Cheap appetite suppressants. Medications to reduce appetite

DIZOPIMON (Desopimon)

Synonyms: Chlorfenterphine hydrochloride, Aderan, Apsedon, Avikol, Avipron, Lucofen, Rebal, Theramin, etc.

Pharmachologic effect. By chemical structure and pharmacological properties has similarities with phenamine and fepranone. Like fepranone, it has an anorexigenic (appetite-depressing) effect, without causing pronounced excitation of the central nervous system and only slightly increasing blood pressure.

Indications for use. As an anorexigenic agent, mainly for exogenous alimentary obesity (obesity associated with overeating); can also be used for adiposogenital dystrophy (obesity associated with metabolic disorders) (in combination with hormone therapy), with hypothyroidism (disease thyroid gland) (in combination with thyroidin) and other forms of obesity. Treatment is carried out in combination with a low-calorie diet, if necessary - with fasting days.

Method of application and dose. Assign inside in tablets of 0.025 g (25 mg) 1-2-3 times a day with meals in combination with a low-calorie diet.

Side effects and contraindications. Possible Complications, precautions and contraindications are the same as when using fepranone.

Release form. Tablets of 0.025 g

Storage conditions. List A. In a dry place.

IZOLIPAN (Isolipan)

Synonyms: Dexafenfluramine.

Pharmachologic effect. Anorexigenic (appetite suppressant), serotonin mimetic (causes inhibition of reuptake and increased release of serotonin). Unlike amphetamine anorexigenic drugs, it does not have a psychostimulating effect, does not cause an increase blood pressure.

Indications for use. Obesity, including resistant (resistant) to treatment with other drugs.

Method of application and dose. Inside, morning and evening, 1 capsule, preferably with meals, for 3 months.

Side effect. Dry mouth, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, frequent urination, dizziness, headache, asthenia (weakness), mood disturbances, reactive depression (depressed, sad state in response to mental trauma), drowsiness or insomnia, irritability.

Contraindications. Glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure), depression (a state of depression), and psychogenic anorexia (loss of appetite caused by mental illness) even in history (previously), pharmacomania (painful craving "to take the drug), alcoholism. The drug should be avoided during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Use with caution in patients with disorders

heart rate, liver and kidney failure.

Incompatible with anorexigenic agents central action(see Desopimon, Mazindol, Mirapront, Fepranon) and MAO inhibitors. Potentiates (enhances) the effect of sedative (calming) and hypotensive (lowering blood pressure) drugs, the hypotensive effect of tricyclic antidepressants and the hypoglycemic (lowering blood sugar) effect of sulfonamides.

Release form. Capsules containing 15 mg of dexafenfluramine, in a package of 60 pieces.

Storage conditions. List B. In a dry place.

MAZINDOL (Mazindol)

Synonyms: Terenak, Teronak, Afilan, Dimagrir, Magrilan, Samonter, Sanorex.

Pharmachologic effect. It has an anorexigenic (appetite-depressing) effect. Facilitates adherence to a low-calorie diet.

The main factors in the mechanism of the anorexigenic action of mazindol are an increase in the activity of the satiety center in the hypothalamus (a part of the brain) and a decrease in stimuli for the need for food, which is associated with the effect of the drug on the adrenergic systems of the brain.

Indications for use. Applied in complex therapy obesity in adults and children over 12 years of age.

Method of application and dose. Assign inside during meals, first l / i tablets (0.5 mg) per day (in the first 4-5 days), then 1 tablet 1 or 2 times a day (during breakfast and lunch). Maximum daily dose- 3 tablets. The course of treatment usually lasts from 4 to 12 weeks.

Side effect. When taking the drug, dry mouth, nausea, headache, sleep disorders, urinary retention, sweating, allergic skin rash, increased arterial pressure. The dose of the drug in these cases is reduced or discontinued. In the course of treatment (on the 8-10th week), some addiction to the drug and a decrease in its anorexigenic effect may develop.

Contraindications. The drug is contraindicated in glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure), renal, hepatic and heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, increased excitability. Do not prescribe mazindol simultaneously with MAO inhibitors (see Nialamide).

Release form. Tablets of 1 mg in a package of 20 and 100 pieces.

Storage conditions. List A. In a dry place.

MIRAPRONT (Mirapront)

Pharmachologic effect. Affects the centers of the hypothalamic region (a part of the brain) that regulate the feeling of fullness. Suppresses excessive appetite; action lasts 10-12 hours.

Indications for use. Exogenous (alimentary - associated with overeating) obesity.

Method of application and dose. Assign 1 capsule after breakfast.

Side effect. dry mouth, sweating, hyperexcitability, insomnia.

Release form. Capsules of 15 mg.

Storage conditions.

PONDERAL (Ponderal)

Pharmachologic effect. Reduces lipogenesis (the process of fat formation) by increasing peripheral glucose uptake; increases the breakdown of fats. The result of the treatment is a progressive decrease in reserve fat deposits in the subcutaneous fat. It has the ability to reduce appetite without stimulating the central nervous system.

Indications for use. Obesity in adults and children; obesity on the background hypertension(persistent increase in blood pressure) and diseases of cardio-vascular system, mental illness; obesity, difficult to treat; obesity during menopause (the phase of menopause that occurs after the last menstrual bleeding) and diabetes mellitus.

Method of application and dose. For obesity of the I degree, adults are prescribed 1 tablet in the morning and 2 tablets in the evening; with obesity of the II degree - 2 tablets in the morning and 2 tablets in the evening; with III degree obesity - 2 tablets 3 times a day.

Children from 6 to 10 years old are prescribed 1 tablet per day; from 10 to 12 years - 2 tablets per day. The dose for children may be increased to 3 tablets per day if there is significant obesity. The decrease in body weight as a result of treatment usually occurs from the 2-3rd week from the start of treatment.

Side effect. Dyspeptic disorders (digestive disorders), dizziness.

Contraindications. First 3 months pregnancy. The drug should not be administered together with MAO inhibitors, as well as patients with depressive syndrome(in a state of depression).

Release form. Tablets of 20 mg.

Storage conditions. List B. In a dry, dark place.

Fenfluramine (Fenfluramine)

Synonyms: Miniphage.

Pharmachologic effect. Anorexigenic (appetite suppressant), serotonergic agent.

Indications for use. Obesity.

Method of application and dose. Take orally 1 capsule per day; after 3-4 weeks - up to 2 capsules at a time. The course of treatment is from 6 weeks to 3-9 months.

Side effect. Dizziness, headache, asthenia (weakness), depression (a state of depression), irritability, insomnia, drowsiness, nightmares, dry mouth, nausea, diarrhea, frequent urination.

Contraindications. Glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure), mental anorexia (loss of appetite caused by mental illness), depressive states(state of depression), pharmacomania (morbid attraction to taking a drug), alcoholism. It is not recommended to take the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

Incompatible with neuroleptics, antidepressants; potentiates (enhances) the hypoglycemic (lowering blood sugar) effect of sulfonamides.

Release form. Capsules retard ( long-acting), containing 60 mg of fenfluramine hydrochloride, in a package of 30 pieces.

Storage conditions. List B. In a dry place.

FEPRANON (Phepranonum)

Synonyms: Amfepramone, Abulemin, Anorex "Ortho", Danulen, Diethylpropion, Dobesin, Keramm, Natorexic, Parabolin, Regenon, Tenuat, Tepanil, etc.

Pharmachologic effect. The drug has anorexigenic (appetite-depressing) activity.

Indications for use. The indication for the use of fepranone is mainly alimentary obesity(transmission-related obesity); it can also be used in adiposogenital dystrophy (obesity associated with metabolic disorders) - in combination with hormone therapy, in hypothyroidism (thyroid disease) - in combination with thyroidin and other forms of obesity. Treatment is carried out in combination with a low-calorie diet, if necessary - with fasting days.

Method of application and dose. Assign inside in the form of tablets of 0.025 g (25 mg) 2-3 times a day for half an hour or an hour before meals (breakfast and lunch). With good tolerance and insufficient effect, you can increase the dose to 4 tablets per day. The course of treatment is 1.5-2.5 months. If necessary, conduct repeated courses with breaks of 3 months.

Side effect. Fepranone is usually well tolerated. However, in persons with hypersensitivity and in case of an overdose, irritability, insomnia, dry mouth, nausea, constipation or diarrhea and others may occur. side effects. When prescribing the drug to people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and with hyperthyroidism (thyroid disease), caution is necessary.

Treatment should be carried out under the close supervision of a physician.

Contraindications. The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy, advanced forms of hypertension (persistent increase in blood pressure), severe disorders of cerebral and coronary (cardiac) circulation, myocardial infarction, thyrotoxicosis (thyroid disease), glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure), tumors of the pituitary gland and adrenal glands, sugar diabetes, high nervous excitability, epilepsy, psychosis, severe sleep disturbances. Do not prescribe the drug to patients taking MAO inhibitors (see Nialamide).

Release form. Tablets of 0.025 g (25 mg) in a package of 50 pieces.

Storage conditions. List A. In a dry, dark place.

Sometimes there are situations when a person has tried a lot of ways to lose weight from different diets before gym, but there is no result. Appetite suppression pills will come to the rescue: most drugs are over-the-counter dietary supplements, so they can be easily purchased at any pharmaceutical pharmacy. However, some representatives of this category require prior consultation with a doctor, as their effects can be harmful to health.

The most effective weight loss pills

It is impossible to unequivocally call any particular drug the best and most effective. The pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of diet pills that reduce appetite. Don't think that the most expensive pills overnight will allow you to lose weight, and besides, what works for one obese person does not always work for another. Each specific case is individual, it is quite possible that you can achieve the obvious result with the help of the usual medicinal product with a democratic price.


Tablets developed Russian manufacturer and in a short period of time have established themselves as effective remedy for weight loss and weight loss. By acting on certain parts of the brain, "Reduxin" allows you to achieve a feeling of fullness and reduces the need for food. It has a wide range of contraindications: cardiovascular diseases, arterial hypertension, impaired liver and kidney function.
  • Ingredients: sibutramine - basic active substance.
  • Indications: excessive obesity.
  • Usage: 1 tablet per day orally. Doctors advise starting with 5 mg of the drug, gradually increasing the dose to 15 mg per day.


Another bright representative of medicinal tablets, where the main active ingredient is sibutramine. Produced by the Czech pharmacological industry. By acting on the central nervous system, the drug reduces weight due to the fading of interest in food. Small portions of food can cause the patient to feel full.

  • Compound: active ingredient The drug is sibutramine.
  • Indications: moderate to severe obesity.
  • Application: in the morning, 1 tablet. It is necessary to drink large quantity water.


According to the manufacturer, this medicine contains only natural ingredients - herbs that are popular in Chinese traditional medicine. Its action is aimed at enhancing metabolism and normalizing hormonal system, loss of appetite. Thanks to this, the process of weight loss occurs. In addition, the instruction of the drug says that while taking the pills you can lose weight, but also cleanse the body of toxins.

  • Ingredients: Indian lotus leaves, daidaihua, plantain rhizome, cassia seeds.
  • Indications: obesity, body weight correction, cellulite, weight loss. It is possible to take the drug prophylactically in people prone to fullness.
  • Application: 30 minutes after breakfast, 1 capsule per day, you need to drink plenty of water. In addition, it is very important to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water per day.

Gracinia forte

The feeling of satiety is achieved due to the fact that medicinal tablets maintain blood glucose levels high level. Saturation of blood with glucose is a kind of signal to the brain that the body is full and the meal can be completed. Gracinia forte, among other things, activates the metabolism, contributing to effective weight loss.

  • Ingredients: garcinia extract, vitamins B6 and C, chromium.
  • Indications: obesity, the need to reduce weight.
  • Application: the daily dose of the drug is to take 4 tablets. Reception should be carried out 2 times a day, 2 tablets with meals.


The tablets are developed by Evlar and have absolutely no nutritional value- 0 kcal. Composed entirely of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC). Once in the digestive tract, the MCC fibers swell, quickly causing a feeling of satiety. Prevent the absorption of toxins and decay components food products. Another plus in favor of using the drug is its ability to bind to cholesterol (a fat-like compound). Passing through the intestines, it is excreted from the body natural way.

  • Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose.
  • Indications: obesity, overweight.
  • Application: during meals, from 3 to 5 tablets. The course of treatment is designed for 1 month.


Another drug plant origin, which is designed to fight excess weight by eliminating the feeling of hunger. Does not contain chemical compounds, which aroused deep confidence among many consumers. In addition to suppressing appetite, "Apetinol" contributes to accelerated lipid metabolism substances and fat burning, as well as activates the body to get rid of toxins.

  • Ingredients: extracts of the Kalahari cactus Hoodia gordonii, Coleus forskolia plants. Carboxylmethylcellulose (CMC) and citrus pectins.
  • Indications: obesity, tendency to be overweight, increased appetite. Can be used as an addition to low calorie diets.
  • Application: 2 capsules 2 times a day, 20 minutes before meals (lunch and dinner). It is necessary to follow strict drinking regimen- at least 2 liters of water per day.

Side effects and contraindications

Pills to reduce appetite are resorted to only when all other methods of losing weight have not had an effect. Some tablets can cause the following side effects: headaches, nausea, dry mouth, anxiety, tachycardia and insomnia (Reduxin, Lindax, Lida). And others can provoke the appearance allergic reactions and discomfort in the intestines ("Garcinia forte", "Ankir-B", "Apetinol)". Almost all drugs are contraindicated in pregnant women and during breastfeeding.

The holiday season is approaching like a tsunami on a coastal city: inexorably and swiftly. In the camp of sellers in this regard, there has been a noticeable revival. Country and beach accessories, clothes, shoes and, of course, pills that effectively suppress appetite are advertised and promoted with noticeable persistence.

Slogans and impressive photos "before" and "after" are obsessively advised to purchase miracle products that

  • “will help to reduce…”;
  • "work against...";
  • "burn fat" and have other miraculous effects on appetite, cellulite and overall reduction in volume.

Sounds and looks tempting? But not everyone understands how pills and other drugs that burn body fat and reduce food cravings. And it’s worth exploring the issue, because the harm from such funds is sometimes much more than good.

Who needs it?

First you need to figure out who needs not just control over nutrition and a set of kilograms, but pills that help to lose weight. The only indication This is the diagnosis of obesity. A doctor can diagnose a disease, and he will prescribe drugs that will help in this situation.

Obesity is a rejuvenating disease, which is often among children. The desire of parents to first feed the child by any means, and then by all means to force him to lose weight is indestructible. It is important to remember that pills that suppress the feeling of hunger are extreme and not best measure treatment.

Do not think that drug reduction of appetite is the only method.

Systems will help reduce the readings of the scales proper nutrition and moderate exercise: in order to lose weight and take control of your body, you will have to work hard and hard.

Play, hormone?

If the reason excess weight not uncontrolled appetite, then the goal is not so much to lose weight, but to restore the functions of the thyroid gland or other systems and organs. Pills that suppress the desire to eat once again will not help here. And special medicines are not advertised in the mass media, and only a narrow circle of qualified doctors knows about them.

And what about the advertised and affordable pills to reduce appetite say a professional endocrinologist? The opinion of all doctors on this issue does not differ - these are mostly unnecessary drugs. No appetite suppressant supplements provide effective and lasting results.

As for pills to lower hormone levels, the recommendations are also unambiguous:

  1. Self appointment means against excess weight is prohibited! In order to choose the right medicines and achieve positive results, you need to undergo a series of procedures: from ultrasound of the thyroid gland to a multilateral blood test for hormones. Endocrinologist prescribes hormonal pills, self-treatment with them can lead to irreparable complications.
  2. Uncontrolled intake of even drugs prescribed by a doctor is dangerous! The dosage is determined on the basis of research, it should not be reduced or increased at will.
  3. Poor health is a reason for an unscheduled visit, and not for self-adjustment of the medication regimen.

Hormone control, diet and new image life will be an addition to drugs. The endocrinologist will write out to his patient a clear algorithm of actions and treatment, and if you follow it strictly, you will be able to lose weight or, at least, stop weight gain.

Supplements or not Supplements - that is the question

For real effective pills, which suppress appetite, thereby helping to lose weight, a little. Russian doctors use only two officially approved drugs, everything else is biologically active additives (BAA) with a variety of and not always clinically tested compositions. Therefore, most doctors oppose them, even if the ingredients are claimed to be of natural origin.

Some experts tend to explain the fats that have gone under their influence as a placebo effect. The results achieved, as a rule, do not correspond to advertising promises, appetite and kilograms return as soon as the pills against excessive food intake are over.

But I really want to believe that some means can be accepted! The most common mechanisms of action on the body to reduce appetite are as follows:

  • mechanical contraction of the volume of the stomach;
  • partial blockage of incoming fats;
  • a pronounced effect on the "hunger center".

Let's get to know each other better.

Fiber as a remedy for weight gain

Tablets that reduce food cravings complex carbohydrates they work simply: fiber swells in the stomach, and there is very little room for food. A person taking such drugs is physically unable to eat a large portion and is forced to reduce the amount of food consumed. For these pills to work, they are taken before a meal.

It is assumed that during the "treatment" the patient will get used to new portions, will be able to painlessly reduce them and lose weight. Wait quick results don't have to - similar means, blocking appetite, are not designed for one month of use.

What is the insidiousness of fiber-based products? The stomach tends to stretch, and if you do not take the desire to eat under personal control, then soon the weight loss will stop, the volume of portions will return, along with additional kilograms.

The list of which dietary supplements that reduce appetite are the least dangerous can be closed on fiber tablets.

How does stress blocking and the hormone of happiness help to lose weight?

A number of medications to reduce food cravings are banned in some countries. This is associated with an increased risk of exacerbation cardiovascular disease, deterioration of the central nervous system and lethal outcome from a heart attack or stroke. In addition, against the background of their use in patients, not only weight loss was observed, but suicidal moods were also manifested. How can weight-loss pills affect mental health?

Such a drug helps to increase the concentration of the hormone of happiness - serotonin in the brain. A person in a state of euphoria has a decrease in appetite, satiety occurs faster, there is no need to "seize" stressful situation- he's all great!

Chocolate and sweets, which open the list of the most important foods that interfere with weight loss, will no longer be useful. A person who has revised the diet will be able to lose weight, but possible Negative consequences much more serious than the folds on the sides!

Original pills that reduce serotonin reuptake are not sold in our country. But on pharmacy shelves there are analogues with the same ambiguous substance - sibutramine. They are taken only on the recommendation of a doctor (usually with a diagnosis of "bulimia"), exercising parallel control over the state of health. These appetite suppressants should not be purchased on the advice of friends or own desire lose weight!

How can you block fat?

In the arsenal of doctors there are proven drugs that do not suppress appetite, but prevent the absorption of fats. Enzymes are responsible for the breakdown and absorption of nutrients, and tablets for the treatment of obesity act in the intestines and act as a blocker for the work of enzymes. It turns out that excess calories are excreted from the body, bypassing the stage of absorption and assimilation. The body has to "unpack" the old reserves of fat, they are consumed, and the person loses weight! The effect is noticeable and side effects on vessels and heart are absent.

Before you run to the pharmacy for miracle pills, take note: this official drug, which has contraindications - it should not be taken without the knowledge of a doctor!

As a conclusion

Excessive appetite - serious threat figure, and pills that reduce it seem to be the most in a simple way lose weight. It is possible that some “buts” will cool the enthusiasm:

  • without a diet, not a single appetite suppressant pill works;
  • only hormonal preparations prescribed by a doctor will give a good result;
  • an independent battle with kilograms is fraught with complications - it is difficult to see behind a swollen waist serious illness, which is the root cause of excess weight.

You need to suppress your appetite correctly, then you will lose weight without consequences. Be slim without harm to the body!

Appetite suppression pills help to achieve significant weight loss, satisfy hunger. A person eats less food, respectively, fewer calories are received, fat cells are not postponed. Parallel adherence to a dietary program helps to get rid of existing fat deposits. At first glance, everything is easy and quite simple. But tablets have a number of contraindications, cause side effects.

It is necessary to decide on the choice of tablets based on the causes of excess weight. Modern pharmacists offer a wide range of appetite suppressants. They differ from each other in composition, action, list of contraindications.

Factors affecting the appearance of excess weight:

  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • Psychological stress, stress, prolonged depression;
  • Premenstrual syndrome;
  • Dehydration of the body;
  • Diseases of the digestive tract;
  • sleep deprivation;
  • To give up smoking;
  • Weak willpower, excessive love of food.

Appetite suppression should be achieved by influencing the cause of its appearance. In this case, you can avoid taking special medicines to satisfy the feeling of hunger, to achieve weight loss. If, nevertheless, it is decided to use pills for weight loss, you need to study their effect a little. Before starting use, assess the state of health, individual characteristics to avoid negative consequences.

AT recent times dietary supplements have become especially popular, which do not have backlash on the body at correct application, as well as incretin drugs, which are prescribed for patients with diabetes mellitus to reduce weight. In parallel, you must follow a special diet.


There are several groups of medicines - anoretics, fat burners, calorie blockers. The second classification divides funds into adrenaline drugs, serotonin. A separate category of funds includes dietary supplements with a minimum number of contraindications, side effects.

  • Adrenaline drugs excite the nervous system, provoke excessive activity, followed by stress, loss of strength, loss of appetite. Tablets of this group slowly destroy the central nervous system, therefore they are banned.
  • Serotonin drugs affect the functioning of the brain, stimulate the production of serotonin. With an increased amount of it, the body does not need to be replenished with fats, carbohydrates, proteins, therefore, appetite decreases. Tablets negatively affect the work of the heart. Frequent use increases the risk of heart attacks. Drugs are also banned.
  • Incretin tablets slow down the digestion of food after it enters the stomach. The feeling of fullness lasts longer, appetite decreases. Medications reduce the amount of glucose, slow down the absorption of carbohydrates by the intestines. Against the background of taking medications, cravings for sweets disappear, appetite decreases. However, experts do not recommend using this group of products for weight loss. healthy people, since the corresponding tests were not carried out.
  • The most effective drugs are fat burners. The principle of their action is in violation of the chain metabolic processes, during which fats do not break down, are not deposited in the body, go outside with stool, urine.
  • Anoretics. Drugs are actively used by athletes - athletes to suppress appetite. Manufacturers assure that their products are completely safe, natural composition. However, experts say that there are negative side effects. Anoretics have a different mechanism of action, but the main goal is to suppress hunger, reduce appetite.

You need to take pills to reduce appetite after consulting with specialists, under their control.

Overview of popular tools

You can buy medicines in pharmacies, but in most cases they are ordered via the Internet.

Slimming capsules of Chinese origin are positioned as nutritional supplements. Manufacturers note that the results are individual, depending on many factors. In particular - dietary nutrition, physical activity, the causes of excess weight. As part of the components of plant origin - lotus flowers, cassia torus, daidaihua, chastukha extract, L-carnitine. The package contains 30 capsules. Contraindication is individual intolerance. Suitable for long term use.


BAA includes microcrystalline cellulose. The substance is not broken down, excreted by the intestines in its original form. The effect on the human body has long been studied. Cellulose causes a feeling of satiety, fullness of the stomach, hunger disappears, appetite decreases. In addition, the tablets cleanse the intestines, remove toxins, speed up the metabolism, activate the intestines. There are no contraindications, take up to 15 pieces per day. The recommended course is 2 months. Pack of 100 pieces.


A powerful drug that belongs to the group of serotonins. Against the background of the intake, the process of digestion of food slows down, the feeling of satiety lasts longer, the person does not resort to snacking. According to manufacturers, the drug improves metabolic processes, normalizes blood sugar levels. According to reviews, you can lose about 15 kg in 3 months. This is how much it is recommended to drink Reduxin to burn fat cells. The drug is addictive, so you should not use it without special need. Side effects - weakness, drowsiness, blurred consciousness, decreased visual acuity, hair loss, problems with ejaculation, orgasm.

Biologically active additive reduces appetite, has a positive effect on the functioning of the body. It breaks down fats, normalizes blood circulation, removes toxins, activates the intestines, restores metabolism, and calms the nervous system. As part of the tablets extracts of papaya, guarana, lemon balm, algae extracts, vitamins. Take 1 tablet at bedtime and with every meal. Manufacturers advise taking a course lasting 1 month. Take a break for 14 days, repeat if necessary.

MCC tablets

They are microcrystalline cellulose, which mimics plant fiber in properties. Has no taste, smell. When it enters the stomach, it swells, causes a feeling of fullness, satiety, due to which the appetite is subdued. Cellulose is not broken down, it is excreted from the body in pure form. At the time of passage through the intestines, it cleans it from toxins, other harmful compounds on the walls of the organ. They do not contain contraindications, but in case of an overdose they cause constipation. It is allowed to take within a month. In parallel, you should follow a diet. Up to 5 tablets per day, half an hour before meals.

Garcinia forte

Dietary supplement capsules are freely sold through a network of pharmacies, they have all quality certificates and relevant documentation. Main component Produced in Asia, it is an extract from the rind of the Garcinia tree. Hydroxycitric acid, which is a calorie blocker, signals to the brain that there is no need to replenish calories. Pectin in the stomach turns into a gel mass, fills the body, causes a feeling of satiety. Laminaria normalizes the work of the pancreas, inhibits the production of hydrochloric acid which is an appetite stimulant. It is recommended to take at least a month. In parallel, you should adhere to dietary nutrition, lead an active lifestyle.


The drug is intended for the treatment of diagnostic obesity. It is advisable to use if other methods have not given the desired result. The main component is sibutramine. Tablets are adrenaline drugs with a strong psychotropic effect. Lindax is banned in Europe, USA. The tool affects the work of the central nervous system, thereby suppressing the need for food. In parallel with this, it stimulates the production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness. A person experiences a surge of strength, energy, there is no need for food, rest. However, after a while, one feels complete impotence, apathy towards everything, problems with the nervous system. Lindaxa is taken 1 time per day in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. Be sure to drink a glass of water. Take courses from 1 month to a year.

Refers to antidepressants. It is advisable to use the drug if heightened feeling hunger is associated with depression, stress. There is overeating on the background of nervous experiences. Increases serotonin levels. Contraindications are epilepsy, hepatic, kidney failure, individual intolerance, diabetes, glaucoma, diseases Bladder, suicidal moods. Has many side effects.


The package contains 30 capsules. Refers to bads. Produced in Russia. As part of the extract of hoodie gordonii, coleus forskolia. The composition was developed by specialists from Switzerland. Capsules suppress the need for food, reduce appetite, promote weight loss, accelerate the burning of fat cells. Contraindication is individual intolerance, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during the period of exacerbation. It is recommended to take 2 capsules twice a day half an hour before meals. Drink a glass of water. In parallel, you should adhere to proper nutrition.

Are all drugs sold without prescriptions?

You can buy tablets without prescriptions in a pharmacy from the group of dietary supplements, based on microencapsulated cellulose. Preparations of other groups are prescribed by specialists, it is not recommended to take them without permission. However, thanks to the Internet, you can buy any tool you want. The issue is the price. Also, some dietary supplements are sold only through Internet sites.

Contraindications, side effects

Tablets have different composition, a different mechanism of action. Therefore, each of them has its own contraindications, side effects. If in the case of dietary supplements, only individual intolerance is a direct contraindication, there are practically no side effects, but drugs from the group of serotonins, adrenaline drugs have a number of serious contraindications, many side effects. All this is indicated in the instructions for each drug.


It is difficult to say what the result will be on the background of taking appetite suppressant pills. The result is affected diet food, individual characteristics of the body, physical activity, the cause of excess weight. Drugs that affect the central nervous system are addictive. After cancellation, health problems, psychological disorders, as well as heart disease occur. Therefore getting rid of extra pounds not always happy.

What drugs can be bought in Ukraine

Almost everything that is sold in Russia. But most of them are sold not through pharmacies, but through Internet sites. If desired and for high price You can even buy illegal drugs.

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The feeling of hunger is the biggest scourge of those who follow their figure (or try to do so). Often it has nothing to do with the actual need of the body for nutrients: food becomes a mania, appetite drives you crazy. Sweets, fast food, pastries can cause a real mental addiction and provoke breakdowns: a person who deliberately limits their consumption at some point is unable to fight the temptation and attacks harmful products like a possessed. And it's not just about willpower: the specific activity of some parts of the brain and the violation of the production of a number of hormones can lead to bouts of gluttony, which are not so easy to control on your own. Although in willpower, of course, too, but how difficult it is to readjust, getting used to indulging yourself with delicious ... If only to swallow a pill - and stop thinking about food!

Quality weight loss is impossible without a diet, and a diet is almost always physical and mental suffering caused by a lack of chicken legs, pies, sweets and all other small and large snacks that are so difficult to resist.

Prescription and over-the-counter drugs have become a beacon of hope both for patients suffering from obesity caused by the lack of “brakes” and for everyone whose lifestyle has become a diet. What options exist today to suppress appetite with medication, what are the benefits and are they completely safe?

Experts have not come to a consensus regarding drug support for weight loss and anorexic (appetite-reducing) drugs: that is why, for example, in European countries strong satiating drugs are sold exclusively by prescription and only in extremely advanced cases. Their feature is in large numbers contraindications and side effects, so the doctor and patient must always jointly decide what balance exists between the expected result and possible harm. Self-administration of any drugs that reduce weight is highly discouraged.. In addition, doctors never tire of reminding that anorexic pills in themselves are not a “treatment” and, taking them, you can’t relax and abandon other procedures leading to weight normalization: rational nutrition, physical activity.

Drugs that help in losing weight by suppressing hunger can be divided into three main types:

  • Appetite suppressants: depress the feeling of hunger at the stage of its occurrence in the hypothalamus
  • Stomach fillers: cause a feeling of fullness directly in the stomach
  • "Miraculous Pills": contain various vegetable and organic matter in microdosage

In addition, there are combined means acting through a combination of several components.

Actually, only appetite suppressants are medicines, the rest of the drugs, as a rule, are produced in the form of biologically active additives in food, are sold without a prescription, differ in democratic cost and, sadly, in comparison with medicines, they are ineffective.

Appetite suppressants

Appetite suppressants are essentially antidepressants with the side effect of controlling hunger. First-generation drugs that manipulate the centers of hunger and satiety located in the hypothalamus include phentermine (Retsin) and fenfluramine. Today they are included in the list of potent substances and, in fact, equated to drugs, as they not only have a whole bunch of "side effects", but also cause addiction.

Their successor, releasing serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, the increase in the level of which in the central nervous system causes a feeling of satiety and satisfaction with life, has become sibutramine. It is part of such drugs as Meridia, Reduxin, Obestat and others - the trademark depends on the manufacturer and the country of release of the tablets. In addition to regulating appetite, sibutramine helps people with disorders eating behavior overcome the painful passion for carbohydrates and speeds up metabolism, qualitatively improving the absorption of glucose and stimulating the consumption of fat reserves, including due to an increase in body temperature.

The effect of sibutramine is achieved after six months of taking the tablets (the maximum course is 12 months) and after the end of the intake it lasts about a year, however prerequisite normalization of nutrition and physical activity remain.

Sibutramine is considered the most modern drug, and, according to its creators, is not addictive, however side effects not deprived - they can be insomnia, and psychosis, and violation taste sensations, and indigestion. Sibutramine-containing medicines have for some time now been available exclusively in pharmacies by prescription. Selling sibutramine without a prescription is a criminal offense.

It should be noted that sibutramine, fenfluramine and phentermine, as well as their derivatives (derivatives) are often part of dubious dietary supplements, the use of which is dangerous not only because of a violation of the law, but also because of non-compliance with the medical dosage, which can seriously affect health.

Another participant in the market for appetite suppressants is rimonabant(Zimulti), lost state registration in Russia in just a few days. This so-called CB1 blocker, discovered by French scientists in the course of studying the properties of marijuana, made it possible to reduce the desire to eat something tasty, fatty and sweet, but at the same time it aggressively affected the central nervous system, causing severe mental disorders.

Stomach fillers

The mechanism of their work is simple and transparent - they fill the stomach with "false food" that causes a feeling of satiety, but does not carry calories. Fillers give a good result in combination with physical activity and excipients such as L-carinitin, which allows you to accelerate the consumption of fat reserves. The filler tablet is taken before meals and allows you to fill up faster. By washing down the filler with water, you allow the pill, which is based on collagen, cellulose or alginates (plastic substances used, in particular, to make exotic makeup in movies), to swell like a sponge. Thus, taking fillers can be compared to a stomach reduction operation - there is something in the stomach all the time that simply does not allow you to fill it with harmful goodies.

The advantage of this method is that fillers do not interact with body chemistry., but they work purely physically, so the possibility of side effects is very small. However, preparations containing cellulose, for example, have recently been sold by prescription in Europe, since in some cases this active substance causes allergic reactions.

When taking excipients, please contact Special attention for adequate fluid intake. Too little moisture can cause stomach and intestinal disorders, and it will be difficult for the "sponge" to leave the body.

"Miraculous Pills"

Most nutritionists honestly admit the futility or extremely low effectiveness (which is often based on the "placebo effect" or the result of other weight loss efforts) of all kinds of pills that promise "amazing results in short term", "usage magic power nature" and so on. The ability to reduce appetite in "miraculous pills" is also unimportant, and most often due to non-"natural components" such as chitosan, guarana, apple cider vinegar and birch buds, but with the same cellulose or collagen that swells in the stomach, indicated as excipients, or the addition of chromium, which affects the production of insulin. In some cases, sibutramine of unknown origin and unpredictable dosage is tritely added to “wonderful” dietary supplements, as we have already mentioned above.

Even plants and substances that really have some kind of restorative and metabolic-accelerating properties are contained in tablets in such microscopic doses that if you swallow them in batches, nothing will change. And you don’t need to swallow packs - manufacturers, referring to the “age-old experience of the natives” and the “secret of the East”, in the vast majority of cases do not bother with serious clinical and laboratory tests of their drugs. Suffice it to recall the history of the wildly popular Caucasian hellebore a few years ago., which turned out to be a toxic shrub that causes severe poisoning after the first applications.