucumbers, sauerkraut, etc. Those who cannot eat such foods should drink a glass of kefir or sour milk at night.

Microenemas for anal fissures

For anal fissure, microenemas should be used. And with a microenema you need to inject herbal decoctions and drugs into the rectum that clot the blood and heal wounds. It is easier and better to introduce herbal decoctions (St. John's wort, yarrow, shepherd's purse, celandine, horsetail, eucalyptus). 1 tbsp. each herb in 1 glass of water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 1 hour. This treatment stops bleeding and heals wounds, and also reduces tumors. If you need to treat an anal fissure, you can do a therapeutic enema from these herbs, but first cleanse the intestines, and then introduce 0.25 liters of decoction and hold it longer.
In the evening, after bowel movements, take a small syringe and fill it with 1 tbsp. fish oil and insert into the anus. After 12-15 of these enemas the anal fissure is healing. To treat anal fissure, mix 1 tbsp. 3 year old aloe, 1 fresh egg and 1 tbsp. fish oil. Enter rubber bulb at night in the anus. Carry out 12-15 procedures.

This pathology can develop in a person at any age, but is more often diagnosed in women reproductive age. Ointment for cracks in the anus is used to treat hemorrhoids in hospital and at home. The product is used for topical application and helps get rid of discomfort and promotes healing of the crack. At risk are people who do not eat properly and suffer as a result. chronic constipation, people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

What are anal fissures?

The disease is a rupture of the mucous membrane on the surface rectum. They can be different sizes, but always cause the patient significant discomfort. If for a long time a person has chronic hemorrhoids, then an anal fissure occurs even on the side walls of the canal. 25% of people who consult a proctologist suffer from acute cracks or small tears.

main reason, which causes the development of anal fissures - frequent constipation. In most cases, they lead to the development of hemorrhoids, and this pathology has more severe course. Cause problems with anus The following factors may:

  1. Special diets, which consist only of low-fat foods.
  2. Ignoring problems that indicate the development of hemorrhoids.
  3. Condylomas of the anus.
  4. Difficult during pregnancy labor activity.
  5. A number of pathologies: AIDS, HIV, syphilis, tuberculosis.
  6. Anal sex.
  7. Anal spasms.
  8. Sedentary or sedentary image life.

Treatment of cracks

Depending on the degree of development of the disease, the method of therapy is selected. If the case is not advanced, then conservative treatment is sufficient, which involves the use of medications that promote tissue regeneration, relieve burning, swelling, and eliminate itching. For such local treatment Ointment for anal fissures, suppositories, creams are well suited. In addition, they use following methods in the treatment of anal injuries:

If the stage of the disease has reached the appearance of mucous discharge from the anus, rectal bleeding, and conservative treatment does not bring relief, they may prescribe surgery. There are several options for this procedure:

  1. Devulsion. This is a compromise between conservative and surgical treatment. Under anesthesia, the spasmodic sphincter is widened, which partially solves the problem of difficult defecation. It is not given to older people.
  2. Cryodestruction. This is an option for treating anal injuries with nitrogen. This manipulation is not cheap and does not always help to fundamentally solve problems. The difficulty lies in the need to freeze only pathologically altered tissues.
  3. Sphincterotomy. This is a classic operation, which consists of excision of the crack along the plane down to healthy tissue. If there is a sphincter spasm, it is dissected with inside. The wound heals in 5-6 days, and dressings with Levomekol ointment accelerate healing.
  1. The lifestyle should be active; you cannot sit for a long time.
  2. Constipation must be combated; delays of more than 2 days are unacceptable.
  3. Treat in a timely manner intestinal infections with diarrhea, dysbacteriosis.
  4. Use quality toilet paper that won't cause injury. anal passage.
  5. Avoid unconventional sex or use high-quality lubricants.

Ointment for anal fissures

This is one of the dosage forms means for the treatment of hemorrhoids and fissures. This best option in cases where damage to the anus is caused by dry or too hard stool, prolonged constipation. Ointment for hemorrhoids and fissures has maximum effectiveness for initial stages pathology. The advantage of this form is that some products can be used even during pregnancy at home.

As a rule, medicines are produced based on oil; the components of the ointment have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The main advantage is that the medicine is able to penetrate deep into the tissue, which helps to quickly improve the patient’s well-being. Many formulations contain natural ingredients, which reduces the risk of an allergic reaction. The ointment is applied to the surface of the skin, so it is better suited when a crack forms on the outside of the anus.

Indications for the use of ointment for anal fissures

It is not necessary to wait for the disease to develop; you can apply the product as soon as discomfort appears. You should use the drug if you experience following symptoms:

  1. Pain. The deeper the crack is, the stronger it will be. In the first stages, pain occurs only during bowel movements, but over time it becomes chronic.
  2. Itching. It also develops over time and becomes stronger, causing a lot of inconvenience to a person.
  3. Bloody issues. They usually appear at the time of straining and defecation.

Mode of application

You can use the ointment yourself; to enhance the effect, it is recommended to apply it after healing baths. Decoctions of medicinal herbs are good; they help relieve inflammation and relieve pain. Successful treatment when using ointments depends on compliance with several simple rules:

  1. Apply the product first to the elbow to check for an allergic reaction. It is better to determine it here than after applying it to the anus.
  2. Apply the product to cracks thin layer, no need to rub. In some cases, it is recommended to wet the wipes and apply them to the affected area. Sometimes doctors insert tampons to enhance the penetration of the drug into the internal parts rectum.
  3. Before using the medicine, you must perform anal hygiene; the shower should be warm or cool, but not hot.

Popular ointments for cracks

Most products can be ordered from a catalog on websites, the cost there is lower, so it is recommended to buy in an online store necessary medicine. An ointment for healing cracks in the anus should be prescribed by a doctor depending on the stage of the disease, but if desired, a person can independently choose one of the popular options. Some remedies have proven themselves in the treatment of fissures in the anus, these include:

  • Aurobin ointment;
  • Methyluracil ointment;
  • Levomekol;
  • Vishnevsky;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Relief.

Levomekol for anal fissures

This is a combined medication for external use that has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, adsorbent and restorative effect. This effective ointment against hemorrhoids and fissures contains a balanced set of components that prevents the development infectious process, which cleanses the surface of the crack from decay products, promotes rapid healing of the mucous membrane, which significantly reduces the likelihood of complications. Medicinal properties are based on the following components of the ointment:

  1. Chloramphenicol (aka chloramphenicol). It's an antibiotic local action, copes well different types pathogenic microflora(streptococci, chlamydia, staphylococci, coli), stops suppuration of tissues, reduces inflammation.
  2. Methyluracil. This component promotes the healing of cracks in the anus, relieves swelling, pain, strengthens local immunity, relieves chronic itching.
  3. Polyethylene oxide. An additional substance that ensures the application of the ointment, its penetration into the tissues of the remaining medicinal components, has a drying and restorative effect.
  4. Dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine. This is a strong immunostimulant that relieves the symptoms of pathology and accelerates tissue regeneration.

Apply the product once a day until the purulent discharge completely disappears and the wound heals. The duration of treatment is, as a rule, no more than 15 days. The exact duration must be determined by the doctor, who will take into account the characteristics of the patient and the stage of the disease. It is not recommended to exceed the duration of therapy at your own discretion, because this may lead to disturbances in the intestinal microflora and the appearance of liver problems.

Methyluracil ointment

The action of this remedy is aimed at stimulating growth, regeneration of damaged tissues, so it becomes good option for the treatment of anal fissures. Main active substance acts as methyluracil, which has anti-catabolic properties. This helps you overcome it faster inflammatory process, increase local immunity.

It is recommended to use tampons to improve the penetration of medicinal components into the anus. Apply a thin layer of the product to the tampon over the entire surface; it should be injected relatively deep, especially if the damage is located deeper than the surface of the anus. There have been cases where the medication caused an allergic reaction (burning and itching), so it is recommended to first apply ointment to the elbow surface.

Solcoseryl ointment

The medication has a regenerating, anti-inflammatory effect. The basis of the medicine is a deproteinized extract from calf blood, which increases the absorption and transport of oxygen and glucose, normalizes energy metabolism in cells, accelerates tissue repair and increases re-epithelialization. The main advantage of Solcoseryl is that the product can be used even during pregnancy and lactation. The product has no contraindications, it is rarely recorded by-effect in the form of an allergic reaction. There are 2 recommendations for use:

  1. It should be applied 1-2 times a day no more.
  2. For more effective healing It is recommended to use tampons soaked in the medicine.

Vishnevsky ointment

A very well-known and popular ointment at a low price, which is effectively used for the treatment of anal injuries. Helps relieve inflammation, reduce swelling, accelerate tissue healing and improve the patient's well-being. The product is based on three active components:

For maximum effective treatment, it is recommended to smear immediately after the first symptoms of the disease appear. To enhance medicinal effect It is recommended to soak tampons in the product and insert them into the anus. This will ensure deeper penetration of the drug into the rectal tissue. The main advantage of the medication is that it is safe to use; it can be used even during pregnancy.

Ointment Relief

There is a whole line of this medicine under common name, the doctor should select a medication option based on the stage of development of the pathology and the advanced level of complexity. The product has a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory effect, helps regulate blood circulation at the local level, helps to heal damaged tissue. To use the ointment, it is recommended to use the special applicator from the kit.

First, you should perform hygienic procedures, then lie on your side, pull your knees to your stomach, insert the nozzle into the passage, lightly squeeze the tube with your fingers and the contents will be evenly distributed throughout the rectum. Then you need to remove the applicator and just lie on your side for about 10 minutes. A little ointment always leaks out, so the effect spreads not only inside, but also outside.

Heparin ointment

Main active component product is a substance of the same name that helps reduce inflammatory reaction at the local level, increase regenerative properties, promotes rapid resorption of formed hematomas. This medicine is often recommended for home use after childbirth. For use, it is recommended to soak a piece of tissue or a tampon for deep insertion into the anus. The disadvantages of the product include the following contraindications for use:

  • decreased blood clotting;
  • thrombopenia;
  • ulcerative-necrotic processes.

How to treat a chronic fissure in the anus

Antibacterial ointments are more often used for short courses of 1-2 weeks, but sometimes the disease develops into chronic stage and constantly causes discomfort to a person. Treatment agents of this form must have anti-inflammatory and restorative properties. As a rule, specialists prescribe the following treatments: chronic form diseases:

  1. Aurobin. It's effective local remedy, which kills bacteria, relieves pain and inflammation. Place the medication directly into the anus; you can use a tampon for this purpose.
  2. Proctosan. The product has drying properties; use the medicine 2 times a day immediately after bowel movements.
  3. Nitroglycerin ointment. Opposes inflammatory diseases, fast healing fabrics It is recommended to use the product for a month to get rid of this pathology forever.

Ointments for anal fissures in children

A child may also have this problem. Treatment of rectal fissures is carried out using local medications, but before starting to use medications, you must visit a doctor. For therapy, experts often recommend the same popular remedies that are used for adults: Levomekol, Solcoseryl, Vishnevsky, Bezornil. The last resort has the following properties:

  1. The product contains the following substances: artificial musk, pearl components, zinc carbonate, amber, borneol, artificial bezoar. This provides an excellent antiseptic, astringent and local anesthetic effect.
  2. The medicine should be used 2-3 times in 1 day, injected deep into the intestine using a special applicator.
  3. The medication should be taken after bowel movements.
  4. The only contraindications listed are allergic reaction on the components of the product.


The cost of medicines depends on the volume of the container and the region of sale. You can buy it at a regular pharmacy or order it online. It is recommended to consult a doctor and find out the conditions of use before using the product. The approximate price for medications of this group in Moscow is as follows:
