Peanuts - harm and benefit. Useful properties for men and women, contraindications and peanut allergy

This fruit has several names, and one of them is a peanut. It is used in cooking, cosmetology, nutrition and traditional medicine. The advantages of its use are obvious, but it does not hurt to additionally consult with a nutritionist, your doctor. The benefits and harms of peanuts for the body are varied and often controversial, contradictory.

Peanuts - composition

To see what's the use peanut, you need to find out in detail what is contained in peanuts. It is a source of vitamins, minerals and other organic compounds. The chemical composition makes it indispensable food additive daily diet and an important ingredient in many medicinal, cosmetics. It is worth highlighting the valuable components of peanuts - tangible harm and benefits are tangible for everyone. Each nut contains:

  1. Amino acids. Promote the absorption of calcium in full, regulate cholesterol in the blood.
  2. Magnesium. Participates in the formation and strengthening musculoskeletal system, promotes rapid withdrawal intoxication products.
  3. Folic acid. Improves liver function, guarantees rapid tissue regeneration on cellular level.
  4. A nicotinic acid. It successfully fights the aging process of the dermis, is considered a worthy prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
  5. Vegetable fiber. Normalizes systemic digestion, prevents the development of diseases digestive system.

Peanuts - calories

Separately, it is worth considering the calorie content of the nut. Whether or not there is a valuable product is up to the nutritionist and directly to the person himself. How many kcal are in peanuts, can it be used during correction overweight? 100 grams of the finished product contains 47 grams of lipids. The peanut is considered a fatty ingredient, so it's worth considering before adding it to your daily menu.

How much protein is in peanuts

For the diet harmful product, however, for muscle mass and not only very useful. It is important to know how much protein is in peanuts in order to diversify the athlete's menu with peanuts, for example. In 100 grams of the product - as much as 26 grams of protein, which is more than that of fish and meat. The energy value, confirming its health benefits for the weakened, who have lost weight, is 550 kcal. High calorie is not up to the task diet food and is not compatible with it.

What vitamins are in peanuts

If we talk about the benefits of peanuts, we must remember which vitamins in peanuts affect the condition and functionality of the whole organism. In fact, this is a real "vitamin bomb", and the harm to humans is minimal. Such a representative of the legume family is rich in such organic matter(connections) like:

  1. Vitamins of group B. Normalize work at the cellular level, i.e. render positive impact for all internal systems, organs, connective tissue.
  2. Vitamin C. Responsible for the state of immunity, are engaged in the intensive production of specific antibodies.
  3. Vitamins RR. They are engaged in metabolic processes, provide the conversion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates into valuable energy.
  4. Choline. It prevents the destruction of cells, is the prevention of their fragility and tendency to form foci of necrosis.
  5. Vitamin E. Responsible for the removal of free radicals, the inhibition of intoxication products of an organic resource.

What is useful peanuts

The benefits of roasted fruits are higher than raw nuts, since the "bean" does not lose its characteristics during heat treatment. The benefits of peanuts for the body are great: the product helps to quickly get rid of pathologies, strengthen immune system, improve appearance and mood. Women and men can use this nut equally, changes are coming soon.

The benefits of peanuts for women

If we study the effect on female body, the benefits of peanuts are obvious for reproductive system. A fried or salty dish during pregnancy will not hurt, because during this period the immune system requires special nourishment with vitamins. If you are wondering how peanuts are useful for women, the following positive points should be noted:

The benefits of peanuts for men

If you are interested in knowing what peanuts are good for - the harm and benefits of this natural product incommensurable. Peanuts are especially important for male body in adulthood, as it helps to solve the problem with potency, return joy sexual life. What is useful peanuts for men yet? Highlight properties such as:

  • normalization hormonal background;
  • muscle strengthening, myocardial work;
  • increased vascular tone.

What is harmful peanuts

If you fry a raw fruit with a peel (unpeeled), the cooked dish retains most of its beneficial properties. If a legume pre-clean from the husk, and then send it to the oven, the benefits to the body are significantly reduced. At the same time, it is important to understand whether peanuts are harmful to humans. There are indeed pitfalls. It:

Peanuts for weight loss

The use of peanuts for weight correction causes a lot of discussion among modern nutritionists. On the one hand, a high-calorie product harms the waist, on the other hand, it helps to reduce appetite. Use peanut butter or roasted peanuts for weight loss can be limited portions. It is important not to combine several types of legumes in one technique, to lose weight with the inclusion of dried fruits in the diet. Roasted nut with honey belongs to the category diet meals beneficial to health. Avoid eating peanut butter completely.

Peanuts for diabetes

With an overestimated indicator of sugar in the blood, it is necessary to sit for life therapeutic diet. Beneficial features peanuts in diabetes are significant, there is no harm to the body. If you eat the dose indicated by the doctor, the level of cholesterol in the blood will normalize over time, with an illness there will be more long period remissions. It is better to clean the shell, otherwise you can get better. An alternative is peanut butter.

Peanuts in bodybuilding

Peanut is used by professional athletes. It is important to understand what peanuts give the body - the harm and health benefits are very diverse. For bodybuilders, the walnut allows you to model an athletic silhouette, getting nutrients for muscle mass. Peanuts in bodybuilding should be present in strictly limited portions, but it is not recommended to completely exclude it from the daily diet. This will only cause harm. An alternative is peanut butter (not pasta) with the same valuable properties.

Can pregnant women eat peanuts

In an "interesting position" it is important to control your diet. The question immediately arises, is it possible for pregnant women to eat peanuts, how to avoid harm to health. The product is not prohibited, but it is important to tightly control its portions. It’s worth starting with benefits: the body of the future mother receives many vitamins necessary for the full growth and development of the child in the womb. However, there is also harm (especially for pasta), which is worth talking about in more detail:

  • the release of erucic acid is associated with increased stress on the kidneys, liver;
  • stool disorder, tendency to chronic diarrhea;
  • risk of helminthic invasions when eating raw nuts;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • local and general allergic reactions.

To normalize general state, the pregnant woman will have to prepare decoctions from medicinal plants or take pills. The product is used with caution, without risking the health of the expectant mother. When deciding to use peanuts, the tangible harm and benefits of this natural product should be assessed in advance. Consultation with a physician will not be superfluous.

Video: what is useful peanuts for the body

Today I will tell you about why I do not eat peanuts and I do not advise most of you. Here are the reasons:

Peanuts have thin skins and most peanuts grow underground, so due to the humidity many of them contain mycotoxins or mold. They can cause depression, various health problems (including problems with the liver, kidneys and digestion). Mold is one of the main causes food allergies or inflammatory immune reactions. Therefore, children are most often forbidden to eat peanuts, they often develop strong reaction immune system

🔺 Peanuts rank among the most heavily processed toxic pesticide products in the world

🔺 Peanuts contain too much omega 6 fats. Many of us already eat a lot of omega 6 fats and not enough omega 3 fats. Omega 3 fats reduce inflammation, and omega 6 fats cause it! Just in peanuts, there are too many omega 6 fats and little omega 3, which can cause an imbalance when eating with a lot of omega 6 fats. ⠀

✅What to do?

🌿If there is backlash minute/hour/day after its use (barely noticeable or severe rash on the face/body, small spots, itching, dermatitis, headache, nausea, runny nose, swelling or itching in the throat), then do not eat peanuts and peanut butter. Choose other nuts and seeds (soak them first to reduce mold). Buy pasta from sunflower seeds, almond, sesame.

🌿If there is no allergy and you eat enough Omega 3 fats, then buy only (!) organic (!) peanuts, which are grown specially above the ground, then there is no mold in it. Eat it in small quantities. And keep in mind that the diet should be rich in omega 3 fats.

🌿 As you can imagine, finding organic peanuts and peanut butter is quite difficult task. Therefore, if organic is not found, then do not eat it.

🌿Be aware that 99.9% of peanut butter contains oils Low quality and are not organic, so don't eat them.

If your skin condition or cellulite is not improving in any way, despite a healthy diet with green smoothies, fresh juices, greens and vegetables, then try removing peanuts.

Here's another example for you. Soon I will share with you the results of my beauties after detox). Just one of the beautiful participants was detoxing with me for the second time, the first time she followed a balanced detox menu, but (until I see 👀) she ate peanuts, although we exclude them in the detox, and the second time she completely eliminated them. And for the second time, excluding peanuts, she achieved super results with psoriasis on her body, which amazingly turned very pale, the difference is just heaven and earth🌏 Lisa Fresh

Peanuts during growth and storage become infected with mold fungi - aspergillus. These fungi secrete poison❗️, which is a strong carcinogen. They also infect a person who consumes peanuts.☝All products made on the basis of peanuts are dangerous: paste, butter, powder or flour. Therefore, it is better to replace peanuts with cashews, almonds, walnuts or Brazil nuts.

🌰In addition, peanuts are strong allergen. If you try to remember, then at least once in American cinema you have definitely seen scenes of asthma attacks caused by peanut butter. No other product in cinema has gained much popularity due to its allergenic aggressiveness. 😀 Interesting fact: The peanut is not a nut, it is a legume.
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Salty or sweet, roasted or raw, this nut is considered the most authentic vitamin bomb. How tasty and fragrant peanuts are useful for the human body? Does the nut have peanuts harmful properties? All this, quite, is the reason for the present discussion. After all, someone cannot live a day without it, adding to all salads, desserts and pastries, and someone cannot stand the smell. On this page of the “Popular about Health” website, we will clarify whether peanuts deserve to appear in the human diet or not.

Useful composition of peanuts

To understand whether this nut can be useful for our health, just look at its composition. And it is surprisingly diverse and rich. So, together with peanuts we get:

Vitamin E - it is simply vital for our cell membranes to protect against free radicals, red blood cells need it, which provide oxygen transfer throughout the body. Simply put, it is a vitamin of beauty and youth.

Vitamin PP is the main participant in the processes of processing carbohydrates and fats into valuable energy, it is necessary to maintain redox reactions in the body;

Vitamin C - is necessary to strengthen the immune system and increase the resistance of our body to all kinds of viruses and bacteria;

Vitamin B5 - needed to activate the brain and improve memory;

Vitamin B1 is real natural antioxidant, which allows to strengthen cell membranes and prevent the formation of tumors;

Vitamin B9 - without it, it is impossible to form a properly developed nervous system of the fetus during a woman's pregnancy.

Peanuts also contain a lot of protein, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, saturated fatty acids and even starch. Useful elements- calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron and sodium - are very easily absorbed by the body.

Based on such a set of valuable components, we can say that peanuts are certainly useful for the body and have an effect that manifests itself:

In strengthening of cardio-vascular system and maintaining the norm of cholesterol in the blood;

In the normalization of work digestive organs and prevention of gastritis;

Prevention of diabetes;

Strengthening the nervous system, increasing endurance and resistance to physical stress;

AT choleretic effect and the ability to remove excess bile;

In the prevention of atherosclerosis;

In normalization hormonal balance in the female body.

Concerning men's health, then the benefit of peanuts is that the nut is able to strengthen it and activate the production of testosterone. Improving sexual function, and after drinking, peanuts remove harmful toxins.

These are the reasons why you should still include peanuts in your diet. But there are also a number of warnings that should be taken into account so as not to harm yourself with this product, even if it is your favorite treat.

The harm of peanuts from eating

Peanuts are considered a very high-calorie product, but the number of calories varies depending on the form in which it is consumed - fried, cheese, salty, sweet.

Roasted peanuts are not recommended for those prone to liver disease, and sweet ones should not be eaten with diabetes. In any form, this product is a strong allergen. During pregnancy, it can provoke an allergy in a woman's unborn child. To reduce the risk, it is imperative to peel its peel, which is the most allergenic.

Danger and harm can also lie in the formation of mold on the peel during improper storage. As a rule, it is impossible to see it, but the use of the fungus will certainly affect health. You should not buy nuts in dubious places, as they are often treated with special products to increase the shelf life. chemical compounds and insecticides against the formation of fungus. Such a product will definitely not bring any benefit.

Fried or raw?

As for roasted peanuts, it is not very useful for the digestive system and for people prone to gaining weight. excess weight. Heat treatment increases the fat content in nuts. There is no need to get carried away with salted peanuts, since the combination of a large amount of protein, carbohydrates and salts leads to disruption of the stomach, liver and increases cholesterol levels. Salted peanuts are contraindicated in people with metabolic disorders, with a tendency to edema. In this case, it is better to satisfy your desire with sweet nuts.

The most useful is raw peanuts, without thermal, culinary or chemical processing. In the pristine natural form it contains a lot of usefulness, but you need to eat it only in limited quantities - no more than 20 nuts per day for an adult, no more than 10 for children. Excess allowable norms immediately turn all the benefits into harm to the human body.

If the desire to eat a couple of handfuls of nuts has not arisen before, do not start immediately with large portions. Test your body's reaction by allowing yourself a few pieces of peanuts to start. Children should also be taught gradually, preferably not earlier than 7 years of age.

The benefits and harms of peanuts, or, as it is also called, "peanuts", began to be actively studied at the beginning of the 19th century. It was then that this product began to be grown on an industrial scale. Despite the name, this crop has nothing to do with nuts, belongs to the legume family and is a grass.

In contact with

The fruit is rich in fats, vitamins and minerals. The usefulness of the product is directly related to the amount consumed. The conditions in which the grass grew also play a significant role.

Table 1. What are the health benefits of peanuts?

Arachinic acidConsidering how “nuts” are useful, an essential fatty acid should be noted. She participates in the construction cell membranes, needed for normal operation CNS, suppresses inflammatory processes, etc.
Stearic acidAmong the benefits of peanuts for the body, there are: positive influence on the epidermis, muscle cells; slowing down the aging process, etc.
Oleic acidThe benefits of peanuts for the human body are expressed in a beneficial effect on metabolism, the immune system, blood vessels and the heart.
SquirrelsThe beneficial properties of peanuts are due to the presence of essential amino acids in the composition.
GlobulinsServes as a basis for blood plasma
B vitaminsA record amount contains the peel of the bean. Noting the benefits of vitamins, they highlight their participation in all metabolic processes, a necessity for immune and circulatory system, importance for body growth
Vitamin EProtects cell membranes from pernicious influence oxidative processes, serves as an antioxidant

Whether peanuts are useful for a particular person is better to check with a specialist. For some categories of people, the inclusion of this bean in the diet is undesirable.

Useful properties for the body of women

For the fair sex, as a rule, eating a "peanut" is good. The benefits of peanuts for women are enormous, only in some cases consumption can be harmful.

The product has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, contributes to the long-term preservation of smoothness and freshness. The benefits of peanuts for women also lie in the strengthening effect on the immune system.

In addition, the fruits are rich folic acid required during childbearing. This is not all that peanuts are useful for a woman's body.

How does it affect men?

Beans are quite suitable as a snack and for the stronger sex. The benefit for men is the beneficial effect of the product on nervous system: It helps to calm down and cope with stress. In addition, peanuts benefit men in the fight against inflammation that harms the prostate gland. Fatty acids in the composition not only suppress inflammatory process but also stimulate tissue regeneration. What else is useful product for men:

  • beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • improves digestion;
  • has a positive effect on memory.

It is better to roast peanuts in a dry frying pan or in the oven.

Which nut is better - raw or roasted?

Certainly the best palatability has a product that has passed heat treatment. However, whether roasted peanuts are healthy or valuable properties should not be sacrificed for the sake of organoleptic properties, we will consider further.

Table 2. Is a fried product harmful or beneficial?

assimilationRoasted peanuts will bring more benefits to the digestive tract, as they are better absorbed, unlike those that can harm raw product. Alternatively, the beans can be soaked overnight before consumption.
Polyunsaturated acids, vitaminsThe main benefit of raw peanuts is polyunsaturated acids and vitamins, which, unfortunately, are destroyed in fried beans.
PolyphenolsAT fried product polyphenols¸ beneficial, much more, and they reduce the harm of free radicals
CelluloseRoasted peanuts contain less fiber, which means they will bring less benefit.
caloriesThe benefits of roasted beans for obese people are not so obvious due to their high calorie content.

When answering the question of which product is healthier - raw or fried, natural peanuts should win. It is digested worse, does not have such a spicy taste, but contains a significant amount of fatty acids, vitamins, etc. However, the beneficial properties of fried beans make it possible to recommend them for moderate consumption.

How much to eat?

Groundnut is a high-calorie and indigestible product. In order not to cross the fine line between the benefits and harms of peanuts, you should know how much peanuts you need to eat without consequences for the body.

The daily norm is only 20-30 grams.

Can it be used while breastfeeding?

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

During the gestation period, you need to carefully approach the choice of food. During pregnancy, the consumption of beans is allowed in reasonable amounts. However, all with the same caveat - peanut beans can cause allergies.

According to the reviews, most women benefit from the "peanut", only a few complained of minor harm to the body (digestion).

Is it possible for a pregnant bean - it is better to check with the doctor who monitors the condition of the expectant mother.


Table 3. Consumption restrictions

Individual intoleranceThe benefits and harms to human health also depend on the sensitivity to the product. In the US, beans are no longer given to children in school cafeterias due to the high likelihood of anaphylactic shock even from a small amount.
ObesityDespite the beneficial properties of high-calorie beans and their beneficial effect on metabolism, overweight is a contraindication to consumption.
Arthrosis/arthritisAlso included in the list of restrictions
Acute gastrointestinal diseasesIn small quantities, peanuts benefit the gastrointestinal tract, but with acute forms pathologies "nut" harms the body. Eating can lead to dyspeptic disorders

People suffering chronic diseases it is advisable to consult a doctor about the benefits and harms of eating fruits.

What is harmful?

To minimize negative consequences It is worth consuming only high-quality peanuts. On whether the "nut" is harmful, significant influence provides a shelf life. After the expiration date, the fruits may become moldy and rancid. What else is harmful product:

  • leads to weight gain;
  • can cause allergies;
  • can cause dyspepsia.

Considering what is useful and harmful "peanut", it is worth noting its ability to lead to obesity. To avoid this, you should not eat the product every day and exceed daily allowance. Another factor why beans can be harmful is their ability to provoke allergies. To dangerous complications refer anaphylactic shock and angioedema. In some cases, consumption entails nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, etc.

The energy value of the bean nut is amazing. 100 grams contains 550 kcal.

Beans grow in warm regions, with a lot of sunlight and moisture. The plant is common in the USA, in India, in the Philippines. Fruits are also actively grown in some territories of the Transcaucasus, as well as in Central Asia.

It is best to purchase the product in its raw form, then soak and dry. Roasted salted "nut" will do much less good than harm. If the main thing is still taste, and not beneficial effect, then the fruits are carefully dried in a pan, preventing the shell from burning.


  1. The benefits and harms of peanuts for the human body are a controversial topic.
  2. For some, the consumption of beans is a great way to get vitamins, acids, minerals. Others should refrain from eating fruits.
  3. The basic rule for including a product in the diet without consequences is moderation.

Food saturates the body with useful minerals. Nuts are one of the most useful components of the diet. What are the properties of peanuts?

The chemical composition of peanuts

Oddly enough, but peanuts belong to legumes. This can be clearly understood when the peanuts are not roasted. But in its composition, it resembles nuts. They contain 45% fat, 26% protein, is 552 kcal per 100 grams, that is, it is better not to eat a lot of peanuts to maintain a stable weight.

In addition, nuts contain a large number of saturated fatty acids, saccharides (mono and di), vitamins of group B, C, antioxidants, choline, a nicotinic acid, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium. All this helps to maintain the health of the body at the proper level.

Useful properties of peanuts

By eating peanuts correctly, you can improve your health. It is recommended to consume about 10 nuts per day if they are roasted, non-roasted peanuts can be eaten in more- but not more than 100 grams per day. The body will no longer absorb, and there is also the possibility of weight gain. What can peanuts do?

  • useful for, as it dilates blood vessels
  • body cells are more slowly destroyed, rather regenerated, but cancer cells it does not apply
  • brain neurons work more actively
  • chemicals in the composition of peanuts increase the level of vascular tone, lower cholesterol, therefore it is recommended to use the nut for people with heart disease
  • normalizes blood sugar levels
  • mood improves, depression becomes less pronounced, since peanuts contain tryptophan - a kind of cheerful chemical element
  • the stomach is cleansed of toxins due to great content fiber, intestinal microflora becomes better
  • the combination of calcium, magnesium and fluorine strengthens the skeleton